#eq makes noise
grim-heir · 8 months
There's two kinds of art I make of myself
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honorable mention
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adults who think i'm attractive and proshitters dni
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angstics · 9 months
What was happening in your personal life during the recording sessions for Danger Days? Gerard: Me and Lindsey [Way’s wife, artist Lindsey Ann Ballato] had a child; we went through this odyssey. We weren’t [being] fearless. I told her, “I haven’t made this special thing,” and she really encouraged me to realize that I was an artist. She said, “You’re an art kid, in a rock band, but you’re an artist; that is what you do. You were making a record like a guy in a rock band, and that is not you.” That signified the change, and I then got fearless. I wanted to make this crazy song with drums and nonsense digital sounds. I wanted it to be a poisonous album, I want it to contaminate things. I want the album to have this infiltration quality, this neurotoxin quality. All the noises, all the digital sounds, I wanted it to feel like a feel like a fun disease, like a drug. And it was my rebellion against 30-something rock culture. This rocks way harder; it captured the spirit of everything we wanted to do the first time but hadn’t achieved.
EQ, January 2011 (link)
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midstpodcast · 7 months
The music and sound design for Midst is absolutley masterful. You mentioned some cool and weird methods of making noises for the Fold - can you tell us of any other unconventional objects or noises youve used to create some of the tracks?
🎷: YES, YEP, I can tell you about cool and weird sounds ANYtime. Here’re a few fun ones in brief:
The Blinding’s sounds are heavily remixed and modified vocalizations from a variety of different types of seals.      
Years ago I had access to a storeroom full of defunct old A/V and electronic gear including old film projectors, vintage adding machines, typewriters, strange retro printers, and loads of other obscure electronics from the 50s-70s. I recorded tons of random audio in there of various contraptions doing various things, and a lot of that vintage machinery is what makes up the mechanical ambience of the Trust bank machines in the Central Vault and in Imelda’s mission.
S1E12 “Coda” was probably the most wild sound production episode of season 1, and I had several days of fun throwing myself bodily around the room, knocking over furniture, smashing pomagranates, and generally hyperventilating while semi-literally strangling myself. 10/10, would repeat. Good times. 
We decided that teletheric devices in Midst emit sound not with diaphragmatic speakers, but with organ-like pipettes that emit overtones (you can see them pictured in the episode icon for S1E03) – so processing audio in Midst to sound like it was coming out of a teletheric wasn’t just a simple process of making it sound “radio-y” with some EQing, but rather a fun techno-anthropological process of converting audio into mechanically-accurate harmonic sidebands based on the technology in-universe that we decided was creating that sound.
The reality-eating sound of the Tearror consuming the cave in S2E04 is 75% the sound of my cat snoring and digesting his breakfast. I stuck a stereo mic under his belly while he napped and recorded the whoosh of his breathing, the pulse of his heartbeat, and the gurgle of his lil' cat intestines for use as the stuff of nightmares. Scary sounds can sometimes come from very cute places!
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liure00 · 10 months
Mixing Stuff Masterpost for Vocal Synth Users
i'll say a few things here and there on how i approach mixing based on a set of guidelines i've been giving thru learning. i won't go 100% and i encourage you research further on your own as everyone has a different perspective of certain concepts. whats important is that you understand the concept so that you are able to interpolate on it with your own liberties. yeah. please read the links before looking at my commentary or you won't understand what im saying.
Some DAWs, Their Guides, & Some Freebies: One of the first things you should do is pick a DAW and learn how to use it and its functions to streamline your mixing process.
Free DAWs: The Best Available in 2023 by Produce Like A Pro
Audacity / DarkAudacity (i like darkaudacity): has a section of the site dedicated to tutorials on using Audacity!
Reaper: has a 3 hour course FREE course on mixing!
FL Studio: has a demo version you can pretty much use forever with a few.........exceptions. I won't be linking any cracked versions though. Here's a manual for this program since many people use it!
Free VST Plugins by Bedroom Producers Blog
37 Best Free Mixing VST Plugins by hiphopmakers
ORDER IN THE COURT!: The order of plugins is more important than you think. These links should also introduce some terms we use in the audio production world (like "gain staging" or "EQing")
The Order Of Things: Audio Plug-ins by AskAudio
Plugin order is viewed from "top to bottom". BASICALLY... most like to gain stage -> EQ -> compress -> saturate -> MORE EQing -> whatever else at this point, but i do my process a bit differently. don't be afraid to bend the rules a little bit. but the guidelines are there for a reason.....based on what they do
Basics: I'll link to some tutorials to elaborate on what was listed by Icon Collective's list.
Gain Staging: Gain Staging Like a Pro by Sweetwater
Saturation: Saturation in Mixing – Instant Warmth, Glue and Fullness with One Plugin by Tough Tones (soundgoodizer fans make some fucking noise i guess)
Compression: THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO AUDIO COMPRESSION by Icon Collective + Audio Compression Basics by Universal Audio
Modulation: Modulation Effects: Flanging, Phase Shifting, and More by Universal Audio
Time Based Effects: Reverb Vs. Delay: Complete Guide To 3D Mixing by Mastering.com
Audio Busing/Routing/Sending Tracks: Your guide to busing and routing audio tracks like a pro by Splice
Sidechaining: Sidechain compression demystified: what it is and how to use it by Native Instruments (i dont know anything about this lol)
Automation: Mix Automation 101: How to Automate Your Sound For a Better Mix by Landr (p.s learn how to write automation in your respective programs)
Last note: great. these are the main things you should focus on understanding in mixing. now you are FREE my friend!
Bonus: Tempo Mapping in Reaper (if you want to learn how to midi songs with bpm changes!!!)
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elliespectacular · 1 year
I see you make YTPs. Do you have any tips for dealing with copyright
Here are some things that can help:
- Mirror the footage - Change the speed/pitch slightly - Change the EQ - Decrease the contrast - Add visual noise - Skew/crop the footage - Don't leave more than 3 seconds of uninterrupted, unedited footage in the video - Dispute copyright claims, mentioning that your video serves a different purpose and doesn't meaningfully impact the original - If it's a person doing the disputing, as opposed to a media corporation, sometimes you just have to take the L and move on.
No single one of these will be enough, the more of them you do the better your odds of success are. YTPs are transformative media, so don't be afraid to transform harder!
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vinciwolf · 1 year
Loyalty Pt 8
(Recom)Na’vi!Miles Quaritch x (fem)Na’vi!Reader
Warnings: SLOW BURN, EVENTUAL NSFT, ENEMIES TO LOVERS, capture, romance, reader is female
Warnings for this chapter: the series FINALE, violence, action, fighting, blood, gore, death, cussing, a tiny bit of fluff if you have a magnifying glass.
Notes: Na’vi spoken is in [italics and brackets]; inner thoughts are in italics.
Tags: @deliwrites @ikranwings @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @avatar-lover @justasimps-blog​  @mechformers​ @perseny​ @dakotali​ @ragingloser​ @whereireid​ @whxre-bxby​ @miscellaneousfantasies​ @janelongxox​ @myh3artt​ @ducks118
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 You had been trapped in this colorless prison for some time since Miles left. When you had finally recovered enough to stand on two feet, bullet wounds still havocking your body under fitted bandages, you were escorted to a basic cell. During that short walk, you realized that this place was still in fact the SeaDragon.
The tinkling of the lights above annoyed you as you sat in isolation, trying hard not to let the earie silence drive you up the wall. Then you heard a commotion through the ceiling making your head peer up, brow furrowed. There was yelling and screaming muffled by the barrier separating you from the world above. Being in the unknown had your leg bouncing. Your ears picked up a new burst of hollering followed by rapid gunfire. Everything rocked and swayed so hard you needed to catch yourself against the wall. Something big hit the SeaDragon while the uproar continued.
You could hear the metal beams inside the ship protest to the massive weight moving around on the docks until that chaotic presence seemed to finally disappear, giving you momentary relief…until you felt the ship moving. And it was moving abnormally fast. Then you were slung to the other side of the room, air being pushed from your lungs as your body slammed into the wall.
Your whole body curled as you groaned from the pain flooding your abdomen. Lifting your shirt, you peeked to see if any blood drained into your white bandages, but when you found nothing, you sighed that luckily the stitches didn’t bust. Now all you wanted to know was what the hell happened. Was Miles alright? Where was Spider in all this mess? And what the actual fuck hit the ship???
You needed to get out of here, so you got to your feet and looked for anything to use to escape.
You threw a chair into the one-sided mirror but it only shuddered, never breaking. Then you had your fingers trying to pry open the door, only to release with a frustrated scream. You hated this feeling… being helpless… then your mind wandered to Sylway. Shame crept inside you. Nothing you did here, then, or in the future will make things right. Jake is probably dead or about to be…but…
Again! Your mind motivated your sorry ass to get up.
You took the chair and were about to fly it into the door but a noise halted your motion. The door to your cell flew open to reveal a face you thought you’d never see again.
“Neteyam…?” You dropped the chair with a loud thud and grabbed the young warrior into your arms, hugging tightly, smaller arms wrapping around your torso in a brief second of happiness.
You let go to then notice Spider.
“Come here!” you cried, grabbing both boys, glad to see they were alive and safe.
“What the hell happened!?” you asked frantically.
“Oh, that was me,” Spider joked with a beaming smile. “I crashed the ship.”
“And Payakan totally messed up those soldiers too, but we’ll explain more later! Let’s go!” Neteyam waved his hand.
You had a pressing question. “Is your father alive?”
“He’s more than fine!” the young warrior replied proudly.
“Yeah, he kicked some ass out there,” Spider added.
Your chest felt lighter listening to their words, but that was short lived when gunfire erupted, your hand pulling the back of Neteyam’s neck low as you shielded him with your body. Graciously, Eywa provided protection from the bullets by allowing you and the boys to scurry just in time behind some equipment. You couldn’t see where the soldiers were that fired at you, heartrate thumping hard against your breast, getting you even more excited when you saw Lo’ak jump down and, using an automatic rifle, blasted holes through the soldiers who were about to find where you hid.
“Holy shit,” Spider breathed in awe.
“Bro, that was insane!” Neteyam cheered his little brother on.
“We can congratulate ourselves later, move,” you begged only for more soldiers to aim their weapons at you, shooting in your direction.
Your hand grabbed Spider out of the way as you watched Neteyam and Lo’ak jump into the safety of the moonpool unharmed, but you were still ensnared by the rage of bullets devastating the environment, unable to dive into the water. So close, yet so fucking far.
“(Y/N)! This way!” the kid shouted, finding a tiny opening amongst the ship’s cargo and smaller vessels.
Following the nimble human, you barely made it away from the chaos only to stumble upon the decks below to witness something more sinister than just armed men.
Ardmore was in her Skel Suit with all the remaining Recoms at attention. The only ones who were missing were Miles and Lyle. Feeling a shift in your gut, there was something about that woman you still couldn’t quite narrow down. Then her voice echoed off the steal walls and gripped your soul, hair standing on your neck.
"As you know, the Colonel has gone soft on me. He's become feral, erratic. His methods are questionable, testing my patience... and trust. On the docks, we were hit by a Tulkun and ambushed by the hostiles, losing countless including a few Recombinants. The captain is still MIA, and the kid the Colonel allowed to be his pet has crashed the ship. This is all becoming one great mess. I've lost faith that he can get the job done, so I'm switching things up. I no longer trust Project Phoenix. I can no longer put my faith in beings that can evolve to become disloyal. As of this moment, I'm retiring the Deja Blu Team."
Your brow pinched together at the General’s last statement, then worried eyes shot to Prager who bravely stepped forward out of line.
“Sir, we’ve been nothing but loyal. You gonna put us on kitchen duty when our Colonel has Sully in his sights!? We’re so close to finishing this!”
It was as if his words fell on ears stuffed with cotton, as an annoyed Ardmore lifted her metallic arm with a huff “—just shut up—” and shot Prager through the forehead.
His body fell limp onto the floor with a crunch as his hallowed skull cracked from the force.
“No!!!” Z-dog shouted before her brains spitted out her skull.
The rest of the Recoms were executed the same way, bodies toppling over. Mansk was shot through the back of his head by a soldier he didn’t see coming. Now his black sunglasses splintered from the hole that gaped where his eye should be. Spider almost made a noise before you caught him in a hug, diverting his eyes from the massacre.
Shocked, your ears turned flat in horror at what you just saw.
Fucking Prager you shared a stupid kiss with in the half-finished, half-assed Recom issued barracks.
Everyone was dead….
"We need to go," you whispered to the kid, who you felt was shaking.
He peered up and softly nodded his head ‘ok’ before you were making your way to find somewhere to exit this ship of growing nightmares. But as you were sneaking behind crates and various machinery, your tail happened to be so cruel by accidently hitting a metal barrel, disturbing the air with a low vibration.
A soldier spotted you and bellowed, “Na’vi!”
"Run!" You pushed Spider forward away from a thwack of bullets that shot through the metal beams close by, clanking and sparking as they ricocheted.
You were too big to be agile, as the space around you dwindled from the encroaching soldiers following closely behind, limiting the places where you could escape to. But Spider wasn’t challenged, slipping easily past all the works and nooks making you happy that he could get away.
"Come on!" He shouted, an encouraging hand waving for you to follow.
“Shit!” You spat as you ran and dodged what you could, feeling your skin burst open on your arm as a bullet grazed through the tissue.
When you managed to find cover, leaning your back against a wall, you frantically looked around for Spider, who you had lost in the skirmish.
You had to keep moving, so you said a quick prayer before pealing yourself off the wall, holding your bleeding arm, and climbing up a stairwell to the upper deck. The breeze was a small relief allowing you to catch a break for your fatigued lungs, until you heard the click of a rifle. Slowly, you faced the source of the noise and saw Lyle. His focus was serious, gun unshaken.
“Lyle…” you said carefully.
“You killed them,” his voice broke.
Your hand dug into your arm as you tried to stop the bleeding slipping through your fingers, lifting the other in your defense before you argued pleadingly, “I haven’t had a weapon since my capture and if I did, why the fuck would I kill my friends!?”
You could see the falter in the Corporal’s eyes despite his finger never leaving the trigger.
That seemed to cause Lyle’s chest to heave strongly as he made his judgement, shaking his chin as he didn’t want to believe your words. But before he could lay his bullets in you, something massive hit the ship again, sending you flying overboard into the water.
You pried your soaked self out of the waves, spitting the sea from your mouth. The rocks under your hands were slippery as you made your way up the wet surface. Then the sky began to dim, eclipse creating a crescent of light as the planets slowly shut out the sun. Looking over to the SeaDragon, the damage was severe. Smoke rose from the engines with fire beginning to engulf the framework. That was when you noticed a Tulkun carrying away Lo'ak and Neteyam by the fin. They were alive. They were safe…but you still couldn't see Spider anywhere.
You hissed when the pain in your arm rang through your muscle, pulsating hot, making you take your eyes off the Sully boys and onto your pierced skin. Tugging off your shirt, baring your torso save for a sports bra and soaked bandages, you wrapped your arm, using your teeth to tug and secure the fabric tightly. A groan reverberated through your lungs at the bruising pull around your arm, blood slowing to a trickle, but your moment of exhaustion diminished when your eyes fell onto the demon that brought you so much agony.
You glared through your brow watching Ardmore before eyes widened when you saw what she had in her grip. A glimpse of Spider’s blonde locks startled you.
He struggled and yanked in her hold being tugged along roughly until they walked out of view.
You couldn’t let the General live another day, even if it meant that this night could be your last, you wanted her dead. Gathering your rage and picking yourself up on shaky legs, you dived back into the ocean.
Night was here and you were ready to hunt.
Eywa give me strength.
Emerging from the water with careful silence, you climbed into death’s mouth. Bodies littered the SeaDragon deck, one catching your attention. It was Ja. Patting through his clothes, you found a sizable knife. Continuing over the mess, fire blazed around you so warm that your skin cooked under the heat. Everything was loud and chaotic as the whole ship screamed while its framework and gears broke apart. This had you thrilled, even feeling blessed, because you knew Ardmore couldn’t get away.
Then you came upon a distant clanking echo. As you advanced toward the sound, you saw the dark outline of a small body. Fidgeting with his restraints, Spider was tied to a railing. He grunted and swore under his breath until he noticed you running to him.
“No! It’s a trap!” Your knife sliced through the orange handcuffs as he shouted.
You didn’t listen, more focused on being glad that he was live, a little scratched, but alive, briefly kissing his fuzzy hair. Then Ardmore sprang from above out of the shadows with a roar, spear colliding with the metal floor where you once kneeled, dodging her attack thanks to your better hearing.
“Spider, GO!” you yelled. “NOW!!!”
Without hesitation, he listened and dashed away, jumping into the black sea with flashlight in hand.
The General adjusted herself in her Skel Suit, straightening her form, gripping hard against a double-bladed spear. It looked custom made for killing larger pray…for killing Na’vi.
“I was hoping for Jake, but you’ll do. Either way, they’ll come…one for his whore, the other to kill,” she taunted.
Lifting the hand that held Ja’s knife, your fangs bared themselves followed by a low, vicious hiss as you challenged the tiny human needing a metal skeleton to match your strength. The fingers wrapped around the handle of your blade readjusted and curled tighter preparing, your other hand balling into a fist in front of you as counterbalance.
“I’m gonna butcher you…then when I’m done, I’ll kill your whole family starting with that little brat!” Ardmore seethed.
With the wrath of a taronyu, a mother, a mate, you barreled toward the enemy, Sylway’s spirit making your legs bolt fast like you were flying.
Spider gasped and propelled his legs and arms to keep him afloat, clambering onto some rocks. Laying down on his back, he could feel the rapid pulse of his heartbeat in his stomach.
"Spider!" Miles cried out.
The kid shot up. Finally, someone who wasn’t trying to kill him.
"Are you alright!?” The Recom searched the boy for any wounds.
“(Y/N)! She’s alive! Ardmore! It was her! She—she—! Prager’s dead—they’re all dead! She killed them all!” Spider stammered, still recovering from the tiring swim.
"What the hell are you saying, kid!?"
Gulping down some more air, Spider yelled, “Ardmore killed them! Mansk, Z-dog, Prager, Lopez! (Y/N) is still on the ship—she got between me and Ardmore so I could get away! She’s gonna die!”
Miles ground his teeth. Everything he lived for, everything he was told to be, the human legacy of Quaritch he was meant to preserve, felt bitter and alien. The Recombinants were commodified and expendable. Miles shook his head, patting his vest to see how much ammo he had left to find nothing, so he unsheathed his blade and took a deep breath.
“Spider, where is she?” he asked firmly.
“She’s on the weld deck, near the moonpool.”
Spider’s eyes filled with concern as he noticed the calculating look that Miles was giving the distance, watching the burning SeaDragon. From where the Recom stood there was movement in the distance that directed his attention from the ship, over the black ocean, to a small cluster of boulders. Jake and his family huddled together recovering from the battle. A bold and stupid idea formed in the Recom’s mind.
“You’re crazy…” the kid said honestly, a little fearful.
“You got any better ideas,” he responded.
After a brief swim, Spider and Miles came upon a stretch of rocks that would be their pathway to approaching the Sully family. The kid went ahead to be a friendly face before the Recom would expose himself to whatever anger Jake and his wife held toward him. He’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t terrified, heart pounding in his chest at this insane move.
“He’s what—!?” Jake yelled at the kid.
Then Neytiri hissed, drawing her bow, as Miles made his way very carefully over the slippery rocks, palms empty in the air.
“Wait!” Spider pleaded.
Jake stepped forward with rifle pointed.
“Take one step closer—!” he warned.
Keeping his hands up, Miles breathed a little slower, finding the right words.
“I need your help. They have (Y/N).” His tail curved down, slightly tucking between his leg, hearing the clinking of the rifle trigger ready to fire through him any second.
Worry in her eyes, Neytiri’s ears curved back before she turned her head at her mate. Hearing that you were in danger, after too long being separated, made her want to run and kill every single human who dared touch you. She wanted you home.
Tuk whimpered your name, hugging a little tight around Kiri. The rest of the Sully children’s faces etched with fear for your wellbeing.
“You can kill me when this is over…just please…save her…help me save her,” Miles steadily begged.
“Why the hell do you care about someone you held hostage for months!?” Jake couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“Because he loves her…” Kiri’s soft voice spoke up.
The small comment from his daughter had Jake looking back at her and then to Miles, studying the way the Recom’s eyes fell shut with his lips tightening, almost afraid to hear the words that bound him to you spoken aloud.
Neytiri shot a look at Miles. Jake only released some air with a subtly of irony playing at the edge of his lips. He must’ve truly looked like a demon from where he held his hands up in the shadows. The only source of light on him was the burning flames of the SeaDragon reflecting off his shiny skin that appeared navy in the dim light. Spider then stood in the space between Jake and the Recom.
“Saving her life, that’s all that matters,” the boy added.
“Dad…” Kiri placed a small hand on her father’s shoulder, head tilting as she studied the Recom.
There was something in those eyes of the young Na’vi Miles couldn’t quiet place. She could see the change in him. She understood what he needed from Jake.
“Then let’s get it done,” Jake answered.
Your one lid swelled over your eye, covering your vision. You had fought hard, dodging the General’s attacks until she had managed to slice through your calf that made it difficult to move. Then she had you under her, using her metal hands to punch your face until you submitted, mouth filling with blood and staining your teeth.
Legs long collapsed from fatigue, you slouched against the pole your hands were currently locked together around. Your ear perked up when you heard the whirring of Ardmore’s Skel Suit as she steadied herself behind you. Her men stood guard anxious. All they had to do was wait.
“They’ll come…one for his whore, the other to kill.” Her words played inside your head over and over, making you grind your jaw tightly as the blood from your nose and forehead dripped over your face.
Then you heard screaming in the distance.
The killing had begun.
Ardmore motioned for her men to advance and fight, leaving fewer soldiers at her disposal. You smiled weakly, teeth red, thinking it funny how she’d run out of men sooner or later in her desperation to weed out Jake from the darkness.
Eventually, only five men stood with the General, ready to piss themselves.
Your heart beat faster when you saw Miles tossing a dead man aside as he approached the weld deck, blood speckled along his skin and face.
“Hold your fire!” Ardmore vocalized.
The Recom halted his stride, knife in hand dripping with blood.
“You betrayed me, Colonel.”
The only response Miles gave to the General’s comment was with a swipe from the back of his wrist over his dirty mouth, cleaning the gore off his face.
“I know you’re infatuated with this one—” she yanked your head back by the braid causing you to whine “—now all I must do is wait. You came for her…Jake will come for you. Hell, I might even get a kick watching you two fight.”
“Anyone who still has an ounce of self-preservation left in them: RUN.” Miles’ tone was stern and commanding over the blistering air, sparks flying from the crumbling debris.
It was funny how title and rank meant nothing when the odds stacked unevenly against selfish men. The remaining soldiers that stood around the General fled for their lives, believing in their own best interest before sacrificing themselves for a lost cause.
“Get back here!” Ardmore screamed, but it was too late. She was alone.
Miles then took a step.
“Don’t test me!” she seethed.
The sting of a blade pressed firmly into your throat as your head was held back uncomfortably by the lone woman’s metallic grip on your hair. But then the presence of the knife left you neck unexpectedly, only for your eyes to widen as you felt your braid being pulled taut.
You felt the whole world still, your whole body frozen.
Ardmore placed her blade at the underside of your braid near your scalp.
“If I don’t get to have Jake, you don’t get to have her,” the woman heckled.
“Just kill her!” you yelled, head painfully tugged when you spoke.
“Stop!” Jake hollered as he hurtled himself over some cargo. “Let her go, and you can have me!”
“We can do this another way!” Miles shouted at him,
“Do you love her or not!?”
The Recom was taken aback before he realized his pause.
“Yes, I do,” he answered evenly.
An arrow shot through Ardmore from behind. She stumbled forward, letting your hair go, gasping as she peered down at the massive arrow head stuck through her chest. Then another sliced into her body, this time causing her to completely lose control of her footing and faceplant into the deck. Her blood pooled under her while she took her last breath.
Neytiri jogged into the light, hissing at the dead body, before turning to you and cutting your restraints with her knife. You were weak, falling into her arms. She hugged you and kissed the top of your head.
“Thank you, Great Mother!” she praised.
Finding enough strength to stand with the aid of your sister, you found yourself pushing away from Neytiri gently as your feet shuffled you to your mate.
Miles grabbed hold of you tightly with a hand cradling the back of your head. You cried into his chest. He found your lips and kissed you repeatedly before picking you up and carrying you away.
He had you.
You were safe.
It was over.
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gatefleet · 1 year
Safe With Me
Scorpion: Walter O'Brien, Paige Dineen, Tobias Curtis
WordCount: 1,179
T(W): Hospital, Kidnapping, Temporary Blindness, Blind Panic.
Request: Yes, “Hey! Could u do a Walter o brien x fem reader, where the reader is kidnapped and the kidnapper keeps sending them her videos and these videos cause walter's EQ to show like he's panicked or even crying and when the team finally find her Walter hugs her tight and tends to her injury this causes toby to tease him and paige becomes jealous.
I totally understand if u don't want to do it.
Thank you” - @quackthesuck
A/N: I'm so sorry I've taken so long with this request, I've had a hectic time at work. I hope this is what you were looking for.
You awoke and could not see; your vision was in darkness, and this caused more panic and fear in you than the vague voices in the background which were drowned out by your panic. Your panic only increased when you became aware that your hands and arms were restrained. Realised you were rocking back and forth on some something solid which moved with you. You tried to speak or scream and realised that you had something made of fabric in your mouth. Your panic grew and you began hyperventilating.
Watching on the live stream Team Scorpion stood frozen. Gabe went to make a call, Paige looked like she was about to cry, Sly already had tears streaming down his face, Toby had begun to babble to himself about ransom demands and motives, Happy look pissed, and Walter hit shutdown mode. Paige was quickest to recover after Gabe and tried help prevent the team from spiralling too deeply, Gabe quickly behind her focussing on Happy and Walter.
Once Happy gained a little more composure she immediately went to work on a potential deterrent for the next person who dared hurt the team and thinking of a way to try and track your location from the equipment the abductors carelessly left in the frame. Walter was still in full shutdown mode. The first few videos they had sent you had appeared to be unaware of what was happening, perhaps unconscious, it wasn’t affecting him as much, but watching you panic, writhe in fear and hearing those muffled screams… that was what broke him. That was what overloaded his EQ, his primal brain and made him shutdown.
Gabe had begun physically shaking Walter in the way someone would a person who had passed out. That was when his brain kicked in again. He went straight to his computer to download the video file, to try and begin pulling it apart in some software he had to find any clue or hint as to your location. It took Sly a minute or two to catch up and attempt the same thing from a different angle on his own computer. Walter had begun to snap at anyone who seemed to be falling behind in their natural duties. Began to look harassed and was poorly hiding his panic.
Toby then began to write up a psych profile on the abductors in the hopes it would help with narrowing down locations or motives. Happy began to work on something to help track you using whatever information the rest of the team could extrapolate.
You heard the bangs first. The loud, deep voices shouting something. The people in the room shouting among each other, panic beginning to rise among the group. Heard the door open and close quickly, the quickly pacing footsteps of those that remained to guard you. It took what felt like ages before they got antsy and left the room. You heard other noises you couldn’t quite identify and then you felt yourself being lifted. You began to panic again and must have passed out, when you awakened you were relieved that you did in fact have your sight back and had not gone blind. Then you panicked as you realised you were in hospital. Nurses came to check on you due to your increasing heart rate. They gave you medication to try and relax you. Then you were being interrogated by several people in suits. You quickly had your adrenaline wear off and became numb and begun reacting on impulse.
The team were watching another livestream, you were calmer this time, but still panicked in the video. Gabe was on a call and told them team “any minute now”. Within seconds the team heard the military extraction in the background of the stream and the immediate aftermath, including the military personnel picking you up and heard Toby’s analysis that you had passed out as a normal bodily function to the fear and panic of not understanding what was going on. The team had to wait a while before they could get to see you, the alphabet agencies each wanted to speak with you in turn and then you were on strict no visitor policies in between to get some form of rest. They sat in the waiting room for hours. Walter getting more annoyed at the time going past without seeing you. Toby watched the interactions of the group to let Paige and Gabe know when something was going to erupt, just to keep himself occupied, any time a doctor walked past he would try to find out anything he could from them. Toby noticed Paige’s demeanour change more and more the longer Walter paced, the longer he rubbed his face in his hands, the more annoyed look would come over Paige’s face, which would flicker to hurt and back to annoyed. Walter’s eyes darting towards the doors, his catching himself pacing up to the doors and fighting the urge to burst through them to see you, to see with his own eyes that you were physically alright.
The second Walter was given a hint of a green light to finally be able to see you he burst through the hospital searching for your room, the rest of the team trailing behind him. When he finally found your room, he stopped dead when he saw you standing next to your bed having a test done on your balance and reactions, you hadn’t realised he was there yet, staring silently, taking in the sight of you. You had sat back on the bed by the time the rest of the team caught up with him and Gabe’s subtle push to get Walter firmly into the room instead of hovering on the outside. The others watched from the door as Walter awkwardly moved into the room, how he awkwardly made you aware of his presence, coughing lightly. You turned quickly and the smile you gave Walter. It made his heart falter, his breath catch in his chest. He hadn’t realised he had opened his arms to cradle you tightly until your body practically collided with his. Toby began to make fun of “Mr. 197 IQ” but quickly stopped once he was elbowed in the ribs to ‘read the room’. What he didn’t miss was the very teary look in Paige’s eyes and the distinct quickness of her suddenly being distracted by something at the other end of the hall. All you could hear over the tears and both you and Walter’s rapid heartbeats was him faintly whispering into your hair, “it’s fine, you’re back and you’re safe with me.”
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GIF credit to the owner
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ever-after-portal · 1 month
About Talulah & Talilah
First of all, I found this really nice character creator for Ever After High. I will say that the functionality of the fabrics doesn't exist anymore because it functioned long ago on Adobe. It's still pretty nice, and you can do much with it.
Talilah Dunn, daughter of Tweedledee
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Her father raised her in the White Queen's court, and she looks up to WQ tremendously for this. WQ is a mother in her eyes, one she will do anything to please, including signing the story book of legends. As far as she knows, the story and legacies of Wonderland (other than the oysters and the carpenter) aren't violent, nor do they lead to certain doom. As far as she is concerned, she's more than happy to help Alistair on his way through the wonderlandiful world through the rabbit hole.
She's kind and loving to her friends and studies hard for her princess classes. She may not be the next in line for a royal throne, but good kingdom management is essential. For whoever the next White Queen will be, she wants to be their royal advisor. She wants to give back to WQ's court as much as possible, including helping with whatever beef WQ has with the Red Queen.
In her spare time, she sews and sings to herself. On occasion, she stares wistfully out her dorm window and sighs. Sometimes, she waits for one of the princely students to walk under the window and ask her what's wrong. She knows she's not a princess but wants to be treated like one. When she and her father were invited by WQ to Ever After High, she accepted that she would have to abandon all things that tied her to Wonderland. Her mannerisms changed, and her riddles slowly faded as she assimilated into the Kingdom of Ever After.
She and her father live in Book End and frequently visit the Mad Hatter's Haberdashery and Tea Shoppe. Her dad is happy to sit and talk with the Mad Hatter, but Talilah is uncomfortable sitting and talking with Maddie. She thinks she must suppress essential parts of herself so that others can like her and view her as worthy of princess treatment. During her first year, she had a little crush on Daring, but it was squashed when she heard that Apple and Daring were destined to be together in their destinies. (She doesn't know that Apple and Darling are together).
On Cupid's radio show, she anonymously confessed that she had a crush on Hopper, but he was too busy looking at someone else to notice, and it was a secret she would take to her grave. But she'll grin and bear her destiny because her silly dreams of being a princess in a big, fancy castle are just dreams.
Talulah Dunn, daughter of Tweedledum
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On the other hand, Talulah's father raised her in the Red Court. She learned to play chess and crossed swords with some Chess Knights. She looks up to the Red Queen and views her as a mother. She was kind enough to allow her and her father to stay with her court.
Her father stayed back in Wonderland and sent her to Ever After High due to EQ's curse on Wonderland. She would have stayed with her father if she had had it her way. Ever After is new and strange. The people don't speak in riddles and give her weird looks. What's even worse is that Talilah refuses to talk in riddlish. Talulah is essentially stranded, but the Mad Hatter's Haberdashery is a place to escape all the confusing, un-wonderlandiful things.
Tweedledum & Tweedldee are known for being loveable idiots in the story of Alice in Wonderland, known all over Ever After. So, students treat her as if she doesn't know what she's talking about. It's suffocating how they think she's stupid. She picks up their customs quickly but learns that if she buries her head in a book, no one will ever bother you. While her cousin is chumming it up with girls in frilly skirts, she's tucked in the library half-heartedly listening to the Step Sisters scold someone for talking or making noise.
She's taken out most books about Wonderland, homesick for a cursed and cut-off world. She's angry at both Milton Grimm and the Evil Queen for that. On a similar note, she does not get along with Milton Grimm. He assumed Wonderland students would be easy to mold because they were thrown into a new world without familiarity. And boy, he's so wrong. Talulah fights him every agonizing step of the way. She fights him on destiny, she fights him on her school schedule, she fights him about her dorm. She probably has more detentions than Sparrow Hood and Duchess Swan combined.
Outside of the Wonderland gang, she has liked Rosabella Beauty. They often sit together in the library, or Rosa finds her after school loitering around with some of the woodland creatures that appear on campus because of Apple White.
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secret-subject · 1 year
How much of your time in file creation is split between writing, recording and editing? When do you know when you've slipped into over-producing territory?
Wow great question!
So this depends on the project. My current process is I write a script, then I order the art and get the assets ready for production, record and edit and post.
Sometimes, a script will take a day or two to come together. Sometimes it takes weeks where I write a little bit of a script per day. I like to have three or four things on the go at once because my brain do be like that but once a script is "ready" I will often do a read aloud to get the mouth feel and flow down before I record. This also warms my brain up to how I'm going to deliver it on the mic and it helps me to hear if a thing sounds clumsy or if it works.
I like to batch my recording sessions because setting up my vocal booth from singing to hypnosis or asmr is a challenge so I may as well use that set up for multiple recordings. I will then spend a few hours recording all the scripts that are done that day. If I mess up a take I clap or snap to save my place and ensure I can make some clean cuts later. Pro tip, give yourself space either side of the mistake and start on a line you know had a bit of a break on it otherwise your cuts will be more obvious plus this will save MASSES of time later.
Editing is very quick for me. I use audacity, clean up background noise and use a very quick eq and compression preset. Cut the mistakes etc. If this audio has background sounds this can take me a few hours but most generic single layer hypnosis tracks only take 20 minutes to edit fully. I post immediately on patreon after the edit is done when I can because it's fresh in my head and I can make the CW writing easier (love having a bad memory for things haha).
So to answer the first question, it depends on the project. Sometimes the scripting is hard and fast and recorded in a single day. Sometimes its weeks of thinking, chopping and changing and then recording. I've spent six months on my longest projects because of procrastination but I've also made a lot of audios in hours because the inspiration strikes so there is no rule with how long it takes.
The second quesion. Over production is both easy and hard to do. A lot of the time I notice it in the sound of the recording. Over processing vocals can kill the vibe so I like to take a less is more approach. I'd rather have some road noise and a more raw and real vocal than an overdone one and as a friend of mine recently told me, perfection can be a creative killer.
In terms of overproduction in terms of scripting and timeline, do what feels right for you. There are many times I feel a script could use more pages, and sometimes I add them because it works but if you are struggling to word things or it feels like a chore, that's your instinct telling you it's done or you need to move on and try again later. Again, I'd rather have something shorter and more raw than something that feels like a slog to write and record. Like play with a partner it should feel natural and unrehearsed even Iof you've proofed it again and again.
I will say when you are starting out you will overthink the recordings. You will probably second guess it and judge it harshly and thats okay, but just post it. Sometimes all it takes is one person telling you thats their fave audio to help you gain confidence and make it all worthwhile.
But these are just how I do things and how I feel about creating audio hypnosis recordings. I encourage you and other creators to find what works for you. Maybe scripting isn't your thing, make its meticulously worked and edited, either way its your own.
I can't wait to see what you decide to make!
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technician-the · 8 months
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Two of the three PCB's that make up the piece of rack gear I call my DI box.
on the left, is a clone of the EQ section from a 70s Sunn Coliseum Bass amp, Half assembled.
It is a 4 knob eq, with controls idiosyncratically (but accurately) labeled high, mid, hi bass, and low bass. the high and mid controls each have a 2 position frequency switch. The result is a very versatile, but still easy to tune tone control.
On the right is my standard line output pcb, fully assembled, except for the gain setting resistor.
this is a transformer coupled design, which uses a small power amp, to ensure it cant be overloaded. I didn't know it when I designed this, but this is almost identical to the design used by urei in the late 1970s, notably in the 1178, and la4a.
It has better isolation and a lower noise floor then a modern integrated design, and is actually cheaper then the IC solutions sold by That crop.
I used the same pcb with a different transformer as a reverb driver in my rack mount spring reverb.
If you have ever listened to my music you have heard both these circuits on synth, guitar, bass, and even my drum machines. I've also sold several identical units to local studios.
also, the spring reverb is my go to reverb now. So its on most tracks as well.
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grim-heir · 3 months
shoutout to all the karkats ❗️❗️❗️ hope today doesn't suck for you
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bitstream24 · 1 month
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Discover the Basics of the Raspberry Pi Along with Multiple Projects
The Raspberry Pi has become incredibly popular among computer hobbyists and businesses for a variety of reasons. It consumes very little power, is portable, has solid-state storage, makes no noise, and offers extension capabilities, all at a very low price.
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stellaralignment · 2 months
guitar distortion/metal distortion info dump :3
one tool guitarists use for creating distortion for metal is guitar pedals, small boxes you place between the guitar and amplifier to create various effects, Boss, a division of the Roland corporation, are famous for their iconic and historic pedals like the DS-1 distortion, the CE-2 chorus pedal, and various others.
Boss started making a pedal in 1983 called the HM-2, which at the time only had moderate success and was discontinued in 1991, however it was discovered that while the pedal wasn't popular in most countries, in sweden the pedal was used extensively by various swedish death metal bands, who would have the pedal's controls maxed out and created a unique 'grinding' guitar tone as seen in tracks like Left Hand Path by Entombed, and thus the pedal was given the nickname the Swedish Death Metal Chainsaw
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the pedal became a huge hit after At The Gates released the album Slaughter of the Soul which used the pedal, however Boss wouldn't reissue the pedal for people that wanted it, leaving the only options being to either track down preowned pedals or using pedals specifically made to copy the sound of the pedal called 'hm-2 clones' such as the TC Electronic Eyemaster or the Wurm by KMA Machines
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it wasn't until 2020 that boss finally reissued the hm-2 as part of their Waza Craft series, giving it modifications like a setting to decrease the low eq frequency focus for the low setting to get a better tone from guitars being played in lower tunings than standard E
i have a wurm pedal, specifically the Guardian of the Wurm pedal which has a built in noise gate because, as you can probably imagine, on max settings it gets really fucking loud and any hum becomes really noticeable
also in some set ups the high knob on max (or high mids for pedals with more eq settings) can sometimes cause self-oscillation, so without doing anything there will just be a really high-pitched screaming sound, but for some reason if i have specifically my boss distortion pedal before it there's no squeal and i can have it on max, idk
that's all i have, thank you for your time :3
pedals and pedal history. This is all so coooool!!! Thanks for sharing >w<
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aspiesblog · 2 months
Welcome - understanding Asperger's
Hello! Welcome to my blog. I wanted to make this to help people understand Asperger's in adults better. When I try to do some research for my fiancé to help him understand my moods better, it only ever comes up with articles about children, or diagnosing Asperger's, never anything to help. I suppose, every person is different, and we all have our own ways of dealing with our moods. But I still want to maybe mostly help my fiancé (and myself) understand my moods and living with Asperger's, and how we can handle it together. No better place to start than introducing myself and telling my story!
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So hello! My name is Olivia, or Livvy. I'm 32 years old and I live in the UK. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at the age of 22, so before that, life was confusion. I would have moments where I'd be in a situation enjoying myself, but all of a sudden I'd feel overwhelmed and need to leave and go to a quiet spot to feel better. Or I'd become totally obsessed with a video game, a character, a movie etc. But lose interest after a time. These moods confused me for a long while, but now, with an official diagnosis, I understand what they were, and why it was so difficult for me to make friends as a kid.
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Fast forward to now, 32 years old and still trying to better understand my condition. I thought, there may be people out there like me also, trying to understand their own conditions but having to dig a deep tunnel on the internet to actually find anything useful (most of the time, it's not even useful) so, maybe my blog here will help some people!
Here are some of the things I tend to deal with on a daily basis, and some solutions I have yet to experiment with to see that they work, and some that do actually work, tested and proven by me! Red is not yet tested, pink is tested and approved to work
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Dealing with
- sensory overload - when things get too intense (arguments, too many people, too much noise or too much light) I go into sensory overload and I tend to dissociate in those situations. I go quiet, and I can't perceive the world around me a lot of the time when I do
- solutions - cuddle with my fiancé when he's with me, cuddle my comfort shark plushie, watch some YouTube, hide under a blanket with my phone, find a quiet spot if I'm out somewhere or put on my headphones and listen to music
- meltdowns - occasionally (not often) I have outbursts of anger or feelings of intense sadness, and I say or do things that I regret (is this related to Asperger's? 🤔) this happens mostly during arguments, or when I've been on hold with the phone company for 40 minutes and then they just hang up on me
- solutions - when things have calmed down, me and my fiancé talk things out and I feel better, I take a breather and distance myself from people for a minute so I don't cause more stress
Stimming - something I do often, I make random noises when I'm happy usually. Not really got a solution for this one tho lol
Dermatillomania (skin picking) - I do this quite a lot, mostly at the skin around my finger nails or at my lips, they have become quite damaged
Solutions - playing with fidget toys, typing
These are pretty much the main things I deal with daily, some solutions have been tested (see chart above) some have not, but I hope these work!
Next, I'd like to give a list of my personality traits and some current hyperfixations, just to get to know me more I suppose!
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- annoying (probably)
- overly affectionate
- always happy
- shy around new people, comfortable and happy around familiar people
- doesn't enjoy going out to crowded places a lot, but does enjoy a good holiday
- likes going swimming and finds it relaxing
- loves cuddling
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- YouTube (mostly Jacksepticeye and CinnamontoastKen)
Stranger Things (Eddie Munson!)
- Minecraft
- Animal Crossing
- Pokèmon
- Disney movies
- Scrubs
- The Big Bang Theory
Well, I guess that's all for my first blog post! Maybe this wasn't as much a "how to deal with/help an adult with Asperger's" as it was a "getting to know you" post, but hey, I'm still learning + it's my first post! Thanks for reading
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[ooc: some people have expressed interest in hearing about the production behind the ENCOUNTER, so i figured i would talk a bit about the sound effects; how i made some and where i got stock sounds from!]
most of the sound effects were made using beepbox, which means i can actually link some of them!
here is altsar's 'voice' and attack sfx (+glitched attack sfx), window alternate's 'voice' and attack sfx , the prompt text , the error sfx (unfortunately i forgot to save the link for the normal selection sfx) and cesar's breathing. for the characters 'speaking' each note represents a letter in a word. once i had the whole sentence 'written out' i exported it, and synced it to the text (which is why some of it is. a bit out of sync. its kind of difficult lol) i have like. 50 mp3 files of just them 'talking' lol. theres probably a better way to do this but it works well enough. also feel free to use them however you want!! make altsar say something silly or whatever lol
for the stock sound effects i just found copyright-free stuff on yt. the sound at the start is metal falling sfx put together with a thump sfx , this is the lightswitch sfx , window alternate's laugh , and the background white noise was this.
i edited the video using the free version of Lightworks, and all of the sound editing was just slapping the 'noise gate' and 'parametric eq' audio effects on some of them (i don't really know what either of those do, but it gave the desired effect)
hope you guys enjoy the 'behind the scenes' stuff, because im excited to finally get to talk abt it
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extraplugins01 · 4 months
Download Native Instruments – Stradivari Violin
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Discover the sublime sound of the Stradivari Violin with Native Instruments' latest offering. This meticulously crafted virtual instrument brings the unparalleled quality of one of history's most famous violins to your digital audio workstation (DAW). Whether you are a seasoned composer or a budding musician, the Stradivari Violin by Native Instruments is an essential addition to your toolkit, providing authentic and expressive violin sounds that are perfect for any genre.
Download Native Instruments – Stradivari Violin
A Masterpiece of Musical History
The Stradivari Violin is named after Antonio Stradivari, the legendary luthier from Cremona, Italy, whose violins are renowned for their exceptional sound quality. The Stradivari Violin virtual instrument captures this legacy with precision. Native Instruments, in collaboration with e-instruments, recorded an original Stradivarius from 1727, known as the "Vesuvius," to deliver a faithful reproduction. Every nuance of the instrument, from its rich tones to its subtle articulations, has been painstakingly sampled.
Unmatched Sound Quality
The Native Instruments Stradivari Violin is not just another string library; it is an immersive experience that brings the warmth and depth of a Stradivarius to your compositions. The instrument offers multiple articulations, including legato, pizzicato, spiccato, and tremolo, among others. This variety allows you to create highly realistic and dynamic performances. The advanced sampling techniques used ensure that every note you play resonates with the authenticity and emotional depth of a real Stradivarius.
Intuitive and User-Friendly Interface
Ease of use is a hallmark of Native Instruments' products, and the Stradivari Violin is no exception. The interface is designed to be intuitive, allowing you to focus on your creativity. Key features include easy access to different articulations and performance modes, customizable keyswitches, and an expression slider for real-time dynamics control. The built-in effects, such as reverb and EQ, let you shape the sound to fit perfectly into your mix.
Versatility for Any Genre
While the Stradivari Violin excels in classical and orchestral music, its versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of genres. Whether you're working on a cinematic score, a pop ballad, or an experimental electronic track, this instrument provides the expressive power and tonal richness needed to elevate your music. The natural, lifelike sound of the Stradivari Violin can add a layer of sophistication and emotion to any production.
Seamless Integration with Kontakt
The Stradivari Violin is designed to work seamlessly with Native Instruments' Kontakt sampler. If you already use Kontakt, integration is straightforward, allowing you to start creating beautiful music right away. The instrument takes advantage of Kontakt’s powerful scripting engine, providing a responsive and expressive playing experience. For those new to Kontakt, the Stradivari Violin comes with detailed instructions and support to help you get started.
Realistic Performances with Advanced Technology
The technology behind the Stradivari Violin ensures that your performances sound as realistic as possible. The instrument features advanced legato transitions, bow noise emulation, and true vibrato control. These features combine to create a playing experience that is both natural and inspiring. The sampled dynamics and round-robin variations prevent the repetitive and mechanical feel often associated with virtual instruments, making the Stradivari Violin a joy to play.
Join the Ranks of Professional Composers
Many professional composers and musicians rely on Native Instruments for their scoring and production needs. With the Stradivari Violin, you too can access the same high-quality sounds used in top-tier productions. Whether you’re scoring a film, producing an album, or creating music for games, the Stradivari Violin provides the sonic excellence that today’s top projects demand.
Get Your Copy Today
Elevate your musical creations with the unparalleled sound of the Stradivari Violin. Click the link below to purchase and download your copy from ExtraPlugins. Join the ranks of musicians and composers who trust Native Instruments to deliver top-quality virtual instruments.
Download Native Instruments – Stradivari Violin
With this comprehensive and detailed description, your product page will not only attract potential customers but also rank higher on search engines, thanks to the strategic use of keywords and hashtags. Start creating breathtaking music with the Native Instruments Stradivari Violin today!
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