smokbeast · 4 months
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I have some scribbles here and there but I haven’t had time to fully clean em.. but sombra concepts I been cooking with @skelekins and his oc imi taming sombra’s beaft moments,,
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bluu3berry · 2 months
My dream fam <3
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Younger brother: Ticci toby Middle brother: Ben drowned Older brother: Eyeless jack + Jeff the killer Sister - Sally williams Father: entity 303, herobrine, slenderman Uncle: Splendorman, trenderman, Offenderman
pet: smile dog
that was how i viewed it- with a view addons... I always wanted to run away to the woods and find myself in the family just join them lol, still to this day i draw their little symbol (circle + X )
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imtrashraccoon · 2 months
Total Eclipse
Eclipse!Sans x OC
Eclipse!Sans belongs to @llamagoddessofficial and I am rather obsessed with them! I hope I captured them accurately but I couldn't help but wonder how they'd react to my OC.
Their design is based on art that @sparticus2000art created. I loved the first one the most so I hope you don't mind that I used it.
Background: This drabble is not canon to The Nightmare of Apathy and is a sort of "What if?" situation for whatever happens after the story ends.
All you really need to know to enjoy this is that the Reader was in a relationship with Nightmare and lives in his castle with the rest of the gang. The world is only lit up by the moon and the stars, thanks to Nightmare's influence.
Word Count: 1,959
You woke up alone, which wasn't too unusual in of itself. Still, you couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed that Nightmare hadn't joined you this time. He'd been extra busy ever since forming a treaty with his brother but you'd hoped he'd take a break on his own. Now it seemed like you'd have to go bug him about getting proper rest, even though he always insisted that he didn't need to.
You crawled out of bed and pulled the curtains aside. Just like always, the world outside the castle was dark. Only the light from the stars and the moon could pierce through the veil, but you didn't mind as it was all you'd ever known. Well that wasn't entirely true since you'd visited a few other worlds by now. Despite how pretty it was, you didn't think you'd get used to how bright the sun was anytime soon.
To your surprise and shock, the moon looked...different.
Somehow, it had turned black although the edges also seemed to be glowing. It was so bright, that you couldn't bear to look at it for longer than a second.
What did this mean? Was the world in danger? You'd never heard of anything like this happening before, although there was one person who might.
With little care for your appearance, you threw on a robe and hurried through the castle to find Nightmare, but when he wasn't in any of his usual spots like his office or the library, you started to get worried. In your hurry, you nearly ran into Killer in the hallway but his quick reflexes kept the two of you from ending up on the floor in a heap.
"woah there, what's the hurry, angel?" he asked teasingly.
"Where is he?!" You were slightly out of breath and had to take a moment to recover. "Where's Nightmare?"
Killer hummed thoughtfully, "i actually haven't seen him in a while." He seemed to notice how concerned you were and the corners of his smile quirked up slightly. "what? is the world ending or something?" he asked with a chuckle.
You huffed and shot him a glare. "Maybe? The moon is completely messed up and I don't know where he is."
That seemed to catch his attention. "i'll go ask the others and see if they've heard anything."
You nodded and Killer shot you a wink before vanishing into mid-air. As irritating as he could be, you had to appreciate how serious he got when it counted. No wonder Nightmare trusted him with important jobs.
You continued to search the castle and were soon joined by Nightmare's other henchmen, but no matter how hard you looked, there was no trace of him. At some point, you happened to glance outside and noticed that there was somebody on the veranda. They were facing away so you couldn't really make out what they looked like beyond being a tall skeleton with pitch black bones.
Maybe you should've been more cautious about approaching the strange skeleton, especially with everything that had happened before the treaty, but the moment you stepped outside, you couldn't help but feel drawn to them. They just felt oddly familiar, like an old friend or loved one.
You only got about halfway across the veranda when they seemed to sense your presence. They turned quickly and the moment you made eye contact, you realized that despite what you had thought, you'd never seen them before.
They were much taller than you'd initially thought; easily pushing eight feet tall, making them taller than even Horror. While their bones were indeed black, they actually seemed to have a white glow, kind of similar to Dream. Their eyelights were mismatched, with the left being cyan while the right was gold, and there was a flared halo hovering around the top of their skull. You were also immediately struck with their intense aura that was reminiscent of both the god brothers. You could feel your eyes start to sting with tears that threatened to spill over and yet your soul nearly leapt for joy at the same time.
They wore an elegant black overcoat with white epaulettes, a flared collar, white buttons, a white sun motive on the lapels, and their tail coats had a white lining. Under the jacket, they had on a dress shirt with lace ruffles, high waisted black pants with buttons that matched the jacket's, and knee high boots with white accents.
"Who...? Who are you?" you asked cautiously.
They gave you an amused smile but said nothing at first and just continued watching you.
You frowned and took a step closer. They just seemed so familiar and you felt like you should know who they were. The more you stared up into their eyes, the stronger that feeling became. His facial bones vaguely resembled Nightmare's but maybe that was just because their left eyelight was the same colour.
Your eyes widened with the realization that this was why he hadn't been anywhere in the castle. What could've caused such an extreme change in appearance? Was this related to the moon?
Their smile didn't falter and they just continued watching you, although you felt their already very intense aura flare up even more. You could feel the buzz of ecstasy in your veins and how your soul seemed to swell from the positivity.
It actually hurt.
You recoiled and quickly stepped back. While your body was nearly overwhelmed by emotions, your mind was relatively clear at the moment. You wished you had more control over your magic, especially for times like these, but at least you had some defense against this manipulation attempt.
This wasn't Nightmare. It couldn't be! He wasn't capable of inflicting positive emotions and he hadn't tried to influence your emotions at all since the beginning of your relationship. There was only one other person who could, and previously had, tried to do these things.
"Dream...?" you tried again, although your voice trembled as you spoke.
They blinked before the amused smiled finally faded a bit. They did vaguely resemble the god of positivity, especially with the whole inflicting positive feelings ability. The gold right eyelight did seem like the exact same shade as his as well.
"That is not my name anymore."
You could hardly believe your ears but their voice was exactly like Nightmare's, although it was the one he used when he was trying to intimidate mortals. It was nothing like the calm, velvety tone he used when you were alone together.
You couldn't keep yourself composed any longer and the tears that had threatened to burst earlier, now flowed freely down your cheeks. You didn't want to believe it, but you could see that something terrible had befallen your partner and it seemed like Dream was involved as well.
You felt their claws press into the skin around your jaw as they ever so gently tilted your head up to meet their gaze again. When had they gotten so close?
Even though your head was dwarfed by the size of their hands, they were so careful as they wiped your tears away with the tips of their claws. You didn't dare move in case they injured you with how sharp they were.
It felt like their eyelights could pierce through to your soul with how intensely they were gazing at you. Their aura felt a lot warmer all of the sudden too and your mind felt kind of fuzzy.
They began to stroke your hair in what felt like a reassuring way, although you felt shivers run down your spine every time their claws grazed your scalp. You had been in too much of a hurry to brush your hair earlier and their claws caught on the occasional knot every now and then, but they were careful not to tug on the individual strands too much at least.
"It's... It's alright to cry..." Their voice suddenly lowered mid-sentence until it was almost a whisper. It still didn't sound exactly like Nightmare's voice but it was eerily similar. "Would...a hug help you feel better?"
You swallowed and barely got out a "Yes" when they practically engulfed you in a warm embrace. Their bones were quite literally warm, much like Dream's were the few times you'd touched him, although you could sense that the temperature was actually from how much mana they had contained in their form than anything else.
You couldn't physically wrap your arms around them, so you settled for letting your hands rest on their chest instead. They didn't seem to mind in the slightest, although you thought you faintly heard a soft purr when you touched them.
They suddenly scooped you up in their arms as if you were nothing but a small child, causing you to gasp as your feet left the stone tiles. They held you close to their ribcage and pressed their teeth against your hair, as if mimicking a kiss.
"Dear little human... I'm sorry for causing you such distress."
You sniffled and buried your face into their shirt. Everything felt wrong and knowing that this entity wasn't Nightmare hurt so much.
"You're...a very special human. The last thing I want is to hurt you..." they purred.
"Do... Do you remember me...?"
They stilled for a moment before moving to sit down on a nearby bench and setting you in their lap. They resumed stroking your hair before even attempting to answer your question.
"I'm sorry, dear, but I can't remember someone I've never met." They moved one of their hands to your back and began to rub circles into your shoulders. "You're certainly familiar to me though."
You pulled back so you could look up at them again. "Night...what happened to you? Why do you look like this? I don't... I don't understand what's going on..."
"I'm not your Nightmare, not anymore," they answered. They paused for a moment, as if trying to find the right words to say next. "I'm not either of them anymore. This is...just the natural result..."
"But why?"
"It just is. I am the god of feelings, both positive and negative." They sighed and lightly caressed your cheek. "If it is of any comfort to you, they didn't plan for this to happen."
You took a deep breath. "Was it because of the truce?"
The edges of their permanent smile quirked up slightly but they said nothing. You weren't sure if that was a yes or no but you couldn't think of any other reason for the brothers to have accidentally merged into one body out of nowhere.
They let out a quiet chuckle and softly poked your nose. "He may not have always been able to say it, but he loved you so much. If you'll allow me, I would be happy to share the depths of his love with you sometime, dear."
You furrowed your eyebrows and glanced away from them. "I... I don't know... Does this mean you have their memories?"
They shook their skull ever so slightly. "Not quite, but I have their combined knowledge. Anything you could possibly want to know, I can explain."
"How about a name first?"
They practically beamed and quickly pressed their teeth against your forehead. "My name is Total Eclipse or, if you prefer, you can just call me Eclipse."
You felt your cheeks grow warm at the contact but quickly forced any emotions down for now. "My name is Aylin. It means 'moon halo' and, well..."
They let out a quick bark of laughter. "...'the one who belongs to the moon...' I think it's rather fitting."
"That's... That's actually almost exactly what he said when we first met..."
"I told you, I know everything that they knew..."
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nogacheloveka-blog · 3 months
Long story short
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He caught the cat, but in reality, he was the one caught by her. He hadn't seen cats in a long time.
Он поймал кошку, но на самом деле был пойман ею. Он не видел кошек довольно длинное время.
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The Red-Eyed Entity, Part 1
I need to go a lot more in depth, but Toriel's last words in Geno have always bothered me.
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I rarely see anyone talk about this, and when someone does, they seem to assume that "them" means that Toriel feels like she is protecting someone like Asgore and the other monsters.
But that... doesn't add up.
For one thing, at the end of a True Pacifist run, Toriel says that even Asgore deserves Mercy. So, even though he thoroughly disgusts her, she doesn't see him as being purely evil.
But also, it just doesn't make sense grammatically. For her to say she was protecting "them," meaning the monsters outside, the exact phrasing makes it sound like she felt like she was protecting all of them, which she is not. It would make a lot more sense grammatically for her to say she was protecting "one of them." Toby generally doesn't make major grammatical mistakes like this.
Now, for the record, I do realize that Toriel has seemingly referred to Asgore as "they" one other time:
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But the implication here is obvious- she DOES mean the monster community as a whole, acting under Asgore's orders.
This meaning just doesn't quite line up with the phrasing in her death statement:
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Also... she looks quite maniacal in that second picture, doesn't she? Like she knows exactly what she's looking at.
Almost every monster in the Underground can see that Frisk is not human. They see Frisk's human form, but they can see that Frisk doesn't act like a normal human.
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Note: The Asgore pic is not mine, I can't get past Undying. I screenshotted this video.
Every other monster can see that Frisk is possessed by something evil, something neither human nor monster. Toriel was blinded to it by her desire to protect Just One Human, and she became their first major victim.
But here's the thing: no one else, including Asgore, knows what this thing is that possesses Frisk. They know it's dangerous, but they don't recognize it. But Toriel DOES. She RECOGNIZES them. And she knows how powerful and dangerous they really are. Undyne and sans both realize this thing's level of power later, but they don't know what it is. Toriel KNOWS.
Our actions somehow open up Frisk to full-on possession by some evil entity that uses their body to strike unfathomable damage on everyone in their path. Please note that I am not trying to remove responsibility from the player- my point is, rather, that while we don't cause the destruction directly, we do enable it. Bear in mind that we don't strike the final blows against sans, Asgore, or Flowey. Whatever is possessing Frisk does it for us. And willingly, too- I mean, most of us played Genocide because we wanted to experience the thrill of killing Undyne and sans. But really, it's a symbiosis. We keep Frisk's SOUL alive long enough for the entity to commit the actual murder.
Who's more evil: the murderer, or the lackey that keeps them alive and empowered so they can continue to murder?
The next question, then, is: what did Toriel see?
But we already know the answer to that.
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This thing is not Chara. Or rather, it is not the human child that the Dreemurrs took in and raised alongside their own son Asriel. It will take many posts for me to put all the pieces together, but this is not the human Dreemurr child. This is the entity that possessed Frisk and changed their body to look like the Dreemurr child. When we kill Toriel, she sees THIS thing. And she does NOT see her human child. She sees an evil force bent on destruction.
And she RECOGNIZES it. She's SEEN this thing before.
But where??? And how??? The only other place we've seen anything resembling this thing, this entity, is...
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But this was in a different world. The Toriel of this world was a completely different person.
Or was she?
It's always intrigued me that she says we shouldn't be surprised to learn that she wanted to be a teacher. Combined with the face she makes and looking off to the side... is she trying to remember something?
We've still got another 5 chapters of Deltarune to go. If there's any kind of connection, it should reveal itself eventually.
But, at least for the moment, I just feel like the creature, or as I call it, The Red-Eyed Entity, we see at the very end of a Genocide Run is NOT Chara Dreemurr, but Something Else Entirely.
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rockium-z · 8 months
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ghost thoughts
i am. eepy ahahaha, but happy 8th 7th comic anniversary to @entityneo!! sometimes (many times.) i think about this fancomic and go a little insane
less sleep-deprived edit: i cannot count. nice
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spotaus · 2 months
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Ec-4o!Sci ♡ (Bio-Engineer who somehow maintains a Lab in the apocalypse)
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randomsloredrops · 26 days
Random's Lore Drops - Sand Under Table (FR this time)
Alright, so basically, i hate my shitty sans lore drop so i'm making a real one. Ready? Because it's time for...
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Cursive, Cursive the Skeleton. Wait what do you mean it's not Cursive? Oh, Sans? sorry. Sans, Sans the Skeleton.
Time to rant. Like, REALLY rant. So, Sans The Skeleton. You know him, you love him, or you hate him. I'm in the middle-ground. I don't give a fUCK about that twat. He's the face of Undertale (but most definitely not what defines it), as well as the first person you meet in Snowdin, excluding Mister Camera which people usually miss (it's in the bush right as you exit). He's a comedian skeleton who likes to play pranks, and also tells over half as many puns as Papyrus (wild ain't it?). His first introduction is not at the gate, but instead the walk to it, where you get to watch his shadow move around as you walk, and also watch as he snaps a stick with ease (don't ask how). As you might know, he's completely nihilistic, and refuses to fight you until you actually end up being a threat. That's right, first degree murder on everybody except those two Froggits you forgot about in the Ruins makes you not a threat, but a Genocide route does. Why? Well, it's simple. You become a threat to the timeline. Now, it's to note he DOESN'T remember resets, only being able to tell by Frisk's expression (which is not related to your input). He also doesn't have the deja vu that others have, instead noting down things during resets, like Frisk turning around before he tells them to, and them acting like they did everything before. He DOES, however, state that there are reports of timelines shifting left and right, which means he has some sort of machine to tell. It's pretty known, but the reason he doesn't kill you isn't out of laziness, but instead, having a promise. He outright tells you that he'd kill you in a paci/neutral route during the "date" with him. He is CANONICALLY only friends with Toriel, and even then, he never knows her name until the pacifist pre-ending cutscene, before Asriel. sans.™ literally could not give any less of a shit, but because he knew Toriel for a while, albeit due to the power of knock-knock jokes, he ended up accepting. He also states that he HATES making promises. His attitude really tells a lot, as, even in his boss fight in the Genocide route, he does not give a SHIT about it. He constantly looks like he's joking, and he does NOT act overly emotional in any situation, with the most emotional that he gets being to tell yourself to politely go fuck thyself by telling you to burn in hell, and calling you a dirty brother killer. He still CARES about people, he just rarely shows it. That "dirty brother killer" line really shows it. After all, how would YOU feel if broke into YOUR planet, into YOUR country, into YOUR town/city, and killed your only family member and then said I was above consequences for that. ...Ignore the "your planet" line. Trust me I come from Earth. It's also shown based by his room that he is NOT a clean person. His first stand stinks of condiments, he sells hotdogs at his own stand, and it's assumed that he LITERALLY has the exact same stand everywhere, based on the snow on the roof, which never disappears in any instance of his stand (stand, IS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE?!?!?). His only role, aside from comedic relief, is the final Genocide boss (which he is known as), and the guy to judge you before you go to Asgore, since that is his only role. Now, onto personal hate. People DON'T realize that he's not fucking FIGHTING you because you're a threat to the kingdom, but because you're going to ERASE the timeline, and when something's erased, it usually never comes back. It's because of the timeline possibly being erased forever, in which he fights you and tries to off you. He doesn't know about the "deal" that the Player makes with Chara, in which you trade your SOUL to recreate the timeline from square one. (my personal headcanon for if Sans ever remembers you're genocides is to go fuck off elsewhere, since there's no reason to fight, right? After all, you're not permanently erasing the timeline, he has no reason to fight. It may be erased, but it keeps coming back, even if YOU don't recreate it, because another Player will.)
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ghostrobot · 3 months
i have such complicated feelings towards the boondocks as a franchise amidst revisiting both the comic strip and the tv show... one thing for certain aaron mcgruder you will always be famous
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daily-sans-es · 6 months
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sans #78
sans (& friends) (& NO enemies) welcome the new year!
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dinoburger · 2 years
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chubby butch Moonstone gijinka for your consideration. also Diary
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bluu3berry · 3 months
All hail 303!!
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Praise him he is love <3 when i was little i LOVED physco-girl and stuff like "Mine song" i always wanted entity 303 or lie herobrine, slenderman to come and scoop me from my home and adopt me LOL all still HUGE comforts for me <3
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also made a Minecraft skin for my persona! its under cut!
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(Please dont use this as reference, its missing her tail + the bandana ties)
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I made this all myself and im super proud of it!!! I even got the colour kinda right!
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bone divider creds sparkle divider creds
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imtrashraccoon · 2 months
Gah. My brain is full of ideas for another drabble, even though I'm in the middle of one already... (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Have you guys seen the new Sans @/llamagoddessofficial created not long ago? Total Eclipse?
Yeah, I have an idea for a drabble for him. Would you guys be interested in seeing that?
It would mean Chapter 4 of The Nightmare of Apathy would be delayed a bit more than it already is. I'm going to make myself finish that Mafia oneshot before starting anything new though.
Also, if you see this Llama, because you said you're going through the tags, hi! I love your blorbo so much! I wanna do my own take on it too!
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that-marie · 1 year
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You recruiting agent 4 ^^^^^
So that’s where all of my bones went!
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hydrxnessa · 1 year
uagahghh suddenly the drawing ideas are flooding my head !!! not now brain !!! i literally just started exam week 1!!! rragragrhhh !!!
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skelekins · 10 months
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The Bad Au - Acter's Conception
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