#enoch (el shaddai)
catboyfan34 · 1 year
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bothering enoch again
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heartgrooooove · 11 months
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semiramis-audron · 2 years
*a long time Fan of the concept of the angel Metatron and the Enoch lore, seeing the influx of people in the Metatron tag, due to HDM*
*remembering what the character was like in His Dark Materials*
Uhm... #Not all Metatrons?
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Like I know what the hashtag means. And I hate that it's true that most of them in media are absolute dick weeds?
Like aside from webcomics and fan projects, the only good natured Metatrons are the Dogma one and the himbo from El Shaddai (whom I dearly love don't get me wrong)
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I still love all the other assholes
(though I am forever salty the Good Omens one was relegated to a glorified answering machine in the series and Gabriel given all his other book appearances)
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mvgaea · 2 years
Lannon Gets His Dharma (Excerpt from my Compiaverse RP)
[Here is an excerpt from my Compiaverse RP.  This is where the Chosen One Sergeant Alex Lannon gains his Celestial Armor (known as Dharma) for the first time under the guidance of the Archangel Gabriel (Present Time), as well as Michael and Lucifel, and the Metatron Enoch.]
(Lannon and Gabriel go over to the Training Grounds. There, Enoch, Michael, and Lucifel were waiting for them.)
Lannon: (Surprised to see the two other archangels and the Metatron there.) Wait...why are you three here?
Michael: We are are here to determine if you are ready for your next phase in your training.
Enoch: Also to offer any assistance, if necessary.
Lucifel: (Smirks) Me, I am just here to watch the show.
(Enoch then elbows Lucifel.)
Lucifel: (Gazing at Enoch) What? I am being serious!
(Enoch just shakes his head,)
(Gabriel then turns to face Lannon.)
Gabriel: Alex, I want you to take out your Armor Token and hold it up.
(Lannon takes the metallic feather out of his pocket and hold it up.)
Lannon: Okay. Now what? What is this supposed to be?
Michael: It is what we called the Dharma: the Sacred Armor of the Celestials.
Lannon: Sacred...armor?
(Gabriel then pulls out a similar metallic feather out of his own jacket pocket.)
Gabriel: Let me demonstrate for you. (He holds up the feather, closes his eyes, then snaps it. Once he does, his body is enveloped in a bluish light, and his clothing morphs into azure colored armor, complete with a full helmet. His black wings then materialized. Afterward his transformation completed, Gabriel raises the visor of his helmet and gazes at the soldier.)
Gabriel: Now, it is your turn.
Lannon: (Holding up the metallic feather) So I just hold this thing up and concentrate?
Gabriel: You also need to snap it to activate its power.
Lannon: All right. (Takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He then snaps the token. After he does, he can feel his body being enveloped by a golden light. When he opened his eyes again, he noticed he had golden winged armguards on his arms, golden leg guards on his legs, as well as a golden breast plate with a winged motif.)
Lucifel: (Nods in approval) Hmm...not bad. Of course, you can adjust the armor your preference and how you see f-
(Suddenly, Lannon started to have a hard time breathing. He suddenly collapsed onto his knees.)
Gabriel: I was afraid of this...
Enoch: Alex, I can- (He was go help him, Michael stopped him.)
Michael: (To Enoch) No...he needs to learn himself...
(Sgt. Lannon tried to catch his breath, but finding it difficult to do so. It felt like something was crushing his chest.)
Lannon: This...is...too...heavy....(Gazing up at Gabriel, who had knelt beside him.) What is happening...to me?
Gabriel: It is your spirit....it is found wanting. Our armor isn't just armor...it is made of our spirit...our will...our convictions and beliefs. If there are any fears, doubts, or despair in our hearts...it will fail us. Weigh us down. (Tilting his head as his eyes glowed blue.) Tell me, Saviour...why is it that you fight?
Lannon: (Confused) W-what?
Gabriel: Answer me, Alex. What is the reason why you joined the CFT? To protect this universe? Hell, why did you join the Archangel Corps and fight to protect Vega?
Lannon: (Biting his lip as he clutches his chest, which felt like it was on fire) Because I am the Saviour, and Michael said-
Gabriel: (Shouts at Lannon) NO! (Leaning forward and speaks to the young man in almost a whispering tone.) Why is it that YOU fight? (edited)
(Gabriel then stands up and walks around Lannon.) Gabriel: It doesn't matter who told you that "this is what you are supposed to do". It doesn't matter if this is "destiny". What DOES matter is what is it that YOU want. Find that REASON. Find that PURPOSE. Turn that into CONVICTION. Turn that into ARMOR that will protect against those who will seek to do YOU and your brothers and sisters in arms harm.
Lannon: Find....a...reason...(Closes his eyes) Claire...
(The burning sensation and the pain in his body then stopped. He then felt the armor starting to feel lighter. He rose back onto his feet as a gold helmet appeared on his head.)
(Both Enoch, Gabriel and Michael stood in awe as Lucifel clapped.)
Lucifel: Bravo, Chosen One. (His arch then appeared in his hand as he grinned widely.) Now face me.
Lannon: (Popping up his visor) Face you? (Turns towards Gabriel) But you didn't mention that-
(Lucifel then swung his weapon at the soldier, who immediately jumped back.)
Michael: (To Lannon) Didn't I always tell you to be prepared for anything, Alex?
(Lannon, drew his sacred blade and guarded against Lucifel's strike.)
Lannon: Yeah, but that was back at home, not here! (He then countered with a thrust forward, which Lucifel sidestepped.)
Lucifel: Quit your whining, boy. (Aiming his blade towards Alex's sword arm.) Show me your full potential.
(Lannon guarded the dark archangel's attack with his armguard, and counterstriked with his blade, nicking Lucifel's face.)
Lucifel: (Wipes the blood off his cheek) Hmm...not bad. (He then attacked with a series of slashes and thrusts. )
Lannon: (Struggling to guard against Lucifel's attacks.) He's....he's too fast! (He then notices his armor starting to fall apart.)
Gabriel: (Telepathically) Alex...remember, your belief is what powers your armor. Use its power to strengthen you...to boost your speed...to help you find a weakness in his attacks and find an opening.
Lannon: (Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes) Okay...dharma...guide me with what I need to do to defeat my opponent...(He then noticed the air around him started to feel quite different. As he opened his eyes, he noticed his armor, or more like his whole body starting to glow. Not only that, it seemed like time had started to slow down around him. His body then seemed to have began to move on it's own as he was able to parry each of Lucifel's attacks. He then finally found the opportunity to knock him down onto his back.)
Lannon: (Pointing the tip of his blade at Lucifel's chest.) I got you.
Lucifel: (Grinning) So you have.
(Lannon then sheathed his blade as Lucifel got back onto his feet and straightened out his jacket.)
Lucifel: (Looking at both Gabriel and Michael) I must say...you two have done a great job with this boy. (Gazes at Enoch) I told you there was nothing really to worry about.
Lannon: (Turns to Gabriel) So...is that it? Or is there any more?
Gabriel: That is it for now. (Turns to Michael) Care to add anything? He is your protégé, after all.
Michael: (Shaking his head as he turns to Lannon) You done well...although you still have a bit to go before you prove worthy to wear the Gide Mode. Just remember what Gabriel had said to you.
(Lannon bowed to both Michael and Gabriel.)
Lannon: I should keep it in mind. (The armor then vanished as his clothing reverted to its normal state.)
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judahmaccabees · 2 months
Welcome Home
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strabin · 5 months
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apollosanctum · 1 year
forcing lucifel to be nice to armaros by making them besties in miitopia
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easternmind · 20 days
It's hard to believe that El-Shaddai, an unsung 2011 title recently remastered for the Switch, was the chosen advertising motif for Nissin's brand new premium Tokujo Cup line. The ad uses the initial dialogue between Enoch and Lucifel. The character-defining line from the game that is played repeatedly towards the end, 一番いいのを頼�� (Ichi-ban ī no o tanomu), suitably translates to ask for the best or, as per the international release translation, I'll take the best you have. As one who has studied the long rich history of instant noodles and their relation to digital games, consider me elated - not to mention peckish!
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hervygervy · 6 months
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I heckled my brother into creating transparent versions of Enoch and Lucifel from El Shaddai, the game of all time, so I could create the stupidest meme known to man. This could only possibly make sense to my brother but I will toss it into the internet void regardless.
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maamlet · 1 year
i wanna finish el shaddai but i am not doing that on stream. its not built for it. im just gonna talk about enochs fuckin blue jeans the whole time and get a migraine after an hour again
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vyragosa · 1 year
forgot why i even have these saved on my phone but just know there was a collab with a mobage and el shaddai's enoch and lucifel and it just revealed their 3 measurements just like that
never give up one day you might learn your fav's bust size unexpectedly
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catboyfan34 · 1 year
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daijobu everything's fine
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ryunumber · 2 years
Enoch from El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron?
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Enoch has a Ryu Number of 2*.
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semiramis-audron · 1 year
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When your team is fucking weirdos, hated by the fandoms, with half of them involved in gay drama and you're just trying to stay in your lane...
Aka my collection of problematic Metafaves
I thought about actually drawing them all, but i dont think i would ever manage...
Legend under the Cut (links to character pages provided, open at own risk for spoilers)
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Enoch (Metatron) from El Shaddai Ascencion of the Metatron (both video game and tie in Mangas, the game is fucking underappreciated!)
Metatron from Dogma (he is sarcastic baby)
Metatron from Good Omens (TV Series) (innocent until proven guilty, the book one looked kinda like #15)
Metatron from Supernatural (unfortunately proven guilty, because they copied #9's homework)
Metatron from 7 Heavenly Virtues Anime ("Nanatsu no Bitoku" kinda NSFW, big tiddy anime )
Metatron from Shin Megami Tensei video game series (obligatory, cause first mayor video game appearance)
Metatron (Enoch, Sean Christian) from Devils and Realists Manga ( "Makai Ouji" sad little meow meow, reminder to always read job descriptions )
Metatron from Omniscient Readers Viewpoint Webnovel (I have not collected enough spoons to read all of it)
Metatron (Enoch) from His Dark Materials Novels (+TV) (If you think his ego is big, you should see his dick. He's thinking with it. )
Metatron from Dear Door Webtoon Manhwa (Yeah... I'm not gonna link this one. The story and art is amazing, but there is also so much gore and even more hardcore gay sex in like every single chapter. Google it and read it yourself, but... Dead Dove, do not eat - unless you're into that or are a fast scroller )
Metatron from Spawn Comic Series (She's so pretty, and the Spawn comics are just visually cool)
Metatron (one of several forms) from the Puzzle&Dragon Games (They are so pretty... acursed Gatcha games!)
Metatron from Angel Sanctuary (nostalgia, he did nothing wrong, baby with evil twin)
Metatron from Dating Game Miraclr (He has red hair and his Storyline is... just Metatron, just Metatron...)
Metatron ( Eternity (Earth-TRN781) ) from the Marvel Comics (Obligatory cause marvel is everywhere and I put the Spawn one)
Im aware there's some more in various other gatcha games but those usually dont have any story to them... and the other animes, im not yet familar with (or role is too minor)...
Collection is still open if anyone has some Metatron's to drop off...
Honorary Mention:
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mvgaea · 2 years
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The Archangels Gabriel, Michael and Lucifel and the Metatron.Enoch
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spitblaze · 2 months
meant more Book of Enoch, the legendary apocryphal text
oh then you should play El Shaddai
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