wolfsong913 · 8 months
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LITERALLY the same he is a fucking CAT
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wolfsong913 · 1 year
I'm thinking about Lothal being such a big concentration of the living force, that the planet itself feels semi-sentient.
many imperials disappeared during their stay at Lothal. Many stormtroopers were trapped in a never ending maze of tall grass fields and steep peaks. Like they could see the outline of their base at horizon but no matter how long they walked for, it never got any closer to them. They would pass out on the ground from exhaustion and the grass would just grow over them and they would sink into the ground and become a part of the planet
Or local wildlife completely infiltrating imperial bases, tearing up crates and ruining equipment.
Harsh winds creating a melody and luring troopers away, getting them lost between steep peaks
something like that, the planet protects its inhabitants and people who come here with good will
that's why Ezra had such a strong connection with that planet, when it was harmed, it called out to Ezra, seeped its cry into his consciousness
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wolfsong913 · 1 year
My answer is yes for Heath Ledger. I was obsessed with him when he died and it broke my little pre-teen heart 💔
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wolfsong913 · 1 year
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wait, you don’t remember what he looks like?
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wolfsong913 · 1 year
I Have No Shame
I've decided I'm going to use my Tumblr to promote my AO3 fics now! So here, have my latest Star Wars Rebels fanfic!
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wolfsong913 · 1 year
Day One of Screaming Into the Void Until It Screams Back
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wolfsong913 · 1 year
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How Do You Like Them Apples? Can Sun’s Playful Sculptures Emerge from Bright Red Fruit
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wolfsong913 · 1 year
I really can't get over Twitter people being like 'it's time to bring back tumblr' as if it were dead.
Like opening their long abandoned dumpster and finding a vast racoon society thriving.
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wolfsong913 · 1 year
I know I just made a post, but like....would it be cringe if I used Tumblr to advertise my AO3 account?
Asking for a friend.
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wolfsong913 · 1 year
Aphmau Is Secretly Grimace
Think about it. She likes the color purple, she's super friendly and not intimidating, and people mysteriously die around her, even in her roleplays. Now she's got those shake videos where she's "accidentally" leaving the shake for others.....I'm telling ya. It's her.
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wolfsong913 · 1 year
I Refuse To Update My Tumblr Pic Out of Pure Laziness
For real. I could update it. I could let you guys see who I am today....i just don't wanna. Y'all get 2013 WolfSong and that's final!
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wolfsong913 · 1 year
OKAY! Since Tumblr apparently doesn't allow you to post videos straight from your phone, and I don't wanna put this on my YouTube channel, have the audio version of my screen recorded video of THE CUTENESS.
Girls don't want flowers. Girls want the new 2023 Build-A-Bear Growlithe plush. I mean, just look at him.
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He's baby. That's baby.
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wolfsong913 · 2 years
So....am I the only one who has to fight the urge to just....consume salt? Like, I know it's bad for you but it's sooo tasty! (I also have to fight the urge to drink salt water....😅)
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wolfsong913 · 2 years
So, I've heard you can summon one of my favorite people simply by being funny. Lucky for them....I'm not funny at all and really just got on Tumblr for kicks and to promote my own stuff back in 2018.
This post is definitely *not* an attempt to get any random celebrity/content creator/organization/famous Tumblr persons to interact with me whatsoever.
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wolfsong913 · 2 years
Oh, in case you guys needed more proof of how fucking adorable this baby is I would like to point you to the stupidest sounds I have ever heard come out of anything's mouth since I had a guy say "I'm not a murderer I promise" to try and convince me it's okay to get in a car with him on date one.
Girls don't want flowers. Girls want the new 2023 Build-A-Bear Growlithe plush. I mean, just look at him.
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He's baby. That's baby.
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wolfsong913 · 2 years
Girls don't want flowers. Girls want the new 2023 Build-A-Bear Growlithe plush. I mean, just look at him.
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He's baby. That's baby.
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wolfsong913 · 6 years
I’m So Done
Why can’t bugs just not exist? Like, at least do me a favor and AVOID MY HOUSE LIKE THE PLAGUE!!! Butterflies are excluded in this because I don’t mind them BUT EVERYONE ELSE MUST EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!! I CAN’T HAVE YOU GETTING IN THE WAY OF ME DOING MY CHORES EVERY FIVE SECONDS!!!
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