canary3d-obsessed · 3 months
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed, Episode 41 part one
(Masterpost) (Pinboard)  (whole thing on AO3)
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Warning! Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
We start off with Wei Wuxian, paper edition, flinging himself onto the surprisingly well-preserved face of Nie Mingjue.
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Back in their room, Lan Wangji immediately recognizes that Wei Wuxian is doing empathy, even though it's an advanced technique that Lan Wangji hasn't seen him use before, as far as I can recall. Maybe the wind from nowhere that kicks up as soon as the empathy session starts is an indicator he's been trained to recognize.
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Lan Wangji: Where's my fan?
Watercooler Gossip
We head into an extended flashback from Nie Mingjue's memories.
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Dead-Nie-Mingjue spends a surprising amount of time thinking about how sexy and imposing he used to be, as well as remembering things he wasn't actually there to witness. The whole sequence is presented in usual close-third-person narrative POV. Maybe when we die, we switch to third-person camera view. *shrug*
Nie Mingjue finishes off a couple of Zombies without wiping his sabre, which would make Aslan very unhappy if we were in Narnia.
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Then he glares angrily at his crew of cheerful disciples and their unbloodied swords, for reasons that are unclear. He's an angry guy.
(More behind the cut!)
He says to call the dude who was "the last one to stay guard last time." When they say it's Meng Yao he looks shocked. I don't know why he's shocked because I don't know what he actually means by "the last one to stay guard last time." On Netflix this is translated as the dude who "stayed the latest last time," which I guess means that Meng Yao works harder than everyone else? But apparently the result is that he is required to carry water for the rest of the group, so maybe it means he's a slacker? Without seeing the duty roster I can't really tell what the deal is here.
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Next we see Meng Yao walking up with a whole bunch of water bottles on a hill above the CDrama River of Questionable Life Choices, where we have previously seen Wei Wuxian, Wen Kexing, A-Qing, and maybe those Lotus Casebook guys.
He approaches the mouth of a (incredibly beautiful) cave, where he can hear people talking shit about him inside.
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Instead of going inside and telling them to shut their collective pie hole, he goes and sits by a tree to have lunch by himself. With…all the water? They should have waited to insult him until AFTER the water delivery. Jeez, these guys are dumb.
While he chows down on his bread, he keeps glancing wistfully at the cave where the dudes are, but somehow fails to notice Nie Mingjue walking up to him until he's 2 feet away.
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Nie Mingjue asks why Meng Yao isn't in the cave with the others. Meng Yao makes a face at the cave and Nie Mingjue strides over there, eager for an opportunity to be pissed off about something.
They walk into the cave together and the dudes are STILL talking shit about him. I get that gossip is fun, but there are only 3 things to know about Meng Yao. 1. Mom was a sex worker 2. dad is reknowned creep Jin Guangshan 3. got kicked down the stairs at Jinlintai. That's it.
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Anyone who enjoys gossip knows that the conversation would have shifted by now, to one of the following topics: 1. who else's mom is a sex worker? Yours, no yours! 2. the further creep adventures of Jin Guangshan 3. every over-long staircase that anyone in the group has ever heard of, and everyone who either climbed up it or fell down it.
Instead, the conversation has stayed resolutely on the topic of Meng Yao, and Nie Mingjue just stands there with him behind a rock wall, listening while his guys lay out all of the embarrasing detail, along with their big opinions.
One guy says that Meng Yao has accepted his fate and has to run and get water for them, but another guy says he hasn't accepted it, that he's diligent & working hard all the time so he can gain fame and get his father to acknowledge him. This is the only guy who has said anything positive about him, and this is the speech Nie Mingjue decides to interrupt, rather than the speech about how many men Meng Yao's mom has fucked. What the hell, Nie Mingjue? Nie Minjue clearly has no interest in saving Meng Yao embarrassment.
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Nie Mingjue yells at everyone and tells Meng Yao that the more that these assholes talk shit about him, the more he has to achieve to make sure there's nothing they can say. Which is…pretty decent advice, sadly.
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While Nie Mingjue delivers his lecture, Meng Yao mentally counts up how many guys he's going to be murdering later. Then Nie Mingjue pointedly promotes him to be his deputy General. Meng Yao thanks him formally and apparently sincerely.
Before we jump ahead to what happens next, let's talk about how this scene sets up the relationship between Nie Mingjue and Meng Yao. I think it's a super toxic relationship right from the get-go.
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When I first watched this scene it played like a leader seeing the value in his subordinate, defending him from his peers, and elevating him as a reward for his hard work. But I think that's not really what we're seeing. Nie Mingjue's focus throughout this encounter is on the rest of his men; specifically on their unvirtuous behavior and his rage about it. He's using Meng Yao to teach them a lesson, and it seems like he elevates him above them not as a reward for himself, but as a punishment for them.
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On the flip side, Meng Yao's lunchtime pity party seems a lot less spontaneous to me, now that I've seen so many other Wuxia & Xianxia dramas, than it did when I first fell into this CDrama rabbit hole. His meek, butthurt reaction to people talking shit about him is inappropriate for a cultivator or any fighter in the Jianghu. It's an entire culture based around fighting and responding to challenges. He definitely doesn't lack courage, so I think his meekness in this situation is crafted for its effect on Nie Mingjue.
Cloud Recesses Revisited
Let's have a flashback of our own, so we can compare this meeting with Meng Yao's first meeting with Lan Xichen, back in Episode 4.
When Meng Yao is presented, some Jiang sect douchebags in the back lay out his whole backstory in loud stage whispers. Lan Qiren quickly silences them -- without losing his temper, notably.
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Even though he's a grumpy SOB who doesn't normally hesitate to yell at Wei Wuxian students, he does not embarrass Meng Yao by making a big deal of the situation; not even to say Gossip is Forbidden.
Lan Xichen then steps up and, smooth king that he is, drops the piece of gossip HE has heard about Meng Yao: "I've heard that Clan Leader Nie has a helpful assistant." Then he compliments the elegance of his speech, saying that he matches up to his expectations.
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Then he strokes his fingers while he praises the gift he's brought. Then he grabs him and kisses him passionately in front of everyone Ahem. Pardon me.
Where Nie Mingjue's reaction to malicious gossip is to listen to every word of it and then make a big show of criticizing the people speaking, Lan Xichen moves to counteract it with praise, subtly shaming the gossipers in a way that genuinely uplifts Meng Yao. And he does it just because he's a nice guy who finds Meng Yao pleasing, not because he requires anything from him. Whereas Nie Mingjue appears to require quite a lot from Meng Yao.
Nie Mingjue's goal seems to be to improve Meng Yao in a fundamental way; to educate him and sort of force him onto the path of virtue. He also wants to use him to force his men onto the path of virtue...a path he himself does not, actually, walk.
Murder Will Out
Next we jump ahead to Meng Yao shanking the guard captain.
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I think Nie Mingjue needs to overhaul his hiring practices because this dude is very easy to stab and perhaps should not be in charge of anything relating to combat. Maybe the "block" button on his game controller broke.
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Note that Meng Yao picks up a saber to do this - not a Wen sword, but a Nie saber, which might be a props error, since later Nie Mingjue accuses him of deliberately using a Wen sword to disguise his actions.
We've seen these events before, back in episode 10, but the editing adds some things in the current episode, and removes others. Let's look at the differences.
1. Drunk Guard Captain
The night before this fight, there's a banquet and Meng Yao spends most of it making out with guarding Xue Yang. He does this by checking on him a bunch, which doesn't seem like it should be necessary in a fortress with a proper dungeon, but whatevs.
In Episode 10, we see Meng Yao briefly encounter the drunken, hostile guard captain, who shoulder-checks him and calls him son of a [sex worker], but otherwise we don't see any of their conversation.
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In Episode 41, Nie Mingjue's head remembers a longer version of the encounter, with bonus vomiting. The captain tells Meng Yao he saw him talking to someone, asks what he's up to, accuses him of lying, and Meng Yao tells the captain's sidekick to put his drunk ass to bed.
This whole scene is HILARIOUS when you consider that this is Nie Mingjue's mental account of events, which means the Captain must have put everything we see in his report to the boss.
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"Well, sir, I was incredibly drunk and vomiting in public near the Lan guest quarters when that twink that you like was seen talking to someone, so I roughed him up a bit and insulted his mother before I went to pass out from drunkenness. I hope you will reprimand him for his bad behavior."
That scene, in Episode 41, ends with Meng Yao all alone, straightening and brushing off his clothes and making his "I'm plotting your death" face.
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Nie Mingjue sure does remember a lot of stuff he wasn't actually around to see. Maybe he's filling in gaps with everything he's heard during all the times Meng Yao has stood in front of his head-shelf and gloated out loud about stuff.
2. Wens Attack
In episode 10, Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu bring some guys to attack the Unclean Realm. Meng Yao goes and stabs the guard captain while Nie Mingjue is in a melee 1-on-1 with Wen Zhuliu, which requires all of his focus and spinning.
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Nie Mingjue glances to the side in a moment of respite and sees Meng Yao stabbing the guard captain; he promptly forgets about fighting Wen Zhuliu in order to go shout at Meng Yao.
Meng Yao pulls on a tee shirt that says "commmit to the bit" and proceeds to say "it wasn't me" over and over despite having been caught red-handed.
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This distraction enables Wen Zhuliu to almost stab Nie Mingjue, but he's saved by Meng Yao throwing himself in the way of the blade. These people should learn to block with something besides their torsos.
In Episode 41, Nie Mingjue's head has forgotten that Wen Zhuliu was ever there, and doesn't focus on the other Wen dudes right in his eye line. He notices Meng Yao acting a tiny bit squirrely and stops fighting in order to go follow him. Like. Stops fighting to defend his fortress, seat of his power, family home, etc., because he doesn't trust his subordinate.
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Did I mention the need to overhaul Nie Clan hiring practices? Also some management training wouldn't be out of place.
Nie Mingjue's head also remembers that Meng Yao smirked evilly while doing the stabbing.
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It's cool that he had time to notice this and be shocked and appalled rather than, you know, moving quickly to intercept the blow or otherwise help his captain out.
Side note: Meng Yao doesn't wipe his saber when he's done with it. Aslan is sad now.
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3. You're Fired
After the battle is resolved, we go to Nie Mingjue's office. In episode 10 we jump in with Meng Yao groveling on the floor while Nie Mingjue yells at him. In Episode 41, we learn that he's on the floor not because he put himself there, but because Nie Mingjue apparently kicked him and his recent chest wound across the room.
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In Episode 10, Meng Yao makes it makes it clear that he killed the guard captain on purpose, and gives a pretty good list of reasons for killing him.
you promoted me to vice general, but he always looked down on me
insulting, beating, and humiliating me
taking credit for my achievements
he let Xue Yang go
Meng Yao says that he could tolerate the first two problems, but he 100% will not tolerate #3. It's not about personal pride, for him, it's about ambition.
There's always gonna be another mountain I'm always gonna wanna make it move Always gonna be an uphill battle Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose Ain't about how fast I get there Ain't about what's waiting on the other side It's the climb
The part about Xue Yang is bullshit, of course, but the rest seem like pretty okay reasons for killing the guy. I mean, in the world of the show, where justice is mostly determined by stabbing.
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Nie Mingjue doesn't think pride in your own achievements is a good enough reason, and banishes him.
In Episode 41, Nie Mingjue remembers things differently; this time Meng Yao's justification is:
He let Xue Yang go
He wanted to kill me
He insulted my mother
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This time, Nie Mingjue feels like it would be ok to kill the captain in a sudden moment of anger, but if that was how it went down, you wouldn't have an evil smirk on your face. Also, why pretend that Xue Yang did it and why use a Wen Sword? [it was clearly a Nie saber, bruh]
Nie Mingjue thinks he's been planning this for a long time, because the guard captain told him that Meng Yao was colluding with Xue Yang. Nie Mingjue has ALMOST figured out what's going on here, but his anger is making him stupid.
Instead of following through to the logical conclusion that Meng Yao is getting up to some shenanigans with Xue Yang, he focuses on his own hurt feelings, suspecting that Meng Yao was manipulating him from the beginning. Which, of course, he was, but Nie Mingjue was using Meng Yao, too. Red flags all around.
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He wonders if Meng Yao would have killed the caveful of bullies if Nie Mingjue hadn't come to help him out. Which is ridiculous since Meng Yao was just sitting and having his lunch when NMJ showed up; if he felt like killing those guys it would be pretty simple to poison the water they were making him carry for them.
Nie Mingjue proceeds to banish Meng Yao not precisely for killing a guy without permission, but for having the wrong priorities and values. So he really shouldn't be surprised when Meng Yao goes to work for Wen Ruohan.
Soundtrack: The Climb, Alan Cumming version
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kaqura · 2 years
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【make me choose】               ↳ @ozeca asked: kanna or kagome
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kerubimcrepin · 8 months
Episode 41 - The Sword of Nine Tails
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Anyway, I think that, this is a yet another instance of Kerubim trying to install, within Joris, a love for merchantship. And by god, it's working.
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Joris knows him well. Cute. :)
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Joris just screamed "THE SWORD IS FAKE?!" as loud as he could and is now watching the ensuing chaos with a satisfied little smile. Will his reign of evil ever be stopped? I genuinely think he loves this. Just like an adult, he only pretends to be normal. He knows what he did. He loves it and approves too. <3
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He LOVES it when people clap for Kerubim almost as much as the man himself does... He truly is god's strongest Kerubim apologism warrior.
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The text at the bottom is unreadable for me, besides the stray "L", "D", "U", and "C", but at the top it is "LEGENDES"
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I bet primitive ecaflips pack bonded with bow meows or something.
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Even though Lanceforge weren't yet a thing in the lore during this time, my gut reaction to this cave and that name is "IS THIS THE EVIL ISLAND FROM CIRE MOMORE?!?!?" and then I just start coughing up blood.
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I hauve Post-"Cire Momore Webtoon" Stress Disorder.
And guys, you want to read that comic, for free, on allskreen, soooooooooooooooo bad. Haha. This isn't analysis this is me telling you to go read this comic.
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Imagine being in love with an ecaflip person, but having an allergy to their fur. Wouldn't that be fucked. Wouldn't that be hellish.
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I love how that section nonchalantly transitions to show Kerubim buying this sword.
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Handwriting is very hard to parse in this series.
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Truly, the flash frame of all time.
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Ruining other people's entire day is a good job well done.
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johannepetereric · 2 months
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theloopcrew · 1 year
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for everybody in the jigen trenches :salute:
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mobinkhan14m · 2 years
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Aap Ko Konsa #ism e zaat Diya Ja Raha Hai? | #EP41: #ImamMehdi Course #YounusAlGohar #GoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #ifollowGoharShahi #sufism #allah Click: https://youtu.be/mBtP9NKha1g #Watch #ALRATV #Live at 4:00 AM IST. #WhatsApp For #Spiritual #Heart activation +447401855568 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClA2f83PHwg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wasimmce · 2 years
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Aap Ko Konsa #ism e zaat Diya Ja Raha Hai? | #EP41: #ImamMehdi Course #YounusAlGohar #GoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #ifollowGoharShahi #sufism #allah Click: https://youtu.be/mBtP9NKha1g #Watch #ALRATV #Live at 4:00 AM IST. #WhatsApp For #Spiritual #Heart activation +447401855568 (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck_cCQsP06r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Chatting about gifts from the Wildmother.
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thegreymoon · 6 months
The Story of Minglan
I have so much work to do, it isn't even funny, and here I am, doing none of it. So, instead of just sitting in front of my computer and letting anxiety eat me up, I'm going to see how married life is treating Minglan.
I have three shows that I am actively watching right now. It's a battle to choose which one to watch at any given time. The struggle is real 😫
Well, he's feeling energetic the morning after 😅
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LMAO, OK, so I know that the implication here is that he has great stamina and wore her out, but, honestly, my first thought was that she must have been doing all the physical work of their first night together, so she's now tired and he's up and about doing acrobatics 🤣🤣
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LMAO, I'm on her side here!
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Sleep above all!
To hell with the shitty in-laws.
What a thing to tell your newly-wedded wife!
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Yikes 😬
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Hopefully he, ahem, learned other skills at the brothel instead 🤣🤣
He's so fully of nonsense, I cannot 🤣🤣
Ugh, these vipers.
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The sooner they move out, the better.
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Honestly, my stance for this drama is that anyone who wants to commit suicide should be allowed to 🙄
Wait, is she implying that Gu Tingye is sleeping with this woman?
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Because, seriously? SERIOUSLY??
Now they are straight-up lying to stir up trouble in their marriage! AND THIS IS, LIKE, THE FIRST DAY!! 🤬🤬
Minglan, don't be an idiot. Don't believe them!
Oh, and the lot of you are soooooo worried about how some random servant who is sleeping with the master of the house is going to live 🙄🙄
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I cannot with the what-the-fuckery on display here 🤬🤬
Even if any of this was true, WHO GIVES A FUCK??
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OK, so, personal story time. Skip for TMI, or something. IDC.
When I was nineteen, I was living away from home for the first time in a dormitory and I had these roommates. I was a very stupid, naive, sexually inexperienced, frontal-cortex-still-entirely-udeveloped nineteen. I was studying architecture, the hours were ridiculous, the living conditions were atrocious (and I mean no hot water, communal toilets for the entire floor, no privacy whatsoever, perpetually drunk, eternally partying next-door neighbours bringing creepy men over, it was absolute hell with no recourse) and I was really, really struggling to keep afloat.
My self-esteem also wasn't the greatest and I'd spent my entire teens feeling unlovable and unattractive because, idk, I didn't look like Naomi Campbel, and was told from numerous sides that being some random average girl was just not enough. My mental health went down the drain that year and it never really recovered. I hadn't been doing particularly great even before that, but it was like that whole hellish mess snapped some final thread in me and it was just a downward spiral after downward spiral for years after that. It took an additional ten years to get diagnosed and put on meds because everyone is just so stupid and when you are young, you don't know how to advocate for yourself, or even that you should be doing so.
And then there were these roommates.
There were three of them, all older than me, and we lived in this tiny twelve-square-metre room with three single beds (two of them had to share because one of them was a friend who was there "illegally" because she had lost her right to accommodation for repeating the year and didn't want to go back to her parent's home for the time being and I was too stupid to put my foot down, report her and tell her to fuck off). The two legal ones were sisters.
And let me tell you, I was so in AWE of them! All three were tall, beautiful, put together and confident! They were incredibly popular and had men crawling all over them. I felt pathetic in comparison. I wasn't jealous, not exactly, I just felt inadequate and held the two sisters on this incredibly high pedestal because they seemed so smart and gorgeous (not so much the friend, because even though she was beautiful too, she had this self-absorbed, self-centred, flighty, shallow character that I just couldn't respect). The sisters, however, were everything I wished I could be, especially the younger one.
That particular sister, let's call her M, was also studying architecture. She was in year four (compared to my miserable first year) and she was doing so well, her work was amazing. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was the epitome of elegance, intelligence and beauty in my eyes. She could do no wrong. Hero worship was in full swing, I couldn't imagine she could be any more perfect even if I tried.
And then a few months into our hellish living arrangement, I found out that she was fooling around with this worthless guy who was cheating on his long-term girlfriend with her. They had an on-again-off-again relationship. They had broken up before because he refused to leave the official girlfriend, but for whatever reason, she was in love with his mediocre ass and kept going back to him. I was shocked when the whole story came out. There she was, the most perfect girl I had ever known, letting this cheating loser string her along like that. It was gross.
Let me tell you, that pedestal I put her on came crumbling down so fast because even my infatuated, naive, sleep-deprived and chemically imbalanced brain knew this was very wrong (it took me several more years and another incident with a woman I was super close to and had adored for years to teach me not to mess with cheaters and the people they cheat with because they are always fundamentally deficient in some hidden (or not so hidden) ways and that whatever damage they have that lets them act in this way will eventually drag you down too, but I digress).
In my shock, I asked her, why? Of all people, why him? This girl was so gorgeous, she could have had any man on the planet. She said they were in love. And I asked her, if he loved her so much, why didn't he break up with his girlfriend (mind you, the girlfriend fully thought they were getting married sometime in the near future). It seemed so obvious to me, if he truly loved her, he should have ended his previous relationship and dated her openly.
Apparently, the shitty cheater couldn't break up with the girlfriend because the girlfriend had sworn that if he broke up with her, she would never marry anyone else and stay single her whole entire life. And he, the poor baby, couldn't live with that, so he couldn't leave her 🤯🤯
I had never heard something more ridiculous in my life. It was so absurd, and it was so world-altering for me that this perfect girl, the girl I had thought was so put together and so incredibly smart, was TAKING THIS UTTER STUPIDITY SERIOUSLY. I still remember it so clearly, even after all these years. It didn't make sense then and it still doesn't make sense now. It's the XXI century!! Break up with the woman you don't love!! What the hell is this nonsense?? WHO THE FUCK CARES IF SHE DECIDES TO NEVER MARRY ANYONE ELSE? IT IS NO LONGER YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM!!
Also, all these people were in their early fucking twenties, the absolute delusion that any of her threats (if they were even real and not made up by the loser cheater because all cheaters ever do is lie) were in any way a real and enforceable thing that would come to pass. BUT EVEN IF SHE NEVER DID GET MARRIED? SO FUCKING WHAT? NOT YOUR CIRCUS, NOT YOUR MONKEYS.
And there she was, sneaking around with this garbage man because he gave her this nonsensical excuse. The stupidity is unending. I cannot. I could not and will never be able to can 🙄🙄
And back to the actual show now.
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Also, let's not forget that these are the very people who wanted to murder Manniang and Gu Tingye's actual children with her. They are so concerned with the status of a lower-class servant sleeping with the Young Master and how she will raise her head in public and go on living. So, so, so concerned 🙄🙄
Minglan, please tell them to fuck all the way off.
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I am beyond pissed.
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I am beyond sick of these wretched bottom feeders and their "path of survival" 🤮
True! Let's all ask him!!
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I am sure he will just love all this slander.
This whole thing is just beyond WTF.
What exactly were her parents supposed to teach her?
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Just take in some random prostitute for her husband the day after she was married? What the actual fuck is wrong with this woman? Worms for brains, I swear. The audacity is astounding.
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I am so tired 🙄
This dumb fucking bully.
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The best thing that ever happened to women was emancipation and no longer having to live in their in-laws' homes.
LMAO, how many statuses do these mistresses that the wife is forced to support even have?
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Fuck off with this bullshit.
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LMAO, wait, what?
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They accused him of raping this woman?
Gu Tingye, please take your wife and fuck off from this place.
LMAO, Gu Tingye keeps making good life choices!
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Gu Tingye is not among my favourite characters by a long stretch, but I do appreciate him so very much!
Go, king! Protect your wife and stay winning!!
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Don't you just love it when utterly disgraceful people start blathering about not getting the respect they feel entitled to 🙄
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Gross family.
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thechekhov · 2 years
CR3 Quick Reacts - EP 41
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greenteaandtattoos · 2 years
Chetney believing that his wolf form is his “better self” because he finds self-worth only in his ability to support others, because he knows what it feels like to be alone, to have no one to fight for you or have your back, and he doesn’t want others to feel the same way. He’s willing to rely on the curse that set him apart of put him through years of being hunted and discriminated against to protect and fight for the people who care about him and he cares about, his pack.
The fact that it was acts of showing proof that Bells Hells cared for him that helped get through the Wildmother’s possession. Fearne flirting with him, showing him that she saw something in him besides his fighting ability, and Orym presenting his wolf wood carving, showing him that his eagerness to offer his time and effort into crafting presents for others using his talent for wood carving was something that inspired others, more so than what he can do as a werewolf.
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johannepetereric · 2 months
Doji is legit laughing as if Hyoma’s screaming was the funniest thing he’s ever damned heard, and like he’s holding like the tear tracks. He’s cracking up at the end!
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theloopcrew · 1 year
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thenatezone · 2 years
Watching Ashley Johnson have so much fun cutting loose as Fearne (to say nothing of the rest of the gang absolutely living for it) always makes me so fucking happy. I remember on her Between the Sheets episode she talked about how shy and anxious she was before she started playing Dungeons & Dragons and I just...love what the game can do for people when everyone at the table is there with an open heart, y'know?
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mobinkhan14m · 2 years
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Aap Ko Konsa #ism e zaat Diya Ja Raha Hai? | #EP41: #ImamMehdi Course #YounusAlGohar #GoharShahi #ImamMehdiGoharShahi #ifollowGoharShahi #sufism #allah Click: https://youtu.be/mBtP9NKha1g #Watch #ALRATV #Live at 4:00 AM IST. #WhatsApp For #Spiritual #Heart activation +447401855568 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClA2cZxP7KG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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