#erik todd dellums
bat-snake · 1 month
Well someone wants to keep voicing Aaravos. Interesting.
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(And I don't blame him, especially if he's finally getting to actually shine)
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thrandilf · 6 months
Interview dropped yesterday! Not sure if any of the info is explicitly New but still fun to hear about the relationship with Erik as a VA (and absolutely agree he's the Perfect person for the role)
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streamondemand · 1 month
'Homicide: Life on the Street' – TV's greatest network cop drama on Peacock
There is no shortage of cop dramas and police procedurals in the annals of American TV but when it comes down to it, there is no network show as rich, as complex, as engaging as Homicide: Life on the Street (1993-1999). Created by Paul Attanasio, based on the nonfiction book “Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets” by Baltimore Sun crime reporter David Simon (who was brought on as a consultant…
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grande-caps · 2 years
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The Dragon Prince - Season 4: Earth Quality : HD Screencaptures Amount : 5220 files Resolution : 1280x720px
- Please like/reblog if using!
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xadian-daydreams · 1 year
He narrates the introduction...
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He has his own custom die...
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He has miniatures of the characters...
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Aaravos isn't the Big Bad...
He's the dungeon master. Mystery solved.
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Extra fun - there's actually a DnD skit where Erik Todd Dellums plays the DM. Mr. Abubu did a really nice animatic of it.
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sarasade · 1 month
Since The Dragon Prince is ending (or at least the second arc is ending) in December I'll celebrate that by listing the funniest things I've witnessed in the fandom during these years:
-The Great Aaravos Thirst of 2019.
-Knowing The Thirst™ had been even greater if Tumblr wouldn't have banned porn just a year earlier.
-Aaravos' character designer being very happy with all the thirst posting.
-The Great Virst of 2019 that was balanced out by the people who thought Viren was a total troll.
-Rayla-Claudia-Callum love triangle speculations before s3.
-"Viren actually killed everyone, including Sarai and his ex-wife", speculations during s1-3.
-Aaravos Is A Good Person and a cinnamon roll -speculations.
-Fandom calling Ethari "The Tinker" before his name was revealed and also correctly predicting him and Runaan being a couple long before it got confirmed.
-Jason Simpson (Viren's VA) being grumpy about people shipping Aaravos and Viren while Todd Erik Dellums (Aaravos's VA) egged the fans on and seemed to find the ship pretty funny.
-After the Midnight Star poem's full English translation got released some fans concluded that Elarion was a human girl Aaravos once was in love with and thus Elavos was born. You can still search the ship name on Tumblr to experience the time campsule of 2019 era of the fandom. Yes, people shipped Aaravos with a literal city and I think that's beautiful.
-The drought period of 2019-2022 hiatus where it was just a couple really weird terminally online fans posting their harmless headcanons, including a small fandom of a. ten people forming around Viren's ex-wife Lissa.
-Unhinged TDP fan theories like "Aaravos is Callum's Dad" and "Callum will learn every primal source" aka wanting TDP to be Avatar 2.0 but with elves.
-The fan response that parodied these theories including "Everyone is a Startouch elf, especially Bait"
-The Great FartGate of 2022 aka all of TDP Twitter collectively complaining about the fart jokes in s4.
-These 2024 Valentine's Day posts most likely done by the lead writer Devon Giehl.
-If you search Aaravos on Google the most frequently asked question is about his gender.
-TDP wiki gleefully listing Aaravos and Viren as Sir Sparklepuff's parents after s5.
-The fandom never letting go of the "Viren imprisoned Harrow in Pip" theory.
-Which Primal Source Are You -Quiz from 2018 foreshadowing events of the show like "where would you hide a dangerous magical object" and one of the answers being "in the bottom of the sea" possibly referring to Aaravos' pearl.
-A tweet fans thought was a mistake actually foreshadowed Aaravos being a giant.
I'll add more later if I feel like it.
ok one more: behold, one of the most popular TDP posts on Tumblr
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Hey kids! Do you love the animated Avatar: The Last Airbender?
Do you wish there were more original shows like it instead of just endless live-action reboots? Good news!
The Dragon Prince on Netflix is an original animated series and spiritual successor to Avatar from many of the same minds behind the beloved Nickelodeon series!
Dragon Prince co-creator Aaron Ehasz was executive producer and lead writer on the original Avatar!
Protagonist Prince Callum is voiced by Jack DeSena, better known as the voice of Sokka!
Love the deep, mysterious voice of Koh the Face-Stealer? That’s Erik Todd Dellums, who voices principal antagonist Aaravos (who happens to be a hot, sparkly elf by the way).
There are lots of fun ATLA Easter eggs sprinkled throughout, without ever feeling like they draw away from the story!
And that’s just the Avatar connections! There are so many reason to love The Dragon Prince, and the fact it hasn’t done numbers on Tumblr is unbelievable!
So when you’re done watching the reboot (or if you want something better to watch instead), consider The Dragon Prince!
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Leola is the name of Erik Dellums mother. Does that mean that Leola is Aaravos mother?
I think it means that Leola is Erik Todd Dellums' mother! Several of the character names in TDP were inspired by friends, family, and etc. of the writers, cast and crew. In that light, Leola is another wonderful addition and contribution to the tradition!
There could be more to it than that, of course, and we may learn about that in S6. But for now it looks like it's just one lovely detail among many similar.
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deficd · 7 months
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serraart · 2 years
I just posted my Aaravos Fanart on my twitter and Aaron Ehasz and Erik Todd Dellums retweeted it! Like, I feel so fucking blessed.
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raybizzle · 5 months
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gameforestdach · 5 months
Mit dem Debüt der Fallout-TV-Serie auf Amazon erlebt Fallout 76 gerade einen wahren Boom an thematisch passenden Inhalten. Ein besonders begehrtes Item ist Lucys Tresor 33 Rucksack, der in der Serie prominent zur Schau gestellt wird. Hier erfährst du, wie du dieses Stück Ödland für deine Sammlung ergattern kannst, egal ob du ein Game Pass Ultimate-Abonnent bist oder ein eifriger Twitch-Zuschauer. Methoden, um den Tresor 33 Rucksack zu bekommen 1. Über Game Pass Ultimate Zugang zum Game Pass Vorteile-Bereich: Navigiere zum Game Pass Vorteile-Bereich, entweder auf deiner Konsole oder dem PC. Beanspruche das Tresor 33 Überlebensset: Dieses Set beinhaltet nicht nur den Rucksack, sondern auch andere In-Game-Hilfsmittel wie Lunchboxen und Perkkarten-Pakete, verfügbar bis zum 16. Juni 2024. 2. Durch Twitch Drops Verknüpfe deine Konten: Verbinde dein Bethesda.net-Konto mit deinem Twitch-Konto, um diese Einrichtung zu nutzen. Stelle sicher, dass deine verknüpften Konten über Twitchs Verbindungseinstellungen ordnungsgemäß eingerichtet sind. Abonniere einen Streamer: Das Abonnement muss erfolgen, während der Streamer live mit Fallout 76 ist. Diese Methode ist verfügbar vom 12. April um 12 Uhr ET bis zum 23. April um 14:59 Uhr ET. Zusätzliche Chancen und Angebote Spieler auf PlayStation und PC sollten ihre Bethesda.net-Konten mit ihren PlayStation Network- und Steam-Konten verknüpfen, um den reibungslosen Transfer von Items über Plattformen hinweg zu gewährleisten. Darüber hinaus gibt es für Neulinge oder Rückkehrer zu Fallout 76 eine kostenlose Spielwoche vom 11. April bis zum 18. April 2024 auf PC, PlayStation und Xbox. Entdecke mehr über Fallout 76 Für Fans, die tiefer eintauchen möchten, ist der detaillierte Leitfaden zur Sicherung des Rucksacks eine großartige Ressource. Zudem macht die Bestätigung von Erik Todd Dellums' Rückkehr in Staffel 2, das Narrativ rund um das Fallout-Universum spannender denn je. Viel Spaß bei deiner Quest nach Lucys Tresor 33 Rucksack! Schnapp dir dieses ikonische Item aus der Fallout-TV-Serie und bereichere dein Fallout 76-Spiel mit einem Stück Seriengeschichte.
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lily-lilou · 3 years
... guys? help?
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it’s the 3rd time in less than a month. And don’t tell me ETD is about to discover what’s in the chrysalis, because... I’m pretty sure he already knows since last september...
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metallicarules5 · 4 years
Any support, any sympathy I might have had for the people calling for Ehasz’s head over accusations of alleged bad behavior...gone. Absolutely gone, after your vile treatment towards Erik Todd Dellums. 
You cannot be on the side of anti-harassment and anti-bullying, when you go out and harass and bully people who didn’t jump to immediate conclusions like you did. What was Erik’s “crime?” Being a voice of calm and collected reason, and daring to defend Aaron by offering his own personal account of his experiences with him. You people have already made up your minds, you’ve already condemned Aaron, that nothing he can do from here on out will change that. And now, when someone comes forward with a take directly counter to it, but also extends an olive branch and chance to sit down and listen to the other accounts, you didn’t take it. You attacked, you degraded, and insulted him, when he did nothing wrong, and yet you tried to cancel him for it. And the leader of it was Danika. And her followers fell in line right behind her, which I find super ironic considering she accused Ehasz of sicking his followers against her, and now she does the exact same thing. 
And now what do we have? An actor who constantly talks about Sharing Love, being so dismayed and disheartened over his experience with this side of the fandom that he wants nothing to do with the role anymore and is thinking of quitting. And honestly, I can’t blame him. If this is the way he’s going to be treated for defending his friend, while also still willing to listen to the other side, and being blamed for something he had no part or role in, then Erik, I wish you nothing but the best and am sorry for what happened. As for the toxic “fans,” you can literally kiss my ass and fuck off. 
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tbh while all the voice actors in a:tla are super talented and great i gotta give credit to the voice actor of koh the face stealer his voice gives me SO MUCH CHILLS it's so much more intimidating than ozai and azula and even angry katara and he isn't even necessarily a villain so that's saying something
GREAT NEWS ANON if you love Koh's va then you absolutely NEED to watch The Dragon Prince, where Erik Todd Dellums (Koh's va) voices Aaravos, a reccuring character and the fan-favorite antagonist! (And you're very right anon Koh's voice literally sends chills down the spine.)
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lamiakan · 4 years
Been thinking about Arcann these past few days and look what I found! His voice actor comfirmed that he’s coming back! 
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I mean I never thought that there’ll be anything new with him in the game so this is a nice surprise. While I don’t think he’ll have much screentime but I miss him
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