kyra45 · 1 year
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[Image ID: A screenshot of an ask sent by the username questiontothework. It reads as follows: “Hiyah! Im so sorry for thisnbeing direct! please do give me a chance and read what im about to ask” And the next paragraph reads the following: “I urgently need some of your help, its for my little cat who needs to be seen by a vet and have an urgent, :((( if you have an extra time please do check the post I pinned and kindly give it a boost or share to have more reach if possible, it would really mean the world to me and I will be forever grateful.. Please join me in praying the surgery will be successful and we can begin the road to recovery and healing. please do send me a msg to reply as I would like to atleast thank you for giving me the opportunity! Have a wonderful day” /End ID]
Just another scam ask. Please don’t donate to anyone who sends these. They don’t own anything and will lie to you. This username may change after I post this as they never delete willingly until they can’t hide comments calling them out.
New url is eorymquest
Update 2
The real Sabrina doesn’t use PayPal so the PayPal account being used is another impersonator attempt.
Update 3
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Hey, you reblogged a cat donation post from eorymquest, a known tumblr scammer. Kindly check kyra45's blog for further details on this type of scam or look up "pet donation scam" on the search tab. If you have the time, please report their blog as unlawful content and encourage others to do so as well. If you have already received a warning about this, please feel free to ignore this message and sorry for bothering you.
Sigh. Thank you for bringing this to my attention and spreading the word, I thought after a cursory scroll that they're legit but upon second look (before they apparently deactivated) this isnt the case.
I'd have deleted this from my inbox and done these things quietly but the tumblr search proved that this is a thing many people like me fell for, which lended credence to this ask. So I'm posting it too.
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scammeroftheday · 1 year
they've remade. started from questiontothework now at eorymquest. New paypal name "sabrina irvin"
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magm4kyy · 1 year
Hey, you reblogged a cat donation post from eorymquest, a known tumblr scammer. Kindly check kyra45's blog for further details on this type of scam or look up "pet donation scam" on the search tab. If you have the time, please report their blog as unlawful content and encourage others to do so as well. If you have already received a warning about this, please feel free to ignore this message and sorry for bothering you.
AAAAA I didn't know that!! I'm sorry💧💧But thanks for the warning, partner! I'll leave some @ then, thanks for the warning!
@nia1sworld @yink07 @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing
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bandicoot88 · 10 months
I got a message in my inbox that I'd reblogged a donation post about a cat and that it was a scam, asked to delete it, report it, and to check for details. Which, of course, I will delete any scam posts upon realizing they aren't legit, but when I looked for the post on my blog, I didn't see it? I don't recall reblogging such a post recently, tho I could be wrong.
Anyway, I search the username of this supposed scammer (eorymquest) into Tumblr's searchbar, and what I find is the EXACT, WORD FOR WORD message appearing in other people's inboxes.
... why is it word for word? Are these messages just spam messages with no truth behind them? Are other people getting these?
0 notes
Hey, you reblogged a cat donation post from eorymquest, a known tumblr scammer. Kindly check kyra45's blog for further details on this type of scam or look up "pet donation scam" on the search tab. If you have the time, please report their blog as unlawful content and encourage others to do so as well. If you have already received a warning about this, please feel free to ignore this message and sorry for bothering you.
Ok, thank you so much for your help!
0 notes
Hey, you reblogged a cat donation post from eorymquest, a known tumblr scammer. Kindly check kyra45's blog for further details on this type of scam or look up "pet donation scam" on the search tab. If you have the time, please report their blog as unlawful content and encourage others to do so as well. If you have already received a warning about this, please feel free to ignore this message and sorry for bothering you.
Damn I didn't even know. Thank you for letting me know about this scam. I guess people will try anything to take advantage of people's good will. That is a awful thing and I feel like a fool.
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tinybitofhope · 1 year
connectissues is a scammer. Their previous account, eorymquest, was deactivated and they remade hours later using the same exact cat/name they had on the other account. The private post they stole from is in Facebook and the actually owner doesn’t have a tumblr blog or use the method of the support listed. If you hover over the address, it’s in the Philippines which takes Pesos and doesn’t match the vet photo location.
aw damn sry for rb them, but thx for telling me !!!
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dreamerslovechaos · 1 year
Hey, you reblogged a cat donation post from eorymquest, a known tumblr scammer. Kindly check kyra45's blog for further details on this type of scam or look up "pet donation scam" on the search tab. If you have the time, please report their blog as unlawful content and encourage others to do so as well. If you have already received a warning about this, please feel free to ignore this message and sorry for bothering you.
I kind of suspected this, but their blog seemed legit enough when I scrolled back a bit. Thanks for the warning, I'll delete and report immediately.
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mitski-slope · 1 year
treeconnecticut is a scammer. Their previous account, eorymquest, was deactivated and they remade hours later using the same exact cat/name they had on the other account. The private post they stole from is in Facebook and the actually owner doesn’t have a tumblr blog or use the method of the support listed. If you hover over the address, it’s in the Philippines which takes Pesos and doesn’t match the vet photo location.
ive blocked & reported thejm for phishing !! ty for tellign me o7
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kyra45 · 1 year
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Real person who owns the bio that the scam account eorymquest is using. Once again the scammer steals content from actual bloggers in order to look their a real account needing support. They just copy/paste it then edit it.
(Just posting so people can see where the bio was took from.)
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wulfrann · 1 year
Hey, you reblogged a cat donation post from eorymquest, a known tumblr scammer. Kindly check kyra45's blog for further details on this type of scam or look up "pet donation scam" on the search tab. If you have the time, please report their blog as unlawful content and encourage others to do so as well. If you have already received a warning about this, please feel free to ignore this message and sorry for bothering you.
Hi! Thanks for the heads up. I looked it up and deleted the post.
0 notes
selreneelf · 1 year
Hey, you reblogged a cat donation post from eorymquest, a known tumblr scammer. Kindly check kyra45's blog for further details on this type of scam or look up "pet donation scam" on the search tab. If you have the time, please report their blog as unlawful content and encourage others to do so as well. If you have already received a warning about this, please feel free to ignore this message and sorry for bothering you.
Hi! No you’re not bothering me! Thank you so much for letting me and others know, that’s so disgusting ugh
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2truehearts · 1 year
Hey, you reblogged a cat donation post from eorymquest, a known tumblr scammer. Kindly check kyra45's blog for further details on this type of scam or look up "pet donation scam" on the search tab. If you have the time, please report their blog as unlawful content and encourage others to do so as well. If you have already received a warning about this, please feel free to ignore this message and sorry for bothering you.
omg wait really?? that's so sick to do wtf 😭😭 and ty for informing me nonnie!! u weren't bothering me dw, u were just warning me abt something bad so it's okay!! i hope u have a great day // night, and thank u again!!
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glacialheart · 1 year
Hey, you reblogged a cat donation post from eorymquest, a known tumblr scammer. Kindly check kyra45's blog for further details on this type of scam or look up "pet donation scam" on the search tab. If you have the time, please report their blog as unlawful content and encourage others to do so as well. If you have already received a warning about this, please feel free to ignore this message and sorry for bothering you.
OH SHIT i wasn't aware this was a thing!! thank you for letting me know <3
0 notes
julyourwitch · 1 year
Hey, you reblogged a cat donation post from eorymquest, a known tumblr scammer. Kindly check kyra45's blog for further details on this type of scam or look up "pet donation scam" on the search tab. If you have the time, please report their blog as unlawful content and encourage others to do so as well. If you have already received a warning about this, please feel free to ignore this message and sorry for bothering you.
Yeah I already received a warning about it thank you!
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