#end grain veneer
furnituremontana · 2 years
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Zen Low Table
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isdalinarhot · 3 months
copypasting my extensive wine headcanons here in case anyone out in the world wants to adopt them
Pink: this is just juice of a plant. Like some soft drinks, there is a small amount of caffeine, but for the most part, it’s basically the same as apple or grape juice. Feminine drink.
Orange: structurally this is identical to kombucha, in that it is a nonalcoholic (or at least so negligibly alcoholic that it doesn’t count) beverage that is made via fermentation. But its cultural place is akin to ginger ale in that it is just a soft drink people drink when not drinking alcohol and that it has a reputation of soothing stomachs. This is the go-to beverage of people of any gender looking to have a sober drink.
Yellow: the default masculine drink. Made from lavis grains, it’s beer. It’s essentially beer. About the same strength as beer, drank from pint glasses, steins, and once Roshar invents cans it will be drank from those as well. Customary beverage to enjoy during duels. Unlike beer from Earth, people very rarely drink this to get any more drunk than a pleasant buzz.
Auburn: traditionally made from fermented simberries, but can be made from any fruit that when fermented ends up with between 10% to 15% abv, this is the default feminine drink. It really functions almost identically to wine on Earth. It is drunk from glasses analogous to Earth wine glasses. There is a large culture of auburn wine snobbery. Though it is concretely a feminine drink, it is not unheard of for men who are a touch effeminate to sneak a glass or two of it.
Red: you’d have to be insane to drink red wine on its own. It is used near exclusively in mixed drinks as the alcohol base to a fun fruity beverage. Mixed often with pink wine, fruit juices of all kinds, and occasionally wild card picks like sow’s milk or Shin creations such as “coffee”, it is there to provide alcohol to women who cannot stand the taste of alcohol.
Sapphire: wines of red strength or stronger are considered liquors, and sapphire wine is the unequivocal Man’s Wine. It is quite strong, but there is still a veneer of drinking it for the flavor. It is made of the same grains as yellow wine, but distilled instead of fermented. Traditionally drunk on the rocks out of what an Earthling might call a whiskey tumbler.
Blue: this stuff is not as strong as violet wine, but still quite strong. Its closest Earth analogue is a strong rum, made out of a sugarcane-like plant that naturally carries fruity undertones. This is the usual alcohol base drunk in mixed drinks by men; a popular drink will have two types of blue wine mixed with a couple flavors of fruit juice for a Vorin-friendly Mai Tai. It can also be drunk out of shot glasses as a party beverage, but this is less common.
Violet: violet wine is a gender neutral beverage, allowed to be drunk by both men and women. This is because the creators of Vorinism understood the necessity of all humans to have a surefire way of getting drunk quickly. It is roughly analogous to 100 proof vodka in both taste and creation, although in rare cases some violets can reach the 130 proof heights of absinthe. It is made from blackthorn berries, which on Roshar can get distilled to death like potatoes can on earth but like i dunno how that's possible i dont know jack shit about plants. sorry. This makes them perfect for creating the strongest liquors out of. “Glasses” of violet wine, drunk at feasts as a power move, are a mixture of violet wine, blackthorn juice, and lots of water. It is traditionally drunk hot, and nobody likes it like that but everybody pretends to. Nine times out of ten, violet wine is drunk out of a shot glass. It is known for tasting bad. Occasionally, it can be found in mixed drinks in the place of red or blue wine.
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artvinyl · 5 months
Uncovered: Glüme - Main Character
Continuing our insights into the creative behind the shortlisted album covers for Best Art Vinyl 2023. Andrea Riba talks us through her work and this evocative cover shot of the avant-pop star Glüme who flippantly calls herself the 'Walmart Marilyn' for her latest album Main Character.
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Andrea Riba is a Mexican-Chilean writer, director, producer, and co-founder of Femina Films. The album cover for Main Character was shot on the film set for 'Child Actor' which is the opening track on the album and inspired the short film and music video of the same title produced by Femina Films and Italians Do It Better.
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Andrea tells us “It's a surreal film in which Glüme revisits her child self in the 90s. The image was taken after shooting the climax of the film in a preserved 70s dressing room in the outskirts of Hollywood. In this scene, Glüme confronts her mother (played by Riki Lindhome - whose credits include Knives Out, Wednesday) about the loss of her childhood to the demanding world of child acting in Hollywood."
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Riba first met Glüme on set for her debut album cover shoot for 'The Internet', although the shoot initially started as a passion project. Andrea explains, “I had a Blue Velvet inspired photoshoot I had been sitting on, and after discovering Glüme through music label Italians Do It Better, I thought she had the perfect cadence for the concept. At the time, the label had already announced the album cover for her debut album The Internet, but when the label saw the photos from our shoot, the plan changed and they landed on one of the images for the album cover and billboards around LA, which was such an exciting surprise.”
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The Internet album cover - Glüme 2012
We asked Andrea how the iconic image for the cover of Main Character came about. She told us, “We purposefully scheduled this scene at the end of our 12 hour set day in order for the exhaustion of the day to aid Glüme's performance. After wrapping the scene, I thought of taking film stills to capture Glüme's raw emotions, which were at an all-time high. There was no intention for the image to be the album cover, but the distraught expression captured on Glüme sparked the attention of her label, so they landed on this image as the album cover. There is an interesting contradiction between the title of the album 'Main Character' - someone at the centre of the plot, with an image of a woman tearing and in pure vulnerability.” 
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Vinyl scan image for 'Main Character' 2023 by Andrea Riba
We wanted to delve into how the vintage feel of this image was captured so effectively. Andrea tells us, "I wanted to shoot the image on Cinestill 800T because this film captures a beautiful halation and glow around practical lights, that being the vintage tungsten bulbs around the mirrors around the entire dressing room we shot in. There is also a thick grain to the film which provides a sort of surreal veneer between the audience and the world captured, which was meant to reflect Glüme's life as a child actor in the 90's. We also wanted to keep it same world, since her first album 'The Internet' was shot on Cinestill as well."
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Riba and Glüme have a close professional and personal relationship which may account for how Andrea was able to capture such a wonderfully raw and personal image of the star. She explains, "Glüme approached me about joining her team as a creative director and this was the beginning of, not only an organic professional collaboration between her and I, but a long term friendship. She is an inspiring human being and we share the same aesthetic interests and love for film, music, and people."
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Glüme Harlow and Andrea Riba
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Main Character by Glüme on Italians Do It Better label is shortlisted for Best Art Vinyl 2023
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t00thpasteface · 2 years
What's your (spoiler light) read on the personalities of Martin and Lucien?
I need it for fic reasons
ok FIRST OFF let me say that by "spoiler light" i assume you mean you're still in the process of playing their respective quests, to which i insist that you should take everything i (some internet jester) say with a grain of void salts and prioritize finishing the quests and coming to your own conclusions. THAT BEING SAID, i know most RPGs suffer from the fact that they can never truly be as explicit in their worldbuilding and characterization as a less interactive medium like, say, a novel, given the constraints that player interaction and choice will place on the direction and depth of a story, so sometimes a little brainstorming is necessary to fill in the gaps. here's my takes:
i've said before that Martin seems like he's being weighed down and pushed forward by a LOT of guilt and regret. even his sense of obligation to the empire has an edge of self-flagellation to it. he is a hilariously catholic character while also being the closest thing to an agnostic in the tes universe after Else God-Hater-- there's a lot to unpack there. his past is defined by (1) running away, (2) making huge mistakes that ruin lives, and (3) denying himself and his own needs and wants. whether it's as a mage, cultist, priest, or emperor, his life is defined by being pushed into/out of certain identities by outside forces and losing parts of himself in each stage. he does a lot of running away and hiding in his life, literal and metaphorical.
and what's worse is he's overwhelmingly referred to by other characters AS his titles in the game: priest and emperor. he's never Martin; he's either Brother Martin, denying himself a personal identity and considering himself to be just another expendable priest, or Emperor Martin Septim, denied a personal identity by others and treated mostly as a living plot-device and sacrificial lamb who gets picked up and moved around like the Amulet of Kings. i think more than anything, as cliche as this may sound, he probably just wants to Be Himself. but it's easier to just bury all that down and throw yourself into the monotony and routine of the Akatosh Chantry than it is to do any real introspection, so... you know the rest.
by contrast i see Lucien as a total control freak who puts on a big grand suave personality as a deliberate act, and underneath, it he's extremely petty and vindictive. he's always in charge. he always strikes first and he can always make an escape. he sets the terms for every interaction and expects complete unwavering loyalty and obedience in return. he lets you see only what he thinks you need to see-- of the brotherhood, of his methods, even of his body. even his dedication to Sithis is self-righteous and authoritative: Sithis works through HIM. the black hand must be preserved insofar as his authority and power must be preserved; he requires the veneer of credibility that the black hand provides. the black hand must be preserved because it is valuable to his needs and goals. and you will do exactly as he says, when and how he says to do it, in order to make that happen. and you will not ask questions.
this ends up being kind of a blind spot because he's so used to being in control, and absolutely NEEDS to be, that he underestimates his enemies/weaknesses bc he sees himself as a chessmaster. he doesn't want to think about someone outsmarting him, so he doesn't think about it, and therefore it's not even on his radar. the possibility does not exist in his mind so he can't pick up on the signs. and he ESPECIALLY can't ask you to watch his back-- only follow his orders, because to do otherwise would be to insinuate weakness. he's been in it so long that started believing his own persona. if Martin needs to find himself so he can make his own choices, Lucien needs to find himself so he can let someone else make some choices for once.
as for how those personalities would interact, congeal, or clash: it's entirely UP TO YOU!! and i'm eager to see what you (or anyone else) can come up with...
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aitavoting · 1 year
AITA for painting my mom's dresser?
When my mom was a child, her father (my grandfather) built her a dresser. He was a carpenter and it was a nice dresser. She used it growing up but it stayed at her parents house after she left to go to college and get married and all that.
After both my grandmother and grandfather passed away (late 1980s) my mom got the dresser and brought it to our house. And, when my mom passed away in 2001 the dresser came to my house.
I recently got a bunch of new furniture and the dresser did not match the color scheme, so I stripped it down to bare wood, fixed a few age related defects and painted it a color that matched the room.
I was showing off the new place to my friend and his girlfriend and the girlfriend asked about the dresser and I told her the story and she remarked how nice it was that it matched and I told her I painted it and she got really mad and told me I was wrong to paint my mom's heirloom piece. I didn't really know what to say and we ended the evening and they went home.
I do not think I did anything wrong because the dresser was painted when I got it. When I stripped it down, the wood it was made out of was not "good" - it was paint quality wood. Still nice and solid wood, not veneer, so good quality, just not the "show off the wood grain" quality. Also, it had several layers of paint, so I believe my mom repainted it several times. Also, my mom and I would always do DIY sort of projects around the house, so I kinda feel like this was doing what she would do.
However, I am not a sentimental person so I don't really know if I did anything wrong. This furniture piece was made by hand by my grandfather and gifted to my mom and I have changed it - so I may have violated a sentimental rule that I am not aware of - so I thought I'd turn to Reddit to decide if I did an AH move by changing up my mom's hand built dresser.
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Feel free to make your opinion be heard in the comments/reblogs but keep it respectful. For detailed information please read the guidelines for commenting. Violations will lead to your comment being deleted and you potentially being blocked.
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keeby10 · 2 years
Awesome! Do you have any backstories or like Toyhou.se profiles or anything about the Gigglecorp characters? As basic stuff fans could use for references to know them better?
I dont personally, no. The existing comics and cartoon are your best bet for that. Dom would know the most, but I'll do my best to write a couple basic bios for the characters here
Jeff - A slack off clown who works in the sales department of Gigglecorp. He pretty much never finishes his work, but also never seems to be fired for it, since it mysteriously gets done anyway. He'd much rather spend his time smoking weed and eating taco bell. His best friend is cory, who he always seems to be at odds with. Despite this, theyre never REALLY mad at eachother, its all friendly, and at the end of the day they enjoy each others presence a lot. (They did look into taking their friendship further once but decided quickly it would be better if they remained friends.) (Jeff is bisexual) Jeff is prone to bouts of depression, feeling that he has failed at life and that the world has gone to shit, but he always bounces back quickly. Jeff has blond hair underneath his jester hood, and also has many tattoos that he probably doesnt remember getting. He also openly carries a firearm. Jeff is probably a second generation German Immigrant to America, considering his father was part of the Nazi Army in WWII. Jeff is probably a virgin.
Cory - He also works in the Sales department of Gigglecorp, but is far better at his job than jeff. In fact, he's the top salesman at the company! Though, if he was bad at his job, he also wouldnt be fired for it, for some reason. Cory is typically laid back, and takes most of the strange things happening around him with a grain of salt. That being said, he is typically the voice of reason, or ironically, the "straight man" when it comes down to it. Thanks to this, Cory often finds himself begrudgingly playing along with the bullshit occurring at the moment. Cory occasionally just lies to jeff about things. Cory also is a bit of a jokester. Cory is gay, and apparently pretty smooth with it. When something is just a bit too strange to be true, you'll often find cory a bit flabbergasted when its revealed.
Flippo the Dancing Flea - The current HR Guy on floor 68 of Gigglecorp (the one jeff and cory work on). No one really likes him, despite him trying very hard to be friends with everyone, and he has a crush on Girlboss. He's also kind of a pervert. A pathetic guy, really. Look forward to his debut!
Groypmo - Full title: The Great Groypmo or Groypmo the Great or whatever. Before the incident, he was a famous circus performer. Now, he's become a lot more reserved and quiet, and has taken up a job in sales at Gigglecorp. He also has let himself go since his youth. He has a giant stomach tattoo that he somehow rotates out to be various maps of different locations (Spain being the most common one). In his circus days, it was a tattoo of his smiling face. He's the best salesman on floor 68 behind Cory, and if you watch him, he seems to do more work than he turns in. He also seems to have pedophilic tendencies, but that's just a veneer he puts up to appear harmless. What is he hiding...?
Girlboss - Full name Girlene Bossman, she's the manager of floor 68 of Gigglecorp. A cruel woman, she works her employees hard, and has threatened to kill them if they dont finish their assignments on time. When Jeff and Cory ended up in her department, her first task for them was forcing them to carve "here at gigglecorp we fuck your mom!" into all of the walls of her floor. She's also kind of incompetent as a boss, and probably got her position from nepotism. She's always looking for new ways to whip her employees into shape, and seems to make decisions for the office on a whim. She has a big crush on Cory, much to his chagrin, but this also lets him and jeff get away with more than they should. She created the green character and the other color characters. Who the hell knows how. She acts like she's way younger than she actually is.
The Malevolent Little Green Character Hellbent on Sabotaging your Career - The malevolent green character, or the green character for short, he's a chaotic little guy who runs around and causes trouble for the office in various ways. Apparently he's an employee on floor 68 and is just trying to do his job? He's also looking for a place to lay his eggs.
Veronique - As a mime, she can't speak. Thus is the plight of this group of clowns. She's the receptionist for floor 68, but she doesnt seem to do much work. Being mute isnt the best attribute for someone working reception. She doesn't like jeff at all and is neutral towards cory. She's one of 3 people on the floor given the privilege of a chair. She can't be fired. And she always is watching Jeff and Cory. I wonder why...?
The CEO - a mysterious figure who runs things from the shadows.
I hope these were informative, I'll answer any other questions I can!
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hitbythunder · 1 year
Chandrilan Moons -7
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A Kylo Ren x Reader story with much angst, possessiveness and dark themes (warnings will be updated as the story progresses) –> Read also on AO3
7: Still feeling cooperative? +++ +Starkiller Base on Ilum+
I was no longer in that metal chair, that much I knew upon coming to, while the rest of my surroundings remained a confusing blur of gray interior and equally colorless, clinical people talking in clipped detached voices around me. For a brief moment I fooled myself into thinking that I was at the hospital on D'Qar after being knocked out during combat lessons, and that my encounter with Kylo Ren had just been a terrible nightmare. But the glaring red insignia of the First Order, worn proudly on the breast pocket of every person within sight, put an abrupt end to my illusions. As did the metal handcuffs at my wrists. At least there was no pain anymore, just the distant memory of it ghosting through my limbs and head, and after a while I realized to be in the medical bay of this place. The large room housed many beds, some of them occupied by wounded Stormtroopers, while a handful of nurses scurried in between the rows. They had put me in the corner farthest away from the large doors, half hidden behind a milky screen so that I could only survey part of the room. Whether to be on a spaceship or a planet-base was hard to tell from the monochrome interior and the uniformed First Order personnel, and windows were rare to come by in either case. Not that I was even thinking of escaping, stars I wasn't that foolish, but perhaps there was a chance for rescue if I could let my family and friends know where I was being kept.
One step at a time…, I reminded myself as my vision spun while trying to sit up in the medical bed. A nurse urged me to lie back down, then examined my injured hand and ribs. When she scribbled some notes onto her holopad, I dared to ask about my condition but she ignored me at first. Upon asking for the third time, she relented though and informed me about my split lip, cracked rib, sprained wrist and the considerate concussion. Her tone was kept professional, naturally reserved considering the fact that I was the enemy, and upon my shocked expression she let some humanity show beneath the polished First Order veneer.
"Nothing too serious, don't worry. But you need a lot of rest now." she said as she adjusted the amount of pain killing infusion that dripped slowly into my blood-system via an IV. Then the both of us noticed a growing tumult behind the screen, wavering voices laced with dread and a heavy set of footsteps approaching us. My heart skipped a beat, remembering that distinct sound from the woods and whom they foretold.
Alarmed by the presence of her superior, the nurse beside me turned away but somehow I managed to grasp her wrist despite the metal restraints. When she looked from my vice-like grip to my face, I pleaded with my eyes for her to help me. I was terrified of meeting Ren in another round of rampage inside my mind, of the pain and torment it entailed. Understanding and perhaps a grain of pity ghosted over the nurse's expression, gone tough when she turned around fully to walk away into the part of the room that was shielded from my view. Her silhouette shone through the milky screen. The heavy footsteps halted and a bulky figure joined the nurse in this shadow play, towering over her in his billowing robes and distinctive helmet.
"Status report on the prisoner." a calm but demanding voice, rumbling deep like the roll of thunder and foreboding dire consequences should the answer be displeasing. Without delay the nurse rattled off the details of my condition, again detached as if talking about a droid's flaws after an inspection.
"... Any further healing, especially of the brain, requires more rest. At least for 24 hours." she tentatively added at the end, her body posture all submissive and appeasing through the screen. Whether it was her medical opinion or an act of (female) solidarity against her terrifying Commander, I had no clue but I was grateful for the effort nonetheless. A few seconds ticked by, the giant figure unmoving, until its head very slowly turned to look directly at me through the screen and I could suddenly feel Ren's gaze on me like a laser, unyielding and permeating.
I promised to cooperate, but I'm not in for permanent damage to my brain. But why would he care about that...
"18 hours." came Ren's reply at last, staring in my direction for a beat longer, before he turned to walk away from the screen. His deep voice crackled above the storming footsteps: "You've got 18 hours to pepper her up."
As the end of my reprieve neared, my cuffs were unlocked and two nurses ushered me into the nearby refresher unit, their stern expressions daring me to try something stupid in there. Which I hadn't even thought of honestly, instead taking my sweet time to enjoy the hot water cascading down my body, washing away the forest grime but not my trepidation upon the near future. Clean and dried, I avoided looking too long at myself in the mirror and quickly put on washed-out grey cotton pants and a white shift, along with thin slippers which they had given me. While it seemed only logical to equip prisoners with simple clothes that weren’t made for fight or flight, they could at least have put some effort into the style. While the pants somewhat fit my frame, the shift hung a quite loosely on my shoulders, its hem ending mid-thigh, and I had to roll up the too long sleeves before fixing my hair. As of lately, I had come to wear my hair with one section in a bun and the rest braided - a similar style like Rey's, perhaps in an unwittingly attempt to imitate her. With a sigh I gave myself a once-over, thankful not to be an overly vain person, because stars I looked like a miserable and slightly beaten-up ghost in those unshapely rags.
No doubt Rey and Rose would have a laughing fit if they could see me…. the thought caused a sharp pang in my heart that drove tears to my eyes unbidden. An impatient knock on the door ripped me back to the present and I quickly wiped my eyes, exhaling deeply before exiting the refresher.
I'll see them again. Just need to play along and do as Ren says.
A swish of opening doors was audible, followed by small and light footsteps as the girl slowly ventured into the premises of his quarters. Her light and mismatched clothes were a stark contrast to the black-grey and neatly arranged interior. Though by far not as spacious or luxurious as his accommodation on the Finalizer, those here consisted of a main living-room with adjacent bedroom and refresher unit, the doors to both currently firmly shut, which left the girl no options to hide. She flinched when the door behind her closed with a click, sealing her within this gloomy room full of shadows. With careful steps she rounded the small table and its accompanying two chairs, not deeming her surroundings worth a glance. As if mesmerized, her eyes were glued to the large window opposite the entrance door, a child-like wonder illuminating her face as she beheld the outside world of raging winter. Somewhere behind the building, the sun was setting and its remaining light cast an orange glow upon the snowy planes and distant mountains.
Kylo watched intently as she brushed two fingers across the glass, felt the cold under nipping at her fingertips, and knew she had never witnessed snow on Chandrila. While there could be heavy downpours and storms, the overall climate on Chandrila was mild and without extremes in either direction. Its summers warm and long, ideal for joyous play outside until mother’s calling. Kylo absorbed her memories with growing agitation and almost scoffed at the picture-perfect scenes unfolding in the girl’s head. By all means, she didn’t belong to a place of war like this, her whole being standing in stark contrast to the brutality of the First Order. A child of summer and gaiety, now trapped in this metallic prison amidst ice and darkness. And yet, in her innocent wonder, she was still unaware of the creature silently observing her from the shadows.
Kylo waited until the sun's rays slowly vanished outside and dipped the bizarre landscape, as well as the room, into the many opaque shades of night. By the time the last orange tint was snuffed out, Kylo had circled the girl and now stood directly behind her. From the periphery of her mind, he sensed her nerves prickle in an unconscious alarm to his presence. A few seconds later, her whole being was overcome by dread and pure shock when she saw his reflection in the window-glass. All black-in-black, the outlines of his figure were obscured by the surrounding shadows and the glistening silver elements of his helmet served as the only fix-point of that dark mass. Instantly she turned around and took a step backwards in order to increase the distance between them. Her thoughts were alight in a panicked flurry as she took him in.
How long has he been standing there?! Stars, how could I not notice him this close behind me?
On purpose, he took his time to have her squirm in his presence a little while longer. Her eyes were wide, searching for something alive behind his steeled mask, while she did her best to keep her limbs from shaking. She truly was a frightened little bird, so tiny and helpless compared to him.
“It’s time to continue where we left off.” Kylo’s deep voice cut the tense silence as he leaned slightly downward, his tall and broad frame towering over the girl even more so. On instinct she shied away and pressed herself against the cold glass behind her.
“Still feeling cooperative?”
She quickly nodded in reply and Kylo almost scoffed at her willingness to comply in the face of torture. Clearly she wasn’t trained at all for such situations and whoever had sent her to Takodana had made a grave mistake. How reckless, to let someone with such intel run around without the means to defend herself and the knowledge she possessed.
“You will answer me properly.”
“Y-yes, sir.” I stuttered, averting my gaze from the polished and impenetrable surface of his mask. “I’m sorry, sir.”
I truly was, wishing to get this over with quickly and to return to my family and friends. The less I put up a fight, the better my chances to come out of this disaster - or so I hoped.
“Then come.” With the flick of his hand, dim lights went on in the corners of the room, and with large strides he lead us to a sleek metal desk. Before it had been too dark for me to make out the room’s interior, so I was slightly surprised to be in some sort of private quarter: a dark grey sitting area beside the window, a few plain cupboards along the walls and the desk where Ren had seated himself. Each wall housed a door, the one to my left probably leading to a refresher unit, while the one on the right stood ajar, revealing a bedroom. For a brief moment, the black sheets got my attention, then my eyes snapped to the durasteel main door, concluding that I was indeed trapped in here.
Dread filled my stomach and slowed my movements as I took the remaining empty seat opposite of Ren. He tilted his head slightly, as if studying me from behind his stainless mask in quiet contemplation. Suddenly very self-conscious, I crossed my arms in an instinctive reflex to shield myself, as the prolonged silence continued. Although I avoided to look at him, my very being was alert and just waiting for him to act, afraid of what was to come. After all, Kylo Ren was known to have a short temper and I had zero intention to set it off.
As if ripped from his inner musings, the black mass of Ren came to life then, shifting forward in his seat to touch the desk’s surface. A hidden keypad activated the built-in holo-screen and computer, Ren flicking through a menu by swiping his gloved finger in front of the holo-screen.
“Think of the map now.” He instructed then, his firm deep voice having me jump in my seat. Nodding, I sat up straight and did as I was told, immediately feeling his presence in my mind – a low humming in the distance, far less painful than the first time.
The map, yes. I saw it again, tiny stars and constellations… but quickly my mind would venture on to my encounter with the thugs, reviving the pain I had suffered at their hands.
Ren’s harshness forced me back to the present and despite the mask I knew he was displeased.
“Sorry, I haven’t… how do I do this?”
Stars, I sounded to timid. Just like the little mouse I was. But then again, to cooperate was my only chance of survival here. Ren must have sensed my willingness, because he answered way more patiently than I had expected.
“Try again, but think only of the map in it’s entirety. Envision it with as much detail as you can and hold that image before your inner eye.”
And so I did, willing myself to calm down and focus – clinging to the hope that once Ren got the map, he would let me go. What a foolish child I had been…
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haysconcept · 1 day
Eames Lounge Chair Dupe: The Art of Affordable Elegance
The Iconic Eames Lounge Chair
The Eames Lounge Chair is celebrated for its ergonomic design, combining aesthetic appeal with supreme comfort. Crafted from molded plywood and luxurious leather, it features a distinctive curved shape that supports the body in a relaxed, reclined position. The chair’s innovative construction and timeless design have earned it a place in both homes and museums worldwide. It’s more than just a piece of furniture; it’s a symbol of modernist ideals and an investment in quality craftsmanship.
Qualities of a Good Eames Lounge Chair Dupe
When searching for a dupe, there are several key qualities to consider to ensure you get a piece that closely mimics the original Eames Lounge Chair:
Design Accuracy: A good dupe should replicate the iconic look of the Eames Lounge Chair, including its distinctive curves, proportions, and materials. Eames Lounge Chair Dupe Pay attention to details such as the angle of the recline and the matching ottoman.
Material Quality: While the materials might not be as high-end as the original, a decent dupe should still use good-quality materials. Look for options with real or high-grade faux leather and sturdy plywood or veneer.
Comfort: The Eames Lounge Chair is renowned for its comfort. Ensure that the dupe offers adequate padding and ergonomic support to provide a similar seating experience.
Durability: Invest in a dupe that promises durability. Check reviews and specifications to ensure that the chair is built to last, with a solid frame and reliable construction.
Price Point: The main advantage of a dupe is affordability. However, avoid going too cheap, as this can compromise quality and longevity. Aim for a balance between cost and value.
Top Recommendations for Eames Lounge Chair Dupes
Here are some top picks for Eames Lounge Chair dupes that combine style, comfort, and affordability:
Manhattan Home Design Eames Lounge Chair Replica: This dupe is highly praised for its close resemblance to the original. It features top-grain Italian leather, a molded plywood frame, and high-density cushions, offering both comfort and durability.
LexMod Eaze Lounge Chair: A more budget-friendly option, the LexMod Eaze replicates the classic design with faux leather and a plywood base. It provides a good balance of style and comfort without a hefty price tag.
BarcaLounger Relax & Restore Recliner: Known for its plush seating and stylish design, this dupe offers an excellent blend of luxury and affordability. Eames Lounge Chair Replica It’s crafted with genuine leather and a solid hardwood frame, ensuring long-lasting use.
FPlus Lounge Chair: This replica features a high-quality leather finish and a sturdy frame. It’s an excellent choice for those seeking a blend of elegance and practicality at a reasonable price.
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peterlbrowni · 6 days
Peter L Brown
Learn about the factors that affect your own situation! Since 1960, the Peter L. Brown Company has provided its services to houses throughout the state of Connecticut.
Seamless Vinyl Siding (VC): What Makes Silent Vinyl Siding Installation Necessary?
vinyl siding companies ct
Installing new siding is one of the best methods to change the exterior of your home in a visible way. Connecticut-based vinyl siding companies The number of other ways to handle this is really limited. Peter L. Brown Company is one of the most prosperous businesses on the market for manufacturing and installing seamless vinyl siding. Because it is long-lasting, low maintenance, and comes in a range of colors, this siding material is ideal for usage in residential settings.
PVC is a kind of material that is used in the production process of vinyl siding. Unlike wood siding, vinyl siding does not rot or flake over time. Panel thickness, surface treatment, and profile features set vinyl siding apart from other siding varieties. Vinyl siding is often available in a range of shapes and sizes. The most noticeable, and simplest to spot, difference can be observed when you examine a long, uninterrupted section of wall. This is as a result of the wall's integrity.
When employing traditional vinyl siding, overlapping must be done every 12 feet. The end product has a less than stellar appearance because to the staggered seam pattern that forms (see a small example on the left below). This remains the situation even in the event that a professional installs the system. Furthermore, the "steps" created by overlapping make it difficult to establish the illusion of a continuous surface when viewed up close. This is so because surface overlapping creates "steps" in the process.
You should refrain from making any external design compromises that might affect the way your home looks or its structural soundness. Ultimately, we believe that the best materials, when paired with the best craftsmanship, will invariably yield the largest financial savings over an extended period of time. We promise you will be entirely delighted with the service we deliver. We have a great deal of experience installing seamless vinyl siding.
Standard vinyl siding that is reasonably priced
The vinyl siding options provided by Peter L. Brown's company give an appearance that is more contemporary and modern. We supply a wide range of colors and styles for vinyl siding, including the Versetta Stone stone veneer made by Boral. Our vinyl siding comes in a variety of hues and is not only resistant to fading from sun damage but also provides vivid colors for siding. You can make sure that your house always looks great by doing this.
Standard vinyl siding that is reasonably priced
The vinyl siding options provided by Peter L. Brown's company give an appearance that is more contemporary and modern. We supply a wide range of colors and styles for vinyl siding, including the Versetta Stone stone veneer made by Boral. Our vinyl siding comes in a variety of hues and is not only resistant to fading from sun damage but also provides vivid colors for siding. You can make sure that your house always looks great by doing this.
vinyl siding companies connecticut
We also give classic lap siding, which is produced by Mastic firms, as a more affordable option. Vinyl siding firms in Connecticut provide a wide range of thicknesses, textures (including a smooth and varied wood grain finish options), colors, and shadow lines for this specific form of vinyl siding to suit your individual requirements. This is carried out for your comfort.
Choices of Siding for Natural Areas
Our Perfection Shingle Double #7 has a rough cedar-grain pattern along the length of its surface with erratic gaps, much like real cedar shingles. This will give your house the illusion of being a rustic building made entirely of natural materials. Check out our wide selection of siding from Shake Vinyl Siding for a more natural appearance.
The Peter L. Brown company has developed into a full-service provider of exterior home renovation goods and services today. These consist of a large assortment of vinyl and wood windows, roofing, vinyl siding, doors, awnings, storm doors, and gutters, as well as porch enclosures. Furthermore, the organization provides an extensive array of goods and services. Our sales and service representatives will not only give you prompt, courteous service, but they will also make a point of helping you choose the products that are best for your house.
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The Art of Wood Veneer: Applications & Techniques Explained
Welcome to an adventure through the allure of wooden veneer – a timeless cloth cherished for centuries for its organic splendor, adaptability, and eco-friendly characteristics. At Ventura International, we take satisfaction in supplying splendid timber veneer products that no longer handiest enhance the visual attraction of spaces but also make a contribution to environmental conservation.
The Essence of Wood Veneer
Wood veneer, a delicate slice of wood usually starting from 0.6 to six millimeters thick, is received via the meticulous peeling or cutting of logs. This approach yields sheets with unique grain styles and hues, every piece showcasing extraordinary visible intrigue.
Emulating Solid Wood without Breaking the Bank
One of the maximum awesome elements of timber veneer lies in its potential to duplicate the look of strong wood at a fraction of the cost. By affixing veneer sheets to substrates like plywood or medium-density fiberboard (MDF), artisans reap the arrival of high-priced hardwoods at the same time as maintaining treasured natural assets. This affordability renders wooden veneer an attractive alternative for fixtures makers, interior designers, and architects in search of to create lovely interiors within budgetary constraints.
Unparalleled Design Versatility
In addition to its cost-effectiveness, wood veneer offers unequalled layout flexibility. Veneer sheets may be bent, curved, and molded to conform to almost any surface, unleashing a realm of innovative opportunities for designers and craftsmen. Whether used to clad furniture, wall panels, or architectural features, wooden veneer imparts warmth, texture, and class to any area.
A Sustainable Choice for Eco-Conscious Consumers
Furthermore, wood veneer stands as a green desire for environmentally aware purchasers. Unlike strong wooden, which necessitates vast timber intake, veneer utilizes skinny layers of timber sourced from sustainably controlled forests, minimizing waste and lowering the carbon footprint associated with production. This eco-friendly approach makes wooden veneer a really sustainable material choice.
Dedication to Ethical Sourcing
At Ventura International, we're dedicated to procuring timber veneer from legit providers who adhere to accountable forestry practices. By selecting our merchandise, customers can rest assured that they may be assisting ethical and sustainable manufacturing methods.
Longevity and Low Maintenance
Apart from its aesthetic and environmental deserves, wooden veneer boasts great durability and resilience while nicely maintained. With habitual care, veneered surfaces can face up to regular put on and tear, keeping their splendor for years to come. Simple cleansing and occasional refinishing are all it takes to maintain the pristine appearance of wood veneer, making it a realistic choice for both residential and commercial applications.
In Conclusion
In end, timber veneer stands as an undying cloth that continues to captivate designers, craftsmen, and house owners alike. Its herbal attraction, versatility, and sustainability make it a standout option for interior design projects of a wide variety. Whether you are furnishing a home, revamping an enterprise area, or embarking on a DIY woodworking task, wood veneer from Ventura International guarantees to raise your design aspirations. Discover the beauty and allure of wooden veneer for yourself, and release the limitless possibilities it has to offer.
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furnituremontana · 7 months
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Limed Oak Bench 17 3/4d x 17 3/4h x 70 3/4w
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bordau · 1 month
The Beauty of Plywood Furniture: Stylish and Sustainable Designs
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In recent years, plywood furniture has emerged as a stylish and sustainable choice for interior decor enthusiasts and design aficionados alike. 
This versatile material offers a unique blend of aesthetics, durability, and eco-friendliness that has captured the imagination of designers around the world. Let’s delve into the beauty of plywood furniture and discover why it’s becoming such a popular choice for modern living spaces.
1. The Appeal of Plywood
Plywood is crafted from thin layers of wood veneer glued together to form a strong and sturdy sheet. This construction method not only enhances its strength but also lends a distinctive visual appeal. 
Unlike solid wood, Birch plywood can be manipulated to create sleek curves and intricate shapes, making it a favourite among designers seeking versatility in their creations. The natural grain patterns of plywood add character and depth to furniture pieces, offering a warm and inviting aesthetic that complements various decor styles.
2. Sustainable Design
One of the most compelling aspects of plywood furniture is its sustainability. Unlike solid wood furniture, which often requires large amounts of timber from mature trees, plywood utilises thin layers of wood sourced from fast-growing trees like birch, poplar, or eucalyptus. 
This makes plywood a more environmentally friendly choice as it minimises the impact on forests and promotes responsible forestry practices. Additionally, the manufacturing process of plywood produces less waste compared to traditional solid wood furniture production, further reducing its carbon footprint.
3. Versatility in Design
Plywood's versatility allows designers to explore innovative and ergonomic designs that push the boundaries of furniture aesthetics. 
From minimalist Scandinavian chairs to futuristic modular shelving units, plywood can adapt to various forms and functions with ease. Its inherent strength-to-weight ratio also makes it ideal for creating lightweight yet durable furniture pieces that are easy to move and rearrange according to changing needs.
4. Durability and Practicality
Despite its lightweight nature, plywood furniture is incredibly durable and long-lasting. The layers of wood veneer are arranged in a cross-grain pattern, which enhances its strength and resistance to warping or cracking over time. 
This durability makes plywood furniture a practical choice for households with active lifestyles or for commercial spaces where furniture undergoes frequent use. Additionally, plywood is relatively low-maintenance, requiring simple care routines to preserve its beauty for years to come.
5. Affordable Luxury
Another advantage of plywood furniture is its affordability without compromising on style or quality. Compared to solid wood or designer furniture, plywood pieces are often more budget-friendly while still offering a high-end look. 
This accessibility has contributed to plywood's popularity among young professionals, renters, and first-time homeowners who seek well-designed furniture without breaking the bank.
Plywood furniture embodies the perfect blend of style, sustainability, and functionality. Its aesthetic appeal, coupled with its eco-friendly credentials and design versatility, has made it a favourite among interior designers and homeowners looking to create chic and sustainable living spaces. 
Whether you're furnishing a cozy apartment or a contemporary office, Birch plywood furniture offers a timeless allure that elevates any environment. Embrace the beauty of plywood furniture and discover how this humble material is shaping the future of interior design. Source By: The Beauty of Plywood Furniture: Stylish and Sustainable Designs
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plywoodshop · 1 month
Best Plywood Shop In Varanasi
Plywood serves as a versatile and essential material in the woodworking and construction industries. It acts as the foundation for various products, including laminates, veneers, WPC (Wood Plastic Composite), and flush doors. Let's explore the characteristics and applications of these materials.
Plywood, defined as a composite material, is created by bonding thin layers of wood veneer together to form a flat sheet. It offers numerous benefits such as increased stability, high impact resistance, surface dimensional stability, and a high strength-to-weight ratio. Due to its strength and durability, plywood is widely used in structural applications like flooring, shear walls, and formwork.
Laminates- On the other hand, are versatile and durable finishes that come in a variety of textures, colors, and finishes. They offer high resistance to stains, scratches, moisture, and impact. Laminates are easy to apply, require low maintenance, and provide a wide range of options, including natural wooden textures, high gloss/matt colors, and textures inspired by natural surfaces. They are ideal for furniture, countertops, and interior surfaces where a durable and aesthetically pleasing finish is desired.
Veneers- Thin slices of real wood, add elegance and a natural wood look to plywood furniture. They are available in a range of patterns, colors, and wood grains. Veneers can be stained, painted, or clear laminated to achieve the desired aesthetic. Commonly used to enhance the appearance of plywood furniture, veneers offer a high-end finish with the warmth and beauty of real wood.
WPC (Wood Plastic Composite)- It is a composite material composed of wood fiber/wood flour and thermoplastic(s) such as PE, PP, PVC, or PLA. It combines the aesthetics of wood with the durability of plastic, providing a low-maintenance, weather-resistant, and eco-friendly alternative to traditional materials.
In conclusion, plywood, laminates, veneers, WPC, and flush doors are essential components in the woodworking and construction industries. Each material offers unique characteristics and applications, contributing to the versatility and durability of various products.
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touchwoodfloorings · 2 months
Affordable Wooden Flooring Prices in Delhi
Wooden flooring is a popular choice for homeowners in Delhi who are looking to add a touch of elegance and warmth to their homes. It not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of a space but also offers numerous benefits that make it a worthwhile investment. In this article, I will discuss the benefits of wooden flooring, the various types available, the factors that affect the prices of wooden flooring in Delhi, and how to find affordable options. Additionally, I will introduce you to artificial grass flooring as an alternative option and compare the prices of wooden flooring and artificial grass flooring in Delhi. By the end of this article, you will be equipped with the knowledge to make the right choice for your flooring needs in Delhi.
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Benefits of Wooden Flooring
Wooden flooring offers a multitude of benefits that make it a popular choice among homeowners in Delhi. Firstly, it adds a touch of natural beauty and elegance to any room. The warmth and richness of wood can instantly transform a dull space into a cozy and inviting one. Moreover, wooden flooring is highly durable and can withstand heavy foot traffic, making it suitable for both residential and commercial spaces.
Additionally, wooden flooring is easy to maintain. Regular sweeping and occasional mopping are all that is needed to keep it clean and looking its best. Unlike carpets, wooden flooring does not trap dust, allergens, or pet dander, making it a healthier option for those with allergies or respiratory issues.
Furthermore, wooden flooring is a sustainable choice. When sourced from responsibly managed forests, it is an eco-friendly option as it promotes the use of renewable resources. Wood also has excellent insulation properties, helping to keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling.
Types of Wooden Flooring
There are several types of wooden flooring available in the market, each with its unique characteristics and price range.
Solid Wood Flooring: This type of flooring is made from a single piece of timber and is known for its durability and longevity. It can be sanded and refinished multiple times, allowing you to change the look of your floor without replacing it entirely. Solid wood flooring comes in various species such as oak, maple, and walnut, each offering different colors and grain patterns.
Engineered Wood Flooring: Engineered wood flooring consists of multiple layers of wood veneer, with the top layer being the desired hardwood species. This construction makes it more stable and less prone to warping or shrinking due to changes in humidity. Engineered wood flooring comes in a wide range of styles and finishes, offering versatility and affordability.
Laminate Flooring: Laminate flooring is a cost-effective alternative to solid wood and engineered wood. It consists of a high-density fiberboard (HDF) core with a printed image of wood grain on top. Although it doesn't provide the same authenticity as real wood, it is highly durable, scratch-resistant, and easy to install. Laminate flooring is available in various designs and textures, mimicking the look of hardwood.
Factors Affecting Wooden Flooring Prices in Delhi
The cost of wooden flooring in Delhi is influenced by several factors. Understanding these factors will help you make an informed decision and find the best option within your budget.
Type of Wood: The type of wood you choose for your flooring will greatly impact the price. Exotic hardwood species such as teak or mahogany tend to be more expensive than domestic woods like oak or maple. Additionally, the grade and quality of the wood will also affect the price.
Thickness and Width: Thicker and wider planks are generally pricier than thinner and narrower ones. Thicker planks provide better durability and can be sanded and refinished multiple times, adding to their longevity.
Installation Method: The method of installation can also affect the overall cost of wooden flooring. Traditional nail-down installation is more labor-intensive and time-consuming than floating or click-lock installation methods. Therefore, the installation cost may vary depending on the chosen method.
Finishes and Treatments: The type of finish or treatment applied to the wood can impact the price. Some finishes, such as oil-based finishes or UV coatings, provide enhanced durability and protection, but they may come at a higher cost.
Market Demand: The demand and supply dynamics of the market can also influence the prices of wooden flooring. During peak seasons or when there is a surge in demand; prices may increase due to limited availability or increased competition.
Understanding these factors will help you negotiate prices, compare quotes from different suppliers, and find the best deal for your wooden flooring needs in Delhi.
Understanding the Cost of Wooden Flooring in Delhi
The wooden flooring price in Delhi can vary depending on the type of wood, quality, thickness, and installation method. It is important to note that these prices are indicative and can vary based on the factors mentioned earlier. To get an accurate estimate, it is recommended to consult with multiple suppliers, obtain detailed quotes, and consider any additional costs such as installation, underlayment, and finishing.
When budgeting for wooden flooring, it is essential to consider the long-term value and durability of the chosen flooring option. While solid wood flooring may have a higher upfront cost, its longevity and ability to be refinished make it a worthwhile investment in the long run. On the other hand, laminate flooring offers a more affordable option for those on a tight budget but may need to be replaced sooner.
Comparing the Prices of Different Types of Wooden Flooring in Delhi
To help you make an informed decision, let's compare the prices of different types of wooden flooring in Delhi:
Solid Wood Flooring: As mentioned earlier, solid wood flooring is the most expensive option, with prices ranging from INR 300 to INR 1,500 per square foot. The cost will vary based on the type of wood, grade, thickness, and installation method. However, solid wood flooring offers unmatched durability, longevity, and the ability to be refinished multiple times, making it a popular choice among homeowners.
Engineered Wood Flooring: Engineered wood flooring is a more affordable alternative to solid wood, with prices ranging from INR 200 to INR 1,200 per square foot. It provides the look and feel of real wood while offering greater stability and resistance to moisture. Engineered wood flooring is available in a wide range of styles, finishes, and thicknesses, making it suitable for various budgets.
Laminate Flooring: Laminate flooring is the most cost-effective option, with prices ranging from INR 80 to INR 300 per square foot. It offers excellent durability, ease of installation, and a wide variety of designs. While it may not provide the same authenticity as real wood, laminate flooring is a practical choice for those on a tight budget or looking for a temporary flooring solution.
Considering your budget, preferences, and the desired longevity of your flooring, you can choose the option that best fits your needs and adds value to your space.
Tips for Finding Affordable Wooden Flooring in Delhi
Finding affordable wooden flooring in Delhi can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, you can save money without compromising on quality. Here are some tips to help you find affordable wooden flooring:
Research and Compare Prices: Take the time to research different suppliers and compare prices. Reach out to multiple suppliers, request detailed quotes, and inquire about any ongoing promotions or discounts. This will give you a better understanding of the market prices and help you negotiate better deals.
Consider Reclaimed Wood: Reclaimed wood flooring is an eco-friendly and cost-effective option. It is made from salvaged wood from old buildings, barns, or warehouses. While it may require some refinishing and repairs, it provides a unique and rustic charm at a fraction of the cost of new wood.
Look for Clearance Sales or Overstocked Items: Many suppliers often have clearance sales or overstocked items that they want to sell quickly. Keep an eye out for such opportunities, as you may find high-quality wooden flooring at discounted prices.
Consider DIY Installation: If you have some experience in DIY projects or are willing to learn, consider installing the wooden flooring yourself. This can help you save on installation costs, but make sure to research the proper installation techniques and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.
Opt for Mid-Range Options: Instead of going for the highest-end options, consider mid-range wooden flooring options that offer a good balance between quality and price. These options often provide excellent value for money without compromising on aesthetics or durability.
By following these tips and being proactive in your search, you can find affordable wooden flooring options in Delhi that meet your budget and quality requirements.
Introduction to Artificial Grass Flooring
Artificial grass flooring, also known as artificial turf or synthetic grass, is a popular choice for outdoor areas, sports fields, and play areas in Delhi. It provides a low-maintenance and aesthetically pleasing alternative to natural grass. Additionally, artificial grass flooring is gaining popularity among homeowners who want to create a green and lush look in their indoor spaces. In this section, I will introduce you to the benefits of artificial grass flooring and compare its prices to wooden flooring in Delhi.
Benefits of Artificial Grass Flooring
Artificial grass flooring offers numerous benefits that make it an attractive option for both indoor and outdoor applications. Firstly, it requires minimal maintenance compared to natural grass. There is no need for watering, mowing, or fertilizing, saving you time and money on lawn care. Artificial grass is also resistant to pests, weeds, and diseases, ensuring a lush and green appearance all year round.
Moreover, artificial grass flooring is highly durable and can withstand heavy foot traffic and intense use. It is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, making it suitable for outdoor areas that experience extreme temperatures or heavy rainfall. Additionally, artificial grass is often made from recycled materials, making it an eco-friendly choice for those conscious of their environmental impact.
Furthermore, artificial grass flooring provides a safe and comfortable surface for outdoor activities. It has a cushioned texture that reduces the risk of injuries from falls, making it ideal for children's play areas or sports fields. Artificial grass also offers excellent drainage properties, allowing water to quickly pass through, preventing the formation of puddles or mud.
Comparing the Prices of Wooden Flooring and Artificial Grass Flooring in Delhi
When considering the prices of wooden flooring and artificial grass flooring in Delhi, it is important to note that they cater to different needs and applications. While wooden flooring adds warmth and elegance to indoor spaces, artificial grass flooring is primarily used for outdoor areas. However, with the rise in indoor landscaping trends, artificial grass is also being used as a unique flooring option in certain indoor areas.
The prices of artificial grass flooring in Delhi range from INR 50 to INR 300 per square foot, depending on the quality, density, and pile height. It is generally more affordable than wooden flooring, making it an attractive option for those on a tight budget or looking for a low-maintenance outdoor solution.
On the other hand, wooden flooring prices in Delhi, as discussed earlier, can range from INR 80 to INR 1,500 per square foot, depending on the type of wood, grade, and installation method. Wooden flooring offers a timeless charm and the versatility to complement various interior styles, making it a popular choice for residential and commercial spaces.
When choosing between wooden flooring and artificial grass flooring in Delhi, consider the specific requirements of your space, your budget, and the overall aesthetic you want to achieve. Wooden flooring provides a classic and elegant look, while artificial grass flooring offers a natural and low-maintenance solution for outdoor areas.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Wooden Flooring and Artificial Grass Flooring in Delhi
Choosing between wooden flooring and artificial grass flooring in Delhi requires careful consideration of several factors. Here are some key factors to consider when making your decision:
Location: Consider the location where you intend to install the flooring. Wooden flooring is primarily used for indoor areas such as living rooms, bedrooms, or offices, while artificial grass flooring is more suitable for outdoor areas like gardens, balconies, or sports fields.
Aesthetic Appeal: Consider the overall aesthetic you want to achieve. Wooden flooring adds warmth, elegance, and a touch of luxury to indoor spaces, while artificial grass flooring provides a natural and vibrant look to outdoor areas.
Maintenance: Assess your willingness and ability to maintain the flooring. Wooden flooring requires regular cleaning, occasional refinishing, and protection from moisture. Artificial grass flooring, on the other hand, requires minimal maintenance, with occasional brushing to remove debris or leaves.
Durability: Evaluate the durability requirements of your space. Wooden flooring is highly durable and can last for decades with proper care and maintenance. Artificial grass flooring is designed to withstand intense use, heavy foot traffic, and harsh weather conditions, making it suitable for outdoor areas.
Budget: Consider your budget and the cost of installation and maintenance. Wooden flooring is generally more expensive, both in terms of material and installation costs. Artificial grass flooring offers a more cost-effective solution, especially for large outdoor areas.
By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and choose the most suitable flooring option for your needs in Delhi.
Conclusion: Making the Right Choice for Your Flooring Needs in Delhi
Choosing the right flooring option for your needs in Delhi is a decision that should be based on a careful evaluation of various factors. Wooden flooring offers timeless elegance, warmth, and durability, making it a popular choice for indoor spaces. However, it may come at a higher price and require regular maintenance.
On the other hand, artificial grass flooring provides a low-maintenance and cost-effective solution for outdoor areas. It offers a natural and vibrant look without the need for watering or mowing. Artificial grass is also gaining popularity as a unique flooring option for certain indoor spaces, adding a touch of greenery and freshness.
By considering factors such as location, aesthetic appeal, maintenance requirements, durability, and budget, you can make an informed decision and choose the flooring option that best suits your needs and enhances the beauty of your space in Delhi.
Whether you opt for wooden flooring or artificial grass flooring, it is essential to work with reputable suppliers and ensure proper installation and maintenance. This will ensure that your flooring investment stands the test of time and adds value to your home or commercial space.
Other Links:
Herringbone Flooring in delhi
Engineered wood flooring in delhi
Laminate wood flooring in delhi
Hardwood flooring in delhi
Solid Wood Flooring in delhi
Artificial Grass Flooring in delhi
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plywebb · 2 months
Elevate Your Projects with Gurjan Plywood
In the realm of construction and woodworking, the choice of materials is paramount. Whether you're crafting furniture, constructing buildings, or embarking on any project that demands structural integrity and aesthetic appeal, the selection of the right material can make all the difference. Among the myriad options available, Gurjan Plywood stands out as a top choice, renowned for its exceptional durability, versatility, and timeless elegance.
Gurjan Plywood derives its name from the Gurjan tree, scientifically known as Dipterocarpus spp., native to Southeast Asia. This plywood is crafted from the finest quality Gurjan timber, prized for its dense grain and remarkable strength. Its composition typically consists of multiple layers of wood veneers bonded together with a strong adhesive, resulting in a robust and reliable material that surpasses many alternatives in the market. Plywood Dealers in Vijayawada,  Veneer Sheets In Hyderabad,  Plywood Suppliers in Hyderabad,  Plywood Suppliers In Telangana,   wholesale plywood suppliers In Hyderabad,  wholesale plywood dealers in Hyderabad,  Plywood Shops in Kukatpally Housing Board,  Interior Designers In Hyderabad,  Home Interior Designers In Hyderabad,  Interior Designs In Hyderabad,  Plywood Sheet in Hyderabad,  Plywood Sheets In Telangana ,  18mm Gurjan Plywood price list,  Plywood Shops In Hyderabad,  Water proof Plywood Suppliers In Hyderabad,  gurjan 710 plywood prices in hyderabad,  Louver Panel In Hyderabad,  Plywood Dealer In Hyderabad,  Flush Doors in Hyderabad,  Plywood Shops in Goshamahal,  Block Board in Hyderabad,  MDF Boards In Hyderabad, Home Interior Designers In Hyderabad,  Interior Workwood In Hyderabad,  Interior Wood Work In Hyderabad,  Interior Designers in Kukatpally Hyderabad,  Interior Design in Kukatpally Hyderabad, Home Interior Designers in Kukatpally Hyderabad, Interior Designers in Gachibowli,  Interior Design in Gachibowli, Interior Designers in Madhapur Hyderabad, Restaurant Interior Designers in Hyderabad, plywood in hyderabad, Plymart, Architects in Hyderabad, Restaurant Interior Designers In Hyderabad,  villa interior designers in hyderabad, Interior designs
One of the primary reasons why Gurjan Plywood is favored by craftsmen, architects, and builders worldwide is its unmatched durability. The Gurjan timber's inherent strength, coupled with the precise manufacturing processes employed, ensures that Gurjan Plywood exhibits exceptional resistance to warping, cracking, and delamination. This durability makes it particularly well-suited for applications where structural integrity is non-negotiable, such as in marine construction, flooring, and high-end furniture making.
Beyond its durability, Gurjan Plywood offers unparalleled versatility. It can be easily cut, shaped, and molded to suit a wide range of design requirements, making it a preferred choice for both intricate woodworking projects and large-scale construction endeavors. Whether you're crafting intricate joinery for bespoke furniture or erecting a robust framework for a commercial building, Gurjan Plywood provides the flexibility and reliability needed to bring your vision to life.
Moreover, Gurjan Plywood's aesthetic appeal adds an extra dimension to any project. Its rich, natural grain and smooth surface finish lend an air of sophistication and elegance to furniture, cabinets, and interior fittings. Whether left untreated to showcase its raw beauty or stained and polished to achieve a specific look, Gurjan Plywood adds a touch of timeless charm to any space, making it a popular choice among designers and homeowners alike.
In addition to its durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal, Gurjan Plywood also boasts environmental credentials that align with sustainable construction practices. Sourced from responsibly managed forests and manufactured using eco-friendly processes, Gurjan Plywood minimizes environmental impact without compromising on quality or performance. This commitment to sustainability makes it an attractive choice for environmentally-conscious consumers and businesses seeking to reduce their carbon footprint.
In conclusion, Gurjan Plywood emerges as the ultimate choice for elevating your projects to new heights. With its unmatched durability, versatility, aesthetic appeal, and eco-friendly credentials, it surpasses many alternatives in the market, offering a compelling combination of strength, beauty, and sustainability. Whether you're a seasoned craftsman, a visionary architect, or a discerning homeowner, Gurjan Plywood provides the perfect foundation for realizing your creative vision and bringing your projects to fruition with confidence and style.
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timberflooring525 · 3 months
Timeless Elegance: The Allure of Solid Timber Flooring
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Solid timber flooring exudes timeless elegance and charm, making it a popular choice among homeowners seeking to enhance the beauty and value of their homes. With its natural warmth, durability, and versatility, solid timber flooring adds a touch of sophistication to any space. In this blog, will explore the allure of timber flooring and its unique features and benefits that make it a top choice for discerning homeowners.
Natural Beauty: One of the most appealing aspects of timber flooring is its natural beauty and character. Each plank of timber flooring is unique, with distinct grain patterns, knots, and color variations that add warmth and personality to the space. Whether you prefer the rich hues of oak, the classic elegance of maple, or the rustic charm of reclaimed timber, timber flooring offers endless options to suit your aesthetic preferences and interior design style.
Durability and Longevity: Timber flooring is renowned for its durability and longevity, making it a wise investment for homeowners looking for flooring that will stand the test of time. Unlike engineered wood or laminate flooring, which have a veneer of real wood over a composite core, timber flooring is made entirely of solid wood, ensuring superior strength and resilience. With proper care and maintenance, timber flooring can last for generations, adding value and beauty to the home for years to come.
Variety of Species and Finishes: Timber flooring is available in a wide range of wood species, each with its own unique characteristics and appearance. From the rich tones of mahogany and cherry to the light hues of ash and birch, there's a species of timber flooring to suit every taste and decor style. Additionally, timber flooring can be finished in various ways to enhance its natural beauty and protect it from wear and tear. Options include matte, satin, or high-gloss finishes, as well as staining or distressing for a custom look.
Timeless Appeal: Timber flooring has a timeless appeal that never goes out of style, making it a versatile choice for both traditional and contemporary homes. Whether you're renovating a historic property or building a modern masterpiece, timber flooring adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to any space. Its classic look and feel create a sense of warmth and comfort that makes the home feel inviting and welcoming to residents and guests alike.
Environmental Sustainability: Timber flooring is an environmentally sustainable choice for flooring, as it is made from natural, renewable resources. Wood is a renewable material that can be harvested responsibly from well-managed forests, ensuring minimal impact on the environment. Additionally, timber flooring can be recycled or repurposed at the end of its life cycle, reducing waste and contributing to a more sustainable future.
Ease of Maintenance: While timber flooring requires regular maintenance to keep it looking its best, it is relatively easy to care for compared to other types of flooring. Routine sweeping or vacuuming, along with occasional mopping with a hardwood floor cleaner, is all that's needed to remove dirt, dust, and spills from the surface of the floor. Additionally, timber flooring can be sanded and refinished multiple times throughout its lifespan to restore its original beauty and luster.
Solid timber flooring is a timeless choice for homeowners seeking to add elegance, warmth, and character to their living spaces. With its natural beauty, durability, variety of species and finishes, timeless appeal, environmental sustainability, and ease of maintenance, timber flooring offers numerous benefits that make it a top choice for discerning homeowners. Whether you're building a new home or renovating an existing one, consider the allure of timber flooring and the lasting impact it can have on your home's beauty and value.
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