#eris is pretty but it's slightly more feminine
catinasink · 2 months
considering starting to use more names tbh
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gimme-mor · 3 years
This is a really long post and based on my interpretation of the text.
This is strictly an analysis of Elain as a character because, in my opinion, there isn’t a lot of talk about Elain outside of ships and conversations about her character arc typically revolve around to whom she is paired, especially if that person is Azriel. She is her own character and gets the short end of the stick in the fandom because everyone is more concerned about who she’s shipped with rather than her as a character.
Also, anyone who is rude/condescending will automatically be blocked.
In ACOSF, SJM went out of her way on two occasions to highlight Elain not looking good in black. While it may be minor or insignificant to some, I think those instances were meant to show something about Elain specifically and what she may be going through in the Night Court. Elain has been a passive character for the most part, contributing to things in her own way earlier in the series. But after she was taken by the Cauldron, her safety has become everyone’s main concern and the other characters have slowly excluded her from courtly matters. In ACOWAR, this was understandable because she was traumatized and not fully present. However, as of ACOSF, Elain was still excluded from courtly matters with the other characters heavily relying upon Nesta, who made her reservations known, because they were on a time constraint and couldn’t afford to wait for Elain to reacquaint herself with her powers.
The fact that the other characters use the kidnapping situation to excuse their current actions toward Elain is eerily similar to the way Tamlin and Lucien used the Under the Mountain events to excuse Tamlin’s actions toward Feyre in ACOMAF. And the characters use Elain and Feyre’s safety to justify why neither of them should be involved. In my opinion, Elain in the Night Court resembles Feyre in the Spring Court because not only do they experience similar things, but both of them are (or were in Feyre’s case) in places that stunt their growth. Even though Night Court Elain isn’t exposed to all of the things that Spring Court Feyre was exposed to, the similarities in their experiences (and how those similarities might potentially impact Elain similarly to the way they impacted Feyre) shouldn’t be overlooked.
Being monitored
I was too watched-too monitored and judged. Why should the bride of the High Lord learn to fight if peace had returned? That had been Ianthe’s reasoning when I’d made the mistake of mentioning it at dinner. Tamlin, to his credit, had seen both sides: I’d learn to protect myself...but the rumors would spread. (ACOMAF)
“Tamlin-Tamlin, I can’t...I can’t live my life with guards around me day and night. I can’t live with that...suffocation. Just let me help you-let me work with you.” (. . .) “I’m drowning,” I managed to say. “I am drowning. And the more you do this, the more guards...You might as well be shoving my head under the water.” (ACOMAF)
Nesta said, “The Trove. And what happened the last time I scried.” Feyre said, “We won’t allow any harm to come to Elain. Rhys warded her this morning, and we have eyes on her at all times.” “Eyes can be blinded,” Nesta said. “Not the ones under my command,” Azriel said with soft menace. Nesta met his stare, knowing he was the only one aside from Feyre who could truly understand her hesitation. He’d gone with Feyre into the heart of Hybern’s camp to save Elain-he knew the risk. “We won’t make the same mistake twice.” She believed him. “All right.” (ACOSF)
Trying to fit in
I hated the bright dresses that had become my daily uniform, but didn’t have the heart to tell Tamlin-not when he’d bought so many, not when he looked so happy to see me wear them. Not when his words weren’t far from the truth. The day I put on my pants and tunics, the day I strapped weapons to myself like fine jewelry, it would send a message far and clear across the lands. So I wore the gowns, and let Alis arrange my hair-if only so it would buy these people a measure of peace and comfort. (ACOMAF)
I sometimes debated asking her to pray for me as well. To pray that I’d one day learn to love the dresses, and the parties, and my role as a blushing, pretty bride. (ACOMAF)
And he knew the cruelty of the Hewn City troubled her. But she hadn’t hesitated to come. When Feyre had offered to let her remain home, Elain had squared her shoulders and declared that she was a part of this court-and would do whatever she needed. (ACOSF)
So Elain had let her golden-brown hair down tonight, and pinned it back with twin combs of pearl. He’d never once in the two years he’d known her found Elain to be plain, but wearing black, no matter how much she claimed to be part of this court...It sucked the life from her. (ACOSF)
Pretending everything’s all right
“Fine,” I breathed. I made myself look him in the eye, made myself smile. (ACOMAF)
“And you?” I made myself say. “Are you-all right?” Elain looked over a shoulder at me as we entered the foyer, then turned left-to the dining room. In the sitting room across the way, all conversation halted at the smell of food. “Why wouldn’t I be all right?” she asked, a smile lighting up her face. I’d seen those smiles before. On my own damn face. (ACOFAS)
Clothes not looking right on them
I really, truly hated my wedding gown. It was a monstrosity of tulle and chiffon and gossamer, so unlike the loose gowns I usually wore: the bodice fitted, the neckline curved to plump my breasts, and the skirts...The skirts were a sparkling tent, practically floating in the balmy spring air (. . .) I might have dealt with it all if it weren’t for the puffy capped sleeves, so big I could almost see them glinting from the periphery of my vision. My hair had been curled, half up, half down, entwined with pearls and jewels and the Cauldron knew what, and it had taken all my self-control to keep from cringing at the mirror before descending the sweeping stairs into the main hall. (ACOMAF)
I again surveyed the room, my wedding gown hissing on the warm marble floors. I peered down at myself. You look ridiculous. (ACOMAF)
Elain in black was ridiculous. Yes, she was beautiful, but the color of her long-sleeved, modest gown leeched the brightness from her face. It wore her, rather than the other way around. (ACOSF)
Looking good in clothes that suit them and that fact being pointed out
My high-waisted peach pants were loose and billowing, gathered at the ankles with velvet cuffs of bright gold. The long sleeves of the matching top were made of gossamer, also gathered at the wrists, and the top itself hung just to my navel, revealing a sliver of skin as I walked. Comfortable, easy to move in-to run. Feminine. Exotic. (ACOMAF)
But those claws now dug in-and my entire body, my heart, my lungs, my blood yielded to his grip, utterly at his command as he said, The fashion of the Night Court suits you. (ACOMAF)
Gone was the ill-suited black dress from the ball, replaced by a gown of amethyst velvet, her hair half-up and curling down to her waist. She glowed with good health. (ACOSF)
People not wanting them to be involved in things
“I want to go.” “No.” I crossed my arms, tucking my tattooed hand under my right bicep, and spread my feet slightly further apart on the dirt floor of the stables. “It’s been three months. Nothing’s happened, and the village isn’t even five miles-” “No.” (ACOMAF)
“I could use my powers against Hybern.” “That’s out of the question,” Tamlin said, “especially as there will be no war against Hybern.” “Rhys says war is inevitable, and we’ll be hit hard.” Lucien said drily, “And Rhys knows everything?” “No-but...He was concerned. He thinks I can make a difference in any upcoming conflict.” Tamlin flexed his fingers-keeping those claws contained. “You have no training in battle or weaponry. And even if I started training you today, it’d be years before you could hold your own on an immortal battlefield.” He took a tight breath. “So despite what he thinks you might be able to do, Feyre, I’m not going to have you anywhere near a battlefield. Especially if it means revealing whatever powers you have to our enemies. You’d be fighting Hybern at your front, and have foes with friendly faces at your back.” “I don’t care-” “I care,” Tamlin snarled. Lucien whooshed out a breath. “I care if you die, if you’re hurt, if you will be in danger every moment for the rest of our lives. So there will be no training, and we’re going to keep this between us.” (ACOMAF)
“Nesta’s spine straightened. No one spoke, but their attention lingered on her like a film on her skin. ‘You will not go looking for it.’” (ACOSF)
“Then go off on adventures,” Nesta said. “Go drink and fuck strangers. But stay away from the Cauldron.” (. . .) “Keep out of this,” she hissed at her youngest sister. “I have no doubt you put these thoughts in her head, probably encouraging her to throw herself into harm’s way-” (ACOSF)
Amren said, “We do not have the time to wait for Nesta to decide. I say we approach Elain tomorrow. Better to have both of them working on it.” Azriel stiffened, an outright sign of temper from him as he said quietly, “There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to.” “But Nesta should?” Cassian growled. Everyone stared at him. He swallowed, offering an apologetic glance to Az, who shrugged it off. Amren drained her wine and said to Cassian, “Nesta has a week. One more week to find the Trove with her own methods. Then we seek out other routes.” She threw a nod toward Azriel. “Including Elain, who is more than capable of defending herself against the darkness of the Trove, if she chooses to. Don’t underestimate her.” (ACOSF)
“I think Eris is our ally, and will expect to dance with a lady of this court at the ball no matter what. I won’t let Feyre within five feet of him, Mor might kill him, and Amren is more likely to scare him off than win him over, so you and Elain are the only options.” “Elain doesn’t go near him,” Feyre said. (ACOSF)
Their safety being brought up when they want to be involved
“Please. The recovery efforts are so slow. I could hunt for the villagers, get them food-” “It’s not safe,” Tamlin said, again nudging his stallion into a walk. The horse’s coat shone like a dark mirror, even in the shade of the stables. “Especially not for you.” He’d said that every time we had this argument; every time I begged him to let me go to the nearby village of High Fae to help rebuild what Amarantha had burned years ago (. . .) “People want to come back, they want a place to live-” “Those same people see you as a blessing-a marker of stability. If something happened to you…” (. . .)Tamlin said softly, “I can’t do what I need to if I’m worrying about whether you’re safe.” (ACOMAF)
“I’m sorry about earlier,” he murmured. “It’s fine,” I breathed. “I understand.” Not a lie, but not quite the truth. His fingers grazed lower, circling my belly button. “You are-you’re everything to me,” he said thickly. “I need...I need you to be all right. To know they can’t get to you-can’t hurt you anymore.” (ACOMAF)
“Tamlin got what I didn’t,” Lucien said softly, his breathing ragged. “We all heard your neck break. But you got to come back. And I doubt that he will ever forget that sound, either. And he will do everything in his power to protect you from that danger again, even if it means keeping secrets, even if it means sticking to rules you don’t like. In this, he will not bend. So don’t ask him to-not yet.” (ACOMAF)
“Did he let you take me today,” I said hoarsely, “so that I’d stop asking to help rebuild?” “No. I decided to take you myself. For that exact reason. They don’t want or need your help. Your presence is a distraction and a reminder of what they went through.” (. . .) “I know you wanted to help,” Lucien offered. “I’m sorry.” So was I. (ACOMAF)
“The last time we involved ourselves with the Cauldron, it abducted you,” Nesta countered, fighting her shaking. (ACOSF)
“Like calls to like,” Amren countered. “You were Made by the Cauldron. You may track other objects Made by it as well, as Briallyn can. And because you are Made by it, you are immune to the influence and power of the Trove. You might use them, yes, but they cannot be used upon you.” A glance to Elain. “Either of you.” Nesta swallowed. “I can’t.” But to let Elain involve herself, jeopardize her safety- (ACOSF)
Nesta’s pulse pounded throughout her body. “Do you not remember the war? What we encountered? Do you not remember the Cauldron kidnapping you, bringing you into the heart of Hybern’s camp?” “I do,” Elain said coldly. (ACOSF)
If it was between her and Elain, there was no choice at all. She would always go first if it meant keeping Elain from harm. Even if she’d just hurt her sister more than she could stomach. (ACOSF)
Pushing back against what others want
He hissed, “You have no idea how hard it is for him to even let you off the estate grounds. He’s under more pressure than you realize.” “I know exactly how much pressure he endures. And I didn’t realize I’d become a prisoner.” “You’re not-” He clenched his jaw. “That’s not how it is and you know it.” “He didn’t have any trouble letting me hunt and wander on my own when I was a mere human. When the borders were far less safe.” “He didn’t care for you the way he does now. And after what happened Under the Mountain…” The words clanged in my head, along my too-tense muscles. “He’s terrified. Terrified of seeing you in his enemies’ hands. And they know it, too-they know all they have to do to own him would be to get ahold of you.” “You think I don’t know that? But does he honestly expect me to spend the rest of my life in that manor, overseeing servants and wearing pretty clothes?” (ACOMAF)
Cassian shifted in his seat. “So we track down the Dread Trove-how?” Elain spoke from the doorway, having appeared so silently that they all twisted toward her, “Using me.” Nesta’s head went silent as Elain’s words finished sounding in the room. Feyre had twisted in her seat, face white with alarm. Nesta shot to her feet. “No.” Elain remained in the doorway, her face pale but her expression harder than Nesta had ever seen it. “You do not decide what I can and cannot do, Nesta.” (ACOSF)
“It nearly killed me. It trapped me like a bird in a cage.” Elain said, “Then I will find it. I might require some time to...reacquaint myself with my powers, but I could start today.” “Absolutely not,” Nesta spat, fingers curling at her sides. “Absolutely not.” “Why?” Elain demanded. “Shall I tend to my little garden forever?” When Nesta flinched, Elain said, “You can’t have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater.” (ACOSF)
Being used as pawns against others
“We need you to tell us everything,” Tamlin said. “The layout of the Night Court, who you saw, what weapons and powers they bore, what Rhys did, who he spoke to, any and every detail you can recall.” “I didn’t realize I was a spy.” Lucien shifted in his seat, but Tamlin said, “As much as I hate your bargain, you’ve been granted access into the Night Court. Outsiders rarely get to go in-and if they do, they rarely come out in one piece. And if they can function, their memories are usually...scrambled. Whatever Rhysand is hiding in there, he doesn’t want us knowing about it.” (ACOMAF)
Rhys angled his head at the not-quite question. “I trust in the fact that we currently have possession of the one thing he wants above all else. And as long as that remains, he’ll try to stay on our good side. But if that changes...His talent was wasted in the Spring Court. There was a reason he had that fox mask, you know.” His mouth tugged to the side. “If he got Elain away, back to Spring or wherever...do you believe, deep down, that he wouldn’t sell what he knows? Either for gain, or to ensure she stays safe?” “You let him hear everything tonight, though.” (. . .) I considered his question: Did I trust Lucien? “I don’t know, either,” I admitted, and sighed. “I don’t like that Elain is a pawn in this.” “I know. It’s never easy.” (ACOWAR)
Cassian glowered at Amren. “It’s not right to wield Elain as a threat to manipulate Nesta into scrying.” “There are harsher ways to convince Nesta, boy.” (ACOSF)
Although Elain and Feyre are surrounded by two different groups of people with varying levels of care for their wellbeing, they’re treated similarly which is hard to overlook. In Elain’s situation, Nesta, Azriel, and Feyre take on the “Tamlin role” (either undermining Elain’s attempts to contribute to things or preventing Elain from helping altogether) while everyone else takes on the “Lucien role” (validating the concerns of others while also enabling their behaviors, which doesn’t support Elain’s desire to be involved).
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i-can-bench-220 · 2 years
Ah, I know quite little about the Japanese language, but really telling us anything about the dub will be super interesting! For instance how do Velma and shaggy refer to themselves?
of course! thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about a combination of my big interests jdskdhdjdg
like daphne, velma refers to herself with the pronoun atashi. she also uses very feminine speech like daphne, however not as frequently. as daphne is kind of a serious and dignified professional in these movies while velma is a little more playful, i like how there’s a slight difference between them! velma also ends her sentences with the emphatic yo a lot, as opposed to daphne’s softer wa.
shaggy uses boku, a more formal and youthful sounding pronoun than fred’s very friendly yet slightly rough ore. if anything i expected fred and shaggy to be swapped in this respect, but i feel it also kind of works for them here?? scooby also uses boku which i find kind of funny, but i respect that finding a first person pronoun for him must have been tricky!! i love how he and shaggy use the same one.
a couple of more general things about the dub are below the cut if you’re interested!
here are the links to zombie island, the witch’s ghost and the cyber chase. the only film i sadly haven’t been able to find japanese dubbed yet is the alien invaders — if anyone can source it please let me know!!
the titles of each film are pretty much word-for-word the same as their english counterparts, but the title for alien invaders has a ?! on the end for a little pizazz 「スクービー・ドゥー 宇宙からの侵略者?!」
the bits and pieces of these three dubs i’ve seen so far are all scarily close to the original english!! japanese is a heavily contextual language, and as such it can be hard to translate a sentence from english without it being super wordy in order to convey even the bare minimum of information. but everything just fits and flows so well in these dubs, all while staying true to the originals. they’re amazing!
upon doing some more research, i discovered that there is a whole lot more japanese scooby than i initially realised! i’m fairly certain that almost every show and film has been dubbed, but it’s really hard to source most of it so i didn’t realise for a long time. i’m also unsure as to how big a following the show has or had in japan.
the gang’s japanese voice actors are as follows: kishio taniyama as fred, eri saito as daphne, tomoe hanba as velma, toshiharu sakurai as shaggy and naomi kusumi as scooby. they’re all very prolific voice actors as you might expect, and have done a wide range of work from live action films to video games. they’ve voiced their respective scooby characters in every dub as far as i can tell!
another thing i really need you to know is that “meddling kids” is translated as 「クソガキ」 which in this context is “stupid brats” but it can also be “shitty brats” if you want to take it that far. ah the versatility of クソ
wb kids international has a japanese playlist on youtube with some scooby comics and one-minute summaries of a select few episodes. i genuinely want to use them for language practise in future, they’re so fun!
scoob 2020 was dubbed into japanese, and its title is 「弱虫スクービーの大冒険」. this translates as “the great adventure of scooby the coward” and i can’t begin to tell you how much i love that.
i will continue my hunt for more japanese scooby! i’m truly so interested in discovering more about this show’s presentation and reception in japan.
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riversofmars · 3 years
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Answers at last! Well, I saw answers... :D
Chapter 7: So We Meet Again
The Library, 52nd Century
“Sorry, am I interrupting something?“ A male figure appeared in their midst. Dark hair and beard, stout frame, he took a twirl, looking around, delighted at the surprise and shock on everyone’s faces.
“It’s can’t be…“ River mumbled, trying to catch up with what was happening. How did he get in here? He was not part of the memory.
“It’s been a while, Professor Song.“ He turned to face her with a wide grin, baring his teeth.
“He’s not the Doctor, is he?“ Anita spoke slowly. She had learned enough about Time Lords during their extensive research to understand about regeneration and River had shown her pictures of all her husband’s faces. That man was not one of them and even on first impressions, he seemed in no way similar to the man she herself had met. He certainly didn’t look at River like someone would look at their wife, he looked at her like she was prey.
“The Doctor? Oh, don’t be ridiculous.“ He nearly burst out laughing as if it was the funniest thing he had heard all day. “Been there, done that, just wasn’t my cup of tea.“ His voice turned to a snarl, it seemed to change ever so slightly; he shushed himself.
“No, this is another Time Lord.“ River said, balling her hands to fists, trying to maintain her composure.
“Of course you get it, you’re clever like that.“ He mused, tilting his head. “I’m difficult to forget, didn’t we have he best of times.“ He interrupted himself, his voiced higher and more excitable. He smirked with a mad sort of glee in his eyes. “No, no, shut up, it’s my turn now!“ His voice turned normal as he snapped angrily. Anita and CAL exchanged confused and worried glances, fearing they might be dealing with a mad man. River, however, already knew for a fact that they were:
“You’re the Eleven.“ She circled around the room slowly, coming to stand protectively in front of CAL and Anita. She didn’t know whether he was really here or just a projection, but she couldn’t take the risk. She had to keep them safe. They had no idea who they were dealing with.
“The Thirteen, actually, but who’s counting.“ He retorted graciously and took a little bow.
“Must be getting pretty crowded in that head of yours.“ River hummed and in response, another personality emerged:
“Long time no see, Ms. Song.“ His face contorted into a grin.
“Hello again, Nine.“ River remained calm. She knew it was the best way to deal with them.
“I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure.“ His voice turned higher, almost feminine.
“Twelve?“ River could only guess, as it was the regeneration of his she hadn’t met before.
“Shut up, the lot of you.“ The Thirteen regained control of his personalities. “Sorry, this is not how I was going to introduce myself, best foot forward and all that, but they’re just so excited to see you again. The Six, in particular, is very eager but we’ll save that for later.“ He smiled apologetically.  
“What are you doing here? How did you get in?“ River decided to ignore the games and cut right to the chase. She glanced to CAL, hoping she was paying attention. If they found out how he got in, they surely would be able to get rid of him as well. She would have to regain control of the computer.
“Seven hacked the system, child’s play really; and now I can see why.“ He smirked at CAL who took a fearful step back and Anita put a protective arm around her. “I’m not really here, of course, just a projection, but I liked the personal touch. Better than talking to a screen, you know?“ River felt a little better for knowing he wasn’t actually part of the artificial world of the Library core but hacking the system was just as bad. Who knew what else he was planning on doing?
“So you’re responsible for this?“ Anita concluded gesturing around to the woman and child that had stopped moving. She hadn’t really followed who exactly he was but it was was blatantly obvious that this scary vision was his doing.
“It’s from the Matrix.“ River stated and the Thirteen grinned:
“Indeed. I didn’t really have the means to play it. I needed a bigger computer, something able to convert it. And I needed someone who’d be able to interpret it.“
“So you used the Library, a computer big enough to handle Matrix data.“ River was beginning to understand. They weren’t her memories that had bled into the artificial reality. It was data the Thirteen had fed into the system. In turn it had helped her unlock her own memories of what she’d seen in the Matrix. “What is that memory? What’s the story behind it.“ She asked, drawing his attention back as he seemed momentarily distracted. Not by his other personalities, for once, but seemingly by something outside.
“A missing puzzle piece.“ He answered briefly and gave a dismissive wave with his hand. “Now we best get going.“
“What?“ Anita asked confused while River remained silent, her mind racing. What was he planning? She knew better than to underestimate the renegade Time Lord.
“The shadows will be back in a moment.“ He explained in an off-hand sort of way. “Get your coat, Professor Song. Oh wait, you haven’t got a body to put it on.“ He laughed, then disappeared.
“River…“ CAL reached out for River’s hand but she grasped into thin air, River was gone as well.
Glasgow, 2021
“So this is where you went once the Daleks were gone?“ Ryan asked Jack as they started walking further into the underground building.
“Had to go say hi to Gwen here and she filled me in on what’s been going on. I’ve been out in the universe too long it seems. Time to look after the home front.“ Jack explained with a determined nod and Kate smiled:
“We’re glad to have you, Captain.“
“How many people have you got here.“ Graham looked around, marvelling at the size of the place. It could have housed a hundred easily and there was an erie quality to it with how quiet and seemingly empty it was.
“Not as many as you’d hope. Friends of the Doctor’s it’s quite an exclusive club, but it’s not quantity, it’s quality.“ Kate answered leading the way.
“So how do you know the Doctor?“ Ryan asked Gwen who was walking alongside him.
“Only met him briefly, during one Dalek invasion or another. Honestly, it all blends together.“ She chuckled.
“Ms. Cooper is one of Torchwood’s finest.“ Kate interjected and Gwen sighed:
“And only remaining member…“
“Hey!“ Jack took offence and elbowed her.
“You don’t count, you’re off doing other stuff all the time.“ Gwen slapped his shoulder affectionately and carried on to explain: “I have been trying to rebuild the Torchwood Three hub as well, seeing as it’s closer to home, but it’s slow progress.“
“Torchwood, like UNIT, is like an agency, is it? To ward of aliens?“ Graham asked, trying to wrap his head around it.
“In a nutshell, yes.“ Kate nodded as she lead them down some stairs. “If you come through here, I will introduce you to the rest of the team.“ The steps opened up into a large room. “I know it’s late but they have been waiting up for you.“ They reached a big communal living and working area. There were several tables, desks, computers and such and amongst it all: four people.
“Mr. O’Brien, Mr. Sinclair, let me introduce Dr. Martha Jones and Mr. Mickey Smith, two of UNIT’s finest field agents and former travelling companions of the Doctor’s.“ Kate gesture towards a couple who were lounging on a sofa, currently devouring a Chinese take away with great enthusiasm.
“Nice to finally meet you.“ Martha smiled at them warmly and Mickey, his mouth full of food, couldn’t speak and just gave a wave with his chopsticks. They got up to shake hands as the group approached.
“Likewise, I guess.“ Graham managed an awkward smile as well. During their travels with the Doctor, they had never really stopped to think how many more people had taken trips in the TARDIS before them. It was strange to think that there were other people out there who would understand what it was like, experiencing the vastness of the universe like they had.
“And these are the Osgoods, the scientific hearts and minds of UNIT.“ Kate carried on and gestured to two women, apparently twins, who were sharing a work station. They simultaneously looked up and smiled in greeting.
“I’m Ryan, this is my granddad Graham.“ Ryan introduced them. “We don’t usually do, like, formal…“ He looked around the room awkwardly. This was a lot more official than he was used to. “Like if you don’t mind, first names are fine.“ Graham nodded in agreement.
“Petronella.“ One to the Osgoods smiled.
“Petronella.“ The other Osgood smiled.
“So… you two have the same name? How do we keep you apart?“ Graham asked, confused, wondering what their parents had possibly been thinking.
“You don’t.“ Kate answered in amusement. “That’s the whole point.“
“Right.“ Ryan decided it was best to just accept that. They had just been recruited into a secret organisation to fight of extraterrestrial threats and entered what looked like a very fancy underground bunker… identical twins with the same names really wasn’t top of the weird-list right now.
“Care for some Chinese?“ Mickey offered. They had ordered way too much as usual.
“Don’t mind if we do.“ Graham grinned since they hadn’t had time to eat before setting of on the long drive. He had been eyeing it up, hoping that was where the evening would be going.
“Ma’am, if we might have a word…“ One for the Osgoods demanded Kate’s attention as everyone else settled down to eat.
“What is it?“ The UNIT chief asked and walked around the desk to be able to look at their computer screens.
“We have found another two bodies.“ The other Osgood answered, pointing something out on the computer and Kate frowned:
“Same MO?“ She asked, leaning closer.
“We fine-tuned the algorithm, running through police data bases and found two matches.“ Osgood confirmed.
“Greater London.“ The other Osgood answered. “Pulled out of a lake. It was fortunate that a couple was walking nearby and spotted movement by the water. Otherwise they wouldn’t have been found for weeks probably.“
“Captain?“ Kate looked up to Jack who was currently recounting to Gwen, Martha and Mickey how he had met Ryan and Graham. “Two for pick up.“ She announced.
“On it, will be back in a flash.“ He gave a dazzling and apologetic smile to the others and came to join Kate and the Osgoods. “Just tell me which morgue they’re in and you’ll have them on your slab momentarily.“ He looked at the screen and skimmed the report.
“So… not just people disappearing from time, murders too?“ Graham asked, listening in.
“This is not your garden variety homicide, I’m afraid, Mr. O’Brian.“ Kate retorted thoughtfully. “You’ll see when the Captain returns with the bodies.“
Jack gave a nod and engaged his Vortex Manipulator.
Orbit around the Library, 52nd Century
“Here we go.“ Jenny slipped her hand into her wife’s. She had a bad feeling about this but it couldn’t be helped. They had come out of hyper speed a few minutes ago and had fallen into orbit around the Library.
“A whole planet full of books?“ Yaz couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer size of it. The idea of having every book ever written together in one place was overwhelming and beautiful.
“And shadows that can kill…“ Dorium couldn’t help but point out. The idea that a world so beautiful was forever lost made Yaz’s heart feel heavy. What a waste.
“Right, here’s what we’re going to do: your UV grenades, Strax: our best bet would be to send one down ahead of us.“ Vastra looked to her butler who grinned with excitement as he proudly presented the grenades. “We arm ourselves to the teeth with torches and such. We won’t have to stay long. Just contact the Professor, ask our questions, fill her in, and be on our way.“ Vastra gave her wife’s hand a reassuring squeeze and looked around the room into determined faces. “Strax, Jenny and I will go.“
“I want to come, too!“ Yaz insisted immediately, she thought herself just as capable as any of them and she didn’t want to be left behind.
“That’s not part of the plan.“ Vastra shook her head.
“I have been in tight spots with the Doctor as well, I can handle myself.“ Yaz retorted, frustrated.
“I don’t doubt that but someone needs to teleport us back. Mr. Maldovar sadly won’t be able to.“ Vastra pointed out. She had no doubts about Yaz’s ability to hold her own but they needed someone to stay behind. She refused to be split up from her wife and Strax was best placed to handle the weapons equipment. It was the logical solution. “We all have a job to do and we need you to keep us safe from up here.“ She carried on to explain.
“Fine.“ Yaz huffed after brief consideration. “Doesn’t mean I like it though.“ She could see her point but she still felt like she was being sidelined.
“We will be back in no time.“ Vastra assured her.
“Right, let’s get this over with… before I change my mind.“ Jenny sighed feeling anxious. She ran her hand along the hilt of her sword despite knowing it would be useless against shadows.
“Oh, well that’s a surprise.“ Dorium pipped up, drawing everyone’s attention.
“What is it?“ Vastra frowned, confused.
“There is an incoming transmission! Someone in that Library is trying to reach out.“ Dorium explained quickly. He closed his eyes, trying to focus with the help of the communications chip connected to him.
“How do they even know we’re here?“ Vastra asked, worried. That didn’t feel right.  
“Beats going amongst the shadows, doesn’t it.“ Jenny pointed out and Strax huffed in disappointment:
“I have been looking forward to this for hours…“
“Put it on screen.“ Vastra ignored his complaint and turned to the large screen at the front of the ship. Yaz turned Dorium’s box around so he could see as well.
“River! River! Where are you!“ A small girl appeared on the screen, looking distraught. She couldn’t be older than ten years old, taking everyone by surprise. “Who are you?“ She demanded to know before any of them could get over their shock. Her eyes jumped between all of them. Her message clearly hadn’t been meant for them.
“I’m Madame Vastra, these are Jenny Flint, Strax, Yasmin Kahn and Dorium Maldovar. We mean you no harm.“ Vastra raised her hands appeasingly, trying to reassure her. What was a little girl doing in the Library? And why was she looking for River Song? “You were calling for River, I can only presume you mean Professor Song, we’re here to talk to her.“ Vastra carried on, hoping to explain and gain her trust. She seemed scared.
“You’re too late.“ The girl sobbed, getting more upset.
“What?“ Yaz asked, with a frown. They all exchanged confused glances.
“She just left, I was trying to reach her but it drains the power, so much energy…“ The screen flickered. There was a blip in the transmission, it wasn’t stable.
“Hang on, hang on, you’re in the computer?“ Vastra asked to clarify.
“I am the computer.“ The girl answered, taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She was not as little as she looked. “I’m CAL.“
“And Professor Song, she’s not with you anymore?“ Jenny deduced and her heart sank. This was the one eventuality they had not been prepared for.  
“She was taken.“ CAL confirmed, nodding, wiping her tears away.
“By whom?“ Vastra gripped the back of the pilot’s chair and dug her claws into the fabric. Wherever they turned, it seemed as though they were one step behind.
“A Time Lord.“ CAL answered, after brief consideration, seemingly deciding to trust them.
“What did he look like? Did he give a name?“ Yaz asked quickly.
“He called himself the Thirteen.“ The girl said quickly, as the transmission stalled again. “I’m sorry, I can’t maintain this much longer. Why are you looking for River?“
“We’re friends of the Doctor’s. There are some terrible things going on out in the universe and we need to talk to her.“ Vastra rushed to explain.
“Please find her, he… “
The connection broke and for a moment, there was stunned silence.
“How is that possible?“ Yaz turned to the others, slowly finding her voice again. “You can’t just, like, download a consciousness onto a USB stick or something…“
“Don’t underestimate Time Lord technology…“ Vastra mused, mulling over what they had learned. This was far worse than facing the Vashta Nerada. They had fallen another step behind in a race in which the goal posts seemed to keep moving.
“We need to find her.“ Jenny said, shaking her head to herself. If only they had been a little earlier, they could have prevented this.
“Who’s the Thirteen?“ Yaz looked around the room, hoping for an explanation. Was this another of the Doctor’s enemies she didn’t know about?
“Doesn’t mean anything to me either, I was hopeful you might have come across them?“ Vastra retorted with a frown as they exchanged confused glances. They had each assumed the other would have the answers but the alias was familiar to any of them.
“Oh no…“ Dorium mumbled, drawing everyone’s attention.
“Can you shed some light on this, Mr. Maldovar?“ Vastra asked, turning his box around to face them again.
“I’ve heard of a Time Lord that goes my numerical designations… The Nine, the Ten, the Eleven… depending on which regeneration he is on…“ He answered slowly. The reluctance in his voice gave them all pause.
“Stands to reason this is a new regeneration then?“ Yaz nodded, relieved that they weren’t completely in the dark after all.
“Why change the name though with every regeneration? Must be quite… disorienting, mustn’t it?“ Jenny asked.
“He is a very unique case…“ Dorium hummed thoughtfully.
“How so?“ Vastra could already tell she wouldn’t like the answer but she asked anyway.
“From what I have heard, he suffers from a strange affliction… called regenerative dissonance. While the Doctor and other Time Lords retain a sense of self and just change their appearance, he becomes a new person every time and when he regenerates, the other selfs are still present.“ Dorium revealed. He had never actually met them but he had heard enough stories to make sure he never would.
“Like a schizophrenic?“ Yaz asked, unsettled. That didn't sound like the kind of person they wanted to be dealing with.
“Anything else you can tell us, Mr. Maldovar?“ Vastra asked and Dorium gave a wary smile:
“He is a thief, a killer and utterly mad.“
“Do you always leave the door open like that? Anyone could wander in.“ The Doctor found the Master leaning against the console as she reached the control room. Dark hair and beard, stout frame, he hadn’t regenerated, just looked a little worse for wear.
“Master…“ Her voice was barely above a whisper. All sorts of emotions boiled up in her: Disbelief at finding him alive. Worry for having him inside her TARDIS. Hate for all the things he had put her through.
“Hello, Doctor.“ He smirked pushing off the console to step closer. “Nice of you to finally show up.“
“How are you not dead?“ It was the most prominent question on the Doctor’s mind.
“Dying is for other people, dear.“ The Master laughed at how ridiculous that notion was.
“How did you survive the death particle?“ She pressed through gritted teeth as they started circling each other slowly. She was assessing her option for subduing him.
“Did you really think the Cyberium would let its host die?“ The Master’s grin was patronising, as if the answer had been obvious.
“Is it still inside you?“ The Doctor hadn’t even thought about the Cybermen AI that resided inside the Master. She had assumed it dealt with, just like the Master themselves but she should have known they wouldn’t be that easily destroyed.
“Nah… Fizzled out.“ He gave a dismissive wave with his hand. “The effort of creating a force field to protect me was a bit much… Plus, I expelled it and electrocuted it until it stopped moving. I was getting fed up of sharing my memory space.“ He snickered and the Doctor couldn't help but feel a little relieved; one thing she didn’t have to deal with at least.
“You’ve been here this entire time?“ She questioned.
“Where was I gonna go? I destroyed everything! No TARDISes, no space ships left… I did start fixing up a TARDIS but turns out your death particle wiped out the organic components in there as well. I’d have to grow a new one but where to start when every living thing has been destroyed!“ He started rambling in a maniacal sort of way, snapping with increasing anger.
“How long has it been?“ The Doctor asked, hoping he had at least suffered in the meantime. She wasn’t proud of it but after everything he had done to her, she felt he deserved it.
“Oh… a few years, blink of an eye. Ten, twenty? Not sure. Anyway, nice of you to turn up.“ He smirked and his eyes flickered to her reaching for something on the console. “Oh no, you don’t!“ He snapped and pointed the Doctor’s own sonic at her. That’s when she remembered leaving her coat; what a stupid thing to do. And to leave the door unlocked… “So why are you here, Doctor?“ He asked as she raised her hands appeasingly.
“To see if you’re still alive.“ She answered slowly.
“Well I am. What difference does it make to you?“ He snarled.
“And you haven’t left Gallifrey?“ She carried on, hoping to at least get her answers.
“I already told you, are you going soft in the head?“ He snapped.
The Doctor remained silent, unsure how to respond. Should she believe him? Did he have reason to lie? But why would he be back here if he had managed to escape in the meantime?
“And what’s this, Doctor?“ The Master demanded her attention again and held out another item he had found in the pocket of her coat: the green prayer leaf.
“Give that back.“ The Doctor exclaimed, quick to anger. She tried to snatch it off him but he pulled away, putting the sonic between them again.
“Oh, is it personal by any chance?“ He hummed, delighted.
“Give it here.“ The Doctor’s voice turned low and threatening. In her mind, she ran through the possibilities of what the Master could do with her sonic in here. There was so much sensitive technology, a blast at the wrong thing and they could either be thrown into the vortex or explode.
“A prayer leaf from the Gamma Forests if I’m not mistaken… traditional gift for a child… tell me, Doctor, are congratulations in order?“ The Master was quick on his feet as always.
“That’s none of your business.“ The Doctor bit back.
“I take that as a yes. But where is the little devil? And where is the wife?“ He asked feigning surprise. “I presume it is the Professor’s child, isn’t it? Not a little bastard born out of wedlock?“
“Hand that over.“ The Doctor demanded again, holding her hand out.
“No, I think I’ll keep it for the time being. Return it to the little one myself… Like Maleficent taking a gift to little Aurora. Why don’t we go see them.“ He suggested circling around towards the console but the Doctor didn’t move away, instead she stepped right up to him. “Come on, Doctor, I know how much you like your Disney movies. That was funny.“
“Where is he?“ She demanded to know, ignoring his giggling.
“Who?“ The Master frowned.
“My son!“ The Doctor practically yelled, losing her temper at last.
“Ohhh so he is missing? Let me guess, someone took him while you weren’t looking?“ The Master grinned and the Doctor couldn’t tell whether he was pretending not to know anything or if he really didn’t. “Was he getting ice cream across the street and a stranger snatching him away?“
“Don’t play dumb with me, Dorium saw you, you have something to do with this!“ The Doctor wasn’t thinking now. Anger and pain were overshadowing her rational thoughts.
“Dorium? Doesn’t ring a bell…“ The Master shrugged, unimpressed.
“You told him about the Timeless Child, that’s how this whole thing started!“ The Doctor yelled and gave him a shove.
“The Timeless Child? Why would I tell anyone about that dirty secret? Give you all that power? Elevate you? I don’t think so, that secret died with the Time Lords and it’ll die with you.“ The Master spat, suddenly furious as well. They were done doing their dance and playing games.
“You and me are the only people who know about it and I sure as hell haven’t told anyone!“ The Doctor snarled stepping into his personal space again. She wasn’t scared of him anymore. He had no power over her.
“Why would I tell anyone?“ The Master seemed genuinely disbelieving of her accusations. “I killed everyone that could possibly have known about it. And I’m gonna kill you, too.“ He jabbed his finger at her.
“You just try.“ The Doctor pressed through gritted teeth. “Where is my son?!“ She shoved him again and he stumbled backward.
“I haven’t got the faintest idea.“ The Master laughed and the Doctor could tell he was speaking the truth. It threw her for a moment, until a more horrifying idea occurred to her: What if she was just enabling this whole series of events to start? What if she was the reason the Master managed to get off Gallifrey? What if this was how he found out about her child, about Dorium, about the whole thing?
So, just to clarify, the Thirteen (well their previous regenerations), plays a huge part in the Eighth Doctor's audios but you really don't have to know them to (hopefully) follow this story. I fully intend to write it like he's a new character and weave all the information necessary into the plot as everyone else, the Paternoster Gang in particular, learn about him. Originally, I intended to just use Time Lord OCs but as I thought about it, I realised how pointless that would be seeing as there are so many interesting Time Lords in the extended canon. So, if anything is difficult to follow, please let me know! <3
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Donald Pierce x Reader - “Drunken Mistake”
After a long mission, you decide to join your boyfriend halfway on his way back home to go directly to your holiday destination. During a small celebration in a bar with his men whilst he waits for you, you don’t expect to walk in on something that could only be labelled as a mistake that might shatter your heart forever.
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Requested by anon: “OKAY I GOT ONE what about Donnie goes away with his men and they go out and he gets drunk and accidentally cheats on his significant other and she finds out”
A/N: I have mixed feelings abotu this ending because no one realy reacts this way but I also have a very specific idea of Donald so idk, hope you like it!
Warning: fighting, alcohol, mention of drugs, teaching, nudity
He had been gone for a week and a half. It was a little far to come back every night and go every morning so the couple concluded that a week and a bit away from each other wouldn’t be so bad right?
Turns out it was a pretty big deal actually. Donald face timed the girl nearly every night, conversing about their days and such.
A two weeks was two long. Since this was his last mission before his vacation, the couple decided to meet halfway since it was on the way to the hotel they would be staying at on their small vacation.
The drive there was a little long for (Y/N), but it was pleasant. Listening to her own music in a comfortable, familiar car with the dog in the bag seat. Speaking of which,
“How are you Khaleesi?” She glancing in her rearview mirror, perceiving the australian shepherd shooting her head off the seat at the sound of her name.
“Hungry? Do you want your puppy treats?” At the sound of her favourite food, her tongue fell out of her mouth and her tail waggled widely.
“Okay love,” (Y/N) chuckled, moving her attention back at the road, her eyes flicked momentarily to the dashboard, “the treats are in the boot, I need to get petrol so we’ll stop at the next exit.”
Before the only sound they were both consumed by was the sound of the tyres against the concrete motorway and the sound of the engine growling from exhaustion. Two more hours of driving to do.
“Good job today men today, you guys deserve a break,” Donald nodded.
“Thanks boss, but we couldn’t have done it without you,” His first in command patted his shoulder like they were old friends, “take a drink, celebrate with us,” Mohawk smirked. Pierce sighed, glancing down at his watch and biting his lip in thought.
An hour and a half before she gets here, that would give me enough time to sober up.
“Fine, just a few drinks,” A small grin etched itself on his face as his colleague guided him to the bar, where a few of his men were already ordering drinks for themselves or each other.
Suddenly, a few girls with very revealing clothes came in the bar from a back door, the lights in the place dimmed slightly as music started blaring in his ears instantly.
“What the f-”
“Oh yeah, this place is a strip club after nine p.m” He heard a guy chuckle behind him.
“Can they do that?” Another inquired.
“Guess so, I’m not complaining though,” The man snorted. Donald frowned slightly, he knew he couldn’t get hammered enough to sleep with any other girl than his but he knew she wouldn’t approve of this.
“Here’s your drink,” The bartender slid his drink on the counter towards him. Pierce nodded at him, grasping his drink.
Here goes nothing.
He gulped half of his drink down, hissing softly as it burned the back of his throat.
“Well hello handsome, you’re quite the attractive one,” He heard a feminine voice behind him and a small weight on his shoulder. The man turned around on his stool, raising an eyebrow at the attention he didn’t really want.  
There, a (H/C) haired girl was grinning widely at him, biting her lip as she looked over him.
“My my, you are a cute one,” She chuckled seductively.
“Thanks, I’m not interested,” He grumbled, turning back.
“Come on, you seem like you need some fun,” Her palm ran up and down his chest.
“Listen lady, I’m not interested, I’m already taken,” he snapped, “go find someone else,” a grunt of disgust escaped his lips as he turned back at the counter, downing the rest of his drink and ordering another one. He didn’t realise he would immediately regret accepting this drink instead of taking a drag outside where people would leave him alone. Pierce looked at his watch again.
Too long for wait for her, this is going to be long and painful.
This is taking too long!
The girl internally groaned, she made sure her quick stop to the petrol station was quick, only getting a small sandwich, giving Khaleesi her snacks and filling the tank up fully.
She didn’t expect to get stuck in traffic in the motorway because a stupid car broke down.
Her eyes glanced down at the dashboard, hearing her dog happily munch on her snacks in the back.
Two hours to midnight already.
“In 10 kilometers, take the first exit.” The GPS stated.
Thank god, only half an hour before her destination, it was about time!
Donald admitted, he might have had a few too many drinks, he’s outright drunk.
He barely kept his balance on his stool.
“Hey,” The (H/C) haired girl came up to him. Pierce turned around in confusion.
“(Y/N)? You’re finally here, it’s about time!” He slurred.
“Easy now,” The girl soothed, holding him against her as he stood up, “come now,” She guided him to the backroom as he started kissing her neck, chuckling against her skin as she released a small giggle.
“Mmh, I like those noises you’re makin’ sweetheart.” The man smirked, grasping the girl’s hips and thrusting them against his as he backed her up against the wall and sucked on her neck, groaning.
**** “Come on Khaleesi,” (Y/N) opened the backdoor, sliding her jacket on as the cold pinched her skin. The dog jumped off the seat onto the dirt ground, waggling her tail excitedly as she stood by the girl’s side. The hound watched as one of her owners closed the door and locked the car before walking towards the bar her boyfriend texted a few hours ago.
She perceived a few men in front of the bar that she was sure worked for. They were smoking and clearly more than a little tipsy. She took the dog’s leash and attached Khaleesi on a pole a few meters from the bar so the latter wouldn’t pick a fight with drunk men as easily. She scratched her neck before standing up and glancing towards the bar again.
“Behave baby,” (Y/N) ordered before walking to the bar. She pushed the door open scanning around the room. The distasteful smell of alcohol, smoke and something that didn’t smell very legal. Her eyebrows met each other in a frown, not being able to see her boyfriend. Her eyes lit up as she saw a back door with a toilet sign on it.
Her feet marched through the people, her face contorting to disgust as she distinguished girls giving a number of Donald’s men lap dances and grinding against their bodies. She pushed the backdoor open and walked towards the bathroom.
“Donnie?” She called out. Nothing.
“Donnie-” The girl stopped herself as she heard moans and groans. She frowned, slowly creeping towards the source of the voices. Standing in front of the door she was sure the sounds where coming from, she slowly opened the door, frowning when she recognised the voice. Her finger flicked the light switch and she gasped once her eyes deciphered the figures in front of her.
“Oh god,” She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand in disgust, “what the fuck!”
Donald was laying on the bed, a (H/C) haired girl sitting on him, both of them very naked and in a very compromising position.
“Doll?” Pierce frowned in confusion.
“Please please tell me this is not what it fucking looks like.” She cursed.
“He’s your man?” The girl that was riding him smirked at (Y/N), “he’s really good in bed-”
“YOU FUCKING SLUT!” The girl roared, pouncing on the girl and punching her across the face. Donald seemed to come back to his senses a little as he weakly pushed his upper body up.
“Fuck what’s happening?” He muttered, his head hurting like crazy as he held his head tightly.
“Get off you bitch, he’s the one who cheated on you!” The naked girl tried to prior (Y/N) off of her.
“I know a fucking whore when I see one, you took advantage of him, I know my man wouldn’t do this in his right mind!” She punched her face.
“Oh s-shit,” Pierce stumbled out of bed, pulling the girl off, “baby, s-stop!” His grip was tight around her, despite his unbalance, he managed to keep her against his chest as she tried to get him off.
“Let me go, asshole!” She snapped.
“S-sh, let’s speak about this before throwing punches,” Donald grunted in the girl’s ear as she slowly stopped resisting him.
“Okay,” She sneered, glaring hard at the girl.
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crimsonrevolt · 6 years
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Congratulations Brooke you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Bellatrix Black!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Bellatrix is such a complex character, so it was a delight to get an application that explores so many different sides of her personality! Her possessiveness, her addiction to torture, the vestiges of insanity, her love for her family -- it all came through beautifully in your app. I know she’ll be a much wanted addition to our mix, and I can’t wait to see how you explore her characteristics and allow her to grow depending on where the plot takes us. Congratulations and welcome!
application beneath the cut ( tw: death, torture, blood )
Hi, my name is Brooke. I’m 26 and go by she/her. I live in EST time zone, USA.
I’m a teacher so my activity during the week can be a bit spotty if I have school functions, however I am active on weekends. So my number is anywhere from 6-8 given the day of the week. I also have the app on my phone and can post during my lunch breaks and when out and about.
*removed for privacy
I was RPing here a while back as Lucius, but RL got away from me so I had to drop him. My friend Orlik is still here as Umbridge so I felt like coming back now that my life is more settled.
I love Luna. She is someone so utterly full of life and she gives no fucks in the best possible way.
I am a devoted Ravenclaw!
Bellatrix- Means “female warrior” in Latin. This is the name of the star that marks the left shoulder of the constellation Orion.
Eris- Eris was the goddess of strife and discord
Black- a nickname given from the earliest times to a swarthy or dark-haired person
Eva Green suits me fine! She has a wild beauty about her that fits my view of Bellatrix.
Ah, Bellatrix Black. The infamous zealot for Voldemort’s cause. Wielder of the power of Occlumency. Bringer of pain and destruction. What’s not to love about our resident crazy witch? She’s wild, full of blood lust, and evil. These types of characters are a blast to play! It is a small chance to drop the modern niceties and bring out a wilder side of you. Yet, Bellatrix is a character who is not one dimensional. Yes, she’s mad, but there’s also passion, loyalty, and even love.
Bella (I’ll call her that even though I imagine she’d allow no one but her sisters and Voldemort to call her that) is passion incarnate. Every action she does is done with her full self. Nothing is half assed with her. At any moment she is ready to kill for her cause and kill she will, with brutal skill and violent strength. Such is her passion that she utterly defends her cause, her blood purity, and family.
This brings us to her next point. Loyalty. She is of course loyal to the Death Eaters, but I would even say her loyalty to her family comes before that. She loves her sister Narcissa and I think, deep down, even Andromeda, though her passion would never allow her to admit it.  The loyalty for the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black is so deeply ingrained in her that she’d stop at nothing to make sure it’s honor is upheld to the highest. Merlin help the person who dares sully their good name. This of course means Andromeda, which brings out a heavy struggle in the two sides of Bella. Loyalty and Passion conflicting at once.
But let us not forget love. Bella has memories of her sisters that are not easily forgotten, even in throes of passion and madness. She loves them dearly as she does her master. She may not understand her feelings as love however. She might see it more as possession. They are HERS and must be protected at all costs. How she manages her love among her other traits as the war develops remains to be seen, but it is clear it will be a struggle for all involved. Nothing will stop her from her goals, not even herself.
Bellatrix uses sex as a means for power. Whether it be to sleep her way to the top or to get someone hooked on her extensive bedroom skills, Bella has no qualms about working what she has. She is bisexual with a heavy lean towards women. Women are so soft and delicate and so fun to break.  The sight of blood, dark and wet, makes her hot and she loves to break out the knives for a little fun. The feel of steel on flesh, lightly touching and teasing as it raises goosebumps on the skin makes her dizzy. But it all becomes clear once she plunges the blade into her unfortunate lover’s flesh. Muggles are particularly fun to play with, so innocent and trusting. You know that Bellatrix has been around if attractive young muggles begin to disappear at a frightening speed.
Bella does not feel love, per say. She feels possessive and things that she marks are hers are just that. HERS. Her sisters. Her master. All hers. The thought of her beloved Andromeda in the possession of anyone else fills her with rage. HERS. NO ONE ELSE’S. Andy will return, even if it means she returns to Bella in her burial shroud.
-A MOODBOARD-  http://www.gomoodboard.com/boards/P2Bme_9I/share
Starset- My Demons (theme song)
“I cannot stop this sickness taking over It takes control and drags me into nowhere I need your help, I can’t fight this forever I know you’re watching, I can feel you out there
Take me high and I’ll sing Oh you make everything okay (okay, okay) We are one in the same Oh you take all of the pain away (away, away) Save me if I become My demons”
The Offspring – You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid
“Slowly out of line And drifting closer in your sights So play it out I’m wide awake It’s a scene about me There’s something in your way And now someone is gonna pay And if you can’t get what you want Well it’s all because of me”
Nancy Sinatra- Bang, Bang
“Bang bang, he shot me down Bang bang, I hit the ground Bang bang, that awful sound Bang bang, my baby shot me down
Seasons came and changed the time When I grew up, I called him mine He would always laugh and say “Remember when we used to play?”
Lana del Rey- Ultraviolence
“He used to call me DN That stood for deadly nightshade ‘Cause I was filled with poison But blessed with beauty and rage”
Imagine Dragons- Thunder
“Just a young gun with a quick fuse I was uptight, wanna let loose I was dreaming of bigger things And wanna leave my own life behind Not a yes sir, not a follower Fit the box, fit the mold Have a seat in the foyer, take a number I was lightning before the thunder”
The following section should be looked at like a survey for your character. Answer them in character and feel free to use gifs. Or, if you’d rather, answer them in third person or OOC without gifs. Answers do not have to be extremely lengthy.
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
Skin is full of holes, you know. Did you know that? Little tiny holes. Openings. Entry ways. There’s a phobia for that, you know. Imagine. A fear of itty bitty little tiny holes. It makes one think of something sick. Infested. Infected. Trypophobia. Foraminissanguinem is my spell. Imagine a geyser. So beautiful. Now imagine three trillion of them erupting. Each from a point nearly invisible to the naked eye. So beautiful, no?
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you: There is one object I have always admired since I was a tiny pip of a girl. The Staring Glass Eye in Borgin and Burke’s. It’s quite a simple object. Unassuming. Small. Shiny. Yet it does so much more than meets…well, the eye. It resembles a glass eye. Of course, it does. A small, round, shiny glass eye with a blue iris. Pretty little thing. Would match my collection. I do so love the color blue. Once held, its owner is alerted to anyone or anything that attempts to sneak up on it. It sees through all things, solid or otherwise. Organic or otherwise. Such a useful tool, no? I believe I’ll inquire about its whereabouts. If lucky, it will remain at the store for my purchase.
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
None. What a ridiculous question. Next!
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
That I were not the very image of blood purity. I am Bellatrix Eris Black, eldest daughter of Cygnus and Druella Black, of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. The blood of my veins is that of a pure blood witch. My lineage is pure and superior. To declare otherwise is to meet the end of my wand.
The echo of footsteps reverberated around the abandoned alley. The man, breathing heavy, pulled himself along the wall with one hand. The other was wrapped protectively around his broken ribs. Each footstep was a burning agony. Each intake of breath threatened collapse. Yet, he continued on. The safe house was near. Just a bit further and he’d be with the others. They weren’t expecting him, but he’d be welcomed. The information he’d acquired…he shivered slightly, feeling cold. Was it the chill weather or the rapid loss of blood that brought on the shiver? He couldn’t say. A high feminine giggle echoed somewhere nearby. He paused, barely breathing. It faded in the night, leaving a haunting silence in its wake. He shivered again. Must keep moving.
Behind him, stalked a predator. The metallic scent of blood wafting in her nostrils. She shivered as well, yet for a wholly different reason. A sigh followed by another high pitched little giggle. What fun! Stooping down, one long finger reached out to touch the crimson liquid splattered on the cobblestone. A pianist’s fingers, he father used to tell her. In happier times, that is. The blood was still warm. The coated finger was raised to the woman’s lips. A fine color to match her already ruby lips. A tip of pink tongue darted out to taste the salty liquid. Another sigh, like one offered to a sweet-talking lover. Oh, this was fun.
So close. He just had to make it. She was closer, he knew. But there was no rush in her pursuit. She knew as well as he, that he was not going to make it. A tear slipped down his face, falling to mix with the blood on the stone. If he could just get close enough. If he could just find some way to alert them, then it would not be for nothing. They needed to know. He needed them to know. Another step. He stumbled and then fell. Black spots danced before his eyes, blacker than the night. The sound of footsteps drew nearer until they were right upon him. She tutted, sadly, before straddling the man. Her weight upon his broken ribs brought gasps of pain. She nuzzled him gently. Her finger, still coated in the man’s blood, stroked his stubbled cheek. A smear spread upon it, barely noticeable in his already bloodied features. She smiled, which tore a sob from the man’s lips. It was too wide, too toothy. She leaned in close, her lips almost to his ear, and whispered gently. His sobs came swiftly. “Did you really think I’d let you go so easily?” She pressed her lips to his cheek before sticking out her tongue. She licked the side of his bloodied face and shuddered heavily. “We’ve only just begun our fun.”
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toomanycharr · 7 years
01 for all or as many of your characters you want
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?Putting under cut because I’m gonna do every name!
Xyx Black-name - Xyx’s name was originally Pox in pre-game days. I absolutely hated that name, and have no idea why I was doing to call them that, but once when I was walking to work I saw a car numberplate that said ‘XYX’ at the end and I thought that was a much better name than Pox. It stuck. Probably the strangest place I have gotten a name from. All of the surnames are random- Black was just an ash warband I dreamed up in beta days.
Nenqe Furywatch - Nenqe means vulture in an African language (I honestly cannot remember which one, I am sorry.) I like to name my characters vulture-y things. She was made to start up Fierce Warband on EU before the terrible idea of starting VI, so was Fiercewatch for a while- watch came from her protective and nurturing nature, and how she would keep watch of those she cared for. After some shit went down in VI (thank iron I’m out of there) she joined up with Minnar’s Fury warband.
Yaxa Oozemaw - Yaxana, shortened to Yaxa, was a really good World of Warcraft friend. I made her when he got admitted to hospital. Yaxa was always played as a very strong feminine warrior who took no shit, so it was sort of a testament to that character. She bites oozes and is the legionnaire of maw warband.
Apnea Spiritmaul - Apnea is the suspension of breathing, when there is no movement in the lungs. When I made her the idea of her character was that she used mind control and confusion to stop the foe’s lungs from working properly- this was soon after scrapped as I thought that would be a better idea for an air elementalist. She was made to be part of Spirit Warband, and maul was the most blood-legion word I could think of at the time.
Sergi Spiritclaw - Keyboard smash. Made to be in Spirit Warband and claw was the most Blood legion word I could think of.
Tabus The Displacer - I wanted a name beginning with T that sounded bad ass. Tabus came after taking Tea and adding/changing letters.The displacer because he was meant to be a displacer beast fan character but that sort of didn’t go very well- he’s still super cool though.
Mayall Stargazer - Mayall was made to be my fursona at the time in the game. She is named after the galaxy Mayall’s object, and stargazer was my own personal love of the stars, but soon became star warband.
Hoag Starcrusher - Hoag is named after the galaxy Hoag’s object. Made after I had the idea for Star Warband, as the legionnaire Mayall was making Astralasia for. That fell through, but Hoag is still a thing.
Volca Slashthroat - Keyboard smash, Blood legion-iest surname I could think of.
Eris Spiritheart - Eris is the Goddess of chaos and my personal God as a Discordian. Chosen just because I wanted that name. Spirit was originally due to her pure white fur, but became the warband name soon after. Heart because she was imagined as a caring and sweet character. 
Arcturis Spirtmaw - Arcturis is one of my favorite hunter pets in World of Warcraft. He was made as a fan-character but soon became the lieutenant of Spirit warband because of his name and close resemblance of Eris. Spirit because he’s a spirit beast in WoW, and maw because the bear’s maw is the most noticeable part of the pet.
Bess Havocether - I wanted a name that reflected her upbringing. As Aetherblades have a very all-race community-thing, Bess came up as something that sounded both human and slightly charr, with a slight asura tinge. Bess was made for the RP guild Havoc warband. Ether because... Aether.
Seamstress Kombucha - Seamstress because she is a seamstress, Kombucha because I like to name my characters after tea!
Klovan - WvW inspired. Also sounded like a nice charr name.
Artois Earthshaker - I literally have 0 idea how to spell his first name, can you tell? Earthshaker from Flight Rising fan-character. His first name was Earthshaker’s original name before the creators decided to go for easier to remember names. I am so glad they did, because I have so much trouble with his name. I’m 99% sure I spelt it wrong there too.
Auxantios - I was looking at Greek names and Auxentios came up- it was taken, so I changed one letter and got that!
Aries The Obstinate - I am an Aries, hurr hurr. I really want to change her title. One day.
Luluzure Vividwrath - BECAUSE, NO, LUCY, I AM NOT CALLING MY CHARR YIFFA BUTTCAKEKangra Silverbrew - Keyboard smash.Calix Glenwalker - Calix was keyboard smash. Glenwalker was stolen from a good friend who gave me his fursona when he stopped being a furry.
Speldan - Another WvW name. I wanted to make her, go into WvW and say ‘TAKE ME’ in /w but that never happened, hah. 
Congou - Another tea name! I was amazed this wasn’t taken.
Tamika Dustshot - Tamika is named after Tamika Flynn from Welcome to Nightvale. Tamika Flynn is a badass. Dustshot was random.
Temac Gemstrike - (T)E)M(A)C TEA as my name, And TMC, standing for Too Many Charr. Smart, eh? Gemstrike was random.
Rauch The Brusque - More google names. Apparently it’s German for smoke- even better! I will be changing the title one day. I don’t like it.
Taube Lunargleam - Taube means pigeon. I love pigeons. Lunar for Lunar warband, and Gleam was the only guardian-like word I could think of that looked okay with Lunar. 
Kallisti Smokehunt - Kallisti is another Greek/Discordian thingger, meaning ‘The most beautiful.’ She is pretty. It works. Smokehunt was random.
Tuocha Blacksnow - Another tea name! (I spell this one wrong a lot too.) Black because Black warband (There will be a lot of hose now,) and snow because of his snowy white fur and birth in the Shiverpeaks. 
Teague Blackblade - Random name, because it has Tea in it. He was originally made for Blade warband in VI, but Blade never happened and I became not a part of the guild anymore, so he stuck and I changed his story to be ex-Black warband.
Worina Blackweld - Keyboard smash/Black Warband/random
Galao Blackcandle - I thought I would have a break from tea names and have a COFFEE NAME. OOOOO. Black Warband. Candle was random.
Malaya Blackheart - Malaya is a place that grows a lot of tea, so.... Tea name. There’s a theme, as you can see.Black Warband/random
Breve Blackeye - Random first name. Think I got it from a name generator. Blackeye is both Black warband and how he is always getting himself into trouble.
Spinel Blackcarve - Spinel (gem) is pretty, Spinel (charr) is pretty. Also the most charr-sounding gem name I could find. Black warband/random.
Kallias Blackgrog - Keyboard Smash / Black Warband / Random
Geier Hearthhew - Geier means vulture. Hearthhew was me trying to think of a name that ould be both Flame and Iron, as I had an RP plot in my head where he was saved from Flame by a bunch of Iron charr. That never happened.
Syn Thunderstalker - Syn... Well, that’s a story. An actual story! One time a long time ago I was hypnotised (yeah, I play around with that,) and I can’t remember exactly what happened, and even if I could, it wouldn’t be safe for this blog, my head somehow made a huge.grey Flame Legion charr named Syn. No idea where the name came from, but that was the name he came from. He became my ‘fursona’ for a while, and took my fursona at the time’s (Shera Thunderstalker) surname. (Please note this was before we knew how bad Flame is to ladies.) All in all the whole character of Syn is pretty much me hating myself at the time I had him as a sona, because a lot of shit went down in that time.
King Tyant - I wanted a charr called King. Tyant was keyboard smash,and no, has nothing to do with tyrant.
Falk Doodlesnugs / Blazebane - Falk was random. Doodlesnugs because he was never meant to be serious, he was never meant to have this much effort put into him, I made him to have big colourful hair. But he became serious. He got the effort. Recently he has changed to Blazebane after King was taken back to the Citadel and he vowed to be more of a charr, to get back his father, and to kill his blood-sire before he killed King.
Tiffany Salter - I got a friend to look through her facebook and pull up two names for me. Tiffany Salter was what came up. I like it, because I am salty. Hurr.
Theo the Serpent - Theo because... It’s what I was gonna be called so??? He’s not at all like me so I’m not sure. The serpent because LUXON LORE
Tea Apnea - It’s literally me. I liked the name Apnea, so used that too.
Aries Hellebore - Aries because stars and stuff, Hellebore is a plant, but mostly a google name.
Tea Ursinnehare - It me again. Surname means Anger rabbit which I found hilarious.
Badly made fursuit - ...
Badly made murrsuit  - ...................
Cant be charrsed - I made the character in the PoF beta when I’d already done the story, and I was amused at the name, so kept it.
Overdunked Rich Tea - Part tea name, part delicious biscuit, part disappointment.
Salty Tea - Salt.
Spoopy Booplesnoot - Spooky Bunny
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bunny-wk-fanfic · 7 years
Could you do a platonic one with Kagome finding Shippo in the future and introducing him to the Higurashi family?
Let’s just say that Kagome introduced him after this scenario.
As much as she loved her friends, she felt they sometimes went a little overboard with certain things. Like, dragging her out to clubs or bars every weekend to ensure she was maintaining her social life. Not that it helped her romantic life. After Inuyasha and returning to the present, permanently, her love life had been… well, rocky was putting it nicely. There had been a few, none of which had been Hojo, that had helped awaken her sexual side, but she either found them too fragile or flawed.
Tonight was no different.
It was a nicer place than she was used to them dragging her to, so perhaps it would finally be an honest girl’s night out for once.
“And here she is, the most perfect woman you could ever hope for.” Yuka’s voice had Kagome sighing as she swirled her drink with lazy rolls of her wrist.
“Yuka…” her voice trailed off, the others giggling at her exasperation.
“Oh, don’t ‘Yuka’ me.” her own voice firm as she planted the man next to Kagome, and with some subtle gestures from behind him that had Ayumi and Eri nodding their heads and grabbing their things. “Well, we just got a call from some others that are coming, so we’re going to sit a table closer to the door until they get here. In the meantime, why not get to know Akira!”
Kagome didn’t get to say otherwise as they left the table so suddenly leaving her with a practical stranger. Taking in a deep breath, she took a swift drink to turn and face the man next to her. “I’m really sorry about them.”
There was a flirty smile on his face, “It’s alright-!” he suddenly choked when his face looked gobsmacked. “Kagome?!”
“That is my name.” she stared into aqua-green eyes that was surrounded by rich auburn bangs. His face was definitely masculine, but had a certain feminine touch that she had grown familiar with in only seeing youkai being able to pull off. “Do… do I know you?”
They both leaned back from each other, him staring at her as she tried to take him in and figure out where they had met. There was something about him that tugged at the back of her mind. But the mental picture and the man before her were clashing. She knew it was possible, but she had given up on hoping to see any of them ever again after the first five years.
“Kagome, it’s me. Don’t… don’t you remember me?” the expression he wore was obviously an exaggeration of being hurt, but she picked up on that actual sting.
“I…” she froze when it finally clicked, his eyes and hair with that pouting tone. “Shippo?” she almost didn’t want to hope only for it to be dashed.
His face split into a blinding smile, very much now reminding her of the kit that she had taken care of during their hunt for the Shards and Naraku. He practically knocked them over when he threw his arms around her, giving her a hearty hug that now had strength behind it when she remembered tiny claws desperate to cling to her.
“Shippo?” her mind was still having trouble adjusting to the fact that he really was there, her arms slow to rise and return the hug as a small voice in the back of her mind whispered it was just a dream and he really wasn’t there. But when she felt the shocking broadness of his shoulders, the solid physical proof that he really was there, it was she that was now clinging to him. “Shippo. Shippo, Shippo, Shippo.”
“That is my name. But not so loud, it’s Akira to the public.” his arms tightened around her at her wet chuckle, humming when she buried her face into his hair and let out a sound that was a mix of a sob and laughter.
When she suddenly pulled back looking at him closely, he could only smile, silently nodding his head to reassure her that it was really him. It was swiftly wiped off when she gave him a surprisingly harsh punch to his shoulder. “Ow! What was that for?”
“What was that for?” she gave him another punch, she could feel a slight stirring of her miko powers tingling with her anger and could only feel slightly better that it did give him a slight zap. Nothing to really hurt him, but it had been enough to let him feel it. “10 years! It’s been a near decade and it’s only by chance that I now know you’re still alive!” for good measure, she gave him a third punch.
“Ow! I think that’s actually going to bruise.” he whined when he raised a hand to soothe his sore shoulder. He wore a pout as he eyed her, having not expected that she would actually punch him. True, it was not something to really cry over, he was youkai, it still shocked him.
“Good! You deserve it.” the last part came out more as a mumble, it was petulant, but she felt that she was in the right. It shouldn’t have been that hard for him, or any of the others really, to look her up. It was the 21st century for Kami’s sake! There were public records, telephone and the internet. Really not that hard.
“Sorry, Inuyasha never told any of us the exact date, thinking you’d always return. When you didn’t, or couldn’t, he didn’t say anything out of spite.” he gave her a pointed look. “And you never mentioned for fear of messing with time.”
“Alright…. But it’s not all that hard to look up my family!” her whine was a little desperate and a little hurt.
He offered a sheepish smile with an awkward shrug of his shoulders. “Sorry, I traveled the world. It hurt staying in one place waiting for you to be born.” a blush covered his cheeks as he looked away. “And then there was always the idea of simply stealing you away when you finally were born. I still remembered all the pain we went through, especially what you told us of your home. It wasn’t hard to tell that you came from a time of peace and education over ours. And then there was Inuyasha…”
Kagome grimaced as he trailed off, not able to defend herself or Inuyasha. “Is he…”
Shippo nodded his head. “Yeah. Turns out the Inu-no-Taisho’s bloodline is a lot more powerful, since even a hanyou shouldn’t have lived so long and look the way he does. He’s mated to a coyote youkai and living with his family over in America.”
With a deep inhale and slow exhale, she nodded her head as she finished her drink, feeling a sort of weight lift from her shoulders. “That’s, that’s good. I’m glad he’s happy. And you?”
“What about me?” the smirk he threw her was something that reminded her too much of Miroku. “I’m a kitsune, living his prime. Why would a handsome, unattached male like myself be here, to begin with?”
He didn’t have to wait long before her nose scrunched up in slight disgust. He knew it wasn’t directed at him personally. “I can understand why you’d come to the bar to get lucky… But why did you… What made you want to try and get lucky with me?”
He coughed as his own face morphed into one of disgust. “I was actually trying to go for your friend, but she was pretty adamant about me meeting you. I figured you would have been as good as her, though I didn’t think you’d be… well, you.”
An awkward silence settled over them, leaving a sour taste in both their mouths. “Let’s change the topic. Actually, let’s change the scenery too. I’m getting hungry.”
Shippo smiled as he stood up, ignoring her upset words and expression when he paid for her drinks by tossing a few bills atop the counter. “I know this great place, you’ll love it. And I know the owners will be dying to meet you.”
Her expression brightened with hope, looping her arm with his as they left the bar. She completely forgot about the girls, but they’d see her leaving with Shippo and think she was finally moving on from her last ex’ or simply getting the lay she needed, according to them.
She was not going to let herself think on that subject any longer. Instead, she was going to finally enjoy the night for the first time in a long time.
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