#ep: the wrath of savitar
random-fandom-whump · 2 years
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The Flash S03E15 ↳ RFW's Favorite Flash Whump Moments (✚)
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backtothestart02 · 7 years
Westallen Fanfiction | Smut-By-Ep
An official sign up list. If you are super psyched for the fic idea I posted and would like a chapter dedicated to you (which would include your input on the content if you like!), plz either reply to this post, send me an ask, or DM me with your enthusiasm and your request (prepare some back-ups in case someone else snatches your chosen episode first!).
1x01 - Pilot [TAKEN] (Posted) 1x02 - Fastest Man Alive (Posted) 1x03 - Things You Can’t Outrun [TAKEN] (Posted) 1x04 - Going Rogue [TAKEN] (Posted) 1x05 - Plastique [TAKEN] (Posted) 1x06 - The Flash is Born 1x07 - Power Outage 1x08 - Flash vs. Arrow 1x09 - The Man in the Yellow Suit [TAKEN] 1x10 - Revenge of the Rogues 1x11 - The Sound and the Fury 1x12 - Crazy for You 1x13 - The Nuclear Man 1x14 - Fallout 1x15 - Out of Time 1x16 - Rogue Time [TAKEN] 1x17 - Tricksters 1x18 - All Star Team Up 1x19 - Who is Harrison Wells? 1x20 - The Trap [TAKEN] 1x21 - Grodd Lives 1x22 - Rogue Air 1x23 - Fast Enough
2x01 - The Man Who Saved Central City 2x02 - Flash of Two Worlds [TAKEN] 2x03 - Family of Rogues 2x04 - The Fury of Firestorm 2x05 - The Darkness and the Light [TAKEN] 2x06 - Enter Zoom 2x07 - Gorilla Warfare 2x08 - Legends of Today 2x09 - Running to Stand Still 2x10 - Potential Energy 2x11 - The Reverse-Flash Returns 2x12 - Fast Lane 2x13 - Welcome to Earth-2 [TAKEN] 2x14 - Escape from Earth-2 [TAKEN] 2x15 - King Shark [TAKEN] 2x16 - Trajectory 2x17 - Flash Back 2x18 - Versus Zoom 2x19 - Back to Normal 2x20 - Rupture 2x21 - The Runaway Dinosaur [TAKEN] 2x22 - Invincible [TAKEN] 2x23 - The Race of His Life
3x01 - Flashpoint [TAKEN] 3x02 - Paradox 3x03 - Magenta 3x04 - The New Rogues [TAKEN] 3x05 - Monster 3x06 - Shade 3x07 - Killer Frost 3x08 - Invasion! 3x09 - The Present [TAKEN] 3x10 - Borrowing Problems from the Future 3x11 - Dead or Alive 3x12 - Untouchable [TAKEN] 3x13 - Attack on Gorilla City 3x14 - Attack on Central City [TAKEN] 3x15 - The Wrath of Savitar 3x16 - Into the Speed Force 3x17 - Duet [TAKEN] 3x18 - Abra Kadabra 3x19 - The Once and Future Flash [TAKEN] 3x20 - I Know Who You Are [TAKEN] 3x21 - Cause and Effect [TAKEN] 3x22 - Infantino Street 3x23 - Finish Line [TAKEN]
4x01 - The Flash Reborn 4x02 - Mixed Signals [TAKEN] 4x03 - Luck Be a Lady [TAKEN] 4x04 - Elongated Journey Into Night [TAKEN] 4x05 - Girls Night Out [TAKEN] 4x06 - When Harry Met Harry 4x07 - Therefore I Am 4x08 - Crisis on Earth-X, Part 3 [TAKEN] 4x09 - Don’t Run 4x10 - The Trial of the Flash 4x11 - The Elongated Knight Rises 4x12 - Honey, I Shrunk Team Flash 4x13 - True Colors 4x14 - Subject 9 4x15 - Enter Flashtime 4x16 - Run, Iris, Run 4x17 - Null and Annoyed
*Post will be updated as new titles are revealed and people have sent in their requests (and as chapters are written & posted).
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nikkisiixx · 7 years
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This morning I released my reaction to The Flash S3 EP15 - The Wrath of Savitar || Click Link in Bio - Subscribe to get notified, catching up with pending reactions for EP 16, 17, 18, & 20. Hoping to release EP 20 Thursday, and this weekend episode 16 + 17. #youtube #nikkisiixx #siixxnikki #nikkisiixxdotcom #blogger #vlogger #reactionvideo #subscribe #theflash #dccomics #savitar #barryallen
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creddieswestallen · 7 years
the flash season 3
So far I'm absolutely loving this season of The Flash, Barry and Iris are finally happily in love in canon, Wally is Kid Flash and loving it, and Iris is finally getting the attention she deserves. Part of what is making this season so great is Grant and Candice's acting. They both are incredible actors and play so well off each other and handle their emotional scenes together so well. I'm so glad that Iris is the focus of this season because it's allowing Candice to reach deeper into her acting skills than she has in the previous seasons and it's great to see more sides of her shine through. Another reason why this season is thought to be the best season of The Flash yet is it gives the anti-Iris stans something to cry about.
West Allen being together and Iris's death being the main focus of the back half of this season makes racist Flash comics super fans very angry. Well they can keep crying their salty tears because the more they complain the more I know the show runners are doing their job right. While Barry is in denial iris is being more realistic about her possible death. I think it’s a good thing to see the contrast in how they’re both dealing with this situation and I hope that gets touched on more as the rest of the season. I don’t really know what’s going to happen in these Grodd eps but they look cool and I’m excited to see Jesse and Wally together again. I’m sure these eps won’t have much Iris in them but I bet whatever scenes Candice does have will be gold and I’m also really excited for Cynthia to come back too.
As of right now the team hasn’t figured out how Savitar comes back as he’s currently trapped in the speedforce, the next ep after the Grodd eps, is titled The Wrath of Savitar. In the episode description Wally is seeing visions and doesn’t tell the team, also a secret threatens Barry and Iris’ happiness. Based on behind the scenes Information Wally starts seeing visions of his dead mother and doesn’t tell the team and the secret that threatens Barry and Iris’ happiness is Savitar being back because I can’t think of anything else.
I’m so excited to see how the rest of the season plays out. Like how does everyone seeing visions of their dead loved ones effect the characters? How will they save Iris from Savitar? Will Cisco play a big part of saving her by using his vibe powers? Do they ever address how Caitlin will control her powers to stop from becoming Killer Frost? When does Barry propose to Iris and how? I know it’s going to be the most romantic thing ever ugh I can’t wait! Does Barry get trapped in the speedforce at the end of the season? Who will die? All of these are important questions. I wish I could just binge watch the rest of the season now I’m not a patient person but they haven’t even finished filming the season yet, so I’ll just have to wait.
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aymerictheblue · 7 years
Every thing that was Bad™ with The Flash 3x15
Everything about this episode seemed so?? wrong to me so heres a compiled list of all of my problems with the Wrath of Savitar
Barry’s proposal to Iris becoming something gross: I was super excited that they were gonna get married and honestly the fact that barry “didn’t see a ring” when he went into the future how the fuck was he supposed to he fucking panicked there was no way that small of a detail would be noted and aLSO sure the proposal was rushed but like it seemed 100% sincere in the way like ‘i know that we might not have much time together so lets make the most of it’ and not ‘oh if i change the future by proposing then maybe you wont die’ like wtf cw
The way the team handled Wally’s breakdown: listen if he was hallucinating something like savitar barry wouldnt have just pushed him away like that, and then cisco letting him just vibe into the future to see his sister die how tf was that supposed to make things better and also it seemed wayyyy to rushed for savitar to be out of the speedforce this could have stemmed over into the next episode it would have been more impactful that way
Caitlin being undermined agAIN: all of her character development revolves around 2 things and both of those things occurred in this ep. first off fuck snowbert its too rushed and while it could have been done way better caitlin is yet again reduced to her relationship with julian
Caitlin hiding the stone: and heres the other. yes okay i know that she doesnt want her powers and yes there is probably a way to fix it but like holy shit thats a pretty big bomb to drop theres no trust here just jfc
The team just?? forcing Julian to do something that was obviously something super traumatic that he didnt want to do: like okay i never liked julian i called that he was alchemy way before it actually happened but hes actively trying to get better here but it seems that hes basically only on the team so he can be their own personal radio to The Bad Guy
Damn that bad communication being used as a plot device
Jesse being gone for like a majority of the episode: i am 100% here for her and Wally’s relationship but that being said shes been put in that position of being the incapable female sidekick and also she was barely there for wally at all that ep what the fuck was that about
Does Barry even have a job anymore: he seems to be like putting off his regular life stopping it all dead in its tracks which has never stopped him before
Barry not even attempting to save Wally’s life: barry just??? stood there and watched him get sucked into the speedforce he didnt even try to pull him out hes the fastest man alive its said at the beginning of every god shitting episode he could have run the 10 feet to pull him out 
everyone telling Barry that what happened wasn’t his fault: okay so yes they were reassuring him but my main problem with that is a lot of the bad™ things that happened were due to barry’s really bad decision making hes been through? a lot and telling him that what happened wasnt his fault after he was impaled is just gonna further cw’s most famous manpain™. Flashpoint (though done poorly in arrowverse) has severely screwed up everything and barry already is dealing with the guilt of that but like ‘its not your fault barry’ is not as impactful as saying ‘we’re going to figure this out’ or ‘its going to be okay barry’ because we all know barry is already blaming himself 
i could go on but like this is long enough as is and i just need to complain this show has been pretty well done so far and im mad about how far this season has gone to shit
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#The Flash S3 Ep 15 "The Wrath of Savitar" Recap & Review
This week on the Flash, the team discovers that Wally is having visions of Savitar. This goes a step further when Wally is physically attacked by the vision. The team tires to figure out what is wrong with him. Barry tells Wally that he can't be at Star Labs or work as Kid Flash until they figure out whats wrong with him. Wally storms out, upset that Barry doesn't trust him. 
The team decides that they could use Julian to talk with Savitar. Julian initially refuses, but is convinced to help by Barry. They end up having to do this a second time and after both conversations, they learn that Future Barry trapped Savitar in the Speedforce. This is a problem considering that they threw the Philosopher's Stone into the speedforce a few months before. 
Caitlin presents the team with a piece of the Philosopher's Stone that she kept to try to find a way to get rid of her powers. Though this initially angered Barry, it ended up being a good thing, meaning that Savitar didn't have the whole stone. While this was a relief to the team, Savitar continues to torment Wally mentally. Wally was not present to learn that Savitar was in the speedforce with the stone and steals Caitlin's piece to get rid of.
By the time the team figures out what he is doing it is too late. Barry arrives to find that Wally has already thrown the stone into the speedforce. The portal pulls Wally in as he cries to Barry for help. Savitar then pulls himself out of the portal. After a brief fight, Savitar tells Barry that he had been manipulating Wally since the beginning of the season. All so that Wally can take his place in the speedforce. He stabs Barry and runs off. Back at Star Labs the team helps Barry, then gets to work to find a way to rescue Wally and defeat Savitar.
This episode was a ride. Having a prolonged appearance of Savitar was cool. He really puffed himself up to being the Flash's greatest enemy. He kept saving that, I am the future, Flash." Though it could also be interpreted as "I am the Future Flash". This could be a reference a storyline in the comics where a future version of the Flash comes to the present to kill himself in the past, to stop terrible things from happening. The logic in the Future Flash's argument was that he kept losing time throughout his years as a hero. This caused him to fail stop certain events that ruined his life and his reputation as the Flash. It is also worth mentioning that the Future Flash has blue lighting and his superior the Flash in many ways. This could be a cool way to explain who Savitar really is, considering that Savitar had only a few short appearances in the comics, the last one being his death.
Having Wally trapped in the speedforce could do some interesting things to his powers and his outlook on being a speedster. We'll have to wait and see what happens.
There are a couple things that kind of bothered me about this episode. Barry was a bit of a jerk in this episode, which is something that he should have out grown from the previous seasons. Though they do explain that it was his fear that caused him to lash out. I still think he was a bit harsh in this episode, especially toward Wally. Speaking of which the other thing that really bothered me was when Wally was being pulled into the speedforce. Barry arrives and literally just stands there and watches with a confused look. HE IS A SPEEDSTER. The time he spent watching Wally, could have been spent grabbing him or at least attempting to save him in a way. It didn't really make much sense.
As a whole this episode was really good. It's good to see Savitar back and it will be interesting to learn more about him and see where they end up with Iris's death rapidly approaching. 
Overal Rating: 8/10
-Do you think Barry could have prevented many of the events in this episode?
-Do you think Savitar is a character who has already been on the show?
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serpentorslair · 7 years
THE FLASH Sn. #3 Ep. #15 'The Wrath of Savitar' TONIGHT!
THE FLASH Sn. #3 Ep. #15 ‘The Wrath of Savitar’ TONIGHT!
After dealing with Grodd, and gaining a new team member in ‘Jesse Quick‘, Flash must deal with the sudden return of Savitar! This just after Barry made his marriage proposal to Iris. Check out the new promo for Tonight’s episode of ‘The Flash‘ titled, ‘The Wrath of Savitar‘, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP! The Flash, ‘The Wrath of Savitar’ airs tonight at 7pm Central on CW.
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random-fandom-whump · 2 years
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The Flash S03E15 ↳ RFW's Favorite Flash Whump Moments (✚)
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serpentorslair · 7 years
THE FLASH Sn. #3 Ep. #15 'The Wrath of Savitar' Photos UP!
THE FLASH Sn. #3 Ep. #15 ‘The Wrath of Savitar’ Photos UP!
The Flash — “The Wrath of Savitar” –FLA315b_0018b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon, Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow, Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and Tom Felton as Julian Albert– Photo: Katie Yu/The CW — © 2017 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
After dealing with Grodd, and gaining a new team member in ‘Jesse Quick‘, Flash must deal with the sudden return of Savitar
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serpentorslair · 7 years
THE FLASH Sn. #3 Ep. #15 'The Wrath of Savitar' New Promo UP!
THE FLASH Sn. #3 Ep. #15 ‘The Wrath of Savitar’ New Promo UP!
After dealing with Grodd, and gaining a new team member in ‘Jesse Quick‘, Flash must deal with the sudden return of Savitar! This just after Barry made his marriage proposal to Iris. Check out the new promo for next week’s episode of ‘The Flash‘ titled, ‘The Wrath of Savitar‘, and share your thoughts AFTER THE JUMP!
“While training with Barry, Wally starts to have visions of Savitar, which he…
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