appendingfic · 18 days
Still one of my favorite scenes in Schitt's Creek is the "fold it in" scene
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big-daddy-moth · 7 months
🤎✏️ [ it would be criminal not to show this man, hello, ]
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soboomzen · 2 years
From since Turkey cheif Zouhair Vu Sur Facebook Pour Vous Bœuf haché assaisonné pour la recette Taco Pasta ShellsCOMMENT FAIRE DES COQUILLES DE PÂTES REMPLIES DE TACO PRÉPARATION. Préchauffer le four à 350°F degrés.Chef ZouhairLE BŒUF HACHÉ. Cuire le boeuf haché dans une grande poêle jusqu’à ce qu’il ne soit plus rosé. Vidanger la graisse. Ajouter l’eau et l’assaisonnement pour tacos et…
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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National Bean Day 
Because National Bean Day on January 6 falls in the middle of winter, it’s the perfect excuse to cook a favorite comfort food. Wondering why National Bean Day is held on January 6? That’s the same day as the famous geneticist, Gregor Mendel, died in 1884. Mendel used bean plants and pea plants to develop theories on genetics in plants. So the formation of National Bean Day has more to do with scientific development than how good bean recipes taste. But don’t let that deter you from enjoying eating beans on this holiday!
National Bean Day timeline
7000 B.C. Ancient Beans
The native tribes of Peru and Mexico cultivate bean crops.
1551 New Varieties
The term ‘kidney bean’ is coined to differentiate the bean type from other common beans.
1734 Jack and the Beanstalk
The English fairy tale about a boy who discovers magic beans appears as 'The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean.'
1854 Two Peas in a Pod
Father of genetics Gregor Mendel conducts research experiments on heredity using different varieties of peas.
National Bean Day Activities
Attend a Chili Cook-off Competition
Perfect your own baked beans recipe
Come up with a bean-related craft idea
Beans certainly aren’t the only ingredient in chili. But as any serious chili cook knows, finding the right beans is the key to make or break your recipe. The first chili cook-off took place in 1967 in Texas, so cooks have had plenty of time to perfect their techniques … and find the best kinds of beans to use. And if you like vegetarian chili, beans will be the primary ingredient.
If chili is one of the most popular bean-based foods for people to create their own recipes, creating a personalized baked beans recipe is a close second. So don’t be afraid to experiment with some baked beans recipes on National Bean Day. Try a few different types of beans or add some different ingredients to give your baked beans recipe a unique flavor. And, if it helps, you can even sing the “magical fruit” song while cooking your recipe.
Dried beans are great in recipes, but they also work really well for creating craft and art projects for kids. For example, you could create a mosaic that includes a variety of seeds and different sizes and colors of beans. This can be a lot of fun for kids. And bean art puts macaroni art to shame, especially on National Bean Day.
Why We Love National Bean Day
There are so many different kinds of beans to try
Beans are an economical source of protein
Beans aren’t just for dinner
If you choose to celebrate National Bean Day by trying a few different kinds of beans, you’ll have a whole bunch of them to sample. Green string beans, pinto beans, navy beans, black beans, and red kidney beans are among the most popular types of beans grown in the United States.
If you’re looking to save a bit of money on your food bill, beans are among the most cost effective foods you can eat. And if you’re looking for a source of protein that’s quite a bit cheaper than beef or chicken, beans are the answer. A cooked bean’s weight is between 6% and 11% protein.
Some kinds of beans are best served for dessert. Jelly beans are one of the most popular candies around. Heck, there’s even a chili flavor of Jelly Belly jelly beans. And Boston Baked Beans are great candies too. Even though jelly beans and the candy-coated peanuts that make up Boston Baked Beans aren’t the same as traditional beans, they still taste great. So go ahead and eat some candy beans on National Bean Day.
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if i eat enough spicy food do you think it will combat the illness
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pawzunyan · 2 years
just remembered Im go get dinner with coworkers again today!!!!! Wooo!!!!
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thestarsloth · 4 months
Pjo Headcanons (with jason alive and well)
Leo and Piper Iris message Hazel in camp jupiter ALL THE TIME
Piper is a huge sweet tooth but for some reason drinks her coffee black (not bc of all the not like other girls vibes she kinda gave, i just have this feeling)
Leo LoVEs iced tea (??? idk why)
Rachel and Hazel always meet up to draw and paint
Rachel and percy are bffs
Rachel ALWAYS wears the brightest neon colors, and at some point she got percy to do that too
Grover and Percy are always have enchilladas when they eat (grover is percys ultimate bff you can fight me)
Rachel Leo and Piper make earrings all together
Jason at some point wore heart shaped glasses
Plus he always has his nails painted by piper (platonic or romantic, idk and idc)
Frank and Hazel have matching blankets or sleeping bags
Reyna Hazel and Piper sword fight together
Annabeth and Piper read together and study about Ancient Greece
Annabeth lets Piper braid her hair (and sometimes dye it)
Hazel LOVES dressing piper up with vintage clothing
Frank and Grover do volunteer work together (mainly wildlife things)
Piper did teach annabeth and hazel surfing
The Seven's and nico and reyna's walls are decorated with polaroids of all of them
They all bring Coach Hedge cupcakes avery month
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thewalkingcigarette · 3 months
What does it mean to be a waste of space?
I used to believe purpose was inane. I wandered through halls unseen, ghosting my way between the girls bathroom and my older sister’s parked car. She kept it locked even though it was a safe town. I would wait in front of it for hours. When will you take me home?
I used to be invisible. Formless. I was space itself. Sometimes, I still slip into the walls, my mouth soundless, ears unhearing. In junior year I had a particularly hard time. Loneliness smelled like dirt and spring heat. I lost many hours in school, but no one seemed to mind much. I was responsible enough. My mom would find me curled in bed, still shivering from a cold shower, soft breaths escaping as I slept through sunlight.
What does it mean to take up space?
My father yells at me at a quarter past noon. Get out of bed. Clean up these cans. Bring the mugs back into the kitchen. You smell like cigarettes. It smells like weed in here. You’re just wasting space. I fall back asleep. Soundless. Non-existent. Unpercieved. Quiet. Wordless. Bodiless. Dreaming of people, fingers, places, positions, sex, death, blood, voices, alarm clocks, homework, and middle school.
Sometimes I act ignorant to get away with how I feel. No, I haven’t been drinking. No, I haven’t been smoking. No, I feel fine. I feel fine. I never lie. I convince myself of these things when they leave my mouth. It’s soundless. A whisper underneath my tongue. I am not a child. I am not a child. If I could remove anything, I’d take a scalpel to my navel. Bury my kidneys. Say goodbye to my liver. Pluck out my uterus. Smear my mouth with red. Taste pink. Taste undigested enchillada. Thank you for cooking mother.
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Diary for today so I can hold myself accountable and not overeat.
Breakfast: nothing
Lunch: nothing
Dinner: 2 Enchilladas (336)
Snacks: 2 Werther's Originals (44)
Exercise: Sitting workout cus my body hates me. (-150)
Food: 380
Exercise: -150
Total: 230
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rarijackistheshit · 2 years
Yay button! Tell me all about the Catra Christmas Carol plx!
Tw: Nothing of this will make sense if you don't read the story first. So go ahead:
There. Have you read it? Good. So...
On one hand, not much to tell, just another f*****g retelling of a tale old as time. I hadn't really been writing anything for ages and this was just something I found easy to do.
On the other, it was a very fun experience, I enjoyed writing it very much. The name was pretty much the starting point, with the three C's in a row. And with Catra being the major villian along with her redemption arc made her more or less the only scrooge possible.
Shadow Weaver as Marley was also clear from the start. Now that I think about it, Scorpia would have worked as well, if I wanted to go a bit more xlose to the original... but on the other hand, who wants dead scorpia?
The plot about the melting pot is stolen from Peer Gynt, but it feels a bit OOC for Shadow Weaver to be so remorseful, but... she is dead and she has seen more than us mortals so... eh. But it was a stretch, and a step away from the main plot.
What to include more then... Well, the three ghosts was a must, that was more about who fit which where. Christmas past is always Jiminy Cricket for me, and that was the reason for the first ghost being Angella. Swift Wind as present was more of an ass pull, but I hadn't written him in a while so... he's there because I wanted to. (Also, I wanted to have an annoyed Catra.)
When it came to make Mara/She-ra the third... To use her was pretty clear from the start. I wanted to do something different. Something a bit more light, and then throw in a twist. I'm as bad as that director we don't mention... oroginally it was supposed to be DT but they're not that sinister. Prime is evil enough. And Mara had to show up at the end. My constant pre-reader Bagge suggested more focus on the choice and that Catra had time left to change. I was going for something else but as usual, his suggestion was better.
Well, Catras life... having Hordak as her boss and Prime as some sort of etheral judge... Perhaps not the best match, but you know what, my fanfic, my rules.
Scorpia as the nephew, AND tiny Tim? Of course. I try to keep the cast restricted, and I couldn’t really see Frosta there.
Catras childhood, I went for "poor, strict but fair and Catra doesn't get it." Maybe it low hanging fruit, but the idea of never wanting to be poor again felt like it suited Catra, and.as in the show, she takes it to the extreme. Lonnie is my favourite supporting carachter and I want her in.my work a.m.a.p. and if she's there, so is Kyle and Rodge
Originally, Lonnie was to be the sole friend, but to not include Adora? Really? Of course not. The childhood friend turned rival had to be there, but to go the full enchillada and do Catradora felt like to much. Hence Glimmer. She kinda doubles as a high class person, someone Catra would look for as a sign of her status. It's not explicit, but part of Catras quest for power is to show Glimmer that she has enough to provide for someone like her. Also, Glimmer is much better as neglected gf. More drama. Now, is Angella her mother? Who knows?
As with 99% of all She-Ra fanfics, shipping has to be there. Scrooge did once have a fiancee, Catra still has one.
Originally, chapter one was written more ambiguously since I couldn't make up my mind if Glimmer or Adora was the LI. But as soon as I had chapter 2 written I knew.
Huntara was originally mermista but her voice didn't fit the part. Also, I have huge problems separating her and.Sea-Hawk.
(I also have enormous problems separating Glimmer and BOW. Making him.Glimmers pet felt a bit like a cop out, but come on! He HAS to be in her life!)
I have a few regrets. I threw in madam Razz mostly.because I wanted to,.and her part feels a bit unnecessary. I also feel I missed the opportunity to use her as spirit of Christmas past, it would make her later appearance so much better. But that's how it is when you make shit up as you write.
It annoys me I forgot to write what happened to Lonnie but... You know what, your idea of what happened to her is probably better than mine.
I think that was all?
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lichotnyubeznik · 11 months
Ozvěny v mezihvězdném prostoru
Probouzíš se s trhnutím v sedačce. Zašmátráš v batohu po lécích a loknutím je zapiješ. Je slyšet tlumený hlukot motorů, protřeš si prokřehlé ruce. V kabině letadla je přítmí - jste pořád nad oceánem.
Číst se nedá. Zkoušíš zase několik stránek, pdfko na čtečce, úmorná meziválečná beletrie. Je v angličtině. Mělo to být rychlé čtení, chtěl jsi jí slupnout v letadle. Budeš ji číst ještě další tři týdny.
Číst se nedá, všichni kolem tebe hledí do displejů v sedačkách, sledují filmy. Průzorem před sebou vidíš starší ženskou. Dívá se na romcom s Julií Robertsovou a Hugh Grantem. Zvuk neslyšíš a film jsi neviděl, ale z hýbajících se obrázků jsi vyrozumněl, že ona je slavná herečka a on chudý knihkupec s potrhlými kamarády. Dějištěm je New York. Slavná herečka z nějakého důvodu s knihkupcem začíná chodit. Mají idylku. Nepříjemní paparazziové. Při natáčení historického filmu z viktoriánského období si herečka zapomíná vypnout náslech. Knihkupec ve sluchátku zaslechne, co si o něm opravdu myslí. Peripetie. Knihkupec se slavné herečce vyhýbá. Krize je na závěr překonána, šlo o nedorozumění, ústřední dvojice tak skončí spolu: on si čte knihu na lavičce, ona mu leží v náručí a má břicho. Titulky.
Starší ženská, má prošedlé vlasy, vypne displej. Vytáhne notýsek a začne si propiskou dělat poznámky.
"Eliáš, Zj."; "Lot"
"Sára potratila Efrajma"
"Josef potratil Rebeku"
"Ráchel potratila Marii"
"Izajáš potratil Ezechiel"
Nalistuje další stránku, kterou nadepíše "Poslední večeře v domě hostů."
Pak rozepíše seznam: "Kale salad, tomato salsa, guacamole, fritatas, enchilladas, veggie tortillas," v ten moment se zamyslí, poklepe několikrát propiskou na stránku a dopíše "beef, chicken, bean tortillas".
Pustí si další film. Je o čtyřech hispánských sestrách, jejich otec je proslulý kuchař, ale přijde o chuť. Sestry mají milostné peripetie. Film se odehrává v amerických středostavovských interiérech a otcem rodiny je bílý herec.
Pilot oznamuje, že začínáte klesat na letiště. Z oken nevidíš, a tak na svém displeji aspoň rychle načítáš satelitní mapu. Opravdu, jste už nad Amerikou. Žena se rozhodla vyždímat z palubní televize, co to dá, a pouští si "Comfort Cooking with Javier", což je, jak s pobavením zjisťuješ, pohledný prošedlý muž, který přišel v lokti o ruku. Jednu z vařeček tak vždy svírá hákem a ty nedokážeš odtrhnout pohled. Obdivuješ mistrnou režii: scény jsou akorát tak vyvážené, aby to vypadalo, že s hákem lze skoro všechno přidržet, nakrájet a zamíchat, ale zároveň do scény vstupují nápomocní hosté, když by bylo potřeba sbalit tortilu, uhníst karbanátek, zkrátka chmatat tou morbidní končetinou na jídlo.
Letadlo začíná prudce klesat, natahuješ krk a ty konečně něco vidíš, vidíš dálnice s nesmyslným počtem pruhů, vidíš sklady s hromadami palet, vedení natažené v ulicích. Vidíš Ameriku. Jseš zase tady. Letadlo s sebou práskne na zem.
Pamatuješ, jak jsi přiletěl poprvý. Nebylo to poprvý v Severní Americe, bylo to poprvý v USA. V anonymním koridoru vysela jejich vlajka, stars and stripes se vším svým patosem. Koupil sis v automatu pepsi a podivoval ses nad tím, že půllitrová lahev tu má šest set mililitrů. Těšíš se, až si dáš zase tuhle pepsi.
Vyjdeš z kloubu, přes prosklenou stěnu vidíš svoje letadlo, působí hrozivě, vidíš bílé runwaye letiště, na horizontu vidíš přízračnou linii města věží, fantasmagorické panorama Manhattanu.
Let byl zpožděný, na přestup je málo času. Nad vstupem do anonymní letištní haly visí pomačkaná vlajka. Nedokážeš říct, jestli je to dobré znamení. Míříš k celnici, žmouláš pas s vízem a vstupní formulář, jseš nervózní. "Keutr ajn", vyhrkne černá sekuriťačka. Zmateně se koukáš. Ona ti pohled opětuje, po vteřině se zeptá "where's your flight from?", ale nepočká na odpověď a zavolá do fronty za tebou: "does anyone speaks English here? Counter nine!" Zamíříš k přepážce číslo devět.
Letiště: prostor ne-prostor, absolutní topos globalizace, topos postmoderny, topos neoliberalismu. Všechna stejná, všechna nijaká, proteovský prostor v permanentní přestavbě, "temporary closed", "out of order". Bloudíš sem a tam, na navazující let dobíháš s vyplazeným jazykem, v letadle si sedáš vedle asertivního padesátníka, který pořád nespokojeně pochrchlává a nesouhlasně pokašlává, na krajinu pod váma odmítavě vrtí hlavou. Máš skloněnou hlavu a strašnou žízeň, nestihl sis koupit pepsi.
Provinční letiště T. F. Greena. Den byl dlouhý a ty seš už unavený, i když tady je slunce stále vysoko na nebi, tady jseš už na jiné planetě, s jinými oběžnicemi a jinýmí astronomickými jevy. Poznáváš to tu. Je to země Narragansettů, země mrazu, samoty a smutku. Chodíš po letišti sem a tam, potřebuješ chcát, nikde nemůžeš najít automat s 600ml půllitrovou pepsi. Nepotkáváš ani žádné duchy. Zatím.
Voláš si uber. Veze tě hispánec, je to jak jízda ve 3 ráno, ty už máš dost, hudba hraje nahlas, ale on chápe, že ti má dát pokoj. Nemáš ještě americký telefon, jsi bez wifi, nemůžeš ani nikomu napsat. Běží klimatizace a tobě je strašná zima, zatímco koukáš na rozpálený a vybledlý asfalt 6proudé výpadovky. Sunete se mezi kamiony s dlohými kapotami a pick-upy, pneumatiky mají v úrovni tvých očí. Čteš dopravní cedule, rychlost je v mílích, Providence a Pawtucket rovně po I 95, Massachussets po I 195, Lincoln po silnici 146.
V tomhle máš být tedy další rok. Budeš tu sám, všechny si zase opustil a odměnou ti je samota. Bar v Praze, svítí oranžové žárovky, pozoruješ led ve sklenici a lehkým zatřesením ruky ho roztočíš, dívku jsi zaujal, "kámo, fakt máš tohle stipendium?", je dost hezká. Polní tráva! Celý léto ses chvástal a teď nevíš, jestli je ještě den nebo noc, nevíš, co bude zítra, nevíš ani, kde schladit žízeň, víš ale, že domov neuvidíš, že ho neuvidíš dost dlouho, staré rodiče uvidíš o rok blíž hrobu, děti kamarádů o rok dospělejší, přitom ještě včera jen stačilo natáhnout ruku, všechno, co znáš, bylo na konečcích tvých prstů, na jazyku, mohls zavadit rukou, mohls říkat a slyšet, mohl ses těšit, ne tak tady, tak zase za rok.
Rok je dlouhá doba - od Vánoc do Vánoc, od léta do léta, rok se chodí do školy, ale na začátku roku, s prvním dnem školy, jsou letní prázdniny nekonečně daleko, jsou v budoucnosti, až po Vánocích a narozeninách, Země mezitím musí obletět po oběžnici celé Slunce, musí v černotě, chladu a samotě vesmíru urazit miliardu kilometrů, to není jen tak, mít prázdniny, 6 na dvacátou prvou tun rychlostí 30 tisíc kilometrů za vteřinu, to celé 365 dní, kdepak, než odtud vypadneš, to bude astronomický výkon! A tak ti začíná být těžce na srdci, cítíš ten kámen v žaludku, vidíš kolem sebe a pod sebou tu černou prázdnotu, podlamují se ti nohy i v sedě, a máš vztek, máš vztek na svoje bombastický ambice, bylo fajn se chvástat, ale teď už to může skončit, co je špatnýho na tom bejt ve svym rodnym městě, moct chodit na rodné výlety a vídat se s rodnými kamarády?
Přerývavě dýcháš, zatímco tě auto unáší 6proudou dálnicí do středu města, a když si vzpomeneš, žes nesehnal ani tu blbou pepsi, tiše, tak, aby tě řidič vozu neslyšel, zavzlykáš.
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mytinderfails · 11 months
today's date: Kenzie
Has her own business in a medical field, awesome brown eyes behind some designer frames, great sense of humor, excellent stories about people and situations, open-minded and loves when someone can debate with her respectfully. And has the most delightful cleavage that made its way out during the conversation over enchilladas. Someone I'd gladly undergo physical torture for in order to have a chance with, she's truly a high bar set and she said I was a pretty good person also. This person excited me on all levels.
And faith is high on her list, so much so that if someone doesn't go to the same church as her she won't consider them for romance. "I want to have someone I can pray with and hold hands with at church," she said, having come to the restaurant after the service (since today is Sunday). I respect all of that but it's not my bag, so early on I knew the goal could not be reached. Had a great conversation nonetheless.
For your consideration, here are two details she told me about her personal life: First, she's been celibate for the last seven years; second, her last relationship lasted five years and ended sometime last year. Hmm, add that up and I feel sorry for THAT guy...
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poly-eats · 1 year
Cantina Laredo
River: Last night, Jon and I went on a date! And that means it's time for some good food. Tonight's restaurant of choice was Cantina Laredo at the Mall of America, a self-described "Taste of Modern Mexico." Their dinner menu, which includes things like soups, tapas, tacos, fajitas, and enchilladas, as well as lots of fruity drinks, tequilas, and mezcals, seemed interesting and, despite me having been to the Mall many times before and passing by this very restaurant, I'd never tried it until now, so we thought it was perfect for a post-Spencer's-shopping-trip date idea.
When we got there, it was relatively quiet, though it was a Wednesday night, so that wasn't too weird. We got sat at a table in the corner with very pretty appetizer plates! Actually, the whole restaurant was decorated very nicely, with a classy, dark wood theme throughout and some woven baskets and other wall-hangings to give it some flair.
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Our first dish was a classic tortilla chips and dip. I forgot to ask what was in it, as I like it very much, but if I had to take a guess, I'd say there were some kind of beans, chilies, cilantro and maybe some garlic in it.
This dish however, was where we ran into a main problem with the restaurant that was absolutely no fault of theirs. For those of you who do not know, there are some people with a gene that makes cilantro taste not like the yummy staple of Mexican cooking that it is, but more like getting your mouth washed out with a bar of soap, and, unfortunately, Jon has been cursed with this trait. That would have been fine, had we actually remembered to ask our waiter for no cilantro on things. So unfortunately, a large chunk of Jon's night was spent picking cilantro off of his food, and this dip, which I liked very much, was kinda off-limits to him, unfortunately. Again, I want to stress that it's no fault of the restaurant, we just forgot to make them aware of this.
Dragon Fruit Fresca
River: Anyway, Jon's going to tell you about the drink he got! I usually don't get anything since I'm the designated driver between us, but I get to have small sips of whatever cocktail he tries. In this case, it was the Dragon Fruit Fresca, a mix of Casamigos Blanco Tequila, Monin Dragon Fruit Syrup, fresh lime juice, and Fever-Tree Sparkling Grapefruit, for a price of $15.
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Jon: Good drink! Much Fruit! Now, back to River with the food.
River: T...that's your whole review? Maybe I shouldn't make you be designated driver and I review drinks instead...
Jon: Okay, okay... In all seriousness, the drink was tasty, and the alcohol wasn't very noticeable (most alcohol tastes like how rubbing alcohol smells to me). I was a little disappointed by the amount, as the glass was mostly filled with ice, and that's a little sad for $15
River: I would agree, the lime masked the bite of the tequila well, which allowed it to be a smooth, tropical drink. I tend to not like lime as much, so it wasn't exactly my kind of drink, but I think that it was well-put-together and, had I liked lime more, I think I would have maybe stolen this one from him.
Anyway, as he said, onto the food!
Chicken Nachos
River: The first dish we ordered was the nachos, and, full disclosure, this was a lot more fancy than I thought it would be, since I was expecting something like the greasy pile of chips, cheese, meat, and other toppings in a basket that I served at my last job. Being on the tapas section of the menu, however, it makes sense that they would be more bite-sized and more refined. These had three options; one for $9.50 with no meat, one with grilled chicken (which we got) for $15, and the most expensive option at $17, which included fire-charred skirt steak.
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I was pretty happy with the grilled chicken ones. They had a layer of refried beans hidden under the melted cheese that I didn't even notice until Jon pointed it out to me which added some nice flavor, and on top there was a nicely-seasoned slice of chicken, some refreshing diced tomatoes, and, of course, Jon's nemesis, cilantro. They also came with scoops of sour cream, guacamole, and some sliced jalapeños. I especially liked them with the sour cream, and they were a nice starter, and I got to take some home with me for lunch today! I'm also a bit of a "good plating" nerd, so the construction of this dish made my brain very happy.
Jon: As mentioned prior, I have a genetic bias against anything with cilantro (which sucks, as I now cannot call myself a true human trashcan who will eat anything put in front of me), but despite this (and a few minutes of picking off the cilantro), they were pretty good! My only real complaint is the amount we got for the price (I'm stingy by nature, though, so take that with a grain of salt).
Chicken Enchiladas with Beans and Rice
River: Just recently at work I got introduced to the magic that is creamy poblano enchilada sauce, as we made a version for our customers, so when I saw that the menu had, as they describe it, "Pulled chicken enchiladas, monterey jack, with sour cream poblano sauce," I knew I had to try it.
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As you can see, I got the option with two enchiladas for $13 (you can get a third for another $3), which isn't bad based on just how much food there was on the plate. I don't know if this picture really does it justice, but a problem (or a bonus, depending on how you look at it) that we had were that all of our plates were enormous, especially Jon's, which you'll see in a bit. We ended up taking home two full takeout boxes, so really, it's like you're getting two dinner's worth of food for the price of one. In terms of taste, the enchiladas were very smooth and rich, and not overly-soggy. The sauce was mild but flavorful, and my only complaint would be that I was struggling to pick it up cleanly with my fork, which made it a bit messy (though that could be just an enchilada thing in general).
The rice is fairly good, it wasn't mind-blowing, but it was definitely better than my attempts at making mexican rice at home. It was subtley tomato-y without being too overpowering, and was a nice side dish. The beans, however, were very good, and I guess I've just never had good refried beans before, because I've always pictured them as being soggy and gritty, but these ones were neither. They were smooth and were topped with cheese, and went very well on our leftover tortilla chips. Overall, I would absolutely get this again, and I'll probably have the leftovers for lunch.
Grilled Steak Fajita Burrito
Jon: I can actually rate this one fairly, as the cilantro was only a garnish!
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The rice was pretty good! I personally prefer my rice to stick, but overall, pretty good rice! The beans were pretty good refried beans, I just wish it had a bit more mozzarella (What can I say, I'm a whore for cheese). The main dish, the Steak Fajita Burrito, however, was an honest shocker. I was expecting something similar to what you would probably make at home, just with fancier ingredients. What I wasn't expecting was a monster of a burrito, slathered in a delicious cheese sauce with a wonderful kick of spiciness inside. And it was no slouch with the steak either, the whole thing was packed with it! I would have eaten it all if I wasn't told to save some space for dessert (I am eating the leftovers as I type this, it's even good cold).
My only issue is that, when ordering it, you have to specify that you want the burrito, NOT the fajita. The menu has this placed under the 'Burrito' section, with its name being 'Grilled Steak Fajita,' and there's also a fajita section with steak fajitas. Everything in the burrito section has fajita in the name, so be sure to specify, so as to not confuse the waiter!
Overall, with the sides and the massive size of it, definitely worth the $17 price!
River: Finally, we had one of my favourite desserts that I have to get every time I see it on a menu, flan! For those who don't know, it's a mexican caramel custard dessert, and the texture is a mix of jell-o and egg tart filling. I am a huge texture person and a lot of the way I experience and enjoy food is by how it feels in my mouth, and flan always feels so soft and luscious, it's great. This version was no exception to that high praise, and at just $8, I'd definitely get it again!
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Jon: I had never had Flan before, so I was pretty excited with how much River had been hyping it up! The texture was nice and smooth, and it tasted pretty good! It's not my favorite dessert by a longshot, but i'll happily eat it again!
In Conclusion...
River: I'd say this is a fantastic restaurant with good food and reasonable prices. We spent about $90 there including a tip, and I think that's good given that it was a fun date and with the amount of leftovers we got out of it. I'd absolutely come back here again to try some more food, such as the Sopa de Tortilla ($6.50 cup/$10 bowl), the Pescado Tacos ($14.50 for 2/$16 for 3), the Carne Asada ($25), or the other yummy-sounding desserts like the Mexican Apple Pie or Mango Tres Leches (both $8.50). I'd definitely recommend it to someone who has a taste for quality mexican food that's a bit higher-end, or just anyone who likes flan like me.
Jon: I agree! Although I say some of it is a bit overpriced (Over a dollar per nacho!!), the food is good enough to warrant many return visits in the future! Will definitely have to try the 'Cancun' next time I'm there!
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me-am-nacho · 1 year
i am stealing your boobs
pay me to steal your boobs
this costs no mony
i give free enchillada if you going for transmasc surgury
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veteranmortal · 2 years
tagged by @dwellordream
favorite time of the year: I like Spring but I’m also a big fan of that bit of Winter where its so cold it hurts to breathe and the sky is startlingly blue and featureless.
comfort food: i really enjoy baking. the actual eating of the baked good is less important. enchilladas r also a good time
favorite drinks: those weird cold coffees u can buy in a can at the shops are real good. other than that i mostly drink diet coke, which is bad. 
do you collect anything: Pins, little animal figurines, books, i have like 2-3 piece of railway scrap metal i took from various trainyards i have been to. 
current song on repeat: Zolita’s “Somebody I fucked once”
favorite fic: this is sorta hard to determine. this old house, maybe?
favorite video game: currently absolutely addicted to the hitman trilogy but like, in general i think its probably skyrim.
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pawzunyan · 2 years
being around the worst fucking people on earth is ok sometimes because my mom atleast makes good enchilladas.
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