#erm little doodle hehehe ^__^
maggotmoment · 4 months
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me when there's bugs in the bayou:
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segakat · 2 months
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making a separate post for this one because i got a LITTLE fixated on puchia and drew her a bunch. what can i say. i love her a lot and she's way too much fun to draw! a bit of silly ol' garuche in there too. i want to pick both of them up and swing them around♡ ANYWAYS first art piece was an af attack on @cappycodeart (puchia belongs to both them and @knightsweetiesart ). as for the doodles, i thought it'd be funny to do some kinda au meets au sorta thing hehehe
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gothambatsnews · 6 years
Podcast 6: Feeling Good During Fall and Winter
[“Spoiler Alert Podcast” theme song plays. There are two feminine voices in the background. The conversation fades, there are three taps on the mic.] [Stephanie:] “Hello Gotham High School and welcome to Spoiler Alert! I’m your host Stephanie Brown, and today, unfortunately, I won’t be joined by my usual co-host Dick Grayson, he’s actually too busy. Buuuut I am joined by the one and only CASSANDRA CAIN! Say hi, Cass”
[Cassandra:] “Hello, Cass.”
[Stephanie:] “Funny. So as you probably know, there’s a veeeery big game coming and our boys are training a lot these days. Thankfully I’m able to use a few minutes here to present you our podcast, but it’s quite wild for the cheerleaders too, as you may assume.”
[Cassandra:] “They’re going to Central City. Playing against the Cougars, next week. Saturday.”
[Stephanie:] “Right. That means for today, it’s a girls only show. I mean, for the hosts. Anyone can benefit the advice in this one, don’t get me wrong.”
[Cassandra:] “Everyone can feel down and suffer from lack of light and warmth in Fall and Winter. Meaning you are welcome to stay, no matter your identity.”
[Stephanie:] “Exactly. As you can suspect it, today’s topic is about Self Love and how to feel better during these dark times. Even if summer’s over, along with its refreshing watermelons, autumn’s got its own little perks. [Cassandra:] “Like Pumpkin Spice Latte.”
[Stephanie:] “Yep. Looking at you, Jason.”
[Cassandra:] “Sound of the rain? When the leaves go crack under our boots? Boots, actually.”
[Stephanie:] “Mmm.. the leaves yes. Boots shopping?”
[Cassandra:] “Just wearing boots, too. Spending time with friends. In the mall? It’s nice and warm.”
[Stephanie:] “Just staying inside where it’s cozy actually.”
[Cassandra:] “With a nice cup of tea?”
[Stephanie:] “Yes, and cocoa if tea isn’t what you like. There’s plenty of good things in Fall and Winter. Not to mention the snow and the unspeakable joy of throwing snowballs straight into people’s faces. But what to do when you’re feeling low nonetheless? Let’s get down to business an-”
[Cassandra:] [In song.] “... To de-feat the Cou-gars?”
[Stephanie:] [Chuckling] “You had to quote Disney, huh? But no, to get into the heart of the matter!”
[Cassandra:] [Sounds like she’s smiling.] “Today we picked four main things that won’t cost too much. Most of us are students and can be hard to follow advice when it’s too expensive.”
[Stephanie:] “Yeah, not everyone is a Wayne, sadly. But the first point may or may not involve getting some supplies, but usually you can manage without buying anything.”
[Cassandra:] “Yes! Art therapy is very popular. Creating is good for our mood. Grab a pen, some pencils, colors, yarn, whatever you have or want, and do something creative. Paint, draw, doodle, just have fun. It doesn’t have to be nice or good looking, you just have to have fun!”
[Stephanie:] “Actually, pretty sure that cooking can be included in that point. Except if your name is Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne or Tim Drake, in which case it’s just living dangerously.”
[Cassandra:] “Calling them out, Steph? They’ll get revenge. You and I know that.”
[Stephanie:] “They can bring it on, this is a free podcast! FREEDOM OF SPEECH!”
[Cassandra:] [Really laughing this time] “Heheh. That only protects your speech, not from the boys.”
[Stephanie:] “I’ll face the problem when I get to it.”
[Cassandra:] [Snorts] “But yes, cooking, especially since it’ll be good for you to eat a balanced meal.”
[Stephanie:] “Don’t just throw a snack in the microwave, or cereals in a bowl. Don’t be a Dick! Make something. Start small. Maybe a smoothie or something, if you’re uncomfortable with the stove and oven. But make it yourself. It’s less expensive, usually healthier, and way better in the long run.”
[Cassandra:] “And fulfilling!”
[Stephanie:] “And once you master the basics you can begin to improvise. Add stuff, cook with new ingredients,... Make heart-shaped waffles…” [happy sighs] “I just want to wake up some day to a tray of heart waffles covered in chocolate, maybe a rose next to the plate. Romance tip, get your significant other heart waffles.”
[Cassandra:] [With a very neutral tone] “Someday, maybe, who knows?”
[Stephanie:] “Ah, but I got distracted, my bad, my bad. Where were we….” [Shuffling paper noise] “Ah right, here. Planting something.”
[Cassandra:] “Taking care of a plant is very relaxing. Don’t know why? It helps to have a tiny bit of nature inside. Especially in Gotham. And you can grow herbs to cook. Bonus points.”
[Stephanie:] “Ok I’ll be honest, I’m terrible with plants, BUT I got a workaround.”
[Cassandra:] “You do?”
[Stephanie:] “Fake flowers. Expensive ones though, not the cheap plastic ones. I got a few ones, mostly made out of fabric, and I switch between the different sets to maintain the illusion it’s fresh flowers. If you don’t look too closely, it’s alright.”
[Cassandra:] “So the parsley I got you…?”
[Stephanie:] “The one you named Peanut? Dead, sorry. So so sorry, I didn’t want to tell you!”
[Cassandra:] “Next time I’ll just get you a scarf like everyone else.”
[Stephanie:] “PLEASE NO!!” [Silence] “I mean… I already got 12 scarves thanks to Dick and Tim and Babs and other friends, I don’t even wear a scarf most of the time.”
[Cassandra:] “Fine. Mittens it’ll be then. Which leads us to the next point, go outside. Get fresh air.”
[Stephanie:] “Get ready to go outside, too. Don’t just make two steps outside with dumb sweatpants and a lazy bun, get ready! Always get out of the house like you’d like a potential date to see you for the first time. Not all out, but pretty enough and comfortable. Put on some makeup too. Nothing much, but if you’re feeling low, there’s nothing compared to putting on some lipstick to see it bring the life back to your face.”
[Cassandra:] “I thought that was the blush powder’s job.”
[Stephanie:] “Or the blush powder, yeah. Any of those. Also for our male listeners, never underestimate the power of a good concealer. Don’t be shy and get some. It’ll cover for all your long nights spent studying. Or anything else, really.”
[Cassandra:] “I thought the makeup topic was for another week?”
[Stephanie:] “It’s never too early for concealer, Cass. Just make sure you got the right tone. Erm… Oh, right. If you don’t know what to put as clothes to get out, stick to the basics.”
[Cassandra:] “Black?? But we said..”
[Stephanie:] “No no, I know what we said, get some colors. Sooooooo… WEAR THE RED AND GOLD!!! GO BATS GO!!”
[Cassandra:] “But at this time of the year be prepared to be mistaken with a Gryffindor student.”
[Stephanie:] “What’s wrong with that?”
[Cassandra:] “Some of us prefer the other houses. Not me, obviously, but you maybe. Or the boys. Especially Damian. He really enjoys being sorted in Slytherin.”
[Stephanie:] “Ok I’ll give you that. But you got to admit that at least it’s easy to get decent clothes, you just have to gather your Gotham High School merch- Oh god, wait.”
[Cassandra:] “What?”
[Stephanie:] “We’re talking about Harry Potter and Tim isn’t ev-”
[A phone dings. There’s some noise as Steph fishes for it]
[Stephanie:] "Oh god, it's Tim." [Cassandra:] "What did he say?" [Stephanie:] "'Tell them about my Dumbledore theory.' No, I'm not gonna. Goodbye Timothy."
[Sound of her phone being placed down.] [Cassandra:]"But you know he'll try to-" [A phone dings] "Text me." [Stephanie:] "Don't do what he says!" [Cassandra:] "He's threatening. He'll come here to crash your podcast."
[Stephanie:] “Please no. Tim if you hear us, don’t. Seriously don’t.”
[Cassandra:] “He’s probably already practically here or something, Stephanie.”
[Stephanie:] “Ok let’s finish this before he comes then. The last thing you probably heard it a thousand of times, but just turn off your phone and computer, and take a bit of time to just breathe.”
[Cassandra:] “Meditation. It’s called meditation. It helps lower the heart rate, and to put things in perspective. Makes people happier too.” [Stephanie:] “It doesn’t have to be hours long, just one or two minutes are already enough. We’ll… Talk about it in depth in another podc-
[Sound of a door being slammed open. A scream on Steph’s side] 
[Cassandra:] “NO! TIM GO!”
[Stephanie:] “And that’s a topic for another tiMELOVEANDSPARKLES!!”
[End of Episode 6]
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