#emperor jaune and guardian pyrrha
howlingday · 1 year
Starring very kinda-sorta special guests, other members of our glorious empier, and Emperor Jaune & Guardian Pyrrha 7
And The Crowd Goes Wild!
Jaune: (Hears loud, obnoxious cheering) Ugh, what bullshit games are they hosting this time?
Yang: (Bey-blading Arslan)
Arslan: (Bey-blade knocked out of the ring)
Reese: (Shouting over the screaming cheers) I don't get it! No matter how many games I win, I never get this kind over reaction!
Arslan: Right?! It's like she has something the audience loves by nature!
Yang: (Cheering, Abs glistening like gold) YEAAAAAAAAAH! WHO'S THE BEST?! WHO'S THE BEST?!
Champion Appetites
Ren: Would you like cheese with your-
Yang: (Takes cheese, Grates against abs)
Ren: ...That's unhealthy.
Senator Jaune
Pyrrha: (Hugs Jaune) I'm back~! I missed you! Please, let's go out to eat! They're selling these cakes that are to die for! Literally! Actually killed three people in line just to get one!
Jaune: I'd love to, Pyrrha, but I need to finish signing these documents. The Emperor is expecting this legion of reports by sundown.
Pyrrha: Oh! Why didn't you just say so? (Takes pen, Signs them) I'm going to off them tonight anyways.
Jaune: What?!
Pyrrha: Done~! And now you're all mine~!
Jaune: ...
Pyrrha: Oh, don't pout. I barely get to see you anymore.
Jaune: ...Fine.
Ruby's Role
Ruby: Hi~! My name is Ruby Rose, and I'm a Velites in Daddy's army! I'm the youngest in the family, so I get to play all day! In the morning, I deliver reports to Daddy~!
Jaune: (Pats her head) Good work.
Ruby: Thank you, Daddy~!
Jaune: ...What?
Ruby: Thank you, My Emperor~!
Ruby: Hup! (Tosses javelin)
Neo: (Wide-eyed)
Cinder: Ah-
Ruby: Bye-bye~!
Ruby: When my sisters are ready, they tell me to play javelin tag with the enemy army! I'm only allowed to have a few javelins, so I don't have a lot of time to play. But I always make it back in time to help out the family!
Cinder: YOU DIE NOW!
Jaune: (Clashes with Cinder)
Ruby: Here's your water, Miss Pyrrha~! UwU!
Pyrrha: You stop that.
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the-wayward-arc · 6 years
Prayer (Story Prompt for anon)
"Lord of Mankind, protector and Eternal Guardian of man; Watch over those I hold dear.
Give me the strength to vanquish my enemies and to protect them..."
Jaune raised his lasgun, the weapon humming to life as he aimed into the forest. Rain poured from the sky, drenching him and the area as he saw those familiar red eyes in the distance. He breathed heavily as he caught one his sights and pulled the trigger, a beam of red energy traveling to its target with great speed and near precise precision. The beam hit its target and a loud painful howl escaped from the forest before a thud was heard.
"I ask only to keep them safe; my life for theirs. O' Great God of mankind, allow me to ensure they make it back safely even at the cost of my own..."
Jaune looked back, seeing Weiss look at him with worry. "Close it!" He yelled to her, thunder booming throughout the sky as he fired again as a Beowolf came charging out of the forest, another red beam making contact; puncturing it skull plate. Weiss struggled, she didnt want to close the entrance to the cave and leave him out there by himself. She watched him fire again as two more running at him, one going for him while another eyed their temporary refuge. She watched as the Grimm slashed at his back, narrowly missing him as he swiftly dodged out of the way. Lightening lit the sky as Jaune shoved the barrel of his lasgun into the Beowolfs mouth and fired, the red beam exiting out the back of its headd and searing the ground where it made contact.
"Protect them my God-Emperor. Much like you protected my fellow Krietsmen all those years ago before you called them home to Terranis."
The surviving Beowolf, upon seeing the former Heiress near the half closed mouth of the cave, began charging towards her. Weiss raised Myrtenaster, despit her aura being severely depleted and her weapon out of dust, she would still fight. Just as the Beowolf neared her, it was tackled to the ground by Jaune. Both rolled to the ground as he tried to gain his footing. The beowolf, shocked by this, was trying to get up from where it came to a halt. Just as Weiss was about to walk out from their refuge, she was quickly dragged back by Yang. She was tired, injured thanks to the Grimm she had fought earlier but willed enough energy to drag Weiss away, despite her pleas to help him and not leave him out there. Yang wanted to help Jaune, they all did. The remains of Team RWBY and JNPR were all too badly beaten by the horde of Grimm they had come across earlier. They didnt expect tbis many Grimm, reports were said it was only a minor pack not a whole horde of Beowolves! They had fought hours before finally hitting their limits. Jaune and Ruby had found tbis cave, this place to rest and hide until helped arrived but the Grimm would not give up. They would descend upon this place and kill everyone if it were not for Jaune saying he would hold them off. They protested, all of them did but he looked at them and said only; "Its my duty as a Death Korps and...as a friend."
Ruby cried, his arms too injured to move until her remaining Aura could rejuvenate and heal her. Pyrrha hugged her tightly, even as the sounds of fighting outside broke her more. Ren tried his best to remain calm, for their sakes but every roar and every sound of his blood brother and leader fighting was make it harder. Weiss was held by both Blake and Yang, both deep with regret and sadness for the sacrifice Jaune was making to ensure his friends lived on. Injured and aura in critical levels, they could do nothing but listen on.
Nora got up, crushing the only yellow dust grenade ammo she had as she did. It gave a her a temporary boost of strength, which she used to close the boulder the rest of away. She looked on sadly as Jaune fought, firing away with his weapon as more and more Grimm came out of the forest but still he stood firm and fought. Even as a Beowolf slashed at his back, drawing blood but he didnt scream in pain. Only yelling one thing; "I will not lose them again!" The boulder closed. The lasting thing she saw was multiple Grimm lunging towards him, claws out and jaws open and him, raising his rifle with one hand while holding a grenade in the other.
"For the Emperor protects!"
(Snippet of a final last stand for Jaune at the request of an anon with a hint of whiteknight angst as requested.)
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howlingday · 1 year
Emperor Jaune & Guardian Pyrrha 6
Nora The Barbarian
Nora the Pila Magnet:
Nora: (Paints lotus onto a shield) There! Done~! (Proudly carries to battle)
Nora: (Pila bursts shield, Nora wails)
Ruby: (Approaches, Sword raised)
Lost in translation:
Nora: Bar bar bar! Bar bar bar!
Emerald: I found this cute thing in front of the camp, but I can't understand what she's saying. She looks so sad.
Cinder: Then lock her up with the other slaves. If she has something to say, then she wouldn't be spouting "bar bar bar" like a filthy animal.
Meanwhile, in the future:
Nora: HAHA! Nice try, Ice Queen! Your ice thingies missed me!
Winter: Hmhm... I wasn't aiming for you.
Nora: What...?
Nora: (Gasps, Wails at sight of ruined IHOP) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Winter: And nothing of value was lost.
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howlingday · 2 years
Emperor Jaune & Guardian Pyrrha 2
Still less destructive than the Fall of Atlas:
Pyrrha: I-It wasn't me! I think someone was throwing a gender reveal party and was using napalm!
Jaune: I... What the fuck is a gender?!
Pyrrha: (Looks to the flames) Judging by the colors, I'd say it's a boy.
Once a soldier, always a soldier:
Jaune: A campaign?
Pyrrha: Yes, my lord! When was the last time you marched about with your armor, show your might as an emperor with your army? The legislation of the palace has been wearing on you, and it's starting to show.
Jaune: Hm, I suppose... Alright! Gather a hundred warriors, and have them muster on Monday!
Pyrrha: Yes, my lord!
Jaune: (Walking alongside his soldiers) Ah... This is just what I needed. It's been too long since I've marched with my legions.
Pyrrha: Isn't this nice?
Jaune: Yes, it is... Now get back in formation.
Pyrrha: Eh?!
Jaune: Don't "Eh?!" me! Guardian or no, you are a soldier of the empire!
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howlingday · 2 years
Emperor Jaune & Guardian Pyrrha 5
Choose your weapon:
Ruby: My emperor, why do you wear that plate armor? It's so dented and it's made of soft metal. Wouldn't iron chainmail be better?
Jaune: It's a little thing called style, Ruby. Maybe if you weren't such a pleb, you'd understand.
The Emperor's Tastes:
Jaune: The expedition in Mistral was so fascinating! There were Grimm I had never believed to have existed before! A horse with two heads, and a phantom possessing trees! And a giant ape, too!
Weiss: I see... And how did thry taste?
Jaune: Taste?
Fate Worse Than Death:
Jaune: No! You are NOT allowed to fuck the half-naked barbarian prisoners!
Ren: (Falls to his knees, Wails like he was stabbed)
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howlingday · 2 years
Emperor Jaune AND Guardian Pyrrha 4
Transcripts to General Fall:
Cinder: (Arrow lands next to her, Reads note) Hmph... It seems the Malachites are on our side. All according to keikaku...
Cinder: (Turns) Has anyone recieved word from the Neopolitan mercenaries? (Completely unaware of incoming slingstone)
General Fall hates Arcadia:
Ruby: Hey, Cindy! Come on out and drink the fish sauce with us!
Cinder: (Hiding from Arcadian soldiers, Thinking) I hate Arcadia. I hate Arcadia! I HATE ARCADIA!
General Fall loses the war:
Jaune: (On the ground, Bleeding heavily)
Cinder: I... I did it! (Cackles as she turns, Raises arms) I HAVE FINALLY DEFEATED EMPEROR ARC!
Cinder: (Blood runs cold) No... No. No! No! No! NO!
Jaune: (Standing, Fists up) I didn't hear no bell...
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howlingday · 2 years
Emperor Jaune & Guardian Pyrrha 3
Cook Ren's latest invention:
Ren: (Holding meat aloft by the rope knot) And so, with this new curing method, we can preserve higher quality meat for a longer duration of time.
Ren: Any questions?
Jaune: How much wou-
Pyrrha: Why does that knot turn me on, and how do I get my lover to use it on me?
Wheresoever the winds blow:
Ruby: (Marching along the ranks of infantry, Gentle breeze blows) The Brothers favor our march...
Blake: (Sailing across the storming seas, Clinging to the mast) BROTHERS, PLEASE! CALM THE FUCK DOWN!
Unfriendly competition:
Jaune: Listen up! There's a barbarian tribe outside the city. Our mission is to locate them, confiscate their weapons, and slaughter any who refuse. Understood?
Ruby: Understood, my lord!
Jaune: OPEN UP!
Ruby: Stabby time! Hee hee!
Jaune: Surrender your weapons, or perish!
Nora: I can't! The other guys already took them!
Jaune: THEN PAY WITH YOUR- Wait, what?
Velvet: Oi! You got a license for that knife?!
The barbarians were all too eager to give up:
Jaune: Your clan has been conquered. Do not shame yourself any further-
Nora: AHN~! Harder, Daddy~!
Jaune: Uuuuuuuuugh...
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howlingday · 1 year
Emperor Jaune & Guardian Pyrrha 8
Clover: We've cornered Emperor Jaune's army! What are your orders, sir?
New Objective: SURVIVE
Clover: S-Survive? (Blade to his neck) Wha-
Discord in the Empire:
Cinder: My revenge on the empire is certain! Guaranteed thanks to my legion of imported Megoliaths! He'll never see it coming!
Neo: (Brings flyer)
Cinder: Huh? What's this?
New word from the battlefront! General Fall is using Megoliaths! "lol get rekt scrub" - Emperor
When in Menagerie:
Willow: (Dying from tropical heat)
Kali: First time in Menagerie? When in Atlas, do as Atlesians do. Perhaps you should adopt such measures in Menagerie, and do as we do?
Willow: (Slaps collar on her) NOT IF YOU BECOME ATLAS.
Kali: M-Meow?!
Pyrrha: My emperor, I've always wondered. Do you see them, too?
Pyrrha: (Feels something grab her) The sins that brought you here. (Hands reach to her) The lives that ended for you to climb your way to the top? All their screams for vengeance and justice?
Jaune: ...Yeah. I do. I can't remember the last time I didn't see them. The days when they left me alone.
Jaune: (Looks over, Sees soldiers staring) But they don't scream. They're quiet. Silent. Just the way they're supposed to be.
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the-wayward-arc · 6 years
WIP Destiny/RWBY snippet
"Finally, I have been awaiting your arrival for sometime guardian." The massive Cabal Emperor spoke from his pedestal, sipping wine as his loyalist guards stood watch. Calus looked down at the Titan before him and smiled. The titan's armor was in a wretched state; a pauldron was missing from his left shoulder, his chest armor was riddled with arc bolts, and pieces were falling off here and there. But yet he managed to fly all the way here, and seek an audience with him again. Oh how fortune favors the patient he thought as he drank more. "I know what you seek. Power." Calus looked at the titan and saw in those blue orbs of his, determination and strength. "The power to protect the ones you care the most about. The power to stop all kinds of threats before they can do harm. But most importantly, the power for revenge." He finished, looking at the young guardian before him. The Titan clenched his fist at the last remark and nodded.
"Yes. I lost someone. Someone whom I held close..." his voice trailed off, remembering his loss. Remembering the events that occurred the day before. He lost her. He lost her to that vile Awoken prince! He took her from them all, from him. "...I need to ensure that doesn't happen to anymore of my friends! I need...to protect them. I need the power to be stronger for them."
(A WIP I wanted to show you guys of a story that's been sitting in my drafts for a while. My writing prompt is the one I'm currently working on and them I'll get back to this one. Warning spoilers ahead for Destiny 2 Forsaken! Basically the summary is that after the events of what Uldren did, Fireteams JNPR and RWBY set out, with assistance from the vanguard, to hunt Uldren down. During the hunt, Pyrrha loses her ghost and is killed. Both fireteams were unprepared to deal with the powerful Barons and their armies, so they had to retreat. Jaune, already stricken from grief from losing Pyrrha, sees how badly his friends were injured during their failed attack. He sneaks off and goes to the only person he knows that has the ability to give him the power he needs to protect his friends and avenge Pyrrha. Calus, the cabal Emperor will give him this power in exchange for being the first guardian that joins him. Will continue once I'm done with my previous writing prompt!)
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