#equine athletes
horsentale · 9 months
Winter Products For Horses
As fall is almost over for some of us we aren't able to ride outside anymore. And we can feel the chill of colder weather. It's time to start thinking about winter weather changes and how they can affect our equine partners.
WINTER PRODUCTS FOR HORSES As fall is almost over for some of us we aren’t able to ride outside anymore. And we can feel the chill of colder weather. It’s time to start thinking about winter weather changes and how they can affect our equine partners. It maybe they have had caught scratches from muddy pens. Have sore tight muscles from standing around in the cold weather due to lack of exercise.…
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Secretariat at the Kentucky Derby (May 5th, 1973)
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guy60660 · 3 months
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Benjamin Atkinson | Action Horse Team
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ahedderick · 1 year
Barrel Racing
The end of July my kids and I went to a rodeo at the county fair just north of us. It was so-so, but we did enjoy the barrel racing. Daughter and I exchanged views on the horses and riders, and both wished that we could bring Hero so he could watch it with us! Also, she would very much like to try riding the cloverleaf pattern on Hero to see how well he could do. He is not, I freely admit, the most athletic horse, but he enjoys trying things.
Barrel racing has to be done on flat ground, and there's only one place on the farm that's large enough for a cloverleaf course. I told K that I'd try mowing a course into the tall weeds at the long field, and she could try it out.
Today I got my husband to give me a 'refresher course' on running the tractor (it's been a while). I ran it back and forth a bit near the field to get the hang of it again, then put power to the brush hog and plowed into the weeds. Heeheee! It is quite fun to drive a tractor if you don't do it often. I made a small one (probably too small, once I got done and looked back at it), then a larger one. This evening K will be able to amble Hero down the road and do a couple rounds! Hopefully he won't. just. fall over when he's doing the tight turns.
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giddyap-bioez · 5 months
The only product to fix my horse's FWS & Gut .... VF-Advanced BioEZ® .
Meet Cruz -
My American Warmblood. Nine years old, Hunter-Jumper that competes in Domestic and International Derbies.
Cruz has struggled with chronic diarrhea for months until I came across this product. I had previously tried gastro guard, bio sponge, sucralfate, and gut x .....but nothing was able to solve the problem.
After 2 days on VF-Advanced BioEZ® his diarrhea was gone. 30 days later he is still in the clear and has started to put on more weight and has a happier overall demeanor.
I am thrilled with the results I have seen in such a short amount of time and will continue to have this as a staple item in my horses diet! 
VF-Advanced BioEZ® has been the only product able to fix my horses gut !
I've sent some before and after. Still some unfortunate minor staining due to his coloring.  
Thank you so very much.
Emily in Calif. March 2024
ed: We're so glad we could help !
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rodspurethoughts · 1 year
Park Place Wins 2023 U.S. Open Polo Championship
The 2023 U.S. Open Polo Championship has come to a close, marking the end of a record-breaking season at the sport’s premier destination in Palm Beach County, Florida. Park Place emerged victorious over Valiente, lifting their first-ever U.S. Open Championship title with a score of 12-11, in front of a record attendance at the USPA National Polo Center. Photo Credit: Alex Pacheco The Polo…
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I get why performance-enhancing substances are prohibited in sports, but I'd pay money to watch sports with performance-inhibiting substances. Let's see how well you run a marathon after six shots of whiskey. Make pros play tennis while stoned out of their mids. Any equine sport of your choice where both the horse and the rider are on cocaine. All of the athletes are screened and tested beforehand to make sure they haven't spent their training period developing a tolerance for the randomly selected substance of choice. Just serious professional athletes who do this for a living, but they're doing it completely fucked up.
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lucky-3833 · 7 months
Yang knew she should feel bad, her prank had clearly gotten out of hand as she watched her sister getting violently pulled from cock to cock as she was raped in the courtyard. But, she also couldn't deny it was a pretty nice sight
Ruby had been acting so freaking seriously ever since she got picked as team leader, and all Yang had wanted to do was help her lighten up with a little prank. Surprise her, embarrass her, take the wind out of her sails a little bit, and then they could both laugh about it later.
So she'd sat behind Ruby in class, and right before the class had been dismissed she'd taped a note reading 'Spank Me!' to the back of Ruby's cloak.
She'd been pretty sure nobody would actually do it. Ruby would get some snickers, someone would tell her or she'd check, and then she'd get all flustered and annoyed before realizing how silly the whole thing was. And then things would be golden!
That...hadn't happened.
One of the upperclassmen, a beefy horse faunus, had seen the note. Instead of just chuckling to himself and moving on, though, he'd wound up with a big ol' grin and slapped Ruby's ass hard enough to lift her feet off the ground in an awkward little hop!
And Ruby, her sweet little sister, had let out a gasp that sounded an awful lot like a moan.
She'd clapped her hands over her face, looking just as shocked as Yang had been by her body's natural reaction. The two of them being stunned into inaction had only made it worse, though, when the upperclassman seemed to take it as permission to continue. "So you did put that note on yourself! You little fucking whore, I'll give you what you want."
"H-huh? What are you-" Ruby babbled, only to be cut off with a squeal when he hit her a second time. He grabbed her cloak like a leash and yanked her head down, bending her forward to get a better angle at her ass. Normally it was pretty well covered by her combat skirt, but he grabbed the ruffled fabric in one massive fist and yanked it up so roughly that Yang could hear the fabric tearing all the way on the other side of the courtyard as Ruby's tight athletic short were exposed.
Ruby said something that Yang couldn't hear at this distance, choking out a plea for mercy most likely, but the upperclassman just laughed derisively as he yanked her shorts down.
The two had begun to gather an audience, a few students hurrying by but many more pausing in their paths to watch the drama unfold. The upperclassman faunus roughly pushed a thick finger between her leg, then laughed again and called out to everyone who was watching. "She's fucking soaked!"
"P-please, s-stop!" Ruby cried out.
"Shut the fuck up, whore." He sneered. Unbuckling his pants, the faunus freed his cock, and Yang choked on air as she saw what he was planning to use on her sister.
It was an absolute club of a cock, a fat equine length with a solid flared crown that was almost the size of Ruby's thigh. If he tried shoving that thing in her- fuck, would Ruby even survive?
Yang knew that it was her duty as a sibling to put a stop to what her prank had started. But she hesitated, as the upperclassman bully shoved Ruby to the ground.
Hesitated, as he knelt down behind her.
Hesitated as he lined himself up.
And bit her bottom lip as he grabbed a fistful of Ruby's hair and slammed himself inside.
Ruby's shriek was equal parts pain, pleasure, and shock. Even all the way from her hiding spot, Yang could see her sister's belly bulging so far that the laces of her corset were beginning to snap. The faunus man gave her no time to adjust, hammering into her with a downright violent pace, fucking poor little Ruby into the dirt as the younger girl's hands scrabbled on the cobblestones.
Only a few seconds later, Ruby visibly seized up, her whole body spasming as she let out a broken wail. The grinning upperclassman announced to his whole audience what had happened. "Bitch just came!"
Some of the other students in the crowd, the men, actually cheered. The women were more of a mixed bag. A few couldn't tear their eyes away, despite their expressions of horror. A couple grinned along with the boys. And some of the others looked almost...jealous.
"What do you all say I give this slut what she really wants?" The upperclassman bellowed. "And give her an early Huntress retirement with a baby in her belly!"
Yang gulped, as more cheers sounded out from the crowd. People were urging the horse faunus to knock her little sister up, which would surely end her hopes of being a Huntress.
Time was running out for her to do something.
And still, she just stood there, one hand squeezing her chest as the other crept between her legs.
The upperclassman shoved Ruby's face to the ground, one last slam of his hips against hers making her squeal like a bitch in heat as he pumped his load into her cunt. Yang could see her belly swelling, tearing the fabric of her corset and revealing the reddened, stretched skin of her belly as her virgin womb was absolutely bloated with cum.
The upperclassman sighed in satisfaction at a job well done as he pulled himself out of Ruby, giving Yang a glimpse at her gaping, cratered pussy before the flood of cum pouring out covered it up. He tucked himself away, buckled his pants, and stood back upright. "You know...maybe we do need girls like her at Beacon." He mused. "Us real Huntsmen need stress relief sometimes." He looked to the grinning, flushed, eager audience, and planted his foot on Ruby's upraised ass. "She's still got two fresh holes. Have fun!"
With that, he kicked Ruby over to them and sauntered off, whistling a jaunty tune.
Yang watched as the crowd descended on Ruby, any possibility of her recovering from this thoroughly dashed as she was turned into the center of an impromptu gangbang, over a dozen other students treating her like a toy they could use and abuse however they saw fit. Her pretty silver eyes had rolled all the way back in her head, her mind visibly crumbling under the onslaught of pleasure.
And Yang? Yang knelt there in her little hiding spot, fingering herself to orgasm after orgasm as she watched every moment.
At least, until an enormous hand landed on her shoulder. The upperclassman, the one who'd started this whole thing, had snuck up behind her. "You know...I think that slut out there isn't the only bitch who needs to learn a new place at Beacon." He growled.
Yang shivered. And without any prompting, nuzzled against the bulge in his pants.
I'll be there with you in a minute, sis. She thought to herself. Save some for me.
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thiziri · 1 year
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As part of her trip to CHIO Aachen, HRH The Princess Royal took time to visit the stables of the British Dressage and British Showjumping teams. She spent 45 minutes with the athletes, grooms, owners and support staff chatting, meeting the equine stars and intently listening. Thank you for your support, ma'am, it was a pleasure to host you. 28 June 2023.
© British Equestrian
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paperanddice · 11 months
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A buraq is a minor celestial being that visits the worthy to provide guidance, advice, and very rarely as a steed. Each one takes the form of a human-faced, winged equine smaller than a mule but larger than a donkey, but has its own unique coat color, facial features, often with whites, silvers, and golds included. Additionally, each has a gilded band it wears around its head or neck, but none has ever revealed where the bands came from.
The buraq's ultimate role is as a courier and steed, but only to the most virtuous of characters. In a most dire circumstance, where a great deal of distance must be covered and teleportation magic is unavailable, a holy person may petition a buraq to bring them on a Night Journey, a mystical trip that allows the buraq and its rider to travel incredibly far, then return to the start of their journey.
Inspired by the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
This stat block is partially built off of early readings for the Remastered version of Pathfinder 2e. While a few elements were simple (excluding alignment), elements such as the use of the holy and unholy traits, as well as spirit damage are a bit more guesses than thorough readings. Unfortunately, as far as I've been able to read there haven't been any proper celestials or fiends statted out for the Remaster yet, so I may be off on how some of these traits will work, but given the intention of the Remaster is that monsters should be easily converted between, any errors here should hopefully slide thorugh with easy fixes.
Buraq Creature 11 Medium Celestial Holy Perception +24; darkvision Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, telepathy 100 feet Skills Acrobatics +21, Athletics +19, Diplomacy +21, Medicine +24, Religion +24, Society +21 Str +2, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +4, Wis +5, Cha +4 Strong Back The buraq can serve as a mount to Medium humanoids. AC 31; Fort +22, Ref +19, Will +24; +1 status to all saves vs. magic HP 193; Immunities fatigued, frightened; Weaknesses unholy 10 Speed 50 feet, fly 90 feet Melee hoof +21 (finesse, holy, magical), Damage 2d10+8 bludgeoning plus 1d6 spirit Divine Innate Spells DC 30 ; 7th plane shift; 4th comprehend language (at will), pass without trace (at will); 3rd haste (×3); 2nd longstrider (×3); Constant (6th) true seeing Fold the Earth [three actions] (divine, teleportation); Frequency once per day; Effect the buraq can teleport itself and its rider to a location it can see (usually as far as the horizon, or approximately 200 miles). Night Journey 10 minutes Frequency once per month; Requirement it is night and the buraq is outdoors; Effect for the next 24 hours the buraq can use Fold the Earth at will, so long as its destination is in an area of nonmagical darkness. It can also use Fold the Earth to return itself and its rider to the location where it first declared the Night Journey, ending the journey.
13th Age
The buraq's Night Journey is better suited as a story element, such as a use of a player's Icon benefit, or a powerful ritual. Given the intended rarity and gravity of such an event, it should be limited to a one time event, unrepeatable except perhaps in the most extreme of circumstances.
Buraq  6th level mount [celestial]  Initiative: +10 Hooves +10 vs. AC (2 attacks) - 5 damage plus 5 holy damage. Flight. Fold the Earth: 1/battle, as a standard action, the buraq can teleport itself and its rider to any spot it can see. Haste: 1/battle, as a standard action, the buraq can grant a nearby ally an extra standard action on its next turn. If the target was the buraq’s rider, it can sustain this effect as a quick action on each of its turns, granting an additional standard action during its rider’s next turn each time it sustains it. Mount: The buraq can have a medium or smaller creature as a rider. Each round the buraq can choose to act on its own turn or its rider’s turn. Resist Holy 16+. AC 21 PD 19 MD 19 HP 84
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insipid-drivel · 5 months
Hi, hey, hello! I just wanted to say I saw your Basic Horse Info post and it made me SO happy. I've been riding since I was 2 (English, competitive hunter/jumper) and spent three years working alongside an equine vet. I always get so bothered when people handle horses incorrectly in media. I just wanted to shoot you a message and say thanks for taking the time to do that, and that it's super hella rad that you have barrel racing experience! I have ridden western a tiny bit myself, but nothing close to the skill it takes to run barrels. I'd love to get back into riding on my own terms someday (money pending) and dig more into that discipline. The agility on the flat is super cool to me! I am always down to talk shop about horses and riding and all that, so if you ever want a horsey chat pal, I'd love to be that person! Anyway have a wonderful day!
Thanks for reaching out! I seriously envy your ability to handle English riding rofl, I would always end up slipping off the saddle or just freaking out in general because I didn't feel like there was enough under my butt to keep me stable with English tack! Plus, I just... suck at dressage. I tried a little dressage, and my riding instructor would literally bow her head and pinch between her eyes at how terrible my posture was, how bad I was at remembering where to turn my head, etc.
I choose to blame learning to ride in my early teens rather than a very young age. Or just being a big baby, which is just as likely. My mom, who's worked with horses since she was a child, wanted to raise me in the saddle, but our finances never really worked out to where we could pull that off.
The funny thing is that I only got into barrel racing because it was the sport that my instructing horse practiced before his owner retired him from competing and trained him as a teaching horse. Once my ass was sitting on Western style tack, things kinda just clicked for me, and after a few months my teacher was running out of stuff for me to learn from the "general riding" category and busted out her old set of barrels one day just to give me something more to do! She didn't actually mean to get me hooked on it, but I don't think she should've ever blamed herself. I blame my horse, Chip, for getting me into barrel racing.
He was a sour old grump (he was about 14 when I started learning; your classic chestnut and white painted Quarterhorse), healthy, but had to retire from racing after he'd badly strained one of the tendons in his back legs and the vet warned he'd probably tear it if he had to keep competing seriously. He could still run the barrels from time to time for fun, but continuing to professionally compete would've lamed him permanently. He generally had the demeanor of a bitter athlete forced to retire before his career could really take off, and kind of... forgot he was supposed to be going easy on me when he saw the barrels. I had only just barely begun learning the rhythm for galloping and was still very, very nervous about it (I wasn't even that good at switching leads yet), but Chip did NOT care, took off at the barrels, and I suddenly found myself at a full gallop on his back, wide-eyed, and flying around those barrels.
After that? I couldn't stop barrel racing. My instructor started making the barrels a regular part of my riding instructions. That feeling of flying around those breakneck turns - the freedom and feeling of the gods of Life and Death flipping a coin on your odds of survival at the same time - woke something up in me, and I was racing casually with him and getting ready to try competition riding on a new horse when I started developing problems with my gallbladder that took me out of the saddle for good :( That's when I discovered a love for working as a stable hand, since it kept me with the horses and at the barn.
However, about 6 years ago, I had my gallbladder removed, my health has been getting better, and I now live in an area rife with horse ranches. The closest store to my house is literally a tack and garden supply shop. My doctor has been nudging me to get more exercise, and I'm really beginning to miss the smell of alfalfa flakes...
Feel free to visit my DMs/askbox again! I love reading the tags on that post and seeing other horse stories in the comments and tags, so it's awesome to hear from people directly about them :)
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horsentale · 1 year
Fall Products For Horses
As summer is almost over for some of us we are still able to ride. All though we can feel the cooler weather of fall in the air. It's time to start thinking about fall weather changes and how they can affect our equine partners.
FALL PRODUCTS FOR HORSES As summer is almost over for some of us we are still able to ride. All though we can feel the cooler weather of fall in the air. It’s time to start thinking about fall weather changes and how they can affect our equine partners. It maybe they have had a lot of riding during the earlier parts of the year and need joint pain relief, they might have caught a cough due to…
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hiuhiu-26 · 1 year
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As part of her trip to CHIO Aachen, HRH The Princess Royal took time to visit the stables of the British Dressage and British Showjumping teams. She spent 45 minutes with the athletes, grooms, owners and support staff chatting, meeting the equine stars and intently listening. Thank you for your support, ma'am, it was a pleasure to host you. #CHIOAachen #BritishEquestrian
©📷 British Equestrian | Jon Stroud Media
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guy60660 · 6 months
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Jack Whitaker | © Tom Jamieson | Financial Times
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Equine Fitness
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Storm is happy that Victor remembered to bring his ball. They could've gotten a new one, but Storm wouldn't have been as satisfied with that.
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Storm: Hey, you! New girl! Are you watching my display of athletic ability?
She's not watching. She's asleep.
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Storm: Look how high I can throw it. I am the greatest athlete of all time.
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Storm: Yes, thank you for your applause. You may put the gold medal on me now.
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whiskeysfiresx · 1 year
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if you’re hearing LADY LIKE by INGRID ANDRESS playing, you have to know AVERY WILDER-SANDERS (SHE/HER; CISFEMALE) is near by! the 32 year old ARTIST has been in denver for, like, 5 YEARS. they’re known to be quite OBSTINATE, but being CREATIVE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble ADELAIDE KANE. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those BLACKBERRY SAGE CANDLES HALF-BURNED, PAINT-SPLATTERED CONVERSE, VIVID SUNSETS vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RIVER NORTH ART DISTRICT long enough!
TW: injury
full name: Avery Sage Wilder-Sanders
nicknames: Ave, honeybee
age: 32
DOB: December 21st, 1991
hometown: Denver, CO, USA
current location: Denver, CO, USA
neighborhood: River North Art District
occupation: Artist
gender: Female
sexuality: Bisexual
relationship status: Married to Christopher Sanders (@l0stpiecesx )
positive traits: driven, creative, headstrong, loyal
negative traits: stubborn, confrontational, self-critical
theme song: Lady Like by Ingrid Andress
face claim: Adelaide Kane
hair color: Dark Brown
eye color: Golden-brown
height: 5'4" (162 cm)
weight: 119 pounds (54kg)
build: slim, athletic
tattoos: crow wearing heart-shaped sunglasses on the inside of her left forearm, mountain scene around her right bicep, rose chain around her left ankle
piercings: ears
mother: Melissa Wilder (nee Benson)
father: Scott Wilder
siblings: 1 older sister, 2 older brothers (eventual WC)
children: none
pets: Siberian husky named Spike
significant others: small spattering of relationships, marriage to Christopher Sanders
Scott and Melissa Wilder were told they couldn't have any children after the birth of their youngest son. Lo and behold, Avery Sage came into the world a few years later. Her mother liked to joke that she learned through a fifty-four hour labor that there was no making her do something she didn't want to do.
Scott's family had lived in Denver for the past four generations, on a sprawling working cattle ranch just outside of town. The family business boasted 637 acres, along with an "equine retreat", though Avery often referred to it as a dude ranch.
While her family had skills with ranching, Avery was a rising star with anything involving a horse. She competed in rodeos and various shows, including show jumping and dressage. She attended camps and was trained under the finest coaches with the hopes of joining the US Equestrian Team. During one of her qualifying shows, a jealous competitor sabotaged her saddle and it caused Avery to crash the jump. What followed was the longest two years of her life.
Doctors told Avery she would likely never walk normally again, but she took it as a challenge. She took the surgeries and the physical therapy in stride in hopes of proving everyone wrong. While she was able to walk, she lost everything she had ever worked for. Art had been a hobby of hers, but during rehab, she threw herself into it. After graduating from rehab, she applied for SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design) in Georgia and continued her hard work.
With her parents' blessing, she eventually decided to transfer to École Nationale Supérieure deus Beaux-Arts in Paris and it was there that she met Chris Sanders. While Avery was considered an extremely careful individual, it all went out the window when she met him. Within a few months, they not only traveled together, they ended up getting married. After getting over the initial shock, the Wilder family accepted their new in-law with open arms.
Things have become somewhat strained with Avery and her family since her homecoming to Denver. Instead of her taking over the family dude ranch, she decided to pursue her career as an artist.
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