sentury · 1 year
@empirefall said: ❛ i’ve tried hating you but every time i expect to find a flaw i just end up loving you even more. ❜
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bathed in red, zemo watches the sunset. red is a warning : STOP, DANGER, PAIN. ( this reminder sounds like sam. ) also, red is an invitation for sexual readiness. bucky finds himself paralyzed between the two.
this feels like goodbye.
pressing his face into zemo's hair, bucky feels his breath against his neck. bucky kisses zemo on the temple ; it's safe, non-sexual, not crossing a line.
❝ we can make this work, ❞ bucky says, looking out to the colorado skyline. ❝ you can stay. ❞
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chiimaera · 11 months
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THE DARKNESS DID NOT REFLECT THE LIGHT, it consumed it. a black hole, a void, opening its maw and devouring what it was given. its smoke like form held true shape, an filled in space of a body sitting on the floor of a white painted cell. it flittering between man, woman and shadow, wisps of black curled and dissipated along curves and edges. four bright white lights pointed at it on each side, bathing the creature in light and reflecting in each corner so no walls created shadow. without darkness, soil or blood, they were confined in their glass prison.
" how long will you wait, @empirefall? " with no mouth to speak, its voice was that of many tones layered over each other. " or do you plan to rot in this place? " the guards were careful to keep any deceased far from their cell, the scoundrels.
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brooklynbred-a · 1 year
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“Aren’t there any books to read?” ; @empirefall.
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"This aint a library Zemo." Steve rolled his eyes, going back to the file he was working through. "No books...Just files...Now are you gonna help or what?"
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zimniyxprizrak-a · 10 months
This isn’t you.
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❝ And you think you're in any position t'tell me what is and isn't me? ❞ He actually couldn't stop the scoff that time. Of all people . . . It was rich to hear coming from Zemo. Though , more likely than not , Bucky was just in DENIAL of how much Zemo really did know about him. Probably the former. ❝ What you see is what you get Zemo. Sorry t'dissapoint. ❞
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youxmove · 11 months
there's a bra on the ceiling fan.
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Her morning was everything but pleasant from the moment the Sokovian man walked through her door, a stark contrast to how she was feeling when she'd first awoke this morning. Why he was here was still unknown, but wasn't that this latest thing? Half the time she didn't know the reasoning behind his visits other than to break into her liquor- which she needed to get a lock on.
Eyes roll at his observation, bare feet padding towards her counter to pour herself some coffee. "Jealous?" Sharon quips back, tightening the silk robe cloaking her- let's face it- marked body, before taking a sip from her mug.
"I'm going to guess that your reasoning of being here isn't to poke around in my sex life, or at least your top reason. So...once again- why are here Zemo? The suspense is killing me."
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chernayavd0va · 1 year
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@empirefall asked: ❝ want to trade candy? ❞
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"I....Actually, now that ya mention it." Zemo was a Baron, which meant he was likelye to have the GOOD STUFF. "Yeah...Yeah lets do a trade. You can have my candy corn."
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everyone else is so predictable and boring, but you're not.
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"I don't know how much of a compliment that is coming from you," The blonde says with a smirk that she can't help but hide so she lightly taps her pen on the table. "But thank you, all the same."
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nellarw95 · 2 months
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Happy Heavenly Birthday Philip 🎂💔
July 23,1967 - February 2,2014🙏🏻
We Miss You So Much 🕊️♾️
Buon Compleanno in Paradiso 🎂💔
23 Luglio 1967 - 2 Febbraio 2014🙏🏻
Ci Manchi Moltissimo 🕊️♾️
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belongstolove · 6 months
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beheldandcompelled · 11 months
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Jonathan Sims | "You are a living chronicle of terror."
compulsions, spiders, beholding, smoking
Thank you so much to @empirefall for making this! (I chose the images!)
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sentury · 1 year
@empirefall & i are hosting a halloween party tonight. so apologies for the inactivity !! we take hosting very seriously. i’ll be back tomorrow 😤
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brooklynbred-a · 1 year
i always thought there was more to you. turns out i was wrong. ; @empirefall
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STEVE NEVER TRIED TO GIVE OFF THERE WAS MORE TO HIM THAN WHAT YOU SAW. Steve Rogers was Steve Rogers, and he never really though he was anything special anyhow, just a guy who wanted to do the right thing, whenever possible. There's a stiffness from the uncomfortable topic of conversation. He lets out an even breath and shrugged. "I try not to give off any more than who I am. It's all I've ever tried t'do."
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litcityblues · 1 year
I would call this one more accessible than #GravitysRainbow with the character work of #EmpireFalls and a touch of Phillip Roth's #AmericanPastoral...
The writing is too good for me to hate it though...
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empirefallrpg · 6 years
¿Qué es Empirefall?
Empirefall es un proyecto de foro de rol ambientado en un mundo medieval ficticio que toma inspiración de las culturas medievales más prominentes. No es un foro realista ni históricamente acertado pues tomamos los conceptos popularizados por el cine, la televisión, las novelas y demás obras de entretenimiento para brindar una experiencia, digamos, “cinematográfica” sin pararnos en los detalles que si bien no se niega que pueden ser apasionantes, no es lo que busca el foro.
Empirefall contará con mecánicas propias de los RPG de mesa e incluirá un fuerte elemento narrativo. Y no, los dados no son parte de esta mezcla de sistemas. También contará con un propio sistema de conquista y campañas militares, entre otros sistemas originales del foro.
Por decreto real, las preguntas están abiertas. Manténgase atentos, que estaremos actualizando con más información.
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chernayavd0va · 1 year
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@empirefall asked: "I am the monster you created."
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HER JAW CLENCHED TIGHT AT THE COMMENT. It's not unlike some of her own thoughts she's had in the past. That she's THE RESON for all the pain and heartache in so many lives. Being an Avenger had always been to MAKE UP FOR THE PAIN, not add to it under the guise of being a hero.
Still...She couldn't quite come to agree with Zemo on this.
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"You're the monster you let yourself become." She shook her head. "We've made mistakes...Big ones...But I'd like t'think I at least have learned from them." Staring him down she shrugged. "What about you? Any mistakes in your past? Moments you're not proud of?"
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himanshu12563 · 4 years
Aurangzeb's strict conventionality and his arrangement towards the Hindu rulers genuinely harms the strength of Mughal domain.
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