#es21 au
nonbayanary · 1 year
Teenage Mutant Mystic DEMONS AU (TMMDemons AU)
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[ Subject MAOU-001, The Leader, One of the Eldest Twins ]
Nonbinary mutant demon.
Pronouns: They/Them.
Since they're an orphan, the only name they have in the government records is "Youichi." They don't actually have a last name, so in the years when they suffered experimentation, one of the only things that kept them sane was the mental activity of making a surname for themself. And they chose: "Hiruma."
Scientists in the Deimon facility dubbed Hiruma as "Subject MAOU-001."
In this AU, Hiruma is more playful, as a result of growing up alongside Sena, Kurita, and Musashi as siblings. They are also more open to their siblings, but more wary of strangers. Hiruma becomes the voice of reason whenever their siblings meet someone new, as they caution the others to be wary and observant of new people. The four have already suffered through dehumanizing experimentation and human trafficking. It's better to play it safe, than to suffer the consequences of betrayal and ignorance.
Hiruma has long, sharp spikes on their shoulders and arms, and shorter spikes on their spine. The red markings on their arms are rectangular, almost shaped like pixels and guns.
The skin on their limbs, once pale when they were still human, is now a color so dark, that it's even blacker than night. Red markings shaped like diamonds strung together are what separate the color of Hiruma's limbs from the color of their torso. All the Maou trio have these specific features.
Hiruma's eyes glow red. They have markings of a large, upside-down cross on their chest. Their genitals are hidden within a slit in their crotch area (like turtle cloacas).
They have sharp claws. So sharp that they've accidentally popped or stabbed through objects on more than one occassion.
All of the Maou trio have tails. Hiruma has three red-and-gold tails that are all tipped with eyes. Hiruma uses these eyes as both weapons, and as video recorders. Which means they're recording everything around them at all times.
Hiruma's hair is literally made out of fire. It never dies out.
Musashi and Kurita have horns, while Hiruma doesn't. Hiruma's dead jealous; if they had horns, they would decorate their horns with jewelry. To compensate, Hiruma adorns Musashi's and Kurita's horns with jewelry during special days.
Hiruma is often clothed in red, as it is their favorite color.
When the kids were younger, Hiruma dubbed themself as "The Leader." They usually take charge, along with Musashi. Hiruma and Musashi both look after Kurita and Sena, the younger ones, together.
Hiruma is known by different names. In public, their siblings call them "Hiruma." Hiruma doesn't want strangers knowing their birth name.
When in the comfort of their home, their siblings call them, "Youichi," or "Ichii," when the others are feeling playful.
Doburoku calls them, "Yo-Yo," to Hiruma's chagrin. Although when the situation is serious, he calls them, "Youichi." When Hiruma has cooked up some trouble and Doburoku is pissed off, he calls his kids by their full names.
Of the four kids, Hiruma is one of the two eldest. (Musashi is the other eldest sibling).
Hiruma and Musashi were raised in different orphanages. The two know they were born on the same year, but don't know their own dates of birth.
A year after Doburoku adopted the kids, Kurita had once suggested jokingly that Hiruma and Musashi were "practically twins." At first, the two were both adamant that it was impossible. But then, they grew to love the idea of having a twinship.
Hence, when the others refer to the Musashi-Hiruma duo, they often refer to them as "the twins."
Hiruma likes watching yakuza movies, so the way they speak makes it sound like they're a criminal.
Hiruma's a gunsmith and a weaponsmith. At first, before they developed their mystic powers, they built guns as a hobby. They also have a fascination of guns because they fear for their family's safety.
Hiruma is the one who illegally earns money for the family. They earn even more than Doburoku, the only adult in the family. And to do that, Hiruma hacks ATM's and has several ATM cards connected to billionaires' accounts.
Which means Hiruma is literally stealing from billionaires to fund their family. They buy furniture for the home, raw materials for Musashi, games and anime merch for Sena, and ingredients and cooking utensils for Kurita.
Hiruma also hacks into government servers and CCTV systems for fun, and pirates films and shows for their family to watch. They also record everything, to their siblings' chagrin.
Hiruma was inspired by watching their favorite movie, Megamind. As such, Hiruma cares very much about "Presentation." So, when getting into fights, Hiruma loves to intimidate their enemies by showing the first level of what they call their "Disposal Unit." In battles, this is how Hiruma usually presents themself:
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The first wave of Hiruma's Disposal Unit, or what they call, "Category 1," is only meant to incapacitate a few opponents.
"Category 2," or the second wave, is meant to incapacitate a several groups of opponents.
The third wave, or "Category 3," is meant to kill a few opponents.
"Category 4," is meant to massacre a wholeass army.
Currently, Hiruma is working on "Category 5," a nuclear bomb that will annihalate supernatural deities or even aliens. After all, Hiruma thinks, they can't be too lax on security. Better to be overprepared than to lose their family by being underprepared for a big crisis.
Hiruma also expands to making more complicated artillery. The type that starts out looking like normal objects, before turning into complex guns. For example, they build a briefcase that transforms into a machine gun, after watching this anime scene with Sena:
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Hiruma makes an artillery-bag for all their family members, just as a failsafe. Whenever the four siblings go out, they always bring one of Hiruma's briefcases, just in case.
Inspired by watching Sena's gameplay, Hiruma loves building intimidating and powerful artillery like this:
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Out of their four siblings, Hiruma has the messiest room. They can't be bothered to clean, not when their brain is fueling them ideas faster than they can make artillery.
Hiruma has their own workshop/laboratory, which is right beside their room. They call their lab, "My Evil Lair," because they're a dork who loves the villain aesthetic.
Hiruma also created and installed cameras around their home's area. They also constantly monitor the CCTV footage, and get notified by their systems immediately when something unusal is happening. Their family may live in a hermit's house in the middle of nowhere, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Hiruma loves wearing dresses and skirts at home, because fuck gender norms. When they go out to roam the city, they prefer wearing pants, just in case they need to fight.
Hiruma's love for skirts and dresses influenced their siblings, and soon, the others started wearing them too. The Maou trio's favorite are mini-skirts and backless dresses, because it gives their tails or their wings free reign.
And of course, Hiruma loves make-up. They love putting on red and black eyeliner, and doing their eyebrows. Hiruma hates lip products because they often get lipstick on their fangs and teeth. It's pretty inconvenient for them.
Hiruma also loves painting the claws on their hands and feet red, though the paint often chips off due to Hiruma's constant work.
All three of the Maou trio can create energy constructs. Hiruma's energy constructs, however, are different from Kurita's and Musashi's own constructs.
Hiruma's mystic powers are all about creating red, semi-transparent constructs of guns and artillery, made out of their mystic energy. It looks like this:
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The gun constructs they conjure vary in size, as it takes great mastery, concentration, and mystic energy to create constructs bigger than their own body.
Hiruma finds their mystic powers very convenient, despite the cost of being drained to exhaustion. They know how long projects can take, and how much determination it takes to finish one, so they like the speed with which their mystic guns appear.
After watching a few episodes of RWBY with Sena, Hiruma starts conjuring mystic nunchuck-guns for close combat after seeing this coolass scene:
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When it comes to making technology, Hiruma has to collaborate with Musashi to make various rockets. The whole process takes time. So when Hiruma discovers that they can bend the physical manifestations of their mystic energy to make anything they desire, they make these for their convenience:
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Hiruma loves making combo moves with their siblings. Sena's portals make Hiruma's artillery unpredictable, as Sena can ensure that Hiruma's energy construct bullets reach the enemy faster.
Musashi's transmutation constructs can prove as convenient surfaces to spawn Hiruma's own gun constructs.
Kurita's bodily energy construct is a gigantic moving warrior that Hiruma can propel in the air with their rocket constructs. Mystic energy makes anything possible.
Hiruma also loves being flashy, so that the enemies' eyes are on them. This ensures that their siblings are a little safer, as long as Hiruma keeps their opponents distracted. Thus, it's not uncommon to see Hiruma doing this:
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Hiruma tries to act as if they're "emotionally unavailable" in public. And yet ironically, Hiruma's mystic energy is heavily influenced by their emotions. When they're feeling manic with energy, their mystic artillery is as lively as they are. But when Hiruma is truly scared, even when they try not to show it, their mystic artillery shows it by glitching, or sometimes even fizzling out into nothingness.
Hiruma is the second person to awaken their mystic powers, right after Kurita did. It was Hiruma's desire to protect their brothers that awakened their power.
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Feel free to write or make art of this AU. But please credit me, and send me the link to what you've made! I'd love to see it!!!
This AU was based on Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (ROTTMNT), and further inspired by RWBY, The Locked Tomb, Honkai Impact 3, Fullmetal Alchemist, Solo Levelling, and Genshin Impact.
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sabigawa · 8 months
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this is from like, early last year lmfao that I never got around to posting-- atla AU!
it's not really that fleshed out, I just know it would be set post atla but before lok, before republic city is the metropolis that it is in lok. So I put the original gaang to be around their 40's-50's?
the Kongo brothers are from a mixed family, with a firebending father and a non-bender, water tribe mother. Agon is a fire bender, and as in canon, a prodigy in everything he does (he even has blue flames because he sucks like that). because they grew up with a firebender as a parent, and because they lived in a predominantly fire-nation neighborhood, Agon ended up getting the most attention and praise for his bending accomplishments, and he proudly incorporates both fire-nation and water-tribe clothing styles into his day-to-day wear mainly because he likes standing out.
Unsui is a water bender. he's a hard worker and practices for hours every day, but he didn't have the guidance of a water-bender parent, and no matter how hard he worked he could never get close to Agon's skill. sometimes he looks at Agon firebending, and seeing his blue flames while he seamlessly incorporates water bending techniques into his firebending as though it's the easies thing in the world makes Unsui feel as though Agon isn't just the better bender, but the better water bender too. eventually Unsui gives up trying to compete with his twin. it gets to a point where he stops wearing water tribe colors at all as a way to stand out less as a water bender.
Hiruma is a non-bender. he seems to know every nook and cranny of every district in republic city, but no one know where he actually lives. he spends his time being a menace to society with his blackmail book, gambling, and inventing things (he doesn't patent any of his work-- he privately invented hair dye (or bleach, in this case) and uses it only for himself so that people are unnerved by his appearance. rumors that he has something to do with the spirit world follows him around, but he neither denies nor confirms). he and Agon meet one day in a shady alleyway on the rough side of town....
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la-cay · 1 year
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Me and my muscle puppy
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ciaossu-imagines · 9 months
mini event - Eyeshield 21 with Retail Workers AU. Thank you sooo much
Oh, this was such a fun AU! Thank you, anon dear, for sending it in and I hope you'll enjoy the headcanons and the AU I came up with, though they are late getting to you!
Okay, I'm going to really show my age here, but I definitely grew up with mall culture of a sort, with malls being a pretty big deal and somewhere you went to hang out with your friends. Add to that the fact that as a Canadian teen, the show 6teen was a pretty big thing (anyone else remember that one?) for me. Hell, to this day, I still go to the mall and hang out and shop or window-shop with friends.
So, when thinking about this AU, I knew how I had to take this all. I mean, I have wayyyy too much retail sales experience and it probably would have been easier to really just focus on everyone working in, say, a Wal-Mart or an IKEA and all that, but I wanted to add a sort of extra layer.
So basically, I set this AU in a mega-mall. Basically, all of the teams sort of work in the different shops within the mall. Because of that, they're all really used to seeing each other, day in and day out, because they all are in the mall at least four to five days out of the week, they probably all eat in the food court for the most part and they all frequent each other's stores because it's just easier to do your shopping after work than go out and run errands on your days off. So everyone is at least surface familiar with everyone else and there's kind of fun little rivalries between the staff in the different stores within the mall, made even more so by the fact that the corporation that owns the mall holds a year-long contest for the 'best store in the mall', where the staff in whatever store has the best sales and customer service reviews on those stupid receipt surveys wins this grand prize. Last year, every staff member of Charms Diamond Center got a paid weekend trip to be used within the year. So the competition really ramps up that existing friendly rivalry and can actually turn it a lot less friendly at times.
So, we'll begin, most naturally with the canonical team of the Deimon Devil Bats. In this particular AU setting, I kind of see everyone as the staff in a sporting goods store…I'm such a dork that I actually based this mall and it's various stores on a map I pulled up of one of the mall's in my original province's major city malls, so for me, I'm kind of imagining it as a Cabela's on steroids, haha.
Anyway, for some reason that nobody at all can figure out, Hiruma is actually the store's manager. He scares most of the employees, especially since he seems to be able to dig up blackmail on most of them (and definitely stalks their social media) that he definitely uses to his advantage to get them to do what he wants them to do - which is whatever amuses him most, not really what the store actually needs. Add to that that Hiruma always schedules himself in the hunting section of the store, particularly behind the gun counter. The amount of knowledge that boy has with not only guns, but hunting knives, bow and arrows, and crossbows, and the ease with which he handles them kind of makes him all the more terrifying to the staff members.
The store's assistant store manager is Mamori and she's actually the one who ends up doing almost all the work, to be honest. Hiruma hates paperwork and boring things like keeping track of everyone's availability, so while he does create the schedule and decides where in the store everyone will be working any particular day, he leaves the human resources type stuff to Mamori, who double-checks the schedule, who makes sure everyone is getting their breaks properly, who deals with the customers who need to talk to a manager because those are all parts of the job Hiruma just does not give a shit about and honestly, she handles it wonderfully and is the first person the staff go to if they have actual issues or even just need a listening shoulder because working retail fucking sucks at times.
Sena is the newest staff member, only a few weeks fresh into his new job, and he is honestly both enjoying his new job and equally exhausted and terrified. The customers can be absolutely horrendous or the nicest people and that's not even going into how weird (and sort of wonderful) his coworkers are. Sena becomes one of the main three cashiers for the store and he's on the front lines of dealing with the customers. His work days are always hectic, always long, and sometimes incredibly brutal, especially if he gets a customer who wants to be a dick to him. Thank god he actually quite gets along with the other cashiers, because good coworkers can really make a shift so much better.
His fellow cashiers? Monta and Taki. Monta becomes Sena's work bestie and the two of them can get in some trouble from both Mamori and Hiruma for goofing off a little up by the cashes, especially if there's not a lot of customers around, because they should be tidying up and facing products up by the cashes but instead they're normally talking or playing around. And while Taki seems an unlikely fit for cash, or for the other boys to get along with him as well as they do, the fact of the matter is that Taki gives absolutely superb customer service and for some reason, even the most pissy of customers can't seem to stay mad at him. He always seems to be able to talk down angry customers and swoops in to save both Sena and Monta from rude customers often enough that the other boys really appreciate having Natsuhiko around, even despite the boy being a little loud and eccentric.
There is one additional cashier. Kind of. Yukimitsu mans the store's customer service desk, where customers go to process returns, to escalate complaints, or just because they're too lazy and entitled to bear standing in line for more than one minute. Honestly, Yukimitsu should be anywhere else in the store. He really should. He's not the greatest at customer service and he's always a nervous wreck but he also works so incredibly hard and his nearly encyclopedic knowledge of the store's policies, procedures, return processes, layout, and stock actually means that, while the customer's might not always like his answers, he never gives them the wrong answer and offers them every possibility in place.
Kurita and Komusubi act as the store's main receiving and inventory team. Everything being ordered into the store, everything going in and out, it all goes through these two. Jolly and good-natured, Kurita tends to be a favourite of every staff member in the store. He's one of the few that never gets bullied by Hiruma, not really, and he's actually known to be really good friends with both Hiruma and Musashi outside of the store, often seen eating or hanging out with them.
Speaking of Musashi, he really only works part-time. Most of the time he's busy helping out his family's construction business and his job at the store is really only to help him earn some extra money so that he can save up for things he wants or needs. He gets a lot of leeway from the management with how picky he is about his schedule, especially because, when he is at work, Musashi works hard and always steps in to help any of the other departments with issues. He's also the staff member who really doesn't seem to care at all about any rivalries with the staff from the other stores and who doesn't seem to give two spits about any competition.
Getting those goods out onto the shelves and the floor? It's the responsibility of the Ha-Ha Bros, three best friends from childhood who all joined the staff around the same time. These guys really just focus on getting stuff out on the floor and Mamori has actually asked all three of them, several times over, to find a sales associate from one of the departments should a customer ever so much as speak to one of the bros, because all three of them deliver the worst customer service ever. Kuroki in particular has actually had a full on fist fight with a customer he thought was being rude to him.
Taki, the cashier? His younger sister also works at the store with him…and asks that she not be assigned the same area or shifts as him because boy, though they love each other, those two can bicker and they can't seem to concentrate on their jobs with the other around to distract them. Suzuna gets assigned as floor support and sale in the outdoor recreation section, especially with the bikes, roller skates, and such.
Satake, Yamaoka, and Omosadake all work as floor support and sale in the Home & Décor section. Satake specializes in outdoor toys and recreation…a little too much. He'll sometimes unbox stuff and set it up, playing it with coworkers and even sometimes with customers that seem cool, much to Mamori's displeasure and Hiruma's amusement (because Hiruma is definitely playing and rubbing Satake's face in it when Hiruma beats him, which he does, every time). Yamaoka seems to have to deal with outdoor home decor most often and he frequently complains about how tiresome, boring, and dumb that section is, especially when he has to build and accessorize floor displays of the products. Omosadake, meanwhile, loves the decor section. He'll go to the back to grab overstock, especially for bedding, and hours later someone will find him asleep with his head on a throw pillow or one of those bed in a bags. Nobody's quite sure why he hasn't been fired yet, but he hasn't.
Ishimaru exists. Literally, he is a staff member but almost everyone forgets him, including his own coworkers and his managers, so he just kind of chills over in the hunting section, where he helps a surprising amount of customers build their blinds and suggests camouflaging techniques.
I won't get as into the ins and outs of how each person functions in their workplace and all the little interconnected relationships for the other teams, but definitely want to kind of talk about how each of them fit into the mall, where they all work and such.
So, along with the fast-food places in the main food court, this mall has a couple sit-down restaurants as well. One's a sports bar that serves food, probably like a Don Cherry's or some shit like that. But the other one is one of those 'fun' themed restaurants, where the staff have to dress up like knights or in medieval style dress while serving the customers. If your guess as to who works there were the Ojo White Knights members, you're absolutely correct. Sakuraba is the most popular waiter they have because of his looks, because honestly, he's not the greatest at his job and gets flustered and stressed easily, though he does try hard. Takami really manages the floor, while also helping serve, man the hostess section and whatever else needs to be done. Shin, in contrast to Sakuraba, is the least popular waiter because he's really not great at being friendly, but is actually exceptional at his job - everyone gets their food in a speedy manner, everyone's orders are correct, everything is perfect as far as the order and speed of service goes…he just really sucks at dealing with people. Ootawara and Ikari are part of the kitchen staff, for those wondering.
Okay, I admit that this placement makes no fucking sense whatsoever and is done just because the very idea of it makes me so very, very amused. The Shinryuji Naga team from canon work at a Spencer's. Just full stop, they all do. It's hit or miss if Agon shows up for his shift and he really just uses his job as an excuse to hit on women, particularly hanging around the sex toy section of the store and pretending to need to stock stuff around there or provide customer service to someone in that area. Unsui is just horrified by almost everything the store sells, doesn't much care for the customers, and is miserable but he needs the money to save for a car and college so he does the job and does it so well that he gets promoted to supervisor. The Saiyuki brigade and Yamabushi really do most of the floor work and Ikkyu is the other cashier and sales person really, a kind of happy medium between Agon and Unsui in terms of work ethic and how good he actually is at the job.
The Seibu Wild Gunmen work in a western wear store inside the mall. Kid is technically the store's supervisor and don't get me wrong, he doesn't mind doing his job, but as soon as his job is done, he just kind of wants to take it easy for the rest of his shift. Given that between Tetsuma, Riku, and Ushijima, most of the work is really taken care of in a quick and efficient manner, it's not too much of a stretch for Kid to be able to sneak an afternoon nap here and there in back in the office. They're also not really an overly busy store, since it is really a very niche store and overall, Riku's really the only one who cares a lot about the competition so they're probably the most chill about the whole rivalry thing.
The Taiyo Sphinx all work at a tanning salon. Harao, the supervisor, works mostly shirtless and oiled up as a way to advertise how great the salon's products work and how good they can make you look, just a personal headcanon I had for this one.
The Nasa Aliens actually work in a major grocery store chain in the mall. Panther actually works both there part-time and in another chain in the mall part-time, on top of being a student because honestly, he's not from a real well-off family and needs to work hard to survive. It makes the whole competition between stores thing a little harder on him because he loves his coworkers and doesn't mind his job at either place so he can't really figure out which one to stay completely loyal to and he really does just try to do his best while working at either place. Apollo is the store manager, he's not super well-liked among the staff and he's the only one really super into the rivalries, like the one to be mean and nasty and cut-throat about it all. The Gonzales brothers are stock boys, Jeremy works back in the office handling inventory and receiving, while Homer is one of the cashiers.
Another choice done simply because it really amuses me but the Kyoshin Poseidon…they all work at a Wal-Mart. Every single one of them actually hate their day to day jobs, but they're all kind of competitive people and while they never make the rivalries into some mean or cut-throat like the grocery store's manager, they all start putting a lot more effort into their jobs when the competition between stores start in earnest.
Okay, it only makes sense that the Bando Spiders are working in a Sunrise Records, right? Kotaro and Akaba really spend a lot of their shifts together fighting amongst themselves (and Akaba can be more than a little judgey about what the customers are buying) and the supervisor, Juri, really ends up having to make those two shut up, do their work, and be nice to the customers while trying to do her own job. They're not really a huge contender for best store because they just cannot seem to get their own shit together, but it doesn't stop them all from believing they can win it.
The Hakushu Dinosaurs, for again, no reason than that it amuses me, all work in a movie theatre chain located in the mall. Marco and Maria met through work and started dating and she really wishes that he'd stop taking her to the movies for dates because they get enough of that at work. Kisaragi mans the ticket booths more times than not and really gets the major brunt of rude or upset customers, poor guy. Gaou does most of the cleaning, while Tengu is mainly on concession duty.
The Teikoku Alexanders? The all work at a major chain book store, something like a Chapters or along those lines. Yamato is the front store supervisor and he's excellent at both finding good recommendations for people and providing exceptional customer service. There's really not a part of that store that he doesn't know like the back of his hand. Honjo is good at his job, but honestly, he kind of gets distracted and sucked into reading whatever book catches his interest that day and can ignore customers until he finishes whatever page he's on. Karin's specialty is in the graphic novels and manga sections and she's always called whenever people have questions regarding those. Overall, the book store is always one of the most popular places in the mall, helped along by the fact that the Starbucks is located inside the bookstore and they always have fantastic monthly numbers and seem to be the front-runners for winning the competition.
The Pentagram, including Panther in his other part time job, work as tellers in a local banking chain located within the mall. All the staff, with the exception of Panther, really kind of consider themselves above the rest of the mall staff, as they're bank employees and not just lousy retail slaves or janitors or mall security. While the chain in the mall is very popular and has amazing numbers, they're too cocky about winning and it's really just all agreed upon by everyone else in the mall that it would suck to lose, yeah, but it would suck even more to lose to the douches at the bank so they have to at least beat them.
To finish it off with some just random headcanons - Hatsujou works at a Charms Diamond Centre, Rui and Megu work at a Harley Davidson outlet in the mall, Munakata and Aoyanagi work at a natural wellness store, Sasuke Kanagushi works at a Hot Topic, Onihei is supervisor at Bath and Body Works, Kamiya works at the Dairy Queen while Chuubou works at the Starbucks. Riku and Riko Kumabukuro and Machine Gun Sanada work at the Apple Store, Miracle Ito runs a small photography studio located in the mall, Torikichi works part time at Lush, while Rodchenko works security and Henrich Schultz works as a janitor in the mall.
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vroomian · 2 years
In the hh es21 au Hiruma keeps trying to manipulate hana into paying for shit and she gets so annoyed that she just gives him his own unlimited card because she’s got more money than god and he couldn’t spend it in three lifetimes lol.
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nammyfanficsblog · 5 months
When I draw Diamant of FE: Engage, I draw him similar to Sena of Eyeshield 21 like Diamant is just having shorter hair style than Sena's.
and then, I came out with weird idea that what if Diamant come to ES21 world and Sena to Engage?
I imagine that the Devil bat team think Diamant as Beefy Sena (with somehow Shin's personality) since Diamant is exactly older than all of them (he's 25 and minus their coach) He sees them as younger friend and of course, act like their mother hen. also he said some of the team like even look like his retainers.
and The Brodia think of Sena as Tiny Diamant and Alcryst (and Citrinne) is overly protective of him. also Sena said that Lapis looks like his Mamori nee-san.
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corrose · 8 months
✎ how do you think readers would guess a fic was yours if you posted anonymously?
Y'KNOW WHAT! .........Good question. I don't think they would be able to tell, actually.
I don't think my writing style is distinctive enough to have specific markers tied to me, especially because I change my style based on the fandom in attempts to match the 'canon' feel more closely. My ES21 writing is nothing like how I write for SVSSS which is again nothing like anything I wrote for HS...
It would actually be easier to rule out who is NOT me by the way/things I like to write! For instance, I feel like I do best when I stick closely with one character's distinct POV/narrative voice, so multi-character or jumping POVs aren't my cup of tea. I like humorous elements and eventual happy endings so angsty fics filled with no light don't really do it for me. I prefer close-to-canon or canon divergence settings to AUs...
Hmm. This feels very much like a multiple choice exam where you eliminate all the definitely wrong answers until there's only one option remaining even if you're not sure if it's right... (War flashbacks to my SAT prep classes). ANYWAYS. it would be difficult for people to guess, I think. lol. Ty for the ask, my friend :3
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yelpfic · 2 years
[fic] Transient Lunar Phenomena
Happy holidays to @deabruarenjarraitzaileaya-ha, for the ES21 Winter Gift Exchange 2022!! (If you have an AO3 account you’d like me to gift the work to, just let me know!)
With thanks as always to @eyeshields for running another fabulous event!
Fandom: Eyeshield 21
Setting: Cyberpunk AU
Characters: Hiruma, Kurita, Musashi
Rating: T
Warnings: cybernetic enhancements (mild body horror?), childhood poverty
Status: Complete (4k words)
Summary: Technology has advanced, society flourishes, but not everyone receives the benefits. On the lunar habitat called Rain City, Hiruma won’t settle for the hand that life has dealt him. Not when he can snatch a bit more.
Read on AO3
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astraeasilvers · 2 months
My Tags Masterlist
#alt account (for when I reblog any of my posts from my general writing account @astraeawritingarchive )
#asks (for anything relating to asks)
#my polls (for any polls I make, usually for feedback)
#astraea's thoughts (for my thoughts, comments, and such)
#astraea writes (for the passage shares and chapter teasers!)
#astraea txt (for my thoughts mid-writing)
#astraea's life (for any updated going on in my life that will affect my uploads and posting)
#other fandom stuff (for anything fandom not pertaining to specifically Eyeshield 21)
#upload schedule (for posting what my intended AO3 uploads will be for a certain month. Subject to change)
#meme recreation (for things I turn into ES21 memes)
#es21 headcanons (for my headcanons of the ES21 characters)
#fanart (for the rare occasions someone makes fanart of my fic!)
#future fic (for any ideas I have that I want to turn into a future fic, and want to share the idea of)
#fanfic writers | #ao3 author (for any posts where I want to share that LOL)
#fanfic (for general usage on all my fanfic updates, or reblogs of others fics)
#hirusena (for all my fandom geek-outs)
#hirusena music (for all playlists I make, and any songs that make me think of them!)
#hiruma yoichi (for all posts where he is relevant)
#sena kobayakawa (for all posts where he is relevant)
#oneshots (for all oneshots and mini AUs I post when they actually happen)
#supernatural au | #mafia au (for use on my fic, Beyond the Veil and Into the Dark)
#slice of life au | #horimiya au (for use on my fic, In Your Company)
#music au (for use on my fic, Arpeggio 21: The Devil's Chorus)
#racing au | #initial d au (for use on my fic, Lightspeed Heartbeat)
#sword art online au | #gamer au (for use on my fic, Coded)
#advanced player au (for use in my fic, The Guardian from Hell)
#vampire au (for use in my fic, What Lurks in the Heart)
#childhood friends au (for use in my fic, The Details in the Devil)
#timeskip au | #post canon au (for use in my fic, Maybe This Time)
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fractalusurper · 6 years
Eyeshield 21 AUs
Kitchen sink urban fantasy AU where Suzuna is a PI in the vein of Kinsey Millhone (except maybe more cozy mystery/less gritty?) and Sena is her sexy neighbor who teaches self-defense both physical and magical. Monta and possibly Riku and definitely Taka are shifters. Akaba & Friends are literal vampires. The Kongo twins are literal dragons. Um, maybe dragon shifters. Whichever option is funniest. No one is sure what Hiruma is. The Saikyodai wizards are literal wizards. Ojou is the magical law enforcement/emergency services agency.
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2 fixations added together = more happy chemicals. You have no idea how self satisfied I am to make Ash as Hiruma. I’m not even sure if any of you have seen eyeshield 21 but if you haven’t, read the manga now. It’s good.
To those who have seen it, you would know which from which scene Ash is yelling those lines are from. And it was fucking epic
Edit: (bonus)
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nonbayanary · 1 year
Teenage Mutant Mystic DEMONS AU
(TMMDemons AU)
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[ Subject SN-21. The Ghost. The Wraith. Baby Sibling ]
Agender. Listen, it's hard for him to perceive gender when it's a human social construct, and he was raised out of human society.
Pronouns: He/She/They.
Ghost Mutant: half-mortal, half ghost. The product and sole survivor of the successful human experiment, "Project Ghost."
The youngest among the four kids, and also the shortest. The Maou trio sometimes refer to him as "Baby Sibling," even when he's just a year or two younger than them.
Sena was taken from his parents when he was but an infant. He grew up in the Deimon facility, and was basically raised by the scientists who experimented on him.
Because of this, Sena never truly had a name before Doburoku adopted him and the others. The scientists only ever called him, "Subject SN-21."
It was the Maou trio who started suggesting names for Sena, after their adoption.
Hiruma kept suggesting ridiculous names like "Ghost" or "Wraith" or "Chibi."
Kurita and Musashi, however, were the ones who successfully coined the name, "Sena," as the boy was still attached to his subject name, SN-21.
Hiruma (they/them), feeling petulant that no one picked their suggestions, started calling Sena the nicknames thay they came up with anyway. When Hiruma wants to intimidate the opponent, they call Sena either "Ghost" or "Wraith."
But usually, Hiruma just calls him, "Chibi." It's Hiruma's special nickname for him, because Sena is the youngest among them. Sometimes, Hiruma likes playing around with the letters of Sena's name, and making him new nicknames.
Hiruma has called Sena: "Lil Nas X," because it has the letters S-N-A. They've called Sena other nicknames like: Onsen (hot springs), Senichi, Five Sen (an ancient banknote), Senshi (soldier), Senzo, Kaisen (fight/battle/war), Senmatsu, and even Sen no Sen (to attack your opponent before they initiate the attack they've decided on.) Hiruma thinks it's funny, and Sena doesn't really mind the nicknames.
Unlike the Maou trio, Sena never actually got to experience the ups and downs of human society.
So the Maou trio and Doburoku take him to the closest city from time to time, just to show Sena what human society looks like. They make sure he tries even the most mundane of things to give him the full experience.
The first time Sena tried pizza, his eyes lit up like stars at the taste. The scientists only ever gave him bland foods at the Deimon facility (feeding hundreds of trafficked children was expensive). Because of that, Doburoku and the Maou trio make it a contest to feed Sena different types of pizza, hoping to find his favorite flavor.
Sena doesn't have a favorite flavor of pizza, though it has come to be his favorite food. And pizza has only become his favorite food because it's party size. He loves it because he can share it with others, and because it's delicious!
Sena is often forgetful because of his trauma. He doesn't remember most of his childhood (his brain is trying to protect him to cope) but he does remember the times when the experimentation hurt the most. And sometimes, he wakes up screaming, or wakes up in the midst of a panic attack.
Because of this, the Maou trio do what Dokuroku calls a "Demon Pile." The Maou trio all sort of puppy pile onto Sena, engulfing him in comfort and safety. Doburoku makes hot chocolate of everyone, and plays some comedy movies on TV.
When Sena is toeing the line between wakefulness and sleep, that is when he is the most honest. He whispers, "Love you guys," right before he falls asleep. The Maou trio, with their enhanced hearing, will always hear it. It never fails to make their hearts squeeze.
Because Sena's the youngest, he also has the "baby sibling privileges," so to speak. (Not that he knew what that truly is, because he was raised in a metaphorical media & culture vacuum.) Sena doesn't often ask for things, so when he does, the others would practically serve him the moon on a silver platter.
Hiruma would burn down civilizations for him. Musashi, the mechanic and engineer of the family, would practically build Sena the Tower of Babel, if he asked. Kurita would crush armies for him.
Sena returns this affection with his whole being. Not really knowing what "morals" are, he would do anything for the Maou trio as well.
Sena, without his own knowledge, sometimes becomes the most brutal of his siblings when it comes to battles. More so when one of his siblings get injured, which is the one thing that angers him.
Sena rarely gets angry, even when strangers push him around. This is an effect of the scientists dehumanizing him during his childhood. The constant abuse made him think it was normal to suffer.
To combat this way of thinking, the Maou trio and Doburoku have to drill it into Sena's brain again and again: "You do not deserve to feel suffering and pain. You must not endure abuse. You must fight back, and fight for yourself."
Out of all of them, Sena has a bad habit of self-sacrifice. Having a low to non-existent sense of self-worth, he would endure even the greatest of pain for his siblings. This makes him the most predictable in battle, because when he sees one of his family about to fall into mortal danger, Sena always uses his powers to switch places with them to take the blow instead.
This is a pain in the ass, as the Maou trio care for him goddamn it, and don't want him getting hurt just to protect them. Hiruma and Musashi, being the inventors and fixers within the family, try to come up with inventions and ways to stop Sena mid-act. Kurita (she/her), as the tank, trains herself to be faster and stronger, so that she can stop Sena, and so that she can take harsher blows, to protect her siblings.
Sena started loving videogames an anime, ever since Doburoku started bringing home some games and anime DVDs from the city.
The knowledge from anime and videogames proves beneficial for the kids. Sena shows the others things he thinks they might like, from the anime and games.
He shows them cool moves he thinks they can execute as a team or individually. Battle formations, combo moves, and even sneak attacks.
As the strategist of the family, Hiruma (they/them) loves it when Sena shows them a new move he saw in a game or anime. And as the gunsmith and weaponsmith of the family, Hiruma always pay attention when Sena shows them a weapon that he thinks Hiruma would like. Rocket launchers, flamethrowers, guns, artillery, and even drones—whenever Sena shows them these, Hiruma would stop whatever they're doing just to watch.
Musashi always pays attention whenever Sena shows him a cool invention he saw from the futuristic and steampunk anime and games. Since Sena knows Musashi wants to improve their standard of living to the best of their abilities, he never fails to send screenshots and recordings whenever he sees Musashi interested in a specific fictional concept he found.
Sena sends Kurita (she/her) food from his anime and games, because he knows Kurita loves the challenge of creating a recipe, merely from a dish's final product.
Once Doburoku introduces Sena to Youtube, it becomes his primary source of information. That's where he starts actually learning about human society, and how humans act.
The family often learn Youtube terms and memes from Sena. Sometimes, Sena seems to be speaking another language entirely when he starts spouting videogame terms, or things like, "Skill issue," or "For real for real," or "L + Ratio." He's often the one to teach them what these terms mean, and Hiruma (they/them) always listens so that they can add to their vocabulary to roast their opponents better.
Because Sena was raised alongside Hiruma, this version of Sena is more playful, more willing to play pranks on his brothers. He is also less reserved and more open, as he trusts his siblings with everything.
Sena is also the most honest of his siblings. He has a hard time lying, because he has no practice. This is exactly why Doburoku, their adoptive parent, tends to always ask Sena first when he and his siblings get in trouble. As such, scenes like this one are common:
DOBUROKU: Sena, what's the matter?
SENA: [sweating bullets, eyes roaming everywhere in panic] I... Uh... We...
HIRUMA: [under his breath] Don't you rat us out, fucking chibi.
DOBUROKU: [raising an eyebrow] Well, kid?
SENA: I—uh—guh... The truth is....
HIRUMA: [raising a frying pan] Snitches get stitches.
SENA: is....
KURITA: [grabs onto Hiruma, restraining them.] Hiruma, NO!!!
HIRUMA: [trying to wriggle free] Hiruma, YES!!!
MUSASHI: [softly bonks Hiruma's head] Stand down, idiot.
SENA: The truth...
SENA: I.... I—I farted.
EVERYONE: [Dead silence.]
HIRUMA: [slowly lowers his frying pan]
DOBUROKU: Listen, if you're gonna lie, you have to try harder. But I commend your efforts, kid. [The smell of fart reaches his nose.] Oh, you weren't joking.
Sena has the cleanest room among his siblings. It amazes the others to no end.
Sena is actually extremely interested in farming, and in plants overall. Being raised in the confines of the Deimon facility, they only know white tiled floors and grey walls. They've only ever seen plants in their food. So among his siblings, he is the most ecstatic to join Doburoku in farming their own food.
Among the kids, Sena has had supernatural abilities the longest. Being the sole survivor of Project Ghost means he had ample time to get used to his abilities long before the Deimon facility exploded.
The scientists tested the fuck outta him, so even as child, he's familiar and quite in-tune with his ghost abilities.
Sena can see spirits (as he is some sort of hybrid ghost as well), and can interact with them.
His default is that he floats a few inches off the ground. To look normal, he has to concentrate on making his feet touch the floor.
He has the ability to pass through people and objects, and if he so pleases, cause damage to those he passes through.
He can lunge forward in short distances, like so:
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This ability also proves useful, as Sena technically breaks down his molecules into energy particles colored black and blue. He then reconstructs his body in a burst of light.
If he wants to cause damage to someone or something, the fight will look like this:
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This is actually why Sena's main weapons are knives. Despite being easily terrified, Sena's Ghost Abilities are better for close combat.
Sena can also turn invisible. His favorite, non-lethal strategy is to disappear, and tie up his enemies while they can't see him. In this state, time moves slower for Sena, so he appears to be a dozen times faster than normal.
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This ability proves useful, as Sena is an unstoppable force in this state. The probability of enemies interrupting this move is extremely low, as Sena becomes physically untouchable.
When Sena wants to do damage, this is what it will look like in Sena's POV, due to the light difference in time dilation:
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To the outside eye, he looks like he's teleporting, but he truly is not. He just deconstructs his molecules, zooms towards a direction, and the reforms his body. He does, however, develop teleportation as a mystic power.
Sena can also disappear in a cloud of smoke. This usually happens when he's too terrified. Disappearing is a flight defense mechanism, reminiscent of turtles retreating into their shells.
However, when Sena dissipates into a cloud of smoke, he leaves his skull behind. It drops to the ground, unhindered by the confines of his semi-mortal form. This skull contains the essense of his soul, so the Maou trio take care of it when Sena dematerializes.
When Sena disappears while the four are fleeing from a terrifying enemy, the Maou trio scramble to snatch his skull into their hands, and then run.
Sena's mystic power is the ability to teleport using portals and conduits. At first, Sena was extremely disappointed to find out about this. To the untrained eye, his ghost abilities already looked quite similar to teleportation.
But then, Sena found out that he could open portals that led to far-off places as well. This, the while family thought to be extremely convenient, as they could just portal from place to place.
He can also use portals in battle. He can launch himself and his brothers into portals, as a sneak attack. Like so:
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He can also use objects as conduits, to teleport from one place to another. He litters his mystic energy onto objects or in the air, and then uses those as a sort of landing pad to reappear where he left his mystic energy. In the midst of combat, he mostly uses his knives, like this:
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With Sena's ghost abilities and mystic powers, it is a fact that he is the fastest among them. So as a failsafe, the Maou trio allow him to scatter some of his mystic energy onto them, and onto their gear. This ensures that when one of the trio are in imminent danger, at least Sena can reach them.
Sena's mystic powers are a manifestation of his wish to travel all around the world, and his wish to protect his siblings. Sena knows he is far from Kurita's and Musashi's strength, and even farther from Hiruma's intelligence. So Sena settles for his speed; the one quality he can be relied on to possess.
After Sena stabilized his portalling mystic powers, he and the others started going to cities more often.
Learning from the ultimate prankmaster Hiruma, Sena also sometimes pranks the others. It's all ultimately harmless; sometimes, Sena would portal them somewhere a foot above the ground, so the others stumble a little when they fall.
Sometimes, Sena would portal his brothers to bump into each other when he's feeling playful.
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AU Masterpost • NEXT >
NOTE: This AU is subject to constant changes, as it is still currently under construction.
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Feel free to write or make art of this AU. But please credit me, and send me the link to what you've made! I'd love to see it!!!
This AU was based on Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (ROTTMNT), and further inspired by RWBY, The Locked Tomb Honkai Impact 3, Fullmetal Alchemist, Solo Levelling, and Genshin Impact.
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sabigawa · 5 months
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agon firebending 🔥
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darknebulablader · 4 years
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Hehe of course I’m going to draw a mermaid AU
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Buharou Ushijima
Assorted headcanons
NSFW headcanons
Clifford D. Lewis
Seducing his working partner scenario
NSFW body worship scenario
Kobanzame Osamu
Koharu Wakana
Kotaru Sasaki
Hair styling
NSFW headcanons
Mamori Anezaki
Date headcanons
Character aesthetics
Maruko 'Maria' Himuro
Natsuhiko Taki
Reacting to his sister bringing home a date
Relationship & NSFW headcanons
Patrick 'Panther' Spencer
Maruko 'Marco' Reiji
General & NSFW headcanons
First date scenario
Sleeping with his s/o scenario
Rikiya Gao
Giving a cold s/o his jacket drabble
NSFW headcanons
Rui Habashira
Assorted headcanons
NSFW headcanons
Make-up sex headcanons
Riku Kaitani
NSFW headcanons
Character aesthetics
Getting tutored by his crush scenario
A girl giving him her umbrella scenario
NSFW scenario
Yamato Takeru
NSFW headcanons
NSFW scenario
Sakuraba Haruto
Holiday, cooking, & sleeping headcanons
As a parent
Realizing he's in love with his best friend scenario
Make-up sex headcanons
Shun Kakei
Pros and cons of dating him
Taking care of a sick s/o
NSFW headcanons
Relationship & NSFW headcanons
His s/o finding him masturbating
Suzuna Taki
Date headcanons
Reacting to her brother bringing a date home
Would she want a big family
Nurse AU! Suzuna x Mamori scenario
Taiga Kamiya
Takami Ichiro
NSFW headcanons
Kink headcanons
Playing doctor NSFW scenario
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vroomian · 3 years
just wanted to ask if it's okay, but would you ever consider writing that es21 fic with hana?? you make it sound really amazing, and while knb!hana was a beautiful mess we'd love to see hana being... you know, more well adjusted... and happy T^T. not to mention es21 was (and is tbh) a really good series and I know you'd give the characters justice <3 of course only if you have time and the motivation!!!
Maybe a one shot of i have the time. if I was going for an angstier route It's be the story of hana accidentally joining the awful teen delinquent club when hiruma and agon team up in middle school because hana (kise -less) has already accepted that she's going to die young and violently due to her inevitable descent into a life of crime, and also she has nothing better to do. They pull some cons, and hana --shocked - has some fun being around her horrible peers. There's some bonding going on! Angon respects her talent and hiruma is gleeful at the addition of another super powerful game piece. Hana tolerates both of them, even though she doesn't get agons obsession with his own talent or hiruma and his obsession with football or kuritas... Anything. But she's still having fun. She has people to talk to for the first time in her life.
Then it all falls apart :).
agon is still awful! the group does their Canon break up and leaves hana alone again, only aware of how alone she is this time. it was a train wreck and hana's not the peacekeeping type. When both of them walk away so does she.
None of them get back in contact with her, even kurita.
Hana doesn't go to high school (even though hiruma pulled some strings and got her listed as a deimon student). She basically drops of the grid into the underworld fully at that point last even where hiruma can find her. Probably agon finds her first?
Look i said she'd more well adjusted not that it'd happen right away.
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