helenofblackthorns · 9 months
no matter how many times she explains it I don't think me and Cassandra Clare will ever be in agreement about James and Lucie losing their powers. like its just not a satisfactory explanation to me im sorry
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bumbumzumzum1996 · 21 days
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IXXI Band History
2006: Acerbus (Ondskapt) and Nattdal (Dimhymn, Lifelover) spawn the idea of starting a ‘black n’ roll’ project aside of Acerbus’ band Ondskapt. Totalscorn from Zavorash, Avsky and Selin joins the line-up and the concept/name takes shape through a joint effort of this original line-up. During the summer of 2006 a first ‘s/t’ album is recorded at Studio Endarker, Norrköping, through the support of Total Holocaust Records of Southern Sweden. The album is brief and to the point, a rather straightforward materialization of the term ‘black n roll’. Reviews are fine, but the members all feel it’s just a teaser compared to the real capability of the line-up. By the time this album is released, a music video is all made and dropped in the net as a pro-bono deal.
2007: The line-up returns to Studio Endarker, recording their second album ‘Assorted Armament’. This time supported by German indie-label Sigilla Malae. During this recording session Selin leaves the line-up, basically on account of not being rehearsed enough, and Smoker is recruited for the drum-works with Hravn of Devil’s Whorehouse covering some parts of the album. ‘Assorted Armament’ becomes much more of a solid album, compared to the first release, and the band’s peculiar mixture of talents starts to color the final result more strongly. It’s no longer a question of ‘just’ black n roll, but a more advancing meddling in different direction only loosely tied together by the general standards of black metal. The album is widely acclaimed and accepted as something amongst the ‘best’ of current extreme Swedish bands, and not many months pass before a deal is inked with Candlelight Records.
2008: The band begins rehearsing seriously and recruits Talon as ‘third guitarist’ – at first thought to be a session-member, Talon gets the status of full membership for a brief while. In late May 2008 IXXI performs an underground gig at the H62-club in Stockholm, just days before returning to Studio Endarker for the recording of Elect Darkness – now under the wings of Candlelight Records. The studio-period of 2008 again causes changes to the line-up – as Talon is dropped from the line-up and Smoker quits by own volition, after both having done their part in the studio.
2009: After a pretty long wait, IXXI’s third effort Elect Darkness is finally released by Candlelight Records UK, March 16th. The band starts to rehearse for more live shows and a new drummer is requited. But internal struggles stops the band, and no live shows are planned or performed. After some months of silence Totalscorn suddenly quits the band for complete unknown reasons. Attempts to find a new singer are made, but they all fall short in comparison to Totalscorn. The band have some more rehearsals but nothing happens and the year of 2009 comes to an end.
2010: The band rehearse and tries out some new members, but problems with the line-up makes the band realise that IXXI never will be the same and the they decide to end all activities and put IXXI to the grave as of february the 17th.
2011: The band is reactivated. And goes through some hard months and both Talon and Avsky is forced to leave. Some new material is being written by Acerbus and Nattdal in co-operation with Smoker. The band recruits Core as new bassist, Stigmata (ex-Lifelover as Non) as second guitarist. The band rehears for a while, with Acerbus as vocalist but struggle within the band leads to new line-up changes, as Stigmata is forced to leave and co-founder Nattdal (Lifelover as B) decided to leave the band in the end of July. In August the band recruits Outlaw as vocalist and a session guitarist, Acerbus takes place as guitarist again and the band performes their first live show in over 3 years, together with Lifelover as co-headliner in Stockholm, Sweden, August 26, 2011. IXXI performs some more shows at a mini tour with Lifelover where Nattdal sadly past away.
2012: IXXI signs a record deal with Osmose Productions for a new album and a re-release of Assorted Armament. In autumn IXXI enter the well known Sunlight Studio to record Skulls n Dust with Tomas Skogsberg. Coreperforms his last two shows with IXXI at the Black Flames of Blasphemy and Forlorn Fest.
2013: The new album is mastered by Sverker Widegren in Necromorbus Studio. At the end of the year Skull n Dust and the re-release of Assorted Armament are released.
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nasstyssanktuss · 10 months
My first ever OC post! (On any social media actually) I'm very excited.
He's a front man in a catholic death/black (with a small hint of melodic) band.
A few references of what his music sounds like are church choirs,Interdimmensional Summit by Dimmu Borgir,gregorian chanting,Endarkment by Anaal Nathrakh and his vocal range are both in the iconic opera pitch and growling such as in Destructo by Hunt the dinosaur and We will fucking kill you by Anaal Nathrakh
Amos is a big fan of coffee culture,lgbtq+ welcoming churches,avant gardy catholic garments (see more in the pinterest-link)
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A lot of his music is about the dark truth behind manipulating churches,priests,popes etc. Ab*se,immense hunger for power and what horrors they're trying to hide behind beautifully painted walls and bible verses.
Amos hasn't really formed any kind of relationship within the metal band-community/scene due to being insanely shy.
I can write like 5 books but this will do for now :')
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fuzzychildchopshop · 21 days
Sayori by ENdarks
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fetznerdeathrecords · 22 days
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Serotonin - Motiv
Black Metal from Nijmegen, Netherlands
SEROTONIN return with their most condensed album to date. They go through the seven blistering tracks in 36 minutes, all the while still showcasing the band’s broad scope of sound. The band’s characteristic intricate guitar riffs, catchy melody lines and strong vocal performance are on full display throughout. For Motiv, the band enlisted the help of metal stalwarts Magnus Devo Andersson at Endarker Studio, who provided the album with its powerful and clear mix and Greg Chandler at Priory Recording Studios for the dynamic mastering.
1. Climbing the Colossus 03:47 2. Sinner Box 03:51 3. Garrote in D 06:23 4. Kanishibari 04:35 5. Glioma Psychedelica 06:10 6. Spike Wave Discharge 04:44 7. Leidmotiv 06:41
Release date: September 2nd, 2024
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awhitehead17 · 2 years
Whumptober 2022: Day 28 - It’s just the tip of the iceberg
Prompt: Headache 
Summary: When Tim gets a bad headache that makes him bedridden, Kon is there being an attentive boyfriend and makes sure he has everything he needs.
Enjoy! :D
Cautiously opening the bedroom door Kon pokes his head into the room and peers inside. His eyes immediately settle on his boyfriend who is sprawled out on the bed with a blanket covering his body and a flannel covering his forehead. Despite his best efforts Kon must have made a noise because Tim soon looks in his direction, a hand comes up to secure the flannel on his head as he turns to look at him.
Now knowing Tim is awake Kon enters the room fully and comes to stand at the edge of the bed next to Tim’s side, he kneels down so he’s eye level with his boyfriend.
“Hey,” he greets quietly, “how are you feeling?”
Tim sends him a miserable look before closing his eyes. “Not much better.” His hand reaches out and Kon takes it without thinking, he presses a kiss to his knuckles and holds it gently. “It’s still there, definitely not as bad as before but it’s not gone.”
Kon hums thoughtfully. “When did you last take some painkillers?”
He glances at the bedside table to find Tim’s water bottle almost empty and sees that there are no tablets left in the packet. He hears Tim take a deep breath and watches as he slowly shifts on the bed into a new position on his side rather than on his back as he had been.
Tim still hasn’t opened his eyes again and when he speaks its quiet and controlled, like he’s doing everything he could to not rattle his head. “What time is it?” When Kon tells him its four in the afternoon Tim pulls a face. “Uh, about four hours ago then. I took them around mid-day.”
Running his thumb along the skin of the back of Tim’s hands Kon hums, “then you’re due for some.” He lets go of Tim's hand and reaches for the flannel on his forehead to find it’s warm. “Let me grab you some more tablets and I’ll freshen this up for you and fill your bottle. Is there anything else you need while I’m here?”
Opening his eyes Tim blinks owlishly at him and shakes his head just slightly, the movement almost isn’t there but because he’s looking for it Kon sees it. Standing up Kon sends him a small smile and bends down to press a kiss to Tim’s forehead. Before Tim could react Kon is already leaving the room with the items in hand.
As he fills the water bottle and runs the flannel underneath cold water, he wonders what more he could do to try and help ease Tim’s headache. He hadn’t been in when Tim returned home after only being gone for a couple hours. When he came home and found Tim curled up in bed underneath a blanket in an endarked room Kon knew immediately what was going on. It happens occasionally, Tim would be struck with a bad headache, borderline migraine, and will have to go and lie down for the rest of the day to recover. That usually involves being in a quiet room and sleeping it off after taking some painkillers.
Kon does what he can to help ease Tim of the symptoms because unfortunately he can’t just get rid of it, all he can do is try and make Tim as comfortable as possible so he can quickly sleep it off and wake up feeling better.
Once he’s done his tasks he makes his way back into the bedroom and finds Tim in the same position as before, when he enters Tim is blinking at him watching him as he approaches and Kon smiles. Staying silent until he’s placed the items down on the bedside table, Kon reaches for Tim and gently coaxes him up a little so he can take the tablets easily, once that’s done and after he’s had a few more sips of water Kon helps him settle back down. Without thinking about it Kon starts fussing with the blanket and pillows in making sure his boyfriend is comfortable and covered completely.
Now sitting on the edge of the mattress next to Tim’s hip Kon watches Tim for a moment as he takes a breath and finally settles down, Kon sees his body relax but there’s still a little grimace on his face when he moves, it’s the only sign that the headache is still there and how Tim is waiting for painkillers to kick in. Reaching over to the bedside table Kon grabs the damp flannel and eases it onto Tim’s forehead, not letting go of it until he knows it won’t slip off.
Knowing there’s nothing left for him to do Kon starts getting off the mattress, speaking in a low voice so he doesn’t disturb Tim’s peace. “I’ll be in the living room if you need me.”
Before he could leave he receives a quiet response. “Thank you, Kon. For everything. When I’m better I’ll make it up to you.”
“There's nothing to make up for Tim.” Kon tells him with a shake of his head in amusement. “Just focus on getting some sleep.”
As he makes his way to the door Tim mumbles something else and while he couldn’t make it out he knew what his boyfriend had said. Getting to the door, he steps out of the room and shuts it gently, just before it closes he’s sure to whisper “I love you too” into the room.
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metalshockfinland · 5 months
STORMCROW Share 'Ascension' Single from Upcoming Album
Italian black metal unit STORMCROW release their brand new song “Ascension”. This is the latest single from their third album, “Path to Ascension”, out on May 31st 2024 via Time To Kill Records. The album was recorded and mixed by Carlo Meroni at ADSR Studio in Milan and mastered by Magnus “Devo” Andersson (Marduk) at Endarker Studio in Sweden. The cover artwork is by Arianna “Trollenskog”…
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monstersmutpeddler · 8 months
Endark (Seven Brides for Seven Alien Brothers Book 5)
By: Honey Phillips
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Monster Scale
Level 03: More Monster Than Man (Physically)
Can shift into a wolf man.
My Overall Rating For The Book
"I Bought The Ebook or Will Read On Kindle Unlimited"
Same thoughts as I have for the rest of the books in this series. They are fun, small-stakes romps in a sci-fi setting. Though not a whole lot of tech.
The couple in this story are fun and sweet. Endark is growly man, but loves his wife.
Overly Simplified Summary
After Becky is kidnapped (I know it sounds bad, but I promise it's not like that), she is left inside a cabin with Endark while a winter storm rages outside, alongside her younger brother, who went out to save Becky.
Keep reading for ‘This Book Has Everything’ and possible Trigger Warnings.
This Book Series Has Everything
[x] Touch them and I’ll kill you vibes
[x] Big buff love interest
[x] Soul mates or fated mates
[x] Plot first smut second
[x] Girl ends the book pregnant or is pregnant
I honestly can't remember (there are seven brides/brothers after all). Who ends up pregnant in these stories, but I'll put this here just in case because honestly I think they all get pregnant.
[x] Straight
[x] Main character gets chased in the woods by the love interest at some point
[x] Forced proximity
[x] Dude got an interesting dick
[x] Main character and love interest talk about their problems or tragic pasts and heal together
[x] Holiday season vibes
[x] Open communication
[x] The couple has equal power in the relationship
[x] Happy ending guaranteed
Here’s a link/buy the book!
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kiarazuri · 1 year
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Cover Appreciation: The Seven Brides for Seven ALIEN Brothers Series by Honey Phillips
Can a marriage of convenience between an alien rancher and the town spinster become something more? Worn down by war and conflict, Commander Artek and his brothers - the soldiers under his command - have chosen to start a new life on a backwater planet. As hard work and peaceful surroundings start to heal old wounds, he realizes that something - or rather someone - is missing from his new life. None of the human females in the small town on the other side of the mountains appeal to him except for the shopkeeper’s daughter. She’s smart, sensible - and disturbingly attractive despite her shapeless clothes and brusque manner. Although Nelly is rapidly turning into the town spinster, she’d rather be alone than married to one of the local bumpkins. But when one of the mysterious aliens who have taken up residence in the mountains behind the town proposes a union, she sees the chance for a new future. He’s big and gruff - but he treats her as if she’s precious. But a whirlwind courtship and a hasty marriage are only the beginning. Can two people who know nothing about each other possibly find happiness together? Each book in the Seven Brides series features a different couple and may be read as a standalone, but the books do link together. This sweet and steamy series is intended for mature readers.  
(Artek, Amazon)
Okay I’m gonna admit it right off the bat... the artwork on these covers is bad. It’s just... unfinished? unpolished? clunky? But, if they were just fixed up slightly, they’d be wonderful. And even with the artwork, the covers have good qualities and work together well as a series.
I like that each cover perfectly matches but is still unique thanks to the colors and the alien brother they portray (the white ladies are not unique no matter how hard you try to tell me they are. Looking at them all together is like looking at a picture of sorority sisters. Honestly, if I didn’t know better I’d think the seven “brothers” married seven sisters and they all became actual brothers through marriage. But that’s not the case.) Whereas I usually lament book covers that don’t tell you what # in the series they are, this series tells you in the book’s very name--all you gotta know is your ABCs.
The titles fix one issue but another is that these covers don’t look like erotic Romance novels. Can people please start putting little “stickers” on covers that say “explicit content”? PLEASE. Many manga do it and I think it should be common practice among Romance especially with the uptick in illustrated covers.
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I know the brothers are all showing quite a bit of chest but that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s sex in the books. The only way you know for sure these books have explicit sexual content without searching for more information is if you’ve read Honey Phillips before, otherwise you’re going in blind or you have to go searching for info. (I do appreciate that this author writes in the summary that it’s “steamy” and intended for mature audiences but I often will buy something then let it sit on my Kindle or shelf for months and I often forgot by then what’s erotic and what’s not and then have to go searching again. I’d prefer to just be able to look at the cover and KNOW.)
I love that ALIEN is in a different font than the rest of the titles, matching only the author name so there’s not too many fonts on one cover. Because Honey Phillips wants to be VERY CLEAR that they’re aliens and that this isn’t just Seven Brides for Seven Brothers redone nawh it’s got some *spice* to it. I am wondering why some of the text matches the brothers’ color palette (Callum and Gilmat) while others are completely different (literally everyone else), but I don’t think it would be better if they all matched. I think it’d be too much and that the few matchy-matchy covers are a good counterpart. (If they did go the all matchy-matchy route Endark’s color would be on Benjar, Benjar’s color would be on Frantor, Frantor’s color would be on Drakkar, Drakkar’s color would be on Artek, and Artek’s color... would be on Endark but that doesn’t match so maybe that’s why they aren’t all matchy-matchy? Endark’s skin color would make for a very dull color scheme. If his eyes were yellow they could match Artek’s color to it but they’re not so they can’t.)
Looking at these covers now I’ve only just noticed the aurora boreales which bring the colors of each cover together... despite there being no aurora boreales that I can remember in the actual books. But it does evoke the idea of a snowy, mountainous land which is where the book takes place.
But even all that doesn’t excuse the frankly terrifying art. Specifically: DRAKKAR’S EYES. And everywhere the limbs connect. The aliens with the best bodies are Endark, Benjar, and Drakkar (not including his wings) and the reason for this is that the others have these areas.
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isolated they don’t look so bad but if you look at them with the rest of their covers you can see that they’re Not Correct (Frantor’s is excusable because it’s a robotic arm so it technically doesn’t need to comply anatomically)
I may go through and just... fix them up slightly. Just a little. As a treat for myself.
I made a TikTok about Seven Brides for Seven Brothers vs Seven Brides for Seven ALIEN Brothers cuz I think it’s an interesting case study for retellings 😂There are so many movies I would just LOVE to use as the basis for books.
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hareki · 4 years
It's not rocket science. We are the etheric substance, entering into materials and giving life to them. Our life experience is a frame of an energy field. When we breathe, we fill that assigned space and experience that field. Whatever we experience is unique but also an interconnected dance with the seemingly seperate parts of existence. Sorry it's indeed like rocket science. Inside it's so simple, when trying to put into words one can talk all day and fail to explain. I wish ease to all of us. Just breath, just be, you're in safe hands. :))
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richhybrid · 4 years
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Bath Time Records Albums Of 2020. Part 8. 37. Elephant Tree — Habits // Shoegaze and Dreampop influenced Doom Metal? Should sound like a mess. Instead, it sounds utterly glorious. 36. Jonsi — Shiver // Sigur Ros main man Jonsi adds IDM and Electronica to his substantial artistic bag of tricks. And its very good indeed. 35. Deadlife — City Of Eternal Rain // Harder edged Synthwave or Retrowave or Darksynth, whatever it is you want to call it. Exceptional Electronica with atmosphere and attitude. 34. Pvris — Use Me // Post Pop Punk with a New Wave vibe filtered through modern Pop and it is a great listen end to end. Lynn Gunn continues to be an inspiration. 33. Lamb Of God — Lamb Of God // Lamb Of God have swung back into action with perhaps their best album. Savage Metal built for the pit. 32. My Dying Bride — The Ghost Of Orion // Come back album from Yorkshire Doom Death overlords. Misery never sounded as heavy, beautiful or as elegant. 31. Anaal Nathrakh — Endarkment // The fury is shocking. So is the melody. So is the epic and expansive production. Superb extreme metal for the end times. 30. Poppy — I Disagree // Disorientating metallic Pop music. The love child of Baby Metal, Brittney Spears and Marilyn Manson. Wonderfully deranged. 29. Killer Be Killed — Reluctant Hero // Metal super group show the world their debut was no accident. Three unique vocals, brilliant riffs and neck snapping rhythms. Stupendous. #BathTimeRecord #AlbumsOfTheYear #AlbumsOf2020 #ElephantTree #Habits #Jonsi #Shiver #Deadlife #CityOfEternalRain #Pvris #UseMe #LambOfGod #MyDyingBride #TheGhostOfOrion #AnaalNathrakh #Endarkment #Poppy #IDisagree #KillerBeKilled #ReluctantHero (at Wakefield) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJS8_38ML2q/?igshid=1l0brh82ivevb
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fuzzychildchopshop · 1 month
Natsuki by ENdarks
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drondskaath · 4 years
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Endark the Brightness | Transgression | 2021
Swiss Atmospheric Black Metal
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Atmospheric Black Metal from Switzerland Cycle (2019)
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endarkculi · 7 years
Endark Update: Damn, do I feel used sometimes.
Hey, everyone. Hope you’ve all been doing well. Haven’t had any original content for a while, but I hope you’ve all been enjoying reblogs of things I’ve found interesting.  My life’s been going well so far...at least, I can’t say that I’ve had more bad than good. A minor bug or rodent problem, sure, but nothing that’s outright ruined my day.  Today, though...I just felt like making this post, if only so I’m not keeping the stress trapped up in my head.
So, I have company today.  All week, actually; I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before, but I have an out-of-town friend that I usually see for a week every couple of months.  This week has mainly been “Persona”-centric; it’s his first chance to play Persona 5 on my system, and I’ve usually been on the sidelines watching him and advising with help from an online guide.  I don’t usually mind that set-up, because it makes me feel involved in a normally one-player experience, like the tactician to a general...ah, but this is mostly just a tangent; I should get back on-track.
So, today, I wake up around 10 AM, as I have the previous days.  My friend wasn’t awake, but would probably be so around 1 in the afternoon, as he has the previous days.  And today I thought I’d do something special.  My mother (who I still live with) brought special meat and sandwich buns, so I thought I’d prepare some club sandwiches.  Ham, bologna, cheese, lettuce, tomato, ranch dressing...nothing too foreign, but a good combination.  And I certainly enjoyed mine!
But when he woke up (around 1) and ate his...well, at first, his only complaint was that I’d sliced the tomato a tad too think for his tastes, and removed them.  That’s a fair and acceptable complaint, I think.  Halfway through, he says he’s not really that hungry since he just woke up, and says he’s putting the rest in the kitchen. Also fair, I think, though a tad odd since he’s usually a big eater. But just half an hour ago, I went to the kitchen to wash some dishes, and notice the garbage can lid slightly ajar.  And in it is, as you might guess, the sandwich.
Which still isn’t the main reason I’m feeling so stressed out right now.
I call out to him from the kitchen, saying I feel insulted. He asks why, and I say it’s because he threw out the sandwich. He said he probably wouldn’t feel hungry for the rest until supper, and we’d already made plans to eat out (with him paying for both me and mom), which meant it would go bad anyways, and asked what else he’d do with it. I asked him why he didn’t just put it in the fridge for later.  He went “Oh.”
The thought hadn’t even crossed his mind.
I’m not upset that he threw out my food. I’m not upset that he didn’t tell me he threw out my food...well, okay, maybe partly upset.  But I am MOSTLY upset that he’s seeing this visit as more of a personal vacation, and not even thinking twice about perfectly edible food that’s bought with my family’s own grocery money.  Next time he’s hungry, he’s probably just going to take something else from the fridge, not thinking ahead about how much is going to be left for mom and I once his visit’s over. And him bringing four cans of soda and paying for one supper in a week-long visit of no chores, no bedtimes, fresh meals handed to him, etc., shouldn’t make us “even”.  We’re f***ing 25 years old; the fact that concepts like “responsibility” haven’t quite sunken into his head yet is troubling.
So now I’m in my bedroom, complaining of a backache after bending over the sink to wash dishes, while typing this out on my laptop before my head explodes.  I’ll probably be fine later (whether I will be in time for the meal he said he’ll pay for is currently indeterminable), but for now, I hope everyone following is having a good day and is experiencing far less stress than I.
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metalshockfinland · 6 months
STORMCROW to Release Third Album "Path to Ascension" on May 31st, Reveal New Single 'Petit Dru'
Italian black metal unit STORMCROW will release their third album, “Path to Ascension”, on May 31st 2024 via Time To Kill Records. The album was recorded and mixed by Carlo Meroni at ADSR Studio in Milan and mastered by Magnus “Devo” Andersson (Marduk) at Endarker Studio in Sweden. The cover artwork is by Arianna “Trollenskog” Carbone. Today, the band shares a new single from the album:…
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