lagforge · 1 year
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Druid Esfand Complete and Total Immersion Since I saw that one Diablo IV stream with Esfand I had the urge to draw this.
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snailvee · 2 years
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twitchcon pics!!! will make a separate post about the quest to meet grizzly LMAO
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uchuukinoko · 1 year
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Spenta Armaiti, the goddess of the earth and love 🌍❤️ Spenta Armaiti or Esfand is one of the oldest Iranian goddesses who is associated with the concept of earth, mother and love. Esfand called on all humans to protect the earth and promised everyone that by planting plants, she would give them increasing blessings. Since respect for this goddess was very important, the Iranians had a lot of respect for the earth and nature and were diligent in preserving it, and if this protection was not respected, this act was considered disobedience to Esfand and disrespect to her. You have probably heard of Iranian Valentine's Day, this day is actually a day to celebrate Esfand, and on this day men thanked women and gave them gifts. In my story, Spenta Armaiti does not have a human form and I used her symbol.
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neapolitantoebeans · 2 years
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He’s just standing there, menacingly
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suihart · 2 years
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watching over him in the hospital vs being visited by him in the hospital
a cute parallel in the story between my character, arkados, and his npc "friend" lui
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bspoquemagazine · 26 days
Pop-Kultur 2024: Am Mittwoch starten die ersten Live Acts!
Das Team der POP-Kultur haben über 100 Programmpunkte für euch zusammengestellt – darunter jede Menge Live-Konzerte, 15 exklusiv für dieses Festival erarbeitete Commissioned Works und ein vielseitiges »Pop-Kultur Diskurs«-Programm. Zu den heiß erwarteten Künstler*innen gehören unter anderem Yemi Alade, Black Sherif, Christin Nichols, Arab Strap, Blumengarten, A Certain Ratio, Ivo…
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damnednyx · 2 years
I will literally manipulate the fabric of time for you
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exactlymaximumgarden · 3 months
900 with schlatt pleasee
900. you're not the only one i know - the sundays (link to req info here)
you'd managed fine on your own. you'd been able to make it just fine without anyone having to hold your hand. where was the harm in that?
that's probably why you'd initially handled the breakup with schlatt so much better than you thought you would. outwardly, anyway. yeah, it was an amicable split. he had to focus on his career and whatnot, yadda yadda. despite that, you couldn't rid yourself of the nagging thoughts that screamed at you. he'd been doing just fine with you, why do you suddenly have to be removed from the picture? what's changed his mind?
no sooner did these questions pop into your mind until long after the breakup actually happened. by that point, there was no point in revisiting them. what's done was done. there wasn't any reason for you to keep mulling over it.
schlatt is not the only man you know. plenty more fish in the sea. you'd find someone better eventually. that someone came into your life far sooner than expected.
charlie, despite being a content creator himself, was the complete opposite of schlatt. bubblier. more excitable. whatever affections you gave him, he returned tenfold. he was almost too good to be true.
part of you knew it was wrong. you were aware charlie and schlatt knew each other quite well, but as far as you could tell, the pair hadn't interacted in some time. and deep down, you yourself were unsure if charlie was what you were truly looking for or if he just happened to waltz into your life at the right moment.
you'd managed fine on your own, yet schlatt had left a void within you that was increasing with every day of his absence, and it was getting harder and harder to ignore.
still, you stayed silent, continuing to accept charlie's adoration with a feigned smile and a pit in your stomach as the thought of you admitting the truth to him pervaded your every waking moment with him.
you stayed silent then and you stay silent now as you stand beside charlie at this streamer event you honestly couldn't care less about.
schlatt is here. you know he is. you've caught glances of him throughout the duration of the night, but only now has he seen you. you know he has. you can feel his eyes boring into you as you stand beside charlie.
you can't help it. you sneak a glance out of the corner of your eye. schlatt's expression looks strained, as if he's seriously debating coming up to you and saying something.
but you're far too proud to talk to him anyway.
you can't explain what comes over you in that moment, but you purposely make a show of sliding your hand into your chattering boyfriend's, nestling your head against his shoulder.
this feels so unnatural. with schlatt, it would've felt as easy as breathing.
you see out of the corner of your eye that something in schlatt's face drops. he looks crestfallen. confused. after all, the two of you have been no contact since you split. what the hell has he missed since then?
he doesn't want to find out. not anymore. he does a rudimentary scan of the room before quickly migrating over to where mizkif, cyr, esfand, emiru, and other members of the otk crowd gather in a bustling amoeba of people. you note how taken aback and almost hurt he looks, and your heart sinks.
you're far too proud to talk to him still, yet where you thought your flashy show of affection to charlie would fill you with a smug sense of satisfaction, you're only left with a queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. as far as you're concerned, all you've accomplished now is digging yourself into a deeper hole.
you'd managed fine on your own, but now, the isolation has garnered a new weight to it. at this rate, any attempts at amending the situation may as well be futile.
but you have to remind yourself once more, just as you always have. schlatt's not the only one you know. and as you peer up at charlie, who is completely oblivious to your inner turmoil, you intend to do everything in your power to keep it that way.
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tsukumizu · 2 days
i had a dream i was on an abandoned island with esfand & he pretty much wuzlike i can take u away from here& allowed me to ride on his back & he took me on adventures. he could fly & we went to art museums, da zoo, & ended up in dis otaku village where i saw this man wearing a button up cirno shirt with a blue tie. i yelled "cirno! cirno!!' and pointed n he said "yeah thats cirno!" n walked away. then these two cute girls dressed up as cirno &daiyousei wer like look!! wer are cirno & daiyousei!!!! n i was like omg u guys r so awesom. they lead me to an otaku cafe but i had to politely decline eating there as i just wanted 2 get back on my big furry man esfands back... i fell in luv many times in this dream
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neapolitantoebeans · 2 years
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Is Esfand okay
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suihart · 2 years
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my character arkados gave his very close npc friend lui a boquet of friendship flowers and a matching friendship ring
meanwhile the rest of the party (and even some npcs) have been trying so hard to get us together already
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omg-lucio · 4 months
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Manifestantes en la plaza Esfand de Teherán se llevan a un hombre herido durante las protestas, el 27 de diciembre de 1978.
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Okay so it's in the twelfth month according to the timeline (remember, this is still the same night Hilmes infiltrated the citadel), and winter. Which ain't all that of note since the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar is also winter as we all know, and Tanaka (and by extension Arakawa) is following the Gregorian calendar here.
But y'know what else is winter? That's right, Esfand aka the twelfth month of the Solar Hijri Calendar, albeit the last month of winter while December is merely the first.
Why am I making note of this? Because it was really bothering me that canon was following the modern Gregorian calendar and while I know I previously decided to follow canon on this one... I'm still very Bothered by this and watching if I can get away with secretly following the Solar Hijri Calendar.
They're both winter, it's still the same season, so this should be fine in this instance at least, if I fudge the months a bit and lean towards the Solar Hijri Calendar.
Team Arslan was probably already out of the citadel by the time Frawardigan rolls around so mayhaps that's why we didn't get to see it in canon (or Tanaka just didn't intend to include it) but it would be interesting to see the folks remaining at the fortress prepare for it, perhaps even go the extra mile of doing it for the fallen of the battle of Atropatene. I would've really loved to see that.
I know I read about Norwuz (the Persian New Years that comes immediately after Frawardigan, the first month is spring) some time ago but I don't remember enough to comment on it.
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Brotp brotp brotp
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Really loved this moment here, they were concerned for Elam and shared a sort of solidarity with a glance, and I'm sure Arslan was glad Alfarīd took it as an initiative to interfere— she was probably trying to get Narsus to back down from insisting and keep Elam where he wanted to be, though things turned out another way!
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I also really liked this moment since just leaving your subordinates to do whatever the hell they want without reporting back to you can only get disastrous down the line, as it is borderline neglect. It's sorta how Andragoras was ruling imo, zero concern of anything outside of military might. Narsus does not want Arslan to become like that.
Moments like this remind/inform the audience that Narsus truly wants Arslan to be a good ruler and not just say have him as a puppet king as some like Shaghad may assume.
Arslan is smart, but he is a child with little to no experience, and he is learning. He's eager to do so.
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I also liked the conversation between Daryun and Narsus— Narsus' metaphor was really apt. Arslan does not get jealous of his subordinates, though far from confident in his own abilities he acknowledges that they are capable, more capable than him, “more capable than he deserves” even. That sort of phrasing is what subjects normally would say to their lieges and I couldn't help but take note of that.
Arslan is neither prideful nor arrogant, nor even entitled. He's... precious. For lack of a better word.
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Home is where the heart lies, and you, Arslan, are the person who has been given the hearts of your subjects (because you gave yours to them first).
Remember Narsus' metaphor to Jimsa about how even a bird cannot fly forever, and must return to the earth to rest.
Arslan is their safe place, their shelter, their home. He really is the heart of the group.
I'm sorry I just have feels about this.
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Okay but I really wonder why Gieve went off on his own to look for it (doubt Narsus asked for it in this specific instance, unless I'd forgotten and he had?)
Gieve at this point could be said is “one who does what he wants for his own gain” aka that's the impression he projects to the audience, and that's also probably what he's convinced himself he is. So what does he have to gain from this little adventure, aside from perhaps sating his own curiosity? But before, he probably wouldn't have stuck his nose in something like that, he has too much self-preservation for it, so... why?
My guess is that he truly is growing fond of Arslan whether he realizes it himself or not, and cracks are starting to show in the self-serving cynical layers he has on to reveal the secret devoted heart he's hidden and buried underneath due to disillusionment.
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Damn Rajendra's loud.
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“I acknowledge your effort, but no!” this made me feel fond things towards Hilmes for some reason lol.
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manifold-updates · 1 year
Jack is on Eleanor’s Instagram story!
A video of Jack Manifold up on stage being interviewed with Dakota Olave by EsfandTV, the text at the bottom of the video reads ‘bald king👑 (he’s gonna win guys)’
Esfand: Do- do that thing boxers do where they look like they hate each other and they put their hands up.
Jack: Oh yeah, no, oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Both Jack and Dakota get into fighting stances whilst everyone laughs.
Esfand: Now, now you’re supposed to say like really mean things about each other, that are completely unnecessary.
Dakota: Unnecessary comments.
Jack (in an American accent): You’re easy pickings pal. First name easy, last name pickings, pipsqueak.
Dakota: Fuck if I know.
Jack flicks Dakota’s hat off of his head, to the surprise of the audience, Dakota then pulls another hat out of his bag and puts it on his head.
Esfand: He got you there, Jack.
Jack makes a ‘fair enough’ motion and both of them walk away from each other.
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trevlad-sounds · 1 year
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”Beauty in Machines” Mixtape number 317.
Downtempo Sunrise
David Boulter-Candles And Snowflakes-00:00
Kosmischer Läufer-Walzer der roten Katze-07:42
Binaural Space-Groovy Dave-09:08
Warrington-Runcorn New Town Development Plan-Moonbuilding Exclusive Live Set-13:53
Oceanographer-Light Mist and Moon Fumes-24:16
Early Remains-Two Machines-31:20
Monochrome Echo-Schmouse-36:38
Secret Circuit-A Beauty In Hiding-39:18
Omni Gardens-Watering Plants-45:16
Future Children-(They Wore) Party Hats-48:01
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dreambaited · 1 year
the only reason i know who esfand is is from nikki’s love or host from forever ago 😭😭
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