#especially in Arya’s case
catofoldstones · 1 year
I love how in every chapter since asos sansa and arya both say “I’m a woman grown” or “I’m 11, a woman now” or “I’m a woman flowered”. Like you’re both severe minors, haven’t even broken the eggshells of the eggs from which you’re yet to hatch 😭😭 calm down there, buckos
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I need to start writing down character descriptions in books bc I will just imagine a completely different looking person for an entire series otherwise
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thedivinetarot · 23 days
He said to be cool and I know he means it
How do you view men?
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☆ How to chose the perfect pile for you?
1) Close your eyes.
2) Clear your mind
3) Take a deep breathe.
4) Ask the question in your head and the picture you are drawn to the most is your pile.
☆ Note:
- First thing is Thank you guys for 100 follower. I'm so happy that our family is growing fast. I'm also grateful that such a wonderful souls are following me here on tumblr, may God bless you❤.
- In this reading we are going to dig into your deep subconscious mind on your views of men.
- This reading is going to help you at where you stand in your opinions and views towards men.
- Also it will help you discover the hidden parts of your subconscious mind and your behavior towards men.
- This is a general reading so take what resonates and leave the rest.
- Pile three can be triggering for some, so if you are not comfortable reading it then don't.
- This reading can't substitute any psychiatrist help. So if you have a problem you can ask for a professional help.
Stay safe ❤
☆ This reading well be divided into three questions:
1) Your past relationships with men.
2) Your subconscious beliefs about them.
3) How does all of that affect you currently?
Pile 1 - Walking Sylvia
Your past relationships with men:
I see that this pile held into a connection that was not meant for them. I see you getting attached to someone you thought it was your soulmate or twin flame but it wasn't really the one. I see also that you kept persistent and stubborn especially in front of others. It is like you bet with your friends or people around you that he is the one but everyone know that he is not. If this is not the case I see that you were dating or in a relationship with someone who is considered a safe option but wasn't really that good for you as a person. You might have your planets square their planets in synastry chart. I see that your first role models (Your caregivers or parents) wasn't really that good either. They might stayed together but they clearly should've been divorced too long ago. I see that you hated the dynamic between them and you always wondered if you'll get the same or not. And now you look back at the men you dated and feel cringe? I don't know pile one. Maybe you feel nostalgic to the feeling but not the person. I see that you are someone who prefers predictability over getting out of your comfort zone. So, you might dated multiple "safe options" to not get triggered by the new or unpredictable people. You might even rejected the idea of traditional role in the relationships, like the dom-sub or feminine-masculine or the men who provide financially. You also might dated people who have 50/50 mindset or feminine boys. Or boys/men who are not considered attractive but they were a safe option for you.
Your subconscious beliefs about men:
Ooh pile one, I think your subconscious belief about men is that they are a disappointment. I see that you might have a male caregiver who didn't make you feel safe enough to be in your feminine energy. This caregiver might made you feel like you are not enough; physically, mentally, or in general. This man made you feel worthless and no one would really care for you. So, you grew up trying to earn this attention by being hyper vigilant in your relationships with men. You might give and give too much even for the options that is considered "safe". And you might overthink everything you do or say around men. You might say "Damn why did I say that!" Alot Or "Do I look ugly or deformed for him" because he didn't look at you, after each interaction. And if not, some people in this group wore an iron mask in front of men. You wouldn't show emotions or any expression around them. But deep inside you are a little girl screaming and crying. People in this group might have self worth problems. You might overdo your make up, overdress yourself etc. This subconscious belief kept you stuck in the same old patterns and made you superman in the relationship with men. As I said before; you might got mad or angry at the traditional roles of the male and female relationships. And tried to be the initiative person in most interactions you had with men. Another subconscious belief is you'll be miserable alone? Pile one loneliness is something normal in this generation, everyone feels lonely but please don't let this loneliness affect your relationships. Don't go for good guys or "safe options" if you feel like they are no good for you.
How does all of that affect you currently?
So, all of this affect you currently by isolating you from romantic interactions. You might be someone who has been alone for too long. I see that you took this period of loneliness as a reflection period and reevaluated your old relationships. Like right now you are discovering what you truly value and want in romantic relationships. I see that this period of isolation and loneliness is slowly going to be over. I'm not seeing any romantic offers coming to you, but definitely I'm seeing you are slowly putting yourself out there. I also see that you are working hard and being persistent with yourself. You might just moved out from your parents house or wanting to settle down on your own or wanting to live in another place or change your location. I see you now being more in your feminine energy. You might have rejected that idea before but now you are slowly accepting the fact that you are good on your own but a good company won't hurt. You might be putting yourself out there, and getting to know people with no strings attached. I see that you are enjoying yourself truly and feeling calm and collected more than before. You might started to realize that you need to be more assertive of your current life. You might be someone who say "I'm the master of my own fate now". So, yeah you might also realized that your life needs you more than you need anyone.
Pile 2 - Sylvia laying on the towel
Your past relationships with men:
I see that this piles collective are mostly happily married women or new bride. I see that you either got married to the love of your life and feeling so happy and excited to spend the rest of your life with them or you have a happy marriage and a loving spouse in general. I see that you also might be pregnant with a baby girl and this girl will have water placements? (Pisces, cancer or scorpio). Anyways this pile’s energy towards men is so reassuring honestly. I don't really see that you have a bad relationships with men. You might be someone who is considered beautiful or pretty by social standards so any man who dated you wished that he could marry you right away. I see that you have a traditional relationship with men. You might be someone who date for marriage and if not then you might date for potential rather than money. Or you might want to start dating for marriage. I see that men always crush on you and they feel this urge to protect you and make you happy. I see that you are the type that make any man want marriage and other stuff. Like if a player met you and got the chance to know you, he might suddenly want to marry and have kids right away. You have this energy of "I'm the perfect wife". You might be a great option for men who want to settle down. They see the potential in you, the kids, the home you'll make. I guess this pile didn't really face bad things regard dating or perhaps most people in this pile are already married to their twin flame or soulmate. I see a lot of love and happiness (I'm so happy for you guys🥺).
Your subconscious belief about men:
This pile is a complete sweetheart to be honest. I see that you see men as great leaders and as someone who is going to guide you through your life. You might have a lot of taurus or libra placements or just your feminine energy is quite balanced. Also I feel that your sacral chakra is balanced or a little hyperactive? You might really care about men's pepe size? Omg pile two I feel turned on for no reason, do you perhaps fantasize about sex a lot? You might view sex as something sacred or extremely important for your well being. You might feel or like the sex between you and your partner a lot. I don't know why I got into all of these sexual stuff all of sudden. But I feel like subconsciously you might view men as sexually satisfying? You might had a great sexual companions or you just like that in general. I also see that you like assertive and wise men, men with a great vision of the future. Sex and men is something important in pile two's life. You might have the lover archetype? You can search that btw. But generally your subconscious thoughts about men are good I don't really see something bad, perhaps there's a thing but it is not considered bad. You might get attached to your partner? Perhaps, you might get a little obsessed with your partner. Not too much just a little. Or you like depending on them a lot. There's nothing wrong with being dependent but don't let that affect you whole being.
How does all of that affect you currently?
Okay, so I do see that this pile is very dedicated to their partner. I see that you might be someone who always keep in check of their partner's needs and wants. You also work simultaneously on making their partner satisfied and happy. I also see a very confident energy from you pile 2. You may be very confident in who you are, you may not be just beautiful but also with good personality. I see that you are nurturing and sweet when it comes to your family and partner. You make them feel comfortable and appreciated. I see that your spouse or partner feel on cloud 9 with you. They feel grateful for meeting you and keeping you in their life. I also see that you are someone who cares a lot for children. You take extra mile to help them and make them feel seen and heard. You might also have the mother archetype as a secondary function within your personality (search for the archetype if you don't know them). I see that unlike some people you chose you partners wisely and above all you stick for them through thick and thin. You are a marriage material pile two, may happiness always stay on your side.
Pile 3 - Sylvia on the beach
Past relationships with men:
Pile three I see that you are obsessed with manifesting your SP? Or you might try to manifest someone back into your life? I see you trying to manifest either an Ex or or someone whom your relationship with wasn't good for you but you thought it was so good. I pulled a confirmation card and and yes; you and this person might have distance between you two. Okay in this pile I am picking up on three energies, the first one talk about manifesting an Ex back. The second is manifesting someone with a specific traits and the third energy is for LGBTQ? I think some people in this pile kinda prefer women. I see that this pile have dated both gender or you were in a marriage with a man but it turned out to be so stressful for you, I also see that this pile might have realized that they prefer another gender? Like you might be someone who has been dating men for ages but then you crushed on a woman and now you are dating. I honestly see that scenario too, another scenario is that this pile didn't really get along with people from the opposite gender so you grow up liking women (the same gender as you) or even becoming a lesbian? I understand pile three (men are stressful). You might be a fire sign (Aries, Leo and sagittarius) or Air sign (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius), or you have those placements in your chart. I see also a strong Gemini energy too so you might be someone who is bisexual or gay in general. Or someone who really doesn't care about dating any kind of gender. I don't know why this came in so strongly. But feel free to take what resonates okay pile three?.
Your subconscious beliefs about men:
Woah, the cards kept jumping like crazy. This pile’s energy is so strong. Anyways I see that you have many toxic subconscious belief about men pile three. You think that men are a pure disappointment and that you need to keep your relationship with them as professional as possible. I think people in this pile might work in a field that requires them to always interact with men and if not. You might work in a teaching field or you might be a teacher yourself. I see that you have fantasized about weddings and wearing the perfect white dress but not to a man. You might like the idea of marriage but not marriage itself. I also see that some of your parents weren't really in a good marriage (financially) so you grow up in poverty or poor. I see that men aren't really interesting in your own lens pile three. I see also that you might be afraid to get in a relationship with a man because you are scared of getting used and left out. This pile seriously need to heal from abandonment wound, ooh I get it now! You might be someone who got abandoned by their male caregiver? I see that you might never met your real father or your father have left you in the dark so you grow up poor and fatherless (I'm so sorry pile three, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings). I see also that you might fear men deep down and fear being vulnerable with them? So you chose women as romantic interest (there’s nothing wrong with that). Anyways, you might have developed a close relationship with female friends and caregiver in general. So, you grew up rejecting men and not truly liking them. The moral story for this pile is to heal your abandonment wound and forgive yourself pile three, I'm getting this image of a girl doing destructive behaviors so she can never feel the pain of abandonment inside.
How does all of that affect you currently?
I see that you guys have a very unrealistic expectations from others and your own self. Even in the same gender relationship, you might be putting your standards so high that no one really can meet them. So, people might have called you picky with whom you date. This is funny idk where it came from but I think men called you a gold-digger because you have standards pile three (I respect that sm). I see that you enter a relationship with high expectations; at first both parties (you and your partner) at some point were able to meet them but then boom, you break up because you both have different views and well, expectations. I see that this pile can literally move on in a blink of an eye. You guys have a very chaotic energy, that's what I'm feeling. Also you might be a serial dater? Or you might be someone who is generous with giving or don't give at all but I see it is coming from you pile three especially in the money matter. You might be a little immature in the heart matter. I see that you might always get disappointed with how things are in your romantic relationships. I'm picking up on someone who's on a roller-coaster emotionally. I think you guys need to reflect and on your values and learn the lessons from your previous relationships, because it is literally causing you a lot of destruction in your life. Try to get in the hermit mode for a couple of months, try solo dating, reflect on your own values and what you truly want and appreciate in a partner and one day you'll be able to see the light coming in and you'll definitely find someone who will make you happy. And if not you have yourself, and as the wizard Liz said "You have you, you’ll never leave you" and I think it is beautiful. Try to watch her videos on YT she is a gem❤. God bless you pile three, take care of yourself.
Pile 4 - Sylvia Smiling
Your past relationship with men:
Okaaayyy, so I do think this pile are my lone wolf pile. This pile’s energy is soooo detached, especially from reality. I see that you haven't really had any real or physical connection to men. You might be a virgin because I feel like you never truly got engaged sexually with men before. You might be single since birth and the only interaction you had with men was a faraway crush, you don't care about real men, you are the girl who crush on fictional characters. I see that you are in your head most of the time. You fantasize about fictional men and /or your crush. You might be someone who is too shy to date or even have a romantic connection with someone even if they are interested. This pile gives off the damsel in distress vibe. Want to be saved by her fictional man rather than real one. You have a strong personality pile 4, you might be so independent in real life but when it comes to your imagination? Holy moly, you are so in love with fictional men and you want to be saved by them. I'm hearing "A man that do not exist", And if you are not like that you might be limerent on someone, yes, you might be a virgin and never dated but you had a crush on someone and it grew into limerence. Because I see that you are detached from the situation but in your head you are living and breathing this fantasy. Perhaps if you suspect having limerence you can read about it because it is not a crush. Crushes are short termed but limerence can take years to wear off. You might be even hesitant to talk to that person and if you do I don't think much really happen between you two. You are giving me the vibe of that one movie of Audry Hepburn, the movies name was Sabrina you can watch it if you want. It literally describes you perfectly. You might be also so sophisticated and diplomatic with males in general.
Your subconscious beliefs about men:
It is not about men, more about you pile 4. As I said above, you are very independent and detached. You do your own thing and you live the way you want. I see that this pile doesn't really like the idea of committing to something, you are free spirited and genuine. You might have the wild woman archetype, so genuine and raw. I see that the beliefs you are holding into are 1) I need to be constantly working on myself. And 2) I need to be independent so no one can control me. I see a very sweet energy but bold at the same time. Maybe like pile three you might have abandonment wound, especially from your father. He were there and not there at the same time. He might be dry with you emotionally, I see that he was there physically and financially but emotionally? Alas. He might made you feel rejected or left out in the cold; so, as a coping mechanism you started maladiptive daydreaming to escape the pain. This pile need to do shadow work tbh (you can search shadow work prompt on pinterest if you want to). I see you escaping to your own little fantasy world to not feel the pain of abandonment, healing is required to be able to form strong bond with men. And above all, realistic relationships with them. This pile is not destructive at all unlike pile three; their energy was so destructive, like they are dumping out all their trauma on constant dating and other destructive methods. I see this pile is very creative, you might be INFP,ISFP, INFJ, ISFJ and very small group are ENFJ. I am seeing creative with sharp tongue. You might be honest too. I see that you are an earth sign (Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn) or have those placements, some of you may be an aquarius too.
How does all of that affect you currently?
I got you pile four, you may lie about your marital status? Like if someone approached you because they like you, I see that you'll lie to them about being taken. You might tell those men that you are in a relationship? I see you using this method so you can run away from unwanted attention. You might not like the attention of the men who approach you in general. I see that some people in this group are constantly manifesting their future spouse, and you are waiting for him to materialize in you 3D? And if not then I see you being so intuitive about who you are going to marry. This pile is witchy; You may be a witch or a tarot reader and you know who your future spouse is. I see that you are waiting for them to be in your life. This pile are so in their head, like in reality they are so detached, closed off and passive. But behind the scenes you guys are constantly manifesting your spouse or a specific person to marry you. I see some of you have already lost faith in manifesting that person and others quit that too long ago, because nothing really happen. I see that you are working on yourself (self care, workout, etc). And focusing on your own thing (studying, going to school/college, working your 9-5 shift). But mentally you are imagining many scenarios on how you'll meet them and how they are going to be like (future spouse or SP). I see that many people in this pile are young like literally under 28 years old or even under 30. Guys I see that you might get the person you want but you do really need to get out of your comfort zone. And embrace change, I see that many of you are either introverts or have passive personalities in general. You might not have many friends or a very tight social circle. You need to face reality and be more assertive of what you want in relationships pile four.
Thank you for reading, take care❤.
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Post date: 28th/Aug/2024-Wed
*Feedback is appreciated
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raidark · 28 days
One thing I find funny from Show Dany haters is how much they call her an egomaniac tyrant who just wanted to control everything and everyone to obey her, that she only cared about the throne and power. How much they laugh at the idea of her trying to help common people, break the system and in general, give power to powerless people, etc. That she would only want power for herself and would loathe democracy more than any other character.
These people are also the ones who laughed along Season 8 Sansa, Tyrion, Arya and others when Sam proposed democracy as a system for Westeros at the end of the show.
To all that people, I'd like to kindly remind that before leaving for Westeros, Daenerys established democracy in Meereen (and the rest of the Bay of Dragons, I suppose). She and Tyrion spent some undetermined time to plan it and then left Daario and the Second Sons to keep the peace while people chose their rulers and a new government was appointed.
Now, while I'm sure we all would have liked to know the aftermatch of that, how things worked there after her leaving and especially after her death, we won't ever know thanks to certain writers who kinda forgot about it after S6, only remembering the Bay when deciding that slaying slavers was apparently a sign of madness and evilness ?¿
If you ask me, with Dany dead, most of her army destroyed as well, and no one else strong enough to protect the Bay, slavery will return and way worse. But that wasn't something D&D wanted people to think about because that would add some grey to the situation and they wanted Dany to be irremediably unjustifiable in her acts and her death the only option with only good consequences. Just to be clear, I think S8 Dany, a total different character from previous seasons, deserved to die after what she did. But go and visit the Bay in ten years, Jon and Tyrion, and ask them if what you two did was good. Surely and certaintly there were consequences.
In any case, since we'll never know what would happen, the series ends with Daenerys being the only ruler who actually cared for her people enough that she actually gave them total power to choose who should rule them... just 12 episodes before the writers decided she should mass murder innocents for literally no reason at all
She remains the only one who established real democracy that considered people no matter their origins or status (and not merely in a organization like the Night Watch) while the high nobles of Westeros laughed and considered the idea ridiculous. What a tyrant, right?
I'd have liked Sam to know the one who actually established his idea in a different place was the queen he hated so much, while all the others laughed. I'd have also liked if he was told what his family did and how many people died because of their betrayal, how many chances were even then offered to them, rather than just "they didn't bend the knee so i killed them lol". But the goal in Season 8 was always to paint Dany as a villain with no gray in the middle, just like they made Jon lie to his family and the lords and say Dany forced him to bend the knee in order to help the North when she actually swore to defend it without any commitment to her cause the moment she realized the threat was real and no fantasy. Yet no one, not even Dany, ever blinked an eye about this. Like it was retconned to frame her as evil.
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Anyone who thinks that Rhaenyra calling Helaena "my sweet sister" means anything positive about their relationship or about Rhaenyra's feelings for Heleana needs to go back and re-read the main series (or read it period, because trust me you will understand F&B a lot better with ASOIAF as context).
In ASOIAF "sweet sister" is that phrase is used disparagingly the vast majority of the time. A quick search reveals it is used 82 times, and the character who uses this phrase by far the most is Tyrion when speaking about Cersei (an example from ASOS Tyrion I):
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There are also multiple examples of Jaime using it about Cersei too, especially when he's unhappy with her (a random example from AFFC Jaime V):
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Other people also use it referring to Cersei, again sarcastically. "Your sweet sister did X." Which makes sense! Cersei is pretty notorious and people gripe about her to her brothers pretty often.
Beyond various people talking about Cersei, the top offender is Viserys, who uses it quite a bit when addressing Dany, usually with a bite of malice (AGOT Daenerys I):
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Interestingly, Viserys later calls out to his "sweet sister" when he is begging for his life. I can't imagine that reminding her of all the times he threatened her with those same words helped his case very much.
There's one instance of Arya using it about Sansa when she is giving an insincere apology (AGOT Sansa III):
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Here is Theon using it about Asha (ACOK Theon V):
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Lysa also uses it about Cat, and her feelings about her "sweet sister" at this point are pretty negative (ASOS Sansa VII):
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You get the picture. At the very best, it's used with a fond sort of sarcasm, at worst it's actively spiteful. You can count on one hand the number of times it is used sincerely in the whole entire series, and really there's only one instance, from Edmure to Cat, that I would read as 100% sincere without even a tiny hint of sarcasm. F&B doesn't have anyone's POV to indicate the tone with which Rhaenyra said those words, and although it's possible this might have been the second time in the whole of ASOIAF that we were meant to treat those words as unquestioningly sincere and loving, I think this is a bit like the discourse around "sharply questioned." Those words, in-world, tend to carry a connotation beyond their surface meaning. It would not be something reassuring to hear terms for surrender given using the phrase "sweet sister," and in fact, given that we have no other indication that Rhaenyra has any sort of relationship with her siblings whatsoever, Helaena would be entirely justified in interpreting her words as spiteful or sarcastic. After all, if you're using a quote from the book to speak to Rhaenyra's intentions, the character you're referring to is book!Rhaenyra, who is not shown to be an overly nice person. Even by the most charitable reading, we can safely assume that those words were included by Gyldayn in his history knowing that in-world readers would read them as insincere. They are not intended to portray Rhaenyra and Helaena's relationship in a positive light.
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daenystheedreamer · 6 months
Why is Sansa so hated?
there's different kinds of sansa haters. first would be the reddit crowd, predominantly male and guys who kin tyrion or jon. predisposed to disliking female characters and probably also hate cat. sansa is a little girl who is nobly born and hence a little entitled and naive, which is like double combo target of hate. pretty clearly a case of sexism and media illiteracy. probably also mommy issues.
second group would be the tumblr crowd, predominantly female and really strongly project onto dany or arya. the arya stans especially. there's definitely a lot of media illiteracy going on here and a heaping dose of sexism but it's a lot more about how they projected their personal experiences and insecurities onto these characters. morally neutral and of course its beautiful to relate to and love fictional characters. but the flip side of loving one character who maybe represents you is hating another who represents everything that has made you sad or insecure in life.
usually a character only gets one of these groups of haters, but sansa gets hate from both demographics. sorry babygirl!! youre literally eleven years old!!! im pathologising a lot and usually people just dont like characters for whatever reason but is me connecting the dots.
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jackoshadows · 11 days
It's weird how a TV show's fanbase are these days attacking the actual authors of the books or people connected to the source material for daring to criticize the TV adaptation of story/themes/characters they are intimately familiar with.
I mean, when we as an audience can criticize a TV show for doing so and so and not making sense or mutilating characters and their arcs, surely authors who know the source material better than anyone also have a right to do so?
This happened with Brandon Sanderson when he criticized the Wheel of Time adaptation on Amazon Prime and show fanatics then went on to attack him and his writing of the WOT books. And it's now happening with GRRM calling out the HOTD adaptation on HBO.
And a lot of the times the changes in story and character are not even because of budget or time constraints and all that. It's because the showrunners/writers simply thinking they know better than the actual author of the books or that their version is better or that their favorite characters need more screentime and plot while sidelining the main characters of the books. It's their fanfiction which they get networks to finance by using the IP of popular fantasy works out there.
The reason we got only mild criticism from GRRM after GOT ended was because the books were not finished and D&D had no source material to adapt. That is not the case with HOTD and F&B.
Anyways, I don't watch HOTD after the way HBO/D&D massacred the ASoIaF books with GOT and don't intend to. The nihilism of HBO's version of this world - especially after what HBO/D&D did to the character of Daenerys Targaryen - is not for me. The world is already shitty enough for women, I don't need it in my fiction as well.
In fact I hope HBO is angry enough with GRRM that they stop consulting with him for future prequels etc. - which leaves GRRM time for finishing THE WINDS OF EFFING WINTER!! Like come on GRRM. Jon Snow has been lying dead in the snow for 13 years! Dany is still in Essos! Arya is still in Braavos! Bran has had 3 chapters in 19 years! Finish the book. That's all ASoIaF fans want at this point, IMO.
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rise-my-angel · 3 months
How people hear the logo "fire and blood" and not think of fascism baffles me. Like it literally sounds like something the nazi's said. I know it might not be fair comparing real life history to fiction, especially in a medieval setting that doesn't match ...BUT THEY HAVE FLYING NUKES GUYS
Bear with me, but I think a lot of it stems from the dragons. In normal, or at least traditional fantasy, dragons are usually used differently in other stories. They can both be antagonists and companions to the hero. They are normally written to be while large and dangerous, also sort of majestic and awe inspiring.
So people see the dragons here, they see people riding them, and they think automatically it's cool. So if you're already someone more inclined to enjoy creatures like dragons, there's a perfect basis. A people whose culture revolves around dragons. It's an easy buy in to the Targaryean propaganda. You will automatically start seeing them in better lights because you like the dragons, whether you realize that or not.
But the problem is, grrm does not use dragons in the traditional sense. Grrm has been very clear that he has written the dragons as essentially, one for one metaphors to weapons of mass destruction. Grrm is also very anti war, a sentiment felt throughout all of his work, how no matter what justification one side or the other feels, it is the people, the lands, the smallfolk who suffer from war the most. So, the use of nuclear weapons in war, is essentially, the worst case scenario in terms of war. Which is what the Targaryeans use dragons for. Thats what Valyria has always used them for.
Fire and Blood sounds cool beacuse it is menacing, but it is more then that. It is the statement that they will burn the country to the ground so they can be kings of the ashes. Valyria used dragons to burn cities to the ground and were incredibly cruel to the slaves they took as a result that places like Bravvos are still massively anti dragon/anti valyrian. Two seperate people of Essos fled across to Westeros to escape them (The Andals and the Rhoynar), then the Targaryeans come to the same place and do THE EXACT SAME THING TO THE SAME PEOPLE WHO FLED THEM ORIGINALLY.
I am certain grrm is not writing dragons as "Its actually okay to use nukes if you're nice to them when you're building them." He's probably more likely to say "no matter what justification you tell yourself, access to such catastrophic destruction at your will and fingertips is a power no one should ever wield."
Yes the dragons are sentient creatures, but these are not like a creature such as a direwolf. One was sent to their human companion by a fate beyond them, and acts more like an extension of their identity and a friend as human and direwolf protect each other. Such as Nymeria biting Joffery to protect Arya, and Arya chasing Nymeria off to save her life for saving hers.
Dany murdered her own slave in order to use blood magic to force dragons back into a world after a peaceful number of centuries without them. Dany then uses them to burn her enemies alive, threaten those who stand against or disobey her and doesn't even consider taking steps to control them until after Drogon burned alive an innocent three year old girl, and even then all she does is lock them away in a manner that will no doubt only make them more angry and resentful of humans.
Not all sentient creatures are the same, and dragons specifically within the world of asoiaf are symbols of the dangerous balance of the world tipping too far. The Doom of Valyria was the result of using blood magic and dragons to tip the worlds balance too far and there is nothing left but a cursed, blighted hellscape left behind to remind man not to toy with nature in ways they will never be able to control. I don't think it's a coincidence that some stories say they found the first dragons in the Fourteen Flames, and it was the eventual eruption of the Fourteen Flames that destroyed Valyria and its dragons.
The Targaryeans didn't need to die with them, it's probably good that at least one family managed to safely leave so at least some aspects of a long, forgotten culture can be remembered in the history books from somewhere. But they do not act like just people. The Targaryeans still see themselves as something like gods.
In their eyes, they are better then the people of Westeros, those people taint their bloodline. They used dragons to force them to be subservient to them when all of those Kingdoms ruled independently for thousands of years before. Then they used those same dragons to tear the country apart.
No one is looking forward to or likes talking about the storming of the Dragonpit beacuse we want to see animal death. We want to see it for what it stands for. An uprising of people pushed too far by a monarchy that uses weapons of mass destruction recklessly beacuse they see themselves as gods. They refused to be subjected to that anymore, and they knew doing it would kill more men then it would dragons but they did it anyways. They looked at the free use of nuclear weapons and decided they will not live in that fear anymore.
Fire and Blood is literally their dragons. It is why they call themselves dragons. They are the destruction of the world, and they see nothing wrong with that.
Dragons plant no trees, and neither do the Targaryeans.
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Her mother used to say she would be pretty if she wash and brush her hair and take more care with her dress, the way her sister did
This is exactly the backhanded compliment that parents should never use with their children. Parents should consider their kids beautiful and tell them so unconditionally, not only when they meet some specific criteria of theirs.
In context it makes sense that Arya has a low self esteem and doesn't consider herself beautiful since her own mother never told her so. Right before this quote she mentions that the only people who called her pretty were her father ( the other parent who also should unconditionally consider beautiful - and thankfully Ned did so) and ometimes Jon,too (her brother, not obligated to act as a parent should but he did a better job than her mother on this matter).
Also, parents shouldn't compare children to their siblings. Especially not when they try to teach their kids how to improve on something. It only creates more hostility between siblings and develops antagonism between them. On this aspect Catelyn isn't only failing Arya (who is the person mostly affected by that comment) but Sansa, too.
In Arya's case, after that comment she can only feel lesser than her "perfect" sister. There is no child who is perfect. Sansa and Arya, like any other kid, have both stregths and weaknesses. However, when Catelyn is highlighting the things Sansa is succeeding to make Arya improve this only serves to reinforce to Arya that Sansa has achieved perfection to her mother's eyes and since she's not like her sister (because different people, different skills) she will always be a failure. It makes her self worth to drop and makes her jealous of her sister who get their mother's approval.
In Sansa's case, if she is also present when those backhanded compliments are given to Arya then it reinforces to her that she's superior to her sister(because she's successful where her sister fails). This isn't a good lesson for a kid because instead of learning about acceptance of people who have different skills, she is taught that only her own skills matter and that she's superior to others (and not just any other, her own sister). It doesn't help their sibling bond if she starts considering her sister inferior to her.
Even in case she's not present when Catelyn gives these comments to Arya and she's spared the above ( wrong ) lesson, she's still affected by it. Because her sister will be jealous of her supposed superiority ( according to their mother) and be hostile towards her. Her mother's comments isn't something she can control but still will affect her relationship with her sister, in any case.
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themoonofblueside · 26 days
Asos is so fucked up in the sense that there are several chapters where if someone leaves another place early, or someone looks closer or stays, the starks would reunite(at least partially) or get good news. arya goes to the same inn jaime and brienne left merely days ago, jon and bran are IN THE SAME PLACE but the storm turns even summer unrecognizable in jon's eyes, arya finds stark bannermen but they turn out to be bwb who turn him away from riverrun...you just feel awful with how close but also away from safety they are, especially in arya's case. she tries the hardest to go back home, to reach her mother but at the end she will be the furthest away(for now).
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sad-endings-suck · 1 year
GRRM Loves Convoluted Succession
Stark Succesion
Bran is technically heir to Winterfell except he is believed to be dead and cannot father children/heirs.
Which would make Rickkon heir to Winterfell, but he is also believed to be dead.
So Sansa is heir to the North, but she has been disinherited due to marrying into the Lannister family. However, if Tyrion is believed to be dead then she could potentially be restored to succession as the Northerners know her Lannister marriage is the only reason she was removed from the line of succession.
Though if that never comes to pass, then Arya is heir, but she is also believed to be dead.
Ah, and Jon has been legitimized by Robb, which makes Jon heir to the North, but only if the Northmen come out of the war victorious with a Stark monarch. Because only a King can legitimize a bastard (and whether or not Robb was a proper King is debatable and depends on if the North successfully achieves independence). Not to mention how Jon’s Targaryen blood could further complicate things.
Targaeryan Succession
If Young Griff can actually prove he is Aegon son of Rhaegar, then he would be heir to the iron throne (never mind the Targaryen’s were usurped). However, Rhaegar and his children were taken out of the line of succession and Viserys was made Aerys heir (whether or not this is valid who knows).
If it is valid, then that means Daenerys’ claim is the best. Plus, she can actually prove she’s who she says she is, and more importantly she has dragons and possibly lots of powerful backers in the near future.
Jon would have a solid claim if Lyanna and Rhaegar were married, except even if they were no one would see that marriage as valid (the show was so dumb for that). Because Rhaegar had consummated his marriage to Elia and produced heirs with her. Ah, but if Young Griff is a Blackfyre then Jon’s claim would potentially still be better than his. Also, regardless of his bastardly, if Jon were to become consort to Daenerys that could strengthen both their claims and Young Griff would be in a very poor position politically if they did so.
Lannister Succession
Jaime would be heir to Casterly Rock, except that he is a member of King’s Guard and cannot hold lands or titles. However, he could potentially be released from his King’s Guard vows (due to the precedent set by releasing Barristen Selmy), and in that case he would be heir to Casterly Rock.
Tyrion would be next in line in Lannister succession, except that he is a kinslayer and for all intents and purposes an exile with no real claim. Unless of course the throne was usurped again, and the new monarch restored Tyrion as heir to Casterly Rock.
As it stands right now, Cersei is the rightful Lady of Casterly Rock. However, as stated above, that is likely subject to change once she no longer possesses the Iron Throne. Plus, if Jaime were released from his vows he could challenge her claim (he probably wouldn’t, but who knows).
Greyjoy Succession
So technically Theon is the heir to the Iron Isles, except that he is believed to be dead, was presumably passed over in favour of Asha, and cannot produce heirs himself.
Which leaves Asha with the best claim. Except that a Kingsmoot was called (fuck you very much for that Aeron) and Euron was declared King of the Iron Isles.
Except, that due to the fact that Theon is actually alive (and has the best-ish claim) but was not allowed to press his claim at the Kingsmoot, that makes the Kingsmoot, well, moot. Seeing as Theon is alive and was not allowed to be “voted for” so to speak. Making Euron’s claim via the Kingsmoot invalid. Also, it’s already tricky enough for a brother to press a claim against a daughter, but for a brother to press a claim against a daughter and a son is a hell of a lot harder. Especially when your whole claim relied on, A) a man having more rights than a woman, and B) a one night popularity contest. Still, he’s a King as of now and will be hard-pressed to give it up.
Victarion… lmfao
Aeron. This is even more pathetic somehow.
Martell Succession
Arrianne was heir to Dorne, but then (presumably) she was betrothed to Viserys with the intent being for her to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. But Viserys died, which means she is again first in line for Dorne.
Quentyn was (presumably) meant to rule Dorne until Viserys died and he was pushed back in succession.
Tully Succession
Edmure is now Lord of Riverrun, except that he has no heir. So if for some reason he and his wife Roslin Frey die before they have children, then one of Catelyn’s kids would be heir to Riverrun (as she is the next in line due to seniority, but dead herself).
Arryn Succession
Robert Arryn of course, has the best claim, but if he doesn’t make it to the end of the series then Harry the Heir is next up. And who knows who would be next after him.
Baratheon Succession
As Robert and Renly are dead, Stannis is definitively Lord of Storm’s End. However, he only has one heir, Shireen. Who GRRM has confirmed will die, likely quite soon. Which leaves Stannis without an heir.
As such, Stannis could legitimize one of Robert’s bastard, probably Edric Storm. Since he has two high born parents, that like Shireen, are a Baratheon father and a Florent mother respectively.
However, that hinges on Edric Storm making it out of the series alive, because if he doesn’t, then the claim to Storm End’s is going to be a bloody free-for-all between all of Robert’s bastards, cousins and other relatives. And at this point the realm can’t survive too much more in-fighting.
The Tyrells are the only ones who have their shit together. For now.
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leupagus · 2 months
There’s a lot of discourse in fandom about Sansa, Arya, and Cersei’s attitudes toward power and traditional femininity. I’m super curious to see what you think about Sansa and Cersei in particular, especially since we didn’t get a Cersei POV in Gale of Wolves. What does Cersei think of Sansa establishing power in her own right in the North? Does she still crave power for herself? I always thought that Cersei sees her sexuality as a tool or weapon but otherwise is pretty disdainful of women in general. She’s got internalized misogyny in spades.
In Sansa’s case— do you think she still dwells on what she learned from Cersei (either what she was told directly or lessons made indirectly)? I’m thinking about the battle of the black water in the books where Sansa thinks : when I am queen, I will make them love me; in a pretty stark (pun unintended) contrast to Cersei’s rule by fear. I see Sansa choosing to utilize her traditional femininity by wielding soft power that in turn becomes hard power. In your fic, she goes to each of her bannermen, she learns about them, she shows that she cares and probably uses a lot of court/ lady of the house skills she learned. Stannis doesn’t understand it at all, but Sansa has a stronger position in the North than he does anyway.
These are such great questions — I can say that the lack of Cersei POV in A Gale of Wolves was very deliberate, because she gets her own POV chapter in the next section of the story and I wanted her to be a little more opaque at this point. Because you're right, Cersei's going to have a LOT of feelings about Sansa getting control of the North while she's still just the Dowager Queen (even though in this story she's decidedly not going to the Sept's dungeons or enduring the Walk of Shame Atonement). Right now she's so convinced that Sansa murdered Joffrey that everything else kind of simmers under that, but I do think there's a certain degree of envy that Sansa can claim the North for herself and be unchallenged in that, when even her own daughter Myrcella will have some difficulties in laying claim to Casterly Rock (which will get resolved in the next section, but it's still not straightforward because Westeros And Essos Hate Women). There's also a lot of confusion there, because Cersei doesn't have a home the way Sansa does; she grew up in the Westerlands and lived most of her adult life in King's Landing, but what she craves is power and safety, not necessarily a home. So Sansa's motivations themselves are baffling — why fight for the North, a useless great vast nothing? Who could possibly love that place?
The note you make about Cersei using her sexuality is interesting, because I think that's prevalent in the books (I'm not sure since I haven't read them), but really not at all present in the show; in fact I think you can argue that Cersei's whole canonical path in the show is a slow stripping away of her "female-ness," which she hates so much — all that talk about how she should've been the man, how no one could tell her and Jaime apart when they were little, how her appearance and dress grows progressively more masculine. Which I always thought was interesting if you see it as a reaction to trauma: so much of what is done to her is because she's a woman, because she doesn't have power in her own right, and so she reaches for whatever simulacrum she can get. It doesn't work in the end, of course; it never does. But it's a nice dream.
I do agree that Cersei's a misogynist, but...so is everyone in this world, really. Even Dany, even Arya, even Sansa — the world of Westeros is predicated on the inferiority of women, and women themselves have to swim in that water even if they're swimming against the current.
As for Sansa, I think there's a LOT of fascination/repulsion when it comes to Cersei. One of the biggest mistakes the show ever made was never letting Arya or Sansa see Cersei one last time; sure, it's realistic that you don't get closure with your nemesis/abuser, but narratively it would've been so much more satisfying than crushing her with big rocks. Because Sansa's right, in the show where she says she learned a lot from Cersei; in many ways, Cersei was far more her mentor than Littlefinger ever was.
But you're right on the money in re: how Sansa rules, which is not the way a king would rule or the way the wife of a lord would rule, or the way any of the women in power she's met have ruled. It's not feminine so much as Sansa-esque; she is feminine, for sure, but I think a lot of what she does (both in my fic and on the show) is less about gender and more about thoughtfulness. I always think about the comment she makes to Royce about lining the new plate armor with leather when the southern soldiers wouldn't have thought about it, or how she makes Jon the exact replica of their father's cloak just from memory. Sansa is very, VERY good at noticing details and remembering them for later, however irrelevant. Having someone like that in charge of your kingdom is pretty handy.
I think one of the interesting things I'm going to do with the fic is explore some of the lessons that Cersei learns from Sansa — because she'll have time in this fic to see Sansa's method of rule working, and perhaps get enough intel to find out why it does, at least in part. And I don't think Cersei is foolish enough to pass that kind of opportunity up.
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iaminfourthwing · 5 months
The Generals Daughter
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Chapter IV
Xaden had the same thoughts in Battle Brief because his question was kind of based on mine. The fact that we were thinking the same way gives me a boost of confidence. Not that I would rely on his opinion but since he is the wingleader (and that for a reason) it kinda makes me happy.
“You two are seriously something else. You knew everything in history and in Battle Brief you were badass, especially you Arya.” Rhiannon says with an exciting glint in her brown eyes.
Clad in our sparring clothes (a short sleeved black shirt with tight trousers) we’re currently standing next to the sparring mat where Aurelie and Ridoc are fighting each other. Today is just assessment, that means we figure out where everyone’s skills lay, or if some even have skills.
Sawyer found his way next to me, Violet and Rhiannon on my other side. I quietly observe the match but it`s obvious that both of them already had their fair share of training in the past.
Violet and Rhiannon talk about helping each other out, Vi with academics, Rhiannon with sparring. Sawyer joins the conversation. “I could give tips to survive combat training.” Right, he already has some experience.
A tooth goes flying. Ew. “Enough!” Professor Emetterio shouts.
“What about you, Arya?” Rhiannon asks curious, her eyes not leaving the match in front of us but it's Violet who answers her. “She is good in everything. No, not just good. Magnificent.” I scoff as Emetterio calls out the next match. “Hardly. I may have some training, but there are always fighters who are more dangerous than I am” I say to Violet. A certain cadet from First Wing for example.
A tall, bulky guy from our wing, but second year from another squad stands on the mat. Since we have an uneven number of cadets in the squads someone will have to step into that match with him.
A sickening crack echoes through the hall as Jack Barlowe snaps the neck of his squad mate. Sweet “-Malek” Violet whispers horrified. He seriously is crazy, more than that. I don’t even want to know what goes on in that head, but what I know is, that he is dangerous. We really have to watch out, especially if he’s after Violet.
Emetterio scolds him but Barlowe obviously doesn`t give a flying fuck about what the professor has to say.
Emetterio turns back around and his eyes find mine. Shit. “Melgren, your turn.”
“That will be good. Don`t hurt him too much, Arya” Violet says with a exiciting grin while the others wish me good luck.
I walk over and step onto the mat. “Must be my lucky day to be the first one here to have a chance beating you up, Melgren. Are we allowed to break bones beside the neck?”
Is he- is he dumb?! Even though it's just assessment and Emetterio wants to see what we can do, it is not forbidden to break some bones. We just shouldn`t overdo it, that`s what the challenges are for. Best example of what we shouldn’t do is Barlowes match, if you can even call it a match. Was pretty one sided if you ask me.
Emetterio must think the same because he scoffs and but looks unimpressed at him. He explained the rules of assessment two times before.
I decide to rile him up a bit. “Why? You want to make an appointment with Nolon beforehand for you? You know, just in case.” The right corner of my mouth lifts up. A murmur goes through the crowd and a few laughter can be heard.
Pissed, he turns my way and takes his position and god help me – that must be the worst starting stance I have ever seen. “Don’t worry. I`ll make it short” I tease him further.
That gives him the rest and he storms towards me like an angry bull. I dodge a few of his punches which he clearly doesn`t like and only makes him madder. He may be tall and muscular, but he lacks agility. His movements are uncoordinated, he moves with pure strength, not with logic.
Okay, enough of that. Time to show what I can do.
He takes a step forward; I dodge his fist and punch him square in the face onto his nose. A sickening crunch can be heard, and with the way his nose is deformed, it is definitely broken, but I don`t care. I smack my fist into his jaw, hard, and he falls over, unconscious. HUH?!
Well fuck, that was not the plan. Did I really punch that hard? I stand over his unconscious figure, eyes wide open, mouth dropped in disbelief.
My stunned face finds Emetterios with a similar expression and notice how most of the other cadets stopped what they were doing. Violet looks proud (she saw me sparring more than just once), Rhiannon, Sawyer and the rest of our squad are wide eyed, speechless. “What the fuck?” Someone shouts.
“Well … I think he yields.” I say with a confused smirk on my face.
Emetterio scoffs but I can see the proud glint in his eyes. “Damn Melgren, that was certainly a new record but next time, please let them stay awake.” he says.
I step down from the mat and walk over to my squad. Aetos is the first one to greet me. “That was really good, Arya. I have to give you that, you seem to be an excellent fighter.” A compliment, from Dain Aetos? My face must show the confusion and amusement because he just rolls his eyes but doesn`t say anything else.
Ridoc gives me a fist bump. “That was incredible” Sawyer says, still in awe. “The way you were assessing him and kept your focus on the way he moved. You studied him during the fight and never lost control,” he adds. It was something my father taught me personally when he had the time (which wasn`t often) to fight with me.
“And the way it only took you two punches to knock him unconscious” Rhiannon grins. “Yeah, that was certainly not the plan. But you just have to know where you have to punch” I explain. “I can teach you, if you want.” All four of them nod their head furiously at my offer. Laughing I turn around and find Emetterios gaze fixed on Violet, Imogen Cardulo, a pink haired second year with the relic adorning her arm, next to him. Uh oh.
“Sorrengail, your turn.” Shit.
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laurellerual · 8 months
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I would rather Jon have Dark Sister than Arya because its his bio dad's family sword and because I think it's sexist to assume Arya will get Dark Sister just because she's a girl, especially when there have been male wielders like Bloodraven and Jon's male ancestors Balon and Daemon, plus Jon has a more Visenya-like personality than Arya does. Also, I think older Arya is gonna be more like Queen Nymeria, more of a leader and strategist than an actual warrior.
It would make sense for Jon to have Dark Sister, but… only in case he loses Longclaw. Valyrian steel swords are few and far between and are needed for the zombie apocalypse, and a person can only use one sword at a time. For this reason it makes perfect sense to expect that all the main characters capable of fighting will be armed in some way. And since Jon has already done this for Arya once, I don't see why he wouldn't do so a second time. Especially considering that Needle is useless against the dead and the others, and that already in affc it's described as "hardly more then a toy".
I also agree in seeing Arya more as a leader/strategist than an actual warrior, but even if she isn't deployed on the front line I can still see Jon deciding to arm her in an attempt to protect her, because the chances of failure are very high. (Imo the first real battle of the Long Night will be lost and with it Winterfell).
I've never heard anyone argue that Arya will have Dark Sister because she's a girl, that's a bogus argument. The Dark Sister/Arya association exist mainly because of the name. Secondly, Dark Sister is the only "important" sword to be described as more slender than usual, which is reminiscent of Needle.
But if there is a wielder of Dark Sister that I would associate with Jon, my first thought goes to Brynden Rivers but maybe is because of this amizing song!
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Book Gendrya Month 2023 - Day One - Trust
Arya has shown several times that she trusts Gendry, but I think one of the biggest examples comes when she divulges her plan of escaping Harrenhal to Gendry, even though he is angry with her at the time and could have very well told someone if he was a less loyal and trustworthy person.
At the forge she found the fires extinguished and the doors closed and barred. She crept in a window, as she had once before. Gendry shared a mattress with two other apprentice smiths. She crouched in the loft for a long time before her eyes adjusted enough for her to be sure that he was the one on the end. Then she put a hand over his mouth and pinched him. His eyes opened. He could not have been very deeply asleep. "Please," she whispered. She took her hand off his mouth and pointed.
For a moment she did not think he understood, but then he slid out from under the blankets. Naked, he padded across the room, shrugged into a loose roughspun tunic, and climbed down from the loft after her. The other sleepers did not stir. "What do you want now?" Gendry said in a low angry voice.
"A sword."
"Blackthumb keeps all the blades locked up, I told you that a hundred times. Is this for Lord Leech?"
"For me. Break the lock with your hammer."
"They'll break my hand," he grumbled. "Or worse."
"Not if you run off with me."
"Run, and they'll catch you and kill you."
"They'll do you worse. Lord Bolton is giving Harrenhal to the Bloody Mummers, he told me so."
Gendry pushed black hair out of his eyes. "So?"
She looked right at him, fearless. "So when Vargo Hoat's the lord, he's going to cut off the feet of all the servants to keep them from running away. The smiths too."
"That's only a story," he said scornfully.
"No, it's true, I heard Lord Vargo say so," she lied. "He's going to cut one foot off everyone. The left one. Go to the kitchens and wake Hot Pie, he'll do what you say. We'll need bread or oakcakes or something. You get the swords and I'll do the horses. We'll meet near the postern in the east wall, behind the Tower of Ghosts. No one ever comes there."
"I know that gate. It's guarded, same as the rest."
"So? You won't forget the swords?"
"I never said I'd come."
"No. But if you do, you won't forget the swords?"
He frowned. "No," he said at last. "I guess I won't." (Arya X ACOK)
Some may argue that Arya only risked telling Gendry, and by extension Hot Pie, because she needed them, that she needed Gendry’s swords and Hot Pie’s food, but this isn’t the case at all.  Arya is the one to plan the entire escape.  She is the one to dress accordingly for travel, as well as steal a map and a dagger from Roose Bolton.  She is the one who manages to get the stableboy to saddle three horses for her to take, and she is the one who kills the guard when she realizes she isn't going to be able to trick the guard in order to escape.  She didn’t technically need Gendry or Hot Pie.  Arya already had the dagger, which is what she used on the guard, and she already knew how to scavenge for food and to hunt small animals.  
Arya even acknowledges later that Gendry and Hot Pie were slowing her down, but because Arya cares about them, especially Gendry, she couldn’t just leave them behind in Harrenhal, no matter how much she insists Gendry and Hot Pie would have been safe in Harrenhal when she’s faced with the reality of what may happen to them all if they are caught, even though we know first hand Gendry and Hot Pie likely would have been killed with most of the people in Harrenhal, like we saw when Jaime came and took the castle once again.
She would make much better time on her own, Arya knew, but she could not leave them. They were her pack, her friends, the only living friends that remained to her, and if not for her they would still be safe at Harrenhal, Gendry sweating at his forge and Hot Pie in the kitchens. If the Mummers catch us, I'll tell them that I'm Ned Stark's daughter and sister to the King in the North. I'll command them to take me to my brother, and to do no harm to Hot Pie and Gendry. They might not believe her, though, and even if they did . . . Lord Bolton was her brother's bannerman, but he frightened her all the same. I won't let them take us, she vowed silently, reaching back over her shoulder to touch the hilt of the sword that Gendry had stolen for her. I won't. (Arya I ASOS)
And we see that Arya was willing to risk revealing her identity to the Northmen at Harrenhal, who she didn’t even trust, if they were caught, all in the attempt to spare Gendry and Hot Pie.  And considering she didn’t trust them she couldn’t even be certain her revealing her identity would have kept her safe or her friends.
In the end, Arya may have exaggerated what the Bloody Mummers were going to do once they took control of the castle in order to get Gendry to leave with her, but Arya’s heart was in the right place.  She knew nothing good would come from leaving Gendry and Hot Pie behind, however, she also couldn’t bear to go on by herself, as she needed her pack beside her on her journey forth to find her mother and brother, hoping that when they did, her pack would be able to stay by her side.
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
Do u want to talk about cannibalism in asoiaf
i luuurve the way cannibalism is portrayed in asoiaf. it makes me a bit crazy.... the way stannis, a man shown to be the epitome of justice and law, kept men imprisoned just in case they ran out of food. wartime murder, rape, civilian casualties, etc are portrayed as bad but almost necessary/unstoppable symptoms of war, yet cannibalism is this one taboo they still keep.
it is DEEPLY linked to the old gods, it's this primal, ancient horror, next to/linked to guest right and kinslaying. bran eating jojenpaste/coldhands' shady game, the warg starks (inc. robb!) all probably eating people while skinchanging, arya maybe eating human at THOBAW.
i like the way its often class based. king's landing's poor are fed and fuelled by literally eating each other THAT is the true naked face of feudalism. while the red keep has a constant revolving door of huge feasts, arya is eating the brown of flea bottom.
i love the ouroboros of it all, the endless cycle. a lot of it is also linked to the riverlands! frey pies, nymeria, robb and greywind, vargo hoat, the historical mention of danelle lothston.
checking the AWOIAF page for cannibalism (which yes, exists), the amethyst empress myth is linked with it. i'm not much of a GEOTD theoriser but hmm much to consider, especially it's links to azor ahai and nissa nissa.
in summary i think its a great narrative device and metaphor. i think grrm uses it very well! i hope we get 6/6 on starklings eating people (skagosi are rumoured to eat people come on rickon just one finger eat one finger bro come on everyone else is doing it...)
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