#eng ru
s-dei · 2 months
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"Druzhok" is a Russian for "little friend"/"buddy", when applied to a person you're not close with is usually joking/sarcastic. Also a popular dog name
Alrighty, bringin context here
Me and fellas were discussing dif AU possibilities, and somehow "Nikolai babysitting Nemesis before Jill" became obligatory point for any option😅 At least for me. As always it started as a meme and then went wild, and I consider it hella hillarious. And smexy
I can't say it's some solid and thoughtful plot, just a "written in canon" (at least till RE5) with a bunch of situations to let the Tyrants flex. And even if some topics are treated seriously, it's all for the sake of fanservice. I also alterate stuff to explore diff situations, so don't expect me to follow single story all the time or somethin :D
Comin back to the pic, Nik and Nem had to work for some time (~2yrs) for unnamed organization postRE3. They both weren't enthusiastic at first, but in the end it was nicey (amount of 'nicey' depends on my mood in the morning xD)
The reason I rarely draw said stuff is coz I have to think on the clothes different from canon options. (Nem is havin his cool OG limiter, but he's going to wear it later in AU). And I'm not really confident with designing clothes, but I decided - who the fuck cares, if you don't have a resource to design, just slap something at a moment, and at least you have a base to develop for later. (yep it's me who cares, but stfu Lily)
Anyway I'm a sucker for "two intimidating chars are stupid dogs with eachother" in any amount. heh
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qqmariztwsse · 5 months
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jaewsss · 8 months
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nicolett-rosse · 3 months
If I had a nickel for every time I meet boy who has two friends who always argue but remain the best partners, one of which is an organized grump and the other an extreme lazy ass, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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prostocupoftea · 6 months
thanks to this post for posting about it on here!! Made me find it out (:
Udp: Thank to this post for a lot of corrections!
If im gonna change some things i will leave the closest to the original translation in the brackets to it will not drift it's meaning if anyone wants to use it!
[Verse 1]
Я другом твоим хочу ��тать - I want to become your friend
Дай побольше о тебе узнать - Let me know more about you
Будем вместе мы играть - We will play together
То, что в письме - лучше не знать - What's in the letter - better not to know
Задаю тебе вопросы: - Asking you questions
Зима, лето или осень? - Winter, summer or autumn?
Твоя любимая еда? - What's your favorite food?
Какое имя у зверька? - What's the name of your beastie? (as in like. small animal. it rhymes in russian i promise.)
Доверься мне, мы же друзья - Trust me, we are friends after all
И ты со мною до конца - And you with me untill the end
Я всё узнаю про тебя - I will find out everything about you
От меня не скроешься - Can't hide away from me
В моих руках твои друзья - Your friends are in my hands
Ты их забудешь навсегда - You will forget them forever
Ведь у тебя есть только я - Because you have only me
И только я, и только я - And only me, and only me
Бесконечное веселье - Everlasting fun
Только лишь для нас двоих - Only for us two
С тобой найдём мы увлеченье - With you we'll find devotion
О проблемах позабыв - All problems forgotten
[Verse 2]
С возвращением, друг - Welcome back, friend
Кажется был завершён сеанс - Seems like our seance was cut short
Но ты не бойся, коли вдруг - But don't fear, if that's so
Смогу восстановить баланс - I can fix the balance
Осталось сделать одну вещь - Only one thing left to do
В админ состав меня вовлечь - In admin list include me
В командную строку набрать: - Type into cmd:
“Кинито дать твой комп зас—” - Give Kinito my pc- (wow i accidentally made it rhyme. anyways, back to blank verse)
Давай, давай, пиши! - Come on, come on, write!
Комп мне свой уступи! - Give your PC to me! (it uses Russian rude-ish-sland for the word computer but that is most likely for song purposes bc it only has one vowel while computer is a long word in both languages
Я не вирус! - I'm not a virus!
Я не вирус! - I'm not a virus!
Бесконечное веселье - Everlasting fun
Только лишь для нас двоих - Only for us two
С тобой найдём мы увлеченье - With you we'll find devotion
О проблемах позабыв - All problems forgotten
Бесконечное веселье - Everlasting fun
Только лишь для нас двоих - Only for us two
Нам не скучно - это правда - We're not bored - that's the thuth (technically better in future lang like "we won't get bored" but in song was present bc song purpouses so i will leave it like that in literal translation)
Разве не согласен ты? - Dont you agree?
А теперь… Дай мне доступ! - And now... Give me access!
Мы же друзья! - We are friends after all!
Скажи, ну хоть раз - Tell me, even once
Подвёл я тебя? - Have I let you down? (also technically in the present tense here but yeah...)
Целый мир, здесь я и ты - This whole world, for me and you (orig. "The whole world, here's me and you")
Места нет для скукоты - No place for boredom here
Всё подстроил под тебя - Everything i arranged for you
Теперь системой правлю я - Now the system's ruled by me
if ya are native/just really good in english i'll be happy if you check it for any mistakes or propose better/rhyming translation! that's just the meaning mosly word-by-word (:
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soul100 · 7 months
Hey! / Хай!
You may call me Soul or Chai! Any pronounces.
It's my main blog, here I post different projects (mostly Undertale) and just random doodles (and more).
Please do not repost my drawings without credits (better to ask me about it first)!
I'm open for: asks, art request and other.
I'm author of such Undertale AU's like Librarytale, Losthope and Happyverse.
Звать меня Соул или Чай! Обращаться ко мне можно в любом роде. Это мой основной блог, тут я выкладываю разные проекты (сейчас в основном по Undertale), и просто рандомные рисунки (и не только). Пожалуйста, не репостить мои рисунки без ссылки на меня (а лучше спросить меня напрямую)! Принимаю аски, предложения(рисунков) и т.д. Я автор таких АВ по Undertale, как LibraryTale, Losthope и Happyverse.
› Список фандомов ‹
⟩ Мастерпост LibraryTale (1 глава)
⟩ Мастерпост Librarytale (2 глава)
⟩ Мастерпост LostHope
ㅤ English Losthope Masterpost
⟩ Blind Chara AU
⟩ Vixen (Vixen!Sans)
⟩ Error Muffet
⟩ Сор (Sor / Sore!Sans)
⟩ Дизаир (Desire!Sans)
⟩ История Соул (моя ОС)
⟩ АЛА (мои ОС)
⟩ Арт Челлендж Эмоции
Posts Count / Счётчик постов: 555
Followers Count / Счётчик читателей: 94
I'm fine with spam likes/comments/reblogs/etc. I also like asks (both, english and russian).
Если вы зашли на мой блог, я буду только рада, если вы проявите в нём какой либо вид активности! Будь то лайканье кучи постов подряд, реблоги, задавание вопросов и тд.
My the most common persona - Soul! You may see her on the picture below.
Моя самая часто используемая персона это Соул! Её вы можете увидеть на картинке ниже.
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My sideblogs / Мои сайдблоги:
@librarytale-eng (english translation of Librarytale)
@losthope-au (english translation of my comic Losthope)
@happyverse-utmv (happyverse blog/блог по happyverse)
@souldrawsbad (рисунки по [redacted]!verse)
@mirrored-official (будет активен когда я создам первую игру вселенной MIRRORED)
Thanks for attention! / Спасибо за внимание! :Р
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corfisers · 6 months
two weird things that happen to me more often than i'd like and feel like they are on the opposite ends of the same spectrum: forgetting that i do actually speak two languages and forgetting that some people who post here in english speak only english
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woerm-town · 23 days
love how my art acc's bio makes it almost look like my pronouns are "english/ukrainian/russian" hsjshdhdn
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cielitas · 8 months
sweet caramel angel ۪۪༢ུ ۫
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reqs open
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prototypelq · 10 months
So, I stumbled upon a video about Adi Shankar today (that's the netflix anime exec and showrunner), and I...now feel much, much more positive about the whole thing!
What I've learned, is that Adi is basically El Donte with Vergil-drank-a-whole-Monster levels of hype&energy&perfectionism in tv series industry. The guy is clinically unhinged and deranged, which I think could fit the DMC anime tone nicely.
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He has been making gaming adaptations for a long time now, and his works all come from a genuine love and care for the source material, enhanced with a special Adi TM take on the whole thing. Sadly, I've just learned of his other works, so not exactly best source for this kind of thing, but I got the feeling the guy likes to gore and darken up the source, spice it up with self-irony, and sew everything to skeleton made out of pure-geek love and obsession over the original.
He had a sort of El Donte arc in the industry, as the guy liked to come in shattering doors and expectations of 'normal' executives and investors, but he seems to have matured a little to start combining the best of fan-love and big investor money into amazing and unique works of art. He is most known for working on Castlevania series, but personally the show I learned about (and was sold on to give a watch) is Captain Laserhawk.
Captain Laserhawk is Ubisoft doing a RARE INDEED creative take on their stuff, basically they gave Adi creative freedom over every franchise Ubisoft has ever owed, and a result of that was a.... an adult show which roasts the ever-living hell out of Ubisoft, their practices and everything, with Rayman doing news-anchoring, drugs and then having an existential crisis? Oh, and also for animation he specifically commissioned a studio known for the...furry carnal desire series they uploaded to their own page.
The most bizarre thing is that Adi said he had a Ubi-lawyer follow him to every meeting to confirm that, yes, Ubisoft gave a green light to all of this.
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So, uh, yeah gotta give Captain Laserhawk a watch, I wanna see Ubisoft roasted.
Mind you, Captain Laserhawk was Adi given a free-out-of-jail card on going unhinged, so he did not disappoint. His Castlevania show seems to have been loved by all fans, and seems to be much more tone-according to the series, as far as I can tell. At least, I've heard nothing but praise for that series. Also, knowing japanese studios, I think Capcom was keeping a close watch over everything, still, if Adi's previous work is to go by, then this anime is sure going to be
Adi claimed to have played all the DMC titles, so he knows his source, and I now believe that those manga in the latest anime preview weren't for show either. We also know the father of the series, Hideaki Itsuno, oversaw the anime production to some extent, so I'm sure it's going to tonally fit DMC. I also wouldn't mind a darker take on this series at all. The anime would be the perfect form to do that, too, as DMC is a world where demon incursions are a frequent occurrence, this HAS to affect the people of this setting somehow. The games can't really tap too much into that either, cause the gameplay of this series is 'bully your opponent back into hell' basically, these games are f u n, and you can't really have fun gameplay and a depressing story, the tone clash wouldn't really work.
DMC5 tried, but it is still mostly a very fun experience, the tragedy of the Qlipoth attack is highlighted only in the beginning, and the game even ends with Nero brightly lit and looking around the ruins, which works for him as a character, but the human tragedy that happened has already been forgotten by that point.
This is not a critique, I wouldn't have DMC any other way, but I DO want additional material that brings the setting down when we exit the 'sparda idiots' radius, and I feel like with Adi at the helm that's exactly what we might get with the anime. Oh, he also claimed to have been working on the anime all this time since 2018, and with his drive and obsession over every project I feel like Adi is not exaggerating, the production of that size and obsession could have very well taken over five years in the oven.
So yeah, I am now feeling much more excited for the whole thing. That's a very nice feeling)
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incognox · 2 years
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I tried drawing him
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creepymarshmallow3 · 7 months
do you mind to ask your nationality?
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grassbreads · 8 months
tgcf enjoyers help, I need shi wudu images for a thing, and as far as I can tell these two illustrations are still the only official art of him alive.
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Am I missing anything? Any more official water master images?
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jaewsss · 1 year
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jorisjurgen · 2 months
i am now at page 70+ of the book in eng translation.
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rubenovichoff · 2 months
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita ED Creditless [Masumi Itō - Yume no Naka no Watashi no Yume]
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