#ep: The Conscience of the King
discoonthegrass · 12 days
City on the Edge of Forever: When a temporarily insane Dr. McCoy accidentally changes history and destroys his time, Kirk and Spock follow him to prevent the disaster, but the price to do so is high.
The Conscience of the King: While Captain Kirk investigates whether an actor is actually a presumed dead mass murderer, a mysterious assailant is killing the people who could identify the fugitive.
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spirkbitch · 3 months
Best episode of tos?
(i’m sorry these don’t give enough options)
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skybson · 1 year
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1x13 - The Conscience of the King
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gabrielleyueerrrrr · 3 months
A theory about Green and Purple's friendship
So, we all know that Green is the closest to Purple in the Colour Gang. He's one of the first to meet Purple (along with Blue) in AVM Ep.9 "The Villagers", the one that appeared to care about Purple the most in Animation vs LoL,
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the one who didn't give up on Purple even though Purple betrayed him and his friends again, and the one who ultimately turned Purple into their ally.
But why? Why is Green so insistent on Purple even when everyone thought Purple was the bad guy?
My theory is that Green saw himself in Purple.
We all know Purple wanted nothing more than to prove themselves to their father Navy and later to the King, which they saw as their parental figure. From trying to obtain the Enderdragon egg to stealing the Minecraft icon, he desperately wanted to appear "strong", "powerful", "competent", so that their parental figures could be proud of them. Even if the cost is their friendship and more importantly, their conscience.
As for Green, although he doesn't have daddy issues like Purple, he also strives to act his best in front of others. He is very competitive, maybe even the most competitive one out of his friends.
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He's also a perfectionist.
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What's more, he is a great show-off,
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and that often came with a price.
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But beneath Green's "cool dude" exterior, he is a soft and gentle stick who cared deeply about his friends,
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and who always saw the best in other people.
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So of course Green is the one who can tell that what Purple appears to be isn't their real self. Beneath their double-crossing, power-hungry facade is a scared kid who just wants to be seen and loved.
When Green comforted Purple on that mountain top in the Note Block Universe and told them to be their true self,
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maybe that is also what he learned by spending time with the Colour Gang too.
Even if you didn't always do the right thing, even if you are not the best at everything you do, even if you are not as cool or as strong as you seem to be, true friends would love you just the same.
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readingwriter92 · 2 years
It’s conscience of the king day????
My beloved angst for Jim ep with zero consistency between stories
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flying-ham · 24 days
conscience of the king is one of my fav eps of tos but I’ve never been able to wrap my head around the idea of lenore and kodos playing lady macbeth and macbeth
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saintclarkegriffin · 3 months
I'm sorry the more I think about the last scene the less I like it. I mean, did it feel good to see Alicent and Rhaenyra on screen again? Yes, absolutely! Emma and Olivia have top tier chemistry, and their acting in the scene did not disappoint. However, I can't help thinking that the writing of the scene just doesn't make any sense whatsover and makes both Rhaenyra and Alicent look bad. Not in a "they're bad people" kind of bad, but in the "their motivations and personalities are inconsistent" kind of bad.
Putting aside the realism of Rhaenyra sneaking in and out of King's Landing completely undetected... It just doesn't make sense for this scene to happen now, at this point in the story. It's been, what, a month, since Luke has died? And it's been a couple of weeks since a grief-stricken Rhaenyra has said "I want Aemond Targaryen" in front of her entire council. I'm pretty sure that meant that she wanted him dead. But now she's willing to negotiate for peace with Alicent, the mother of that very same Aemond? So what, she just put aside her grief and need for revenge in the span of two weeks? Or did she think that Alicent was going to roll over and accept the murder of her son in retribution? 'Cause in the former case, she's inconsistent, in the latter, she's dumb. Neither looks good.
And Alicent also doesn't look good at all in this scene. First of, the idea that she had no intention whatsover of putting Aegon on the throne BEFORE Viserys' death is completely inconsistent with her characterization in the second half of season 1. There's a whole scene in ep 6 where she makes it clear to Aegon that he is the challenge to Rhaenyra's claim and that he will become king. And then there's the scene in ep 8 where she and Otto are clearly plotting and she says "he may yet live" talking about Viserys... even if her main concern in that moment was Driftmark, she was still very much plotting against the Blacks and Viserys' wishes. But now we're supposed to believe that she really did care about Viserys' wishes and that she only put Aegon on the throne because she misunderstood Viserys' dying words??
And don't get me wrong, I think in part Alicent did delude herself in believing that Viserys wanted Aegon to be king, as a way to ease her conscience. But in season 1 it was pretty clear that her biggest drive and motivation was her love for her children, and the fear that Otto had instilled in her that Rhaenyra or Daemon would kill them in order to get rid of any competition for the throne. It's why she got so mad and scolded Aegon in ep 6, because in her mind he didn't understand the very real danger he was in. It's why she snapped in ep 7, after seeing Viserys' blatant favorism for Rhaenyra and her children, over the physical well-being of Aemond, their child.
And none of this excuses Alicent's actions by the way, it doesn't excuse putting Aegon on the throne and causing a civil war, but it explains why Alicent did what she did. She was a mother concerned for the lives of her children. That makes perfect sense and it's all the audience needs to understand and sympathize with Alicent. But now, after that scene, what are we meant to understand about Alicent? That she was perfectly fine with the idea of leaving her children to Rhaenyra and Daemon's mercy even AFTER the events of Driftmark? That she was so devoted to Viserys that his dying words were enough for her to go against Rhaenyra, put Aegon (who was and still is unfit to rule) on the throne and cause a civil war, even though she was willing to go against Viserys' wishes just a few hours before his death?
I don't know, I just feel like the writers of the show want so badly to show Alicent in a sympathetic light that they accidentally made her character inconsistent. Like "see she can't be evil if she never, ever wanted to usurp Rhaenyra's throne, it was just a big misunderstanding, she's good!". But the thing is... an "evil" character who is consistent in their motivs and actions will always, always be more interesting than a character who is "good" but inconsistent. Not to mention, that if people understand a character, they are far more likely to sympathize with that character because they understand where that character is coming from. It was easy for me to like and root for Alicent in season 1 because I understood her, but now that I don't, who or what am I supposed to like/root for?
Also, I think the writers are doing the exact thing with Rhaenyra... going out of their way to make her more peaceful/less blood-thirsty than book!Rhaenyra in order to make her more sympathetic to the general audience... She lost her throne, her father, her unborn daughter, and one of her sons in the span of a few days... She should be angry!!! She should be furious!!! She should want to light things on fire!!! Not risking her life to try and make peace with the very person who is partially to blame for all of this!!! Let. Rhaenyra. Be. Mad. People will still love her, I promise.
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fatum679 · 2 months
Hi. I have a few questions and would like to hear your opinion.
What do you think of Aemond's actions at Rook's Rest? Do you see it as him intentionally wanting to get rid of Aegon or him simply not caring and primarily aiming at Meleys and Rhaenys, while also seeing Aegon as a collateral victim ? He sure gets a lot of hate for it now, especially from green fandom. Do you think he can be justified at all? Personally, I'm not happy with how the show depicted Aegon/Aemond dynamic cause it could have been very interesting and complex, but the way they resolved it in the show did seriously disappoint me, ngl.
Also, do you think that Helaena will know what happened? We know that Hel and Aemond share a scene in ep 5 in the throne room and I was wondering what her reaction could be (anger, indiferrence, sadness, another vague prophecy... )? I'm curios to see how are they going to depict their dynamic since it will be the first time they actually interact (I still can't believe that the showrunners missed the opportunity when Jaehaerys was killed).
Thanks in advance for your answers!
I'll be clear, I don't like Aegon and I have no problem with Aegon and Aemond not having a loving brotherly relationship. Aegon is a terrible big brother, he taunted and bullied Aemond his whole life and wouldn't stop. "He's a twat." Aegon took the 13-year-old child for his birthday to a brothel. Aemond did not want this, he was brought there by force.
In season two he treated Aemond like his own weapon "My brother, at least, knows his plase. He's as loyal as a hound. I can set him ans his dragon on my foes at will".
I see that Aemond wants revenge and he wants justice.
But I am absolutely against what happened in Rook's Rest. I see that this was specifically written by the writers to take the blame off Rhaenys. Rhaenys killed a large number of people at the coronation and tg stans used this argument against tb stans. So I believe this was done intentionally. Rhaenys' crime was given to Aemond. We are sold the idea that there is a "good side" and a "bad side", a "Mary Sue" side and a "villainous villain" side.
That is why in episode 5 the residents of the capital are not happy about the victory over the Meleys. But why? This dragon has killed many innocents, it has left many children without parents and it has crippled many. This is propaganda. They are promoting to us that TB is concerned about people, but this is not true.
Rhaenys's crime was deliberately given to Aemond. Aegon was deliberately made stupider. I don’t believe that when he saw Meleys he didn’t think that “This dragon is bigger than mine, maybe it’s not worth attacking directly.” This battle was meant to unite Aegon and Aemond. This does not mean that they will respect and love each other, but for the same purpose they had to unite. “You may cuff him about as you wish at home, but in the world, we must defend our own”.
I was also expecting more fire in this battle.
I see Helaena's reaction as Aemond becoming something he never was. It's sadness I see. Helaena is the voice of conscience for Aemond.
Aemond really supported Aegon "I only wish to serve my king and my house" "We can't risk losing you" But AEGON DIDN'T CHANGE "My brother, at least, knows his plase. He's as loyal as a hound. I can set him ans his dragon on my foes at will" "What a fine, sweet thing, did you fuck her like a hound?" I doubt you would support a person who puts you down.
I understand Aemond's "betrayal", but it shouldn't have been the way it was portrayed on the show. Aemond would not deprive his party of a dragon. Perhaps we will be told more in other episodes.
I'll just describe Aemond with this quote, but I think he had a lot of bad days in his life: «All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day»
Unfortunately, in episode 5 we were only given crumbs, but in episodes 6-8 there should be more Helaemond scenes and according to the leaks, Aemond should realize that Helaemond is a dreamer and ask her for advice. The actors also talked a lot in interviews about their relationship and that they played Helaemond. I'm just waiting and hoping.
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sunnysideaeggs · 3 months
hi babes this is my ep 3 review. this is a lil monday tradition i love to yap
lmao rhaenys subtly gagging rhaenyra and calling her out. i’m liking her more and more compared to the first season, she seems more rounded and actually a figure of peace instead of coping
now rhaenyra is coping lol. ‘a little boy murdered in his bed’ ‘but my throonee :((((‘
rhaenyra parentifying rhaena and making her go to her mother’s place of death to safeguard her sons 🙄 not even recognizing the burden she is putting in her. a white woman giving her children to raise to a black girl smh
i like a lot what they’re making with rhaena, giving her actual thoughts that often contradict her ‘side’. go get your hightower husband girl
why no one remembered that larys, yk, the greens’ master of whispers, is lord of harrenhal? like of course it is a green location? where is he? isn’t he a memeber of the council? why does he never attends council meetings?
lmao not daemon wishing to be called king when the proper title is king consort. let me just get a meme:
i just realized that alicent now dresses less ‘richly’ maybe to indicate frugality during war to the people. ‘look, we’re not having feasts while you starve’ kind of vibe. the green queen beloved of the smallfolk
and she is also less structured because she doesn’t need to cover herself for viserys. i enjoy her having the freedom to dress as she likes
as a sansa lover, i must say i love rhaena. go gentle princess with a good who feels everything too much and wears courtesy as a weapon. i love u
if they’re diminishing helaena’s grief and they’re not going to give me helaena taking revenge in dreamfyre istg 🤨🤨🤨
I KNEW THE ARMOR WAS VALYRIAN STEEEEELL 🔥🔥🔥 that’s why it doesn’t fit him it literally isn’t made for him. i hope it’s fireproof
egg promoting his lads 😭 medieval networking
lol larys is the kind of guy that suddenly comes to you with the weirdest true crime facts that leave you feeling icky. i love him
aegon did the alicent disappointed face to his kingsguard. neat party trick
not making baelon cheat on alyssa 🙄 our one successful sibling marriage and they take it from us
tbh if i was dyana you wouldn’t catch a glimpse of me after the meeting with alicent. fuck king’s landing, that stinky city. i would have alicent get me a little house in oldtown. a job as a cook. no chance of any dirty man getting his hands on me. why keep victimizing a character for no reason condal?
any dragonseed should zip it for good, unless you get something for your heritage. my mom was a lyseni whore, that’s what i would say. nobody asks you questions when you say your mom was a lyseni whore
aegon 🙄 i thought we were getting past this. i hope he apologizes, i’m tired of this aemond slander.
i dislike the full frontal scene with aemond. literally gratuitous, no one asked for it. and we know there’s awful people saying shit about ewan’s body, they now get another chance of making fun of his most intimate parts and aemond’s intimate moments. why.
finally some class conscience exploration with criston? are my prayers being answered?
lmao not rhaenyra getting another girl daemon. i dislike baela’s hot head since ever but if it gives me comedic relief i’ll take it
rhaenyra is his father’s daughter. not a compliment
i love how daemon barricades his door just to… open it when he thinks someone wants to get in. and gets out. big forehead not big brain.
MILLY APPEARS YAYYYY 🥰🥰🥰 jaehaerys noooooo 😭😭😭
i could see jae’s actor kinda winking, his little lashes twitching. he’s a baby and he’s doing his best omg 😭💕 it could be the candles tho
yes daemon cry i hate you
imagine you’re a kid and they tell you your job is to be still and have a pretty lady hum at you and touch your cheek. so comforting tbh
ALYS APPARITION YAYYYY 🥰🥰🔥 she’s as stunning and disturbing as i imagined her. devoured. ate him alive. as she should.
lmao of course alicent would think war is to be averted after seeing her grandson without a head 🙄 and if she does she’s dead to me istg
yes rhaenyra threaten a queen 🙄 of course she will react well and think of making peace with you. at gunpoint. classical targaryen.
also she literally smuggled a weapon into a church. threatened to spill blood in a holy place. then ask why people don’t believe you have any morals or respect for anything.
alicent asking her if she’s surrending it’s so funny loool
once again, alicent talks about a child’s murder. rhaenyra brings up the throne. i’m done with her tantrums.
did you betray him at your very last, alicent? don’t you know you owe loyalty to your rapist and jailer, alicent? don’t you know you’re not allowed to want, alicent?
that’s how rhaenyra sounds.
i love how rhaenyra doesn’t spare a thought to surrender yet wants to pretend bloodshed concerns her. lmao.
alicent, i’m back. go green queen.
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AvM Fanfic - House for Two [Chapter 1 - A Start]
This story takes place after AvM Ep 30, and tells a slow-burn found family story. This story will cover topics such as family death, grief, trauma, low self-esteem, emotional abuse, s*icidal thinking, panic attacks, anxiety (and anxiety attacks), emotional anger issues, and depression. If some of these topics make you uncomfortable, I don't recommend reading them.
The story is about Purple and Orange learning to be a family and dealing with their own traumas and mental health issues, it's a story of angst and comfort with found family fluff.
If i were to give an age range, I would say 17+.
[TW: This chapter contained a scene with an anxiety/panic attack]
[you are allowed to point out spelling errors]
After everything that happened, it still seems unreal that this was happening to them. Purple, who had been looking for validation from their father since they were a child, found themself involved with a man whose past they didn't fully know, only that he wanted to destroy Minecraft,a game, and that to do that he needed information about five specific individuals.
Five stick figures known to Purple, they had what this man wanted, and they would give Purple whatever they wanted. And all Purple wanted was validation. Validation that they weren't useless.
That... went wrong. Not only did the five manage to escape the trap they had planned, but this man denied them the power he had promised to share, and abandoned them when they asked him for help.
If it weren't for Green, Purple would never have forgiven themselves for causing so much trouble to their friends.
Motivated by Green, they flew back to the nether to the battlefield to stop that man. With every attempt, every blow and fall, Purple would fix what they caused, no matter how much their conscience told them they were weak, pathetic and useless.
That's why their father abandoned them with their mother, that's why they couldn't help her, that's why she was…
But they didn't listen, even with Green trying to stop them, unable to move due to the hardships of the battle, even if this could be the end for them, they had to fix this.
They ran, using their elytra to go faster, running against the direction of the crowned man, who pointed his staff at the act charged with the fusion of two game icons, a white vortex consuming every block of the game from the ceiling of the nether, the young stick didn't stop, they continued to get closer.
Noticing their approach, the king quickly pointed his staff in their direction, the white lightning propelling them back, but they kept strength on their feet to keep themselves standing.
"I'm not going to give up..." 
They said to themselves, covering their faces with their arms in front of their body, they continued to walk forward, their insect wings disintegrating with each step until they completely disappeared in the white glare.
They felt a nausea in their stomach, a weakness in their legs, but they didn't stop, they didn’t flinch, they would catch up to the man even if it was the last thing they did.
"I won't give up, King!!" 
They shout at the king's direction, a glare meeting their eyes. With a growl he just fortified the power in the staff, causing Purple to be driven backwards once again, their feet dragging against the reddish floor.
The stick figure continued, they weakly raised their hand towards the king, tears evaporating as they approached the man.
The man was staring at them, his hands seemed to be shaking, his eyes were wide open, he was panting and sweating, this reaction, his expression. His lips moved but Purple couldn't hear him.
One step forward and their legs weaken.
They are carried away by the white lightning like a current, floating past their friends who watch in terror.
There was a loud clang of metal. And from what little Purple could see before disappearing in the white flash, there was the man, running towards them with a horrified look.
Purple woke up in an empty and dark environment, they were alone, every place they looked looked the same, but then, a path began to show itself.
A circle of light with pink petals on the ground begins to appear in front of them. Without knowing what this was, they began to follow the enlightened path.
Little by little photographs began to appear around them, some from when they were a baby, others from when they were a child, and then that of their parents.
They try to ignore the photos of their father training them, his frustrated growls escalating into angry complaints, the constant negative comments.
"Weak. Pathetic. Useless."
They felt tears fall from their eyes remembering those words, they covered their ears begging them to stop.
They fall to their knees on the floor, staring at the ground for a few seconds before lifting their heads to find their mother's grave. Their father stared at them from behind the grave before turning his back and disappearing into the darkness.
"D-Dad..." with a weak voice Purple extends their hand towards him, but soon they look down and kneel down on the cold floor.
The tombstone disappears, leaving young Purple alone again. Allowing themselves to be carried away by tears, they hug their legs, bringing them closer to their chests, placing their forehead on their knees, crying quietly.
"I AM pathetic..."
It seemed like everything was over, without family, without friends, without anything. Purple only had themselves.
Alarmed, Purple tilted their head towards the voice, distant but getting closer, they certainly couldn't see it, only hear the footsteps.
Soon, they could see a figure running towards them, for a second they thought it was their father and started to get up.
"D-Dad..?" Their hopes grew but any doubts he had would be confirmed.
But It wasn't their father.
"I'm sorry!!" Within seconds Purple is almost knocked off balance by the hug he never expected. King, he came back for them, he hugged them, he was apologizing, Purple was stunned, they didn't know how to react.
"I'm sorry, I-I didn't want that, I was blind with hate and I didn't mean for you to get hurt!" He hugged them tightly, his tone not cold or serious, he was tearful, his voice cracking with each sentence. He was almost a different person, more emotional, more open.
"I'm sorry..." he cried, weakening the hug, but Purple, sniffling, hugs him back, welcoming this change in the man. Burying their faces in his shoulder, trying not to think about whether this was a dream or not.
Whatever it was, they didn't want to wake up.
A few minutes in that void seemed like an eternity, but it didn't take long for the gang to stop the icons and save the entire game, including the two of them. King and Purple were knocked back to the ground together, the older one protecting the younger one from the impact.
Green looks at them, and takes a second to be relieved that his friend was safe and well. Second Coming, the hollow head, was back with the icons and the staff panting with all the adrenaline running through them. They were also happy that Purple was okay.
After a while, after saying goodbye, this is how these two, Purple and King started to live together.
What bizarre conditions. They came looking for validation and ended up with a new guardian.
But even after the storm passed, there were still complications. King-or, Orange's house was small, and almost a year of working on the staff resulted in a cold and disorganized environment.
Orange's house was a mess, failing staffs thrown against the floor, a wall filled with scribbles and plans, an unfurnished bed, empty and cold, a refrigerator with little food, and almost no furniture, all sold so he could get the money for the command block.
Seeing these conditions Purple felt awkward. They didn't know what to do in situations like this, for the last ten years they lived with their mother in a small but cozy apartment, they didn't have much food and they lived by selling flowers that almost no one bought.
Purple found herself in a new home but at the same time it didn't feel like one. Orange seemed indifferent and tired, seeing the scribbles and staffs filled with self-resentment and remorse, the memories it was all based on makes him uncomfortable, that much Purple could see.
Within hours Orange prepared the staffs to be sold online, and the scribbles would be covered by a curtain. Now what they needed to do was take care of the rest, the dirt accumulating in the corners, the mold staining the walls, the rats and spiders crawling around the house, it was all a precarious situation.
Orange lived in a poorer neighborhood, he didn't have much to do locally, he would have to go to the city after a year of being a hermit. Orange could see Purple's discomfort and how out of place they feel. They're a city kid after all, they probably didn't know how to adapt to a situation like this.
How did he know they were from the city? Chic clothes. Ever since he met them Purple had manners, they just dressed elegantly, it's clear that they have a taste for fashion, and Orange had never met a teenager from the surrounding area who dressed like them.
This doesn't seem important, but Orange snorts awkwardly when in the same room as Purple. In comparison, he dresses simply and maturely, how does this child dress more mature than him? It was as if they were from different worlds.
Little did they know that they had much more in common than they thought.
Just one day that they now live together and there is already a complication, beds. There was only one bed, and Orange felt uncomfortable at the mere idea of ​​having to share it with a minor, Purple even more as they turned towards him and lowered their head towards him.
"Sorry, I-I'll find another way to sleep." They say in an apologetic tone, grabbing part of their blouse and pulling it down nervously. Their lips trembled, a lack of eye contact.
They weren't just awkward, Purple was even more uncomfortable. Orange looks at them lamenting the state of the situation, he didn't want them to be cold, there were no mattresses and he wouldn't let them sleep on the floor, so with a deep breath he looks at Purple maturely.
"It would be wrong for me to let you sleep in the cold. You can use my bed for now." he says with a vague expression, eyes focusing on the stick teen in front of him, closing a hand on their shoulder, but he stops, he thought it would only make them more uncomfortable and just refused to touch them.
After everything he's done, he was afraid of approaching Purple like that, but the kid didn't even have anywhere else to go at the moment, and all he knows is that they don't even have a relative with them. They didn't say anything more than that.
A fifteen-year-old teenager, alone in a big city living with a hermit with anger issues who has also hurt them before? Yeah, that's a recipe for disaster.
How Purple can forgive him so easily still leaves him confused, all he did was be hostile and make him betray the only ones they considered friends, if anything, they should hate him!
"What..?" the young stick looks up at him with a confused look, "B-but, it's your home, your bed! You deserve the comfort, I-I'm just a visitor!" he waves his hands above his shoulders in rejection. 
Orange raises a straight hand, shushing Purple, "No, you're right, you're my visitor, and views have to be treated well." a salty and emotionless tone came out of the man, not out of rudeness, but just a lack of enthusiasm or motivation, he just wanted to stop thinking about everything that had happened.
Pinching the middle of his eyes he turns to Purple, "Let's do it like this, you sleep on one side, I sleep on the other, like, you sleep on one end and I sleep on the other." he sighs, "does this make sense to you?" he asks with his hands on his hips and a tired look.
"And I guess so..?" Purple responds nervously, hand on one arm with his head down. "I'm just going to put my things away..." they lower their tone, Orange expressing discomfort at them by bowing to him before leaving. They only did this when he acted like the "king".
Shaking that thought out of his head, he sits down on the mattress, smoothing the covers with one hand, feeling the softness of the bed. He had a tired expression, dark circles under his eyes, he still felt a lot of back pain from the battle. Those kids know how to kick some ass.
He touched his chin, he remembers the red kid hitting him with a golden block right there. It still hurts, so he just stops before he dislocates his jaw. He stares at the ground, resting his arms on his legs, lost in thought.
Purple was generous in coming to this shack of a house, they even went out for a few hours, for a while Orange thought they were gone, and came back with a luggage full of belongings.
Clothes, toiletries, personal items, they were actually moving with him. He couldn't believe it when they came back with that heavy suitcase and backpack.
He could still see the backpack from the corner of his eye, sitting thrown on the floor half open, between the emptiness and some belongings still inside he could see what looked like a gleam of glass.
Raising a curious eyebrow he stood up and went to the bag, getting down on one knee he opened it to get a better look.
A photo. It was Purple, a little younger, and a pinkish woman next to them. Further above the photo there was a hole in the glass, a part of the outside seemed to have been ripped out, hiding a third figure in the photo, a hand on the woman's shoulder.
Purple seemed happy, a little shy or nervous from the expression, but it wasn't like he had more time.
Purple will quickly get a photo of Orange's hand looking at them in surprise. They were now wearing a light pink sweater, looking at him with a shocked and uncomfortable look.
"S-sorry, you were taking a while and found this in the backpack and..." Purple lets him speak, taking the backpack and putting the photo inside, in no time at all they look at Orange.
"It's nothing..." they keep staring at the backpack in their hands, not even wanting to look at the man. "Just forget what you saw..."
Orange crestfallen feels bad about it, he remembers the day they met and he got defensive when they touched his photo with-
Orange looked towards Purple at the sound of the backpack falling to the ground, they were holding their hand tightly, and worried Orange approached to see what it was.
Apparently Purple had touched the broken glass, cutting their fingers in the process. They tried to hide the cut from Orange but it was too late, he had already seen the blood dripping from the wound.
"If you don't treat it, it will get infected." Orange offers his hand, "let me see?" he asks in a soft tone. Purple looks at him cautiously before shaking his hand and looking to the side.
Orange starts to look at the cut more closely, two of his fingers had small cuts, they weren't big so they would be easily treated.
"I have a first aid kit in the bathroom." he says holding Purple's hand and leading them to the bathroom. There he opens the pharmacy and takes out a box with a medical symbol on it, opening it and taking out a wound medicine.
"This might sting a little."
"I can handle it."
Purple responds quickly, surprising Orange a little, but it's true that they lasted a lot in that fight back there, they're stronger than he expected.
Placing the medicine on some cotton wool, he applies a little to the cuts. Purple, feeling the medicine entering the wound, groans in pain a little, trying not to make it too obvious that it hurts.
Orange had seen this many times in the past, and as he stopped breathing, threw the dirty cotton away, and began to put bandages on their fingers.
The bandages were orange with a smiley face in it, which made Purple laugh softly. Seeing Purple smile, even for something silly like a children's bandage, made Orange smile slightly.
"I'll see if I can make something to eat." He starts to put the kit back when Purple stops him, putting a hand on his.
"You can go, I'll clean it for you, Mr. Orange." Purple smiles politely at him, Orange looks at them for a few seconds before sighing and leaving the kit with them, leaving the bathroom and heading to the kitchen.
Purple packs everything back into the kit and puts it inside the pharmacy, seeing a pair of toothbrushes, a brown toothbrush and a yellow children's toothbrush. 
While the adult one seemed well used, the child one looked like it had been abandoned, this leaves a morbid feeling in Purple's chest, but who were they to question these things, they shouldn't meddle in other people's lives.
Purple closes the pharmacy looking at the sink in front of them, placing his hands delicately on the corners of the sink thoughtfully. Orange has been very generous with them. 
They betrayed him, they confronted his authority. If anything, they should be the last person to trust.
Shaking their head, they push that thought to the back of their mind. It wasn't time to question themselves, they were going to make themself useful to Orange.
Leaving the bathroom, they go to where the only table was located, next to a window just in front of the scribbled wall now covered by long, old curtains.
Sitting down, Purple looks towards where the kitchen was located, in the right part of the house, a part they hadn't seen yet.
They could hear sounds of cutlery and stove, and could still feel a delicious smell coming from there. Whatever it is, they must be polite.
After, not long, Orange comes to the table with two dishes, a healthy smoke rising from the meal of well-made veggie garlic noodles.
"I had some pasta and vegetables saved, I hope this turns out well." he gently places Purple's plate in front of them and sits down with his, "we're running out of lots to eat, I'm going to have to go to the store tomorrow." He starts to pick up the utensils when he looks at Purple and their shocked and admiring gaze.
Orange is taken back a bit, he didn't expect them to be so impressed with his basic cooking skills. This gave him a slight reddening on his cheeks.
"Better eat it before it gets cold." This seems to wake Purple up from their trance, leaving them embarrassed, picking up their fork to start eating. When they put a small portion in their mouth, Purple pauses to admire the flavor. 
they have already eaten good food before, but this is even more good for them. They didn't feel worthy of something as good as this. But being faced by Orange's intimidating but serene gazes, they just continued to eat the dish.
"Did you..." the older man pauses, taking a dose of his meal, "Did you like it...?"
Purple pauses to chew and swallow what was already in their mouth, looking at Orange in confusion. 
"Oh yes, it's very good!" They continue, "You're a great cook." they say with a gentle smile.
This relieves Orange, having thought for a moment that Purple didn't like the food. He was happy to have done something that pleased the youngest.
The two remained silent for the rest of the meal. When they finished, Orange got up, taking the dishes to wash, but Purple followed him into the kitchen.
"I can help." they say with their hands behind their backs and a pleading smile. Orange just looks at them and sighs, allowing them to give them a sponge and leaving them a space next to him.
Purple smiles widely, joining him in cleaning not only today's dishes, but some other dishes and utensils that had been dirty, apparently for a while now.
"Are you sure you can handle it?" Orange raises an eyebrow, looking at them from the corner with a smirk. Purple smiles back at him and extends the sleeves of their sweater getting ready to start washing without any problems.
It wasn't a competition, just Purple proving he could do it. This gives Orange a fatherly smile, a feeling he must have forgotten a long time ago.
It didn't last long until most of the dishes were already clean and set out to dry. Orange could see fatigue and tiredness in Purple's eyes, but they continued to clean.
"I think I've had it for you, kid." he says, taking the plate from their hands who look at him confused. "You look tired, go take a shower and sleep, I'll take care of it." he says in a sincere and calm tone. 
Purple tries to protest but the older man just raises a hand in front of their face and points to the exit of the kitchen in silence, focused on the dishes to be washed.
Purple sighs and starts to leave the kitchen without complaint. Orange laughs softly, shaking his head lightly, never has he seen a child so dedicated to washing the dishes.
He remembers washing the dishes like this, hearing a sweet young voice calling him to play, getting frustrated when he was told "not now", but in a friendly and patient tone.
This memory makes him stop for a moment. He felt a pain in his heart, an emptiness. Even with his hand wet and soapy, he holds the fabric of his shirt to his chest, the urge to cry coming to him.
He holds himself back, he didn't want Purple to see him like this. He just went back to finishing the dishes until they were all clean.
Turning off the water in the sink, he cleans his hands with a cloth. Seeing his wet shirt, he leaves the kitchen, removing the item of clothing and throwing it against the headboard of the bed, going to a closet and finding a turtle neck shirt to wear. That one was more comfortable for him to sleep with.
He takes the wet shirt and puts it in a laundry basket full of other clothes to be washed, sighing at the amount still dirty. He sits on the bed, staring at the ceiling thoughtfully.
After a while Purple comes out of the bathroom wearing a butterfly sleeve t-shirt, Orange looks at them, starting to wonder if they only had elegant clothes or if it was just him who didn't know anything about stylish clothes. For him, even clothes with different details were chic.
Purple sighed, scratching their eyes with one hand. They sit on the bed next to Orange in silence.
"If you're still uncomfortable, I can still find another place to sleep." Purple looks at him dumbfounded.
"Your house, your bed, you sleep here!" Purple points to the bed they were both sitting on, Orange laughs under the breath of the younger's reaction.
"Okay, okay." he says, arranging the pillows and putting one in one corner of the bed and another on the other side, which he lays his head on.
Purple smiling leaves his head on their pillow. Orange gets up a little, remembering that he forgot about the sheets. He gets out of bed and opens the closet, taking out two blankets that were inside.
Returning to bed he could see that Purple was already asleep, bringing him a soft smile. He places one of the blankets over Purple, tucking them in gently before laying down on his side of the bed, and covering himself up as well.
He closes his eyes, but he can't seem to fall asleep. His old age kept him awake, and for the most part he just couldn't keep himself comfortable.
In the middle of the night he got up and walked out the front door, sitting on the steps at the entrance.
He begins to look at the sky thoughtfully, letting his gaze just get lost in the stars and his skin be touched by the cold wind. He had closed the door so that the cold wouldn't bother Purple, who were still sleeping peacefully. Good for them, they need more than Orange.
His foot moved, he intertwined his fingers, trying to focus on the desire to sleep, but nothing came. Neither sleep nor tiredness, the cold didn't even bother him.
Slowly he begins to feel tension in his chest, his breathing begins to accelerate little by little. He quickly put his hands around his head, headache? Perhaps? He didn't even know anymore.
He was getting lost in his rapid breathing, his chest trying to keep up but failing. He clutches the chest of his shirt, feeling his breathing get worse, more uncontrolled, and then...
Tears began to fall uncontrollably from her face. Orange couldn't control it, he couldn't hold it in any longer. And so, he just let himself go.
Crying softly, not wanting to wake Purple up. He felt a pain in his chest that didn't stop, and at the same time he couldn't control his breathing, just pulling his legs closer to his chest and covering his mouth with one hand. 
Eyes blurred with tears, he just couldn't forget the pain of having lost the most important thing to him.
Taking the photo of him with Gold, he couldn't stop craving his son's affection, the hugs, affection, moments when the little one would wipe away his tears when he cried like that.
Losing his little ray of sunshine was a dagger in the heart, no, multiple ones. A heart that had been pierced before, and healed by the love of his son, a heart broken, crushed and cursed to have everything he loves taken from him.
So why should he care about himself? He failed as a father, he couldn't protect what was most precious to him.
He can't understand why he continues...
"Mr. Orange."
Purple. Purple was alone, they didn't seem to have a family or a place to live, and they also seemed broken if that void they found themselves in meant anything.
Purple was a child. He couldn't leave them alone, they needed him right now. He cannot leave them without help.
Wiping away the tears, and slowly taking control of his breathing again, even if with difficulty, he stands firm, taking deep breaths and looking at the stars above him.
He may have failed before, but he wouldn't fail Purple. He may not be their father, but he will make sure Purple is happy, protected and comfortable.
He doesn't care what happens to him, only Purple. They are the priority, not him. They matter, not him.
Taking a deep breath he opens the door of the house and enters, seeing the youngest still sleeping he just sits next to the bed, lightly laying his head on the mattress looking at the ceiling.
His eyes close lightly until he falls asleep.
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silviakundera · 9 months
I continue to find Story of Kunning Palace & A Journey to Love an exquisite back to back experience (when taking into account SoKP novel's uncensored climax).
--Ch 246, Xie Wei, A Story of Kunning Palace novel:
There was even a laugh at the moment.
He said, "I once thought, Shen Lang and I are both mortal bodies. Why should I kneel down to him and sacrifice my life for him? Born to all people, everyone is a son, why only the emperor dares to call himself the son of heaven. It is clear that everyone is the Son of Heaven. But everyone is also worthless. Ten thousand species compete with each other, and there is no mercy; kill if you want to kill, destroy if you want to destroy."
"I'm the emperor of An. I did what I did. A great success has to be achieved alone. A man with great ambitions shouldn't be concerned with trivial things."
"But we're not trvial. We're living people."
-- ep 32, Ren Xin, A Journey to Love
--Ch 245, Shen Zhiyi, A Story of Kunning Palace novel:
Shen Zhiyi sneered: "Am I not guilty?!"
When she was in the palace, although she had a spoiled temperament, she was always considered docile.
This sudden rhetorical question almost made Shen Lang stunned.
His face was livid, "What do you mean?"
Shen Zhiyi looked at him with some sadness. "You killed Zhongliang, and the border was in turmoil, but the one who went to Tartar to make peace was me! You certainly have the blood of the royal family flowing through your body, and you even sit high in the position of the King. Come on, but what have you done that is worthy of your own status? Lord of the world, ruler of all peoples, are you worthy of it?"
-- Ep 28, Ning Yuanzhou, A Journey to Love
"Your majesty is really thoughtful. But unfortunately, if you could've applied this thoughtfulness to how you manage military affairs, then tens of thousands of Wu soldiers wouldn't have become wronged souls. This is the remnant of the Wu flag that Chai Ming held onto before he died for you in battle. The next time you want to go crazy or throw a tantrum, you can look at this. Search your conscience. Are you worthy?"
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rose-tinted-vision · 8 months
Once again being annoying about a journey to love on the TL:
I think one reason why I still cannot get over AJTL is because!! of how beautifully and realistically it portrays the relationships between characters, and more importantly, it does not outright shove the main pairing into our faces. their relationship took time to develop which made it more realistic imo, and is a nice contrast to a lot of shows these days that seem to have characters falling in love in the span of two episodes.
(I've made a tl;dr a while ago here)
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Episode 7
As in- the main couple is shown quite a bit, yes. They get their fair share of screentime, but the drama also focuses on the friendships between the liudaotang squad, the sibling dynamics between NYZ and YY and how it parallels with RRY and LTG.
It really highlights the different kinds of love that one person can have in this life, like the platonic love between YSS and NYZ (imo), the familial love between YL and NYZ, the romantic love between RRY and NYZ, all of it really balances out and i love that.
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Then there is also the fked up obsessive love that LTG has for RRY, and the drama shows that you can still recover from that (we are ignoring ep 37 here), it shows that you can still move on from that and grow from there- you may not necessarily forget them and that is okay.
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Episode 26, 36 "my master is the only woman I'll ever love."
Then theres also the love for the country, embodied by how LTG and YY entered a loveless marriage for the sake of their countries (ep 37), and for the sake of protecting what their loved ones are fighting (and died) for.
It is also, arguably, shown by how Qian Zhao died to save the King's life for the sake of maintaining peace in Wu, even though his entire objective was to kill the King.
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Another thing I really liked was the emphasis they gave to Yang Ying's relationships, her attempts at finding love and the way they validate her feelings about it- she had just realised how much of a scumbag Zheng Qingyun is, eventually moved on to slowly having feelings for Yuan Lu, but entered a political marriage with Li Tongguang in the end- and she's still so young.
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"As long as you gave a clear conscience, even if a woman has only loved one person, or loved multiple people in her life, she still deserves respect"
(Lastly, there's Yu Shisan who's like. the embodiment of love in this drama- not just because of his flirtatious nature, but its in those small scenes that really shows how deeply he loves.
There's the start of the show, where he volunteers to take the punishment in Yang Ying's steed (ep 6),
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then there's the episode where NYZ clarifies to Ruyi that it's because YSS is too worried that he is acting indifferent (ep 8). Then there's all the scenes where he periodically checks up on NYZ (ep 10, 31, etc), his concern for Ruyi putting all her eggs in one basket (ep 20ish), the talk between him and JMN where she admits that YSS treated her well (ep 30).
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And then there's his death. There's this wonderful post that has been haunting me for months. How do you save Yu Shisan, when half the people he loves is dead? How do you save him when, even if he survives, would not allow himself the love that he gives away so freely? (see: first half of episode 39)).
Just know that this show has me feral over it's brilliant writing. They got me from the very beginning when they portrayed NYZ's emotional intelligence and acceptance of RRY and his consideration for her. (and when they introduced Yuan Lu. I went: that's my blorbo from this show).
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thegeminisage · 1 month
tos ep rewrites/stid rewrite for the wip meme!!!
HIIII ty for asking
this isn't technically a fic per se, it's almost like a half-fic half-meta kind of deal - essentially it's an outline of what could be a fic if i had more time and patience. i did this for the first tos movie here and had a lot of fun doing it, and then i also did a small rewrite of "tholian web" here, and i had SO MUCH FUN DOING THEM but then i got side tracked and haven't done anymore. my plans for other episodes/stid are vaguely as follows:
the enemy within - loved this one conceptually but the crass rape jokes left a real sour taste in my mouth. i'd have less of that (or, if i had it, take it seriously) and more shenanigans where someone can't tell the two kirks apart because. they're both the real kirk!! that's the real point of the episode, right?
the conscience of the king - frankly, there was too much shakespeare here, even though it will always be my fav trek episode of all time. i also thought the lenore thing, while a great twist, could have been a little less "but kirk really secretly loved this woman 20 years younger than him!" and more "man this is crazy fucked up that is trying to honeypot this very young woman and surprise she is doing it back to him." more foreshadowing and drama, you know? the tos version wouldn't have to be gambler's knife but it could be something more than what it was considering the huge effect it had on fandom - i always kinda wished it had the vibes that obsession did.
the galileo seven - i thought this episode treated spock like he was kind of stupid. "why is my first command failing when i've been an asshole to everybody?" he has a human mother! he knows how emotions work! he is not stupid! i also thought there was a missed opportunity: they all talked about how callous it was for him to be picking a man to leave behind to lighten the ship, and he was so obviously going to choose himself, but it never went anywhere. let's do him more justice!
metamorphosis - let's chill with the horrific misogyny and have more fun with the accidental parallel kirk made in his really cool speech. like fuck it this is my edit let's just do spirk
mirror, mirror - this one is actually perfect as it is but i wish we'd had more time to se what the mirror kirk & co were doing in the prime universe.
journey to babel - this one is great but i don't think it takes either of spock's parents to task enough for him turning out like that. also, they tricked us into thinking amanda was the good cop in aos and then have her slap him in tos but then acted like that was just fine? girl, let's get into it
the paradise syndrome - i just want this episode without the heinous racism. please please please. easily easily EASILY my biggest trek disappointment ever
requiem for methuselah/the enterprise incident - these two go together as part of a more complex story based partially on the fact that they originally wanted kirk's breakdown in the latter episode to be a real result of the various um things that happened to him in season 3 and partially by the fact that requiem for methuselah WAS my november 5th and i am being completely serious. i didn't think i would ever feel that way again but i did at the end of that episode. you can read about the general idea here at the end of @maulthots close encounters powerpoint which i helped a little bit with.
honorable mention to episode premises i would have loved in a different context - lights of zetar where spock is the possessed one and an episode totally unrelated to wolf in the fold, the funniest tos ep after tribbles, where an enemy who feeds on fear jumps around the ship possessing people. that could have been great had it been in a serious episode and not been played by piglet's voice actor
and finally, star trek into darkness...everything about this movie was bad, except the warp core thing which was accidentally very very VERY good. so i'd rewrite it from the ground up, starting with recasting khan, because that was just a hateful thing to do. i don't have very many concrete ideas on this yet except you'd HAVE to get assad zaman for khan, right? because he can do that thing where he makes his eyes shake? he would have rocked it.
let people send you an ask with the WIP title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
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turtlesocksv2 · 9 months
Liveblogging Dead Friend Forever ep 3
It's Saturday and you know what that means! That's right, it's time for our weekly look at Gay Teens Stuck In A Cult Murder Woods While A Serial Killer Who Might Be A Ghost Is Out To Get Them!
In the recap I JUST noticed that Phi is the one like "Nah you're friend probably just moved! :) It's Fine :)" before he convinces them to remake the movie and I just....Sus King.
Phi doesn't want Top to go for help alone and like...he's right! Not only is Top a coward who will probably abandon them, it's also just a dumb idea! There is a serial killer out there! If Top is alone, he is going to Get Got. Phi is being smart, actually! And Tee just straight up asks Phi if he wants Por to die and my poor Sus King stays silent. I support your murder agenda!
Tan getting Top to spill some secrets! So Top and Non had issues, you say? 👀 And the road to town is conveniently blocked you say? 👀 i feel the killer getting closer lmao RIP Top you will not be missed.
Fluke is the only one who realizes that they shouldn't disturb a crime scene. Tee is the one who says "well then let's just burn it and get rid of the evidence!" and like....what on earth did y'all do three years ago. you absolutely killed someone for the Forest Cult didn't you.
Oh ewww i really didn't need the random dog licking the corpse with gross noises. but also, don't shoo away the dog! The dog can alert you to the killer lurking! The dog will be your friend! Nothing better happen to the dog or Be On Cloud and I are gonna have Words
White didn't even want to come! He wasn't supposed to be there! It's supposed to be his day off! I like how Phi tells White to stay behind while they go try to rescue Top and Tan - because White's not involved in this. It also keeps one of the non-involved trio with Fluke, One with Top and Phi has the other group. Each group has a non-involved person to keep an eye on their shady, potentially Non-Murdering asses.
Tan made it all the way back to the Valley Mansion by himself? 👀 Ok, Sus King, we still on board the good ship Phi And Tan Are The Killer.
LOL Tee really keeps calling Phi out, it's so funny.
Tan must have hit his head or something for them to but the "by the time i got up Top AND the motorbike were gone!"
Fluke you KNOW you cannot be shaking Por like that. You are absolutely trying to kill Por before his dying guilty conscience spills the beans on what you guys did to Non. And Ooooo White stealing the hard drive with the movie on it because Fluke made him suspicious. Way to go, pulling the innocent act. You might just survive. Ah, but it's broken.
The shrine and al lthe blood is very well done very creepy. Tan's asthma is absolutely gonna get him killed tho.
Oooooh White found a gun under Por's mattress. Interesting. and he's keeping it because he doesn't fucking trust Fluke which is so smart of him.
Lol love them quadruple-teaming the masked killed. like, yes! there's way more of you than of him! But then they run away like...no! just tackle him and unmask him! there are four of you!!!
dying at Phi and Jin trapped in the box/coffin together and Phi saying he'll protect Jin.
"it's nothing why would you want to watch it hat much" because you are SUSPICIOUS as FUCK, Fluke and White is not actually stupid maybe??????? Fluke has lost his damn mind.
So we have confirmation that Por took money from someone he shouldn't have - Non, probably? Weird.
Por's rich ass family has a mansion in walking distance to the Cult Murder Shrine. So Theory: Por's rich ass family are cult members who sacrifice people. the friend group got sucked into three years ago and tried to sacrifice Non, who thought he was their friend but was basically their bullying victim. Non escaped and is now Out For Revenge and I am eagerly awaiting Unhinged Barcode. Pretty sure Phi and Tan are also Team Revenge, but it could also just be that they and Phi especially are Nosey Bitches. I support them either way.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
top 5 Star Trek TOS episodes? I cant recall if you've done that already -ypq
OH YES okay
5) The Tholian Web (underrated spirk ep)
4) The Conscience of the King (obligatory bc of the Tarsus IV fic I will write Someday)
3) A Piece of the Action
2) The Devil in the Dark
1) Journey to Babel
soooo many others could have made it tbh
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alexiethymia · 2 years
ML s5e9 Elation
I loved it and I have a lot to say
Marichat given and taken in one ep. *sobs*
Marinette is having a hard time of it. She’s just a fourteen year old girl, and every time she has a crush, everything goes wrong.
Andre represents the hardcore shippers. He represents all of us.
This ep was insidious. Hawkmoth knowing Marinette is Chat Noir’s weakness is dangerous. But it is also hilarious in that I am absolutely sure he’s going to want Marinette around more often for the chance to manipulate her which gives more chances for Adrien to make her fall for him again which means Gabriel is both endangering and helping out his son’s love life. Good luck with your avoiding Adrien plan, Marinette!
Adrien is amazing. His heart and strength and kindness and ethics is amazing to me. Marinette needs that reassurance of Chat Noir loving Marinette, but also can’t help but feel hurt he no longer loves Ladybug. Meanwhile, Adrien despite having what he wants being literally there for the taking (and make no mistake he wants Marinette desperately, that doped out look proves it, he probably has since way back that first time she kissed him), has enough sense and conscience to get a hold of himself. I really appreciate this show taking the time to explain the power imbalance of loving a superhero with a secret identity (which I think applies in a lot of scenarios) and that despite how much Marinette wants it, Adrien won’t even take the tiniest risk of taking advantage of her
In connection to the above, it is his utterly selfless care for the people he loves that saved this love square from getting even more complicated. Despite how much hurt he must feel like probably having lost Marinette because it felt heavy to love him (and to find out she loves his alter-ego which must compound his self-confidence issues), Adrien of all people to hear that and to think that Marinette might have been burdened with loving him, what with all his hang ups about fame and loneliness, to still not take the easy way out as Chat Noir - I just, I just really have to applaud him. He’s come such a long way from that boy who let his jealousy akumatize someone. This may be a kid’s show but I lived (and guiltily loved) through some problematic shoujo leads so Adrien has always been refreshing to me in so many ways. I loved him as Adrien and Chat Noir in determination, so I’m really excited to see his progression throughout season five.
Marinette is amazingly brave, but Adrien too is unbelievably courageous with his heart. Multiple times he serves his heart on a platter, but rather than be cynical, he still chooses to be true to himself. It is this eternal optimism, in contrast to Marinette’s pessimism (which she has good reason to have, thinking you’ll end the world if you fall in love will do that to you), that allows him to face both Ladybug and Marinette, and rather than resent or even feel hurt by Marinette, psych himself up to win her over again. He can believe that Marinette would love anyone under the mask even though he hesitates to reveal himself now that he thinks Marinette must have been burdened when she loved him, because that’s how he felt/feels in regard to Ladybug. His hang-up is more on the secret identities thing. He wants to court her properly and honestly. He truly is a good boi.
Also, I cannot believe with how many speculations and theories we’ve had of how Marinette’s feelings for Adrien get revealed, she gets outed by ANDRE OF ALL PEOPLE?? I don’t know whether to call him king or clown. He’ll probably be overjoyed the moment they reveal their identities to each other, and he sees Adrien and Marinette holding hands and happy, as well as Ladybug and Chat Noir, like balance has been restored. (And then go berserk again and Glacer 4.0 the moment he sees Ladybug spiderman kissing Adrien Agreste in an alleyway or something.)
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