#episode revew
peterstanslizzie · 5 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 1.18 (Rated Aargh)
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I love this photo. They all look like they are about to lose their marbles. 
- Perhaps this is one of my favourite opening scenes of any episode so far. Lizzie is laying down on the floor and is awaiting for Ethan to “blow in her mouth” while romantic music is playing in the background. That’s was she said...oh gosh, what is wrong with me?
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Animated Lizzie, as a supermodel. She looks like she’s by the ocean but I thought frogs can’t live in the ocean because of the salt water. I’m such a nerd lol
- Anyways, they are actually at health class, focusing on CPR training led by Coach Kelly and Lizzie is supposed to be the dummy. Ethan, as usual is lost and doesn’t know what to do. Coach Kelly loses her patience and asks Ethan to go back to his seat and Lizzie misses her opportunity to kiss Ethan. They really should use dummies instead of actual people to practice the CPR steps. 
- She calls for Larry Tudgeman to come up and perform CPR on Lizzie. Lizzie immediately gets up and tries to get out of it but Coach Kelly is forcing her stay. Umm, no teacher should force their student to have their mouths be touched by another student’s unless of course, it’s for an emergency. Well, Larry puts his mouth on Lizzie’s and the results are just devastating lol. 
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Did Larry and his friend just used the ‘Vulcan salutation’ gesture from Star Trek?
Teens Seeing An R-Rated Movie? Gasppp
- We cut to Lizzie rinsing her mouth at the water fountain, trying to remove any trace of Larry’s saliva from her mouth. She also gets made fun of by another kid at school for doing mouth to mouth CPR with Larry. Is Larry really that disgusting? 
- Did Lizzie outright call Ethan dumb? Well, that’s a first! Gordo tells Lizzie and Miranda that he really wants to watch ‘Vesuvius: The Eruption’, an R-rated film starring Ben Affleck. Apparently, the word on the street is that most of the kids at school have already seen the movie, which is about an active volcano that erupts and destroys an ancient city. I actually remember learning what Mount Vesuvius is from English Literature class at school. 
- The trio unanimously decide to watch Vesuvius together on Saturday but I can tell from their voices they’re feeling quite hesitant. Plus, they need someone’s parent to drive them to the movie cinema. But Gordo is adamant that they have to watch it. So, they come up with a plan or in Lizzie’s case, a script to convince their parents to let them watch the film. 
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I was pretty sold by their speech but their parents still said “NO!”
Matt’s School Carnival
- Matt’s storyline in this episode begins with him telling his parents how excited he is that they will be building a booth at his upcoming school carnival. Both Sam and Jo are taken aback because they only volunteered to blow balloons. But with Matt, they have to expect the unexpected. 
- They are hesitant at first but when Matt mentions about this kid named Jeff Thompson, she immediately thinks about his mom who always comes in 1st place at the bake sale. Jo seems to not like losing to her and her competitive spirit pushes her to want to participate in the carnival and have a better booth than Jeff’s mom. 
- Matt suggest his own idea of what he wants to do at their booth but it’s definitely not feasible and not to mention, dangerous. Jo, always coming up with the good ideas, suggests they build a velcro wall. 
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Aww, moments like this really warms my heart
Lizzie’s Attempt At Lying To Her Parents: Part 2
- At school, Lizzie, Gordo and Miranda are feeling bummed about not being able to watch Vesuvius. And it doesn’t help that other people are still talking about the movie. 
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Lizzie’s ‘Larry reflex’ is actively working
- Gordo comes up with a plan for them to lie to their parents and tell them they want to play mini golf instead. Lizzie questions the plan because we all know how bad of a liar she is; Case in point, look up episode 1.12, ‘Between A Rock and A Bra Place’. But Gordo doesn’t think it’s lying. As he puts it, it’s a “last minute change in plans in advance”. Sure Gordo, that sounds legit. 
- Back at home, Lizzie goes up to her mom to ask for her permission to go to the miniature golf course with Gordo and Miranda; Jo immediately says “yes” without questioning Lizzie. Well, I thought Lizzie sounded pretty believable when she asked her. 
Getting The Tickets 
- Our favourite trio arrive at the movie theatre but they still have one more hurdle to face and that is to buy the movie tickets without being turned down for being underage.  
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Let’s just say from this guy’s expression, they did an awful job. 
- The more you explain yourself, the more likely other people can pick up on your lies. Actually, Lizzie was almost able to get the tickets until she got turned off by the price of the tickets and asks whether there is an Under-14 discount. She just had to ask that question...
- Gordo suggests they sneak in through the back but unfortunately for them, the fire-exit door is locked. His other plan is for them to walk backwards and pretend like they just came out of the movie theatre whilst the previous movie-goers are exiting. His plan worked and they are able to sneak in without getting caught. 
- Lizzie is ordering a bunch of food from the concession stand to make herself feel less guilty since she did not pay for her ticket. From what Miranda just explained, cinemas make most of their money from the sale of food and drinks. Is that really true? 
- We suddenly hear a strange noise in the background, coming from a man who is chocking on something and needs help immediately. Gordo and Miranda frantically ask Lizzie to help that man since she knows how to do the Heimlich maneuver and she quickly goes to him to perform the technique, which is successful in getting a huge sour ball out from his windpipe.
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Miranda is really unlucky this time. But Gordo is even more unlucky. Miranda tends to not do or say anything when it comes to the sticky situations of others. Like the time she didn’t bother to open the locker for that kid who was stuck inside of it in episode 1.15. 
- Looks like the stuff she learned from CPR training in health class proved to be useful for Lizzie; She saved a man from choking to death. Because of that, she and her friends are even being interviewed by the local news on TV! That’s so cool. But what they failed to realise before the interview is the fact that they will be seen on TV during the 6 o’clock news at the lobby of the rated-R movie. Basically, their parents might watch the news channel and see that their kids have lied to them and snuck in to watch Vesuvius. 
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What is Gordo doing back there? hahahaha
Lizzie The Lying Hero
- We see Jo talking on the phone to someone from the movie theatre where Lizzie and her friends were in. She is told that Lizzie just saved a man’s life and as a reward, the cinema is rewarding them with free movie passes and a gift certificate. Oh, so Lizzie even gave her house number to the interviewer without remembering she lied to her parents?
- Jo eventually realises that Lizzie lied to her after Sam tells her that the theatre Lizzie was in is where Vesuvius is showing. Lizzie is definitely in trouble but hopefully that gets cancelled out for saving someone’s life. 
- Lizzie, Gordo and Miranda arrive at Lizzie’s house and they discuss about making sure her parents don’t watch the news at 6 o’clock. What about Gordo and Miranda’s parents? Shouldn’t they be concerned about them too? 
- Jo and Sam greet them and asks them questions about their non-existent mini golf game. As expected, they give conflicting answers, which makes them look even more guilty. However, just when Lizzie’s parents are about to turn on the TV to check the weather, Lizzie makes the decision to distract them by purposely dropping her dad’s gnome lamp onto the ground till it’s all shattered into pieces. 
- Jo’s not budging though, despite her husband insisting that they head back to the kitchen to glue the lamp back together. She really wants to watch the news.
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Jo isn’t playing any games this time and I'm here for it.
- This time, Jo and Sam are playing mind tricks on the kids because now she’s suggesting they all go out to watch Vesuvius together. At this point, they realise that Jo and Sam already know about the whole sneaking into an R-rated movie plot. Yup, they are so getting it.
Closing Off
- Lizzie, Gordo and Miranda are on the photo talking about their respective punishments and how they’ve disappointed their parents. Miranda and Lizzie are grounded for a week while Gordo is grounded for 2 weeks and he has to write a 10-page paper on responsibility. Yikes! That’s pretty harsh. No wonder Gordo is a pretty wise guy for his age. 
- Lizzie also has to glue Sam’s gnome lamp by herself and she needs to help out with Matt’s school carnival by peeling kids off the velcro wall. Speaking of that, Jo calls for Lizzie to come down and practise.
- First up, we have Matt:
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That looks really fun
- Next up, it’s Lizzie:
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Poor Sam; He was behind the wall when Lizzie jump onto it and caused it to fall over. Ouch! He is always getting hurt out in these streets lol
Overall Thoughts
- This episode was a solid B for me. The whole lying to your parents story-line has been done quite a number of times already. I did like the opening scene and I enjoyed the scene where Lizzie was doing the Heimlich maneuver on a man chocking on his food. 
- But the stars of this episode to me were Sam and Jo Mcguire. It was a joy to watch them keep their cool and make Lizzie and her friends sweat from trying to keep their secret of sneaking into an R-rated movie from them. Lizzie really shouldn’t try lying to them anymore because they have their ways in finding out the truth. 
- In terms of what I am able to take away from this episode, there’s nothing much besides what I’ve already learned in previous episodes. Another note I have is It’s quite interesting but weird how little we saw of Ethan in this episode. I mean, guest stars usually appear for a little while in episodes but he didn’t really leave much of an impact here unlike Larry. Well, at least to me. 
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Ducktales Reviews: The Impossible Summit of Mt Nevverest!: The Unseen
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Ho ho ho all you happy people! Christmas continues with a very special christmas adjacent ducktales! It’s been a while hasn’t it? I don’t think i’ve covered ANY Ducktales episodes since I finished the season 2 story arcs.  I had some planned but had to push them to the side to get paid work done because that’s what keeps me going, allows me to do this as a career, and what got me to do my lena and season 2 arc retrospectives in the first place.  If you have any episodes you’ve been wanting me to tackle from seasons 1 or 2 (as I covered season 3 as it came out), that I haven’t yet hit up my inbox to comission it or if you’d like to have your way every month, join my patroen. For 5 bucks a month, you get to pick one thing I revew a month, either a half an hour or tv or issue of a comic, or in duck comics case a comic story, and it’s guarnateed. It will get done every month and you will have a spot on the schedule. So if there’s more ducktails you want retold, simply slide on into my patreon 
If you can’t do five, that’s fine, don’t worry even one dollar a month helps and get’s you access to my patreon exclusive reviews: I have a bunch of suplimentary scott pilgrim stuff, the second gizmoduck episode, and as a super special awesome bonus, a carl barks story about scrooge where the wig buisness leads to attempted murder, lawsuits, and this lovely image. 
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And if you just want to jaw about ducks to your hearts content my discord server is 
 Now all my promoting is squared away, let’s talk about this episode. This one has an intresting history as it was INTENDED to be the third episode of the season, providing a nice mix of duckburg centric episodes and adventure ones, as well as providing an even focus on the cast: In intended order, each of the four main kids would’ve had a spotlight episode: First Dewey with the second half of the pilot, then Webby with Daytrip of Doom!, Huey with this episode and finally Louie with the great dime chase. Each character gets an episode of full focus on who they are, their personality, while still giving the rest of the cast plenty to do. It was well thought out. Not only that it gave us a nice spread of globetrotting  adventure episodes mixed with ones set in duckburg. The creators thought this through.
Disney unforutnatley didn’t, which is a SHOCK coming from the same stuido that filmed in the same providence as concentration camps, announced their first gay character 57 times, cut the third season of a heavily loved and aclamined show short because it’s “Too Gay Not Disney Approriate”, canceling this show three seasons in due to an abrittary stuido mandate despite being able to easily go for 5 or more and thought the eternals would be great to not only anchor a film in the first place but also introduce their first major queer character in the mcu whose visably gay. I can’t imagine them fucking up bad. 
Well they done did. As you likely know if you watched the show first run, the order scrambled things to fit their schedule. As I covered in my Season 1 arcs, this fucked both up a bit by giving the season a LONG gap before either progresed any due to moving the second lena episode up. There is no excuse for this and it’s lucky the order was fixed for the Disney+ release.. after being botched intitally because it’s Disney and they have to stumble through a yard full of rakes before actually succeeding at anything. It’s just how they work. 
So while fucking with the story arcs was a worse offense, it did also similarly screw over one character; Huey. As I said in intended order, he gets an episode early on as the crew was decent at character ballance. It’d take them till season 3 to properly use Donald and Beakley in a season, i’ll grant that, but outside of those two glaring exceptions, they do have a good track record of giving every member of the main cast a decent amount of screentime, with of course one triplet getting a major story arc. But with this .. we have to wait till the END of the first half of the season to get any focus on him, thus making it seem like the creators didn’t care about the character as much.. when clearly yeah they did, they were just spreading it out and think on the season as a whole rather than episode by episode. So a good chunk of season 1′s issues were things that were not their fault and many viewers, including myself, unfairly put on them. And the reason fo rall this? So they’d have a christmas episode. 
And this REALLY isn’t one. I’m covering it with my other christmas stuff because it TECHNICALLY counts, but really it’s just one line early on to set up the santa thing. And I give Frank credit for mastering a venture bros level of deciding to make a throaway line or small joke into an entire fucking episode. He made the santa thing a recurring thread that paid off TWICE, first with Moonvasion and again with the reveal behind it all, made a one off mention of Scrooge keeping the world serpent at bay into a wonderful wrestling episode, and even set up the fun joke of Gibious and Zenith adopting a dog and naming it good boy a half a season ahead of time. Granted unlike Jackson and Doc it’s clearly through careful planning more than just wininging it and making it look like you planned it, but it’s the same result and the same level of talent. 
But I can talk about how this show feels like a spirutal succesor to the venture bros another time, and honestly intend to make it it’s own article since frankly it deserves it and I want to get more fans into both shows. Point is, this really isn’t a christmas episode, and i’m covering it over the far more christmasy “Last Christmas” purely for personal reasons: I tried scheduling both, moved it so i’d get at least one done, and picked this one for a very simple reasons: out of ducktales 69 episodes, this is the ONLY ONE I’VE NEVER SEEN. 
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Yeah. I simply kept putting it off for the past four years. I don’t even have the excuse with Last Christmas I did of missing watching it during the proper season and saving it like I usually do. I just kept forgetting to watch it and never set aside time for it. Simple as that. So this is the first and only time since Season 3 Wrapped I went into an episode not having seen it. I knew what happened, but even being a massive Huey fan, I just never got around to it. So this felt like it was more important and I now feel secure enough that i’ll be here next year to say “fuck it i’ll save one for next time”. 
So I have a very valid reason.. Disney just wanted another winter episode despite having plenty of shows and episodes for that at the time. This came out the same year as the Star Vs Holiday Special.. which granted is hot garbage and I covered that last year, but still you had another flagship show having a holiday episode. You didn’t need this. And unlike their other shows where they stick in their fingers and go “I CAN’T HEAR YOU FANBASE YOU DON’T EXIST i CAN’T HEAR YOU”, they KNOW Ducktales crosses generations. Most guest spots got Entertainment Weekly articles, the ONLY show they’ve done it for. The show itself got a decent sized spread in the same magazine. They know adults and teens watch this but didn’t care if they tuned out of it. A first season is crucial: you can have some roughs spots but if there isn’t enough there for audiences to latch onto it could die off quickly even if the show gets better. While Ducktales thankfully got a healthy, if still shorter than it deserved, three season run, they VERY badly risked no one wanting to watch the second they already greenlit with this bullshit. Disney needs to be better. Thankfully at the very least it seems they learned their lesson and haven’t done this since.. but the fact they did it at all still baffles me. 
So while there’s intresting stuff AROUND it is the episode itself any good? Join me under the cut to unwrap this one and find out! Full spoilers.. for a four year old episode of a completed tv show with spoilers about it’s ending I freely talk about. 
So we open in the Sunchaser with Scrooge and the Kids in winter gear. Their mission is to climb on top of a never neverrest with their contaiminated family specfically Mt. Nevverest, the tallest mountain in the world. Louie is less than enthused both with it being christmas and with it being extra work. Huey on the otherhand is all the way enthused as he wants to get his cartography badge, and this being 20XX, most of the world’s been charted. That line’s also a nice bit of possible foreshadowing for Della’s trek into space: the whole reason for it, if you recall is because Scrooge, Donald and Della had FOUND just about every lost nook and cranny of the world. So this mountain may be his best shot. 
Launchpad gets them out having once again made love to a mountain with his plane, and our heroes prepare to chart into parts unknown.. only to instead gaze upon parts tourist trap, as since Scrooge had been there a tourist industry has sprung up. This is another one of the series neat updates but in a subtle way. As I learned in one of John Olvier’s stories, turns out mountain climbing has turned into a massive boom industry... and created tons of problems because let’s face it if it turns up as the main story of last week tonight, it’s probably not something good. So what was likely a quite villiage having turned into a sizeable tourist trap is incredibly common and a nice touch of reality, as is Scrooge’s natural disgust with this. 
We get the setup for Launchpad’s subplot and woo-ooo boy... this one. I’ll go ahead and get it out of the way since i’ts REALLY irrelvant to the rest of the story: Launchpad gets conned by a local dog person into thinking he might have “ice fever” a fake malady he made up to con launchpad into buying needless junk. That’s a decent setup, one we could get some good comedy out of and leads to a great moment for Louie. The problem is Louie sits out most of the subplot, so instead it’s just Launchpad, who ends up behind because he gets sent tumbling down the mountain due to getting his pack, with half our heroes suplies, caught in an arch, so he ends up just bumbling around for about 5 minutes snowblind, with Mr. Magoo level jokes about him mistaking things and panicking about his alleged disease while bumping into people and ruining their day like a jackass. That COULD be funny if done right, with actual jokes but the series seems to think Launchpad just yelling a lot and getting into blind mishaps is funny which...
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The climax IS really excellent though and makes me wish this plot actually lived up to it. Launchpad bumps into Louie. If your wondering why he’s not with the others, that itself is a great bit: Louie talks about a treasure of nevverest as the fam gets ready to set out.. only to find out there’s no treasure and understandably nope out of this, somethign Scrooge probably should’ve seen coming dragging along the one child who loves money as much as he does, but it IS early in the series so him not seeing this coming is more excusable. His episode bonding with Louie comes AFTER this in proper order. 
So he’s just maxin relaxing all cool when he finds launchpad, finds out he’s been scammed and in a nice character moment, gets ANGRY, saying no one messes with his family. It’s nice both because he JUST MET launchpad two episodes ago.. as well as showing that this early on Louie isn’t some greedy heartless monsterboy. He cares about the people in his life. It also is a nice early example of showing how Louie’s grifting isn’t INHERENTLy bad, it just has to be aimed at a deserving target. And the guy conning an obvious himbo is the most desreving. 
How Louie beats him is just as brilliant: he simply plays up the fact Launchpad supposdly has ice fever to the crowd, making the bastard’s own lie backfire horribly.. and the guy slip that i’ts a lie. The crowd beats him up for a refund, Launchpad thinks he’s cured, and Louie goes with it because why not. It’s a ncie moment I just wish we didn’t have to put up with 4 minutes of praying for death to get there. 
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Scrooge isn’t phased by loosing a nephew and instead likes Huey’s enthuasim, with Huey even grabbing a tourist map to do notes on. He then brings up what turns out to be a sore spot for Scrooge: George Mallardy, a brave explorer who NEARLY got to the top but then vanished, leaving behind nothing but a handsome mustached and the legend of his partner, the nevverest ninny, a nitwit who never made it upt here. Scrooge says i’ts just a story.. a story about a VERY rich man who in no way was actually a ninny good day nephew. GOOD DAY. 
Anyway, we get the setup for the better b-plot tucked neatly within the main plot, a cute little side story about Dewey and Webby. Past me would’ve loved the shipping matieral while present me wishes I could travel back there, complete with Doc Brown’s weird outfit from the end of back to the future to scream “NO THEIR RELATED NO JAKE NOOOOO.” Eh got better ships for both now anyway and if I could time travel.. i’d make my own bin to fill with digimon and medabots to swim around in while using now vintage yugioh cards to finance said bin. And pokemon too but that’d be it’s own bin and require a lot more time travel to diffrent periods and diffrnet k-marts. Start small then work your way up I say. 
The plot kicks off with the most adorable scene possible as Webby sees a sled in the window on sale, buys it and then sleds down.. about half a foot before falling over comically. Dewey suggests waiting for the maximum moment... and since he shares a va with, and acts like, a mascot with attitude webby agrees to his idea to sled down mt nevverst. It mostly ammounts to Webby wanting to go now and Dewey saying not yet, but it is pretty freaking adorable with her enthuasim and him trying to paitently guide her like a big brother.. and kicking the sled out under her once,  like a big brother. 
So our heroes journey fourth up the mountain, with Scrooge taking loosing Launchpad and half their kit in stride. Things go well at first, as they tend to with Huey finding a forboding rock someone CLEARLY sealed something under he names bunny rock.  It’s not bad as it builds up the mountain and sets us up for the episodes twist. No not that scrooge is the ninny, that’s less of a twist and more of an obvious setup for later. No i’m talking about the fact the mountain eldtircly warps, as our heroes find Bunny Rock again.
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Scrooge tries brushing it off and after the second time around leaves them with no progress and a storm starting, they hide inside a cave. It’s there our heroes find Mallardy.. or rather his skeleton, hilariously wearing a “I didn’t surivvie mt. nevverest t-shit”, which scrooge brags about passing because he classy like that. His bragging reveals his hidden shame though. 
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And that he’s the Ninny, though the story naturally isn’t THAT cut and dry: Scrooge hired Mallardy to help him scale the mountain, wanting to do a big thing to celebrate his first million which with later reveals places this sometime in the 60s. When Scrooge was reluctant to progress due to the danger, mallardy cut him loose and thus Scrooge wanted to do this to erase his old shame with new glory. The tragedy of this is Scrooge, much like his comics counterpart did when swindled by glomgold, took the wrong lessonf rom this. Instead of thinking “well I was more prepared and right and he was uncautious and is now dead, I should be careful, while still taking risks” his thought was “Screw prepration for this one and only job I want ot get this done.” It dosen’t feel inconsitant with how this scrooge likes to be well prepared either: the fact he ISN’T bothered by loosing launchpad and dosen’t go back to get his half of the suplies if nothing else, when normally Scrooge makes sure to have plenty of kit within reason and as much info as he has avaliable, is a clear tell this is personal to him. And as we saw with Donald and eventaully will with santa, one of Scrooge’s biggest weaknesses is holding grudges. Sure he’ll gladly employ a former foe like manny.. but if you personally cross or betray him, or he FEELS you did even if he’s the one who really did the betraying, he will NEVER let it go and thus his anger blinds him as much as, ironically, it does say glomgold. The only thing that seperates them is Scrooge is capable of letting it go and of self reflection: with the right catalyist he CAN realize holding onto this shit isn’t healthy. Glomgold has about as much self relfection as a a mirror covered and mud and hung in a dark basement in the middle of a black hole. 
So he wants to press on.. and finds the key thanks to webby who runs around the room. Turns out the mountain has warps in it, hence them getting looped around, to protect it’s top. WHY is never explained.. but this is one of those times where that works: by not explaning it it makes it that much more daunting: we dont know WHY it’s like this, we just know it is and it makes things tha tmuch harder. It also works because we don’t need a foe here. The antagonist in the main plot isn’t a person.. but Scrooge’s own stubborn need to erase his own failure. It’s clear by this point their better off going back, MAYBE coming back eventually but they don’t have the suplies for something like this. Scrooge keeps pressing on.. but Huey realizes that as much as he WANTS his owl goal it’s not worth it. 
Huey was the perfect choice here too: the episode shows off his careful planning, as he sketches on the map as things go haywire and brings some high tech equipment, and his bonding with scrooge here is sweet, geeking out over his vintage mountain thing and both being equally determined. And it makes it that much more powerful when he BAILS. The badge isn’t worth his life, Scrooge has clearly lost it, he knows it’s time to quit and there’s no shame in that. Sometimes the biggest thing you can do is walk away. I’ve done that iwth projects realizing it woudlnt’ work or if I go back to them I need to take it from another angle. It’s not an easy thing to just walk away from something you REALLY want. But sometimes.. it’s the only thing you can do and the only thing you SHOULD do. It shows that huey’s caution, while often holding him back, can be a strength in the right situation the same way Louie’s schemes, often his own greatest weakness, can be. By knowing WHEN to quit he saves his family and snaps Scrooge out of it, Scrooge realizing that he’s gone too far and calling it off.. just in time for avalanche. A really undereated mst3k episode but a really bad thing to get caught in.
We get a nice sledding climax,  Webby finds it meh, and our heroes arrive down, Scrooge being fine iwth his failure and Huey’s map blowing away in the wind.. and to the top, in a way.. reaching his goal by not reaching it. 
Final Thoughts; This episdoe isn’t anythign spectacular but it’s still damn good. The plot with Huey gives him some really good character moments I wish we’d gotten sooner and the snowy setting is pure fun, from the sleddnig subplot to the haunting atmosphere in places. It’s a solid episode worth visiting.. it’s just not a christmas one. Thanks for reading
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corelliaxdreaming · 3 years
My current displeasure combined with the revew of this show I just read mean I'm out halfway through episode two. I don't need to watch a show where women are baaaaad and there's a single important trans character who has to deal with blatant transphobia at every breath.
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skipdrawz · 4 years
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Every Episode of Yo-kai Watch Review - Episode 1 (Cover being worked on (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1023987784-every-episode-of-yo-kai-watch-review-episode-1?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=SkipPlayz&wp_originator=J9YzS4dtdLn1Y2hPzsde%2FG%2BbUWZjeOvQkUwjY%2FkBjcM8dvbpjI3QFUotXc86srOEUPrPEJETgecr5Msf9wqIJhEG%2B3uO%2BJ0bEm8i8nPdcAMj7UQ4FGQ1%2Fn75BOheJF8C AS much I love anime game animes have alaways been a thing and so it my goal to review every episode of Yo-kai Watch. From Season 1,2,3 and the Movies I'm revewing it all on this Wattpad site. (Cover Coming Soon)
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thedestinysunknown · 5 years
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The Simpsons (Season 1):
“Time to talk about a classic animated comedy. For the longest time, I’ve wanted to watch The Simpsons from the beginning. I like a lot of shows based on it, so why not watch the original as well? The Simpsons is a part of my childhood, specially my teen years. During this time, I thought I was “too cool” for movies, so I rather watch tv series such as Ugly Betty, Ghost Whisperer, a bit of Grey’s Anatomy, and all of the animated comedies going on. Honestly, I was a bit worried about this show because it’s older than most of the shows based on this concept. Surprisingly, I legit liked this season. It has some really interesting concepts and hilarious moments. I was expecting a lot more focus on comedy, but some of these episodes are legit depressing. There are an episode or two that I find questionable what’s going on, but other than that I had a lot of fun. I’m defenily going to continue to watch this show, and also revew the movie of it in the future.”
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agentmikehub1 · 3 years
More new videos and Vacation at last!
Sorry it has been a few months late and though that after July’s latest video from Dragon Agent Book Club, I had taken the liberty converting more of people’s videos to digital and yes the 5th episode of “Around Florida” is finally up. The 7th Episode of Around Florida will be about Disney World and for AgentMike’s Movie/TV Show Revewer, Where’s Waldo Franchise Review has been moved to later episodes as Ghostwriter 1992 PBS Kids Series is on Episode 73. The October Dragon Agent Gaming Report is finally up after almost 7 months. Today that Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp has been down hopefully it will be back up tomorrow or the next day. Vacation time has finally come at last! First to Disney World for 50th anniversary and around Late January-Early February 2022, Weekend Getaway at Stuart, FL. It is beneficial for upcoming Around Florida episodes.
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daiskken · 3 years
My Hero Academia 5x05
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Today’s revew is gonna be short cuz well, the episode had 2 main beats. We get a bit of a pause as the teachers give 1-A some advice on tactics. And then we jump into the second fight.
I knew we were gonna get Tokoyami focus but honestly Shihai stole the episode. I love his look, the fact i guess his quirk and his hero name being “Bentablack” is just the best. Seems like he enjoys playing the bad guy so it would be nice to see him once the fight is over. Moving thru the pipes at high speed looks fun and i see his potential, being able to posses Dark Shadow was kinda messed up and i was scared in that bit.
So going into the flashbacks i feel for Tokoyami, he’s very talented and works hard, seeing him just follow Hawks feels as bad as when Momo was picked cuz she’s preety. I was expecting the dynamic to be about Hawks picking tokoyami cuz he couldn’t have Todoroki and him proving himself. But we get right away it’s just a case of Hawks needing someone from 1-A to get intel about the league of villains. On the training part i feel kinda cheated cuz they make it seem like he never flew, but i temember in the obstacle race how Tokoyami nounted Dark Shadow to go past the robots. Yes this new way looks cool and seems more eficient long term but i expected a more WOW move.
Besides that we get Momo and Kendo challenge each other, wanting to stand out and stop being put in the same box, and Aoyama and Hagakure helping out fighting darkness, Like i said in my predictions this fight seems an easy win for Class B, granted i still don’t know what Manga does and Kinoko and her hability to grow mushrooms everywhere doesn’t look usefull right now. 
We’ll have to see how Momo and Kendo guide their teams and who gets the upper hand in the next episode.
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calliecat93 · 6 years
July/August Schedule
So with July just a few days away and RvB now in the final stretch, I feel that I can now properly plan for the next few weeks. Now anything can, and likely will, change. But here is the outline as it stands starting Monday July 2nd.
Week One: TMNT 2012 S1 Review (Fri), RvB16 Episode 13 Lightning Young/Episode Review (Sun)
Week Two: TMNT 2012 S2 Review (Fri), RvB16 Episode 14 LR/Review (Sun)
Week Three: TMNT 2012 S3 Review, RvB16 Episode 15 LR/Review
Week Four: TMNT 2012 S4 Review, RvB16 Season Review
End of July/First Week of August: Break due to RTX stuff (sadly I won’t be going (someday...) but I’ll be watching on Twitch and focusing on any RWBY and maybe Gen;Lock news that comes out. Plus after four season reviews (five if you count RvB’s) and four episode reviews I’ll need a break)
Week One: RvB Season 2 Review
Week Two: RvB Season 3 Review
Week Three: RvB Season 4 Review
Week Four: Out of Mind Miniseries Review, RvB Season 5 Revew
Fall Plan: RWBY V5 Review, RWBY V1/Trailers Review (working on how to break those down), maybe some Miraculous Ladybug.
That is the plan as it currently stands. As I said, anything can change. But I am hoping that I can stick with this. I am going to be going back over TMNT 2012 this week and will begin writing the review July 2nd. During the Fall (and due to RTX, during bits of August), with RWBY being closer to resuming, my attention will be on getting ready for V6 (which I’ll be reviewing as I did V5) and focusing efforts on it. I might try to fit some Miraculous Ladybug stuff in between though, we’ll see. But this is the current plan for at least July and August, lets just hope that I can keep it this way.
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#ChicagoMed S3, Ep. 3 "Trust Your Gut" Recap/Revew
Sometimes you just got to trust your gut in risky situation.
"Trust Your Gut" literally means what it means when it comes to this episode.You can have all the knowledge you want but it's your gut instinct that will help you figure it out. With one patient, who comes in with a cut on his gut, trying t explain that there's something inside of him. After meeting with Dr. Charles and Reese, the patient pulls out his intestate and rush to the OR to fix, but that wasn't the strange thing at all as the surgeons found a tumor that happens to be vanishing twin syndrome.
Another patient comes in with Dr. Manning and Choi treating who had no clue what was wrong with her at all. The parents blamed her brother for it, thinking it was drugs, but it wasn't. After a harsh moment with the brother and his parents, Choi talks to the brother about him and the drug use. The brother opens up about the pain in his gut after eating a burger and soon after Choi and Manning rush to the OR to stop a transplant to test the liver and comes to a conclusion that the patient and her brother sufferers from OTC or Omithine Transcarbamylase deficiency.
And Bekker and Rhodes butt-heads on the treatment of the patient who just had surgery. When the patient doesn't look so good, Bekker thinks other options that the patient needs now, but Rhodes wants to do it his way and trust his gut that with the treatment he's given will work and it did.
I couldn't leave out some of those #Manstead moments. This week they discuss the shave or not to shave for Will. As much as I enjoy the beard, I think that it might be good to see a clean shaved Halstead at Med. Also, who didn't enjoy that last moment when Will and Natalie fell asleep in the break room? 
The episode was had so many good moments, that really made you think of the cause with the cases that the doctors were treating. The writing of this episode was so good and kept me interested the whole hour. The performances from the cast was really good and that everyone had equal good performances. Overall, I give this episode a 8.5/10.
What did you think of the episode? Leave a comment. 
Here's a link for next week's promo.
You can catch Chicago Med Tuesdays at 10/9c on NBC.
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iceandfiresource · 7 years
I beg to differ about the show dragging. I don't even rewatch whole episodes and I can remember the important bits like Jon's parentage revew. If anything, my only complaint about the last season is that they are going too fast with some story lines.
it’s different for everyone. every person process and watch/read on their own ways. i agree with you that it could’ve been a little bit slower, with 10 episodes and all that.
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tododiaummetalnovo · 6 years
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Saudações Metaleiros!
Esse é o seu recap de sabado aqui do metal mantra! O seu episódio semanal com todos os reviews dessa semana no nosso podcast
Voce esta ouvindo o Recap - Revews - todo sabado @06h
Álbum do Episódio -
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Nos mande suas perguntas, sugestões, criticas, correções, elogios ou quaisquer outros comentários:
Fb - Twitter - Instagram - @metalmantrapod
Ouça primeiro em - anchor.fm/metalsagrado
Metal Mantra - Podcast Para o Metal Sagrado #MetalMantra
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99devilspodcast · 6 years
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Saudações Metaleiros!
Esse é o seu recap de sabado aqui do metal mantra! O seu episódio semanal com todos os reviews dessa semana no nosso podcast
Voce esta ouvindo o Recap - Revews - todo sabado @06h
Álbum do Episódio -
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Episódios Recomendados -
Nos mande suas perguntas, sugestões, criticas, correções, elogios ou quaisquer outros comentários:
Fb - Twitter - Instagram - @metalmantrapod
Ouça primeiro em - anchor.fm/metalsagrado
Metal Mantra - Podcast Para o Metal Sagrado #MetalMantra
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the-a-j-universe · 7 years
Wait what does revewing season 4 as a whole mean? Like you're not gonna review all the episodes?
It means that I would review the overarching themes and plots of the season themselves, instead of the individual plots of the episodes, and give my thoughts on the season as a whole. In addition to reviewing each episode. Which isn’t something that I usually do for primarily episodic shows.
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skipdrawz · 3 years
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Every Episode of Yo-kai Watch Review - Episode 2 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1082984719-every-episode-of-yo-kai-watch-review-episode-2?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=SkipPlayz&wp_originator=3GfiYmj8sqS6hFoWQegRyO1zBf5RS80Tw%2FnZqIgJR1FJpY4QMFDCb3duilnPfUZc%2FLeeBZ%2BY%2FddmMrUisdzCqEFUiBZVWPG0O4Bxve1dPVaPcIrgq%2FLENMsT8uT1XyV3 AS much I love anime game animes have alaways been a thing and so it my goal to review every episode of Yo-kai Watch. From Season 1,2,3 and the Movies I'm revewing it all on this Wattpad site. (Cover Coming Soon)
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The Resident - s02 ep10 - "After The Fall" - REVEW
The Resident - Season 2 - REVEW #TheResident #Fox #MedicalDrama #MattCzuchry #EmilyVanCamp #doctors #Season2 #ManishDayal #AmyHoldenJones
I started the draft for this entry with the title: “The Resident – Season 2 – REVIEW” but by the end of the episode I had decided to review the single episode because
Dr Bell saves Conrad’s dad’s life and, still in their wedding clothes, they find out that Dr. Lane Hunter has been released from jail on bail.
A bail that was set at 5 million dollars! WHAT?! And…
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agentmikehub1 · 5 years
More filming projects ahead!
Yes indeed today just filmed another episode of AgentMike’s Movie/TV show revewer and the 4th Video Game Mania special edition titled “Arcade Odyssey Extension”. Been there and everythings extended some classics, Pinball and all the good games are there! I will make a sneak peak of it.
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