#en ingles lol
sambashon · 8 months
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me siento tarada subiendo dibujos aveces I FEEL very ridiculous
culos jajaja
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2129888 · 11 months
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oofuri is a series that has been a constant source of comfort for me throughout many different stages of my life. just a beautifully written work i feel everyone can take something from. it holds endless meaning for me, and i love it more than words can describe! it's truly truly special and i look forward to experiencing it for many more years to come. happy 20 year anniversary!
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awacatin · 2 years
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xjulixred45x · 4 months
Yandere Platónico Nanami/Higuruma x Lectora: volverá..(TRADUCCION)
ella les habia forzado la mano.
ella tenia la culpa de que esto pasara, no ellos.
¿que mas se suponía aue debían hacer?¿cuando ella no habia hecho mas que faltarles el respeto dia y noche?¿cuando ella habia intentado irse de su lado cuando lo unico que ellos querian era ayudarla? salvarla! y aun asi ella tenia la audacia, el coraje de hacerlos ver a ellos como los malos....
es lo que ambos se repetian a si mismos mientras su hogar estaba en un estado poco usual de tranquilidad, ya fuera para bien o para mal, la casa siempre tenia algun tipo de ruido(risas, charla, llantos, gritos...) pero desde hacia tiempo la inquietante sensación se reemplazo por tension.
tanto Kento como Higuruma estaban luchando tan fuerte por no exlotar contra el otro, por no dejar que toda esa ira reprimida saliera a la luz y seguir manteniendo ls fachada de hombre tranquilo, pero era extremadamente difícil sin lo único que normalmente los mantenia unidos.
quien habia huido recientemente, y para peor parecia que cambiaba constantemente de locacion con el fin de evitarlos y no verlos(con buenas razones que ellos no entendían) con personas a las cuales les tocaba aguantar por el bien de su relación con su hija.
pero ya les estaba pasando factura, no podian vivir asi.
¿cómo llegaron a esto?
eran concientes de que la naturaleza de su relación con lectora no era sana, normal, nisiquiera buena para ninguno de ellos, pero pese a todo lo que le habian hecho, lectora volvia con ellos, y ellos no podian vivir sin ella. era un círculo vicioso.
pero parece que lectora subestimo la nosibidad y que tan lejos podian llegar los celos de los dos psicópatas con los que compartia techo.
era simplemente un artilugio antiguo, dado por sus padres originales, talvez por eso tanto Kento como Higuruma tenian cierta animosidad hacia eso, pero no hicieron nada especialmente cuestionable...hasta que un dia una pelea escalo y se puso especialmente agitada.
lectora queria creer, realmente queria creer que no habia sido a propósito, que habia sido un error honesto y que se disculparian con ella de alguna forma. pero dicha disculpa nunca llego, y actuaron como si nada hubiera pasado, como cuando ella lanzaba una "rabieta" ellos pasaban de largo de sus gritos, era exactamente lo mismo, pero penso que seria diferente..
y lo unico que recibió fue una mirada endurecida y un "somos la unica familia que necesitas, lo demas carece de valor" por parte de quienes la habian robado en primer lugar de dicha vida..
fue demasiado...
y en el fondo Nanami y Higuruma lo sabian.
sabian que lo que habian hecho estaba mal, del daño que causo, que tuvieron que contenerse de ir tras lectora y tratar de ayudarle a recoger los restos de su reliquia, que hubieran deseado haberlo hecho de otra forma, pero eran tan cerrados entre ellos que no podrían siquiera empezar a describir eso...
y ahora estaba la cuestión de que harian para que lectora volviera, debia haber una forma, pero seria casi imposible con gente como Kusakabe o Shoko cerca, no podian arriesgarse a perdee esta oportunidad, no otra vez, no ahora.
ambos eran la cara de una misma moneda, dos extremls opuestos, pero no podian vivir sin ella.
lo necesitan, se odiaban, ella los odiaba, muy en el fondo, ellos lo SABIAN.
sabian que de seguro lectora estaria mejor con los sdultos seguros que tanto rechazo les generaba, sabian que lectora sería mejor hechicera de lo que cualquiera de los dos podria llegar a ser si la dejaran. sabian que ella tenia tanto potencial, una posible vida y futuro por delante ¡Y NO LES IMPORTABA!
no importaba cuántas veces dijeran o se convencieran de que esta vez seria diferente, no era asi, porque ellos nunca dejarian que ella fuera feliz con alguien que no fuera ellos.
eran monstruos, pero se las arreglaban para olvidarse de eso con lectora. y eso era lo unico que importaba.
si los demas tienen que sufrir, si ELLA tiene que sufrir, pues que así sea. van a ser egoístas. las veces que sea necesario para ser felices, VAN a ser egoístas..
hasta entonces tendrian que encontrar algun tipo de consuelo y guia en el abrumador silencio de la casa, silencio que ellos mismos trajeron. mientras soñaban con lo que seria la hermosa melodía de un hogar nuevamente.
era lo unico que tenian en común después de todo...
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verytendou · 3 months
Haciendo todo esto y todavia diciendo a los de latam que ellos tienen la problema 💀
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#WHATEVERRRRRRRRRRR idec#i prommy this is theblast one but i hope every gringo on this site trying to pretend like they care abt anything other than the fact the us#lost hard (lol!) and being weird to latam [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]#as a gringo im allowed to say that 🙏#acutando como que los importan es el deporte y no que ellos se creen mejor de esta copa 💀#‘ive never seen anything like this 😣’ entonces nunca has visto esta copa 💀#rip to you but ive been watching since i was born for the hashtag patria (i know) and what IVE never seen before is the AUDACITY DE ESTES GR#[GUNSHOT NOISE] hahah anyways. im calm.#but like whatever its not like this is OUR tournament that YOU asked to be part of and YOU asked to host and YOU provided shit set up for#and YOU put players in over 100 degree heat for and YOU continue to be weird about and YOU continue to try and make stupid claims during and#[GUNSHOT NOISE 2] haha. calm. thats me.#solo creo que es chisto que- [GUNSHOT NOISE 3] okay that one was a prank fr i promise. anyways turning off rbs#anyways rip to ppl that dont normally watch this tournament but this is the only one i DO watch so maybe be strong or smth. babies fr :|#ni puedo decir el classico jugamos como nunca y perdimos como siempre de PER bc WTF WAS THATTTTTT#and i personally am being such a brave little boy abt. what do you even know abt that. nothing.#eeuu jugaron como siempre Y PERDIERON COMO SIEMPRE WE ARE NOT THE SAME#ENFOCATE EN TU PAIS#anyways this is one of the leas egregious examples of how horrible these fans have been this tournament but didnt feel like dropping the#actually nasty shit bc we are all aware lmfao.#anyways i didnt spend 20+ years watching my parents have to explain what sudaca is to ppl (including other l*tines!) for this 🙄#anyways whatever once again idec and i have to go pray for ven to win it all (delusional) since per has beef with like wveryone 😭#HERES HOW WE CAN STILL WIN- (<- insane)#v.txt#also abt the spanish. before you say anything… i am aware alright 😭 my parents never corrected my spelling im begging u to let me be 😔#wait last one ‘porque solo estan usando sus arbitros 😣’ ES NUESTRA COPA GRI[GUNSHOT NOISE FINALLLLLL]#ni quiero imaginar que estaban diciendo en el comm ingles 💀
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megkuna · 6 months
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acabando de enviarle un mensaje a mi hermano sonando asi pq ninguno de los dos recordamos la marca de los gusanitos de dulce q nos vendian en la escuela. anyway hyperfixating en un problema totalmente inutil para no tener q pensar en nada mas lol
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alenadragonne · 1 year
I forgot to post this because brain, but yesterday my Mexican coworkers told me that it sounds really pretty when I speak Spanish. 🥺🥺🥺🥺 they said my American accent is really cute and “Spanish sounds better when you say it then when we do.” Which obviously is false, but I have NEVER been told my American accent is positive. It’s always been referred to in a negative light and it made me almost start crying.
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mulaplateada · 1 year
i think its become necessary to talk about how the usa gradually became a land completely sterile for new unions and orgs to flourish. not only the vastness of their geographical expansion and federalism makes it hard to "stop the country" completely with a strike or planned road blockings, it was a decades long state-bourgeoisie joint plan to dissolve all unions, fragment all orgs and clog solidarity in all its forms. pursuing, persecuting and even killing activists regardless of their rank within their organization, "fighting the internal enemy". and so they succeeded, creating a hyper individualized dog eats dog society where a general strike is practically impossible. where unions, if they are pretty powerful, may have tens of thousand members at most, where ppl need to cover their faces completely to not get face-recognized by cameras. its not for nothing that police departments in the us receive more funding than entire military bodies from other countries.
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tortademaracuya · 2 years
Isn't lucky star the out of touch thursday anime. What's wrong with it
Yes thats the one. There's nothing wrong with it (I actually really like the opening the clip out of touch thursday is from), but back when it was super popular and everywhere it would get recommended like it was an amazing anime and whatever and then I saw it and...it wasn't anything special it was even kinda boring, so if I see someone say they love it I'm always like 🤨 compared to all the other ones i mentioned thats like the one with the pettiest reason
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auras-moonstone · 10 months
Holaaa me emocione bastante con saber q eres de argentina (yo no soy de argentina soy de Mexico) pero esta cool saber q también hablas español lol
llevo rato leyendo tus trabajos y me encanta como escribeees, no se que te parezca la idea de una historia de Ethan como Spiderman tbh es mi head canon favorito y no hay mucha gente que lo escriba ahí una idea no se si sigas aceptando requests o si ya habías escrito algo de Ethan como Spiderman pero me encantaría leer algo así escrito por ti obvi 🤭
(En ingles ofc!)
Perdooon si escribí bastante me emocione jajaja apenas agarre el valor Para dejar un request
hola 🇲🇽 ! perdón por haber tardado tanto en escribir esta request😫 me encantó la idea, hace bastante que quería escribir algo sobre ethan como spiderman <3 espero que te guste❤️🫶🏻
the story of us — ethan landry
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word count: 2,693
pairing: spider-man!ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: ethan and y/n’s relationship might be ending soon because of the boy’s behaviour and secrets.
based on: the story of us by taylor swift
warnings: mention of blood. a bit of angst.
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Y/N SHOULDN’T FEEL SURPRISED FOR HAVING BEEN STOOD UP BY ETHAN, it seemed to be his favourite hobby lately. But when he came up to her with regretful puppy eyes asking for them to meet so he could explain the reason behind his behaviour, she really thought he would keep his word and show up to fix things.
But once again he failed her, and now Y/N was walking back home alone with mascara running down her face and with her chest filled with disappointment and sadness.
Y/N was walking through the dark and unsafe NYC streets, wondering what excuse her boyfriend was going to use this time, when she heard a whimper coming from the creepy unlit alley she was passing by. Her whole body tightened with fear, hands instantly became sweaty, her heart thundered dangerously fast and yet she stopped walking. Then the noise came again, this time more clear—it was a pained curse from a male voice.
The girl couldn’t decide if she was stupid or too brave, but she walked towards the person. Her eyes widened at the scene—there, sitting next to a container, was Spiderman; a bleeding Spiderman.
“Holy hell, are you okay?” she cried, inspecting the wound. “Of course you’re not okay! You’re bleeding a lot! A lot!”
Ethan cursed internally. Of all the people who could have found him, it had to be her. “Thanks for the calming words.” the superhero said between gritted teeth.
“Sorry! I shouldn’t have said that. I was exaggerating, it’s not that bad.” Y/N tried to convince him.
“You’re a horrible liar” his hands were shaking as he tried to put pressure on the wound.
“Okay, let’s get you out of here, the smell is awful.” the girl said, putting one of his—very strong and muscled—arms around her shoulders. “I know you’re in pain, but I need you to use a bit of your strength to help me lift you to your feet. Can you do that?” the masked figure nodded. “Okay, at the count of three.”
Ethan closed his eyes in pain as he let out a cry of agony. He had been walking towards the cafe where Y/N worked when he heard screaming. An old woman and her granddaughter were being robbed and it was his duty to save them. He would’ve made it to his date with Y/N if the thief’s partner hadn’t caught him off guard and sliced his stomach. Time didn’t matter anymore, he couldn’t show up wounded, and he didn’t have the energy to walk so he stayed in that creepy alley where Y/N found him.
“Ouch!” he yelled when the girl carelessly dropped him on her couch as soon as they arrived to her apartment.
“Sorry!” Y/N said guiltily. “My arms hurt.”
“It’s okay. Thank you, I just need to rest here for a few minutes and I’ll be out of your sight.” he panted.
“You can’t leave! I need to clean you up and then you need to eat something.”
“No, it’s okay. Look, just lend me a first-aid kit, I’ll do it myself. Then I’m leaving.” it wasn’t that Ethan was ungrateful for her help, he just didn’t want to be a burden. Also, if she was to see his body, she was going to recognize him instantly. And Ethan was not going to let that happen.
“Hey, you’re always saving our asses, it’s time someone finally takes care of you.” she smiled softly.
“I really appreciate that, seriously. But I’d be more comfortable doing it myself, if you don’t mind.”
“As you wish.” she said in understanding. And as he stitched himself up, Y/N went to the kitchen to prepare something for him to eat.
Ethan watched her from the doorframe. He wanted to close the space so badly, he wanted to wrap his arms around her waist and never let go. They saw each other everyday, but it’s been days since the last time he got to hold her, kiss her, touch her.
Y/N was really pissed at him, and with good reason. Countless were the times he had stood her up and he slowly—and absentmindedly—started to distance himself from her. And a few days ago, Y/N just exploded and they started fighting. Instead of telling her the truth (that he was a superhero and that the NYC streets were more dangerous than he had thought) he told her she was being dramatic and that he needed a bit of space. He regretted it instantly, and wanted to throw up as soon as his eyes caught her hurt expression. He was trying to keep her safe, but he handed everything in the worst way possible and ended up wounding the person that meant the most to him.
“You cooked for me?” he spoke up. Even though she couldn’t see it, she felt the smile on his voice.
“I told you, it’s time someone takes care of you.” she answered. “Is the wound okay? Does it hurt?”
“I’m fine. I’m a big tough boy.” he said in a teasing voice when she finished. “Thank you, Y/N. You saved me.”
“Anytime, Spider-boy. And honestly, you shouldn’t even thank me, you risk your life for us every- wait a minute.” she stopped when she realised something. “How do you know my name?”
Fuck, he cursed internally. He had messed up. “You told me.” he tried to sound confident.
“No, I didn’t. Do we know each other? Do we go to the same college?” Y/N asked curiously.
“I need to go.” he stood up abruptly, and a whimper of pain left his mouth.
“No! I’m sorry, I won’t press the subject.” she said, grabbing his forearms to sit him back on the chair. “I respect you wanting to keep your identity hidden. I won’t ask any more questions, but please stay. You’re still weak, you need to eat something.”
“You already did a lot. Really.”
“I swear to god, stop being stubborn.”
Who was he kidding with the hesitation? Just one look at her doe eyes and he was on his knees. As he ate, Y/N had her back to him so he could take his mask off. She could have turned around at any time and discover that the friendly neighbour hero was her boyfriend, but she never did. She respected his wish of not wanting to show his face, and that made him love her ever more.
“Your omelette was great” he said as he put the plate on the dishwasher. “Thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.”
“Why were you crying?” he asked, even though he knew the answer. Ethan and Y/N weren’t on speaking terms, so maybe by talking to her through his secret identity would give him an insight on how to fix the relationship he tore up.
The sad girl frowned and pressed her lips into a line. She didn’t talk to her friends much about Ethan because she didn’t want to put them in an uncomfortable position, as they were all friends, so she had been keeping her frustrations bottled up. And now there was this trustful kind stranger asking her about it, so she gave in.
“My boyfriend didn’t show up to our date. He has been acting so strange lately. He shows up late, he always has a different excuse and gets all nervous and defensive because he’s obviously lying, but most times he doesn’t even show up. Like today.” the exhaustion and defeat was evident on her tone and it broke his heart. “He was supposed to meet me today, so he could open up and tell me what’s going on in his life, but…”
“He let you down again.” he added in a sad tone. Y/N nodded, tears blurring her eyes. “What are you going to do?”
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath “I honestly don’t know. I love him, I really do, but our relationship has become one-sided. I’m trying to save it, but it seems like he doesn’t care anymore.”
Fear crept into his mind. Was that it? Was it their end? Was she going to break up with him the next day? He wouldn’t blame her. Yet, he couldn’t help being selfish—he did not want them to break up.
“Maybe there is something going on in his life… something that he can’t tell you for your own good.” he said, and he knew he sounded stupid.
“What could be so bad that he can’t talk to me about it? We have always been honest with each other. He knows he can tell me anything, he knows that he’ll have my support no matter what. I just want him to talk to me. I don’t know what happened with our relationship, but there’s nothing I can do unless he talks to me.”
“Things are going to get better.” the superhero said, rubbing her arm in a comforting gesture.
Ethan had multiple opportunities to be honest with her, to explain why he had become so distant and yet he held his pride and told her she was exaggerating the whole situation. So, as much as she tried to be positive and believe Spider-man’s words, she was scared the story of them might be ending soon.
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ETHAN REACHED THE TABLE WHERE THE GROUP WAS SITTING AT and eyed the two empty spots left. One was next to Chad, who was talking animatedly with Tara and Mindy, and the other one was beside Y/N. His spot had always been the one next to hers, but with their current complications and not knowing exactly in which page they were at, he didn’t know what to do. Seeing the way she was nervously pulling at her clothes and tried to look busy, he ended up choosing the first option.
Even though she was trying hard to avoid looking at him, his presence was overwhelming and it took all of her strength to hold back from peaking a glance at his gorgeous smile and perfect curls. She was dying to know if the situation was killing him as much as it was killing her.
Little did she know the boy was losing his mind. The anguish was too much, so many thoughts were running through his mind. He was dying to let her know what was going on, but he was scared it was going to put her in danger. He would rather have her be angry at him than her getting hurt because of him. The wiser thing would be to let her go, to free her from the chaos that came with being involved with a superhero, but he the selfish part of him couldn’t break things up—Ethan loved her too much to give her up.
He needed to come up with a decision. This contest of who could act like they cared less needed to end and he could not tolerate the loud silence between them anymore. “Do you think we could talk tonight?”
“If you have the decency to show up.” she shrugged.
Her armour was up, and it was understandable. “I will. I’ll meet you at your apartment after Econ?”
“Okay.” Y/N nodded. “I’m serious, Ethan. Show up. This is your last chance.”
“I won’t let you down again, Y/N/N. I promise.”
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ETHAN DIDN'T KNOW IF THE AREA WHERE Y/N WORKED IN WAS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS OR IF HE JUST HAD BAD LUCK, but every time he was near, something happened that forced him to step in. Thankfully, this time it was an inexperienced thief he easily managed to bring down but his wound wasn't fully healed yet so he was in a bit of pain after the fight. But the important thing was that he made it to Y/N's house.
The girl was unable to hide her relief when she opened the door, but it soon turned into worry. "Ethan, what the hell happened? You're bleeding!"
The curly-haired boy looked down to find a scarlet stain on his blue polo shirt. The wound on his abdomen must have opened while he was stopping the thief, and he didn't even noticed because of the adrenaline. "Um, it's nothing, I-"
"Sit down." she ordered right before leaving to grab the first-aid kit. When she lifted his shirt up, she frowned.
"What is it?" Ethan asked worriedly.
"Ethan, when did this happen?"
"Um, I was robbed while making my way here." the lie slipped off his tongue in an instant.
"You keep lying to me." she let out a humourless laugh. "This has been stitched before, Ethan."
He sighed, thinking of another excuse. "Okay, fine. It's not new. I fell and landed on something sharp, and it cut my stomach."
"Okay, now I'm not only angry because you lied to me twice in the past sixty seconds, but also because you think I'm stupid."
"I don't think you're stupid."
"If you believe I'd buy that shitty excuse, then yes, I think you think I'm stupid." she spat. "Tell me the truth. Right now, Ethan."
Silence embraced the room. As Y/N worked on the wound, Ethan tried to find the words to explain. "I don't know where to start."
"Let's start by telling me how did you get this."
"A thief did it to me." he said, and ignoring his girlfriend's warning glance, he continued, "but he wasn't robbing me. He was stealing from an old woman and I stepped in. He cut me while I was distracted."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise as they scrutinised his face, trying to spot any sign that told her he was lying. She find none. "You fought them?" she asked in disbelief, and Ethan nodded. "That's... that's really brave. And stupid."
"It's my job." he blurted out, making her look at him in confusion. "Well, it's not a job job, because I don't get paid. Not that I'd do it for money, even though I need it-"
"Eth!" she interrupted him. "I love it when you ramble, you're adorable, but could you please explain?"
"I missed you calling me Eth." he whispered, caressing her right cheek. "I miss you."
"I miss you, too, Eth. But we need to talk. Well, you need to talk. What is going on with you? Why are you so distant? Why do you keep missing our dates? What did you mean by 'It's my job'?"
"I'll tell you, but I need to warn you first. You were in danger before knowing this, but after I tell you... you are going to be an even bigger target. And you can't tell anyone, okay? No one knows, and no one has to know."
"Okay, just spit it out, Ethan."
"I'm Spider-man."
It was as if their surroundings had frozen, and minutes felt like hours. Y/N sat on the couch, dumbfounded, and Ethan's leg bounced as he bit his nails.
Meanwhile, Y/N's brain worked at a fast pace, trying to connect the dots. Now, in hindsight, everything made sense. His bruises, his wounds, why he was always in high alert, why his walls were up, his grades dropping, his tardiness... he became the friendly neighborhood spiderman. The vigilante she had found bleeding the previous night.
"Hey! You used your secret identity to get information out of me, asshole!"
"That's all you have to say?!"
"I mean, no... but I don't really know what to say."
"You're not mad?"
"I don't think so. I really wish you would've told me, could've saved up lots of arguments, but I do understand why you didn't tell me. I'm glad you opened up, tho. I am really tired of missing you and not kissing you."
Ethan laughed. “I love you. I missed you like crazy, and I'm sorry for everything.” he hold her close to his chest and let himself relax for the first time in weeks. “By the way, you need to quit that job. I swear there’s a robbery every five fucking minutes.”
“Have you been following me?” she arched her eyebrow.
“Keeping an eye on you.” he corrected. “I can’t let anything happen to my girl, and like I said, it’s a dangerous area.”
Y/N laughed and kissed his lips tenderly “I love you, my little stalker. Don’t keep secrets from me ever again.”
“Never. I promise. We’re a team.”
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michito202 · 1 month
Missing Halloween AU
-la historia esta basada en un cortometraje animado llamado "missing halloween" (lo se le copie hasta el nombre) yo simplemente escribi la historia con Chris y Martin como protagonistas, todos los creditos a su respectivo creador
-mencion de muerte, cuerpos y desapariciones, leer bajo su propio riesgo
-como es básicamente una copia no se si llamarlo au, de momento los dibujos que haga de esto tendran el #wk missing halloween au
Notitas random:
-hace mucho no escribo, ojala no se note tanto lol
-ni de broma lo traduzco jaja xd o deberia? Creo que la mayoria del fandom de los wk habla ingles pipipi
31 de octubre, Halloween
Todos aman halloween, niños y jovenes por igual, los mas pequeños suelen ir acompañados de sus padres para aquella animada tradicion de pedir dulces, mientras que los jovenes suelen hacer fiestas o travesuras, pero sin duda lo que hacia especial aquella fecha eran los disfraces
Hombres lobos, zombies, momias, todo tipo de criaturas aterradoras caminan por las calles en busca de dulces para saciar su apetito de azucar, era comun ver disfraces similares pues a los niños solian parecerles geniales y espeluznantes las mismas cosas
Fantasmas, demonios, o algun personaje de alguna pelicula de terror
Un pequeño chris observaba aquello desde su ventana, disfrazado como uno de sus animales favoritos, un demonio de tasmania! Aterrador verdad? A pesar de ser criaturas inofensivas para el humano, tenian una apariencia aterradora, agradecia a su madre haber hecho aquel disfraz pues a pesar de haber buscado en diferentes tiendas no habian encontrado ningun traje de aquel animal el año anterior, por lo que no le parecio mala idea volver a usar aquel disfraz, ademas asi seguramente su amigo lo reconocia mas facil, despues de todo habian pasado un año sin verse
Chris no tardo en perderse en sus pensamientos mientras observaba por la ventana, recordando el halloween anterior, recordaba estar entusiasmado al momento de ir a pedir dulces con su disfraz, intento unirse a alguno de los muchos grupos de niños que pedian dulces, aunque lo unico que consiguio fue ser rechazado por su disfraz, acaso nadie veia lo genial que era ser un demonio de tasmania? Porfavor! Recordaba como habia vuelto a su casa con cierta decepcion, pedir dulces solo no era tan divertido, pensaba entrar a su casa y quedarse adentro seguramente leyendo sobre algun animal genial y devorando los dulces que su madre habia comprado para los niños que llegaran a pedirlos, pero en su lugar se encontro una nota de su madre en la puerta diciendo que regresaria pronto
Recordo como se sento frente a la puerta esperando a su madre hasta que vio a un chico sentarse no muy lejos de ahi, tenia un disfraz de mapache cosa que emociono a chris pues era el primer disfraz de animal que veia, sin contar a los repetitivos hombres lobos
Recordo como se acerco con emocion, ganandose un golpe con la calabaza de plastico destinada para guardar los dulces al haber asustado al chico mapache
Y a pesar de ese inicio, se sento a su lado, empezaron a hablar, y ciertamente llegaron a conectar, chris acabo regalandole uno de sus dulces, y ambos comieron el caramelo mientras leian la nota de la envoltura
"me encontraste" decia la envoltura del mapache
"a quien le importa el dentista? Soy delicioso" decia la envoltura del demonio de tasmania, haciendo que este riera pues era verdad, aquel dulce era delicioso
Su madre lo saco de sus pensamientos cuando le ofrecio el tazon de dulces, cosa a la que se nego pues seguía esperando ver a su amigo, y justo en ese momento noto al pequeño rubio frente a la casa, por lo que salio con emocion a abrazar al chico mientras su madre los observaba desde adentro, haciendo una pequeña mueca antes de suspirar y salir de la casa con su celular en mano
Chris el cual hablaba entusiasmado con Martin volteo a ver atras cuando noto como este parecia ver a alguien, encontrandose con su madre la cual les tomo una fotografia antes de que ambos niños se fueran en busca de dulces
-veo que otra vez estas vestido de mapache- hablo con emocion mientras caminaba a su lado, realmente feliz de tener con quien pedir dulces este año
-bueno tu tampoco cambiaste tu disfraz- murmuro martin mientras lo observaba, cualquiera que los viera diria que martin era uno o dos años mayor que chris, ademas de ser un niño bastante tranquilo en comparacion a su energetico amigo, hablando con calma y manteniendo una expresion tranquila, casi neutra la mayor parte del tiempo
Chris solto una risita entusiasta -claro que no! Es genial! Hasta puedo hacer piruetas con esto!- y dicho aquello intento hacer una pirueta, chocandose con un pequeño grupo de niños que iban un poco mas adelante de ellos
-fijate por donde vas tonto!- miro con molestia a chris el cual se habia quedado en el suelo tras el impacto, el chico de cabello negro vestido de vampiro empujo a chris poco importandole que siguiera en el suelo -si vuelves a meterte con nosotros ya veras!- dicho eso siguio caminando con sus otros dos amigos
-tu pequeño hijo de...- antes de que terminara de insultar, noto como chris se levantaba casi de un brinco, cosa que lo sobresalto un poco
-vamos por dulces!- sonrio tomando su mano y llevandolo, casi arrastrado claro, a una de las muchas casas decoradas dispuesto a pedir dulces con el, cosa a la que martin no se nego
Puerta tras puerta, casa tras casa, ambos niños fueron pidiendo dulces, martin no hablaba mucho pero siempre era chris el que pedia con entusiasmo que le dieran dulces a su amigo, por alguna razon todos se negaban cosa que lo desconcerto, porque se negaban a darle dulces a martin? No lo entendia
Al cabo de unas horas la canasta con forma de calabaza de chris estaba casi repleta de dulces, mientras que la de martin estaba completamente vacia
Decidieron descansar un rato en una colina cercana, disfrutando momentaneamente de la calma que habia lejos de las casas decoradas y los niños disfrazados, centrandose en los sonidos del bosque detras de ellos, aquel momento fue aprovechado por chris para dejar la mitad de sus dulces en la canasta de martin, el cual solo se limito a agradecer
-vamos come uno- animo chris mientras tomaba un dulce y lo comia, accion que fue imitada por martin -que dice el tuyo?- pregunto acercandose mas al mayor
-"me encontraste"- leyo martin en voz alta
-el mio dice "seamos amigos"- dijo chris mostrando su propia envoltura de dulce -eso es gracioso porque ya somos amigos!- dijo con su caracteristico entusiasmo antes de reir
No sabian bien que tanto tiempo habian pasado sobre la colina, comiendo dulces y hablando entre ellos, pero finalmente martin dijo que lo mejor era que volvieran a sus casas antes de que se hiciera aun mas tarde, chris estuvo de acuerdo y ambos se dirigieron a la casa del ultimo mencionado mientras aun hablaban
Al llegar chris se confundio al notar a su madre con un doctor, noto como este parecia tener un informe medico asi que como pequeña travesura decidio "tomar prestado" aquel informe, mientras escapaba de su madre leyo aquel papel, deteniendose al ver que el informe era sobre el, y el diagnostico era... Amigos imaginarios?
-mamá... Que es esto?...- pregunto mientras veia a su madre en busca de respuestas
-Chris... Cariño... Tengo que mostrarte algo- dijo en un tono suave antes de mostrarle la fotografia que habia tomado horas atras, donde solo se veia a chris posando entusiastamente ante la camara
-no... No no no! El esta aqui! No lo ven!?- señalo desesperadamente al rubio a su lado- el es real! Miralo! -hablo con aun mas desesperacion, aunque su madre lo ignoraba pues hablaba con el doctor, seguramente preguntando por mas examenes o algo parecido, aunque para cuando su madre volteo a verlo este ya no estaba
Un mapache y un demonio de tasmania estaban sentados sobre una colina, mientras el demonio de tasmania seguia confundido, seguramente en negacion, su amigo no podia ser imaginario, no, seguramente era un error
-ya deja de tocarme!- se quejo martin ante la insistente manita sobre su mejilla
-enserio eres solo mi imaginacion?- pregunto en un tono lastimero, negandose a creer que el era solo producto de su imaginacion
-...- suspiro levemente antes de levantarse -ven... Ven conmigo- dijo acercandose a la cerca que separaba al bosque de todo lo demas, mientras levantaba algunos alambres que ya estaban sueltos para poder pasar
Chris dudo, viendo el cartel que decia "cuidado" -pero martin...- cuando volvio a ver a su amigo este ya estaba al otro lado de la cerca, mirandolo, chris no podia descifrar aquella mirada, insistencia? Decepcion? Suplica? No estaba seguro, pero cuando lo vio adentrarse al bosque no dudo en seguirlo, sin ser consiente del cartel de "trampas para osos" que habia caido de la cerca hace un tiempo
Chris corrio y corrio por el bosque, intentando no perderle el rastro al rubio, tuvo suerte de no pisar las trampas para oso que estaban en multiples partes del camino, pero finalmente llego a un claro, donde habia un gran arbol en el centro, y recargado en el estaba su amigo esperandolo con calma
-toma- ofrecio un dulce cuando chris finalmente se sento contra el arbol igual, y asi ambos comieron un caramelo
Martin sonrio levemente, mientras chris empezaba a quedarse dormido debido a lo tarde que era, y pronto ambos niños acabaron dormidos recargados contra aquel arbol
Mientras tanto una madre caminaba desesperada por el bosque mientras gritaba fuertemente el nombre de su hijo, en un intento de ser escuchada por el menor
Al frente de ella caminaba un policia con un palo de madera el cual movia frente a ellos para activar cualquier posible trampa
-no se preocupe, lo encontraremos- dijo una policia intentando calmar a la desconsolada madre, aunque no tuvo exito
Tras unos minutos mas caminando finalmente vieron al pequeño dormido contra un arbol, su madre por instinto quiso lanzarse hacia el y abrazarlo pero fue rápidamente detenida por el policia al frente de ella, pues aun habian muchas trampas para osos rodeandolos
La luz de la linterna ilumino cerca de chris, notando mas trampas de osos, pero notando igual algo que estaba junto a chris, recargado en el arbol a su lado
Los tres adultos quedaron congelados al ver de que se trataba aquel "algo"
Un cadaver putrefacto
Aun eran notorios algunos rasgos, y mientras la madre de chris observaba aquello en shock y un policia informaba por la radio lo que habian encontrado, la policia que antes habia intentado animar a la madre reviso entre sus notas los niños desaparecidos
"ultima vez visto el 31 de octubre pidiendo dulces"
"ultima vez visto el 31 de octubre en su casa"
"ultima vez visto el 31 de octubre cerca de la colina"
"te encontre" decia la envoltura que chris tenia en sus manos al momento de ser encontrado junto al cuerpo de martin
"me encontraste" decia la envoltura sobre las manos putrefactas de martin
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olliezanrowl · 10 months
Pac as a bird hybrid (no se como se dice garza en ingles lol) <3
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licoryves · 3 months
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ㅤཾ 𓈒❀ Random post.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Eng: I'm so tired of the school lol, but, I really wanna get a glow up in this vacations, I wanna be a better student, this year was very awkfull for me, my grades at school didn't decrease but, I wanna to focus more in my self. In this year I have a lot of dramas and I just wanna have a break, that's why I didn't post anything in tumblr ₍ ꪴꪴ ֥ ֖ ˛₎. Also, I really wanna practice my english, spanish is my native language, I'm really good in english but, sometimes I have some mistakes that I have to fix, maybe I should try some subliminals and try to make a vision board, pilates and more to get my glow up. But, I really hope I can reach all my goals ヾ(´∇`).
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Spain: Estoy muy cansada de la escuela jaja, pero, realmente quiero tener un glow up en vacaciones, quiero ser una mejor estudiante, este año fue horrible para mi, mis calificaciones no bajaron, pero, quiero enforcarme en mi misma. En este año tuve un monton de dramas en la escuela y solo quiero tomarme un descanso, es por eso que no he posteado mucho en tumblr₍ ꪴꪴ ֥ ֖ ˛₎. Tambien, quiero practicar mi ingles, como algunos sabran el español es mi lengua nativa y aunque soy buena en inglés, tengo uno que otro error que debo mejorar, talvez intente audios subliminales, visionboard, pilates y mas para conseguir mi glow up. Pero, espero conseguir todas mis metasヾ(´∇`).
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dead-reflection · 4 months
About me / Sobre mi.
Based in Medellin - Colombia. He/Him. Straight. I don't give a shit about pronouns anyway, fuck that shit.
Barista and coffee Lover.
English/Spanish and currently learning German. Posting on the first two ones. lol
27 years old. Male, Straight.
My favorite bands are Seether, Silverstein and Green Day. I'm obsessed with 90's alternative rock and 2000's emo/nu metal but i listen to a lot of things.
I have a lot of kinks and i love long conversations about music, art movies and books. You just have to ask me. dm me if u wanna be treated like a slut or just wanna talk. :)
Formerly known as @rebirthed-by-the-sound. I'm in Spotify as GiRNoX.
Posting a lot of music i've found.
Soy de Medellin - Colombia. Hetero. Hombre. Me importan una mierda los pronombres.
Barista y amante del cafe.
Hablo español, Ingles y algo de Aleman. Posteo solo en los dos primeros.
27 años. Hombre, Hetero.
Mis bandas favoritas son Seether, Silverstein y Green Day. Tengo una obsesion con el rock de los 90's y los 2000's pero escucho de todo en general.
Tengo varios fetiches y amo hablar sobre musica, arte pelis y libros en general. Se vale preguntarme de cualquier cosa. Manda mensaje si quieres que te trate mal o si solo quieres hablar :)
Antes era @rebirthed-by-the-sound. En Spotify me pueden encontrar como GiRNoX.
Posteo mucha musiquita que me voy encontrando.
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mmbreceda · 3 months
❥ Sobre mi.
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Soy Minerva (Ella-La), escribo desde hace tres años y espero mejorar desde ese entonces. Hablo español e ingles, mis textos son exclusivos del español. Mis autores favoritos son Sylvia Plath, Arthur Rimbaud y Camila Sosa Villada. Apenas hace poco me llego la nostalgia de regresar a los fanfics.
Ahora soy mega obsesionada con los creepypastas, naruto, marble hornets y el padrino (combinacion rara) pero igual adoro Death note, evangelion y Devilman Crybaby. Mis peliculas favoritas son Gone girl, el eterno resplandor de una mente sin recuerdos y the secretary. Prefiero todo tipo de musica mi pick es el rock en español.
☭ Redes sociales.
Instagram:mbrecedaa Twitter:@thedefttonessong Wattpad:@krystalbae_1
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✞ Contenido
Hago historias originales creadas y desarrolladas en su totalidad por mi cuenta, la mayoria de temas con los que me obsesiono de vez en cuando con un enfoque realista y medio tragico. En Fanfics me super vuelo y hago miles de headcanons y ocs me gusta darle mi perspectiva a cada proyecto mio, como un pequeño pedazo de mi mente lol.
Fanfics y one shots
Nsfw y Sfw
Escritos random - Poemas
Trigger Warning: Temas sensibles de los que escribo
(Siempre voy a incluir un TW si contiene algun contenido sensible)
4bus0 de sustancias
Sucesos politicos
!! De este ultimo quiero aclarar que detesto la romatizacion de temas sensibles en especial este, hago todo de la manera mas respetuosa y carente de morbo posible.
♡ Fandoms
Creepypasta - En su mayoria los clasicos del 2016 no se mucho de los actuales
Death note
Marble hornets
otros miles mas que puede que no mencione
No hago peticiones - No hago x reader
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Esta de mas aclarar que no me agrada la gente extraña ni la quiero cerca de mi, a esto me refiero a ped0s, edgys o cualquiera que sea pedante y se crea interesante por gritarlo en internet, va igual para los que tienen nula comprension lectora y terminan romantizando estupideces
Lo siento por todas las faltas de ortografia hice todo muy rapido. Dicho todo lo que tenia que decir espero ser constante con esto y no caer en bloqueos creativos como buena procrastinadora. Eso es todo loool.
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turrondeluxe · 1 year
Yo estaba como que asustado que no iba a poder ver Mutant Mayhem en Ingles porque la mayoría de los cines la tenían en Español pero por lo menos vivo en Puerto Rico q esta lleno de gringos y los pueblos más grandes lo tenían en Ingles. Solo tuve que viajar media hora lol
hoy ganó la gentrificación gente 😔
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