#especially chained up and hyde
antisocial-burrito · 1 year
Vegaspete fans should listen to vixx…I think it’s something y’all would enjoy
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thought-about-it · 2 years
I'll start off saying that I don’t really ship Wednesday with anyone in the new show. Even though she went through some character development, I think she still needs to value and experience friendship more before moving on to romance. And even though I didn't think it was romantic, I also didn't hate the kiss between Tyler and Wednesday because it shows that she's really not above it all and still a regular teenager in the end.
That brings me to the point of this post: I actually really like the idea of whatever it was between her and Tyler. (Ramblings and spoilers ahead, though some disclaimer, I've only watched each episode once.)
First, their banter was pretty fun. Even in their first conversation together, they matched each other's sarcasm without offense. I could almost forgive Tyler for thinking that she was sending him signals instead of just being herself because he doesn't know that this is how she normally acts, and that their (one-sided, maybe) playful conversation didn't constitute as flirting for her. (Bantering is a love language, fight me.) It's so clear that he doesn't know what she's actually like when he's fooled by the heartfelt note from Thing and thinks she was only being coy before.
The twist about Tyler wasn't mind-blowing, but it was certainly more tragic than I expected. He's not just a monster, but also a victim that was chained, drugged, and brainwashed by someone older that he trusted. His situation is on the edge of something darker than what the show might be willing to explore, but anyways, despite all that, he seemed to act as a “normal” person. After that revelation, there becomes many different, contradicting explanations for his character and behavior.How much of his romantic interest in Wednesday is an act? I don't think that he's totally psychopathic. He's shown to be hurt by her apathy and bluntness. Like with the aforementioned note,  he smiled softly when he was reading it. It's not like there was anyone around he had to act for, so that smile must have been real. But maybe the smile was actually a smirk, and he thinks he's caught her in his grasp. It's weird that he'd consistently offers help trying to get her out of town when he knows that she's needed for his Master's ritual. I mean, he keeps bringing it up even when she’s run off on him on several occasions.So, I dunno what’s up with him.
Second, did he really enjoy killing? I feel like a lot of people took that jail scene at face value, and believe that he's a cut-and-dry psychopath. Yes, I realize that he said it himself. But no, people don't always say what they mean, especially when they are angry, upset, or trying to impress the person they like. Maybe he thinks he should be the monster she thinks he is. (When he's been chained up and tazed, treated like a monster.)  Maybe he doesn't want to kill but is deluding himself into thinking it's a good, enjoyable thing or else he'll go mad. (Sadly, a common coping mechanism in victims)  Maybe he thinks that she thinks psychopaths are attractive. (Even after... 2 dates, I don't think he fully understands who she is as a person, but he'd like to get to know her better, or wants her to be attracted to him. He's a misguided teenager too, okay?) Or, perhaps, he really is just evil. (Boring, in my humble opinion).
And what about Wednesday? She obviously interested in him, be it teenage hormones or whatever. She didn't turn him down for the dance, even though she made previous plans with Eugene. She went all the way to the coffee shop to kiss him, right? But what does she think of him now? Is he too deranged even for her? Or does she realize how alike they both are, in the way that they are both outcasts among outcasts?  I don't have a great grasp of her character in this iteration, but I know she's a lot more emotional than she pretends to be. (Sidenote: why are Hydes banned from school? It's wrong to punish victims of circumstance for something they cannot control.)
Anyways, this is sort of my inconclusive thoughts on the Wednesday/Tyler pairing. Something about all this could make for a very interesting romance, if explored properly. At the very least, it'd make for a great enemy-to-friend story line. Give me more character development and communication between these two for the next season!   I also hope we could at least get more insight on who Tyler is. Now that his Master is gone, he might be able to be his own person again. Think of the social commentary opportunities to go with his redemption arc! It'll be a sad, missed opportunity if they ignored all that and instead relegate him to a big bad psycho monster that Wednesday needs to defeat once and for all.
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willow-tree-writes · 2 years
✾Wicked Game✾
Tyler Galpin x Reader
Summary: After being locked in a cave by someone you once loved, you have to chose - submit to his evil to escape your torment, or risk your life to fight for your friends.
Request: @scoopsahoyspidey "you should do a part 2 if you have the time" I did, in fact, have the time
Author’s Note: This is part 2 to Why Her, Not Me, but this could also be read as a standalone! Also, it took me so long to get this one out because I wanted to make it longer than the other fics I've been writing recently, and I'm glad I did! Granted, it's not too too much longer, but still.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Mild Cursing, Mild Violence, Angst
!I don’t own this gif!
Why Her, Not Me {part 1}
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The world was on fire and no one could save me but youIt’s strange what desire will make foolish people do
The chains scratched at your wrists as you tugged on them for the millionth time.
The cave reeked of smoke and ash. Your clothes, hands, and arms were almost completely covered in soot. The fire might have covered up all evidence of Tyler’s entrapment, but that didn’t stop him from making it your prison now.
You stopped your struggle as you heard the echoes of someone entering.
“Y/N,” Tyler’s voice emerged before he did. “Got some more grub for you.” Slowly he approached you, kneeling in front of you as he set down an old-fashioned metal lunchbox.
“Tyler…” You mumbled as he rubbed his finger down your cheek. “Please let me go…”
He chuckled a little, reaching down and opening the lunchbox. “I can’t do that just yet.”
Tears started to prick in your eyes, a quiet choke leaving your lips. “This… This isn’t you…” This wasn’t the Tyler you knew. The one you cared about. “You can still make this right…”
What was it in you that still fought for him? He had hurt you beyond belief, physically and mentally. And yet…
“All of this is right.” He pushed the lunchbox up to you, making sure it was close enough that you could grab it. “Soon enough you will see.”
I never dreamed that I’d meet somebody like youAnd I never dreamed that I’d lose somebody like you
With closed eyes, you focused on the earth and plants outside of the cave. The rocks around you weren’t indestructible, but would need more force than you thought you could possibly muster to cause just a crack.
But you were surrounded by plants. The more energy you could exert, the more plants you could bring to you.
Without letting your focus falter even once, it felt like hours had passed until you could hear the cracking of rock, followed by the sight of green slipping through.
With even more focus, the vines shot down and began to attack the chains around your wrists. They entered the keyhole, twisting and contorting in order to trigger the restraints to open. Which only took minutes.
The chains fell and clattered against the cave, the metal deafening as it echoed.
I don’t wanna fall in loveI don’t wanna fall in loveWith you
Your lungs burned as you ran through the forest. You didn’t know where you were, nor how to get back to Nevermore. You just needed to get away from that damn cave.
And that you did.
You didn’t stop until your legs gave out from under you, collapsing with miles of trees, dirt, and leaves surrounding you. No person in sight.
You stayed on the ground, just wanting energy and life to return to your legs and lungs.
Crickets chirped, the wind blew and rustled everything it could, but you were only able to hear the sound of your own breathing.
And the sudden crunching of footsteps…
“Y/N…?” A girl’s voice made your head snap up, only to relax just as fast. 
“W-Wednesday…” Your voice cracked, but was so quiet it was hard to even tell. You slowly rose to your feet and trudged to her, practically falling on top of her in a hug.
You felt her stiffen underneath you, which was enough to remember her hatred for everything, but especially touch. 
Prying yourself off of her, you stagger back onto your feet. “It’s Tyler. Tyler’s the monster. The Hyde, of whatever the fuck you called it.” You rushed to explain.
“I know.” She simply responded with. Turning her back toward you, she started on a march back the way she came.
You knew to follow her.
You bit your lip as you looked up to the full moon. Why did you agree to do this?
“I knew you were a smart and powerful girl.” His voice approached you from behind, causing your throat to tighten. “It just took you longer than it should’ve to prove it.”
You slowly turned to face him, willing your knees to stop shaking. “Tyler…”
He took a step closer to you. “Has Stockholm Syndrome kicked in, or have you really changed your mind?” A smirk started to form on his face.
You shake your head a little. “You don’t have to do this, Tyler…” You pleaded.
No matter how long you stayed in that cave, whether or not it was Stockholm Syndrome, you still cared for the boy before you.
What a wicked game you play, to make me feel this wayWhat a wicked thing you do, to let me dream of youWhat a wicked thing to say, you never felt this wayWhat a wicked thing you do, to let me dream of you
You flexed your fingers out while keeping out down by your side. “I don’t want to hurt you…” The trees slightly swayed, even with no wind to manipulate them.
He chuckled, taking a couple more steps closer. “We both know that isn’t true. Deep, deep down inside you, there’s a part that would love nothing more than to wreak havoc. To help me purge the world of the people that called you a crazy plant pickney.”
You tensed up at the tormenting nickname that seemed to follow you around.
“You know what I’m talking about, Y/N/N.” He almost purred as his hand reached to play with a strand of your hair.
Your hand twitched, causing a branch from the tree towering over the two of you to fall, heading right towards Tyler.
In a split second, his hand shot up and morphed into a grotesque arm, catching the branch easily. With a light squeeze, the branch - half the size of a grandfather clock - was snapped in half.
The laugh he let out this time was inhumane. “A little tree branch? Come on, Y/N. You can do so much better than that.”
Just as after he changed right in front of you, just as his arm came swiping down to grab at you, a white wolf sprung out from nowhere and tackled Tyler’s Hyde form to the ground.
Now, I don’t wanna fall in loveNo, I don’t wanna fall in loveWith youWith you
His body tumbled to the ground, naked and covered in all sorts of cuts and completely bloodied.
Your instinct was to run to him, and you didn’t have enough time to think before your body started to move at a speed you didn’t know you were capable of. 
He laid curled up, almost hidden among the green surrounding him. He wasn’t moving. Not even to breathe.
It took you to drop to your knees, right next to his body, to see the brief rise and fall of his chest. He was still alive.
You carefully moved Tyler so that, instead of lying on his side in the dirt, he would be lying on his back on you.
“You’re going to be alright…” You whispered, wiping some blood from his face. “You’ll see - this monster isn’t you. We’ll help you. I’ll help you…”
You didn’t know what good saying any of that was. It was all just words. And after everything he’s done, he didn’t deserve it. You gave him multiple outs, and he took advantage of you and your feelings.
But until your heart stopped, you’d still give him those outs.
The world was on fire and no one could save me but youIt’s strange what desire will make foolish people do
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a-smol-cosplayer · 2 years
Anyways here are some more of my wednesday opinions cause I need them out of my brain (spoilers obvi)
First? Why is everyone hating on the show?? Between the ‘both men where so bland I couldn’t tell them apart fuck love triangles’ and ‘this isn’t an Adams reboot this sucks they made this show horrible and so out of character’ y’all need to take some breaths. 
I found it super compelling and enjoyable!! I loved seeing wednesday grow from someone how hated people and emotions to someone who still hates emotions but has them and has a good relationship with both her new friends and family!
To address the comments above:
Okay maybe Xavier is slightly bland - angsty art kid however his use in the plot and the fact that we are seeing him from Wednesdays pov who obviously doesn’t like him that much and is only using him for her own gain really saves him for me and leaves him open for more development. Talking about the love triangle - I struggle to see one. Its mostly Tyler x wednesday and xaviers crush is one sided, there is no point in the show where she laments over which boy she wants or the fact that she likes both of them - I think we have mixed up what an actual cliche love triangle is in media and ‘these two attractive boys are both in love with the main character’. There might have been more rivalry between them but wednesday certainly wasn’t aware of it
Tyler deserves his own dot point to address the comment above cause HOW CAN U SAY THAT MAN IS BLAND. especially after the last episode. It switches the view on his whole supposedly ‘bland’ point of view and forces u to think about wether thats the real thing and the person in the last ep was an amalgamation of manipulation and grooming as well as deep seeded trauma or if he was playing us the whole time with this awkward clueless personality as he manipulated everyone around him which is such a cool way of looking at it. If u don’t believe me go rewatch the series as if Tyler is aware of everything and is willingly manipulating everyone - cures the ‘he’s boring to watch’ thing instantly. 
Okay getting to the second point - I completely see where u are coming from but like its called WEDNESDAY. Its about this version of wednesday not the whole family, they don’t even appear in it very much. when I seperated it from the previous versions of the Adams family it was super good (however I do get where y’all are coming from about the whole ‘crazy morbid loving family’ dynamic being destroyed but I liked the journey that wednesday and mortica went on and I think it added to her character so I am willingly ignoring it 
Okay now for the part where I rant about Tyler Gilpin cause I love that man with my whole heart and I am a Tyler apologist first and a human being second
MANS WAS MANIPULATED and has some super bad trauma. From the point where his mum died and his dad practically abandoned him and thennn the first person he thought he could trust to look after him and tell him the truth proceeded to turn around and groom and manipulate and USE HIM for her own gain and chained up a literal child whilst forcing him to change into a monster :/ people keep forgetting that he is literally at most 17/18 but probably 16/17 and has been left by every single adult in his child life. Cut my man some slack. 
second: he really did want to leave!! He had no control over his actions as the hyde - he literally says in the first episode how ‘at least one of them would be able to get out of this hellhole town.’ He was a manipulated child!! Sure he might have been slightly dark in his own right but he wasn’t going around murdering people for funzies and he probably only started to enjoy it as a trauma response :/ like what else was he supposed to do?? Go insane cause there was this woman who was forcing him to kill people. He couldn’t control himself as the hyde (u know in the last ep where he said ‘I wake up covered in blood and have no memory of what happened’ ect ect) so everyone saying he’s a murderer who doesn’t deserve wednesday (also wouldn’t a pscyo murderer be like the perfect fir for wednesday?  that scene where he admits to hurting Xavier and then trying to get better and wednesday saying she would have done something worse for the fun of it?? Bruh they are so perfect together and have so much chemistry but ill put that in another rant) anyways. Y’all are acting like he just went around murdering people for the fun of it completely aware are endorsing his actions (did we even watch the same show?) when the main point of Wednesday figuring out the master was a hyde was that there was actually another person controlling the monster in the woods and it wasn’t acting alone 
Also - I see lots of people being like “yeah but he basically assaulted Xavier y’all are ignoring it he’s a bad person 🙄💅” but like?? So was Lucas? 1 he was in the ‘friends’ who distroyed Xaviers painting as well, and he bullied Eugene and tried to fight/hurt wednesday just for being an outcast and used enid to get into the dance and ruined it for everyone and u don’t see people bashing him? People can change and realise that the stuff they used to do as a tween was bad and full of bias inherited from their parents/society :/ 
Anyways to sum up that rant - I love my slightly murderous and traumatised but yet awkward and soft hearted barista with my whole life and if he doesn’t get a redemption arch enemies to lovers, joining the gang (enid, Ajax, wednesday, Bianca, Xavier, Eugene and thing obvi), learning how to control the monster inside storyline next season I’m going to riot. 
Also antihero is totally Tylers song and I love it 
Imma be honest I didn’t dislike any of the characters - I think they are either already well fleshed out and interesting or have the potential to be and I loved the way the three seperate plot lines managed to organically weave and thread together into one whole point just viewed from different angles a lot. I absolutely love enid with my whole heart (I’m not stepping on wenclair at all I love the idea but I just really like the sunshinexgrumpy bestie vibes they have going on and I love Ajax to much to cut him out he’s so supportive and lovely) and she was such a good character with her own plot lines and the way she and thing interacted has my whole heart. Also the way that she got more understanding and wednesday got better at social cues and how to be friends/show emotions was really well done. 
Also low key if u apply my fav way to solve this said ‘love triangle’ which is they all just date each other meaning we get both tylorpe anddd these boys who love wednesday with their entire beings and supportive ajax and enid 👀👀👀👀 (yes Wednesday needs too grovel a little with Xavier she did not treat him well at all and Xavier maybe should get more interests than brooding and painting but we can work on it) ((I also approve of the fact that wednesday has two hands one for each Tyler and enid and ajax can share))
Im also seeing a lot of Tyler/Xavier hate but like,, can y’all not see wednesday isn’t the perfect character either? Like she’s a super morally reprehensible character and treats people hella bad some times. she literally put the only two people who she had managed to get attached too/have a connection too (Tyler and enid ((excluding Eugene love him too))) in danger for her own gain. I know thats the whole point of the show and I love her in that regard, it makes her character really interesting but like— she’s not absolutely perfect and these ‘mean bland boys don’t deserve her’ comments really aren’t helping her character development 
Okay thats it :) 
PLS BE NICE TO ME!! EVERY SINGLE POST IS SEE HAS PEOPLE UNDERNEATH IT GOING (ur opinions are wrong and ur a terrible person for shipping/not shipping this thing) (bc wenclair/wednesdayxxavier didn’t get together it was such a terrible show) (love triangles suck and if u like them u are a woman hating nazi) LIKE CAN YALL CALM DOWN ITS LITERALLY A SHOW CHILL OUT 
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Ahem. May I order a bit of uhh 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and a side of 25 for Calixtus? :>
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What memory would your OC rather just forget?
Realizing that they were never as impartial as they thought, and everything that came after that. Their scale breaking, their self punishment, all of that.
But if they had the choice, they would forget all their life from the Nuclear Plant and just keep the few times they had positive interactions with their siblings. Doodle chains, notes left between swapping, the drawings they hid between the sarswapagus and the wall, stuff like that.
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
Man. If you already know about cherubs? probably how social they are. I don't think it's a nature thing nearly as much as a nurture thing. They, as a mediator cherub, know that their life is dependent on keeping their black and white counterparts from killing themself to kill the other, a very very real threat. They have an extremely fine tuned, almost hair trigger, ultra specialized sense of when a storm is brewing. An intuition about when they're going to swap back and see Calfuray's dollhouse covered in slime, or Calbhach's chemistry set covered in claw marks. It kept them alive in the Plant, but it's so specialized to their siblings that in a social area with other people they get so many false positives. And resolving conflicts was a universal life or death situation for them, so if they can't resolve a conflict, they start to spiral pretty fast. Their body goes into adrenaline mode.
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
Their devotion to settling scores is going to get them killed one day. Especially with their siblings. Or at least it would have if the trolls didn't help them. They're always riding on the coattails of their siblings. They know they put themself in danger by trying to appease them, but they've yet to process that its not life or death anymore, that they can just let their siblings figure it out on their own.
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
Fawn. Fawn so hard.
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
What they want? Not far. For most of their story their own self is basically a footnote. "and also calixtus was here." What they feel they need? to the ends of the earth. They do really stupid shit to follow their siblings around.
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
It would be extremely difficult, and they would need to feel like they've been punished enough after. They have to feel like they gave their pound of flesh, sometimes literally, depending on how much cherub eyes weigh.
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
They got so much more scared. Originally they were way more calm about everything.
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
God absolutely not they would turn themself in.
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Not sure, but I feel like Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears, and Thumbnail - Louie Zong & BDG are very Calixtus songs.
My songs for their siblings are Alien Blues - GAWK for Calfuray and Presser Diamond Co. - Teddy Hyde for Calbhach.
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
Human au, though I just got the idea of a Rain World Iterator au and thats gonna be in my brain for a while... and a Gem (SU) au... theyd be like some kind of color change gem i think.
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
I said this before but i think its 1/4staffkind. aka rodkind i guess.
Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
My oc tore out three of their eyes out of guilt and continually sacrifices their mental stability for two people who really do not seem to care for them, and do not treat them well in the slightest.
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
I don't know... Hm. I'd try to be friendly, I think we would end up like most of my classmates where they know me and kinda like me but we arent really friends?
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Impartial, or not at all. They're agoraphobic. They have alexithymia like 1340s Europe had the black death, their exterior is just an extention of their inner self though and they just... can't deal with the horror of being perceived, especially by their siblings. They can't perceive their Self, so they don't trust any of their gut instincts on what is right or wrong or correct or not, they just accept what people say about them, hold it as fact. Calfuray says they never treated her caringly, so that must be true.
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
My oc's faceclaim is... YOU!!! under all that skin :0)
What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
They try to be as detached as their siblings are, but uh. Fail.
How does your OC behave when enraged?
This is the first time I have ever considered Calixtus experiencing this emotion...
I think Calixtus is scary when enraged.
Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
I think they do. I think they get kind of clingy.
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
OCD, they don't handle it very well, I don't think they realize its a problem until Continua at the least. I feel like Lykoii would recognize it as something and they'd end up trying to become ok with unbalanced, unresolved, and nuanced situations. and also not flipping the lightswitch an exactly equal number of times in both directions. Stuff like that. (they cannot handle asymmetry in their own actions, experiences, and living situations, if they lose track of if they opened the last door with their left hand or their right hand they might have a panic attack)
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
Lawful Neutral.
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Guilt. also guilt. points at their blindfold...
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
They could have decided that the Pressure of Calfuray's inevitable predominion didn't need to be on the scales...
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
I fucking love cherubs. I love horrible nuanced sibling situations, I love lateral hermaphroditism in sexually dimorphic species, its such a fun design structure, I just love this creature.
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claimedcrossbows · 1 year
After 5 days My power is back and as Taylor Swift says, I'm back on my vigilante ish* again. 🧐😏
Time for another Wednesday analysis.
Do we think the real Tyler was present when Wednesday was torturing him?
Because I mean he genuinely looked terrified of her.
I mean it didn't look like he was just putting on an act he looked like "I didn't want to do any of this but Laurel and The Hyde made me and now I'm about to be tortured by this girl I actually really love." Kind of look.
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BTW something I thought about while being stuck in the darkness.
Remember how a lot wondered if Tyler's dad knew that he was the monster in the woods?
I think he did and just didn't want to believe it.
I'll tell you why, the very last episode we see The Sheriff use the Find My Kid app to locate Tyler. Now I assume he had that before Wednesday kidnapped him.
So doesn't that mean he probably saw that Tyler was in the woods numerous times? Especially when Laurel kept him chained up in the cave? What surprises me is how in the world did the Sheriff not ask his son why he was in the woods for hours (against his will at laurels cave) like she must've not kept him chained there all night right? Cause otherwise the Sheriff would've found out what was happening.
Idk just something to think about, but I think we can all agree Donovan really needs to do a better job parenting. 😮‍💨
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 1 year
Hellooooo, how are you? Your English is good.
I can request one where the reader is Laurel's hyde and maybe his girlfriend or a girl who has a crush on her and maybe Laurel asks her to do something and she somehow doesn't obey her; obviously Laurel is not going to like this and reacts in the way you prefer to write, maybe smut, I don't know.
Thanksssss! rest, drink water, love yourself and live your life in the wonderful world of literature
Yess!!! if you like reader being a Hyde, you should check the "Hyde your feelings" series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4). I hope you like it!!! Sorry about the language mistakes.
You're my Hyde, you're my soul
Pairing: Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates x Fem, Hyde! Reader
Warnings: Smut, Hyde things
Word count: 1,857
Summary: You were her girlfriend and her slave at the same time. You don’t like that, but you love her and you will always do.
N/A: Requests are open to you all :) Sorry about the language mistakes.
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“You've been a long time coming,” Laurel scolded you, seeing you appear at the schoolyard.
You were used to being treated that way, especially in recent weeks. You lived quietly in Jericho, oblivious to everything that happened in that strange academy on the outskirts, at least until a year ago. A strange woman, who introduced herself as Marilyn Thornhill, began to frequent the places where you went. So much coincidence aroused your curiosity and after several coffees and several meetings, you started dating her. It didn't take long for you to feel something for her, and she for you, or at least that's what she told you. Your relationship went well, little by little, until one day she confessed a great secret about her, and about you.
You were a Hyde. A creature destined to serve a master, to kill for a master. She discovered it to you, and not just that, but with the help of drugs and chains, she managed to unlock you, irremediably turning you into her slave. At first you didn't understand anything, until she explained to you what her plans were, and what your role in them would be. Marilyn Thornhill was not her real name. She was Laurel Gates, the only survivor of that family of psychopaths. As much as you screamed at that moment and tried to ignore all the love you felt for her, finally you gave up, and accepted whatever she asked of you, no matter how miserable it was.
It's not that you didn't care about your girlfriend's genocidal plan. You had tried to convince her to stop several times. Nothing seemed to make her to reason. You couldn't rat her out, take her to the police, you didn't want to, and you hated yourself for it, you deeply hated yourself.
“Sorry,” you said, handing her a bunch of keys. “They almost caught me, but I managed to escape in time,” you said, putting your hands in your pockets.
Laurel nodded and looked around. It was night and there didn't have to be anyone, but any precaution was a little one.
“Let's talk elsewhere. Follow me,” she ordered you.
Your legs started moving automatically. You loved her. You loved her so much that it hurt, but your body moving only when you heard her commands was something that consumed your insides.
“Here,” she told you, opening the door of an old shed.
When she closed the old wooden door, she flung herself into your arms, kissing you passionately. For her it was as if nothing happened, but for you everything was hell, everything except her.
“You're the best, (Y/N), I don't know what I would do without you…” She whispered to you, smiling widely.
You turned away from her. The situation was too tense for you, and stealing the keys to Jericho's coroner's office was already the last straw.
“What's wrong with you?” She asked, frowning.
“I'm tired of this, Laurel,” you hissed. “I love you, but I no longer want to be your slave.”
Her eyes widened and she shook her head, as if what you had just said was something unheard of or unthinkable.
“What are you saying? You already know that nothing has changed between you and me,” she said, with a slightly darker tone.
 “Nothing has changed? You have turned me into your bloody slave,” you said, indignantly. “Sometimes I doubt if you really love me, or if you noticed me for who I am, because I am useful to you.”
Laurel changed her incipient menacing expression to a wistful one, moving closer to you, slowly.
“(Y/N), I'm not in the mood for your nonsense. You can believe me when I tell you that I love you, or you can not, but as long as my plan is not finished, you will be at my command.”
“What if I refuse?” You challenged.
Laurel smirked, and cupped your face in her hands.
“You can't refuse, honey. You are mine, whether you like it or not…” She told you with a childish voice tone. “And I need you to do something for me. Now you're going to take my father's car… the Cadillac that's in the garage, and you're going to remove the license plate and VIN. Call me when it's done, do you understand?”
You were about to nod, but concentrated a great deal of strength to prevent it.
“(Y/N), I've given you an order…” Laurel hissed, keeping her hands on your face.
You struggled, but you managed to shake your head, thus giving a negative answer. The redhead's gaze darkened dangerously and she backed away from you, getting nervous.
“I'm not gonna do it,” you said with difficulty.
“We'll see about that.”
Laurel grabbed a small stool from the shed and set it in front of her. Then she crossed her arms and stared at you.
“Sit down, (Y/N).”
It was a simple, immediate order. Normally you would already be glued to the stool, without thinking about it, letting your body move on its own. This time you were not going to allow it. Your legs began to shake, wanting to move at the voice of your mistress. You closed your eyes and clenched your teeth and fists tightly. Your head started to hurt. You were making an almost superhuman effort to keep your leg from moving. You had never tried to fight against your nature, it was the first time you did it, and you didn't expect it to be so difficult.
Your breathing began to accelerate, and the pain in your head worsened as you managed to keep your leg in place.
“(Y/N), what are you...?” Laurel asked, horrified to see you tremble, sweat, and clench your fists.
You shook your head without difficulty. You noticed something warm coming out of your nose. When you looked at the ground, you saw how some red drops fell on it. It was blood, your blood. Your nose was bleeding and the pain in your head and muscles was already unbearable. Laurel looked at you scared.
“Enough, (Y/N). I said enough!" She yelled at you.
You decided to stop. In doing so your strength diminished so much that you became pale and felt dizzy. Unable to stand, you fell forward. Laurel broke your fall by grabbing your arms and slowly lowering you to the ground.
The redhead sat next to you, making you rest your head on her shoulder.
“My love…” She whispered, while she caressed your hand. “Don't do that again.”
You tried to clear your vision, which had become blurry. Certainly going against your mistress seriously hurt you. This revelation made you feel even worse, but feeling Laurel by your side was comforting, and would continue to be so, even if she wasn't your mistress.
“Honey, you could die if you try to contradict me again. I say it because I care about you, even if you don't believe it. You are the most important thing in my life, I don't want to lose you,” she told you with a soft tone.
You moved a little, having regained consciousness. You put your hand to your nose, which stopped bleeding.
“Laurel…” You said with a small voice. “Do you love me?”
“Of course I do, honey. I love you since before I knew you were a Hyde. The only thing I want is for all this to end, and to run away with you. I promise you that everything will get better, (Y/N), I promise you.”
You knew her. You knew her voice tones. Against all odds, that one was sincere. You nodded, accepting your fate and sobbed, wanting to run away with her right then, and not let your girlfriend turn into a monster, a monster like you.
“We can be so happy… Do you remember our excursion to the lake? There we talked about what our future would be. We said that we would get married... That we would start a family...” She whispered to you, looking into space.
You remembered those words. They seemed from other times, better times, happier, less dark times.
“Do you know how many things you and me could do? The Goody Addams’ book has many kinds of magic... We could even have our own children... Isn't that what you want, (Y/N)?”
You made an effort and got up off the ground. Laurel did the same, grabbing you around your waist.
“All I want is you,” you said, captivated by her gaze again.
Laurel smiled and shook her head.
“Well, obey me then, (Y/N). Do it and everything will end soon,” she said, whispering in your ear. She suddenly grabbed your shirt and pulled you up, giving you something like a kiss.
That gesture turned into a messy, hungry kiss soon. Your hands ran over her body in a lustful way, enjoying every inch of her skin.
Laurel pushed you forward, sending you crashing into an old wooden desk.
“You have disobeyed me, (Y/N). Mommy is not happy with you…” She said with a perverse tone.
“I'm sorry,” you said, biting your lip. The redhead grabbed your chin hard and you hissed in pain.
“Prove to me that you are mine, (Y/N),” she told you, between her teeth… “I want you to fuck me, now,” she ordered, lowering her underwear with her free hand.
You nodded, feeling how excitement ran through your body. You turned the redhead around, being her the one against that desk. Obeying immediately, you jumped on her neck, kissing it intensely, while your hand slipped under her skirt.
When you did as she asked, and inserted your fingers into her, a loud moan rang out in that little shed.
“Good girl…” Your lover sighed, while you continued your work, enjoying the pleasure you were giving to your mistress.
Your rhythm was constant. It was just like when you did it without being under her influence. Sex was one of the few things that didn't change after you be unlocked. Your eyes were locked on hers as you manipulated her body to get to the places you knew she wanted.
“Fuck…” She gasped, moving her hips to make the rub intensify.
Her movements became haphazard, and her hand gripped your shoulder, scratching hard enough to leave a mark. With an overly loud moan, she finally arched her back. You withdrew your fingers from her and kissed her with desire, with passion.
She smiled and took her hands to the zipper of your pants, unbuttoning it and putting her hand inside, gently caressing your crotch.
“You're so wet, (Y/N)… And you wanted to disobey me…” She said jokingly, pulling your underwear away.
You gasp, enjoying your mistress's touch on your skin, but before you could get comfortable, Laurel pulled back, bringing her fingers to your mouth.
“I'm sorry, honey. I already told you that you have not behaved well. Go do what I told you and maybe I'll think of returning the favor when you get back.”
You huffed in frustration, but you nodded, buttoning your pants again.
“Oh, and (Y/N). You are the most important thing in my life, never forget it.”
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mistfm · 2 months
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Penson, NV — better known as 'the City' — has been entombed in a mysterious fog for forty years. Throughout its existence, the mist has warped its residents and their world-view. The presence of supernatural powers is one thing, but what of the newfound disassociation with the outside world? Below is a documentation of everything the mist has unraveled.
Long-term residents have either began to notice changes amongst their neighbors or been touched by the dissonance overtaking the City. While the world outside of it exists, its importance and permanence has continuously faded. Your coworker has gone out of town, but that is all you can remember. "They've gone out of town", but where is out of town? Memory is turning hazy much like the night outside of your apartment window. Pop culture and the newest movies still make their way within the City. But it's as if they appear out of thin air. The chain department store still stocks the newest iPhones, the latest smartwatch, but what was the ad that got you to buy it? You know it exists, but can't place it. Social media functions within the City limits, but pages blur the longer you scroll. Penson advancements are nuanced and strange. Instead of FaceTime, you can ring someone through your mirror. Your tv has been turned into a retro-projector for the sake of digital holograms acting out scenes in real time. This future is ushered into Penson and then transformed, just as its residents are. With these advancements comes specialized ones, specific for the City. Those touched by the supernatural may be aware of Jekyll & Hyde's Rift Detection Chip hardwired into their phones ; the local hospital crafted crisis plans for unstable Rifts ; the disruptive devices patented by Paradise Lost thwart glamouring rifts. Do you see how even the future is twisted by Penson's mist? The most lively section of the City is the Neonstrip, which houses most of the nightlife and up-and-comer businesses. This is followed by the Main City, where most people live modestly if they cannot afford the downtown vibe of the strip. Old Penson is densely inhabited, but primarily seen as the last stop or an escape for unlawful or reclusive characters. Fogshire is, allegedly, unlivable, with something perhaps even lurking in its sewers. However, not many dare to delve deep enough to discover the truth. Wouldn't want to get lost in the Mist, after all. And that's easy to do, considering the whole City is blanketed in it. The level of thickness goes within this order from most present to vaguely touched: Fogshire, Old Penson, Main City and Neonstrip.
Over the years, the government have slowly began to "accept" the mist as part of the City. Rather than instill panic, they think a fight against natural phenomena is unnecessary. The Mayor and their associates have pressed for residents to not fear the mist — nor should they peer into it. Fogshire, especially, has been warned by public service announcements to be avoided at all costs. If someone is lost, then lost is where they will stay. You are not equipped to wander the Mist. The Mayor is aware of Rift presence, but has made no official statements on it. Rifts are an in-between knowledge amongst the residents. Some people know of their existence, some choose to ignore it, and others actively seek it. Some non-Rifts are even jealous and driven mad by the fact they weren't "chosen". There have been rumors of a cult forming around the concept of calling upon the beyond, urging for arcane powers. Is the cult real? This is yet to be seen, but the rumors are stacking. The kidnapping and capture of certain Rifts also does not help this cause. A laboratory has appeared at the edge of Fogshire, whispered to be the City's very own Area 51, but activity is sparse. Still, it begs the question: how is it there to begin with? Events surround the mist. Every year towards the end of the summer, the City illuminates in celebration of a festival called "The Dancing Fog." The festival is set within the Neonstrip, additional lighting erected to complement the misty atmosphere in the dead of night. Residents are urged to attend it as a way to build community and keep the City brought together. But something mysterious always happens here. If you can believe those who have gone. Some establishments run "deals" for Rifts. Some owners are afraid of sparking controversy or endangering themselves. Many of these establishments are owned by non-Rifts who are aware of Rift presence. Some non-Rifts might be able to sense if there's something off about a Rift, or not. But as with most things in Penson, only time will truly tell.
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wellntruly · 2 years
M*A*S*H - Viewguide, S2
Are you interested in the long-running anti-war situation tragicomedy M*A*S*H (1972-1983), but there are simply so many asterisks and so many episodes?
Well I can’t help you with the asterisks, but nor can I help myself: I started watching all 11 seasons of M*A*S*H, and bringing back for you my viewing selections, chosen for The Qualities.
— — —
I can tell I’ve really accessed the elder millennial (& elder) demographic with my M*A*S*H posting (doing...numbers? hullo!) by, above all, the 80% consistency rating of those reblogging it also adding tags. My people. We gotta find things later.
Season 2! Absolutely, get in here, loved this one: to bits. I did swing around the order again this time, primarily to pace the Hawkeye runs himself ragged episodes—too much of that at once might cause damage, nearly did me. I am kidding: I did not avoid this. Hi broken, I'm Dad!
M*A*S*H - Season 2 Recommended sequence
2x01 ‘Divided We Stand’ - A reintroduction to the 4077th in our second season together through the psychiatric officer sent to investigate whether they’ve all gone mad out there and should be broken up. Spoiler alert: of course, and of course not.
2x02 ‘5 O’Clock Charlie’ - Every day at 5 o’clock, a North Korean pilot flies overhead and tries* to bomb the nearby ammunition dump (*tries). Just chock-a-block with bits. Fun fact: Alda’s foppy infantry drag routine probably the moment I truly fell in love with him—“That’s about it.” This too would have made a wonderful season opener honestly, but we just get two!
2x04 ‘For the Good of the Outfit’ - And now we sit down with a thump: Hawkeye & Trapper try to get the American military to take responsibility for shelling a peaceful Korean village, and learn that the Army, surprise, has no whistleblower protection. No B-plot, we’re just doing THIS.
2x05 ‘Dr. Pierce and Mr. Hyde’ - In this hurt/comfort but we nearly forgot part of it fanfiction, Hawkeye Pierce stays awake doing surgery for…possibly 48 hours if I've calculated this right, but then after that another shift, and another…oh jesus. He stays awake for something like three days, all but spare minutes of it pulling bits of metal out of chest wounds, it breaks something in him, and then for the next night & day more he continues to sleeplessly wander the camp spooking and unnerving people like an irreverent broken ghost. This is probably the best episode I’ve seen yet. Every time you hear the sound of choppers, and he just looks up from the shadowed caverns of his eyes… HUGE ohh honey! episode, and also like, ..fuck. Fuucking fuck. “Dear Harry, Who’s responsible?” I could lovingly detail every single thing that happens in this, very up to and including the warm circumstances of the little closing scene, which I ache over.
2x09 ‘Dear Dad…Three’ - That’s WRITE, it’s another letter writing episode, with a number of differently toned scenes strung together with pretty impressive balance. A tense surgery, a goofy home video that accidentally makes everyone verklempt, a perfectly absurdist staff meeting, and meanwhile: The Gang Solves Racism! Well, corrects a racist. Involves ridiculous antics don’t even worry. Ginger has the funniest part and thank god.
2x10 ‘The Sniper’ - There’s a sniper. This is a situation where this episode is so well written and edited, just sterling 25 minute story construction, that I’ve deemed it too good to be sunk by its one too many sexual assault jokes. I mean kinda makes it even more of a peak early season M*A*S*H episode, if you think about it.
2x12 ‘The Incubator’ - One of my favorites of this season to be honest! An eventual sort of Milo Minderbinder riff on byzantine and corrupt Army supply chains, in which Trapper & Hawkeye wear their dress uniforms and at one point stand in as investigative journalists asking tough questions at a military press conference—hot.
2x13 'Deal Me Out' - A wonderfully pitched antics ep, especially memorable for the deep bank of recurring guest players: Sidney Freedman, Sam Pak, and even Colonel Flagg. I have since started playing poker and it is remarkable how many elements of this exact game have already occurred. Minus the surgery.
2x11 ‘Carry On, Hawkeye’ - A flu epidemic sweeps the camp, and if the sight of people wearing masks and looking worried isn’t moving enough for you In Our Current Era, the only folks left standing as the war casualties keep coming in—Hawkeye, Margaret, Radar, and Father Mulcahy—trauma bond about it. Exquisite. I adore this one. Also another for the annals of Hawkeye shouting down the line to a superior officer about finding a husband.
2x24 'A Smattering of Intelligence' - Honestly it's not about these slipshod spies: it's because Marlene Dietrich is back in town.
2x20 ‘As You Were’ - Love that when this started I was thinking eh it was probably not making my list. A whiplash episode par excellence. Hot Take! - I think this does the kind of thing ‘Sometimes You Hear the Bullet’ wants to do better than that one actually does.
2x22 ‘George’ - A scene or two into this one, Hawkeye comments in the mess tent that one of the kids they just sewed up was really bruised, and not in a combat way, like in a someone beat him way, and I idly muse, hey, in the version where we kick it up a notch: he was beat up for being gay, and comes out to Dr. Pierce because of course he comes out to Dr. Pierce, the kind chaotic bisexual energy is palpable even behind the surgical mask, and then self-identified Aunt Hawkeye has to figure out how to save him. I would have signed a statement giving up my blog in the event were this to actually come to pass, and done so laughing. But then in the year of our lord 1974, DO YOU KNOW WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED. Good thing my mouth was healing because I yelled.
Oh, and if you’re wondering if Benjamin ‘Homoerotics’ Pierce took this network-granted opportunity to come out as straight—
2x21 ‘Crisis’ - They Were All So Cold, redux, variation: There Was Only One Tent. Not quite like that, although does include Hawkeye and Trap essentially sharing a bed and as many layers of Army surplus as they can scrounge while jibber-jabbering with Klinger as he puts on cold cream and Father Mulcahy does an impromptu stand-up bit in his Loyola sweatshirt, and for this and many reasons, this one about burst my heart in warm coziness. Easily the most endearing & domestic thing this show has done to me yet. I’m compromised. Haha fuck, I’m compromised!
Season 1 • Season 2 • To be continued
#M*A*S*H hours
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I'm sending this to three T70s blogs! What are your very most controversial/unpopular That 70s Show opinions? To get the ball rolling, I'll confess a few of mine since I'm on anon and can't be attacked :) 1. I always shipped Jackie/Eric to the point where they're a true OTP of mine. I have no idea why. Usually when I ship non-canon couples, it's because they're very close friends whose personalities seem incredibly compatible to me...but Jackie and Eric aren't especially close (despite being in the same general group), and they don't seem very compatible or even to care about and respect each other that much. (Though Jackie's "hero" line melts me!) Tbh, it probably just comes down to the fact that Jackie and Eric are by far my two favorite characters. I love analyzing, writing about them, and envisioning how they might have worked if I conveniently ignore 97% of canon. I'm pathetic :) 2. I wouldn't really like Hyde in real life and don't think he was a particularly good romantic partner at all. (*ducks*) I mean, he was an improvement over Kelso, but who isn't?! I just think fandom idealizes him a bit too much. It's a matter of taste, though---the super 'edgy, rebel, proudly rude, 'duuude, I shoplift and smoke a lot of weed and would rather set myself on fire than eat in a mainstream chain restaurant' kind of guys just aren't my personal type :) 3. Sort of related to the first two confessions: I don't think Jackie and Hyde would make each other happy long term. They had some wonderful moments on the show, but I really just don't think they'd give each other what they want. 4. I don't really get how some newer fans turn Laurie into this root-worthy 'girlboss' who's just misunderstood- she's supposed to be unrepentantly, hilariously terrible, and she is! Sometimes it really is as simple as that :) 5. (*whispers*) More often than not, I enjoy Kelso. Obviously as a boyfriend to Jackie, but as a character who - for me - really does add a lot of humor and energy to the show. i can't wait to read yours, and please don't hate me for mine!
I agree with everything you said. Jackie & Eric are my true otp. And I don't really care for Hyde. He's actually my least favourite character.
Now for Laurie. Yeah, it boogles my mind how younger fans see her as a girlboss. She's not. Laurie is a horrible example of how a human being should behave. People can blame Kitty all they want. But even if she didn't slut shame her. Laurie would still have low self esteem. That's what happens when you live a destructive lifestyle.
Now here's my unpopular opinions
Making Hyde biracial was fucking stupid. The boys clearly Irish and that's why he has curly hair.
I don't like Brooke and Kelso as a couple
Fez is over hated
I would have preferred the storyline where Eric's a single dad
Eric had every right to punch David.
Jackie & Fez are not as bad as fans make them out to be
Most Jackie & Hyde stans are borderline psychotic. They didn't end up together. Get the fuck over it.
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gacmediadaily · 9 months
Actress, screenwriter, and producer Ansley Gordon chatted about her latest acting projects.
‘The Abigail Mysteries’
Gordon starred in “The Abigail Mysteries” opposite Emmy nominee Bret Green, which aired on Pure Flix and Great American Family. “It was great. This was my favorite film experience I’ve had,” she admitted. “It was my first time producing, which I really like. I’ve known Bret Green for over a decade.”
‘Designing Christmas With You’
Gordon wrote the screenplay for “Designing Christmas With You,” which airs tonight on Great American Family. “I just want the viewers to feel good when they watch it,” she said. “Similar to drinking a cup of hot cocoa or hot tea It’s a cozy, fun, and sweet little story.”
The synopsis is: With her career on the line, a decorator (Susie Abromeit) must work with an unexpected partner to showcase a house for an upcoming Christmas GALA. “It is really sweet, it’s a lot of fun, and it’s a more traditional rom-com that features a lot of family values and it is more about the relationships rather than the hijinks,” she said.
‘Romance at the Vineyard’
“Romance at the Vineyard” stars Susie Abromeit and Tim Ross in the leading roles as Allee and Ethan respectively. Cameron Robbie also stars as Nick.
The synopsis of this original movie is: When it looks as though Allee’s family vineyard, Merado, is at stake, she is forced to pair with a new friend in an effort to avoid selling the property. What she doesn’t know is that her newfound partner works for the corporate wine chain aiming to buy the property.
On writing the script for “Romance at the Vineyard,” she said, “That was very poignant and special. It was my first time working with Steve Jaggi in Australia, and he become one of my favorite producers to work with.”
The digital age
She opened up about being an actor and filmmaker in the digital age. “I struggle with it,” she admitted. “Social media is really tough for me because I am a really private person but I also want to promote projects.”
“I struggle with how much to share and how much to post, but I love getting to connect with people, especially when the new movies come out. That’s one of my favorite parts of my job. I love the Great American Family fans and viewers because they always make the movies trend,” she elaborated.
“Great American Family has welcomed me with open arms and it just felt more like a family,” she added.
On her plans for the future, she foreshadowed, “We have some things up our sleeves for 2024.”
Dream collaboration choices
On her dream collaboration choices in the entertainment industry, she listed Danica McKellar, Candace Cameron Bure, Marshall Williams, and Daniel Lissing. “Candace is a powerhouse, and I would love to collaborate with her as a producer, and learn from her behind-the-scenes,” she said. “I would love to do a crossover film with Danica.”
‘A Christmas Frequency’
Gordon also discussed doing the rom-com “A Christmas Frequency,” where she worked with Jonathan Stoddard, Denise Richards, and James Hyde. “I love James…I want to cast James in everything that I do. He is just amazing and he gives the best compliments. James has the best energy and the best light,” she said.
Stage of her life
On the title of the current chapter of her life, she revealed, “Creation and Abundance.”
Superpower of choice
If she were to have any superpower, it would be “time travel.” “As a writer, I would like to be able to go back and experience what things were like 50, 75, or 100 years ago. I would love that,” she said.
On her definition of the word success, Gordon said, “Success means having the freedom to live, do, and create.”
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spider-xan · 2 years
I first saw Hyde being giant unhinged monster in different western comics and then manga, but in classic old time movies he's probably due to limitations closer to a normal guy looks wise but then you get movies where he is a giant beast breaking chains and walls and for some reason roars a lot?
I'm catching up on old Asks right now, and for context, I think this was from when I wrote a post about how it's interesting that it seems to be a popular perception that Hyde in adaptations is overwhelmingly portrayed as a large monster comparable to the Hulk in character design, even though I don't think that's really the case, especially if we're looking at live-action film and television adaptations!
But yeah, I would say that Hyde in classic films and even modern television shows is usually the Jekyll actor wearing make-up and changing their body language, which is both closer to the novella and within the realm of what old special effects can achieve, and I can only think of two giant beast monster Hydes in movies, which are from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) and Van Helsing (2004), with that description above best matching the former - and it's just fascinating bc these are two movies that are twenty years old now, and while Van Helsing has a cult following, the LXG film was a flop with no long-term cultural impact, and yet, these two versions somehow have had a very lasting influence on people's perceptions of Hyde interpretations in film.
Also, I have no idea what the idea behind the VH!Hyde is beyond being a monster for VH to hunt down in an action scene, but for the LXG film, I would say he is a giant monster is bc (a) the movie takes place after the novella, and in the source material, Jekyll does mention in his final statement that Hyde has been growing in stature, though we can obviously debate just how big he would have gotten, and (b) while I think calling LXG!Hyde the Victorian Hulk is a convenient shorthand, but somewhat reductive, the League concept is supposed to be a parody or play on the modern comic book superhero team, in which there is usually a Big Guy for brute force (eg. Hulk for the Avengers, Ben Grimm for the Fantastic Four) and that's the role Hyde plays in the League, and it's also a reference to how the Hulk himself was inspired by Jekyll and Hyde (and Frankenstein's Creature), so it's interesting meta commentary that comes full circle too.
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
not y’all trying to make sense of that relationship 🥴🥴 his ex met her when she was a literal child. It’s such embarrassing behavior for Austin. And it’s nothing against Kaia. I just can’t imagine cheating on my gf of ten years and then going and dating a child. There is something wrong with men like that
Girl, I'll be honest....I have my own personal feelings about their rlshp too 🥴, but I do have to stress that it's not the age GAP itself that's concerning to me, it's how old SHE is. If Kaia were 30 and he were 40, I wouldn't care 🤷🏾‍♀️
If she were 25 and he were 35 I wouldn't really care. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Re: Vanessa & Austin....
How do you know he cheated? Just curious. 🤔 I keep hearing these claims, but unless someone knows for sure when they broke up, or her friends spilled some tea that idk about, I feel like we really don't know everything. 🤷🏾‍♀️
When a celebrity couple announces a breakup, the time that it's announced isn't always EXACTLY when they broke up. A lot of times they have broken up long before the media reports it. We saw that firsthand with Tom and Zendaya, Tom and Nadia (did the media even report their breakup? 😅), Tom and Olivia, and even Zendaya and JE.
I also remember when Tom was spotted with Olivia at Hyde Park, and a LOT of ppl gave Tom a hard time 😔 because they jumped to conclusions and suspected that Tom had cheated on Zendaya because they had just finished the FFH press tour together, Z was spotted wearing Tom's shirt the night of the FFH red carpet premiere, she was also supposedly wearing the watch that Tom gave her all throughout press tour interviews, and Tom was spotted/pictured getting cozy with Olivia while he was still wearing the Jillian Aldridge key lock neck chain that was proven that Zendaya had given him during the FFH press tour. 🥴
Given those "clues", it's no wonder some fans assumed that Tom had cheated on Zendaya. OBVIOUSLY that doesn't even make sense, especially now that we know all of the other things that have transpired since then. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Certain things just didn't add up. And I highly doubt that Z would have taken Tom back a second time if he had indeed cheated on her.
I think this kind of shows why sometimes it's not always good to jump to conclusions about cheating when we aren't privy to all of the details in a rlshp. Jmho. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I'm not even going to assume that JE cheated on Z with Kaia just cuz when he left the US he was in a rlshp with Z, but months after he came back to the US he was spotted with Kaia. 🤔 Cuz idk when exactly Z and JE broke up. 🤷🏾‍♀️ We have suspected around late spring/early summer 2020, but the truth is, only they know for sure when they actually broke up for good, and why they broke up.
I just think that unless friends, family, the individual themselves, or even crew members hint that there was cheating going on in the Aunessa rlshp, I think it's kind of silly for fans to think that they know more than two ppl who were actually in the rlshp. 🤷🏾‍♀️
But if Vanessa (or ppl close to her) has alluded to Austin cheating on her, then I will for sure take back all my words on this situation. I personally would find it weird that she's still close with Olivia, who most claim he cheated on her with. 👀 And Olivia still seems close with him. 🥴 Seems strange to me, but oh well.
Austin himself mentioned in an interview that he was hurt in a rlshp, and that "sometimes love isn't enough", and I doubt he was referring to a high school one, especially when Vanessa was his longest rlshp, and he started dating her when he was like 19/20. 👀 I just think that's an interesting comment to say if you know you cheated on your ex and the breakup was all your fault. 🥴
Idk, smthg just isn't adding up to me personally,🤔 but if anyone has any concrete evidence, by all means let me know.
Supposedly, Vanessa is writing some tell-all book about her rlshps with both Zac AND Austin lol.... Not sure if that's just a rumor or not, but if it's true, maybe she might provide more insight then. 😅
I'd rather at least hear from her directly than fan theories.
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Don't Hyde From Me (ch 9 Let's Hyde Away)
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TW/CW: SA mentions, angst, David the Dickhead makes an appearance, Tyler almost going Hyde.
Don't Hyde From Me chapters
Hoa was putting on her business clothes, today was the day she discussed Tyler’s freedom to the principal and her “council” of sorts. Tyler was supposed to be getting ready, he couldn’t help but stare and watch the girl as she put on her outfit. It was amazing what one night could do for two people. The curtain was never used anymore when either of them were changing, they felt comfortable to see each other like that- of course, Tyler enjoyed seeing every bit of her. 
“Hurry up,” the girl scolded as she put in her jade earrings, “We’re going to be late!”
“R-right,” he blinked before stripping out of his pajamas, “I’m sorry, you just look so beautiful in that dress-”
“Ao dai.”
“What?” Tyler blinked, clueless of what she had just said. Ao dai. The traditional Vietnamese garment. It was more than just a dress; it was a symbol of femininity, elegance and grace. Hoa’s mother had handmade this one in particular; it was red with a gold dragon snaking around the body, red was always meant for luck and prosperity. Either way, the dress- and the lecture- were burned into his mind. As the boy put on some presentable clothes the girl tied her hair up into twin side buns, making sure to secure each bun with a jade hair pin. If looks could kill.
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“Either way,” Tyler muttered as he slid his shirt on, “It’s beautiful.”
“It is.” Hoa was in the bathroom doing her makeup, wanting to look professional and to not screw this up. Once the two were ready, Tyler slipped into his restraints and followed Hoa’s lead, the two walked side by side as they made their way to the principal’s. Tyler’s fingers brushing up against Hoa’s every now and then, sending electric like shocks through her body, she couldn’t help but smile at the feeling. As they made their way across the courtyard they could feel cold yet curious eyes on them, some of the stares were judgemental while others were just afraid. Tyler shrank closer to the girl, afraid he would be swept away by the currents of the stares, he wondered if she were afraid too. Hoa kept her cool although on the inside she was screaming for all of them to disappear.
David stepped out in front of the two, a menacing smirk across his face. Hoa sighed and prepared for the worst, pulling Tyler closer by the chains as David took a step closer. This time the man was alone, Tyler could feel the fear radiating off of the girl as he tried to keep his composure.
“Hey there,” David jumped at the girl, causing her to take a step back, “Freaks.” He shot daggers up at Tyler who instinctively gripped onto Hoa’s hand, David noticed this gesture and started to laugh. Him? A monster? In love with her? Both Hoa and Tyler looked at David as if he were a mad man, Hoa saw this as a chance to sneak around him and get to the meeting with the principal on time but David was not allowing that. David would keep getting in her way, attempting to reach out for her to hurt her but Tyler would always pull her away.
“What’s this?” David smirked, “The monster protecting the princess?” He laughed again, this time using his telekinesis on Tyler and sending him flying into  a concrete column. The wind was knocked out of the boy while the girl was left defenseless and alone, Hoa tried to run to the boy’s side but David had other plans for her. He wanted Tyler to watch as he made an example of her, as he tore into her bit by bit. He wanted to make the boy hyde out and ruin all of his hard work at “rehabilitation”. Hoa was just too much of a problem, especially dressed like that. David pulled Hoa close to him, his intentions clear and both Tyler and Hoa knew what he was trying to do. David’s hand slid up to her breasts and squeezed, Hoa tried to fight her way out of his grip but her body froze- she was scared. She turned her gaze away from Tyler, not wanting him to see the fear in her eyes- the boy could feel the rage oozing inside of him as he slowly started to turn into his hyde form.
“As punishment for what you did to me,” David addressed Tyler, “I’m going to use your little pet in front of everyone out here!”
The boy’s anger was interrupted when a voice called out, heads turned in the direction it came from, it was the werewolf who was seen with Jess a few days ago. The girl’s eyes lit up as the werewolf came rushing to their aid, David knew he couldn’t go up against him so he pushed the girl to the ground and ran as fast as he could. His grip on Tyler fading, dropping the poor boy to the ground with an audible thud. The boy made his way towards Hoa who was trying to regain her balance.
“Matt,” Hoa greeted the werewolf, “Thanks, again.”
“Oh no worries,” Matt, the werewolf, smiled brightly at the two of them, “Hi, I’m Matt by the way.” He stuck his hand out to Tyler, waiting for the boy to give him a handshake. Tyler glanced at the girl to see if it was okay to do so, she gave him a nod and with that the werewolf and hyde shook hands. Matt asked the two where they were off to, when Hoa let him know that they were headed to speak with the principal about Tyler’s freedom the werewolf quickly nodded. Tyler took in the werewolf’s features; Matt was built like a quarterback but had a more gentle aura than any quarterback he’d seen. Matt was a gentle giant, taller than Tyler, the boy was just glad Matt was on his side.
“Why did you help me?” Tyler asked, pure curiosity in his eyes, “Not- not that I don’t appreciate it- I mean, I do appreciate it. But-”
“-I don’t even know you and you’re a homicidal maniac?” Matt chuckled. If Hoa was okay with being next to a homicidal psycho then Tyler was safe in his book. Tyler smiled awkwardly as Matt patted the boy on the back, Matt had kept them long enough and he wished the both of them well on their meeting with Principal Holland. 
“You two got this,” Matt said as he started to walk off, “And, Tyler, for what it’s worth. Me and the others think you’re innocent.” And with that he hurried off to find Jess. Tyler couldn’t help but smile, he felt Hoa’s hand slide into his and he took that as his cue to keep going forward, he trusted her and she trusted him. Once the two were in the office they took their seats and sat in silence as Principal Holland finished up her coffee. She had gotten Hoa’s message that stated that they needed to have a chat regarding the hyde and his freedom
“Explain to me why we should take his restraints off?” The principal raised an eyebrow pensively, she had to admit that Hoa was insane for trusting the hyde so easily, “Why should we trust him?”
“I know how you feel about him being free of restraints, ma’am,” Hoa started, “But I can assure you he hasn’t hurt anyone yet.”
“Oh?” Holland furrowed her brows, “What about David?” She knew? Hoa reminded her that David was the one who started it and that it was only self defense. Tyler was protecting her. Holland knew that but wanted to hear what the girl had to say about this boy.
“Let me ask you,” Hoa started as she fiddled with the key to Tyler’s restraints, “Is it right to send a boy to the gallows when all he wanted was to find what happened to his mother? When he was groomed and abused and only did what he thought would protect him?” Hoa empathized with the boy, she too was down the same path he was once. Would punishing the victim make things better?
“He’s killed people Ms. Duong.” 
“Yeah,” Hoa scoffed back, “And so have cops. You don’t see them getting put on death row do you?”
“You cheeky little-”
“I can prove to you that he isn’t a threat.” Hoa said sternly, never backing down. She freed the boy from his restraints as the principal gasped in shock, preparing her gun if anything were to go awry. Hoa assured that there was no need for that as Tyler just sat in his seat, scratching at where the restraints were on his wrists.
“Sorry,” he chuckled awkwardly, “A bit itchy.”
“See?” Hoa beamed, feeling as if she just won a spelling bee, “Completely harmless!” Tyler just sat there and waved awkwardly at the principal who was staring daggers into his soul, Holland reminding Hoa that they stand in the presence of a murderer who showed no remorse. But the girl didn’t see it that way, no. She saw Tyler as a broken young man, a young man who wanted answers but went down the wrong path and interacted with the wrong people.
“Remember, Ms. Holland,” Hoa continued, “I, too, was in the same boat as this young man.” Tyler’s eyes widened at the statement that left the girl’s mouth, he looked at her in disbelief. Hoa? In the same situation as him?
“Would you’ve put me on death row without a second glance?” The girl tilted her head, emotionless. This side of Hoa was one the boy had never encountered and it thrilled him but also scared him. He was curious to learn more about the girl besides him, what secrets did she hold in that mind of hers?
“Ms. Duong,” the principal hissed, “You know I wouldn’t-”
“Then why should it be different for him?” Hoa saw herself in this young man, she knew he could be saved if he let her. If they let her. It was too late when they’d tried to save her yet here she was, alive and breathing. She knew it wasn’t too late to save him, she had to save him. Holland sighed, Hoa did have a point. Did Holland like the idea? No, she very much did not. But Hoa was right.  “Hey,” Tyler interjected, “You wouldn’t happen to have some itching cream would you?” The itch on his wrists became unbearable.
“Oh yeah,” Hoa reached into her purse to pull out a travel sized first aid kit, producing some itching cream from the red bag, “Here.”
“Thanks. Do you always carry a first aid kit?”
“Of course,” Hoa scoffed, “Never know when you may need a medic.”
Seeing as this discussion was already over, Holland sent the two on their way- Hoa taking the restraints with her for special reasons. Once the two were outside they saw Jess, Matt and the girl with telekinesis waiting for them. The three saw that Tyler was free from his restraints and they jumped for joy and ran towards the couple. Tyler couldn’t believe that there were people rooting for him. People actually gave a damn about him, about whether he lived or died. Jess ran up and gave them both of them a hug, it was an awkward hug but a hug nonetheless.
“So,” Jess started, “Does this mean he’s a free man?” Not quite. As Hoa was explaining the situation to her friends Tyler noticed from the corner of his eyes a certain pigtailed young lady. His heart froze in his chest, he gently tugged at Hoa’s sleeve urging her that they needed to go. Now. Hoa didn’t notice it until it was too late. Wednesday had already pressed her taser against the boy’s neck, Tyler crumpled to the ground in pain.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Hoa tried to ease the tensions as she brought Tyler back to his feet, “That’s my job.”
“That man is a criminal,” Wednesday spoke, her cold gaze never leaving Tyler, “Why aren’t you scared of him.” 
“Hoa,” Tyler whispered, “Let’s just go-”
“Because I shared a roof with a family of criminals for 5 years.” Hoa replied coldly, silence was all that followed, “Murderers, rapists, arsonists, you name it.” Truth is, Hoa was always a witness or a victim. When she was younger she had a little calico cat, his name was Scout. The little cat was a sweetheart who loved her with all 9 of his lives. That is until one of the elders of the family tossed the poor cat against the stone floor, splitting the poor thing’s skull open- Scout’s brains splattering before the poor girl. “You can never have anything nice.” The elder said to the girl before tossing the cat’s lifeless body into the flames.
Wednesday opened her mouth to speak but Hoa wouldn’t have any of it. She had places to be, things to do, a tight schedule. Hoa and her ragtag crew were planning on doing some band practice that day- the group had been putting practice off ever since Hoa agreed to watch over Tyler. The boy shot Wednesday an apologetic look before walking off with Hoa and the rest of them, he knew he should apologize to her for manipulating her. He just couldn’t bring himself to do it. Not now. As the group made their way to one of the basements of the campus, Tyler couldn’t help but overhear a conversation between the telekinetic girl and Hoa.
“Are you sure you’re gonna be comfy practicing in that ao dai?” the girl asked Hoa, “It’s so… stiff.”
“Don’t worry Linh,” Hoa replied with a smile, “I always pack an extra set of clothes for practice.”
“That’s our Hoa!” Matt chimed in, “Always prepared, even got a little med kit!”
“Yeah,” Linh chuckled in response, “Our little Vietnamese Soldier.”
“Can it you two.” Hoa rolled her eyes.
“Hey,” Matt turned on his heels, walking backwards, “Wasn’t your dad friends with a combat medic while he was overseas?” Hoa’s father was, and still is friends with that medic. Good friends. They were brothers in arms, the medic would always say to Duong that medics do no harm but do know harm. It was like the motto of every combat medic, paramedic and EMT. Hoa learned a thing or two from this man; how to apply and use a tourniquet, how to properly remove shrapnel from a limb, and how to treat a wound from an IED. You name it.
“You think we’re ever gonna need a tourniquet?” Jess asked.
“I mean, yeah, if you’re going to a gunfight!” Linh jested.
“There will only be a gunfight if those people come after Hoa again.” Jess growled. Those people? Tyler had questions, he wanted answers now. But he doubted anyone was willing to sit him down and explain everything to him. Once the group made it to the basement and turned the lights on, the boy saw a little recording studio like area; a drumset, a couple of electric guitars and an electric bass, and a keyboard along with a keytar decorated the area.
“There she is!” Hoa ran over to one of the guitars, a bright pink one, “Hey baby, sorry I haven’t tuned you in a while.” The girl plugged the instrument into its amp and struck a chord. Albeit, it was terrible sounding, the guitar hadn’t been tuned in months. Hoa cursed under her breath as she started to tune the damn guitar while the others started getting to their assigned instruments. Once everyone was all set and tuned, they decided to practice with a little song.
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
HIII i’m going to london this week, pls give me all ur recs & also harry-esque things to do 🫣
also if anyone has been to paris, recs for that too🤲🫶
oh man I have a whole ass note that I typed up for a friend who visited so ill put that under a cut here cause its long JNFHJIK
and paris I didnt get to do much when I went but the eiffel tower obvi and the lourve if you have a lot of time cause its fucking huge jNBFHGHUJI and we went to Ferdi for dinner its where like bella gigi and the kardashians always go but its honestly so good imo jfnhbhujiek
here is my london tips note:
Camden Market: takes a bit to get there (on northern like most likely if you are in central) about an hour: would def be a tad activity, theres lots of shops and markets and food stands decent prices too 
Soho: tourist trap city but super fun and always crowded has all the chain stores and such and china town is there I tried a few different Chinese places all were super good 
Carnaby Street: In soho main attraction with all the shops and restaurants and bars
Shoreditch: cute area new and up and coming
Spitalfields market: in shoreditch, super cute market closes early though usually around 5pm, has cute vendor shops and lots of fun food vendors and has cute shops around it as well (humble crumble had amazing desserts and dumpling shack had the best dumplings I ever had)
Brick Lane: lots of Indian and other asian cuisine foods and great bakeries, on the weekend it turns into an outdoor market with lots of vintage shops and food vendors
Notting Hill/Portobello road: super cute also takes a bit to get here, def recommend going on the weekend especially for portobello market its only open Saturdays and Sundays: streets of vendors and markets and street food, the cute pastel colored houses are all over for good insta pics
Hyde park: huge and cute for picnics but you dont need to go here any park will do tbh
London Eye: super cool it was $33 when I went, waited in line for about 45 mins and then you’re on for 30 mins if you have time its cool but not a need
Westminster Abbey/Parliament square/Big Ben: same area you will probably wanna go here just for the walking tour its cool to see and take pictures but its basically like a time square lots of tourists just walking around taking pictures *strawberry tours: free walking tours of west end landmarks to see all of them ^^^ 
Also recommend the Jack the Ripper tour they do if you are into true crime/horror*
Trafalgar Square/Picadilly Circus: very close together you can walk from one to the other, also kind of like a time square full of tourists taking pictures 
Regent Street: right next to picadilly circus more up scale shopping and fancier stores has a super good Zara though
Ronnie Scotts: jazz club open till like 6am in soho
Hampstead Heath: so beautiful but VERY muddy wear rainboots or shoes you dont mind getting filthy if you’re gonna walk around
Covent Garden: cute market with mostly chain stores, theres a shake shack in there which I frequented often lol and has lots of cute areas surrounding it
Oxford Street: lots and lots of shopping huge primark there which I did most of my shopping
Baker Street/Bond Street: more shopping not a necessity to go to
Harrods: super cool to see but also a tourist trap but the food market is insane so if you’re gonna go anywhere in there I would just go to that 
Selfridges: a smaller harrods but also not as fancy and expensive 
Kensington: such a fun and cute area lots of cute cafes and cute shopping areas and has the classic looking houses like in the parent trap 
Chelsea: next to Kensington super cute and fancy nothing really to do though
Primrose Hill: suer fancy are has the huge park and hill where you can see the London skyline amazingly (hill is a bitch to walk up but view is worth it imo) the pics of harry in that weird body suit with organs were there lmfao and also Eleanor is always walking her dog there lmfao
Borough Market: on the Southside of the river (across from central London) but super cool food vendors open mainly during the week till 5pm
Oxford Circus: huge strip of stores, restaurants etc similar to id say 5th ave in nyc but way more cool
Liberty London: kind of like a fancy Macys but has way cuter stuff and stores
Farm girl: theres one in notting hill and one in soho I went to the notting hill one, amazing breakfast but you need to make a reservation in advanced if you wanna go
Victoria & Albert Museum: free and has the harry cardigan (also Harris reed exhibit but that was $25)
Salisbury’s: great for cheap food if you end up cooking and meal deals, also super cheap bakery items, I would get a croissant every morning for 95 cents
Boots: super cheap food like a 7/11 and meal deals
Pret A Manger: sign up for 1 free month trial to get up to 5 free barista made drinks a day
Boots: convince store and pharmacy all in one like a CVS 
Simmons: great chain bar with cheap drinks and fun vibes
Weatherspoons: basically an Applebee’s with cheap drinks and food
Gails Bakery: good bakery items and lunch food 
The Ivy: theres multiple locations but great for a splurge dinner one night, soho or covent garden ones look most fun, we did covent garden one
Sketch: the infamous pink room tea place but they just changed the pink room smh but it has other cool rooms if you want to splurge one day and do tea and brunch and of course the iconic instagramable bathroom is there too
Ole & Steen: chain, good cafe and coffee shop for a quick lunch
Kanada-Ya: good ramen place 
Eataly London: multiple restaurants and wine bars
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killva-creates · 2 years
so my family and I watched Wednesday because my mom's sister kept saying how good it was but it also took us a while because we had to fulfill Christmas traditions and shit but we finally finished it this week and just... I was kind of mad about what my mom had to say at the ending (about Tyler) and I'm just gonna go through it here bc that's what tumblr's here for
when it was revealed that Tyler was the Hyde my mom and I freaked out and then at the end of the show I was like " Tyler better come back next season" my mom was like "no they're probably not gonna bring him back and I'm really disappointed because he's now a really bad character"
mom Jesus Christ. first of all, Tyler as a nevermore student? yes (I'm a Tyler and hunter doohan simp if y'all couldn't tell) because it's probably the best place (that we're aware of) for him to control his ability and wouldn't it be a really cool character arc for Tyler to be the first Hyde to break the enslavement thing also like major character development (and this is why I was mad at my mom about what she said) because laurel fucking groomed Tyler. not only that- she fucking CHAINED HIM UP AND ABUSED HIM. she saw him in a vulnerable place and TOOK ADVANTAGE OF IT.
he was already in a really bad dynamic with his dad; and it's really upsetting how well portrayed those shitty dynamics are.
(I should add that my parents are both milkvan shippers and don't see anything wrong with their dynamic *vomits*)
I feel like if Tyler returns, the Tyler x Wednesday thing is just not going to happen because it just wouldn't work anymore but imagine him rooming with Xavier. imagine him becoming best friends with the wolves because out of all the outcasts; the wolves (especially Enid) can relate most to the Hyde and the brutal transformations of both parties. imagine Xavier and Tyler talking about what they'd both gone through because daddy issues (and possibly internalized homophobia) (and shitty mental health on both parties) and Tyler getting the emotional growth and apologizing to Xavier and Wednesday and Enid and maybe weems comes back alive and we get a scene of weems (or someone) (maybe his dad) trying to condemn Tyler but Wednesday and Enid and Bianca and Ajax and XAVIER just defend him and say "he's on our side" and can we just have him as an ally for the rest of the series and the character development and the everything *screams because Tyler*
if anybody has any thoughts/additions on this respond/dm/reblog I need to discuss this like yesterday
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