#enchanted at eventide
mtg-cards-hourly · 8 months
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Crumbling Ashes
"I was there to watch my brothers' quenching. I drew the slightest warmth from their dying rage." —Illulia of Nighthearth
Artist: Chuck Lukacs TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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pinespittinink · 2 years
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Gotta love a kitty to keep me company while I weather out being sick and do edits for my partner
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miisfits-toys · 8 months
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Some world-building thoughts as I solidify/hammer out the details of my personal project...
With The Fae being a prominent group within the lore, it's a no-brainer to distinguish them not just from the "normal" groups, but distinguish each season from one another. Give them that unique visual style for Visual Storytelling......
In order is: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
Each of the seasons are split off in their own domains, but all occupy the same "realm." The in-universe name is currently pending, but for simplicity's sake will be referred to as The Fae Realm.
The Fae Realm itself is incredibly... Nebulous. It manifests not as a place, but a series of places. Entering The Fae Realm is less being transported to a Strange, Greater place, as much as it is that feeling of realizing a bit too late "Uh oh, I took a wrong turn and I'm only now realizing I don't recognize this place at all." It's very much about "boiling the frog," and very much a consequence of the nature of the realm itself. A realm supported by finicky and volatile magic,, is finicky and volatile !!
The places that are less volatile are that way from active effort, often public/community spaces that are maintained from a consolidated effort of keeping it maintained. If you want to support your local bakery, you're going to stop by often and shop from them, you know? This is done in both the literal sense and the metaphorical sense; The rotation of bodies and the respective, passive magic from each individual being consolidated helps to maintain a location.
More powerful/innate magic users are far better at supporting locations by themselves, but Fae are such Communal Creatures that it's not really necessary. Everyone is chipping in and no one is getting burnt-out. (As mentioned before, magic here is super finicky, so the more powerful users are just people who know how to "wrangle" it better.)
The largest/most prominent of these spaces are the season's domains themselves. These spaces are supported by none other than the season's personal representations, the Heralds.
As the representatives and actors for these forces of nature, they are granted far more power than any other magic user. The Heralds are The Seasons, and The Seasons are The Heralds. For these strong, inherent ties, each domain heavily reflects their Herald.
And for some brief descriptions of each domain:
Formally known as Mirth of Reverdure, this domain is headed by its herald, The Enchanted.
Playful, flighty and frivolous, those within this domain are guided by their whims. The most chaotic of the domains, Fae from this domain have no qualms mingling with the human and living realm, even going as far to bringing them "back home" to get as much as they can out of them. This domain is where a majority of your "doppelgänger" and being "spirited away" myths come from.
The Enchanted is well regarded within her domain; She and her folk are nothing but enablers for one another.
Formally known as Her Incandescence, The Incandescent, and Aestiver, this domain is headed by its herald, The Wayward.
A domain of glamour and grandeur, those within this domain enjoy any opportunity to flaunt. Between loud and open celebrations, displays of opulence, and treating non-Fae as novelty, Fae from this domain are very much the meddling type. This domain is where a majority of your "siren" and "changeling" myths come from; They simply cannot help being conspicuous.
The Wayward is a source of contention within her domain. As a domain that has prioritized prestige for many many years, this blatantly unruly force, one that bastardizes the grandeur, is not a welcome one.
Formally known as Eventide, this domain is headed by its herald, The Warden.
Prioritizing order and normalcy, those within this domain aren't of the meddling type; A Fae from Autumn's domain is much more concerned with the goings-on of their home community. Those who do opt to travel to the human and living realm are non-obtrusive, doing so with a purpose. This domain is where a majority of your "helper/house spirits" myths come from.
The Warden is a somewhat controversial figure, primarily for their openly human appearance, and open ally-ship with those "other" deities. Despite this, the relations with The Empress do aide in keeping everything where it should be, so it's not necessarily unwelcome.
Formally known as The Mantle, The Gelid, and Penumbra, this domain is headed by its herald, The Huntsman.
Though highly inquisitive, these Fae have strange ways of going about this curiosity. A nuisance even within the Fae realm, Fae from this domain are determined to get what they want, often in overt and messy ways. Treating non-Fae as a novelty, interactions tend to border on the extreme. This domain is where a majority of your "malicious Fae" come from, and they often get pinned as "poltergeists" as well.
The Huntsman, is a source of strife among those within the domain. Though his erratic behavior bodes well for those equally sporadic, this leaves everyone else scattered. One of the names for this domain, "The Mantle," has become "His Tattered Mantle" as reference to the tumultuous state of the domain itself under his influence.
With the Heralds being a relatively new aspect to the Fae lifestyle, each domain is very much going under their own reckonings. Being a Herald was regarded as a form of medium ship, a way to communicate with/on the behalf of your season/its force of nature; It has never manifested as a walking, tangible embodiment before.
Shifting and moving between domains has always been a neutral act, many Fae unaligned even, but those who do devote to a specific domain are now grappling between sticking with what they know, and sticking with what they prioritize.
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if-loves · 6 months
a dream of nothing.
// Yandere Sunday
sum: Sunday is a good man.
wc: 1343
a/n: likes & reblogs appreciated! asks are welcome ❤️
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Penacony, the land of dreams; Penacony, the planet you’ve come to call home.
You’re not a native of this dreamland, and no matter how much you attempt to assimilate into the culture, you always feel like you’re standing on a completely different stage, miles away from Penacony. You haven’t been back to your home in a long time, but you haven’t been counting the days.
Everyone has been kind. They offer you help the second you look like you need it, unsolicited tips and advice when it comes to their mind. Everyone has tried their best to help you in the ways they know how, and you couldn’t be more grateful… So why is it that there’s a gaping hole in your chest, exactly where your heart is supposed to be?
Sunday married you out of love, a grand wedding held in your names in Blue Hour, a gorgeous ceremony taking place on the lovely Eventide boat, reception on the marvelous airship, the Radiant Felspar; it was certainly the event of the era. As fondly as you’d like to look back on those memories, you find yourself looking at them with an emotion you can’t quite describe.
It’s not happiness, nor is it anger. It’s neither sadness nor disgust, but something in between all of it? It’s not indifference either, because whatever you feel is strong, but not so strong that you’ve felt an urge to act upon it. No, whatever it is that you’re feeling, is worse than all of those emotions combined - precisely because you don’t know what you’re feeling.
These feelings taint your every thought, and as much as you would like to do anything else, you don’t quite know your way around the mansion. It’s up to Sunday or one of the Bloodhounds to take you to the library or the dining hall, and it’s up to them to bring you back to the room. You’re only afforded the outside when it is Sunday who graciously brings you to it, but never when you request for it.
How long has it been since you���ve been in Penacony? No one tells you anything, not even the flowers. They stay the same, frozen in time, forever in the state of blooming but never rotting, forever beautiful but never loved. No one cares for things until they are gone, and if something never leaves, then no one really has to care.
Sunday is a good man. You think so, at least. He has some peculiar traits, but everyone has something about them that makes them unique. He has never made you doubt his love for you, and he has done nothing but love you faithfully. He’s happy to tell you vague details about his work, of course much of it confidential due to their political nature, and he always enjoys listening to you speak about yours, no matter how mundane and uninteresting it is to you.
Sunday likes hearing your voice, you think. You hope so. He never lets you sleep without saying an “I love you”, and he never leaves without an “I love you” from you. Surely that means something, right?
“Darling, what’s got you worked up? Your face is scrunching up the same way it always does when you start to think.” Sunday snaps you out of your train of thoughts, a gloved hand tilting your chin up for your eyes to look at him. He has a gentle smile on his face as he always does, his wings fluttering and his golden halo gleaming.
“A-ah, Sunday, it wasn’t anything really!” You reply in a bit of a daze, still reeling from his sudden appearance.
“I hope so. You have nothing to worry about here, so there’s no need to think so hard. If you have any troubles, you know I’m always here.” His right hand slides down from your chin to your left hand, and before you know it he has forced you to stand and twirl, leading you right into his arms. With fondness in his eyes, he closed the distance between your lips, a kiss so enchanting you’re not quite sure what it was you were thinking about before.
You feel the heat on your cheeks as you part, suddenly too shy to look into his eyes. Sunday chuckles and it’s a pleasing sound, like a bell tinkling, and you think you could listen to it forever, held in his arms in this position, a moment after a kiss, a moment before another.
Instinctively, you lean in for another, eyes already half-lidded and arms around his neck, but your lips never meet their destination, a crash stopped by a buffer of wings. He smiles easily, a hand on your cheek as he leans down to whisper in your ear in an almost sinful manner - but never is it a sin, you think, not when it is Sunday.
He leads you to the dining hall, your hands intertwined, but you no longer feel at peace. There are voices that speak to you, forcing you to be their sole audience in their never-ending play of torment and despair. Sometimes… sometimes there are things staring at you, something with bright pink - purple? - eyes, and you start to think that those voices are real.
Something lurks in the corners of this mansion, and you think it’s out for you.
Sunday says otherwise, though. He looks concerned, but you don’t feel like the concern is directed to your worries specifically - no, it’s directed to you. Like there’s something wrong with you. And… and maybe he’s right. No normal person would hear these voices or feel eyes on them, no normal person would feel uneasy about the people around them, and no normal person would dislike the thought of a flower never dying. You, you other the other hand -
Sunday is always right, you’ve come to realize. And he’s right about you - you’ve known that for a long time now. You’re a silly girl who once thought the universe was your oyster when you could barely leave your own planet without hesitation and reluctance. You’re a silly girl who took the first opportunity you were given, ignorant of any repercussions that would shape your future - yet still jumped into the unknown with fear, when the first rule of survival is never let them smell your fear.
Now, now? You’re stuck in the predator’s maw… and it’s become the only place you feel safe in, in between layers of sharp and venomous teeth, living in between the unsaid threat of a dreamless sleep, living in between the safety of the threat of death.
You don’t like what lies outside your room. You don’t like the puzzles and tricks, and you don’t like the people. There’s… there’s something wrong… but there’s no one who will listen to you, and there’s no one you can trust. Can you even trust yourself?
Everything is a blur, and you can’t - don’t? - remember anything. Is this a self-defense mechanism, or the artful plan of someone? Walls are nothing but a splash of color, patterns sunk into nothingness, faces are all but the same, mashed into one. Individuality, singularity? Who even are you?
“Goodnight, my beloved.” Sunday says, and you feel something being draped over you. Your eyes blink rapidly, trying to make sense of your surroundings, but the fabric of silk gloves close them without hesitation.
“I love you.” The words that come out of your mouth don’t feel like your own.
“I love you too. Now, sleep.” The door opens and closes, and you’re left alone as you always are, in the safety of this room, awaiting sleep within a dream. What was it that you were thinking about, again?
Ah, that feeling. Yes, that feeling of not happiness but not sadness, not anger but not disgust, something in between but not indifference… Perhaps numbness or nothing is the closest you’ll get. What’s the point in trying to figure it out? It’s not important.
Is there even a “night” in the land of dreams?
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ervona · 1 year
Day 2: Beloved / Ritual for @tes-summer-fest
Each night on the twentieth of First Seed, the keepers of Azura’s shrine were on their feet even earlier than usual. High up on Mount Anthor the cool springtide wind danced and sang with nary a cloud passing by to obscure the Lady’s crown. Though many hardships had tried and tested them throughout the years, the Mad Star would not claim this night, nor the next.
Most folk from the city celebrated the dawn of the twenty-first in their homes or temple, but chosen priesthood and a few lay people would make the ascent, where in the darkness their distant forms bearing lanterns and magelights dotted the slope like torchbugs. The altar at the foot of the statue greeted them long since prepared and gleaming to impress the Queen of the Night Sky.
Flowers newly bloomed spun into wreaths, the dust of wayward spirits, iridescent shells and pearls, the phases of the moons carved into silver all caught the eye, but in that splendor what held most worth was aught offered from a worshipper’s own heart. In each hand a silvered mirror was held, so as not to gaze at their Prince’s fulsome brilliance directly. 
Afore the first sign of dawn, the wind ceased for a moment as a breath held in anticipation. Where the golden spark first arose from the sea, a ring of light followed, encircling all they could and couldn’t see. They began the incantation. More so than usual, the acolytes were skittish, following their seniors to the point of inflection foreign to Winterhold-born youth.
With seafoam and petals and scent of roses did Azura come to them, senses captured, the presence overflowing from every facet of their surroundings. The words she spoke to each soul gathered here were obscured from others, her love a sanctum where all they wished to know of their destiny lay hidden.
How would one convey such joy for those not privy to it? Her most devoted were guarded and prone to jealousy. A mirror shattered, and an acolyte’s tears poured hot into the snow. And then it was over, and the harmony of voices turned to scattered birdsong.
The holiday that had grown around Azura’s summoning day was also one for loved ones to celebrate, feast and toast to all the gateways already crossed and those that awaited them. As soon as it was acceptable, the gathering scattered like leaves on the wind, and cleaning up in preparation for the eventide was left in the capable hands of Diviner Ienith, who had no family.
Her lot in life was not as sorrowful as one may think, since she was beloved by the Lady of Twilight, and each night that she would stroll the mountain restless with naught but a pallid light in hand, she would hear the same voice that had time ago brought the false gods to heel, but gentle as a breeze. She spoke in the word of Azura, and all willing to listen would receive it too.
Of the scant people still gathered, one caught her eye whom she’d known as Lay Priest Varen afore he left to pass his storied knowledge of Mysticism to students of magic. At times when her faith had been tested she’d considered that path as well, but learned to cherish her simple life. As one of few older than her, he was oddly spry enough to climb the mountain, though the many amulets hung about his person shimmering with enchantment must have helped. 
“Aranea! Such a delight to see you,” he spoke with inordinate familiarity, and heeded not the ways that she gave off disinterest. “Even more so to tell you that an associate of mine has located Azura’s Star. For certain this time!”
That’s what you’ve said a few too many times before, was the thought on her mind, but she pushed it aside and tilted her head in feigned interest. “For certain? And where was it located?”
“Ah, that is yet uncertain. But in the case that I set out to find it, I extend the invitation to you. Azura must want you to recover her artifact, and with your vision-”
“Lady Azura wants for me to stay at this very shrine, and that is most certain.” She reached for the first thing she could grasp, and spun around to descend without looking back once, down and around until she reached the cairn from where the Prince was only partially seen.
Head spinning, she slumped down to the frozen stairs and dangled the crushed wreath in her hand like a pendulum. For all it was worth, it was true. Azura had shown her destiny, and the premonitions, cryptic as they could be, had never deceived her. Those who had no such guidance in their lives could never truly understand the responsibility she bore with pride, and only sought to use it.
She craned her neck towards the wall far more ancient than their statue but hewn from the same stone by those who had come before, and froze to a halt. A mighty, winged shadow descended upon it, but was gone in a moment. No, beyond her mind’s eye someone was there, heavy robes and likewise steps making no sound. She blinked a few times and stood up very carefully.
They seemed to be a Dunmer as well, perhaps someone from town who had wandered and was now lost, or simply interested in ancient Nordic structures. She knew she was out of practice in addressing ordinary folk, that was part of what Azura demanded from her.
Before she knew it, she threw her wreath and turned back the way she came from, at some point breaking into a sprint that left her out of breath by the time she returned to the now fully deserted shrine.
It was midday at the very least, and her preparations for dusk should have been underway much sooner. She scolded herself in her mind, but wasted no time. All would be ready for the crimson gate by the time it would even slip the minds of her juniors that they were needed for the ceremony too. But she could never fault them for enjoying their Hogithum dinner, for she would do no different in their place. Fortunately, she was bestowed with her own purpose.
The sky would take on each color of bruise soon enough, and having had her meal of scrib jerky she could only sit in silence with the offerings, wringing her hands with faint scratches left on them until it was time to conduct the ritual, perhaps on her own. There was no sorrow in that, for it made her holy bond even more special.
“Kena Aranea!”
She turned to the sound of her name and the voice that could only belong to one, well, two people running towards her up the slope at a speed most unwise, just waiting to trip on the stairs yet balancing quite well with some sort of cake in hand. Both of them, at that.
“You have returned in time! Azura commends you, and so do I.”
The acolytes giggled at that, looking back and forth at where they could set down the food. “My ama wanted you to have this, well, I was going to bring you a slice-”
“And my folks told me to bring something too! They all remember you from back when-”
“Ama then said to just bring the whole cake!” At a closer look, it was a comberry cake by way of snowberries, and a mushroom quiche. 
“My warmest thanks to you and your families. I will just put these in the inner shrine, and you best be prepared. Think of what you would like to ask our Prince.”
She tried not to linger inside, to simply do what she came here for. While barely hungry, she was happy enough to weep, so she let her tears flow. That not only her acolytes but those she had known once thought about her on this day, that they would think to bring her… 
But they are just here for an education, they will leave for greener pastures as they always do, soon enough you will be left alone, shoveling snow for all time, a voice in her head spoke.
“I am never alone, as long as Lady Azura is with me,” she replied, hand to her heart.
The silence that ensued was finally broken by the howling wind.
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legendsofmyriad · 5 months
Locations of Myriad - Myriad
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Myriad is a place of wonder and mystery. Each world is overflowing with a diverse array of creatures and species, each with their own unique characteristics.
The Core - Home of The Navigator
As the initial realm of Myriad, the Core possesses consciousness, granting it the extraordinary ability to pull broken planets into its orbit and revive them. Once Bartholomew Spark settled there and immersed himself in research, it transformed into the bustling hub of the nine worlds and his cherished home. The landscape contains small islands, adorned with lush fields and dense forests, and is teeming with the earliest known fauna in Myriad.
Prosperia - Home of Stories
Home to immortal personifications, Prosperia became the first world saved by The Core. These ethereal beings are storytellers, always eager to share tales that reflect their roles, and are given the task of safeguarding and nurturing the mortals in their realm. At the heart of it all is Prosperity Palace, a central tower from which the entire world is governed. Each personification holds a slice of land surrounding the tower and tends to it in their own unique ways.
Solgarde - Home of Magic
Solgarde holds the key to Myriad’s immense power, where mages and an array of enchanting creatures can be found. The land is divided into three kingdoms, each bearing the name of one of the three siblings who established it: Celestria, Cavell, and Craeton. Celestria’s path led her to the majestic mountains in the west, where she carefully cultivated her harmonious magic and grew Eventide crystals and Imperial stones. Cavell took charge of the vast, expansive northern grasslands, where he honed the strength of formidable warriors who gained the power to sway the outcome of any conflict. In his quest for the finest soldiers in the realm, he buried Volar gems deep in the dirt, hoping to amplify their skills. The youngest sibling, Craeton, claimed the sunny lands of the east. There, he cultivated Pyracore crystals and focused on fostering diplomacy and constructing the most breathtaking cities in Solgarde.
Lucarian - Home of the Undead
Lucarian, the fourth world of Myriad, is a place where death takes on an entirely new significance. A multitude of beings call Lucarian home, from vampyres to demons, to walkers and ghosts. According to the locals, if something dies, it won’t remain dead for long. One dominant landmass composes the majority of the world, and small islands can be found along the coast. Due to the limited sunlight caused by the haze and mist, Lucarian is home to a remarkable array of protective flora. The trees have developed the ability to adapt and move, ensuring that even the slightest ray of sunlight is redirected away from those who are susceptible.
Eternity - Home of Glass
Eternity earned its name as the home of glass due to the vast expanse of sandy dunes that, under the scorching sun, transformed into massive formations of glass. Outside of the cities, the landscape transforms into a treacherous place, inhabited by terrifying monsters and roaming towns known as Drifters. Among the static cities, Azuris and Requiem stand as the governing powers. Eternity is famous not only for its hospitality but also for vector racing, an adrenaline-pumping sport where participants ride on top of moving vehicles, manoeuvring through a canyon track to collect orbs.
Aetherdril - Home of the Sun and Moon
Aetherdril is the celestial abode of the sun and moon and floats to the south of The Core. Enveloped by the ocean, this otherworldly paradise is a haven of small islands and man-made floating cities. However, amidst its beauty, there are ominous stretches of molten lava and active volcanoes. This place is home to mythical creatures like kelpies, werewolves, mermaids, dragons, and fire giants. Due to the constant movement of the floating islands, cartographers have faced great difficulties in accurately mapping Aetherdril.
Sanctus - Home of Horrors
Always draped in smoke and bathed in a crimson hue, Sanctus earned its reputation as the home of horrors following the end of the war. Once a sanctuary in Myriad, this world blossomed with lush vegetation and abundant wildlife, providing a shelter for countless evacuees and those seeking safety from brutal leaders. Towards the end of the war, Sanctus became a prime target for the enemy, and the surface was left devastated during what is now known as The Shrouded Dream. In the aftermath of the war, the planet became a breeding ground for feral monsters and beasts.
Skuld - Home of the Forest
A haven of nature, Skuld is home to the most stunning array of flora in all of Myriad. The world is predominantly covered in dense forests, but there are occasional stretches of lakes and waterfalls, their waters shimmering with a radiant blue glow. While most regions enjoy peaceful alliances and flourishing trade, there are a few villages that still bear the weight of past disagreements and still harbour deep distrusts, especially of outsiders. This place is home to a variety of forest creatures, including dwarves, elves, trolls, and other magical beings.
Delorem - Home of Industry
Delorem was the final world to be saved by The Core and hums with the sounds of industry. The dense cityscapes are the backdrop for regular rebellions against the industry families and secret heroes fighting for justice. Corporations fiercely compete to develop innovative technology and weapons, often crossing legal boundaries in their quest for dominance. Despite intervention from other worlds in the past, the harshness of Delorem remains unchanged.
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sentfromwolves · 2 years
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➺ Hey friends! Welcome to my writeblr (re)intro. If you’re new here, my name is Eran. I’m 20+, nonbinary (they/them, experimentally he/him), and not only is my sun in Virgo, so is my rising (heck). I’m from the pnw but I live in new england now, and if you ever see a key smash, I swear it was my cats. You can find out more about me here!
⊰  Let’s get some house keeping out of the way really quick! ⊱
➺ I interact from @calamityeden! If you see that username in your dms/ask box, it’s just me! 
➺ Feel free to tag me in ask/tag games! I am open to them and happy to partake. I am slow, so please don’t mind if I take my time in responding! ; w ;
➺ Never hesitate to DM or sending my asks about my wips or inquire about my tag lists. I’m also always happy to just say hi! My dms/ask box is not a scary place, I swear! I am just a slow and somewhat distracted potato.
➺ This is a strictly 18+ writeblr. Please DNI with me if you are a minor and respect my boundaries.
Ok cook, now onto the more exciting stuff. 👀✨
✧ TAGS MASTERLIST ✧ there are others but these are the important ones!
➺ 📝 my writing (woo!) 
 ➺ 💌 my graphics (double woo!) 
➺ 😤 shoutout train (for amazing writers & writing!) 
➺ 🎉 game train (for oc games/asks & answers!) 
➺ 🎑 insp tag (general inspiration for wips)
➺ 💫 shut up eran (personal thoughts, rants about writing, etc) 
➺ 📚 resource tag (!!) 
➺ 💦 you should be writing (writing memes & silly things) 
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✧ So what do I write? ✧ I write queer NA/Adult crossover fantasy. Sometimes it’s space fantasy. Sometimes it’s urban fantasy. And sometimes I get really wild and do historical fantasy too. You can check out my main projects below for a better understanding of what I’m focused on at the moment!
In any and all of my works, you can be sure to find: 
➺ Nonbinary and trans voices at the heart of the story. 
➺ Polyamorous relationships in varying shades of platonic/romantic. 
➺ Tall men who love their tiny lovers. Am I a size difference hoe? Yeah. Yep. 
➺ Soft magic systems, celestial gods, sprawling series-long plots. 
➺ Large queer diverse casts. I very rarely write anything that doesn’t have an ensemble cast involved. 
✧ While I don’t often write explicit content into my projects, I am always happy to provide a list of potential tws for each of them. ✧ Very often I will explore complex topics and sensitive issues through the lens of my characters with a lot of nuance based on my own experiences (gender identity being a major one among others), and I will always mark anything I share appropriately if they are discussing or involving sensitive issues. 
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✧ Beneath is a list of my active projects I am projecting to work on through 2022-2023! ✧ Feel free to ask about any of them, or inquire about being added to their taglists! 
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✧ BIRTHRIGHT / ENCHANTED AT EVENTIDE.  ⊰ Adult Soft Fantasy Series ⊱
In Adrien, the light of the sun is eternal, but there are whispers that once, it was not. The middle daughter of the last Lunar Celestials in the realm, Aurora spends her time avoiding would-be suitors and reading myths of lost moons and missing stars, wondering where the night has gone.
But when her eldest sibling goes missing, Aurora flees her home to find a way to bring Diana back - even if it means chasing fairytales off the edge of the world and into the unknown. The last thing she expects is the help of an arrogant planetary god, or to unravel the mysteries of Adrien's broken past only to find herself at the center of a prophecy forgotten by time itself.
Soon enough, what had once been Aurora’s quest to find Diana and bring them safely home becomes a journey that will decide the fate of all Adrien--and the rest of the shattered celestial realm of Tolemia too.
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✧ HIS BODY A BROKEN LAW.  ⊰ Nitty Gritty Urban Fantasy Duology ⊱
There’s a clock tattooed on Nemesis’s wrist, and when it reaches midnight on his 21st birthday, it will kill him.
It doesn’t help that his mother was the one who cursed him, and that the demon possessing his car ate her down to the bones before Nemesis could get her to break it. But Nemesis is nothing if not versatile, not when he’s only got a few months left until the big bad end. If a deal with the devil under the hood of his vintage car is what it takes to survive, Nemesis doesn’t mind selling what’s left of his soul.
But Judge doesn’t just want Nemesis’s soul. The demon has bigger, meaner plans than that, and he needs Nemesis’s help to see them through. After all, stealing the heart of a living city isn’t a one-man job, and for all Nemesis is cursed, he’s still the first True Witch in a generation. And with a centuries old turf war raging through the streets of the Veldt, Judge and Nemesis are going to need each other’s power if they hope to make it past every last exorcist, demon, and vengeful witch in their way―regardless of whether they can stand each other or not.
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✧ CARVE THE STARS.  ⊰ Neo 80′s Space Opera ⊱
Two hundred years after reaching the stars, it turns out that aliens are either dead, missing, or worse.
For Wren Akane, this is a fact of life that comes alongside the three golden rules: water is wet, the sky is red, and whatever came before left something behind. A mechanic of Terra-9, a backwater planet in the backdrop of a budding human nation set against a foreign set of stars, Wren doesn’t care much for the starward politics of the galaxy, but they certainly have something to say about the aliens everyone thinks are merely dead.
Unfortunately, Wren’s golden rules are shattered the moment Marek Khalid touches down on Terra-9 and challenges them to a race. A star pilot turned famous for coming back the lone survivor of the missing deep space mission of the century, Marek is nothing short of dangerous, but Wren never learned better than to play with fire when it came crawling to their door.
But being burned is the least of Wren’s worries when their life is turned upside down by an alien doorway in the desert opening again after a thousand years closed, and a sudden calling only they can hear. Drawn into an intergalactic war when their planet is sieged in search of something ancient and holy, Wren is forced to flee to the stars, where they learn that they may play a greater role in the universe than they’d ever asked for, and that now, they’re being called on to finish the job.
After all, Wren might not have won the war they started ten thousand years ago, but they’re nothing if not determined to end it once and for all.
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✧ PREY FOR THE WICKED.  ⊰ Adult Dark Fantasy Trilogy ⊱
The only thing in all of Ossia that men fear more than monsters are the red-coated hunters that slay them.
That's none of Zara's concern. As long as their coin continues to line her pockets, they can continue cowering for the rest of their years. A Marchen, Zara's life is defined by hunting and killing the beasts of the world, whether undead or divine or some hideous corruption of both.
But when Zara is hired to find out what is eating wives in an ancient forest far to the north, she is forced to work alongside a necromancer to get to the bottom of the malady in the heart of the woods. The last thing she expects is to fall into a forgotten kingdom trapped in time, or have to make an uneasy truce with the cursed wolf-headed queen that rules it to find a way to kill the evil sleeping within.
And that’s all she wrote for now! Please feel free to reach out anytime hehe! 💝
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scriptsofheaven · 2 years
Joeven Restaurant!
established by Kaleandra since 2021.
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Breakfast Package
໒ ː ── ✦ 𝑊rapping myself in the utmost fanciful divinity which is endearingly sheen from the inside and also outside, the world is in complete astonishment! (L)
𝐶landestine sententia: Disney Princesses, la vie en rose, and a cup of chamomile tea ☾⋆゜ 𝓢he is adorned in etoiles, thereupon her crescent beam lights up. (L)
♡̆̈. ✦ ℐn the merriment that she herself has been creating, the world is in awe of how dazzling she always unfolds to be when every eventides arrive here 🤍 ꧔ (L)
𝑆oaring to the seven seas, the renowned opulent figure of hers has managed to infatuate hearts of many souls intertwined with adoration 🩰˖ ࣪ ִֶָ . (L)
♡ ✦ 𝑶n top of the shimmering stage of her own world, she never fails to make each and every moment with luminous nuances, eternally 🦢 ⊹₊ (L)
Sunshine and all those glistening integers would not be able to deduct the spotlights being showered into her existence, “She is equal to a moonlit..” ♡ °˖☽ (L)
🌷 : ໑ Whilst the realm works its bewitchment into every soul that exists, her endearing presence has already allured the whole leeway like an Orchid. (L)
Content notice: works, rants, gf. All that I need is tranquility in the middle of chaos. Oh, I do have one. It's the soothing love of her. (H)
A rhapsodic quintessence of the indomitably adept artist, Heeseung. (S)
A rejoice of melody runs from his majestic strings of harmony. He is creating art unattuned of either reality or imagination. (H)
A beaming star of the heavenly realm that exists in the midst of littered souls, I am. (S)
Meticulously sprinkling 𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 amidst the frosty breeze of winter, “shall I do your 𝑠𝑒𝑡-𝑢𝑝?” (S)
Tossing the enchantment through her slender body while keeping delightness as a vlogger and influencer, Sejin. (S)
A rhapsodic quintessence of the indomitably adept artist, Heeseung. (S)
“A perpetual divine.. ” ৎ୭ ࣪˖ 𝘕ot sure whether it's the heartfelt soiree in her dwelling or the way she, Yihyun, never flames out to seize the hearts of many. (L)
as the scream echoes loudly, it rings the bell of the murky augury by Joe Köhler to work on a dark design to lavish your profile. (H)
Langgam dirinya tak luput dari atensi khalayak, sebab ia lah sang gadis dalam saduran nirwana elok bertakhta di 𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑠, Seola. (H)
“Ain't she enticing.. don't you think?” ✧ ⋆ . 𝓛ikewise, her virtues has lead her to be a lassie of benignity, with atomic divinity. Karina, of æspa. (L)
Lunch Package
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The jovial feeling of watching My School President wholeheartedly fill our souls with contentment. This time, both of us are jubilant to be invited by Nungnarong Channel in reacting the 7th episode whilst chattering about the characters and their trivia's!
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“O' my sweet pea..” 𐐒𐐚 ⁺ Have you heard my whisper to the blossoming buds in front of me? Although I might not look like I understand flower languages, at least I'm lucky to have Musinsa in my wardrobe to look like a garden fairy! Such an enticing pinkish dollete, true? ⋆ ♥︎
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Consider yourselves lucky, our Italian engenes, about the news I'm trying to resonate through my shot inside the plane right now. Soon, we will attend the Prada's Fashion Week in Milan that shall happen on the 15th of January! We'll see you soon (and surely to come back safely).
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News flash! 📸 The girls are back in the utmost divinity that has made all souls feel captivated by our recent appearance in SPUR Magazine, making the denim to be the new trend of chic and sassy girls once again. Undeniably, nobody could love jeans more than NewJeans, right? 👖💙
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“take me back to where the wonderland exist!” i was taken aback when i adhered gotwo by my hands, because the thought of my evernescent childhood days suddenly wandered inside my head. so, these shots were taken wholesomely!
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appearing funky with backward beret and orange framed glasses has added the cherry on top to our top-notch performance of hello! a fortunate bliss that sbs pd note reaped it through the camera lense.
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The end of 2022's chapter is reaching its final ode soon and I was thrilled to be invited by Sony Music KPop to talk about the Spotify Together Playlist. Luckily, I got enticing corsage before I headed out to another schedule.
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Winter and Christmas wouldn't be complete without ice board skating! Though the sun beam lights up my face endearingly, I could still feel the freeze in daylight! A woman like me is never afraid of challenges, although I fell 30 times on my ass just to play this correctly..
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loreholdlesbian · 1 year
Eventide Draft Booster Challenge
With every new released set, I like to make a custom booster pack of cards utilizing the themes and mechanics of the set, meant to play around with the themes and mechanics of the set, creating a pack of cards that one could reasonably expect to open in that set. You may notice that Eventide is a 15 year old set and is not quite “a new release”. I was playing around with weird -1/-1 counter designs, and that led me to some shadowmoor flavor, and I just got really enamored by the plane and decided to make a pack. (Funnily, not many of those weird -1/-1 counter designs made it into the pack, but c’est la vie.) And I had the time for it, since I’m skipping over the lord of the rings set since im not familiar enough with the material.
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Sorrowsfeaster BBBBB
Creature- Elemental
Trample Sorrowsfeaster enters the battlefield with a -1/-1 counter on it for each symbol in the mana costs of permanents you control that isn’t a black mana symbol. (For example, if you control a permanent that costs 2B/G and one that costs 2UU, it enters with four -1/-1 counters.)
Shadowmoor block had a lot of pip-heavy costs, as does black in general, so I thought a card like this would be a cool way to really make you go all in on black would be a fun riff on chroma, a mechanic in the set.
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Embersoul 1R
Enchantment- Aura
Enchant creature you control
Chroma- Whenever enchanted creature attacks, add R for each red mana symbol in its mana cost. Until end of turn, you don’t lose this mana as steps and phases end.
Speaking of chroma. I decided to use chroma in a way that encourages you to use it with high-pip cards, not just lots of cards, by caring about individual permanents. With the hindsight of devotion now existing, this seems a good direction to take the mechanic in.
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Bog-Raiser Hag B/GB/GB/G
Creature- Hag
When Bog-Raiser Hag enters the battlefield, creature cards in your graveyard gain retrace until end of turn.  (You may cast a card with retrace from your graveyard by discarding a land card in addition to paying its other costs.)
All bones lost to the mud are hers to play with.
This is not a card that would have existed in eventide. Only instants and sorceries had retrace (which I recently learned is because until very late in development, retrace let you cast your lands as copies of the card, and at the time only instants and sorceries could be copied.) That’s one of the big tensions with this projects; it’s based on a challenge from GDS3, so one of the big goals is to show off and do new stuff which is hard when staying bound to the set. With retrace, I erred on doing something new.
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Moonlit Path
Moonlit Path enters the battlefield tapped.
As Moonlit Path enters the battlefield, choose a color.
Whenever you cast a multicolored spell, if you spent only a single color to cast it, you gain 1 life.
T: Add one mana of the chosen color.
This land is meant as a reward for playing a monocolor deck with a lot of hybrid spells in it. I don’t think it’s super strong, but i think it’s decent enough for draft purposes, personally.
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Paranoid Brandishing W
Chroma— Target creature gets +1/+0 for each white mana symbol in its mana cost and gains first strike until end of turn.
Kithkin farm tools are always kept sharp.
Art from [[Sharpened Pitchfork]]
Here’s the last chroma card of the pack. In the theme of chroma encouraging high individual pip counts, a combat trick felt like a good common usage. If you’re able to get this on something with a triple pip it’s great, but even the bare minimum of first strike and maybe +1/+0 is fine.
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Aspect of Raven 1U
Enchantment- Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature gets +1/+1 and has flying.
Retrace (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a land card in addition to paying its other costs.)
Here’s a simpler, common appropriate usage of permanent retrace. I intend this to be part of a cycle of retrace auras. Auras have always had a card advantage problem, and retrace can help mitigate that.
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Scavenging Selkie 1U
Creature- Merfolk Rogue
1, T: Draw a card then discard a card.
1G/UG/U, Q: Return to your hand target card in your graveyard that was put there from your hand or library this turn. (Q is the untap symbol.)
Shadowmoor block used hybrid in a few ways, not just in mana costs, and I wanted to as well. This uses a weird regrowth-y effect to upgrade from looting to card draw.
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Sink into the Muck 1B
Exile up to three cards from a single graveyard.
Search your library for a basic Swamp card and put it into your hand, then shuffle.
This card is intended as part of a cycle of “cantrips” that search for the respective basic, to play up the monocolor theme and play into retrace later in the game. This particular card also acts as graveyard hate, to combat retrace.
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Pernicious Paranoia R
Enchantment- Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature attacks each combat if able.
Whenever enchanted creature deals combat damage to a player, put a -1/-1 counter on it.
-1/-1 counters running willnilly around an environment tends to make things get smaller as the game goes on, when generally magic plays better if things get bigger as the game goes on, so it can come to an end. This is why we’re unlikely to see more heavy -1/-1 counter environments. This card, I hope, helps move the game along in an odd way. They have to attack with it, so even if it gets small enough that attacking isn’t worth it, tough luck. And because it hurts the creature when it hits players, you’re encouraged to let it hit you which might make the game go a bit faster. (It also means, if it’s a lil too big to kill, you can let it through and then kill it with a blocker next turn, which I think is fun)
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Hostile Canopy 1G
Choose one-
Put a -1/-1 counter on each creature your opponents control with flying.
Creatures you control without flying get +1/+1 until end of turn.
The forest does not take kindly to those who try to escape its grasp.
Green -1/-1 counter cards are tough, since it’s not supposed to be good at killing stuff, but it can kill fliers no problem, so that felt like a good place to start. I also gave it the pump effect, cause its effect felt a bit niche for a common, and this felt like a good alternate mode.
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Candleshadow Eminence 1W/B
Enchantment- Aura
Enchant land
As long as enchanted land is a Plains, it has “T: Exile target card from a graveyard.”
As long as enchanted land is a Swamp, it has “T: Target player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.”
Here’s another card intended as part of a cycle, like the existing cycle in the set of auras that gives a reward for being color A and a different reward for color B. Same intention, but with a landier focus (and less of a reward for being multicolor, since both are tap abilities)
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Noggle Smuggler 2U/RU/R
Creature- Noggle Rogue
At the beginning of combat on your turn, target creature with power 2 or less can’t be blocked this turn.
Persist (When this creature dies, if it had no -1/-1 counters on it, return it to the battlefield under its owner’s control with a -1/-1 counter on it.)
This is another card looking to use -1/-1 counters to make the game faster. When it dies and comes back smaller, that allows it to target itself with its effect. Definitely a bend, but one I’m okay making.
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Scrappy Hobgoblin 3R/WR/W
Creature- Goblin Warrior
Scrappy Hobgoblin has double strike as long as it has a -1/-1 counter on it.
Persist (When this creature dies, if it had no -1/-1 counters on it, return it to the battlefield under its owner’s control with a -1/-1 counter on it.)
Second verse same as the first, another attempt to make -1/-1 counters move the game along. This started as a card I made months ago, but since eventide was strictly enemy colors, I switched it to R/W, and then I didn’t quite like that, so I changed it to the double strike ability you see here which plays quite similarly.
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Bramble Blade 2
Artifact- Equipment
Whenever a green creature enters the battlefield under your control, you may attach Bramble Blade to it.
Equipped creature gets +1/+1 and has trample.
Equip 2
A color reward to play into the monocolor theme, you know the drill. Probably part of a cycle of Equipment.
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Firebane Scarecrow 3
Artifact Creature- Scarecrow
Wither red (This creature deals damage to red creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters)
Its fieldsiblings fell to boggarts’ arson, but the boggarts did not laugh for long.
Part of a cycle of color hate scarecrows that all wither their respective color and have a second ability that plays against that color’s strategy. I thought this limited form of wither could be a fun evolution to it, one that I could see if wither ever came back today, and color hate was the version that made the most sense with set themes.
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hallofharmony · 2 years
OKOK my guess:
sunset eventide: dreams- it's always sunset there
grassy loam: enchantment- bc loam means soil with sand and enchantment is in a desert and it's grassy in some areas
Verdant seascape: Sanctuary- again bc it's grassy and one of the 2 areas that have ocean, the other one isn't grassy so
twilight gloaming: prophecy- bc twilight is when the sun is on the horizon and yknow "isle of dawn" this one is kinda a stretch but all i can think of lmao
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lyrics365 · 3 months
Elves of Lúva
From I shore I have known for long I heard enchanting songs Meadow was dancing By the flute and the harp The water was silent and so calm I walked to the path across the sea I walked to the place ever unseen Into the fields and the streams Beyond the land of the dreams Brif moment it took Then faded away I followed their song Followed their way Last sight of the sun Until eventide Showed me the…
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mtg-cards-hourly · 11 months
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Clout of the Dominus
Artist: Jaime Jones TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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pinespittinink · 2 years
Eran has finished up their second draft of Enchanted at Eventide and ahhhggg when I tell you I more than a few feelings by the end ;;—; bringing in fairytale tropes I love in such a divine and dedicated way.
Of course we ran out of paper while printing but tomorrow we can get some more (probably more ink for good measure) but then I’ll be able to do red pen edits! And then they can query! And I’m so PUMPED!!
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thecornwall · 2 years
Cornwall’s Random Card of the Day #477: Gift of the Deity
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Gift of the Deity is a common from Eventide.
So, this was part of a supercycle of ten “god enchantments” which gave +1/+1 and an ability for being one colour and +1/+1 and another ability for being another colour. Since Shadowmoor was the hybrid block, so many creatures were two-colour, so these were all really good and also taught me to put enchantment removal into decks that could take em, cause otherwise enchantments are super overpowered. This one gives both the ability to make everything block it and also the ability to kill everything blocking it(provided you have enough power, but let’s face it, you do). It was therefore VERY expensive compared to the rest of its cycle, since it essentially becomes a 2-for-Entire-Board.
Now, black and green got access to Regenerate back then, so you could likely even keep the creature and aura when it attacked if it was both those colours. Even nastier. Obscure trivia: this is the ONLY instance of Deathtouch in Shadowmoor block, normally being replaced by Wither, which does much the same thing but is a specific block mechanic. But this one needed the Deathtouch to really do what it was supposed to, so it got it.
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eventidedaydreamer · 4 years
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I was at my aunts house and I wasn’t doing much and there were six people there besides me so I did another one 
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countessaustelle · 2 years
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: In which the abyss prince visits you on a quiet midnight, after years of you waiting for his presence in vain.
Sequel: Redamancy (to be written)
Relationship(s): abyss prince! aether x reader (romantic)
Tags: angst, secret balcony meetings, reunion after years, established relationship.
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The rise of eventide moon,
When all dwellers come to swoon,
The phonograph sweeps your heart attune,
The disk pirouettes to Clair De Lune,
A peaceful evening ensued,
Until a pair of stranger's steps on your balcony tuned,
Sneaking up to that scheming buffoon,
Unaware of fate's plan that takes place soon,
The door swivels open.
The stranger's cape flutters with the wind.
"You are—!"
The stranger's harsh eyes shift to bewilderment upon descrying your figure. It was unclear why, whether it was because they have been caught, or was it because they were caught by you, especially.
A closer look was all it took for you to know the answer. Your eyes widen.
Shock slowly simmers down to indifference. His golden eyes narrow, devoid of any sheen.
His lips part, closes, till he speaks again. His voice is hushed as he says, "I'm—I'm terribly sorry, did I wake you?"
Your heartbeat races, bating out of your ribcage in desperateness to grasp the elusive memory his voice allures.
Memories of that enchanting evening flooded your vision.
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A man sat at the balcony's balustrade, clutching your palm and looking intently into your eyes.
You found your heart putty in his hands with every word he let go.
"I will cherish you until all the stars cease to glow."
With your thumb caressing his cheek and him feeling the skin of your waist after admitting you loved him back, the promise he made was sealed with a sloppy kiss.
You met him every midnight thereafter. He would knock gently on your balcony door, a handsome smile etched on his face whilst taking your hand to plant a kiss and whispering, "good evening, my love" before inquiring about your day.
He'd bring a bouquet of flowers with him sometimes. Often, he'd bring a music disk to play on the phonograph for you two to slow dance to as you both stumble, laughter erupting afterwards.
Some nights, he'd simply hold you close.
"Thank you for letting me to love you like this," he'd whisper, brushing his fingers along your hair, a warm kiss making its mark on your forehead.
"I'll see you tomorrow night once more, so please, wait for me."
Simple gestures they were, and yet they had you floating on cloud nine, believing that these secret midnight meetings were tailor made by the kismet—threads of every fleeting moment for sewing memories that would last for eternity.
You loved each other every night as if you would never get to love again by daylight.
Until it was true.
The clock's hand ticked three, mockingly signifying the three hours of waiting you've done in vain.
"How unusual, he's not usually this late." Holding your now-cold drink between palms, you whispered to yourself, "I suppose waiting a little longer won't hurt."
Perhaps it didn't.
One night without him didn't forebode the end of the world. You carried on with your daily life, ambling over the same balcony every moonrise, like a never ending loop.
However, after a month of seeing the sun rise above the mountains and never seeing his blonde hair, you realized something was amiss.
Maybe this time, you would always say. Maybe this time...
But nothing.
The turmoil in your heart grew.
Winter eventually came around.
Frigid clouds spilled from your breaths, falling snow crystals bedecked your hair—you wished it was his gloved hand draping over your hair instead.
You wished he was here, long finished the hot drink you've prepared that had now gone cold, while telling you of the lovely sights he had seen in his ventures.
You wished he was here greeting you with "good evening, my love" once more, ambling to the comfort of your bed and lips meeting yours.
"He's not here again tonight," you muttered, disappointed, nothing out of the ordinary, looking down the empty road beneath your lonely terrace.
You supposed you had long been aware of it anyway, of the troubles that could possibly arise because you had made your adoration for the Prince of the Abyss known.
Perhaps you were simply in denial, stubbornly refusing to accept the reality laid right before you; or perhaps, it was him that kept you from fully embracing it.
"I will cherish you until all the stars cease to glow."
His promise had never sounded so shallow, senseless and untrue.
You tried to understand. Making enemy of the whole world, you were cognizant of the prospect that he may never return.
But even so, you waited, and waited, and waited again. The morning breeze grew cold after years of disappointment, but the midnight breeze was even colder without his presence gracing your balcony.
You waited nonetheless.
But he never returned.
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You lived without him for several years, yet you never managed to fully immerse yourself in that foreign lifestyle. You awaited his arrival every night, but he never came.
But now that he's genuinely in front of you, you're perplexed, your defenses non-existent.
Why just now?
"N-not at all," is all you manage, stricken by incredulity. "Truthfully, I haven't gone to bed yet."
Where have you been?
"I see..." his eyes scatter everywhere but to meet yours. "You're up rather late tonight. May I know what for?"
What for? his voice echoed, each repeat resounding a more sardonic tone than the former. What did he mean by 'what for?' Did he not meet you around this time every night before?
The luminous moonlight bathes his entire face, allowing you to catch a glimpse of his golden eyes, which are bereft of the affection you recalled they held.
And that's when you realize.
His eyes carry remnants of a stranger's gaze.
You must look stupid, hopeful eyes contrasting his indifferent expression. Your lips part but what of it when your voice was dead.
You hope that this is all a dream and he'd pull you in for a hug already, assuring that it was all a bad dream, a wicked prank, but you knew he was never one to make such sinister jokes.
It's painful. It hurts so much.
Everything erodes at time's behest. You are not different, not a subject to reality's clemency.
Is there truly no more adoration left in his heart? Is that why he left? What caused him to change?
Despite this, his face remains the same as before. Young, unblemished, a remainder of the man that you once loved, but is now the reason why you are lost.
You still cherish him, even if he doesn't. You treasure him and all of your memories of him.
"I will cherish you until all the stars cease to glow."
He made the promise, how come you were the one who fulfilled it?
"I'll see you tomorrow night once more, so"
"...please, wait for me."
The moon casts its glow on you.
He hasn't told you straight that he no longer loves you, has he?
Perhaps this was one of your many naive premonitions again. A baseless hope. But if there's even a small possibility that he still cherishes you—
"I was waiting for you," you solemnly confess, "As I have been doing every night for all these years."
—you are willing to put up with a little more years.
Your heartfelt response, unbeknownst to you, tears him apart completely.
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Note: Finally done AAAAA. This fic wasn't meant to be this long, I got carried away ueueueue.
Me: Finally done, I can finally post— *remembers that I still have to make his banner* or not. (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
Oh, and there will be a sequel to this and it's going to be in the same series with the Origin fic I posted about Xiao. Keep an eye out, lovely people (。・ω・。)ノ♡
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