#Kirito: No but am I going to keep doing it anyway? Yes
shima-draws · 1 year
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Eostar did you mean Kirito being stupidly over affectionate in public but everyone’s too afraid to say anything bc well. He’s the Star King,
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lostinblue0 · 3 years
SAO Rant
Sorry for this but I have a lot of thoughts about the series swimming around in my head rn.
So first off, I love this series, it's probably one of my favorite anime. (Refer back to me having shit taste) so everything I'm gonna say is coming from a constructive critical perspective. Big rant time below the cut.
I know that Japan itself is still a relatively conservative place so I'm not expecting the story to be full of profound and woke messages, that's not the theme of the story anyway. HOWEVER, I will still be a little annoyed by the little things that I just found hella stereotypical and distasteful.
The first thing I noticed was the case of Dakira. It doesn't really go too deep into it in the anime, but it in the novels, it explains that Dakira was taken to become an integrity knight when she caught feelings for another girl a year older than her, being gay was apparently against the taboo index. She was caught when she went to seek penance in an empty church, which happened to be connected to the automated senators who watched everyone. This one I can kind of see a reason for if I squint. I mean Administrator practically saw her people as a heard of cattle, in her mind, the only reason they should be having relationships and marrying would be in order to reproduce, and even then it was only the eldest born (at least in commoner families) that was allowed to start families of their own. It makes sense why Administrator would add a taboo against being gay. But still, annoying.
Next was the humans that lived in the Dark Empire. They were all dark skinned. I don't think I have to explain the connotations of dark skinned people being associated with "evil".
My last point is something that exists throughout the entire series. Kirito constant superhuman ability to make every single woman he meets want to fuck him. I know this is kind of a harem anime and so it's expected, I usually am indifferent to this kind of trope, but in SAO in particular it bothers me mostly because of Asuna. Kirito is already dating Asuna. They have an adopted child together. And poor Asuna has to deal with all these girls rubbing up on her boyfriend. And Kirito doesn't even stop it, he lets it happen and then awkwardly runs away when the girls start to get upset. Like dude.
Some of the women really only do it in a teasing way (Fanatio, Sakuya, Alicia, Nurse Aki) but I still don't really think its fair for Asuna to have to put up with it. Even though Asuna is a strong independent woman, and Kirito has never given her any other reason to doubt him, that kind of shit wears on a person.
And keep in mind too that Kirito is literally the anime equivalent of a skinny gamer boy, its a bit absurd for him to have THIRTEEN love interests. Yes, thirteen, I counted. At least in the cases of Leafa, Silica, and Ronie, he treats them all like his little sisters (it better be for Leafa's sake considering she is his little sister, ahem) And in Sinon's case I personally headcanon that she's gay af and falls into the teasing category.
But still, its heartbreaking to have to watch Asuna's numerous eye twitches and constantly having to have a tight hold on her relationship. Especially in Alice's case. Probably one of the reasons I'm lowkey put off by Alice. She hung out with a conscious Kirito for less than a day, and yes she took care of him for 6 months but that doesn't really mean anything because he was UNCONCIOUS. Out of all of them Alice probably has the least amount of claim to him (besides Leafa, cuz y'know, sister) so it's annoying that shes the most aggressive about it.
Besides none of them even asked Kirito about what he wants. even though its hella obvious it's Asuna, because they're literally dating. Especially all these older women who think its ok to just feel up a teenage boy. its super gross.
But regardless, I know. It's a harem anime, so none of this is liable to change anytime soon. Its just annoying to watch sometimes.
Besides all of these issues, SAO really is one of my fave shows. I love the concept, the characters, and just how fun its can be sometimes. My favorite arcs were always the filler ones. Every one was just so happy and carefree. They were just having fun playing video games with their friends.
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camomills · 4 years
Title: Stars of Soot Relationships: Silica/Sinon Fandom: Sword Art Online Word Count: 3083 Summary: Sinon shows off GGO to Silica as a date, at Silica's request. As she experiences the different sensations of such a hardy world, Silica wonders why this world means so much to the other girl. Notes: Made for SAO Pride Week 2020 - Day 2: Stargazing. This one wasn't beta read because I was a bit pressed for time, so please forgive me for any glaring errors. It's been a while since I wrote Silica/Sinon! It was quite fun to revisit the ship. As per usual for me, this wound up as a weird mix of fluff and character study.
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The air in Gun Gale Online smells like gasoline and gunpowder, but Silica doesn’t mind… much. Not when she clings to Sinon’s back as they speed down the highway on a rental buggy, pigtails fluttering in the wind as her cheek finds rest in-between her girlfriend’s shoulder blades.
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“I still can’t believe you want to try out this game,” Sinon says, the metallic hairpins on the sides of her face clinking lightly. She’s still not that used to driving, in the game or otherwise, so she keeps her eyes on the road instead of turning her head back as she talks. Vehicular collisions are not particularly romantic.
I just want to know what you see in it , Silica replies in her mind, raising her head.
She understands that, for all the time they spent together in ALO ’s fairy realm, that wasn’t Shino’s ‘world’, not in the way this place is. When she doesn’t bury herself in the curve of Sinon's back, the gas and soot is more apparent to all of her virtual senses, and even though it was her own proposition, she has to ask, why? Why choose colorless tiles and cracked pavement over the boundless hues of fantasy?
“I’d be lying if I said I… particularly get it,” Silica admits. “But this world is important to you, right?”
“Yeah,” Sinon replies. “ GGO might be an acquired taste, though. This game is gritty.”
She rolls her shoulders, leaning further back onto Silica.
Excluding Silica, Sinon has never been one for bubbly and cute, so GGO would always be a better fit for her. But this virtual world was made with inhospitality in mind, so not exactly the perfect dating spot. The fact that she’s here for one surprises her more than it does anyone else.
“Well,” Silica says, “good thing you’re here, then! Having a tour guide to show around should be a huge help.”
Sinon wheezes. “So I’m your tour guide, now?”
“Yes!” Silica proudly proclaims.
The sniper smirks. “Okay, then.”
Sinon twists the handlebars, and the bugey roars as it peels through the road. She can’t help but smile as Silica’s high-pitched yell reaches her ears, just barely audible over the revving of the engine.
The howling of gunfire can’t be heard as much within GGO ’s hub city, but the loud advertisements that echo from the bright signs serve as a fitting substitute, volume-wise.
Silica’s only knowledge of this game comes from watching Sinon and Kirito fight for their lives, real and virtual, through a tournament broadcast. The fact that Sinon still logs in daily to Gun Gale even after that incident would be odd to anyone other than people like the beast tamer and her friends, who are all VR addicts despite their time in Aincrad.
The two years in the floating castle, despite the pain it caused her, was where Silica grew the most. She’d never openly say that there’s a part of her that misses the days after the one year mark, when she’d settled into her reputation in those lower floors and tried to forget the outside world so much that she succeeded. None of her friends would. It’s a silent understanding and an untold promise; not to admit missing those days, so they don’t have to, either.
What does GGO, a medley of grit, greys and metal, mean to Sinon?
Their circumstances are different, but the scars they bear stain their skins in similar ways. The masks offered by virtual worlds, Silica knew, gave one the opportunity to confront themselves in ways one couldn’t anywhere else. There was something to the kind of place one chose to do so that Silica found important to know.
Sinon got to see New Aincrad, walk over the same plains wherein the beast tamer had met Pina, bask under the same electronic sunlight she experienced for two years.
It’s not fair if only one of them gets to do it, is it?
The sun sets while they stroll through the city, and Silica understands more of the acquired taste Sinon had mentioned. The approaching dusk was somewhat nice on itself, but the place was still a palette of monochrome then, all steel on sand, black on white. Once it’s officially night time in game, 6:00 PM sharp, however, everything changes. The dark of night makes the huge, floating billboards pop, neons of purple and blue scattered through the cyber landscape. The virtual city night lights become luminous streaks in her vision while they dash on the way here on the buggy, not unlike how she imagines speeding through one of Tokyo’s nightlife districts in a motorcycle would feel like. It’s movielike, but not fantastical or unreal, but maybe that’s the point; she doesn’t think she’d have the guts to go at such high speeds with her flesh-and-bone body, nor would Shino have the confidence Sinon presents.
There are things from real life that one can only do in a game like this.
They stop by an equipment shop at the center of the now-luminous city. Unlike the last time she was here with someone else, Sinon has no tournament sign-in to get to after shopping, so they can take their time.
Sinon is surprised when Silica picks an overall sensible combat outfit; a tactical green and black leather outfit with red accents, along with a dark, moss-colored poncho. We kind of match! Silica beams as she presents herself, pointing back and forth between her and Sinon’s outfit colors. She frames her face delicately and comically she does so, her eyes shining like a cartoon fawn’s. Sinon knows it’s on purpose, this over-the-top display of sweetness, but it makes her smile anyway.
Of course Silica found a way to make this cute.
It’s also cute, albeit in a different way, when Silica’s eyes look away from the armor section of the store and widen as she takes notice of a display of combat knives. They’re military-grade blades, absolutely indistinguishable from the real-world articles. Unlike just a moment ago, the shine in her eyes is unfeigned.
“Oh yeah, this game has these!” Silica exclaims.
Sinon turns to her with a quizzical look.
“... You’re interested in the knives?” That makes it two for two, the times she’s taken someone new here and they thoroughly ignored guns. Are all fantasy game players like this?
“Of course I do!” Silica exclaims, like it’s obvious. Her look all but says, I spent years fighting with daggers, remember?
Silica takes one of the knives from the demo display. It looks comically large in her hands, and yet it pales in comparison to the ones she’s grown used to in fantasy games. She spins the handle in-between her fingers, resting it on her knuckles. The hand flourish when she bumps the blade upwards, sending the knife spinning high, and then catches it from the air with her open palm is almost too fast to see. She gleefully changes the grip a few times before finally settling it in a simple reverse grip.
“They have such a better feel than those bulky daggers!” Silica exclaims in glee.
“ Impressive,” Sinon mutters under her breath. She can’t help but be hit with a sense of deja vu .
There’s a sensible distance one can gain when looking at someone brandishing a bright sword that looks more like a cosplay prop, or a fantasy dagger coated in filigrees. But there’s no distancing from seeing Silica, in all of her titanic five feet of height, doing knife tricks one would expect of a special forces soldier, or perhaps a movie greaser, when the blade is so realistic.
Sinon would be lying if she said she doesn’t find the display at least somewhat attractive.
Sinon heads over to a small menu in front of the knife section as she selects the same blade Silica had in hand. Soon after she goes through the proper transaction steps, holding Silica’s hand and laying it over the holographic display, one of the store robots scoots over to hand Silica her item.
Silica’s smile makes the credits Sinon spends all worth it.
… Is a knife a weird gift to give your girlfriend? Sinon thought, but that was a bridge already crossed. Then, she remembers the real reason they came here.
“I know you’re mostly here to look around, but you’ll still need some sort of main weapon if you’re to experience the game.  Pick whatever gun you’d like to test out and we can go to a shooting range.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“I am absolutely serious!”
Instead of the shooting range, the two find themselves by a station near the edge of the city, connected to the game’s starter fields.
The vehicle’s mounted weapon protrudes from a hatch on top. Its long, steely frame glimmers as it reflects the sun’s harsh light.  The heavy machine gun could be mistaken as some sort of cannon for the uninitiated in the ballistic arts, with its bulky, long barrel, but it’s a high-RPM, lightning-fast automatic weapon, nothing short of a reinforced harbinger of death.
“You said I could pick any weapon,” Silica reminded the other girl. “I’m picking this mounted gatling gun.”
Machine gun, actually, Sinon thought of correcting. Other than the regular shooting ranges in GGO, there were also training grounds for driving by the outskirts of the city, by the game’s starting area - it had been where Sinon had trained her bugey skills, in fact - but the knowledge of that, or of the existence of mounted weapons, is the sort of knowledge most newbies wouldn’t have.
Silica did her research for sure... and was probably planning this.
Sinon’s original plan was to simply show Silica around the game, so buying an expensive armored vehicle sounds unwise, especially when there’s only two people.
The sniper squints her eyes at the shorter girl.  Noticing Sinon’s glare, Silica fans her eyelashes pleadingly, and Sinon’s resolve falters.
… I guess I was thinking of getting everyone else to convert and help me out, anyway?
“... Fine,” Sinon concedes. “But you better help me convince everyone else to hop on here for the PKer problem, then.”
Silica immediately jumps in excitement. The humvee’s engine purrs to life as Sinon turns the engine key, and the newbie gunner excitedly hops to the top hatch.
Silica is small, but she doesn’t feel so when she holds onto the trigger in the huge weapon’s handlebars, the generated mobs in the starting fields shattering into red sparks. She loudly laughs in excitement as the high speed vehicle traverses the shifting sands.
The ride is a feeling unlike her other experiences with virtual worlds. It might be due to what Sinon earlier described as a “commitment to grittiness,” but the game still replicates hints of discomfort; her small frame vibrates from the gun’s recoil, her fingertips feel a bit too warm, and she has to ask Sinon to stop every so often because of dizziness.
It’s annoying at first, but it grows on her.
Silica wonders if this is part of what draws Sinon to this world.
Silica finds the pink hue that covers GGO ’s desert sands endearing.
She gets a good vantage point to admire the landscape as she’s wrapped in one of Sinon’s arms and they zip up a rocky structure. The grappling hook’s line is taut with their combined weight.
Despite the pleasure found in their proximity, as her hand holds Silica’s body close to her by the waist, Sinon does so primarily out of practicality, as Silica doesn’t possess a grappling hook of her own.
Silica, however, finds herself smitten by the situation. Being carried in the arms of a cool girl as she takes in the sights of a foreign world, the warmth of her body providing solace in the cold, simulated night, is a scene befitting a dream she’d have long ago if she’d known she liked girls sooner.
Silica sighs in disappointment as they reach the summit, going from dream to simulated reality. As she looks at Sinon, she’s glad this reality, virtual as it is, is still dreamy aplenty.
The plateau atop the rock formations, where monsters couldn’t reach, was the perfect stargazing spot. It allows them to wind down after spending an entire day driving, shooting, and in Silica’s case, shouting in excitement. Sinon is not exactly the romantic type, far from it, but even she recognizes what the beauty of GGO’s night sky can do to one’s heart. She’s glad she gets to watch it with someone else now, instead of only her sniper rifle for company.
Sinon sits herself by a boulder on the plateau that she manages to find snug. The wordless invitation she gives Silica, as the spot to her side seems like it would fit her perfectly, beckons the younger girl, who hasn’t acquired the same grit to be truly comfortable on the hard surface. Thankfully, Sinon’s shoulder is softer than the rocks.
“So, what did you think?” Sinon asks. “Was I a good tour guide?”
“Yes,” Silica answers. “I give you five stars!” She nuzzles closer onto Sinon’s side.
They stare out at the sky. The moon is hidden behind drifting clouds.
“I have a confession to make,” Silica admits, in a tone that sits between jokey and serious. “I didn’t want to try this game only to shoot guns.”
“Oh?” Sinon’s surprise is clearly feigned. Even she would be able to understand that Silica’s request to see this game was a date proposition. There was a reason she decided to cap the night off with stargazing.
“Yeah. I guess I figured… playing this game would make me feel closer to you.”
“Oh.” Sinon’s surprise this time is genuine. “Well… do you?”
“Hmm.” Silica looks at them, sitting side by side, sharing warmth, and yes seems like the obvious answer here. “I mean, yes. But I suppose I was looking for an answer.”
“An answer… did you find it?”
“I’m not sure I did. I think I found… something,” Silica says. Her grip on Sinon’s arm tightens, a mix of affection and nervousness. “I think there is something important about virtual worlds, and why we’re drawn to them. I... now that I think about it, maybe I could’ve just asked you from the beginning.”
Her heels pitter-patter on the rocky surface.
“What does this… What does GGO mean to you?”
Sinon looks at Silica, a bit puzzled.
Silica doesn’t know how fair of a question it is, really. Could she explain what drew her to virtual worlds? Why thinking of Aincrad, her former prison, makes her feel homesick? But she’s nothing if not sincere, and she wants to know. She figures Sinon, introspective as she is, thinks about those things more than she does.
“GGO is, you know.” Sinon makes a meaningless hand gesture. She thought obsessively before about this question - her objective, her growth, her path towards becoming stronger , she called it. She doesn’t know how to distill it in a sensible way, is all.
A place to face my fears?  
Where I met Kirito, thus, how I met you?  
“ Home?” Sinon says without registering.
It’s under this night sky, beneath a red moon, that Sinon realizes this is the first time she got to enjoy this world with someone she truly cared for, life-or-death situations notwithstanding. This place, with its odd smells, rattling sounds, and even unpleasant sensations, has been one of the few places of respite she had from… everything. Others. The world. Herself. It’s more evident now, with someone to share it.
“I came to this world because I wanted to surpass who I was. I wanted to become stronger,” Sinon explains, unsure of whether she sounds pretentious. Sinon’s jaw clenches, and Silica gives her a reassuring squeeze. “When I first came here, there was nothing I wanted more than to erase my real self with this- this stronger version of me. This better version of me.”
The image of Hecate II, her sniper rifle, her companion, comes to mind. She’d thought before, at times, what was she without its weight on her back, other than a fragile girl who can’t help but retch at the sight of gun replicas? Without burnt fingertips and trembling shoulders from gun recoil, how could she call the strength she built here real?
This place is home because it was under this same carmine moon that she realized Asada Shino, the high-schooler, was just as much of a warrior as Sinon, the elite sniper. Under this virtual sky, nothing but code threads woven into a reality, was where she accepted who she was.
She fidgets with her fingerless gloves as she continues. “It’s hard to give a simple answer,” she concedes. “But if I had to try, I’d say… this is the place that showed me it was okay for me to be myself. To recognize my strength, to connect with others. Back then, before this game, I never thought I’d get to have... this, I guess.”  Sinon nudges Silica’s shoulder with hers, playfully. “Who knows. Maybe I just wanted to be proven wrong.”
Silica’s heart tightens. She moves a hand to Sinon’s cheek.
“I’m glad you were proven wrong, then.”
In what Silica is pretty sure is the first time, Sinon is the one approaching her for a kiss.
It’s quick and sweet. Sinon’s thin lips press onto Silica’s lightly. It’s easy to forget they’re in the virtual world then, with their eyes closed the way they are, the waves of warmth  radiating through their faces as the only signal their AmuSpheres send to their brains.
The night goes by quietly as they stare to the sky, save for the distant sounds of underground monsters shifting the sands and Silica’s occasional comment of how she’s sure she can tell the constellations even through the thick clouds. They have little time before GGO’s short day cycle robs them of this sight.
That sky, this world, are virtual, and they know that. It’s hard to tell, though, when it shares stars with the real one, when it shares warmth with the real one, when the strength they gain, the bonds they deepen, the sights they see, carry over to the real one.
The air in Gun Gale Online smells like gasoline and gunpowder, but Silica doesn’t mind… at all, really, when it grants them the opportunity to be so frank and close, so near when they’re so far.
When it grants them the opportunity to be themselves more than anywhere else.
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aire101 · 4 years
Ferrum Chapter 4
Hey y'all, got this chapter out a bit sooner than the last one!
For those who read the light novels of SAO this chapter will be kinda familiar, for those who have only watched the anime, this is the town where Kirito ran to after leaving Klein in Episode 1, and the quest where he got his Anneal Blade we see in the series.
Also, while I make no promises that it will make it into the story, I am open to suggestions on what kind of adventures or shenanigans you would like to see the boys get up to in SAO. As I've mentioned previously I don't really intend to get the boys mixed up too much in the main canon, so if there's an aspect of the SAO world in general you'd like to see explored outside of the main battles and Kirito's storyline I'm open to considering it. I'm also ok with interactions with known characters, just trying to avoid writing the whole Kirito centric Aincrad arc.
Activate-Vertical slash-hold
Defend-rage spike, upward strike—
Peter fell back again, the post motion-delay that set in for a measly few seconds was nevertheless a highly vulnerable moment that he and Mr. Stark had figured out a work around for early on in their trek. The boars from Day 1 had been easy one hit kills, so they hadn’t noticed the system forced post-motion cool down period until they had been fighting on the road the next day. Their tag-team approach served them well, and best that Peter could tell from when they came upon other players in the wild, most of the rest had come to the same conclusion that they had. Because of that, it was unusual these days to find someone soloing in the pvp areas by choice.
Mr. Stark switched in with a strong horizontal slash, bringing the Little Nepenthe's HP down to zero.
“You know, I was never one for plants anyway, but after this quest I swear to god I will never put a single point into the gardening skill,” said Mr. Stark as he sheathed his sword.
“I’ve told you, green stuff is sadness and disappointment solidified,” replied Peter, following suit.
“I still expect you to eat your greens, kid.”
“It’s a tragedy, I tell you. Here we are, trapped in a fantasy game and every meal is still served with vegetables.”
“Yeah, that’s the real tragedy here.”
“I want my money back.”
“You weren’t even the one who bought the game. But either way, I’ll buy you every Playstation, X-Box, and Nintendo game ever in existence when we get back if you just never touch a full dive ever again,” said Mr. Stark, laughing.
And there’s Peter’s daily reminder that he still hadn’t informed Mr. Stark of the horrific truth of his situation.
“I think it’s time to call it a night, Underoos.”
“Is this quest even worth it? We’ve been out here for like three days weeding these things out. The drop rate on this thing is atrocious,” moaned Peter.
“From what our source says, this quest has one of the best weapons you can find on this floor as it’s reward. And while I’ve been funneling as many points as possible into weapon creation, its not quite where it needs to be to match that yet, so better to start with a good blade and just do the enhancement myself. Also, don’t think I didn’t notice that terrible pun, you should be ashamed.”
“Hey, there’s no shame in my pun game.”
Mr. Stark gave a deep sigh/groan before he turned and started walking back towards the direction of Horunka Village. He probably had rolled his eyes too, but it was impossible to tell through the helmet he always wore.
Night had long since fallen over Aincrad, and it had been dark in the forest even before that. Pale blue light slit through the trees overhead, lighting the path, but otherwise they made their way by memory and intuition. A breeze stirred up leaves from the ground, and Peter shivered slightly from the cool night air.
“Do you think its going to snow here in the winter?” asked Peter.
“If we’re all still here in the winter—which all signs point to yes— I think it will. We can see from the thunderstorm last week it has a functioning variable weather simulator. I wasn’t a part of that programing team obviously, so I don’t know for certain just how far that variable goes, but I would think the primary associated weather variations like rain, snow and heat waves will be included. It might also vary by floor. Probably won’t know the answer to that until we get a few floors opened up,” answered Mr. Stark.
“Huh… something to look forward to I guess,” said Peter.
“Why? You don’t get enough snow in Queens?” Mr. Stark said with a joking tone.
“Yeah, but you know in the real world I kinda have to be careful with the cold. My body temperature runs a bit cooler than the average, so unless I’m in the suit I try to keep exposure to a minimum. In here I can probably spend all day in it with out any trouble,” said Peter.
“I didn’t know that, actually,” said Mr. Stark, this time far more seriously. “You haven’t mentioned it, and I hadn’t thought about that at all.”
“Oh. Well, that built in heater and temperature regulator in the suit pretty much took care of the problem. It’s just something I have to keep in mind,” said Peter, awkwardly trying to cover his slip up. Obviously that had been a conversation they had some time after Mr. Stark’s last memory.
It had been almost two weeks since they had been locked in this game, and Peter was still no where close to figuring out how Mr Stark was even here. And he was equally no where closer to telling Mr. Stark the truth about the events in the real world— Thanos and the Infinity Stones, Mrs. Stark and Morgan, Mr. Stark’s death and Peter’s own—
“Anyway, we should definitely make a day of it once it does. I don’t know about you, but its been years since I built a snowman and I kinda want to change that,” said Peter, quickly diverting his thoughts.
“Sure, might as well. Not like we’re going anywhere fast in here. Though if you start singing Frozen songs I might reconsider.”
“You know, they’ve written out your entire life story in news articles and magazines, but they always leave out how much of a killjoy you are.”
“Whatever, kid. I’m the life of the party.”
“A retirement party, maybe.”
Mr. Stark threw the finger back over his shoulder at Peter and kept walking.
Peter was just just about to follow suit when out of the corner of his eye, the sight of polygons coalescing into a hazy form caught his attention.
It was obviously another Little Nepenthe, but above the typical hellish roots and vines and the bizarre, speckled pitcher plant topped with its gaping fanged mouth, was a large, blood red bloom.
Petter inhaled sharply, the sound causing Mr. Stark to spin around as well.
This was it. This is what they were looking for.
Before the creature could attack and he could second guess himself, Peter drew his sword and leapt in with a swift Horizontal Strike at the plant’s weak spot— the joint between the stalk and the pitcher.
The strike hit true, and before the evil hell plant got even a single chance to spew its corrosive liquids, it dissolved back into broken polygons, leaving behind nothing but the delicate flower holding the Ovule they had searched for.
“Whoa! You actually got one!”
Mr. Stark and Peter both spun around, swords raised. Behind them stood another player no older than Peter, with his arms now raised in a sign of surrender.
“Sorry! I was using my hide skill in here. It doesn’t really work on the Little Nepenthes, but it helps avoid other confrontations,” said the player.
Despite what they said, Peter took a good look around, searching for others. The timing and the seeming lack of a party giving good reason for concern. PKers lurking around valuable drop spots to attack and rob unsuspecting players of their loot wasn’t an uncommon thing in PvP games, and unfortunately not even a full two weeks in, SAO was no exception. In any other game, they may simply be considered griefers. But here, to the best of their knowledge it was nothing short of murder.
“Where’s the rest of your party?” asked Mr. Stark, not lowering his blade.
“Eh, I don’t really have one,” said the guy sheepishly
“Forgive me if I find that a little hard to believe,” said Mr. Stark. “Kid, do you see anyone else? Or are they hidden as well?”
“Look, there’s really no one else, its just me. People in here don’t really like my type,” said the guy, with a sad note in his voice.
“Oh…” said Mr. Stark, voice now tinged more compassion than aggression. “You’re a beta tester, aren’t you kid?”
The guy flinched, but nodded. “Please, I promise I’m just doing some light grinding in the area. There’s no one else, and I already have the quest item.”
Mr. Stark didn’t sheath his sword, but he gave a nod and backed away.
“Alright, good luck then,” he said.
The other player nodded in return, turned and walked back into the woods.
“Pocket the ovule quick and keep an eye out. Don’t sheath your sword until we get back into town,” said Mr. Stark before he began running back in the direction of Horunka village.
Peter slipped the item into his inventory and easily kept pace with the other man. After a few minutes of running, Peter finally spoke up, “Do you think he was telling the truth? Pretty surprising he freely admitted to that. For all he knows we could have been Beta Killers.”
“If we had killed someone our player cursors would still be orange. It is unusual though. He must have figured it was worth the risk to try and get us to back off,” said Mr. Stark. “Poor kid, as if being stuck in this game wasn’t bad enough, having to hide a beta status from other players…”
Just as Mr. Stark had expected that first day, it didn’t take long before the terrified and angry masses started looking for someone to blame. And with Kayaba disappearing into the digital ether, apparently the scapegoats they chose were the 700 or so beta testers who had logged in with the rest that day. According to most pub talk, the beta testers had left the rest of the players in the dust of the Town of Beginnings, getting through the most lucrative quests and hunts before most even dared to leave the city. They were condemned as selfish and greedy, and were therefore persona non-gratis in most parties. Even worse were the stories of betas being outright murdered and monster PK’d. Out of the almost 1000 players who were already dead about two weeks in, around 150 had been beta testers. A staggering amount given how few of them there had been. Plenty had undoubtedly met their end due to the game itself, but many had ended up victims of angry mobs.
Peter didn’t understand it. Yeah, the beta testers had more info and experience than the rest, but they had shared much of that info on the internet before the game even began. Then after a few days in game, vendor markets began carrying a free SAO Guide booklet created by someone called ‘The Rat’, who had clearly made and circulated the original file Ned had uploaded to the Nervegear. Almost anything you could want to know was available. It was how they had learned of this quest in the first place.
“Hey Ferrum, why do people have to suck so bad?” asked Peter, mostly rhetorically.
“If I had the answer to that, I wouldn’t have been a weapons manufacturer.”
After a few minutes of running they finally crossed over into the town Safe Zone. Horunka was a small village, with only about ten buildings in all. One of which was the house of the NPC who gave the quest, and their current destination.
As they walked down the road towards the house, several parties milled about, clearly having just returned from their own hunts. A couple eyed the two of them as they walked through.
“Looks like someone finally managed to snag an ovule. Lucky bastards…” someone muttered.
“Who actually wears a helmet in this game?” said another.
“Yikes, imagine being stuck in here with your dad…”
Overhearing that last line caused Peter’s face to flush, which given its digital nature was just plain unfair. Did they have to be that thorough?
No bigger than the town was, they were soon standing in the living area of the house. The lady of the house whom they had met previously still stood stirring a pot of simmering liquid, her expression drawn and tired. The only thing that about her that gave her away as an NPC rather than a player was the exclamation mark hovering above her head in the place of a player cursor, indicating a quest in progress.
“Go on, kid,” said Mr. Stark, staying by the door.
Peter slowly approached. Even knowing that the woman was an NPC, it still felt rude to just barge into the house without invitation. He brought up is inventory and took out the ovule, handing it out to her to take.
Immediately her face brightened, and Peter couldn’t help but wonder just how developed the NPC AIs were. Were they simple rudimentary ones like most games? Or were they more like Mr. Stark’s AIs? Was she aware of what she was?
“Oh, thank you so much, kind swordsman! My daughter has only grown worse since we last spoke, I was beginning to worry she may not make it till your return,” she said, taking the ovule from my hand and adding it to the pot.
I saw my quest log update to the left of my view, but I was distracted by the sound of deep coughs coming from further in the house.
“Here, this blade has been passed down in my family for generations, but I gladly trade it in exchange for your aid saving my child’s life. Take it with my blessing,” said the lady, pulling a blade encased in a worn red sheath from an old trunk. With both hands she extended it out to me to take, a smile still on her lips, tears of gratitude sparkling in her eyes.
“Thank you,” said Peter, perhaps unnecessarily, but old habits die hard.
The lady nodded in response and went back to stirring the pot in the kitchen. The quest was complete.
In the center of his field of vision, Peter received a message declaring as much, along with one noting the EXP points gained.
“Alright, let’s head back to the inn and get some grub and call it a night,” said Mr. Stark, holding the door open for him.
Behind them the lady did not acknowledge them at all, but began carefully ladling the contents of the pot into a cup. Peter wondered if somewhere inside there really was a little NPC girl the lady tended to day in and day out, forever trying to alleviate an illness she was created to suffer through.
As Peter walked through the doorway out into the night, he thought back to Aunt May. Back to when he always seemed to catch whatever bug was going around at the time. She may not be the best cook, but one thing she had down pat was chicken noodle soup. She would stand over a pot in the kitchen just like the NPC had, cooking up a big batch that he could easily heat up through out the day when he felt up to eating. Their finances being what they were, she and Ben could not always get out of work so easily, if at all. They did their best to schedule their work so one could be there with him, but sometimes the overlap just wasn’t quite there. Fortunately, a little old lady all the apartment kids called Nana lived a couple doors down from them and was usually content to be on call for kids who needed it.
He wondered what Aunt May was doing right now. Was she sitting beside his hospital bed, holding his hand, but he couldn’t feel it? Were they literally in the same room with each other, but worlds apart? Would she talk to him like she used to when she thought he was sleeping, hoping against everything that he could somehow hear her? What would she say? They had only just started finding their new normal when this happened…
He looked down at this hands, but all he could feel was the weight of the sword he still held.
Tears came, unbidden and unwanted.
If that bastard was going to lock them in this prison, the least he could have done was not code in visual emotion effects.
“Awww… look at the little boy crying,” mocked one of the players outside the inn as they passed.
“Don’t be an asshole, Derrig. You cried for two days straight when this shit started,” said one of his party members, while slapping the offender on the back of the head.
“You ok, Peter?” asked Mr. Stark quietly. “I would offer to go beat the shit out of that guy, but not sure if its worth a duel.”
“No, don’t do that. I’m alright,” said Peter. “Let’s just get up to the room.”
“You go on up, I’ll order some dinner to be delivered,” said Mr. Stark.
Peter nodded. They pretty much always ate in a room so that Mr. Stark could remove his helmet. Occasionally Peter wished they could eat with the other players, just to visit with someone else for a change. This wasn’t one of those nights.
Once in their room, Peter quickly removed most of his gear, leaving only his breaches and his tunic. The sword he placed on the table.
Apparently the sword was called ‘Anneal Blade.’
Peter fell back into a chair, letting his head roll back, closing his eyes.
In the real world, he would undoubtedly be able to hear every conversation going on in the rooms around them, as well as whatever hubbub was going on in the main room downstairs. But in here there was naught but silence. It had taken him a bit to get used to not hearing literally everything going on around him. He hadn’t realized just how much noise he was used to constantly filtering through in his day to day life until it was completely removed. He had thought he would love not having to deal with his extra sensitive senses, but come to find out it was pretty anxiety inducing to have them taken away, like an extended bout of sensory deprivation.
If only he had never put on that Nervegear. If he had told Ned that maybe they should wait until the next round of production of SAO to get into the game, let them get the bugs worked out.
The door opened, and in came Mr. Stark and two plates of whatever today’s special was downstairs.
“They were pretty busy down there, so I just brought it up myself. Figured I’d listen in on a pub talk a minute and see if any news has been circulating,” Mr. Stark said, setting down the plates.
“Did you hear anything interesting?” asked Peter.
“Not much. But one group did mention that there were some rumors floating around about a Log-Out point in a forest west of the Town of Beginnings. No one going in has come out alive though, and the Rat has been trying to get word out that the information is false and didn’t come from her,” said Mr. Stark, sitting in the chair opposite.
“Ugh, that sucks,” said Peter. “What’s the point in starting a rumor like that anyway?”
“Some people get their kicks in screwed up ways, kid. It’s as simple as that.”
The lapsed into silence as they ate their meal. But eventually Peter noticed Mr. Stark looking up at him.
“What?” asked Peter.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Peter swallowed and shook his head, “Not much to talk about. Was just thinking about Aunt May.”
Mr. Stark nodded, “I’m not going to say she’s doing fine, because we both know that’s probably a lie. But I will say that she’s a strong woman, and I know as soon as we get out of here she will be right there waiting for you with some awful attempt at baked food and the world’s longest hug.”
Peter gave a laugh as tears began to spring up again.
“You’re definitely right. Thanks, Mr. Stark.”
“Look kid,” said Mr. Stark with a sigh. “I know you enjoy watching me squirm, but I would really appreciate it if you would switch to just ‘Tony.’ For one thing, there’s millions of Tonys in the world, but with the right info out there the name ‘Mr. Stark’ might become a bit suspicious eventually. We’ve just been calling me by my user name outside of our room, and that’s worked out alright, but eventually you might slip. And given my track record on secret identities, we should probably do everything possible to avoid scrutiny as long as possible.”
“Dude, you never had a secret identity. As soon as Iron Man became a thing you outed yourself on live television,” said Peter with a caustic tone.
“Whatever, my point still stands,” said Mr. Stark, waving off Peter’s remark.
“Does it though?”
“Yes, please, please start calling me Tony.”
“It really bugs you, doesn’t it?” asked Peter with a laugh. “Why?”
Honestly, when he asked he had expected Mr. Stark to blow off the question and change the subject. Because in the real world— back before the Decimation— every time they’d had this conversation and he had asked, that was ultimately what Mr. Stark did.
This time however, a tense silence met his question.
“Growing up, Howard was always ‘Mr. Stark.’”
There was a pause, as if he was unsure whether to continue, or how.
“Pretty much everyone on earth calls me ‘Mr. Stark.’ And that’s who they see— billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, wanna-be hero, narcissist, hedonist. That’s by design. It’s what everyone expected from me—being my father’s son— and I rose to the occasion. There’s only a handful of people who have gotten past ‘Mr. Stark’ and made it to ‘Tony.’ At this point, I’d like to think you’re one of them who has.”
Peter sat in quiet shock. Then slowly his heart filled up to the brim with something warm and sad, until he felt he could have burst.
There were a million things he felt, and only a few he could say. But only one he felt needed to be said right then.
“Ok… Tony. But I don’t want to hear you call yourself a wanna-be hero again. Because you are a hero. To everyone… but especially me.”
Tony didn’t reply for a moment, but eventually settled on a nod.
“Alright, deal,” Tony finally said, turning back to his food.
The got a few more bites in before Tony spoke again.
“I’m thinking of skipping on meals for a while. I’m kinda curious how long it takes to actually start feeling hungry in here.”
Peter looked at him confused, “What do you mean? You haven’t been hungry? Like at all?”
Tony blinked at him, “No, you mean you have?”
“Uh, yeah… several times a day usually.”
“Huh… maybe its because of your real world metabolism bleeding through. But no, haven’t felt it at all yet. Seems like a waste of Cor for me to buy meals if I haven’t actually been hungry,” said Tony, finishing up the last bite of his roast. “Not to say that its a wasted experience. They did a pretty remarkable job on this coding. But it would probably be better to save what money we can for now.”
Peter nodded, turning back to his own plate, but could only bring himself to push the food around a little, his stomach suddenly a bit queasy. Perhaps Tony was right, and it was just because of his RL body needs…
He’d talk to a few other players about their experience. Just to be sure.
“So, ‘Anneal Blade,’ huh?” said Tony, looking over the sword still laying on the table. He brought up its specs to analyze.
“Yeah, not exactly sure what the name is about. I mean, I know about the annealing process in biochemistry. I studied it a bit after the spider bite. But not sure how that would really apply to a sword,” said Peter.
“It was originally a process to remove impurities and harden iron for weapons. That’s where scientists originally pulled the term from that they used for the DNA process,” said Tony offhand, still reading through the sword’s numbers and looking it over in his hands. “The sword is as good as the guide implied. It should definitely hold up for you for a good while. Especially once I can start enhancements on it. Looks like we can attempt up to eight.”
“Does that mean we need to put a blacksmith’s forge on the shortlist?” asked Peter.
“Nah, I still have a few levels before we need to worry about that. Still, like I said, it is probably a good idea to start pinching pennies where we can. Jesus, I haven’t had to save money since that time my old man cut me off for a while back in college. This sucks.”
“Welcome to how the other 99.9% live,” said Peter, not an ounce of sympathy in his voice.
Tony shrugged, “Karma is definitely a bitch.”
“This isn’t karma. You’re just a spoiled brat.”
Tony stuck out his tongue, just like the mature adult he was.
Peter laughed, “Exactly. I’m calling it a night. We good to head out in the morning?”
“Yup, heading west from here to grind a bit on some of the higher level forest mobs. We’ll see where we end up after that.”
Peter nodded. Where ever they went and whatever they faced, they would do it together. They’d make it through this.
Even without his spider powers and Tony’s money, they were still Spider-man and Iron Man. Kayaba couldn’t take that away from them.
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lost-in-yujikiri · 5 years
A bit more LN context of Eugeo vs Kirito aftermath
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Why did Eugeo do it? He just got his memory back; why would he need to lock me and Alice in ice?
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About fifty feet away, Eugeo got back to his feet easily and favored me with a sad little smile. “I’m sorry, Kirito…and Alice. Please don’t come after me…”
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As the disc ascended, I saw that smile stay on Eugeo’s face, an expression attempting to withstand a whole host of conflicting emotions, until he eventually vanished through the hole above.
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“…Eu…ge…oooooo!!” I screamed, but it was drowned out by the hard, heavy sound of the disc fitting seamlessly back into the ceiling.
Eugeo at this point had already gained back his consciousness, he remembered being manipulated and brainwashed by the Pontifex.
It was there that Eugeo had met a girl with silver hair and mirror eyes, the otherworldly beauty that was Administrator, pontifex of the Church. Through a mental haze that refused to lift, he’d listened to her speak. You are a flower in its flower bed, deprived of the water that is love. But I am different. I will love you, and only you. However, only if you love me just the same. It was like they were sacred arts commands in and of themselves, binding his will to them. He’d felt himself repeating the three command words as she’d bidden him. It must’ve been some kind of forbidden art. Something that hurled open the door meant to protect truly precious things—memories, thoughts…the soul. With that perfect smile, Administrator had peered into Eugeo’s mind, looked around, and inserted something deep inside it, something colder than ice. Then he’d lost consciousness again.
Then he was sent to battle Kirito & Alice. After realizing that he had turned his blade against his friends, he felt extremely guilty for what he’d done and he was going to assassinate the Pontifex alone, willing to sacrifice his life over it.
I gave in to Administrator’s honeyed words. I cast open the door to my heart. It was a betrayal of Kirito and Alice. Of Tiese, and Ronie, and Frenica, and Golgorosso and Sortiliena, and Miss Azurica the dorm manager, and Sadore the craftsman, and everyone on Walde Farm, and Selka and Old Man Garitta back in Rulid, and Elder Gasfut, and the little sage Cardinal in her hidden library. He clenched the pommel of his sword, withstanding the chilling throb as it steadily grew worse. There wouldn’t be much time left for him to maintain his wits like this. He had to atone for his sins before he vanished for good. There was only one way to do that.
The assassination was unsuccessful as we knew it, but he managed to land a few blows on Administrator and got the knowledge that metal weapons couldn’t work on her at all. Then Kirito caught up with him him on the 100th floor. A heartfelt reunion between two boys alone, and they went back to their usual banter.
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Eugeo glanced back at the levitating platform. The hand that had grasped Chudelkin’s shoe was still fully extended. The black sleeve slid downward, revealing an arm that was thin but finely muscled.
How many times had those arms saved Eugeo?
In fact, for as long as he could remember, he’d been led around by that hand. Even now, after Eugeo had gone the wrong way and turned his sword on the owner of that arm, the advance continued.
The disc continued rising.
Next to appear was black hair, still tousled from battle. Then two eyes darker than the night sky beyond the windows and yet brighter than the stars. Lastly, a mouth curved into a cocky grin…
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Eugeo’s voice was trembling. It wasn’t loud enough to be audible over ten mels away, but his friend glanced toward him along the wall anyway and nodded, smile never wavering.
It was a gesture that was warm and heartening, just like all the ones he’d made since the moment they’d met. The disc finally came to a heavy, grinding stop.
Kirito…there you are…
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Something deep inside him throbbed with an emotion he couldn’t even name.
But that pain wasn’t an unpleasant one. It was certainly much gentler than the suffering he’d felt when the Piety Module was jammed into his head—and more wistful and sweet.
As he watched, frozen in place, his partner and teacher dressed in black smirked and said:
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“……I told you not to come,” he murmured.
His partner hurled Chudelkin’s silly shoe and beamed even harder.
“When have I ever followed the instructions you gave to me?”
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Yes, I’m still alive. And I still have the dagger hanging from my wrist. Which means now is the time to fight. That’s the one thing I can do.
“Are you hurt?” Kirito whispered. “It’s not…my fault, is it?” “…” The fact that his partner was willing to let that simple statement cover everything that had happened on the floor below them brought an unexpected smile to Eugeo’s lips. “You never hit me with your sword, not once. I had a run-in with a pillar.” “You could’ve waited until we got up here.” “…I was the one who trapped you to keep you down there, Kirito.” “As if I was weak enough that something like that would stop me.” Kirito snorted. Bantering with him like this reminded Eugeo of before they’d split apart at the eightieth floor…like the times back at the dorm of the academy. The throbbing in his chest lessened just a bit.
LN source: Chapter 12, Volume 14 Alicization Uniting
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moonlight-at-dawn · 6 years
Any recommendations for your followers things outside your main passions on Tumblr? (FFXV and Full Metal Panic!)
Video Games
Mana Khemia ~Alchemists of Al-Revis~
Robust NG+, Multiple Endings, Character Affection
Part of the Atelier series of games and my personal favorite of the lot
Cry with me over Cat Dad Sulphur
Atelier veterans can be amazed over PLAYABLE!!! PAMELA!!!! (and her SKILLS!!! SHE’S OP!!! AS!!! FUCK!!!)
Infinite Undiscovery
Writers are Shouji Gatoh (Full Metal Panic!) and Ryo Mizuno (Record of Lodoss War)
NG+, an amazing postgame dungeon that can make you cry if you’re as attached to a certain character as I am
Canon romance is realized before the end, so you get to experience some of it in more than just a ~happily ever after~ way :3
Fantastic cast, lore, cutscenes, an interesting battle system that I personally love and can be challenging at times, especially during the obligatory “separated from the party” section of gameplay
I can’t count how many times it made me cry okay
Lunar Silver Star (Story/Harmony)
multiple systems, best bet today would be PSP -Harmony version
A fucking CLASSIC, every JRPG fan should experience it AT LEAST ONCE
Disclaimer: Some of the humor… has not…. aged well… I realize. There’s some slightly predatory-gay/predatory-trans tropes in, but not every character views those random NPCs that way at least??? Jessica doesn’t seem to mind the trans priestess at least?
Look, I’m one of those people that tends to love the mascot characters that everyone else calls annoying, and I WILL DEFEND NALL WITH MY LIFE, YOU WILL RESPECT HIM, GIVE HIM FISH, AND THANK HIM WHEN HE RESURRECTS YOU GODDAMMIT XD
(And hug Nall in Lunar 2, Ruby isn’t as useful as he was, but she’s cool too)
Maybe I’m a baby but again, I cry, multiple times lol
Atelier Series in general
I recommend Mana Khemia first and foremost, but most of the Atelier games have their own charms :3
They all tend to have some angst, yes, but are ultimately feel-good and 💖~
Not as scary as all the time limits for jobs might seem. The time is very generous as long as you aren’t screwing around until the last minute lmao so it is great for casual gaming~
AUTHORS/BOOKS (I have a fantasy bias lol)
Tamora Pierce
I started reading her books something like 20 years ago, and I still enjoy them to this day
I bias towards Tortall books, but the Circle of Magic is also amazing (and one of the main 4 from it is a lesbian POC blacksmith~)
My favorite set is the Beka Cooper trilogy. These ones were also a bit experimental in style, in that they’re written as diary entries aND SO!!!!!! GOOD!!! It PAID OFF BIG TIME, I WAS BLOWN AWAY
Mercedes Lackey
I’ve only indulged in her Valdemar/Velgarth novels so I can’t speak on her other series’ bUT
I seem to have a thing for when authors break out of their comfort zone lol because my favorite of these are the Mage Storms trilogy. This one is very broad, focusing not just on Valdemar, but the main character is actually a Karsite (the historical enemy of Valdemar), and the Empire also plays a big role and just, ahhhhhh, I love seeing more than just Valdemar and the Hawkbrothers and Shin’a’in ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Magic’s Price ;;o;;
Brandon Sanderson
I’ve only just begun to scratch the surface of his books lol
His Cosmere books all interlink so when you read outside of wherever in it you started, it’s really cool to see all the similarities and the few worldhopping characters that make appearances in multiple worlds
Really amazing and diverse cast of characters, social aspects of the ‘verse is almost never divorced from the characters, their experiences, and their story. It’s really amazing to see it all~
Magic systems involve clear rules for manipulation of existing forces. Things don’t happen just because ~magic~
Stormlight Archive is where I’ve started and I’d also highly recommend it just because I cannot stop loving this cast and revisiting it over and over and over I’ve listened to the audiobooks like 4 times and they’re all between, what, 38~52 hours long?
Even when you might not like a character at first, revisiting their story is just… HNNNNN NEWFOUND LOVE AND APPRECIATION
One of the spren in this world, the Cryptics, represent “the fundamental mathematics by which natural phenomena can be explained” tO GIVE AN IDEA OF HOW ROOTED IN REALITY THIS STUFF IS LOL SANDERSON GOES HARD HE DOESN’T FUCK AROUND WHEN HE BUILDS HIS WORLDS
Uhm…. That’s mostly it for my recommendations I think lol, I don’t really watch much in the way of TV….. (I’d recommend NCIS seasons 3-11 though - Ziva David is my reason for life but her leaving made it hard for me to continue and then the writers broke their fucking promise not to do her dirty while she wasn’t around and while it made for a beautiful story for DiNozzo’s departure, THEY DIDN’T HAVE TO DO THAT)
and when it comes to my taste in anime, it’s fairly easy for me to find stuff to reblog lol… so…
It’s “cool” to hate on it but it’s not nearly so bad as people make it out to be. People just like to spread vitriol about it because it’s popular, and you know how popular shit gets treated like the fucking devil around here. Asuna’s not some damsel in distress not even when she’s a prisoner in the ALO arc, she’s always got her own agency and is always working towards her goals and freedom and victory
Anyways, great romance, I love the iconic line from BEFORE they got together when he says the whole thing about “Wouldn’t [learning something new about the one I love] mean that I get to love them even more now?” like HE’S SUCH A FUCKING CUTIE
*coughs* Don’t let the hate that spreads around about this (or anything else really) deter you from checking it. Wipe your minds of what you hear and let it stand on its own, decide for yourself how feel. Don’t go “Oh I hear they reduce Asuna to a crybaby in s2″ and then see it that way because it’s what you expect to see. This is a THING, by the way, if you get told something is great or bad for whatever reason, you’re a lot more likely to see it that way. So just, keep that in mind, and try to empty yourself of preconceived notions before looking at it, k? K. That’s my last recommendation for this post lol cause I’ve rambled on forever.
Let things stand for themselves, not on the backs of hearsay.
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Classicaloid 13 | Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga 1 | Masamune-kun’s Revenge 1 | Erased 2 - 5
My streaming site says this show is a reverse harem, and I laugh at it every time I see it.
Trout…? *LOLs, but…*
Well, that’s a piece of transformative fiction I wouldn’t like to write. (In case you don’t know it by my love of magical girls, I love transformations.)
“That bum. Is he planning to eat me?” – Never has a line about a man transformed into a fish made me laugh so hard…probably because I’ve seen a work where a woman gets transformed into an eel, but I’ve never seen man to fish fiction before…
How did fish!Schu get into the washing machine? They’ll probably answer that question anyway, but I wanted to ask it before I found out the answer. Update: They didn’t, but it’s pretty safe to assume he got there the same way fish!Schu got around to other bodies of water.
Of course they’d have a sign saying “Watch out for fire”, knowing Beethes.
Off model fish. Never though I’d complain about a fish’s eyes in animation. Also, isn’t it goldfish with limited mental capacity?
Salmo trutta is at least correct.
Never have I laughed so hard at an animated fish…
Eh? I never questioned what Schu would call Sousuke, but there you go. Also, Sousuke doesn’t know English.
Aw no. I see the clincher coming. Poor Schu.
Pencil frame? In the fish episode? Okay, who had enough budget for that? (incredulous)
I didn’t know that fish gyoza existed until now. I guess I should’ve known.
Hey wait a second. Black bass. Bass are a type of guitar. I see what you did there, Classicaloid staff and Fujita-kantoku. *nods approvingly*
*looks into the “predatory” part of bass* Oops. “Know that you can feed trout to selected sizes of bass.”
Meuniere is the only one I had to check up.
Why is Liszt only scolding the Piece of Junk (Sousuke)? I know she’s done it every other episode but she really has it out for him, doesn’t she?
What the-Okay, you know you’re on to some crazy antics when you have anthropomorphic fish. *still laughs crazily*
Wait, so Liszt is a lionfish. Guess I should’ve known.
Motz is a flying fish. Less predictable, but eh.
Cho-chan is an eel, specifically one found in volcanic vents at the bottom of the sea.
Holy fish, Batman! We found Nemo…er, Kanae.
Okay, I take some of my enjoyment of this ep back, thanks to you Beethes.
Sousuke is a sea snail. LOL.
I like limpets too, but pond snail…? Never heard of it. Sorry for my inaccuracy.
Japanese mystery snail? Now that’s mysterious. Aside from that, I’d never heard of an eel that lived in ponds…LOL, so my knowledge is adapted to sea life but not ponds. Okay then, I learnt something about myself today.
Thank you for your censor head, Beethes. Thank you so very much.
That’s kinda cute. Not only are there bubbles, but there’s the anthropomorphic fish versions of the group popping up (I presume in time to the music), with Sousuke and Kanae covering for Bach/Bada/Tchaiko.
(Masamune-kun’s Revenge 1)
There’s a passing resemblance to One Wish They Never Wanted to this show, so since this anime must’ve come before it, I’m here to compare.
I’m with the girl at 0:31 (Masamune’s sister).
His mum?!
I think the pun is that “Moleo” is also read “Shigeo”, but the middle character is “hair”…so there you have it. *makes Not Bad face but is otherwise not quite convinced by this show*
Wa-wa-wait! Standard practice is that you don’t use your OP in the first ep, isn’t it? You use the ED, but not the OP, and debut the OP and ED in their proper spots in ep 2. This is blasphemy!
OP title: Wagamama means “selfish”, so I think the OP title suits the show well.
Nope, not even hot guys can get away with drooling...not to me, no.
Shuri is best girl in this show.
What is with servant girl’s eyebrows? I swear, if they had another girl in that posse of Aki’s, we’d have a Mean Girls AU on our hands!
Adagaki Aki is the only name I’ll remember once I get out of here, I bet. Only a few times reading synopses of this show, and I already remembered it. I bet I won’t even remember the “Makabe” part of Masamune’s name.
Masamune needs a sign saying “Caution: Do Not Pass By. Dramatic Stare in Progress” or something.
Okay, I need that Mean Girls AU now.
Cat donut. I want one.
Well, if a girl looks around like that so many times, y’think she wouldn’t be hiding something?!
Basically, you turned your protagonist into a male version of a mean girl to upstage a mean girl?...Nice try, but no dice. It’s kinda cliched.
Hypoglycemia? Hmm. It’s not always associated with diabetes, but I tend to associate the two. Speaking of stomachs rumbling, I once sat a test with my stomach basically playing a symphony for the last half…yeah, not gonna think about it.
Then how did Masamune get a photo with Aki?
Oh. It’s nice that he’s keeping Tanabe-kun’s secret. (still not wholly convinced)
Okay: verdict time – it looks pretty, but that Kirito face ain’t doing it for me and neither are Yoshino’s eyebrows. The jokes tend to miss and I’ve got a potential plot hole on my hands. Overall…I could probably handle one more episode of it, and that’s what I’ll take for the sake of its potential.
…*sees “Elemetal World”* Okay, add “a lot of cliches” to the list too.
(Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga 1)
Hey, Blue Exorcist. Haven’t seen this since I marathoned the ending 5 episodes or so a few years back. I was wondering how they’d handle the anime-only ending, but they’ve just cut it off like nothing ever happened. It seems a situation much like Noragami, only Noragami’s anime-only ending is much better (IMHO, but YMMV).
…and yes, I’ve read enough of the manga to know this is called the “Impure King Part”, but I’m using the AnimeLab name for convenience. Also, what is up with the complicated kanji? It says “episode 1”, sure, but I didn’t know such complicated kanji existed for “Small Beginnings”. Update: Kyoto Impure King Arc. That’s a better way to explain it.
“Satoru”…haha. (At the time of typing, I was rewatching Erased. LOL)
Considering the name “Saburota” suggests he’s one of at least 3 children, that makes sense.
Celesta (from one of my stories “Next to Me”) is a Shura-type character. I should really take some cues from this Shura for Celesta going forward.
It feels weird seeing the Kyoto trio shrug off Rin’s friendliness now. Must be because I’ve been through this part of the woods once before. Plus did you see they’re on the Nozomi shinkansen? (It’s kinda like this MTR (city express MTR, Hong Kong) or a plane or something…) Someone bothered to translate the ticker to English, even.
Unwilling, LOL.
(Erased ep 2)
It was from this ep that I learnt the Japanese word for “palm (of the hand)”.
Apparently Re:Re got resurrected for Erased? Or am I wrong about this? Update: Yeah, I was wrong.
Mask Man I assme is Kamen Rider or Ultraman, but I dunno what Black is.
The type of backpack Satoru’s got is a randoseru and he had a recorder with it. There’s a manga out there called “Recorder and Randoseru”, IIRC.
Hanba-gu aren’t actually hamburgers. They’re hamburger patties, or to get technical, Hamburg patties.
Since I still haven’t been too badly damaged by a person’s death so far (but eventually I know I will), there’s an undercurrent of melancholy running through this show for me…
How does Erased get away with all these trademarks? Were they in the source material? Plus, I’ve never hear the term “chew the fat” until now. Huh.
The word “hope” is on the back wall lots and lots of times (presumably kids’ calligraphy work), if you didn’t know.
So. The kanji for “palm (of the hand)” that is there during the titlecard is read tenohira. Kinda long, but it’s an advanced kanji. I probably shouldn’t know it as it’s quite the advanced kanji, but hey, I get curious about these sorts of things…
I never understand why there’s occasionally urinal scenes in media. Is it to promote a sense of camaraderie in guys? *shrugs*
McGregor gloves are apparently the ones with all the fingers…? Not sure. Google-sensei wasn’t very definite on it.
I think Satoru goes “youkai” because he suspected his mum of being one there for a second.
The pink on the ground and the yellow of the house…it’s like a colour palette. Only, Kayo will go to danger and Satoru will go home to his house, that isn’t truly his house anymore.
By the way, I’ve liked both Sayuri songs that have been used for anime so far, even if they’re both EDS. When I heard Sayuri was doing the ED for Erased, I liked it even more. (Even still, I only use the name Erased out of convenience. I much prefer the name Boku Dake ga Inai Machi otherwise.)
(ep 3)
This Hamada…I only just finished watching Yuri!!! on Ice a few days back (as of time of typing), and now Hamada reminds me of Yurio.
Yuuki – he reminds me of my dad. My dad has a stuttering problem which makes him sound nervous on occasion. Come to think of it, I was thinking of unique ways to study at one point (I can get bored pretty easily though not to ADHD standards), and as a result made a “biology helper” (visual novel). I made the visual novel around a character who I called Satoru, based on what I learnt about the name for Erased. (Note: Satoru can mean “to perceive” or “to understand”.)
Speaking of visual novels, I think there should be a visual novel for this. An official one that stays faithful to the manga.
Not sure I’ve noticed it until now, but Yuuki has freckles…he looks like Renzou Shima (Blue Exorcist) to me for some reason…
The word for “birthmark” can also mean “bruise”.
Satou is different to Satoru, even if the names are one letter difference.
The bins said “5 – 4” in one shot and “5 の 4” in another. They mean the same thing though.
Is Satoru x Kayo technically a ship? Or not? I’d go “ick!” if Satoru still counted as being his normal age in this timeline, for ships’ sake.
(ep 4)
How can you tease a child about girlfriends when he’s barely old enough to fall in love? (Physically, that is.)
Liveman? Falcon? Okay, who decided on this background chatter?!
Okay…revelation time, before we go forward. Showa Genroku is criminally underrated by the masses, but good enough for an s2. Erased seems to have been more of a public praise while SGRS got it on the critics’ side, and while I consider myself to be more casual than critic, I side with the critics on this. (By the way, I tend to root for the underdog series and also have a critic’s sensibility for series, if you haven’t caught on to that yet. I’m a bit of a paradox in that sense.)
What happened to Satoru’s dad?
At least the “You’re pretty” went down like you’d expect kids to handle it…haha.
Welp, at least the sentence with “pole” (as in “North Pole”) did actually have the kanji for “pole” in it. If this were an English lesson though, the kid would’ve gotten an X. (Remember, O is the way to say “correct” on schoolwork in Japan.)
Uh…using my standard conversion, 5000 yen = $50. That’s a lot of sandwiches…
(ep 5)
Back to griping about CGI cars for me…
The Last Supper? Surely, the only meaning for that being there must be a symbolic one.
The manager is basically playing the role of Satoru here…awkwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.
Cafeteria? The kanji means that, but wouldn’t it be better to call it a “restaurant”?
“Majin” can mean “demon god” with the right kanji.
The pencil frames make for a good contrast.
0 notes