#enid s dear
todaysbat · 2 years
You have probably answered this already, but which is the rarest bat specie in the world, and which is the most common?
I actually haven't been asked this question before (I think), plus I don't mind getting repeat questions, gives me a chance to check for new information.
Going by range, the hoary bat is probably among, if not the most widespread species in the world, found throughout North America plus a subspecies found all the way in Hawai'i. However, this solitary bat species is rarely seen within its known range.
Another possibility is the big brown bat, another North American species with a wide range. Unlike the hoary bat, this species is much easier to find within its range.
The rarest species of bats are both highly endangered species with tiny geographic ranges: the Florida bonneted bat (Eumops floridanus) and Seychelles sheath-tailed bat (Coleura seychellensis).
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scrawnytreedemon · 2 years
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#then pfp!seph would go right back to hollow like 'hiiii 🥰🥰 just got more intel~ let's continue w/ our journey' while hollow goes '👁👁'
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Praise be to him, the One and Only; Patron Saint of Martial Knowledge.
111 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
On a (marginally) less batshit note, Final Ghirahim? My little icecream boy.
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His hair has The Swoop :)
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He has little fangs :) God I love him :) He needs more appreciation <3
134 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
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Don't even THINK about calling yourself a self-made man if you're not him.
148 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
LOOK, I know this thread ended up concluding that Micolash, is not, infact, secretly a swole menace...
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...HOWEVER I also think it would be INCREDIBLY funny if he pulled a Senator Armstrong and went full, “I PLAYED [FOOTBALL] IN COLLEGE!” while still being a rambling lunatic nerd.
I’m just saying.
212 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Decided to take my recent musings and do something with them. Turned out far more bombastic than the initial subtle nod I intended... Ahh, standard fare ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[ soppy rambling beneath the cut ]
Been feeling very nostalgic lately for my pre- and early teens; that'd been when I'd first started getting into Zelda content online. Binge-watching theories and top-tens and peoples' thinkpieces on whatever their favourite (or least favourite) game was.
One of my favourite vids to revisit was a Halloween special rabbidluigi did with some other guy, compiling what they thought were the top 25 creepiest things in Zelda. It's from 2012, so it's rough, to say the least, but it also feels like home.
Skyward Sword was the first Zelda game I ever had, but Twilight Princess was the first game I ever played-- Even if it was a bare scrape into the prologue. Fitting that I draw this guy.
243 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sillylotrpolls · 8 months
(Relevant text below the poll)
Inspired by this post by @roselightfairy and replies by @herrhasen, @enide-s-dear, @unnamedelement, @dragonfirez, and @carlandrea.
If you'd like to refresh your memory of the Fellowship at its bitchiest (and Boromir at his best), the relevant text is below the cut.
Excerpted from The Fellowship of the Ring, Book II, Chapter 3: The Ring Goes South
Gimli looked up and shook his head. 'Caradhras has not forgiven us.' he said. 'He has more snow yet to fling at us, if we go on. The sooner we go back and down the better.'
To this all agreed, but their retreat was now difficult. It might well prove impossible. Only a few paces from the ashes of their fire the snow lay many feet deep, higher than the heads of the hobbits; in places it had been scooped and piled by the wind into great drifts against the cliff.
'If Gandalf would go before us with a bright flame, he might melt a path for you,' said Legolas. The storm had troubled him little, and he alone of the Company remained still light of heart.
'If Elves could fly over mountains, they might fetch the Sun to save us,' answered Gandalf. 'But I must have something to work on. I cannot burn snow.'
'Well,' said Boromir, 'when heads are at a loss bodies must serve, as we say in my country. The strongest of us must seek a way. See! Though all is now snow-clad, our path, as we came up, turned about that shoulder of rock down yonder. It was there that the snow first began to burden us. If we could reach that point, maybe it would prove easier beyond. It is no more than a furlong off, I guess.'
'Then let us force a path thither, you and I!' said Aragorn.
Aragorn was the tallest of the Company, but Boromir, little less in height, was broader and heavier in build. He led the way, and Aragorn followed him. Slowly they moved off, and were soon toiling heavily. In places the snow was breast-high, and often Boromir seemed to be swimming or burrowing with his great arms rather than walking.
Legolas watched them for a while with a smile upon his lips, and then he turned to the others. 'The strongest must seek a way, say you? But I say: let a ploughman plough, but choose an otter for swimming, and for running light over grass and leaf or over snow-an Elf.'
With that he sprang forth nimbly, and then Frodo noticed as if for the first time, though he had long known it, that the Elf had no boots, but wore only light shoes, as he always did, and his feet made little imprint in the snow.
'Farewell!' he said to Gandalf. 'I go to find the Sun!' Then swift as a runner over firm sand he shot away, and quickly overtaking the toiling men, with a wave of his hand he passed them, and sped into the distance, and vanished round the rocky turn.
The others waited huddled together, watching until Boromir and Aragorn dwindled into black specks in the whiteness. At length they too passed from sight. The time dragged on. The clouds lowered, and now a few flakes of snow came curling down again.
An hour, maybe, went by, though it seemed far longer, and then at last they saw Legolas coming back. At the same time Boromir and Aragorn reappeared round the bend far behind him and came labouring up the slope.
'Well,' cried Legolas as he ran up, 'I have not brought the Sun. She is walking in the blue fields of the South, and a little wreath of snow on this Redhorn hillock troubles her not at all. But I have brought back a gleam of good hope for those who are doomed to go on feet. There is the greatest winddrift of all just beyond the turn, and there our Strong Men were almost buried. They despaired, until I returned and told them that the drift was little wider than a wall. And on the other side the snow suddenly grows less, while further down it is no more than a white coverlet to cool a hobbit's toes.'
'Ah, it is as I said,' growled Gimli. 'It was no ordinary storm. It is the ill will of Caradhras. He does not love Elves and Dwarves, and that drift was laid to cut off our escape.'
'But happily your Caradhras has forgotten that you have Men with you,' said Boromir, who came up at that moment. 'And doughty Men too, if I may say it; though lesser men with spades might have served you better. Still, we have thrust a lane through the drift; and for that all here may be grateful who cannot run as light as Elves.'
'But how are we to get down there, even if you have cut through the drift?' said Pippin, voicing the thought of all the hobbits.
'Have hope!' said Boromir. 'I am weary, but I still have some strength left, and Aragorn too. We will bear the little folk. The others no doubt will make shift to tread the path behind us. Come, Master Peregrin! I will begin with you.'
He lifted up the hobbit. 'Cling to my back! I shall need my arms' he said and strode forward. Aragorn with Merry came behind. Pippin marvelled at his strength, seeing the passage that he had already forced with no other tool than his great limbs. Even now, burdened as he was, he was widening the track for those who followed, thrusting the snow aside as he went.
They came at length to the great drift. It was flung across the mountainpath like a sheer and sudden wall, and its crest, sharp as if shaped with knives, reared up more than twice the height of Boromir; but through the middle a passage had been beaten, rising and falling like a bridge. On the far side Merry and Pippin were set down, and there they waited with Legolas for the rest of the Company to arrive.
After a while Boromir returned carrying Sam. Behind in the narrow but now well-trodden track came Gandalf, leading Bill with Gimli perched among the baggage. Last came Aragorn carrying Frodo. They passed through the lane; but hardly had Frodo touched the ground when with a deep rumble there rolled down a fall of stones and slithering snow. The spray of it half blinded the Company as they crouched against the cliff, and when the air cleared again they saw that the path was blocked behind them.
'Enough, enough!' cried Gimli. 'We are departing as quickly as we may!'
And indeed with that last stroke the malice of the mountain seemed to be expended, as if Caradhras was satisfied that the invaders had been beaten off and would not dare to return. The threat of snow lifted; the clouds began to break and the light grew broader.
As Legolas had reported, they found that the snow became steadily more shallow as they went down, so that even the hobbits could trudge along. Soon they all stood once more on the flat shelf at the head of the steep slope where they had felt the first flakes of snow the night before.
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ornii · 2 years
My Better Bitter Half
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Wednesday Addams X Twin Brother Reader x Enid Sinclair
Summary: Wednesday has been transferred to Nevermore, luckily Someone there already knows much about her, her twin brother. While you two may be twins you couldn’t be any more alike, after hearing your Sister is coming to Nevermore, you get much more than you bargained for.
Note: hi, this is Ornii, so for my own Canon I decided to Name Wednesdays twin “Vlad”, based off of Vlad the imapiler, who then inspired Dracula. Who’s full name is Vlad Dracul. Anyway into the story,
“Yes Mother I understand..” (Y/n) says calmly as he dresses himself. Standing before a long mirror inside his dorm room. Nevermore was his Home for the past year due to his, oddly charming and dark abilities, as he stands and oozes at his own charm he hears the voice of his mother from a crystal ball.
“Good my little Hell hound, I understand that it will be a bit different with your sister there. Please try and help her adjust to it. You know how, ferocious, she can be. Be patient with her.”
“Unfortunately I was not blessed with the patience you have. But I will, try.” You say, you hear a pleased him from mother and she ends the communication. As you exited your room for the first time today you immediately head to the entrance of Nevermore. Walking past students who give you glares or winks your train of thought you as quickly halted by a voice calling your name. You halt and turn to Enid approaching and slipping over, like an obedient pet.
“Good Moorning!~” she says in a very sing-song voice, you give her a smile on response.
“Good morning to you as Well Miss Sinclair, I suppose you have some gossip to share?”
“Well I’m not all gossip.”
“I doubt that—“
“But, I did get something so cool! A roomie!” She says, (Y/n)’s already slightly pale skin lost a bit more color. If his estimation was correct, his Bubbly, loving best friend is going to room with his literal Nightmare of a sister.
“Poor child.” You say.
“What?” She asks, confused.
“Nothing!” You say smirking, “I hope you enjoy yourself.” You say before leaving, as you enter the main driveway to Nevermore a long black vehicle pulls up and he watches with a devious smirk. The vehicles front door opens up and Lurch steps out. If Frankenstein wasn’t some Myth, that’d be Lurch. Tall, dead looking with a flat head. He Leers over and walks to the back, he opens the door and two step out, Mother and Father. Their gaze goes from the beautiful Nevermore to their Devilish son.
“There is my Hell hound.” Morticia says to (Y/n) who gladly accepts the hug from his mother.
“How does Nevermore fare against our Devil?” Gomez asks and (Y/n) just grins.
“It Never had a Chance, i learn from the best.” He says to them both, he looks past them.
“Is She here?” He asks, Lurch drags her belongings along and she steps out, a almost perfect copy of you, just much more feminine. Long black pigtails compared to your short black Quiff haircut. Wednesday never smiles but your devilish Grin could never leave your face sometimes. You walk over to her, and you both stop close to each other, you notice that you’re a few inches taller, as she has to “Look up” to you.
“Brother.” She Said with that cold attitude, you smirk at this.
“Hello To you too, Dear Sister.” You say, planting your hand on her shoulder. You feel her cold stare of disapproval.
“You know how I feel about contact.”
“I know, that’s why I’m doing it, you despise it.” You say with a laugh, You relent and hug her. You feel her tense up.
“You have three seconds before you lose your arms.” She says and you again let go.
“That’s the sharp tongue I know so well.” You say and motion for her to follow him.
“So, seems Mother and Father have finally shipped you off. What did you do this time?”
“A group of Mouth breathers were bullying Pugsley. The only person who gets to torture my brothers—“
“Will always be you.” You reply, and ask. “So, what’s the damage.”
“A boy lost a testicle.” She says, you half in her footsteps and turn to her.
“I tossed Piranhas into a pool, the rest is up to your imagination.” She says, you stare at her for a second and grin.
“So. You failed to get the job done? I would have poured Red-Bellied, they’re the most dangerous.” You say. As much as Wednesday hated most people, you were the one she hates the least. A small smile creeps along her face hearing your praise of her work. The family enter the principals office and begin conversation.
“Wednesday is certainly a unique name. I'm guessing it was the day you were born?” The Principal of the School Weems asks. (Y/n) and Wednesday sat next to each other, with Gomez and Morticia on opposite sides.
“We were born on Friday the 13th.” (Y/n) says, “from what I was told, Sparks were flying, rain was pouring, a beautiful sight. Unfortunately Wednesday was too busy trying to strangle me in the Womb for it to be absolutely perfect.” You say, you can feel her Ice cold glare hit your neck.
“Her name comes from a line from my favorite nursery rhyme, "Wednesday's child is full of woe." Morticia explains, “and (Y/n)’s comes from a famous ruler in history.” Morticia explains.
��You always had a unique perspective on the world, Morticia. Did your mother tell you we were roommates back in the day?” Weems says.
“And you graduated with your sanity intact impressive.” Wednesday responds coldly, weems was a bit taken aback by her Wit. She ignores this and keeps going.
“You've certainly had a very interesting educational journey. Eight schools in five years.” Weems says.
“They haven't built one strong enough to hold me.” Wednesday said. “I bet this place won't be any different.”
“What our daughter is trying to say is that she greatly appreciates the opportunity.”
“She’s a Modern day Hannibal Lecter. You know without the eating people, isn’t she just lovely?” You say grinning.
“Nevermore doesn't usually accept students mid-term, but given Wednesday's perfect grades and your family's long history with the school, I've spoken with the board and we've made an exception.”
“Isn’t that great?” You say smiling.
“Larissa, what about Wednesday's, um... therapy sessions?” Morticia said.
“The court ordered them. The school has a relationship with a therapist in Jericho. She can meet twice a week.”
“Did you hear that, my little storm cloud? You're in excellent hands.” Gomez says, and (Y/n) raises an eyebrow.
“She’s going to eat that therapist alive..” You said,
“I've assigned you to your mother's old dorm. Ophelia Hall.”
“Refresh my memory. Ophelia's the one who kills herself after being driven mad by her family, correct?” Wednesday said, and Weems might be in over her head.
“Should we go meet your new roommate?” Weems says, and they all leave, a look of worry was actually on You, fearing just what Wednesday might do to Enid. She skips over as the door opens and Enid sees (Y/n) and Wednesday.
“Howdy, roomie!” She says with such a cutesy adorable attitude.,
“Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair.” You say.
“Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale.” Enid said worried.
“Wednesday always looks half-dead she was like this for our childhood.” You explain, and Enid looks confused.
“Our childhood?” She asks, you stand next to Wednesday.
“You don’t notice the resemblance?” You say, “Here let me.” You quickly stop smiling and perfectly mimic Wednesdays deadpanned face. They look perfectly identical and she sees the Addams Twins in full force.
“Oh. M. G! You’re his sister! You look so similar! It’s like looking in a mirror! Welcome to Ophelia Hall!” Enid reaches out for a hug and (Y/n) quickly shakes his head no.
“Not a hugger. Got it.” Enid says taking a step back.
“Please excuse My Sister, She's allergic to color.” You explain.
“Oh wow, What happens to you?” Enid asks, fearful of the answer.
“I break out into hives and then the flesh peels off my bones.”
“I used to throw colorful fruit at her.” You say with a smile. Weems interrupts and gives a stern smileS
“(Y/n), Enid, please take Wednesday to the registrar's office to pick it up along with her schedule, and give her a tour along the way.”
Note: I’ve always found the idea of Wednesday’ having a twin more fascinating due to her very antisocial behavior and personality, and I think they play off of each other so well, the insecurities and inferiority complexes these two ooze out is just, awesome. I want to do some incorrect quotes with them if people would enjoy those. The fencing fight would be very interesting as well.
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Wednesday characters with a southern s/o
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Wednesday: She has found you to have a very charming voice. She does not think your southern drawl is very hard to understand or very annoying but she won't tell you that, but it does get on her nerves when you occasionally use words that are grammatically incorrect. Such as saying "I seen.." She has explained to you that saying "I have seen.." would make more sense when recounting an event but if you keep doing it she does find a soft spot for it, she has learned to like your accent. It’s very attractive, especially the way you pronounce “Wednesday”. She enjoys that you can make all kinds of southern phrases sound lovely to her. She loves it when you call her your “little witch”, or your “mischief” Since she will often hear you call other people darling and sweetheart.
Enid: Having an attractive southern romantic partner is a treat that not many others have. Enid loves having a southern sweetheart in her life because you always treat her with respect and adoration. She thinks you're always extremely polite and chivalrous, opening doors for her and pulling her chair out at restaurants. She doesn't like it when others try to get you wound up and listen to your accent get thicker but does love hearing how you say the same thing as her just differently and it's always a surefire way to cheer her up.
Xavier: Oh, he thinks it's a lot of fun. He loves your southern drawl, and he finds it to be so cute and charming. Even when you get mad, and start swearing up a storm, he can't get mad it's just so adorable. It is a little annoying sometimes as not everyone understands your accent, which can cause some misunderstandings especially after he noticed your southern drawl gets a lot thicker when he teases you playfully. Loves it when you start being a bit sassy toward him if he pushes too far. When you both tease each other, you both can often go into a bit of a little argument, and he can tell your trying to resist laughing a bit it's actually really adorable to him.
Rowan: He thinks southern accents are the most attractive accents in the world. He can't get enough of your sweet southern accent and dialect. He absolutely melts whenever you say "y'all, bless your heart, sugar, baby, mama, honey, dear, sweetheart, babe, sweet-tea, etc", It's rough sometimes. Especially because you can speak too fast for him and sometimes the words just mash together like goulash. He'll think the biggest issue is when you use "y’all" because he keeps thinking you're talking to or about multiple people. But the real icing on the cake is when you say “I love you” or when you call him “Honey”.
Tyler: He thinks it can be frustrating sometimes because he has to concentrate on everything you say or tell you to repeat/slow down so he feels like he has a chance. He has wished you would just be quiet sometimes and stop speaking like he teases by saying, cowboy. Your accent was one of the reasons why he fell in love with you though. It’s unique and not everyone gets to hear it every day. It’s just adorable but he was confused when you said you liked his accent even if it is to tease him.
Ajax: It was not easy to understand you in the beginning. But once he got used to the accent, he found your accent absolutely cute he guesses he is now used to it and he likes it even if people do have to come to him asking what it was you said. He finds it unique and it makes you special to him. (If you were to try to get rid of your accent or hide it, that would feel like some part of you was gone and he wouldn’t like that. A thick accent is actually part of who you are).
Bianca: She thinks having a southern romantic partner is lovely but also a challenge in some ways. You both come from different backgrounds and you each want the other to embrace your cultures. This is great because it brings more color and culture into your lives and your relationship. However, it can also create tension since you both need to learn to appreciate and respect the other's culture. The challenge is worth it, but it does take effort and compromise. In the end, has really come to enjoy when you sweet talk her more so when you will use words commonly regarded as a sign of endearment such as "darling" and "sweetheart" to describe her as you think that she is most pleasant and attractive.
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weemsicallygay · 2 years
sweet dreams
pairing/s: larissa weems x fem reader
warning/s: none really, just that its not plot adjacent and that weems is a clingy gf in this :3
(i do NOT proofread my stuff. these are mainly random ideas i make in my head to help me sleep that i wrote so i won't forget. oh and i have no idea how i managed to make this coherent so enjoy :D)
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hands roamed through dusty covers as the moonlight and the dimmed bulbs illuminated her sight, her lips caught under her teeth as she searched with intent. clearly, it was late, most of the students except for the howlers were out like a light from today’s curricular activities seeing as it was another weekday. the only things y/n heard were wednesday’s weekly cello practice (the tune of The Phantom of The Opera ringing in the empty corridors of the school) and the howls of enid as she went away to bask under the full moon. 
she grumbled, surely that book was around here somewhere. her eyes were squinted as she looked through her narrow glasses, her phone’s flashlight wasn’t helping as it showed the titles of other books in the small library she had in her personal office.
“aha! there you are, you little piece of shit.” y/y murmured, finally grabbing the dark blue hardbound cover and blowing away some of the accumulated dust. 
she stared at the cover, Vampires and Sunlight: The Untold Truth it read. a peculiar title yet perfectly what she needed that night. truth be told, she’d been having trouble sleeping lately, but that wasn’t the reason she needed the book.  
now, for a vampire, her sleep schedule used to be perfectly normal. she’d get up by midnight, prepare a few of her lesson plans for her daylight substitute to teach, answer some of the students’ inquiries and then be back in bed by noon. but ever since her substitute and a few more professors suddenly disappear within thin air and were later found dead in the forest, with their insides wide open for everyone to see, she’d been helping the remaining professors and her lover with managing the students’ activities in the meantime. 
“and because of that, vampires tend to sleep during the day so that they may have the energy to hunt at night. yeah, no shit sherlock,” she whispered as she skimmed through the book and walked back towards her desk. 
she sat down, the book still in hand and phone down, before looking at her laptop and began paraphrasing a few of the sentences she needed for the new lesson she needed to teach on friday. her fingers were fast as she typed all the sentences she needed before going to the next page, she did that until she managed to finish the chapter and sighed. 
“okay, now I just need to grab that last one from the Dark Arithmetics section..” she trailed to herself as she stood, the now closed book back in its place on the shelf before she got back to searching. 
unbeknownst to the bloodsucker, the door to her office opened silently. the floorboards creaked and in walked a tall lady clad in her white pajamas, a sleepy look on her face with her blonde locks messily arranged as she trekked closer to the woman whose back faced her. larissa, who softly yawned, smiled at the sight of her lover as she searched around her small library. 
she moved closer, slowly wrapping her arms around the shorter woman’s figure and resting her chin on her shoulders, “my love..” she mumbled. 
y/n sighed, her body melting into larissa’s as she moved her head to rest on hers. her hands immediately placed the books back on the shelf before placing them on her lover’s. 
“‘rissa, what are you doing up?” 
the taller of the two groaned and hid her face in the crevice of y/n’s neck, placing small kisses on her flesh while holding on tightly. both women stood there, their bodies shining under the moonlight as they said nothing. 
finally, larissa broke the silence. “it’s the middle of the night, my dear. i know you’re usually up by this time,” she grabbed y/n’s hands to make her face her direction, the shorter woman gladly letting her do so. 
her gaze softened, “but you haven’t slept since last midnight. you need rest, my love.” 
“i know, but-” larissa pulled her closer, her hands back on y/n’s waist as she placed soft kisses on her face and her lips. “no buts my love, we know what happens when you’re deprived of rest.” 
the (h/c) haired professor rolled her eyes and sighed, “i know, but i have to finish this by midnight. the students-” 
“-will understand that their teacher is doing the best that she can and appreciate that.” she finished. 
her hand traveled towards y/n’s face to cup her cheek, “you can’t keep doing this to yourself, darling. what would you do if I was doing the same thing?” 
“hmm..” she purred under larissa’s touch, “touche, my love.” 
As y/n was busy melting under the woman’s hands, larissa pulled her away from the shelf of books, past her desk (the laptop that was left unsupervised now turned off by larissa before she decided to wrap her arms around y/n’s body), and finally out the door. she gave a triumphant smile as she finally got her lover to step into the confines of their sleeping chamber. she had the liberty of closing the door behind the both them as she watched y/n walk closer to their bed, she mostly done that to make sure that her little bloodsucker wouldn’t be leaving and going anywhere. 
“you can lock the door, sweetheart. i won’t go anywhere this time.” she heard, larissa shook her head. 
she trekked closer towards the bed, her hands grabbing the duvet and pulling it over their bodies. said hands also grabbed the smaller frame just beside her, her face snugly resting on y/n’s chest as her arms wrapped around her waist and her legs over her own. such a sight to behold, the tall headmistress of the academy curled up like a child holding on to their precious stuffed toy like it’d disappear if they let go. 
y/n chuckled, “i promise love, i’m not going anywhere.” 
“just making sure.” she heard a muffled reply. 
y/n’s hands softly caressed and played with larissa’s blonde locks, making waves and twirling them in her hands before she started to hear steady breathing. the symphony of larissa playing in the quiet, dark night, as well as wednesday’s playing, was enough to lull y/n to sleep. 
her eyes slowly shut, a smile on her lips as she mirrored larissa’s state. before she could fully succumb to her slumber, she felt larissa pull her even closer and murmur, 
“sweet dreams, my love.” 
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Hello how are you? You have happy holidays? I have request
the reader is Sirina and when Xavier finds out they fight because he thinks she has bewitched him (like Bianca)reader is angry because Xavier break up with them.But at the dance when Xavier sees reader alone go and apologizes to the reader for all that
Hey! I hope you had a good start into the new year so far. This was such a good idea. I hope you enjoy dear <3
I just want you back
pairing: Xavier Thorpe x scale!reader
synopsis: “I just can´t see you anymore. Please, go.”, his volume decreased massively leaving him to sound tired.
Without a word you stormed past him to not let him see the tears that long had started to flow over.
warnings: break up angst, hurt/comfort
word count: 1.3k
“I can´t believe it!”, he paced around his room with his hands in his hair. “Especially after I told you about Bianca too! How am I supposed to trust you never used your Siren song on me?”  
“Trust that I never… Xavier do you really think that low of me? How about you trust that I wouldn´t ever do that to anyone? Or maybe that I trust and love you enough to never even think of doing such a… a horrible thing to you?”, you scream back at him at an equal volume. You couldn´t believe what he was accusing you of.  
“I just can´t see you anymore. Please, go.”, his volume decreased massively leaving him to sound tired.  
Without a word you stormed past him to not let him see the tears that long had started to flow over.
The moment played in your head like a broken record and with every time it did, new tears had welled up in your eyes. Everything was going so well between the two of you and then he blew you off for being something you had no influence over? You had never talked much about Bianca in the first place, so you had just hoped he felt different about you. That somehow because you weren´t seeing everyone as an immediate rival, you were fine. What did he want you to do? Introduce yourself leading with what kind of outcast you are? He never did that, no one ever did that. It sounded insane. It was insane. And ultimately it left you without a boyfriend. A part of you wanted to be mad at Xavier. Wanted to hate him for how he hurt you without even batting an eyelash or at least feel a bit more indifferent about the whole thing, but you couldn´t. You understood how he felt. You´d probably feel the same if you were him, so you were left sad and hurt and wishing you could somehow turn back time to fix everything.  
To add to all the misery of still having to see him in classes, ignoring you, all your friends could talk about was the upcoming Rave´N and who they would go with, only to give you that pitying look before changing the topic.  
The event had crept closer and closer. The dress in your closet, that had formerly filled you with so much anticipation now taunting you. You didn´t feel like going to the dance anymore after all that happened. You could easily do without the whole school looking at you with pity filled eyes, talking behind your back, as they had done the past days already. Instead, you tried to feel content with locking yourself in your room with snacks and a movie or two to pass the evening as fast as possible. It sounded like a nice enough alternative until there was another.  
You were in your room, doing homework, about a week till the event, when there was a knock at the door. Upon opening it, you saw a certain gorgon boy standing in the hallway. 
“Ajax?”, he always was closer with Xavier so seeing him was a surprise.  
“Hey, uhm… Can I come in?”, nervousness was written all over his face.  
“Shit, sure. Sorry…”, you immediately stepped aside so he could enter the room. “What´s up?”  
“Okay so you can always so no to this, but I know Xavier and you just broke up and I kind of need a “date” for the Rave´N so I got a proposition to make that could help with both of our problems.”, he rubs his neck sheepishly.  
“Wow thanks for rubbing it in… But go on.”  
“I need someone to make Enid jealous with and I know it would help you with your problem too. So… would you maybe be my date for this dance?”  
“My prob…”, you wave the confusion over the part of the statement away. “Jax, Enid is my friend you do realize that, right? Besides, talking would do the two of you so much better than this petty bullshit. But you´re in luck, because this still sounds better than what I was gonna do instead.” 
“Great!”, a close-lipped smile settles on his face as you agree on when he is going to pick you up. 
You were still skeptical as to how this evening would end. Hopefully Enid could forgive you for playing along with your friend's plan. First and foremost, you thought about what Ajax could´ve meant by helping you with your problem though. There really wasn´t anything coming to mind that this could be the solution to, so you discard the thought and concentrate on more important things. 
The week went by faster than any before and you find yourself almost excited to attend the dance with Ajax. Even if it was for all the wrong reasons. Giving yourself another one over in the mirror and checking your make up for a final you quickly pack a little purse, before once more Ajax knocking on the door pulls you out of your thoughts. He looks nice in the white suit. 
“Wow.”, is all he can utter before he offers you his arm to lead the two of you to the event. 
You can feel the eyes of your friends bore into you while you greet both Miss Thornhill and Principal Weems before finding a place to lay your stuff down, before pulling Ajax to the still relatively free dancefloor. Only once you are too tired to dance and made your rounds talking to people, the two of you sit back down. That´s when you see him. With Bianca… Oh great. At least he looks kind of miserable when he sees you. You look away again just in time to catch Ajax standing up to get the two of you something to drink. Glancing over to the artist once more you see that he had left his place.
“You having fun?”, you hear his voice barely above the music. 
“Oh, are we talking again? Why didn´t you tell me? Ajax and I would have stopped by your table to say hi.”, the sarcasm is dripping from every word. 
“Okay I deserve that. Can we talk for a second?”, his eyebrows are knit together tightly. 
“No, Xavier that doesn´t even come close to what you deserve and I for sure have nothing to talk about with you.”
“Then just listen to me. Please.”, glancing over you see Ajax in conversation and so you lead Xavier outside.
The night air feels refreshing. Until you realise why you were there again.
“You look really pretty tonight.”, he steps closer to you.
“Is that what you wanted to tell me? Because if that is it, I better get back inside.”, you wrap your arms around yourself. Ready to leave.
“Wait. I wanted to apologize. I was so in my head the other day and I said some things I never should´ve said. I´m so sorry for not seeing it sooner. I… If there´s any way I can make this up to you, I´ll do it. I swear. I just want you back.”
“What you said Xavier… I never gave you any reason to mistrust me. You haven´t looked at me once since you broke up with me and now you say you want me back? Which one is it?”, for the first time in days you feel the hurt getting stronger again.
Xavier takes another step towards you, making you take one backwards by instinct.
“Please, I´m sorry for making you feel like this. I promise I´ll do anything. I just miss you…”, his eyes start to shine with tears too now.
“I miss you too, Xav.”, you take his hands into yours. ”I accept your apology, but I need you to know that what you said really hurt me. I thought we could talk about any problem before it escalates like that. Promise to talk to me about things earlier next time?”
“I promise.”, his lips mirror the soothing smile yours formed at his words.
Together you went to his room, cuddling until you fell asleep after the tiring evening.
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maximoffswriter · 2 years
Looks Can Be Deceiving.
warnings: slight mentions of self harm.
pairing/s: larissa weems x student!reader
genre: fluff/mild angst(?)
summary: reader is burnt out, and has been struggling with their mental health, and the only way they cope is by hurting themself.
word count: 584
you do NOT have the permission to steal, copy, or repost this and claim my work as your own.
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
As a gifted student, y/n's parents expect a lot from them. Straight A's, perfect attendance, and perfect manners. They comply to all those. Well.. they try, but trying to be the best isn't enough. They thought they had to be the best, so did their parents.
Though burnt out, y/n still tries, harder and harder each day.
The principal soon noticed. The tiredness in their eyes that was always plastered with a smile. It wasn't easy to notice, as y/n was such a happy student... or so everyone thought. Their arms, which were usually covered with their sleeves, had scars. Some healed, some new. This is how y/n copes. They say the pain gives the comfort, and a break from the numbness they feel most of the time. "I deserve all the pain." they thought.
Every time someone asks how they're doing, they're response is always "I'm doing good" or "I'm doing amazing!", even when they're not. y/n is also the type of student who'd rather spend time at the library, studying, than eat lunch. This was their usual routine for lunch. Study, review, and read. "I don't deserve to eat anyways." were the words their mind repeats.
Back to present. y/n was speaking with Enid, when Principal Weems called them to their office, they bid goodbyes to Enid, and walked to the principal's door, and knocked. "Come in." Principal Weems' voice called from the inside. y/n opens the door, then enters. "You called me?" They asked, "Yes. I'd like to talk." Larissa's voice was stern yet soft. "Come sit here." She smiles. y/n walks up to the chair in front of the principal's desk, and sat, just as they were told. "What would you like to talk about, Ms. Weems?" They ask, playing with the rings on their fingers. "Well, we all know that you're one of the best students in Nevermore." She started, y/n's anxiety was through the roof, has she heard the false rumors about them sleeping with a teacher to get better grades? 
"I've noticed the look in your eyes, dear." They stare at her, puzzled. "Get some rest, okay? I'll take care of your teachers." She says, almost demanding. "I can't. My parents will be extremely disappointed. I appreciate your offer though." They smile. "Your parents? Are they forcing you to be the best?" She asks, worry laced in her voice. y/n did not know what to say, so they stayed quiet, tears welling up in their eyes, as they tremble. "Love, come here." the principal calls with open arms. y/n comes to Principal Weems, and hugs her, nearly breaking down. Unshed tears makes their eyes glimmer, as the light hits them. "You're safe with me, I'm here." Principal Weems say. With that, y/n crumbles. The tears that were threatening to fall, now do, rolling down their cheeks.
Heartbreaking sobs leave y/n's lips, as Larissa hugs them tighter. Her heart hurts more and more as the student shakes in her arms. "I-I'm sorry, you shouldn't see m-me like this.." y/n stutters, as they try to pull away from Larissa's arms, but Larissa held them tight, wanting to give them the comfort they need. "Shh, stay with me until you've calmed down, love." She shushes them down, and draws patterns on their back. "Principal Weems..." y/n mumbles against Larissa's shoulder. "Yes dear?" She says, voice soft. "P-please don't let go." Larissa smiles at this. "I won't, I'll hold you until you don't want me to anymore." She says, kissing the top of the students head.
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hazel-of-sodor · 2 months
Something Holy This Way Comes
Ch.13 Alive
Other Stories
Other Chapters
The following morning Enid pushed the flatbed in front of Cassandra while the others watched curiously. Caomhnóir's eyes swirled as the Lady's light shone through her onto the covered object. She slowly increased the intensity, her number one and brass fittings glowing brightly in the dawnlight.
Finally she let the light fade. "That's all they can take." She announced. "They're waking now...Screech if you would?"
Screech reached out a tendril and lifted the tarp slowly away.
A long parallel boiler and an old style cab was revealed, sitting on top of eight 4'3" drivers. Her tender was missing, along with her motion and nameplate. She was covered from funnel to footplate in soot and dirt.
Miss Morgan was up on the engine's bufferbeam before any of the humans had even realized she was moving, brushing away the soot, rust, and dirt out of the engine's eyes as they slowly, weakly opened.
"Water now." She thundered, workmen scrambling to pass her the buckets.
"Miss Morgan?" The engine rasped weakly.
"Easy Hegni." The controller shushed, "you've been without water far too long."
Screech heard the woman's jaw creak as she grit her teeth, "I know dear."
The men quickly ran a hose from the water tower as Miss Morgan helped Hegni drink the buckets, handing their controller the hose once the last buckets were empty. Other crew were checking over the poor engine, cleaning her as best they could.
As water flowed through her once more, tears began to flow from her striking purple eyes. "Still hurts," she said quietly.
"We'll get you in the works as quick as we can," Miss Morgan swore. She glanced back towards the engines. "Cassandra, Screech, is there anything you can do?"
Cassandra stretched, the Lady's light returning to her eyes again. "If I can channel the Lady's light through Screech it might dampen it enough to keep it from hurting her... but Screech would be taking the brunt of the Lady's power."
Screech shrugged as she extended her tendrils towards Hegni, "If it does not kill me, I have had worse." She laid a set of tendrils gently on the 0-8-0's runningboard. "Ready."
"If it becomes too much for either of you, warn me." Cassandra cautioned. "Miss Morgan..."
The controller reluctantly climbed down and moved to the side
Cassandra's lamp shuttered open and golden light spilled onto Screech, racing up her tendrils like lightning, flowing into Hegni, who began to glow softly.
Dust, soot, and rust began to fall away as the Lady's power flowed and ebbed over the freight engine. Slowly great western green began to reappear from beneath the wear on the 0-8-0. 
She eventually shook her head and Screech moved her tendrils.
Hegni took a shuttering breath as Miss Morgan climbed back onto her buffer beam.
"Yes Miss Morgan. It only aches now."
The woman frowned, "I'm afraid that will have to wait till you're overhauled. It would be to much of a risk to push it any further, right Cassandra...Cassandra?"
She turned around to find Screech and Caomhnóir staring at each other, golden light and shadowed tendrils dancing between them.
She raised an eyebrow, "should I be concerned?"
As if in answer, golden light began to make its way across Screech like frost on a window. Power thrummed through the air as the Lady's light ran through Screech.
There was a sound of breaking glass, and Screech let out a strangled growl as a ring of golden light basted outwards from her.
All was quiet for a moment as Screech and Cassandra sagged on their frames, exhausted, their crews rushing over to check on them.
"You did not say you would be hurt as well." Screech rumbled, glaring at Cassandra.
The tank engine huffed a tired laugh, "comes with the job. Besides, I can handle her light better than you...How do you feel?"
Screech shifted her valve gear, which creaked, "It aches, but I believe it will fade, and even if it does not, it is better than the pain."
"What did you two do?" Freda demanded, hands on her hips.
"Cassandra healed her." Mali said, her eyes swirling gold with Cassandra's light. The teen was sitting on Abbey's bufferbeam under a large pile of banquets, as her new connection with Screech had left her shivering and cold to the touch.
"Any side effects on your end?" The tank engine asked.
Mali shook her head, "not really. I don't feel as cold now."
"What do you mean she healed her?" Freda asked as she quickly strode over and began examining the girl while Gywn looked over Screech.
Screech stretched her tendrils experimentally, "she pulled me back into the world of the living."
Everyone froze.
"That's...possible?" Enid asked hesitantly.
"Normally? no." Cassandra said slowly "Pouring enough power to force someone over the line between worlds would erase them."
"It hurt enough as is." Screech admitted.
Cassandra winced, "I did warn you."
"It was worth it." Screech said simply.
"Why could Screech survive it?" Abbey asked as she looked over at Screech worriedly.
"A few things," Cassandra said thoughtfully, "one, she was already immersed in the Lady's power from the fight with the creature. Then she allowed herself to be used as a conduit for the Lady's light to heal Hegni...she was exposed to a massive amount of the Lady's power in a few hours, but none of it was aimed at directly at her."
"So she was already in tune with you anyway." Avon guessed.
"Which meant she could handle a lot more of the Lady without it harming her," Cassandra confirmed. "The other reason, is that she had a living anchor tying her to the world of the living.,
"Me." Mali realized
Cassandra nodded, "I was able to use you to ground her. Having part of her already on this side made it far easier to pull the rest of her over."
"What effect will this have on her?" Abbey asked.
Cassandra tilted her head, listening to something only she could hear, "she will no longer destroy items by touching them, she would have to intentionally focus on causing that. She won't have to furl herself anymore..."
"Thank the Lady for that," Screech purred, looking close to dozing off.
Cassandra smiled at the sight, "since she's no longer having to compress herself to fit within a world she no longer belongs to, it will no longer hurt her to exist here."
Screech rumbled contentedly.
"What's the downside?" Freda asked suspiciously, "there's no way there's not one."
"She's alive again." Cassandra said simply, "or her version of it at least. She can be hurt again, and will suffer wear and tear like any other engine. She needs maintenance and overhauls again."
"Joy." Screech's dry tone was belied by her tendrils swaying lazily around her.
Gywn glanced up at Screech's drowsy expression, "does she need to sleep again?"
"Probably not as much as the rest of us, but yes." Cassandra answered.
"Will being used as an anchor affect Mali?" Megan asked.
Cassandra shrugged, "If anything she'll be affected less now that they both belong to the world of the living. Screech and I took the brunt of the exchange. Some of the Lady's light would have bled over their connection, but not enough to affect permanent change."
"I'm already partly made of her light anyway right?" Mali asked, "You used it to weave us together."
 Cassandra nodded slowly, "a very small part, but it is there. Although I doubt it's enough to do anything but hold you together, humans aren't affected by the light the same way engines are."
She glanced over to where Hegni sat on the flatbed, watching with confused interest, "in any case she won't be hit with anymore light anytime soon. I can't channel the Lady anymore without risking damaging myself." She winced as she stretched, "for all that I am her champion, I'm still just an engine at the end of the Day."
Miss Morgan frowned, "I think it's best all of you are looked over at the works. Abbey, grab Screech before she gets any ideas."
A/N: Hey Loves! This ones out a bit early because I have a tropical storm headed my way and I'm worried about losing power. With this installment, Something Hold this was comes is now my longest ever fic by word count. Love Y'all!
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zimithrus1 · 5 months
WIP Ask!
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIPS folder, let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them the most and blurb about it! (says to tag as many people as you have WIPS but I'm terrible at that soooo lol)
Thank you for the tag @prismaticpichu!! 💚🌟
Dragonheart Lacuna Our Tomorrow Precious One (Oldest WIP) Protonova Roads Untraveled Smoke & Mirrors Transmogrify 2024 Edition (newest WIP)
The One You Feed (forgot to add this one initially lol)
My WIPS folder is mainly just everything I'm working on really XD Some of which I just started working on and the oldest in here being a fic I started back in 2017 XD
Passing this on to @up-sideand-down @isleofair @kazeshxni @creamypudding @enide-s-dear! No pressure if you don't have the spoons, as always! 💚
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totallynotbear · 9 months
Il Mio Piccolo Uccellino Canoro -Part ||
Wenclair x Child!Avian!Reader
[Summary:]  Y/n is a rare outcast who has wings, but her parents don’t care enough to take care of her. So what happens when She runs away to the safety and protection of Enid Sinclair and Wednesday Addams after hearing her parents make a deal with a persistent man who will stop at nothing to get his end of it? 
[Warnings:] ooc Wednesday?
[A/n:] Please request ideas either for this story or others! Enjoy! :]
Part |
[With Weems]
Principle Weems never expected to get asked to help by her students often. So imagine her surprise when THE Wednesday Addams came to her and asked Weems to help her with something. Well not really The goth student really just told Weems to come with her fur something, but that count as something right?
Though the tall woman didn't look the part, she was starting to get nervous. The two outcast were walking in the middle of the forest , which was starting to fog from after the storm. Wednesday was walking on front of the white haired principle with a purpose, muttering incoherent things under a breath. Wait. did she say Ms. Sinclair's name?
"Wednesday, dear where are we going?" A pause.
"I need to get you to the insufferable werewolf named Enid Sinclair." Wednesday muttered, before straightening her back and walking a little faster when the worn down shed finally came into view. Ah. The shed that she let Xavier have for his paintings. Oh but why does Enid need her? And why not get her herself?
As the two neared the shed, Weems could see Enid a little through the window, and she thought she could see someone else two ,but couldn't put her finger on it. Finally the Wednesday and Weems got to the door and opened it to see Enid and.....a child?
Enid looked up from something on her phone and gave Principle Weems a weary smile. "Uh, Hi Ms. Weems. You uh may be confused on why I told Wednesday to bring you here." Enid glanced at Y/n. "I'm more confused on how you got Wednesday to listen to you." Weems stared at Enid before nodding. "I would like that very much."
Enid sighed deeply, looked at Wednesday, then a sleeping Y/n before answering. "Well as you see I found Y/n here using Xavier's shed for shelter and she's hurt," Enid looked at Weems's unchanging gaze and gulped. "Badly, And I was wondering if....if you can help me with her." Weems sighed and Enid quickly started to ramble. "Please, uh you know the police in Jarico won't really care and she said that she ran away and-"
Wednesday cut Enid off stepping in front of Enid and looked up at Weems. "The girl can stay with us while I find a lead to where her parents are, or some kind a guardian to take her back." Wednesday spoke plainly, crossing her arms.
"Girls, this is a lot to ask." Weems sighed and stepped closer to the sleeping girl and inspected her wounds. "That's a lot of scratches." On Y/n's face and arms, there also seems to be a bald spot with a scratch on her left wing which is red and irritated. "Okay girls we need to get her to the infirmary and quick, or else these injures will get worse or even infected."
Enid hesitated. "S-should I carry her? She's very jumpy." Weems smiled and nodded. "Yes, you may. We don't want to cause her to panic."
Enid walked over to Y/n and kneels down to pick her up bridal style, the winged girl resting her cheek on Enid's chest while her other left arm was resting on her belly, and her wings awkwardly pressed against Enid's fore arms. Enid smiled and started out the door behind Principle Weems.
Wednesday watched the whole ordeal and was thinking hard on what lead she would have as she reached towards the light and flicked it off before following Enid and Weems. Why had you run away from your parents at such a young age? Maybe you were on a walk and got lost, but no because Enid specifically said that you wrote in her notebook that you ran away. But why? That is what she was going to find out. It's been some time since she had a good mystery to solve.
[At Nevermore]
Enid and Wednesday walked through the entrance of Nevermore side by side while Weems walked ahead. Enid looked the smaller girl's side profile, entranced by her beauty before speaking. "Thank you for helping back there." She spoke in a softer voice than usual, so not to wake up Y/n who was still sleeping peacefully.
"I simply said the truth," Wednesday continued to look in front of her. Some of the students who had free-time or study-hall in the quad looked at them with curiosity evident in their eyes all wondering the same thing. Why is there a five year old in Enid's arms? And was she hurt? Of course Wednesday shot a glare at everyone's way and they all looked back to what they were doing quickly.
"Still, you helped me, that is a big deal for The Wednesday Addams, so is letting me hug you." Wednesday stayed silent and continued to walk after Weems. She would rather wear color then admit that maybe, just maybe, she was going a little soft for her roommate.
The three finally reached the infirmary and walked through the door. The inside wasn't very busy. There was one or two who were in the bed groaning in pain, or resting but that was it. A middle aged nurse working on one of the vampires looked up and immediately smile, clearly not seeing Y/n in Enid's arms.
"Hi, how can I help you girls?" Weems smile back and nodded towards Y/n and started to speak. "This little girl needs your medical attention, Michelle." Michelle then turned her head to the girl in Enid's arms with wide eyes. "Oh, yes! Yes put her down on that bed right there." She pointed to a bed next to a window, and Enid walk over there to place Y/n down on it as softly as she can and backed away. "Hmm, lets see." Michelle mumbled to herself and checked over Y/n's face, arms and everywhere else. "Do you know where these scratches came from?"
"I don't know, I just found her like that already." Enid mumbled and Michelle sighed and continued to check on Y/n. Enid shifted on her feet and fidgeted with her jacket strings. "Stop moving it's annoying." "Sorry, I'm just worried." Wednesday turned to look at her with a look she couldn't describe. "About what? There aren't fatal injuries." "I know, but that's not what I'm worried about," Enid whispered back. "I'm worried Y/n will wake up and freak out again." Wednesday noted that she said 'again' but said nothing else as she watched the nurse stand up.
"Well she'll be fine, and she has a few deep scratches on her back and left wing, which looked like it was made from a knife." Michelle glanced at Enid, who looked very worried, and Wednesday who had a slightly annoyed expression, before continuing. "And she may need lots of rest, but other than that she is fine."
Weems dipped her head in response and started to walk towards the door. "Thank you Ms. Rayburn and I expect you to take good care of her while I talk to these girls." Michelle nodded and went to grab things to patch up Y/n. Weems looked back at Wednesday and Enid. "Come with me to my office girls." Then started to walk towards her office with the roommates following behind her.
After a few minutes they all finally entered Weems's office and sat in the two chairs in front of her desk. Weems sighed as she sat down. "Ms. Sinclair, I will grant you permission to take care of Y/n while Ms. Addams investigate her parents whereabouts." Enid immediately smiled and perked up while Wednesday's face filled with small determination and.....relief? "You will need to take care of her and I'm trusting to do so, okay Ms. Sinclair?" Enid nodded as her smile widened impossibly more. Wednesday finally spoke up since entering Nevermore. "What about when we are both in classes?" "Hmm, if you trust her enough I suppose she can stay in the dorm, or she can go with one of you to classes as long as she doesn't interrupt."
Enid and Wednesday nodded. "You two are dismissed please go to your next class, you can visit Y/n on your free-time." They both stood and started to exit the office. They both went out of Weems's office and walked out together.
"So...where are you going next, Willa?"
"Call me that again and you won't make it to your next full moon."
"But that's in a few days.."
Enid abruptly stopped walking in surprise and stared at the back of Wednesday's head as she kept walking. "This is the girl you like?" What Enid could only assume was her wolf scoffed. Her wolf had been there since she first wolfed out, well have been talking since she wolfed out. Enid started walking back to the infirmary, to go check on Y/n."Oh shush. I don't like her." She could practically feel her wolf raise their brow.
"Mhm, lets see, shortness of breath, check. Heart rapidly beating at the sight of her, check. Flushed face when you are near her, check. Possessiveness check." Enid rolled her eyes and continued to walk to the infirmary. She didn't like Wednesday....right? No. she like Ajax.....right? "You're annoying you know that?" "I try" Enid grumbled and reached the infirmary doors, screaming- no screeching coming from the other side of them.
Enid hurriedly pushed the doors open to see Michelle trying to calm a screaming Y/n door, while Y/n fought and scratched at her. "Fuck." Enid ran towards Y/n picking her up from behind and holding her arms in place so she wouldn't scratch. Y/n screeched louder, not knowing that it was her.
"Shh, it's okay Y/n it's me, Enid." She sat down on the bed next to her with Y/n on her lap, while running her fingers through Y/n's unkempt, H/c hair. The screeching soon came down to a small trill/purring noise. "Shh" Enid murmured. Michelle smiled as she came closer gripping bandages in her right hand. "How are you so good at this?" She whispered to not startle Y/n again. "I don't really know, maybe I'm just the first person she trusts for god knows how long."
"Well do you think you can keep doing it? I still need to take care of her arms and wings." Y/n glared at Michelle, her wings pressed to her back. "I dare you to come closer, scary lady." Y/n thought and shuffled closer to Enid. Said girl huffed and rubbed Y/n's head. "Y/n it's okay she's just going to help you with your scratches." Now it was Y/n's turn to huff as Michelle nervously came closer with alcohol to stop an infection. "This may get hectic" Enid gave her a deadpan look. "You think?" Enid grumbled leaning down to whisper into Y/n's ear. "This is going to sting a little okay?" She nodded slowly.
Michelle put the alcohol on a cloth and held out her hand for Y/n's arm. She slowly put it on a very long scratch that looked very deep and painful. Y/n winced, her feathers ruffling and puffing out. "You're doing great, sweetie." Michelle mumbled and started to wrap the bandage around Y/n's arm before moving to her left wing, gently holding it to see the spot without feathers and a scratch that was starting to scab. She quickly did the same thing, backed away with a comforting smile.
"All done." Y/n got up from Enid's lap, and stretched her left wing then her right before smiling and flapping them both, and levitated off the ground for a few seconds. She winced again and came back to the ground. Enid smiles before going to Y/n giving a quick smile to Michelle. "Can she come with me to my dorm?" Y/n was just happily hopping up and down while flapping her wings, wincing in pain a few times though. "Sure, she may still need rest though so watch out."
"Got it! Come on Y/n." Enid stuck her hand out for her, which she hesitantly took. Having not been listening earlier not knowing where they were going. "Bye, Michelle!" "Bye! Tell me if she needs any more help"
[The dorm with Wednesday.]
When Wednesday finally opened the door to her shared dorm she went straight to her typewriter. It was her writing time and she very much wished to be left alone for concentration. But that seemed impossible when her mind was filled with everything that happened that morning.
Wednesday angrily ripped out yet another paper out of her typewriter, and threw towards her now paper-filled trashcan. Thing , being the best friend he is, quickly started to move his fingers in concern. "It's none of your business, Thing." Thing signed something else which only angered her more, causing her to reach into the drawer pull out a knife and throw it. The knife penetrated the wall by Thing as he trembled in fear and finally left Wednesday be.
The said girl rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed deeply as another headache started to form. "This insufferable headaches are getting pretty annoying." She muttered. Just then on the other side of the door, Wednesday heard the jiggle of keys as Enid and Y/n walked through the door hand and hand. "Hey Wednesday." Enid gave a tired smile and locked the door again. Wednesday only nodded in response.
Y/n only looked around the room in slight awe, staying clear of Wednesday's side of the room. Enid had told her not to go on the Addams's side without permission. Y/n immediately caught sight of Enid's plush collection and went over to get a closer look as Enid went over to her crush roommate. "So, did you find anything yet?" "Not yet, Sinclair," Enid noticed the other girl's frustration in her voice and took a step back. She then caught sight of the knife stuck in the wall. "Okay, from the knife in the wall I can tell your feeling murderous so I going to go back to my side," Enid muttered, but heard a scream of surprise from Y/n. "Hmm, maybe she found that tarantula I lost from class." Wednesday muttered.
"THE WHAT?" Enid yelled, then frantically looked at Y/n to only see that she met Thing. She sighed in relief, then glared at Wednesday as she smirked. "A beautiful sight," She could almost feel her wolf grin. "I see why you picked her." Enid only huffed. Wednesday spoke up. "Come on, Enid. Do you really think I'm gullible enough to let a tarantula out of my hands?" "To scare the shit out of someone, yes."
"Touché." She went back to her place in front of her typewriter. Enid turned to Y/n who was now smiling faintly as Thing was petting her unruly hair. She sighed and walked back to her side and sat down on her bed. She looked outside the half colorful window to see that the sun was starting to set. "Luckily it's Friday." Enid looked at Y/n who only looked at her with curiosity while playing with Things fingers. "Come on Y/n want to watch something on my computer?" She could hear Wednesday scoff from her side of their dorm, but ignored it.
Y/n nodded, and climbed on Enid's bed, still hugging Thing. Enid smiled and got her computer from her nightstand by her bed. After they settled down laying in front of the computer, Enid started to put on the Trolls movie. Everything was going well at first, Y/n's eye filled with amazement as the characters moved on screen, but just as the first song started to play, Wednesday huffed in annoyance. "Why must it be a film with pathetic and disgustingly optimistic songs?" "Because it will most likely entertain her more Wednesday!" Enid muttered. Wednesday scoffed, turning to face the glaring Enid and the entranced Thing and Y/n.
"A book can do that too."
"I don't think she can read that well, Wednesday." Wednesday stared for a bit thinking a bit then spoke. "Then I'll teach her." Enid narrowed her eyes suspiciously "You...teach her? Really?" Wednesday got up from her seat and walked over, looking at Y/n. "Obliviously if she can't read at five her parents are doing something wrong." She switched her gaze to Enid. "And you can't even write correctly." "It's called text language." Enid mumbled. "Exactly. A idiotic made up way of writing."
Wednesday was fine with this, surprisingly. There wasn't much going on at Nevermore now that the mystery of the Hyde was solved and the stalker hasn't done anything since before the break. And she could teach someone her ways of doing things so as Enid said it a win-win.
"I guess.." Enid hesitated. To say that Enid was confused was an understatement. She didn't actually expect Wednesday to help Y/n with anything. Actually she didn't expect her to even take a second glance at the winged girl. "Oooo wifey material!" Enid furrowed her eyes and blushed slightly. "Shut up!" she thought as she went back to Y/n and Thing. Wednesday then grunted as another song started and went to take herself a shower.
[half an hour later]
Once the movie finished Y/n sat and clapped her hand in excitement that poppy and the other trolls didn't get eaten. Enid chuckled. "So I guess you liked the movie then?" She nodded getting off the bed with Thing and started to play a game where from what Enid could guess Y/n was a Bergen and Thing a troll as she chased him around. Enid was glad that she was trusting them more, and looked over to see Wednesday struggling to read a book because of the noise, but oddly didn't say a word as her jaw was clinched shut.
Enid looked at time and it was about time for dinner. She looked at Y/n. Since Enid found Y/n after lunch she doubted that Y/n had anything to eat for a while and it looks like Wednesday would like a break. "Hey, Y/n!" She stopped chasing Thing, her hair and feathers ruffled, while Wednesday looked up from her book. "It's about dinner time, want to come with me to get something?" She nodded hesitantly, slowly reaching out her hand for Enid to grab. Enid's attention turned to Thing.
"Please take care of Miss Grumpy." She whispered as Thing made a thumbs up and started to crawl towards Wednesday as they headed out the door. Once again Y/n and Enid walked hand and hand as they walked the halls of Nevermore. The air smelled of rain even if it stopped long ago, as the Werewolf and Avian finally reached the Quad.
Many students were hanging out with their respective friend groups or outcast groups when Enid and Y/n entered. Some students stopped their conversations and stared at Enid and Y/n as they did earlier, which made a little insecure and hide half her face behind her left wing. "Don't worry ignore them." Enid whispered as they finally neared where the food was. luckily tonight they were serving pizza with some other side foods. Enid filled Y/n's tray with two slices of pizza, some juice and fruit and handed it to her.
Y/n nodded in appreciation and looked at the food longingly. As Enid started to make her plate Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her, so she turned around to see a group of outcasts looking in both bewilderment and curiosity. Y/n shuddered. Carefully balancing her tray on one hand as she tugged Enid's sweater.
Enid looked down with confusion plastered on her face. "What's wrong Y/n?" Y/n pointed to the group of students who happen to be Yoko and the others. "Oh, yeah I haven't told them.." Enid muttered "Come on, Y/n lets go say hi." Y/n hesitated, looking back and forth from Enid and her friends. "Don't worry they are friends of mine!" Enid took Y/n's tray and held them carefully in her hands while Y/n was gripping on Enid's pants tightly as they walked over.
"Hi guys!" Enid greeted loudly as she set down their trays, helping Y/n on the seat next to her. Yoko cleared her throat and looked at Enid with curiosity. "Sup Enid." Her gaze switched to Y/n, the girl having a staring contest with them. "So who's this?" "Oh this is Y/n." Y/n started to feel uncomfortable with all the eyes on her as she shifted in her seat. Divana then gasp from beside Yoko. "Oh. my. god. Enid did you kidnap a child?" Enid looked at her in surprise. "What? No I found her taking shelter in Xavier's shed."
Divana then looked at the now bewildered Xavier besides Kent. "Wha- Don't look at me I didn't kidnap her!" Enid sighed and looked back at the arguing group. "Guys stop, no one kidnapped her!" Enid sighed. "I found her taking shelter in Xavier's painting shed for the rain," She Looked at Y/n as she suspiciously poked at her pizza, hesitantly take a bite, the start to wolf the rest down as if its been a long time since she last ate. Which is possibly the case. "Soon Wednesday came to the shed for god only to know the reason, and we both decided to get Weems to make the decision to keep her, after the nurse fixed her wounds." She finished in one breath, and sighed in relief.
Yoko smirked teasingly, some of her fangs showing. "So you're taking care of a child with Wednesday?" Enid grabbed a grape from Y/n's tray, who whined in protest, and flung it at Yoko's head. "It's not like that, Yoko." Enid practically growled as she reached to eat her food to only feel nothing. She looked to Y/n who just pulled her hand away from Enid's plate and almost scarfed that down too. Bianca chuckled. "Well one thing is for sure is that she's got your appetite." Enid glared at her and huffed.
The rest of dinner went well. The group asking questions about Y/n. Enid answering them to the best of her abilities. Yoko teasing Enid about her and Wednesday taking care of Y/n. Enid almost shredding Yoko to bits with her claws (Y/n stared at Enid with adoration). And Y/n almost biting Xavier's finger off when he touched her shoulder. All good and well. Soon it was almost curfew and dinner was over, so the group said their goodbyes and headed to their dorms.
Enid looked exhausted as she threw away the rest of her and Y/n's food, which was practically nothing. When she was done, Enid took Y/n's hand and started back to her dorm. A blanket of silence settled over them as they walked back. Y/n was humming a tune from the movie they watched earlier. Enid, being the social butterfly that she is, wanted to know what Y/n was thinking of today.
"So Y/n did you like today?" She nodded enthusiastically, doing that thing she did in the Infirmary. She was flying! Well not exactly not flying but hovering. Her raven colored wings created a small breeze as they flapped. Y/n then realized what she was doing and stopped immediately. Enid looked confused at Y/n, but kept walking. "Why'd you stop flying?" She asked Y/n. Y/n only looked down, her head and wings drooping too.
"Hmm, well you know you can use your wings any time you want?" Y/n smiled. She never met someone this nice before! Well she never really met a lot of people but still! Hopefully she could stay here for a while. This is a good hiding place from that bad man from the forest, and her parents. She shivered at the thought of him catching her. Y/n liked it here! she liked the new things she experience today, Like Thing, Trolls, Pizza, and of course Enid and even Wednesday.
And for the first time as Y/n fell asleep that night hugging a penguin plushy from Enid, She felt as care free as a bird.
[A/n:] Phew! Finally! I hope you guys enjoyed this one! :]
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streaminn · 1 year
I'm kinda surprised that no one's asked much about the motherfucker au. There's no official name for this au so I'll just keep calling it that. It's kind of a long one, but i really like the premise of it. How long after first sleeping with each other does wenclair start seriously dating? What kinda pushes them in the right direction? Is it Wednesday's jealousy/possessiveness that wants Enid to be all hers, especially after getting divorced and realizing that she can't let this one, this special good kind and loving someone slip through her fingers? Is it enid who finds herself imagining being a family with wednesday and the kids? Does enid sometimes stay over at Wednesday's place and wake up early to make them breakfast, including belle and oleander? Does Wednesday visit enid during her lunch break because she misses her and just wants to spend some time together? The kids would be apprehensive about the relationship at first, but after seeing how happy their mom is, would they be more open to accepting that enid may eventually join their little family? Enid would never try to force herself on them but once they were open to it, how would she bond with the kids? Does Wednesday's heart skip a beat when she notices Enid is trying to be involved with and genuinely cares about her children rather than dismiss them like most people would?
the motherfucker au is just crack mate, so idk what to tell you 😭
honestly, it takes like a week of regular sleeping together before wenclair was like "i like this intimacy, i like you, lets make this something more" and wabam, now they're dating and keeping their hands off each other to truly enjoy each other's company outside of the bed
enid was the one who made the first move because damn, wednesday is gorgeous and waking up with her is definitely something the professor would enjoy more if it lasted for longer than a day
i dont think wednesday would be jealous bc professor enid is lowkey tired and stressed to even dress well -idt she has enough effort to even date other people too, so its definitely more on how wednesday doesn't want to waste this opportunity to be treated right
enid doesn't know what to do with kids but honestly, the lil shits are growing on her. Sure they're troublemakers in a way that they disrupt the class and dont pass shit on time but she genuinely enjoys helping people out and while they're bastards (affectionate) she doesn't mind teaching them outside of class hours
so yes, during weekends when the relationships get alot more serious, enid pops in at wednesday's house with breakfast. The mother will stare at the extra food and not ask, its pretty obvious who it is for tho.
The children will skip down the stairs long since enid is gone and enjoy the food, wondering where its from. It never fails to make wednesday smile against her drink when she mentions that its from her girlfriend
"GIRLFRIEND?" they'd shout and so they get overprotective. "are you sure!? what if she takes advantage of you??" think of this as pre reveal, so they definitely don't know that its their teacher
wednesday definitely visits enid at work one day and it makes the children damn distraught because their teacher is dating their mother.. omygod, does that mean they have to play nice now?? oh dear log, why?!
but yeah belladonna warms up to enid pretty easily but oleander is ready to be a passive aggressive son because his donor didn't treat his mother right, who's to say enid wouldn't be the same? cliche son stepping in to be the man in the house bc his dad couldn't do it etc etc
its alright tho, they all warm up to each other eventually and enid knows that this is an awkward situation over all so she keeps her distance to make sure they aren't uncomfy. She will show that she cares though, but thats just because thats how she is as a person
wednesday takes that pretty well (she's screaming without the s)
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roselightfairy · 10 months
hello lovely angel of fanfic I'm not sure if u are still reccing but i am new to the legolas/gimli fandom and was wondering if there were any staples or classic fics that you feel every person should read :) preferably looonnggg fics and sex scenes are always a plus but not a must♡♡ thank you and I hope u have a wonderful day☆☆!!
Hello!! I will sure do my best, though unfortunately the archives of my mind are not what they once were. I have a long masterpost of recs, which I will update once I've posted this rec as well, but lemme think.
I'll disclaim off the bat that many of the super popular longfics in this fandom are not exactly my cup of tea, and I also haven't read a lot of the newer stuff, so the recs you will get from others don't necessarily match up to the ones you'll get from me. That said, I know @tathrin is actively writing right now and their writing is fantastic, so I feel comfortable reccing their longfic without having read it!
As far as classics: one fandom classic is Adina's Back to the Beginning series, a universe where Gimli is reincarnated over and over again in a gift from Mahal, and @daisyfornost's response Aulë's Gift. These two combined get you to almost 100k and there is sex!
I want to rec two fics by Angela on AO3, From Forest to Sea, which is a short vignette series with some of the most gorgeous writing ever, and The Undying, which is HEARTBREAKING and I do truly have to warn you that it might hurt you a LOT.
A medium-sized fic with no sex, but one that I believe is a classic EVERYONE should read, is On The Cold Hill Side by marycrawford. Pining, lush sensory detail, and it manages to be slow burn despite not taking all that much time, counted in hours/days.
For some very good smut, I'd recommend Unwilling and Travelling Bodies by lordnelson100, as well as a lot of @katajainen's writing, and @deheerkonijn's. Actually read any of their writing! Also anything by @enide-s-dear if you want to cackle. @the-dwelf-ao3 has a range of fic lengths and I recommend all of their work as well.
This is not as comprehensive a list as I could have once given you, and for that I am sorry! But these are still some standouts, and I hope you find them a good place to start and dive deeper - and have fun with the fandom!
(Oh. I've written stuff, too. If you want to check it out.
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sillylotrpolls · 1 year
This poll was suggested sometime back by @enide-s-dear, so please direct all complaints to them. :D
I hesitated to include Tom Bombadil, as he seems to be the clear favorite given what I know of this blog's followers, but then again, he and his chapter are definitely not everyone's favorite, and I assume the Bombadil enjoyers are also likely to enjoy other "unpopular" parts of the books, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ornii · 2 years
I got a Wednesday ask for you, for Valentines Day.
May I ask for Enid and Wednesday both having a crush on their friend who's oblivious as all hell to any romantic intentions anyone may have. A girl could say "You're cute in that shirt. I bet you'd look better out of it." and he'd beam a smile and say "Thanks! My mom picked it out for me!"
Well, Wednesday and Enid are rivals who are competing against each other. Their competition is so fierce that they often refuse to be near each other.
Unfortunately, they neglect their friend, who thinks he's done something wrong to push both of them away from him, so he's sulking. Less positive, less sunshine, no smiles.
How do these to reconcile and come together to make an agreement to share him? That, dear author, I leave to you.
That’s actually a great Idea since I already had a Valentines Story Here
Anyway that is a great idea.
May The Best Woman, Win.
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Wenclair X Male Reader, Nothing Like a Little, friendly competition, right?
Valentines Day, the day of love and adoration for your significant other. Being a “Magician”, Mage would be the more appropriate term but the school doesn’t allow you to cast dangerous spells or incantations that could melt someone’s face off so you’re stuck with party tricks. Every day you were practicing a new form of levitation, invisibility, and summoning of spectral beings. And the week before valentines you put on a show for Nevermore and it has a fantastic end.
Standing before everyone, you had your magicians top had ready. As you Show It’s emptiness, you placed it upon the table.
“Now, you all should be prepared, this could be a. Fire hazard.” You say, your eyes quickly look to the further core of the crowd, seeing Enid so giddy for your performance as usual, but Wednesday was there, she despises child games but, she also supported your love for the magical arts. A ferocious smile was upon your face and you put everything into this one. Tapping on your had you slowly reached inside to pull out a butterfly. There were a few oos, but we’re not Ready for what came next, you placed it back inside and grabbed a lighter. Igniting the inside of your hat, you reached into with both hands and quickly pulled something out. It was a Mystery, until you opened your hands and hundreds of red, flaming butterflies flew out so calmly, they weren’t on fire, they were made of it. It dances along the night sky to the absolute beauty of the crowd.
The applause felt like a roaring wave to (Y/n), who watched as students cheer him on, and they only thing he could do was bow his head and thank everyone for their love and adoration. Unfortunately the teachers had to cut it short and make sure everyone got to their dorms safely. Thornhill obviously took hers back to their dorms, Enid was lying on her bed, absolutely giddy and chattering about it all, Wednesdays was typing upon her typewriter, trying to ignore it.
“And then the butterflies came out and it was just so, beautiful!” Enid squeals, Wednesday halts her typing for a moment.
“I know Enid, I was literally right next to you, an interesting parlor trick.” Wednesday goes back to it and Enid sits up and pouts.
“You really can’t just admit it was super cool? And it doesn’t help (Y/n)‘s the sweetest guy like ever.” Enid hugs one of her plushies.
“I suppose his overwhelming kindness is something to leave a woman.. wanting.” Wednesday says, “Which is why I suppose I’ll ask—“
“So that’s why I’m asking—“
“For him to be my valentine.” They say in Unison and both look at each other. The two stand up and sort of stand there awkwardly.
“So… you want him to be your valentine too.” Enid said, pouting a bit.
“Yes, i thought that was clear. While I despise the day of love, I can respect that he’s weaseled his way into my mind.” Wednesday admits.
“Well he’s been a cute ball of sunshine since I first met him, so…” Enid begins and offers a handshake.
“May the best woman win.” She says with a Cherry sweet smile. Wednesday takes it, coldly.
“I will win.” She responds, Enid frowns a bit. “I guess there’s nothing like a little friendly competition.
“I don’t do friendly.”
And The Rivalry began, while (Y/n) was a fantastic magician, he was a bit of a dunce when it came to hints of one’s romantic intentions. The first few hints were thrown at (Y/n), without much hinting. (Y/n) sat at the quad the next morning. He was quickly interrupted by Enid sitting next to him, immediately getting a bit close. He didn’t really see much wrong and just talked, he noticed Enid was staring really hard at him.
“And then I tells him I… Enid, are you okay? You haven’t blinked for like, two minutes.” He said, and she attempts to act oblivious.
“Oh Im staring too hard? Sorry, I was just so lost in your eyes~” She says, and (Y/n) nods.
“Ooooh. Well I have a spell to fix that, you’d be surprised how common eye injuries are in the magic business, did you know they based Dr Strange off of a famous magician? It’s—“
Enid can only sheepishly nod at his cute idiotic ramblings, as much as she wanted to interrupt him. He seemed so genuinely happy to talk about it with her. So instead she just listened to his ramblings on, just nodding away. Little did Enid know Wednesday was watching a ways away, staring a hole into her annoying dumb blonde blockhead. All she has to do was wait for her opportunity, which came knocking as (Y/n) was leaving his class. Walking down the hall he quickly stopped to not crash into Wednesday.
“(Y/n).” She says, he halts and awkwardly scratched the back of his head.
“Hey Wednesday, what’s up?” He asks.
“There is Something i must ask you, will you—“
“Wait.” He says. “there’s something I have to say first.” (Y/n) said, and Wednesday slowly began to scowl a bit. He takes a deep breath.
“I want to thank you for coming to the show, I know you hate childish things and I know you probably had literally a hundred Better things to do but.. you came and I cannot thank you enough so.. so..” (Y/n) awkwardly reaches out and hugs her tightly for a few seconds and Wednesday was stunned by the platonic assault, the scent of his cologne. The warmth of his body, the alluring strength in his arms. All of it left her literally speechless. He lets go quickly, as if he’s ready for her to stab him, but she just stares at him.
“W-Wednesday?” He asks, “Are you okay?” He said, she simply turned around and walked away, literally too embarrassed to speak. (Y/n) shrugs and heads back to his dorm. Down the hall, Enids eyes focused on the scene as she saw Wednesday leave, staring At her antisocial, emo smarty pants dumb face. The friendly competition wasn’t so friendly anymore; even the tension in the dorm room was, suffocating.
The next few days, (Y/n) attempts to hang out with both of them, but you could feel that. Something was wrong. They absolutely refused to do so, even to go so far as to not even be in each others presence. While you were off shopping with Enid, Wednesday was inside her dorm as far from Enid as possible to avoid shaving the dog bald, and when you were With Wednesday in the dorm talking, Enid was with Yoko trying not to picture clawing Wednesdays eyes out. As all the negativity they had slowly began to spree into vitriol it, took a toll on you as well. You five star smile slowly faded and the beautiful light in your eyes was dull and unrealistic. It was getting to you, the jealously, anger, for what? Why we’re they at each others necks, everything was fine a week ago, the only thing that changed was the show, the magic, it was.. you.
It was a rainy night in Nevermore and, you’ve had enough, sneaking out of your dorm and crawling the gothic architecture, you eventually and soaked in rain, got to the multi colored window, and softly knocked on it. Wednesday was inside as she turns her head to see you standing there, she opened the window and let you inside. It was an awkward silence before you just blurted it out.
“I’m sorry, okay?” You say, and Wednesday squints a bit.
“Sorry about what?”
“Everything! I don’t Know, whatever I did to make you and Enid hate each other.” You admit, Wednesdays jaw tightens and she couldn’t look you in the eyes anymore.
“You two used to be friends, you could coexist and now I can’t see one without the other and I hate it, whatever i did I am sorry, please. Can we go back to how things were?” You say, trying to hold back tears as you sit on her bed, sniffling. Wednesday detested human interaction and somewhat revels in the sadness and fear some had, but yours was different. It made her sick to her stomach to see you in such turmoil, for something you didn’t even do, your only crime.. was being a friend. Your hands shook, you tried to hold it together and your sorrow was interrupted by Wednesday approaching and hugging your head, letting your face rest against her chest as she gently caressed your hair, this is the first time Wednesday has ever initiated any contact.
“It was not your fault, it was ours, Enid and I wanted to be your valentines and, we allowed it to shove us apart. We put our selfish wants and needs above what mattered.. I apologize for my part in that.” Wednesday admits, your hands gently wrapped around her waist, you looked at her.
“You, guys were seriously fighting over me?” You say, “fighting over a guy seems above you.” You say and Wednesday sighs.
“I suppose it is…” she admits, she lets go and looks into your eyes.
“I’ll apologize to Enid as well.” She admits, and you wipe your tears.
“..I’d like that.” You say, and as if on queue, the door opens to Enid who steps in to probably pick up her nail polish, she sees Wednesday and (Y/n), which makes her freeze a bit, and the jealousy begins to come to a boil.
“Enid, are you really fighting over me?” You ask her, and her rage quickly disperses to embarrassment.
“I-I mean.. well..”
“Seriously?” You say, “I was so worried that I pushed you two away from each other, than I made you so full of hate and anger.” You admit and Enids embarrassed went to sadness. She approaches sheepishly.
“We… Yeah You’re Right, we did do that and.. it wasn’t fair to you.” Enid says, seeing the wet, sad man sitting on the bed, so full of despair. It made her want to cry too but, her tears were worthless.
“Wednesday, Enid, can you two please just go back to being friends?” You ask, the two look at each other.
“Enid, I apologize for my actions, as (Y/n) said we shouldn’t let a man get inbetween our friendship.” She admits.
“Yeah, im sorry too… that was super uncool of me, and I shouldn’t hate you for wanting to be his valentine.” Enid admits, and you sigh with relief.
“You know, you both could have just asked together.” You say, they slowly turn to him.
“If it made you both happy I would have done it, you two mean the most to me, the least I could do was be your valentines.” You say and the two quickly take up his offer.
“Will you be our valentine?” They again in Unison, you were actually a bit taken aback by their quickness, you stand up and laugh a bit. “No shame Huh? I’d love to.” You say and hug them both, Enid quickly reciprocates the hug, and Wednesday slowly does as well, both girls content with the outcome, I suppose in this competition, everyone is a winner.
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Yandere Work
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House of the dragon
Yandere Aemond Who’s Obsessed With His Maid
Yandere Aemond Who’s Obsessed With The Lady-In-Waiting
Submissive Yandere Aemond
I Can See You
Yandere Bloodraven With A Pregnant Wife
Yandere Modern Sugar Daddy Aemond
Yandere Aemond With A Shy Reader
Yandere Aemond Who Wants Your Attention
Yandere Aemond With Commoner
It’s A Surprise My Dear (Yandere Aemond)
Only Mine Right? (Yandere Aemond)
Dating Yandere Aemond
Yandere Cregan With A Shy S/o
Yandere Daemon With A Shy S/o
Yandere Rhaenyra Falling For A Maid
Yandere Daemon Falling In Love With A Maid
Dating Yandere Aegon Targaryen
Dating Yandere Alicent Hightower
Yandere Alicent With A Shy S/o
Being Yandere Alicent’s Handmaid Who Captures Yandere Aemond’s Attention
Yandere Aemond Who Accidentally Gets Your Sister
Dating Yandere Enid Sinclair
Dating Yandere Wednesday
Yandere Xavier Wanting You While Your Dating Ajax
Stranger Things
Dating Yandere Steve Harrington
Peaky Blinders
Dating Yandere Thomas Shelby
Dating Yandere Alfie Solomons
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Most Likely Too
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