mascaritalu · 10 months
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Endeling- El ser solitario. Parte 1
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boyswillbedogz · 1 month
something something alterhuman anger
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beastlybardou · 6 months
You know what I think would be a cute trend for nonhumans? Making little naturalist field note pages about your species - like the ones in that Dragonology book or in How to Train Your Dragon (not sure why both of my examples are dragon based, I'm sure there are plenty of examples of this that aren't, those are just the first two that came to mind).
It'd be such a fun cute way to get a bunch of easily digestible information about your species out in one page and I don't know about y'all but I like thinking about my species from an outsider's perspective sometimes.
Bonus points if you draw a little diagram for it but you obviously don't have to.
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bones-and-earth · 4 months
Attention Alterhumans:
If you are alterhuman please comment or reblog!
I would like more alterhuman friends!
What I'm looking for: Therians / otherkin / and animal Endels!
What my alterhuman iidentities include:
•Fallen angel kin
•Succubus/Demon kin
•Werewolf kin
•Rottweiler kin/endel (im not quite sure which one)
•Rabbit coping link
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crocodilidae · 7 months
being nonhuman is weird.
there’s some days i’m happy to be human shaped, because i can eat things like grapes and bbq pringles and go see movies. i can dine out and drink sprite with every meal. i can use thumbs.
but on the inside, i’m not like humans. it doesn’t work “correctly”. i have urges that are considered taboo or just plain wrong for a “human”.
it’s something i’m trying to comes to terms with and accept.
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coyotesinew · 6 months
I want to see more portrayals of raw nonhumanity.
I want us to talk about ALL aspects of nonhumanity. we can talk about wanting to play fight, to chase prey, to long for missing extremities, but we should also be talking about wanting to roll in filth, wanting to mark your territory, urges to eat your young, and everything else that's "gross" even if it’s uncomfortable. Nonhumanity is weird and gross, it makes you want to do things that humans don't do. We don't exist to be palatable images of "human who identifies as an animal (but only in the cute ways).”
There is a unintentionally upheld standard that you have to make an image out of your identity, it HAS to be pretty and digestible for other people, your nonhumanity MUST to be organized and palatable. it can be "edgy" but it can't be too weird otherwise you're too weird. Why bind your existence to an idea of normalcy? Why stifle yourself in order to conform to the standards of a world that will never accept you? Why strive to be accepted by those that will never truly listen to you?
You are more than aesthetic photos and gear and silly posts!!! You are full of depth, you are a grotesque experience and you are made of blood and bones and guts and thoughts and instincts, and all of that should be treated with as much weight as it can be! You are allowed to be “Off.”
Interrogate your own discomfort around your identity, let yourself be okay with the things that are uncomfortable!!! You should relish in your own nonhumanity, you should wholeheartedly project the nasty and weird and angry parts of existence as an animal, they are just as real and as tangible and beautiful as your collars or your masks or your tails or anything else you hold dear. yeesh!
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nero-pathy · 2 months
It's.....quite disheartening seeing how many otherkin think the alterhuman label only encompasses kin identities.
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unhumanmosaic · 10 months
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a new alterhuman zine themed around how alterhumans express themselves through art
this edition's theme: illuminating your alterhuman identity in the way that makes most sense to you.
submissions due: November 20th
to be uploaded to itch.io for free
run by @soweli-musi & @starry-bear
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canis-carnis · 10 months
my favorite dog patches
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darklanterndragon · 4 months
I hope any endels, holotheres, clinical lycanthropes, or any other physically identifying nonhuman reading this has a very good day
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beastlybardou · 2 months
Tell me why humans are policing my animality even in my DREAMS?
I had a dream that I was hiking at one of the parks in my territory at night and there was no one around. I was standing on the trail looking up at the moon through the trees and started running. My body started to slowly change as I ran, more and more wolf features slowly melding in until I dropped down onto all fours sprinting that way for the last half of the transformation. I was getting faster and faster, trees whipping past, so excited to shift and explore the park in my true form.
And then some guy on a horse gallops out of nowhere, shoots me an absolutely withering look down his nose and goes, "Stop that." in the most disgusted voice.
And it put me out of the mood so much that I actually stood back up and unshifted.
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everyponie · 4 months
reminder that letting clinical zoanthropes exist is not "encouraging delusions"
We need a safe space to talk about our experiences. Some of us find comfort in the therian, otherkin, and alterhuman communities because our own community is very small.
It's okay to let people with psychotic disorders talk about their experiences. If you don't like that or it makes you uncomfortable, simply do not interact.
Our disorders don't just go away. We're stuck like this forever, so let us embrace ourselves in peace.
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doglusional · 11 months
not a human but mildly fascinated by what they do. look at those guys go
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digirat · 4 months
Creatures who have told their IRLs your nonhuman identity: how did it go? I’m currently considering telling my partner, but I’m just curious about other’s experiences!
(We have a really good relationship and I’ve already explained that I’m more of a snake than a human, but I want to tell her more about the alterhuman community in general.)
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lupus-lunae · 3 months
otherkin, therians, lycanthropes, doesnt matter what you are! if youre a wolf, please block celticmountainmists for your own sake. this is a porn blog that interacts with alterhuman blogs, seemingly only wolves, and ignores boundaries. they have followed me and liked my posts despite me being clear that i dont want porn blog interaction, reblogs from other alterhumans and wolf picture/gif/video blogs including a minor, and adds sexual commentary to posts with wolves. not furries or werewolves, actual wolves. i would suggest reporting them but i dont know if that would really do anything? but if having your alterhumanity sexualized doesnt sit right with you, please block and (obviously) dont harrass.
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neuroticboyfriend · 10 months
psychotic otherkins and therians and anyone with an identity delusion... ily and you are so cool. you have a right to a happy life where you can be your healthiest most authentic self, whether you seek sanity or find fulfillment in psychosis. <3
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