#especially if there's no way for her to avoid seeing/ignore said crush
iiguess · 1 year
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HEADCANON. Sam... has a dislike for crushes, I think. Sure, it can be nice if it's just something light and sweet. But crushes aren't called 'crushes' for nothing. Crushes mean looking at someone with rose-tinted glasses, in actions that—-to her—-are meant to get closer to the object of your affections. They're overwhelming, obsessive, and tend to masquerade as 'puppy love' when it can really just be infatuation.
That's why, should she get a crush on someone? She'd stay far away from them. She has enough self-awareness and experience to know she wouldn't be looking at someone clearly with her own feelings in the way nor would she be acting like she'd normally would like with others, and would probably wait them out before interacting with them again.
( Granted, it's a much different story should her chemistry with someone be more natural, if that makes any sense? Think Hanako and Nene from Toilet-bound Hanako-kun versus Nene and her crushes. )
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munson-blurbs · 8 months
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Eddie Munson x Best Friend!Reader
Summary: You've been crushing on Eddie since you joined Hellfire Club. Too bad he's crushing on Chrissy Cunningham...right?
Warnings: angst to fluff, idiots in love, super cheesy but it's Valentine's Day so idc WC: 1.6k A/N: My entry for @corroded-hellfire's This is Music! event!
Divider credit to @saradika
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Eddie’s looking at her again.
You can’t blame him; he’d be crazy not to stare at Chrissy Cunningham, clad in her tiny cheerleading uniform with a bouncy blonde ponytail and sugar-sweet giggle. If you just ignore him, act like he isn’t imagining sweeping her off of her feet–
“Do you think I should send her one of those candy gram things?”
Almost instinctively, Dustin’s eyes flicker to you, but he turns back to Eddie before anyone can notice. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” he stammers, scrambling for an excuse. “She and Jason, like, just broke up.” 
This information doesn’t deter Eddie in the slightest. “Exactly. She’s probably heartbroken from getting dumped right before Valentine’s Day. I could be her…Freak in Shining Armor.” He grins at his spin on the unwanted nickname, pausing for a half-second before turning to you and asking, “You’re a girl. What do you think?”
The question is almost laughable. What do you think? You think he should stop pining over Chrissy and start seeing you in that same light.
With a painful swallow, you force a strained smile. “If you like her, you should go for it.”
That’s all of the motivation Eddie needs. He slams his palm on the table and proudly declares, “All right, I’m doin’ it.”
Tears bite at your lash line as he strides across the cafeteria over to where the student council has set up the candy gram booth. You feel a gentle hand on your shoulder, and you glance over to see Dustin offering you a sympathetic look.
“He’s an idiot,” he says, low enough so that his words are inaudible to other Hellfire members. “He’ll figure it out one day, but you shouldn’t sit around waiting for it to happen.”
Logic tells you that he’s right, but moving on is easier said than done. Especially when he’s one of your closest friends.
Determined to avoid any inquiring from the other guys, you do your best to assimilate into their conversation about beating this week’s campaign.
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Chrissy received Eddie’s candy gram on Valentine’s Day. To his dismay, she also got one from Jason Carver. 
“Of course she went back to him,” Eddie mutters, tossing his tin lunch box on the cafeteria table with a harsh clang. He heaves a sigh and rests his head on your shoulder, gazing up at you with his big, beautiful eyes. “Am I gonna be alone forever?”
“Probably.” You muster a tense laugh and brush a tendril of his hair off of your cheek. “Maybe you can try sending out a message in a bottle and see if anyone bites.”
He harrumphs and slumps over, burying his face in his palms. “She told me she ‘appreciates my friendship.’” He shakes his head. “Fucking humiliating.”
The irony of his statement is too much to bear, and you slip away from the table with a half-hearted excuse about needing to study for the history test you have next period. 
The walk to the library feels like it takes decades, silent tears falling as soon as you find an empty table among the stacks of books. 
Chrissy wanted Jason the way Eddie wanted Chrissy, which was the same way you wanted Eddie. 
And no one wanted you. 
A few minutes pass before Jeff slides into the seat next to you. “We’re in the same history class. Figured it would make your lie more believable if I had to study, too.” He shrugs. “Plus, I wanted to check on you.”
“I’m fine.”
He doesn’t believe you, you know he doesn’t. Embarrassment is written all over your face, both at your abrupt exit from the cafeteria and your pathetic crush on Eddie. 
Jeff takes a deep breath. “Look, Eddie doesn’t know what he wants.”
“Seems pretty obvious to me that he wants Chrissy,” you say wryly, twirling a pen between your fingers. 
“No…I mean, yeah. But that’s because she’s, like, safe.”
You scoff. “Asking out the Queen of Hawkins High is safe?” 
“Sounds ridiculous, I know, but hear me out.” Jeff leans in a bit closer so he can whisper to you. “She’s not part of our group, so he doesn’t have to worry about constantly hanging out with her. Plus, she’s nice enough to not publicly destroy his ego. I’m sure she didn’t tell Jason about the candy gram, or else he would’ve announced it to the whole school by now.”
You nod in reluctant agreement. 
“And speaking of that jackass,” Jeff continues, “how many times have they broken up and gotten back together?” 
“Too many to count.” Their relationship is like one of the novelas you watch when you’re stuck at home with a fever. 
“Exactly.” Jeff exhales. “Chrissy paid a little bit of attention to Eddie because she wanted some weed for a party, and now he’s head over heels for her. Because he can be. Because her rejection stings a little, but it’s nothing compared to how being rejected by you would feel.”
Wiping at your tear-dampened cheeks, you shake your head. “I don’t think he cares about being rejected by me.”
He mumbles something under his breath but doesn’t say another word until the bell rings, and the two of you walk to class together. 
Thank God you don’t actually have a test today; you wouldn’t be able to focus long enough to answer a single question. All you think about is what Jeff had implied: that Eddie does like you but is afraid to ruin your friendship.
You brush off the idea as ridiculous. Why would Eddie choose you over the gorgeous head cheerleader?
Uneasiness builds within you until it’s impossible to ignore, and you scrawl a note in the back of your composition notebook before you can fully think it through.
I’m sorry that Chrissy turned you down. Trust me when I say that I know what it’s like to feel unwanted by the person you want the most. It sucks, but you’ll move on and realize that she was the one who missed out, not you.
You sign your name and add a P.S. Fuck Valentine’s Day for good measure, folding the paper in fourths and slipping it into his locker between class periods. Not quite a confession, but it’ll do.
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Eddie’s waiting by your locker after the last bell rings, scraping a front tooth against his bottom lip and fiddling with something. As you get closer, you realize that something is your note.
“Who is he?” Eddie demands to know, sighing impatiently when you raise your brows in confusion. “This mystery guy who doesn’t want you. Who is he?”
“No one. It’s fine,” you say quickly, refusing to make eye contact with him as you twist open the lock. “It was just to let you know that you’re not alone in this, okay?”
He shakes his head and chuckles tersely. “Nah, not okay. I’ve gotta kick his ass.” He shuffles from foot to foot, already anticipating a fight.
“Well, you can’t.”
“And why not?” Eddie scoffs. “I know I’m scrawny, but I’m pretty damn scr–”
“Because you’d be kicking your own ass!” The words fly out of your mouth before you can stop them. Your blood runs cold and your pulse thuds in your ears when you realize what you’ve said. “I’m sorry. That was too much, especially with what happened with Chrissy today.”
You start to leave, but you’re tugged back in place by his gentle grasp on your wrist. “Follow me,” he murmurs. He makes a beeline for the Hellfire room with you right on his heels. As soon as you walk in, he closes the door. “Repeat that? Because I don’t think I heard you right.”
“You’re the guy who doesn’t want me,” you manage through the lump in your throat, “and it’s okay, because we can’t help who we like and who we don’t. I don’t want you to feel guilty or anything like that.” 
You’re rambling, and you tuck your lips into your mouth to stop yourself from talking yourself in circles.
Silence seeps into the room, the only noise is the hum from the fluorescent lights overhead. Finally, Eddie speaks again. “Do you know why I asked you to join Hellfire?”
You swivel your head back and forth in a definite no.
“Yeah, I tried to keep it that way,” he says with an awkward laugh, scratching the back of his neck. “So, um, I kinda had a massive crush on you. And I figured that we’d get to know each other here and then I’d ask you out or whatever, but I kept chickening out. So…there ya have it.” He shifts his hands as if to say ta-da.
“And now you like Chrissy.” Out with the old, in with the new.
Eddie takes a small step closer, one ring-clad hand taking yours. “Not the way I like you,” he breathes, his other thumb tracing a faint line over your jaw. “Not even close.”
You close the gap between you, tilting your head so your lips meet his. The fear that he’ll hesitate or turn his head altogether disappears as soon as he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss. His hand tucks behind your ear, and he leaves it there until you both have to break away for air.
The two of you wear matching smiles, shy but relieved. Eddie leans in to kiss you once again, only to be interrupted by the rest of the club’s musings.
“Took them long enough.”
“Seriously, I thought we were just gonna have to watch them pine over each other forever.”
“Crap, do you think they can hear us?”  
“Yeah, shit-heads, we can hear you,” Eddie calls out with a laugh, shaking his head in disbelief before turning back to you.
“Now, where were we?”
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madwcman · 6 months
Hi sweetie (can I call you that? Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable) can I request something that goes like poly marauders x slytherin reader where they figure out they like reader and reader also likes them back but she feels like they don’t like her that way. Angst with fluff something like. Is okay if you can’t take care of yourself <33
a/n: i want to start off and say thank you for requesting and im so sorry i’m posting this late! but i hope you enjoy, this is my first time writing ploy! marauders so please be kind. also i’m not uncomfortable by you calling me sweetie!! :)
pairing: poly! marauders x slytherin! reader
having a crush on three out of the four marauders was just absolutely dense on your half. not only were you a close friend of theirs but james, sirius and remus were in a relationship together, joining in an already formed relationship seemed foolish to you. especially since they were so happy together. you gathered that james, remus and sirius just couldn’t see you in a romantic light.
so you decided to avoid them the best you could. and it wasn’t really that hard. considering you were a slytherin, you just hid in your dorm most of the time. other times where you would see the boys you would just ignore them. if they waved, smiled or even called out your name you would ignore them. and run in the other direction away from them.
“dove, you’re avoiding us.” you look up from the book you were reading and see remus, james and sirius standing in front of you in the library. you’re surprised they’re all in the library, especially james and sirius considering they hate to be quiet and being quiet is the mandatory rule in the library.
“i don’t know what you mean.” you mutter quietly, looking back to your book. avoiding their narrow eyes. “yes you do.” sirius, speaks sourly as you hear the chairs scraping against the floors. looking back up, you see sirius and remus have taken a seat across from you while james sits beside you with a strained smile. “no sirius, i don’t.” you snap back, closing your book. you start to gather your things ready to take your leave to avoid the boys once again.
“will you please just talk to us?” you turn to james, as you stand from your chair. his hair is a little messy from him running his fingers through it, his face looks more red than usual. he looks at you with an angry face. he’s angry with you. “we just want to know what we did.” he waves his hand around between him, sirius and remus. you look at each of the boys with anticipation. you finally let out a sigh and sit back down.
“are you going to talk to us now?” remus asks, he sounds and looks hopeful. you shake your head miserably. this will surely end your friendship with the boys. “well are you going to explain?” sirius ask,
“i’ve been avoiding you three because i want to be with you guys romantically.” you admit, with a gloomy tone. “oh.” they all speak at the same time. you start to tear up and wait for them to reject you. and then later on break up the friendship you guys had. “dove, what’s wrong?” you hear remus get up from his seat across from you and bend down beside you. “dove?”
“are you guys going to stop being friends with me?” you mumble out. closing you eyes. “no, why would we honey?” james ask, rubbing your back softly. “because you guys don’t feel the same.”
“we never said that.” you hear sirius speak, he standing beside remus, he’s not good with comforting but you hear the worry in his tone. you can see he’s trying his best. “what?” you look up from your lap. to look at sirius in disbelief. “we’ve never said that, love.” sirius tells you sweetly, as he moves to bend down with remus.
“we’ve all have actually liked you for a while now.” james admits. “we’ve been meaning to tell you, but you’ve been avoiding us.” remus explains. laughing a little at the situation you guys were in. “oh,” you utter dumbly to yourself. sirius laughs, you feel a little embarrassed but can’t help but smile at yourself.
i’m sorry.” you laugh out, still nervous and embarrassed for avoiding them. you feel slightly silly. “there's no need to apologize,” james rushes out, feeling bad at the thought that you needed to apologize to them. “but you could make it up by going on a date with us.” sirius smiles as he moves in to kiss your cheek.
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Helloooo there!
Just wanted to say that I absolutely loved the Astrid x ghost!reader fic and was wondering if you were considering doing a part two?? maybe Astrid finds a way to save them and they end up dating or something?
I hope you Have a lovely day! Xx
An Accidental Haunting Part 2
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Astrid Deetz x Ghost!Reader
*Platonic to Romantic*
Requested by anon
Summary- Now that Astrid could see you clearly, an unlikely friendship formed. She wanted nothing more than to be with you now that you two had gotten the chance to spend more time together. She would find a way for you two to be a couple. A proper living couple.
Warnings- Reader was m*rdered, Details about death and the afterlife, angst, depression, mention of cancer, trading one life for another, kissing
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The afterlife is a complex thing than many humans never truly understand. Ghosts, often thought of as a figment of the imagination or a misguided illusion of the light, were more real than Astrid had ever anticipated.
Admitting her mother wasn't crazy was a big step in her life. Not to mention the fact that she was gaining feelings for a ghost, this time while knowing about the fact you were deceased. Your morbid humor, self-deprecating jokes and obscene amount of knowledge on the paranormal had a death grip on her heart.
Death was much more interesting with Astrid in your life. You didn't feel the dread or crushing depression as much as before. Sometimes you dare say, you felt more alive than you had when you were actually living.
Lydia had decided to move back into the old "Ghost House" after Astrid had begged her, claiming that she would even consider going to Miss Shannon's School for Girls until graduation. It was only one year away, but she had been adamant about it.
In the end, it happened to be a convenient idea. Lydia's Tv show career had ended and she opted to be an in-area Psychic for those in need. Somehow, however with your meticulous hiding, she never once saw you in the house. You have been very deliberate about keeping your identity there a secret between only you and Astrid.
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"I hate to say it, but that uniform is lame" You spoke as you laid back on her bed with a teasing smirk, head tilted in her direction as she tried on the uniform, smoothing down the skirt.
She turned to you and raised an eyebrow, challenging you. "At least I don't have an old rock shirt than looks like you scraped it off of an 80s arcade floor."
"Ha. Ha." you laughed emotionlessly, tossing a stuffed bear at her to defend your honor. "Arcades are fun, but nice try at trying to offend me beautiful"
The smirk that remained on your lips made her heart skip a beat, but she would rather die than tell you how much power you held over her. Your nonchalant flirting always hurt, knowing it never held much meaning behind your words, but she continued to ignore it in favor of her sanity.
"Tell me again" Astrid said as she sat beside you on the bed, making the mattress bounce lightly. "What's it like to die?"
The quietness between you both stretched for a moment before you answered. "It's different for everyone. For some its peaceful, for some its painful."
"I meant for you personally, what was it like?"
Your amused laugh echoed through her room. "What was it like to be stabbed brutally to death? Just a normal Tuesday, of course"
No matter how many times you talked to her about the afterlife, you were always careful to leave out the specifics of your own death. The last thing you ever wanted from anyone was sympathy, especially from her. Sadness should never be an emotion she felt when you were around. So, you opted to made jokes and avoided those awkward looming moments of despair and helplessness.
Instead of laughing, she seemed to be deep in thought. "What if there was a way to bring you back?" She spoke so soft that you almost missed it, but of course you didn't. Instantly you sat up on her bed and faced her properly, startling her a bit at your sudden movement.
"Are you crazy? You of all people should know that's a terrible idea, Astrid. It's a life for a life, a crazy scheme that only the self-centered scumbags would pull"
"I know... I know. But you didn't deserve to die"
You scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief. "You don't know that. you don't know me! I'm a freak, Astrid! Thats why I'm dead, no one wanted to talk to me. Everyone feared me because the only people who understood me were already dead!" The screams you sent her way felt like daggers piercing her skin. There hadn't been a single moment up until now that you had acted any other way besides happy.
Without warning you vanished from sight, completely dematerializing Infront of her eyes. She stared in shock at the wall Infront of her, not knowing how to react.
All of a sudden it hit her, you needed her help to come back alive and she would do anything in her power to help you, even if that meant seeking out her mother for guidance.
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The instant regret you felt after yelling at Astrid was eating at you from the inside out. Your knees were pulled up to your chest while you sat in a rickety old rocking chair. You looked over at the town model in the attic to distract yourself from falling even further into the darkness.
What you never mentioned to any of the spirits you helped, was that the longer the dead lingered on the living plain, the quicker your soul decays. The deceased were to move on after dying, in favor of protecting what mortality they died with. Your soul fades and your own morals that you once valued in life start to get corrupted.
"The Darkness" as you referred to it was the depressive black hole that swallows the last remaining happiness and hope that you hold onto. If you let yourself get sucked into that darkness, you may never find your way out of it again.
That is how some spirits get sucked into a loop, replaying their death and their most horrible moments over and over again until there is nothing left of their soul.
Smiling seemed to be your coping mechanism to avoid this, always happy and never upset over trivial things. Never allowing yourself the simple happiness that the living still enjoyed and took for granted.
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Lydia was cooking in the kitchen when she heard rapid footsteps descending down the staircase. Astrid stopped and stood in the doorway, looking at her mother blankly for a moment. She couldn't believe how much progress that they've accomplished, yet she feared the awkward tension would always be there lingering.
"I... I need your help."
Lydia stopped what she was doing to look at her daughter in shock. "You do?" She dried her hands with the kitchen towel and quickly turned her full attention to her. "Of course, what do you need?"
"The handbook. I know you kept the one that the Maitlands had and I need to see it"
"Why would you need that?"
"I'm interested in your work" Astrid lied, forcing a small smile that she hoped was more than convincing. The smile that Lydia provided could've lit up every dark corner in the house.
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After moping in your sorrows for the better part of that night, you finally appeared in Astrid's room the next morning, an apology ready on your tongue before you saw what she was doing. She was furiously flipping through The Handbook for the Recently Deceased, writing down notes in an old notebook.
You cautiously stepped up next to her and looked over her shoulder. "What could you possibly need that book for? You're not dead, babe."
She looked up at you, realizing your looming presence near her. The bags under her eyes were the only indicator that you needed to show her lack of sleep. Her body physically relaxed from its tense stance at seeing you back in her room. "I have the perfect plan on how to bring you back to life"
You groaned and flopped down into her beanbag chair dramatically. It seemed like your usual playful behavior was back at least. "Why must the living be so stubborn?"
"We are going on a trip, come on" She closed the book and tossed it in your direction, clearly expecting you to catch it. It hit the wall behind you with a heavy thud, thankfully not indenting it. You slowly turned your head to look at the book and then back to her.
"Did you really expect a different outcome?"
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Astrid hugs her bag over her shoulder with the handbook in it, waiting for you to grab ahold of her so she could start her ride to the town's nursing home. After a deep sigh you hook your leg over the seat and wrap your arms around her midsection.
Your touch felt like a winter chill, but her body had never been warmer. Her heart beat quickly and she prayed you couldn't detect it. Your chin rested on her shoulder as you looked around the town.
You never were a very affectionate person in life, but for Astrid, you made an exception. There was no fear in her eyes when she looked at you now, and that made you feel as if you were finally home again.
The ride to the nursing home was quiet and quick. Astrid greeted the staff with a quick smile, claiming to be visiting her grandmother.
An argument soon broke out between the two of you as you crossed your arms, not happy by what she was proposing.
"Ms. Silvers has been in pain for years from the cancer. Death was inevitable anyway so what's the issue? She seems fine with it" She argued, and you just tilted your head, unconvinced. It was silent for a few minutes before you finally nodded your head, not being able to find a good enough argument to disagree with her plan.
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Ms. Silvers was a good sport as you all headed to the cemetery together. She was a sweet old lady with a cane who seemed to be admiring the world through aged eyes.
"My husband loved this time of year" She spoke, her voice scratchy. "I just know he's been waiting for me. Thank you for this, Lovey"
Astrid smiled, walking beside her and making sure she was alright. You looked over at them, still cautious about the whole thing. Your entire life, you had never put yourself before anyone. This felt wrong, yet the old woman beside you could've been the strongest woman alive now. She had more courage than you could've imagined and you admired that.
The quiet Winter air blew past them, and she didn't so much as shiver.
After repeating the incantation in the crypt and entering, you decided it was best to lead the way. You had been to this part before when you first died. Youve come a long way and grown as a person since then. The confident look you always wore wavered slightly, but they couldn't see it since you were far ahead.
The picture for the transfer was about to be taken when Ms. Silvers reached over to give your hand a reassuring squeeze. "Young love is a powerful thing. Take care of each other, alright?"
You couldn't help the smile that overcame your features as you nodded, giving her hand a squeeze in return. "Tell your husband we said hi, would you?"
The transfer went smoothly, and you both walked her to the soul train together. Once inside the train, she sent you both a sweet smile and a wave before she departed.
Your body healed almost instantly; no indications left behind of what had happened to you. Your shirt however, still remained in shambles.
Crawling out of the crypt, you felt as if a rush of air filled your lungs. Your feet met the grass of the graveyard, and the world moved with you instead of without you. It acknowledged your presence and welcomed you with open arms.
You turned to Astrid with a bright smile. "I don't know how to thank you"
"Oh... it was nothing, really." Astrid laughed awkwardly, turning away to avoid your gaze. You looked at her as if she hung the very stars in the sky. The blood flowing through your veins and the shine of your lively skin looked heavenly to her, and she had to stop herself from staring in awe.
Without warning you cupped her face in your hands and kissed her softly, afraid that you might vanish from existence yet again. Her eyes widened in shock before she allowed herself to relax to your touch. Her hands instinctively held your hips, just barely. You pulled away after a moment and rested your forehead against hers.
"Even when I was dead and I couldn't feel anything, I swore I could feel the pounding of my dead heart as if it was beating for you. I'm afraid it will only ever beat for you now that I'm alive again"
She laughed, smiling freely as she looked into your eyes. "Thats the cheesiest thing I've ever heard you say, you dork"
"So, if I asked to kiss you again it wouldn't be as cheesy?" You smirked, and she swore she could get used to this every day for the rest of her life.
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"Now that your alive, can you finally change that crusty t-shirt?" Astrid teased, holding your hand tightly as you walked back to her house.
You pretended to think about it before laughing "Yes, Ma'am" You winked.
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A/N- Thank you lovely anon for requesting a part 2! I have another Astrid fic lined up and, in the works, currently along with the lost boys and others. Please continue to send in requests and I'll get to them as soon as possible. Thank you all for the love on my writing, it means so so much to me.
If there is a possible part 3 wanted it would probably just be filled with little incidents when Astrid now saves the readers life because they forget they’re alive now and could actually get hurt.
If anyone wants to be tagged in any sort of tag list (doesn’t just have to be for Astrid fics), please let me know!
Also, I apologize for the extensive knowledge of the paranormal that I have lol. The afterlife has always fascinated me.
Ghost and Graveyard Dividers- @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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miguelschamp · 8 months
you are in love
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pairing: miguel diaz x fem!reader
summary: miguel gets tired of you avoiding him and finally confronts you
warnings: none
a/n: it’s wild that this is my first miguel imagine considering my username lmao 😭
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growing up, you always thought love was fake. your parents always pretended like they were this happy couple in front of others when in reality as soon as they got home, it went down the drain.
you associated love with constant fighting and never truly being happy. even when you were younger, you vowed to never fall in love.
so, when a boy makes his way into the valley and manages to make you fall head over heels, it scared you.
miguel was probably the most genuine person you’ve ever met. truly caring about the people around him and managing to put a smile on their faces. especially yours.
you noticed how you really felt after miguel’s accident. it sounds bad, you knew that, but it wasn’t as bad as it seemed.
you knew before that you maybe had a small crush on the boy, but seeing him laying there after falling from the second floor quite literally almost killed you.
you were a wreck waiting for updates on him and if he was going to be okay. you ran straight to the hospital when his mother let you know that he was okay and was awake.
seeing him in the hospital bed with that same smile he always gave you made you realize just how hard you had fallen.
you tried sticking around for as long as you could. you managed to stay long enough to see him get out of the hospital and start “therapy” with johnny. you were there whenever he was finally able to stand. his eyes wide as he hugged you. you didn’t know how he couldn’t feel your heart beating against him, but hugged him back just as tight. but as the days went on, miguel realized you wouldn’t come around as much.
you would come up with random excuses whenever he asked to hang out. he would see you at school and call out for you, but you would rush off.
he couldn’t figure out what he had done or said to make you avoid him. his heart would drop whenever you ignored him like you didn’t even know who he was.
a couple of weeks had passed and a lot had happened. a huge fight at sam’s house between cobra kai and the other dojos. miguel harbored a few injuries, but would recover just fine.
he sat with his friends at a small pizza joint in town. his mind elsewhere and each other them noticed. they couldn’t take it anymore.
“dude, just talk to her.” hawk sighs. miguel looks up to notice all of their eyes on him.
“what ?”
“y/n.” demetri reiterates, “talk to her. you would think someone just ran over your dog by how you’re looking right now.”
“she won’t talk to me.” miguel shrugs, “i don’t know what i did wrong.”
“well, you’ll never know if you don’t talk to her.” hawk says, “she can’t avoid you forever.”
miguel looks down as he thinks over his friends words. what they said had some truth to it. he wouldn’t be to fix whatever was wrong if you don’t talk. and you couldn’t avoid him forever.
right ?
you had no idea who had just knocked on your door seeing as no one had planned to come over. both of your parents were at work leaving you alone.
you sigh as you unlock the door and swing it open. your eyes were wide and you could’ve sworn your heart stopped.
“miguel.” you mumble
“hey, y/n.” he tries giving a small smile, “look, i know i should’ve told you i was coming, but i didn’t want to you come up with an excuse to not see me.”
your heart sinks. you hadn’t realized that miguel noticed your absence. you clear your throat as you try coming with yet another excuse, “i wasn’t avoiding you. i was just-“
“you were ignoring me, y/n.” he says, “just admit it.”
you blink. you couldn’t lie anymore, “okay, fine. yeah, i- i was ignoring you.”
his eyes soften as a small frown takes over his face, “why ?” he asks softly, “did i do something ?”
“no.” you say quickly, “you didn’t do anything.”
“then did something happen ?”
“no.” you sigh. you step out onto the porch closing your door behind you, “i’ve been lying to you this whole time, so i’m just gonna come out and say it.”
miguel straightens up as you look around, “okay.”
“i like you. a lot.” you blurt, “i love you actually, but i can’t.”
miguel furrows his brows, “what do you mean ?”
“because love isn’t a good thing. i see my parents who are supposed to be married and in love and all they do is yell and scream at each other. if that’s love, i don’t want to experience that.”
“y/n.” he says stepping closer, “that’s not everyone’s experience and it doesn’t have to be yours. love is a beautiful thing when it’s done right.”
“well, i don’t know what that’s like.” you say, “i felt myself falling for you and i got scared. i pushed you away because i thought it would be easier.”
“i don’t want you to push me away.” he says softly. you look up at him and notice the look in his eyes. you’ve never seen it before.
which was unfortunate because it had been there the whole time.
“what am i supposed to do, miguel ?” you shrug, “just be in love with my best friend ?”
miguel smiles, “well, yeah because i’m in love with you, too.” he chuckles as your eyes grow wide, “what ?”
“you just assumed that i didn’t feel the same way about you.” he says
“i didn’t..” you trail off, “i’m sorry.”
“don’t be.” he says shaking his head. “maybe you can make it up to me.”
you nod, “yeah, absolutely. what is it ?”
you watch as he becomes nervous under your gaze. his next words so soft you almost don’t hear them, “let me kiss you.”
you blink rapidly as his words repeat in your head. you were going crazy. he didn’t just say that. did he ?
miguel takes your silence as a rejection. his cheeks growing hot as he stumbles over his words, “you don’t have to. i’m sorry.”
you finally snap out of it as you hear him apologize profusely. you lean up and kiss him. miguel stumbles back a little before catching himself and wrapping his arms around your waist.
your hands go to his cheeks as you let out a sigh. as you pull away, miguel looks down at you with nothing but pure love in his eyes.
if he always looked at you like this, maybe you could get used to being in love.
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steddieas-shegoes · 9 months
that's what friends are for
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'enemies to lovers' rated t wc: 996 cw: mention of hospitals and injury, mentions of selling and using recreational drugs tags: enemies is more implied than anything, getting together, canon events happening in the background
Somewhere along the way, Steve Harrington became Eddie’s number one customer.
It was mostly by accident, and Eddie should tell him to get lost and find another supplier, but he couldn’t.
Especially not after the last time they met up in the woods and Steve looked…haunted.
But Eddie wasn’t going to let Steve’s sad puppy dog eyes convince him that he was anything other than the asshole he’d always been.
Not even when he walked up to Steve furiously wiping tears off of his cheeks.
He cleared his throat awkwardly before sitting down, trying to avoid eye contact with the man who seemed to be trying to hide the fact that he’d been having any emotion at all.
“So, the usual today?” Eddie asked.
“Uh, you got anything stronger?”
Look, Eddie knew for a fact he had plenty of stronger stuff that he could overcharge Steve for, and Steve wouldn’t even bat an eye.
But he had a pretty strict rule of never selling the strong stuff to someone who didn’t pass the mental test. Someone who was crying did not pass the mental test.
“Nah, ran out. Got a new mix though, if you’re interested. Might help you sleep if that’s somethin’ you need.”
The dark circles under Steve’s eyes told him that was exactly what he needed, but Steve shrugged and acted like he was just here for fun.
Eddie didn’t care enough to push.
That’s what he told himself, anyway.
Steve looked like shit.
“You look like shit.”
Steve rolled his eyes. Or, well, eye. The other eye was swollen and bruised, probably hurt like hell.
“Thanks for the update,” Steve said.
“Don’t think weed’s gonna fix that,” Eddie said, not looking away from the cuts and scrapes along his cheek. “At least not the kind I have.”
Eddie looked down to see more cuts and bruises along his hands, and most shocking of all, a dull red line along both wrists.
Eddie’s brows raised as he looked back up at Steve.
“You, uh, you good?” He couldn’t help asking.
Anyone would be concerned to see these injuries on anyone, even the guy you definitely don’t like or have a crush on.
“Sure. Is $20 okay today? I can get you more for next time.”
“$20 is fine.”
$20 was technically $5 more than he would normally charge anyone who isn’t an ex-jock, so it’s not like he was doing Steve a favor.
Eddie watched Steve walk away with more questions than answers.
Robin Buckley was sitting next to Steve at the table, kicking her feet and rambling on about who knows what.
Steve wasn’t looking at her, but he could tell he was listening.
“I don’t usually like to be outnumbered, but something tells me I can handle myself if Buckley decides to throw a punch,” Eddie said as he walked towards the table.
Robin suddenly froze and tilted her head.
“Steve, why is Eddie here? You said we were meeting a friend.”
“Is that what we call buying drugs from someone these days?” Eddie laughed. “Times have changed.”
Steve rolled his eyes, but couldn’t quite hide a small smile.
Eddie tried not to feel flustered about making Steve smile.
“Well, I see you more than most people, so I’d say we’re friend-adjunct,” Steve said, handing over the usual $20.
“He means friend-adjacent,” Robin added, not unkindly.
Eddie nodded once.
“Well, if that’s all, your friend has another friend to meet behind the McDonald’s. All good here?”
“All good. Thanks.”
“Anything for a friend,” he winked.
He was pushing Steve against a wall, broken bottle to his neck.
“This doesn’t seem very friendly,” Steve said breathlessly.
Eddie held him there for a moment, then let out a small laugh, slowly releasing his grip.
“I have to be careful about who I consider a friend right now, man,” Eddie said, ignoring Dustin’s confused voice yelling behind him.
“We’re here to help. As friends.”
Steve’s eyes were big, that look that left Eddie wondering how he’d gone from hating him so much to wanting to understand everything about him.
“Not sure if you can help me.”
“We’re gonna.”
Steve sounded so sure. Eddie had no option but to trust him.
“Hey, Wayne. Anything new today?” Steve’s voice whispered when he entered the room.
Eddie’s eyes were closed, but he wasn’t asleep.
They’d lowered his dose of pain meds slowly over the last 48 hours and he was barely getting any sleep as he adjusted to the constant aches of the bites.
“He’s tired. Nothin’ new, though. You okay?”
“Yeah. You got a shift?”
“Yep. Should be back by lunch tomorrow.”
“See you then.”
Eddie didn’t know how it happened, but Steve trading shifts with Wayne was an everyday occurrence.
They got to know each other, relaxing more as the days wore on, no end in sight for Eddie’s hospitalization.
“You know, I’m okay alone for a bit,” Eddie said as he opened his eyes.
“Nah, I’d rather be here.”
“That’s what friends are for, right?” 
Eddie nodded. “Yeah.” He frowned. “Is that what we are? Friends?”
Steve slowly reached over and grasped his hand. 
“Is that all we are?”
Eddie thought back to how he used to dread running into Steve at school, mostly out of his own fear that he would harbor a crush on him. He thought about how he wondered why the boy who seemed untouchable in high school looked so fragile last summer and how he could help. He thought about the guy who didn’t have to risk his life to save him from monsters made sure everyone was safe so he could rescue him.
“I don’t think friends sit in the hospital for days like this,” he finally settled on.
“I don’t think friends have crushes on their friends for years, either.”
If Steve didn’t follow those words with a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth, he probably wouldn’t have believed them. 
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xoxoxkisses · 2 months
In your eyes
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Muichiro x fem!Reader
desc: muichiro falls for the quiet girl, being known as the popular boy, he has to decide to risk his popularity for her or not. Warnings: slight angst, fluff, aged up, slight bullying, cursing
You had just left class when you heard the teacher call you back. “Y/n! Can you come here please?” You were ready to come home after a long day of school, but you couldn’t just ignore the teacher, especially after you had shown you had heard her. You turned around and started walking back to her class. Once you were outside the door, she ushered you inside. You walked in as she shut the door and you saw Muichiro. You’ve had a crush on Muichiro since middle school. He was always civil with you whenever the two of you had to talk to one another, but other than that, he avoided you.
“Y/n, Tokito here needs a tutor, and after some discussion you are the best we can find.” You looked at her and back at him where he was looking away and crossing his arms. “O-okay.” The teacher clapped her hands together. “Great! The two of you need to discuss some things such as times to meet and where. But the two of you are dismissed now!” You both nodded and left the room. Muichiro stopped you. He grabbed your shoulder and turned you around. “Here’s my number. If it’s okay with you, I’d like to come over and start these sessions.” You took the piece of paper from his hand and nodded. You turned around and left, leaving him there by himself. Or so you thought.
“Muichiro what are you doing talking to that nerd?” He turned to see Genya laughing, Aoi following behind him. “Oh, I was just telling her to leave me alone. You know how those girls are, always asking for my number and shit.” Just then Aoi spoke up. “Then what was on that piece of paper you gave her?” Muichiro laughed. “I just gave her a fake number.” The three of them laughed, except Muichiro’s was fake. He loved his friends, he didn’t want them to know he wasn’t the smartest and that you were his tutor.
“Anyways guys, I should be going.” The laughed died down shortly. “Aw okay. Bye Muichiro!” Aoi said, Genya waving beside her. Muichiro waved and turned around, leaving the two of them alone. “Was he acting weird to you, or was it just me?” Aoi spoke up. “Yeah he definitely did. We need to keep an eye on him.” Genya and Aoi gave each other a sly look and looked back out at Muichiro as he rounded the corner. ————————————————————————
You had changed into a hoodie and some sleep shorts and tied your hair up into a messy pony. You had taken your contacts out and put on your glasses. You had just remembered Muichiro told you he was coming over for a session so you shot him a text.
“Who is this?”
“Y/n, if you want to come over for a session I can send my address.”
“Oh right. Sure.”
“Okay it’s xxxx.”
“Be there in 5”
You left him on read after seeing that message. You grabbed all of your textbooks out and put them in the floor of your bedroom. Your parents wouldn’t be home till late, so you didn’t have to worry about them barging through the door.
Not too long after, you heard a knock at your door. You knew it who it was, so you walked downstairs and opened it. “Hey, come in.” You moved out of the way so Muichiro could come in. You closed the door and locked it back. “Follow me.” He nodded and waited for you to start walking. As he followed you to your room, he couldn’t help but look at you. He thought you looked..cute. Why did he think that? This wasn’t like him. Not at all. You were just a nerd to him, right? So why were you making his heart race and making him so nervous.
In your room, you both instantly started working on some math problems. After around an hour. You tried quizzing him on what you had taught him. When you went over it, you noticed he got one wrong and helped him. “You see, you need to take this and move it up here and then-“ you heard a low growling noise and looked up to see Muichiro was grabbing his stomach. “Are you hungry?” He simply nodded. “Yeah, I forgot to grab something earlier.” You shook your head. “It’s fine, follow me.” You led him to your kitchen and allowed him to pick anything he wanted to eat. Simply enough, he chose some ramen.
“We can take a small break. We’ve been doing it for an hour now.” He agreed. You two sat in the living room watching tv. As he was watching the show, he couldn’t help but steal a few glances at you. The way you sat there crisscrossed on the couch forming a line with your lips when you were confused with a scene, it made him feel weird. “Are you just gonna keep staring at me or what?” He hadn't noticed he was completely staring at you. “Oh sorry. I was just thinking about how comfortable your hoodie is I guess.” You hummed in response. “Are you done eating? If so we need to continue the lesson.” “Yeah I’m done.” He put away his dishes and went back up to your room after you.
After another hour it was getting late. “Well, that should end today’s session. When do you want to do this again?” He looked up in thought, trying to decide which day is best. “How about Thursday?” You nodded. “Works for me. Cmon I’ll walk you out.” The two of you stood up and walked out the door and to your gate. “Bye Y/n.” “Bye Muichiro.” You walked back in and cleaned up the books scattered in your floor. You didn’t know how you kept your composure during those 2 hours. But you did. ————————————————————————
Friday rolled around and Muichiro was with Genya and Aoi. He got his phone out and checked the time, seeing it was already 2:55 and you would be leaving at 3. “Hey guys, I got to go. I’ll see you two Monday.” With that he walked off texting you to find you. “Cmon Genya, we’re going to follow him.” Aoi grabbed Genya’s hand and followed after him.
When they saw him talking to you again with a smile on his face, they knew something was up. “I thought he didn’t like her.” Genya said a little too loud. “Shh!” Aoi clasped her hand over his mouth and pushed him behind a door. “Sorry, sorry.” When she looked again, the two of you were gone.
At your house, you wore some baggy sweats and a cropped tank top. You waited for Muichiro to arrive, preparing the same way you did last time. When you heard the knock at the door, you practically ran downstairs to open it. When you greeted him, he looked you up and down and felt his heart pound. “Hey Y/n.” You smiled at him. “Hi. Come in.” The two of you went to your room, this time you taught him a new lesson in math. The whole time he kept his eyes on you, watching the way your hands moved across the paper and the way your hair lay on your shoulders.
After a few hours, it was time for him to leave. You said your goodbyes and he left. ————————————————————————
It’s been a few months since you started tutoring Muichiro. The two of you began to gain feelings for each other. His friends started to notice how he always looked at you when you passed by. One day however, you were going up to him to ask you to be your date to the dance. Aoi had seen you walking up and decided to wait till you were in earshot to ask her question. “So Muichiro, do you like that little nerd girl you’re always with?” Muichiro almost stumbled over in laughter. “Who Y/n? Hell no, she’s one of the ugliest people I’ve seen. I only talk to her bc she’s helping me out in school.” You heard every word he said. Your emotions getting the better of you. “You really feel that way..?” He looked behind him and saw you crying. “Wait Y/n!” Before you could hear him out you ran off. He turned back to his friends who were laughing. “You two planned this didn’t you? I hate you guys.” He ran after you, leaving his friends stunned.
You went home and hurriedly changed clothes and got into your bed. You cried for around an hour until you heard a knock at the door. Today wasn’t a scheduled day for a session, so you didn’t think it was Muichiro. When you went downstairs and opened the door, you saw him there. You were about to close the door when he held his arm out and stopped it. “Y/n, let me explain.” “No. Leave me alone.” You shut the door successfully and locked it back. Going back up to your room to cry. Muichiro stayed at the door and facepalmed. Why did he say that?
At school he was listening to his friends talk. “Muichiro, you’re going to the dance right?” Aoi said snapping him back into reality. “Huh? Oh, yeah I am.” “Great! We can all go as a group!” He simply nodded. He spaced out again listening to them talk, not caring about what they had to say. ————————————————————————
The dance was today. You decided to go alone. You thought tonight would be a good night to talk to Muichiro about what happened. You were looking for him everywhere when you spotted him with his friends. Aoi gave you a sly smile and looked at Muichiro when she suddenly pulled him into a kiss. Genya looked at you and laughed. You felt tears welt up in your eyes and your heart break. You ran off crying.
Muichiro was listening to Aoi and Genya talk again, he couldn’t stop thinking of you. He didn’t notice when Aoi got quiet and looked at Genya. The only thing he noticed was when she kissed him and heard Genya’s laughter. He pushed her away from him. “What the fuck Aoi?!” She simply laughed along with Genya. He turned around and saw you crying and running away. He tried to go after you but Genya stopped him. Finally he pushed him away and went after you.
After searching for you for a while, he found you by yourself by the rose bushes. He went up to you and stood there beside you. You looked over and saw him and tried to leave, but he stopped you. You started crying again. “Muichiro, why have you been this way-“ Suddenly, he kissed you. You felt your knees get weak and your heart pounded. “What are you doi-“ He cut you off yet again. “Y/n, I don’t like her, I like you. No I love you.” You looked at him stunned. “B-but what about those things you said at school?” He shook his head. “I didn’t mean them. I was embarrassed to admit I liked you.” “I-I like you too Muichiro.” He smiled at you and pulled you into another kiss, this one more passionate than the last. You basically melted into his hold, wishing this would last forever.
“Muichiro what are you doing?” He pulled away to see his “friends” staring at him. “Kissing the person I love.” You looked at them as their jaws dropped. “W-whatever. You won’t be popular anymore you know that?!” He huffed a laugh. “I don’t care. I want her more anyways.” He kissed you again infront of them, smiling into it. They both huffed away as he pulled away. “So will you be my girlfriend?” You giggled. “Oh course!” He hugged you and kissed your head. ————————————————————————
a/n: Ik genya, Aoi, and muichiro aren’t like a trio but I saw a TikTok where they were and it’s been in my head forever 😓
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nalainterrupted · 19 days
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𓂃  ౨𓎟𓎟  ♡⠀  𓎟𓎟ৎ 𓂃
bestfriend!ellie x reader
note: this fanfic is pretty small and based on experience👅
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Ellie has been your friend since middle school. Now that you are in college studying medicine and Ellie wants to study astronomy, you don't see her as often because you attend different colleges.
However, she sometimes stays at your apartment.
A few weeks have passed, and you've felt different around Ellie, but it wasn't because of something she did. Maybe you were falling for her? you kept telling yourself. It was a weird feeling at first, but you tried to ignored it.
A few weeks have passed, and you've felt different around Ellie, but it wasn't because of something she did. Maybe you were falling for her? you kept telling yourself. It was a weird feeling at first, but you definitely liked her. You haven't seen Ellie in a while. Even though you texted her every day, you missed her touch, her warm hugs, and especially her gorgeous smile that makes her eyes glow.
One night, after you arrived at your apartment, you heard a knock on the door.
You opened it to find Ellie standing there, smiling as always. "What are you doing here?" you chuckled. "Just came by to see you," she replied. You noticed the guitar in her hands. Ellie was always passionate about playing her guitar, and you loved that about her. "Well then, come in. I can make dinner for us," you said as Ellie entered. "Let's get started then," she said, putting her things down to help you cook.
She wasn't the best cook, but she still loved to help you.
You cooked Alfredo pasta, which you both loved. As you served the pasta and started eating, you asked, "So, why'd you come by?" You asked "I just missed you." You felt your face slowly turn red when Ellie said that. "I missed you too, Els." you smiled. After a few minutes, you both finished your pasta. "You are actually the best cook," Ellie teased. "If you say so," you teased back.
A while later, you and Ellie were talking while lying on the carpet in your room. "So, do you have a crush on anyone right now?" Ellie inquired. You avoided meeting her gaze. Should I confess? you pondered silently. "So?" she asked again, waiting for an answer. "I do like someone," you said in a lower tone. "Can you at least describe them?" Ellie persisted. She wanted to know, so you decided to give in. She wouldn't know who it was if you just described the person you liked, right?
"Fine, well.." you looked at Ellie; she was staring at the ceiling while waiting for you to say something. "Well, she has freckles all over her face. She also has a beautiful smile that makes her eyes squint a little, and she's always wearing a bracelet." You couldn't help but chuckle while saying this; she was just so gorgeous that words couldn't fully capture it.
Ellie looked at you and whispered, “Why do I feel like you're describing someone I know?" She laughed. "Maybe because I'm describing you, idiot," you blurted out.
"Wait... do you like me?" Ellie sat up, looking you straight in the eye. You knew you couldn't lie, not when she was looking at you like that. "Well... shit, yes, I like you, Els." You looked away, unable to face her after that confession. "You can't just look away after saying that."
Ellie was a little surprised, but the signs had been rather obvious. "I'm sorry, I'm just... scared that you probably don't feel the same way, and I don't want to ruin things between us." You still didn't look at Ellie; you were just too nervous. "And who said I didn't feel the same way?" she said in a soft tone. "What?" Your gaze met Ellie's. "You... feel the same way?" The room felt tense, but that wasn't always bad. "I've been wanting to tell you, but I guess you did it for me." Ellie chuckled in a teasing manner. "I suppose I did," you laughed.
You and Ellie had been making eye contact for a few minutes, your faces getting closer until you sensed her lips meeting yours. Her touch felt warm and comforting, and you could feel your face flush. Ellie looked at you, half-smiling.
"You're blushing," she teased. "Oh, shut up!" you laughed.
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futterurl · 11 months
Hii do you do angsty smut? I’m craving angst & smut for Josh futturman . Love your first work here btw ❤️
tysm anon i fucking LOVE angst and smut mixed. literally two in one combo. i got u :b apologies if this wasnt what u were looking for!!
WARNINGS: angst, bleeding, pretty graphic, smut (mdni!), oral(f!receiving), p in v, creampie, afab reader
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you clutched your side, agony hitting every inch of your body. getting shot in your side wasn’t how you thought this mission was gonna go.
it was supposed to be simple: have everyone eat the Kronish balls, save the day, yada-yada. in and out. that wasn’t the case, however, when everyone who wasn’t borderline poisoned by the kronish balls turned out to be bionic.
josh wasn’t looking behind himself, not seeing a bionic creeping up to him at a quick pace with a knife in hand. you ran as fast as you could, trying to tell him to watch out.
you pushed josh out of the way, causing the bionic to stab you right in the side. the pain hit immediately, agonizing pain. you doubled over, wanting to remove the piece of steel. you knew this would only make it worse. you had to keep it in, at least until you were able to get somewhere safe.
“shit.” tiger panicked, seeing you on the ground, clutching your torso for dear life. you looked up at her with weak eyes, coughing up spurts of blood.
“gotta. got’ get help.” you tried to speak as hard as you could without exerting too much effort. she was able to pick you up and avoid the bionics, which wolf was going crazy with.
“guys! abort the mission. s’ in critical condition!” tiger yelled at josh and wolf, seeing their expressions drop as they saw her holding you, borderline limp in her arms. as they fended off the last of the bionics, they raced over to see you, crying and tired.
“fuck, fuck, this is my fault, fuck.” josh started talking at 100 miles an hour.
“this is nobody’s fault. someone get a goddamn car and bring us home.” wolf yelled. they all raced over to the car they took, tiger slamming on the gas the second you all piled in, josh now gently bringing you into the back.
“fuck, hurts s’ bad, fuck.” you grit through your teeth, hand bloody from holding onto your side. josh had propped you up against the car window. he kept his hand right on top of yours, whispering endless strands of “i’m sorry” and “this is my fault” through tears. this was the last thing he wanted to do, especially to the girl he loved, even if she didn’t know.
you were so selfless, you took a fucking knife to the torso for him. he owed you his fucking life, if you were okay after this, that is. he was gonna make sure you were okay. he clung onto your other hand and held onto it for dear life.
in just minutes, tiger was stopping the car in front of josh’s house. josh took you into his arms, racing up to his room, flat out ignoring his parents.
he laid you onto his bed, propping you up high with a good amount of pillows.
“i have a first aid kit in my bathroom. go get it. it’s in the cabinet.” he yelled at tiger and wolf. he couldn’t stay one second away from you. not like this.
wolf ran to get it, coming back in mere seconds. he had a wet rag. “we gotta take the knife out and put this over it immediately.” he panted.
“take my hand. this might hurt.” josh offered, holding out his hand to you, which you took into yours with ease.
“one, two, three”
tiger removed the knife, to which wolf covered you with the wet rag. you screamed and wailed as you crushed josh’s hand with yours. you had never experienced that amount of pain in your entire life.
“the worst is over. you did it.” tiger tried to ease your worries, offering you painkillers in the first aid kit wolf had brought.
“fuck. still hurts s’ fucking bad, fuck.” you silently cried. this felt like torture. you felt like you were going to puke.
“can you guys give us some privacy please? sorry, she’s overwhelmed and i know how to help her.” josh said, looking at tiger and wolf. “can you guys go talk to my parents? tell them we’re all good?”
they got the signal. they quickly left and shut the door behind them.
josh looked at you. “fuck, i’m so sorry. this is all my fault. i didn’t want you to get hurt like this, i’m so sorry…” he started to tear up.
you caressed his face. “it’s okay, josh. it wasn’t your fault, nothing you could’ve done. i’m still alive, aren’t i?”
“i know, but it shouldn’t be you with the fucking knife in your side.” he replied. he was really worried about you, his heart racing. he didn’t want you to be hurt. at all. he’d gladly take a knife for you for this to be overwith. for you to not be in any more pain.
“it’s okay, really. i jumped in.” you yawned, starting to get tired.
“okay, okay.” he wasn’t gonna argue with you anymore. “is there anything i can do for you?”
you squeezed his hand. “go to sleep with me for awhile?” you asked in a hushed tone.
nothing would’ve made him happier. he couldn’t be away from you, not now, not ever. he wanted to make sure that you’d be safe. with him. in his arms.
“of course. i..i’ll stay here with you. as long as you need.” he took a few pillows from under you, letting you lay down, he laying down next to you. you cuddled up to him a bit, making him blush. thank god the light was dimmed low.
“thank you…” you drifted off as you muttered those words. josh looked down at you, watching you fall into a deep sleep. he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. even after dying, you still looked so fucking perfect. how?
why would you take a knife for me? he asked himself, over and over. i hate seeing you like this.
the last thing he wanted to do was to see you in pain, and now he saw you in pure agony, on his behalf. he felt lime such a shitty person. the least he could do is lay with you.
he wouldn’t admit that was what he secretly wanted all along. he caressed your cheek before laying his head down, joining you in a peaceful slumber.
you spent the next couple days attached to josh like you two were conjoined at the hip. he was constantly there for your every need, whether that be for water, food, painkillers, anything.
you were healing up nicely. sure, you were still in pain, but it was significantly less than what it originally was. having josh by your side helped a lot.
you two were laying in his bed, when the painkillers sort of wore off. you winced.
“you okay?” he asked, concern in his voice.
“yeah, just hurts a bit.” you responded.
“you need anything? i can get it.” he offered.
“no, josh, really, it’s fine.” josh had been there for you at your every need, you were starting to feel bad. it felt like he was being a servant for you.
“i don’t want you to be in pain though.” he looked lost in thought. it looked like he wanted to say something.
“is there something on your mind, josh?” you asked.
“uh..uh, kind of. you ever have something on your mind but you don’t wanna say it because you don’t know if it’ll ruin something but you really don’t know what reaction you’ll get-” he started to talk faster and faster as he talked more and more.
“josh, we’ve known each other for what, how many years? we’ve talked about anything and everything. you can talk to me.” you propped yourself up to look at him.
he looked nervous. well, he always looked nervous. this time, however, he looked super nervous. something was on his mind.
"i was just gonna say, um, that, uh, i know a way to make you feel better...but, uh, it's kinda weird...yeah." he started stammering over his words.
"what is it, josh?" you asked. did he just bite his lip?
"i...i could make you...y'know..." he looked from your face down to your body, back up to you.
"make me what?" your heart started beating ever so slightly faster. might he be alluding to...?
"i...i could make you...make you cum. i know it's not a painkiller or anything, but it might take your mind off stuff. it's stupid, i..i should stop talking now. i shouldn't have said that. it's stupid. i'm sorry-"
you cut him off by putting your hand gently under his jaw and kissing him passionately. you started to grasp at his hair, holding it in fistfulls.
once your lips disconnected, you started breathing heavily. "josh, i'd love that. please. really." you never thought he'd ever ask you to do anything like this.
"really? am i dreaming?" he asked, rubbing your forearm gently.
"no. please, josh. make me feel good." you pleaded. now that the idea was out there, you were dead set on this. you didn't want anyone but him.
he got on top of you, starting to kiss your lips, your cheeks, your jawline, your neck. everything. it felt perfect. you could already feel your focus on your pain being subsided to this.
he lowered himself, settling in between your thighs, rubbing your hips. he held the ends of your shirt.
"can...can i see how it's doing first? just to check? don't wanna make it worse." he played with the hem of your shirt.
"yeah, yes. do it." you responded.
he lifted up your shirt to your ribcages, examining your bandages. it still looked pretty nasty, but it had certainly healed a lot since a few days ago.
"fuck...i'm still so, so sorry. i really am." he started to get a bit teary eyed while tenderly rubbing the skin by your bandages, careful to not get too close to where it would hurt.
"josh, really, it's okay. it happens. please. i don't want you to feel bad about this. it really is okay." you scratched at his hair.
"okay, okay...m'sorry. lemme make it up to you." he pressed a kiss to your stomach as he unzipped your shorts. he pulled them down slowly, not wanting to make your body jolt or be in any more pain that it was already in. he lost his breath, looking at you in just your shirt and panties. he still couldn't believe it.
"you...you okay?" you asked.
"y-yeah. i'm great. just...can't believe this is happening. you're so beautiful." he lay his head on one of your thighs, giving it a light kiss. that made you shudder. you didn't realize your thighs were that sensitive.
"thank you, thank you..." you started to mumble, becoming a bit nervous.
josh sensed your nerves. "you know, you don't have to let me do this, if you don't want me to. i know it's very up and personal."
"no, i really do, it's just...i'm just...nervous, is all. just...go slow please." you asked.
he played with the hems of your panties. "don't worry, i'll go as slow as you need." he pressed a kiss to your hip bones. "would you...would you mind if i took these off?"
"please. take them off." you were starting to get desperate.
he slowly eased them down your legs, getting a glimpse of your glistening pussy. he felt his eyes widen.
"can i...can i make you feel good?" he asked, pressing a kiss on your pubic bone.
"please, josh. want you to make me feel good so badly." you were practically begging at this point.
he lowered his head just a bit, propping himself truly inbetween your thighs, licking a stripe up your slit. you shuddered, new to the sensation. it felt weird, but in a good way.
"that feel okay?" he asked.
"yes, josh, for the love of god, please...more." you begged.
his tongue rested on your clit, rubbing it with the wet muscle. this sent shivers down your spine. it rubbed back and forth on the tiny area. you let out a moan, back starting to arch off the bed.
"shit...feels s'good josh, oh my god." you moaned, him drinking up your moans.
his lips attached themselves around your clit and just sucked. this sent all sorts of waves of pleasure through you. you pulled at his hair as he sucked at your clit. he ran his tongue in circles around the sensitive bud. had he ever done this before?
his tongue ran down your cunt, entering your tight hole with a moan from you. his thumb snuck up to your clit, not giving it a break as he rubbed tight circles around it.
"feels t' good, holy shit..." you were becoming putty in his hands as he tongue fucked you.
"you taste s' fucking good." he moaned into your pussy as his thumb became even faster around your clit, using your slick as lube. "love every part of you, fuck."
it didn't help that he was practically groaning into your cunt as he went down on you, letting out little whimpers and moans into you.
he heard you start to get louder and louder. he knew you were getting close to your release. his head went back up to your clit, giving it even more stimulation.
"josh...so close, oh my god..." your hips were starting to slightly buck up into his mouth.
"i know, pretty girl, not gonna stop until you cum down my fucking throat." he pleaded, urging you as he sopped at your clit, constantly hitting the bundle of nerves. your thighs got tighter around his head.
"i...oh my god...i think i'm gonna..." you started to pant hard, getting lost in the pleasure.
"c'mon. let it out. cum in my mouth. please. make me happy and cum on me. wanna make you feel so fucking good." he said in between licks.
one of them in particular make the tight band forming in your stomach snap, you finally getting that sweet, sweet release as you moan incoherent babbles to josh, as his tongue slowly eased at your cunt.
once you came down from your high, he started to rub little circles around your hips again. "you okay?" he asked.
"fuck...that was really fucking good, josh. oh my god." you panted as he peppered your stomach in kisses.
"good, m' glad." he rubbed the skin close to your bandage. "did i do anything to make it hurt any more?" he asked, worry etching on his eyebrows.
"no, it's all fine...i feel really good right now." you looked down at him, his face a mess of saliva and your slick. that was hot.
"good." he came up a little bit, you getting a peak at his erection standing through his pants.
"do you...do you want me to take care of that?" you asked, alluding to something more.
he caught his breath. "uh..are-are you sure? i know you just...y'know. you sure you want to?"
"please, josh. i want you to fuck me." you had never felt so desperate than you did right now. you needed him.
"i don't know if this is gonna hurt you. if it does, tell me and we're done." he said, getting out of his pants, his erection standing up in his boxers. your eyes widened. you couldn't believe he was going to be inside you.
"thank you josh, i will." you pulled him in to a kiss, your hand traveling down to his boxers, lightly gripping at his clothed cock. he let out a whimper.
"that feel good?" you asked.
"yes, fuck yes that felt good. but this is about you, not me. gonna make you feel good again. promise." he pulled away as he swiped down his boxers, freeing his girthy erection.
he positioned himself, sitting up on his knees, pulling one of your legs over his shoulder, alligning his cock with your dripping cunt. he ran his tip over your clit, you both shuddering.
"i..i'm gonna put it in now, okay?" he asked for permission, hands gently holding onto your hips, careful not to hurt you with the pressure. "i'll go slow, i promise."
"please." you whimpered.
he pressed it at your entrance, his tip slowly going inside you. he let out a shudder as he traced his thumbs back and forth on your thighs, trying to ease your nerves.
"fuck, oh my god. only have the tip in but it feels s' fucking good. you're so tight. fuck." he started to become a whimpering mess.
he slowly pushed his hips forward, entering you even more, at such a slow pace to make sure you weren't in any pain. sure, you had done this before, you told him, but it had been some time since. the last thing he wanted to do was make you hurt down there too.
"put the rest in josh, please." you whimpered.
he obliged, slowly bottoming out. all the sensations hit him at once: your tight, sopping cunt squeezing his cock. he knew he wouldn't last long.
"god, you're so tight, holy shit, feels so fucking good." he wailed, praising you as he caressed your hips. "you good?"
you nodded. you felt so full, it felt amazing. he looked at you with care and concern, like you were the only person in the world right then. it was perfect. he was doing all this for you.
"please start moving. feels good." you pleaded.
he nodded furiously, taking an experimental thrust into you, to which you both moaned out to. he was constantly letting out strings of "oh god" and "fuck" into the room as he started to grip your thigh.
he started to get into a motion, him pistoning in and out of you at a quick pace. your tight gummy walls pulled him in with every thrust, his cock hitting every sensitive spot inside you with every thrust.
"oh my god, you feel so good. love this pussy so much, holy shit." he was practically worshipping you at this point as his hips drove into yours, you letting out moans in response.
one of his hands found itself at your cunt, his thumb starting to bully your clit in tight circles, you letting out a loud moan in response.
"josh, getting close, oh my god. fuck!" you pleaded for him. his thumb around your clit started to move even faster as his hips drove into you, hitting every spot.
"gonna cum soon, please cum with me." he pleaded in between moans, hips moving even faster. you broke down into a moaning mess as you felt another orgasm coming.
"you're so hot, holy shit. wanna fuck you like this forever. wanna get lost in this pussy. please. want you to come on my cock over and over again. shit." he let out rambles as he started to reach his peak.
these words let you to your second orgasm, your cunt becoming even tighter around his cock as you moaned as loud as possible, yelling his name. your cunt squeezing him made him come undone, cumming inside you.
he kept thrusting into you, riding out both of your highs, until you came down. he put your leg down, him slowly pulling out and laying down on you, being careful to not lay down on your bandage.
"that...that felt so good josh, oh my god." you started to play with his hair and rubbing his back.
"good. m' glad. i really wanted to make you feel good." his head lay on one of your breasts, paying attention to your breathing pattern.
"you..you really helped. i feel really good right now. thank you." you squeezed him into a hug.
he put one of his arms around you, enjoying the warmth of your body. "i'll always be here for you, i owe it to you. i'll stick bt your side, no matter what.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
a/n: womp womp sry if that was kinda mid (im a loser if u couldnt tell)
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agaypanic · 1 year
OMG CAN I REQUEST Soemthing?! so imagine rory keaner x reader but reader is friends or related to benny in some way and she also practices magic like benny does and she thinks rory being a vampire is so cool but he thinks her being a wizard is so cool and its just 2 dorks silently in love but maybe reader is accidentally a little cold to rory so theres a miscommunication of sorts? sorry if I worded this weird
Rory Keaner With Benny's Spellcaster Sister Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: i was planning to do an actual fic but i had no idea how to start it so im doing headcanons instead, hope that’s ok
Being Benny’s little sister, you’ve known Rory as long as Benny has
You had always been the little sister that had a crush on her brother’s best friend
As you’ve all grown up, you learned how to hide the big crush you had on the blonde boy
You lay in bed, trying to shake all the exhaustion from school off when there was a knock on the door. You groaned before grumbling that the person could come in and rolling over to see who it was.
“Hey, the guys are gonna come over in like an hour.” Your brother Benny said, leaning on the door frame.
“Okay.” You rolled back over, expecting him to leave. Not hearing the door close, you were ready to yell at Benny for not closing it when he left, just to find that he was still in your room. Begrudgingly, you sat up and looked up at him. “Anything else, Benny?”
“Yeah, could you maybe…” Benny sighed, taking a seat on the side of your bed. “Could you maybe not be so weird around Rory?”
You laughed, hoping that the heat rising to your cheeks from the mention of him wasn’t evident.
“What are you talking about?”
“Come on, Y/n.” Benny rolled his eyes. “You know what I’m talking about. Every time you see him, you practically avoid him like he’s the plague.”
“Nuh-uh.” He raised his brow, looking at you with a look that said he wasn’t buying it. You sighed, leaning back on your headboard. “I don’t really see why it’s any of your business.”
“Because I don’t know why, but he gets sad whenever he sees you leave. He probably thinks you hate him or something.”
“I don’t hate Rory, Benny.”
“Yeah, I know that. Believe me, I know that.” Benny got up and went to leave. You yelled at him to come back to close your door, but he didn’t answer or sound like he was coming back. Grumbling about what a brat he was, you finally got out of bed. But before you could close the door, Benny’s face popped out from behind it. “But I don’t think Rory knows.”
Yea, maybe avoiding Rory wasn’t the best idea, especially since he was always around
When Rory became a vampire and you and Benny found out you can do magic, things changed
He just became even more attractive to you; you didn’t think that was possible
“It’s honestly messed up that vampire venom makes you good-looking.” You muttered to Erica and Sarah while you grabbed some books from your locker, looking down the hall. “He already had that cute dorky look, and now he’s a hot dork.”
“Can I pretend we’re talking about someone who’s not Rory?” Erica asked. “Someone who’s actually hot.” You ignored her, still focusing on Rory, who was talking enthusiastically to Benny and Ethan.
“When he smiles, he doesn’t even try to hide his fangs. It’s so cool.”
“And dangerous.” Sarah reminded. “If people find out what he or we are, there’s no telling what they’ll do to us.”
“He’s so pretty when he smiles.” You shut your locker and leaned against it, still watching it. “What do you think they’re talking about?”
“Probably having a dork-off,” Erica responded before walking away.
Unbeknownst to you, Rory thought the same thing about you and your magic
It made Benny sick, the way Rory always talked about you
“She’s so cool, guys! She’s, like, so good at magic.”
“I’m better.” Benny sneered, but Rory just brushed him off.
“And she’s pretty. I mean, Y/n was always pretty. But there’s something about her taking down a demon or something with some magic that makes her even prettier!” Rory looked down the hall at you, watching you talk to Erica and Sarah with a dreamy smile. “It’s like she cast a spell on me, man.”
“Rory, you’ve gotta shut up about my sister.”
“Aw, come on, Benny. They’re in love.” Ethan teased, making Benny groan and Rory widen his grin.
“Yeah, Benny. Who can deny the Ror-ster?”
“For the good of my sanity, hopefully Y/n.”
As if you could ever deny Rory of anything
Sometimes you still avoided him because you were scared of embarrassing yourself or something
You did it way less than you did when you were younger, but Rory still noticed every time you did
Eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore
Ethan had everyone over at his house to play some games, a usual occurrence. Especially when his parents were out for the night. On the agenda for tonight was pizza, popcorn, and Clue.
“I call Plum!” Rory yelled from the kitchen while his popcorn cooked. You took the purple piece out, setting it on the table close to where he usually sat. 
“As if you could be a professor.” Erica joked, grabbing the red piece to be Ms. Scarlet.
“To be fair, it’s an alias.” Ethan reminded, taking a bite of his pizza before shuffling the cards.
“Yeah, but we all saw the movie,” Rory said, returning to the living room with a fresh bowl of popcorn. “He was a therapist or something. That’s close to a professor, right?”
“Not really, Rory.” For some reason, instead of sitting in his regular spot, Rory made his way to you and sat next to you on the couch. Almost instantly, you stood up, deciding to go to the kitchen to get food so you wouldn’t just be standing for no reason. You glanced behind you and saw Rory’s eyes following your movements, looking a bit dejected. When you came back, you dropped your plate of food on the table. “I, uh, I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick.” Then you sped out of the room and up the stairs.
Sitting on the side of the bathtub, you could’ve hit yourself. You probably just made everything so awkward, running off just because your crush was sitting next to you. And Rory looked so sad; it made you feel horrible. But it’s not like you could explain why sometimes you still ran off when he got close to you.
“It’s fine. It’ll be fine.” You muttered to yourself. “By the time I come back, he’s not gonna care. I’ll go back down, and we’ll have fun, and then me running off won’t even matter.” The pep talk ended with you getting up and leaving the bathroom. Walking down the hall, you were startled by someone popping up on the stairs. “Oh! Hey, Rory.”
“Watcha doing?” You couldn’t just leave; he was blocking you from going too far down the staircase by standing in the middle. 
“Waiting for you,” Rory answered somewhat shyly. “I wanted to ask you about something.” You became nervous, having an idea about what he wanted to know.
It took him a while to muster the courage to ask you his question. 
“Do you not like me or something?” You knew it was coming, but that didn’t take away any of the guilt you felt from hearing his question. The look of confusion and sadness on Rory’s face didn’t help.
“Of course, I like you, Rory.” You laughed nervously, taking a few steps down the stairs. “Why would you think I didn’t?”
“Well, I mean, maybe it’s just my imagination, but I think you keep avoiding me or something. Like, just now, I sat down next to you, and you immediately got up and left.”
“I wanted food.”
“Yeah, but it was like you were repulsed by me, Y/n.”
“Rory, it’s not like that at all.”
“Then what’s it like?”
“I like you, okay!” You slapped your hand over your mouth after you revealed the truth. Luckily, it sounded like the rest of your friends were still talking amongst themselves. Rory stared blankly at you, and you realized it would probably be best to explain further so he’d stopped having that cute, confused look. “God, I think I’ve liked you since we met. But I didn’t know how to handle being around you without overthinking, so I’d avoid you. And then, when we all got our powers or whatever, I liked you even more, but I knew I couldn’t keep avoiding you. I guess that old habits die hard, though.”
Rory still stared, trying to register your words, and you felt like throwing up. You ruined everything more than you thought you could have. You should’ve just lied, saying it was something else keeping you away from Rory and not the fact that you had the biggest crush on him. You’d never recover from this. You’d have to run away from Whitechapel and start a new life.
But then Rory started to smile up at you. That pretty smile with those pearly white fangs.
“You like me?” He asked in a quiet but elated voice. You nodded, and he laughed in relief. “Dude, I’ve had a crush on you for years! It made me, like, miserable whenever you’d run away or not talk to me.”
“I’m so sorry, Rory.” You said, stepping down until you were standing on the step above him, now matching heights. Rory touched your waist, suddenly feeling much closer than a second ago.
“Well, at least you’re not running away now.” He grinned, and you mirrored his expression before leaning into him. His smile faded away so he could kiss you properly. His arms wrapped around you while yours went around his neck, bringing each other closer. “You’re my favorite spellcaster,” Rory whispered against your lips.
“You’re my favorite vampire.” You whispered back before kissing him again.
“And you two are my least favorite people right now.” Benny startled you, clearly disgusted by the sight in front of him. The rest of your friends followed behind him, stopping to look at you with faces that ranged from disgusted to amused.
“Looks like it’s Professor Plum and Mrs. Peacock making out on the staircase.” Sarah laughed lightly, then harder at Ethan and Benny’s expressions. They were both disturbed and grossed out: Benny for watching his little sister kiss one of his best friends and Ethan for having to see two of his friends make out on his staircase.
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raisedbythetv89 · 1 year
No, but like…FAMOUSLY not just in Buffy, but every universe that has spells and magic, real love CANNOT be manufactured or duplicated by magic. Only twisted obsession/infatuation like what we see in Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered.
But in “Something Blue” Buffy literally says once the spell is over and she’s talking to Willow “I loved him, we were betrothed” in a spell whose specifications had only to do with marriage which would only change them from being enemies to allies, which then allowed all their suppressed and ignored feelings to come to the surface that they could NOT act on before when the other person was supposed to bring about their death.
And I’m not saying full deep romantic season 7 and beyond love but they clearly CARE about each other and are extremely attracted to each other, in lust if you will…and must have been for a while. Giving SO MUCH credence to neither of them ever succeeding at killing each other because deep down they genuinely never wanted to. (yeah yeah plot armor but so much of the time when one of them got away it was really WAY too easy like they could have at least made it so both of them were always just BARELY getting away by the skin of their teeth instead of how many times one of them really just lets the other go after exchanging a few punches like 😹 they weren’t even TRYING after a while and to me “Something Blue” proves it’s because they do not want to kill each other because they are crushing SO HARD. Because also in season 2 when they make the truce literally FIVE MINUTES LATER Buffy leaves Spike alone with her mother while she’s on the phone. The amount of trust that demonstrates is actually insane especially when you combine it with the fact that Buffy doesn’t do a disinvite spell after he leaves town OR comes back in season 3 & 4. And plot armor or not, them never killing each other becomes part of the lore and informs the motivation of the characters because that’s just how fiction works! 🤷🏼‍♀️)
I mean just look at these two love sick idiots
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I MEAN….Buffy’s face when her immortal and extremely durable vampire just gets tossed across the room?? She goes into slayer overdrive, swiftly taking care of the two demons she was fighting to run over and check on him exactly like she does so many times in season 7 because that’s her vampire!!!
We see them so happy and in love - literally the happiest we’ve ever seen Buffy and then the show tries to tell us “it wasn’t even nice” because what? They bickered?? You mean they actually SAID what was on their minds and talked about it and then comforted the other when they were sad instead of bottling it all up or being evasive of topics that would cause fights and Buffy would tell Spike lovingly to shut up when he was being dumb??? OH NO THE HORROR!!
And what really is the cherry on top for me is the “wind beneath my wings” bit because Buffy blames the spell while her body language and face clearly says it was NOT the spell, that was all Buffy. Which opens the door for us to question just how much was what we saw because of the spell’s influence vs the real Spike and Buffy just completely uninhibited by their status of an engaged couple???
Especially when this supposed engagement to a “bad boy” who was helpful to her watcher, extremely caring and loving towards her in front of all her friends and when xander says something mean spike is SO HURT and he’s like “that’s it! You’re off the usher list!” Like oh yes THE BIG BAD INDEED 💀 but Buffy claims being engaged to a Spike “gets her over her bad boy thing because it wasn’t even nice” ….. GURL you are running for the hills to seemingly “normal” captain cardboard because you LOVED being engaged to the slayer of slayers and that scared the absolute shit out of you and you were like I need to do something to convince myself I’m normal and not the kind of girl who would be into Spike IMMEDIATELY 💀 and then avoids Spike for the next several episodes while Spike is always asking where she is for Buffy to achieve maximum avoidant/suppression of feelings possible 😹😹😹
And the way Spike NEVER teases her about it afterwards like he did with the “wind beneath my wings” bit at the end of the episode to me is so telling of the importance it held for him too that he never used everything he must have learned about her at that time or never even taunted Riley about the fact that the Slayer was all over him when her and Riley had first started dating because let’s be honest that would be SUCH a Spike thing to do. Like???? They have been so into and conflicted about each other for a LONGGG time and I honestly cannot be convinced otherwise 😹
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skylarstark4826 · 7 months
Layla loved to love.
She didn't like negative things. It had been bred into her, really, to not like negative things. She'd been raised with an abundance of pets, most of them rescued by her "veterinarian" mother. She'd always felt connected to the earth and earth-like things (especially trees), and her parents had been involved in charities and belief groups for as long as she could remember. She'd built houses for Habitat for Humanity, volunteered at humane societies, rallied in front of the court house, petitioned.
Her normal father was no slacker, keeping right up with her mother. He'd taken her to yoga classes and interesting pro-peace lectures, and helped her make stuff out of recycled material.
But Layla couldn't help feeling horrible things whenever she was around Will lately.
It started out as a little bit of jealousy, and she waved it away as a natural part of being a teenager; hormones, and all that. The way Will looked at Gwen certainly wasn't the way he looked at her, but oh well. That was just hormones too.
Then it grew into resentment. Will was ignoring her, ignoring their friends. He wouldn't even answer his phoneanymore, and she could hear him in the background when Mrs. Stronghold answered, telling her to tell Layla some excuse as to why he couldn't talk.
Anger mixed in with the resentment, sizzling it's way into her blood and making her see red. It left no room for sadness that a friendship that had lasted over a decade was ending.
In fact, it left her wanting to do something that non-angry Layla would've blanched at; speeding the break along and watching Will hurt the way she was hurting.
Her gaze fell on Warren Peace in the cafeteria. He stalked over to his usual seat all alone, and Layla couldn't help but feel a little compassion for him. People tended to avoid him, even the girls swooning from afar.
A little idea started to form in Layla's mind, but she pushed it and the tingling feeling in the pit of her stomach away when Magenta sat down and started babbling about some stupid lesson of Mr. Boy's.
Still, Layla wasn't one to cut someone from her life without giving them a chance. She'd ask Will to meet her tonight at the Paper Lantern.
It was his last chance.
After seventeen tries, she finally got through to his cell phone.
After several phone calls to Magenta, Layla decided on an outfit.
She was officially not getting dressed up for Will Stronghold.
He didn't deserve it.
She threw on one of her favorite shirts, the one with the white sleeves, and a pair of jeans, some flats, and marched out the door.
(She might've also taken a few deep meditation breaths, but no one had to know that).
Sitting in a booth alone at the Paper Lantern an hour later, though, the fury was back with a vengeance.
Layla focused on the flower in front of her, reached out to it with her power. Felt its cells and its potential, then wilted it down.
How had things come to this? Will was her best friend in the entire world. They'd told each other everything. He'd beaten Terrence Xavier up in the seventh grade when he'd went too far in a game of Seventh Heaven at a party, and Layla had done Will's science projects pretty much every year. Their parents held cookouts together, they had more photo albums filled than they could count.
Going to Sky High together had been the next step. The next great adventure. Instead, it seemed more like the unsatisfying, anticlimactic ending to a very long novel.
"Still workin' on that?"
The voice startled her, and she looked up, hoping it was Will, come to apologize and grovel with a sheepish smile.
Instead, it was Warren Peace. Layla tried to keep the shock off her face and failed.
Warren didn't seem to be faring much better, though, and she took comfort from that.
"Hey," Layla said, because what else were you supposed to do when your best friend/ secret crush's arch enemy comes up to you as a server in your favorite restaurant?
(And when had he started working here, anyway?)
He didn't seem to be in a particularly arch-enemy-ish mood, however. "Hey."
Layla sensed the potential for awkward silence, so she added, "We go to school together."
He nodded, feeling the awkwardness as much as she did. "You're Stronghold's friend."
Layla scowled, unable to keep her anger contained. She looked back down at the table, made the flower wilt a little more. "Not for long."
Warren rose an eyebrow at that, then looked away. "Yeah… So… Uh…. Want me to heat that up for ya?"
Layla looked up, more shocked than she should've been at his casual mention of powers. "You're not supposed to use your powers outside of school!"
Warren snorted and leaned in close, stage whispering, "I was only going to stick it in the microwave."
Layla's eyes were looking straight into his, and she felt as though she were falling forward, deep into them. She blushed crimson and leaned back quickly. "Oh."
Warren smirked, and boom, the tingling was back.
"Um, I was, um, supposed to be meeting Will here, but…" The next words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. She remembered the way everyone avoided him, the way he sat alone everyday. "You wanna sit down?"
She offered him a small, happy Layla smile. She wasn't feeling very much like herself, but she figured it was the least she could do.
Warren blinked at her once, then hesitantly glanced back at his boss. Layla followed his eyes, noticed how tired he looked.
Poor kid, she thought, he must work hard. 
For a second, she felt normal again.
"I guess they can spare me a minute," he sighed, and sat down across from her.
His knees touched hers under the table, and he froze for a second before relaxing and looking her in the eye. Then he smiled, really truly smiled, and snapped his fingers.
A small blaze appeared, and Layla watched his finger mesmerized as he touched it to the candle in the center of the table and lit it. He smirked again.
Layla giggled a little, completely forgetting that she had just reminded him not to use his powers in public.
She didn't have enough fingers to count the number of girls who would keel over of jealousy right now if they saw her. The thought made her head spin in a good sort of way.
"So Stronghold ditched ya?" Warren asked casually, leaning forward as though he were actually interested.
"Yeah. He's been… a jerk lately." Layla bit her tongue, holding back all the things she wanted to say. Most of them were rather colorful, and they weren't words peaceful, loving people like herself were supposed to know, out long use.
Warren seemed to sense this. "Don't hold back. Call him what you want to." He grinned. "I promise you won't corrupt me."
Layla ran her eyes over his broad shoulders and muscular arms, lingered her gaze on his lips and that smirk…His flame tattoos on his wrists. No, she wouldn't corrupt him.
"He's been a complete and utter…" Would she do it? Ah, what the hell. "Ass! A total asshole!"
Warren grinned, actually seeming amused. "Ha! Wow. Never though I'd hear Hippy cuss. I'm proud."
Layla smiled a little and shrugged, looking down. Cussing wouldn't solve this issue with Will.
But it did make her feel better.
"So why'd he ditch you? I mean, I always figured he was a few tools short of the whole shed, but…"
Layla caught the offhand compliment and decided to smile a little more. Just because he was Will's arch enemy doesn't mean he had to be hers, too. "He's probably off with Gwen."
Warren didn't miss the bitter anger in her voice. "I would say green isn't a pretty color, but that's pretty much all you wear."
Something inside of Layla snapped.
"Damn it, I am not jealous!" She slapped her hand down on the table and it instantly stung, but she didn't care. "I'm mad! No, I'm furious! Will has been my best friend since we were in diapers, and now we go to a new school and he sees one pretty- well, okay, perfect- girl, and all of it's down the drain? I mean, what the fuck. This is ridiculous, I don't even know why I'm still here."
"Geez, Hippy, take one of your chill pills would ya? There are other customers in here." Warren looked around with eyes as wide as the plates in front of them.
Layla instantly froze, coming back to herself.
Oh no. Oh, what had she done?
She'd snapped at Warren when she'd wanted to make friends. She'd chosen anger instead of compassion and reason, and she'd had a total hissy fit in front of everyone, and the words she'd said had left a dirty taste in her mouth.
She'd wilted a flower, something she hadn't done since she was a toddler and had had temper tantrums, sucking life out of everything before she'd been old enough to realize how completely wrong that was.
"Oh my God." She breathed, eyes filling with tears.
She would not add crying to her list of failings though, she determined. She choked them back.
She reached out for the flower again, growing it taller than it had been before, blooming beautifully, and she felt a little better.
Warren watched her silently, letting her have her private meltdown. "You okay?"
"Um, yeah. God, Warren, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- I mean, I-" Layla stuttered unable to get the words out. She had no clue what to say.
"Just stop. Wait here." Warren directed, getting to his feet.
She sank back into the booth, doing as he said.
"Come on," he said a few minutes later. His apron was gone and his hair was fixed, tied back neater this time. He had his leather jacket swung over his shoulder.
"Where are we going?" She asked.
"I'm taking you home," he said.
She nodded slowly and followed him out of the restaurant, leaving a ten on the table.
"Normally I'd ride my bike, but I don't think we're quite to that level yet." He smirked.
"You have a motorcycle. Why am I not surprised? That's very cliché you know." Layla teased, managing a tiny smile.
"Oh please. I'm the only one around here that can really pull it off." He joked back, bumping her with his shoulder.
For some reason, her stomach dropped and hit the sidewalk. She grinned.
"That's more like it," he said quietly, and Layla's heart beat faster.
She averted her gaze and cleared her throat. "I really am sorry," she went on. "About that. That is not me, not at all."
"I know." Warren said simply. "So. Will is with Gwen, and now you're in agony because you're in love with him."
Layla's mouth dropped open with a little pop. "I am not in love with Will Stronghold!"
At Warren's dubious look she persisted, "I'm not!"
"You have to be at least crushing. It's incredibly obvious." He rolled his eyes.
"Crushing I can admit to." She conceded.
"So why don't you just ask him to Homecoming and get it over with?" Warren asked, turning a corner easily with her.
It was dark out, and normally Layla walked fast through the dark. She didn't like it much. But with Warren she felt… secure. Safe. Nothing would hurt her here in the dark with him right beside her.
She ignored the Stronghold house when they passed it. Didn't even glance in that direction, just kept walking.
"Two problems: Gwen, and also his stuck up attitude here lately. He won't even answer my calls, out long acknowledge me in person." Her voice grew quieter and she focused on the cracked pavement, the hurt and sadness finally settling in.
She was really losing Will. Her best friend in the entire world.
"Stronghold really is an idiot," Warren said, huffing on her behalf. "Alright, Hippy. Just ask him. Get to the bus stop early tomorrow if you have to. I'm assuming he's been avoiding you there, too?"
Layla nodded.
"See. If you get there early, there's no way for him to ignore you. Ask him to the dance then."
He pulled a fortune cookie out of his pocket and broke it open, popping a piece in his mouth. "Besides," he said as he chewed, "To let true love remain unspoken is the quickest route to a heavy heart."
Layla stared at him, almost walking into a lamp post.
"Wow," she managed to breathe. "That is really deep."
"Yeah," Warren nodded, his lips twitching in amusement. "And your lucky numbers are 4, 16, 5... and 49."
"Oh my God, you read that off a fortune cookie?" Layla laughed, grabbing the little piece of paper from him.
Indeed, that was what it said.
"Doesn't make it any less true," he shrugged.
A little flare of hope swelled up inside her. Maybe this would all be okay. Maybe something was wrong tonight and Will had a really good excuse for not showing up. It had never been like him to just not show up, not even with this Gwen thing.
Glancing over at Warren, she thought that maybe things could work out with him, as well. They could be friends. Layla could see the two of them becoming good friends, even, and maybe he and Will would learn to get along.
She stopped in front of her house and turned to grin her normal happy Layla grin at him. "Thank you. Really. You're actually pretty great when you're not hurling fire at people."
Warren rolled his eyes. "Yeah whatever."
Unable to resist herself, Layla stepped forward and pressed her body against Warren's. She was surprised at how it felt; he was at least six inches taller than her, and his body was smooth and solid whereas Will's had always been a bit… Soft. And short.
He smelled like cinnamon.
After a moment of being stunned, he awkwardly wrapped one arm around her and gave her a little squeeze back. "Step away before I singe you."
"You just have to ruin the moment, don't you?" She sighed, but obediently stepped away.
"Here, give that one to Stronghold tomorrow. Make him feel bad for not being there tonight." He handed her another fortune cookie.
"Okay. Thanks." Layla said again.
"See you at school, then, I guess?" He asked, clearing his throat and stiffening when he saw an older woman that looked a lot like Layla peering out the window.
"Yeah. Bye!" She waved joyfully, wiggling her fingers, and dashed up the walkway and through the front door.
She could still smell him and feel his skin on hers when she shut it behind her. She was tingling all over and there was this feeling in her…
It was want, though what exactly she wanted from Warren Peace she didn't know.
"Layla!" Her mother greeted, smiling in a suggestive sort of way from the living room and putting the blinds back in place. "Who was that gorgeous young man, hm? Should I set another place at dinner tomorrow? I thought you were meeting Will tonight."
Layla blushed. "He's just a friend. I'm really tired, I'm gonna head on up," Layla gestured towards the steps.
"Night honey. Love you!" Her mom said.
"Yeah, night," her dad grunted, not looking up from the Scrabble board. Her younger siblings giggled and chorused their goodnights, focused on their game.
She called Magenta for outfit advice again, giving her as few details about Warren Peace as possible. She certainly doesn't mention that she hugged him. She leaves the wanting feeling out as well, but that doesn't mean it's not there.
Magenta and Layla decided on her short tan skirt, and her green shirt that tucked in and hung loosely off her shoulders.
She looked good, she'd decided this morning. Good enough to ask Will to Homecoming.
That is, if he had a good excuse for not being there last night. If he didn't, then Layla was breaking this off completely. She couldn't put herself through the misery required.
"Layla!" Will called her name, and she turned around. "You'll never guess what happened to me last night!"
The words were right, but the expression and tone were all wrong, and Layla felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, and not the good kind she got when she was talking to Warren last night.
Wordlessly, Layla pulled out the fortune cookie she'd saved and held it out.
"Thanks, I love these," Will took it and bit into it, chewing as he read his fortune. "Your loyalties are clear when it comes to friends."
How incredibly fitting, Layla thought. She was beginning to wonder if Warren had something to do with these.
She just rose her eyebrows and waited.
Will's face fell, but not enough to erase his excitement. Layla felt the knife in her chest dig a little deeper. Oh no. She really was going to have to tell Will they weren't friends anymore.
"Oh God. Oh, geez, Layla, I'm sorry. I got so caught up with Gwen-"
And here came the anger again.
"Gwen? You blew me off for Gwen? You've known her for a few weeks, whereas you've known me for your whole life. I am your best friend, Will, and you've been completely ignoring me for awhile now." Layla tried to keep her voice down. The bus would be here any minute, and they weren't always the only two at this stop.
"I'm sorry, Layla, but she came over and my parents invited her to stay for dinner, what was I supposed to do?" Will pleaded.
"Gee, I dunno, how about mention you already had plans?" Layla hissed back.
She was not going to let him worm his way out of this one. This confrontation had been building for weeks now.
"You know I like Gwen! This was one plan, Layla. I'm really sorry about it, but come on! I'm going with her to Homecoming! Can you believe it? Me, a freshman, going with Gwen Grayson." Will smiled nervously, as though expecting her to start applauding or something.
"Seriously?" Layla asked in a low tone, glaring at him.
Will was quiet for a moment, and then, "Is that what this is about? You're jealous that I have a date and you don't?"
"As a matter of fact, I do have a date." The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. She resisted the urge to bite her lip.
"Oh. Who?" Will asked.
The bus pulled up.
Layla remembered last night and how awful she felt for blowing up like she did, and tried to reign in her temper.
Warren didn't try to control you, she thought to herself. Warren let you be angry.
His name filled the tense air, and she wasn't entirely sure why she did it, but it felt so right and she knew the look on Will's face would be worth it. "Warren Peace."
"Warren Peace?" Will spat the name like it was a dirty word. "Layla, you can't be serious. He's fricking crazy! Not to mention my arch enemy. He hates me. What in the world are you thinking? You can't be thinking at all, not if you're going with him. When did you even start talking to him? No. I refuse to accept this. You're doing this to get back at me, but can't you see that-"
Will had been ranting nonstop since they set foot in the school, and Layla was getting sick of it.
She slammed her locker door, something she never did out of respect for school property, and snapped as loud as she could, "Will, SHUT UP."
The entire student body turned to stare.
Well, no backing out now. "I don't care what you think, I don't care who you're taking to, and I don't care for your incessant whining. What I do is no longer your concern."
That felt good.
Layla left Will (and everyone else) staring after her slack jawed.
That felt good too.
But what felt best was knowing that Warren had walked by as she'd been telling Will off, and the look in his eyes made her flush with pride and more than a little bit of lust.
She had finally figured out what she wanted from Warren Peace.
(It scared the hell out of her.)
"You have to tell Warren." Magenta advised.
They were in the girls bathroom, their daily routine before lunch, reapplying makeup.
"No way. I can just tell Will we cancelled later, if he asks." Layla blinked onto her mascara brush.
"Layla, Will has made a huge deal out of this. All the freshman and most of the seniors already know you're going with him. You can't back out of this." Magenta protested.
"Just tell him today at lunch. I'll be right behind you. We'll all sit at Warren's table today." Magenta left no room for discussion, and Layla sighed, knowing the battle was lost.
She went through the line quickly, grabbing her salad, and with a little prod in the back from Maj, scurried off to sit across from Warren.
Layla was trembling all over, and she didn't know how to make it stop.
"Hi Warren." She said as suave as she possibly could, plopping her tray down and immediately shuffling her lettuce around.
Warren was not pleased. "Did I say this was okay yesterday? Because it's not."
Layla tried for a smile. It always worked. "Haha, you're so funny. But, no, seriously. So, I was just about to ask Will to Homecoming this morning, and wouldn't ya know it, I told him I was going with you instead."
Warren stared at her for a good fifteen seconds and didn't burst into flames. Layla took that as a good sign.
"You're kidding." He said flatly.
Layla shook her head hyperactively, and went back to poking her salad.
Luckily, Magenta chose that moment to sit down next to Layla. "Hey Layla, you finish your homework? Can I copy? I was up all night, waiting for that new CD to come out online."
"What are you doing?" Warren asked threateningly.
Layla trembled harder, but not at the threat. At the growl in his voice.
God, what was wrong with her lately?
"It's called sitting." Magenta shrugged.
"No one sits here but me."
It had never occurred to Layla that Warren might choose to be alone.
Somehow she didn't think he had.
Ethan sat down next. "We're eating with Warren now? I feel so badass."
Warren didn't seem to know whether to keep being offended or pleased at that.
Zach sat down too, wearing a bright yellow shirt today, and playfully bumped against Warren. "This guy bothering you, Magenta?"
"Try the other fucking way around! Would you freaks go away?" Warren pushed Ethan further down the bench. Ethan didn't seem to mind.
"What, do all of you need a date to Homecoming or something?" Ouch. That was a low blow.
"Oh, I do!" Ethan raised his hand like the dork he was.
Magenta rolled her eyes and took Layla's offered homework.
Zach stole a piece of food from Warren when he wasn't looking.
Will walked by with Gwen and stared at Layla.
For once, there were no butterflies in Layla's stomach when Will looked at her. Just a sick feeling.
"Hang on a second Gwen," Will said, shocking everyone. "Layla, can I talk to you?"
Gwen glowered, but let go of Will's arm. He came around to Layla's side and hauled her up by her forearm, gently so as not to hurt her with his super-strength.
Layla shrugged him off and followed him out into the deserted hallway.
"Look. I don't know what's wrong with you lately, but I want it to stop." Will had always had problems being assertive, and this time was no exception. He sounded weak and meager, saying things like that.
"I'm not acting any differently." Layla said nonchalantly.
"Warren's probably having some kind of effect on you, I told you to stay away from him-"
"Warren is a great guy!" Layla defended him, and realized as she said it that he really was. "If you actually took five seconds to talk to him, you might realize that."
Will groaned and ran a hand through his hair, turning away from her. When he turned back around, he took three steps towards her, and she tried not to flinch back.
She didn't know her own best friend anymore. Gwen had taken him and made him a little lap dog, or something.
He was behaving like a mindless jock, and it was driving her nuts.
"Layla, I'm begging you. Break it off."
Layla narrowed her eyes. "No."
"Break it off."
"I said dump him!" Will grabbed her arm, and in his anger, forgot his own strength.
"Oooowwwwwwwwwwww!" Layla wailed, dropping to the ground, and before she knew it, Warren was right there, blazing and furious, throwing Will against the wall hard enough to make a dent.
It didn't really hurt him, and for a moment Will slumped there on the floor, looking in horror at Layla, ignoring the fact that his sleeve and part of his pant leg was on fire.
"Touch her again, and I'll run a stake through you like the goddam marshmallow you are, then roast your puny ass." Warren snarled, then whirled around to face Layla.
Her arm was throbbing and she had a headache from all this drama. All she wanted was to go home and crawl into her bed, burrow into her white sheets and stare up at the fake tree branches that twisted above her head, sprouting from the four posts.
Forget about all of this.
Will jumped to his feet, putting out the tiny flames, and ran back into the cafeteria, back to Gwen no doubt. Layla couldn't find it in herself to care.
Warren crouched down in front of her, tilting her chin up, surprised to find her eyes and cheeks dry.
"You okay?" His voice was soft, caring. It made Layla feel warm and cared for.
"Yeah. He didn't mean it, really, he's super-" She was upset, yes, but she was also Layla Williams, and Layla Williams was nothing if not understanding and forgiving.
"Strong, I know. Doesn't make this okay." Warren grunted, then reached for her arm.
"Don't!" Layla gasped, drawing it away.
Warm brown eyes met stormy gray ones. "I won't hurt you, Layla."
He called me Layla and not Hippy, she thought in a daze, and held out her arm.
His fingers were warm and calloused, touching her gently, rotating her arm and moving her shoulder.
"He could've done a lot more damage." Warren finally determined. "It'll definitely bruise, but it should fade in a week or so. Come on."
He held his hand out, and Layla took it, standing up and following him down the hall.
He led her to the nurse's station, and she was about to protest- she didn't want to get Will in trouble for something that was an accident- but he gestured for her to stop where she was and went in alone.
"Hey Nurse Spex," Warren's voice was light and respectful; it was almost a cheerful greeting.
Layla leaned against the cool wall and listened.
"Mr. Peace. Back for some burn salve again?" Nurse Spex sounded completely at ease around the school bad boy. Almost matronly.
"Nope. Bruise salve and some ice." There was a grin in Warren's voice, but also leftover anger at Will.
"Mhm," Nurse Spex murmured reproachfully. "Don't you send any more kids in here today Warren Peace!"
"No mam, I won't." Some shuffling and then, "Thanks."
"Sure. You're a good boy, Warren. Act like it every now and then."
Warren barked a laugh. "Not a chance."
A moment later he emerged, shutting the door behind him.
"This way," he took Layla's hand, and she let herself be guided out the door and into the sunshine. Warren led her to the grass at the side of the building and sat down underneath a shady tree.
"We're probably not supposed to be out here." Layla bit her lip.
"Probably not. Oh well." Warren muttered distractedly, opening the little jar and swiping the applicant over the white stuff inside it a few times.
He took her arm again and rubbed it on the already-forming bruise.
"Thanks," Layla said quietly.
"I've had a few bruises in my time," he shrugged. "I think the nurse has a thing for me." He winked and Layla laughed.
He wrapped the ice around it next, then leaned against the tree. "Going dress shopping soon?"
Homecoming was not this weekend but next. At least the bruise would be gone by then. "I don't know. Maybe."
Layla hesitated, then added, "I'm sorry about that, by the way. I didn't mean too, it's just that he gets me so worked up and I wasn't thinking."
"Don't give yourself a brain hemorrhage, Hippy. I'll go along with it."
"Mhm. Just don't expect me to rent a tux."
Layla settled on her back and focused on the sun above her and the grass beneath her and the tree near her and Warren.
Within ten minutes she was asleep.
Warren woke her when the final bell rang, and instead of being mad, she yawned and smiled at him.
"Here, keep this. Put it on every night, okay?" He instructed, handing her the salve.
"Sir yes sir." Layla smirked.
"That's Mr. Peace, sir, to you." He leaned in close and whispered in her ear.
Then it was his turn to smirk and Layla shivered.
"Don't think I didn't notice that," he grinned.
Layla felt a rush of desire run down her spine and settle between her legs, and she flushed bright red.
Homecoming would be interesting.
Somehow they settled into a routine.
They'd all sit together at lunch. Warren would harass her friends, and her friends would ignore his threats.
Then in the afternoons, Layla would go to the Paper Lantern and sit until closing time, and Warren would walk her home, then go back to get his bike.
He still hadn't managed to get her to ride it. He was determined to one day, though.
Sometimes they touched, and that was nice too. Turns out Warren was a very physical person once he'd warmed up to you. (No pun intended). He always made sure some part of him was in constant contact with Layla, unless he was working. Their knees touching, leaning against each other in a booth.
Once, Layla had gotten up the nerve to entwine her fingers with his. It had been late one night- the Paper Lantern had been packed, and it was a weekend- and Warren had slid into her booth to take a break from cleanup.
"You look tired." She said, brushing hair back from his face.
"So do you," he noted.
Layla had just shrugged and leaned her head over on his shoulder, heart beating out of her chest.
Her fingers had slid down his thigh, and he shuddered, and her hand found his.
He had glanced down at their joined fingers and took a shaky breath, then looked back at her; their eyes met and they both felt the connection, the pull, lean in lean in lean in…
His boss yelled then, and he jumped back, giving her hand a squeeze before pulling away, looking apologetic. She had simply smiled, and that night he had given her a piggy back ride the whole way home.
They did this for over a week, and on the Tuesday before Homecoming, Warren got off early and they decided to go see a movie later.
Which meant that Layla had to get on The Bike.
She followed Warren behind the restaurant, nervously twisting her hands together. She lost her breath when she saw it, a metal monster sitting there waiting for her.
"Maybe this wasn't a good idea." She began to protest.
"Scared, Hippy?" He taunted her, teeth flashing.
"No." Layla set her jaw.
"Prove it." He tossed a helmet at her, and she caught it, putting it on uncertainly. He put his on as well, swinging one leg over the bike expertly.
Layla's knees almost buckled at the site. Damn he was hot.
(That was another thing. Her reserves about language had almost disappeared. They were just words, after all. No big deal. She was beginning to think that while Warren was an overall good person, his bad habits were contagious).
He patted the space behind him, and Layla's legs propelled her forward without her permission.
She clumsily swung her leg over and slid into place, noticing how incredibly intimate it felt to be pressed up against him, chest-to-back, her hips fitting against his.
The bike roared to life underneath them, and she screeched and buried her face in Warren's shoulder.
He laughed. "Hold on tight, Hippy!"
Layla's main organs were left somewhere far behind her as he sped off, bike engine roaring. Her hair streamed out behind them, glowing red like Warren's fire in the sun, and slowly she began to relax.
They roared through downtown, and out of the corner of her eye she saw Will, Gwen, the Pennys, and some other popular kids hanging out outside an ice cream place, and she saw Will's shocked expression when he recognized her.
The Layla he knew would've never got on a bike like this. But the Will Layla had known would never have betrayed her, and besides, being goody good Layla got boring. She was in high school now; she should be able to have a little fun before she was expected to save the world.
Well, help her hero save the world. Whatever.
"This is so great!" She yelled to Warren over the wind and the bike's roar.
"I knew you'd love it!" He yelled back.
The bike wasn't the only thing Layla was beginning to love.
Warren's mother was small and slender with one of the prettiest faces Layla had ever seen. She was sweet and conversational, and wore pink and cute accessories. She was not what Layla had pictured her to be, but Warren shared the same brown eyes.
"My room's the second door on the right, up the stairs. You can head on up," Warren murmured, and Layla took that as a dismissal and left the kitchen where all three of them were drinking lemonade.
She stayed still on the steps, listening. Layla wasn't one to eavesdrop, but then, she wasn't one to get mad at friends, or cuss, or ride on the back of a motorcycle, either.
"I like her, Warren."
"I'm glad."
"Seriously. She's sweet and charming-"
"And she sorted out my recyclables which I've been meaning to do for ages-"
"And she was wearing the cutest shirt."
"You two would make the most adorable couple! Really, give it a chance, won't you?"
Layla couldn't hold back her grin.
Her and Warren as a couple… The thought made her lick her lips in anticipation.
"Wait…Hang on a second…" Warren muttered, and the next second, his head popped around the corner.
"Ahh!" Layla squeaked and rushed up the steps, Warren right behind her.
"You little sneak!" He roared.
Layla reached his door and went to slam it on him, but he was faster and he knocked it open again. He grabbed her and his fingers found her ticklish sides, then her stomach.
"W-w-warren stop!" She managed around her giggles.
He pulled one hand away and held her tightly cradled against his body. Then a fireball engulfed his free fist and Layla shrieked.
"Warren!" His mother reproached from the doorway, looking very amused. "Don't scare the guests like that!"
"Yeah, don't scare the guests like this!" Layla gasped.
"Never listen in again." He ordered, and let her go.
"Alright, well, you kids be good. I have to go…. Tend to business." Warren's mother excused herself.
Layla glanced around, now having the chance to actually observe the room she was in.
Warren's bed was large, the sheets slightly singed.
He had a desk in one corner, a large bookshelf spanning two walls. There were two windows wide open, letting sunlight in.
She turned towards him and bit her lip, sitting on the edge of his mattress. He leaned against the wall and watched her.
"What time does our movie start?" She asked.
She nodded and kicked off her flip flops, leaned back onto the bed. Warren's eyebrows shot up, and she motioned for him to come to her.
"Lay with me," she invited.
"I don't do the whole cuddling thing," he said stiffly.
"Did I say we were cuddling?" She asked.
They ended up cuddling.
Well, Layla didn't think this really qualified as cuddling, per say. It was more like holding. He was on his back and she was sprawled across him, her head on his shoulder, their stomachs pressed together. She could feel slivers of skin against hers where their shirts had rode up. One of her legs was between his, and he had an arm around her, playing with her hair.
She didn't exactly know how this had happened, but she wasn't about to complain.
They were talking about everything and nothing; Warren's daddy issues, how Warren's name was a pun on War and Peace ("You caught that?" He asked, stunned).
Layla talked about how she felt stereotyped and underestimated. She talked about how hard it was to keep her temper lately, and how concerned it made her.
"You know, a lot of times," Warren said, "When kids come to Sky High, their powers sort of… awaken. They're being used on a daily basis, applied, strengthened. Everything is suddenly a lot more real, a lot more accepted too, so it's not uncommon for some people to lose control for a little while when they're first learning."
That made Layla feel so much better she could've done a dance right there in the middle of the floor.
Then he went on, "And if you're so tired of being stereotyped, stop wearing green so damn much."
She knew he was teasing, but what he said made sense. "Oh yeah? What color should I wear instead, then?"
He studied her a moment, making her body flush and hum.
"Red," he finally said.
She was quiet for a moment, her body thrumming with energy from being this close to Warren.
Then she turned her head to the side to look at him. "Why did you agree to come to Homecoming with me?"
"Why did you tell Will I was your date?" He countered.
"Touché." She mumbled.
After a little while longer, when she'd plucked up her courage, she kissed his cheek, then his jaw.
He rolled his head to the side and brushed her hair out of her face. "We should get going if we're gonna make it to the movie."
Layla tried not to analyze the crushing disappointment in her chest, tried not to stare at his lips, mere inches from hers. "You're right."
The movie the night before had been fun; a lot of crappy affects that Warren made fun of, Layla's favorite male actor to swoon at. (Watching Warren get so jealous he set the popcorn on fire was funny. Watching him try to put it out before smoke detectors went off was even funnier.)
Now it was Wednesday, and Homecoming was Friday, and Layla still didn't have a dress.
She did what she always did. She called Magenta.
"Do my eyes deceive me, or does the caller I.D actually read Layla Williams?" The sarcastic voice at the other end answered.
Layla winced. She'd forgotten to call Magenta last night and let her know how the movie went. "Sorry! I was so tired when I got in!"
"Uh huh. Now dish."
Layla told her all about Warren's mom, all about how they'd laid on his bed and talked, how he'd set the popcorn on fire.
"Why don't you just kiss him already?" Magenta pushed.
"I don't know!" Layla chewed on her lip. "Can we go dress shopping? Please?"
"You don't have one either? Alright, give me ten minutes, I'll be over there. Mom can give us a ride to the mall."
Layla texted Warren to let him know why she wouldn't be at the Paper Lantern.
Stay away from the greens ;) he replied.
She smiled and stuck her phone in her back pocket.
"Mom, Magenta and I are going Homecoming shopping," Layla called into the kitchen.
"Have fun!" She called back. "Hey, do you want to invite Warren over for dinner?"
Oh geez. Layla could just see how that would go. "No, Mom, he has to work!"
"That poor boy is always working," her mother sighed.
"I know." A car horn honked. "Magenta is here."
"Alright, bye! Be good! Remember to thank Magenta's mother!"
"Of course!" Layla nodded and shut the door behind her.
The mall was pretty empty; it was a random Wednesday, after all.
They hit six different stores and couldn't find a thing. Magenta went into Hot Topic, a store that had always intimidated Layla more than a little, and found a cute black and purple, lacey dress.
"Maybe I should try somewhere else, like a small store," Layla worried.
"No… Just try this one," Magenta gestured to a colorful, upbeat store tucked away in the corner.
"I didn't even see that one. Okay, this one and then I'm done," Layla agreed.
There weren't very many people in here, which made searching the racks easy. Magenta held up several green dresses in various shades and styles.
"How about these?"
Layla thumbed through them. "They're all so cute…" And they were. It was just that she didn't want to wear green to Homecoming. She had something to prove, after all, not only to Warren and Will and Gwen, but to herself.
Her eyes fell on it then; it was a tiny little thing, a short, silky, strapless red dress.
"I wanna try this on," she said, grabbing it and headed to the back, where there were curtains drawn around tiny dressing rooms.
"That?" Magenta sounded incredulous.
"Yeah. I'm… trying something new." Layla confirmed. She slipped out of her shirt and jeans and slid the dress over her head.
It conformed to her body like a second skin, and she stared wide eyed at herself in the mirror. She had curves. She'd never noticed before. It didn't clash with her hair, either, like she was expecting. It hit the middle of her thighs, making her legs look longer. With a killer pair of heels, Layla would almost be able to call herself hot.
Imagining the look on Warren's face solidified her decision. This was the one she wanted.
"What do you think?" She asked Magenta, pulling the curtain aside.
Magenta's mouth fell open. "Oh my God."
"Does it look bad?" Delusions all alone in a changing room were very different from the actual thing.
"No. It doesn't look bad at all. You're gorgeous." Magenta stressed the word, scanning Layla from head to toe.
Layla grinned. "Thanks. Can you go look for shoes while I get changed back?"
"Of course. I kinda want a new pair, too." Maj nodded.
Layla put the dress back on it's hanger and put her clothes back on. She found Magenta at the shoe section a few minutes later, comparing different styles of black pumps.
"Peep toe or criss-cross straps?" She asked.
"Peep toe. It's more feminine," Layla advised.
She scanned the rows herself and soon found the perfect pair; they were the exact shade of red as her dress; lace up ankle booties with the same peep toe as Magenta's shoes, and four inch heels.
"Whoa. Those are hot." Magenta nodded her approval. "You gonna get them?"
"Warren's gonna go inferno when he sees you in that."
That's what Layla was hoping.
"Tell me."
"Come on, Hippy, just a hint!"
"Not gonna happen."
"Let me know the color, at least! It's not green, is it?"
Warren had been begging for dress details ever since he'd nonchalantly mentioned it while working and Layla had just smirked. Homecoming was tomorrow night, and she'd decided to keep the dress a secret, wait to see his reaction.
Warren didn't like secrets, apparently.
"I will get this out of you," he threatened as he cleaned his last table for the night. It had been unusually busy for a Thursday night; it was almost nine. Layla was glad her parents weren't normal ones. They didn't believe in silly restrictions such as curfews.
"You can try…" Layla trailed off, unconcerned.
He glared menacingly at her and tore his apron off.
She smiled angelically.
She slipped her fingers into his without even thinking about it, and was reluctant to let them go to get on the bike.
He took it slow and steady, not wild and crazy like the other day, turning corners smoothly and going slow. Layla relaxed and laid her head on his shoulder blade.
They came upon Will's house, and she scoffed when she saw the bright lights and heard the blaring music. Will had never been the type to throw huge parties when his parents were gone.
Another change of Gwen's, no doubt.
"Wanna crash it?" Warren asked, a dare in his voice.
"Sure!" Layla smirked.
He sped up and hit the curb; Layla squeaked, and he parked in the middle of the perfect lawn.
She swung her leg over the side, and took his hand again. The door was already half open, so she let herself in.
Mr. and Mrs. Stronghold were gonna have a cow.
The entire house was messed up; furniture was overturned, there were tons of spills, and some things were broken. Her crystal was being used as light reflectors, and the floors were scuffed. One side of the couch was broken from where Larry the Rock had sat.
Warren looked around in curious disdain. "Shittiest party I've ever been to."
"Ditto," Layla nodded, even though her party going experiences were very limited.
Heroes in training ran around wreaking havoc, and Layla moved forward, looking for Will. She wanted to let him know that what had happened to her arm was forgiven, that she knew it was a mistake. The closest she'd gotten to him since it happened was in passing, dozens of feet away in school halls.
Penny- or one of her copies- closed in on her immediately, and Warren gave her hand a tiny squeeze.
She shot him a grateful smile, and that's when Gwen decided to make her appearance. "What the hell do you think you're doing here?"
"Who invited the sidekick?" Penny called out, and everyone in earshot turned, "oohing" and smirking, like they were better or something.
Layla rolled her eyes. "Where's Will? Tied up on a leash out back?"
"He's avoiding you, actually. Come on, Layla. Will knew you liked him." Gwen looked mean, but mostly she just seemed bored.
Layla noticed with some satisfaction that the pink halter top she wore didn't look nearly as good on her as she probably thought it did. "Did he?"
She felt Warren step closer to her and inconspicuously leaned back against him.
"Uh huh. Obviously he's not interested. He's just too nice a guy to tell you himself." Gwen smiled in a sickly sweet sort of way and tilted her head to the side, twirling her hair.
"He wasn't too nice," one of the Pennys said, "to tell us though. God, he is constantly whining about what an obsessive little bitch you were, calling and trying to make plans all the time."
Okay, that stung a bit.
The whole time they had been friends, had Layla simply been nothing more than a nuisance?
"Whatever," Layla muttered, looking away.
"I mean, take a goddam hint, would ya? He's going to Homecoming with me, he's throwing a party and didn't invite you, and he's too embarrassed to be seen with you at school." Gwen snarled.
"I don't care, alright? Whatever was going on with me and Will- or not going on- is over now, so just back the hell off!" Layla yelled, trying to sidestep Gwen and get out of here. This had been a very bad idea.
Gwen blocked her, glancing at Warren for the first time. "Oh, that's right. Layla's got a new boy toy now. Warren Peace, resident psycho."
She looked back at Layla. "Careful, Layla. You never know when he'll turn evil. Wouldn't want to get too involved with a guy destined to end up like his father; worthless and locked up like an animal."
Warren seemed to sense a change in Layla, and he grabbed her by both forearms, careful to avoid her still-tender spot from Will. "Whoa, Hippy. Calm down."
Gwen snorted. "Like she could do anything."
"You wanna see what I can-" Layla started, then stopped. She took a deep breath like her father had taught her, and turned. "Come on, Warren, let's go. This was stupid."
He slid his hand down her arm to take her hand again and they headed towards the door.
"Layla!" Will called, coming from the kitchen, looking happy to see her.
Layla remembered what Penny had said and glared at him. "Fuck off."
"But, but, I mean," he stuttered.
"Save it." Warren growled, his free hand beginning to ignite.
Will's face hardened. "When did you become such a, a, a bitch Layla? You used to care."
That hurt more than anything else, and Layla turned away, not willing to let him see her face crumple.
"Have fun with Gwen, Stronghold," Warren stormed, throwing the ball of flames, and missing Will's head by an inch on purpose. "You two are perfect for each other; you never did deserve a second of Layla's time."
The door slammed behind them, and Layla stumbled down the porch steps and a few feet away from the house, her tears starting to pick up pace. Her shoulders shuddered and her vision blurred and she couldn't believe that that had just happened.
"Whoa, whoa," Warren said, his voice tender and soft. "Whoa, Layla. Shhh. Calm down." He wrapped his arms around her, not stiff or awkward at all, and she buried her face against his chest.
"I'm so sorry, Warren," she gasped. "I'm so sorry, this was a horrible idea."
"I was the one to suggest crashing, if you remember," he huffed, sounding frustrated with himself. "This was my fault."
"No," Layla shook her head, "it's Will's."
"Layla?" Oh great. The Commander and Jetstream were home.
Warren didn't let her go, and for that she was thankful. She just turned her head to the side.
"Layla, sweetheart, what is going on here?" Mrs. Stronghold asked.
"Will is throwing a party," she sighed.
"Well we can see that. Why? And why are you so upset?" Well, Mr. Stronghold had always been blunt.
"I guess because his prissy little girlfriend asked him to," Warren answered for her, barely contained anger in his eyes.
"You're… You're Barron's boy!" The Commander sounded utterly shocked to find his arch enemy's son in his front yard.
"Yeah." Warren's voice was flat.
Mrs. Stronghold's eyes darted back and forth and she intervened immediately. "Layla, I apologize for whatever Will has done. Warren, it was nice meeting you. Come on, Commander, we've got a son to severely punish." She drug him to the front door, cape fluttering behind her as Mr. Stronghold continued to gape like a fish at Warren, and more specifically, at Warren holding Layla.
"Where are we?" Layla sniffled, arms across her chest. She leaned back against the bike, staring at Warren through the dark. He was about thirty feet away, just gazing at her.
"Come here," he said, his voice husky, and she obeyed, going to stand just a few inches in front of him.
After a second of looking into each other's eyes, a huge circle of fire sprung up around them, about three feet high, thirty feet away in either direction.
Layla gasped, eyes going wide, and Warren smiled.
"When I was little," he began, "around six or seven, when I was finally able to control my powers, my mother and father went to war again. It killed her to do it, because she loved him. Still loves him."
Layla focused solely on him, drinking in every word. He was letting her in, and she wasn't about to pass this up.
"Sometimes, when she thought I wouldn't notice, she'd go lie in bed for hours and not get up. She didn't sob her eyes out, and I almost wished she had, because that would've made sense, ya know? But she just laid there and one tear would come out at a time…" He trailed off, wiping a stray tear off Layla's cheek.
"I couldn't stand it. And I thought I was adding to the problem; I have the same power as my father, and I got to thinking that all the destruction I caused when I lost control made her even more sad. So I came up with a way to show her that fire isn't just destruction, and also make her happy again. Practiced for hours outside, while she laid in bed."
Another ring popped up, burning brighter than the first, and larger, a few inches outside it Layla's eyes flickered to it before returning to the deep brown ones.
"It worked. It made her happy again. I still do it sometimes, when things get really bad." He stepped back a few feet and stripped his shirt off.
Layla's eyes widened, focused on his rippling muscles and smooth skin, imagining what it must feel like, taste like.
She licked her lips.
Warren opened his palms toward her, leaving his hands at his side. Then, after a moment, the fingertips of his right hand began to spark.
The sparks dripped onto the grass and fizzled out, but sometimes they landed on his wrist, and he let these grow. They licked their way up his forearm to his bicep, onto his shoulder. They cascaded down his chest, thin little waterfalls of flame.
Any shirt he could've been wearing would have burned up.
Layla smiled at him, feeling calmer than she had in a long time. He smiled back, and lifted one arm up. A little ball of fire went rolling from his wrist, down his arm, across his shoulders, and down the other arm. He bounced it back and forth, coaxing a laugh from her.
Another ring popped up, then another, closer to where they stood. Layla wasn't scared.
Warren slowly tilted his head back and opened his mouth wide. After a second, a large fountain of fire erupted from him, shooting up to the night sky, and Layla gasped, jumping a little.
Warren could literally breathe fire.
"Oh my God!" She laughed, adrenaline and desire running through her, mixing and making her grow warm in a way that had nothing to do with the flames.
He laughed too at her reaction, then his torso burned brighter, and geysers of flame burst everywhere sporadically, turning different colors and heights, turning everything golden-blue-purple-red-pink-orange. Just not green.
It was the most magical thing Layla had ever experienced, and she wondered how anyone could have ever thought this incredible person would go evil.
"You're amazing," she breathed before she could stop herself.
Warren looked more than a little smug. "I try."
He stopped blazing himself, but the fire all around them kept on. He came back towards her, taking one of her hands in his, palm up.
"Now for the grand finale," he murmured. His eyes met hers. "You have to trust me completely for this to work, alright? You can't freak out."
"What's going to happen?" She asked, anticipation coiling in her stomach.
"You'll see. Pick a color." Layla opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off. "Not green."
"Prejudiced," she grumbled. Then she smiled. "Blue."
"Is that the color of the dress?" He asked.
"You'll have to wait and see," she teased.
He rolled his eyes. "Alright. Blue it is."
A moment later, Layla's hand caught on fire.
She started to yelp and draw her hand away, but Warren held on tight. "I told you not to panic, Hippy. If you freak out, it'll burn you."
Layla relaxed instantly, meeting his eyes again before looking back down at the flame in her hand. It glowed brightly, soaring ten inches, dancing and swaying.
"Pick another color," Warren advised.
"Purple," she said without thinking, and just like that, it changed.
"Oh wow. This is incredible. How are you doing this?" She asked, grinning up at him.
He shrugged. "I dunno. How do you make flowers bloom?"
"Thank you, Warren. So much." She whispered.
He let go of her hand, and the flame went out. Her palm tingled where it had been.
Very slowly, as though he might scare her off, he brushed a piece of hair off her face. He shuffled closer to her, and she thought her heart might beat out of her chest.
He brought his other hand up to cradle her cheek and she nearly whimpered aloud. "Warren…"
"Layla…" he breathed, and then his mouth was on hers and her knees trembled with the effort of holding her up.
His mouth moved gently against hers, and she was surprised at the way they felt; how did such a hard boy have such soft lips?
Her brain stopped working and she acted on pure instinct, moving her lips with his, every inch of her tingling and wanting more.
Her fingers twisted into his black and red hair, pulling him closer, and he grunted in surprise before clutching at her lower back, drawing her to him, parting his lips and rubbing his tongue against her bottom lip.
She opened her mouth gladly, rubbed the tip of her tongue against his and moaned at the feel. He went deeper, his lips as intense and wonderful as the rest of him, kissing her mercilessly. His tongue rubbed against the roof of her mouth, and the place was so sensitive she gasped, pushing herself closer, trying to create friction.
She could feel their powers clashing, trying to find balance, and knew he felt it too. She was dimly aware of the flames around them burning brighter, higher, hotter.
Fire and earth just didn't mix. They weren't even polar opposites; there was nothing there to work with, and Layla could feel both herself and Warren desperately searching for some sort of click, some sort of stability.
And then it came.
Fire was underneath the earth, glowing hot in the core; it was the sun; it was what made life possible. Plants and trees and every other creature flourished. They relied on each other, fed off each other, in a never-ending cycle.
Warren felt it the second Layla did, and clutched her even tighter, breaking their kiss to breathe. She felt his tongue behind her ear, felt his teeth scrape her collarbone. She pressed flurries of kisses to his cheek and jaw and bare chest, any part she could reach.
He lifted her up easily, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, grinning against his mouth before kissing him some more, making sure to flick her tongue against the roof of his mouth in payback. He growled playfully, letting her support herself, tangling his fingers in her hair. She did the same, clenching her legs around him.
She could feel how much he wanted her, and she carefully rubbed her center against him. He groaned and she moaned, and they started touching all over again.
When they finally stopped a thousand lifetimes later, Layla felt dizzy and achy and sated and unsatisfied all at once. Her lips were swollen and her hair was a mess, and she was pretty sure Warren had a hickey where his neck met his shoulder.
She felt amazing.
"I should get you home," he managed, his voice cracking. He ravaged her with his eyes, memorizing the way she looked.
"Probably," she agreed, hating to say the word.
He kissed her again, sweetly this time, and when he dropped her off, he kissed her another time, a little more deeply, with a little more need.
Her mother pounced on her as soon as she was through the door; not because it was past eleven on a school night, but to shriek and ask for all the juicy details. She had seen the last kiss through the window.
Layla smiled at her mother and agreed to some tea; she gave her the footnotes version (because really, the entire evening was just too personal to share), called Magenta and gave her the full version and then some, and then went to bed.
She was in love with Warren Peace, and she'd never been happier.
"Seriously, Layla, stay still! You're lucky you don't have a hickey, I'd never get it covered up." Magenta had come over to Layla's house to get ready for the dance. The school had been buzzing with excitement all day. (Coach Boomer was not happy about having to give his gym over to the decorating committee).
Magenta was trying to do Layla's make up, but Layla was way too keyed up to sit still.
"I can't help it." Layla fidgeted, twirling her silver earring around her finger.
"There. Done. Finally. What do you think?" Magenta asked, pushing Layla towards the mirror.
Layla's hair was pinned back in curls, a few hanging down around her face. Magenta had dusted silvery eye shadow across her lids and worked magic with eyeliner and mascara.
"I think Warren and Zach are two very lucky boys," Layla's mother chimed in from the doorway.
"Thanks Mom," Layla smiled.
"Sure. Now get going! You don't want to be late. Here, take lots of pictures," her mother said, putting the camera in Layla's little clutch bag.
Layla and Magenta got to the school early, but plenty of other students had as well. The silver diamonds hung from the ceiling and the disco ball turned in the dark, making everything look silvery.
Magenta spotted Zach waiting for her at the entrance, and Layla looked around for Warren but he wasn't there yet.
"Do you mind? I'll wait with you if you want," Magenta offered.
"No, go ahead," Layla waved her friend away.
She spotted Mr. Boy working the snack table and went over to him. "Hi, Mr. Boy."
"Layla!" He greeted, smiling. "Want some punch?"
"No thanks," she shook her head.
"Don't worry, the bubbles are just ginger ale!" He said, when a stretchy arm and hand knocked the cup over on to him.
Layla turned to glare at Lash and handed Mr. Boy some napkins. "Don't mind him. He is such a jerk."
"Hope you're not talking about me," Warren said from behind her, and Layla whirled around.
He scanned her from head to toe, slowly, and the appreciative look in his eyes made her beam.
"Red, huh? Nice choice." He complimented.
"I thought you weren't going to rent a tux?" She asked quizzically.
"It was my dad's," he shrugged, "he doesn't have much use for it in solitary."
Layla tried to hide her shock and how much she was touched. She leaned in and pressed her lips against his, and he smiled when she pulled away.
After awhile, when Ethan finally showed up all decked out in orange and they'd socialized enough, Warren pulled Layla over to the corner and kissed her the way she'd been aching for.
His hands were on her hips, his leg parting both of hers-
Dimly, Layla was aware of people clapping and cheering and a bright spotlight…
And his head was tilted in a way that made tasting him so much easier and better and she ran her tongue in between his lips, stroked her hands across his broad shoulders-
"Good evening, first some quick…"
He pulled away from her, ran his tongue across the shell of her ear, made her shudder. "I fucking love what you're wearing." She shivered against him and pulled him back-
"Sorry, sorry, excuse me…"
"I thought you would," she breathed, smiling. His gaze roamed over her again, settling on her cleavage and the shape of her hips-
"A special thank you goes to our guests of honor…"
"Maybe we should just ditch this shindig altogether," Warren groaned when she pushed his shirt and jacket aside to lick at the spot she'd made-
"Most powerful super-being ever to walk the halls of Sky High… Me!"
That got Layla's attention.
She turned just in time to see Gwen Grayson rip at her skirt right there in front of everyone, revealing some sort of robotic getup and a cape. A helmet formed over her head.
"What the fuck?" Warren asked.
Layla silently echoed his sentiments.
What looked like lightning burst from Gwen's fingertips, and out slid signs reading Royal Pain.
Layla's stomach dropped through the floor. Mr. Boy had made them take a test over the most well-known battles known to hero-kind, and one of them included was the battle between Royal Pain, Jetstream, and the Commander. (Another had been the one between Barron Battle and the Commander. Layla had tried to skirt over that one).
A creepy, demented, laughing little elf thing skipped onto the stage, releasing a hatch on the podium and handing Gwen what looked like a giant, clear gun.
"What the hell is going on?" Magenta ran up to Layla, clutching her arm.
"I… I don't know…" Layla stuttered.
Zach and Ethan were right behind Magenta, and together, they moved closer to the refreshment table, closer to exits.
The Commander's voice rang out, filling the gym. "Royal Pain… is a… girl."
"Yes I'm a girl, you idiot." A robotic voice came from Gwen- er, Royal Pain. "Now prepare to be Pacified."
The Commander scoffed, and Layla and Warren shared a confused and worried look. Gwen had really lost it this time. "You really think you can kill me with that thing?"
"My dear Commander, who said anything about killing you?" Royal Pain asked.
And then she pulled the trigger. Energy that looked light lightning shout out and hit the Commander square in the chest. He shrunk immediately, and the sound of a baby crying echoed throughout the gym.
Bursts of more lightning-stuff shot out as Royal Pain aimed at others, hitting adults and students alike. People screamed and panicked, running as fast as they could-
Only to have the exits barricaded by Speed, Lash, and Penny.
"Boomer, get the kids out of he-" the principal started to scream before she was hit, as well.
"Sparky, find an exit," Coach Boomer ordered, addressing Warren. He started to continue, and then he was hit.
"Come on," Warren directed, looking around for a moment before spotting their way out; a vent in the side of the wall.
He held Layla back, and then sent fire hurtling towards it. It fell off easily, and Magenta rushed past them, climbing inside. Layla followed, then Zach, Warren, and Ethan.
They crawled as fast as they could, and Layla tried not to feel self conscious about the way the short dress was clinging to her and the fact that Zach was right behind her.
They twisted and turned, leaving the screams and bursts of light behind. After awhile, they slowed down, and Magenta asked, "Where the hell are we?"
"In a vent?" Zach said in a duh sort of tone.
"Smart ass," Magenta hissed.
Layla stifled an almost hysterical giggle.
"Hey Warren, how about a torch?" Ethan asked.
"Not unless you wanna be barbequed," he grumbled, and Layla could feel his frustration at not being able to help anyone or anything, at feeling powerless.
An eerie green glow filled the shaft, and Layla fell to the side along with Magenta, letting Zach past.
"And then all the reindeer loved him..." Magenta sing-songed, smiling softly at Zach.
"Hey, way to glow man!" Ethan snorted.
Warren came up to Layla, and she reached out and stroked his cheek, squeezed his hand. He huffed, blowing his hair out of his eyes and motioned for her to go on.
Layla was really glad right about now that she wasn't claustrophobic.
"We've gotta get out of these goddam vents," Magenta griped in irritation.
It felt like they'd been crawling for an eternity.
"Head this way," Warren suggested, pointing to a place where the vent let out.
They did, and as soon as Zach reached the metal barrier, it was ripped out of the way.
"Sup, kid?" Layla heard Zach say.
Magenta crawled out after him, and Layla followed, pulling her dress down, but she froze when she saw Will.
He offered her a small, olive branch smile, but Layla didn't return it. He had done too much damage to be forgiven so soon, even under these circumstances.
Warren was right there with her in an instant, throwing a protective arm around her shoulders. Will's face fell a bit.
Ethan fell out of the vent, then popped back up. "Hey, Will."
"You guys are never going to believe this! Gwen-"
"Is Royal Pain's daughter?" Layla asked flatly.
"Yeah! And she-"
"Stole the Pacifier?" Zach chimed in.
"Right, yeah, and she's turned everyone into babies, including your parents, dude." Ethan sighed.
Will looked more than freaked out. "Okay, that I didn't know."
"I think this is more than anyone can handle." Layla groaned, turning and leaning against Warren, closing her eyes.
She loved that she had a safe place to land now.
"No, you guys, we can do this!" Will protested.
"Who, you and Warren? The rest of us are only sidekicks." Magenta hissed, putting an extra bite in her words.
She knew what Will had put Layla through.
Will sighed. "Just because someone has powers doesn't make them a hero. Sometimes it just makes them a jerk. It makes me a jerk."
Layla stiffened and turned around at that. Will pleaded with her with his eyes. "Layla, I'm so sorry. I never meant anything that's happened these last few weeks."
Warren went rigid behind her, and Layla realized that he probably thought she was going to fall into Will's arms now, leave him all alone.
Couldn't he see that she needed him as much as he needed her?
They were fucking co-dependent.
"And in case my homecoming date ends up killing me tonight," Will said, stepping closer, "I just want you to know-"
"No Will." She protested, stepping backwards. Warren looked down at her in shock. "No."
Will's eyes went wide, glancing between her and Warren. "W-what?"
"I said no. I-" Layla cut herself off. What if Warren didn't feel the way she felt, even after all they'd been through? Oh, well, too late now. "I'm in love with Warren, okay?"
"Please tell me you're joking," Will said weakly.
Layla stared up at Warren, gray meeting brown. "No. I'm not joking."
"I love you too," he whispered, and a giddy sort of head rush clouded over Layla's brain because all of this seemed to be happening very fast but it was oh so right, and she reached up to kiss him-
"Isn't that sweet? I hate sweet," Penny snapped from behind them, standing between Lash and Speed.
"You guys are involved in this too? Why am I not surprised?" Will asked, glaring.
"Go take care of Gwen," Warren said darkly, "we'll handle these bitches."
With one last despairing look at Layla, Will ran off, straight through a wall.
Lash reached out, grabbing Magenta by the throat. "Hey there little rat. Hard to transform now, huh? Worthless. You shouldn't have even been allowed into this school."
"Maj!" Zach yelped, reaching out, catching her when Lash let her go. He pulled her back into the air vent, and Layla could hear her gasps and wheezes, and Zach trying to take care of her.
Warren took off his jacket and flamed up instantly. Speed rushed past him and Warren took off, still blazing.
Penny duplicated and came after Layla. She barely had time to see Warren turning the corner and Ethan being grabbed before she branched off into another hallway, her heels clicking on the floor.
Layla burst through the double doors, into the cafeteria.
"Come on, you little sidekick slut," Penny taunted, "aren't ya gonna fight back?"
Layla turned around, pressed against the big glass windows now. "I don't believe in using my powers for violence," she said as calmly as she could managed.
She hoped Warren was alright. She remembered the way Speed had cut off his air supply during Save The Citizen, and fear gripped her.
"I don't believe you even have any powers," Penny smirked.
And then she hit her, right across the mouth. The side of Layla's face erupted in pain as her neck twisted harshly to the side.
"Ha," Penny said cutely, spitefully.
"Big mistake, bitch," Layla said, wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth. It matched her dress.
She felt her powers inside her, lying in wait, and she tapped into them, remembering the forests she'd grown outside her house, the gardens that rivaled royalty's. This was just like that, only anger and not peaceful, creative imagination was fueling her now.
She reached for the ivy outside the windows, felt them grow and coil, and raised her hands up to direct them.
Penny actually stepped back.
A few seconds later, and the enlarged, strengthened vines burst through the windows. Glass shattered and rained down on Layla, cutting into her back and shoulders and legs. They wrapped around each of the Pennys, and tightened until they could barely breathe, out long move.
"I thought you were a sidekick!" One of them called out.
Layla smiled. "I am a sidekick."
She started to turn, to walk away, go find Warren, when another Penny called out, "Don't leave us here to die!"
Layla turned back around.
"Royal Pain is sabotaging the antigravity device!"
"The whole school is going to fall out of the sky!"
"We only have ten minutes!"
Way to totally keep the plan a secret, mutant Barbie.
Layla raced through the halls, ignoring the sting of the glass.
Warren met her back where the halls conjoined, and she raced to him, holding him tight against her. He was safe.
"Hey," he breathed, kissing her and simultaneously picking glass out of her hair and brushing it off her shoulders.
"Come on, there's no time for that. We need to get to Principal Powers' office," Layla grabbed his hand and drug him along behind her.
"What, why?"
"Because we need a map to the antigravity device. Royal Pain sabotaged it, we have ten minutes until we start falling." She summarized.
He started to run.
They hit the door head-on, Warren blasting right through it. They scourged the cabinets and finally found what they were looking for- the internal map of the school.
They found Ethan, and ran back to the vent together. "Zach, Maj!"
They crawled, out, Magenta still seeming shaken. Layla explained once again and laid the map out on the floor.
Warren leaned against the wall, keeping watch, while they tried to come up with a plan.
"Here's the antigravity room," Layla pointed.
"Didn't Royal Pain seal off every route?" Magenta pointed out.
"Hey, what about this?" Ethan pointed.
Zach snorted. "Yeah right, you'd have to be like a rat to fit in there."
Everyone instantly looked at Magenta. She winced and averted her gaze. "Don't use that word."
Zach's eyes widened in understanding and he reached out, drew her to him, kissed her on the forehead. "C'mon, Maj, You're the only one who can do this."
After a moment's hesitation (a moment they didn't have) she nodded.
They'd left Ethan and Zach to direct Magenta, and were trying to find Royal Pain and Will. As much of a jerk as he'd been, he still probably needed help fighting her, and Layla and Warren were the strongest (and only) two.
They followed the sound of fighting back to the gym, which was now empty of people and barricades.
"Will!" Layla called, finding him hovering over top of Gwen/Royal Pain. Had he already won?
Royal Pain repowered and hit him hard, sending him crashing through a window.
Seeing her best friend since first grade go hurtling to his death sent a bolt of terror and grief through Layla. No matter how mad she was at him, she still cared. "No!"
Royal Pain turned around, probably smirking under that stupid helmet. "And there goes your last chance at stopping me."
"We'll see about that," Layla snarled, taking several enraged steps forward. Warren held her back, and she stopped dead when she saw Will outside the window, in midair.
"Surprised?" He called. "Yeah, so am I."
"You're flying?" Royal Pain gasped. "That's impossible."
Will surged forward, grabbing her and carrying her upwards, then dropping her and hitting her as hard as she'd struck him.
Her helmet went flying off and she laid motionless.
For a beat everything was still, and then Will was rushing towards Layla and grabbing her in a bone crushing hug and she didn't protest because a part of him was still her friend and he was alive and Warren was awkwardly clapping him on the back while pulling Layla away-
Layla's stomach and heart dropped and her knees buckled when the floor dropped out from under her.
She shrieked and grabbed onto to Warren, holding tight. "The school is falling!"
"Oh God, if we make it out of this I'm gonna kill Magenta," Warren groaned, gathering Layla to him as best he could.
They could hear Ethan and Zach screaming out in the hall, and Layla felt a scream of her own rising in her own throat-
Just like that, Will was gone.
Layla clutched at Warren, wishing the horrible free-fall-feeling deep inside her would go away.
"Warren," she cried, a sob escaping her. She was more scared than she'd ever been in her entire life.
What if they hit the ground and they all died? What if this was it?
He gritted his teeth and held her tighter, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
And just like that, it was over.
They stopped falling.
Slowly, they started rising. It was almost the same feeling as when you're on the freeway and a big truck goes past, making you feel like you're going backwards.
Black spots danced in front of Layla's vision.
"Oh my God," she whimpered.
"Holy fucking shit, mother of Jesus," Warren gasped, shaking.
Layla was trembling so hard she was practically vibrating.
They laid there on the floor together, until the school stopped moving.
Then Ethan, Zach, and Magenta came running in.
"Took you fucking long enough!" Warren yelled.
"I'm sorry!" Magenta squeaked, her cheeks stained with runny mascara, and Warren softened.
Layla jumped up on legs that felt like jelly and hugged Maj, the two rocking back and forth.
Will came flying back in. "Ron Wilson needs us, but first we should probably take care of Royal Pain and her posse."
They decided to put them all in the detention room until Principal Powers was back to herself and could decide what to do.
They unloaded all the babies, and then stood around awkwardly.
"Um… Now what?" Layla asked.
"Perhaps I could be of assistance," a small voice piped up.
When the science teacher was through explaining, and several people had been returned to their appropriate ages, and Principal Powers was once again the picture of decorum and order, the group stood huddled together, not entirely sure of what to do with themselves.
It had been a long night.
Layla was curled up on Warren's lap. He'd went to the nurse's station to get some Band-Aids and cream for her cuts, and was now patching her up.
"Best doctor ever," she purred against his lips and he grinned.
He stroked her bare thigh absently, sending tingles through her worn-out body.
Zach was holding hands with Magenta, and they were whispering quietly. Ethan was emerging from the de-Pacifying line and looking for another baby.
"I think this belongs to the real heroes," Jetstream suddenly said, and handed the fake trophy down to Layla.
Ethan and Zach grinned, putting their hands on it. Magenta stuck out her finger. Warren just shrugged and kissed Layla on the lips gently.
Her eyelids fluttered shut and he sucked on her upper lip a little before releasing her. She relaxed against him.
"Whatever your teaching them, keep teaching…them…it." The Commander advised Mr. Boy. Jetstream gave him a kiss on the cheek and he flushed crimson.
Will seemed amused, and settled down between Ethan and Zach.
After everyone was back to normal, Principal Powers called all the students and faculty back into the gym. "I think it's only fair we let the students continue their night! School will be out all of next week, however; we need to make repairs."
The assembled teenagers cheered.
The group looked at each other, standing in the back corner. "I really just wanna get out of here," Magenta muttered.
"Me too," Layla nodded.
"I've had enough excitement to last me a long time!" Ethan yawned, rubbing a hand over his face.
"I don't wanna leave you alone," Warren frowned, brushing a curl off of Layla's neck.
"I don't want to leave any of you guys," Zach said.
"I have an idea." Will said. "Layla, is your mom still up for hosting sleepovers?"
Layla smiled slowly. "I think so."
"Hang on," Will held up a finger and then went to his parents. After a few minutes of talking, he came back. "They said they could call all of our parents. They don't think we should be split up after everything that's happened tonight, either."
Looked like they were getting the band back together.
The next morning dawned bright and sunny. Layla was tucked safely underneath Warren's arm, Magenta pressed into her other side. All six of them had slept in the Williams' living room floor, among a mess of a million blankets and pillows.
All the parents had congregated late last night, bringing pajamas and clothes and making sure their kids really were alright. A big barbecue was planned for tonight. Everyone got along smashingly, even Mr. and Mrs. Stronghold and Warren's mom.
Layla's mother was delighted to have a houseful of teens. She was nurturing by nature, and couldn't wait to get to know everyone.
Layla's father had studied Warren intensely and then warned him that if he stepped a toe out of line, he would regret it; Layla had cracked up at the thought of her sweet father threatening someone.
Warren hadn't seem as amused.
Layla and Warren bowed out of the barbecue early that night, escaping on his bike. They went back to his empty house, kissing their way from the driveway to the living room.
Layla's knees pressed into the couch and she leaned against it, allowing his tongue into her mouth, sliding his shirt up and over.
Things were never meant to be slow with the two of them.
Not when they got going like this.
She sighed and traced every contour of his chest with her fingers, down to his stomach, over his arms. He shuddered underneath her.
"I love you," he whispered raggedly.
"I love you," she breathed back, looking up at him in wonder.
If someone had told her a few months ago that this is what she'd be doing and saying to Warren Peace she'd have laughed in their face. Now there was nowhere else she'd rather be in the entire world.
His fingers slid up under her shirt, teasing around her belly button. She moaned and arched her back, kissing down his neck, across his collar bone.
His hand found her butt, squeezed once, then hiked her leg over his hip. She sighed before bringing her mouth back to his.
He picked her up and carried her upstairs to his room. Her shirt got lost somewhere, and then her jeans, and suddenly there was nothing but skin on skin, delicious touches and moans and friction and pleading and ecstasy and pain and declarations of love and tiny bursts of flame moving up and down their entwined bodies.
Outside, the flowers bloomed larger and more stunning than they ever had before.
Layla Williams loved to love Warren Peace.
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kaiandels · 1 year
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HC: ellie being jealous (kind of sfw! cause i see too much of these that are nsfw)
warnings: mentions of the reader being fem, sexual innuendos, and that’s it!
w.n: to avoid confusion, there are 2 seperate scenarios of how Ellie would act whilst jealous. not proofread!
- Ellie would absolutely be the most quiet and nonchalant person ever if she felt even a single hint of jealousy. She would just nod and smile her way through the day even though she genuinely just wants to scream her lungs out.
- Ellie raising her eyebrows everytime you talk to her as that was always her mannerism if she were ever to get jealous.
- “Ah okay.” “Alright.” “Sure.”
- “Look Ellie! aren’t we so cute? She’s kind of the same as you. But she’s a little bit tal-“ Ellie interrupted as her mouth shook violently as she faked a smile. “Yeah! you both look so good together. You should definitely go for her.” You nodded as you skipped your way to your bedroom, admiring the new founded future girlfriend as Ellie thought of new ways on how to grow taller.
- When Ellie met your so-called “future girlfriend” for the first time. She fumed. “Hey bro, it’s nice to meet you.” the other tall brunette said as she reached for Ellie’s hand. Ellie stood frozen, blankly staring at the girl as she observed her features. “Likewise.” Ellie said nonchalantly as she shook the brunette’s hand aggressively.
-Ellie going to Dina to relieve her problems as she felt like her whole world was going to get crushed in half. “She’s fucking amazing. She’s hot?! SHE’S TALLER DINA. How am I supposed to- fuck-“ Ellie said pacing around the room as her cool went lose. “It doesn’t matter. I’m sure that Y/N didn’t like her solely because she looks sexy or attractive.” Ellie shook her head as she looked like a lost pet. She stares at Dina as her eyes widened. “You don’t understand. Dina… If I was fucking feminine as Y/N and I met someone like her I would’ve jumped her ass already!!” Ellie whined as Dina let her laughter control her as it was her first time seeing Ellie in a vulnerable state.
- Ellie would be the type of person to calm down, reassuring herself that her feelings would eventually fade. And the way to do that? yeah, by ignoring you.
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- “Ellie, I just got back home. Me and Jaden had so much fun. We went to this restaurant that you liked and I couldn’t stop thinking about you so I brought home these pastries.” You said as you entered the room with a smile. Your smile eventually faded away as you saw Ellie staring blankly at the TV, not showing a hint of interest. “That’s nice. Just leave them there.” Ellie said as she made sure that she was moving every inch of her body to not lose her cool.
- And especially if Jaden was in you and Ellie’s shared apartment? the tension is radiating that even you weren’t blindsided by it. You left the room to catch some air as the aura began to feel so suffocating. “I know you like her.” Jaden stated as stared blankly at the TV, she wasn’t even watching really. She was just incredibly intimidated by Ellie. Ellie glanced at Jaden, her stare piercing through. “I’m suprised you have the capability to comprehend.” Ellie spat bitterly as Jaden’s eyes snapped at her. “She chose me. Not you.” Ellie was outraged by the comment as she sat still for a moment. “Do you know who gets to see those outfits first?” Ellie smirked as she licked her lips, the image already stuck in her head. “Those skirts she wears. I’m sure you know what i’m talking about.” Jaden’s breath hitched as Ellie was already getting in to her nerves. “Do you know that every article of clothing that she wore for you, was chosen by me?” The air was suffocating as the two were evidently fighting for their dominance. “Do you know who gets to see her put it on? That’s right. Me.” Ellie whispered as her hands folded in to a fist. She needed to occupy her hands, unless she wanted them to land on her face. “I have a question for you then.” Jaden leaned back on the couch, sighing at the smooth texture. Ellie raised her eyebrows as she practically bit the inside of her cheek. “Do you know who takes them off of her? That’s right. Me.” Ellie stood up as Jaden followed. The two women both standing close to eachother, eye to eye. “The fuck did you just say?” Ellie spat as Jaden smiled at her.
- “Ellie. Jaden.” You stated firmly as the two women looked at you in awe. “Jaden, leave. Ellie, do not come in my room ever again.” You turned to your bedroom as you slammed the door shut.
- “Y/N” Ellie slowly opened the door to your bedroom, fully aware that she went against your request. “What did I just say?” Your voice was low and almost incomprehensible. “I like you.” Ellie blurted out. Your mouth agaped as you were dumbfounded by the sudden confession.
- “I know it’s not the right time to tell you this. But I just wanted to tell you why I acted like… that. It was because I had feelings for you, and it was so hard to admit because I didn’t want to ruin anything. And it was selfish of me to ruin it for you too.” Ellie gulped as she felt the cold air that surrounded her suddenly became a little warmer. “I just wished that you would’ve told me sooner.” Your voice broke as your head went fuzzy, you didn’t know how to think. You couldn’t possibly love two women at the same time.“I’m fucking jealous and stupidly insecure.” She admitted as her head hung low.
- “Fuck her and be with me instead.”
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rinatic · 2 years
Call me babe | Nakamoto Yuta
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Pairing: collegestudent!yuta x fem!reader
Genre: college students, popular boy yuta, fluff in the end
Word count: 1700+
Warnings: jealous and protective yuta
A/n: i had a hard time choosing a member for this oneshot, so i decided it's yuta :)
"I hate yuta, i really do."
"Of course you do, sane people hate him."
"Then the rest of the female population in the campus aren't normal."
Your best friend rolls her eyes at the mention of yuta, who you just admitted to hate. While in reality, he was your crush.
As you fix your hair, flicking it over your shoulders. You thought of him. I don't have a crush on him! He's an asshole! He doesn't deserve my time. You tell yourself repeatedly. But the voice in your head keeps coming up and 'corrects' these thoughts. You do love him, you just hate how popular he's with women and you can't do anything about because he's not yours.
And that's a fact.
"Ugh, why is he so handsome? Why does god keeps creating assholes with pretty faces?" Your best friend shots a look in your way through the glass reflection and you continue pretending to fix your clothes and ignore the glare.
Yes, he's handsome, annoyingly handsome. Everyone knows that and there's no denying in that part, but the streak of arrogance and his attitude cancels out the sexiness.
"Handsome or not, he's still an asshole." She says as she applies some mascara.
You kinda felt mad when she said that. Yes he's an asshole, but no one should call him that except me. You thought. You two ledt the bathroom and walked the hallway together.
There he was, standing with the group of trash men he's with everyday. You stare at the back of his head. His perfect long brown hair has passed his ears. You don't think you've seen him with long hair before. Damn, he must look good.
He always looks good. Even if he's wearing the most terrible outfit in the world.
He turns around and you find yourself staring at him, these long brown strands definitely made him become hotter.
To say you two run in different crowds is putting it mildly. And that's what you hate the most. You both are the complete opposites, you have literally nothing in common and that what has been holding you back from opening a conversation with him for a long time, you know you can talk to people with different interests well, but if you talk to him, you feel like you'll look like the biggest loser in the world.
It's not like you have a chance to talk to him anyways, most of the time, he's either with his homies, or with those girls who are always glued to him. And you don't think he would think of you as someone interesting. Because when he finds someone interesting, he talks to them instantly, but you've never even greeted each other. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for him to know you exist and you assure yourself that fine with that.
Even though it hurts a little.
"His hair looks like a mop." She says as she laughs, you curse under my breath. A fake smile appears on your lips. "Yeah, you're right," you lie, cautiously gazing at him. "I can clean this hallway with his hair." I may be mocking his ass but the last thing I want is for him to actually hear me. You thought to yourself.
Yuta looks in your way, his tongue dancing with a lolipop. His eyes meet yours and your body immediately becomes stiff. It's as if time has stopped. He smirks at you before sucking on it, shifting his eyes back to his best friends.
It may sound dramatic, but you actually stopped yourself from unleashing a scream, you felt the urge to scream like a fan just because he gave you that look. If i turn into a whore there’s only one person to blame for it. Him.
You hoped your bestie didn't notice what just happened. You lick your lips as you look at the other way, you waant to avoid him, everytime your eyes meet your feelings become obvious and you don't want that. You don't want anyone to see that, especially your best friend..
..and him.
"I'm so bored." She mutters. "Me too, I'm going to get us coffee." You head to the cafeteria without giving her a chance to reply. Maybe drinking coffee will stop you from daydreaming about him. It became a routine to think about him for a good hour. Damn, i just have a crush on him and i'm like this, what will i do if he was my boyfriend?
The thought actually formed butterflies in your stomach.
You stand up and look at every listed drink. "Hello.." the cashier trailed with a smile as he saw you approaching the counter. "Hi, is the coffee machine working?" You ask, last time you came to get some coffee last week, there was another cashier who told you that it broke. So you decided to ask before ordering.
"Thank god, it wasn't working last time i came." You said. "Sorry about that." You muttered a small 'it's okay'.
"If it wasn't working now, i would've fixed it just for you." He smiled warmly and put his arms on the counted, giving off a friendly vibe. You blushed a little at his words and he giggled. "So cute."
"What would you like to order, cutie?" His smile faded slowly but you didn't notice. "I'll take one small coffee.. and-"
"Make it two."
A deep voice trailed from behind you, it was sunny so you can see a shadow hovering over your body. Turning around. It was none other than nakamoto yuta. His gaze snags on yours as he clears his throat.
"I've been searching for you, babe." His voice is husky and loud. Your heart thuds. Hard. Like it came to a complete and utter stop. How am I still alive? You thought. Swallowing the saliva that bulit up in your mouth. "Fine." You don't know how you managed not to stutter, even though you feel like your knees will betray you any moment.
Why would he call me babe? What game is he playing? You thought. Yeah, yuta is a player that's why you toned down how you feel at the moment, you won't let yourself get excited over it.
Those dark brown eyes of his never leaving you. You're the one who has to look away first. His gaze twists you up inside. So you decided to keep your attention on the cashier.
"Who were you going to buy coffee for?" He asks, he's not looking at you this time. The tone of his voice is much calmer. You don't even know why was aggressive the cashier earlier. You think of a reply as your lips form a straight line. "Why you're asking?" You decided not to tell him that it's for your best friend, you want to know what drove him to ask this question.
"Don't drink anything with him."
He says, straightforwardly and his gaze doesn't meet yours yet. Did he notice him flitting with you? A shiver moves down your spine due to his deep voice but you ignore it. "Why though?"
"Just don't. Don't trust any man here."
"Including you?"
"Except me."
You stop talking and stare at the coffee that is being made. Ignoring the fact that your heart beats loudly like it's going to brust out of your chest. You clear your throat. Why the fuck is time moving so slow? You thought. Even though you like him and acknowledge the effect he has on you. Yuta was now making you grow hotter the more you're standing with him. It became so hot, even though it's currently winter.
You catch a glance of him, he's glaring so hard at the poor boy, you don't want to jump to conclusions, but you couldn't help but think that he's jealous. You try to convince your mind that he's not but that voice in your head keeps hitting you with it.
Finally, he comes with your coffee. Yuta's attention falls on it. "Are you sure you don't want anything else?" The cashier asks warmly. In a second, yuta reaches for your shoulder and glues you to his side, putting his arm protectively on your shoulder without touching you much. His warm embrace warmed you and tge smell of his fresh cologne hit your nostrills. "If my girlfriend wanted something, she would've said." He practically throws the money on the counter.
My girlfriend? God.. he sounded so fucking sexy. your mind fixated on that word.
He drags you softly with him away, as if the cafeteria is a bad place he's protecting you from. You really want an explanation, but there's no time for that, that's what he thinks.
"I could've paid for mine though." You mumble quietly. He takes out his lolipop and takes a sip, ignoring what you said. Then he gives you his and you wonder why, in a moment, he grabs yours and takes a sip of it.
"Hmm, it's safe." He says before you can protest. He smiles at you brightly. Before putting the lolipop in his mouth again, with a smirk, he hands you your drink and steps to the back slowly. "Y/n! Don't forget to call me babe too." He waves at you before rushing back to his friends. You smile at how he called your name. Gosh, he's cute. You thought.
You stand there dumbfounded. Wondering what the hell he meant, as you held your coffee in your other hand, something fell to the ground. You kneel and take it, it's a tiny folded piece of paper. Opening it
"Call me, love 2553-****?" You read what's in it, you slowly proceed everything, resulting in a cute smile appearing on your face, you jump like a kid as you hug the paper to your chest. You stare at the paper for a little and take a sip of the coffee, specifically from the spot he drank from.
You felt guilty because of how you thought of him before, you thought he was the ultimate fuckboy due to the stories othere gossip abouy around which are probably fake. Lots of people are jealous of him so maybe they did portray him as an asshole because of that? He's a sweetheart and it's totally unexpected.
"There you are!" Your best friend walks to you with exhaustion. You brush your thoughts away upon seeing her, hoping she didn't see you with him.
"You're drinking- wait! Y/n!! Where's my coffee?!"
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unicyclehippo · 9 months
one word prompt: lavender
i shouldve brought flowers right?? that would have been polite shit
oooooh it's THAT sort of dinner date
Irritation prickled at the back of Imogen's eyes. She closed them. Imagined irritation and the cruelty that followed it as a vile little bug, imagined plucking out of her brain and squishing it, crushing it in the fist she clenched tight at her side. She wiped her hand on her jeans and messaged Fearne back.
i dont think so, she said, entirely sincere. Laudna was truly unlike anyone she had ever met before, in a way Imogen didn't have the words for. She could say the woman was kind - but Orym was kind, so that wasn't what set her apart. She could say the woman was clever and beautiful - but Fearne was those things as well, and Imogen didn't feel this way about Fearne. Imogen thought that the truth might be very simple - whatever was different about Laudna was different in Imogen as well. Some lonely part of her mind that she had ignored forever was suddenly loud - and she liked it. She liked what it said, how it talked. She liked being able to hear her own thoughts after a lifetime being bombarded with everyone else's. So no, it wasn't a date. Not the way Fearne was suggesting. It was just that Laudna - Doctor Bradbury - was kind and clever and beautiful and she listened to Imogen so intently that Imogen could finally hear herself and someone like that deserved flowers.
She didn't tell Fearne that, of course.
are you at her place yet?
not yet. close, maybe five mins? why? gonna dotdash me a bunch?
no silly just look for a garden its free cant be assed to find the meme but just know. itsfreerealestate.meme
i dont think thats a real image format
no it is
plus!! it's sooo romantic to give a girl just one flower it tells her that she's Singular & beautiful
it tells her that you plucked it out of some random person's yard.
and you did that just for Her c'est tres romantique
so if someone turned up on Your doorstep with one flower they yanked outta someones yard you'd fall head over heels for them
There was a strangely long pause before Fearne replied to Imogen's teasing. When the reply finally came, it was heavy with amusement.
i thought you said it wasn't like that
Imogen scowled down at her phone. She could practically see the coy upturn of Fearne's lip, the mischievous sparkle in her eye like she knew the punchline to the joke life was playing on you and found it funny too.
The screen of her phone went blank and black. In the reflection, she saw her own face - the scowl, the permanent frown creasing between her brows, and somehting new. A hint of colour in her cheeks. It was easier to look into the dull reflection than it had been at Fearne's apartment. Her apartment was so bright. There had been no way to avoid seeing herself, to avoid that pang of discomfort - of irritation. But her phone screen was smudged from handling and the dim light of the train and it was small enough that it couldn't show all her face at once. Imogen tilted it so all she could see was the new spots of colour high on her cheeks.
It wasn't a dinner date. She knew that for sure.
Did she want it to be?
Her phone screen lit up. Despite herself, Imogen smirked down at Fearne's message.
i want a full debrief when u get home ESPECIALLY if u end up "debriefing"
It was a short stroll from the train station to Laudna's apartment. The hill was steep but it was worth the climb when Imogen turned back to face the way she'd come, hands on her hips as she tried to catch her breath, and saw the view. The sky was dull and grey, clouds packed tight together like thin sardines. In between, there were tiny streaks of blue but they were disappearing even as Imogen watched. The sea, though. The sea was wild. They probably didn't have long before the wind that was whipping it into a frenzy hit Emon, bringing with it a decent storm front if she had to guess, but Imogen wasn't afraid; it was awe that held her still. For a moment, she wasn't Doctor Imogen Temult, modern-day archaologist - she was Imogen, a woman standing on the cliffs, watching the churning of the waves and seeing a goddess, her fury, in that power. Stampedes of seafoam horses thundered ahead of the blue-black waves that bore them up onto the rocky shoreline. Ships began to hurry back to the port, appearing and disappearing between the climbing, curling waves. It was reassuring, in a way. Imogen hitched a smile, felt a little of her tension fade. No matter how badly the night went, she had her feet planted solidly on the ground.
Imogen turned and kept walking. The wind began to pick up. A fluttering of purple caught her attention - a different colour to her hair - and she turned to see two large grey-green lavender bushes, shivering in the worsening wind. Imogen stepped toward them and from her belt she took her pocket knife and snipped a few of the flowers, the perfect ones. She tucked them carefully beneath her jacket and hurried past the last few remaining houses that kept her from Laudna.
The gate creaked.
A little ache throbbed behind her eye. This was stupid. The flowers. She shouldn't have taken them.
Imogen dragged in a deep breath. Planted her feet. And knocked on Laudna's door.
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sanccharine · 10 months
10 | spiralling...
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hogwarts au
pairing: hufflepuff!tzuyu x slytherin!reader genre: fluff, slice of life word count: 2.1k
warnings: swearing, mentions of injuries
summary: whether on the field or during class, you never shied away from trouble. and in your sixth year, trouble seemed to follow you like a shadow, though you couldn’t complain. especially when that series of misfortunes led you to the transfiguration prodigy, chou tzuyu. includes: ateez’s san and wooyoung, red velvet's yeri, txt's yeonjun, viviz's sinb
status: ongoing a/n: i feel like i make slytherin!reader unnecessarily angsty, like babygorl (non-gendered) life isn’t that serious, go stream crazy form and relax ! also thanks to @eternallyghosting for the moral support (and stopping me from throwing my laptop at the wall)
masterlist | chapter 9 | chapter 11
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You’ve been avoiding Chou Tzuyu. 
Much like how she’s been avoiding you. 
Well… you didn’t know how accurate the second statement was. Of course, you would have to address her at some point to come to that conclusion. 
After Tzuyu had run away from you, the first thing you did was head to practice. But the ground where you agreed upon was devoid of people. Gulping, you made your way to class, ignoring both your crushing guilt and your restless arm. 
While you were grateful Tzuyu, or Kang Yeosang for that matter, were nowhere to be found. You still had to face your friends. 
Wooyoung and San were seated at the very back, very uncharacteristic of the latter, but you guessed the situation asked for it. Both Yeonjun and Yeri were there with them, engrossed in what was probably a retelling of the morning. The second pair was very clearly showing their backs to the professor. Fortunately for them, the teacher seemed not to care one bit because, for one, Wooyoung wasn’t even taking this subject. 
As you sneaked your way in, the professor rolled his eyes at you before turning back to drone on about the class. Avoiding questioning eyes, you made it to the back of the class just as Wooyoung noticed you. Taking a spot at the empty table to his left, you held your breath as four pairs of eyes turned to you. 
In an instant, Wooyoung pressed himself to your side and took your left arm. “You didn’t say anything did you?” He pushed up your sleeve up to the elbow. “Did Madam Yun give you the healing potion—ugly green in colour?” He turned your arm around. “Did she give you anything else? It doesn’t seem to have worked, hmm.”
Even if you wanted to, you didn’t have the strength to yank your hand from Wooyoung's care. But you didn’t. 
Knowing him, he expected answers so you obliged with a groan. “No, I didn’t say anything. Yes, I had the potion. No, she didn’t give anything else. This is just a side effect, it will be gone by the end of the day probably.” 
You avoided his eyes when Wooyoung tilted his head in question, unconvinced. 
San opened his mouth, no doubt about to ask how you were doing, after all, he was the last to see you at the clinic. But Yeri beat him to it. 
“Eunbi is pissed, you know,” Yeri confessed, having been at the practice you missed. 
“Does she know?” you asked, as you tried to gently pry your hand from Wooyoung’s grip. 
“No, but it won’t be long before she finds out,” Yeri said. She seemed detached, but you noticed. Underneath her table, she crossed and uncrossed her legs, shifting almost as much as the gears in her head. 
“She won’t be happy,” Yeonjun said as San nodded. 
“Woo and Sangie did their best, but I don’t think it’ll do much—”
You interrupted San, finally yanking your hand from Wooyoung. “That’s right!” you almost yelled but caught yourself just at the right moment. “What were you and Yeosang thinking? Lying to Lee? What if she wasn’t in the mood to play along with you?” 
“We were thinking that you, of all people, didn’t deserve to get expelled for punching that asshole." Wooyoung rolled his eyes and moved to your hand again, straightening out your sleeve. 
“I doubt Yeosang thought that—”
“He’s not as cold as he looks, you know,” Wooyoung cut you off as he moved to button your shirt, undeterred by the blood stains. “Just a stickler for rules, otherwise, he’s basically harmless.” 
“It’s true,” Yeonjun piped in. “He’s actually very cute.” 
Both you and Yeri threw Yeonjun a questioning glare, not really understanding how that statement was relevant to this conversation but went with it anyway. 
“Regardless, if it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t be sitting here,” that much you could agree on. Wooyoung had moved to your tie and fixed it up as well. “Besides, with both of Lee’s star pupils having your back, there was no way she would’ve expelled you.” 
That was the type of faulty thinking you never entertained in all your years at Hogwarts. 
“Tzuyu definitely wouldn’t have let it happen,” Wooyoung barely got out the words, almost as if it was an internal thought that had made it to his lips without his decision. 
If that was true, then why did she turn tail the second she was alone with you?
You couldn’t help but frown at the thought. 
Wooyoung finally pulled away from you when Yeri spoke up again. “So how do we handle Eunbi?” 
Happy that it doesn’t directly involve him, Wooyoung relaxed in his seat and bared his dimples at the rest of you. 
Handle Eunbi? There was no such thing. What she says goes, and most of the time, you trusted her decision without question. 
“Well, if she knows, it's her decision to bench me—”
“There's no way she’s benching you!” San said, appalled but cringed when he realised how loud his voice had come out. 
“There’s no point stressing about that,” Yeonjun added, nonchalantly. “She simply can’t afford to bench you—”
“And since Lee is on your side, it's all up to Eunbi,” Yeri concluded. “She won’t bench you.” 
But that was never your worry. 
Frowning, you hid your trembling arm underneath the table as you turned your attention to the class. However, not before catching Yeri’s grimace.
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When you exited the class later, you attempted to apologise to the professor on behalf of your friends. Unsurprisingly, you received an irate get out! from him. 
The rest of the day passed you in a blur, you just followed your friends around. And when it came to the classes you shared with Tzuyu, you decided to skip them for the day. Instead, you grabbed your broom from your dorm and headed straight for Jeongyeon’s tunnel. The time through the one that connects under and out the other side of the Ravenclaw tower. If you stayed close to the water, even stray students who skipped class like you should miss you. 
Within just seconds in the air, you knew something was wrong. Before you could nosedive into the lake, you brought yourself back down. While you didn’t crash face-first into the dirt, you did stumble off your broom. Not a promising sign when you have a game in less than a week. 
Ignoring the way your left arm was shaking, you gripped your broom in your right and walked back to where you were. Once again, you mounted your broom and lifted off. This time around, you were stable, floating in the air but in place—classic first-year challenge. Although, it was normal to feel some sense of movement when seated on a broom—you were flying after all—it wasn’t supposed to be as obvious as it was. 
Almost like a bee, you buzzed in place, twitching forwards and backwards from time to time much like your arm does. And when you tighten your grip on the broom, you just tip forward, ready to be thrown off the broom again. This shouldn’t be a problem, as a Beater you didn’t need both hands on the broom. So when you lifted your left arm away, not only did the broom straighten but also stopped acting up. 
Flight came easy to you. But you couldn’t rejoice just yet. 
Making circles above the lake was no difficult task, it was as if you were never injured in the first place. 
The problem lay where you lost complete control of your left arm from the elbow down. 
It was just thrashing around to your side, completely useless. And in the moments where you did gain some semblance of control, your muscle pulled, shooting jabbing pain up your arm and forcing you to stop flying before you could take a dip in freezing cold water. There was absolutely no way you'd be able to hold a bat, let alone aim or deflect a Bludger. 
And when you switched arms, hoping to use your right as the batting hand, you might as well be possessed with how you jumped across the air on your broom. 
As the sun began its descent down the sky, you decided it was time to return to your common room. You could fix this problem, you had to, you had a week to so… well, less than.
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That night, you skipped dinner as well. 
Unfortunately for you, Eunbi decided to do the same. 
As you rose from the couch, your excuse was already on your lips. “Listen, you have to understand—”
Eunbi gestured for you to stay seated, as she made her way right to your side. “Give me your arm.” 
Following orders, you pulled up your sleeve and raised it. 
“It looks fine,” then she pressed on your palm, and your hand shot out of her grasp. “Never mind.” 
This is the first night all over again. 
The creases formed by Eunbi’s frown seemed deeper under the dim lights, ageing her much older than she was. 
You wanted to ask her questions. How did she find out about your arm so quickly? Did she hear about your fight? How much of it did she hear was accurate? Who had told her? Did she know about Lee’s interference? Or about Wooyoung and Yeosang’s? Well, really Tzuyu's. What did she think about Hyukwoo? What did she think about you? Your actions? What happens now?
Every question running through your mind was another second Eunbi stayed silent.
“Did you skip your classes today?” 
Now that was the last question you thought she’d ask. And who snitched on you?
“Yes,” you said with a blank expression. 
“Did you practice?” she asked, for a second, her eyes flitting to the lake. 
“Yes,” you nodded. “But just flying” 
“How did your arm affect you then?” she asked, catching your eyes again.
“It wasn’t… It wasn't great.” 
“Okay,” Eunbi nodded to herself. “We’ll have to use the same method from second year.” 
“But it’s not just weak, I have no control—”
“Well, it’s our best shot. And Madam Yun says it should go away—”
“You spoke to Madam Yun about this? When did you get the time—?”
“That doesn’t matter,” Eunbi shrugged as she folded her arms, physically defending herself even when her words were dismissive. “I want you to practice whenever you can and always with someone. Preferably with Yeri, of course."
Eunbi paused to consider something.
"Did you try to fly handless?"
Now, why didn't you think of that?
"No, I didn't."
It wouldn't be hard for you, not really. But in a game, especially with your role, accuracy was vital. Automatically, as one hand swings the bat, the other will find its place on the broom. You simply couldn't afford to steer handless.
Eunbi seemed to come to the same conclusion.
"That's not a problem," she nodded. "Whether you want to fly or bat with that hand is your choice but whatever you choose, focus on consistency, not strength.” 
 Although she didn’t explicitly say the words, it was clear she believed your hand wouldn’t be cooperating in time for the game. Perhaps, she was right. 
“Don’t get all mopey about it,” Eunbi said, gently smacking your right shoulder. “If anything goes south, we can figure it out on the spot.”
When you just stared at your hand, Eunbi grabbed your chin and forced you to look at her. 
“Just practice and keep me updated daily, alright?” Eunbi ordered. “We’re not losing the game, trust me.” 
You nodded, believing her. 
“Now that’s over with,” Eunbi sighed, and folded her arms again. “I heard you soiled my Transfiguration textbook.”
You don’t even know where it was. 
Last you remembered, you’d thrown it to the ground before you charged at Hyukwoo. Or was it at Madam Yun’s after you'd been dropped there by San? 
Eunbi scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “I’ll get you another textbook but don't expect a free pass this time. We'll annotate it together and I'm testing how well you've studied so far. "
Yeah, that was deserved.
"We can figure that out sometime after the game, and try not to destroy it this time.” 
With another pat on your shoulder, Eunbi headed for the dorms. 
“I’m sorry,” you turned around in your seat and called out. "Really!" 
“Whatever,” Eunbi threw a hand in the air, clearly too tired to care about this. 
“Hold on, are you going to sleep? Now? Did you have dinner?” 
“I had a bread roll—”
“Are you serious right now—?”
“Tell me what to do when you’re not being all sad and shit. You go eat dinner,” Eunbi said in a flippant manner as she took the stairs. 
“Goodnight, Y/N,” and with that she disappeared.
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any feedback is much appreciated.
a/n: literally nothing happens in this chapter im sorry. also if you all are sick of reading the same fucking day for like the last four chapters, you don't understand HOW SICK i am of writing this stupid day. like slytherin!reader stop fucking crying waah waah waah i dont want to hear it !!
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taglist: @someone-who-likes-broccoli @tatliegilim
send an ask to be added !
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