#especially Janelle and JACK
jackinalex · 10 months
I checked the board with all the songs from the TMIA booklet and it looks like Fake As Hell is from the OG batch with Are you there, Kill ur vibe, Sound of letting go, TWYMM, so that means it was written during separation. Maybe we get more insight into that? Or maybe it’s more of Jack’s relationship struggles? Either way I’m intrigued.
GC consensus is that it’s probably about the separation or Janelle. Either will be interesting.
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rosewaterandivy · 10 months
pynk like the inside of your
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summary: feeling burnt out from marathon recording sessions at the studio, can only mean one thing: steve with some chinese takeout to the rescue & maybe some hanky-panky.
a/n: My blog is 18 +, minors DNI; get ready for a cunning linguist 👀.
🎶 i wanna fall through the stars getting lost in the dark is my favorite part / let's count the ways we could make this last forever🎶
A few weeks after your beach date with Steve, found you face-down on the plush carpet from sheer exhaustion in the vocal room at Paramount Recording Studios.
Efforts to record in your home studio were a waste, especially since you kept getting distracted by your phone and one Steve Harrington. At least renting studio space had the threat of money down the drain should you fail to record anything. 
In fact, the past few nights had you pulling all-nighters at the studio— laying vocals, toying with a few melodies on various instruments, and editing a mix or two. Thankfully, you’d managed to sneak out briefly today for a much-needed soak in your bathtub at home, followed by a nice nap. One ear was covered by a pair of Sony headphones as you recorded a particular line (with the same sweet shock of when Adam first came), the sound engineer turned as someone entered the control room.
“Oh shit,” Steve said in apology, baseball cap and sunglasses perched on his newly shorn hair, a tote bag slung over one shoulder with a bag of takeout in another. 
“No worries, man,” the engineer reassured him, turning back to the controls. “I’m heading out after we lock this, so she’s all yours.”
He watches as you sing the chorus, eyes closed and one foot keeping time against the carpet. Steve can’t help but bite his lip at how cute you look, an overlarge t-shirt and bike shorts with damp hair a stark contrast to the sheer power of the voice pouring from you.
��Jesus,” he mutters, more to himself than anything, and earns a chuckle from the sound engineer.
“I know, right?” He fiddles with a few levels, fingers gliding up and down the board. “It never gets old, witnessing her work.” 
“I can imagine.”
You pull the headphones from your ears to see Steve chatting with the engineer, Jack, in the booth. Setting them down against the music stand to your left, you skip to the control room with a small smile. 
“Did I know you were stopping by?” You perch against the doorframe, fingers curling around the cool metal plating. 
Steve smiles back, lifting a bag stamped with a familiar logo. “Surprise?”
It’s only then that you realize how famished you’ve become. “Pad Thai tofu with—”
“Veggie spring rolls and like, a thousand packs of soy sauce?” He laughs, “Yeah, special delivery.”
You step into the room and nuzzle into Steve’s side. He drops a quick kiss to your head as the engineer packs up for the night. Saying your goodbyes and relaying your thanks to Jack, you wait for the telltale click of the door before dragging Steve back into the studio and collapsing on the couch.
“You,” you say, removing chopsticks and packets of sauce from the bag, “Are a godsend, Harrington.” Distracted by the promise of perfectly seasoned Pad Thai and a full belly, you don’t notice how Steve stills at your feet.
It had been a long week of recording sessions, so you’re not exactly firing on all pistons. Completely understandable, given the circumstances. 
But not for Steve.
“Sweetheart,” he says, rubbing your temple. “C’mere for a minute,” and pulls you up for a proper kiss.
And it’s positively perfect. Steve kisses like a goddamn dream and in no time at all has your brain leaking from your ears— the promise of food forgotten.
You grip his chin, counting enthusiastic flecks in his eyes. Gorgeous and green-gold and all that mouthwatering darkness slowly simmering behind it.
“What,” you chuckle at his impatience, “You want me to sit on this pretty thing?”
His eyes light up at that. “Mmm, definitely not opposed. Gonna let me take care of you, sweetheart?”
What an obscene image: Hollywood’s Favorite Leading Man a slobbering and breathless disarray, coming up for air, licking the gloss of your cunt off his lips.
You smirk, “Oh, fuck yeah.”
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He could live here. Stay pressed up against you forever—screw contracts, press tours, award shows.
Steve pulls the t-shirt over your head, palms your breasts with one hand and tugs your shorts down with the other.
He kisses along your neck and jaw and flicks his thumb over a nipple quick and gentle until you shiver and arch into him.
Steve follows the curve of your body— your collarbone, your shoulder, your belly, then places your hands in his hair, his hat flung somewhere across the room.
Your fingers automatically card through, curling softly to move him where you’d like him best. Slowly, he falls to his knees, spreading your thighs until you step apart.
You sigh his name, breathy and high. You say it again, pulling his hair when he sucks at your clit, fitting a finger in to the knuckle until you squirm.
He trails sloppy lines up your slit, delving in with his entire face because he wants you all over it—wants to be marked. Wants your scent and come and the bright blush of his cheeks in celebration, like declaring to all who worship him that he worships something else.
Who baptizes him with her kiss and cunt and he’s hungry for it—hungry for salvation because he’s exhausted of always being the idol.
You carved him into yourself.
Made space for all of him and loved on him with your whole, beautiful heart.
He guides you forwards until you’re sitting on the edge of the sofa, thighs spread and dripping, breathing heavy, eyes half-lidded with pleasure he caused.
Your soft skin is gorgeous and glistening. Your pussy is shiny with his spit.
“Steve,” you say, focused and sharp, curling one finger at him. “Get your mouth back on me, now.”
Pride swells up in his chest. What he wouldn’t give for the world to know this: America’s golden boy, crawling on the floor, stupid with desire.
And for all their idolatry, for all the pieces they take of him and scatter to winds, he’ll always still be yours.
And Steve thinks, as he returns his face to your sex, his cock throbbing between his own legs but he ignores it for now— he’s not important, for now— that if you were to ever tell him to stay in between your thighs forever, he just fucking might.
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Two orgasms later, because not only is Steve good with his mouth and eager to please, but his hands, dear fucking lord. And a not-so small part of you feels vindicated at that.
You’re up to toss the takeout bag, plastic crinkling under your grasp as you open the door to the control room. Only to stop short when you notice a familiar red light still illuminated from your earlier recording session.
Had that been on the entire time?
Trash forgotten by the door, you’re quick to sit down and isolate the track in question. Looping a headphone over your ear, you press play to confirm your suspicions.
“Yes,” you sigh, voice languid with lust. “Fuck yes. Steve—mmm—"
Not realizing the volume or paying heed to Steve’s entrance, you nearly jump out of your skin when his hands knead at your shoulders.
He chuckles lowly, watching as you all but melt under his touch. “You’re gonna send me a copy of that, right, honey?”
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bronanlynch · 7 months
experimenting with different ways of organizing this post. shout out to bullet point lists. anyway once again I watched more television than doing anything else
listening (podcast):
new Palisade: very fun as usual! I love the Blue Channel crew so much and I am constantly so worried for them
Great Gundam Project: still very fun to hear how little they know about what is to come. also they got to the episode where Char comes back with a bunch of cool underwater robots and 1) god I miss Char I wish I too were watching an arc of Gundam that has Char in it and 2) shout out to the Gogg & Z'Gok, two of my fave suits in all of Gundam
Media Club Plus: once again they have good thoughts about Hunter x Hunter, truly cannot wait to hear Jack's reaction to the Illumi reveal
listening (music): Dance Apocalyptic by Janelle Monae because I'm stealing songs from my old Beam Saber campaign playlist to make a Partizan/Palisade playlist and that's on both
Imperial Uncle: got to a twist about halfway through that I was fully not expecting but it was very fun, and the story in now drastically different than I thought it would be when I started but I am still enjoying it a lot
The Death I Gave Him: one of the most interesting questions to me in any Hamlet adaptation/retelling is what to do with Gertrude, what her role in the murder was, etc, and I'm enjoying the way this novel handles that. shout out to unethical science milfs
TGCF: regarding last week's episode, since we watched it after last week's wednedsaypost: on one hand, beef of beefleaf fame! my beloved! they looked extremely good! ("op they were chained up & disheveled" yeah exactly) on the other, the racism and also the transmisogyny. not that any of this was surprising because it's in the novel too, but it sure sucks to have racist caricatures and also to repeatedly treat the gender shifting & crossdressing as a joke and/or with disgust. regarding this week's episode: rip to Hua Cheng :/ sorry your crush burned your house down :/ I don't remember this arc super well because it was kinda overshadowed (for me) by having Ghost City and then the start of book 2 on either side of it, and as primarily a beefleaf & Mu Qing main I have priorities
Bakeoff: so the technical was a shitshow in a way that is 100% on the judges for not giving them enough time like. sorry that's what it means when every single person underbakes it. however. I literally laughed so hard I was in physical pain when everyone was presenting their horrible liquid puddings so who could say if it was bad or not
Hunter x Hunter: I do love where Killua's arc goes but I also really enjoy this early bit where he's just incredibly competent & terrifying and kicks everyone's ass without breaking a sweat. good for him, sorry about what led you to this point tho
Legend of the Galactic Heroes: other things happened in the episodes that I watched but I will be honest, most of it is wiped away by the preview for next episode showing me an incredibly major character death. um. aside from that. I do like the battle sequences, I love when a show is a couple of guys in a room going "I think this is the enemy's plan, here's what we're going to do about it" and then you see some different guys in a different room going "this is our plan, I hope this is how they react to it" and so on. also I like the narrator as kind of like. a historical accounting of the events, both because I like stories about the narrative construction of history and also because it means everything happens on very specific dates and I love having clear ideas of timelines
ZZ Gundam: finished ZZ! in general I enjoyed it (though I still prefer Zeta) and there are some really fun moments, especially with the Gundam Team, and I like Haman a lot as an antagonist. I didn't realize how close we were to the end until we had like 4 episodes left because the pacing is. kind of interesting. lot more "going to a place and fucking around for a while" than I expected, and sometimes it works better than other times. most of my ~critiques are things I already said last week (the misogyny, the ways in which the critiques of western military intervention in Africa & southwest Asia fall flat due to the white saviorism & none of it really getting a chance to be developed properly, etc) so I'm not gonna go into all that again, but I am going to just mention one of the wildest things which is that they refer to Dublin as "a city in what used to be Britain" which is. a loaded thing to say in 2023 let alone in the 1980s. lmao
I'm in Love with the Villainess: a fun yuri isekai about someone with a shitty job who gets transported into the world of her favorite otome game except instead of giving a shit about any of the male love interests she just wants to spend all her time with the female antagonist. it's very light and silly, and we're watching it as a short break before diving into more Gundam. I do love it when there are lesbians and little hints of class conflict simmering just under the surface
Ace Attorney 5: some mixed feelings about what I've gotten through this week. I love to see Edgeworth and I'm so compelled by Aura & Simon (individually and also as siblings), but I don't like how Trucy continues to be incredibly sidelined, and whenever they talk about the "dark age of the law" I kind of feel like. ok. look. it is just factually incorrect that it's only now that people cheat in court and only care about winning, and also the idea that overturning one (1) false conviction will fix the problems of the legal system is laughable. especially considering 1) everything about Von Karma 2) Edgeworth's entire backstory and 3) the fact that Phoenix spent the 7 year gap inventing a new legal system that everyone forgot about I guess. anyway. I do love Aura a lot though
Blades in the Dark: finally was able to run another session in my Blades campaign, in which the party. checks notes. performed a reverse bank heist. and also a normal bank heist. sometimes you have to break into a bank to leave something in a specific vault and you steal some other stuff along the way
making: finished building Miorine, so she is no longer a disembodied head and can now stand on the shelf with her wife. I'm not a huge fan of some the proportions/posing of the model, she has. like. woman in a comic book proportions that she doesn't have in the actual show (Imo the worst of it is her arched spine which you can't see here but I was surprised because Suletta has just. a normal spine)
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drinking: Down East's cider donut-flavored cider because, once again, I love a seasonal fun little drink. this one's not as dry as the equivalent Citizens Cider I posted about a couple of weeks ago but Down East's stuff does tend to be a little sweeter in general. extremely good though, to be clear
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writing: I added a section to my wip doc for my Nirvana in Fire exchange fic and copied over my giftee's prompts but I have not started on it and other than that I've done no writing. oops.
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clockwrkcabaret · 8 months
No Good
WARNING! This show is for adults. We drink cocktails, have potty mouths and, at least, one of us was raised by wolves.
The Clockwork Cabaret is a production of Agony Aunt Studios. Featuring that darling DJ Duo, Lady Attercop and Emmett Davenport. Our theme music is made especially for us by Kyle O’Door.
This episode aired on Mad Wasp Radio, 11.05.23.
New episodes air on Mad Wasp Radio on Sundays @ 12pm GMT! Listen at www.madwaspradio.com or via TuneIn radio app!
Vermillion Lies – No Good
Charming Disaster – Cherry Red
The Cog is Dead – A.I. Stole My Life
Dust Bowl Faeries – Vampire Tango
Pink Martini – Donde Esta Yolanda
Nouvelle Vague – Too Drunk To Fuck
Nina Hagen – Fever
Señor Coconut – Sweet Dreams
Shovels & Rope – I’m Your Man (feat. John Fullbright)
Elle King – I Told You I Was Mean
Amy Winehouse – Me & Mr Jones
Adele – Lovesong
Paloma Faith – It’s the Not Knowing
Janelle Monáe – Givin Em What They Love (feat. Prince)
D’Angelo & The Vanguard – Ain’t That Easy
The Harlem James Gang  – My Strut Is Incredible!
Eric McFadden – Womanizer
The Heavy – How You Like Me Now
The Mountain Goats – This Year
Jukebox the Ghost – Good Day
The Decemberists – 16 Military Wives
Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi – Two Against One (feat. Jack White)
TV On the Radio – Wolf Like Me
Interpol – Obstacle 1
They Might Be Giants – What Did I Do to You?
Radiohead – No Surprises
Placebo – Bigmouth Strikes Again
  Check out this episode!
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myungodlyhour · 1 year
As of now, My top 3 of the night were (in no particular order):
Halle Bailey
Lily James
Cardi (both looks, but the pink was fabulous)
Honorable mention:
Viola Davis (me and my momma almost cried, she looked like a Barbie)
Elle Fanning - literally the more I keep staring at her photos the more obsessed I become wit her outfit. She might become a favorite in two days honestly
Janelle Monae - the thome brown coat was fantastic and interesting take on the theme to me. And just points alone for the Chanel swimsuit, I wasn’t expecting that
Rihanna - (I actually preferred her look with the vintage fendi fur coat leaving the hotel than the white dress, but I still loved the “headpiece”)
Jenna Ortega - like Janelle’s coat, very interesting interpretation of theme
Special mention:
Doja Cat - the face prosthetic was so cool (I wish they did a better job of blending it in though with her makeup, and her dress was too big)
My mom’s favorite:
Dua Lipa, she said Dua was really pretty and looked like Snow White
Worst Dressed
Irina Shayk - girl please
Kylie Jenner - ……..
Jack Harlow - why was he even there
Ice Spice - I honestly think she was just there bc she’s popular right now, I’m not mad, get your exposure, but it didn’t even seem like she tried. Maybe she proves me wrong one day, but I don’t see her becoming someone we get excited for fashion wise
Mary J blidge - sorry auntie, but you’ve got to let those thigh high boots go. You can’t wear them everywhere
Margot Robbie - mainly just disappointed. You were literally a Chanel ambassador and they put you in that?! YOU ARE LITERALLY PLAYING BARBIE IN THEY PUT YOU IN THAT??????!!!!!! Her team hates her, I swear they do
Cara Delevingne - Honoring his shirt? Really? And those leggings I think they were, really? YOU WERE HIS MUSE!!! Come on
WTF Moment:
Lil Naz X - he’s so unserious
The Cat aka “Jared Leto” - I can’t
Overall :
This year’s MET was really good honestly, and I think the reason people stayed on theme is because most of the people there worked with Karl , and they could easily pull vintage or current looks from Fendi, Chloe, and especially Chanel. But I really liked that a lot of people actually were dressed in other designers instead of just wearing one of those three brands cus that could have been TOO easy (though I think they needed an easy one cus they’ve been struggling)
I still hate that she decided to honor that man
The carpet was horrible and looked like toothpaste was spread across the carpet
And horrible was Anna’s outfit too
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thebreakfastgenie · 3 years
I get on Josh/Donna shippers in the fandom a lot for writing fic set in the early seasons that’s too explicitly romantic. I mean mostly I complain about this in private to my friends, but I think I’m on the record saying they shouldn’t get together before season 4. But I do think the show got them together too late. In my view, there are two points where the story organically wanted them to get together and the writers averted it. I’m putting this under a cut because this Josh/Donna meta I’m writing in the year 2021 is unforgivably long.
The first one is in season 4, Inauguration. There’s definitely a shift in season 4, both before and after Inauguration, to showing their relationship as more explicitly romantic. There are moments in earlier seasons, like Joey Lucas telling Josh that Donna likes him, Josh joking about sabotaging Donna’s relationships, and Amy asking if they’re dating. But season 4 really treats Jack Reese as a romantic rival in a way their previous love interests weren’t. Josh goes around asking if he can pull of a military dress saber because he’s so jealous, and notably nobody really reacts to this, implying he’s been like this before, but as the audience we’re seeing this level of behavior for the first time. I think there’s also an extent to which Donna wanted him to react this way, considering the way she describes Jack’s dress uniform in detail. And we can’t forget that before all of this started Jack was willing to back off because he didn’t want to get in the middle of whatever he thought Josh and Donna had going on. 
Then there’s Holy Night, where even Leo asks if he was being insensitive, which really requires watching the scene where he actually tells Josh that Donna left because it’s completely innocuous. The only reason Leo would think he was insensitive is if he thinks Josh is sensitive about Donna. Which he is. Leo then follows this by saying “oh, get it together, would you?” and Josh responds “I’m trying” which I think is the first clue we get that Josh is starting to figure out how he feels about Donna. I will expand on this more later. 
Rather like with the dress uniform conversation later, there’s something going on from Donna’s side in Holy Night too. Donna is given the opportunity to slip out before Josh tells her he’s staying late to work, she’s even encouraged by coworkers, and she doesn’t do it. This could be because she’s dedicated to the job, which provides deniability, but it’s really not. She’s so genuine when she says getting drunk at the Hawk and Dove sounds fun. I think she’s waiting for Josh to say something. She wants him to say “yes, I wanted you to stay, I want to spend Christmas with you, I don’t want you to go to the Washington Inn with Jack because I want you to go with me.” But he doesn’t say any of that because he’s not there yet. We also notably don’t see Donna leave or even Leo telling her she can, so we don’t know how she really felt about it. My money is on happy but also slightly disappointed, but she can’t exactly tell Leo no I want to stay and wait for Josh to tell me he likes me, and even if she could at this point she wouldn’t. 
Then you have Inauguration and the snowball scene which is so explicitly romantic that I really don’t have anything to say about it. I will say that later on at the end you see a line of people walking through the ballroom and it’s the President, the First Lady, senior staff, and Will. This is because Janel Moloney is a regular, but it’s also very much set up like Donna is Josh’s date. He brings her to see Will named deputy when literally no one else is there except that little senior staff and first couple group. 
So the question is why, aside from the obvious Doylist reasons, don’t Josh and Donna get together after that? It’s a hard sell that they don’t, but there’s some room there because after the balls they have to go back to work, and I think it’s believable that with sending troops into Kundu and everything else that comes up with running the country in the following weeks, Josh and Donna don’t have the time or energy to address their relationship and just kind of slip back into the status quo. Still, it’s a little bit different, because they’re ready now, and I think that’s where you see continued development in the rest of the season, like Amy asking Donna if she’s in love with Josh. There’s a sense to which, after Inauguration, it’s more acknowledged, even if they still won’t say it. 
The second time they should have gotten together is after Gaza. I’m also on the record as not a big fan of the Gaza arc, although I’ve softened on some parts of it since realizing that Colin makes me really uncomfortable and that’s a big part of why I don’t like watching it. Before I can talk about Gaza, I need to rewind to season 2. 
I do think Donna knew she had feelings for Josh in season 1, whereas Josh had feelings for Donna very early on but didn’t realize it. But the beginning of season 2 is still a huge inflection point in their relationship. Donna is forced to confront exactly how much Josh means to her because she’s forced to face the possibility that he might die. This is explicit, with the positioning of the flashbacks. Donna has fourteen hours with absolutely nothing else to think about. Josh doesn’t go through this journey with her because he’s unconscious. This is one of the reasons the “I wouldn’t stop for red lights” line is so good and so true to them. I’m going to go on a tangent here because I don’t really want to make a separate meta post. 
The whole Point of Josh and Donna is the lines they cross for each other. That’s their whole deal. And no episode really encapsulates this better than 17 People. They’re dancing right on that line the entire episode. They’re really over the line of a professional, employer/employee relationship the entire time, but most of it can be (with some effort, perhaps) played off as a friend relationship. Josh saying “if you were in an accident, I wouldn’t stop for a beer” is right on that line. He’s saying he cares about her, but it’s also kind of the bare minimum, but he’s also being compared favorably to her old boyfriend at the time. That in and of itself is a perfectly good ship moment, especially for so early on. And then Donna just bulldozes right over that line by saying “if you were in an accident I wouldn’t stop for red lights.” But she does it very matter-of-factly. It’s just the truth. And the difference is, Josh is speaking hypothetically. Donna isn’t. The only reason she hasn’t done this before is that she was already at the hospital when she found out he had been injured (which by the way was like eight months ago). Donna is speaking from experience. 
So this is where we get to Gaza. Donna has been through this whole experience of almost losing him. When Donna is injured in Gaza it’s his turn to almost lose her, and he goes through more or less the same little journey. Gaza more than anything else is what equalizes them. And they absolutely know it. Neither one of them says it, but the body language and tone in the “I’m still here” scene serve as an acknowledgment. There’s just no way to go back after that. Obviously the writers tried to use Colin to complicate things, but really he’s not very successful at it. Donna still asks for Josh before surgery and his name is still the first thing she says when she wakes up. My personal opinion is that Josh and Donna falling out in season 6 happened because there was no other way to keep them apart after Germany. And I do think it would take a little while once they got back, Donna has to recover and Josh has a lot of guilt to process, but that’s still what should have done it. It was time. They were ready. 
And yes, you can argue that Josh is very stupid, but I think after the experiences they’ve had, at that point Donna would be willing to initiate the conversation, and if confronted he would confess his feelings for her. That’s speculation but I’m right. They’re like three-quarters of the way to being in a relationship anyway. 
I also have some Opinions about how they finally got together but that I will save for another post. This one is about how Josh/Donna are a great example of TV writers following conventional wisdom instead of letting the story and characters do what they organically needed to do. 
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catalinaroleplay · 3 years
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JACK ADLER (Chris Evans) is looking for his BAND MEMBER connection. Please message BUCKY for more information regarding this connection. The status of this connection is currently: CLOSED.
Band member
Michelle Dockery or Sarah Snook are who I’d especially LOVE for this connection but here are some other FCs that I love! Issa Rae, Michelle Monaghan, Emily Blunt, Aubrey Plaza, Dichen Lachman, Emmy Rossum, Alice Eve, Tessa Thompson, Jessica Chastain, Alicia Vikander, Janelle Monae.
Their backstory is completely up to you!
In terms of their relationship with Jack, I picture them to be extremely close and have a really deep bond within their shared loved for music and songwriting. They’ve been a part of Jack’s band (you can decide which instrument they play) since his divorce over a decade ago.
Back when Jack first moved to Catalina, a close friend of his died due to an overdose, and I also picture that this character was in a relationship with his friend who passed. Due to Jack’s own problems with addiction, maybe this caused them to have a rocky patch in their relationship. Or maybe it made them closer. It’s up to you!
Now that Jack is sober again, he’s been writing a lot and wants to put together a new, fresh album. Your character would become a big part of this process in helping him write/produce his new songs. I even thought these new songs could be under a different name aka a duo band started by Jack and your character!
Lowkey inspired by Phoebe Bridgers and Conor Oberst and their indie-rock duo Better Oblivion Community Center.
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brokehorrorfan · 4 years
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Antebellum’s original motion picture soundtrack is available on vinyl for $27 via Waxwork Records. The score is composed by Nate Wonder and Roman GianArthur, who are part of Janelle Monáe’s Wonderland Arts Society collective.
Expected to ship on November 27, the album is pressed on 180-gram black with red haze colored vinyl. It's housed in a jacket designed by Shawn Lyon with printed inner sleeves.
Antebellum is available on VOD today via Lionsgate. It marks the feature debut of writers-directors Gerard Bush and Christopher Renz. Janelle Monáe, Eric Lange, Jena Malone, Jack Huston, Kiersey Clemons, and Gabourey Sidibe star.
Statements from the composers can be read below.
Nate Wonder:
Writing the score for Antebellum has been a rewarding adventure in creating a musical bed that compliments the script while becoming its own unique character and identity within the film. It was really wonderful to work with my brother on this, it was one of the most fulfilling experiences. Working with Janelle Monáe has also been a pleasure as always. We’ve done this a few times before and every time it is a thrilling experience to work on such intriguing ideas. It’s been especially heart-warming to work on this feature, as it is the next step in the evolution of her emotional pictures.
Roman GianArthur:
We’re thankful for the opportunity for this to be our first feature and to be working with Gerard and Chris on their first feature film as well,” he said. “After reading the script we started ideating in Atlanta at the Wondaland studio, and began with simple voice memos. From there we brought in a violin, viola and cello to flesh the tone and direction of the score out. The process of shaping these voice memos and growing them to eventually be recorded with a symphony orchestra has been gratifying and an unforgettable experience.
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oceanmonsters · 5 years
thoughts on “tall girl”
I’m gonna make another post actually going into detail (edit: made post here) about some of the points that really bothered me (because I had a Lot of thoughts while watching this) this is just an overview & what I was thinking while actually watching the film:
movie about a straight white girl opening with Make Me Feel by Janelle Monáe playing...........
the movie is going so hard straight off the bat with the “Jodi is alienated and unaccepted by society because of her height” with the parallel being made between Jodi and the character in the book
“You think your life is hard” god I was really trying to go into this movie with an open mind but literally within the first 5 minutes they’re doing exactly what I predicted and making it seem like being tall is literally the biggest source of oppression ever. Like yes, her life is harder than it would be if she was average height but she’s still a rich cis straight white girl. That doesn’t mean she can’t have problems but there are SO MANY people with lives harder than hers. This line was so tone deaf that it’s so hard to give the rest of the movie a chance.
“How’s the weather up there” is literally being treated as if it’s a slur. Like yes it’s annoying but it’s really not that deep.
this school seems very racially diverse which is usually a good thing but when you’re framing the white girl as having the biggest problems and being picked on / harassed by everyone else, it’s really not...
the scene with the mom taking about her “problems” in high school for being so beautiful and popular and asking Jodi if that counts as adversity and her being like ‘what the fuck, is this what she really thinks adversity is’ is literally a metaphor for me watching this movie rn
her friend Jack is Sam from American Vandal and that’s not relevant to the plot but I keep thinking of his name as Sam now
Sam: He might not even be smart
Stig: *writes the molecular formula of the molecule drawn for which literally all you have to do is count the number of atoms of each type, and happened to recognise the molecule
Sam: oh NO what’s he DOING fuck I’m screwed he’s a genius he’s literally the PERFECT GUY
also is the movie really trying to tell me Jodi is the tallest person in her whole school? There are NO guys taller than her? Because my school was definitely smaller than most American schools and there were definitely at least 5 guys in my year taller than 6’
most of the mean girls making fun of & laughing at Jodi are WOC which really feels wrong...
why is he talking about c-sections what the fuck that was so creepy!
why is Jodi acting like just because she’s tall she somehow has some sort of claim to Stig over Kimmy... like I know Kimmy was horrible to her and now she’s dating the guy she likes which sucks but Jodi’s not entitled to Stig’s affections and he clearly likes Kimmy back but she’s acting like Stig is rightfully hers or smth
Sam is the best thing about about this movie so far, like his character is annoying but he’s actually not bland and is somewhat amusing to watch
also I literally can’t remember his character’s name, they just call him Dunkers or Dunkleman, they haven’t mentioned his first name since they first introduced him so I’m just gonna keep calling him Sam
he just kissed her even though he has a girlfriend... Jodi, run away girl
why is she enabling her sister’s extreme dieting?? This is a teen movie, they should really not be normalising this
I don’t know if it’s because of Griffin’s acting or because of how bland the other characters are so far but Sam is actually my favourite character so far even though he’s annoying and is actively trying to sabotage their relationship... like at least he has personality
also she keeps going on about how tall girls never get the guy or aren’t considered attractive or whatever but she’s had 3 GUYS be interested in her throughout the course of the movie
this kissing scene is making me very uncomfortable... like it’s sooooo zoomed in on their faces to show how they’re all looking at each other
who let Sam just come into her room while she’s sleeping???
he’s sitting on her bed and watching her hello????
he’s now weirdly touching her hair
also this has been bothering me for a while but why does this kid wear so many rings. Who made this style choice bc it adds nothing to his character and imo just looks weird
I’ve also been noticing this for a few scenes but her house is SUPER nice, damn. Like she’s definitely rich, which makes the “You think your life is hard?” comment even more tone deaf.
okay Sam’s actually redeemed himself, if your friend wouldn’t charge at someone way bigger than them with a fucking crate for being an asshole to you are they even your friend
although DAMN if he’d actually hit him with that crate he could have seriously injured him, he was going straight for the head
why was everyone cheering so much for that bland, cheesy speech that was all about her. If I were in that crowd I’d just be like “girl get down & let us enjoy our dance, jesus.” Like realistically hardly anyone would be invested or really care about what she has to say because they literally don’t know or care about her. The movie’s acting like she’s known by everyone in the school, when in reality while people would recognise her they probably really don’t care that much.
also yes, some people in her school are assholes but I refuse to believe that the majority of her school constantly going on about her height - especially if she’s been at the school for a long time, they should be well past used to it by now. Most people in the crowd probably literally just don’t care about her at all and just want this to be over
this guy carried his shit around in a milk crate for all this time JUST IN CASE she ever wanted to kiss him?? I honestly don’t know how to feel about this because on one hand that’s a really extra level of dedication, which I somewhat respect but on the other hand... it’s just way too much
I literally feel nothing for this couple at all - I like Sam but as a couple, I wasn’t rooting for them or particularly happy or satisfied when they got together. Also, they didn’t show Jodi liking him at all up until this point. He was in love with her but there was no indication that she had any kind of feelings for him whatsoever. I guess it could be one of those situations where something happens and you see them in a whole new light and realise that you’ve been overlooking them the whole time but I feel like the timespan between her realising this and then getting together was way too short for me to actually care about them as a couple because for like 98% of the movie the attraction was completely one sided. If they’d shown her starting to have feelings for him earlier in the movie, e.g. when he started dating Liz, and shown her feeling jealous or upset or anything that indicates she actually does have underlying feelings for him but is scared to date him because of the height difference or whatever, I think I would’ve found the romance way more believable.
Also the characters of colour are so underdeveloped & sidelined in this movie - there’s Fareeda, who is literally just a walking “angry black girl”+”sassy supportive black friend” stereotype. She has no other development throughout this entire film. We literally know nothing about her other than that she’s Jodi’s best friend and always sticks up for / supports her even though she’s clearly ungrateful. Kimmy is a one dimensional caricature of a Mean Girl with apparently nothing else that matters to her but being a dick to Kimmy for no reason and being popular and being Homecoming Queen. There’s literally no reason given for why she hates Jodi so much either, because she’s never shown being awful to anyone else - she just really has it out for Jodi. And apart from Fareeda, the only named characters of colour only exist to be rejected romantic interests for the white characters and have no purpose or personality beyond this.
Overall I wouldn’t say this was the worst movie I’ve watched but I disliked it more than a lot of objectively worse movies I’ve watched - it was definitely one of the least enjoyable and most frustrating movies I’ve ever watched. I was hoping that even though the premise seemed dumb it would still be a cute, enjoyable teen movie - but they focused so much on how much supposed adversity she faced and how difficult life is for a tall girl that it’s hard to focus on anything else. Honestly I think that if they’d just cut out all of the dialogue about how hard life was for her, about adversity, about how “tall girls don’t get happy endings” or whatever, the movie could actually have been somewhat enjoyable with the rest of the plot being the same. It could’ve just been about a taller-than-average girl who feels insecure about her height trying to date a tall guy but realising her best friend is actually the right guy for her - and realising that it’s not the world that’s holding her back, it’s actually her own insecurities. My opinions on the quality of the plot and romance are obviously just my opinions and you obviously don’t have to agree with them but I don’t think you can deny how objectively tone deaf the premise is and how the characters of colours are basically sidelined and only exist to support the white character’s storylines, which is why I’m definitely putting this movie in the Never Watch Again pile.
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peterbishop · 4 years
hi emma!! what are your tww thoughts? like otps, headcanons, favorite episodes or arcs, fave characters? tell me anything! i love your blog and this show is amazing so i just love talking to people about it- feel free to rant about anything tww related!
hi! thank u sm for enjoying my blog haha. i really do have a lot of thoughts so let’s get into this
my favorite character is josh. which i feel like is so predictable knowing myself. my inner monologue really is: oh look at this semi-attractive main character who is kinda an asshole i must love him. i love how biting and brutal he can be but then he can be an absolute softie (when he gets donna that xmas gift in 1x10 hello????) also he’s from connecticut like me and that’s what i call #solidarity 
also josh in the entirety of the supremes um yes feminist icon get the first female chief of justice elected
and can we give a special shout out to how jacked josh is despite those ugly suits they put him in. 
broke: sam seaborn is hot
woke: josh lyman is hot
my favorite character after him is such a toss up. it’s either cj or bartlet or donna. really depends on the day. all the main characters are so good it’s pretty impossible to choose
favorite episodes (bear in mind i’ve only seen the show all the way through once): noël, in the shadow of two gunmen, the supremes, celestial navigation, 17 people, literally most of season 2, 20 hours in america, game on.
hands down my favorite episode is noël. we love a josh-centric episode
bradley whitford did not have to go off so hard but he did!!!! emmy winning king!!!! also his acceptance speech is too cute
favorite arcs: everyone finding about MS (that string of 5-6 episodes might be the most solid string of tv episodes ever), the santos campaign (especially in s7 once donna was there), and for the dramatiqueness of it all, gaza
this isn’t an arc, but i love it whenever the characters get fired up about gun control
the best scene of the entire show might be when josh and toby lose their actual minds over daylight savings 
there are a couple ships on the show that i find cute (jed/abbey, zoey/charlie, perhaps even sam/ainsley), but THE otp and one of the key reasons i started the show, is, of course, josh and donna
i fucking love slow burn. most of my favorite ships are slow burn. i like it when it takes, 5, 6, 7 seasons for a couple to get together. i am far more entertained. and that was josh and donna!!!!!
(even though they should have gotten together after gaza. maybe even after jed’s reelection. i think i just wish sorkin wrote them because i feel like he would have given us a wedding ep)
but anyways!!!!!!! i love their dynamic and how they push each other and make each other better people (mostly josh growing from knowing donna). their first kiss is iconic as hell 
also their kiss(es) in transition fuck. janel and brad’s sexual chemistry did that
there are just too many good josh/donna moments: every time she ties his bowtie (which janel said was basically a sex scene for them), josh telling embarrassing stories about donna and saying “those are nice stories. i’d like you if i heard them,” the entire snowball scene like did he really have to stop his train of thought just to tell her she looks beautiful, donna taking josh to the hospital at the end of noël, literally every single time they look at each other, IF YOU WERE IN AN ACCIDENT I WOULDN’T STOP FOR RED LIGHTS
the list goes on and on
as you can tell josh and donna take up 80% of my thoughts
ok headcanons let’s go
j/d basically moved in together after their trip to hawaii. in that one week, things that needed to be said were finally said and they said screw wasting any more time, let’s just be together and be happy
they get married the summer before the midterms in connecticut. they try to keep it small but when two presidents show up, it’s anything but
by year 3 of santos’ term, j/d have a little boy. seeing josh lyman brutally take down republican house members while an infant is strapped to his chest in a baby bjorn is a sight to behold
santos wins his reelection. donna and josh quit the white house and start a think tank. sam takes over from josh and donna finds an apt replacement for herself. helen and matt wish nothing but the best for the couple even though they’ll be sorely missed
the barlets love baby lyman and it gives j/d an excuse to escape to new hampshire every odd weekend. 
(when baby lyman was born, josh had his doubts as a father. jed pulled him to the side and said “i know you’ll be great. how do i know? because you’ve had great fathers like noah and leo”)
when baby lyman is 3, donna runs for congress. she easily wins, especially with cj and toby helping out behind the scenes. josh becomes a stay at home dad who gives the occasional lecture at georgetown. he couldn’t be happier. 
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ladyfl4me · 4 years
3, 4, 16?
3. How do you know if your writing is “in character”?
I cross my fingers and hope for the best, honestly. The good thing about writing fic for a podcast is that there’s dialogue in everything, and so much is communicated through voice. Plus, they tend to say shit out of character like “Ned feels c about b so he does a.” It’s easy to extrapolate from there.
When it comes to long-form AU works, though, it’s... tougher, because my versions of the characters will evolve into something else by the end. They’ll be different levels of “in character,” depending on who they are/what they’re like. Especially with sequels, good fucking Christ. There’s another degree of separation between what canon has as “in character” and what I have as “in character.” Exhibit A: my Dani. I gave her a twin sister and made Janelle her mom, with a whole slew of Pine Guard-related trauma that made her pretty different from canon Dani. When I write Dani, she’s in character for me, but I know that if my Dani was put up against canon Dani the differences would be astounding.
4. Where do your story ideas come from?
Usually one of these options:
lol wouldn’t this be funny or what
lol wouldn’t this hurt or what
insert x trope into y media
what if it was x media... but lord of the rings flavored
what do my friends think is cool right now
what does the fandom think is cool right now that i also think is fun to write
When we take all of those, put them in a blender, and turn it on, we get everything I’ve ever written for TAZ Amnesty.
16. How much of your personal life do you put into fics?
Depends on how many gaps I feel like I need to fill. If a character has solid and simple established canon/fanon, like Ned and sometimes Aubrey, I work off of that and don’t have to do much. If there’s something I want to change or expand on, like with Indrid, then I let the externality of the character take me and start fiddling with that; it’s rare that I change a character by injecting parts of myself. 
However, if I’m starting with a bare-bones supporting cast character like Hollis or Boyd, then I end up using a lot more of my personal emotions/conflicts, the same way I do when I make OCs. For example, I gave Hollis my family issues, controlling grey-moral parental figure, and heavy reliance on found family in The Secret Garden. I was also writing TMWCIFTC my freshman year of college, where I’d lost my main support system in the form of orchestra. I passed those conflicting emotions along to Boyd, building an entire life and story for him around the song “The Devil Went Down to Georgia.” We also knew jack fucking shit about Boyd at the time I was writing, so I could really just say whatever and have it make sense.
thanks for these!!! they were super fun!
send me a number from this list! 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13,16
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arronjustin · 4 years
Lover Album Review 2020
Hello, I hope everyone is doing good! How’s the Rapunzel-ing going on?
I just got an email from work confirming about my termination. Great! Keep the good news coming! It keeps getting worse. I just hope that I’ll get my unemployment insurance and the stimulus check. If not… I don’t know. Have faith!
Anywayyy… Soon you’ll get better! We’ll get better! Soon! Just like what Taylor said. Speaking of Taylor Swift… In times like these, when you’re in a quarantine, bored, or sad, she’ll be there to help you fight it thru her songs. Yes T. Swizzle, our queen, our hero haha! I have a lot of time so I am going to make a review of her 7th album, Lover. This is a review from a lover (no pun intended :))) or a fan so this will be like 100% good vibes. Negativity is not allowed here. No rats allowed here. This is a review from a fan that played the album a hundred times already or should I say a million times hehe. This is a review from a fan, not a musician or an expert from the industry so this is a jargon-free review haha! So here we go! And this is gonna be quite long so patience my friend.
“Welcome to bridge city!”. If your town needs someone to build a bridge, just message Taylor. All the bridge parts in this album are phenomenal.  If Red is a TS autumn album, definitely Lover is for summer. It’s perfect that she released it summer. What confused me is, why it got snubbed at Grammys? Why? How? Or at least give the Grammy to Norman Fucking Rockwell! Ugh. Going back to the topic… Lover is like the summation of all her past albums but mostly from 1989 and Reputation. She also introduced new sounds due to new collaborations in writing and producing. From her past pop albums, mostly it’s just with Jack Antonoff and now she’s with Joel Little also. I was expecting a deluxe/extended version of the album though! 18 songs are not enough haha!
*FYI, Taylor brought back the 80’s music in the industry with her album 1989 (2014). She’s the one who started it. The rest just followed. I’m not starting a fight here haha!
I Forgot That You Existed – This song is really a good opening. A feel-good song. The perfect song when you wake up. Also I think, this song will be a good single. The music video can be like, walking on a field or like just biking on the street with a sunny weather haha! With this song, she wants us to know that her dark era (Best comeback & tour ever! Like ever.) is done and that she’s completely over with this DJ (I forgot his name jk. ) who had a show that nobody came haha jk!
Cruel Summer – Best song ever. I mean, aside from All Too Well and Our Song haha! … And Getaway Car. Damn, don’t ask me about her best song coz I’m not sure if can answer that. Because they’re all good! They’re the best. Same with asking me her worst song! My answer will be forever N/A! Anyway, no doubt that this song is the continuation of Getaway Car. Try to put this song next to Getaway Car, I’ll give you $100 if you disagree. The closing beat of GC really fits CS. Let’s talk about the bridge of this song. It’s a masterpiece. This bridge is so good that in the future it can be like historical where students study it for their literature subject hehe. It’s so good that Taylor even repeated the bridge at the ending. If you’ll be reading this Taylor, please release this as a single! Pretty please with sugar on top! When you didn’t release Getaway Car as a single, I got sick. I can’t talk, eat, and even move due to frustration haha jk! But please! Release this on summer! Music video ideas? Just PM haha! Would it be cool if the music video will start at the last part of Getaway Car?
Lover – The first time I heard this, I was like… I wish I have someone right now to dance on this song. Are they married already? Engaged? Definitely, my wedding song. No Lover, no wedding haha!
The Man – This should be the first single in my opinion. The message is perfect and it’s catchy and unique. But I guess, they released Me! because it’s good for all ages.
The Archer – I don’t know but this song makes me really sad. The saddest track 5 song. And I think this track 5 song is kind of different compare to others coz this is about all your struggles in life, not just with a heartbreak? Well, that’s my interpretation haha! Please don’t kill me if its different from yours.
I Think He Knows – Yeah I know, another great song haha! I mean duh, they’re all great. I don’t need to tell it. Everytime I hear this song, Janelle Monáe keeps popping up from my head. She can have this song!
Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince – When I first saw the title I was like, is this a Fall Out Boy song? The first time I heard it, this is a good OST!
Paper Rings – Cute song. Another song that is perfect for OST. A rom-com movie!
Cornelia Street – The storytelling here is really good (Shout out to All Too Well again!) especially when you’re familiar with the place. I even tried to listen to it while walking on the street of Cornelia haha! Then it rained jk. Now I just need to rent a place in Cornelia street. Typed it casually in my room. Not my car. No pun intended hehe.
Death By A Thousand Cuts – This is like Look What You Made Me Do part 2 due to the horror vibe that I get from this song haha! The title and the my, my part along with that background sound that you usually hear in some horror movies. But the guitar part in the chorus makes me want to cry from being heartbroken and how life can be beautiful haha! When the album got released, this song was on repeat.
London Boy – Now everyone wants a London Boy and boys from London couldn’t be more proud of themselves. I hear This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things in this song.
Soon You’ll Get Better – Let me get a tissue first before I start with this song. Jk. I didn’t cry after hearing this song for the first time but I got headache due to resisting it hehe. If this song didn’t do anything for you, you’re a monster, a rat. :))) BTW, it’s so nice to hear Dixie Chicks again after a long time. I love their version of Can’t Hurry Love haha!
False God – Sexy saxophone hello! I feel like it’s a grown up song that’s why I cant relate haha! A coat and tie song. You know what I mean? Don’t worry, me too. It’s a sexy song, a date song. Like a good background when you’re having a dinner date (in NYC) and the next deed after that date. *Insert devil emoji.
You Need To Calm Down – I failed to calm down after seeing the music video of this. Queens everywhere in the music video. The message and video are indeed powerful.
Afterglow – When you want to emote, this song will help you. Feel free to do an interpretative dance. This will help you to calm down and be relaxed after what You Need To Calm Down served us.
Me! – Yes with the exclamation point! This song never fails to startled me especially after playing Afterglow. The silence and then suddenly… “I promise that…” haha! Like, WTF Taylor stop scaring me haha! But I won’t really forget the excitement I had when I was waiting for the release of the music video and the feeling of seeing it for the first time. Priceless. Definitely, this will be the encore song for the tour!
It’s Nice To Have A Friend – Is this about wedding? But what I’m really sure of is that this song is perfect for winter. You’re inside your room next to your window drinking hot chocolate watching snow fall, confirming if all snowflakes are really different from each other and this is your background music.
Daylight – I lost count already on how many times I used this song as a background music for my sunrise/sunset Instagram story. I agree with you Taylor, you are what you love. And the Red reference, brilliant! You know what, even until now I still can’t decide which closing song is the best. Clean or this? Or Begin Again? Here we go again… I. don’t. know. Coz they’re all great haha! Is it just me because I’m a Gemini or is it really hard to decide which one is her best song because all of Taylor’s songs are so good and incomparable!
Andddd we’re done haha! Reading is fun! Right? Haha! Stay Safe!
*This is originally from my WordPress.
@taylorswift @taylornation
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ousamma · 4 years
"Redemption"is key motive- Big Brother All-stars Candidates Released
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CBS has announced and posted all 20 potential Big Brother Candidates. The names have been floating around chat forums, blogs, myspace, and fan sites all over the web since the announcement of the show earlier this year.  The key for the most of the houseguests? Redemption! Most of the chosen ones made big mistakes somewhere in the game, were stabbed in the back by another player, or just simply played the game wrong.
George This guy seems to be the type who always tried to fit in by standing out- His nickname, Chicken, came from his duty to guard the household chicken.
Bunky Bunky is the housguest who is known for his crying. He played the "nice guy" card, and we all know nice guys finish last!  Bunky spent most of his time in the house crying, while the people around him tried to manipulate him.  His best friend in the house, Kent,who first judged him, still remains a close friend to him outside the house.  Bunky wants to come back and play the game completely different- and as he says he won't cry too!
Will "You think its easy being good-looking?"  Many fans love this guy- why? Because he knows that bad boys are sexy!  He called his game playing ruthless and that he planned to lie from day one. He also claims he pioneered the strategy of being evil. He believes people should vote for him because he has a big ego and he would like to try to mix things up a bit.
Mike "I am the type of guy you want to hang with instead of buying insurance from."  Mike boogie was part of the chill town alliance and he states he liked  hanging with the 'Bratt pack.'  He said his biggest mistake was falling in love with Christa whom he asked to marry on the show, got engaged, and then broke up after the show.  He thinks that being 'in love' clouded his judgment and wants to show America how strategic he can be.  Good friends with Evil Dr. Will, he is wanting to step from beyond his friends shadow and take the lead.
Monica "It's on" this girl is strong and a true force of female power. She claims she wants to continue to keep it real and for anyone who tries to get in her way to watch out.  She even scares me! A true competitor!
Marcellas Marcellas was always seen looking at himself in admiration and was quoted saying " I love looking at myself."  Marcellas is a fan favorite, as since he was evicted he has worked on "House Calls" making comments on all Big Brother houses since his time.  Him and Amy were two outcasts that were used to being popular until they entered the big brother house, only to be shunned by all.  Marcellas made the mistake of giving up his veto to keep his only friend in the house, in what he refers to as, "a crazy greek tragedy". Marcellas wants to come back into the house to correct his big mistakes.
Lisa Lisa- known for her infamous peanut butter bikini- and her quote " I keep my eyes shut and my mouth open," was one loud mouth in Big Brother. She is one of the few winners that will attempt to get back into the Big Brother House. This time she wants to come back and play the game although she won the last won she was in.  She is ready to dodge bullets, as a past winner, she has nothing to loose.
Danielle People either love to hate me, or hate to love me" a controversial player that will try to return to the show. In tonight's show she reflected in what she called " real and raw" dairy room sessions where she counted down to her victory.  She also created a secret alliance with Jason that never uncovered landing them both in the top three.  She was so close to winning that the only thing on her mind is "redemption".
Erika Erika was really pumped to enter the house in BB4 until she saw her X boyfriend in the shows ex-factor twist. She would like to enter the house and try to win as one of the "good" guys. In BB4 she created a strong alliance with jack, but that alliance was not good enough. She is ready for anything this time and especially ready to redeem herself.
Dana "I'm soooo pissed off" Dana was known for calling it like it is.  She claims her personality is "spicy."  She made her biggest mistake early when she switched sides and voted against her alliance only to get voted out in the next round.
Alison "A Girls got to do what a girls got to do"- Alison, the houseguest everybody hated.  She started off the show seducing all the boys, and in know time she was hated. She said that manipulating men was a part of her strategy as well as telling people exactly what they wanted to hear. She managed to squeak by and win second place, only to be brutally defeated with a 1: 6 vote loss.  She believes that the first looser crap is not good enough for her and is coming back strong with vengeance.
Jase "That was not from Jesus"  Full of antics he labeled his BB5 crew, the "Four idiot horseman."  Jase was thrown off guard when he was caught calling out other housguests.  He was a rat on a sinking ship pretty fast! Jase believes all-stars would not be the same without him.  He wants to be back, wearing head-gear... a Born again houseguest.
Michael Michael "cowboy" - The only cowboy on big brother wants to return. He began his reign in the house acting wild but that was suddenly halted when he found out he had a sister and a father, and his sister was in the house with him! His sob story drove him to the end where he just missed the money. He thinks that when you get that close to the money its the hardest to loose it.  People stated he rode the coattails to the finals, and he is ready to prove he deserves to be the winner.
Nakomis Nakomis--Jennifer found out that Michael was her brother on the show.  She had her own crafty personality, with new hair styles and poetry.  Her passionate tirade against the producers, the series and reality shows in general, made her a memorable player in big brother.  She states that her relationship with Michael is on and off again today, and that the most painful memory of her eviction was having the single vote that casted her out come from her brother.  She wants to be the snake in the grass in the all stars competition
Diane "When I want something, I get it."  Diane is another one who fell in love on Big brother. She became winner Drew's girlfriend where later Drew chose to take cowboy Michael over her to the voting round. She stated that being with him costed her the game, and that nobody will break her down.  She is also wants to come back in the name of "redemption!"
Howie Howie made himself known quickly as BUSTO- a man who loves boobies.  He was also always trying to be a JEDI and could be seen with his light sabers on several episodes.  He had a secret partner Janelle.  Howie has made the biggest online appearance creating his own games, starting online chats and promoting his own products.  Howie believes "Big brother without Howie is like a day without sunshine." He also believes he was the best looking guy on the show.
Kaysar Kaysar was the first Muslim on Big Brother, and although an extremely nice guy he was also an outcast. According to him, people thought they could take advantage of him, and that he was evicted way too early.  Kasyar, although unpopular on the show has become extremely popular in reality. He appeared on the soap opera "the young and the restless" as well as an appearance in the new show "half and half." He is know for his quote " No, I sealed your partners fate." Kaysar is a hot pick in several big brother fan forums.
Ivette "Im going to get Cuban on your ass"  She believes that her biggest mistake on the show was choosing the wrong friends and alliances. Often seen on the show as loud and part of the "nerd herd" she wants to ditch those stereotypes and play a different game.
James "Veto King" James was not well liked on the show. He  claims no one was as feared and as hated as him.  He survived because of his ability to capture the most veto's in big brother history. James promises that he will return with the same tenacity as before. James is also a favorite in forums all over the web.
Janelle "Bye Bye Bitches!"The most highly quoted, fun loving, big brother candidate. Most houseguests would also love to see her return.  Although a Tall foxy blonde, Janelle is know dummy and a strong competitor.  She states she will do anything to win...ANYTHING!...
Well what are you waiting for? Vote for your favorites now! Join us at http;//www.morebigbrother.com
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richincolor · 6 years
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New Releases
Happy Monday! There are quite a few books dropping this Tuesday, and they all sound pretty amazing. I’m personally really excited for Check, Please! — the gay, pie-filled, hockey comic of my dreams. I’ve been following the webcomic for two years now, and I can’t wait to get my hands on a physical copy with bonus tweets (!). What new books (or comics) are you loving?
Analee, In Real Life by Janelle Milanes Ever since her mom died three years ago, Analee Echevarria has had trouble saying out loud the weird thoughts that sit in her head. With a best friend who hates her and a dad who’s marrying a yogi she can’t stand, Analee spends most of her time avoiding reality and role-playing as Kiri, the night elf hunter at the center of her favorite online game.
Through Kiri, Analee is able to express everything real-life Analee cannot: her bravery, her strength, her inner warrior. The one thing both Kiri and Analee can’t do, though, is work up the nerve to confess her romantic feelings for Kiri’s partner-in-crime, Xolkar—aka a teen boy named Harris whom Analee has never actually met in person.
So when high school heartthrob Seb Matias asks Analee to pose as his girlfriend in an attempt to make his ex jealous, Analee agrees. Sure, Seb seems kind of obnoxious, but Analee could use some practice connecting with people in real life. In fact, it’d maybe even help her with Harris. But the more Seb tries to coax Analee out of her comfort zone, the more she starts to wonder if her anxious, invisible self is even ready for the real world. Can Analee figure it all out without losing herself in the process?
Check, Please!: #Hockey by Ngozi Ukazu Helloooo, Internet Land. Bitty here! Y’all… I might not be ready for this. I may be a former junior figure skating champion, vlogger extraordinaire, and very talented amateur pâtissier, but being a freshman on the Samwell University hockey team is a whole new challenge. It’s nothing like co-ed club hockey back in Georgia! First of all? There’s checking. And then, there is Jack—our very attractive but moody captain.
A collection of the first half of the megapopular webcomic series of the same name, Check, Please!: #Hockey is the first book of a hilarious and stirring two-volume coming-of-age story about hockey, bros, and trying to find yourself during the best four years of your life.
Here to Stay by Sara Farizan For most of high school, Bijan Majidi has flown under the radar. He gets good grades, reads comics, hangs out with his best friend, Kenji, and secretly crushes on Elle, one of the most popular girls in his school. When he’s called off the basketball team’s varsity bench and makes the winning basket in a playoff game, everything changes in an instant.
But not everyone is happy that Bijan is the man of the hour: an anonymous cyberbully sends the entire school a picture of Bijan photoshopped to look like a terrorist. His mother is horrified, and the school administration is outraged. They promise to find and punish the culprit. All Bijan wants is to pretend it never happened and move on, but the incident isn’t so easily erased. Though many of his classmates rally behind Bijan, some don’t want him or his type to be a part of their school. And Bijan’s finding out it’s not always easy to tell your enemies from your friends . . .
Pride by Ibi Zoboi Zuri Benitez has pride. Brooklyn pride, family pride, and pride in her Afro-Latino roots. But pride might not be enough to save her rapidly gentrifying neighborhood from becoming unrecognizable.
When the wealthy Darcy family moves in across the street, Zuri wants nothing to do with their two teenage sons, even as her older sister, Janae, starts to fall for the charming Ainsley. She especially can’t stand the judgmental and arrogant Darius. Yet as Zuri and Darius are forced to find common ground, their initial dislike shifts into an unexpected understanding. But with four wild sisters pulling her in different directions, cute boy Warren vying for her attention, and college applications hovering on the horizon, Zuri fights to find her place in Bushwick’s changing landscape, or lose it all.
Wildcard (Warcross #2) by Marie Lu Emika Chen barely made it out of the Warcross Championships alive. Now that she knows the truth behind Hideo’s new NeuroLink algorithm, she can no longer trust the one person she’s always looked up to, who she once thought was on her side.
Determined to put a stop to Hideo’s grim plans, Emika and the Phoenix Riders band together, only to find a new threat lurking on the neon-lit streets of Tokyo. Someone’s put a bounty on Emika’s head, and her sole chance for survival lies with Zero and the Blackcoats, his ruthless crew. But Emika soon learns that Zero isn’t all that he seems–and his protection comes at a price. Caught in a web of betrayal, with the future of free will at risk, just how far will Emika go to take down the man she loves?
American Road Trip by Patrick Flores-Scott                                                With a strong, loving family, an incredibly loyal best friend, and a budding romance with the girl of his dreams, life shows promise for seventeen-year-old Teodoro “T” Avila. But he takes some hard hits the summer before his senior year when his nearly perfect brother Manny returns from a tour in Iraq with a devastating case of PTSD. In a desperate effort to save Manny from himself and pull their family back together, T's fiery sister Xochitl hoodwinks her brothers into a road trip with many stops along the road to visit loved ones from their past.
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joealwyndaily · 6 years
Interview with The Playlist
Alwyn’s upcoming slate demonstrates what an unexpected chameleon he is an actor. In fact, you might not recognize Alwyn as the same actor in all three roles.
“I take that as a compliment, definitely,” Alwyn says during an interview last weekend. “I mean, you wanna try and sign different kinda parts and different kinda projects and be different people. It’s a good thing, I think.”
The only intriguing connective string in Alwyn’s upcoming work is that he’s playing two notable figures in the history of the Royal Court in two of the features. In “The Favourite” he portrays Samuel Masham and in “Mary Queen of Scots” he’s playing Robert Dudley. The North London native prefaces that it wasn’t a conscious decision to seek these type of period roles out.
“‘Mary Queen of Scots’ [can’t be] more different from ‘The Favourite’ in some respects,” Alwyn says. “Both from the kind of the rehearsal period to shooting it. Yorgos and Josie are completely different directors in terms of attacking that kind of material and Yorgos is obviously, well, I mean as was evident from the script, it was incredibly refreshing and unconventional in terms of period film. Whereas ‘Mary’ is more straitlaced in a way, I suppose.”
For Lanthimos’ critically acclaimed dramatic comedy, Alwyn describes Masham as an equerry who has a fair degree of rank (an equeery is an officer who assists the Royal Household). He elaborates, “He spots Emma’s character pretty early on and falls head over heels for her. And throughout the film we have this cat and mouse game between the two of them where he is wanting to catch her and she similarly wants to use him to climb rank.”
The Emma in question is Emma Stone who portrays Abigail Hill, a young woman of noble blood whose family has lost their fortune. While Alwyn’s Masham has fallen for her, Abigail is using her charms to work her way into the favor of Queen Anne (Olivia Colman). This starts a devilishly petty (and quite funny) game of favor between Abigail and Queen Anne’s current favorite, Sarah Churchill (Rachel Weisz). Masham, meanwhile, is naively unaware of how he’s become a pawn in the proceedings as he continues to take advice from the politically savvy Robert Harley (Nicholas Hoult).
Alwyn says he would love to work with Lanthimos again praising him for his off-kilter direction and singular vision. Best known for “The Lobster,” Lanthimos puts Alwyn at the center of some of the film’s more memorable scenes including a dance number with Weisz that becomes intentionally more contemporary (or we assume so) and a “love chase” in the forest with Stone where the roughhousing comically crosses the line. The actor was quite aware that it was a bit over the top and absurd but also knew what hew as getting into when Lanthimos sent him specific references of comedic legends Buster Keaton and Jack Lemmon to study.
“I think he wanted us to go and completely jump in and go for it,” Alwyn says of the chase scenes. “I mean, we tried to choreograph it in the weeks leading up to it, but we didn’t know the location until the day so it kind of had to be re-figured once we got there. It is what it looks like, which was a lot of jumping around and rolling on the floor and pretending to be a rugby player. But it was so much fun. I love how lots of his stuff is very physical, it’s quite freeing in that way. You don’t have to think about it too much. And it’s quite big and that helps.”
For “Boy Erased,” Alwyn plays Henry, a college running buddy of Jared (Lucas Hedges), the “boy” in question. It’s a small, but key role in understanding the trauma Jared endured and why in the context of the film he’d even consider attending gay conversion therapy sessions. Like “The Favourite,” Alwyn read the script and loved it, but most of the parts were taken. He recalls, “I thought it was such a good script and such an important story. And I just wanted to be involved in some capacity, especially with [Edgerton] directing it and the cast that was already assembled.”
He landed the role after sending in a tape from a scene that takes place in the aftermath of arguably the most affecting sequence in the entire film. It is also the best scene Edgerton directs in the picture and, without giving too much away, Alwyn says he was quite “delicate” with it.
“It’s the first time I’d had an actor who was also a director [and] in general, he kind of had a very good shorthand I think and way of working with the actors,” Alwyn says. “But that scene, in particular, you just choreograph things almost like a dance in some respect, as much possible so that you know there are certain beats to hit. And because it has that structure, hopefully, it never feels too out of control so that one actor or another actor feels vulnerable in a way which they shouldn’t. But then within that, you obviously have to kind of pace yourself and give it everything you have. And kinda try and play the relative within the structure that’s built for you.”
Even with three awards season players on his resume Alwyn will have limited appearances on the circuit this year as he’s already shooting another highly anticipated new film, Kasi Lemmons’ “Harriet.” Alwyn is currently in Richmond, Virginia where he’s playing a slave owner in the incredible story of Harriet Tubman (Cynthia Erivo), who freed dozens of slaves through the Underground Railroad. Janelle Monáe recently joined a cast that also features Jennifer Nettles, Leslie Odom, Jr. and Vondie Curtis-Hall.
However, with “The Favourite” continuing its Oscar run and finally hitting theaters next month, Alwyn’s thoughts won’t be far from his Lanthimos adventure. He notes, “When you have Sandy Powell making the costumes and Nadia Stacey designing these incredible wigs and you’re running around in heels and these amazing clothes, it’s a lot of fun.”
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Thanks for tag, @reya-writes! First off, why the frick is my url so long? It must be a pain to tag me, lol. I apologise. Anyway, onto the tag.
Rules: List songs by your url's first letter and tag your peeps.
I swear I wasn't trying to overburden you with songs.
Jet Black Heart - 5SOS /Jaded - Pancake
Afterlife - Greyson Chance
My Cake- Haley Reinhart
Every Breath You Take - The Police (The PMJ cover)
Stranded - Greyson Chance / Spiderweb - Haley Reinhart / Sorry Not Sorry - Demi Lovato / Salted Wound - Sia
Sunny Afternoon - Haley Reinhart / Say Amen (Saturday Night) - Panic! At The Disco / Santa Baby - Eartha Kitt
The End of The Movie - Josh Groban (by the way, the song is beautiful but don't look it up by its music video. MAJOR spoilers for Crazy Ex Girlfriend season 3. Which you should watch before watching the video). Alternatively, These Boots are Made for Walkin' - Haley Reinhart / Tell That Devil - Wynonna Earp Theme Song (by Jill Andrews)
All of Me - John Legend (The cover by Brielle Von Hugel with PMJ)
Roses - The Chainsmokers
Knockin' - Freddie Stroma
Time of the season - Haley Reinhart / This is me - Demi Lovato (does anyone remember this song lol) /Trap Queen - Fetty Wap / Tell me you love me - Demi Lovato
How to be a heartbreaker - Marina and The Diamonds / Heart Attack - Demi Lovato / Hannukah Honey (A Santa Baby Parody) - Rachel Bloom / Historically accurate Disney Princess Song - Rachel Bloom
Earned it - The Weeknd / Ex's and Oh's (the Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale cover. I don't like the original much)
Words of Love - Haley Reinhart / What's the use of feeling (Blue)? - Patti Lupone (Major Steven Universe spoilers) / What a rush to be a bride - Rachel Bloom (Major Crazy Ex Girlfriend spoilers) / What you don't know - Haley Reinhart / Wives and Lovers - Jack Jones (that man could wear a suit. Goddamn)
Room - Shaina Taub / Remember the music - Jennifer Hudson /Rolling in the deep - Adele / Religion - Lana Del Rey / Russell Westbrook on a farm - Lil Dicky
I Feel Like This isn't about me - Bayne Gibby (minor CXG spoilers) / It's Over, Isn't it? - Deedee Hall (Kinda minor spoilers for Steven Universe) / I write Sins not Tragedies - Panic! At The Disco / I want it - Backstreet Boys / I steal Pets - Rachel Bloom / Irresistible - Fall out Boy
Tainted Love - Pussycat Dolls / The Ballad of Mona Lisa - Panic! At The Disco / Tightrope - Janelle Monae / The Skye Boat Song (extended version or the season one version. The other season versions are meh) - Outlander Theme Song (I don't remember the artist name)
Eternal Flame - The Bangles (this one took me like ten minutes to remember)
Ride it, my pony - Genuwine (BIG nsfw warning. I don't care what anyone says, this song is catchy af) / Remember December - Demi Lovato
I wish there was a B or an M (or even an F or D) in my url because I have like 20 songs each for them. But they aren't there. If you still wanna know which ones, feel free to ask me in the comments! Also, you'll notice a lot of these are from similar artists (especially Haley, Rachel, Greyson and Demi. You should listen to them all, tbh. All the songs. All of them.)/shows. Should tell you a lot about me and my tastes.
I'll tag @godofdiverseinterests @noahvsart @hepiit @writings-of-a-narwhal @adie-dee @cawolters @cantankerous-crow @inexorableblob @pens-swords-stuff! Feel free to ignore. And if I didn't tag you, you can still do this! Just say I tagged you!
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