#england v japan
fourpeatinarowww · 9 months
Tbf that was decent. And they’ll end up dropping Ford to the bench, this teams only sense of what a rugby player should look like
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superbeans89 · 9 months
England 34 - 12 Japan
Steve Borthwick’s training finally bore fruit as England scraped out a last minute bonus point against Japan.
As close as 13-12 at one point, two massive flukes gifted England with 14 more points, with one try born from a failed Japanese line out, and another from the ball bouncing off of Joe Marler’s head. Still technically in play, the ball was dotted down in the confusion, and the points were rewarded.
Japan were fluid and threatening for most of the match, but couldn’t turn any possession into points outside of a few penalty kicks. The potential was there, but little dame of their efforts.
England were far from perfect, but the stronger outfit on the day, on top of the leaderboard with 9 points. Argentina and Samoa will both fancy the runner up spot, and the Brave Blossoms still aren’t out of the running, but it’s still a very open pool. England are in the driving seat despite their problems, but who knows?
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pennywhistle2021 · 2 years
My entire Sector V World Tour art series as an early celebration of KND’s 20th anniversary! 
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jonny-versace · 2 years
Want to relive those magical few minutes when Spain and Germany were both out
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sailoreuterpe · 2 years
Shit be happening, my dudes.
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chelscait · 10 months
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racingliners · 11 months
If I had a penalty for each time a penalty had to be re-taken bc the goalie moved too early in WWC matches today, I'd have two pennies
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If you’re wanting to watch Band of Brothers/The Pacific/Masters of the Air in chronological order with BoB 1st Currahee episode split up in the dates on screen I made a list
(Updated: April 12, 2014 7:58pm pst)
July, 10 1942 Easy Company Trains in Camp Tocca (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee 2001) August 7, 1942, Allied forces land on Guadalcanal (The Pacific Ep. 1 Guadalcanal/Leckie 2010) September 18, 1942, 7th Marines Land on Guadalcanal (The Pacific Ep. 2 Basilone 2010) December 1942 The 1st Marine Division on Guadalcanal is relieved (The Pacific Ep. 3 Melbourne 2010) *June 23, 1943, Easy Company Trains in Camp Mackall N.C. (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee) * June 25, 1943, 100th Bomb Group flew its first 8th Air Force combat mission (Master of the Air Ep. 1 2024)
July 16, 1943 the 100th Bomb Group bombed U-Boats in Tronbhdim (Masters of the Air Ep.2 2024) August 17, 1943 the 4th Bomb Wing of the 100th Bomb Group bombed Regenberg (Masters of the Air Ep. 3 2024) *September 6, 1943, Easy Company Boards transport ship in Brooklyn Naval Yard (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee)* September 16, 1943, William Quinn and Charles Bailey leave Belgium (Masters of the Air Ep.4 2024) September 18, 1943 -*East Company trains in Aldbourne, England (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee)* -John 'Bucky' Egan returns from leave to join the mission to bomb Munster (Master of the Air Ep.5 2024) October 14, 1943, John ‘Bucky’ Egan interrogated at Dulag Lut, Frankfurt Germany (Masters of the Air Ep. 6 2024) December 26, 1943, 1st Marine Division lands on Cape Gloucester (The Pacific Ep. 4 Gloucester/Pavuvu/Banika 2010) March 7, 1944, Stalag Luft III Sagan, Germany, Germans find the concealed radio Bucky was using to learn news of the War (Master of the Air Ep.7 2024) *June 4, 1944, D-Day Invasion postponed (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee)* *June 5, 1944 Easy Company Boards air transport planes bound for Normandy (Band of Brothers Ep. 1 Currahee)* June 6, 1944, 00:48 & 01:40 First airborne troops begin to land on Normandy (Band of Brothers Ep. 2 Day of Days 2001)
June, 7 1944 Easy Company Takes Carentan (Band of Brothers 3x10 Carentan)
August 12, 1944, The 332nd Fighter Group attack Radar stations in Southern France (Masters of the Air Ep.8 2024)

September 15, 1944 U.S. Marines landed on Peleliu at 08:32, on September 15, 1944 (the Pacific Part Five: Peleliu Landing)
September 16, 1944 Marines take Peleliu airfield (the Pacific Part Six: Airfield)
September, 17 1944 Operation Market Garden -(Band of Brothers 4x10 Replacements)
October 22/23, 1944, 2100 – 0200 Operation Pegasus (Band of Brothers 5x10 Crossroads)
October, 1944 Battle of Peleliu continues (the Pacific Part Seven: Peleliu Hills)
December 16, 1944 Battle of the Bulge (Band of Brothers 6x10 Bastogne)

January, 1945 Battle of Foy (Band of Brothers 7x10 The Breaking Point)

February 14, 1945 David Webb rejoins the 506th in Haguenau (Band of Brothers 8x10 The Last Patrol)
April 5, 1945 506th Finds abandoned Concentration Camp
(Band of Brothers 9x10 Why We Fight 2001)
April 1-June 22, 1945 Battle of Okinawa (The Pacific Part Nine: Okinawa)

May 7, 1945, Germany Surrenders V-E Day - (Master of the Air Ep. 9 2024) - (Band of Brothers 10x10 Points 2001)
August 15 The Empire of Japan surrenders end of the War (The Pacific Part Ten: Home)
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sophswritingthings · 6 months
Hi! I’ve been wanting to request for a bit but idk what I wanted to ask but I think I have an idea sorry if it’s boring!!
I was thinking about how in you’re English reader x mizu how different the fashion is and now I’m thinking about how funny it would be if English reader was like ‘hey babe help me w my corset’ and mizu was like ‘??’ Only for English reader to reveal the crazy ass torture device that woman would wear literally 24/7
Literally imagine poor mizu watching her s/o pass out bc how insane corsets were
pairing: mizu x fem!english!reader
warning(s): mentions of death, the death trap that is a corset 
a/n: mizu taking off your corset at the end of the day and giving you a massage……
word count: 290 words / 1,558 characters
“sweetheart?” you call, glancing over your shoulder. mizu barley looks up from the book she’s reading, raising an eyebrow.
“yes?” she questions.
“can you help me with my corset, please?” you ask, turning back to look at yourself in the mirror.
“.. your, hm?” she finally looks up, gazing at the v shaped item you were pulling around your abdomen.
“.. corset?” you laugh a little, “do they not have those in japan?”
mizu gathers herself to her feet, tossing down her book and walking over to you. she places her hands on your hips, looking the piece up and down.
“I’ve never seen it,” she murmurs. “what does it do?”
“It’s something women wear here in england.” you grab the laces of your corset, placing them in her hands.
“all.. day?” she whispers.
you laugh, “all day.”
“are you trying to die, my love?” she murmurs, placing her chin against your shoulder as she slowly begins to tie the knots.
you place your hands against your stomach, taking a large breath.
“tie them tight,” you hiss.
tight? she didn’t want to hurt you.
but, if you were asking for it, she supposed she’d do it. you knew how to work this thing better than she did. so she did just that, tying them as tight as she could.
you took in a few deep breaths, nodding as you stepped away from her grasp.
“thank you,” you murmur.
“.. are you sure that’s not painful?” she slides her arms around your waist, pulling you back into her body. she rubs her thumbs against your abdomen.
“sure it is,” you sigh. “you get used to it.”
she shrugs, pressing a kiss against your shoulder.
“don’t die.”
you chuckle, “I won’t.”
a/n: fun fact guys: did you know that corsets in the 1600s (this time period) were made out of whale bone? so if you move wrong, on accident, it can and will stab you! :)
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fanficfish · 18 days
explaining characters in hetalia badly: family member archtype edition
an incomplete list for funsies
just imagine they're all at a big family reunion lol
Germany: The closeted cousin who still hasn't figured it out.
Prussia: The cool older cousin who's jacked up on the remnants of the energy drinks he chugged during finals week trying to study for his med school exams. Probably specialized in kids medicine, but he's too jittery to confirm.
Italy V: The cousin who's a cousin because someone married someone a couple months ago and has no idea about all the ettiquette rules ye and what not to discuss in front of Great Aunt Sarah.
China: Great Aunt Sarah
Italy R: The cousin who's just hit his highschool years, and has decided MHA and Valorant is his whole personality.
England: The one manning the grill.
France: The one actually manning the grill.
America: The guy who's young enough to be your older brother but old enough that he's a dad. Don't worry, he's cool- he won't make you babysit, but he's gonna show up with those kids in biker jackets and they'll do a fun dance to entertain everyone halfway through dinner.
Russia: The uncle that apparently is a war vet. Definitely saw things he shouldn't have seen and you don't leave your kids with him. Tells the wildest stories over dinner though.
Canada: The cousin who you forget exists because he's actually normal. Actuality has probably spiked something.
Japan: The one hiding in a room playing video games. He might share if you ask nicely.
Lithuania: Someone's spouse. Not sure whose, but he made a nice caserole.
Sweden: That one distant relative who you almost forgot to invite.
Finland: The guy who showed up and you're not sure where he came from, but he's kinda fun so no one questions it.
Norway: The one who was forced to tag along with the rest of the family.
Iceland: The one who pretends he doesn't want to be there but he'd show up even if he wasn't invited because the food is kinda good.
Denmark: The one bringing the alcohol and manning the bar you didn't kow you had.
Latvia: The one trying to sneak underage drinks.
Estonia: The one pretending to be a normal person with his "honor student" and "full ride scholarship next year" but is secretly helping Latvia sneak a drink.
Spain: The uncle who's been married ten times.
Switzerland: The one who only showed up because he was begged to. Either ends up in the corner watching the game or in the middle of the table retelling some grand tale.
Liechtenstein: The one bringing all the delicious deserts and a fruit tray and forced Switzerland to socialize.
Austria: The one insisting on putting on the radio the moment the "go ahead" for the food is said. Might have even called up everyone to remind them to bring their instruments.
Hungary: The one who gets everyone dancing the moment Austria whips out the fiddle tunes.
Seychelles: The one who innocently suggested a board game after the dance-off winds down.
Hong Kong: The cousin who sticks around long enough to say hello to the aunts and uncles and grandparents and get some food before hiding in the room with Japan.
Belarus: The cousin who's a movie-cutter highschool "popular girl" and spends the whole time on her phone texting her boyfriend.
Ukraine: The aunt that break up the board game fights and bans it from future events.
Luxenberg: You don't know what he does for a living, but he brings cool stuff for everyone.
Netherlands: The globetrotting uncle who you're pretty sure knows everyone and everything.
Belgium: The cool aunt who's single and living life.
Phillipines and Thailand: The fresh-out-of-collegers cousin who keeps taking photos of everything.
Malaysia: The fresh-out-of-colleger cousin also taking photos but only aesthetic ones.
Taiwan: The aunt that starts making smoothies unprompted.
Monaco: The cousin who brings a book to read in the corenr.
Cameron: The uncle you don't want to get into an argument about sports with. Switzerland does not head this warning.
Greece: The uncle who drove all day and night to get here with a full car, and is now knocked out on the couch.
Turkey: The funny wine grandpa.
Cyprus: The college dropout who now works at a seven-eleven.
Egypt: The cousin who's studying history and is pretty average except you have photographic evidence that he sat next to a pond and talked to ducks for half an hour and was very serious about it.
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mrs-monaghan · 6 months
Tae is traveling to US tomorrow (confirmed) and JK will be in the US on 28th so yeah again jokers being proven wrong. Taekook will be together like the happy couple they are and spending their time together bfo MS. Jimin will be back in Korea after filming a company contact. At the end of the day you guys will always get peanuts as we enjoy the whole buffet. Stay strong
At the end of the day you guys will always get peanuts as we enjoy the whole buffet. Stay strong
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Boo, it's the other way around!
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We get fed... while you starve. Time and time and time and time and time and time again. Rinse and repeat over and over and over and over. Simply because JK would rather spend time with his boyfriend; Jimin. Would rather react to his boyfriend Jimin's content. Would rather mention his boyfriend Jimin during his lives 10 times. Would rather go to Tokyo twice with his boyfriend Jimin. When it comes to JK its always going to be Jimin. So no, anon, we get the buffet, you get the peanuts. It's how its always been and how its always going to be. Look at your leader on twitter losing it because of the barely there tkk content from PTD
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The moment u sent this ask I knew I had to save it because y'all, just, can't, help, yourselves. No matter how many times you get proven wrong. You always jump the gun. You always put the cart infront of the horse and it always comes to bite you in the ass. I am here to laugh at you because I for one didn't ask you to bring this nonsense to my blog.
Y'all said that tkk were on a date by themselves in the US. Wouldn't listen when people tried to tell you that wasn't true. And then what happens? We get a video showing ALL 7 MEMBERS WERE PRESENT!!!
You anon, came here, to me, (big mistake. I'm petty as hell) and said V was going to the US and there he will meet JK and they will be together. Only for it to come out that V was coming here... to England.
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So idk who confirmed for you he was going to the US. You need to go get your money back ASAP. 😅😅
But miraculously you're still not as bad as this person who thought V would Join Jikook in Japan and Taekook would be kind enough to invite Jimin to their house 🤡🤡 for dinner. The house that they, tkk, own together... in Japan
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You, stupid, brainless anon even had the dates wrong because today is the 28th and Jikook are on their way back to Seoul
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Would it kill you to be patient?? Who tf even gloats when you don't even have the full picture??? When you don't have enough evidence?? Do you feel as pathetic as you sounded when u sent this ask? Because anon, you should. U really should. This is pathetic. You are dumb... oh so so dumb. But thats like a requirement to be a tkkr innit? To be an imbecile??
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How are you real actual people????? No wonder you still think that wasn't V in Paris. BECAUSE YOU DONT EVEN KNOW THE 2 PEOPLE YOU SHIP!!! If you don't even know how they look like, how can you know them for who they really are?? This is why you're always gonna be wrong!!
Anon, next time you wanna gloat, please, please wait until your theories pan out, save yourself some embarrassment. Now leave and never come back... I'm done with your pathetic ass. Shoo!
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Translation time!
For the omake in the Remains vol 2. Yes, the poison v-day one. No images, because I'm sure people either shared them already or you can buy it.
Class 221 B William-sensei III
Hudson: Hmmm….
John: What is it, Ms. Hudson?
Hudson: It’s almost Valentine’s Day, right? In England it’s a day when regardless of gender, people give their important partners cards and flowers and things as presents, but…here in Japan, it’s an event where mainly girls give sweets to those around them.
Hudson: It seems like in this reincarnation as a Japanese schoolgirl, I get to have a little experience with this.
John: A…this is reincarnation, huh?
Bond: Interesting! Shall we make sweets together to give everyone, Ms. Hudson? It’s okay if it’s given by a man, isn’t it?*
Hudson: Really, Bond?
Bond: Should we make chocolate? Cookies?
John: For everyone…Isn’t there something you should give only to the people you like? Such as lovers and family and friends.
Hudson: Well…apparently there are people who give gifts even to coworkers and bosses they hate! The Japanese say, “The rule is if you give to one person, you have to give to everyone.” (Ha ha!)
Louis: …A day where the opponent you want to kill won’t be wary of a gift given to them…huh…
Bond: ~Sherlock is getting something from Ms. Hudson~
Hudson: W-w-w-what? Me???
Sherlock: ………………………..
Louis: Please don’t be so wary. It’s an ordinary Valentine’s present.
Sherlock: (Handmade…) No, something…
Sherlock: For me, from you…it’s full of poison, isn’t it…
Louis: Oh no, I would never put something so dangerous in it.
Sherlock: You did.
Louis: Please eat it alone in the depths of a mountain.
Sherlock: Oh my God, you totally did.
Louis: Ah! William-nii-san-sensei!
Louis: This is from me…
William: Thank you, Louis.
Hudson: …Sherlock.
Hudson: Come here a sec.
Sherlock: If it’s poisoned sweets, I’m not taking it.
Hudson: There’s no such thing in there! Ughhhh!
(It's because I have to!!)
Sherlock: Thanks
* Bond's font is excessively cutesy in this omake.
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they wear flowers on their chest
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for @mc5ftjillo, who inspired this post
so, as many may have noticed, our two favorite queers have been in the habit of showing off the flowers they really like. most significantly, we have louis putting flowers on his chest with his very own fashion line, 28 programme, and harry wearing a pair of coats in the late night talking mv where the boutonnières almost cover their entire fronts. this is - obviously - not random, but it really holds more significance than i even realised at first glance. 
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from the expo at the V&A museum: fashioning masculinities
history of the boutonnière
boutonnière, or flowers in the lapel of a suit/coat jacket
origin: (probably, likely) the war on roses: two neighboring houses in the north of england, fighting for the throne - wearing a red (house of lancaster) or white (house of york) rose on their chest to show off which house they belonged to
prince albert supposedly started the modern trend of the lapel flower, after queen victoria offered him flowers on their first wedding anniversary, which he subsequently put on display in his jacket. since there were photos made of the event, which was a rarity back then, the gesture spread as a trend
from then on, and especially through the years, it was a sign of a dressed-up gent. formal, masculine, and a show of love - wiki: symbol of good breeding, elegance, and sophistication
green carnation, oscar wilde: 
oscar wilde, a famously queer writer, made a statement by wearing a green carnation in his lapel at the premiere of his play, Lady Windermere’s Fan, in 1892, urging his friends to do the same. it instantly became a symbol for solidarity among queer men, for men who loved other men
‘unnatural’ color for a flower:
“Blooming Haus speculates this may have been Oscar Wilde's way of poking fun at the authorities, using an unnatural green flower to mock the idea that, at the time, love between two men was seen as "unnatural.”
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queerness of flowers, flowers symbolising queerness 
flowers have borrowed their names and meanings to the queer community, for all sorts of nicknames or secret codes. like the slang ‘pansy’ for a gay man, which is just a little flower, or how a violet is an ancient lesbian symbol. (or how “evening botanist” is an old school term for a gay man which i think is just the funniest thing ever)
love, esp love between gay men in japan
key part of identity! f.e. Pokémon character James is often shown carrying a rose, which is an established symbol in anime to signify a character is gay
in japan, a popular genre of manga is known as yuri, revolving around romantic relationships between women
depictions of female genitalia
“Both the Greeks and Romans held the Lily in very high regard, including it in dozens of their religious myths and breeding the plants extensively. Alchemists considered it a lunar plant with feminine qualities, while the Lily is in high demand in China for weddings because its name sounds like the start of a phrase wishing the couple a happy union for a century.”
louis came on stage at the afhf last summer with a custom-made jersey, designed by the man himself, which was pretty much covered in flowers. a flower on his right pec, a bouquet on his left.
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NOW what’s super interesting here, is that louis is channelling the origins of the boutonnière with the abstract flower symbol he’s adopted as the 28 official programme logo!! it’s a yorkshire rose, the emblem of his home county. AND THEN on the OTHER SIDE he’s got ROSES, a whole bouquet of them, a universal symbol of romance, as well as that of a gay man. with the added fuck-me-up detail that the fabric of the jersey is green, the typical color of a certain someone we know, making the flowers green. just like the green coronation. ok. ok.
then we have harry, who has used lilies before, in the photo shoot for the fine line cover art and booklet, where it was used to symbolise rebirth and femininity. now, in the late night talking mv, he wore the lilies on his chest, first in the museum scene, which flows into the date scene, as well as at the end, where he officiates a wedding and then falls from the sky.
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it’s completely meant to fit into the tradition of the boutonnière. harry is conveying the message: i am queer, and i am wearing it proudly on my chest. it’s not subtle, is it? it’s meant as a clear symbol for those who understand, just like oscar wilde and his friends wore the green carnation. it’s so beautiful that it’s the lily on his chest, causing the flower to be a theme in his art, of rebirth and femininity. 
when you look at when exactly harry is wearing the boutonnières in the mv, it’s just...?? in the museum, he’s the art exhibit. he’s wearing the lilies openly on his chest. then, he’s on a private date with a man. his napkin is even pushed to the side a little to show off the flowers in full. then, when he’s officiating a queer wedding, he’s wearing them, and then he seems to be shot from the sky by lightning, and he’s falling through the sky on his bed. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? harry’s gayness, or the way he’s shown it with messages, isn’t hidden. irl he walks around with a pride enamel pin. he’s being scrutinised, studied, and he’s still not hiding it. then he’s in private, celebrating love, and he shows it, loud and proud. it reminds me of how harry’s stated in the past that he has shown us who he is. that he’s said it in enough ways. he hides in plain sight, just like oscar wilde and his entourage. general society knew what the green flower meant, but it remained something unspoken. now, any casual observer could see that harry is at least not straight. and yet, still, you are deemed straight until stated otherwise. 
so what does one do, when one can’t say it out loud? a bit of queer signalling. with flowers. 
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andiessoccerblog · 10 months
Out of the 32 original teams, only four teams are left, split into two semifinals: Spain v. Sweden, and Australia v. England. This is the culmination of three weeks of joy, passion, and heartbreak…and some really good soccer. These teams have all found their grooves, their momentum, and there is so much on the line now that everyone will be giving it their all. At this point, I don’t know what else I can say about these teams, but I went back through each team’s journey so far to look at the results so far in the tournament. 
Spain, FIFA ranked 7
Won 3-0 over Costa Rica
Won 5-0 over Zambia
Lost 4-0 to Japan
Won 5-1 over Switzerland
Won 2-1 over Netherlands
Sweden, FIFA ranked 3
Won 2-1 over South Africa
Won 5-0 over Italy
Won 2-0 over Argentina
Won in penalties over USA
Won 2-1 over Japan
Australia, FIFA ranked 10
Won 1-0 over Republic of Ireland
Lost 3-2 to Nigeria
Won 4-0 over Australia
Won 2-0 over Denmark
Won in penalties over France
England, FIFA ranked 4
Won 1-0 over Haiti
Won 1-0 over Denmark
Won 6-1 over China
Won in penalties over Nigeria
Won 2-1 over Colombia
I think that both games could go either way, and it would be arrogant and stupid on my part to try and predict anything from here on out. It is a guarantee that we will have a brand-new champion; none of these teams have won a world cup before. England and Sweden have gotten to the semifinals and won medals before, but Spain and Australia are at this point for the first time in program history. 
One thing that most people won’t know is that the players on these teams have all played together on club teams, becoming friends, and even dating. England’s Lucy Bronze and Keira Walsh play in Barcelona with nine of Spain’s players, and Sweden’s Fridolina Rolfo. Australia’s Steph Catley and Caitlin Foord play for Arsenal with England’s Lotte Wubben-Moy, while Australia’s Sam Kerr plays for Chelsea with four players from England, and three players from Sweden. No matter which teams go through, players will witness their friends and colleagues triumphs and losses–a bittersweet end to a world cup that has been full of rich, new, powerful experiences.
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Hello, Anon, this is your OCDA™️. I’ve read your sentiments and as a bona fide Chinese person who had experienced discrimination IRL, perhaps I am qualified to put in my two cents about what you consider to be unchecked Sinophobia.
The way I think of it, Anon, is that Sinophobia is not a “doll hobby problem.” No, far from it. Sinophobia, just as racism, ableism, or discrimination based on sexual orientation or identity, is a much bigger, societal problem that touches on geopolitical and historical precedents. What we see here in the doll community is but a tiny sliver of it. According to the latest favourability scale of China completed by Morning Consult of 2022 (can be seen here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Chinese_sentiment ), Sinophobia's existence and extent depend on where you live. While many of the developing countries in the world have a favourable view of China as a state and a people, the same cannot be said about the rest of the developed world. Just as you’ve pointed out, Japan and Korea, the other two main “doll countries” in Asia, happen to have the highest unfavourable opinion of China. It’s really no wonder that from the viewpoint of doll collectors (esp. Japanese doll collectors), Sinophobia is rampant and visible. (Not always true with resin dolls, apparently. Most Japanese and Korean collectors still collect Chinese dolls as far as I know.)
As an “oldie”, your OCDA had lived through the Tiananmen Square Incident, the poisoned Sanlu milk powder incident, SARS, Bird Flu, HK uprising and now COVID. I spent a good portion of that time outside of Asia, which afforded me a first-hand view on how a Chinese person is perceived during these episodes (no, not very well. Being spit on by a panhandler wasn’t something to boast about.) However, because I did spend quite a bit of time outside of Asia (hence the “diaspora” bit), it also afforded me a different perspective of why Chinese folks were disliked.
While developing countries are usually the recipient of Chinese largess from the Belt and Road Initiative (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belt_and_Road_Initiative ), the developed countries tend to see the Chinese as tourists and masters of mercantilism. With Japan and Korea as the closest travel destination, these two places see the unruliest behaviour from Chinese tourists most often. Sometimes, the anti-Japan sentiment (and to a lesser extent, anti-Korean) sentiment brewing inside China has been used as an excuse for bad behaviour while the Chinese are abroad (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AFXvN4xrbM )
This is not confined in Asia, of course, with recent cases such as in England https://www.businessinsider.com/brendan-kavanagh-chinese-youtuber-pianist-demand-live-stream-face-police-2024-1#:~:text=A%20pianist's%20live%20stream%20went,right%20to%20stream%20in%20public and in NYC https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/10fwizj/chinese_tore_off_a_poster_with_lunar_new_year_in/ )
Sometimes even the news outlets had to fight for a straight face in light of the Chinese tourists’ antics (https://www.scmp.com/video/china/3244656/gondola-capsizes-after-tourists-refuse-stop-taking-selfies ) But “big fails” aside, the lack of respect usually exhibited by Chinese tourists is bad enough that places such as Kyoto are forced to protect themselves (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/08/kyoto-geisha-district-tourist-ban-gion ).
During the same period, the invasive mercantilism exhibited by cheap Chinese exports usually make their way to the news in a slightly more political angle. The European Commission is trying to fight the influx of government-subsidized, cheap EVs by enacting legislation (https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/eu-set-allow-possible-retroactive-tariffs-chinese-evs-2024-03-05/#:~:text=The%20Commission%20is%20carrying%20out,impose%20provisional%20duties%20in%20July. ) citing public safety (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13292973/China-paralyse-Britain-kill-hacking-electric-car-deadly-traffic-jams-EDWARD-LUCAS.html ) Very recently in the news, the American government is on its way to ban TikTok due to national security and digital safety reasons (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/14/why-has-the-us-passed-a-bill-to-ban-tiktok-and-whats-next ).
As the citizen of this or that country and where you currently reside, there is a lot to be said about Sinophobia: it’s historical, it’s cultural, it’s geopolitical, it’s financial, but most important of all, it’s complicated. What we end up seeing in the doll community is just a small glimpse into each individual collector’s personal take on things. Fewer doll collectors live in countries that have a statistically more favourable view of China. The bad behaviours from the tourists certainly do leave a bad taste in their wake, and what you end up with is the impression that there’s rampant Sinophobia. But the truth, well, it’s always a little bit more complicated than that.
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impostorsshow · 3 months
Another rant about my "YHS Grian gets time travel-kidnapped to participate in an MCC" daydream/au, with a focus/reflection on how permadeath worlds would affect skills, except it's not a rant it's a 1.2k - 1.8k oneshot
When Grian finds out the future version of himself got signed up to...whatever this is, he has enough to be surprised at - they're on a series of floating islands, and use a portal to travel between islands that are larger apart, something Grian's only ever seen when he traveled between England and Japan.
He saw that when [Jimmy? Timmy? Did he have to check his hearing after all this time of using firearms?] was injured after being turned from a 27 year old into a teen, he got disqualified since he wouldn't be healed by the time this whole championship started, Grian decided to not share the bullet wound at his hip [Timmy was more than eager to tell him where one of the "admins" had stored some bandages once he figured out where the clinic was].
And then they got their first round of training, courtesy of Scott wanting to make the team's more balanced to skill level when the event was closer - it was a simple game in his opinion, fill in 9 blocks with your teams color and kill your opponents before they get you [Grian wished he could say that he wasnt used to death matches being considered training.] A kid named Tommy, about 11 years old was [incredibly reasonably] distressed about murdering other kids and was disqualified, so Grian was glad he learned to keep his mouth shut.
He wasn't the best by any means, but he was more than good enough to avoid dying, his team having 3 people that were on wool duty with him and a girl named False being the only ones confident in their fighting ability. False got injured, and Grain thought she died if not for the fact she reappeared without any injuries after the round was over. Grian didn't find the time to ask and False didn't catch any of his questioning expressions, but his teammates kept getting injured and were praising him on not getting hurt [how would he have gotten this far in the Yakuza otherwise?? How did you get cut across the abdomen with an iron sword and survive? Why is he the only one freaking out ?] So Grian played it off and accepted the compliments as best he could.
The last round they didn't get the wool capture, and the other team was out for blood. Grian saw False get shot in the head by an arrow and somehow survived a 3 v 1, shooting two of the players with a shot in his shoulder and watching the last player run to place the wool, ending the game with 1 loss for his team.
He felt dizzy for a moment and closed his eyes, opening them back up to see he was teleported back onto the main island, a leaderboard infront of him. Grian felt his shoulder, confused that the blood that had stained his blue uniform [he really needed to ask for a comfier change of clothes at some point] was gone and his shoulder was just fine, even if he felt the phantom pain of the arrow, quickly fading.
The leaderboard placed him in the upper middle of players, which was worse than he expected. Everyone around him was talking to each other excitedly though, so maybe MCC was only a place where seasoned professionals played and he wasn't as numbed to death as he thought. The Yakuza in his town weren't really high quality, nothing in that town was anyway.
"Hey." Grian jumped, startled at the voice and turned to his right to see False [he made eye contact with her forehead more than her eyes, not quite able to understand how she was alive. No one could survive that, he knew that much.]. Awkward silence made itself known for a few moments, False clearing her voice and snapping Grian back to reality. "Good job. You only got hit once."
"I'm saying that it's impressive. Where did you learn to do that?"
"Oh. Uh, death matches are common where I live, you kind of just..." Grian looked away from False entirely, glancing over at people in the crowd he could have sworn were dead and another count of blood on his hands. "Have to know how to survive that, or you learn the hard way."
Grian heard False mumble some agreement and walk away, narrowing his eyes at the leaderboard. He needed to figure out which adult was trustworthy enough to ask about this without getting a target in his back, as soon as possible.
In the end, he decided to ask Timmy. He was still in the clinic so surely some adult would have shared something with him, and he didn't rat out Grian for having a bullet wound ["What's a bullet?" "...a piece of metal that's used in a gun." "What's a gun?" "No wonder your in the infirmary"].
"Do you know anything about people dying and coming back?" Grian stated out of the blue, the first 5 minutes of his visit being pure silence on Grian's part to make sure an admin wouldnt come by to check up on Timmy's wounds anytime soon.
"What? Whaddya mean, Gri?"
"I mean that people keep dying and coming back. Injuries in games disappear randomly. I've seen at least like, 8 people die in the past week multiple times and all of them seem to be fine. No one's questioning it at all and-"
"waitwaitwaitwait-ow-" Timmy started waving his hands to motion for Grian to stop talking, flinching when it stretched his injury and stopped to hold his stomach where the injury was, but still eyed Grian as if he was insane. It made Grian immediately regret asking. "Are you seriously- do you not know about respawning?"
"No, unless you mean it in terms of the Gamecrab."
"I don't know what that is but -oh my god, I never thought I had to explain this ever -respawning is what happens whenever you die. Most of the time the only thing that happens is your inventory gets wiped, and you might feel like however you died for a bit or whatever injury you had last."
Grian deadpanned, getting his thoughts across very clear and making Timmy throw his hands up in exasperation. "I'm serious! How is it you've never heard of respawning, did you live on a hardcore world or something?"
"define hardcore."
"....oh my god you cannot be-" Timmy took a breath,pinching the bridge of his nose and muttering to himself for a few seconds before talking louder at Grian. "-Hardcore is used to define permadeath worlds with added difficulty to them. If you die your done forever, and even a shot to the arm can be bad enough to kill you."
"but I KNOW your not from a permadeath world because that was made illegal, right?" Grian heard a tone in Timmy's voice that sounded like Sam when he was about to snap, and decided to not ever bring this up again, responding immediately and eyeing the door.
"yup, I cant even imagine what that would be like -when was that made illegal, out of curiosity?"
"1337? seriously what-?" Grian was up from his chair and out the door before Jimmy could finish his sentence.
My version of YHS Grian is much less prone to questioning things than actual YHS Grain, and that's because this daydream is A. Made by someone who never finished YHS and B. Because it emphasizes to me the skills you would need to learn to survive living with a delusional serial killer and being in the Yakuza in general, much less a town with adults that aren't doing anything and at some points actively putting students in danger with zero consequences except for maybe getting murdered by the students.
Alot of fanfiction I see that follow the YHS -> Hermitcraft Grian timeline make him the god of combat/PVP and the most traumatized skrunkly in the world. I'm not going to deny that I may be doing the second trope can you blame me it's good content but humans learn from making mistakes, and knowing you'll survive combat gives you a hell of a lot more confidence to be more aggressive and taking risks that pay off later. I imagine children in Minecraft are just kind of thrown outside and taught how to deal with a creeper by blowing up and crying to their mom about how much it hurts to die until they stop dying or are old enough to learn to move past the pain of dying, which would have it's own psychological consequences but like. Psychological consequences of a world without death is for another post this is about how said world would compare against a world of mortality and the fear of death being less equivalent to a spider and more equivalent to the fear of being forgotten.
Anyway what im getting at here is that I think when YHS Grain is written he needs to stop being written as a PVP god, he needs to instead be written as the god of survival. It's not that he knows how to most effectively use a weapon or he can find weak points in an enemy quicker or any of that, what makes him Grian Dreamslayer is that he has the skill of dodging and misdirection, of near misses that give him just enough of an upper hand that it doesn't matter if he doesn't know how to use a sword because he thinks that if he gets hit in his stomach or chest he's not coming back, and he knows to aim for the chest of his opponent. He's absolute shit at hiding, but he knows when to identify that you've found him and when to run.
Can you tell I have a hyperfixation anyway if you read my last post I have become aware that cannibalism doesnt actually happen the way I thought it did so just like. Ignore that bit that's been vanished and if you didn't read my last post uh. I don't watch MCC and I don't watch Falsesymmetry so like feel free to critique my characterization or give me ideas this is fully self indulgent so any advice is only going to help me make up more silly things while I'm daydreaming and I might make another post about this [i have more than enough content to make like 3 similarly sized posts of this i just don't have any knowledge of who is in MCC and how they act ive literally had to search up "MCC competitors" every time i post about this]
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