#enhypen greek au
interlunium-opus · 4 months
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Abstract: For a messenger of love who effortlessly intertwines hearts, Jake himself remains untouched by the desires he kindles. This wasn’t a problem until he met you. Being disinterested in love and somehow always able to evade his shots, you soon became the object of his fixation but those very pure intentions to find you a good match soon gave way to obsession and temptations. As his golden arrows can’t be used to bewitch you to him, he ended up delving further into darkness where the lines between love and obsessions becomes blurred, corrupted by the insatiable need to own and possess you for himself. As he spirals down this treacherous path, he becomes entangled in a web of deception and manipulation, forsaking his once noble purpose.
Genre: fantasy | forbidden romance | supernatural | mythology | wc: 13k
a/n: inspired by New Jeans “Cool With You”. This has been marinating in the drafts for who-knows-how-long now. My brain can't shut up so here it is finally. Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it. Do leave me some feedbacks or comments, it keeps me from sliding back to hiatus and descend down the writer's block hellhole lol.
© 2024 interlunium-opus. All rights reserved. Do not plagiarize, post or translate anywhere.
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— i.
Figuratively and literally, Jake leaves trail of attraction and desire in his wake. As a messenger of love with unparalleled mental acuity and formidable archery skills, every arrow he draws from his quiver meet its target with unerring accuracy, ensnaring the unsuspecting victim with someone who is best matched, trapping them in a web of attraction and desires that would last the test of time. But it is not just his archery that captivates; Jake's ethereal presence, striking good looks, and flirtatious nature are a force of nature in their own right — captivating both humans and non-humans, leaving trails of attractions, desires and temptations in his wake.
He would have made the perfect Messenger of Love — one who is poised to go down in history. After all, the prevailing modern mindset which glorifies individualism and instant gratification has put lasting love in the backseat, making the job harder for the other Messengers of Love who could only strike attraction and lusts that lasts for one night. Hence, with every union that Jake successfully brought, he had become somewhat of a legend — someone with an innate, perhaps unlearnable, understanding of what makes love lasts.
Except, the truth is not as rosy. 
While beings like him are capable of feeling the emotions and desires that humans feel, Jake himself remains untouched by the all-consuming desires he sparks in others. His mental acuity helped him understood the mechanics of love — an intricate dance of personalities and the delicate balance of emotions — but the feeling itself eludes him. While he used to see it as a flaw when he was young, he now understood that it was this very detachment that grants him an edge in the field. Unburdened by personal biases or the clouding of intense emotions, Jake is able to navigate around with a clear and calculated mindset that allows him to dissect the intricacies of human nature, identifying the traits and compatibilities that foster enduring connections. 
Such mental acumen however, while providing him with a detached understanding, fails to bridge the gap between intellectual knowledge and the visceral experience of love’s consuming fire. In fact, despite all the flirtatious banter, sweet nothings and passionate touches he is capable of engaging and eliciting — his feelings remain only surface deep, that of attraction and lust which dissipates as soon as his conquests are bedded.
Perhaps it is exactly this lack of attachment that fuels his libertine tendencies — one that has been increasingly trangressed boundaries as he sought to not just bed his own kind but also humans, despite such liaisons being frowned upon. Perhaps the excitement and thrill of forbidden liasons is what he revelled in or perhaps, without him realising, he was seeking to fill in the void within himself which grows with each connection he forged.
Regardless. Tonight, was one of those days.
Assuming his human form — which is similar to his usual form except for the lip ring, gigantic wings and laurel wreath — he crashed into an after-party of a prestigious award ceremony, eyes immediately set on the apple of everyone’s eyes: the current IT girl of the industry whose looks could rival those from his realm. She was like a vision of ethereal beauty. Her doe-like eyes were large and expressive, capable of softening the hardest of hearts; her lips was full and luscious — both innocent and tantalizing — inviting unspoken desires; her slender frame, with its graceful lines and subtle curves, captured the essence of feminity, evoking not just attraction but a sense of protectiveness.
Jake smirked as his mind parsed her life history and pieced out the kind of person she was, finding his competitiveness instantly triggered the moment he learned of her iron-clad discipline and control when it comes to romance. As a young woman in a competitive industry that is still plagued with double standards against women, she knew her success stands at a precipice so despite all the love interests showered towards her over the years – she managed to stave them off, no matter how tempting. She had it all under control and she was poised for greater things given her diligence and discipline. 
But then she met Jake’s eyes and for the first time in her life, she felt her guards threatening to crack especially at the weight of Jake’s unflinching and seductive gaze throughout the night. Jake didn’t even need his poisoned arrows for he, himself, was almost like the poison that is laced over his arrow tips — the very object of desire for almost anyone he decides to charm. 
The next thing you knew, they were already locking lips in the hallway, the act of which quickly escalated as they moved to the van, hands absolutely glued to one another, roaming freely and wildly, before it all culminated in throes of passion that lasted for hours on her bed — a place she vowed never to bring a man over. Like the torn designers over the floor, all traces of controlled perfection she had masterfully maintained over the years crumbled under the weight of Jake’s intoxicating touch and seductive sweet-nothings. She was absolutely moonstruck and Jake did not even need his arrows for it.  
“You’re going to have to call in sick tomorrow if this goes on-” Jake mumbled in between the soft kisses that he trails down her neck as she whimpered his name again and again, delirious in pleasure while begging him not to ever let go, promising him absolutely everything — from her money to her career.
“Look at the industry sweetheart,” Jake cooed, eyes adoring what he had made out of her: a whimpering and clingy mess that is completely seized in desires and lust, “what would they say if they see you like this?”
She shook her head, breathing ragged from the umpteenth high she had raked with Jake, before pulling him into a hungry and messy kiss. “Love,” Jake mumbled in between kisses, saliva stretching between their lips, “you’re tired. It’s time to go to sleep.”
“You’re not going to leave me right?” she stared at him all bleary-eyed. Jake simply smiled, rubbing her cheeks softly as she tried hard to keep her lids open against the enchantments that Jake had justwhispered into her system, “this is all just a dream.”
And just like that, he would become a mere figment of a dream for her — just like all the other human he had bedded before. Sure, it was hypocritical of him to play around with them like that but he always reassured himself sickeningly that he wasn’t doing any harm by doing so. If anything he just gave yet another human a good time — a time they would never find in the touch of any other human. He also induced partial amnesia in them so that they would not go insane from longing for him. It’s a win-win, Jake thought to himself, smirking, as he pulled his suit over, fixing the placement of his lip ring with a flick of his tongue.
As he climbed out of the window ledge however, he heard the familiar sound of wings fluttering.
“Sooner or later, they’re going to catch on Jake.” Jake knew who it was immediately.
“Stalking me isn’t going to rake you scores Sunoo,” Jake scoffed as he turned around, meeting the eyes of the pale messenger who used to be his deskmate during his training days, “you’d be better off striking hearts instead. Your scores last quarter is dangerously low – you know you’d get demoted if you keep at it right?”
Sunoo swallowed thickly, “I can’t help it, love doesn’t last that long anymore these days. I can’t strike their hearts to one another knowing that it will only end in heartbreak.”
“That is exactly your flaw. You care far too much,” Jake sighed, “Come on, our threshold for successful matches is only in love that lasts for 5 years. Just keep that as a goal — ignore what happens within and beyond and you’re on your way to glory.”
“Not all relationship that lasts 5 years is love,” Sunoo’s voice hardened, eyes quivering as if trying to not believe the words that came out of Jake.
“Does it matter?” Jake shrugged, “love takes various forms. Innocent, tempestuous, scandalous, obsessive, toxic. Whatever happens, heartbreaks are part and parcel of life isn’t it? If it’s too much, we can always mend their heart by latching them onto another which then counts into our tallies and-“
“They’re not mere scores Jake. Hearts can break irreparably,” Sunoo interjected, brows twitching in what looked like a mixture of disbelief and disappointment, “you’ve changed.”
“As if you haven’t,” Jake winked as he slipped off the windowsill, his large wings fluttering open, keeping him afloat, “I know you’ve ventured down the Abyss to procure certain spells to alter your scores every quarter Sunoo,” Jake smirked, feeling triumphant at the hint of guilt evident on Sunoo’s gaze, “you’re not anymore moral nor ethical as I am. It's okay, we all got our vices. Just keep out of my affairs Sunoo and we’re cool.”
And just like that he disappeared, feeling re-energised from his night-long endeavour. In fact, he raked more scores than normal that day — the success of which was also aided by the fact that it was the first sunny day after weeks of torrential rain, bringing more people out and about, all in their Sunday best and in the brightest of moods, making it easier for his poisoned arrows to work its magic.
That was probably why you stuck out like a sore thumb to him when he was lingering at the traffic intersection for in the midst of people in bright and colourful get-up, with a delightful expression to match, you were decked in monochrome, with expressions so somber and eyes on your phone screen. When you finally looked up, your face contorted into a grimace, absolutely disgusted by the couple who was kissing in front of you.
The so-called Love cynics, Jake remembered a lesson back then, someone who is aversed to love. Could be Asexual, could be a product of trauma, could be just hardened by age and cynical outlook. They will be the hardest to bend but the biggest of catches. Jake’s hand was already reaching for another arrow in his quiver, his mind working hard in analysing your personality and trying to match it with dozen of other men within the vicinity — the perfect match of which he found in no time at the PhD student just across with whom you could share your intellectual interests with and with whom your more rational and logical tendencies could live in harmony with.
“Perfect,” Jake thought to himself as he directed his arrow in your direction, the strings taut in his fingers. Just 2 seconds after the light had turned green, Jake let his arrow go. That was an easy kill, Jake smirked triumphantly, confident that his calculations on timing, distance and strength, would have struck you precisely when the other guy would have come into your direct line of sight.
But then you suddenly ducked and all hell breaks loose for not only had Jake missed but his arrow struck the worst of targets: an expecting mother and, just across, a man who was on his way to his own wedding. It was a potential multiple breach of ethics that would have summoned him right to the Court Office.
“Fuck,” Jake cussed, blazing past the throng of crowd, scrambling for a lead-tipped arrow that is meant to reverse his magic, and stabbing it onto the woman just seconds away before she lurched towards the man.
“Can I help you?” the man asked, puzzled, as the lady who had stopped right in front of him with arms outstretched paused, looking dazed, before apologising. Jake exhaled sharply at the close call. Brushing his hair back in annoyance, he looked around, eyes frantically scanning for the you - the troublemaker - though by then you were long gone, swallowed by the bustling crowd.
“That’s a bit annoying,” Jake grumbled, shooting another arrow at someone else whom he quickly found a match for on the other side of the road. That union, he projected, would last at least 9 years but even that couldn’t quell the distaste he felt in his mouth after his near-miss – the distaste of which lasted almost all day despite the successes he raked.
And so that night, he stayed back in the human world during forbidden hours, finding you very easily through his network of friends. While you weren’t his first miss, you somehow continued to linger at the back of his mind, haunting him all day.
Sitting by your windowsill, he observed your every move as if you were a specimen to behold. He watched you get so engrossed in your report; watched you get annoyed by how your regressions didn’t come out the way you expected; watched in amusement at the way you’d accidentally dozed off, only to spring back to typing when you jolted awake.
“What are you so engrossed in?” Jake wondered out load as he floated inside, peeking over your shoulders, “Aww,” he cooed, “look at you, burning the midnight oil to finish up a policy paper to save the poor,” he sat onto the empty space on your table, next to your screen, “but who’s going to save you, you miserable poor loveless thing.”
“I could I guess,” he brought his knees up, hugging it close to his chest, “I do love a challenge,” he mumbled, chin resting on his knee as he watched you with a specific glint in his eyes, “I’ll make your first your last, how’s that?” 
It shouldn’t be hard, he thought, after all, there are 8 billion of people in this world. There are already about a hundred in your apartment building and a couple of hundreds more in your office block, and a couple hundred thousands more between your journeys. The probability is enormous, the possibility is endless, he smirked to himself as he lowered his face towards you, leaning in so as to whisper something in your ear, “you’ll thank me.”
Such optimism and excitement however quickly dissipated in the span of a few days as you somehow magically always evaded his golden arrows in time, causing him to have to use his expensive and hard-acquired lead-tipped arrows to reverse most of the effects. 
“You can’t see me right?” Jake floated in front of you, waving his hand maniacally before inching his face so close towards you as if trying to confirm whether or not you had a built-in radar for him.
As he parsed your history more, it became clearer just how difficult it would be to match you with anyone. Not only was your interest in a getting a partner or dating almost nil but you minimise any opportunities to find one as well: not engaging in social niceties beyond necessary; being oblivious to any interests towards your way; distancing yourself when you detect any hint of interest; and the list goes on. Indeed a ‘Love Cynic’ to the T.
The thing about hardened love cynics is that, while they are the biggest catch, they could also be your biggest downfall if you fail. This is because love cynics, once heartbroken, would feel despair and anguish like none other which just serves to fuel their skepticism and opposition to love afterwards – the result of which would burn holes in the records of any messengers who was in charge of them. Hence, they are always avoided especially by the average messengers.
But then again, Jake was not just your average messenger. He was amongst the best, rivalling some of his predecessors even with some scores made in turning love cynics around. So it was not all surprising just how obsessed he was with getting you a match.
One day, an opportunity came in a silver platter for him as the elevator you guys were in opened to a lad from IT, whose attraction for you was very evident from the way his face lit up, “y/n, it’s a been a while!”
“Well would you look at that,” Jake sung as he pulled an arrow from his quiver, grinning triumphantly. Jake did not even need to parse his mind to see the interest he had for you as it drips from his gaze to his voice. But as he looked back at you, who had shot the other guy the briefest of smile before whipping your phone up to mindlessly scroll your email, Jake’s grin immediately faltered. “You are seriously helpless y/n,” Jake sighed, looking almost as if he was in a trance as he inched closer, pressing the golden-tipped arrow against your back – the puncture of which would have struck your right through your heart, “your attitude needs fixing y/n or else you’ll never find someone—”
Jake was really just 3 seconds away from puncturing you when you recoiled. He initially thought you might have somehow felt the sharpness of his arrow but turned out the guy’s hand was just trailing languidly down your arm.
“Are you still angry about last time?” the man scoffed, the seemingly-warm smile fading almost immediately, “I told you last time, that night was a mistake. I was drunk and I tried to kiss you. That was it. I didnt even managed to do it since-“
“I don’t care about your reasons, you crossed the line,” you replied curtly, “and right now you are one step away from crossing another line. Remember what HR said last time? The next time it happens, they’re just one visit away and you’d immediately be out of the Ministry.”
His lips contorted into a wry grin, the annoyance becoming evident in his voice and face, “you must feel all high and mighty just because you’re in a more superior position than me,” he inched closer, looming ominously, “do you really want to know what true assaults are like-“
Almost too calmly, you hit one of the elevator buttons, its door opening just 3 floors before your destination as you turned your phone towards him, the screen showing a recording in progress, “show your face to me once again and this recording will get sent straight to a public forum. You won’t just be laid off here but this would burn holes in your record making it hard for you to find a new job.”
The man backed away finally, looking every bit flustered, “no wonder you’re still single, you’re a fucking witch-“
“And you’re just one fucking phone call away from being hauled off,” you interjected as you stepped out of the elevator despite it being 3 floor away from your destination. You hear him mutter curses loudly as you walked away. 
Jake was still open-mouthed as he trailed behind you, “that was,” he caught up, hands clapping, “pretty badass. I really thought I needed to step in for a second there but you,” he slipped through the closing door of the emergency staircase which you had just opened, “you were fearless. You were-“ he stopped short as he watched you stood immobile as soon as you entered the emergency stairwell. As if losing the strength in your knees, you leaned weakly against the door, head bowed down.  
Jake watched in confusion as you slid down, your breathing growing rapid, chest heaving, hands trembling as you muttered through gritted teeth, “get it together, y/n. It’s nothing.”
Jake knelt next to you, his mind delving into a specific parcel of memory from the night when you first met the guy earlier — the night when, under the pretense of drunkenness, had tried to corner you into an empty meeting room and tried to kiss you. “Shit,” Jake finally said, brows furrowing in a mixture of concern and guilt. Just moments ago, his competitiveness could have gotten you ensnared with the guy who almost assaulted you — the guy who had caused so much terror in you.
“I’m sorry,” he scooted closer now, feeling guilty. Now Jake may not be a saint nor would he call himself virtuous by any means but he was no devil either. As much as you grinds his gears with your aromantic and callous ways he would never match you with someone like that. 
He sunk beside you, forlorn, his hands ghosting your shoulders. He wanted to apologise but it's not like you could hear him anyway. He wanted to comfort you but his hands would just go through you. He felt oddly powerless. So instead, he stayed next to you in silence, straining his muscles so that his arms just ghost around your shoulders. When you finally calmed down, you leaned back against the door, exhaling sharply. 
Jake watched you intently, his gaze softening. “You know what,” he muttered quietly, “I’ll find you a really good guy — someone who will give you the world. Give you everything.”
For the first time in a while he didn’t see a mere tally to be crossed off the list. Instead he saw a person — a person who deserved the best and most purest form of love he was capable of finding. He rose up, his body curling over your back, leaning down to whisper a promise in your ear, “I give you my word.”
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— ii.
Days turned to months and still Jake Sim could not find a match for you. Except this time, the fault lay mostly in him for he could not find anyone good enough for you. They are always lacking or excessive in something and he didn’t want to risk it falling apart. 
Not for you at least. 
And so in between entwining others’ hearts, he would linger around you, following you closely wherever you go, whatever you do. Like a specimen to behold, he watches your every movement and ponder over it up to the point that he remembers your habits and quirks like the back of his hand: how you like your coffee; how salty you like your food to be; the detours you take; your music tastes; the changes in your jogging routes; when you will get cold; when you’d start getting bored of something; and so on.
Eventually, it all fell into a routine. As you settle into your home, he settles with you – as if he belonged there. As you try things out and push boundaries, Jake was also always around, cheering you on – as if his morale support counts. As you considered your choices such as during shopping or working, Jake would share his thoughts and opinions about it to you as well – as if you could even hear him. 
Soon he begun to fill in the silences with you, telling you of his day; the matches he made; the realm he is from; his past and so on – venting on and on, as if you could hear him. 
And whenever you retire to bed at night, he no longer takes it as his cue to return to his realm. Instead he settled right next to you — watching you over like a Guardian Angel.
At least that’s what he deluded himself of until his eyes begun to wander farther each nights, pulling his mind deeper into the recesses of which he never ventured to before with you. It started slow, from eyes wandering, tracing the outlines of your face and body; to gaze lingering at your lips and your exposed skin, heartbeat racing as he wondered how they would feel under his. Soon he would find his hands balling into fists, fighting an invisible battle between desire and duty. Still he could never tear his gaze away from you.
The true test however came one night when you suddenly rolled over to his side, your face perfectly aligned with the crook of his neck and your hand perfectly landing to where his hand was. While this was nothing major compared to whatever he had gotten up to in the sheets, it sent his heart racing like none other. Almost automatically, he brought his hand up to your face, ghosting the outlines of your jaw, pausing by your chin as his gaze become fixated on your lips which was plush and parted slightly — so innocent yet so tantalizing and inviting. 
Desires begin to muddle his mind, self-control cascading as he transformed himself to his human form. The space he occupied sinking instantly with his weight, causing you to stir in your sleep. Alarmed, Jake immediately hovered over you, his hand gently covering your eyes as he whispered words laced with enchantments in your ears, “it’s all just a dream love.”
He slowly slid his hand down your face, thumbs caressing your cheek softly as he watched how your brows furrow as your instinct and will to wake up warred with his enchantments. Jake leaned down, planting soft kisses on your neck, “go back to sleep.”
Finally you eased up, gradually laying limp in his embrace. Jake smiled softly at the sight, that was close. He should have pulled away then but as if there was a magnetic pull, Jake could not tear himself from you nor did he want to. As if his senses were on overdrive, he could feel everything amplified. The way your body was perfectly dwarfed under his larger frame was evoking something primal and protective within him. The warmth emanating from your body was warming his own, enveloping him, making his skin tingle in anticipation. The scent of your hair and the lingering fragrance of your soap — a mélange of florals and greens — enticing him, intoxicating him to draw closer.  
His fingers begin to trail down, tracing patterns along your jaw, down your neck, to your collarbones. Your skin was soft and smooth and he marvelled at the sensation of it all against his fingertips. Every touch sent jolts of electricity through his body, igniting a fire within him that threatened to consume him whole.
Eventually his eyes returned back to your lips — these damned lips, he thought as the pad of his thumb brush softly over your lower lip, watching the soft flesh softening and bending under the subtle pressure of his fingertips before springing back to its plush and supple form, plunging his mind to treacherous depths where he envisions that it was his lips doing the undoing, mouth devouring yours, tasting the sweetness that he knew could be savoured on his tongue.
That was when something snapped and the next thing he knew, he had lowered his mouth to yours, gently pressing his lips against yours, intoxicated by the softness of your lips and the warmth which was enveloping him whole.
That should have been it. He should have pulled away then. After all, he just wanted a taste. But the more tasted, the more he craved and soon he found himself claiming your lips in a fierce, hungry kiss. As your lips parted under his insistence, his tongue plunged deep inside your mouth, as if seeking to devour you whole. You tasted like honey and sin and Jake just couldn’t get enough, yearning for more.
Desperate for more contact, his hand was already gripping your clothes, tugging it down, resulting in a slight tear – the sound of which knocked him back to his senses. He pulled away, breathing ragged, startled by the state he had reduced you to. Your hair was slightly disheveled, lips swollen, and shirt hung loosely off one shoulder, exposing a bruise that was blooming on your collarbone – physical manifestations of the intensity of his desires. Guilt seized him as he realised the extent of his actions and almost immediately, he backed away from you, recognising the depths of depravity he was capable of reaching. With self-control hanging by a thread, he knew he would lose all forms of control if he stayed any longer so with a heavy heart and mind still reeling from conflicting emotions, Jake teleported himself back to his realm.
You jolted awake not long after, your heart pounding in your chest as you sat up in alarm. It must have been another nightmare, you thought, trying to shake off the lingering sensations of paralysis that still clung to your body. With a dismissive shake of your head, you laid back down, your lips feeling strangely sore and dry. As you licked your lips, your eyes flickered open, tasting something metallic on your tongue. Curious, you brought your fingers to your lips, probing the spot that throbbed. To your surprise, your fingers came away smeared with blood.
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— iii.
Back in his realm, Jake wasted no time in seducing a couple of others, spending the rest of the night in a blur of ecstasy in a bid to distract and numb himself with pleasures. Perhaps, the temporary pause in his libertine pursuits had led such desires to fester dangerously, he thought.
Except when he woke up the next day, you still bore at the back of his mind. Almost as if scalded, he could still feel the warmth of your skin in his hand, the softness of your lips on his lips. Worse, he yearns for it – yearns to feel more.
Something was going wrong, he thought to himself as he lingered around the market just outside of the apartment where he had spent the night at. Eager and desperate for a distraction he wandered further, letting himself be lost in the hustle and bustle of the morning crowd, looking aimlessly at the selection of fruits and flowers being sold.
As he passed by one of the exits however, he caught a glimpse of an archway materializing at a desolated corner, dark and thorny vines crawling out from within as if calling him. He had passed by this corner of the street a billion times before but he swore he had never seen the archway.
He called upon one of the boys playing nearby, “Hey, is that like the entrance to a new market or something?”
The boy squinted to where he was pointing but only looked back at Jake weirdly, “what do you mean? What archway? It’s just the unsightly brick wall-“
“There,” Jake pointed again, adamant, “the alley-“
“Sir, you’re either trying to scare me or you need your eyes checked because I’m seeing nothing but a dead-end,” the boy grimaced, shaking his head as he rejoined his friends in the crowd.
“What an insolent bast-“ he stopped short, looking back at the alley, the vines getting longer and longer. He suddenly realised what it was and why no one was seeing it. The Abyss, he muttered to himself, recalling all the tales he was told during his schooling years about a portal to another dimension – a dimension that is akin to a black market, having absolutely anything one could ever desire especially the most forbidden and illicit of desires. Hence why entering the realm has been forbidden, especially to those like Jake who hold official positions and is considered amongst the most noble and elite of beings.
But curiosity got the best of him. After all, the Abyss cannot be sought for it seeks on its own instead. In fact, rumours has it that only those with dark desires could open up the portal and Jake was confident that he had none of that. After all, he has absolutely everything anyone covets: good looks; wealth; reputation and glory. If he wanted he could get promoted; get the hottest girl in town; get the most lavish manor in the realm; and so on. Feeling haughty, Jake pulled his cloak over his head, slipping past the crowd towards the archway, "let's see what you think you can offer me then."
To Jake's disappointment, nothing had materialised so far no matter how deep he ventured. It was just an misty alley with faint cacophony of noises like murmurs, bells, and chatters. Jake scoffed, see, he thought to himself, no dark desires.
When he turned around to go back however, his grin faltered as the alley now disappeared, replaced by a literal abyss.
“Everyone has dark desires young man.”
Jake jumped, startled. Behind him was an decrepit old man, face hardened with wrinkles, “you’re not the only Elite who has walked these paths,” he grinned lopsidedly, “I can assure you they all thought the same way you did. Head held high, face grimacing in contempt as if they had just walked into muck. But in the end, they were always the ones who went so far as to trade their powers and long life – always the one ended up becoming the most wicked. Exactly the ones tragedies are made about.”
Jake swallowed thickly. He can see shadows forming behind the man, making the outlines of a mass of people congregating as if he was an exhibit. The muffled sounds now growing louder – almost like a bedlam. “Nothing is materializing though,” Jake managed, trying to cover the fear that was brewing within.
“Young man,” the elderly scoffed, “you being able to open up the Abyss alone is a feat no ordinary goodie can do.”
Suddenly a gust of wind hit him, causing Jake to cover his face with his cloak. By the time he pulled his hand away, he was back in the market – right where the arch was – except this time, there was no arch. Like the boy from earlier said, it was a dead end. There was a sudden ringing in his ear, causing him to double down, before everything quietened almost too deafeningly.
Come again once you know what is it that your heart truly desires boy.
Jake spun around, alert. But the old man was nowhere to be found.
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— iv.
Troubled and unsettled, Jake went back to the human realm to find you. You had, after all, became his own little solace – like a home to return to. Even if you couldn’t see, hear nor feel him — all he needed was you close by. 
Except just when he needed you the most, he couldn’t find you. You weren’t anywhere you were supposed to be nor anywhere you could be. This would not have alarmed him so had he not also been able to sense you.
Fuck, he panicked, wings almost set ablaze as he rushed from one place to another at impossible speed. There could only be one reason as to why he could not sense someone he had 'targeted': the target had been struck by others.
“No no no no no,” he muttered in disbelief, chest heaving in panic. Jake never lose control nor composure but right now, he was spiralling. Gone was his pride by the time he appeared by Sunoo’s doorstep, dishevelled and manic, spitting out his version of events.
“You weren’t supposed to go down the Abyss!” Sunoo chastised him the moment Jake told him about it, “you know just venturing there robs you of your power – albeit momentarily.”
“Is that what this is?” Jake paced back and forth, “must be right? that I can't sense her simply because of whatever curse the Abyss had put on me?” He grasped Sunoo by the shoulders, eyes wild with fear, “–not because she has been struck?”
“Jake–“ Sunoo croaked, caught off guard by Jake’s sudden outburst and outpour of emotions, “–just, please calm down first. Since everything seems fine to you, it’s possible your loss of detection is the momentary punishment for going down the Abyss but... we can’t also be sure that she has not been struck yet.”
Jake knows that very well. Except, he didn’t expect that the loss would have impacted him this greatly. It was true what they say then. That the Abyss is so wretched and cursed, just venturing down will rob you of something that is very valuable to you. He never considered it before, thinking that losing his ability momentarily would probably do him good – giving him the respite he so badly needed after working so hard. Little did he know, it struck him exactly where it hurts.
“When will it come back?”
“If it’s your first time down there, probably a night. But the more you go, the longer the effects last,” Sunoo sighed, “Just wait until tomor-“
“I can’t fucking wait until tomorrow,” Jake bellowed, infuriated, before sinking onto a nearby couch, head buried in his hands as he tried to calm himself down. Sunoo sighed. It was the first time he saw Jake so wrecked, it almost pained him. "The Royal Scotts Rooftop," Sunoo muttered quietly, guilt evident in his voice, "I followed the girl earlier, hoping to find you. When you weren't around, I thought maybe you've lost interest- that'd be good-" he paused, "but I guess, you've never lost it."
Jake rose up immediately, he wanted to berate Sunoo for not telling him sooner but at that time nothing could top his desire and urgency to find you so before Sunoo could even finish, Jake had taken off.
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— v.
Despite the sea of people on the rooftop of the 5-Star hotel, he could immediately spot you.
His face immediately lit up, materializing behind you within seconds. “I’ve searched everywhere for you,” he sighed, gaze softening, before suddenly feeling a hand go through him towards you. He turned around, seeing that the hand belonged to a well-dressed man with ‘Jay’ on his name tag – a consultant from another company who had worked with you on a project a year ago, “the confettis,” Jay mumbled, inching unnecessarily close – at least by Jake’s standards – towards you to try and ruffle some from your hair.
“Oh thanks,” you reached over to your hair, trying to take them out yourself, before breaking into laughter over the fact that Jay had a lot of glitter in his, “dude – you’re worse-“
Within seconds Jake had already parsed Jay’s character and his history – finding that, despite the clash of characters, Jay would be good for you. He was very giving, affectionate, and selfless – something you, Jake thought, definitely deserve. Jay definitely is the best match out of all the potential matches so far, Jake thought to himself.
This should have been enough for him to rejoice at, for him to start reaching for the arrow in his quiver. After all, it’s rare to see you interact socially with men and have a good time with them — even rarer to find that particular man to be one of the best match he had come across for you. Sure, you two had really strong characters that would square the other at times but Jay would ultimately always be willing to break himself for you and give you the world. 
Had you been any other person, Jake would have already struck you both in seconds, latching you both together. But peculiarly, his mind was working on overdrive finding 1001 reasons not to instead. “Come to think about it,” Jake reasoned, feeling irked by the second, “this man is too affectionate and too selfless. You wouldn’t want someone like that right?” he materialised behind you, whispering in your ear as if you could hear him.
When you excused yourself to get some refreshments, Jake continued trailing behind you, ranting on and on as if trying to justify his actions. Or lack thereof, “I mean, eventually people like those will just bog you down,” he overtook you, stopping right in front of you, gesticulating wildly, “the kind that will make you stay out of guilt – make you second guess your own personality and character. I can see it happen y/n.”
He could see then that a tall guy near the podium was staring right at you — the interest and attraction evident in his eyes. “Heeseung-“ Jake read the name on his tag, his mind already parsing through him, seeing that Heeseung was one of the senior officers in the department just across of yours to whom you had always held high regard of. Him to you too. Again, this would have been a perfect match. Unlike Jay earlier, his personality and character would hardly ever square yours. He’d always relent to your choices and your ways, letting you call the shots. 
You caught a glimpse of Heeseung, giving a quick nod of acknowledgement and almost immediately Jake blocked your view, as if it even does anything, “not him either y/n,” he argued defensively, “he’s a hopeless romantic. You’d get sick of him in the long run.”
Just next to Heeseung is another guy who also by then kept throwing glances at you. Ni-Ki, an intern who was under your tutelage just a year ago but has since then moved on to other department. Jake grimaced as he parsed through the young lad’s memory, “definitely not him. Too young, still childish.”
Eventually, you turned away from the crowd, and looked out at the street below, your mind reeling from all the socialising you’ve had to do earlier. As your mind wandered, you find yourself becoming increasingly lost in your own thoughts, unaware of the intense gaze fixed upon you. “No one here is deserving of you y/n,” Jake murmured softly as he leaned sideways against the baluster, his eyes transfixed on your profile. 
As if spellbound, Jake studied your features as if you were a work of art. His eyes traced the delicate lines of your face, the curve of your cheek, the gentle slope of your nose, and the soft fullness of your lips. He inched closer, drawn to you like a moth to a flame, until he was so near that you could have felt his breath on your skin, had he been tangible.
And then, in a sudden twist, you turned your head abruptly in his direction, your eyes locking with his in direct precision almost as if you could sense his presence and see beyond the veil of invisibility that cloaked him. He watched, completely paralysed, as your brow twitched ever so subtly, hand raised close towards where his cheek were as if you could really perceive him. Jake’s breath hitched — enchanted — as he gently angled his face towards your palm, slowly resting his cheek against your hand, imagining the warmth of your touch, the softness of your skin. 
Lulled by the possibility, Jake's throat tightened, bringing his invisible hand up to yours, ghosting over it as if cupping it — yearning for the connection to be tangible, for you to see him, to feel the touch that he so desperately wanted to give.
He still have not fully understood the swirl of emotions and feelings he harboured for you but in that moment — when it felt like there was only you two in this world — he knew he wanted this. You for him, and him for you. 
He wanted to freeze time, to prolong this moment of connection that felt so right, but a voice broke through the intimate silence, shattering the fragile bubble he had created.
“You haven’t changed a bit-“
Jake felt a large hand pass through his, taking hold of yours, and his heart constricted with a pang of longing. The hand he had wanted to grasp, to hold, was now in the possession of another man — a tall and pale senior coworker who was supposed to still be on an overseas posting. Jake's breath hitched as he looked up and witnessed the smile on your face, a smile that he had never seen directed at anyone else. 
"Sunghoon?" your voice lit up with surprise and delight, and Jake felt a stab of jealousy at the warmth in your tone, "I thought you won’t be back for another two years!”
Jake stepped back, his invisible form fading into the shadows as he witnessed the reunion between you and Sunghoon. The hand he had longed to hold was now entwined with someone else's, and the smile he had wanted to claim for himself was shining for another. The warmth, familiarity and endearment between you and the man was so evident that it begun to stir something unfamiliar within Jake — a mix of protectiveness and longing that he couldn't quite name.
“Thought life here was much better so I sped the contract up,” Sunghoon shrugged haughtily.
“I bet it's because I wasn’t there,” you joked, trying to match his playful haughtiness. Usually Sunghoon would have replied with something equally as smug but somehow, something has changed and you could feel it in the way his eyes bore into yours and the way his hand had tightened over yours, lingering purposefully far too long for it to be casual. “Exactly,” he answered almost too genuinely you find yourself at a loss for words so you do what you do best — feign nonchalance, “oh bugger off,” you playfully yank your hand away, “What have America done to you!”
He grinned mischievously, “well, you know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
You shook your head dismissively though the smile that has never left your lips and the way your eyes never broke his conveyed more than words could ever.
“Can I get a hug now? You never visited like you promised you would,” he extended his hands, brows wriggling playfully.
“I never made such promises but fine-“ you shrugged, trying to feign nonchalance, as you let him draw you nearer, let him engulf you in his large frame. You have hugged him before but this time, this too, felt different. “I’ve missed you y/n,” you feel him bend lower so he could bury his head in the crook of your neck and you feel his hand slide over your waist almost too intimately for it to just be a friendly hug. 
This time however you didn’t feign nonchalance, deflect nor playfully reject him. Instead you let yourself sink fully into the warmth of his embrace, your hands reaching up to hug him back as your head leaned against his chest, eyes shut as you murmured softly, “me too.”
Jake had never seen a more perfect pair. Sure you two had your differences but together, you guys complement each other seamlessly like two puzzle pieces fitting perfectly together. Your strengths balanced each other''s weaknesses, and your personalities would harmonize in a beautiful and enviable symphony of love and understanding.
Now would have been perfect, Jake found his rational self thinking, his hand automatically reaching for a golden arrow from his quiver. But instead of nocking the arrow and releasing it toward its intended target, he found himself hesitating, his knuckles turning white from the force of his grip.
In a surprising twist, Jake turned the arrow on himself, driving it into his own chest, directly over his heart. Immediately, the arrow exploded into a shower of glittering dust, as was its nature. Although the arrow had no physical effect on beings like him, with the way his interest and attention on you has dangerously warped with a mix of attraction, desire, and lust — he might as well have been shot with one. 
How peculiar, he thought. He had always wondered how does such intense love which human shared with one another feel and yet now that he felt it rising from within, all he felt was bitterness rather than joy. 
The glittering dust that lingered in the air seemed to mock Jake, serving as a tangible reminder of the complex emotions swirling within him — emotions of which was increasingly blurring the lines between duty and desire. While usually symbolising some sort of celebration, the glittering particles which was still dancing around him now felt like a warning, a sign that his path was veering into uncharted and potentially dangerous territory.
He knew then, perhaps a little too late, that he wanted you. Wanted you for himself.
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— vi.
Since then gone was the desire within him to match you with anyone. In fact, gone was his desire to match anyone at all as he becomes increasingly preoccupied with you — more specifically, his desires for you.
He had begun to take on human forms longer than usual, trying to get your attention, trying to slip himself into the fabric of your life. But the task, which usually had been easy for him, was difficult this time because apparently his face and charms weren’t enough.
Having observed you for a long time he knew that blatant attention and attraction would put you off so he made sure to lay and play each parts carefully and strategically, making it seem as if everything was coincidental.
“Hi, I believe this is yours?” You asked innocently when Jake opened his door. In your hand was a parcel which had his name and address but somehow wrongly delivered at your doorstep.
Finally, Jake thought to himself, his heart almost leaping out of his ribcage. He had been waiting impatiently the whole day for you after having paid someone to deliver the package wrongly at your doorstep.
Almost effortlessly he feigned surprise and confusion, “right, sorry about that, I’m new in this apartment block so maybe there's a mix-up," he shrugged, careful to not look overeager, "been waiting for this limited copy of 1984 to arrive, thank goodness it got wrongly delivered in the right hands otherwise it would probably get resold in ebay or something—"
“1984?” Your face lit up. Of course my dear, it’s one of your favourite books isn’t it, Jake answered in his mind. Oblivious to the glint in his eyes and the subtle twitch of his lips, you continued excitedly, “I rarely see anyone around me read 1984!”
“Now you do,” he said charmingly as he offered his hand, satisfied at the way you have eased up, “my name is Jake. Jake Sim. I’ve just moved.”
“Oh I’m y/n,” you introduced, “I live in the apartment right under yours.”
I know, he muttered to himself in his mind, “thank you for this y/n. I’ll see you around.”
You nodded enthusiastically, oblivious to the way his words seemingly had double meaning.
The next few weeks Jake busied him by encroaching your life ever so subtly and strategically. You bumped into him in the same aisle at the bookstore and ended up chatting in a nearby coffee about your favourite books which somehow is similar to his. You bumped into him at dawn just outside your apartment complex before you go on your run, he himself was warming up for his, and that ended up with you two going on a run together.
Eventually you two became closer than mere neighbours that he could somehow orchestrate to get himself inside your place, “sorry about that-“ he apologised, coming out of your shower with the robe draping loosely and casually over his shoulders, making a poor effort of covering his chiseled chest and abs. 
While Jake was indeed very good-looking, you’ve always thought something about his looks seems so ethereal. But now, shed of all the sleek suits and tidy hair, he looks humanely good-looking and you found yourself almost stuttering in surprise when he got out.
“You should report it to the Head Office tomorrow," you averted your eyes towards the kettle in your kitchen, "I mean it's an expensive penthouse, how can the hot water be broken so soon? must be shoddy construction job or lack of maintenance."
“Burning the midnight oil?” He asked, leisurely leaning against the counter as he dried his hair.
“Yeah,” you sighed, pouring it into the flask where you had already added some coffee grounds and sugar. You felt the weight of his stare and out of pure courtesy, offered him as well, “oh, would you like–" you hesitated, "maybe not right? It’s almost 12.”
“Actually, yeah, that would be great,” he smiled, eyes boring into yours with an intensity that felt almost spellbinding. While Jake wanted nothing more than to bridge the physical gap in between you and him, and take your lips right there and then, he knew better than to submit to his desires this early. With others, it might have worked but with you he definitely had to take it slow. It pained him but like a prized conquest — he was willing to go through it.
Except regardless of how well-crafted his plans were, nothing could outpace what is really written. While he struggled to escalate the friendship he had built with you, Sunghoon had gotten closer and closer to you. 
When you did not come home one night, Jake re-assumed his non-human form, immediately locating you back in your office where you were burning the midnight oil with Sunghoon. 
Jake feels his anger simmering as he watched how Sunghoon latched onto you, following you wherever you go. He watched in frustration as Sunghoon hands hover close to you, as if being territorial; how his hands would even sometimes linger over yours more than necessary.
But it was the sight of you seemingly reciprocating him that was the most painful to bear: the way you let his hand lingered; the way you held his gaze instead of staring away; the way you never shifted as he drew nearer. 
The next thing he knew, Sunghoon had closed the distance between you and him, his lips gently pressing against yours, his hand snaking up your back to hold you ever closer. Jake was mortified. When you pulled away not long after, seeking a moment to catch your breath, Jake was sure then that you would have shoved Sunghoon off, perhaps even slap him for his boldness. But nothing of that sort happened for when Sunghoon re-attached his lips to yours, you didn’t resist, surrendering to the sensations he elicited, letting him devour you as you melt slowly into his embrace and touch.
Jake could feel the fury consuming him as he trudged up behind you, stabbing you with a lead-tipped arrow which would have sowed seeds of dislike for the other person but to his surprise, the arrow dissolved into dust the moment he stabbed it onto your back – telltale signs that the arrow will not work on you and nor Sunghoon.
That was when Jake knew that you were already written for Sunghoon and when that happens, nothing can usually be done because messengers are just really lower spiritual beings. That should have been Jake’s cue to give up but instead, it became a tipping point of when it all started going awry.
As his feelings festered in the worse of ways, he became more relentless and persistent in his pursuit of you. Except any small space he could have slithered himself ‘coincidentally’ into was becoming narrower as it becomes increasingly filled by Sunghoon. Soon it was Sunghoon who accompanied you running; Sunghoon who ate lunch with you; Sunghoon who accompanied you at bookstores; Sunghoon who sent you home; Sunghoon who stayed in your place until late.
There was absolutely no space for Jake anymore.
“Yes?” Sunghoon answered your apartment door one evening, not even bothering to conceal the distaste he felt within to see Jake at the door.
“Is y/n in?” Jake asked shamelessly.
Sunghoon shook his head, “she’s in the shower.”
There was an almost casual and domestic vibe to which Sunghoon was answering that question and Jake did not like it one bit. "There was a party at my workplace earlier," Jake passed on the box of cake and bouquet of flowers to him, "thought I'd share."
"Roses?" Sunghoon raised his brows, "She actually doesn't like roses. While she does like flowers, she actually doesn't like receiving them". Jake had to muster an insurmountable amount of energy not to let Sunghoon's words affect him even when he can clearly feel the venom laced in every words, "Oh and cake?" Sunghoon went on, "don't bother, she just like a spoonful or two, not the whole box."
You bastard, Jake muttered in his mind, wanting nothing more but to punch Sunghoon squarely in the face. More than that, he hated how Sunghoon knew the nuances of your likes and dislikes, making anything that Jake knew felt surface-level. If Jake knew your favourite colour, Sunghoon would probably know the exact shade of it; if Jake knew your favourite book, Sunghoon could probably cite your favourite quotes from it; if Jake knew you couldn't handle the cold, Sunghoon would probably know the precise timing of when to turn the heater on and off like an automatic thermostat. It was a sickening testament to the history and nature of your relationship with Sunghoon – of how far and deep it goes, the gap of which Jake could probably never bridge.
But Jake knows the subject of love well. With a mastery over the mechanics of love, he therefore knows exactly where the weakest links could be; where doubts and concerns can be sowed over time to topple the whole structure. In between you and Sunghoon, Jake knew your aloofness and romantically-inept nature can be a problem in the long-run with Sunghoon's possessive tendencies and predisposition towards jealousy. So Jake wanted to capitalize that.
"I mean, I just wanted to also thank her for the other night," Jake emphasized, noticing the way Sunghoon's jaw was already tensing, "when she let me shower at her place. It was so late but she was such an angel."
Jake could see the way in which the poison in his words worked it way through Sunghoon's system from the subtle ways in which Sunghoon's brows twitched and the way his jaw ticked though he tried to mask it with a diplomatic grin, "she has always been such an angel to the point of not sensing the ulterior motives in others," Sunghoon remarked with a hint of diplomatic sarcasm, "I'll make sure to pass the message. Next time it happens, let me know instead, I'll send a plumber right to your doorstep."
With that, the door closed and Jake's grin widened in triumph as he walked away, certain to have sowed instrumental doubts between you two. Except, as he lingered around the common area of your apartment floor, Sunghoon showed no signs of leaving. When 2 hours passed, he got even more agitated, impatience taking hold. It almost felt as if he was the one that has been toppled out of control. Jake had to do something though knocking at your door again is probably not the best idea.
So Jake transformed back to his non-human form – the ability of which was diminishing as days passed, the result of slacking in his duties and staying too long in his human form.
When Jake slipped inside your apartment, he could feel the dread rising, seeing the hallway too dimly-lit. “y/n,” he sighed in relief as he entered the living room and see you seated at the couch but soon the smile faltered as Sunghoon, who was beside you, leaned in and pressed his lips against yours – kissing you softly and tenderly. It was all cute and lighthearted – something Jake would have rejoiced seeing had it been any other person. But this was not just any other person. It was you. His you.
His hand gradually balled into a fist as he watched Sunghoon curled his hand over your nape, seizing you in place as he leaned in further to deepen the kiss. As the moment lingered, there was a palpable shift in the air – the sizzling tension of which was only mirrored in the way the kiss was escalating beyond it ever has with Sunghoon’s passion and desire growing more intense by the second as if he had been struck by countless of golden arrows.
Jake’s gaze hardened and as if possessed, he took out countless of lead-tipped arrows, stabbing it onto Sunghoon’s back in a desperate effort to stop him – only for each arrow to dissolve into black dusts – leaving Jake with no choice but to watch the horror unfold before him.
“Stop,” Jake croaked, hoping that you would pull away, that you would resist. But you didn’t. Instead Sunghoon’s body surged forward with urgency, forcing you to lean back onto the couch, his lips still glued onto yours. His movements were almost territorial now as he caged you in, his figure dwarfing yours completely while his hands rove possessively down your waist and up your back, tracing every curve and contour of your form, causing shiver to run down your spine.
Breathless, you pulled away, eyes locked into each other, breathing ragged, hearts racing wildly — the air almost catching fire from the sizzling tension. Sunghoon’s gaze, usually soft and doe-like, had darkened with raw passion and desire. Without anymore pretense nor hesitation, he plunged back in, crushing his lips down upon yours with fierce hunger, leaving you reeling from the force of his kiss. 
In a clear display of dominance and possession, Sunghoon pressed himself firmly against you, his lips parting yours, tongue slithering in to delve deeper, devouring you whole. It was clear then that this wasn’t just a simple kiss anymore. Jake knew exactly where it was all heading. 
And yet Jake was powerless to stop it.
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— vii.
Jake re-entered the Abyss easily now for this was his 4th time. The 2nd was when he converted almost all of his riches for human money just so he can buy his disguises and play pretend in the human world. After all, the designers he wear and the penthouse above yours cost a fortune. The 3rd was when he bought more energy so he can stay longer in his human form. 
By now, the Abyss was no longer just a hazy dark alley of market with only one or two sellers visible. As Jake begin to understand and embrace all the dark desires he harboured for you, the place was now teeming with sellers.
It was true what the old man had said then, that the Abyss only reveals itself and the fullness of its world when you acknowledge your dark desires. In fact, the sellers that he can see are those who sell anything related to love and hate – as if the Abyss perfectly curates what you can see according to what your heart desires.
Jake marched to the corner where potions are being sold, the lady materialising out of nowhere, slithering in and out of the colourful fumes like a serpent. He reached for a ‘love potion’ — a bubbling concoction in deep red, “I want this but the strongest one. Get me the strongest hate potion too.”
“Gladly,” the seller cackled when suddenly the old man from the other day appeared behind Jake, “a messenger of love buying a love potion – do you, yourself, not see the irony in that young boy?”
Jake glowered at the man.
The man continued, “if someone like you can’t change her feelings, what makes you think potions can?”
Jake balled his fist, “tell me what to do then,” he lurched at the man, crumpling his collar, “you said this place has everything I could want, tell me where I could go then- who I should find- what I should buy-"
“What you want,” the man smirked, his eyes a pool of darkness, “carries a hefty price beyond all the wealth you’ve amassed.”
“Anything-“ Jake pleaded, memories of earlier replaying in his mind like a broken record, “I want her.”
Suddenly with a snap of a finger, Jake found himself transported into what looked like an underground cistern. Everywhere he looked were stretches of gigantic columns, dimly illuminated by an eerie red glow. 
Jake almost jumped, startled, when he turned around to see the old man sneering, his face contorting oddly. "The Netherworld?" Jake asked almost spitefully, "you've brought me to the Netherworld?"
“Get off your high horse young man,” he brushed past Jake, “entering the Abyss was one thing but being able to follow me into the Netherworld is another. You remember all the cautionary tales don’t you? It takes a very corrupted heart for a being like you to break through the veil and enter here-“
Jake watched the man descend down the stairs, alarmed when he saw his shadows bearing horns. When his eyes snapped back up the old man had turned into someone younger and taller — more than 2 ft — with horns curving out of his head and robes that seemed to be made entirely of black smoke, “what? you didn’t think I was an Angel did you?”
Jake took a step back, “you must be out of your mind to think that I would want to work with you, a wretched Evil Spirit of some sort?”
“You say that as if you’re spitting venom and yet the desires you have are just as wretched,” the man cackled, the shadows behind him growing imposingly large, “face it, their fates are written to be intertwined, how else do you expect to win her then? Parade as human? For how long exactly? You know you cannot overstay in the human world.”
“I saw a spell for partial mortality earlier,” Jake reasoned, startled when the man suddenly reappeared behind him, his long bony fingers gripping Jake’s shoulders, immobilising him from any attempts to run away, “right, at the cost of what Jake? Half of your wings? Entertain me then, how does mortality make you any more attractive to her.”
Jake opened his mouth, ready to answer but found no argument left. He heard the demon scoffing, his slender fingers brushing over Jake’s large wings which had by then turned a weird shade of grey from its original pristine white — symbolising the gradual corruption that had took hold, “in fact all of your converted riches would soon be used up before you can even get an ounce of additional interest from her. She is after all written for him.”
The demon snapped his fingers, reflecting you and Sunghoon at your most intimate moments on a dark pool nearby. It was a picture he had often been fantasising as of late except, the man that was taking you right now wasn't him. Consumed in fury — the emotion of which seemed to have amplified now that he was in the Netherworld — Jake shot his arrow against the reflection, the ripples causing the images to disappear. 
“Ooo, calm down lover boy,” the demon cooed, feigning fear by backing away, “I didn’t just plunge you down the murkiest of depths just to taunt you”.
“Then what?” Jake’s chest heaved in anger.
The demon smirked, suddenly looming larger than life, “there is possibly another way for you-“
“Spit it.”
“Take her away,” the demon suggested almost too lightheartedly, “bring her to this other plane. It's the only way you can fortify against the string that connects them. Wipe her memory clean, keep her preoccupied and just like that, she is all yours."
“But humans shouldn’t live in our realm.”
“Shouldn’t not can’t,” the demon corrected, “though no sooner than you can make love to her will you have the guards on your doorstep, sentencing you to death for breaking laws and ethics.”
Jake’s brows furrowed, "you call that a solution?"
The demon floated towards him, stooping to Jake's height as if wanting to appear as an ally now, "of course not, I'm just laying out all the options for you because I want to make sure that the choices you make are informed."
Jake's brows furrowed, patience wearing thin, "stop with the dramatics. You're a fucking demon, you will never make a deal that would be of the best interest for the other party."
"Well, I can shelter you both in this domain," he gesticulated wildly, "it's the only place that the guards don't venture into." The demon's grin widened as he watched the muscles in Jake's face easing, "told you I am on your side."
Visions of you in Jake's arms swirled in his mind. If he brings you here then indeed nothing else could come in between. Not Sunghoon, not anyone. There would just be him for you and you for him. Jake exhaled sharply, “what’s the catch?”
“Good boy,” the demon cackled, a throne materialising behind him and he sunk on it, “just work for me.”
Jake watched him in confusion as he looked around, wondering what would he need an extra hand for. The demon continued, “your arrows,” he motioned and suddenly his golden arrows turned black, trail of black smoke emanating from it, “use it to sow hatred and chaos. One strike on someone and his darkest desires would amplify to the point of action.”
“You-“ Jake swallowed thickly, the fables of when he was young ringing deafeningly in his head. He had heard of so many tragedies during his lifetime but he didn’t know he’d end up as the very man people cautioned him against: the elites who held the most potential but eventually turning to the dark side. Jake always thought of himself as incorruptible and yet here he was in the Netherworld, about to give up everything just to strike deal with a demon.
As if sensing his hesitancy, the pool nearest to him begin to reflect an image of you and Sunghoon in yet another intimate moment and just like that, something within him snapped. "I'll do it," Jake muttered in a low, yet steady voice, eyes glinting, "but you have to make her mine. Completely mine.”
The shadows that emanated from the demon's robe grew thicker, consuming him, leaving only loud his loud cackes echoing deafeningly throughout the cistern, "deal."
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— viii.
You felt Sunghoon's hand seized your wrist, his touch firm as he pulled you onto bed. His lips found yours, tangling it in a passionate kiss, as his body clambered over yours, his touch possessive as he held you captive in his embrace. It took a considerable effort to pull away and break free from his grip which was almost like talons, "Sunghoon, come on now, I'll be back after my run-" you wedged an arm in between, stopping him as he attempted to reclaim your lips again. He sighed, burying his head lazily in the crook of your neck, "do you have to?" he murmured. There was a hint of plead in his voice, "it's not even sunrise yet."
"Exactly," you chirped, "best time to run."
Sunghoon sighed again, his grip reluctantly loosening as he rose from the bed, his hand gently snaking over your back to help you up. He hated letting you go alone for all he wanted was to keep you safe and close, by his side. But if there was anyone who understood you best in the world, it would be him. He knew how much you cherished your independence and freedom and he respected that, willing to give you the space and the alone time that you need, "promise to stick to well-lit and well-trodden paths?" he murmured softly with a gaze that is so soft and tender while his thumbs drew circles on your back, his touch both soothing and protective.
"Always," you reassured him, voice steady and calm.
You got off the bed, Sunghoon trailing closely behind, his hand never leaving yours. Once you had put on your shoes, you tiptoed towards him, planting a kiss on his lips as a reassurance. You could feel him smile into the kiss, his hand gently cradling your nape to stop you from drawing back, wanting to make the moment last longer. "Seriously," you hit him playfully and he captured your hand in his, holding onto it until you slipped out the door, lingering up until the very last moments.
Little did you know that your little kiss — an act you'd rarely initiate — would be your goodbye and little did he know that his reluctance, which was oddly so strong and defied all logics that dawn, was almost like a premonition of the tragedy that would befell you both.
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— ix.
When you arrived at the park where you usually run at, you remembered feeling the dread rising. The trail was too foggy, the lights flickering doing nothing but making the whole place looked like a copy of Silent Hill. But you were always so fearless for your good, so you quell your doubts and anxieties — putting them aside as baseless.
Except when you began running, the fog only grew heavier and as you approached a bend, a massive black dog appeared out of nowhere, barking wildly at you. Startled, you veered off the main trail, hoping to outpace the menacing creature. As you hurried, your foot caught on an exposed root, and you stumbled. Before you knew it, you were tumbling down a steep embankment, the world spinning around you in a dizzying blur. You tried to grab onto something, anything, but your descent was swift and uncontrollable. Finally your tumbling ceased, leaving you in a crumpled heap, your body throbbing in pain.
As you lay there, numb and in pain, blinking against the dizziness, you noticed something peculiar about your surroundings. The familiar pine forest had transformed into a grove of ancient trees, their massive trunks reaching high into the sky. The sky, starless and moonless, was bathed in an eerie shade of dark blue as if suspended at dawn.
A sense of unease washed over you as you realized something was amiss. The air was heavy and thick with an aura of mysticism with an eerie silence enveloping the forest. You knew instinctively that something was wrong, and the urge to flee began to stir within you. But as you tried to gather your bearings and rise to your feet, your head began to reel, and your eyelids grew heavier. It was as if an unseen force was lulling you into a deep slumber.
You fought against the encroaching darkness, but your efforts were in vain and the last thing you remembered before your world turned black was a huge mass of shadow drawing nearer, its presence filling you with dread.
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— x.
You woke with a start, your heart pounding in your chest as the familiar nightmare plagued your sleep once again. The dream was always the same—a black mist enveloping you as you ran, the sense of something sinister chasing you through the darkness. You sat up, burying your face in your hands, when you feel the space on the bed beside you dip. You feel a strong hand wrapped around your waist, its body curled protectively around yours. You feel him bury his face at the crook of your neck, planting soft kisses against it to calm you down. You turned your head, "Jake..." you whispered softly, meeting his warm gaze.
"Nightmares again?" he asked, voice soft and concerned, "you know dreams are just the Devil's plaything."
"Yes but-" you struggled to find the words, your mind still clouded with the remnants of the nightmare. Before you could say more, Jake hauled you onto his lap, his lips claiming yours in a passionate kiss, stealing your breath and your thoughts away. It was a kiss that made you forget the nightmare, a kiss that always felt like the first, no matter how many times he had kissed you before.
His hands roved hungrily over your back, igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume all rational thoughts. You kissed him back, surrendering to his passion, feeling him press forward, his lips parting yours with a gentle urgency as his head tilted to deepen the kiss, his tongue seeking yours. The kiss consumed you, sweeping away the remnants of the nightmare and replacing it with a different kind of darkness—one that was intoxicating and exhilarating. You finally managed to catch your breath when he began trailing kisses down your neck, nipping and sucking at certain spots, marking you as his own, claiming your skin with a possessiveness that sent a thrill through you. You could feel his desire, his need, and it only fueled your own.
Jake could himself hardly believe the moment would ever come: of him being able to call you his, of him being able to hold you close, of you actually reciprocating his love and touch. But indeed, this had become his every day now. Yet still, he could never get enough of you, wanting to imprint every touch, every kiss, onto your skin. You could feel yourself about to fully lose yourself to the overwhelming intensity of his touch when your eyes drifted to the window behind the bed, where the grove of ancient trees stretched as far as the horizon.
"Those ancient trees outside—" you stammered, trying to fight the overwhelming sensations, "it kept on haunting me in my dreams. Like a memory—" your voice trailed off as you felt yourself thrown back against the mattress, Jake hovering over you, his eyes burning with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.
"You know you can't go out there," his voice was calm but there was an unmistakable warning in his voice, an edge to his tone that you hadn't heard before, "it's too dangerous."
You opened your mouth to protest, to ask why he always cautioned you against venturing into the forest, but any form of protest was muffled by another searing kiss. This kiss was different, hungrier, more primal, making you breathless and weak in the knees. "You're only safe with me y/n," he muttered in between kisses, "you're mine after all," his hips pressed against yours, his hands slipping under your shirt, making you shudder.
Jake had always been gentle towards you so the aggressive and almost primal way in which he was taking you right now was making you feel uncomfortable. The warning bells in your head rang faintly, but the sensations he elicited drowned them out. His kiss was like a drug, clouding your judgment and leaving you helpless to resist. As you felt him press you further into the mattress, your hands instinctively tangled in his hair, pulling him close, your body responding to his touch with a will of his own. Just like the clothing that were shed one by one, any remnants of doubt and hesitation begin to disappear. The morning after, you would wake up as if this castle had always been your home, as if this bed had always been the one you slept on, as if Jake had always been the love of your life.
But sometimes, when the nightmare comes, striking the deepest fear in your heart, a flash of images would surge through your mind, offering a glimpse of another life. Through it all, one constant remained — a man. His face was unclear, his features blurred by the haze of dreams, but his presence loomed large, leaving you with a sense of longing and an ache in your heart that you couldn't quite explain. It was as if your soul recognized him, even if your conscious mind could not recall his name or his face. The man may not possess Jake's gentle and warm nature but he oddly felt so safe. Like home. In fact it weirdly occurred to you that even if you didn't know him, you felt like you'd run towards him on instinct if you were made to choose between him and Jake — as if he's a sanctuary.
But then you wake up, and your heart would pound from the terror of being chased while your heart ached from what felt like loss and longing. While the terror would eventually dissipate throughout the day, the ache lingered, as if a void had opened up within you. That's why you always surrendered to Jake eventually for only it was under his soothing words and tantalizing touch could you fill the void and the quiet of yearning.
Until the next nightmare strikes.
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a/n: damn writing the goodbye with Sunghoon made me ache lol. Hope you like this one. I actually enjoyed writing this one even though it did took quite some time to finalise. No, there won't be a Part 2 because I suck at writing continuations lol. And yes, there will be a Part 4 for Dancing with the Devil but patience friends.
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mirrorbvllhoon · 2 months
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SACRIFICE (Hades!Jay x Persephone!fem!reader!)
So dangerous
Full of darkness like a criminal
But here you are
Full of brightness and light
₊˚ ✧ Sacrifice (Eat Me up) (Dark Blood)
WC: 3.9k
Warnings: angst and fluff, Jay being a gentleman, slightly suggestive, being tricked into kidnapping someone, Zeus being Zeus.
Through the fields of the earth wandered the goddess Demeter and her beautiful daughter y/n, their mere presence made the trees and bushes blossom with all kind of gorgeous leaves, when their feet touched the grass flowers sprung, fruits and vegetables were bornt from the earth, the mortals were happy as they could feed from the gifts the earth goddesses gave them.
However in Mount Olympus, the city of the gods and goddesses another story was being written, it was no secret that the young goddess was beautiful, with her long hair and beautiful factions, truly blessed by the gods beauty, but although she was already of age to be wed, her mother wished for her to remain virgin as Artemis and Atena, and if life hadn’t occurred as it did, as herself.
Even when y/n had been just a little girl, Demeter had already talked with the goddess Aphrodite and her son, Sunghoon, so they could stay away from the love business that could interfere with her daughter’s life, but the gods of love were tired of not being able to interfere in the love-lives of the gods and goddesses, although their presence wouldn’t be necessary for love had already a way of appearing in the life of the young goddess.
“Let me see if I understand, you are promising y/n’s hand to me?” asked Jay, the god of the underworld.
“Brother, you have been alone enough centuries, don´t you believe?, you’re telling me that you really don’t wish for a companion?” Zeus answered, hoping for his brother to agree
Jay hesitated to answer, being one of the gods aphrodite and his son weren’t allow to control it’s love life and living in the underworld, where his only companions aside from cerberus, the furies and Sysiphus, were the souls waiting to reincarnate and love again, of course he felt alone, not only was he feared by the mortals but even the gods and goddesses all just because he was the ruler of the tartarus, something he didn’t even choose but was assigned to him, being in love couldn’t hurt, at least that’s what he told himself.
“I’ll take your silence as an affirmation” Zeus answered, taking Jay aback from his thoughts
“Wait, does she know? or well?, is she okay with me being with her?”
“Of course she is, even Demeter believes you would be such an amazing husband”
Jay tried not to doubt his brother’s words; however he knew that changing his mind would result in a far more difficult task, so he just sighed, hoping that whatever was to happen wouldn’t result in something he and others would regret.
“So, when should I meet y/n?”
“Oh, she’s in the forest almost everyday, so you should find her there, and… Jay, make sure to surprise her”
He should’ve known that Zeus had just tricked him, but he didn’t know, he just went back to the underworld, to continue his monotonous excuse for a life, hoping that the next day would arrive, so he could encounter y/n.
And then the sun rose, and as promised, there was y/n in the middle of the forest with the nymphs, picking flowers and fresh-cut fruit, however in the middle of their day, an earthquake shook the earth,the nymphs were scared, yet they decided to abandon y/n searching for her mother, since the god of the underworld was powerful enough to kill them all, but even before they were gone, Jay took y/n and through the valley the earthquake had created that connected the underworld to the earth, both of them dissappeared in the glimpse of an eye.
“Where am I?” asked y/n, hoping that the answer that was about to come off his mouth was different than the one she was thinking about.
“Of course in the underworld” Jay answered nonchalantly, a smirk drew on his face.
“Why did you bring me here? What do you want from me?” y/n answered, her eyes teary, shock was taking hold of her.
Jay let out a sigh, the smirk falling off his face, his nose scrunching and the already warped crown in his head crooked by a millimeter, threatening to fall from his head while he shook it nervously..
“You didn’t know, did you?” He asked, fear in his voice enveloped with a slight level of shame and regret.
“Know what?, I don’t know a thing about what's happening” Her voice was breaking and shaky, filled with melancholy and uncertainty.
“Zeus, my brother, promised your hand in marriage, he said that Demeter, your mother, and you, knew about it already”
“Well I can assure you, we in fact didn’t know a thing… so can’t you just take me back to the surface?”
“I’m afraid I can’t, I made a deal, a blind deal if you will and I can’t break that, but even if I did break it, I can take things or souls of the living world to the underworld, but I can’t give things from the underworld to the living world. I’m sorry darling”
She nodded, “I guess that even gods have their limitations” she left a bittersweet giggle, her knees giving up on her, her body was fainting, she would have fallen to the floor if it weren't for a pair of arms that held her.
Jay stood beside her, his arms holding her torso and because of the lack of chairs he dropped her gently to sit on his throne, once she was sat down, he spoke, his voice was still but sweet.
“Although I live in the underworld, I can assure you that I’m no monster, you can stay here for as long as you wish, I’m sure that someone will come looking for you, you’re loved by mortals and gods, when that time ought to arrive, you’ll be free to go”
“You promise me that?”
“I do”
The day had almost finished, and sleep was already taking hold of y/n who wandered through the underworld, Jay, down in his throne, could notice that; but the young goddess was too stubborn or scared to ask him where she could sleep for the night, so she just rested on a rock not so far from where Jay was seating, doing the duties he as a king of the underworld had to do, receiving the new souls that arrived and seeing the records of the deceased and reincarnated… When he noticed the young girl asleep on a rock that seemed far from comfortable, her face flinched at some moments, yet she tried to sleep unsuccessfully.
Jay stood from his throne and walked towards the young goddess, her face was beautiful as every inch of her, of course he couldn’t deny the fact she was perfect, even asleep she looked ethereal, yet… she didn’t love him, he reminded himself. He stopped wandering in his thoughts and sat at her feet, holding her hand to try and wake her up, which took no effort, she wasn't asleep yet.
“If you want to sleep, you can do so in my chambers, I assure you they are more comfortable besides I barely sleep after all” He started talking, his thumb soothing the palm of her hand, while she sat to talk to him face to face.
“It’s unnecessary-” Y/n started, however Jay interrupted her before she could even finish her words “That’s nonsense, you will sleep in my chambers that's the end of the discussion” Jay and y/n’s eyes interlocked for a second that felt like an eternity, a smile drew in her face contrasting Jay's cold features, that only hid the warmness of his soul. “May I?” He asked, one of his hands under the crook of her knees and the other one on her neck, y/n nodded, allowing herself to be carried again.
Y/n could see the view over her, Jay's sharp features and the crown in his head slightly crooked, she tried to fix it which led for her to play with his hair for the smallest of seconds y/n was so concentrated she missed the smile that drew on his face, of course y/n didn't know the crooked crown was intentional, yet Jay couldn't allow himself to tell her so.
“Thank you darling”, he said quietly, she nodded.
Once they finally arrived at Jay's chambers, he dropped her carefully on the bed.
“I know that's kind of cold in here, I will search you for a blanket or for something you can cover yourself with...” he continued rambling, until Y/n’s voice interrupted him.
“Jay, I don't mind the cold” she said with a smile on her face, fear continued to dissipate from her system, maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.
“Well not yet, but soon it will get colder”
Her mouth opened agape, she didn’t say a word, and allowed him to go out and find her something to cover herself.
“I hope that if you fall asleep I won't wake you up, I apologize in advance if I do” Jay said, she nodded while laying down on the mattress.
He closed the door as she closed her eyes, and hours passed by, the underworld was indeed a cold place, with the river styx carrying souls, and the deceased wandering through the voidless place, shivers started to appear on Y/n’s sleeping body, and while Jay tried to find her something that could actually cover her and give her some rest, he kept failing, the underworld wasn’t made for a goddess like her. When he finally found a blanket that would keep her warm he went back to his chambers, with a shivering-already sleeping y/n, her body was in a fetal position, yet when Jay covered her body, the shivering didn’t stop, he was afraid of what could happen to her if she kept being cold, so beside his hate for using his powers he created a small fire on the hearth, to keep her warm, he repeated himself maybe he should've done that from the start.
“Don’t go…stay…please” y/n voice was a mumbling incoherence yet Jay could make it out, he sat down at the end of the bed, until he decided it was his time to leave, he tried to tuck the young goddess in, when her arms opened and a hug engulfed him.
At first he tried to run from the hug, not because he disliked it but because he was sure once y/n woke up, she would regret it, feeling guilty because of grabbing her, if only he hadn’t believed Zeus.
Jay stayed the whole night allowing himself to sleep just to do the goddess company, and in the night he didn’t even notice how he unconsciously hugged her with the same intensity she was holding him with.
The second day arrived, this one went almost unnoticeable, Y/n was surprised by Jay’s kindness, and even if she couldn’t recognize it, she felt slightly attracted towards him, however she reminded herself, he only took her to the underworld because of a deal he had made with Zeus, and because he was being tricked, he wasn’t really in love.
“Y/n, I asked if you wanted to see the river, I mean if you don’t you can say so” Jay’s steady words finally took her out from her trance, she nodded. “Then you can come with me” he said.
Jay showed her the river, charon the boatman took both of them from one end to the other, and while y/n stood most of the time staring at the river’s water it was Jay’s reflection what she was really looking at, once on the other side of the river, they walked alongside it, while the view was mainly formed of rocks and stalactites of dark colors and strange shapes, she kept looking astonished at the marvelous immensity of the underworld.
“I know it’s not as beautiful as the earth” Jay started, staring at her through the reflection of the river.
“Such nonsense, I believe both places have their charm” Y/n replied,
Jay chuckled at her words, and for the first time she heard him laugh, he extended his hand for her to hold and follow him, so she wouldn't get lost, as if that could even be possible, the truth was he wanted to keep her close even if he couldn’t admit it.
The second day had ended, and as the night before him, Jay took y/n to his chambers, prepared the fire and stayed there with her, this time they stayed awake longer, y/n kept talking about her life in the earth and how she longed it, Jay heard every word of her mouth as if it was hypnotizing him, “I’m sorry, I haven’t allowed you to talk, I must be boring you right now” Y/n said, turning her head down in embarrassment, “You could never in the whole eternity bore me” Jay replied, taking her chin with his hand, their eyes interlocking once again, she could see him this time even more perfect as before if that were even possible, his crown perfectly over his black hair, his sharp features only looking more appealing in the dim moonlight, and all he could see was her, in her breathtaking beauty, in the darkness of the underworld and in the dim light of the fire, she was angelical. Their bodies started to draw near each other, Jay’s hand already sneaking to y/n’s cheek.
“Thank you for being so kind to me” Y/n said, drawing back herself.
“Of course darling, is the least I could do after all” Jay answered, 《of course she wouldn’t kiss me》, he thought, maybe he had mistaken her kindness for interest.
They went to sleep that night with tears in their soul, both of them kept resisting the obvious tension in between them, afraid of what would happen if they gave in.
Suddenly it was the fourth day of y/n in the underworld, she was losing hope, maybe her mother had forgot about her, and while Jay kept being sweet towards her, it continued to be difficult to her resisting his charms and beautiful words, she couldn’t deny the fact she was starting to fall in love with him, if only she knew he felt the same way.
She spent most of the time wandering in Jay’s palace, which seemed as endless as his kingdom, however she felt alone, he kept ruling his kingdom hoping that his duties could distract him from the fact she was in love for the first time in centuries, however he couldn’t resist no more, and decided to search for her, he needed to talk to her, to confess his feelings, maybe it was selfish of him, maybe it was wrong yet, in that moment all he could think about was y/n.
Y/n was in the outskirts of the palace, watching the river flow in silence, allowing her to put in order her thoughts, what she would do, debating about the feelings that flew through her mind, she had promised her mother to maintain herself virgin, but her mother would understand wouldn’t her? she was in love, true love.
“Y/n!” Jay shouted from a distance, she put herself on feet and started walking towards the palace again “Y/n, please tell me you are still here” Jay kept mumbling to himself after being unable to find her, yet she continued to run, hearing the sound of his voice drawing her in.
Both of them had decided, they were in love, there was no cure or power for that, there wasn’t an arrow or a curse or a prophecy, it was only them, it was their love.
Once they saw each other they started running until their bodies rejoined, he grabbed her waist and carried her spinning her in the air, his crown, which after y/n had straighten out was never crooked again, fell to the side of his head slightly, the dress she was wearing flew through the air.
“I need to talk to you, but please, allow me to kiss you first” Jay said, his voice was as tender as always.
“The feeling’s mutual” Y/n answered, allowing him to engulf her in the kiss, their lips collapsed in each others, their tongues ravished the others mouth, Y/n had never been kissed, yet it was far from what she though a kiss could feel like, it was pure love turned into the most carnal desire, they were drunk in each other’s presence and whatever else just ceased to exist, her hands stood to her sides, unsure of where to move of what to do, he took them with care, guiding her hands to wrap around his neck, where they eventually found their way towards his hair, while Jay’s hands maintained firm one in her waist and the other one on her neck, their lips separated for the smallest of seconds allowing them to regain their breath, y/n’s cheeks were flushed yet she couldn’t stop herself from wanting more.
“I think it would be good for us to talk before doing that again” Jay said, his lips plump and his messy hair adorned with the crooked crown on top of it.
“Of course, we should take this somewhere else,” Y/n answered.
Both of them went to Jay's chambers, the night already falling, yet all they could think about was each other's presence.
She sat at the end of the bed, Jay decided to stay on feet in front of her, scared of the words that were about to leave his mouth.
“I think I'm in love with you”, Jay started, “I hope that you feel the same way and I would like for you to become queen of the underworld, if you'd like of course…” Jay rambled
“You're asking me to marry you?” She asked,
“I am, if you wish to, there’s no need for you to accept, I won't get mad neither will my demeanor change if you say no…” He started talking, his words emancipated sounding almost like gibberish, and his fingers fuming with the slightest of fires, but suddenly all the havoc in his mind and the gibberish that fell from his lips was interrupted by a small kiss.
Y/n kissed him quickly, circling his hands around his back pulling him close, then he kissed her again cheekily,
“Jay, I do want to marry you”
He smiled and kissed her again and again, until his crown was on the floor and his lips explored her whole body, until the world and underworld had been nearly forgotten.
The days passed and the day of the wedding arrived, Y/n woke up to a beautiful wedding gown on the bed, it was beautifully crafted in gray hues, she couldn’t understand how such a beautiful piece could be given to her, however Jay thought that no wedding gown could be pretty enough for her, to his eyes it didn’t matter how beautiful the dress were, y/n would overshadow it with her beauty, but the dress that lied on the bed was a close match.
Finally with her dress on, she went to encounter his betrothed in the throne room, where they would finally be wed. Jay was dressed in a full black wedding attire, the crown in his head and the black locks falling into place adorning the frame of his face, he looked as devilishly handsome as always.
Once they were in front of each other, although because of the small height difference y/n had to look up to meet his gaze, he took a crown as hauntingly beautiful as the one he wore, and with care he positioned it over her head.
“You look beautiful, my queen” He couldn’t resist the urge and kissed her for the smallest of seconds, "I love you with all of my being”, he whispered again in the middle of their kiss.
“And so do I, why else would I decide to stay here if it weren't for you?” Y/n kissed him again, he smiled in the middle of the kiss and separated once again.
“I brought you something”, he said, taking from his robes a pomegranate, “The seeds of this fruit are what could make you stay here in the underworld, you wouldn’t be cold anymore in the nights, and you could wander freely…”
He took a dagger and cut open the fruit, taking the seeds out and in the process staining his fingers and his attire, it didn’t matter, he wanted to do it for her, he handled her the seeds which she immediately ate, she was about to eat the seventh seed when a loud rumble stormed their dream wedding day.
It was Demeter, y/n's mother, who stormed into the palace, the sight before her sending her into a frenzy, what was her daughter even thinking?
Jay took y/n behind his back, if there was someone to blame it should’ve been him.
“Move Jay… I'm here to take my daughter home…” Demeter noticed his stained fingers and the fallen seeds on the floor, she looked up and saw her daughter with her lips stained from the smallest of drops of the pomegranate “No, y/n… he made you eat them? what a monster, you damned…”
“Mother, stop, please”, Y/n talked, Demeter couldn’t finish her sentence, her daughter was now in front of her, “I ate the seeds on my own, I want to stay here, I love Jay, and I want to stay here… with him”
“You don’t know what you are talking about, you need spring, and I need you, please y/n, come back home” Her mother's cry made her reconsider everything again, should she go? but she couldn’t leave Jay, she… was she wrong for loving him? Jay's hand took y/n's pulling her close and taking her out of her thoughts, “Darling, I can make you a deal, so you can stay in the mortal world and in here… you only ate six seeds, that means your body can stay here for six months, the other six months you can spend them with your mother on the earth, and I will wait for you here”
Y/n agreed and although at first she disliked the idea, Demeter ended up agreeing as well, leaving with her daughter so the spring could come again.
Jay waited patiently for the months to come where he could meet his queen again, finally the day had come, and there was y/n entering the palace, their bodies reunited in a hug full of longing
“Welcome back my queen” He would whisper before kissing her, “You have no idea how much I've missed you”, he kissed her again, the first of many kisses and hugs that they would share for the months she could stay in the underworld, savoring each others presence because in that moment there was no underworld or mortal world, it was only Jay and y/n, and that was the only world they cared of.
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a/n: I'm sorry for the wait, got kind of sick, but here's the chapter hope that you enjoy it ♡
acc: thank you for all the love and reposts lyy 🤍
tags: @solfolgi
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whiterosesforher · 2 months
dark moon pantheon series ; iii
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warnings. implied nudity, mentions of war
genre. (dark) fantasy, au, romance, drama, action, fanfiction, historical, royalty
word count. 2,358 words
chapter synopsis. a war has finally been formally declared in the celestial realm, the sisters however are more calm than they should be given the fact that they already saw this coming because of the wrongdoings of their father. the eldest sister on the other hand, met a vampire during on one of her visits in earth.
a/n. this is an oc (named reader) x enhypen fanfiction based off of enhypen's current lore as vampires, there are some parts of the story where it's accurate to the greek mythology but there are also some that are just purely fiction. i apologize for updating only after a month. again, english is not my first language so bear with me.
this is only the backstory. the real start of the plot/story has not begun yet.
Zeus had his mind reeling non stop from the confrontation with his siblings, he walked into the dining room with a tense jaw and an angry heart.
Earlier today, his siblings, Poseidon, Hades, and Athena, marched to his throne to speak to him.
They're finally starting a war against him and the beings devoted to him.The war will start on the second full moon from now.
His eyes scanned the room, falling upon his wife, Hera, seated gracefully at the head of the other side of the table opposite to the chair reserved for him. Her gaze met his, a flicker of concern in her eyes, but she said nothing, allowing him to take his place opposite to her.
Arrayed along the table were their eight daughters, four on each side and each one of them has already been bestowed their titles and powers that comes with great responsibility. His eyes moved from one to the next, taking in their faces, this is actually the only time where he paid attention to his daughters.
Venus, the eldest, she is the god of beauty, conviviality, emotion, and love. Her presence alone can bring a sense of lovingness and emotional support and Zeus could see the natural leadership in her eyes, though he knows that she also has her own worries about the family since she's the oldest and most mature.
Next to her was Thana, the god of war, justice, balance, and death. Thana's eyes were sharp, her demeanor confident and strong. She has always exuded a strength and determination that spoke of her readiness to fight for what she believed in, a true warrior at heart. She kind of reminds Zeus of his sister, Athena.
Artaemia sat beside Thana, her bold aura a testament to her being the god of nature, wildlife, and disasters. She looks like nature itself and that is both awe-inspiring and intimidating.
Hali, the fourth in line, sat quietly, as the god of elements, knowledge, mind, and logic, Hali was often described as omnipotent, a title that made her both revered and envied by everyone in the Heaven. Her power, so unexpected in someone so far down the birth order, this posed a potential threat to Venus' position as the heir to the crown.
Harmonia, the god of harmony, peace, and comfort, sat all calm and composed. She held the bridges connecting all realms, a vital role that linked the earth, the heavens, the afterlife, and the abyss. Her presence was soothing as well as her personality.
Liwa, the god of sun, light, and healing, glowed with inner radiance. She is one with the sun, controlling it and bringing light and warmth to the world. Her power is life giving.
Lunar, the god of moon, hunting, and night sky, was a mysterious figure. Her physical appearance showcases her title as she is as beautiful as the night sky. Like her older sister, she owns the moon, her influence felt in the quiet, reflective hours of the night. Her power was subtle but profound, a counterbalance to Liwa's bright blinding energy.
Finally, there was Nikola, the youngest, the god of women, children, fertility, and life. Though her powers were considered less formidable than those of her older sisters as she's already so far down the birth rank, there was a gentle power in her, a nurturing spirit that was essential to the balance of their world.
As they began to eat, the clinking of silverware and the hum of quiet conversation filled the room. Zeus remained silent, his mind full of thoughts. He watched his daughters interact, their faint laughter the only thing filling the room.
Eventually, he cleared his throat, drawing their attention. "My daughters," he began, "I have come to dine with you tonight because there is something important I must discuss with all of you."
The room fell silent, all eyes on Zeus. Hera looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and concern, while the girls waited expectantly.
"The realm is in a state of unrest, as always." Zeus continued, choosing his words carefully. "There are those who believe that my rule has brought imbalance and suffering. They have tried to negotiate, but I will never let my pride down no matter what. Now, they invoked war."
A ripple of shock and unease passed through the daughters. Venus, always the voice, spoke first. "Father, what can we do to help? How can we prevent this war?"
Zeus sighed, the weight of his decisions heavy on his shoulders. He doesn't even know how all of this would end, if him and his family will survive. While true that gods and demigods are immortal, but they can certainly die if killed by another god.
"I do not know if it can be prevented. But I know I have always done what I believed was best."
Hera smiled at her husband, a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, "We will get through this." she said softly, assuring every single one of them.
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The palace was quiet as the blue hour descended, the time when day melted into night. Venus sought some sort of peace after their early dinner with her family. She approached her sisters, hoping one of them would join her to come down the earth realm and relax at the sea.
"Will anyone come down with me to visit earth?" Venus asked, her voice hopeful.
Thana shook her head, her eyes tired. "I'm exhausted, Venus. Perhaps another time."
Artaemia, engrossed in her latest project involving the wild creatures of the forests, waved a distracted hand. "I'm busy, Venus. Next time, I promise."
Harmonia, Liwa, and Lunar were similarly occupied, and Nikola, the youngest, was already dozing off in her chair.
Finally, Halimede looked up from her books, her eyes warm with understanding. "I’m sorry, Venus. I'm swamped with studies and duties. But I promise, next time I’ll come with you. We'll visit the earth realm together, okay?"
Venus smiled at her sister, grateful for the reassurance. "Thank you, Hali."
With that, Venus slipped out of the palace. She navigated the familiar path to the earth realm, her steps light on the soft white sand as she approached the cave that housed the hidden blue lagoon. This place was a sanctuary for her and her sisters, a refuge from the celestial chaos above.
As she entered the cave, the air grew cooler, the sound of dripping water echoing softly around her. The deeper she ventured, the more she felt the cool air of the place envelop her. The lagoon lay ahead, its crystal-clear waters shimmering with a faint blue glow, surrounded by glittering crystals embedded in the cave walls.
But tonight, there was something different. A melodic, relaxing male voice reached her ears, his voice echoed in the cave, singing a tune that was both enchanting and unfamiliar. She followed the sound, her curiosity piqued, and soon found herself hiding behind a large stone, peering into the lagoon.
There, in the water, was a dark red-haired male, his back turned to her as he sang. His naked form completely submerged in the water with only his bare chest visible up the surface.
Venus observed him, trying to decipher his identity. He was not a siren, nor a mere mortal human; she could sense his immortality. As he sang, she noticed something peculiar about him. When he opened his mouth, she saw the gleam of sharp fangs.
A vampire, she realized, involuntarily gasping.
Her gasp did not go unnoticed, and the man snapped his head in her direction, their eyes locking. His eyes glowed, and she felt a force trying to invade her mind. But it met with resistance, unable to penetrate her divine barriers. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Venus finally stepped out from behind the rock, her voice calm and steady. "You cannot do that to me. I am not a human."
The vampire’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, the glow fading as he regarded her with curiosity and wariness. "My telepathic ability can also penetrate any another immortal's mind. So who and what are you?" he asked, his voice still carrying the melodic undertone that had drawn her in.
"That's because I'm not a simple immortal. I'm Venus, daughter of Zeus and Hera, god of beauty, conviviality, emotion, and love," she replied, standing tall and composed but also elegant and calm.
The vampire’s expression softened, his tension easing. "God of beauty and love huh, I did not expect to meet a god here in this hidden lagoon."
"And I did not expect to find a vampire," Venus countered, her eyes studying him. "What brings you here?"
He hesitated for a moment before responding. "I come here to find peace, away from the chaos of the mortal world. This place... it’s my peace of mind."
Venus nodded in understanding, her own reasons for being there mirroring his. "We share that sentiment. This lagoon has been a refuge for my sisters and me."
The vampire smiled faintly, the initial tension between them dissipating. "Then perhaps we can share this place, even if only for a little while."
Venus returned his smile, feeling a sense of comfort with this unexpected stranger. "Perhaps we can. What is your name?"
"Heeseung," he replied, his voice softening. "And I promise, Venus, I mean you no harm."
With that, She dipped into the cold water beside him. They settled into a peaceful but not awkward silence. Heeseung did not feel any intimidation nor nervousness from the god beside him as he should have, her presence was just so comfortable for him.
After a long silence, with only their breaths and heavy sighs let out here and there, Heeseung finally broke out the silence.
"So, Zeus and Hera's daughter? The Queen and King of the Heavens. You're not just a normal god then, you are a royalty."
His statement earned a chuckle from the girl, "I guess you can say that."
"It almost feels rude for me to talk to you so casually knowing who you are."
"Oh please, don't be. It's tiring to get treated differently whenever someone knows who I am, they always get intimidated and scared. I'm just me." She shrugged casually as she soothed the skin of her arms with the cold water.
Heeseung hummed in agreement before asking her another question, "How old are you then?"
She glanced at him before focusing back on the waters again, "I'm a young god, only 23. How about you?"
She takes a look at him again, waiting for his answer. He almost giggled, his bambi eyes staring at her, "We're the same age!" He exclaims, like a cute excited kid.
"Really?" she also giggled alongside him before continuing, "I guess we'll grow really old together then."
The corner of Heeseung's lips tugged up as he teasingly raised a brow at what she just said. When she glanced at him, that's when Venus started to realize what she just said.
"Oh no no, what I meant was that we're the same age and that we'll grow old together because we're both immortals and will probably live so many years in here and–" she started to ramble, nervously explaining herself before Heeseung's laugh cut her off.
"Okay okay, I get it, Venus." he said while holding his stomach, still laughing. He was totally amused by her reaction, rambling with her cheeks tinted pink.
They laughed together, Venus secretly releasing a sigh of relief for getting out of the awkward embarrassment.
The sense of time totally flew off Venus' head as she enjoyed every moment with this newly met vampire. It's eventually late at night, her sisters up the celestial realm worried about her because their mother will soon check in on them for dinner and would definitely notice the missing eldest.
"Where on earth and heavens is she?!" The second eldest exclaimed, while Artaemia guarded the door, on the look out for when their mother will come.
Stepping down the earth has been strictly prohibited, it is a rule among gods. Especially young gods like themselves.
"Thana, lower your voice, we don't want to alarm any servants to come in and check on us." Nikola explained, her tone a slight warning to her impatient and easily triggered sister.
Thana could only roll her eyes in frustration while Liwa beside her kept on biting her nails anxiously.
With a sigh, Hali finally thought of something to both calm her anxious sisters and also to call up the currently missing Venus.
"Harmonia, bridge to her and call her to come up immediately." Hali stated, with Lunar butting in after she finished speaking, "Yeah we have to make sure she's safe, she don't usually take this long."
Artaemia snorted, "Yeah, if anybody among us is always late and gets into trouble that would be Lunar, not Venus." Thana and Nikola laughed which made Lunar throw a glare at their direction.
"It's true tho," Nikola mouthed to her with a shrug.
Harmonia nodded, with her ability to bridge and communicate all realms, ran straight to her room where a small fountain is located. Her sisters followed her inside not long after, peeking over her shoulder to watch what she's about to do.
She lightly touched the calm water with her index finger before swirling it gently, the water swirled for a few moments before it completely stilled.
It showed an image focused on Venus, emerging from the lagoon with her soaked dress. Through the bridge ability that Harmonia possesses, she whispered to the water "Come home," and her whispers soon reached Venus' ears.
"Heeseung, I need to head back home," she said with such urgency in her voice that made heeseung look at her with worry "It was nice meeting you, let's see each other again soon."
The image of their sister in the water disappeared shortly after that, "There, that should urge her to come back home."
Venus on the other hand internally panicked as she realized she had lost track of time, and Harmonia calling up to her means it's something serious.
He nodded before she quickly turned to walk away, but Heeseung was quick to snatch her hand, placing a kiss on it. His own way of saying goodbye to her before she departs back to where she rightfully belongs.
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viisator · 2 years
The Curse of Aphrodite
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Tittle: The Curse of Aphrodite
Pairings: Park Sunghoon X F!Reader
Genre: Greek mythology-inspired, Fantasy, unrequited love (angst)
Warning: Character death.
Summary: Park Sunghoon never loved you, but you love him from the skin to bones, you think you have done enough for him to love you back, but unfortunately he loves her more, and you have spent your night crying. So when the thought of making a bargain with the goddess Aphrodite cross your mind, you did not waste any second and go to her temple. There, you made a decision that Park Sunghoon regretted.
Not Proofread
(This fic was born from a fight between me and my mom:)) and it was my fault. But the fic and the fight was not connected okay? Frustration makes me creative lol)
– Can I have a request, please? After/before you read this(thanks for checking this out btw) like or reblog, or both; is really appreciated!! And it will help my blogs reach other ppl too!! Thank you!! Have a good time reading!! –
• • • • •
There was once a girl who loved someone so much that she did regrettable things. But he could not reciprocate her feelings of her, for they are too deep.
Y/n is the princess of Sparta, and she has lived all of her life getting what she desired. But at the age of eighteen, on her very birthday, when all cities unite at the town of warriors just to celebrate the young girl's special day, someone had taken her wondrous interest. She was drunk with great enchantment and desire, she wanted more of him.
After she had learned that he is a soldier of Athens, she could not help but admire him more. Either then he's handsome, tall, and brave he is also elegant and graceful.
Mountains of gifts and another mountain of gifts are shipped from Sparta to Athens by the princess, and those uncountable amounts of gifts are well addressed to Park Sunghoon. She would not just give him gifts, she also often sneak into Athens just to see him, even if it was just far from his gaze, as long as she can see him. Everyone envies him, but all he can feel is a great annoyance. And so, all the gifts that are sent to him are all returned to Sparta.
After wondering why won't the soldier accept the fortunes of wealth and luxury the princess had sent, she found out he was in love with another different woman. And so, she strolled her way into Aphrodite's temple and made a bargain with her.
"I desire for the man I love to return my feelings and love me like how I love him!" She desperately yelled across the sacred temple, and after a few moments of silence, there, the cold wind blew through her skin, and Aphrodite's voice answered her back.
"Then you shall have the golden primrose and give it to the man you loved, And tell him to accept it, for it is your heart." Said the goddess.
"My heart? But it is just a primrose flower?" She wonders.
"It is your heart. If by midnight after today's and he had denied his love for you, the flower shall die and drift away. So is your heart."
And so, she did what the goddess had told her, and gave Park Sunghoon the golden flower, but once again he denied his love for her, but she was persistent, she'll not leave the boy alone until he finally lost his cool and shouted to the princess.
It was nearly midnight on day two, and Park Sunghoon is drunk in love and about with the girl he liked. And so, Y/n's hope faltered with the wind and left the golden primrose on Sunghoon's bedside table.
After everything Sunghoon was about and had done, he came back to his chamber, and there he saw the faltering petals of the flower, and then, he remembered what the princess had told him and stridden his way to her place.
There he saw her dying on the floor of her room, he could not help but feel heartbroken and regretful.
"My feelings must be reciprocated, for I to still live on," said she through her cut-up breaths. But Park Sunghoon gave her an apologetic smile and kissed her on the forehead.
"I'm sorry, I could not. I love someone different. I'm so sorry princess." His apology was sincere, he means it. And so, she understood.
Only a few minutes left before midnight. The clock seems like it's ticking too fast in Y/n's ear and so does Sunghoon's.
They stayed still, holding on to each other's hand, while Sunghoon caressed her soft hair.
"I love you." Her breath weakly gets out of her mouth. "I love you so much it hurts." Sunghoon looks at her understandingly.
"I'm sorry that I don't, but you know, you're so kind and sweet that I could have."  He remarks. She weakly laughed.
"I should have just met you before she does." She laughed once again, while sweet smiles on her lips, but agony she feels. They both understood, but the timing of their love was bad, just like Aphrodite's bargain. But it cannot be helped.
Until the clock had turned midnight, and so her heart faltered apart in his arms.
Sunghoon's tears are all over his face, dropping through the white sheets of her bed, he hugs her so tightly but she could not feel his warmth. Sunghoon is now full of regrets and he blames himself for not loving you.
He lies you down on your bed gently, and after, he rode his horse and bring himself to Aphrodite's temple and asked for her.
"Please bring Y/n back to life!" Pleaded he.
"No. I shall not." Answered she.
"You had loved her, but you denied her great love, regret is the only price that you deserved. She shall not live for it is the price for her bargain." Said the goddess. But Sunghoon tried to persuade her, but to no luck, he denied her.
Sunghoon came back to your bed chamber, tears rolling down from his eyes, while he caresses your calm emotionless face.
Now his mind round about how it's too late for him to love you back.
Then he puts his lips into yours, but it was no fairytale, you did not wake up.
"I SHALL DIE IF I COULD NO LONGER LIVE WITH HER!" He shouted to the top of his lung, and so, the goddess Athena answered him.
"Then you shall." And so, he lies down with her on the mattress, hugging each other's bodies, loving each other, as if they are just sleeping.
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I might rewrite the jungwon and ni-ki ver...It's so cringe....bye
Series Masterlist
©Visitor 2022
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liliansun · 1 year
HEY, CUPID! 💘 02 || bee eff era??
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previous | next | masterlist
taglist! @officiallyjaehyuns @rum-gone-why
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moirarp · 2 years
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MOIRA is searching for…
Enhypen Jay - any position
When the Gods decided that they had enough of humans being foolish and potentially setting the Earth on fire, the Olympians themselves chose a handful of mortals to bless with their powers. Over time, these mortals got sick of the chores that they were forced to fulfill. As a way to rebel, these blessed children began to use their powers for their own benefit. Thus creating the Mirage and the Vipers.
Note: All postion, Gods and powers are listed in our Carrd.
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writtenbyyjw · 2 years
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a jungwon as greek demigod drabble
Poseidon did not mean things to end this way. There’s no way in all of Gaea’s waters that he’ll conform to his sister’s condition. He doesn’t know what it is yet, but with the glint in her eyes, he already knows this would be something he could never sit well with.
“Hey now, brother. I won. Fair and square.”
He just stared at Demeter, brows furrowed. The God of Horses made a mental note to insert Pegasus on his schedule for tomorrow (even if his divine schedule has been cemented for like, four centuries now) and give him a tongue-lashing (that he rightfully deserves, thank you very much) for making him complacent in the abilities of the horse that his son lent him for this race he and Demeter were betting on.
He was so, so sure he’d win.
“Fine. Fine. What in the seven seas do you want?”
“Heh—I get to name your new kid.”
He was so, so sure he could finally ask Demeter to give him that field in Seoul for his newborn’s birth blessing gift.
But how Demeter learned of his new son’s existence—the god of earthquakes can turn his sister’s lands upside down and she still would not tell him.
“He’s gonna be known forever as ‘Jungwon, son of Poseidon.’ Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think so?”
“You—you’re naming, my son, you’re naming a son of the sea god ‘Garden’? Are you fucking with me, sister?”
“Absolutely not, dear brother. Now, now, I’d be waiting for a copy of his certificate of birth in my treehouse tomorrow, hmm? Be careful now, we don’t want word spreading that the great Poseidon’s no good on keeping his promises, do we?”
He’ll win the next race. He will, if he has to resort to not eating his favorite sushi for a whole month—so be it.
He just has to win the next race. He’ll avenge Jungwon soon enough.
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masteryaddleisagilf · 2 years
I got curious, so I did a bit of “research”
The most popular fic in English is an NSFW (incredibly raunchy, wow) Guardians of the Galaxy fic with 128.179 kudos.
In Mandarin, it is a mature RPF fic of the actors from The Untamed that resulted in AO3 being blocked in Mainland China. It currently has 26.916 kudos
For Spanish, the prize goes to an explicit omegaverse & mpreg The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System fic with  3.245 kudos
Indonesian gives us a BTS college AU with 1.569 kudos and French stays on the bandom vibes by giving us an explicit One Direction dystopian story. But the band rpf award goes to Tagalog* ***, with their first page (sorted by kudos) being all Kpop (ENHYPEN, EXO & SEVENTEEN) and no-fandom.
(For those curious, Korean has a low amount of Kpop rpf on their first page. I assume they publish it somewhere else)
Egyptian Hieroglyphics (which, yes, is an option on AO3) gives us a beautiful song translation with an impressive 495 kudos. I really recommend everyone check it out; it is incredible. Welsh** (160) and Old English (222)  also had their most popular work have an English translation. Latin (124), on the other hand, is just fully in Latin. There are a few translations, but they are provided by other people and not the original author.
Greek has a lot of Greek political RPF. Like, a lot. 
I was incredibly surprised by the fact that you can write fanfiction in Quebecois sign language. I was not surprised at all by the fact that Sindarin was an option.
A few of the languages had their most popular stories not be in that language and just be a case of mislabelling (or, in some cases, people using less-used languages on AO3 as dumping grounds for tests or personal notes.) Also, there were a couple of languages with no stories at all. 
If you have been thinking about writing fic in a language other than English, take this as a call for action. There are a lot of people out there reading in all sorts of languages. Even in languages with only a couple kudos, those are a couple of people who are incredibly happy to find a story of a media they love in a language they love too.
. Edits from 7/12/2022:
* Filipino*** is the standardized version of Tagalog and the way Ao3 refers to the language, which is why that is the word used instead of Tagalog. Feel free to reach out if there is a better way to word that sentence. 
** Welsh was included next to Old English as they both had English translations, and not as an implication that it is a dead language. Welsh is a living, thriving language with more than half a million speakers.
Edits from 26/12/2022:
*** More Tagalog speakers reached out asking me to change the language name to Tagalog. I did. The original note is left for those looking at the notes/asks and wondering what is going on. 
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amazzwon · 9 months
my go-to ENHYPEN (hyung line) fics
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°˖➴ Fiancé for Hire
smut, angst, fluff, non idol au, rich!Heeseung x broke!reader, contract au
°˖➴ Cherry
°˖➴ Cherry II
°˖➴ Cherry III
°˖➴ Cherry Epilogue
rich kid au, 80s au, smut, angst, fluff
°˖➴ Stitch me up
underground fighter!heeseung x nurse!reader, smut, angst , fluff
°˖➴ Rile Me Up
pwp, 6.1k
7.3k, smut, fluff, angst
he fell first but she fell harder, childhood friends to a married couple, fluff, 5.1k+
°˖➴ WANT
angst, smut.
strangers to friends to eventual lovers
°˖➴ NDA
idol!heeseung, fem!fangirl!reader, smut
smut, fluff, 9.3k
fluff, 0.2k
°˖➴ Dances Avec Les Etoiles
Prince!Heeseung × Princess!fem!reader, arranged marriage, smut
°˖➴ as long as you'll let me
smut, badgirl!reader x virgin!heeseung, college au, 15k
°˖➴ your lips, my lips, apocalypse
angst, suggestive, implied college! au, 2.0k
°˖➴ hopeless
fluff, high school! au, non-idol! au, 10.8k
lovers to exes, angst, 7.6k
skinship, swearing
romance, comedy, fluff, high school, written series
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virgin Jay, crude words, smut, reader works in a strip club
°˖➴ Carmesi
ceo!reader x secretary!jay, smut, suggestive, angst, fluff
°˖➴ Stars and Raindrops
highschool au, strangers to lovers, love at first sight, fluff, angst, crack, 23k
°˖➴ A La Folie
King!Jay × healer!fem!reader
crying, angsty, hooking up/sex, weed, 7.9k
°˖➴ you, my fate come and kiss me :
fluff-angst, soulmate au, 0.4k
°˖➴ touch me, feel me
Ceo!jay x Model!reader, smut, fluff
°˖➴ situationship!texts
angst, toxic relationship
°˖➴ just for you
established relationship au, romance, fluff, 2k
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°˖➴ Cherry Chapstick
fluff at the beginning, smut with plot
°˖➴ Good boy
coworker!Jake x fem!reader, smut
°˖➴ Birthday Sex
°˖➴ LUCK
°˖➴ kiwi and layla
high school au, f2l, fluff, angst, 26.3k
°˖➴ Royal Sacrifice
prince!jake x maid!fem reader, 7.1k, smut, angst
fluff, 0.5k, classmates to lovers
°˖➴ cherries
fluff, est rshp, 211
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°˖➴ Heartbeat
Friends with Benefits, smut
lyrics theme — "Ayo Fuck this, are we dating? Are we fucking? Are we best friends? Are we something?"
°˖➴ forbidden attraction
hogwarts, wizard!sunghoon x witch!reader, smut, fluff
°˖➴ star-crossed
prince!sunghoon/fem!reader, fluff, smut, greek mythology, angst, 6.8k
°˖➴ Relaxing
smut, 4k
playboy! sunghoon x fem reader, exes to lovers, fake dating, mutual pining, fluff, angst, 9.5k
°˖➴ will you let me
smut MDNI, angst
°˖➴ overtime
office au, fluff, 0.3k
°˖➴ Sparks
angst, 1.8k
°˖➴ BED
fiance!sunghoon x fem!reader, 7.8k
‧₊˚🖇️✩ ₊˚🎧⊹♡ Headcanons
Enha when their idol!partner has a wardrobe malfunction
Enha when their actress partner films with a hot actor
music bank hosts: idol!enha x idol! reader
the moments that make everyone think you’re dating (all eyes on you)
Enha hyung line reaction to you being bratty
Reaction to you asking them Ass or Tits
JAY tattoos the hickeys you leave
JAY spitting in your mouth
enhypen falling in love with you during hybe game caterers
their "oh" moment (the moment they realise they're in love)
when you play with their hair
when you call them ‘babe’
calling them “husband” trend.
texting them "please don't leave me"
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kangseulgithegreat · 3 months
coffee shop (nishimura riki x reader)
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enhypen niki x reader genre: fluff, strangers au warnings: so very extremely cringy a/n: omg this is my first fic here, and its just an intro/filler. so pls excuse my terrible writing skills. hope you like it anywayssss. I'm so excited for my tumblr journeyyyy wc: 822 words
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
I walk into the sad coffee shop, exhausted because of back-to-back classes. gosh, how I wish I could just return to my dorm after class. but no, I had to work at this shitty coffee shop with my shitty manager and shitty customers. I was a mere 20 years of age, in my third year at university, and after 2 years of relying on my parents' money, I decided it was time to lock in and make my own money. after a whole 2 months of searching for jobs, I found an opening for a barista at the neighbourhood coffee shop. so without thinking further, I took the job. that was probably the worst decision of my life. the only people who walked into this coffee shop were retired 60+ year-olds, who were grumpy and hated their life. my manager was the most uptight woman I had ever met, but honestly, I can't blame her. serving grumpy senior citizens every day really alters your brain functioning.
i continued taking orders and making coffees, when suddenly, a miracle walked through the door. he was not like the usual customers, no, he was a young man who looked my age and had the features of a Greek god. as he walked through the door, his hair flew back in slo-mo, and it felt like a scene from a nickelodeon romcom.
i must have been staring at him for too long because the snappy woman in front of me slammed the counter and cleared her throat obnoxiously. startled, I quickly turned my attention back to the woman in front of me. "sorry, ma'am. what was your order again?" I said, trying to regain my composure. "i said i wanted a decaf americano with a splash of almond milk," she repeated slowly, as if talking to a child. as I handed the woman her drink and change, I snuck another glance at the mystery man. he was walking towards me. i quickly adjusted my posture. the man's smile was warm and genuine, a stark contrast to the usual grumpy faces I dealt with every day.
"hello there! what would you like today?" I asked, sounding a bit too excited. gosh, I hope he didn't notice. "hi, I'm new here, so I don't really know what to order. could you please suggest something?" he asked, a voice as sweet as honey. "oh, I really like the caramel macchiato, and it's one of my favorite drinks to make. would you like to try that?" I asked. "I would love that" he smiled. that smile made me want to run into a wall at 100 mph. i nodded, trying to keep my hands steady as I punched in his order. "coming right up. your name, please?".
"riki", he said. his name was as pretty as his face. as I worked on his coffee, i stole glances at him. he seemed relaxed, leaning against the counter and looking around the coffee shop with mild curiosity. I couldn't help but wonder what had brought him here. "so, do you work here often?" he asked, breaking the silence. "uh, yeah," I replied, cursing myself for sounding so awkward. "pretty much every day after classes." "that sounds tough. nice to meet you, by the way."
"nice to meet you, riki. i'm [Y/N]." "hi, [Y/N]. do you go to the university nearby?" "yeah, I do. I'm in my third year." "same here! what are you studying?" "psychology. you?" "music," he said. "i haven't really explored this side of the neighbourhood before, so I thought I could do that today in my free time". i handed him his coffee, our fingers brushing for a brief moment. the contact sent a small jolt of electricity up my arm, and I quickly pulled my hand back, hoping he hadn’t noticed. "exploring the neighbourhood? well, you picked the right place to start," I said sarcastically, glancing around the almost empty coffee shop. riki laughed. "yeah, I guess I did. it's not every day you meet someone as pretty as you" he said with a cheeky grin.
if it wasn't for him standing in front of me, I would have passed out. "thanks. i hope the coffee is good". "it's perfect."
just then, my manager stormed out from the back, her eyes zeroing in on me. "[Y/N]! stop flirting with the customers and get back to work!". I flinched at her sharp tone, giving riki an apologetic smile. "sorry about that. duty calls." he nodded understandingly, but before he left, he pulled out his phone. he looked a little nervous, and that made him look so so so so cute. "maybe we could grab coffee somewhere else sometime? here’s my number." he handed me a small slip of paper with his number scribbled on it. I tucked it into my pocket, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "i’d like that."
maybe this job wasn’t so bad after all.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
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mirrorbvllhoon · 1 month
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Still Monster (Eros!Sunghoon x Psyche!fem!reader)
She looks at me With shadowless eyes But I know The abyss within me
₊˚ ✧ Still Monster, Enhypen
word count: 3.6k
CW: apparition of Jay x y/n (the Hades and Persephone y/n), kind of suggestive, angsty, fluff, mentions of death, and I think that's it
The princess Y/n stood in the carriage parading through the city where her father ruled, there was no doubt that the beast of beauty stood in all fours demanding for more of her, until she was left alone, when she came to age everyone seemed to notice her beautiful factions, the curves in her body, some even worshiped her as the reincarnation of Aphrodite because of the dazzling stun that adorned her existence, yet her two sisters  were already betrothed to promised young men, while she was alone, every man of the village wished  to marry her yet she longed for something different in her insides; the punishment of her life was the beauty she was given with. 
A princess who would become a queen because of her captivating beauty, everyone seemed to look at her as an attraction, being loved by the outer part of her existence, always the “most beautiful creature to roam earth” never y/n, yet the superficial love people had for her made y/n’s sisters blood boil, then how could she be considered a new deity? people stopped paying tributes to aphrodite and decided to give them towards y/n instead, if only they knew it wasn’t tributes what she longed for, all she needed was love.
But how could she know that while she was giving the town a spectacle, the goddess Aphrodite had conveyed her son, Sunghoon, god of love and passion a commandment to punish the young girl who people played to be their new god.
“Use your arrows and make her fall in love with a hideous creature…maybe that will teach her to not mess with the gods” Aphrodite’s words echoed through Sunghoon’s mind as he flew to the palace where the young woman lived, searching in every window for her already asleep silhouette, when finally arriving at her chambers he stealthily entered the room, with curiosity roaming through his mind he decided to get close so he could admire her so-called beauty, what was his surprise to see the most perfect woman he had ever encountered with, there were truly no other mortals who could compare to her beauty, overwhelmed by her splendid beauty he could understand how his mother’s jealousy was not a coincidence, for y/n’s beauty was to sunghoon the most splendid thing, there was no one among nymphs or goddesses that could even be compared to her.
While being contemplated by Sunghoon, y/n turned in her sleep, admiring for the smallest glimpses of seconds the shadow figure that crept over her, identifying only the beauty marks that adorned his face, she thought it was only a dream, so she closed her eyes and slept, however this simple action caused Sunghoon to stumble, and now the arrow that was in his hand caressed his skin, drawing blood, and in that very second, he fell in love with his arrow only intensifying the turmoil of emotions that were already triggered in him when he first saw her, and because of that love he failed to accomplish his mother’s mission. How could he harm the person he loved the most?
Y/n’s life continued normally, not even understanding what had happened, and while time passed and her sisters were already married, she couldn’t understand how anyone had wed her yet, her sisters cruel words reminding her of the situation only made her existence more difficult, her father promised her that soon enough the suitor she was waiting for should arrive, yet doubts and worry flooded his mind, he was worried about her daughter’s situation, unaware that the lack of suitors was now fault of the god of love, Sunghoon, and because he refused to allow any other man to be with her, they didn’t even know her as he did.
Desperate for answers the king arrived to the oracle of Delphi, where the god Apollo pronounced himself:
“Your daughter will marry a winged monster whose life only consists of causing pain to mortals and deities, the princess shall be left on the edge of the abyss dressed in matrimonial attire to be presented to the monster that will cause her death”
The monster that Apollo was talking about was no other than Sunghoon, yet because of his beauty he had harvested big resentment towards him, that being the reason behind his cruel harsh words and the false prophecy that he had announced to the king who was now left in tears, afraid to lose one of her daughters to such a cruel fate, but y/n’s sisters had insisted that they must follow the prophecy otherwise they would unleash the gods fury above them and curse their kingdom for the centuries to come, afraid of the decision the king ought to take he revealed everything to y/n, revealing the day that awaited her, her beauty a magnificent curse that had now caused a fatal fate to arrive.
This time the parade carriage resembled more a funeral procession, contrasting the white of her wedding attire were the sorrow-filled eyes of her father and the satisfied smirks of her sisters that watched from afar the look in her face that showed the discomfort she felt, how could everyone go from loving her to hating her in such a short period of time, they gave tributes towards her as if she was the new goddess they were worshiping and now she was just another woman that had ever roamed earth, their rejoiced chants turned into sorrows and bemoans, as if they didn’t know the blasphemies that they had committed pinning every ounce of their guilt into the young girl that was now alone in the cliff where she would await for her fate.
On the edge of the abyss Zephyr, the west wind, levitated her delicately through the sky, when her feet touched solid ground again she awoke in an unknown place, with flowers adorning every inch of grass and an even bigger palace than the ones she had ever seen or lived in, she climbed through the stairs that led her though the palace, where every centimeter was adorned with gold, silver, marble and jewels, there wasn’t any blank space that wasn’t adorned with splendid stones, luxury exceeded through the air, yet there was no sign of anyone in that place, until she heard a sweet voice.
“My lady, everything that you see is now at your disposal, and you can ask anything of us. We are here to serve you and assist you”, said the butler of the house, y/n later noticed that the servants of the house were invisible.
The day went by and she was treated as a queen, being served and bathed, even serenaded until the night arrived and she was instructed to wait in their chambers for her husband to arrive, the happiness she had felt turned into fear.
“How’s your master like? I’ve been told that he’s a monster”, y/n asked with unease setting in her stomach
“Some say that, but I can assure you he is not a monster, just… turbulent on some occasions” said the butler while guiding her to the room.
She stood looking to the cloak of stars that adorned the night canvas, until she saw a winged figure arrive, her body tensed and in a matter of seconds he felt his breath fanning over the nape of her neck, with no idea of what would happen she closed her eyes, until a sweet voice disrupted her chaotic thoughts.
“I won’t hurt you sweetheart, what do you want me to do?”, Sunghoon asked, getting both of them back into the chambers, putting her in the bed while he fawned over her “Could I kiss you?” he asked and she nodded, their lips finally meeting in a sweet connection that turned heated and passionate in a matter of seconds, when his lips started to meet the nape of her neck and his fingers swirled through her hair and body, the night passed shortly and unlike everything she had thought of her husband, he was sweet and attentive, giving her a night of sublime pleasure and love as she had never imagined could exist, but now the bed was empty, and she had no idea what her husband looked like.
The day passed by and while continued to roam the new facilities she was given with she couldn’t wait for the night to arrive so she could have a glimpse of the passionate love she could only dream of, finally Sunghoon arrived and they loved each other for hours until their breaths gave up and they were covered in each others arms, the safest place she had known, the routine repeated itself night after night and day after day, being one of those nights where y/n decided to ask him “My love, why do you always hide? I would love to see you”
“Is the love I give you not enough? All I have asked for you is to not see me, in the darkness we are equals” His voice heightened, which caused her to jump and to get away from his warm hold.
“I’m sorry, I never meant to annoy you”, y/n whispered
He sighed, “No, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have talked to you that way or have risen my tone, I apologize sweetheart that wasn’t my intention, all I ask is for you to not see me”, He took her closer, hugging her and not letting her go, until the night went by and she fell asleep.
She had decided to respect his husbands request and stopped asking or touching the subject, instead she decided to ask him to allow her to visit her family, because although her life was as magnificent as it could be, she missed her parents, Sunghoon loved her so much and trusted her that he of course said yes, and although he would miss her, he only wished for her happiness and well-being.
“Love, I hoped that you would allow me to visit my  family, the last thing they knew about me is that I am dead, please, allow me to visit them, so they know I’m well and happy”, y/n asked, sunghoon’s arms holding her tight and her head resting on his chest, he knew that when freeing her she could choose to never come back, but he hoped that the love he felt towards the young woman was requited, if she came back he would know that the love she had for him was genuine.
When y/n arrived to the mortal realm once again and encountered with her family astonish surrounded their expressions and for the sisters false smiles that they wore with such decorum, filled with rage and jealousy of how y/n was now being adorned and treated as the richest of queens, with jewels and festivities celebrated because of her glorious arrival.
“Mybeloved daughter is back, again” chanted the king, if only he knew that her daughter wouldn’t be staying for that long.
Finally the most important question was asked, “How’s your life with that mysterious husband you have?”, her mother still holding her daughter’s hand, hoping to hear sorrow-filled laments…
“It couldn’t be better, he does everything to please me, he is sweet and dedicated”
“Don’t fool us y/n!” one of her sisters said in exasperation, “You always talk about your life as if it was wonderful compared to ours…”
“You don’t need to believe what I tell you, come with me and allow me to show you everything myself” interrupted y/n
Both of the sisters and y/n stood on the cliff awaiting for the arrival of zephyrs wind to elevate them to the heavenly palace, when they awoke in the flower-filled garden, the jealous sisters couldn’t believe their eyes, everything y/n said was true, and the jealousy flooded their minds to try and ruin her perfect state of life.
“But you do remember what the oracle said, don’t you y/n?” the other sister started, her voice filled with false sadness, “You have married a monster that eventually will cause your death”
“Yes, while you are sleeping, you shall take a light and see the monster’s face and after you do that, slash his throat and be freed from this awful prophecy”
Her sisters had already left but their words still flooded her mind, distrust setting in and once the night fell and her and her husband lied down on the bed, she decided to break his trust and with the light of the lamp see his face.
As she approached the men and contemplated his ethereal beauty, she saw again those beauty marks that adorned his nose and under eye, as if the stars themselves had decorated his face, she finally concluded that the man in front of her was neither mortal or monster, but a god.
She tried to admire him even more when a drop of the lamp’s oil fell down, landing on his chest, stirring his sleep and waking him up.
“Y/n are you alright?”, his first thought after he felt the burn in his skin was of her but once his eyes opened to see the guilt filled eyes and the lamp and hidden knife, his expression changed “How could you be such a fool? I’ve asked of one thing only, and you betrayed me”
“It’s not what you think, please my love forgive me…”
“Not what I think? it’s not that you believed that I was a monster and planned on killing me? Am I wrong?”, his voice filled with sadness and lament, oh how he wished to be wrong.
She maintained her head low, while he headed to the window to leave and never come back, she tried to explain herself once again, but in her attempts to jump and catch him she fell to the ground, with no wounds but her broken heart.
She arrived once again to her homeland that no longer felt like home, her sisters however arrived to the cliff in a desperate attempt to be flown away to the lands of pleasure that once belonged to y/n, but Zephyr was smarter than that, allowing them to levitate for the shortest of seconds before dropping them in the abyss, where the furies would punish them for their sins, y/n on the other hand, started to serve Demeter’s temple, but the thoughts that flooded her mind belonged only to Sunghoon and the days that once revolved around them.
Finally Demeter felt sorry and decided to advise her on what to do to get her lover back.
“Y/n, you must go to the temple of Aphrodite and with humility surrender yourself to the goddess, then you will soften Aphrodite’s wrath and even gain your lover back”, Demeter started, y/n’s image reminding her of her own daughter.
“It would be foolish of me to not follow the advice of such a wise goddess”, y/n answered, taking a decision to get Sunghoon back.
Finally arriving at the temple of Aphrodite and partially meeting her mother-in-law, she threw herself to the ground when finally encountering the goddess.
“I humbly throw myself at your service” y/n started, her head low and her knees touching the ground, “...in search for your forgiveness”
“To earn my forgiveness is a difficult task, and to do that you would have to accomplish the most difficult tasks, some that may even cost you your life”, said the goddess with disdain
“I will do anything to gain your forgiveness”, answered y/n, hoping that the tears that fell through her face wouldn’t be as noticeable.
The first task arrived, and y/n was met with three big piles almost mountain-like of mixed seeds of poppy, lentils, barley and beans, her job was to separate each and every of them the difficulty of such a task would’ve overwhelmed even some of the most powerful gods, however Sunghoon watched from afar, and knowing that he may have hurt the woman he loved the most he decided to send ando so they could help her with the task, she ended with her task before the sun could set, astonishing herself and the goddess.
The second task arrived and this time she had to collect a hank of golden wool that belonged only to the golden sheeps, the animals however were vicious but with her ingenuity she decided to collect the wool that the animals left when crossing through a thorny path, and thus completing Aphrodite's second task.
When faced with the third task that according to the goddess would be even more difficult than the passing ones, she was set to collect water from a fall that was connected with the styx and cocytus river, however this time, Zeus decided to help her by sending an eagle that would retrieve the water for her, the goddess was exasperated by seeing how the young woman with help of the gods could accomplish her trials, and so the last triple arrived.
“You will need to go to the underworld and ask its queen to fill me this box with her beauty since your presence has tired my beauty so you shall accomplish this task and this way I will regain my strength, If you do accomplish this task you will have my forgiveness and will be free to reunite with Sunghoon once again”, Aphrodite pronounced before dismissing the young woman to accomplish her task.
Y/n felt the sadness of a thousand oceans crippling over her cheeks, she knew that her end was near, maybe the prophecy was right after all and she was fated to die such a lonesome death, she stood on a tall window while admiring the night sky and the stars that decorated it, reminding herself who she was doing this for, hoping those memories would give her the strength to jump and take her own life, when she was about to jump a mysterious voice started to whisper-talk to her.
“Don't do that, I know a way that you can arrive to the underworld without dying”, Sunghoon advised her, too afraid of losing her for eternity this time, “You will have to give Charon, the boatman who will guide you along the styx river, two silver coins, and give Cerberus the three-headed dog and guardian of the underworld barley and honey bread mixed with sleep pills so he can calm down and allow you entrance, the path to the underworld is rough, but you can easily accomplish it by following the path, however you must know that under any circumstance you can’t open the beauty filled box ”
When y/n finally arrived at the underworld and met with Charon, she handed him the coins as payment and explained the reason for her visit, and this way she crossed the river of souls and sorrow and arrived at the palace where Jay and his wife lived.
“What does a mortal like you search for in this place?”, the queen asked
“My queen, I serve the goddess Aphrodite who sent me here to ask you to fill this box of your beauty, so that she can restore hers”, y/n explained
The woman stood from her throne and carefully filled the box with beauty, and although hers would restore eventually, in that very moment her husband stood by her side, cautious of the effects that giving away her beauty would cause.
“You’re still the prettiest”, Jay whispered to his wife’s ear, pulling a chuckle out of her, announcing to y/n the queue to leave.
When passing through the Underworld’s path she encountered Cerberus, however as she previously knew, she handed him the bread which put him to sleep almost immediately, allowing her to pass and arrive at the styx river, when the boat had already sailed she stared at her reflection in the river, her tired eyes an evidence of the hard work she had done, for a second she thought of the box, maybe if she just opened it slightly, she could look even more beautiful for her husband, but when she opened the box a black mist swirled her, and she fainted.
Sunghoon felt that something was happening to his lover, so he came to her rescue, seeing her already cold cadaver on the realms of the underworld, and the angel of death standing next to her, ready to claim her to the death lands, nevertheless Sunghoon wouldn’t allow that, and using his powers he retrieved the mist from y/n’s body, feeling the warmth flooding her body once again, and giving the mist back into the box.
When opening her eyes, she stared at the winged figure of her husband, finally able to look at his eyes, both of them smiled before kissing once again, as if their lips were the heaven the other pursued, drunk on each other’s presence as if they had been hit by one of his arrows once again.
“Although I would love to take you back to our home, you must finish the work first sweetheart”, Sunghoon pronounced before kissing her forehead, handing her the box to hand it to Aphrodite.
And while she handed the box to the love goddess, Sunghoon flew to Mount Olympus and begged Zeus himself to allow y/n to bond with her and have Aphrodite’s blessing as well, the day finally arrived that all gods and goddesses reunited to celebrate, and from the hands of Zeus himself and under Aphrodite’s blessing, y/n drank the nectar and ambrosia of the gods, bestowing her with immortality, and a love that would persist forever and always.
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a/n: had fun writing this one, hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did, let me know what you think ;)
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whiterosesforher · 2 months
dark moon pantheon series ; ii
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warnings: mentions of war/rebellion, pregnancy (hera's pregnancy)
genre: (dark) fantasy, au, romance, drama, action, fanfiction, historical, royalty
word count: 1,912 words
chapter synopsis: venus' questions remained unanswered as her and her sisters are kept in the dark about this raging issue around the ethereal realm, and she's determined to know everything for once.
a/n: this is an oc (named reader) x enhypen fanfiction based off of enhypen's current lore, there are some parts of the story where it's accurate to the greek lore but there are also some that are just purely fiction. i am so sorry it took me 3 days before posting the second backstory chapter. again, english is not my first language so please be nice. :3
Months passed in the ethereal realm after the first time of ever hearing the rebellion plan among the whispers of the gods around, the tension still palpable in the air. Yet amidst all of this, a booming announcement reverberated through the heavens, and that is Queen Hera is pregnant again, now carrying their fifth child. The news brought hope to those loyal to the throne that still sides with Zeus, that this joyous event might be what they need to calm the brewing storm.
The palace that was once filled with laughter and light, was replaced with hushed conversations and wary glances. The realm itself seemed to hold its breath, teetering at the edge of chaos. Venus, Thana, and Artaemia felt the change acutely, their once carefree days now shadowed by the weight of their father’s impending fate. The three girls are worried for their baby sister Halimede's safety, and for their incoming sibling that is still in their mother's womb.
Despite their queen's pregnancy, that should have been a time for celebration, the ethereal realm was divided instead. The gods and demigods found themselves split into two factions: those who still sided with Zeus, holding on to the hope that his rule could be redeemed, and those who supported the rebellion, tired of his tyrannical leadership.
The rebellion was led by formidable gods like Athena, Apollo, and most shockingly, Zeus’ own brothers, Poseidon and Hades. But the children, have no knowledge about the most influential and powerful gods that are leading this rebellion.
They're not even aware as to why this rebellion is the right thing to happen, how their father is so unjust and evil on the inside. Countless of lives have already suffered under his hands, and Poseidon is just putting an end to it.
Especially Venus, the poor girl still thinks that Poseidon is on her father's side.
The cause of this rebellion is just and powerful, fueled by the desire for fairness and balance. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, had long opposed Zeus’ harsh methods. Apollo, the god of light and prophecy, had foreseen the unrest and knew that change is clearly necessary. Poseidon and Hades, once a close ally that respected their brother so much, had turned, convinced that Zeus’ time on the throne should end for the greater good.
Venus watched as the glory of the palace now seemed overshadowed by the looming threat. She felt the weight of her father’s legacy and her family’s future pressing down on her young shoulders. She saw the worry etched into her mother’s face, the tension in her siblings’ eyes. The garden, their sanctuary, now felt like a distant memory to her.
The population of the gods overwhelmingly sided with the rebellion. They were tired of living under the king's heavy hand, longing for a leader who would rule with justice and compassion. That would once again bring balance in this world. Even among the demigods, their support for Zeus dwindled, loyalty shaken by years of oppressive ruling.
Even Thana knew that the odds were against them. The numbers alone made it clear that the rebellion had the upper hand. She could sense the unease among the palace staff as she passed by them on her way to the garden, the way their eyes darted with worry, their voices hushed in fearful anticipation. The demigods who serves the palace couldn't even look her in the eye when she walk passed.
As Hera’s pregnancy progressed over the months, the palace prepared for the arrival of the new child at any time now. It was a time of great expectation and everyone is anxious about this.
The loyalists prayed that the birth of a new god in the family would be a sign of renewal, a chance to restore balance in the realm. The rebels, however, saw it as a potential pawn in their fight, another reason to push harder for change. If only this rebellion isn't led by Hades and Poseidon, then all the other rebels would've already included and inflicted harm on Hera and the children.
Venus sat at the chair behind her desk, her eyes scanning the pages of a thick book. The words blurred together in her vision, her mind too distracted to even focus. With a heavy sigh, she closed the book and leaned back in her chair, staring at the detailed ornate ceiling of her study room. The tension inside the place that she once called home was now suffocating, and she needed a reprieve.
Quietly, she slipped out of her study, ensuring that not one soul noticed her departure. She moved swiftly through the corridors, her footsteps echoing faintly in the halls.
Venus made her way to the entrance, slipping out into the open without drawing any attention. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow over the horizon. The ocean, just half a mile away from the palace, had always been her sanctuary, so it was the first choice in her mind to run to in these times. It was where she felt closest to her uncle Poseidon, the god of the sea, who had always been a source of comfort and wisdom for her, the one she sees as a father instead of Zeus.
As she walks closer to the ocean, the soft white sand gently enveloped her feet, each step bringing her closer to the sound of the waves. The ocean stretched out before her, it is vast and glowing under the sunset. The gentle breeze caressed her face and played with her hair, giving a momentary sense of peace.
"Uncle Poseidon," she called out, her voice carrying over the sound of the waves. She looked around, hoping to see his familiar form rising from the water. "Uncle Poseidon, it's Venus. I need you."
Her voice echoed back to her, the only response she got was the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore. She called out several more times, but the ocean remained silent. Disappointed by this, she sat down on the soft sand, pulling her knees to her chest. The breeze continued to play with her hair and flowy dress, but it did not soothe her troubled mind.
"I really need the comfort of my father right now," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper and her expression sour. "Your comfort, Uncle Poseidon. Since my own father has never been actually a father to me."
The admission hung in the air, carried away by the wind. Venus stared out at the horizon, the endless blue meeting the sky. The ocean had always been a place where she felt understood and safe. Without Poseidon's comforting presence, the weight of her worries only seemed even heavier.
She drew patterns in the sand with her fingers, her thoughts going on a whirlwind. The news of her mother’s pregnancy should've lifted her spirits up but no, that did not happen. The rebellion, that are led by those she had once considered allies, threatened to tear her family apart. The palace has turned into a battleground of ruined loyalties.
Venus closed her eyes, allowing the sounds of the ocean to wash over her. She imagined Poseidon’s deep and kind voice, guiding her through all of this. She missed the times they had spent together, learning, laughing, and bonding in each other’s company.
He was her best father figure, and she wonders where he is now that she needs him the most.
For a moment, she let herself believe that everything would be alright, that her family would find a way. The ocean, with its timeless beauty and power, reminded her of the strength within her, a strength she would need to draw upon in the days to come.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, Venus took a deep breath and stood up. The sand clung to her legs, a gentle reminder of the place she had come to for peace. She took one last look at the ocean, hoping that her uncle would sense her need and come to her soon before she takes the path back to the palace.
Poseidon on the other hand, stood at the center of their gathering. The meeting was held in a secluded grotto beneath the ocean, where the gentle lapping of waves against the rocky walls created a calming backdrop. The rebels, gods and demigods alike, were seated in a semicircle around him, their faces a mixture of determination and anxiety.
Poseidon, his blue eyes intense, raised a hand to signal for silence. The murmur of conversations died down immediately, and all attention are on him.
He took a deep breath, before speaking, "We are gathered here today because we share a common goal, we seek to end the tyranny of Zeus. He has brought suffering not only to the gods but to the mortal realm as well. But let me make one thing clear: we will not harm the innocent. Our actions must be just and honorable. The children, especially, are to be kept out of this conflict."
The gathered gods nodded in agreement, their expressions serious. Poseidon’s gaze softened momentarily as he thought of his nieces, especially Venus. She had grown up under his care, and he felt a deep, paternal affection for her. The idea of her being caught in the crossfire of this rebellion was unbearable for him.
Athena, seated to Poseidon’s right, leaned forward. "We all agree, Poseidon. The children must be protected. But we cannot ignore the fact that Zeus' actions have affected everyone, even his queen, Hera, that has been tolerating and shielding his actions over the years. The mortal realm is in chaos because of his interference. He breaks his own rules and favors his chosen few, disrupting the balance."
Apollo, his golden hair gleaming in the dim light, spoke next. "Humans dominate the earth, treating other life forms—vampires, werewolves, mermaids, sirens, and everyone else—with disdain. These beings are forced to hide, to blend in as humans, fearing persecution. Zeus' favoritism has only made things worse. He abuses his power, meddling in mortal affairs, and Hades is not receiving the souls that rightfully belong to him."
Poseidon nodded, his expression grim. "Zeus’ actions have caused untold suffering. He has favored certain mortals, granting them powers and protection, while others languish in misery. He disrupts the natural order, and the balance of the world is at stake. We must act, but we must act with honor."
As the discussion continued, the gods shared stories of Zeus' cruelty and the injustices faced by those under his rule. Poseidon listened intently, his mind racing. The situation was dire, but he is determined to protect his nieces and all innocent beings from the fallout of this rebellion.
After hours of deliberation, the meeting concluded. The gods dispersed, each with their own tasks and plans. Poseidon remained behind, staring out at the ocean through the grotto’s entrance.
Poseidon’s thoughts turned to Zeus, his brother, who had once been a leader of immense power and wisdom, an older brother that he once looked up to. The transformation into a tyrant was a tragedy, one thing he never expected, but it cannot be ignored. The balance of the world depended on their actions, and Poseidon must restore it.
Deep in his thoughts, that he failed to notice the call of his niece that has been going on for several times now. Calls of Venus remained unanswered.
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liliansun · 1 year
HEY, CUPID! 💘 01 || y’all are ALL SO FAKE
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previous | next | masterlist
a/n: dark = y/n’s pov and white = sunoo’s pov 🫶
taglist!: @officiallyjaehyuns
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moirarp · 2 years
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MOIRA is searching for…
Enhypen Sunghoon - any position
When the Gods decided that they had enough of humans being foolish and potentially setting the Earth on fire, the Olympians themselves chose a handful of mortals to bless with their powers. Over time, these mortals got sick of the chores that they were forced to fulfill. As a way to rebel, these blessed children began to use their powers for their own benefit. Thus creating the Mirage and the Vipers.
Note: All postion, Gods and powers are listed in our Carrd.
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peachenle · 2 years
enhypen as frat boys
genre: head canon | fratboy!au | suggestive themes
members: enhypen's hyung line
word count: 1k
warnings: mentions of drinking, hook ups; a lot of Greek life lingo
perm tag list: @ozymandia-s
༄࿔˚✧ synopsis: the older enhypen boys as typical frat bros, with glimpses of them in all their party glory.
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an executive board member for the chapter for SURE. Not quite president, something less taxing like Alumni Liaison or House Manager. Heeseung LOVES to help DJ at parties, he’ll drop his mixes if the party that weekend was successful.
Heeseung’s not above hookups at the house and is (notoriously) clumsy about forgetting to sexile/warn the other brothers. Super flirty with or without alcohol, making him a big fan amongst regular partygoers. Outside of parties you will never see him outside doing charity runs or any events that are super outdoorsy… he’d opt to volunteer to be the bro at the check-in table, or a driver… he’s a lil lazy… but he never fails to complete his duties! Strangely good at kegstands despite being so tall. Beer pong and beer die king.
When he was pledging, he was so enthusiastic and willing to do whatever embarrassing thing the upperclassmen threw at him… Heeseung’s passion, it almost scared them. He was paired with everyone’s desired Big AND was the most sought after Little in his pledge class.
"Theoretically, do I really have to play beach volleyball with the dudes?" "Heeseung, it's rush AND you're an exec, the answer is always going to be yes..." "Yeah, but it the League LCK semi finals..."
// JAY is…
definitely another exec: either VP or Risk Manager or Panhell Chair or something like that — he’s the strictest one on board. Everyone’s intimidated by him, he’s strict about deadlines, he’s always the one assigned to do the scolding… but he can DRINK (all the bros wanna be him). Jay is also not shy about hookups and letting loose at parties. He charms people by making drinks, offering them his special brandy/cabernet/etc he’s been “saving for the right person.” The bottles are always at least half gone because of the amount of people he’s shown. A wild card when it comes to beer pong. Some nights he'll dominate, but other nights, he's truly a disgrace.
Had a HARD time during pledge, (a lot of the dudes were jealous of his popularity!) and was picked on a lot, so Jay had his doubts. But getting his bid meant way more than he expected. Would definitely be the type to stay in touch as an alumni, going to events, dropping fat checks here and there. Every potential Little wants Jay as their big, he SPOILS them like crazy… (rumor has it that he’s planning on buying his latest Little a whole new custom PC...)
"Please I don't want Jay as my partner!" "Why? I beat them at pong last time?" "Yeah, but your track record dude... one and done..."
// JAKE is…
the life of the party. He’s the most welcoming to new people at the house, ushering wallflowers to the core of the action. He’s all about slinging arms around people, drunkenly claiming new friends, and his giggly laughter is CONTAGIOUS. He doesn’t have much interest in a leadership role, but he’s been Rush Chair for two terms and he absolutely killed it each time. Jake often volunteers to be a sober chaperone, because “I know how to have fun sober too!”. In this role, you’ll always see his hands full of mini water bottles and a plastic bag or two in his pocket as he patrols the house. Jake is the more studious type of frat bro, sometimes snapping at his bros to keep quiet the night before an exam (he’s studying physics, of course). And no, not really the hookup type at parties… Jake is too soft for that and enjoys the energy of the party too much to leave it for a quickie. His drinking game of choice is King's Cup, just because he likes to try to fool people into drinking more.
Surprisingly breezed through the pledging process despite not being that big of a drinker, and got picked up by a really good Big in the same major (they put each other as number 1 choice). As an upperclassman, he’s a little awkward navigating as the Big Bro - referring to his Little as his son. He means well, but can be a little embarrassing!
"Oh, you're the Question master? What was your name again?" "Nice try, you're not gonna get me." "Sorry, what? Music's too loud." "I said, 'Nice tr-'" "Gotcha. Drink up!"
not your average frat boy - only in looks <3. He was way more reluctant to be involved than one may expect. He genuinely pursued it for the friendship/camaraderie/The Brotherhood. But the parties and attention were a plus. To outsiders, he looks a step out of place, always laughing AT his bros, not usually WITH them. Real ones know that he can be just as chaotic. Especially after a pint of beer and maybe 1.5 shots - that’ll do it for him. Always cracking lame jokes, earning the nickname of Dad amongst his class. Hooking up is not his thing, but if someone has really caught his eye… well, a private conversation on a balcony doesn’t have to mean too much, right? Sunghoon surprisingly really enjoys Rage Cage, and honestly, he's the type to purposefully miss his ball sometimes just to have to drink.
He's really good at tabling and mingling with potentials. His frat wants to make him their poster child - there's a solo picture of Sunghoon in every Instagram slideshow that's posted.
He barely rushed, but he worked his ass off as a pledge. Sunghoon was also another fan-favorite to be picked up as a Little. As a Big… other than him paying for a lot of things… when it comes to advice and the mentorship side of things, let’s just say its hard to tell who’s the Big and who’s the Little sometimes.
"You guys have used my pictures like 5 times this week for all the rush posts..." "Hey, don't look at me, Sunghoon. Blame our media guy! He says your face attracts the most likes." "I should charging... can you take it out of my dues?"
// SUNOO is…
desired by every social frat. But he couldn’t find any that appealed to him. Embarrassing for them really, their desperation. Sunoo found more of his home in a service frat! Has access to parties, the classic Big/Little pairing still, but in a more diverse environment with less pressure and more focus on the academic/philanthropic side of things.
Sunoo still gets invited to the crazy frat houses, in case he changes his mind, but only goes for the alcohol and the excuse to go out with friends. He’s friendly and magnetic at parties, befriending nearly everyone that gets lucky enough to talk with him. Every next morning he wakes up to tens of new follow requests from people he doesn’t even remember.
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writingmochi · 1 year
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cast: ateez & txt & enhypen ✗ reader
synopsis: a collection of ateez, txt, and enhypen works based on author's favorite radiohead songs
genre: variative for each member
based on: music radiohead's discography from albums “the bends”, "ok computer", "kid a", "amnesiac", "in rainbows", and "ok computer oknotok 1997 2017" (1995-2017)
status: subterranean homesick alien out now!
message from the moon: do remember that this is fiction and all the actions the idols do in these works do not reflect what they are in the real world. this is a non-priority anthology so all stories are standalone, won't have any schedule for deadlines, and will be written on my availability! also, note that the infos written below aren't the final one so i can add/subtract anything such as each of the synopsis which will have its final form when the certain fic is released
taglist? right here
listen to all 20 tracks!
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you're turning into something you are not
cast: frat bro!sunghoon ✗ sorority girl!fem.reader
genre: romantic comedy, greek life au, college au, angst, mature content (smut)
inspired by: literature the prince and the pauper (1881)
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it wears me out
cast: san ✗ fem.reader
genre: adventure, sci-fi, romance, dystopian, angst
inspired by: movie wall-e (2008)
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you do it to yourself
cast: wooyoung ✗ fem.reader
genre: modern dystopia, thriller, tragedy
inspired by: tv show black mirror (2011-present)
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this, this is our new song
cast: idol!hongjoong ✗ indie musician!fem.reader
genre: drama, coming of age, musicians au
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i am back to save the universe
cast: jungwon ✗ fem.reader
genre: superhero fiction, adolescence, science fiction, angst
inspired by: comic cloak and dagger
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ambition makes you look pretty ugly
cast: hueningkai ✗ reader
genre: content not available, set in the terra incognita universe
inspired by: error 401
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they'd think that i'd finally lost it completely
cast: alt kid!soobin ✗ fashion student/designer!fem.reader
synopsis: after soobin's encounter with a person from his original timeline, he experiences doubts if he can settle in this new timeline or not. his alienation and existentialism take a spin in a new world he has to figure out himself, or if he could be courageous enough to ask you to guide him down back to the surface
genre: coming of age, slice of life, romance, drama, friends with benefits au, college/university au, angst, fluff, mature content (drug consumption and explicit smut), set in the time wave universe
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this is what you'll get when you mess with us
cast: jay ✗ fem.reader
genre: drama, crime, romance, thriller, angst, mature content (smut)
inspired by: bonnie and clyde but with a dynamic of succession's tom wambsgans and siobhan roy
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you know we're friends 'til we die
cast: seonghwa ✗ fem.reader
genre: content not available, set in the terra incognita universe
inspired by: error 404
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we are standing on the edge
cast: detective!jongho ✗ detective!fem.reader
genre: crime, mystery, psychological thriller, noir
inspired by: movie se7en (1995)
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the worms will come for you, big boots
cast: spy!yeonjun ✗ investigative journalist!fem.reader
genre: action, adventure, drama, agent au, angst
inspired by: movies from the 007 series: the spy who loved me (1977) and tomorrow never dies (1997)
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i'm not here, this isn't happening
cast: singer-songwriter!taehyun ✗ up-and-coming actress!fem.reader
genre: drama, childhood friends au, fame au, angst, mature content (suicidal thoughts, manipulation, exploitation), set in early 2000s
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help me get back to your arms
cast: movie character!heeseung ✗ fan!gn.reader
genre: psychological thriller, parasocial relationship, angst
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there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt
cast: yeosang ✗ reader
genre: adventure, action, mystery
inspired by: video game silent hill 2 (2001)
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catch the mouse
cast: beomgyu ✗ fem.reader
genre: adventure, drama, thriller, road trip au, run away au, angst, mature content (smut)
inspired by: movies bones and all (2022), american honey (2016), and y tu mamá también (2001)
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one by one
cast: guitarist!mingi ✗ session musician!fem.reader
genre: rock band au, angst
inspired by: documentary meeting people is easy (1998)
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it is the 21st century
cast: niki ✗ fem.reader
genre: enemies to lovers?, high school au, angst, fluff
inspired by: folk story mulan
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because we separate like ripples on a blank shore
cast: guardian angel!sunoo ✗ human!gn.reader
genre: fantasy, angel au, angst
inspired by: the boyz's roar concept (2023)
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i don't want to be your friend, i just want to be your lover
cast: yunho ✗ reader
genre: drama, toxic relationship, friends to lovers au, angst, mature content (smut)
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the beat goes round and round
cast: jake ✗ fem.reader
genre: time-loop, science fiction, mystery, drama, fantasy, romance, gang au
inspired by: movie groundhog day (1993) meets musical west side story
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NOTABLE MENTIONS (written fics and the radiohead songs in their playlists)
let down ; exit music (for a film) - time wave
weird fishes/arpeggi - troubled pixies
all i need ; go slowly ; spectre - isobel
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