#eps picked by the gf <3
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Lupinranger vs. Patranger roulette
One GIF per Episode: 8, 13, 14, 20, 33, 44
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hughungrybear · 28 days
So, I guess the original timeline goes something like this:
1. Korn and Tonkla are lovers. Korn has also just inherited the illegal online gambling business from his dad. Meanwhile, Great and Title are bffs.
2. Great committed a hit-and-run against the woman in Ep 1. No hints whether she survived the incident.
3. Dome witnessed Title abducting the gf and made everyone know through their class GC. Title retaliates and kidnaps Dome.
4. Great became an accomplice/witness in killing Dome. Dome's body was later found and processed by the police led by Win. As a result, Win meets Tonkla at the morgue.
5. Korn's leadership was sabotaged by outside forces leading to him asking for help from Fah's dad. He ignores Tonkla's desperate attempts to reach out while he solves the family business' problems (and fucking Fah as payment, quid pro quo). Also, a shareholder was assassinated.
6. Win was removed as lead investigator by his superior. Probably because it was hinted that Tle's family is as rich and powerful (maybe moreso) as Great's parents. Win and Tonkla become lovers, with Win promising he'll continue investigating Dome's death for Tonkla's sake. Korn gets kicked out of Tonkla's house (and life). Win also meets a possible witness (the GF's friend in previous eps) and gets threaten in the process.
7. Tonkla (for reasons undisclosed yet) learned who killed his brother and proceeded to do some quick street justice on Tle (involving paying a girl to drug him to sleep so that Tonkla can bash his head in). Win finds a body with the same head injuries as Dome's. Meanwhile the same superior who told him to get off Dome's case is now harassing him for being too slow in solving this one, which tracks if that was really Tle's body they found. He also got a name on the murder prints (though we don't know whose it is).
8. Nan is secretly working with Tyme to bring the Sriwat Cargo Business down. She sleeps with the creepy ass manager but gets caught and shot while trying to gain more evidence.
Now, this is where it gets murky with the new timeline. Ignoring the 4-minute time loops in between, we have:
1. Great calls an ambulance on the woman he accidentally ran over. She survives but she also eventually hires a killer (Ep 5) who shoots both Great and his mother dead (or near death, as in Great's case), which brings us to the first minute of Ep 1
2. The family convinces Great to visit the woman where he meets Tyme. Tyme learns who Great is and decides to be close to him for revenge.
3. Great saves Dome and brings him to the hospital. Great and Tyme becomes officially acquainted. Tyme also saves Great from vengeful Tle.
4. Dome wakes up on a hospital bed. Curiously, nobody called Tonkla despite Dome being confined in the hospital for (what looks like) a few days. He did not visit his beloved brother in the hospital nor picked him up when he was discharged. We see Dome riding a taxi and talking to Tonkla on the phone. But when he gets off the taxi and greets Tonkla, he vanishes (just like the cat in Ep 1). In this sense, both Dome and the cat were like echoes to Tonkla. We don't see Tonkla in this new timeline. He is, for all intents and purposes, stuck in the original timeline.
5. Great keeps seeing things related to Tyme that had not happened outside the 4-minutes (i.e., seeing them have sex when he bumped Tyme in the hospital, reading "can you forgive me" on that note attached on the cup of Thai tea instead of "Don't forget to go to the hospital".
6. Great and Tyme go on a sweet date involving claw machines and ends the day with a(n almost) kiss.
7. Nan calls Tyme while trying to escape. Tyme dares to attack Korn but gets identified by Great in the process.
I feel like there is something to be said on Tyme's tendency to prolong the "inevitable" just like Den accused him of doing with a dying patient in this ep. Coupled by the fact that Tyme doesn't seemed to sleep (based on the off-cut remark from the janitor in the gym is Ep 2), it seems Tyme somehow holds the key to this whole mess.
Also, why is Tonkla absent in the new timeline?
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lutawolf · 11 months
My Dear Gangster Oppa Commentary Ep 3
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I know this asshole did not really say, "you're with this guy again." Bestie's opinion matters more than anyone else's, but he hasn't even met the dude! He's acting more like a parent than a best friend. Hahaha! Tew remembers who Wahl is, and he appears to not be happy about meeting him.
I didn't want to dislike Wahl, but he is pissing me off. Talking to Guy like Guy isn't allowed to make his own decisions. Not cool. This isn't concern, this is controlling. I'm about to smack a bitch. I'm not happy with you Wahl and I don't know if you can redeem yourself.
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I have to hand it to Tew. He is being really calm and honestly respectful despite Wahl being a douche to him. Guy, pick the one actually giving you a choice!
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I love these bitches. Especially the one in the middle. Muffin is such a cutie too. An apparently lonely cutie. HAHAHA! Way to cock block Guy. I'm here for it. If you stop the time at 6:04 you can catch Guy smirking.
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Is anyone surprised that he has to go after making a scene? Suddenly he isn't so concerned he has to take Guy home. Tom is cute, I like him.
That's right Guy! Tell of Wahl!
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Did one of them really call him baby face??? I predict Tew showing up.
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Called it! OMG, I'm Dead. Guy works up the nerve to ask Tew about what he does for a living. That the gang members seemed scared of him. "Nah, I'm just scary looking." "No. You're pretty good-looking."
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This is Tew's reaction.
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This is my reaction.
Did dumbass really say he owned a shabu restaurant. He had to know that Guy would then say he'd want to go. Seriously, driver/underling is me. Between his cough, giggle and the way he looks at Guy sleeping on Tew's shoulder.
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Tew is so gone. These two dumbasses are so gone for each other. Really asking him if he wants him to wash the shirt. Yes, strip right now. I'll wait. They are adorkable.
Dude is going to buy a restaurant to cover the story he gave his crush. Boy is gone gone.
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My reaction to that.
Did home dude really take a nap on some chairs. Hell to the naw. That makes my back hurt just watching it.
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Oh! I think we have a secondary couple.
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I already like them.
Discount Lennon is at it again. So home chick is not dead, but might as well be. Lawd, how are they not dead with that much white powder. Though I'm not sure it's the same girl. Specially since there are two now.
Did Wahl really ask Guy how he got home??? Guy doesn't tell the full truth, but doesn't lie either. Damn Wahl. You got some nerve. One month anniversary. Why don't you pay more attention to your gf Wahl?
Yay for game friends!
I would punch someone if they talked in my ear like that. HAHAH the look Wahl is giving Guy. I really want to like Wahl, but he ruined it for me. Now I'm just amused.
Tew looking scary and sexy. Niiiiiiice. Villains do it better.
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What's this face? Is he shocked? Is he turned on? A bit of both?
So cute! He brought him a cake.
The elevator sequence was weird. Guy concerned because he sees blood. Tew giving crazy eyes. Guy completely forgetting about the blood and turning to mush because Tew is holding his hand. But honestly, some things are worth ignoring for cake and a doting boyfriend.
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I mean, these pictures say it all. 🤣🤣🤣 So he beats people up until he is covered in blood. Minor detail in comparison to how he treats you Guy.
You ever heard the quote that an evil queen is just a princess that didn't get rescued. Tew gives me that vibe. The wounded and just wanting love vibe.
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Hahaha Tew totally outing them. Oh! Tew was about to make his move. Too slow Tew. Tew, you know you are in love right. Guy is acting like a total dork and you are charmed. That is love.
Oh, the fall troupe again! Though with Guy being the way he is, it's totally believable. The slow mow lean forward like there will be a kiss, but instead he wipes off frosting from Guy's lip. Totally troupe and sooo good. And Guy runs away.
The guild is super cute. I like how frank Tew is. He just lays out his feelings about Wahl to Guy. Throwing down some valid facts, my friend. Ahhh Guy! Why did you let him leave like that? Oh, yay! He chased after him.
Oh, these two idiots are adorkable. So awkward and yet cute.
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Not gonna lie. It broke my heart when he didn't hug him back.
The restaurant kills me. Tew is like, it looks crappy. Underling is like, dude, it's not real. Oh lawd, sweet baby Jezebel. You are not normal about that boy, Tew. Not normal about him at all. And I'm okay with that.
Secondary couple. Not over shadowing but still cute.
Guy packing. Bet Wahl ditches him for his gf.
Guys, I'm in love with Tew. He gets it. Life is short, so important people are priority.
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How much is that puppy in the window.
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I love that Tew isn't shy to show his concern and affection. I adore that Guy didn't care about Wahl and turned around to wave at Tew. He even defends Tew. I mean, he is wrong, but that's not the point here.
Tew's excitement that Guy texted him is adorable.
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This is me again.
Ahhh… I'm dead. When he goes, "I'm down bad."
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Yes, hunny you are, but I, for one, appreciate that.
Oh, that went sideways fast. *We will talk when I get back.*
I really do enjoy Tul. He is really enjoying Tew and Guy. Me too my dude, me too. Willing to risk the wrath of his boss to tease. Love it.
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This face isn't making me feel secure.
In comparison, look at this puppy dog face. So excited for Guy to be back.
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OH no... They aren't going to leave us like this, are they?!?! Assholes!!! Nobody talk to me till next Thursday. I am not okay.
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nijigasakilove · 2 months
Oh my God, I can’t believe we are fucking back after 13 very long years. But WHY DID THEY DROP ALL THE EPS AT ONCE. This was supposed to sustain me for 3 months 😭 the hour long batch releases just don’t hit the same as looking forward to watching something every week.
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You’re as beautiful as the day you left.. felt like we picked up right where we left off in 2011. The art style, music, OP, etc all have that nostalgic shoujo vibe. Sawako’s silly chibi faces, Chizuru, Ayane and Sawako’s dynamic.. I missed it all so much!! They literally don’t make anime like this anymore so watching this feels like getting in a Time Machine and going back to a different era
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So much happened in this first episode, but at its core it really was just Sawako and Kazehaya figuring this whole relationship thing out. The picnic date was soooo cute, whole time I had the biggest smile on my face like an idiot lol. Kazehaya trying to explain to Sawako that he feels the same way and gets just as flustered as she does was adorable. Truly the shoujo boy of all time
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Meeting families already? Oh they’re OFFICIAL OFFICIAL. I loved seeing how warm and receptive both families were to Sawako and Kazehaya respectively. Sawako’s dad being so protective and caring of her is so nice. Meanwhile her mom is Kazehaya’s biggest fan and trying to get all the tea from him lol. Glad she told him how much he’s changed Sawako’s life for the better and how much more she smiles now. It’s really powerful hearing that from your girlfriend’s mother, after all everyone wants to be accepted by their gf’s family and he’s fitting in great so far
On the flip side, Kazehaya mom is just as accepting of Sawako and encouraging. The dad comes off as tough, but you can tell he’s a softie on the inside and really loves his family and is happy Kazehaya has someone like Sawako. The little brother Tota on the other hand oh my goodness that kid is a gremlin. Taking the ice cream from Sawako, calling her by first name and then saying she look like a ghost 💀 he’s gonna be fun
Ryu and Chizuru focused next episode I’m hoping? I missed them so much and that was such a cute end scene. Can’t wait to watch that a little later, these hour long eps are no pushover and I want to savour having this back as long as possible 😭
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sunskate · 4 months
VM show ep 3 Chiddy and Weapo
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Patrick had moved to the Detroit Skating Club in the summer of 2013 so was nearby to cameo on the show. one of the few lighter sequences with Scott (this might be the first time he smiles big or laughs for real without any trace of discomfort so far). they go cart race, Patrick says he realized he doesn't have to be absolutely perfect, that eating crap one day instead of eating the perfect meal the perfect way doesn't have to affect his Olympics (in contrast to Tessa wondering whether eating a grape before PYC will affect hers)
Patrick says it's hard to find time to talk to his gf especially at the end of the day when he's tired, and Scott says "they always get the worst of you, right? you gave all your energy to everyone else, i get home, you have nothing left, and that's what they get. god, we should get together and talk more often. making me feel all good. Scott and Patrick" - i know it’s on camera but him making such a heavy statement then being like glad we talked, go us! 😅💀this makes them seem close, but at the same time, he's saying they don't see each other much. maybe when you're an athlete at this level, you have "pick up where you left off" friendships, because you don't have time
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the Weapo dinner is at Shiro's restaurant in Novi (which is supposedly haunted by the ghost of the man who built the mansion it's in)
T: (VO) our Canadian teammates, Kaitlyn and Andrew, have invited us to dinner (and VM asked if their camera crew could come? this feels so contrived 😅)
Kaitlyn says: "it feels so cool, i don't know how many other people have this kind of connection we have all together"
but this is cut so that VM look surprised that Weapo make it work being together 24/7 - even though Tessa later says "i often marvel at that fact." Weapo have lived nearby since 2009, so it shouldn't be a revelation 😬 this might be the editors massaging this storyline to say "VM aren't getting along!" and just not doing a great job of it - like the editing here-- the reactions and length of the silences after Kaitlyn asks "how about you?" feel tweaked - the way the background noise drops out for a few beats as soon as Kaitlyn asks the question to make it feel more like crickets and how they add humorous music at the end -
but can you think of another time in their history where either one of them says something like this?
S: we get on each other's nerves until one of us snaps!
T: they literally spend all of their time together, and i often marvel at that fact because i'm not sure Scott and i would survive that sort of setup
how much is Scott joking? are they being more truthful here than other times? what's odd to me is that it's Tessa who's doing the commenting on how they're not getting along, and we're not seeing Scott. just from how uncomfortable he looks throughout this show, i wonder if he was really reticent to talk about Tessa and didn't give them anything they could use. so he gets thrown under the bus by a one sided narrative. we're almost at the end of this storyline, thank goodness
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fandom-blackhole · 2 years
ok I haven't read your notes on episode three bc I'm excited and don't wanna spoil anything, so this Joel thot is half baked bc you know me coeur, I don't know jack about the last of us. But I just wanna make post outbreak Joel a nice breakfast. Eggs and bacon and pancakes, ok maybe not pancakes like we talked about with the bread, and potatoes and juice and coffee and all that jazz. Just have a nice good hearty breakfast and chill out, nothing pressing to do
Ugh ep 3 literally tore all of our hearts out. I've waited to post this though, because the idea I had involved slight spoilers so sorry for making you wait, and I hope you like this :)
WC: 0.8k
Warnings: slight spoilers for ep3, I avoided spoilers from the rest of the game so I wouldn't ruin the show bc the requesty (ie my gf) has no knowledge of tlou beside what I've said and the show, sassy Joel <3, I used his Boston QZ apartment from the game as the layout, also a reference to in game Bill (if you guess it you win my love and respect)
"What is all this?"
Looking up from where you were placing down a nicely cleaned fork next to one of the plates on the table, you smile at the man who just came from the bedroom, his hair disheveled and eyes squinting at the sun coming in through the windows. 
"Breakfast," you hum happily, turning back to set the other set of silverware next to the other plate. 
Joel walks over rubbing the sleep from his face and looks over the two plates piled with food, more food, real food, than the two of you have had in months. Each plate has a healthy helping of fried potatoes mixed with peppers, scrambled eggs, and your poor attempt at making homemade sausage patties. You'd even managed to make some coffee for the two of you.
After a few seconds of taking in the plates, and more importantly the food, Joel turns to you with his brow furrowed, and gruffly asks, "And where did you get all this?"
Grinning, your mood to high after planning this surprise for what feels like forever, and more than happy to finally get to do it, you just nod to the chair Joel usually takes up and plop down into your own, ignoring the creak it makes at the sudden added weight- itd already broken on you once and Joel had so kindly repaired it for you while grumbling about being more gentler with it from now on.
"Frank, i…snuck out while you were busy in another district of the QZ for a couple of days and got him to trade me some potatoes, peppers, and eggs, of course it didn't take much convincing for Frank. Bill more or less grumbled the whole time. The sausage is a mix of rabbit and squirrel…I, uh, tried my best with it, but well it was kind of a first attempt."
You shrug, and watch Joel gently lower himself into his chair across from you. Carefully he picks up his fork, and glances at you before spearing a potato and trying it. He's silent as he chews, his face not giving away anything and as the silence ticks on, your anxiety starts to get to you. But just as you're opening your mouth to say something, Joel let's out an appreciative grunt and starts in on his eggs. Sighing, you pick up your own fork and start to dig into your own eggs, humming in pleasure at the taste of a warm seasoned meal and not just dried rations you usually had. 
The two of you eat in silence for a few minutes, before you perk up and say, "Oh! I almost forgot."
Getting up from the table, you walk over to your little stash spot in one of the kitchens unused cabinets and pull out a bottle. After sitting back down, you cheerfully put the bottle of Cholula hot sauce. Joel pauses, mid sip of his coffee, looking back and forth between the bottle and you before grabbing it off the table and huffing a laugh.
"And where on Earth did you find this?"
Humming smugly at Joel’s fascination, you shrug trying to play nonchalant, as you say, "Found it on our last outing. Just under some shelves."
Joel, shaking his head, smiles and opens the bottle, dashing some onto his potatoes, before setting it back onto the table. Digging into his potatoes once more, Joel groans and points to the potatoes, saying, "This is as good as gold, darling," he takes a few more bites and just as you turn to continue eating yourself, Joel hums again and says, "Hell I think the 20 year old Cholula may even make your misshapen meat monstrosity edible."
Gasping you look up at him only to find him smiling and holding in a laugh. Pouting, you turn back to your food, and grumble under your breath, "See if u ever do anything nice for you ever again."
Later after you both were finished eating and the two of you had cleaned up all the silverware and plates, Joel was getting ready to leave for the day as you held up his jacket for him to put on, you asked, "Was it good…the surprise?"
Turning around and fixing the cuffs on the jackets sleeves Joel nodded, a small content smile on his face. Smiling yourself at his happy state, something you didn't see often, you looked down at the ground. Joel grabbed your hand, though, and made you look back up at him, his face now serious again as he looked into your eyes.
"Just, promise me not to go out alone again… no surprise is worth you risking your life being out there alone like that."
You simply nodded in agreement, and Joel nodded back before letting go of your hand and moving towards the door.
As he was leaving, Joel paused in the doorway and looks back to you curious, "What did you trade for all that?"
Looking over to him, you shrugged and replied, "That machete of mine that Bill has been eyeing for the longest time."
Joel just sighed, and shook his head before leaving.
If you have any thots, ideas, or requests involving Joel, my askbox is wide open! Please send them to me! Thanks for reading :)
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buckevantommy · 5 months
alright i finally managed to get a copy of the ep and i'm watching it on my smallass iphone screen which isn't ideal but i can't wait 3 days to get access to a bigger screen so here we go:
i need to know if that rainbow flare on buck was intentional
i might be looking too hard but that hand grabbing buck's throat and then eddie's junk could be foreshadowing for you know what, i mean who's to say?
oliver deserves a fucking oscar for his nervous smitten buck performance
tommy shaved for their date which is so old school i love it but i also miss the scruff and need to see its return asap
hints of Tommy Backstory, my beloved
the convo about renting out a home with marisol and eddie but including buck is making me think of how buck is possibly being 'rented out' to tommy in the narrative for now but later eddie will be the one to buy
i understand tommy ending their date early but WHAT HAPPENED to him picking up buck from his loft?? and don't tell me he ubered for a first date when we know he drives. although i get not wanting to drink and drive ig
also: tommy was meant to pick up buck at 8pm and now they've finished dinner so wtf is eddie and marisol doing starting their dinner at like 930pm is that an LA thing bc that's insane
'oldest italian restaurant' sign just makes me think of tommy and buck's age gap and i giggle and gasp
buck's reaction to being rejected is breaking my hearrrrt. tommy opened him up to his sexuality and buck was So Excited and now this guy is just dumping him?? who is he supposed to bounce his restless bisexual energy off now??
we're not even 10mins in so i have no idea what the bulk of this ep is gonna be about
oH YEAH THE GAY MOMS pls let them be happy
BUCK COMES OUT TO MADDIE ACCIDENTALLY like a true bisexual disaster
The Guy Thing is very much The Point buck, you sweet thick cinnamom scroll
buck is doubly an ally. he's a bially.
keep talking buck i am cackling you adorable baby bi
insane thing to have eddie post-sex with his nun gf after buck was gushing about tommy
it's okay buck, false starts with difficult convos happen, you'll get there
something something buck intending to come out to eddie and eddie explaining his sex problems all while eddie gets sweaty and swole
LIKE SEAMONKEYS! buck i adore you
buck wishes he could lend eddie a hand but he can't bc he's no homewrecker and bc eddie is quote unquote straight. not bc he himself is taken, bc the hot pilot dumped him and oh now i'm sad again :(
there's some buck+guilt [re:self worth] meta glanced over here that makes me wanna delve into some introspective reads
buck giving good advice is something that can be so personal
hen saving a rescue dog after it attacked the firefighter trying to save it as a parallel to their current foster child situation. it's just good storytelling. the dark stuff is getting hopeful
HANG OUT WITH THE BOYS eddie you don't know how perfect your words are
i really love the way they chose for buck to come out to eddie. trying to do it at a certain time didn't work for him, it was too daunting. but as soon as eddie mistook buck's date with tommy for something platonic? buck doesn't want to hide anymore. it really speaks to the human and especially the queer experience - that need to correct someone's misinterpretation (someone important to buck) of who you are.
supportive eddie and 'this doesn't change a thing between us'
buck finally getting to talk to his friend about getting dumped by a guy he was really hoping for more with
eddie's turn to give good advice to buck re:his dating life and we come full circle
buck's relief at eddie knowing and accepting him. the double-back for the hug. the comfort is all there.
i want to shower the wardrobe department in love for putting buck in that slutty blue 70s polo for his date within tommy and then the sky blue sweater and now this tight stripey number i am digging the vibes
buck hearing that he didn't screw things up with tommy, tommy just didn't want to pressure him bc the feels are mutual! and buck taking responsibility for his behaviour bc he's mature like that he's a good dude
i love lou but oliver literally glows - and i don't mean from the sunshine - he lights up every scene
the way buck gushed about tommy's confidence to maddie and now he's the confident one reassuring tommy that he wants this and that it won't be weird for tommy i am so proud of him
sad my buddy chim was barely in this ep :(
WEDDING TEASER and we've got a Hangover situation and a missing groom omg
the writers are working their magic and we are reaping the rewards.
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Headcannons part 69420
Otherwise known as I'm running out of ideas and names
Mac is big on physical affection
She loves to hold hands or cuddle on the couch, she just loves touch
It's her primary way of showing affection
She generally likes having physical contact with at least one of her gfs at all times, wether that be holding hands when walking or touching legs under the table at dinner
The constant feeling of the others reminds her that they are there and that they love her and aren't gonna leave
Chandler shows affection through gift giving
Sometimes she'll bake cookies or brownies to surprise her gfs with after a long day at work, or maybe give them flowers, or she'd find something she thinks they would like at the store when grocery shopping so she picks it up
She gets super embarrassed tho if someone gets her a gift
Veronica's is quality time
She doesn't really care what they all do as long as they are spending time with each other
She has a very go with the flow attitude about their relationship, its a unique, morphing thing that is unlike anything she's been in before or seen and she thinks its beautiful
Its like an adventure, a journey that she's going along with them and she just needs to stop and smell the roses, just enjoying living the life she does with them
Duke doesn't have a clear preference really, but it does make her feel special when she gets gifts
Knowing that her gfs took the time to think about her and what she likes and spending their own money to get her something to make her happy makes her happy in return
Each Saturday they have Date Night
For the first 3 weeks of the month they each have one on one dates and on the 4th they have a group date
For example Week 1 is Chandler/Veronica and Duke/Mac
Week 2 is Chandler/Mac and Duke/Veronica
Week 3 is Chandler/Duke and Mac/Veronica
That way they can each spend one on one time with each other
Chandler generally enjoys 'classic' dates, like going out to eat or going to the movies
She knows its corny but she loves the romance aspect of it all
She loves getting all dressed up and going out to eat at fancy restaurants and just talking to whatever gf she is with that week
Mac likes doing fun things
She thinks that if they're going on a date they should be doing something, not just sitting down somewhere and talking
She likes to go to carnivals if they're in town, or the zoo/aquarium, or go bowling
She just likes to be doing things
Veronica likes a chill date
Normally for her dates they'll sit on the couch and watch anime and cuddle
With Mac they'll watch cute fluffy yuri romance stuff like I'm In Love With the Villainess
With Duke they'll watch action/adventure stuff like Attack on Titan or Demon Slayer
With Chandler they'll watch mystery stuff like Death Note or stuff that hits you in the feels like Violet Evergarden
After they watched Ep. 10 of Violet Evergarden Duke and Mac came home to Chandler and Veronica sobbing uncontrollably while holding each other
Duke loves shopping dates
Clothes, books, collectibles, she doesn't care she just loves going out and spending money
When she goes on shopping dates she'll buy gifts for whichever gfs she isn't currently on a date with
The topic of kids has come up a few times but they've never been able to agree
They can't have a biological child bc they're all cis women, and either way none of them really wanna deal with pregnancy and the questions that would bring up
Duke and Chandler both believe they would be horrible parents bc of what they went through
Mac would want a kid but she also thinks she wouldn't be a good mom
Veronica is the one who really wants a kid, but she's accepted that it most likely won't happen and while it upset her for a while, she realized how lucky she is to have the Heathers and it won't be the end of the world if they don't have a kid
They did discuss adopting a child that comes through Duke's practice, but they understand they aren't equipped to deal with a child whose going through major mental health issues and that their home wouldn't be the best place for a child like that to recover in, so they dropped that idea
They also talked about marriage
It obviously wouldn't be legal but it would be a small ceremony with just their friends and remaining family
Mac and Chandler want to but Duke and Veronica don't really see the point
Mac and Chandler think it would be fun to get all dressed up and have a ceremony
Duke and Veronica think its a waste, nothing would really change about their lives or the way they treat each other anyway
If y'all have any suggestions or ideas for headcannons go ahead and share them, I'm not very creative lol and could use ideas, but I'd also like to hear what y'all think about these disaster lesbians
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bomikalover · 7 months
What’s your favorite American Housewife episode? I can’t pick a favorite but I have a few fav episodes from every season.
I’ll do one a season because I love so many. And they might be less my favorite but more memorable to me (if you get what I’m saying)
Season 1, is Episode 12 “Surprise!” Because it was Oliver’s bday which is already special but it was also the first episode where we actually see and meet cooper for the first time. Baby Cooliver really makes my heart warm and seeing Oliver and his dad share a moment was super sweet.
Season 2, is between episodes 17 “All Coupled Up” and episode 19 “It’s Hard To Say Goodbye.” Ep 17 showed more cooliver but also showed Gina (Oliver’s gf at the time) and how Gina was making Oliver someone he isn’t. It gave us some lovely Cooper and Katie moments and it was when Anna-Kat made it “official” with Franklin. Plus we got some Trip and Taylor too so all together a jam packed episode. Ep 19 was when Spencer passed on and we got to see a more emotional Oliver and a more caring Katie. Katie and Oliver’s relationship is very complex as they have the most distant relationship out of all the Otto kids imo and this really showcased how much she truly cares about Oliver and his emotions.
Season 3, is also between 2 episodes. Ep 13 “Mo Money, Mo Problems” and Ep 23 “A Mom’s Parade.” Ep 13, was a fav for me since we saw Katie and Greg get some alone time but we also saw Cooliver and got some Taylor being a great big sis to Oliver so all in all a good episode. Ep 23 is good because I love music and musicals lol. I literally have all the songs on my Spotify playlist, “You Can Do You” is a certified bop. Katie’s voice was amazing and i honestly wished for a 2 hour musical special after that 😂
Season 4, is between 4 episodes (I literally can’t pick one 😭) Ep 6 “ Girls night out”, Ep 14 “A very English scandal”, Episode 19 “Vacation!”, and Episode 20 “Prom.” I liked ep 6 since we saw Cooper and Trip basically become permanent members of the family and the adorable scene of them recreating the picture will also be in the back of my mind. Ep 14 was when Oliver “came out” lol and we got see to see Oliver be who he truly wants to be (he just doesn’t realize it yet) and I loved how everyone thought it made sense and that Cooper was his boyfriend 😂. Plus the love story between Greg and Viv made my heart happy. Ep 19 was a breath of fresh air as it was actually shot outside and in LA which was nice. We got a Cooliver side storyline which ended in them agreeing that with Oliver’s family and Cooper’s money that they work perfectly together which made me so happy. Anna-Kat and Taylor had some bonding going on and I love to see it. Episode 20 was great, I’ll always love a prom/dance episode. I was sad that Oliver went to prom with the teen help line girl and not Cooper (especially since the teen help line girl ignores him next season 🙄.) but the little dance scene at the end was cut and that was the last episode with OG Anna-Kat 😭.
Season 5, is Ep 1 “Graduation”, Ep 3 “Coupling”, and Ep 4 “Homeschool Sweet Homeschool.” Ep 1 was great as we say Taylor graduated but we also saw that Cooper was moving away. Oliver was so sad and lost that entire episode at the thought of loosing his Cooper. But it made me so happy that Oliver had a heart to heart with Katie and in the end Cooper moved in with Oliver and the family. Ep 3, was so full of Cooper and Oliver acting like an old married couple and I loved it. Katie and Greg even joked about making them a sex basket like they gave Trip and Taylor. (Side note: I love how supportive Greg and Katie are of Oliver’s sexuality. LGBTQ+ or not, they love their son and just want him happy 🫶🏾.) Ep 4, once again full of Cooliver moving in together and having those married couple vibes.
Basically anything with Cooliver I loved which was a lot of episodes lol. Trip and Anna-Kat’s relationship was so precious to me as he was a second older brother to her and it warmed my heart. But anyway tysmmmm for asking me stuff and don’t be shy to ask more. 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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silviakundera · 8 months
Empresses in the Palace Ep 24
aha! Though I felt last ep was sloppy, satisfying in this one for the emperor to finally catch on that Hua Fei is having too much conversation with her brother. The point to where she knows about battle results at the same speed as the emperor and coordinating requests for reward? No bueno.
The minion going after ZH's dad is bad timing (for my gf) but that doesn't feel as overly convenient as last episode, because they set this up previously and we've been waiting for the general's faction to take action. But yeah lmao NOT a good idea right now to remind the emperor that you're getting recognized & bowed to like royalty.
But then... they keep winning battles. He can't kill them, right? There's a danger there but they're so useful! lololol now the emperor knows what it's like to be riding a tiger.
Man, as much as Ling Rong annoys me these days I hope no one poisoned her to destroy her voice. Celestial!! That's a crime against nature.
Ep 25
So they stole the idea for the plague cure from Physician Wen?? Fr fr I guessed that at first, because of a couple moments I thought were foreshadowing. But then when the good doctor himself didn't have a shocked or upset reaction, I put that aside. Ok!! Maybe it makes that episode a bit better now in my eyes, that there were subtleties
Hua Fei, "You've been flaunting your pregnancy as if it were a golden ingot. What a small minded woman!"
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LMAO when I saw that incense scene at Lady Fusca's I was envisioning 3 or 4 different players all trying to poison her at once and cancelling each other out. And then LR's maid!! hahahahaha no but really I bet at least 1 other person is trying to murder her as they speak.
Fusca gonna finally bring unity to the harem by being the most annoying.
Physician Wen, why even tell the girls about the plot to spread the plague? They can't do anything about it. Just a blow to morale.
no I can't get over this serial killer behavior asdfghjk poisioning Pine Nut the cat is craaaaaazy
oh nevermind, just scheming an "accidental" miscarriage lol.
I really thought LR had a sudden vicious urge to vent her rage by murdering small animals 😂😭
oh shit, Zhen Huan is 2 months pregnant and everybody knows? 🚨 🚨 🚨
just hunker down stay in the house for the next 7 months tbh
I really like the empress dowager's style 👌. She's sharp, just practical about the darkness of palace life and picks her battles. Killing an imperial heir is her bottom line and she KNOWS the empress had a hand in this and refuses to pretend.
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lashton-is-my-drug · 2 years
Luke and Ash living together at Ash’s house during quarantine lockdown and got more serious than ever before.
Amazon Music and Spilling The Quarrantea livestreams, plus other things.
1. The food situation. Discourse back and forth between Luke and Ash of being out of food, during both livestreams.
Both talking about being out of groceries and kept bringing up fish fingers and chicken fingers/nuggets. Pretended to both go get groceries when Michael said the grocery store (Ralph's) just restocked. Ash is the first to get up and leave, fast. Luke only starts to get up to leave.
It seems like perhaps Ash is the one that does the grocery shopping. Ash is the one who says he's going to the store when he can. Luke doesn't offer that idea up. Luke seems like he was sulking because he didn't have the foods he likes. Notice how his demeanor is when they're talking about not having food, in the Quarrantea livestream. Luke even tries to make a point by asking everyone what they're having for dinner, Ash reiterates his fish fingers situation, Michael gives an answer that he hasn't even given it a thought.
2. Amazon Music livestream, Pink Floyd, Lashton listening to Pink Floyd together. Public mentions by both.
a. August 13, 2021 Pink Floyd was one of the influences for Luke’s solo album. Luke brings them up when talking about his song ‘Beautiful Dream’ (Nylon mag interview ) 
b. Ash worn lots of PF band tees throughout the years (incl. recent pap pics of him walking with Cal via his own twitter May 1, 2019).
c. Ash tweet using “Welcome to the Machine” businessman on fire artwork March 20, 2020.
d. During Luke’s August 2021 interview with Billboard for WFTTWTAF, “I listened to so much Pink Floyd in the past couple of years, especially [during lockdown], and was very influenced by them, particularly Dark Side of the Moon." Billboard 20 Questions interview.
e. ”Welcome to the Machine” from the “Wish You Were Here” EP to Ash’s ig story on Dec 16, 2021.
f. Ash posted a video to his ig story of Pink Floyd “Echoes” in Pompeii performance on July 20, 2022.
3. Spilling the Quarrantea - Luke saying Ash only started growing his own vegetables “10 minutes ago” (He’s clued into this small detail, Ash doesn’t argue it)
4. The only thing Luke had to say about Sierra during lockdown was that she had been making bread (so was many of the population) - not from livestreams but interesting enough to include.
5. Spilling the Quarrantea - The room Luke is in has very similar style to the room Ash is in (possibly in the same house, noteworthy)
6. Ash promo pic of Superbloom includes similar wallpaper than the wallpaper in Luke’s studio room. (same house? wallpaper shopping together?)
7. I’m suspicious that Luke’s WFTTWTAF ig live was at Ash’s house
8. Luke gets the rose tattoo (Ash has one on his arm). Fans notice in picture August 6. 2021.
9. Luke and Ash each wear the black onyx rings for Twitch stream ranking 5SOS songs (Aug 19, 2021), (Lierra engagement announced June 8, 2021 via People), so he’s engaged yet wearing a matching ring with someone else…. Ok
10. Muke isn’t real, Michael reads wattpad fanfic in front of a huge livestream of fans. A partner wouldn’t do that. Ash swooped in to save the situation by making up his own funny one about Cal.
11. Ash took the trip to the desert to go create his solo album, meanwhile Luke creates his own album back in LA. They gave each other a bit of space in their creative processes to write. Pick someone supportive.
12. Ash writes songs about lies, pain, and he’s so tortured, yet publicly he is supposedly in a happy relationship (which is whats being pushed on social media). Ash’s relationship ends lowkey sometime before his birthday but after release of album. Releases his album independently. Then, right before Luke’s album is released on a record label under Sony, there’s an engagement with the gf who is also a songwriter on his album which is being promoted in his album interviews.
13. Luke writing songs about Camellia Street and a change of heart. The narrative is it's where Sierra’s apartment was when they met, but what’s not being said is there’s actually a Camellia Street in Western Sydney where the guys are from. If he were to say that and Sierra hasn’t lived in Aus, then it leaves it open for question (who is Luke having ‘a change of heart’ with?).
14. Luke writing lyrics “Now with my eyes wide open, I’m nothing but a fake”, “I’m on my way to Wonderland, take off my suit  and wander in for a moment Or hide for a lifetime”
15. Ash writes songs about lying and living in a cage (“Perfect Lie”) and lyrics such as, “I’ve been living my life but it’s not how it looks” and “Playin’ but not on the team” (“Sunshine”).
Amazon Music Livestream March 27, 2020
Link to Amazon Music livestream
The moment Ash leaves to go pee, Luke looks away from screen..
Cal remarks about Luke’s background, Ash makes a joke “that's not blurred that the clouds bro, Luke lives up in the hills.” Cal: “He doesn’t like those jokes.” Ash: “I love it! He hates them!” *continues laughing* (this reminds me of when Ash brought up the nickname “breadstick”/a>)
Ash helps Luke with figuring out how to get the chat. “You need to get it fullscreen Luke.” (Helping one another)
Luke “Ashton, where do you buy your glasses? The toilet store” Ash “No no no, Don’t encourage him! 2002 Simpsons humor!” Luke laughing (Luke dishing it back at Ash)
Ash “Luke, here’s one, you bogus!”
Ash “Heartbreak Grill” Luke “Heartbake girl” Burgers versus cookies. Ash starts to fight him on it but then lets it go.
Luke is stone faced and quiet when Ash starts talking about his ‘long lost love bodybuilder gf in high school’.
Ash’s dinner last night was 8 chicken nugs and a bag of popcorn. (In an interview, Ash said of the whole band, he’s the best cook and Luke is the worst, Ash poked fun at Luke microwaves eggs, perhaps Luke doesn’t cook much at all at home so Ash fends for himself often. Also, if Ash supposedly has a gf why didn’t she help figure out food?)
Ash: “Here's a good comment. Luke speak, I want to hear your voice” (Very smooth Ash. Ash has spoken a lot in interviews about how much he loves Luke’s voice. A couple of examples: backstage 2018 ARIAS Seconds of Summer: Backstage at ARIAs 2018 (5SOS Uncut), promo interview for Superbloom )
Ash: “Do you mind if I go upstairs and make a sandwich and be back in 20 mins?” Luke: “a chicken nuggets sandwich?” (the ongoing references to chicken nuggets/fish fingers, they are sharing a freezer/fridge)
Ash chooses a comment asking to sing Pink Floyd, Ash impromptu singing “Wish You Were Here”. “Uh! I’ve got that one!” * Luke immediately picks the guitar back up and starts playing a couple chords with a grin on his face* 
(44:00) Luke has heart eyes and touches his eye with his hand, when Ash ends the story he wrote to redirect attention of livestream from the super uncomfortable wattpad Luke romance fanfic that Michael reads.
(48:50) Ash reads a “worst” comment to sing Lady Gaga but yet starts singing “Perfect Illusion”.
(about 50:00) Randomly Ash says “You’re telling me, you’ve seen a million faces and you’ve rocked them all?” *Luke laughs* A lyric of one of Luke’s longtime favorite bands Bon Jovi. Again, Luke picks up guitar then plays a few notes of “Dead or Alive”.
(about 52:00) Ash reads a comment to listen to “Toxic” by Britney Spears. Ash then dances to it. Luke with huge grin on his face, bopping his head.
(about 57:30) Ash reads a comment for Luke to sing SLSP. Luke picks up guitar and starts playing. Ash “that rocked, that rocked my world”
(about 1:00:00) Fun fact: Empty Wallets was the first single they wanted to release off of Youngblood. (Lashton song, but that’s for a different day.)
(about 1:00:00) Ash “Here’s one. ‘Luke sing “Single Ladies” by Beyonce.’ I want to see that.” starts singing “put your hands up”
(about 1:02:00) Luke compliments Ash doing low screams, then says he can do the low screams and Luke can do the high screams.
 (about 1:04:00) Ash “I like this comment. ‘This is what real men vibe to.’ Damn right. That’s… thats true” *smiles* Luke: “Damn straight”
Over the course of the livestream, Ash reads out comments to read Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, Beyonce.
Spilling the Quarrantea April 20, 2020
Link to Spilling the Quarrantea livestream
Luke and Ash both say that they are low on food, then when Michael says Ralph’s just restocked they both pretend to go together. Ash keeps repeating he only had fish fingers to eat, and Luke saying deflatedly that he has nothing left. When they get back into frame, Luke picks a quarrel by saying he bought all of the fish fingers so he can’t have any. Ash “I’m already down to my last groceries” Luke “Yeah I’ve got nothing left.” It’s brought up again later on. Ash “I just ate my last bag of fish fingers” Luke “yeah I’ve got no, I’ve got no food. I just ate my last chicken fingers.”” Luke brings up “what are you guys having for dinner?” Ash “I ate my fish fingers until I brave the outside world.” *Luke’s small awkward laugh*
Ash: “How was Ralph’s?” Luke: “Ralph’s was good. I bought all the fish fingers and there’s none left for you”
Luke and Ash being in sync so much they both turn to the side and lean down at the same time, at the end.
Ash makes a joke about Petunia being Luke’s roommate. Notice how much Luke and Ash are making jokes and ganging up on Cal and/or Michael.
Right at the beginning, Ash starts pretty much serenading Luke by playing the guitar and singing “Hey Carissa” to him.
Luke starts singing “Come come with a kick drum and a gary” and Ash is the only one that immediately starts clapping along.
Cal asks what they’ve been up to, that he hasn't seen them for two weeks, and Luke jokes about finishing the 5th album. Luke and Ash: “Gotta hit’em with a two hit wonder”, they both start shadowboxing.
Luke and Ash gang up on Cal about his outfit being a surf culture company. (Mind you, they themselves have been spotted before wearing the same company). Luke and Ash are losing their shit laughing.
Ash says “this is gotta be x rated, x rated, parental guidance rating for that fringe” when Luke’s bangs are in front of his headphones. Luke and Ash smirk and laugh.
Luke: I was trying to get the lighting right, does it look better or worse?” Ash “guess so, guess so” Luke: “It's hard to get lighting right” *Ash laughing* Ash “So hard” more laughing while Luke then pouts. (Luke has a pattern, since they’ve known each other, of pouting and fake crying to Ash, if he wants to get his way or feels like he’s let him down.)
Luke is asked “What have you been up to?” Luke: “I’ve been growing this beard, dyed my hair for a music video that didn’t happen” Ash flamboyantly says “you look amaaaaazing”. 
Luke does a move with his hands thinking it was a move for the music video for “Lost Boy”. Luke: “That's that video we did this thing.” Ash: *agrees softly to him* (a music video doesn’t exist for “Lost Boy”.)
Ash remembers Luke’s mom's tuna bake “that shit was good”. Luke jokes: “sounds like you're gonna make a your momma joke” Ash: “it was good” (a memory involving Luke’s mom is something that Ash recalls from their time in London, of which all the guys were just saying they don’t remember anything from then.)
Luke and Ash having their own conversation about Ash shaving his head for the album promo. Which then leads to joking about host mode. Luke bullies Ash about asking Michael about his least favorite song on the first album, Ash fondly laughs.
Ash tries again to get Luke to go into host mode, but then Luke tries to put it onto Michael to host.
At about the 26:00 mark, Luke and Ash are mirroring each other's head tilts.
“The Girl Who Cried Wolf” Luke and Ash copy each other’s “it's just lies!”
Ash “When do you think we’ll be able to see each other again.” Luke gets quiet with a serious look on his face and puts hand in front of his mouth.
(35:00) Ash and Luke mirroring touching the forehead.
Luke bursts out laughing when Ash puts the Ikea site on screen. (Luke finds Ash hilarious for everything istg, it's adorable don't get me wrong)
After the Ikea site, the first google search Ash does is “luke hemmings worst moments” then “luke hemmings net worth”. (Luke is first in Ash’s mind)
Ash mimicking Petunia’s zoned out face.
Ash “wow your roommate’s so hot, whats her name? Patrice?”, when Luke turns around to see Petunia, Ash does the same exact maneuver. Mirroring.
Luke does the “I love you” hand sign, and Ash says “I love you man”.
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Ultraman Trigger roulette
One GIF per Episode: 3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 20
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whiskyblu · 8 months
Nevertheless, Ep 3: Woman Takes Brief Break from being an ethical non monogamist to enjoy a tv show
Sol continues to be the hottest one in the show, and she is so wasted on Ji wan, 
Ok so next episode, Jae-Eon picks up some girl at an airport. And NaBi is angsting bc she doesn’t hear from him all day. “Does he not like me or is he teasing me?”
So. Him just…you know…having shit to do. Isn’t an option?
Ok. noted. =.=
NaBi wanders off to get food, and runs into her boy working on his project. He doesn’t see her, he answers his phone, she follows him creepily and sees the other girl.. Cue angst. “She’s the one his heart belongs to.”
Because it can only be one. 
Now it’s JaeEon’s turn to see her leaving a convenience store and giving her number to another dude, another student. 
He’s sort of watching from a distance with the other girl. He neutrally mentions he knows them, and girl gets jealous. Turns out they had matching engraved zippos, but she lost hers.  Very much giving gf vibes. He talks about Na Bi and she’s all “you’re into her, it’s fate” and he's’ all “you’re my fate”
Convenience Store Guy acts more like she would expect from a dude pursuing her, and she seems comfortable, and considers him.
And he’s an absolute Cinnamon Roll, I love him. He brings her snacks and is just…nice.
Ope, now my boy’s being dumb. Walks in on Ol girl talking to Cinnamon Roll and gets jealous, and tries to like. Put lil man in his place, and gets put in his instead. She’s got a spine!
Sort of. She kind of…half ass calls him out on being a jealous dick. He doesn’t really admit to it.
Like,  she hasn’t heard from him for a couple days, and now he jumps in being possessive and trying to draw attention to him. That’s douchey and fucked up.
So she goes on a date with cinnamon roll and it’s adorable. Very sweet, direct, little chatterbox of a man
And now I’m mad again.
Nabi goes to a school festival to see Cinnamon Roll, and there’s another girl there. Apparently his HS Crush who rejected him reached out. So NaBi gets awkwardly rejected, Jae Eon sees the whole thing. Home girl goes home, and she’s laying in bed, appears to be coming down with a cold…and FuckBoy Jae Eon totally calls her like “hey can I come over?”  No apology, no acknowledgement he acted like a possessive asshole, just “i’m by your house, wanna hang out?”
I apparently completely missed this bit before. Ope.  This is also where he finds out she had deleted his number from her phone. This is important later.
 Her phone dies, so she goes to the convenience store to get medicine, when she gets home, there’s an ambulance at her house.
FuckBoy called a got damn ambulance cus he thought she’d passed out or something. Remember what I said before about losing their tiny minds over a papercut? Yeah.
In a cute way now tho.
So she sends him packing..and this mf comes back with a care package of meds and snacks for her, and I have feelings about this.
I’m super annoyed they didn’t address him being a possessive douche. Like, it’s one thing to make his interest known, and to be nonmono, but it’s absolutely not ok to act like dog at a fire hydrant when she’s around other dudes. 
So. Perfect was def too strong of a word.
…so she’s like “i don’t like this bag of stuff take it back” and he’s all like “i’m hungry” and she tells him to eat the food while hanging out together.
And this turns into him spending the night holding her hand, hunched over next to the bed, like a hospital scene, so he can earn her trust back.
He addresses his jealousy-doesn’t outright say he was a douche, but does admit to being jealous. She assumes that he liked seeing her get rejected. Which is reasonable, I think, because of how he called her basically immediately after, acting like they’d never argued. 
But that’s not what happened. He admitted to being jealous, and that it bothered him to find out that she’d deleted him from the phone. 
And this is why the fuckboy allegations are so confusing to me. Because he’s not treating her like a hook up, or a casual relationship. He’s treating her like a partner. Literally the only thing that is different between how he pursues her, and how any other dude would, is that there’s no assumption of monogamy. I would argue that the way he goes about it is questionable, but that’s mostly because the culture of enm in the US is of transparency and enthusiastic consent.
…and he is very much working to sell her on nonmonogamy. Thaaats why it makes my brain itch.
Jae Eon is solo nonmonogamous. He has partners, but non exclusively, he does not have a nesting partner, nor seem to want one, and he isn’t invested in the relationship escalator. He also does not have the language or a supportive enm community around him. So, he performs enm, and persuades people thru open practice, rather than naming it.
So, in episode two, there was an interaction that I ignored, because I found it uninteresting and maybe a little fatphobic. When they were all hanging out at the bar, there was a dude-one of the only fat people i’ve ever seen in a kdrama- who was doing the “ambiguously creepy” guy thing. If he was an american, he’d prob be wearing a fedora. Like he specifically asks NaBi to sit next to him, and when she does he gets all fixated on the fact that she’s single now, and asks her why she hasn’t taken her jacket off and…a few other just. Weird fucking things. At one point, NaBi, Jae Eon and Bit Na are outside having a smoke, and Fedora Dude comes out is being really obnoxious and pushy about finding out what Nabi and jae eon’s relationship is, and Jae Eon tells him “nah, we’re just friends.” Nabi walks away and Fauxdora starts the “she’s not pretty enough to be this stuck up” and Jae Eon puts him in his place and everyone gets on with their life.  
NaBi was bothered by Jae Eon not “claiming her” ig. For me tho, the way to handle Fedora Dudes is to straight tell them to get to fuck, it’s none of their business. And that seems like what Jae Eon did. In my mind, he was showing her the same respect he would any of his other friends/partners, in not “staking a claim” so to speak, and also shutting down the ass hat. 
So when he engaged in jealous twattery around Cinnamon Roll, it was extra surprising. Ofc, the reason is that Cinnamon Rolls was a threat, and Fedoradouche was not. Jae eon was shielding her from Fedoradouche, and competing with Cinnamon Roll. Valid. 
So on the one hand, the narrative is showing that NaBi is “special” (gags) by him being possessive of her in ways he isn’t possessive of others. He’s also…gently aggressive with her, after she finally consents to kissing him. He just…keeps pursuing. It’s a behavior that irritates tf out of me, ignoring soft nos, and pushing for a hard no. Then when he gets a hard no, in the form of her deleting his number, and sending him packing after the ambulance leaves, he still keeps pursuing her. 
So he essentially tells her that he’s going to keep being nice to her until he earns her trust and gives him a chance. Which…irl would stalkery and annoying af. But because we’re inside her head, and we know she’s completely obsessed with him, and also because of my own biases against monogamy, and my general annoyance that enm is not even discussed as an option, it gets a pass, both narratively, and in my head. 
And then they bang, because that’s exactly what they both need when she has a cold. Fuckin tv, man
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the-cloud-code · 1 year
Top 5: My Niece and I rank our favorite Loud House Sisters
#1 Leni - She's just so pure and always so kind, in terms of selfishness, she's probably the least selfish of them all. Even tho she's not my favorite, my niece loves and relates to her character the most.
#2 Lana - Having a twin that's so much more sociable and involved can be a little bit hard, especially when you have to be a little more mature and understanding. My niece agrees that Lana's character shines beautifully during her own episodes, thus why she shouldn't be so ignored. We have nothing but praise for this little wonder.
#3 Luna - We love a Rockin Babe with an equally Rockin gf. Luna is dope, chill and holds one of the best character development story so far. She's the older sister you'd ask to pick up your report card, or bail you out of jail.
#4 Lynn - She is certainly not your dumb jock, as can be seen from her episodes (like the Basketball ep sponsored by Flip, or the Margo Soccer Star debacle, or the singled out thing, or the Rollercoaster episode, or Cow-pie kid) she is quick on the uptake, not needing anyone to sit her down and tell her what mistake she needs to fix. Aside from Lincoln, and Lisa, Lynn is very independent and probably one of the few siblings very much willing to take the bull by the horns.
#5 Lisa - same reasons as Lynn, Lisa never really needed anyone to tell her that she shouldn't have done this or that. She evolved from having used Darcy as a means to get a better grade, to admitting she made a mistake by unfreezing a cave woman. She adjusted and took responsibility for what she's done- that's good character development, especially for a kid.
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lilacevans · 1 year
is she being born or how are you getting her?
YESS!!! i’m about to watch next ep with my gf…last ep before season finale 🥲 how do you like it so far?
they're being born. it's my momma's dog who's having the litter so tiny demon gets first choice and if there ends up being more than 6, then i get to pick another!!<3 & honestly, i'm loving it. i've just finished ep two, but i get moody every time i have to pause and do something so ik i'm getting into it haha!!<33
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Season 2
Ep 1 - when she was bad, Ep 2- Some Assembly required, Ep 3- School hard.
I am sorry Xander and willow almost kissed...!? I mean, glad they didn't and I know they will happen but too soon.
Well PTSD for Buffy. Poor girl though, Xander and willow needs to be little more understanding. Girl almost died you idiots.
Ms calender and giles... I guess they will happen until she dies(she will I don't even need spoilers for that).
Damn that dance. Xander had to get a boner.
Angel needs to get more screentime.
What's with them just bringing the leader back with his bones. Chill dude let him be dead.
Buffy and angel alone in a cemetery, they might kiss. But they won't because ✨dramatic and misunderstanding ✨.
My black leather jacket brooding hot guy is really jealous of Xander. Cmon dude
Alright, this cutting body parts and building a new girl was creepy af
Serious question, how does this Chris guy just gets back to school as if he didn't just cut up body parts to build a new girl. A new girl people. PUT HIM INTO THE ASYLUM.
I am sorry but the little guy as annointed is just funny. His face in every scene is like, 'why am I here? '
Well hello there spike, another love interest of our Buffy.
Have to say spike is funny but his creepy gf needs to go.
Okay so now everyone knows vampire and stuff exists and our Buffy is a slayer(well they don't know exactly). Gotta say I liked the school fighting sequence.
Angel was fine in this episode. Spike and angel know each other and he's spikes sire... Interesting.
Their principal is fucking annoying. Jesus shut up.
Buffy's mom is cool.
Lol I love how she has no questions after seeing everything.
Alright so genuinely how the parents and media and government(this one I can accept) aren't concerned with so many murders and all that. Dude this school would've been shut down with this much killing. The lack of concern from parents and no drama from media is really funny. Like cmon now.
I just love how everything goes back to normal as if there isn't a new murder everyday. No questions asked, we're ready to get murdered again tomorrow.
So far this season has picked up and is much better. Let's see what happens.
See ya in the next one, cheers 🥂
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