#eric x mika
raes-writing-space · 3 months
Matthew Anderson x Reader *Healing Inner Child Comfort*
Warnings: Childhood trauma, however kept rather vague and generalized. Not beta read.
Summary: After having to take care and deal with so many traumatic things at a young age, it's made you feel like an adult, even when you weren't. Now that you are an adult, looking back and realizing you couldn't just be a kid and have a normal childhood really upsets you. Matthew comforts the character and shows them that while it might not be the same, it's still possible to just act like a kid and heal your inner child.
Word Count: 2,620
A/N: Reader isn't exactly Mika, and I spaced out the time from the first game between Malix and Diana it took a little over a month, because having the events happening within a week is wild to me.
Can you tell I'm a bit biased based on the word count? Also, I was just rereading my other drabble I wrote for him and didn't realize how similar these are (in which tag is involved). So maybe one day I might come back to this and do it a bit differently, but who knows. Expect the next prompt with Matthew to either be really short or really long, because again, it is kind of based off of my own experiences. So I might get way into it, or keep it short to avoid myself from getting triggered. I guess we'll see!
Story under the cut to save space/scroll time!
Things had already started settling into a new normal in the mansion that your grandfather left you in his will. While things were a bit chaotic at first, finding bloodied incubi men on the floor wasn't ideal, nor did it make sense to you at first. But now? You can't imagine anything different, the five brothers really opened up your eyes to a whole new world besides the one you were used to. They had made you breakfast this morning, like they typically did to show you gratitude for letting them stay there after the events with both Malix and Diana.
However, as everyone was starting to clean up Sam and Matthew had seemed to start bickering with each other, over what exactly? You didn't exactly catch it, but it did lead to Matthew starting an unspoken game of tag between him and his brothers. While James seemed to stay out of it, but had a small smile on his features showing his true feelings. Eric and Damien had joined in, laughing for a moment before James seemed to put an end to it so that they could all finish cleaning up.
As you watched, for some reason it made you feel a bit envious. At first, you didn't quite understand why you felt that way. The more you thought about it, the more you realized that you couldn't remember the last time you had played tag. You were sure you had played tag at some point, but as you tried to recall the memory, only the memories of your childhood that you could remember were of things you wished you could forget.
This only lead you to think about it more, surely there had to have been a happy childhood memory in there somewhere. You had some friends in your elementary school days, and you remember being outside at recess. But what did you do during recess? You remember being on the swings quite often, and watching the other kids around you playing, and you remember being on the monkey bars, but those were all things that you remembered doing alone. The envy within you started to turn into bitter sadness, you remembered how hard it was to get birthday party invites, and if it was a sleepover, you usually couldn't go, or stay for the whole night.
The traumas you experienced as a kids started to bubble up more and more as you thought about it, and you could remember having to hold yourself differently. You always had to take care of someone, or fix something that shouldn't have been your problem at such a young age. You started to realize just how fast you had to grow up, how you started to see the world different even as a child, and how you had to learn how to survive at such a young age. That eventually, it seemed like birthday parties and whether or not you were invited to play soccer with the other kids all became secondary to your other list of priorities. Getting good grades in school, doing your chores at home, making sure to watch your tone around your parents, and how to determine what set of footsteps approached your bedroom door became the new set of priorities for you.
"Mx? Are you okay?" James seemed to question, snapping you back into your reality.
You didn't even know that you had started crying, suddenly feeling so angry that you started shaking. Now that you were an adult and away from your parents, your childhood home, your past, it finally hit you all at once just how much you missed out on. You couldn't even seem to answer James, simply shaking your head, before suddenly taking your leave to get some fresh air before it somehow got worse. You weren't mad at the boys for playing around, you were mad at the fact that you didn't seem to know how to ask to join in, how to be child again, instead of the paranoid adult you grew up to be. You were mad that you missed out on a whole childhood that you couldn't get back, and now it's too late to do anything about it.
It felt like grief to you, similar to the grief you felt when your grandfather passed. But this time, it felt as if you grieving over a potential life you could have had. Grieving the child version of yourself that deserved better, and never was able to get it by the time that childhood was over.
It was Matthew who came out first to try and comfort you, they all seemed to want to, but you had grown close to Matthew in a way you didn't quite realize until that moment. You enjoyed his company because of how "childish" he seemed to be, despite being able to hold his own fair share of responsibility and wisdom. You wished you could be more like him in that way, being able to just let go and have fun, instead of holding yourself back all because of how you were raised. Maybe Damien told them what you had been thinking about at the time, and they decided that maybe it was best for Matthew to be the one to come out to you. Or maybe he just wanted to make sure you were alright on his own accord.
"Hey, (Y/N)." Matthew greeted at first, "Do you mind if I stay out here with you?"
You simply shrugged at first, unsure of how to feel. You knew there would have to be a conversation about how you were feeling at some point. Being vulnerable was always a bit tough for you, having to always keep it together for the sake of your family.
"Take your time, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Matthew added, not trying to pressure you into a conversation you were ready to have yet.
"It's hard to explain." You simply shook your head at first, not knowing where to begin, and not exactly wanting to spill your whole life story to him in order to explain.
"Then don't explain, not yet any way… Do you want to play tag with me?" Matthew suddenly questioned, catching you a bit off guard.
"What?" You asked, but it was pointless to ask, as Matthew suddenly approached you and touched you, yelling "Tag! You're it!" before running away from you.
It took you a moment to process what had happened, before you started to walk towards him at first. He smiled, walking backwards away from you, waiting to see if you would suddenly stop, or decide to chase after him. After a moment, you picked up your pace, feeling unsure about what was happening but still trying to go after him anyway. Soon, Matthew took off running again, and you couldn't help but feel the need to stop. It felt a bit silly to you to be playing a game of tag. A couple of minutes had passed, before you felt a voice suddenly come from behind you.
"Are you going to tag me?" Matthew questioned, as you quickly turned around, a bit surprised, and yet, still reaching out for him to attempt to tag him anyway.
He laughed, dodging out of the way, before you squinted your eyes at him dodging out of the way and attempting to tag him again. He was so close to you, how could you not tag him? Yes, it felt silly, but if he was going to tease you about it, at least you could make an attempt to try. It seemed like mere inches were keeping the two of you separated, before you finally decided to chase after him and finally tagging him.
"Tag! Finally!" You shouted, sounding a bit exasperated, making Matthew laugh at your reaction.
However, it took half a second for him to tag you again, as you forgot that it was now your turn to run.
"Tag! New rule, no tag backs." Matthew smirked.
"What? That's not fair, you just tagged me back!" You defended, tagging him back.
"Fine, I'll give you one freebie, but now there's no tag backs!" Matthew stated, as he seemed to run back inside the house.
Within a second you saw Eric coming outside chasing Matthew, who only stopped when he saw you and started to run towards you. You assumed it was out of pure instinct more than a cooperation to playing that you ran away from him. Eric did seem a lot more threatening when he was suddenly chasing after you suddenly, when you had just been standing mindlessly a second ago. It took a second, before Eric tagged you, you thought maybe it was unfair, unsure if it was simply his long legs giving him the advantage, or the fact that they were a completely different species with different advantages than you. As soon as you were tagged, you looked around, Matthew couldn't have possibly known that you were it now, right? Would he even trust you if you approached him anyway? Then you smirked, heading inside calmly. You tried to clear your mind of your little plan, just in case Damien wanted to rat you out, as you found Sam first. Sam didn't think much of anything, before you tagged him, as you announced the "No tag backs!" rule quickly, which gave you a head start.
"Aw, what!?" Sam groaned, before he ran towards Damien, who did happen to hear his thoughts and already had a head start before Sam could even process where his brother could be.
This game of tag seemed to last for at least thirty minutes, but it felt more like two hours. You were out of breath, and at times you had even given up on running all together, opting for a casual stroll instead and accepting your fate. At some point you had to call "times" to get a drink of water, and encouraged the others to get their water break too, and that they'd all have at least ten seconds to run before the game started up again.
As much as James had tried to avoid the inevitable, even telling his brothers that he wasn't interested in playing, when it came to you, he eventually gave in and finally let you tag him. You felt even more excited, running outside and yelling to everyone else that James was it. This only seemed to make the brothers up the stakes when it came to each other, but always made sure to at least slow themselves down when it came to you.
When your feet finally started to hurt, you collapsed onto the soft grass with a laugh. You couldn't help but start crying again in the midst of your laughter, suddenly overcome with a sense of nostalgia and happiness. Matthew collapsed next to you not too long after.
"I'm not it, I swear! We should team up and go hide from them and see how long it takes for them to notice and find us." Matthew suggested, as you simply nodded at first, wiping your tears away for a moment.
You followed him, telling him how you had found out that the mansion had a small secret side room in the library. Immediately the two of you snuck around to try and make it to the library without getting noticed by the others. Matthew was your lookout when you entered the library and opened up the secret room, motioning for him to follow in quickly. An automatic light seemed to flick on in the room, as you had closed the door behind the two of you. It was nice to get a bit of a breather from running, you never had really thought about hiding during a game of tag before.
"Thank you." You simply told him at first, as it was just the first thing on your side.
"Yeah, I just wanted you to feel included." He simply replied, and you couldn't help but think that he wasn't completely being truthful about his intentions about his game of tag.
"I didn't really get this a lot growing up." You started, hoping to ease into why you had been upset earlier.
"We didn't either…" Matthew sympathized, and you couldn't help but forget that they didn't have the best life back in the Abyssal Plains.
"Do you ever get angry that you didn't get a childhood?"
"Things are a bit different in the Abyssal Plains… Growing up, we didn't really think about it much. We did get to play with each other sometimes, but I imagine it wasn't like how you guys played as children here."
"That makes sense… When I saw you guys playing tag earlier, I just couldn't help but wonder when the last time I had played tag was, and my memories just continued to disappoint me." You confessed, "I didn't realize just how fast I had to grow up as a child…"
"I'm sorry to hear that… I really am."
You simply nodded as a response at first, "I just can't help but grieve a childhood I never had, I'm sure I'll get over it eventually…" you shrugged.
"You might have missed out of your childhood, but that doesn't mean you can't make your adulthood something your child self could be proud of and have fun with." Matthew stated, as he was fidgeting with some of the random dusty stuff in the room.
"Where would I even start?" You couldn't help but ask, it was supposed to be rhetorical, but he turned and smiled at you anyway.
"Well, I think you already started."
You smiled, feeling a sense of comfort at his words. You did feel that earlier, that happiness and nostalgia. Maybe it wasn't impossible to get those feelings back, to feel comfortable about feeling like a little kid, and making the child version of you proud. There was a moment of comfortable silence while you processed his words.
"Hey, isn't this the book that James was reading yesterday?" Matthew asked, lifting up the book, as you walked over and gently examined the book with him.
It was in fact, not dusty at all, at least compared to the other things in the room. It was just then that they had noticed that one of the leather chairs in the room seemed to not have a spec of dust on it either. Just as they had noticed it, the two of you looked at each other.
"We should leave, just in case." You mentioned "nonchalantly" as you pointed towards the door.
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." He agreed, and just as the two of you had began to leave the secret room, James had come into the room.
The two of you froze, "Are you it, James?" Matthew couldn't help but ask him.
"Well, I suppose there's only one way to find out." James seemed to smirk, teasing them both.
"You wouldn't play tag in the library, would you? There's quite a lot of important things in here…" You added, trying to reason with him as you inched closer to the door that lead out to the hallway.
"I wouldn't, you are right about that." James nodded, making you let out a breath.
Before you could process it, Matthew had already taken off running. But just as he had left out to the hallway, Eric had been waiting for him and tagged him making Matthew let out a groan of frustration. This made you, and the two eldest brothers laugh. Just as Matthew had started to come back, you were quick to come up with a new rule.
"The library is off limits!"
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Prisma's F/O list
I've gotten to the point where I'm not really comfortable sharing my romantics, especially my Soulmates and First Primes!
BUT I'm comfortable talking and gushing about them with you in an x reader sense, just not really acknowledging your specific ships in asks/conversation. That being said, if something makes me uncomfortable/if I see duplicates I can always blacklist 💜
Not all my soulmates have gifs (I ran out of gif space)
Format: Fictional other - Fandom - Relationship - Self Insert - Self ship tag (♤ = F/o is available for asks, ♡ = fictional childern listed at bottom)
First Prime
Hector Escaton - Westworld - Soulmate - Adeline Rooney - Absolute Corruption
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Anakin Skywalker - Star Wars - Soulmate - Freida Baltwin - Death By Anyone's Hand But His Would Never Be As Sweet
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Aleksander Morozova - Shadow and Bone - Husband - Krynn, Daughter of Falros - I'll Forgive Your Sins
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Sandor Clegane - Game of Thrones - Husband - Aläea Argon - Sweet Cruelty
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Lestat De Lioncourt - AMC's Interview with the Vampire - Lovers - Dove - Caged Bird: The Lestat Saga
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Jo March - Little Women (mostly the 1933 ver. but any of the main four work) - Significant Other - Matilda - Art and Life in it's Many Forms
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Diaval - Maleficent - Sweethearts - Christiana Vross - Raven of My Heart
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Donovan Shrike - Once Upon a Time (OC) - Husband - Lyra Shrike-Kincaid - That's What True Love Is
Peter Parker - The Amazing Spider-man - Bestfriend/Boyfriend - Estella Lovette - The Amazing Stella Lovette
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King Caspian X - The Chronicles of Narnia - Betrothed - Beretta Maltaire - Black Sheep
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Blaine Debeers - iZombie - Fiance- Coriander Moes - Bite Me
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Niccolo Paganini - The Devil's Violinist - Husband (?) - Marion Raines - Heart Strings
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Prince Eric - The Little Mermaid (2023) - Best Friend/True Love - Princess Mairead - Stronger than the Undertow
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Derek Hale - Teen Wolf - Husband - Bradlynn Stilinksi - Derek and Bradey ♤♡
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Laxus Dreyar - Fairy Tail - Significant Other - Ceruli Quint - Laxus and Ceruli
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Cleon XIII - Foundation (Apple Tv+) - Soulmates - Kronos - Kronos Rising ♡
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Hanzo Urushihara (Lucifer) - The Devil is a Part-Timer! - Soulmates - Meridian Moss - The General's Familiar
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Bernard the Elf - The Santa Clause - Soulmate - Charity Sinclaire - Snowfall Sweethearts ☕❄♡
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Caledon Hockley - Titanic - Significant Other - Miranda Sweet - Sunken Hearts
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Felix - Once Upon a Time (mainly season 4+) - Soulmate/boyfriend - Evangeline Lorde - Ugly Duckling ♤
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Ardeth Bay - The Mummy - Husband - Séamus McGannon - Curse Bound
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Dr. Daniel Jackson - Stargate SG-1 - Soulmate - Alberta "Bunny" Dread - Daniel and Dread ♤♡
Eddie Munson - Stranger Things - Bestfriend/Husband - Mika Carlisle - Forged in Hellfire ♤♡
Allanon - Shannara Chronicles - Boyfriend/Soulmate - Regina Jones - Soul Stasis ♡
Wolf - The 10th Kingdom - True Love - Kitra Kane - Kit'n Wolf
Donovan Shrike - Once Upon a Time (OC) - Husband - Lyra Shrike-Kincaid - That's What True Love Is
Prince Nuada - Hellboy 2 - Soulmate - Richter Friedrick - Shadow Stalker
Stephen Strange - Marvel - Biological Father (familial soulmate) - Celeste Strange - Celestial Mischief ♤
Hannibal Chau - Pacific Rim - Biological Father - Lucinda Chau - Sin and Jeagers
Noah Stilinksi - Teen Wolf - Biological Father - Bradlynn Stilinksi - Derek and Bradey
Lord Milori - Disney Fairies/Descendants - Biological Father - Faera Milori - Faera: the Talentless fairy
Mieczyslaw Stilinksi - Teen Wolf - Biological Brother - Bradlynn Stilinksi - Derek and Bradey
Reul Ghorm (Blue Fairy) - Once Upon a Time - Adoptive Mother - Evangeline "Evan" Cameron - Ugly Duckling
Dustin Henderson - Stranger Things - Biological little brother - Jesse Henderson - The Badass Babysitters Club
Five Hargreaves - TUA - Biological Twin - Margalo Hargreaves - I'll Follow Your Voice ♤
Lewis, Oscar, Margot, and Rowan Rooney - OCs (Westworld) - Adeline Rooney - The Rooney Bunch
Henry Mills - Once Upon a Time - Found Family/Little Brother - Evangeline "Evan" Cameron - Ugly Duckling
The Umbrella Academy - TUA - Found Family - Margalo Hargreaves - I'll Follow Your Voice ♤(Klaus)
Erwin Sikowitz - Victorious - Crazy Uncle (found family) - Carter Mavis - You Broke Character!
Hades - Descendants College!AU - Father - Zyla - How Can I Not Love You?
Hellboy - Hellboy - Found family/Parental - Richter Friedrick - Shadow Stalker
Rick O'Connell - The Mummy - Found Family/Brother - Séamus McGannon - Curse Bound
The Statesman and Kingsman - Kingsman - Found Family - Cobalt Kline - Agent Vermouth
The Guardians of Childhood - Rise of the Guardians - Found Family - Luck - Lady Luck
The Muppets - The Muppets - Found Family - Dottie - ☆Together Again☆
Scary Godmother - Scary Godmother Halloween Spooktacular - Girlfriend - Moanna - Scary isn't it?
Anastasia Tremaine - Cinderella - Sweetheart - Sirina - If the Shoe Fits
Prince Charming - DreamWorks/Shrek - True Love - Styxx - Pixie Styxx
Bucky Barnes - MCU (Prisma's version) - Boyfriend - Celeste Strange - Celestial Mischief
Prince Edward - Enchanted - True Love - Cassandra Finn - Just Find Who You Love ♡ (that heart is just for the tag)
Jane - Descendants/Disney Fairies - Soulmates - Faera Milori - Faera: The Talentless Fairy
Cassandra Cillian - The Librarians (Teen Wolf Crossover) - Girlfriend - Bradlynn Stilinksi - The Gift of You
Graverobber - Repo! The Genetic Opera x Pacific Rim - Significant other - Lucinda Chau - Grave Sins
Bellamy Blake - The 100 - Boyfriend - Flora Fawn - Between Earth and Sky
Elsa - Frozen/Once Upon a Time - Wife - Marigold Erikson - Miss Marigold ♡
Harry Hook - Descendants College!AU - Boyfriend - Zyla - Zyla Daughter of Hades
Charlotte La Bouff - Princess and the Frog - Significant Other - Ruth Callahan - Thief After My Own Heart
Beck Oliver - Victorious (college era) - Boyfriend - Carter Mavis - Finally Falling Falling
Jacob Custos - The Quarry - Best/Boyfriend - Laina Grimsby - What Doesn't Kill You
Shank - Wreck-It Ralph - Girlfriend - Razor - Bleeding Hearts
Bumblebee - Transformers (Bay/Knightverse) - Sweethearts - Casey Creed - American Honey 🐝💛
Diaval - Maleficent - Sweethearts - TBA - Doth Say the Raven
Eddie Moreover (OC) - Sofia the First - Sweetheart - Princess Laurana of Enchancia - Demons of Lore
Dutchess Matilda - Sofia the First - Wife - Priscilla the Witch - The Dutchess and the Not-So-Wicked-Witch
Steve Harrington - Stranger Things 2+ - Boyfriend - Jesse Henderson - The Badass Babysitters Club (This one is more of a background ship/oc for Forged in Hellfire story clarity and for the sake of the familial stuff with Dustin)
Bruno Madrigal - Encanto - Sweethearts - Violetta Dubois - Circus Freaks
Sam Winchester - Supernatural - Significant Other - Kitra Krane - The Inn
Cedric the Sorcerer - Sofia the First - Sweathearts - Duchess Cordania of Enchancia - For the Love of Cedric
Eleven (11th Doctor) - Doctor Who - Boyfriend - Canary Fern - Space Canary
Matt Murdock - DareDevil - Boyfriend - Lillian "Lily" Oliver - Flowers for the Devil
Secret F/Os
Thanks for the Music Red
The artist and the editor
Willy Wonka - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Unclear (slightly romantic) - Dr. Cecilia "Curli" Hobbes - Chocolate Curlicue
S.P.A.N.N.E.R. - Pacific Rim - Best Friends/Drift Compatible - Lucinda Chau - Sin and Jaegers ♤
Teal'c - Stargate SG-1 - Best Friend/teammate - Alberta Dread - Teal'c and Dread
Adam Warlock - Marvel/GotG - Best Friend? - Celeste Strange - Celestial Mischief
Evie O'Connell - The Mummy - Besties (basically sister-in-law) - Séamus McGannon - Curse Bound
Jack Frost - The Santa Clause - Old Friends - Charity Sinclaire - Ice Knowing You
Amy and Rory Williams - Doctor Who - Best Friends - Canary Fern - Space Canary
My kiddos
Vivian, Quincy, & Tobias Munson - Stranger Things - Forged in Hellfire - Snug Bug and Company ♤(Viv only, currently like 4 in my head)
Nicholas and Edith-Marie Jackson - Stargate SG-1 - Daniel and Dread -Eddie and Nick
Skyler - Westworld - Absolute Corruption (Maybe?)
Rowan Rooney - Westworld - My Sapling
Margaret & Eli Hale - Teen Wolf - Derek and Bradey ♤
Evelyn Hockley - Titanic - Sunken Hearts
Gwendolyn - Frozen - Miss Marigold
Michael and Amelia - iZombie - Bite Me Jr.
Luna and Phoebe Jones - The Shannara Chronicles - Soul Stasis - Children of the Apocalypse
Walker - Foundation - Kronos Rising
Holly & Mae - The Santa Clause -Snowfall Sweethearts ☕❄
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thatrickmcginnis · 2 months
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AKI KAURISMAKI & DUSAN MAKAVEJEV, Toronto film festival, Sept. 1988
Finnish director Aki Kaurismaki had just emerged from his partnership with his older brother Mika when he arrived at the Toronto film festival in 1988 with Ariel, the second film in his "Proletarian Trilogy", and just a year before he made a splash with his road movie Leningrad Cowboys Go America. Film festivals were once reliant on directors like Kaurismaki, who made stark, deadpan pictures in the tradition of early Wim Wenders, and much like peers such as Jim Jarmusch. The festival circuit gave their careers an international scope, and Kaurismaki would soon leave Finland for Portugal. (His brother went on to work largely in another Portuguese-speaking country, Brazil.) I'm not sure film festivals nurture these kinds of careers any more.
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Director Aki Kaurismaki was the very image of the hip independent movie director when I photographed him in a suite at the old Four Seasons Yorkville (now a condominium) in 1988, either pensively smoking or fixing my camera with an intense, vaguely mocking stare. (Imagine the days when you could smoke in a hotel room!) I used the lighting trick I'd been taught by Anton Corbijn for the shoot - boosting the speed of my Tri-X and shooting in flat light at the back of the room. I have no idea who I was working for when I got accredited to shoot at the 1988 Toronto film festival, but this shoot ended up being an important one for me, when I sold one of these shots to the Village Voice in New York - the beginning of a relationship that lasted through most of the '90s.
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Dusan Makavejev was another example of the kind of director who once thrived on the film festival circuit when I photographed him at the Toronto film festival in 1988. He was here with his latest film Manifesto (which is almost impossible to see these days), but he was famous as the nominal leader of the "Black Wave" of Yugoslav cinema in the '60s and '70s. He made himself a rather infamous reputation with W.R.: Mysteries of the Organism (1971) and Sweet Movie (1974), two very avant garde and provocative films that got him exiled from his country and unemployable as a director in a rather efficient one-two punch. He made a comeback with Montenegro (1981) and then Coca-Cola Kid (1985), his most commercial film, starring Eric Roberts and Greta Scacchi. He performed for my camera, giving me playful and serious poses in the room at the old Four Seasons Yorkville where I did this shoot.
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In a couple of years Yugoslavia would disintegrate and Makavejev would become a Serbian director, and not long after that people started looking at directors like Makavejev (and Emir Kusturica) for an explanation of what turned the former Yugoslavia into the most notorious and intractable war zone of the 1990s. (I'm not sure Makavejev was ever going to provide them with much of an explanation. His movies are more about private than political matters.) I can't help but think of all those people who lived their whole lives as Yugoslavs, only to have their country go extinct as it joined the list of the 20th centuries mistakes.
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quaxorascal · 2 years
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist. then tag 10 people to do the same thing  
I got tagged by @grapecaseschoices and @narrativefoiltrope, thank you both!! I have not listened to very much music at all lately and what I have listened to has mostly been on loop, so we’ll see how much of interest comes up in this playlist
“Teeth” - Five Seconds of Summer
“Bang!” - AJR
“Everything Moves” - Bronze Radio Return
“INDUSTRY BABY” - Lil Nas X feat. Jack Harlow
“Woman Like Me” - Little Mix feat. Nicki Minaj
“The Draw” - Bastille
“MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) - But Lil Nas X Makes All The Sounds With His Mouth” - Lil Nas X
“Pink Lemonade” - The Wombats
“Bonjour, Hi! (Touché Version)” - The Cast of Canada’s Drag Race: Canada vs. The World
“If My Heart Was a House” - Owl City
Aaand now for artists I really like! I’m gonna avoid artists already listed above just for fun
“Cavalry” - Novo Amo, Ed Tullet
“Constellations” - The Oh Hellos
“Rose Gold” - Pentatonix
“Rio” - MIKA
“The Hand That Feeds” - The Crane Wives
“All the Pretty Girls” - fun.
“Santé” - Stromae
“Eric’s Song” - Vienna Teng
“All Through the Night” - Anna Nalick
“Moment’s Silence (Common Tongue)” - Hozier
Idk if I wanna tag 10 people, but for funsies, let’s tag @actionsurges @dreadmetrol @samusthedude @simothys @roxaro @manonamora-if @sleepyspoonie @twowivestwoknives Have fun! No pressure ofc!
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sandboxrp · 1 year
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Your application has been accepted and written on the sand! Please create your account. All requests will be accepted once we reach our opening application goal! We are excited to share our magical world with you!
stray kids' lee felix as lee juno.
stray kids' hwang hyunjin as kim haneul.
txt's choi beongyu as nam byeol.
le sserafim's miyawaki sakura as kobayashi mika.
kep1er's choi yujin as park eunbyul.
blackpink's kim jennie as bae nali.
bts' kim taehyung as kim jaehyun.
txt's choi yeonjun as choi savant.
nct's jeong jaehyun as lee calum.
le sserafim's kim chaewon as kim seo yeon.
fromis_9's baek jiheon as jeong bora.
woo!ah!'s kwon nayeon (nana) as bae hana.
blackpink's kim jisoo as shin doah.
bts' min yoongi as park mingyu.
ateez's jeong yunho as choi hyunki.
monsta x's lee jooheon as lee jooheon.
bts' jeon jungkook as jeon jaewon.
the boyz's kim sunwoo as lee siyun.
the boyz's choi chanhee (new) as san suyou.
ciipher's moon hyunbin as kim sujin.
aespa's yoo jimin (karina) as choi katarina.
txt's kang taehyun as kang ismael.
the boyz’s sohn youngjae (eric) as shylo moon.
0 notes
theincuhusbands · 4 years
Hottest Hot Chocolate - (Erik x Reader)
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Summary - Erik and Y/N go out for some Christmas hot chocolate and make some Christmas wishes, but is Erik hiding something?
Warnings - Long, Fluffy, Kissing and Cheesy
Word Count - 1651
I shivered slightly in my jacket trying to burry myself deeper in it. It had finally been starting to snow in Chicago and I couldn’t have been more excited about it except from right now trying to trudge my way to the maid café for some hot chocolate.
“You cold? Princess?”
I nod my head sighing watching my breath swirl in the air. I’m a bit taken by surprise when Erik puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. I quickly lean into it, feeling my face flush madly while doing so when he leans so close to my ear, I can feel his breath. “Guess you’ll just have to walk next to me.”
I blush more and look up to him -probably grinning like an idiot- to see him looking back at me adoringly making butterflies flutter in my stomach. There are small flakes of snow in his hair which is gently covering his left eye. His eyes breathtakingly beautiful, as they twinkle in all the different coloured Christmas lights across the Chicago winter street. I gently lift my hand up and cup the side of his face -which is as cold as the snow in my boots- and brush part of his hair out his eye. He half smiles at me. “Your gorgeous in the snow Princess” I smile and nod leaning in to him as we start walking again. “I was just thinking the same thing!”
When we reach the mall, I’m taken back by how beautifully decorated it is; even if they do it every year. When we walk in the main door a wall of warm air smacks me in the face making me stop for a second. There were Christmas lights and tinsel decorating all the shop windows, a small Santa stand for children to go meet Santa with a small gabble of kids crowded around it and of course the HUGE tree in the middle of the mall decorated with tinsel, baubles and a bright shiny gold star on the top.  
Erik looks at me confused before I grab his hand excitedly. “Come on! Lets go make a wish at the fountain!” I drag Erik to the fountain as he laughs lightly at me. When we get there, we walk up to the railing as I get my purse out “Now you get a coin and you throw it in the fountain, make a wish and then Christmas magic will make it come true!” Erik gives me a puzzled look. “Really? And anyone can use this magic? This seems-”
“Shhhhhh just do it.”
I watch as Erik shuts his eyes thinking for a second before he throws his coin into the fountain, the satisfying sound of the plopping of the water as it starts to sink to the bottom. I take my turn holding it close to my chest knowing exactly what to wish for.
Please, please, please let the boys have the best Christmas ever. Please keep them safe and out of trouble, I know better than anyone how hard it is but it’s Christmas and they deserve it.
Over the course of the year and a bit we’d spent together, they had felt more like family than my real family. I love them all but especially… one. Erik had brightened up my life and I don’t even want to think of it without him in it anymore. He made me the happiest I’ve ever been and I never feel more loved than when I’m with him. Maybe not every second with him is bliss, maybe we argue sometimes but that never matters because in the end we always come back, no matter if angels are against us, I’d happily go anywhere with Erik, even if that was in hell for eternity.
Keep him safe and happy. Let him know how much I love him, well maybe not the full extent, He’d think I’m crazy, maybe just a little bit.
I smile to myself and throw my coin into the fountain as Erik turns to me. “So? What did you wish for?” I smirk slightly stepping away from the railing “I can’t tell you or it won’t come true!” Erik groans slightly, reaching out to me grabbing me by my waist and pulling me so close our foreheads touch. “not even me?” I giggle as I shake my head, feeling my face flush.
As we’re waiting in a small que outside the café waiting to be seated, I spot a small poster stuck up onto the window of the shop next door. It’s bright and Christmassy as the top words across it read
Well isn’t that just depressing. I read further down the poster.
‘Well don’t worry so are many others in this festive season and that’s why we’re inviting you to a Christmas get together for couples to get together!’
I shake my head slightly laughing under my breath. The poster reminds me of when I first met the boys. It feels like so long ago they weren’t in my life but they made it so much better. I remember pining over Erik. Obsessing over every complement wondering if I was taking it too close to heart. He made me feel special. Even now he still does. The way he goes out of his way to make sure I’m happy. Like a couple weeks ago when my favourite character died in my favourite TV show and I spent the entire day crying but when he got home from work, he’d bought me my favourite take out and my favourite scented candle and we had a candle lit dinner to cheer me up. I love Erik, and I couldn’t be happier.
I’m brought out my thoughts when Erik leans over to see what I’m looking at before he pouts “Princess are you-” I blush shaking my head franticly. “No, no! I was just looking.” I turn around to face Erik, planting a light kiss on his cheek “no where I’d rather be than here.” He smiles softly, looking at me as if he’s trying to commit it to memory.
“Ahem!” We turn to see Naomi shaking her head and laughing slightly, “Get a room you two” she says as she starts walking off waving her hand for us to follow. We follow her to our usually seats in a comfy booth except it’s decorated with small trees and tinsel along the edge of the table. She smiles as he flips her small notepad open “you two want your usual?” Erik smiles at her dazzlingly “In fact, could we order your Christmas hot chocolate?” Naomi beams clearly excited as she writes it down. “Oh! It really is to DIE for this year” I laugh slightly as she walks away into the kitchen.
“So, how’s that dress coming along, the one you were doing for that girl? For the Quinceanera?” Erik shakes his head taking his jacket off and placing it to the side. “Actually, I had to give up the project… something more important came up” I sigh. That dress design looked really pretty I really wanted to see it when it was done. “What are you working on now?” He looked around and shifted in his seat slightly “I don’t really want to talk about work right now… just spend some time with you.” I nod and smile shifting myself around the booth to sit next to him. “ok.”
When we get home. I put all Erik and I’s stuff on the radiators around the house before making my way into the dining room to find a note from the others:
Gone out Christmas shopping we’ll be home soon, picking up some stuff for a nice dinner tonight as well so don’t eat too much!
At the bottom its signed James, Matthew and very scribbly and shabbily written Sam and Damion. It’s so sweet though I smile at it. When I hear a crash upstairs. “Erik?” When I hear no response, I hurry up the stairs and burst into Erik’s study to see the most stunning dress on Erik’s half-mannequin stand and a very passed out Erik on the floor.
I kneel down scooping him up in my lap and hugging him close. “Erik? Erik? Can you hear me?!” I shake him gently as he starts to stir, groaning in pain as he does. “Erik! Oh, thank goodness your alright!” Erik sits up slightly as I start to fuss over his head.
“I’m alright just- just-”
“You just might have a concussion let me have a look!”
I check him over a couple of times but everything seems fine. No blood. His eyes look normal. I lean back sighing feeling a bit put at ease as he leans back groaning. “Are you in pain?!” I say franticly but he shakes his head “I guess you’ve seen your dress now…” I look back up at the dress. This was… mine?! I get up and walk over to it and started inspecting it. Erik sighed.
“I was going to give it to you for your parents Christmas party but… I guess it’s spoiled now”
I shake my head franticly beaming at him. “It’s perfect! I Love it Erik!” Erik stares at me dumbfounded. “It’s not even finished yet…” I walk back to Erik and dump myself into his lap. “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen” Erik shakes his head and looks back at me. “Have you seen a mirror?” I laugh slightly and lean in softly kissing him. His mouth was warm and sweet as I breathe in his soft smell of roses smiling slightly.
The kiss started off soft a sweet but turned into something hot-blooded as we started grabbing at each other trying to take each other in and you can bet after the perfect day, we had the perfect night ;)
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fanwarrior321 · 3 years
I don't know what kind of drugs are in my preference ships to make them stick in my head as much as they do, but I need to go to therapy or something because this is getting ridiculous
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halaboyz · 2 years
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another milestone event only for my loveliest followers, for reaching eight hundred. nothing more makes me happy if a fic speaks to your soul— so this is dedicated to you. as a thank you. nothing more said, but my grateful heart is all yours. i wouldn't even think about reaching this far, but here we are. and it's all because of your support.
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you know who we all love? taylor swift. whether you're a fan or a casual listener, we can't deny that there is a single song of taylor's that we have in mind right now. yes, that song was in your mind while reading this. so i'm going to have TAYLOR SWIFT songs— to be particular, heartbreak songs, as the main theme.
all angst, no fluff. because who doesn't love angst? okay, maybe i'll sprinkle some fluff, but no one deserves a happy ending.
whatever song is in your mind right now, drop it in my inbox with the idol— whether it's from ateez, the boyz, enhypen, tomorrow x together, nct dream, or soloist woodz.
no idols will be repeated, and whoever is taken will be put below. as with the idols, no taylor swift heartbreak song will also be repeated. come on, taylor swift has tons of heartbreaking songs out there. whatever you resonate with, you can put it in my inbox!
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1. whoever requested first, will be given the slot. song AND idol. again, slots will be written below. ( ex. hongjoong & all too well ) 1-a. if your member/song is taken, you're always free to send another ask! 1-b. all fics will be in gender-neutral reader, unless i feel like a female reader will be fit for the fic.
2. fics will approximately be 1k-5k words, depending on the idea. i will do every request, and with that, to be able to provide you a good fic, i will take my time with every fic— patience will be appreciated.
3. requests will be ongoing until every slot is taken. since every member may not be taken.
4. if you want to be put on a certain group's taglist, or simply to the whole event's taglist, tell me through my ask box/dms!
5. enjoy!
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KIM HONGJOONG :: NEW ROMANTICS, req. by @.th84u PARK SEONGHWA :: I DON'T WANT TO LIVE FOREVER, req. by @.mavericsohn JEONG YUNHO :: LAST KISS, req. by @.woahhwa CHOI SAN :: WE ARE NEVER EVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER, req. by @.mygco SONG MINGI :: BETTY, req. by @.yeoandmoon JUNG WOOYOUNG :: AUGUST, req. by @.woobly CHOI JONGHO :: THE STORY OF US, req. by @.talkbykhalid
LEE SANGYEON :: ILLICIT AFFAIRS, req. by anon JACOB BAE :: STYLE, req. by @.bawdyboyz KIM YOUNGHOON :: OUR SONG, req. by nini LEE HYUNJAE :: CORNELIA STREET, req by @.gracefulweather JI CHANGMIN :: BLANK SPACE, req. by @.calliopegoist LEE JUYEON :: COME BACK... BE HERE, req. by @.onlyticket-home KIM SUNWOO :: RED, req. by @.morauvmi ERIC SOHN :: I KNEW YOU WERE TROUBLE, req. by @.stealanity
LEE HEESEUNG :: BACK TO DECEMBER, req. by @.softforqiankun PARK JONGSEONG :: TEARDROPS ON MY GUITAR, req. by anon KIM SUNOO :: AFTERGLOW, req. by anon
CHOI YEONJUN :: EXILE, req. by anon CHOI SOOBIN :: BEGIN AGAIN, req. by anon
MARK LEE :: BREATHE, req. by @.justalildumpling LEE JENO :: ALL TOO WELL, req. by anon LEE DONGHYUCK :: ENCHANTED, req. by mika NA JAEMIN :: CHAMPAGNE PROBLEMS, req. by @.kurosism ZHONG CHENLE :: WHITE HORSE, req. by @.moonieric
WOODZ :: RIGHT WHERE YOU LEFT ME, req. by @.is4b3ll3s
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tagging some of my closest mutuals in case any of you are interested! <3
@hvae @moonieric @dulceamar @deputyjuyeon @mihyu-ckie @yunkiwii @woobly @lee--felix @hwarora @enivivs @talkbykhalid @yourjaylaks @softforqiankun @sunlightwoo @flrtwoo @gracefulweather @junjungsunwoo @cloudykyu @mavericsohn @mingi-banana @twentysixofmays @kurosism @stealanity @mygco @justalildumpling
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© halaboyz 2022.
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astrangesociety · 3 years
now these are players i ship romantically and platonically (you choose which)
auston matthews x frederik andersen
mitch marner x connor mcdavid x dylan strome
morgan rielly x jake gardiner
matthew tkachuk x leon draisaitl
carey price x p.k. subban x john tavares
brady tkachuk x quinn hughes
elias pettersson x brock boeser
dylan larkin x zach werenski
noah hanifin x jack eichel
patrick kane x jonathan toews
sidney crosby x evgeni malkin
kris letang x marc andre fleury
jamie benn x tyler seguin (our founding fathers)
patrice bergeron x brad marchand
chris kreider x mika zibanejad
tom wilson x michael latta
alex galchenyuk x brendan gallagher
william nylander x kasperi kapanen
travis konecny x nolan patrick
erik johnson x gabriel landeskog
tyson barrie x nathan mackinnon
nicklas backstrom x alexander ovechkin
mathew barzal x anthony beauvillier
pekka rinne x juuse saros
joe thorton x patrick marleau
sebastian aho x teuvo teravainen
patrik laine x nikolaj ehlers
mark stone x max pacioretty
eric staal x jeff skinner
drew doughty x anže kopitar
carl hagelin x phil kessel
jonas brodin x matt dumba
ryan getzlaf x corey perry
aleksander barkov x jonathan huberdeau
steven stamkos x nikita kucherov
secondary ships (people who i ship more then once)
auston matthews x frederik andersen x morgan rielly
john tavares x steven stamkos x p.k. subban
quinn hughes x thatcher demko
tom wilson x braden holtby
nathan mackinnon x sidney crosby
sidney crosby x claude giroux
my dream ship(s)
auston matthews x tom wilson x nathan mackinnon
idk if y’all are weird like me and will read fics about these ships but if you do want some recommendations
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chinzhilla-main · 3 years
song asks 13, 15, and 26
thanks for sending some <333
13. three songs you want at your funeral
1) OOF okay so i'm gonna (further) out myself as one of Those band kinds but. okay so there may be like 5 people who are gonna get it when i say my friends and i were obsessed with Eric Whitacre (who is actually a choral composer but a lot of his works have been arranged for wind ensemble and i'm pretty sure my band director ALSO had a crush on him so we played a ton of them) when we were like 15. iykyk. specifically the Light and Gold album which came out in like 2010ish and has a track called Sleep on it. and the whole thing is haunting and beautiful and i've said for like a decade now that i want it played at my funeral so yeah Sleep by Eric Whitacre
2) Where The Streets Have No Name by U2 cause it’s one of my favorite songs of all time and it’s also haunting but hopeful and it’s about escape and love and uncharted territory which i think is fitting
3) Am I Dreaming? by Lil Nas X since it’s about reclaiming your life’s narrative and being remembered and also i've been listening to Montero a ton lately lol
15. three songs you want to dance with your love to
1) Baby, I Love Your Way by Peter Frampton bc it's my parents' song and my dad still sings it to my mom sometimes even now in their sixties so it is like one of Thee love songs to me
2) You're My Best Friend by Queen for sweet kitchen dancing
3) Tiny Love by MIKA maybe less for dancing and more for singing in the car but every time i hear it i just can't wait to sing it with a hypothetical partner 🥺
26. three favourite non-English songs that i know
1) Jamais Vu by BTS - i spent a couple weeks with my thirteen year old niece last summer so you can imagine how much BTS i listened to. this one would get stuck in my head but i'm not mad about it
2) Primavera by Santana - i'm pretty sure i could sing every note off Supernatural given how obsessed with it my parents were. i always thought this song was pretty and even more so once i understood the lyrics
3) La Paura Del Buio by Måneskin - i have no idea what they're saying but those fuckers are enchanting and this is my fav (just based on sound/vibes) off Teatro d'ira
send me a number so i can spend ten years staring at my spotify and trying to remember a single song i like
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thebloodychampion · 3 years
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Archer Hawke
“Someday” by Nickelback
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Cyrion Hawke
“Desert Rose” by Sting
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Dreag Hawke
“First Of The Of My Life” by Melanie C.
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Lia Tabris
“Outrageous” by Britney Spears
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Than Mahariel
“Rockstar” by Nickelback
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Sethius Amladaris
“One More Cup Of Cofee” by Bob Dylan
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Elgan Lavellan
“California Gurls” by Katy Perry feat. Snoop Dogg
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Diran Lavellan
“When Love Takes Over” by David Guetta Feat. Kelly Rowland
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Hjarrandr O Bearhold
“Preform This Way” by Weird Al Yankovic
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Lucius Veridio
“Riders On The Storm” by The Doors
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Etienne De Lechanger
“Sorry” by Daughtry
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Nicolas Belmond
“So What” by Pink
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Malcolm Hawke
“The Begining Of The End” by Nine Inch Nails
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Tomey Surana
“What Goes Around Comes Around” by Justin Timberlake
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Lyon Amell
“Memories” by Within Temptation
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Solona Amell
“Ocean Soul” by Nightwish
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Talar Adaar
“24 Hours” by Jam
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Jarida Adaar
“Gotta Get Away” by The Offspring
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“Familiar Taste Of Poison” by Halestorm
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“Sugar Never Tasted So Good” by Muddy Waters
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Eric Vanhallen
“Complicated” by Avril Lavigne
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Ishal Cyprias
“Broken Bricks” by The White Stripes
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Lorenzo Calacgnini
“Lollypop” by Mika
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Armadiel Mahariel
“One Step Closer” by Linkin Park
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Fergus Cousland
“Ka-ching” by Shania Twain
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Irius Sparatus
“Always” by Salvia
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“The Brave And The Bold” by Disturbed
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Clavius Tarxis
“Guarded” by Disturbed
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Renius Sparatus
“Superman (It’s Not Easy)” by Five For Fighting
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Torana Sparatus
“My Skin” by Natalie Merchant
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Jurdon Madadh
“Who Taught You How To Hate” by Disturbed
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Ganar Drealav
“Vox Populi” by 30 Seconds To Mars
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Raik Cagar
“Eat It” by Weird Al Yankovic
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Haral Nyras
“Stronger” by Through Flames
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Oswin Shepard
“Watching For Comets” by Skillet
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Noah Shepard
“My Religion” by Skillet
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Maron Hinom
“What If” by Creed
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Shaela’Riel Vas Tonbay
“Believe” by Skillet
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Lorik Qui’in
“New Divide” by Linkin Park
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Marius Nyras
“Ugly Girl” by Weird Al Yankovic
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Andrew Ryder
“Already Gone” by Kelly Clarkson
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Tayus Draxas
“End Of All Hope” by Nightwish
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Tachyus Nyras
“I’m Still Here” by Vertical Horizon
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“Dangerous Kind” by The  Rasmus
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Macen Barro
“Smells Like Nirvana” by Weird Al Yankovic
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Yaora V’Loar
“Despicable Heroes” by Arch Enemy
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Yandra Nyras
“Conflict” by Disturbed
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Quentius Zuris
“The Revenge” by Russel Allen & Jorn Lande
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Urdnot Wreav
“Genie In A Bottle” by Christina Aguilera
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Adrien Victus
“Bitch” by Meredith Brooks
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Ahnas Afaa Kjama
“Break The Ice” by Britney Spears
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Steven Hackett
“The Power Of Goodbye” by Madonna
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Septimus Oraka
“Oxygen” by Thousand Foot Krutch
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Sidoria Arterius
“A Star Is Born” by Hercules OST
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“Feel Good Inc.” by Gorillaz
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“I Found A Way” by Alkaline Trio
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Danny Fernandez
“Hear Me” by Kelly Clarkson
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Belle Instance
“Alejandro” by Lady Gaga
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Pamina Siemens
“Gaston” by Beauty And The Beast OST
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Fenrir Greyback
“Criminal” by Britney Spears
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Sharleen Siemens
“Elan” by Nightwish
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Amelia Fernandez
“Bless The Child” by Nightwish
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Eleasar Cohen
“Locking Up The Sun” by Poets Of The Fall
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Ben Chaplin
“Battle Cry” by Skillet
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Connor Montgomery
“Jump” by Simple Plan
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Vortula Portocalos
“1000 Words” by Final Fantasy X-2 OST
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Leslie Woodstock
“Apologize” by One Republic
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Carlisle Eastwood
“Stricken” by Disturbed
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“I’m Only Happy When It Rains” by Garbage
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Yarntar Loreian
“Kids” by Robbie Williams
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sowthesun · 3 years
rules: answer questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
tagged by @di5appearer​ (thank you love)
name/nickname: Hélène 
gender: Female
star sign: Leo 
height: 1m65 / 5′4 
time: 15:15
birthday:  July 24th (1990)
favorite bands: The Killers above all. Kodaline, Keane, One Republic. // TWICE ! Monsta X, Day6 
favorite solo artists: Foxes, Nina Nesbitt, Emilie Simon, CRJ // Eric Nam, BBH, Taemin 
song stuck in my head:  Underwater - Mika 
last movie:  Soul 
last show:   ??
when i created my blog:  2010 ? 2011 ? 
last thing i googled:  “how painful are nose piercings” 
other blogs: @boucandenfer @ylaisserdesetoiles 
do i get asks:  not as much as i used to 
why i chose my url:  my grandpa wrote a poem for me when i was born that ended with “ you will sow the sun” 
following: 479 
followers: 414 
average hours of sleep:  5 ? 
lucky numbers:  / 
instruments: / 
what i’m wearing: black dress - purple knit sweater 
dream job: I dont have one anymore. 
dream trip: Vancouver, Hawaii, Rome or Sweden
favorite food:  Cakes. I love baking. Mashed potatoes and fries. Frozen yogurt. 
nationality: French
favorite songs:  A dustland fairytale - The Killers ; One Day - Kodaline ; Wanted - One Republic ; Tôt le matin - Gaël Faye /// Feel Special - Twice ; three times a day - Twice ; Love Me or Leave Me - Day6 ; 
top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: all the ones i make up in my mind. 
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weeb-alcove · 4 years
2019 English Playlist
In English: 
“99″ - Barns Courtney
10ft - Eileen Yo
5 Seconds of Summer Babylon Easier Lie to Me  Teeth
88rising History Midsummer Madness ♪ from their album Head in the Clouds II ♬ Breathe I Love You 3000 II Indigo Strange Land These Nights
Affection - Between Friends
Aftertaste - Whethan
Ain’t Goin Back - Russ
Alan Walker Are You Lonely Different World Do It All for You Lily  On My Way Play
All Fall Down - Johnny Glenn & Ally Hills & Just Juice
All Over Again (remix) - Lost You & Michael Moawad
Another Summer Night Without You - Alexander 23
Aphrodite - Rini
Ariana Grande Esta Noche ♪ from her album thank u, next ♬ bloodline in my head NASA
Arms Around You - XXXTentacion & Swae Lee & Lil Pump
Ava Max Freaking Me Out (Bingo Players remix) Not Your Barbie Girl So Am I
Bae - Trevor Wesley
Bars and Melody Lighthouse (Dave Winnel remix) Waiting for the Sun
Bazzi Caught in the Fire Focus Mine Myself No Way!
Beat of My Drum - Powers
Benee Evil Spider Find an Island Glitter  Monsta Want Me Back  Wishful Thinking
Better Not - Louis the Child
Big Sean Berzerk Single Again
Billie Eilish everything i wanted  When I Was Older ♪ from her album WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO? ♬ 8 bad guy bury a friend ilomilo  my strange addiction wish you were gay  xanny 
Birthday Party - AJR 
Break Your Heart - Taio Cruz
broken - lovelytheband
Caffeine and Dopamine - Keepitinside
Camila Cabello Find U Again  Señorita  ♪ from her album Romance ♬ Bad Kind of Butterflies  Liar My Oh My Shameless  Should’ve Said It
Cardi B Money Please Me
Catch Feelings - Henry Young & Zachary
Céline - Gallant
Cemetery - Coin
Chanel - Frank Ocean
Chase - Aaron Carpenter
Cherry Cola - Kuwada
Cigarette - offonoff & Tablo & MISO
Clairo Sofia Throwaway
Close to Me - Ellie Goulding & Diplo & Swae Lee
Cold - Boy In Space & unheard
Come My Way - Plvtinum
Conan Gray Generation Why Greek God  Maniac The King 
Creep - Radiohead (GAMPER remix & Dadoni & Ember Island)
Crush - Lucian & Tiffany Day
Crying My Eyes Out - Stephen Puth
Crystal Dolphin - Engelwood
Dangerous Love - Justice Carradine
David Guetta Better When You’re Gone Blame It on Love
Daya Insomnia Left Me Yet Wanted
Don’t Be Gone Too Long - Chris Brown
Don’t Lie to Me - Lena
Don’t Start Now - Dua Lipa
Eric Nam ♪ from his album Before We Begin ♬ Congratulations  Love Die Young
Everything - TobyMac
Eyes Wide Shut -  Glades 
Falling - Trevor Daniel
Fine - Rufus
Finneas I Don’t Miss You at All  Let’s Fall in Love for the Night
Fitz and the Tantrums Hand Clap Out of My League
Flower - Johnny Stimson
Friends - Feyde
Funeral - Miguel
G-Eazy 1942 Nadie Como Tu 
Get Away - Ed Black
Giants - Becky G & Keke Palmer & Soyeon & Duckwrth & Thutmose
Glass Animals Life Itself The Other Side of Paradise 
Greyson Chance Boots Shut Up
Halsey Eastside Graveyard
Heart in Tokyo - Good Gasoline
Heartstrings - STVN & Jenna Carlie
Her - Alex Aiono
Hey Violet Better by Myself Queen of the Night
High School - Umi
Hometown Smile - Bahjat
Honne  Crying Over You  Day 1
How Do You Sleep? - Sam Smith
IDK - Bruce Wiegner
I Fall in Like Too Easily - Ashton Arbab
I Feel Love - Suggi
If I Can’t Have You - Shawn Mendes
If You Need Me - Julia Michaels
If You’re Over Me - Years & Years
I Heart You - Baby Ariel
I’ll Be There - King Henry & Sasha Sloan
ILYA - Fly By Midnight
In Betweenin’ - Austin Brown
Indiana Massara Apology Smoke in My Eyes
i think i love you (but i dont like you) - push baby
It’s Not You It’s Me - 6LACK & Bea Miller
Japanese Denim - Daniel Caesar
Jaymes Young Infinity  Northern Lights 
Joji Sanctuary  Test Drive Yeah Right
Jonas Brothers Only Human Sucker
Juliet - Sebastian Javier
June - Sage Charmaine
Just My Luck - Tia Ray & Kehlani
Kailee Morgue Go to Sleep Headcase
Katy Perry 365 Harleys in Hawaii
Kiss Me Thru the Phone - Soulja Boy
Lalala - Y2K, bbno$
Last Hurrah - Bebe Rexha
Lauv Drugs & the Internet I’m So Tired
Lava Lamp - Dandi
Left to Right - Marteen
Lennon Stella La Di Da Polaroid Workin’ on It
Lifeguard - iamnotshane
Lovefool - The Cardigans
Love Me Wrong - Allie X & Troye Sivan
Love You Like That - Dagny
Madison Beer Fools  Hurts Like Hell
Maggie Lindemann Friends Go Would I
MAGIC! Girl at Coachella Lay You Down Easy 
Make You Mine - Public
Mango Love - Shawn Wasabi & SATICA
Mask - joe.k
MAX Love Me Less One Two Things Worship
Middle of the Night - Monsta X
Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince - Taylor Swift
MØ Blur Don’t Leave Kamikaze Nostalgia  On & On  Red Wine 
Mona Lisa - Valntn & Peter Fenn
mxmtoon Blame Game Prom Dress
My Family - Karol G & Migos & Rock Mafia & Snoop Dogg
Nobody - Emilee
No Sleep - Martin Garrix & Bonn
Nostalgia - The Beamish Brothers
NOTD Keep You Mine Romantic (NOTD remix) So Close
Ocean Man - Ween
October - Alessia Cara
Oh Wonder I Wish I Never Met You Super Love
Only You - Cheat Codes & Little Mix
On the Low - Justin Park
Pardon Me - Dion
Permission - New Hope Club
Pharmacy - Isaac Dunbar
Pink - No Rome
Post Malone ♪ from his album Hollywood’s Bleeding ♬ A Thousand Bad Times Circles Die for Me  Goodbyes Take What You Want 
Quinn XCII U & Us Wayback (remix)
R3HAB All Comes Back To You Don’t Give Up on Me Now Lullaby This Is How We Party
Raincoat - Kieron Lee & Chloe Ho
Rebels - Ivy Adara
Red Sippy Cup - Ellis G & Tristen the God
Rei Brown Picture Frames Real Love
Rescue Me - OneRepublic
Right Now - Nick Jonas & Robin Schulz
Rolex - Ayo & Teo
Roots - Galantis & Valerie Broussard
Roxanne - Arizona Zervas
Ruel Free Time Real Thing Younger
Say It to My Face - Maty Noyes
Selena Gomez Bad Liar I Can’t Get Enough
Sick Thoughts - Lewis Blissett
Skeletons - keshi
Speechless - Dan + Shay
Stay Home - Faye Risakotta
Sugarplum Elegy - Niki
Summer Love - Hyu
Summer Time High Time - Cuco & J-Kwe$t
Summertime in Paris - Jaden & Willow
Suncity - Khalid & Empress Of
Superfruit - Maude Latour
Sweet Little Lies -  bülow
Swimming in Your Feelings - Haven
Talking Loud - Jennifer Zhang
Tell Me - Mika-Intersection
tell me how you rly feel - adam&steve & Lostboycrow
Tessa Violet Bad Ideas Crush
Thank You - Junny
The Chainsmokers Family Kills You Slowly Takeaway
The Vamps All Night All the Lies Can We Dance  Just My Type  Middle of the Night Missing You  Somebody to You  We Don’t Care 
Think About Me - dvsn
Tired - Jasmine Sokko
Tomorrow Tonight - Loote
Virtual Reality - ieuan
Waste My Time - Grace VanderWaal
Why Don’t We Come to Brazil I Don’t Belong in This Club I Still Do Mad At You  Unbelievable  What Am I (Casualkimono remix)
Why Don’t We - Austin Mahone
Why Haven’t I Met You? - Cameron Dallas
Woke Up Late - Drax Project & Hailee Steinfield
Yellow Hearts - Ant Saunders
Yoandri All the Way Bravo Cherry on Top It’ll Be Ok Only You
You & Me - Marc E. Bassy
You Got Issues - spring gang & Amaranthine
Young the Giant Apartment  Cough Syrup
Zayn Rumors There You Are
In French:
Tous Les Mêmes - Stromae
In Spanish:
Rebeca - Mc Livinho & Gerex & Maejor
Teléfono - Aitana (remix with Lele Pons)
Monster Gambling in Tokyo - Idealism
Sorry I Like You - Burbank
Sunset Lover - Petit Biscuit
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
Quick question: Which villain/hero is which character? I've just started to read your AU (It's flipping amazing BTW), but sometimes I keep forgetting who is who 'cause of the secret identities and all. 😅
I’m glad you like it pal, and no problem: (real name; super power)
Tell me if I forgot anybody. Other villains and heroes will be added if they appear in the story. Sorry this is so long,
Things to note: Jack and Mark are Jackieboy Man and Silver Shepherd because it seemed weird to not make them superheroes. All the Sides used to be Thomas before he was broken apart. I want to add in Lixian, Gabe, and Mika but don’t know how to yet and I don’t want to throw them in haphazardly because they deserve better than that.
*Heroes: (aka the Coalition of Heroes which include some of the Iplier’s, most of the Septics, and half of the Sides)
-The Silver Shepherd (it’s Mark Fischbach; super strength, flight, invulnerability)
-Jackieboy Man (Seán McLoughlin; super speed, X-ray vision, keen hearing, super agility)
-Detective Abe Lauer (Detective Abe; unwillingly and occasionally displaced in time, unable to die)
-Dr. Edward Iplier and Dr. Henrik von Schneeplestein (the don’t have a secret identity; cynicism, medical knowledge)
-Marvin the Magnificent (this is his secret identity because he doesn’t go by his real name; magic, alchemist)
-Bro Average (Chase Brody, immaculate accuracy)
-J.J (Jameson Jackson; time manipulation)
-Gatling (Bob Muyskens; summons impenetrable barriers)
-The Drowned Man (Wade Barnes; hydrokinesis)
-UFO (Amy Nelson; flight)
-Blank (Ethan Nestor; aura dampening, invisibility)
-Robbie the Zombie (Robert Gravesly; zombie, super strength, undead)
-Captain Morality (Patton Sanders; emotional manipulation)
-Logic (Logan Sanders; super intelligence)
-Prince Creativity (Roman Sanders; object summoning, powers based in creativity)
-Anxiety (Virgil Sanders; fear manipulation, manifestation of fears)
-Nate (Nathan Sharp; bard, he strengths and deplores people with music, turning reality into a music video)
-Bing (doesn’t use a secret identity; AI unit, super intelligence, nanites)
-Oliver (Google Yellow; AI unit, super intelligence, nanites, humanity)
-The Host (formerly Arthur Isaacs, the Author; realty manipulation through narration)
-King of the Squirrels (Kaylor Kingston; animal telepathy)
-Explosion Boy (Eric Derekson; explosions from his fingertips)
-Yellow Tape (Randall Voorhees)
-Captain Magnum (doesn’t use a secret identify; he’s a 10ft tall pirate)
-Mayor Damien Mood (Dark, yes he finds their trust hilarious)
-Yancy Times (doesn’t use a secret identity, doesn’t want to be a bad guy; manipulating people when he sings)
-the Jims (RJ, CJ, all of them work for both sides; crazy hive mind)
-The DA (Y/N; is the viewer)
-Dark (Damien and Celine Doom, the Entity; void aura, magic, undying)
-Wilford Warfstache (William J. Barnum, other identities; manipulation of the meta, void manipulation, plot armor)
-Anti (glitch demon; dominion over electronics, void manipulation)
-Mare (music demon; sound manipulation)
-Google (doesn’t use an alias; AI unit, super intelligence, nanites)
-Deceit (Janus Sanders; illusions, magic, living lie detector)
-The Duke (Remus Sanders; object summoning, powers based in creativity)
-Orange (too lazy to use an alias; tbd when Thomas announces him)
-Ed Edgar (does not use a real alias; no known superpowers)
-Bim Trimmer (does not use alias; slight void aura, slight inhuman strength, cannibal)
-Yandere (Yan Ayano; summons weaponry from hammer space)
-Illinois Jones (does not use an alias; uncanny luck, luck and probability manipulation)
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babymyleopard · 5 years
I was tagged by @coffee-in-that-nebula  to answer these 21 questions and tag 21 people. Thank you, dear!
1. nickname: May  2. zodiac: Leo 3. height: 172 cm   4. hogwarts house: Slytherin 5. last thing i googled: the year of Confessions on a Dance Floor release bc I always get confused 6. favourite musicians: David Bowie, Madonna, Stevie Nicks, Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Maria Bethânia, Gilberto Gil 7. song stuck in my head: Think of Me by Madonna 8. following: 221 9. followers: 1.014
10. do you get asks: rarely and I think it’s a shame 11. amount of sleep: sleep? I don’t know her. Like 5 hours a night? 12.what are you wearing: ugly black/ yellow shorts and ugly black top 13. dream job: milf’s trophy wife or pop culture researcher (sociologist) 14. dream trip: Italy, Scotland, some places in the US... I’d like to know my country better too  15. instruments: a little acoustic guitar, many percussion instruments and I can play The Beatles’ Love Me Do on harmonica. 16. languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish and I’m kinda trying French 17. 10 favourite songs as of now: Seven Days (Sting), Feeling of Falling (Bonnie Raitt), The Man (Taylor Swift), I Don’t Search I Find (Madonna), Bad Influence (Eric Clapton), Heart of the Country (Paul McCartney), Cry (Mika), Prisoner (Barbra Streisand), (You Will) Set The World on Fire (David Bowie) and Wild Horses (The Rolling Stones) 18. if you were an animal: a lioness ofc 19. favourite food: any kind of pasta (lasagna is a fave), I love meat, potatoes, BREAD  20. random fact: I love cooking shows 21. my aesthetic: old books and furniture, leather jackets, whiskey, cigarettes, black turtlenecks, the night sky, sunglasses, black coffee, rainy days.
I’ll tag @yournotpshipper, @sarahstreep7, @ktlsyrtis, @sententiousandbellicose, @vividsolitude, @kateriverameliawolfe, @waitafeministfuckinminute, @midnight-margaritas-x and @janewayseyebrow
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luvneedsnosyt · 4 years
My Favorite Albums of 2020 So Far
Here is my list of my favorite albums half-way through 2020
You can find my list of my favorite albums of 2019 here And my list of my favorite EPs of 2019 here
My Monthly top albums lists from 2020: January, February, March, April, May
Keep in mind I didn’t include albums released after June 12th on this list
Honorable Mention:
Blanche - EMPIRE Genre: Indie Pop
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Proof: Empire / Till We Collide
Caroline Rose - Superstar Genre: Synth-Pop
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Proof: Nothing’s Impossible / Someone New
Deante’ Hitchcock - BETTER Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: I Remember / I Got Money Now (Feat. J.I.D.)
dvsn - A Muse In Her Feelings Genre: R&B / neo-Soul
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Proof: Dangerous City (Feat. Ty Dolla $ign & Buju Banton) / A Muse
Grimes - Miss Anthropocene Genre: Synth Pop / Electronic
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Proof: Violence (w/ i_o) / idoru // Bonus: We Appreciate Power (BloodPop Remix) Feat. HANA
Halsey - Manic Genre: alt-R&B / Pop
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Proof: You should be sad / Without Me // Bonus: Marshmello & Halsey - Be Kind / You should be sad (Tiësto Remix) / Graveyard (Axwell Remix) / Without Me (ILLENIUM Remix)
Illenium - ASCEND (Remixes) Genre: Electronic / Dance
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Proof: Good Things Fall Apart (3LAU Remix) w/ Jon Bellion / In Your Arms (Alan Walker Remix) w/ X Ambassadors
Jason Ross - 1000 Faces //   1000 Faces (Remixes) Genre: Electronic / Dance
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Proof: One That Got Away (w/ Dabin & Dylan Matthew) / 1000 Faces (w/ Dia Frampton) //  Known You Before (Trivecta Remix) Feat. Emilie Brandt / Shelter (No Mana Remix) Feat. Melanie Fontana
KAYTRANADA - BUBBA Genre: alt-R&B / House
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Proof: 10% (Feat. Kali Uchis) / Need It (Feat. Masego)
Lady Gaga - Chromatica Genre: Pop / Dance
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Proof: Stupid Love / Replay
Låpsley - Through Water Genre: Indie Pop / Electronic
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Proof: Ligne 3 / Womxn
Loote - heart eyes EP Genre: Indie Pop
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Proof: This is How U Feel / All The Fucking Time // Bonus: teamwork., Loote & John K - Wasted Summer
Matoma - RYTME EP Genre: Electronic / House / Dance
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Proof: Don’t Stop The Rhythm (Feat. Bryn Christopher) / Beside You (w/ Captain Cuts Feat. Georgia Ku) // Bonus: The Bender (The Him Remix) (w/ Brando) / Time To Go
Seven Lions - Find Another Way EP Genre: Electronic / Dance / Trance
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Proof: Only Now (Feat. Tyler Graves) / Another Way (w/ April Bender) // Bonus: 3LAU - Tokyo (Seven Lions Remix) Feat. XIRA / Abaxis , Dimibo & Seven Lions - Half Of It
The Strokes - The New Abnormal Genre: Alternative / Rock
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Proof: Brooklyn Bridge To Chorus / Not The Same Anymore
Tchami - Born Again / Buenos Aires EP Genre: Electronic / House / Dance
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Proof: Buenos Aires / Proud (Feat. Daecolm) // Bonus: Proud (Steffan City Remix) Feat. Daecolm / Ghosts (Vowed Remix) Feat. Hana
We Are The City - RIP Genre: Rock / Alternative
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Proof: Killer B-Side Music / Saint Peter
The List:
15. Alina Baraz - It Was Divine Genre: R&B / Soul
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Proof: Morocco (Feat. 6LACK) / Endlessly / Off The Grid (Feat. Khalid) / More Than Enough
14. Harry Styles - Fine Line Genre: Alternative / Indie Pop
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Proof: Watermelon Sugar / Adore You / Lights Up / Fine Line
13. Krewella - zer0 // zer0 (The Remixes Pt. 1) EP // zer0 (The Remixes Pt. 2) EP Genre: Electronic / Synth-Pop / Dance
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Proof: Good On You (Feat. Nucleya) / Anxiety (Feat. Arrested Youth) / Ghost / Greenlights // Good On You (MOTi Remix) Feat. Nucleya / Greenlights (MADGRRL Remix) // Anxiety (Prince Fox Remix) Feat. Arrested Youth / Like We (BEAUZ Remix) Feat. Yung Baby & Alaya
12. iamnotshane - iamnotshane EP Genre: alt-R&B / Electronic
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Proof: Afterlife / Security / Perfect / Right Now // Bonus: Afterlife (Michael Calfan Remix) / Perfect (Thomas Gold Remix) / Right Now (jackLNDN Remix)
11. Jack Garrett - Love, Death & Dancing Genre: R&B / Pop / Electronic
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Proof: Time / Return Them To The One / Better / Circles
10. Charli XCX - how i’m feeling now Genre: Synth Pop / Dance
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Proof: forever / enemy / i finally understand / anthems // Bonus: claws (Whethan Remix)
9. Buscabulla - Regresa Genre: Latin / Pop / Dance
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Proof: Vàmono / El Aproeto / Mío / NTE
8. Purity Ring - WOMB Genre: Synth Pop
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Proof: pink lightening / i like the devil / vehemence / stardew
7. Run The Jewels - RTJ4 Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: yankee and the brave (ep. 4) / JU$T (Feat. Pharrell WIlliams & Zach de la Rocha) / the ground below / a few words from the firing squad (radiation)
6. Shallou - Magical Thinking Genre: Electronic / Future Bass
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Proof: Forget / Mutual Love (Feat. Zachary Knowles) / Older (Feat. Daya) / Good Together (Feat. Ashe) // Bonus: Older (Felix Cartel Remix) Feat. Daya / I Leave Again (w/ Petit Biscuit) / Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler - you were good to me (Shallou Remix)
5. The Weeknd - After Hours //  After Hours (Remixes) EP Genre: alt-R&B
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Proof: Heartless / Blinding Lights / In Your Eyes / After Hours // Blinding Lights (Chromatics Remix) Feat. Johnny Jewel / After Hours (The Blaze Remix) // Bonus: Blinding Lights (Major Lazer Remix)
4. Jonah Mutono - GERG Genre: alt-R&B / Soul
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Proof: Shoulders / If You Mean It / The Low / Circulation
3. Phantogram - Ceremony Genre: Synth-Pop
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Proof: Dear God / In A Spiral / Pedestal / Let Me Down
2. Childish Gambino - 3.15.20 Genre: Hip Hop / alt-R&B
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Proof: Alogrhythm / Time (Feat. Ariana Grande) / 19.10 / 42.26
1. Tame Impala - The Slow Rush Genre: Synth-Pop / Alternative
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Proof: Borderline / Breathe Deeper / Lost in Yesterday / It Might Be Time // Bonus: It Might Be Time (Louis The Child Bootleg)
Good: A Boogie wit da Hoodie - Artist 2.0, AceMoMa - A New Dawn [HOA007], Ada Lea - woman, here EP, Adrian Younge & Ali Shaeed Muhammad - Jazz Is Dead 001, Active Child - In Another Life, Aesop Rock - Freedom Finger [Music from the Game], Agnes Obel - Myopia, Alec Benjamin - These Two Windows, Alexandra Savior - The Archer, Allan Kingdom - Iddtfm EP, Allan Rayman - Christian, Allie X - Cape God, ALMA - Have You Seen Her?, Amber Liu - Rogue Rogue EP, Amber Liu - X EP, Andy Shauf - The Neon Skyline, Anna Burch - If You’re Dreaming, Anna Calvi - Hunted EP, Ant Saunders - BUBBLE EP, April - New Conditions EP, Ari Lennox - Shea Butter Baby (Remix EP), Arin Ray - Phases II EP, Atmosphere - Whenever, Audrey Mika - 5 A.M. EP, AWOLNATION - Angel Miners & the Lightning Riders, Bad Bunny - LAS QUE NO IBAN A SALIR, Baril - One More Rush EP, Baths - Pop Music / False B-Sides II, Banoffee - Look at Us Now Dad, Beach Bunny - Honeymoon, Becca Stevens - Wonderbloom, Best Coast - Always Tomorrow, Big Gigantic - Free Your Mind, Bishop Nehru - Nehruvian Tuesdays: Vol, 1, Bombay Bicycle Club - Everything Else Has Gone Wrong, Bongeziwe Mabandla - iimini, Boniface - Boniface, BOSCO - Some Day This Will All Make Sense EP, Brandon Banks - STATIC EP, Brent Faiyaz - Fuck The World, Bring Me the Horizon - Music to Listen to~Dance to~Blaze to~Pray to~Feed to~Sleep to~Talk to~Grind to~Trip to~Breathe to~Help to~Hurt to~Scroll to~Roll to~Love to~Hate to~Learn Too~Plot to~Play to~Be to~Feel to~Breed to~Sweat to~Dream to~Hide to~Live to~Die to~Go To EP, Buddy & Kent Jamz - Janktape Vol. 1, Calvin Harris - Love Regenerator 1 EP, Calvin Harris - Love Regenerator 2 EP, Calvin Harris - Love Regenerator 3 EP, Calvin Harris & Eli Brown - Moving EP, Cam’ron - Purple Haze 2, Caribou - Suddenly, Carly Rae Jepsen - Dedicated Side B, Car Seat Headrest - Making a Door Less Open, Charlotte de Witte - Return to Nowhere EP, Chelsea Cutler - How To Be Human, Chloe x Halle - Ungodly Hour, Christian Paul - Christian Paul EP, Christine and the Queens - La vita nuova EP, Chromeo - Quarantine Casanova EP, Clap! Clap! - Liquid Portraits, Cleo Sol - Rose in the Dark, Conor Matthews - Balloons EP, D Smoke - Bad Habits, DaBaby - BLAME IT ON BABY, Daecolm - Figur£$, Dan Deacon - Mystic Familiar, Day Wave - Crush EP, Delacey - Black Coffee, Delta Heavy - Only in Dreams (Remixes), Denzel Curry - UNLOCKED [Mixtape], Destroyer - How We Met, Diana Gordon - Wasted Youth, Dijon - How Do You Feel About Getting Married? EP, Diplo - Diplo Presents Thomas Wesley Chapter 1: Snake Oil, Dirty Projectors - Windows Open EP, Disclosure - Ecstasy EP, DJ BORING - Like Water EP, dj poolboi - it’s good to hear your voice, DJ Snake - Carte Blanche (Deluxe), Drake - Dark Lane Demo Tapes, DRAMA - Dance Without Me, Dreamville - Revenge of the Dreamers III : Director’s Cut, Dua Lipa - Future Nostalgia, Dua Saleh - Rosetta EP, Duke Dumont - Duality, Ebenezer - Bad Romantic II EP, Echosmith - Lonely Generation, EDEN - no future, Ekali - A World Away, Elah Hale - Room 206 EP, Ellie Winter - Yeah, No. EP, Empress Of - I’m Your Empress Of, Eric Bellinger - Hor D’oeuvres, Ethan Gruska - En Garde, Everything Is Recorded - FRIDAY FOREVER, Example - Some Nights Last For Days, Fiona Apple - Fetch The Bolt Cutters, Flatbush Zombies - now, more than ever EP, flora cash - Baby, It’s Okay, Four Tet - Sixteen Oceans, Fractures - EP III, Fred again.. - Actual Life EP, Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist - Alfredo, Free Nationals - Free Nationals, Gabrielle Aplin - Dear Happy, Galantis - Church, Gengahr - Sanctuary, Georgia - Seeking Thrills, Gil Scott-Heron & Makaya McCraven - We’re New Again: A Reimagine by Makaya McCraven, Giveon - TAKE TIME, The Glitch Mob - Chemicals EP, GRiZ - bangers[5].zip EP, Grouplove - The Healer, GUM - Out In The World, Half Waif - The Caretaker, Hailee Steinfeld - Half Written Story EP, HAWA - the ONE, Hayley Kiyoko - I’m Too Sensitive For This Shit EP, Hayley Williams - Petals for Armor, Hayley Williams - Petals For Armor I EP, Hinds - The Prettiest Curse, HMLTD - West of Eden, Icarus - Unfold, Incubus - Trust Falls (Side B) EP, i_o - NRG 444 EP, Isaia Huron - Libbie, iyla - OTHER WAYS TO VENT, J Balvin - Colores, Jack Garrett - Love, Death & Dancing (Vol. 1) EP, Jack Garrett - Love, Death & Dancing (Vol. 2) EP,  JACKBOYS & Travis Scott - JACKBOYS EP, Jacob Latimore - C3, Jadakiss - Ignatius, Jade Novah - Stages, James Smith - An EP, Japan, Man - Cautious EP, Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit - Reunions, Jauz - Dangerous Waters EP, Jay Electronica - A Written Testimony, Jeremy Zucker - love is not dying, Jessie Reyez - BEFORE LOVE CAME TO KILL US, Jhené Aiko - Chilombo, Jody Wisteernoff - Story of Light EP, JoJo - good to know, Joyner Lucas - ADHD, JOYRYDE - Brave, JP Saxe - Hold It Together EP, Justin Bieber - Changes, Kali Uchis - TO FEEL ALIVE EP, Kamaiyah - Got It Made, Kaskade - Redux 004 EP, Katie Gately - Loom, K CAMP - Kiss 5, Kehlani - It Was Good Until It Wasn’t, Kevin Ross - Audacity, Vol 1 EP, Kiana Ledé - KIKI, Kid Krow - Conan Gray, King Princess - Cheap Queen (Deluxe), Khushi - Strange Seasons, Khruangbin & Leon Bridges - Texas Sun EP, KIRBY - Sis. EP, K. Michelle - All Monsters Are Human, Knxwledge - 1998, Kodaline - One Day at a Time, Kygo - Golden Hour, Lane 8 - Brightest Lights, LA Priest - GENE, La Roux - Supervision, Laura Marling - Song For Our Daughter, Lauren Auder - two caves in EP, Lauv - ~how i’m feeling~, Lil Wayne - Funeral, Little Dragon - New Me, Same Us, Little Simz - Drop 6 EP, LL Cool J - Authentic, Long Beach Dub Allstars - Long Beach Dub Allstars, Lonr. - Land of Nothing Real, LOONY - JOYRiDE EP, Loud Luxury - Nights Like This EP, Louis Tomlinson - Walls, Lucky Daye - Painted (Deluxe Edition), Luke James - to feel love/d, Lupe Fiasco - Chill Spotlight EP, Mac Miller - Circles, Mahalia - Isolation Tapes EP, MAITA - Best Wishes, Major Lazer - Soca Storm EP, Mala Rodriguez - MALA, Manatee Commune - Crescent Lake EP, Mason Maynard - Lookin’ At Me EP, Medasin - RIPPLS, Megan Thee Stallion - Suga, Mick Jenkins - The Circus EP, Midwife - Forever, Mija - Desert Trash, MILCK - Into Gold EP, Moaning - Uneasy Laughter, Model Man - Beta Songs EP, Moses Sumner - græ, Mourning [A] BLKstar - The Cycle, Mura Masa - R.Y.C., mxmtoon - dawn, Nada Surf - Never Not Together, Naeem - Startisha,  Nap Eyes - Snapshot of a Beginner, Nathaniel Rateliff - And It’s Still Alright, NNAMDÏ - BRAT, Noah Cyrus - THE END OF EVERYTHING EP, No Mana - Secret Level, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds - Blue Moon Rising EP, Norah Jones - Pick Me Up off the Floor, Ohmme - Fantasize Your Ghost, Oh Wonder - No One Else Can Wear The Crown, Okay Kaya - Watch This Liquid Pour Itself, Omar S - You Want, Orion Sun - Hold Space For Me, The Overcoats - The Fight, PARTYNEXTDOOR - PARTYMOBILE, Perfume Genius - Set My Heart on Fire Immediately, Pet Shop Boys - Hotspot, Photay - Waking Hours, Pictish Trail - Thumb World, POLIÇA - When We Stay Alive, Poppy - I Disagree, Poolside - Low Season, Porches - Ricky Music, Post Animal - Forward Motion Godyssey, The Professionals (Madlib & Oh No) - The Professionals, Princess Nokia - Everything Is Beautiful, Princess Nokia - Everything Sucks, Pure X - Pure X, RAC - BOY, Ratboys - Printer’s Devil, Raveena - Moonstone EP, Real Estate - The Main Thing, Recondite - Dwell, renforshort - teenage angst EP, Ric Wilson & Terrace Martin - They Call Me Disco EP, Rileyy Lanez - Beautiful Mistakes EP, Rina Sawayama - SAWAYAMA, Riz Ahmed - The Long Goodbye, RJD2 - The Fun Ones, Robinson - Watching You EP, Ro James - MANTIC, Royce da 5’9” - The Allegory, Roy Woods - Dem Times EP, rum.gold - aiMless EP, Russ - SHAKE THE SNOW GLOBE, Ryan Beatty - Dreaming of David, Sam Lee - Oh Wow, San Fermin - The Cormorant I & II, SAYGRACE - The Defining Moments of SAYGRACE: Girlhood, Fuckboys & Situationlists, Sea Wolf - Through A Dark Wood, Selena Gomez - Rare, Sérgio Mendez - In the Key of Joy, Shabazz Palaces - The Don of Diamond Dreams, Shakey Graves - Look Alive EP, Ship Wrek - Mirror Mirror EP, Shoffy - Flash, Shopping - All or Nothing, Sleepy Hallow - Sleepy Hallow Presents: Sleepy For President, Slowly Slowly - Race Car Blues, Smino - She Already Decided [Mixtape], Soccer Mommy - Color Theory, Son Little - Aloha, Sorry - 925, Spacey Jane - Sunlight, Spencer Brown - Stream of Consciousness, Steve Aoki - Neon Future IV, Steve Spacek - House, Stormzy - Heavy Is The Head, STRFKR - Future Past Life, Striking Matches - Night EP, Subtronics - Scream Saver EP, Surfaces - Horizons, $uicideboy$ - Stop Staring at the Shadows, Sweaton Klank - Good Days, Sweet Whirl - How Much Works, Swing Ting - 100 Dances, Tank - While You Wait EP, Tate McRae - all the things i never said EP, TOKiMONSTA - Oasis Nocturno, Tom Misch & Yussef Dayes - What Kinda Music, TOPS - I Feel Alive, TORRES - Silver Tongue, Tory Lanez - The New Toronto 3, TeaMarr - Before I Spill Myself, Tech N9ne - Enterfear, Tech N9ne - ENTERFEAR Level 2 EP, Tennis - Swimmer, Tiësto - The London Sessions, Tink - Hopeless Romantic, Thao & The Get Down Stay Down - Temple, The-Dream - SXTPA, Theophilus London - Bebay, Thundercat - It Is What It Is, Tokio Myers - BLACK DAWN EP , Tourist - Wild (Remixes) EP, Trivecta - Everyday EP, T.R.U. & 2 Chainz - No Face No Chase, Two Feet - Pink, Tycho - Simulcast, T3 - Mr. Fantastic EP, Various Artists - Bad Boys For Life Soundtrack, Various Artists - Birds is Pray: The Album, Various Artists - Ophelia Presents: Advent Volume 1, Various Artists - The Turning (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), Varsity - Fine Forever, Vistas - Everything Changes in the End, Vundabar - Either Light, Vybz Kartel - To Tanesha, Waxahatchee - Saint Cloud, WENS - Lemoncholy EP, William Black - Pages (The Remixes), Wiz Khalifa - The Saga of Wiz Khalifa, Wolf Parade - Thin Mind, X Ambassador - Belong EP, xylø - The Ganglands of My Heart EP, Yaeji - WHAT WE DREW 우리가 그려왔던, Yellow Claw - Never Dies, Yo Gotti - Untrapped, Youngr - Memories, Yumi Zouma - Truth or Consequences, Yves Tumor - Heaven To a Tortured Mind, Zeds Dead - We Are Deadbeats (Vol. 4), Zsela - Ache of Victory EP, 070 Shake - Modus Vivendi, The 1975 - Notes On A Conditional Form, 5 Seconds of Summer - CALM
Meh: ARTHUR - Hair of the Dog, The Black Lips - Sing in a World That’s Falling Apart,  Bruno Major - To Let A Good Thing Die, Don Toliver - Heaven Or Hell, Eminem - Music To Be Murdered By, Frances Quinlan - Likewise, Future - High On Life, iann dior - I’m Gone, Jaunt - All In One, Jeezy - Twenty/20 Pyrex Vision EP, Lil Baby - My Turn, Lil Uzi Vert - Eternal Atake, Lil Uzi Vert - LUV vs. The World 2, Liquid Stranger - Ascension EP, Masiwei & Higher Brothers - Prince Charming, MHYSA - Navaeh, Nicolas Jaar - Cenizas, Rich The Kid - BOSS MAN, Social Club Misfits - MOOD // DOOM
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