dichromaniac · 5 months
Idk whatever... I actually finished a solo work. And it's stupid and fluffy and TROPEY and embarrassing. But there's things I'm proud of, motifs I wanna carry onwards (butterflies in your stomach as body horror for the sensation of falling in love) but also just leaning into the comfort food of it all.
But I did it and for all its flaws, I'm proud.
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madame-fear · 5 months
I was completely fooled by one of the people involved. They didn't speak badly of me that I know of, but they never spoke like that in front of me or in any of our private conversations. I feel stupid and partially responsible for supporting such a horrid person.
My love, please, I HIGHLY enccourage you not to feel this way. You shouldn’t feel stupid, much less feeling as if you were partially responsible for supporting them.
I assume you must be the mutual of one of them, and you have no blame to take in here at all. Like you said, you were fooled by this person— they surely acted kind & friendly in public, and with you too, and you obviously didn’t have any knowledge of the things they said until now.
Of course you were going to support them, not only because you were their mutual, but because they seemed a whole different person. I understand how you feel though, because if I saw a mutual got exposed for doing/saying things like that, I would be absolutely shattered as well; but you have no blame on this, lovely.
If you need to rant, vent, or whatever else you may need— my ask box and DMs are always open 24/7! 🥰💗
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[+ i hhave twwo kismeses, one of thhem is a sseadweller, and hhes exactlly what you picture whhen you thhink of a seadweller kismesis. pretentiious llittle shhit. and hhe's DEAD SET on thhat mmy moirail is a disgrrace to the empire whhos jjust enccouraging mmy own "bad habits" -]
[+ ii am a mmediculler, and i bborrowed a bbit of blood from my kismesis at one ppoint- WHHO FUCKING HHASNT, BYY THE WAY? and ggave it to mmy moirail as a trransfusion (they're the same caste and iits very hhard to come by blood of theiir color.). ii mmentioned this ONCE to mmy kismesis, and my kismesis wwon't shhut UP about iit. -]
[+ ii have sttabbed thhis mman SEVERAL times and hhe doesnt bat a ffucking ganderbbulb but i take blood iintentionally ONCE to ssave my moiraiil and i nnearly get drrowned for iit... -]
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celestialcausation · 9 months
☆ xixyyy ☆ cambriau's b3iug m3au to m3 ☆ t3lll th3m to be uic3 to m3 ☆
I am nOt dOing that. If CCambrian is being mean, I enccOurage it.
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celiaboren · 1 year
Fitness should be an important part of your day to day life. Our store helps to enccourage this through a variety of products focused on an active lifestyle, as well as recovery options to better help you unwind after a long day.
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rin-afananditshows · 3 years
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Sketch dump drop.
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nowlerspeaks · 6 years
how do I... enjoy making art again
I want to make things but the process of making the thing is tiring
well, more like the idea of of it is tiring and it’s making me not even want to start
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brucedinsman · 4 years
Music Mix - Encouraging Caleb & Kelsey Christian Worship songs
Music Mix – Encouraging Caleb & Kelsey Christian Worship songs
Put this playlist up while you are working on other things on your computer. Powerful music that will challenge you. #GIVETHANKS #Outreach: That the world may know #Prayer Focus: Pray for Our Prodigals #Praise the Lord Please follow my blogs  Guam Christian Blog Guam views Blog Bruce’s Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bruce.dinsman Featured book:…
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debatenarutooocs · 2 years
Hey, I know this is off-topic, but I'm wondering how y'all feel about _Lengla, and her friend _jewe1z? People have started to talk about them them on the @mha_confessions account, and recently, _Lengla posted a drawing of her 13 year old oc smoking a cigarette, with ZERO disclaimer in her description about smoking being a bad thing for underage minors to do. And yet, she's very big about so-called "protecting" minors. For context, she's 15 years old, and has 4k followers, most or all children.
Okay that is really strange to post a drawing of a 13yo character smoking a cigarette. they are litterally a child even if they are fictional. It could be she experienced smoking at that age? either way, that should not be something normalized or enccouraged. There will be younger minors who are going to think its cool to smoke at that age and try it at home. If she is very big on protecting minors then she needs to work harder. I would take that post down and issue an apology, because " what monkey sees, monkey does".
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brittelizzabeth · 4 years
Puck is such an underrated and overhated character
I understand why people don’t like him and sometimes it’s hard to separate the character from the actor. I know that a lot of people can’t his good side but everyone makes mistakes and he was a good person
He was a sweetheart and I can prove it:
1. He wanted to protect Kurt by starting a secret service with the guys. like someone said today, I can totally see him with a black suit, sunglasses and talking on “walkie talkies” with the guys
2. He always wanted to be a good dad for Beth. Even when Quinn wanted Finn to be the father, he tried to helped her. And the babysitting thing was cute were adorable
3. The prom with Becky is one of my favorite things ever. He played games with her and he enccouraged her to go to the prom, she was his queen <3 the crowns. I wish he and Brittany had been the ones to help her in season 6
4. He was the only one that noticed how miserable Quinn was feeling in season 3. He realized that a big part of that was his fault and he assumed it
5. He loved Beth and he was so good to her in season 3. He stopped Quinn from doing something that she would regret for the rest of her life
6. Tina asked him his opinion about the proposal and he supported her
7. Motivated Finn in college. He was worried about him and just wanted his bestie to be successful
8. His friendship with Coach Beiste is everything to me <3 “Mean” is one of my favorite duets. He understood her and helped more than anyone. And she did the same thing for him
9. The whole “quarterback” episode speaks for me... he needed his buddy and he grew up so much after his death. He was never the same person again
10. The goodbye gifts in the end of season 3. He loved his boys so much and he really cared about them
11. Kicking Quinn’s stupid boyfriend’s ass when he insulted her
12. He was kind to Rachel
13. Lola scene omg he dressed up like a woman for glee club. cute
14. Thanksgiving line after “Home / Homeward Bound” -> “Dude, if you start crying I’m gonna kiss your ass. Group huggg”. He was the one who was about to cry
15. His relationship with Lauren was so cute. Puck and Lauren <333
16. Puck and Artie and friendship! underrated
17. his background moments with everyone are so cute
In my world he and Brittany are really good friends
18. Omg I love when he and Quinn got back together in season 5. They went through so much together but the they found a way to “learn to love again”. He always loved her, even when he told he didn’t I don’t care. They are perfect. I wish we had more of them (MUCH MORE OF THEM) in season 6
19. I love his friendship with his brother. Puckermans all the way. The Christmas episode is so cute and he just wanted his family to be happy and together. The song with Jake, Britt and Sam is adorable
20. And I’m pretty sure that there’s a lot more things like these ones
21. Just want do add that he is smoking hot, one of my favorite voices and I just love him more and more.
this is just my opinion ✌🏼
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I’ve been thinking about art. About writing . About its meaning in my life feel free to scroll away now
I spent my childhood surrounded by artists. Because all my friends were into drawing, and they would make beautiful fan art, and some of them were even great writers so basically won the talent lottery
Meanwhile, I was subpar. Actually less then that. I had been writing since I was seven, but I have no shame in saying I was the worst writer in the group. Everything they made was wonderful. I believed in them so much
after High School, I went to a college far away (long story) and even after I came back. I didn’t talk to them for many years because of personal reasons. But I forgave them, and carefully reached out, things were better then they were before. (Long story).
But the weird thing?
None of them were creating anymore. Whether for themselves or for a fandom. None of them . I tried to be enccouraging, but they brushed me off. They weren’t particularly sad about it. It just wasn’t what they did anymore.
The thought terrifies me though
They weren’t the nicest friends, but they were so good at drawing, at painting and creating. Writing is such a huge thing in my life, my antidepressant, my serotonin, my life raft. It’s everything to me.
I don’t know what to take from this. Should I be sad they all gave up on their literal gifts? That they aren’t sad about it? Should I feel better about myself because I could never give up writing? Should I feel stupid for not giving up on writing?
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krpopinions · 2 years
I feel the problem nowadays is people feel less inspired once they join the rp. and the admin is not the problem, it's within the community itself. /totally get what you mean. then the issue is how do we keep them inspired to keep writing? even with minimal ac of 1 post a week w/o a wc requirement that doesn't make a difference in enccouraging others to write even if it's just 1 paragraph. removing ac would be counterproductive bec then people just drop w/o the expectation of being active
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heirsrpg · 3 years
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"What's that? Auradon City is having their annual Valentine's Day Carnival? Well, count me in!"
Auradon City invites everyone to the Valentine's Day Carnival held in town square. There will be artisinal and food booths, food trucks, rides, and games to play. Plus, a main stage for local and global talent to perfom if they so wish. Businesses can sign up to have a booth so people at the carnival can sample their food.
The in character event will take place from February 11th-February 14th, 2022. Writing can also take place after this time, but we enccourage our members to get the bulk of writing done during the event!
A separate category will be made on discord with special places to write paras, as well as a carnival groupchat for ic texts to take place during the event!
It's time for your muses to get excited! Here are some things to consider up until the event:
WILL YOUR MUSE BE ATTENDING? Crowds might not be everyone's thing, so not everyone will be going, but will still be in the groupchat so they don't totally miss out on the fun!
WHAT WILL YOUR MUSE WEAR? Post in the instagram channel or make a board on Pinterest to let everyone else know!
ARE THEY EXCITED OR NOT? Let the other characters know in the groupchat!
WHATEVER HAPPENS, we encourage event themed starter calls near the 11th, and we look forward to watching it unfold! -Bee and Nika
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annathetrickster · 7 years
So, to speak on the blessings, as best as I can understand them they are to enccourage you to build teams around each of the "legendary heroes" (Fjorm, Anna, Sharena, Alfonse) and cycle them in arena/map usage, since the blessings you give to other units activate for a free raw stats boost for being with the matching Legendary hero during the right part of the time cycle. So give water blessings to units you want to use alongside Fjorm, and they get free stats 1/4 of the time!
thanks for the info, i usually get swamped with questions about the new features faster than i can learn about them myself. 
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athleticphiloso · 7 years
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#justsaying #itsallgood #keepitmoving #happyplace #happyplacefound #getsome #inspire #motivate #enccourage #letsboogie #rightous #rightousness
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