#rated aargh
numptypylon · 1 year
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She should leave. Stop staring at him, back away, close the door so quietly he would never know she had been in here at all, had heard and seen him-
But that somehow didn’t seem fair, to ogle him like this and then not even let him know or apologize, taking advantage of how all-or-nothing she well knew his focus was. No, she should… apologize for the intrusion on his private bathtub love poetry time, then leave.
“Sorry, Cal-“
“AARGH!” He jumped, and there was a splash of water as the tub overflowed with the motion and then-
Well, she wasn’t quite sure, only that she was… lying down, she thought? And his beautiful face, all frowny and pretty, hovered right in front of her, beautiful, green eyes wide, water dripping from the tips of his beautiful hair and running down his-
His everything.
Read the rest of this rayllum oneshot based on that one S5E1 end credit sketch, Everything on Ao3 (2K, rated T)
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fromtenthousandfeet · 25 days
HYBE Financials and Media Play Part 3
The more I think about it, the more I've come to the conclusion that everything I read about HYBE in the media is a lie. The company may not be particularly good at turning a profit, but they are masters at spinning a tale.
Here's an oldie but a goodie. Jungkook is given credit for HYBE's 4th quarter 2023 operational profit of $71.4 million USD. Operational profit is revenue - operational expenses, but not including interest or taxes. Notice how they highlight operational profit rather than net profit. Once interest and taxes were deducted, the net profit for 4Q23 was -$39.8 million dollars. That's just so insane.
Here's a recent shameless media play article crediting the firing of Min Hee Jin for the bump in HYBE's stock price this past week - on Billboard of all places. Ugh. Lazy journalism abounds. I was glad to see so many people pointing out in the comments that the stock price rose due to the stock buy back and not MHJ being fired, but too many BTS fans are still clueless. When will Army stop being company lackeys? Aargh! Grow up already!
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In the next few weeks to months, I think it's going to become quite clear that HYBE does not have the money to pay out MHJ's put options in November, which is the real reason why they are desperate to get rid of her. I also think the company is up to its eyeballs in debt, and it's playing the game of taking on new debt, likely at higher interest rates, in order to pay off existing, maturing debt, quite a bit of which comes due in September. It's a ponzi scheme of borrowing. The finance team at HYBE probably isn't sleeping well these days.
At the end of the day, I feel really bad for the members of BTS, and frankly all the artists under HYBE, as well as the support staff who have worked so hard to put out quality music and performances over the years, only to watch Bang Si Hyuk spend all that money on worthless ventures, mansions, and cam girls.
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merryfortune · 2 months
Kickstart My Turn
August 11th: Soulmates | Tag Duel | Secret Relationship
Title: Kickstart My Turn
Ship: Magnetshipping | Yusaku/Yuya
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V & VRAINS
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,392
Tags: Meet Cute, Implied/Referenced Ai/Yusaku, Past/Referenced Child Abuse, Mild Angst, Humour, Crushes, Flirting, Not Canon Compliant
   Playmaker grit his teeth and tried to temper his breathing.
  He had been in worse spots than this. Way worse. Sure, he had his back to the wall - literally - and a thousand points of life left but hey, his board hadn’t been completely broken and he still had his next draw. It was a shame that his Skill, Cyber Access, didn’t quite work like it should here but he could still invoke it if he had to. And he might.
   Though two versus one wasn’t exactly fair.
   But life wasn’t always fair, Playmaker knew well. Though what he didn’t know quite so well was that life wasn’t always predictable, either. Sometimes, it could be full of surprises.
   His brow furrowed as he reassessed his situation and the Duel itself.
   Playmaker replayed the events of the past turns in his head. Every twist and turn, he saw it in his mind’s eye. He visualised all the resources he had at his disposal. His hand, his Graveyard, his Extra Deck. His key to victory was somewhere.
   He just didn’t know where yet.
   “Oi, oi, hurry up, don’t leave us waiting. We don’t have all day.”
   “Cease.” Playmaker snarled. “I’m thinking.”
   The only thing left that he hadn’t studied to the most minute detail were these two buffoons across from him. They had teamwork on their side, they clearly knew each other - and this world - much better than Playmaker. Duel Links… It really was a mystery to Playmaker, one he was unravelling in the hopes of finding clues to what he was after, the bits and pieces of his partner whom he was sorely missing right about now.
   Though Playmaker wasn’t exactly certain what service Ai could provide for him right about now. Moral support? Sound strategizing and advice? Honestly, what Playmaker needed right now was… a miracle.
   The surroundings of Duel Links glimmered and glowed, even giving puffs of confetti and coloured smoke. It gave the impression of being a string of locations within the same city, all spinning on a plate, one after the other and sometimes, a leap could be made. From one era to another, different people inhabited each platform within the string of locations. Playmaker had hopped, skipped, and surfed through about five previous to where he was now and this place didn’t seem to have bad intentions.
   For the most part, anyway. The wide open skies overhead, the bright yellow bricking of the cityscape, the fountain which performed playfully on the hour every hour. It seemed alien to him but it was almost as if the city itself that he found himself in, as fake and digital as it was, embodied the concept of fun.
   Or at least should have.
   Playmaker just seemed to have taken a wrong turn somewhere and encountered rabble rousers who couldn’t take no for an answer. He wished he could have as well but when push came to shove, he had a habit of not going down until he had at least swung back - and won. A bad habit he couldn’t kick since duelling was so life and death for him.
   It was a shame these clowns - or punks as they probably intended to portray themselves based on their edgy and garish makeup - couldn't leave well enough alone, either.
   Playmaker steeled himself and he was finally ready. He had ruminated to long. It was clearly do or die if he wanted to move on and explore more of this place in peace and privacy.
    “Alright, I dr-”
   “Intrusion Penalty!”
   Playmaker’s declaration was interrupted and he turned his head, instinctively, to where the noise was coming.
   The “intrusion penalty” thing was an electronic voice emitted from all Duel Discs - even his - but the reason for it, Playmaker saw the movement in the corner of his eye. Up on the awning on the side of one of the buildings that this duel was being contained within, he saw a sprightly figure silhouetted against the sun and his stomach dropped.
   Playmaker immediately regretted looking.
   The figure, the person, made a pained expression as electricity visibly shocked him. His posture changed, his chin lifted, his arms were pinned to his side as he endured it and then it was over - and he was unfettered by it.
   He darted down, artfully like an expert in parkour, and joined the duel, Duel Disc brandished and at the ready. His face was confident but marred by the damage he took. Playmaker stole panicked glance after panicked glance.
   What the actual fuck?
   He had tinkered inside and out with his Duel Disc and had never found any function barely resembling a shock collar. He, of all people, would think to check and now, suddenly, it was capable of such barbarism? His whole body churned with anxiety and yet here this guy was, shrugging it off. Mostly. And with a smirk.
   “Still haven’t heard of picking on people your own size, Ishijima?” the Youth taunted one of the opponents.
    Ishijima - the one with the more atrocious eye makeup and a purplish mullet - muttered something under his breath. He seemed almost embarrassed by the appearance of this fourth duellist into the fore.
   “But hey,” he said, “at least you have a friend now. Hi Strong Ishijima’s friend, it’s good to make your acquaintance.”
   At such a taunt, the new Duelist took a sweeping bow. The second opponent clicked his tongue.
   The new Duelist reared back up and glanced cheekily at Playmaker. For the first time, their eyes connected and such a spark, Playmaker was winked at - and could finally get a better look at the jester who was upstaging these clowns he was wrangling. He had glossy red and green hair, like a tomato, olive skin, bright red eyes and age wise… He seemed young for his age but older than Playmaker. Probably. It was hard to gauge in this digital world.
   “I’m pleased to make your acquaintance, too.” he said. “I’m Yuya.”
   Playmaker suppressed a strangled noise. His ears had to be deceiving him. His body was firing on all the wrong cylinders now after being triggered by the electrical disturbance of the Intrusion Penalty.
   But he still managed to mumble his name in reply to Yuya so graciously giving him that.
   “What an unusual name,” Yuya commented and gave Playmaker the once over with his eyes, “you definitely aren’t from around here but I can’t think of where else you’d be from.”
   Playmaker was quiet. He could make neither heads nor tails of such a comment. He felt like he was missing information for that to make sense - or maybe a sense of humour if it was meant to be a joke rather than something foreboding like Playmaker was assuming.
   “Hurry up, Sakaki, it's your turn.” Ishijima growled.
   “No, it's mine?” Playmaker disagreed.
   “Never Royale’d, huh, Playmaker?” Yuya said, overly friendly. “It’s okay, it’s my turn and then it’ll be yours again. It's us versus them now.”
   “Okay, whatever you say.” Playmaker chewed warily on his reply.
   Yuya, however, had no hard feelings as he flung his arms open wide. “My turn!” he announced - and immediately took more damage. He yelled, pained but not so pained he sounded seriously hurt, loud enough to alarm Playmaker but only Playmaker, and then straightened out. “As it is my first turn, I forfeit my draw and lose half of my Life Points per the Intrusion Penalty,” he explained, “but no matter, I have everything I need in my hand to help Playmaker win.”
   What happened next… Playmaker was in disbelief. He had none of his usual words for it but there was no other way to describe it. It was beautiful. Yuya’s duelling was beautiful but also vibrant and vivacious, it was… fun. 
   At the beginning of Yuya’s turning, Playmaker’s hands were trembling. His heart had been racing. He could feel the echo of all the bad things that had ever happened to him during a duel throb within him and yet, despite all that, he was drawn more and more into Yuya’s atmosphere as though enchanted by him. 
   The Pendulum summon…. Playmaker had never seen anything more beautiful, more mesmerising. From the left to the right, the arc flew over his heads and the celestial tunnels opened, allowing to call forth a rainbow battalion of monsters, an eclectic mix of magicians and circus animals.
   Playmaker had never seen such a summon before and likewise, Yuya had never seen Link Monsters before. It was a push and pull more akin to magnets than a tug-of-war, a curiosity which compelled them rather than repelled them.
   “I leave everything in your capable hands, Playmaker.” Yuya said and there it was. That wink again. It was playful and accompanied by a flash of a smile.
   Playmaker’s heart thudded.
   His anxieties had quelled. His once trembling hands had stilled but there was no explanation for his rushing heart, even if its racing didn’t feel bad, instead only peculiar. He had gone from famine to feast, he had all his own resources and then Yuya’s as well entrusted to him. How free. 
   “Thank you.” Playmaker said and he took full advantage of the tee that Yuya had so kindly set up for him.
   Ishijima and his crony were cooked. Playmaker ended them both swiftly and mercilessly. Whether or not it was deserved remained to be seen but the end goal was achieved: both scattered at the finish since it was now more than apparent that the weirdo in the catsuit wasn’t to be messed with.
   Though Yuya didn’t get the cue to leave either.
   He stayed put, shifting his weight to and fro so he could bounce on his heel. He smiled innocently with his hands behind his back.
   “Sooo….” he said. “Are we friends now or what?”
   Playmaker stared him down. He had half a mind to bust out his D-Board and leave but he didn’t. He supposed he owed some sort of appreciation to Yuya or else this scenario may have gone very differently. Even so, he wasn’t the friendly sort. Just blunt.
   “Ouch. Colder reception than I expected.” Yuya feigned being offended, he put his hand behind his head, running his fingers through his hair.
   Playmaker watched him carefully. It didn’t seem like his friendliness was a ruse but who knows. He was also a Duellist of exceptional calibre, too, the sort who didn’t come around often and whose skills had definitely been honed in adversity. Still, Playmaker wasn’t good at handling this kind of extraverted personality.
   Not to mention… He handled the Intrusion Penalty extraordinarily well. Perhaps Playmaker was overestimating the voltage but he could respect, and maybe even envy, just how well Yuya coped with it. Based on that, Playmaker decided that he would regard Yuya as a possible ally over anything else.
   “Sorry. I mean. I’m busy. I didn’t mean to impose on you but I appreciate that you inserted yourself into that scuffle.” Playmaker said.
   “Ooh, you're the awkward type, my bad but you're welcome. It wasn’t a problem at all, I’m always down for putting bullies like Ishijima in their place and I get the feeling… You're not from around here.” Yuya said.
   “Correct. I’m not.” Playmaker said and he bit his lip in thought but quickly decided, he would be daring. “I’m from a place called Den City and I’m not quite sure where I am. Can you help me?”
   “Wow, I’ve never heard of Den City, where’s that?” Yuya asked. “This is Maiami city. Kind of. It's a digital recreation of Maiami City inside a game called Duel Links. It’s pretty fun here, we get to duel to our heart’s content but, uh, weird stuff’s happening lately. Know anything about it?”
   “I’m not sure I can help. I have my own goals, I’m looking for someone.” Playmaker said. 
   “No way, me too.” Yuya said.
   “I imagine we are talking about different… people, however.” Playmaker said.
   “Yeah, obvs.” Yuya said. 
   “I’m looking for my partner, he’s a very dear friend to me.” Playmaker cautiously revealed.
   “I hope you find him.” Yuya said. “Meanwhile, I’m looking for a guy who uses monsters I’ve never heard of, has red hair, and wears latex all over. Reckon you’ve seen him?”
   There it was.
   The third wink.
   Playmaker prided himself on his pattern recognition and the ability to put two and two together. He was many things, including dense, but not so dense that he couldn’t detect when he was being flirted with. Moreover, his own budding sense of admiration for the duellist in front of him was also becoming worrisome.
   Suddenly, Yuya’s intrusion upon the duel seemed a whole lot less like serendipity.
   “A pal of mine in high places said that there’s some kind of anomaly in the Duel Links and you kinda fit the part.” Yuya shrugged but then offered his hand. “If you need a partner in the meantime, I’m available.”
   Nervousness surged through Playmaker as he hesitated ever so briefly. He worried that he was getting his wires crossed, he didn’t mean a partner like that but maybe he did. He also figured he was going to need all the help he could in this strange new world - and one he was making stranger if his presence was causing waves amongst its native denizens, so he accepted.
   Playmaker returned Yuya’s handshake. His hand was soft but calloused. That pleasantly surprised Playmaker as he shook it, making yet more assumptions about Yuya. About how he kept himself well taken care of despite the athletic hardship he must put himself through for the sake of his duelling. Presumably, Yuya was doing the same thing back to him.
   Yuya looked up at him and flashed him another pearly white smile, “I look forward to duelling with you some more then, Playmaker.”
   “Yeah, me too,” Playmaker murmured and he found himself saying something he never thought he would ever say in his life, “I… I had fun. Even though I wasn’t expecting to.”
   “Glad to hear it.” Yuya chirped.
   Yuya was entirely oblivious to how much gravity such a statement had coming from Playmaker but Playmaker didn’t mind. He couldn’t show all his hand to his partner too soon so shortly after meeting him but if the momentum kept up as they unravel the mysteries which brought them together…. Then who knows?
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tofueggnoodles · 2 years
Saiyuki Reload Blast Drama CD 1 – Track 2: Midnight mosquito
Summary: The Ikkou camped out for the night. An unwanted guest kept them up.
Hakkai: In order to let Hakuryuu have a good night's rest, I pitched this tent for us to sleep in, but now I’m starting to wonder if I should’ve bought a bigger one.
Goku: Is that so? I find it quite nice, huddled together like this as we go to sleep.
Gojyo: Four guys cramped together inside a humid tent – this is hell on earth.
Sanzo: Get out of here then. Your legs have been bumping into mine for quite a while.
Gojyo: Oh, I beg your pardon. Unlike a certain someone, my legs are long.
Goku: Rather than long legs, I’d say Gojyo has stinky feet.
Sanzo: They certainly smell.
Gojyo: It’s not me.
Goku: Hey, won’t you at least stretch your feet so that they’re outside?
Gojyo: I refuse! I’ll absolutely not put them outside.
Hakkai: All right, all right! I’ll spray some air freshener on Gojyo’s feet, okay?
Gojyo: Aargh! You really sprayed it on me! Is it okay to apply this directly on humans?
Goku: Humans? But you’re youkai. [Gojyo is both, but that’s exactly what Goku says. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯]
Sanzo: At any rate, the problem has been solved. Time to go to sleep.
Goku: Already? It’s only eight o’clock! Isn’t it a bit too early?
Gojyo: Sanzo-sama can’t help it. After all, he’s an old man–
(A gunshot rings out.)
Gojyo: How could you shoot your gun in such a confined space?
Sanzo: Tch. I missed.
Hakkai: Sanzo! If you wish to shoot Gojyo, take him outside and do it there. You just made a hole in the tent, see?
Gojyo: Is my life worth less than a tent?
Hakkai: Anyway, as Sanzo said, we should go to sleep already. Lack of sleep causes a deterioration in one’s ability to focus, which in turn reduces one’s efficiency in performing daily tasks. Continuous sleep deprivation will take a severe toll on on our health–
Gojyo: Got it, got it! I’ll go to sleep now, okay?
Goku: Somehow, listening to Hakkai’s speech has made me sleepy. Good night, Sanzo.
(Sanzo snores.)
Gojyo: He’s already fallen asleep!
Hakkai: I’m turning off the light.
(A mosquito buzzes, waking Gojyo up. He grumbles and slaps someone.)
Goku: Ouch! What were you doing?
Gojyo: You've got it wrong! It’s the mosquito! I was trying to hit it as soon as it landed.
Goku: You’re kidding me! You could’ve just brushed it off my face!
Gojyo: I could not help it! It was landing there.
Goku: Then, did you kill it?
Gojyo: Er, I dunno. Probably?
Goku (yawns): Okay, let’s go back to sleep.
Gojyo: Yeah.
(The mosquito buzzes again. Gojyo groans. A slap is heard.)
Gojyo: Ow!
Hakkai: Ah, it got away, didn’t it? I’m going to turn on the light for a bit.
Goku: It’s bright! Was the mosquito still around?
Hakkai: Yes, it was. But, I don’t think I managed to kill it.
Gojyo: Hakkai! You shouldn’t have hit me in the face without warning!
Goku: You did the same thing to me just now, Gojyo.
Gojyo: Never mind that. So what are we gonna do about the mosquito? We’re not going to get any sleep with it buzzing around us like this.
Hakkai: You’re right.... (tries to hit the mosquito)
Goku: O–ouch!
Hakkai: I missed it just by a whisker.
Goku: Ah! It’s landing on Gojyo’s leg! (hits Gojyo)
Gojyo: Ow! Cut it out, stupid monkey!
Goku: I’m not a monkey!
Hakkai: Ah, it’s landing on Gojyo again.
(He and Goku hit Gojyo repeatedly in their attempt to kill the mosquito.)
(Gojyo pants loudly.)
Hakkai: Killing the mosquito is far from easy, isn’t it?
Goku: This place is cramped, so moving around is tough.
Gojyo: Oi, I clearly recall being hit a lot!
Hakkai: Perhaps Gojyo’s blood is tasty. What type is it again?
Gojyo: Eh? It’s type B.
Hakkai: People with blood type B are the second most frequently bitten by mosquitoes, you know. In this regard, those with type O get targeted by mosquitoes the most.
Goku: My blood is type O, though.
Hakkai: That’s strange. If that’s the case, Goku should’ve been the one to get bitten instead.
Goku: Maybe the mosquito went for Gojyo because like it, he’s also an insect.
Gojyo: Hey! Who are you calling a cockroach?
Goku: But I haven’t called you a cockroach yet.
Hakkai: So you do possess some self-awareness, don’t you?
Gojyo: It’s because this monkey’s always calling me by weird nicknames such as cockroach and kappa.
Goku: As I said already, I’m not a monkey, cockroach kappa!
Gojyo: What’s that, midget monkey brat?
Sanzo: Shut up! (hits Goku and Gojyo)
Goku and Gojyo: Ow!
Sanzo: Thanks to your noisy chatter, I’m now wide awake!
Hakkai: If anything, you’ve managed to stay asleep until just now. How else should I put it... that’s just like you.
Gojyo: He’s probably just slow.
Sanzo (takes out his gun): Hah?
Gojyo: I didn't say anything at all.
Sanzo: Really, stop the slapstick routine and go to sleep already.
Goku: Ah! Eeei! (hits someone)
Hakkai: Ah!
Gojyo: Goku?
Sanzo: That hurts. What are you doing, shitty monkey?
Goku: It’s because the mosquito landed on Sanzo’s face.
Sanzo: Hah?
Goku: See?
Hakkai: That’s true.
Gojyo: We finally killed it. What a trouble-making mosquito it was.
Sanzo: Mosquito?
Goku: Yeah. It’s been flying and buzzing around for a while, annoying us and keeping us from our sleep. Sorry for hitting you all of a sudden, Sanzo.
(Sanzo grunts.)
Hakkai: Ah, come to think of it– (rummages around) – Here it is... a mosquito coil!
Gojyo: Oi. If you have such a thing, you should have taken it out earlier.
Hakkai: It's only just now that I recalled having bought it some time ago. Please lend me your lighter, Gojyo.
Gojyo: Sure.
Hakkai (lights the mosquito coil): With this, we can go to sleep in peace.
Gojyo: Finally!
Sanzo: That’s my line.
Goku: Good night.
(Amidst loud snores, a buzzing sound emerges....)
(We hear several slaps, each followed by exclamations of pain from Gojyo, Goku and Sanzo.)
(Round brackets): actions and sound effects. [Square brackets]: translator’s notes and clarifications. Double asterisks **: Stuff I am not sure of.
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HHeLiBeBCNOF's febuwhump 2024 masterlist
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Having accidentally deleted my first masterlist (aargh!), here it is again.
All fics are Star Trek: Enterprise. Several are NSFWhump, ratings given below. Content warnings are given in the AO3 summaries / tags.
Day 1: Helpless
Can't stop this course we've plotted - Archer/Reed (T) - 2,323 words
Day 2: Solitary confinement
The stars look very different today - Tucker/Reed (M) - 11,678 words
Day 3: “Bite down on this”
And they're not gonna hold me down no more - Tucker/Reed (G) - 1,795 words
Day 4: Obedience
If I had to do the same again, I would, my friend - Tucker/Reed (T) - 5,032 words
Day 5: Rope Burns
I can take you higher, oh, oh, oh, I'm on fire - Tucker/Reed (M) - 2,278 words
Day 6: “You lied to me”
I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust - Tucker/Reed (G) - 4,400 words
Day 7: Suffering In Silence
A fool for lesser things - Tucker/Reed (T) - 2,957 words
Day 8: “Why won't it stop?”
I keep bleeding, I keep, keep bleeding love - Tucker/Reed (T) - 3,613 words
Day 9: Bees
Buzz if you like, but don't sting me - Tucker & Reed (G) - 1,633 words
Day 10: Killing In Self Defence
Crush, crush, raze and rush, seize, fight for your life - Tucker/Reed (G) - 1,222 words
Day 11: Time Loop
Boldly going forward cos we can't find reverse - Tucker/Reed (T) - 2,345 words
Day 12: Semi Conscious
Not a soul can bust this team in two, we stick together like glue - Tucker/Reed (G) - 5,916 words
Day 13: “You weren't supposed to get hurt”
Specially designed for crash testing - Tucker/Reed (G) - 1,099 words
Day 14: Blood-Stained Tiles
When the whole world fits inside of your arms - Tucker/Reed (T) - 1,951 words
Day 15: “Who did this to you?”
Fire all of your guns at once and explode into space - Tucker/Reed (G) - 883 words
Day 16: Came Back Wrong
Got myself a cryin', talkin', sleepin', walkin', livin' doll - Tucker/Reed (T) - 2,892 words
Day 17: Hostage Situation
I'd lie for you and that's the truth - Archer/Reed (T) - 1,932 words
Day 18: Too Weak To Move
So here sits a bloody mess, tears fly home - Tucker/Reed (T) - 2,153 words
Day 19: “Please don't”
There's gonna be a heartache tonight - Tucker/Reed (M) - 3,547 words
Day 20: Truth Serum
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies - Tucker/Reed (M) - 3,905 words
Day 21: Unresponsive
You don't have to say you love me, just be close at hand - Tucker/Reed (T) - 4,802 words
Day 22: “You weren't meant to be there”
I'd run right into hell and back - Tucker/Reed (E) - 2,408 words
Day 23: Presumed Dead
Ice, ice, baby - Tucker/Reed (T) - 1,140 words
Day 24: “I'm doing this because I care about you”
And I get sick when I'm around, I can't stand to be around, I hate everything about you! - Reed/Hayes (E) - 10,448 words
Day 25 (alt prompt 9): Lightning Strike
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango? - Tucker/Reed (T) - 4,129 words
Day 26: “Help them”
I get by with a little help from my friends - Archer/Tucker/Reed (E) - 10,141 words
Day 27: Left For Dead
Baby we were born to run - Reed/Hayes (T) - 2,434 words
Day 28: “No… Not like this”
We're not unreasonable, I mean, no one's gonna eat your eyes - Tucker/Reed (T) - 1,437 words
Day 29: Not Allowed To Die
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin' - Malcolm Reed (T) - 668 words
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ao3feed-newsies · 5 months
First times
by, Lupin_Black_kid by Lupin_Black_kid First, they were roommates. Then, they became friends. Then, boyfriends. After graduation, they part ways for the first time. For the first time, they get to see each other again. Words: 4018, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Newsies - All Media Types, Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies (1992) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, M/M Characters: David Jacobs, Jack Kelly (Newsies), Sarah Jacobs (Newsies), Katherine Plumber Pulitzer, Medda Larkson | Medda Larkin Relationships: David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, Sarah Jacobs/Katherine Plumber Pulitzer Additional Tags: Art student!Jack, Journalism Student!David, Friends to Lovers, newsiesminibang24, Rugby player!Jack, Both Jack and David love coffee, I low-key do not know how to properly tag fics aargh, Mutual Pining, Fluff, omg they were roommates, I may add tags later read : https://ift.tt/CYb1toM - April 26, 2024 at 02:37PM
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stephaniejoanneus · 1 year
I Can Open It for You by Shinsuke Yoshitake
I Can Open It For You by Shinsuke Yoshitake. Translation by Lisa Wilcut. Chronicle Books, 2023. 9781797219943 Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 5 Format: Hardcover picture books What did you like about the book? A little kid with an endearing cowlick tries to be a big boy and open his own snack. But, “umph/grunt/groan/grrrgggg/huff huff puff/aargh!”, it’s impossible. Dejected…
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I Can Open It for You by Shinsuke Yoshitake
I Can Open It For You by Shinsuke Yoshitake. Translation by Lisa Wilcut. Chronicle Books, 2023. 9781797219943 Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 5 Format: Hardcover picture books What did you like about the book? A little kid with an endearing cowlick tries to be a big boy and open his own snack. But, “umph/grunt/groan/grrrgggg/huff huff puff/aargh!”, it’s impossible. Dejected…
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mrdiggss · 4 years
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peterstanslizzie · 5 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 1.18 (Rated Aargh)
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I love this photo. They all look like they are about to lose their marbles. 
- Perhaps this is one of my favourite opening scenes of any episode so far. Lizzie is laying down on the floor and is awaiting for Ethan to “blow in her mouth” while romantic music is playing in the background. That’s was she said...oh gosh, what is wrong with me?
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Animated Lizzie, as a supermodel. She looks like she’s by the ocean but I thought frogs can’t live in the ocean because of the salt water. I’m such a nerd lol
- Anyways, they are actually at health class, focusing on CPR training led by Coach Kelly and Lizzie is supposed to be the dummy. Ethan, as usual is lost and doesn’t know what to do. Coach Kelly loses her patience and asks Ethan to go back to his seat and Lizzie misses her opportunity to kiss Ethan. They really should use dummies instead of actual people to practice the CPR steps. 
- She calls for Larry Tudgeman to come up and perform CPR on Lizzie. Lizzie immediately gets up and tries to get out of it but Coach Kelly is forcing her stay. Umm, no teacher should force their student to have their mouths be touched by another student’s unless of course, it’s for an emergency. Well, Larry puts his mouth on Lizzie’s and the results are just devastating lol. 
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Did Larry and his friend just used the ‘Vulcan salutation’ gesture from Star Trek?
Teens Seeing An R-Rated Movie? Gasppp
- We cut to Lizzie rinsing her mouth at the water fountain, trying to remove any trace of Larry’s saliva from her mouth. She also gets made fun of by another kid at school for doing mouth to mouth CPR with Larry. Is Larry really that disgusting? 
- Did Lizzie outright call Ethan dumb? Well, that’s a first! Gordo tells Lizzie and Miranda that he really wants to watch ‘Vesuvius: The Eruption’, an R-rated film starring Ben Affleck. Apparently, the word on the street is that most of the kids at school have already seen the movie, which is about an active volcano that erupts and destroys an ancient city. I actually remember learning what Mount Vesuvius is from English Literature class at school. 
- The trio unanimously decide to watch Vesuvius together on Saturday but I can tell from their voices they’re feeling quite hesitant. Plus, they need someone’s parent to drive them to the movie cinema. But Gordo is adamant that they have to watch it. So, they come up with a plan or in Lizzie’s case, a script to convince their parents to let them watch the film. 
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I was pretty sold by their speech but their parents still said “NO!”
Matt’s School Carnival
- Matt’s storyline in this episode begins with him telling his parents how excited he is that they will be building a booth at his upcoming school carnival. Both Sam and Jo are taken aback because they only volunteered to blow balloons. But with Matt, they have to expect the unexpected. 
- They are hesitant at first but when Matt mentions about this kid named Jeff Thompson, she immediately thinks about his mom who always comes in 1st place at the bake sale. Jo seems to not like losing to her and her competitive spirit pushes her to want to participate in the carnival and have a better booth than Jeff’s mom. 
- Matt suggest his own idea of what he wants to do at their booth but it’s definitely not feasible and not to mention, dangerous. Jo, always coming up with the good ideas, suggests they build a velcro wall. 
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Aww, moments like this really warms my heart
Lizzie’s Attempt At Lying To Her Parents: Part 2
- At school, Lizzie, Gordo and Miranda are feeling bummed about not being able to watch Vesuvius. And it doesn’t help that other people are still talking about the movie. 
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Lizzie’s ‘Larry reflex’ is actively working
- Gordo comes up with a plan for them to lie to their parents and tell them they want to play mini golf instead. Lizzie questions the plan because we all know how bad of a liar she is; Case in point, look up episode 1.12, ‘Between A Rock and A Bra Place’. But Gordo doesn’t think it’s lying. As he puts it, it’s a “last minute change in plans in advance”. Sure Gordo, that sounds legit. 
- Back at home, Lizzie goes up to her mom to ask for her permission to go to the miniature golf course with Gordo and Miranda; Jo immediately says “yes” without questioning Lizzie. Well, I thought Lizzie sounded pretty believable when she asked her. 
Getting The Tickets 
- Our favourite trio arrive at the movie theatre but they still have one more hurdle to face and that is to buy the movie tickets without being turned down for being underage.  
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Let’s just say from this guy’s expression, they did an awful job. 
- The more you explain yourself, the more likely other people can pick up on your lies. Actually, Lizzie was almost able to get the tickets until she got turned off by the price of the tickets and asks whether there is an Under-14 discount. She just had to ask that question...
- Gordo suggests they sneak in through the back but unfortunately for them, the fire-exit door is locked. His other plan is for them to walk backwards and pretend like they just came out of the movie theatre whilst the previous movie-goers are exiting. His plan worked and they are able to sneak in without getting caught. 
- Lizzie is ordering a bunch of food from the concession stand to make herself feel less guilty since she did not pay for her ticket. From what Miranda just explained, cinemas make most of their money from the sale of food and drinks. Is that really true? 
- We suddenly hear a strange noise in the background, coming from a man who is chocking on something and needs help immediately. Gordo and Miranda frantically ask Lizzie to help that man since she knows how to do the Heimlich maneuver and she quickly goes to him to perform the technique, which is successful in getting a huge sour ball out from his windpipe.
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Miranda is really unlucky this time. But Gordo is even more unlucky. Miranda tends to not do or say anything when it comes to the sticky situations of others. Like the time she didn’t bother to open the locker for that kid who was stuck inside of it in episode 1.15. 
- Looks like the stuff she learned from CPR training in health class proved to be useful for Lizzie; She saved a man from choking to death. Because of that, she and her friends are even being interviewed by the local news on TV! That’s so cool. But what they failed to realise before the interview is the fact that they will be seen on TV during the 6 o’clock news at the lobby of the rated-R movie. Basically, their parents might watch the news channel and see that their kids have lied to them and snuck in to watch Vesuvius. 
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What is Gordo doing back there? hahahaha
Lizzie The Lying Hero
- We see Jo talking on the phone to someone from the movie theatre where Lizzie and her friends were in. She is told that Lizzie just saved a man’s life and as a reward, the cinema is rewarding them with free movie passes and a gift certificate. Oh, so Lizzie even gave her house number to the interviewer without remembering she lied to her parents?
- Jo eventually realises that Lizzie lied to her after Sam tells her that the theatre Lizzie was in is where Vesuvius is showing. Lizzie is definitely in trouble but hopefully that gets cancelled out for saving someone’s life. 
- Lizzie, Gordo and Miranda arrive at Lizzie’s house and they discuss about making sure her parents don’t watch the news at 6 o’clock. What about Gordo and Miranda’s parents? Shouldn’t they be concerned about them too? 
- Jo and Sam greet them and asks them questions about their non-existent mini golf game. As expected, they give conflicting answers, which makes them look even more guilty. However, just when Lizzie’s parents are about to turn on the TV to check the weather, Lizzie makes the decision to distract them by purposely dropping her dad’s gnome lamp onto the ground till it’s all shattered into pieces. 
- Jo’s not budging though, despite her husband insisting that they head back to the kitchen to glue the lamp back together. She really wants to watch the news.
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Jo isn’t playing any games this time and I'm here for it.
- This time, Jo and Sam are playing mind tricks on the kids because now she’s suggesting they all go out to watch Vesuvius together. At this point, they realise that Jo and Sam already know about the whole sneaking into an R-rated movie plot. Yup, they are so getting it.
Closing Off
- Lizzie, Gordo and Miranda are on the photo talking about their respective punishments and how they’ve disappointed their parents. Miranda and Lizzie are grounded for a week while Gordo is grounded for 2 weeks and he has to write a 10-page paper on responsibility. Yikes! That’s pretty harsh. No wonder Gordo is a pretty wise guy for his age. 
- Lizzie also has to glue Sam’s gnome lamp by herself and she needs to help out with Matt’s school carnival by peeling kids off the velcro wall. Speaking of that, Jo calls for Lizzie to come down and practise.
- First up, we have Matt:
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That looks really fun
- Next up, it’s Lizzie:
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Poor Sam; He was behind the wall when Lizzie jump onto it and caused it to fall over. Ouch! He is always getting hurt out in these streets lol
Overall Thoughts
- This episode was a solid B for me. The whole lying to your parents story-line has been done quite a number of times already. I did like the opening scene and I enjoyed the scene where Lizzie was doing the Heimlich maneuver on a man chocking on his food. 
- But the stars of this episode to me were Sam and Jo Mcguire. It was a joy to watch them keep their cool and make Lizzie and her friends sweat from trying to keep their secret of sneaking into an R-rated movie from them. Lizzie really shouldn’t try lying to them anymore because they have their ways in finding out the truth. 
- In terms of what I am able to take away from this episode, there’s nothing much besides what I’ve already learned in previous episodes. Another note I have is It’s quite interesting but weird how little we saw of Ethan in this episode. I mean, guest stars usually appear for a little while in episodes but he didn’t really leave much of an impact here unlike Larry. Well, at least to me. 
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fallen-in-dreams · 3 years
More Than A Fairytale
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Also on AO3. Pairing: Itachi/Sakura. Summary: The first boy that was ever nice to her was the last boy she’d be interested in. And it just so happened to be *him*. He was her soulmate. She was sure of it. ItaSaku. Non-Mass. Prompt: Soulmates. Rated: T. Words: 4,245. Status: Complete. Author note: This is non-mass but with the nine-tails attack, though I won't be touching on it. At all. It turned out so fluffy and tooth aching and was a b*tch to write but it's here. Albeit late, though not too late. *hopefully* Enjoy. ^_^
Warnings/tags: Just for fluff, pining, light angst, etc.   
This is a LATE (but still before the cut off time) submission for itasakuweek2021​. Sorry for the delay @fm-white​​. Hope you’re doing well. Thanks for hosting this event. :)
  “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.” – Judy Garland
  Sakura wanted to scream and throw things. This was the last time she was ever going to be nice to boys! Ugh! How her mother thought any boy was good enough for her, she didn’t understand. They were rude and mean and all the other gross things that Ino giggled about when they were in the back of the classroom. She joined the Academy to get closer to a boy and boy did she regret it. She thought she’d found the one. He was just as cute as her book said he’d be. And just as interesting. Her mother had given her The Book when she started showing interest in boys and it became her go-to for fairy tales.
Magic and romance were so pretty and gave her tingly feelings.
But Sasuke-kun was definitely not her soulmate. Someone who was meant for her was supposed to be nice to her. They were supposed to be helpful and interested in the things she had to say, not brush her off and call her annoying. According to The Book he wasn’t it. And she didn’t care that he was the cutest boy in her class. Sasuke-kun was mean!
Stomping out of the classroom, with her bag on her back and her book hugged to her chest, Sakura ignored Iruka-sensei when he called out to her. She just didn’t want to be in the same building as Sasuke-kun anymore! No. Wait. Drop the kun. She growled, elbowing her way past other students. He didn’t deserve that honorific anymore. She deserved better than him. Her soulmate wasn’t going to get her angry enough to want to throttle him.
Sasuke was too skilled with kunai and taijustu so she couldn’t beat him up. But one day, she was going to give him a punch that could break mountains! And then he might feel half as bad as he made her feel today. Sakura continued to fume as she left the Academy building and headed out to the training area before realising Iruka had sent an older student to check for her. She quickly redirected and left the academy grounds completely.
Sakura was a dedicated student who never left the grounds during school hours. She felt both scared and excited at the same time. Sasuke was the reason she’d gone there in the first place. But now she felt like it was just a lie. Her parents never pushed her to become a kunoichi. She just agreed to it.
What now?
Sakura sighed. She had no idea. But at least she still had her book. With nice pictures and big bold kanji. It said her soulmate would be nice to her, helpful, and always put her first. Someone out there was going to be nice to her, she still believed it. She just had to wait for them to notice her. None of the boys in the Academy cared about her and while she enjoyed the theory and found it easy, the workload in the training ground didn’t excite her. Being a ninja sounded scary. Thinking about Sasuke and how cool he was would get her head back in the game, but that was before.
She wandered aimlessly, unconsciously taking a long way back home. And she was reading The Book and not looking where she was going when Sakura banged into someone taller than her. They were like a brick wall, and adult sized. She hit him so hard that there was no way to steady herself. Sakura fell back against another person and then forward again as the crowd jostled her.
Sakura tripped, throwing her arms forward to brace her fall and dropping her book in the process. She cried out again at the shock and pain when her hands hit the ground, then tumbled to land on her side.
“Damn kid.”
The shadow of the person who’d accidentally knocked her down moved away and was replaced by another, shorter than the last one but taller than her. His hand was soft too; he offered it to her, and she grasped it as tightly as she could with hers. He pulled her up and she cried out. Something was bruised. He wrapped an arm around her back like he was preparing to help her along when she tried to pull away.
“My book!” she gasped, looking around for it.
The boy turned them so she could spot it. Faster than she could move, he stepped forward and bent to pick it up for her. She dusted it off and raised her face to his as he hooked his arm around her again. Sakura blinked heavily, surprised by what greeted her. He was wearing a uniform. She gasped, recognising the gear. Sakura knew about Anbu. She’d read all about them. They were the best of the best and nobody could ever beat them. Except for the Hokage. A boy maybe five years old than her was wearing a mask and Anbu gear. An Anbu had helped her!
“Let’s get you somewhere I can check your wounds.”
He didn’t offer to take her to the hospital. But Sakura didn’t mind. Maybe it was out of his way. The Anbu boy lifted her off the ground and gently moved them to a bench the next building over, away from the crowd and people she might slam into again. Her head was spinning from the sudden movement, but she clutched her book tightly and didn’t complain. Anbu-san lowered her onto the bench and knelt down in front of her, inspecting the scrapes on her hands and knees.
“These don’t look too bad,” he said. “I have some salve on hand which should keep an infection at bay. But you’ll have to wash it thoroughly at home, okay?”
She nodded. “Thank-you, Anbu-san.”
She winced as he applied the salve but kept the smile on her face as best as she could.
“Call me Itachi,” he said.
“Really?” She looked up him as he cocked his head to the side. His mask reminded her of a weasel. “Is that your super-secret code name?”
He chuckled. “No.
“You need one.”
“Not for you,” he said, and she frowned. “Just call me Itachi.”
“You can call me Sakura.”
“A cute name,” he said, and she blushed. “Are you okay now?”
She nodded, lowering her eyes.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m silly. This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t run away.”
He tilted his head at her but didn’t ask. Sakura sighed. She had wanted to be a ninja because of Sasuke but here she was, hopeless and getting fixed up like she was useless. “I wanna be strong. Like you, Itachi.”
He sat down next to her, and it didn’t occur to her childish mind to wonder why an Anbu was wasting time with her, a silly little girl. She didn’t see the small, sad smile behind his mask as she reminded him of his younger brother. Nor the way he pressed his lips together in frustration at how sad she looked.
“If you want to be strong,” he said. “Then be strong.” He glanced at her backpack and the Academy sticker she’d stuck to the side of it, thinking perhaps she’d done so proudly.
“You think so, Itachi-san?” She wiped at her eyes as tears threatened to fall. “You don’t think I’m too weak?”
“Everyone starts out weak,” he said. “But if you work hard enough and never give up, then yes, I think you can be very strong.”
Forgetting her earlier angst, Sakura puffed up her chest proudly. “I’m going to be a kunoichi!”
“With that attitude, no doubt.” He sounded amused.
She grinned up at him.
“How old are you, eight?”
“Seven,” she said excitedly.
“I have a brother your age. He’s in the Academy.”
Remembering why she’d run out of school, Sakura groaned. “I hate the boys my age.”
He chuckled. “They can be very annoying.”
She giggled. “Definitely.”
Sakura hugged her book to her chest. She thought of the fairy tale stories and how the book said her soulmate would make her feel better every time she was sad. “Itachi-san, do you know what a soulmate is?”
The girl nodded her head enthusiastically. “I read all about them.” She placed the book on her lap. “Somewhere, everyone has another soul. Someone who completes them and is perfect for them.” She peered at him. “But I don’t know if you’re cute enough.”
She giggled again and he looked around for a moment before turning back to her then lifting his mask for a moment. She gaped but he just pressed a finger to his lips. Itachi was very cute. She blushed and fiddled with her book nervously as he gave her a soft smile. She liked the way it made his eyes crinkle as they closed. He replaced the porcelain mask.
“Don’t tell my captain I did that, okay?”
Sakura nodded seriously. “Promise.”
He stood and stretched for a moment. “I have to go now. Make sure to wash your wounds and see a medic.”
Sakura felt her heart drop. “Uh, Itachi-kun?”
He looked down at her, but she wouldn’t meet his eyes. So, to speak.
“Can… can we be soulmates?”
He didn’t respond at first and Sakura felt rejected. Did he hate her all of a sudden?
“Ask me again after you become a kunoichi,” he said.
“Oh, I will!” Sakura beamed at him as he bowed slightly.
“Goodbye, Sakura.”
She watched him as he took a few steps, waved back at her, and then took flight. Her mouth dropped open as he landed on the nearby roof and then disappeared.
He has to be my soulmate.
  Sakura did not meet her soulmate again until years later. She didn’t even know anything about him other than his given name and the fact that he wasn’t a medic Anbu. It wasn’t until she met Kakashi-sensei and mentioned the incident off-hand that she discovered more about him. His Anbu mask had been distinctive enough (a weasel, which was ironic given this name), so she hadn’t explained that she’d seen his face. Which was a good thing, since it turned out Kakashi had been his Captain at the time. She kept her promise.
Itachi Uchiha.
Sasuke’s big brother.
Were the fates laughing at her or was it just fate? Sakura still believed that there was a soulmate out there for her, but she no longer held to the childish infatuation for it the way she once did. Plenty of shinobi had been nice and helpful toward her since that day. Just none that she’d been romantically interested in. She could still remember how kind and gentle Itachi had been and what was once childish infatuation had now blossomed into a long-standing crush. Even if nothing came of it, she would always look back on it fondly.
But Sakura never approached Itachi in the intervening years. Somehow, she’d painted this picture-perfect memory of that day and didn’t want it to be ruined by meeting the man in question in the flesh. Again. If he pissed her off, as was so easy to do she could admit, it would taint that day. It was like a fairy tale, her recollection of their meeting, and she wanted to preserve it.
Her avoidance of Itachi was made harder when Sasuke began (albeit grudgingly) inviting the team back to the Uchiha compound. Sakura always had somewhere else to be. She knew Kakashi was still friends with the man, and Naruto was raving about how “cool” he was after their first visit. But Sakura chickened out each time. She felt anxious every time their team finished a mission or sparring match and planned to head to the Uchiha home. The copy ninja was intelligent though, and sometimes she saw his knowing look in her peripherals. He wasn’t fooling her though.
He didn’t go either.
When Sakura approached Lady Tsunade about becoming her student it was six months before the Sandaime retired and the busty blonde was named his successor, much to her chagrin. She tried to get out of it but during a training healing session with Sakura, the pinkette mentioned how she was determined to surpass her teammates. A heart to heart about the struggles of the village and how the Uchiha were treated (brought on by Sakura’s still-a-secret-crush-on-Itachi) and a few days later, Tsunade had changed her mind.
So, it was at her inauguration after party (the first one in history since it was a stipulation of Tsunade’s acceptance) that she finally saw him again.
She wished she was old enough to get drunk. Legally.
“Fancy meeting you here.”
He’d grown. Sakura did not need a moment to recognise that face again. He was still taller than her. Still so good looking. Years of repressed emotions caught up to her and she inhaled deeply, trying to keep them and her reactions under control. The boy she’d chosen as her soulmate had grown into a handsome young man. Meanwhile, she was still an awkward teenager.
“It’s been a long time,” he said, obviously recognising her right away too.
She still had faded marks on her knees where she’d fallen over that day. Sakura hadn’t gone to a medic like he’d suggested. She’d just happily skipped home and told her parents all about it. Getting rid of the marks would have made it like it had never happened.
Her young mind had been so silly.
But looking at Itachi now, a full head taller than her, toned and dressed to the nines… she couldn’t help but feel as enamoured as her child version had been.
“I’m surprised you remember someone so insignificant.”
The corner of his mouth twitched when she started shuffling her feet. Fifteen-year-old Sakura was adorable.
“On the contrary,” he said. “That was a very significant day for me.”
She blushed, lowering her head.
“It’s not every day someone asks me to be their soulmate.”
Sakura looked up at him and returned his smile. She felt her face heat up even further. She couldn’t get over how attractive he was. Years of picturing him didn’t do him any justice.
And now I’m acting like an idiot in front of him.
Sakura cleared her throat. “I was so pushy, Itachi-san. I’m surprised you were so nice to me.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, embarrassed. “I was a brat.”
“And now look at you. The Gondaime’s apprentice. Everyone has nothing but great things to say about you.”
“Have you been asking around about me?” She asked in jest.
Her jaw dropped at his candour. She quickly shut her mouth. “Uh... that’s, um.”
“A little too forward. My apologies. I was simply interested in the incredible young woman you’ve become.” He leaned toward her, whispering in her ear, “I hope I haven’t offended you.”
She shook her head. “No, it’s fine.”
Boys didn’t normally spare her much time and she’d been training so much over the last few years that Sakura hadn’t even thought of rectifying that. Her crush on Itachi was so fierce that no-one else had remotely drawn her attention. Itachi cocked his head to the side and Sakura realised (in her fluster) that he had an earpiece on.
Is he on duty? Then where’s his mask?
Itachi listened for a moment before tapping the earpiece twice and turned back to Sakura. “You should come around next time Sasuke invites you,” he said, waving to her before disappearing into the crowd.
She had no excuse now.
Sakura winced at the shrieking tones of her mother. She was procrastinating because her parents and Ino had planned a party for her eighteenth birthday, and the guest list included a certain Uchiha she’d been crushing on. She hadn’t been avoiding him for the past three years. Really. Just making sure she was never alone with him. She didn’t want to embarrass herself with this ridiculous crush. Because Itachi clearly saw her as just a friend, and because Sakura had made the mistake of letting Ino organise this whole thing, he’d been invited. Ino also knew Sakura had a thing for him and was determined to have him there when she “came of age” the hopeful romantic that Ino was. She sighed deeply as her mother called out again.
Hold your horses.
She straightened herself, taking one last look at the mirror and the pink haired girl in the dark blue cocktail dress before leaving her bedroom. She’d chosen the dress style in honour of her now legal drinking age. Technically, being a ninja, she could’ve started drinking when she became a chunin (or turned eighteen, if that had come first). But it would’ve been frowned upon and seen as unprofessional. Her recently promoted jounin self was a new woman. She could do whatever she wanted.
Ino had insisted on holding the party at the Yamanaka Estate so that more people could be invited. She was intent on doing this with the entirety of the Konoha Twelve.
Sakura walked there with her parents in tow since they didn’t travel like ninja anymore, but she didn’t mind. It gave her time to prepare herself for the onslaught. She was surprised and disappointed when she didn’t see Itachi there. Her friends and comrades came up to her, hugging and wishing her a happy birthday. Naruto had set aside all the presents and Ino was in charge of the music. While Hinata had chosen the food – Chouji was still hurt by that, but Ino’s excuse was that Hinata’s palette was more refined. And the girl would cater to everyone. He grudgingly agreed he would have just brought barbeque flavoured everything.
Sakura laughed along with him when he admitted it and accepted his one-arm hug before he left to attack the buffet table. She found a corner of the hall to sit alone, now morose. She’d gotten dressed up and, even though the idea of running into Itachi scared her, had hoped he’d be here. It was a full hour before she felt the familiar chakra as he seemed to appear out of nowhere.
Sakura took in his appearance: a suit, nicely pressed, his hair back, his dark eyes intense. She was standing and leaning against a wall. He looked like he’d been waiting for her.
“Fancy meeting you here.”
Sakura blushed, clasping her hands together. “Itachi-san.”
She took note of how his eyes travelled over her body and stiffened.
What the...?
“I brought a present,” he said, “but Naruto-kun insisted on putting all the gifts in one room.”
She nodded, unsure of what to make of his perusal. Itachi had a drink in one hand, no ninja gear, no earpiece. He seemed at ease. Now, she’d seen him out of uniform before, at Sasuke’s house, but he’d usually just been asleep after a long mission and was still tired. He was never chatty or had a pink tinge on his cheeks from some alcoholic beverage, like he did now. He seemed out of character. But not. If that made sense.
“I’m sure it’s fine,” she heard herself say.
“How does it feel to be considered an adult?” He asked, leaning into to whisper in her ear.
She shivered at the close proximity to him. His breath fanned against her face and his scent was overwhelming. It was… masculine. She had no other word to describe it. He had no cologne or other smell on him. She’d heard that Anbu he could cover their scents, making it impossible for enemies to detect them. But she’d also never seen Kakashi do it.
That was definitely some cherry flavoured mixed drink on his breath.
Was he flirting with her? She hoped so. It wasn’t every day that Itachi Uchiha gave anyone attention, let alone some random girl. Even one who knew his brother. Sakura had only gone to the Uchiha compound a few times after Tsunade’s inauguration. Sasuke’s father had since pulled him out of Team Seven to prepare for Anbu – some time-honoured tradition among their family, apparently. His replacement was a former Anbu, ironically, named Sai, whom Ino had recently been fawning over. So now Sakura had more of an excuse not to go to Sasuke’s home, where watching Itachi treat her like a little sister was too painful. The past three years, Sakura had continued to nurse her crush, learning everything she could about him. It helped that Kakashi-sensei had been his captain once. She gave up on being embarrassed asking him about Itachi.
They continued to talk. Sakura felt like something in the air had shifted. He was being more talkative, friendlier, and standing closer to her. It was almost like he’d come out of his shell. It was both terrifying and electrifying. She quite liked it. But…
He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Are you drunk?”
Itachi chuckled. “Just enough.”
“For what?”
“Do you want to dance?”
Sakura gaped at him. A little voice in the back of her head told her to punch him to see if he was someone else in disguise. But if this was indeed Itachi, she’d never live it down. She decided to accept and ask him things that only they both would know. At least for the sake of her sanity. So, she nodded her head, and he threw back the last of his drink before guiding her onto the floor. Sakura watched with fascination and shivered as he slipped his hands onto her body. He must’ve had professional training because they were the only ones doing some version of a waltz while the rest of the guests were dancing either in tune to the rapid beat or to their own.
“Do you remember when we first met?” He asked, interrupting her plan to test him on it. She nodded. “You were so sad and cute.” Sakura flushed, gripping his arms tightly. He continued, now whispering in her ear. “I was patrolling for… uh, reasons I can’t tell you. Anbu, you know.” She nodded again. “My team were out of sight, my captain following the target. Hm.”
He hummed lightly, now stroking her hair. Sakura looked around to see if anyone had noticed.
Kakashi looks interested.
She felt herself flush again, so she turned away from him and focused on the mildly inebriated man holding tightly to her.
“I remember,” she said. “What was it you said to me? About being a kunoichi.”
Please be Itachi.
He pulled back and looked at her, a little confused. She felt her heart plummet in the few seconds it took him to remember and then her breathing deepened at the intense look on his face.
“If you want to be strong, then be strong. Everyone starts out weak. But if you work hard enough and never give up, you won’t be weak.” He looked so cute, trying to remember it word for word.
She let out an uncontrollable snort. “You’re drunk.”
“Not really. Just buzzed.”
“You don’t normally speak so readily with me.”
He sighed, leaning in to whisper in her ear again. “You asked me to be your soulmate, remember?”
She nodded, realising suddenly that he was confessing something.
“I didn’t think much of it for a long time. You were just some cute little kid that I helped out when she got hurt. That’s all.” He sighed again. “But we met again at Lady Tsunade’s inauguration, and you were all grown up. Almost. Sasuke called you annoying.” He held her tighter when she stiffened at that. “But you aren’t. Naruto-kun raved about you when he visited. A little crush that soon went nowhere. And Kakashi-senpai… he was cautious. I think he knew.”
“Knew what?”
Itachi pulled away and cradled her face in his hands. “Ask me again.” And her confused look he added, “to be your soulmate.”
“Ask me again after you become a kunoichi.”
Sakura licked her lips. “Will… will you be my soulmate?”
She felt like she was asking him to be her valentine. But forever.
He stared into her eyes. The rest of the guests fell away, and it was just the two of them as he appraised her. “Yes,” he said. “If you’ll still have me.”
When had Itachi Uchiha fallen in love with her?
The next thing she knew, he was pressing his lips to hers and Sakura was losing herself in the feel of him. He tasted of cherry, which was funny because that was a flavour not usually attributed to him. They continued to hold each other, just gently entwined and kissing softly. Everything was falling into place, and she could barely keep up.
Eventually, Itachi pulled away, smiling softly down at her.
“You read a book on soulmates. You heard all kinds of rumours of what Team Ro gets up to. Wait—” he said when she tried to interrupt. “You heard tales of Anbu and made stories in your head from what little Kakashi-senpai told you. But,” he leaned in closer, their lips almost touching, “I thought maybe you’d like to believe in something more than a fairy tale, for once.”
Sakura nodded and initiated the next kiss, adding more pressure to it this time. “I’d love to.”
They didn’t need some cosmic or magical sign to know they were meant to be.
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for the WIP game — I read the first part of All I Want Is You earlier this week and I’d love to know more about it!
Oh yay, thank you! <3333 (and thank you for your comments on It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like..., they've made my week and I shall do my best to answer them tomorrow! :D :D :D )
So I absolutely did not intend to have two long ongoing series, nor did I really intend to have a modern AU (I'm no good at AUs XD ), but the whole Christmas movie thing just happened at me in December 2020, when I really needed something to cheer me up, and then after that I couldn't just leave them where they were (and I'd had to leave all the smut out of the first one as it was firmly T-rated XD ) so I ended up writing a sequel, and at this point it's all got thoroughly out of hand, and the events it's describing get further and further away every moment that passes and aargh.
Anyway, I wanted to do something about the whole lockdown experience, but in a fluffy escapist sort of way, where the lockdown made Bard and Thranduil get round to doing something about everything much quicker than they otherwise would have done (Sigrid would like to point out that if it hadn't been for lockdown, they'd probably still be dancing around each other now), Bard and the kids could get out of the situation they were in, and I could vicariously get out of my tiny house and into Greenwood Hall (when I was writing the early chapters we were locked down again, between January and March, which is my least favourite time of the year anyway, and I was struggling with a lot of stuff, and writing about getting to go and live in a great big lovely house with lots of lovely people was enormously comforting). I've ended up weaving all manner of stuff into it from my work - I'm an archivist and one of my jobs involves spending a certain amount of time working in the cellar of a real life stately home that's not open to the public - and the house, the gardens, the pikes in the hall, the photographer great-aunt and gardener great-grandmother are all inspired by real places, objects and people :D Which is fun :D (I've also done what I never ever do and written myself into one of the side-stories XD I feel less weird about it because the character is an old friend/colleague of Bard's and is otherwise not at all involved in the character dynamics...)
I don't quite know how this one is going to end, although I do have a couple of beats to hit and an event to work towards - and I have written a series of ficlets set at Christmas 2020, so after the notional end of the story - but I'm not entirely sure quite what to do with it. I've been struggling with all my WIPs for a while now, the insane fit of creativity that hit me in June 2020 having well and truly run out by last summer, and I could really do with getting on with this one, but also weaving work into it is coming back to bite me in the arse a bit because all the rummaging-in-the-attics-and-cellars stuff is intriguing to readers (I hope!) but it's work to me and a bit run-of-the-mill XDD so I'm struggling to feel like writing it. But I do have to, because one of the beats I want to hit is the kids setting up a youtube channel with videos of them testing out all the historic weaponry they've been finding in the house :D with a certain amount of flurry in the comments when Bard, supervising and instructing, gets caught on camera (and another when Thranduil happens to walk past in the back of a shot XD ).
hee! Thank you for asking! If there's anyone else you'd like to know, just ask :D (and anyone else, if you want to ask about any of my published WIPs, please do, I love rambling about this stuff!) <333333
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nose-bandaid · 3 years
a hug per dollar
hello! it's me, the platonic anon from before... may i request a non-romantic, changgu & gender-neutral reader, coffee/study date? and maybe you could work in a reassuring hug 🥺 thank you so much 💛
Yeo One (Changgu) x (gender neutral) Reader | Platonic fluff + comfort?! | 1.8k words
synopsis: overworking can sometimes be an easy, but terrible habit to fall into, but luckily, changgu is there to drag you out when you do.
a/n: lol i think i projected this to have 1.2k but it ended up with 1.8 but i am not complaining !!!! to my dear platonic anon, sorry this took so long ksdhfkdsj i hope you enjoy it !! i may or may not have done an uno reverse on stud.hui.o fanatic because now it is the reader who's overworking BAM 💛
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"Don't you think we've been here for long enough?"
Your hand stopped writing the flurry of notes and you looked at your friend, who peered back at you over his laptop. "Changgu, it's literally only been..."
You flipped your phone over to look at the time on its display and faltered when you realized just how late into the day it was. "I guess we have been here for a while."
"Which is exactly why I think we should—"
"But I'm not ready to leave yet!" You snapped back, immediately backing off when you realized how harsh your voice was.
"You didn't get much sleep last night, did you?" He pressed on and you buried your face back into the piles of work laid in front of you.
"We don't talk about that either."
He let you be and the two of you went back to working in silence for the next while until Changgu eventually got up from his seat. Your eyes followed him as he stretched and let out a sigh. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom."
"Okay." You replied, and returned to your work.
Not long after, a juice box slid into your view and you looked up at Changgu who returned after his bathroom break that took much longer than a usual bathroom break would've taken. You quirked an eyebrow in his direction.
"You got juice from the bathroom?"
He laughed and you took note of the other juice box in his hand — the exact same flavour as yours. "Of course I did. They added vending machines in the bathroom recently, didn't you know that?"
You decided to play along. "Is that so? No, I didn't know that. But do enlighten me as to why you would ever trust a vending machine located in the bathroom."
He laughed at your small jest. "Nah, I just went on an adventure to grab us some fuel." He dropped back into his seat and let out a relieved hum as he stared at his laptop. "After finishing that stupid essay I think I deserved the treat."
"You know, if you're done working you can always head back first. I'm fine on my own."
He shook his head adamantly at your offer. "This is our study session, you know? It's a we thing," he emphasized that with a point to the table. "So I'm not leaving until you're also done."
You sent him a small smile in appreciation and returned to your textbook, taking a small sip from the juice box as you did. It was refreshing and in the back of your mind, you wondered how he knew this was your favourite flavour. You didn't recall ever telling him.
"Though I think you've done more than enough work for today."
You didn't miss the next thing he muttered quietly.
"Look, Changgu, I'll just finish this chapter and we can call it today, okay?" You desperately held up a finger to assist in your pleading.
"One chapter and one chapter only." He reluctantly gave in, deciding to get a head start on another assignment in the meanwhile. Once again, you settled back into a comfortable silence, listening to the distant voices of others in the library.
You ended up finishing that chapter quicker than you initially thought you would and it flared up a new flame of determination within you. You could cram in a few more chapters then, right? You'll get them done in no time, especially with the flow you had now.
Agreeing with yourself, you got started right away.
You're pretty sure Changgu noticed when you flipped the page again.
And again.
And again.
Surely he's noticed the way you're slouched over a bit more now, the way your eyes were drooping and your gaze became unfocused. The way you've hardly touched the bag of snacks since he opened it. But you kept on going. Your determination knew no limits and you kept on going despite all the rational part of you that screamed at you to stop.
...Now, where did you leave off before you started daydreaming?
Right, at the end of this paragraph. You returned to staring at the mundane words in the textbook. You swore you were almost finished with this page but you also told yourself that what felt like hours ago. No matter how many times you read the same sentence over and over again, the words never seemed to stick in your mind. Your hand couldn't figure out what to write and what to leave out. All of it seemed important and you cursed the way your next exam weighed so much and yet gave you such vague preparation instructions. If only you had started studying earlier... but wasn't one week enough? Maybe you just weren't fit for this? Probably, because —
Changgu placed his hand onto yours. He gently pulled the pen out of your grasp and gestured for you to look at him.
"Let's take a break, you have no say in it. Seeing you like this makes me exhausted, I can't take this anymore."
No matter how many times you've drilled into your mind that it was absolutely not okay to take a break, the moment you heard the words from someone else, your composure crumbled.
You let out a deep sigh and let your weight rest on the table. "Yeah let's."
Changgu helped you pack your work away after cleaning up his own and waited until you were fully ready. When you slid the chair back to its former home, he held out a hand for you to take and you happily took a place by his side.
"Are you going to take me on another adventure?" You playfully asked, already feeling a little better now that your work was tucked away.
He shrugged. "Honestly, I had no clue where I was going to take you 'cause I didn't think you'd actually stop studying. But sure! Let's make this an adventure."
Stepping outside, you realized how much nicer it was to have a change of scenery. It was already late afternoon, the sun shining brightly above, engulfing you in a pleasant kind of warmth.
You sighed inwardly, this would've been more relaxing if your mind would just stop drifting back to all the work you still to be done. Hadn't you done enough? You worked so hard for the past who-knows-how-many-hours and yet it only left you unsatisfied and even more stressed.
Maybe it just wasn't enough.
A gentle bop on your head brought you out of your thoughts and you stared at Changgu, his hand still raised from bonking your bad thoughts away.
"Stop thinking so much." He crossed his arms and looked at you pointedly.
Squinting his eyes, his face leaned into yours, getting closer and closer, and you found yourself edging away from the intrusion. Just as quickly as it started, he suddenly disappeared, straightening his back again and letting out a huff.
"Just as I thought."
"What?" You asked again, still lost.
"You're thinking bad things about yourself again! Stop that."
"How did you know?"
He playfully punched your shoulder at that. "I'm your best friend, you think I wouldn't notice these things? You always have this expression on your face when you're beating yourself up. Looks kinda stupid."
Your mouth gaped at his remark. "Hey!'
"I'm kidding, you never look stupid," he smiled and continued. "But what is stupid is you thinking that you're not good enough because you can't keep up with everything that's going on. Can you really blame yourself if some uncontrollable force decided to dump an unreasonable amount of work on you all at once? You're doing your best, which is one, really paying off because I swear you've covered like a billion chapters today. And two, is extremely cool — I heard the group studying behind us gush about how hard you were working and guess what?"
"...What?" You asked hesitantly, still trying to recover from your friend's spiel.
Changgu grabbed your shoulders to keep your attention. "I also think you're really really cool!!" He announced loudly, capturing the attention of a mother and her daughter nearby. They walked away after the initial surprise.
Your lip trembled, not even having it within you to be embarrassed by his public confession. Instead, you were overwhelmed by his kindness. "Changgu..."
He pulled you into a hug and you basked in his presence. The faint smell of fresh laundry lingered on his hoodie and you melted into his comfort. "You're doing great, and you'd be doing even better if you let yourself breathe for a moment. As overwhelming as it may feel, the only thing that's going to bring you down is yourself if you keep on going at this rate — not your work." He gently scolded before he pulled away and cupped your face, eyes boring into yours.
"Got that?"
You nodded hesitantly. "Yes."
"I don't know... that wasn't really convincing..."
You laughed lightly and pushed his hands away from you. "I got it, I got it, Changu. Thank you so much." You found yourself much more relaxed after your talk. "From studying with me to buying me snacks and comforting me... aargh, I appreciate it."
Changgu simply gave you a bright smile. "Anything for you."
That was all he said, but those 3 words were enough to express just how much you meant to each other.
"Besides, I don't think of it as a chore, any time spent with you is great."
You pouted. "You're too good for me, seriously. How can I make it up to you?"
In all honesty, you expected him to dismiss the question, but instead, Changgu's eyes wandered off as he placed a finger on his chin. "Well, I did notice that my favourite drink is on sale when I passed by that cafe on the way here..."
You sent him an amused look. "The juice wasn't enough?"
"Are you telling me to pass on a sale that takes a whole dollar off?"
Once again, you found yourself playing along with his act and your eyes widened. "Oh geez, you're right, we can't miss out on that." Pushing Changgu from behind, you ushered him forward. "Let's get moving! We spent so much time in the library the shop's going to close by the time we get there."
Changgu chuckled as you caught up and fell into step with his movements. "I'm glad to see that you're back to normal."
"And I'm glad we get to save a buck on overpriced drinks. Thanks for everything, Changgu." You swiftly replied and he sent a smile your way.
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toysoldiers-rwby · 4 years
[SYT] 2. the lion and her stupid knights
Show Your Teeth
Characters: May, Winter, Fiona, Robyn, Joanna Rating: Explicit (tagged as thoorist) Tags: masturbation, sexual tension, temperature play, one-sided pining, trans female character Word Count: 7,668
You don’t steal from two of Atlas’ elites and get away with it. May blows some steam and the trio returns to Mantle to find the Thief. They learn a little more about the city below.
Read on Ao3
This wasn’t a real spar. If it was a real spar she wouldn’t have gotten those two hits in. She would be thrown to a mat every second she could breath. Instead Fiona’s eyes were unfocused, dodging her fist like she was weaving through a crowd. May might have been in more scraps but in a real fight, Fiona was their brawler.  
But she was distracted and May still couldn’t win.  
May threw her head back and screamed before just lounging at Fiona, “Aargh!” The Marigold had the element of surprise for half a second. Fiona gasped, her tiny body moving purely on muscle memory. May felt strong arms wrap around her before she felt the mat again.  
Fiona sat atop May’s hips, blinking down at her in surprise. One, two, almost three seconds pass before a smile broke out onto her face and she threw her head back laughing.  
It was a laugh she hadn’t heard in weeks. The one that caused her entire body to shake and ears to flutter and twitch. Whenever Fiona couldn’t breathe she’d get a crinkle in her nose and she’d snort for breath.  
May rolled her eyes and held Fiona’s hips so she wouldn’t fall on her face. They did twitch with the urge to shove Fiona to the mat. Though… her laugh was too relaxing. Hearing it melted all the fight and frustration from the past month.  
“What in the Brother’s name were you thinking?” Fiona asked wiping away a few tears.  
“I wasn’t…” May grumbled with a small pout. She was content to watch… fair skin with a soft blush… Enough sweat to softly glow in the light. Both Fiona and Winter had white hair- Nope! No, no! May grunted a little, pushing Fiona off her hips and to her waist.  
Fiona snorted and giggled. It took a few more seconds, more like a minute really, for the little sheep to calm down.  
“Nice to see you two being productive…”
“Gah!” May jumped and nearly threw Fiona off. The little scrapper was quick to adjust and kept May’s back firmly on the floor, even if they both turned to the door. Their stupidly attractive leader watched long enough to make herself comfortable against the door frame.  
“Salutations!” Fiona said with a grin. Instead of a cool professional response, smart ass comment, or critique about May’s performance there was a long almost squinting stare.  
Right where May’s hands rested on Fiona’s hips. The Marigold felt her heart in her throat while Fiona took one glance at her face and giggled. A smile too innocent flashed across her face for a moment. Wicked. May was sure she was actually a wolf pretnding to be a sheep because the way Fiona turned back to Winter screamed trouble.  
“What? Jealous another girl is on top your partner?”  
FIONA! May tensed trying to keep the scream internal. Okay. This is almost fine. May’s heart lived her in her throat now. She’ll never be able to speak another word to Winter-  
“I would be if she wasn’t so easy.”  
“Bitch!” This… rude, arrogant Schnee! May tried to throw Fiona off her but failed. In four of those long strides, Winter was nearly hovering directly over May. If her gold eyes wandered below her skirt it was Winter’s stupid positioning. May glared extra hard to make it look like her face was heated from anger rather than anything else. “Say that to my face, Schnee!”  
Winter and Fiona glanced at each other. May swallowed her heart back down to her chest. During her first year she was sure the white hair gave these two telepathic powers.  
Sure enough they moved in sync. Fiona sliding down her waist to sit back on her hips, giving enough room for Winter’s knee-  
“Ow!” May winced. Winter’s knee dropped hard between her breast and she bent down. Schnee and Marigold face to face.  
“I would be jealous if you weren’t so easy.” Winter said.  
And there’s goes her heart again. Hard and fast, burning in her ears and… And the blood followed the warm pressure that slide onto her hips… further down. Winter’s words, that fucking cocky voice, felt like ice burning in her viens. Her body felt hot, too hot and throbbing- Shit!  
Winter instantly recognize the hint of panic. She easily picked Fiona off her hips and stood up. May quickly got up, pulling her tucked shirt completely free from her belt and skirt, hoping it would be enough to hide her the growing tent. She loosen the tie, hoping to breath easier.  
“Whatever… assholes,” May grumbled and huffed, arms crossed and turned away from them. Fiona giggled when she tried to stand in front of May for a conversation, the Marigold bolted. “I call shower!”  
“No fair! I won!” Fiona called out. Despite her short legs she was still faster. Not as fast as Winter but enough to give May a good sprint to the door way.  
“Actually, Fiona,” Winter called out. Fiona just stopped shy of the door, letting May take over and dash out. “About Ms. Hill…” Goddess thank her sexy leader… Damnit!  
The second year dorms were almost completely empty but May activated her semblance anyway. Her luck was… rather interesting today. Being straddle by two very attractive girls wasn’t necessarily bad luck. Definitely not ideal considering she lived with them and spent nearly every waking moment with them. May slammed her Scroll against the lock to their dorms and was under the shower in minutes.  
May growled back pressed again the cool tiles. Water cooling her front and… and sliding down and down. She took a gasping breath, cock twitching the water slide down her head and shaft. Over a year of frequent cold rendered the method useless.  
More so because it just reminded her of Winter’s skin, sometimes so cool and cold she could feel it through the thick layers of their uniform…  
Especially when Winter straddles her.  
When her hand pressed firmly on her chest.  
A low throb in her entire body had her dick pulsing. Red and angry and fully erect and leaking. Winter was her best friend… Not a unnamed women on a street or actress. Winter Schnee was her leader and partner. Family rival…  
You might be gold but you’ll always be under me.  
Her fucking childhood crush.  
May had a clasp tight around her mouth. Trying to stop the whimper and moans as she thought about their… fight this morning. Because they were rivals. May thought about the words and punches. Their worries because they were partners. Not… Winter’s cool weight across her hips. The angry eyes and lips so damn close-  
“Fuck…” May gasp through her fingers. With her eyes closed she could replace the cold running water with Winter’s fingertips, slipping from her lips, to her throat. Every inch stroked the fire in her veins and that just pooled in her throbbing member. “Winter…” May gasp and arched. Down, and down selfish Schnee hands would go. Pressing firmly over her heart, beating so fast May’s body and cock. Every beat another drop of precum that left hot trails down her shaft.  
May was on the verge of tears. Winter Schnee. Family rival. Childhood friend. Partner. Leader.  
You are so easy. Winter fucking Schnee would breath into her ear. May heard herself choked on a sob and her will crumbled. Of-fucking-course she was weak under her Schnee. May’s free hand clawed a path down her abdomen, other hand barely muffling a groan.  
The burning reminded her of Fiona just minutes before. The motion, the weight, of her shifting from her waist to her hips. It was everything she needed. Something on her and moving. May whined, her brain carrying the heat lower and lower. Her dick begging to be touched and leaking enough slick the shower couldn’t wash it off. Hot. Wet.  
For a moment it was Fiona grinding against her and Winter toying with them both with a faux bored expression.  
No… No. May gasped and opened her eyes. She couldn’t, Fi was her teammate. Sweet, kind, adorable lil’ Fiona with white fluffy hair. Fuck she shouldn’t even be thinking about Winter and her damn slender hands on her… But Schnee’s always get what they want.  
“D-Damn it Schnee,” May said. Her hand finally clawing down to the corner of her hips and thighs. Winter wouldn’t be sweet and kind to her, at least never directly. Her cold hands would ignore nearly seven pleading inches, clawing and massaging the area around the base. May threw her head back. Behind closed eyes she saw that arrogant Schnee smirk. She wouldn’t beg… not even alone in the shower. Not even as- “Fuck…” as a thick stream of cool water and hot precum slid between her balls.  
Winter’s light clawing changed into a firm grib around them. Blue eyes watching firm sacks twitch, completely unsempathetic to May’s whines and moans. A soft massage almost transformed the light shining in her eyes into stars. “Just… just a little more.” May whispered. She closed her eyes and suddenly Winter was pressed against her. Breast to breast, wicked mouth leaving bites May wish would stay. Winter’s laugh would ice it down before trailing lower to May’s breast. Selfish blue eyes pinned May to the shower wall. Her tongue slowly swirling around her nipple. It made May’s back arch and whine, pleasure squeezing around her heart before shooting lower. But that was just a distraction.  
“Winter!” May nearly screamed as suddenly cool fingers wrapped around her head. Winter laughed again, looking up to watch May’s face twist in agony. She didn’t jerk her off right away. No, she wouldn’t be so kind to the Marigold. Instead Winter pushed the hard dick against May’s stomach and rubbed. It wasn’t suppose to be pleasurable but it had May moaning and bucking into the touch. Winter toyed with her just enough to gathering the precum on her fingers and pawm. Enough to get her partner and childhood friend crying when she pulled away. “Please, Win!”  
Finally satified Winter gave a low hum. A firm suck around May’s nipple and a tight thrust down. May couldn’t barely keep her eyes open but Winter slowed down everytime she closed them for too long. So she stared down at her partner and leader, flushed in the face as her cheeks hallowed with a vicious suck on her nipple, throat and jaw flexing as Winter flicked the sensitive nub with tongue or grass it with her teeth. The Schnee played her like the violin, drawing out sounds with her mouth and hands.  
Like always her control snapped. Precum slicking her hand and making every desperate hard thrust into Winter’s hand easier. Easy… Only with her Schnee. Her damned best friend with a wicked mouth and brilliant pride. May rolled her hips into each downward stroke, chasing the heat in her gut. Growing more desperate and out of control she nearly fell. Winter shift enough to catch her and moan loudly in her ear. Though the rythmic stroking around her cock she could feel how wet Winter was on her thigh. She could feel her partner panting against her chest. May grabbed Winter’s shoulder and ass, pressing her down harder on her thigh.  
“M-May!” Winter moaned. Her hand faltered but it didn’t mater. May bucked her hips in time with Winter’s thrust. Fuck, feeling her wet all over, hot and grinding down on her…
Her orgasm took her by surprise. The ringing of Winter’s name and her own voice brought her out of the haze. Everywhere she imagined Winter was, her chest her thigh, felt far too warm. The useless hand hovering over May’s mouth slipped down to her chest, cold fingers rolling her heated nipples.  
“Winter… damn it,” May rolled her head back, hand and hips drawing out the orgasm as much as possible. She closed her eyes again.  
Skin so fair a light tussle got those breast heaving and blushing. Blue eyes that kept finding hers throughout the years. Hard and even voice, somehow warm against May’s cheek as they strolled through Mantle earlier that day. Passing a warm drink between each other, lingering touches. A rare laugh that had May’s heart trapped in somewhere beyond best friends.  
Is that all you got, Marigold? Winter would taunt after she’s spent and shaking. May whimpered legs sliding out from under her. She gasp at the new cool tiles, back arching as Winter’s hand wouldn’t stop after just one release. How could she when her poor partner’s dick was still hard and throbbing?  
May closed her eyes again. The hand on her chest tugging and pinching harder. Clawing bright red paths across down to her abs. Water followed and May could imagine Winter’s tongue icing down the pain. The hand around her cock was lighter, contrast making her head swim.  
May whimpered as her thumb ran over the slit on her head. She jerked, oversensitive but Winter’s touches adapted, light and cool skin almost soothing. Another round May. You can do it. Her leader said. Everytime May blinked she imagined Winter’s breath fanning across her cheeks and lips brushing her ear. Her body twitched, another pass over her head made her toes curl.  
May made sure to pay attention to the coil low in gut. To her surroundings and the sounds her volume but hearing her own pathetic needy whimpers didn’t help. She bite her lip as her mind continue to snip out their moments together and reconnect them for her fantasy.  
Winter licking her lips. Intense eyes on her. Fuck, May. The Marigold could only whimpered. How was she gonna spar with Winter now? Good. I think that deserves a treat.  
“Winter…” May moaned softly. A thumb tracing the ridge stole her breath. Fingers around her balls, massaging along the path the water and cum left… May stiffen, body boiling until it finally spilled over. She clenched her jaw tight, the light above her splitting into stars as her hands continued the soft massage on her head and sack. It was a softer orgasm but her heart still stuttered and the heat and need kept her hips rolling. She tried to keep her eyes open but they slipped close as the end, body arching off the tiles to meet the water. In her head it felt like Winter’s light kisses.  
May spent the rest of her shower cleaning herself in a in a daze. She’d like to imagine Winter kissing her neck and following the scratches that had disappeared with some Aura. From… bad communication she knew Winter was a rather rough lover but did she cuddle with her one night stands or toss them out the second they were dressed? Did she save the softer stuff for the nights she spent away from their dorms-  
Jealousy spiked through her. May grit her teeth scrubbing hard at her arms. Thankfully Winter’s one night stands have… completely stopped? Months before that corny but nice speech. May blinked and mused over it a few seconds before finally shutting the water off.  
Due to her family name, Winter was really fucking picky with the people she’d take to bed but remembering recent years… it was a little weird. A good best friend would ask about each other’s sex, or lack of sex life right? But Winter never really asked about May’s so…  
“Ah shit…” May reached for her towel but grasp empty air. She was not that desperate for release… She wasn’t that easy, stupid Schnee. May rung out her long hair as best as possible. She wasn’t sure how long she spent in the shower but hopefully no one was around to hear her scream Winter’s name, mid orgasm. May groaned into her hands. She really… did that. It wasn’t the first time she fantaized about her best friend but it was the first time she completely lost it and screamed.  
May peek her head out of the shower room and looked around their bathroom. Clear. The toiler room was empty too.  
“Hello! Anyone home, I forgot my towel again!” May yelled through the door. Hearing nothing, May slid the door enough to poke her head through.  
Fiona’s pajamas was still tossed onto her bed. May’s new scarf was dangling on her bed above Winter’s bunk. A small assortment of random crap was scattered on last unoccupied bed.  
“Thank the Goddess for small miracles,” May mumbled stepped into their shared living space. Unfortunately her miracles seemed to be rather short. May only managed to wrap her hair in a towel before their door hissed open. May yelped, a blue translucent wall of Aura hiding her from her mildly shocked teammates.  
Winter might have been the first to recover but Fiona was louder. Stupid brat brought her fingers to her lips and whistled. “Whoo! Come on May, show us that gold!” Stupid… May grit her teeth, tempted to throw her towl at Fiona’s dumb grin.  
But an… odd look flickered over Winter’s face. May’s foggy post orgasm brain only told her it wasn’t disgust.  
So on a whim May quickly slipped some boyshorts on and pulled the towel to drape tastefully- she double checked, over her shoulders and chest. May had enough reason and blood the right head to release she probably shouldn’t do this. But the high was just desperate to see any flush across Winter’s cheeks. May dropped her Invisibility Field.  
Fiona yelped, eyes quickly darting from May’s chest up to her smirk, down to her developing abs thought it could have gotten stuck on her chest for a split second. Winter’s eyes locked onto May’s gold ones, so quick it looked a little panicked.  
“I- I was joking!” Fiona turned a brilliant shade of red and she dived onto the nearest bed with her hands over her face. Winter’s bed.  
May laughed a little, watching Winter observe her perfectly made bed become undone by a flailing sheep. The laugh caught in her throat a little when those cool eyes cut back to her.  
Of course Winter smirked, not backing down from a challenge. “Nothing I haven’t seen-”  
“Or fucked,” May added quickly.  
“B-before,” The words were already coming out of her mouth but the Schnee wasn’t prepared for the very true addition. With a sigh and a huff she turned to her bed, slapping Fiona’s feet off her bed and dropping down next to her. May counted that as a victory and her heart did little flips.  
“Oh my god… If I end up… doing anything- Anything weird in my sleep it’s because of you two!”  
Winter and May exchange a glance and sneered. “We’re honored,” May drawled. She laughed when Fiona threw a pillow at her face.  
“Aren’t you sweaty and gross?” Winter asked with a frown. “Stop rolling around my bed and shower.”  
“Yes, ma’am,” Fiona said with a little breathless note. Another pillow was launched at Winter. May laughed, watching blushing ears flick back towards her even if Fiona kept her head turned away. The tiny huntress flipped her off before locking the shower room door behind her.  
May turned around. Drying chest of the droplets that fell from her wet hair before slipping on a shirt-  
“And bra. We’re heading back to Mantle,” Winter said.  
May groaned and threw her sleeping shirt onto her bunk, “Why? I thought we were gonna call that Hill girl.”  
“Small adjustment. Silvio Watts tried to find the thief on the cameras.”  
That caught May’s attention. She fasten the front clip of her bra and was about to turn around when she realized… she was in front of the dressers. Which had a large mirror attached to them. When May checked Winter’s reflection she nearly screamed.  
The women was not on her bed like she expected but directly behind her. Winter rolled her eyes and wrapped the a fresh towel around May’s hair, trying to squeeze as much water out without ruffling and damaging it.  
“Honestly you two…” Winter said with mild annoyance laced with more amusement.  
“You’re whiter and quieter than a ghost! You’re lucky I didn’t drop dead!” May said. Her heart felt ready to give out for all the things it went through today. Mostly the two orgasms. The Marigold playfully shoved the Schnee. Winter barely budged. It wasn’t fair, a feminine body every magazine want with the muscles every soldier dreams of. May sat on the dresser and talked to the Winter’s reflections. “Sorry, back to using a teenager for illegal bullshit.”  
“He contacted me and as Dr. Watt’s assistant he does have clearance to-”  
“Gray legal bullshit,” May rolled her eyes and grabbed her brush. She ignored the white strands of hair in it and shoved it into Winter’s hand. She didn’t even scoff. May doubt Winter was actually aware she started to comb her hair. It was one of their habits they carried into Atlas Academy. “The thief? Silvio found them?”  
“No.” Winter frowned. May carefully watched her. Winter acts like a cool heartless Schnee but her anger melted through that carefully built image. May loved Winter’s habit of licking her lips before they pulled down in a frown. “He couldn’t even find us. It was a sloppy cut but enough to completely hide them.”  
“That’s… bad,” May said with her breath catching when those cool fingers dragged a little too long on her skull, brushing down the back of her neck. May almost missed the quirk of Winter’s lips and the frown seemed to deepen as to compensate for it.  
“Fiona thinks it would be a good chance to get to know Hill while we look for clues. She is a local to the area…” Winter mumbled. Instead of going for the usual wrap, Winter started to braid May’s hair. It was a loose braid and quick thanks to all the years practicing on Weiss’ hair. “Please, if you insist on keep your hair long, take better care for it.”  
“Why? I got you around to do it for me.”  
“Will I be around?” Winter asked. It was a simple question, in a flat tone but the look Winter’s reflection gave her was… loud and heavy. May turned around just as Winter finished, but the Schnee had closed her eyes and undid her the pin keeping that tight bun under control.  
Without any prompting the two adjusted. Winter settled to stand with her back against the dresser and between May’s legs. May didn’t grab the Schnee’s brush just yet. Instead she ran her hands through silky white hair, finding more pins and general massaging her scalp.  
Winter fought it at first, like alway. Then gradually gave in, like always. The sigh was… far too breathily for post orgasm May. Right now she loved her refectory period. They continued in silence for a few moments. May just admiring Winter’s hair and how it felt like feathers through the thin layer of Aura. Then a moan slipped from Winter, May froze. Her hands had wandered a little lower than usual, working at the tense muscles in Winter’s neck.  
“For stopping,” Winter cut playfully. Such a Schnee. May snorted and her hands worked with more confidence. Thankfully Winter controlled her reaction a little better but couldn’t completely relax. May leaned to the side a little and Winter turned to meet her questioning gaze. “Ironwood is heavily against Hill,” Winter explained.  
When the trio returned to the Academy, Winter managed to get a meeting with the General. Fiona and May killed time with a small sparring match to work out the day’s frustration.  
May closed her eyes. She took a deep breath to slip into work mode. No horny thoughts… no horny thoughts. Don’t think about how nice Winter feels and how easy it would be to kiss her during this routine every morning and night. Just… be natural.  
“Then what’s the point?” May finally asked when she composed herself. Her hands were back in Winter’s hair, checking for any knots before grabbing Winter’s brush and working it through her hair.  
“Because against isn’t flat out rejection.” Winter said. “And Fiona picked her… It’s her consequence to face, as her friend I can only help her if she falls.”  
“Goddess,” May snorted and sneered. “Do you hear how corny you are sometimes? Like those knights in the books we used to read.”  
“You love it, princess.”  
“Ugh!” A hot blush quickly settled across May’s face. “Braid your own hair, you brat!”  
Winter laughed softly. It was deeper than normal, like the laugh during their walk around Mantle. That alone kept May seated but Winter adjusted her position to block her in. May also noted it their bodies were were nearly pressed together. Nearly against May’s bra covered torso. No horny thoughts, no horny thoughts about your best friend.  
“I braided yours, you owe me.”  
“I knew you could never trust a Schnee with a freebie,” May said with a theatrical sigh. Winter threw her a smirk. It almost slipped into a smile when May’s fingers combed through her hair and massaged her scalp again. “Any style you want for thief hunting?”  
“Loose. The bun gave me a small headache.”  
“I notice,” May sneered. She deliberately pushed her fingers deep into the base of Winter’s skull. And… May licked her lips. Whatever higher power decided to torture her today made Winter’s reaction worth it.  
A hot flush quickly spread across her face, eyes rolling back as a moan slipped from those lips. She could feel Winter’s body shiver as her legs nearly gave out. May’s hands stilled enough for Winter to recover. Blue eyes fluttered open. A little dazed. Still there was enough conscious though for a glare and haughty pout.  
May was too surprised for impure thoughts. For once May didn’t know what to do with Winter. Like the Schnee she was, her blue eyes demanded… something.  
“I… I’ll promise to give you a proper massage later?” May mumbled. Her voice was higher than she’d like, possibly shaking even.  
Winter blinked one, twice and slowly she was back to normal. Meaning all the touches- er, massages May had slipped in was meaningless.  
“Hm… a suitable apology,” Winter said. Maybe she wasn’t back to normal because her voice was… off. Slow and slurred with something heated.  
Their usual routine continued in silence, awkwardly comfortable as the massages left Winter unusually docile yet intense while May’s post orgasm mind was still a little numb. Thankfully it was short, Fiona’s dripping curls and blushing face poked out from the bathroom.  
“Um… I forgot my towel and clothes,” Fiona said a little meekly. May finished the braid so Winter could walk off and handed Fiona her towel. Fiona frowned blinking up at her leader. “You okay?”  
Fiona pouted and slipped out of the bathroom as soon as the towel was secure around the small form. Don’t test the refractory period, no honry thoughts. Thankfully Fiona’s smart ass distracted May, “That excuse works with me because I’m normal. You’re always stressed,” She said. May snorted and laughed. She tried to choke it down when Winter whipped a glare at her.  
“Get dressed. We’re meeting Hill and Greenleaf within the hour.”  
“Bad deflect but alright,” Fiona said slipping past Winter with a worried look to grab some clothes from her drawer. “Your family name won’t stop you from getting a cold and we’re heading down at night.”  
“I’ll be sure to glare extra hard into the empty air,” Winter deadpanned. Fiona and May shared a glance and giggled.  
Fiona wasn’t that fussy about what the elites wore this time. Possibly because it was that fucking cold. May huddled into several layers shoved her gloved hands deeper into her pockets. Winter glanced at her and adjusted the red scarf she bought earlier.  
“I’ll get you a thicker one later,” Winter said.  
“Don’t bother. I’m never coming down here again,” May grumbled. Then glared at her partner. “How aren’t you freezing?”  
“Maybe there’s something in a name after all-”  
“Ow!” Winter and May, but mostly May, yelped when Fiona kicked them into each other. “Fi, what the hell!” May complained, rubbing her face. It wasn’t a collision kiss like in the movies, fuck it wasn’t a kiss it was a damn headbutt. No wonder Winter was so stubborn, her skull was thicker than steel.  
“The sooner you two stop complaining the sooner we’ll reach Robyn and Joanna’s place!” Fiona said. She was buddle up just as much as May. Her damp hair and ears weren’t ideal in this temperature even with their protective Aura. Fiona shivered, holding herself tightly.  
With a small apologetic look Winter tugged a little on the red scarf. May frowned and pouted for a second, trying to savior the warmth as long as possible. Then she nodded. The Schnee took the scarf and wrapped Fiona’s head with it, being careful with the ears. May shivered at the cold wind but it was worth Fiona’s happy smile as she snuggled, nice and warm.  
Mantle was very different at night. Without the sun and crowds of people, the wind felt especially sharp. It reminded May of those old horror films and it caused the hair on the back of her neck to rise like she was a kid watching them too. At the very least they weren’t the only one on the streets but the Faunus bystanders did give them a weary glance.  
A few minutes of walking and… they reached an abandoned building. Fiona frowned and double checked the address Robyn sent and several GPS apps. Everything matched up.  
“We are not taking in a squatter,” Winter scowled, arms crossed.  
“No…” Fiona ignored the comment. Loosen the scarf warming her ears, letting them flick around in alarm. May and Winter toss each other worried glances. “This isn’t right…” Fiona mumbled.  
The sheep video called Robyn who answered near immediately. Sure enough the background didn’t match the apartment in front of them. There was light and it looked warm from the tank top Robyn was wearing, the wallpaper had seen better days but it wasn’t a dark abandoned building  
“Uh… we might be lost,” Fiona told her. ��
“No shit, that’s one of the worst parts of the sector, lambchop.” Robyn said quickly. May scowled at the nickname but… upon a closer look around it felt a little more accurate. It almost did feel like she’d be eaten, with the way the old street lights flickered and shadows crawled under the moonlight. “Why are you there and why are you still standing around?”  
“We’re huntresses,” May scoffed, “We can handle some people-”  
“No, liontail!” The rising urgency in Robyn’s voice and actions raised alarms. Off screen Joanna called her name and tossed her a shirt and coat. Fiona passed the Scroll to Winter, her sharp Faunus eyes looking down every dark alleyway around them. “It’s Grimm. A Giest has been in that area for weeks now.”  
May stood next to Winter now. That wasn’t right. They would have heard about it, the news and media would be all over a scandal like this.  
“Weeks?” Winter scowled. She glared at the screen as Robyn mounted a crossbow to her wrist. “There’s no way General Ironwood would allow-”  
“Giest, snowflake.” Robyn repeated. “Without proof the police can’t file a claim for the military to investigate and soldier’s only check what’s on their radar.”  
“Our defenses should have-” Winter tried again but this time Fiona gently interrupted her.  
“She’s right,” Fiona said. She looked back up at the elites with begging eyes and lowered ears. Scared and begging, May both loved and hate that look. “Grimm slip past sometimes and… and the system is slow.”  
May and Winter looked at each other. Conflict and disbelieve slowly growing into caution and alarm. Robyn was a rude ass stranger. Fiona was their teammate. With a firm nod they looked at Fiona for her lead.  
“Mantle is your home,” Winter said.  
Fiona looked a little startled but nodded. “Winter, get us to higher ground.”  
“Understood.” With a flick of her wrist Winter summoned her white Glyphs on a nearby, sturdier, building. May was the first, running up the walls and ignoring her burning limbs. Maybe two orgasms after a spar and a day of wandering Mantle wasn’t a good idea.  
May’s eyes might be yellow but they lacked a cat’s night vision. Still she did her best to scan the area for the Giest as her team ran up the Glyph path. Winter was next and Fiona was last.  
The trio regrouped around their leader and the Scroll, “Well… now’s a good time to show us what your made of Hill,” Fiona mumbled.  
“Oh, I’ll do more than show, lambchop,” Robyn said with a grin that showed a little too much teeth brandishing the sharp wings of her wrist mounted crossbow. May made a noise of disgust and ended the call, making Fiona sputter in some surprise.  
“That’s rude!”  
“Her flirting is gross. I don’t like her.” May said with her arms crossed.  
Fiona sighed and stood her ground. Her eyes just shy from glaring back. “I think I realized why I never got laid. You two scare everyone away.”  
“Don’t fuck weak cowards,” May said, “Problem solved.”  
“By the Brothers…” Fiona smiled and rolled her eyes. “You know, technically Robyn meets those requirements.”  
“What requirements?”  
“Ah!” Fiona screamed and May screamed because Fiona screamed. Winter barely jumped. She turned around, hands reaching for the hilts of her rapiers but only grasped air. Joanna and Robyn blinked in surprised, the pair holding up their hands.  
“Woah, there lamb… Fiona.” Robyn said.  
May glance and did a double take at Fiona. The nice thing about Absorption Matter was that Fiona was never unarmed but the military issued shotgun was a little surprising. Fiona took a deep breath and lowered it.  
“Don’t scare me! How did you two find us so fast.”  
“… Winter sent us your location and we actually live nearby.”  
“I did no such thing.” Winter scowled. They all compared Scrolls… Sure enough the address was sent to Robyn and Joanna, from her phone.  
“Guys… I’m started to get creeped out here!” Fiona admitted. She huddled to the nearest person, May. May sighed and threw an arm around her. “The Faunus always die first in the movies!”  
“This isn’t a movie,” May mumbled. She tried to comfort Fiona by rubbing her arm. There was one other possibility. May gave Winter a firm frown, “That Watt’s kid isn’t fucking with us, is he?”  
Winter blinked, the most surprise expression she’d make in front of strangers. She looked at her Scroll with a frown, “I don’t… believe so. He was rather upset when he couldn’t find the thief.”  
“Does it matter now?” Robyn asked. The annoyance caught their attention and there was a sense of urgency coming from the two Mantle Rats. Joanna was on high alert, grip firm around the crossbow staff. The arrogant flirt from the Gym was gone. Robyn checked her crossbow once more and with a flex of her hand it loaded a bolt from the tail. May liked this angry professional Robyn a lot more. “We got three almost fully fledged huntresses here. We can finally do something about the Giest.”  
“So we bait it,” Fiona agreed. She pushed the women comforting her forward, “Thank you for volunteering, Marigold!”  
“What! Why me?!” May said. She stumbled a few steps, legs still a little weak from her orgasm not even an hour ago.  
“Because you’re not exactly the happiest person here,” Fiona reasoned. Winter laughed softly. She tried to hide it with behind a fight and a caught but the blush gave her away. It deepened a little when Robyn and Joanna sneered. “Plus you have the highest chance of getting away with your semblance and Winter.”  
“And Winter what?” May said.  
“Nothing. You have Winter,” Fiona said with shrug. Winter smirked and raised a brow, looking down at her through long lashes. May scowled up at her stupid face. She wished she consider being shorter than Winter a downside to the hormones.  
“Don’t worry princess,” The Schnee taunted the Marigold, “I got your back.”  
“Fuck you.” The words spilled from May’s mouth out of habit, just as she remembered screaming Winter’s name in the shower. She glared even harder, trying to pass her blush off as something else.  
“Is that a promise?”  
“Ugh!” May threw up her hands and walked off before her angry composure could completely break. “There’s no winning with you Schnees.”  
“Define winning!” Robyn yelled after her with a laugh. May could barely pretend to be mad. She did flip off the Hill girl and her partner before dropping back down to the streets. She walked aimlessly down the roads, taking random turns and relaxed every time she heard Winter’s Glyphs fling her from roof to roof.  
Grimm is attracted to negative emotions. May crossed her arms thought back to some of the worst moments in life… which was very difficult post orgasm. Her mind kept wandering back to Winter. Strong shoulders, delicate neck, up and up… slender jaw… an arrogant smirk with full lips…  
You’re so easy.  
Ugh! Some best friend she was! May growled at herself. What would Winter think if she knew… Scratch that. Winter gets compliments every time she’s off military grounds. She’s an arrogant Schnee. It’d only inflate her ego more. May could hear the conversation now. Some bullshit about how it was natural, they spent so much time together, saved each other on a few missions, blah, blah, some grown up adult shit she’d have rehearsed for Weiss because her parents where ABOSLUTE FUCKS!  
A roar echoed around her.  
May opened calmly opened her eyes as black blacks tore down an alley. She dodged the thrown tire and chunks of metal. The Giest was surprisingly small, creepily humanoid but made of many broken bits of concrete and wires. May stepped back, years of practice and just time spent with Winter making the next moments predictable. A Time Dilated Schnee dashes in, saber cutting deep across fabric…  
May’s eyes widen, as the sword glided across the foreign robes. Not through, not in, across sparking like it met another blade. May grabbed Winter and jumped back, Invisibility Field hiding them from the Geist’s counterattack.  
“Okay…” May pulled out her Scroll and started up a group call. Winter hit the ignore button on hers but everyone else answered.  
“What was that?” Joanna asked first.  
“The robes the Giest is wearing is from Mistral. Sometimes they have wire woven into it,” Winter answered. Apparently she spoke too loud because the Giest roared again and swiped an arm of broken concrete and metal at them. Winter picked May up and easily dodged with a Glyph boosting her jump.  
“Don’t they also like to weave Dust into their clothes?” May asked.  
“I know one way to find out,” Winter said.  
May smirked and they both ignored the Scroll and Fiona groaning. May concentrated for a second, focusing so the Invisibility Field stayed while she ran out and screamed at the Giest. Like usual it works and the Grimm roared and followed the bait.  
“Uh… please tell me that’s a regular thing they do.” Joanna mumbled.  
“I hate it!” Fiona yelled. May laughed and dodged, baiting the Giest closer and closer to her partner. “They always do their own thing, mid fight! I mean… it works. Stupidly well. But we are a team!”  
May rolled her eyes. With snap of her fingers the Invisibility Field dropped to reveal a bright Glyph that shot Winter forward. She ducked beneath a hand, saber plunging deep into the gaps of metal and stopped as when it reached the robe. With Winter’s hand on it the fabric, her Aura activated the Dust. May could see it glow two colors. A rich and deep purple for Gravity and a vibrant scorching red for Fire.  
Winter jumped back, picking up May again and retreating under the Field and with Glyphs helping them clear swiping claws.  
“Y’know… for an angry gal you sure are docile,” Robyn muttered. She sounded like she was just lounging around watching a show.  
“Shut up,” Both the elites growled.  
“That’s no way to speak to your future teammate,” Robyn chided. “Especially one that can blow it up right now.”  
“We can’t,” Winter said. Her tone was far too serious to argue with so everyone stayed quiet so she could explain. “The Dust… it’s far more potent than anything I’ve felt. You could take out the block.”  
“And if I used a gravity bolt? That gonna summon a black hole?”  
“That’s not how it works,” Winter sighed.  
“Good! So I can do it then.”  
“Hill, don’t-” A bolt flew into the Field, glowing bright purple and deep into the ground right at Winter’s feet. “Shit.” The angry Grimm was pulled to the bolt, right at Winter and May. To the others they could only see half of the Grimm until May dropped her semblance. Then they saw it’s other arm swinging, just a few feet from the elites.  
“Haha… woops. Didn’t see ya’ there, liontail.” Robyn mumbled.  
“That was the point!” May screamed into her Scroll. She clutched Winter tight as she tried running as fast as possible. Between dodging giant debris arms they didn’t get far.  
“Bolster your Aura! I have Elm’s rocket launcher!”  
“When did you steal that?!”  
“Don’t!” Winter tried yelling for the second time. Like before it ignored. Winter couched down, holding May tight to her chest as the rocket flew past them and into the Grimm. The explosion launched them both into the air.  
Like always the knight took most of the blast and most of the fall. May held on tight, focusing on her Aura as she could feel the flames, chunks of asphalt and metal chip away at it.  
As soon as their skid and roll slowed down enough, Winter maneuvered to cover her partner. Standing before May, an Aura enhanced Saber slicing through smoke and catching some larger chunks of rocks. When it finally cleared there was a small crater and a broken fire hydrant trying to fill it up. The nearby building had shattered windows, a power line fell taking down the lights… Ashes of Grimm was fading… and the clothes that withstood Winter’s strikes were nowhere to be seen-  
“The left! Across the street!” May yelled, a slip of glowing purple disappearing into the alley. From the rooftops Joanna jumped down. May and Winter sprinted as fast as possible but the day was wearing on the Marigold’s endurance.  
She arrived just in time to see Joanna thrown back into Winter and the glowing robes disappearing around the corner.  
“Shit, sorry guys!” Fiona said through the Scroll. “Um… I forgot how strong Elm is. The rocket launcher threw me back and I didn’t get a look at them.”  
“We should leave,” Robyn said next. May helped Joanna up, more like held her huge ass arms as the giant women got up herself, and then helped Winter. “My place isn’t too far. You can spend the night or wait till the police cool off.” And being cue in the movies the sirens started to go off in the distance.  
The police and even a few military huntsmen quickly arrived. Joanna and Robyn came up with several impressive escape routes but stopped their planning when they saw May’s hands glowing. They finally noticed the Aura that domed tightly around them.  
“Oh yeah…” Robyn mumbled.  
“Oh yeah,” May repeated with a sarcastic flare. She glowered hard at her, “You nearly shot us!”  
Robyn didn’t blush, didn’t look away. Somehow the older women looked guilty and apologetic without trying to run from the consequences. “I’m sorry. I was just worried that Giest was going to slip away and hurt someone else again.” Robyn paused, waiting for the elites to comment. She endured their hard and intense stares and continued, “I should have let you two handle it.” That… wasn’t what May was expecting.  
“I want a bed.” May demanded. She was too tired to return to Atlas and no one disagreed, at least verbally. May saw Winter frowned a little but stayed silent.  
That arrogant smirk returned and with the soft lighting from the moon, that platinum blonde hair looked white. “I can give you that and a little more-” Winter stepped in front of her, body tense and knuckles pale around the hilt of the borrowed saber. That smooth smile didn’t break. In fact Robyn’s lavender eyes seem to shine a little brighter, “My bed’s pretty big if you want to invite yourself, snow angel.”  
Winter shook for a moment. Visibly angry until May’s hand rested on her shoulder. Her arm slacken, worried eyes meeting May’s gold ones and the tension quickly melted from her body. The Schnee took a deep breath, “Very well. I’ll take your offer.”  
Robyn’s smirk immediately fell into shock, “Wait… what?” May sneered and Fiona giggled. Joanna patted her roommate out of it, “But… um.” She gave a confused glance between May and Winter, “… but.”  
“I want food too!” Fiona chirped in, hand raised to help draw attention to her small form. “Something nice and warm!”  
Joanna lead the way back while Robyn was trying to recover with grace. It was only a few blocks and with rooftops within jumping distance or a makeshift bridge, they were there within minutes. Joanna listed off all the leftover in their fridge and some late night food trucks. Oddly… when they arrived at Robyn’s apartment door there was a box of food and a small spool of… string? Winter touched it, and it glowed a warm red at her Aura. They nearly missed well penned note.  
‘Thanks for the charity money and getting my robes back, angeldust. Here’s some fire Dust to keep the cute ones warm. Xoxox - Thief’
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plumsorcerer · 4 years
Our Chosen Children ZERO: Forest of Gods
Tumblr media
Fandom: Digimon
Character(s): DORUmon, Agumon, Gabumon, Gigimon / Guilmon, Ryudamon, Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode
Ship(s): none
Rating: PG+
Four children are trapped in the Forest of God. However, it leads them to something special. 
Author’s note:
This is part of my ongoing Digimon fanfiction series: Our Chosen Children. In this, I give some backstory to the main Royal Knights: Alphamon, Omegamon, and Dukemon. Also it has Ryudamon and Imperialdramon. I hope you get the gist of what’s going on before I post the big boy fic next week. 
The Forest of God is not as holy as some usually described, it is rather an eerie place with very few holy type digimons living there to seek peace and evil digimons left there to atone for their sins. Travellers can easily get lost in the forest and can only hope Xuanwumon and his devoted subordinates would guide them back home, the island is never a destination for vacations no matter how beautiful it looks. 
For a group of lost children, the island was a living hell to them. It all started from playing chase but they strayed too far from home, and soon after they were attacked by a group of low-level bandits and before they knew it, they reached the point of no return. 
The leader and the eldest, DORUmon has been trying his best to look after his childhood friends: the hot headed and courageous Agumon, the shy and timid Gabumon, and the immature and wild Guilmon. Before, they were taken care under a gentle MetalTyrannomon inside a stray children’s shelter and lived happily. But now, they are trying their best to find their way home somehow. The children are already tired, hungry, and their voices are dry from arguing. 
DORUmon collects a small amount of red fruits, then passes it over to the rest of his group, “Here, our dinner for tonight,” the purple furry dragon announced.
“Crimson berries again?” Agumon whined, “There should be at least a pond full of fishes down here!” 
“Found nothing,” DORUmon shrugged. “Eat this or starve,”
“Mmmph okay, but I want meat…” Agumon rolled the berries over his palm, before taking one into his mouth. “It's been a week since I had them,”
Guilmon followed the protest, “Guilmon wants meat too…” he stares at his food gloomily. 
Gabumon only nodded in agreement, not wishing to say anything else. 
DORUmon gritted his teeth in frustration, “Then why don't you look for one yourself?! Why is it always my fault we're not eating nice things while all you guys did are just whine?!” He snapped.
Silence. Agumon usually would shoot back at him but his stomach is just too empty to give him such energy to do  that. 
Guilmon lowers his head in guilt, “Sorry, Guilmon… bad?”
“No! It’s just… it’s just… aargh!” DORUmon slammed his tail to the ground. “I’m sorry Guilmon… I didn’t mean to get angry,”
Gabumon meekly speaks up, “N-now now, DORUmon has been taking Ms. MetalTyranomon’s place to care for us since we left, right? It’s not fair to w-weight him more than he already is,” 
Agumon frowned, “Ugh, you’re right. I’m sorry, DORUmon,” 
DORUmon shook his head. “No, I’m sorry for raising my voice, especially to Guilmon,” he turns and gently scratches the crimson lizard’s chin, who giggled and nuzzled DORUmon’s hand in return. “He’s still very young, just evolved from his baby form. I have to take responsibility and look after him, not scolding him,”
“...And suddenly he’s the tallest among us,” Agumon sneered, then shoving every fruit on his palm into his mouth. “You have nothing to apologize, DORUmon. It’s not your responsibility alone to protect Guilmon too, you know?” 
DORUmon smiled, “Thank you, Agumon,”
“Guilmon can protect himself!” the crimson lizard protested. “Ms. MetalTyranomon said Guilmon is now stronger, and can beat up bad guys! Remember, Guilmon was the one who took out that Gizmon,”
Agumon laughed and ruffled Guilmon’s head. “We get it, we get it, you’re a big boy now,” 
“Guilmon not a baby anymore!” he protested
“Then what’s with that speech pattern?” Agumon teased. “Doesn’t sound like a grown man to me,” 
Gabumon breathed out in relief, the fight ended shorter than usual. He usually couldn’t stand the two being at each other’s neck, worst case happened they fought about it until both were in tears. 
After the children finished eating, they turned off the bonfire and leaned on a huge tree behind the bushes where they rested. Guilmon and Agumon already fell asleep and snoring louder than a Greymon’s roar, while DORUmon is left with his thoughts. He slowly ran his claw along the softer soil, creating a map of their progress in the Forest of Gods. 
“We haven’t encountered any strong enemy digimon yet, but it’s only a matter of time,” DORUmon muffled. “Everyone is getting thinner… how long can we really last…?”
Suddenly, Gabumon spoke up from his pretended slumber, “DORUmon, you’re not tired yet?”
“Gabumon?! I’m fine, go back to sleep,” startled, DORUmon lifts his head. 
“Actually, I can’t sleep…” Gabumon rubbed his eyes. “Can’t stop thinking about this place. I got really bad feelings from it…”
“Me either,” DORUmon sways his tail in desperation. “I have yet to see a village nor a building,”
Gabumon swirled up in the fetal position. “Will we… die here?” 
DORUmon gritted his teeth, “No… we won’t. I promise… we will go home,” he shook his head. 
“How?” The fur coated digimon sank his head in. “Ms. MetalTyranomon didn’t even know where we were,” the tone of Gabumon’s voice gets shakier as he speaks.
“I’ll find a way… somehow,” DORUmon squinted. “There can’t be any digimon on this island, you know? Even if we meet bandits, they have nothing to steal from us. They don’t even know who’s our foster parent,” 
Gabumon muttered, “You’re right,”
Gathering the remaining confidence he has, DORUmon forced a smile, “Just don’t worry, okay? I’m here to protect Agumon, Guilmon, and you after all!” 
As if Gabumon can read through his friend’s smile, he rubs his eyes to fight back the tears, “...Sorry, DORUmon. I’ve been useless…”
DORUmon lets out a soft chuckle. “Useless? If it wasn’t for you I don’t know who can stop Agumon from running around recklessly,” the purple digimon wraps his soft tail around Gabumon. “We need each other, Gabumon. Now, get some rest, we’ll look for more food in the next area tomorrow,” DORUmon gently petting Gabumon’s head, soothing him to sleep.
“You too…” Gabumon replied with a dozier voice. 
“Then who’s gonna be on guard?” DORUmon smiles dryly. “Don’t worry about me. I’m the oldest here,”
Before Gabumon can argue, the blue-pelt lizard already drifted off to sleep, leaving DORUmon alone to guard them.
The next morning, the children are woken up by a loud noise from the distance, startling even the dozy DORUmon. They see some trees being thrown down and the sound of clashing weapons, they were so surprised by the situation that they didn’t realize Guilmon reverted back to his Gigimon form. 
“Wh--?! Who’s making noises this early?” Agumon pushes Gigimon that has been leaning on him aside, followed by his whining. 
Gabumon hugs his own torso in fear, “I-I-I thought we’re in the most quiet part of the a-area...?”
DORUmon quickly snapped out of his temporary snore and said with a louder voice, “I… don’t think this place is safe anymore! Everyone, follow me!” he subconsciously picks up Gigimon and jumps through the bushes while Agumon and Gabumon follows from behind. 
“Oh come on, we just HAD danger yesterday…!” Agumon complained while brushing off leaves from his face. “Uugh, now I understand why Ms. MetalTyranomon always scolds me when I’m going too far from home..!!”
“W-WELL YOU MIGHT REALIZE THAT A LITTLE TO LAAAAATE!!” Gabumon cried out in fear from what’s behind.
Gigimon only flails his little limbs around. “Guilmon feels small again…?” 
The young digimon only ran and run and run aimlessly, only trying to avoid the loud noise that could be possibly dangerous. DORUmon took whatever path is narrow for any creature larger than them. 
Eventually, the children stopped in front of a giant lake leading to a deeper part of the forest, the noises eventually died out and DORUmon decided they’ll take a rest here. 
As DORUmon sets Gigimon down, he is surprised to look over his form, “Guilmon! You… reverted back to your baby form!”
Agumon and Gabumon, who just realized the changes gasped at the same time.
“I guess it’s because… he was too weak to maintain his child form, that’s weird…” Gabumon carefully observed the younger child with his hand. “He’s just a year younger than me…!”
“Gabu Gabu, it tickles!” Gigimon giggled and rolled around. 
“Everyone has their time,” DORUmon shrugged. “Back to our main focus, I think we’ll be safe here,”
“We stopped at a lake! Lucky!!” Agumon cheered and jumped around. “We can fish for some food!!” 
“A-Agumon! But you can’t swim!” Gabumon meekly pointed out. 
“Who says I’m the one doing the fishing?” Agumon winked at his best friend. “Remember when Guil… I mean Gigimon almost drowned in a pool?”
“What’s… what’s your point?” 
“Gigimon remember remember! Gabu Gabu is Gigimon’s knight!!” Gigimon wags his tail in happiness.
Embarrassed, Gabumon scratches the back of his head, “Uuuh…. Why do you have to bring that back, Agumon!”
“My point is you were the only one from all of us who can swim!” Agumon goes up and tugs on Gabumon’s pelt. “Come on! I’ve been starving for some fishies!”
“What…?! But I’m still… tired from running,” Gabumon sighed.
“Agumon, calm down for a second. We’ll eventually get some food!” DORUmon pats Agumon’s shoulder. 
“Fine then, but right now I want to get something to eat! Maybe there’s a tree with meat apples nearby….” Agumon turns his back and starts attempting to walk into the woods. 
“Meat apples?! Gigimon wants one too!!” Gigimon jumped around Agumon and tailed him behind. 
“Hey, you two—! Stop wandering around on your own!” DORUmon exclaimed and tried to catch up, but alas, Agumon and Gigimon already entered the woods. 
“Uuu, we must follow them…!” Gabumon who now starts to worry for his reckless friends suggested.
As they go deeper, Agumon and Gigimon slow their footsteps. 
“Aaaaugh…. that’s weird, I can’t see any tree with fruits,” Agumon lets out a disappointed groan.
“Where did DORU get the berries…?” Gigimon frowned and his eyes wandered at the trees that stand tall before him.
“This was a mistake,” Agumon crosses his arm. “Let’s go back, Gigim—!?”
“AGUU, WATCH OUUUUT!!” His world was cut by Gigimon tackling Agumon aside. Both children hit and fell to the tree nearby. 
Before Agumon can protest, he sees a small katana stabbed into the ground and is surprised.
“What… what the… h—!”
Gigimon covers Agumon’s mouth before he can finish. “No bad words!”
“Does it matter now?!” Agumon shoves Gigimon aside. “Who’s there?!” Then, he stands up and shields Gigimon. 
From the trees, the one who just ambushed the two shows up their form. It’s a small dragon digimon covered in dark purple armor and a red jewel on his forehead. From his posture and looks, he seems to be the same age as DORUmon. 
“That shot was just a warning,” The digimon shouted, “You shall not pass this area any further!”
“We were just looking for food!!” Agumon replied. 
“Ahead is the sacred place of Xuanwumon, I can’t let you stranger pass,” the armored dragon glared down at Agumon. “Even if you’re child level, I still won’t hold back if you fight,”
“Feh… so cocky! Who are you anyway?? You seem like a child-level digimon like me too!” Agumon growled. 
“My name is Ryudamon, child of Sir Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode,” Ryudamon introduced himself. “Now, away with it!”
“A-Agu and Gigimon are just looking for food…!” Gigimon slowly steps to the front. “We don’t mean bad!”
Ryudamon only replied with a hostile squint, “Ha! Like I’d fall for that!” Then he opened his mouth and shouted, “Iaijin!” 
Immediately, from Ryudamon’s mouth, it shoots out an iron blade covered in yellow light that directly about to hit Agumon, 
Unprepared, Agumon immediately focuses on protecting Gigimon...
But then…
“Metal Cannon!”
An iron ball hits the blade, making the weapon bounce away from its original target, surprising the three digimons. Then, as they turn their heads to where it came from...
“Agumon! Gigimon!! Are you okay?!” DORUmon is seen running to them and Gabumon can be seen tailing him behind.
“DORUmon!!” Gigimon cheered. 
“DORUmon!” Pleasantly surprised, Agumon smiled widely. “You came for us!”
“Agumon…! Gigimon….!” Gabumon huffed while running to Agumon. “I’m… I’m glad you two are okay…! Huaaahh….!”
“I told you not to wander off on your own!” DORUmon scolds them, then turns his head to Ryudamon. “You…! What are you trying to pull here?! They’re just young children!!”
“My job is to keep away all intruders that dares to enter the sacred place! Don’t get in my way— huh….?” As Ryudamon glared back at DORUmon, he suddenly noticed something.
“That thing… on your forehead!” Ryudamon suddenly stopped his movement. “Must it be…!”
“Ryudamon, they’re innocent. Let them go,” suddenly, a bigger and heavier voice came from behind Ryudamon. 
“That voice…!” Ryudamon turned his head to the back.
Before the children, there stood a larger digimon. Their size is twice, or even more combined with all the children’s heights. They wear all white armor with a gold crown on their head and several parts of their armor, the digimon also has a large sword stored on a sheath. 
“Sir Imperialdramon!” Ryudamon called their name. “But… but they’re not priests and about to enter Xuanwumon’s area! They’re trespassers!”
“Now, calm down,” Imperialdramon shook his head, then kneels down so that his eyes can meet the children’s. “Are you all lost? Where do you come from?”
The children simply was very intimidated, but then, Agumon exclaimed,
“AAAAHH!! A-a-are you… Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode??? THE Imperialdramon…?! THE Digital World Hermit…?!”
“Keep your manners around him, fiend!!” Ryudamon angrily lashed out. 
DORUmon acted quickly and hit Agumon’s head with his fist. “Hey! Don’t weird them out than we already do!”
“Hahaha, it’s okay, Ryudamon, DORUmon,” Imperialdramon simply chuckled. “Yes, my name is Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode. I have travelled the Digital World for thousands of years. And this is my disciple and my child, Ryudamon. Pardon for his rudeness, he’s just doing his best to protect the holy land of Xuanwumon,” 
Before Agumon could complain about Ryudamon and DORUmon, the purple furry lizard halted him and asked in confusion, “How… how do you know my name?”
“The mark on your head,” Imperialdramon pointed out. 
DORUmon touches the red gem on his forehead, “You mean… this? Ryudamon also said something about it,”
“You. I’ve been searching for you years and years… ever since you were an egg,” Imperialdramon PM observes closer. “Valkyriemon said there were two eggs… formatted from the data of ancient digimons by Yggdrasil… those eggs were you and Ryudamon,” 
“I… I thought I was an orphaned egg… that Ms. MetalTyranomon took care of…” startled, DORUmon can only whisper under his breath. 
“Wow… uh…. I don’t know how to process all these but… you’re basically… something special?” Gabumon asked.
Imperialdramon continued, “I couldn’t find your egg, but I found Ryudamon. I took care of him since. You and Ryudamon… were destined to be together someday,” 
“Imperialdramon’s right,” Ryudamon jumped off the tree and approached DORUmon. “You are my Master, and I’m your tool. I’ve been waiting forever to meet you,” 
“T-tool…?! Wait… wait!” DORUmon backed off. “What do you mean… by tool?!”
“That's what I said,” Ryudamon stated. “Valkyriemon told me I’m destined to be your tool. Now that I found you, I am obligated to serve under you.”
“Valkyrie...mon did?” still confused, DORUmon squinted his eyes. “Who’s Valkyriemon?”
“Didn’t legends and fairy tales tell you about him?��� Imperialdramon PM asked while chuckled. “Servant of the first Cherubimon, now his nowhere is unknown,”
“Oh! Oh! I know!” Agumon raises his hands like a school child. “Ms. MetalTyranomon always reads a storybook about him for me and Gabumon!”
“Agumon’s right. If I remember right… Valkyriemon loved and devoted to his lord Cherubimon so much he’d trade his life for him,” Gabumon added. “Now his nowhere is unknown… it’s like he only existed in fairytales nowadays…”
Agumon’s eyes start to shine “So is Valkyriemon a real deal—?! Ouch!!” 
“Agumon, you’re being too inappropriate!!” DORUmon shushed him after hitting him on the head again. 
“You don’t have to do that—!” Agumon whined.
Imperialdramon PM only chuckled upon seeing the acts of the children and said, “Nay, you don’t have to straighten yourself in front of me, children of destiny,”
Gabumon, who is slightly confused at Imperialdramon’s wordings asked, “Children… of destiny…? You mean… us?”
“I almost forgot to tell you another thing,” Imperialdramon PM’s face turned serious. “As he told me about DORUmon’s circumstances, he also told me about three other children that soon will rise to defend the Digital World along DORUmon…”
“You mean… me, Gabumon, and Gigimon…?” Agumon asked.
“Could be it,” Imperialdramon said, “Valkyriemon possess a power of future sight, we might have to take you there,”
“Oooh! Oooh! That’s so cool!!” Agumon jumped in joy. “We’re the chosen one…!!!” 
“Don’t get too excited yet,” Ryudamon crosses his arms. “We don’t know unless if Valkyriemon confirms it,” 
“For sure, Valkyriemon said there will be saviors who will rise to save the Digital World from destruction, and I’m tasked to bring them together,” then, Imperialdramon explained. “Say, child, would you come with us?”
Agumon’s eyes sparkled and he jumped with joy, “Of course—!”
“Agumon! Ms. MetalTyranomon first!” DORUmon quickly shushed the yellow lizard again. “I’m very sorry, Sir Imperialdramon…! We appreciate the offer, but unfortunately, we really have to go home,”
Gigimon nodded and chimed in. “Guilmon… umm… Gigimon misses Ms. MetalTyranomon….”
“Haha! Of course you do, chosen one,” Imperialdramon scratches his chin. “Don’t you worry, I shall take you home firsthand,” 
“He’s right,” Ryudamon added. “He always told me that family is always a priority,”
“R-really…?! You have my utmost thanks, Sir Imperialdramon, Ryudamon!” DORUmon bows down.
“Lord DORUmon, please lift your head,” flustered, Ryudamon waves his hands. “No need to thank us,”
“‘Lord DORUmooonn’?” Agumon jerked his body forward DORUmon. “Wow, never thought you’re suddenly some kind of lord!” 
“Do not speak to him so rudely, fiend!” Ryudamon angrily steps forward to Agumon.
“Oh so I’m ‘fiend’?! I’m HIS childhood friend and you just met him! Don’t get too friendly with him!” Agumon twitched his eyes and replied angrily. “Plus, since I’m equal to DORUmon why can’t you call me lord too—!”
“A-Agumon, please stop!” Gabumon grabs Agumon by the hand and pulls him back.
“Why should I call you ‘Lord’? Lord DORUmon is my only master!” Ryudamon steps forward and shields DORUmon with his hand. 
“U-um…. I still don’t know how to react to this whole ‘Lord’ or ‘Master’ thing….” DORUmon nervously muttered. 
As the children argue with each other, Imperialdramon can only respond with a chuckle like an elderly digimon. 
They’re the chosen ones huh. He thought. Fate sure leads us to interesting things.
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Best Looks of Lizzie McGuire
SEASON 1 PART 3 (Episodes 17-24)
If you’re new here I’ve recently been reliving the best/worst era of my life and using Lizzie McGuire, the series, to guide me through that journey. 
Now, because arguably aside from Gordo and he and Lizzie’s love story of the century, my favorite part of that show was the iconic 2000s preteen fashion, I have taken on the enormous task of picking a best look for each and every episode and informing the public of my findings.
Come judge the iconic looks of Lizzie and her friends with me!
Best look of this episode I’m giving to Miranda. 
Miranda always comes through with the somewhat more muted, more casual looks. This particular look is great in my opinion.
It’s this cool long sleeve graphic tee that says something about roller derby. I’m biased because I used to freaking love graphic tees as a preteen/young teen.
AND Miranda pairs it with a camo headband. This is working for me. 
It reminds me of something I would’ve worn in middle school or rather imagined myself wearing and then chickened out cause I was worried it was too edgy or try hard of me. SIGH. Youth really is wasted on the young. 
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Best look of the episode goes to Miranda. 
None of the looks in this episode were necessarily wowing me but Miranda takes this one, if for no other reason, for her crochet patchwork style sweater. It’s cute, I want it.
The color scheme choices in this show never cease to amaze, but I’m into it.
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Best look of this episode goes to Lizzie. 
She has this cute kinda basic look that she accessories with a red snakeskin triangle headband. This is so cool and edgy for 2001. I would’ve been so jealous if I saw a girl in middle school wearing this. 
I mean the outfit is good enough and then about a quarter of a way through the episode she adds this brown leather jacket. Like yes. 100% yes. So good. This jacket made it even better. 
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Best look of the episode is going to Miranda. 
I don’t know what this look is or what the hell she’s doing here but I like it. This girl is all about the crocheted pieces of clothing but this one is so strange, I really love it.
Also, I don’t know what possessed her to choose this hat but it is really pulling this look together in my opinion. 
It’s funky, it’s unique, it wins this episode for me. 
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Best look of the episode is going to Miranda yet again. 
There is something with Miranda and knits. This cardigan is great, paired with these plaid pants and THIS BERET.
I used to wear these beret style hats sooo much in high school and my first year of college. I always wore them like slung back though (not straight up like Miranda’s). I wore these hats paired with band tees in North Carolina, where it was 85 degrees and humid at all times. Ahhh the memories. 
Anyways, Miranda killed this. This look is cool af. 
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Best look of this episode goes to Lizzie.
This was like my dream outfit in 2001 to be honest. 
Just even the top in and of itself. This top is in the color that I wanted everything I owned to be in 2001. I painted my bedroom something close to this color so I am not exaggerating when I say that. 
Anyways, everything down to the bag she pairs with this look is working for me. For some reason I thought this skirt was like a leopard print but it’s actually just like a swirly design. It would’ve been better if it was leopard but oh well, we can’t win them all. 
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Best look of the episode goes to Lizzie. 
I’m not even going to explain myself. Just look at this. If you wore this in the 2000s, you were a bad bitch. 
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Best look of the episode is going to Miranda.
I swear we hardly ever see these kids in regular old blue jeans so this look is a breath of fresh air for me. 
I don’t know, I just like it. Sometimes I just need to see some earth tones you know?
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Season 1 Part 4 coming soon. 
If you’d like you can also check on my youtube video version of this where I talk more in depth about all the looks of the episode and the episode plots, etc!
I’m outie ✌🏼
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