#especially since im too busy to make lots of new stuff
ravenclod · 2 months
I realised that since most of you dont know me from insta, you haven't seen a lot of my madoka art ?!
→ INCLUDING my kyosaya animatic i made in november and posted to youtube in march ! (it had been posted to insta before i decided to post it on YT as well)
→ the arts a little outdated, but i still am really proud of it so if you want to go watch it the link is here ^_^
→ its mostly sayaka, with hints of kyosaya in it. the song is "The Deal" by Mistki !!
↓ thumbnail :)
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→ i also have some other fanart i might repost on here, including a redraw of one of the pmmm official arts! its got the full holy quintet, so i might post the characters superately before the full thing ^_^
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One thing I can’t stop thinking about is meeting a feeder at a bar and going to a hotel room with them where they can stuff me with as many burgers and fries as possible and then fuck me into the bed >.< im new to being a feedee too so it’d be so hot for dominant feeder to take me to bed and whisper dirty fantasies and encouragements while they explore my limits (of my sex drive and my belly🥰)
"Are you doing okay over here? Can I get you another drink?" the bartender says to you. It didn't really register to you because you were too busy looking around the room for your date. He was an hour late and hadn't responded to your text messages asking where he was.
"Yeah, I think I just got stood up." This was the first time you tried to go on a date since your big break up last year, so this cut extra deep. You even pulled you nicest outfit, even though it fit a little more snug than you remembered. Perhaps you had put on a few pounds since your breakup.
"Don't worry, I have just the thing for you." They walk away and start making you a drink. In a moment, they come back with a tropical looking drink with a pineapple fronds sticking out the top and a cherry. "Here you go, this is on the house and I ordered you a dessert from the kitchen, on me."
"Oh my God, that's so nice. You didn't have to do all that."
"It was my pleasure. Someone as cute as you are should never be stood up. It truly was their loss." They say and flash you a smile. You feel your face start to blush and you get the light flutter of butterflies in your stomach. You know bartenders will flirt sometimes to get better tips but for some reason you think they are being serious. Maybe this is just how bartenders work at these fancy hotel bars.
You take a sip of the drink. It's a combination of sweet, sour, and slightly spicy that makes you feel cozy and comfortable. In fact it's so easy to drink that by the time your dessert arrives, you hadn't even noticed that you drank the whole thing. The dessert is a fudge sunday piled high with ice cream, chocolate, and nuts. It looks delicious but monstrous. You don't know how you're going to finish this whole thing.
The bar is slow tonight so you two have a lot of time to talk. They tell you how they moved here a couple of months ago and were still getting adjusted to city life. You tell them about your job that you just got a new promotion for and how you've been trying to grow a houseplant but no matter what you do they keep dying. All the while, you're picking at your dessert and drinking these tasty drinks that they keep bringing you.
You're starting to feel pretty buzzed and your belly is so tight with all the sugar sweets. You look down and notice the buttons on your shirt are starting to strain and you waistband is digging into your now softer sides. How long had it been since you had this much fun talking to someone?
"Well, it's getting to be that time. Anything I can get you for last call?" They told you. This broke you out of your trance.
"Of course, they are here to work. Nobody would actually want to flirt with you and get to know you." You think to yourself. You were starting to spiral, but you were brought back by a simple question.
"Are you staying here at the hotel? If not, I get a free room. Maybe you could stay the night with me,"
You weren't crazy, they actually did like you. Maybe it was the alcohol but your face got super flushed and your heart started racing.
"Y-yes! I would like that very much."
"Well, here is the room key. I'm going to order some room service for after my shift so help yourself to whatever you like when it gets there. I'll be about 30 minutes to an hour until I'm done closing the bar. I'll see you then," they say and wink at you.
After getting a little lost in the maze of corridors that make up the hotel, you make your way to the room. It was a modest room but with how much your head was spinning from the booze, a comfy place to rest was appreciated. Especially with how tight your clothes were, you needed some release. As you tried to unbutton the strained buttons on your shirt, you accidentally popped a few of the off. Normally you would be mortified but it felt so good to have your belly freed from its prison of thread and buttons.
Beads of sweat were starting to pool on your forehead from walking are the hotel. “It must be the alcohol, I’m not that out of shape yet.” Yet? Were you planning on getting that out of shape? Your contemplation was cut short by a knock at the door. “Room service, may I come in?”
“One second,” you called back, desperately trying to cover your exposed gut. You find the bathrobe hanging by the bathroom door. It looks silly considering you’re still wearing your pants and shoes but it gets the job done.
“Hello, please come in.” You say and usher them in. They put an order of burger and fries on the tiny table, you thank them and they leave, but not before casting you an odd glance.
You check the time. The bartender shouldn’t be done closing the bar yet. “Did they order this for me? They must have.” Your head was spinning and your heart was starting to race. “They want you to eat. That’s why they gave you so much free stuff. You should eat for them, it would be so hot if you did.” Your belly still felt full from the dessert but it didn’t matter. You dug in.
The burger was huge, but it was delicious. The melted cheese pair so well with juicy burger and the crunch of the veggies was a nice texture. The fries were hot and crisp. You kept eating in a blissful daze. At some point you unbuttoned your pants to give your belly more room. You were in such a fugue state that you didn’t notice the juices from the burger dripping down your face and into your nicest shirt. You were about halfway done with hen there was another knock at the door followed by the sound of the keycard being inserted.
“Hey, I closed up a little early. I grabbed a couple beers from downstairs for us to share.” They stopped in their tracks as soon as they saw the state of you: Belly exposed, stuffed to the brim with food, and greasy juices dripping from your chin. They chuckled, “that was my dinner you know.”
“Oh God,” you thought to yourself. You could feel your face burning hot with embarrassment. “Of course, it’s their dinner. Why would I assume that they wanted me to eat more? That’s crazy!”
“But, it was also a test,” they said as they pulled up a chair next to you. After pulling a couple cans of beer from the six pack, they crack one open and bring it to your lips. Without thinking, you drink it down. It’s painful how the bubbling beverage pushes your stomach out even further. Before you know it, then can is empty. You try to stifle burps in between heavy gasps for air but are unsuccessful. They gently rub your belly to release some of the pressure. “I’m so happy I was right about you. I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me.”
They pick up what’s left of the burger and hold it up to your face. You have to lean back in the chair to make more room in your gut. It smells so rich and greasy it’s sickening, but you want it anyways. You shouldn’t, and yet, you’ve never wanted anything more.
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ronkeyroo · 5 months
A positive Update
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Friends, kind folk - Hello Again 🤍
Ever since my last update post, I've been thinking about it , a lot ;; I knew I needed time to cook and reflect, and im so glad I gave myself that...
2024 started rough for me; I fell severely ill again - I was too busy cursing my life and dwelling over how betrayed I felt by things still not getting better despite my efforts that I didn't realize I was walking into a self fulfilling prophecy. Its true that the struggles I'm going through are yet to be solved, that its gotten so much to the point giving up seemed easier, and that a couple individuals haven't been making it easier on me either; I swayed and i rattled and I steered within feelings ranging from confusion to anger to dismay and all of this back and forth did nothing but remind me of yet another self-destructive loop I just don't want to allow in my life anymore. Its exactly the kinda stuff that made me ill to begin with, and I've been so lost dealing with everything in between that i forgot to tend to the actual core centering all of this...
It grew unbearable how much emotional and physical turmoil I was pushing myself into, and knowing how intertwined these two elements have been; I had to draw a line before i majorly screwed myself over, gathering any bit of inner will to discipline myself back into some sort of clarity, enough to at least look through a lens OUTSIDE my pain for once, towards the kind of life I want to lead, and the kind of life I don't; and I came to an understanding.
From my physical state to my mental, to the people and memories I've experienced, both the good and the bad - I want to prioritize the good.
Not in a shitty ass, toxic optimism kinda way but in a "I want to prioritize knowing and living the possibility that even when it hurts, even when i want to be gone, even when life doesn't align - There's still every good reason in the world to keep moving forward, to face things from a perspective of growth & compassion, and to grow to love the promise of a better tomorrow even when today was unbearable." To know that I don't end or begin in my suffering, that the infinite potential I speak so fondly of applies to me, as well...
I want to be able to wield and create and share that goodness, too, Especially when it is already in decline...And for all gods sake, to internalize that all of this STILL exists and STILL matters even when it doesn't work the first couple or dozens of times.
As for my place here in Tumblr...I know the sentiment might feel silly to some but the experiences, memories, and connections I've made here have truly been such a significant force in my life, and i don't want to give up on that ;; Not because of my own insecurities, or an inner state of hopelessness, and especially not over a bunch of emotionally immature Anons that dont know how to handle themselves; I want to forgive all of that.
I'm stubborn, and there's an unyielding force within me that no matter how many times it is struck down, it proved itself ridiculously resilient. I'm perking up with with a fiery confidence realizing just how many times it rose back up, enough to realize it is an unchangeable part of me ;_; I shouldn't underestimate that force, and I want to keep living by its side. Whatever positive change I can sprinkle onto my life and the lives of those I care for, I will! And the reason why this space in particular is so important to me, is because so much of that already exists here, alongside you folks;
THAT'S the kind of energy i want to nourish and walk into the new year with! I want to continue growing as a person, challenging my inner turmoils, undoing the self punishing dogmas that still haunt me, stop flexing my teeth over things that don't deserve my time and god DAMN, just - indulge in the stuff that makes me happy, even when I'm going through unhappy times.
So yeah...I guess that means, I'm back & I'm staying ;_;)🧡
I know i may seem like a broken record when it comes to expressing gratitude but - Thank you, thank you thank you everyone who have reached out for me, who so fondly kept me in their thoughts and kept encouraging me whenever i was hurting, both then and now...You folks mean more than whatever ailment or struggle I can go through, and while I'm unsure of how the future will look like as I'm still going through various challenges- I couldn't have asked for a cooler, sweeter audience to have by my side whenever Its time to take a rest or hype over our sexy delicious blorbos!
Speaking of which....................I have been cooking quite a lot of things in the time i was away 👀✨ I most definitely intend to serve them, eheheh
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heartssatoru · 1 year
Heyyyy! I was thinking of the fact I can be a slightly clingy GF and was wondering if you could do HCs on how the JJK boys would be with a slightly clingy GF. Megumi, Gojo, Itadori and Toge!!! Oh and Sukuna because I know you love him!
AHH THANK YOU!! I do infact love sukuna hehe🙏 but yeah of course! Thank you for the request!
Megumi secretly likes it.
But he's scared. Especially when you always try to be with him. Especially during missions, he doesn't wanna lose you.
If you also are the type to literally drown him in affection:
He'll push your hand away whenever you try to do anything. He's just awkward like that, n shy
If you stop he forces you to go back to doing what you were gonna do
He just gets really red cause he doesn't know how to respond
He acts like your clingeness is annoying but deep down he really does like it
Saw him smile slightly while you were playing with his hair? No you didn't.
He himself gets kinda clingy whenever he has a bad day, but he doesn't notice that.
Tease him about it and he'll face the other way, ignoring you. His face is extremely red.
If your clingy, that's fine. Hes clingy too.
But like megumi. Does not want you getting hurt. He takes on missions that could result in you being killed.
So he has his reasons, however
He always teases you about it, saying how you can't resist him n stuff
Love's how you both be smothering eachother in kisses
Everytime he comes back from missions n stuff he always gets you something, especially if you get sad that he's not home.
(Everytime he comes home your arms are already wrapped around his waist)
And since he's so busy he gets you plushies of him, and only him.
"Since I know you love me so much hehe"
Itadori enjoys it so much, he's not very clingy. But is at the same time.
Just uh.. sometimes it really gets to him and he starts crying a little
"Yuji are crying?" "Nuh uh! It's just my allergies" said in a shaky voice
Someone actually wants his company? Wow!!
Everytime hes home late he always apologizes and hugs you so tight.
You can't breath cause of it but aww! Hes suffocating you (with affection)
sometimes he'll be a little mean and tease you about it though.
gets so confused when he isn't welcomed with you smothering him in kisses as soon as he gets back
But when you do he starts giggling all happily. "Your so mean"
Likes how you always cling onto him as soon as he's home. And finds it cute when you whine about him being gone for so long
He appreciates it a lot, and doesn't even move an inch whenever you're drowning him in affection
Mostly also cause he's kinda awkward, but not too much. (Not as much as megumi)
He always wants to be with you. But missions stop him from doing so.
Hes not really used being welcomed back with you and your affection, like the rest.
He doesn't mind it though, and he himself can be clingy too, like the rest (too lol)
He doesn't even know his cheeks are slightly red with everything you do
I can picture him being kinda clingy in certain situations too. But its kinda rare
Over all he's a little cutie, loves your clingyness and you.
Mocks you and makes fun of you, but thats no suprise.
Thats just how he is. He wont admit it if he likes it. But im being real here he'd probably use it as an insult
Even though he likes it, he wont admit it. He'll bully you about it😭
If you actually get upset he'll stay quiet cause he feels awkward. Won't bully you, as much.
However if you just ignore him he'll keep going. He just wants to get on ur nerves tbh
But still since he knows you love him so much he'll be like "of course your so needy for me"
Or something like that. He's clingy in certain situations, but thats extremely extremely rare.
Working on:
"Okay since you do write for Megumi I was thinking of a scenario where fem reader(if you do that) and Megumi have been together for awhile and new sorcerer starts at Jujutsu High and immediately develops a crush on him and reader gets insecure about it. How that would play out and how he would react! "
"can you write some headcanons for when the jjk boys lose their s/o in a large crowd? ^^"
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ghostbite0 · 3 months
i got a ton of asks in my inbox so im just going to put all of them here so i don't spam u guys with it haha
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this is really the only guy i use. felt pen on clip studio is excellent for the sketchier style i like! when it comes to coloring i just use a basic solid brush !
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i imagine they do, and they each get assigned a baby (tanjiro with giyuu, inosuke with sanemi, and zenitsu with obanai) but it lasts for barely a day. inosuke has no idea what hes doing and obanai cant stand zenitsu
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tengens wives find the situation hysterical but they help out however they can. ofc they all fight over tengen. they love helping out with the kiddies but they especially enjoy taking care of the younger ones-- they think mui, mitsuri, and shinobu are adorable! tengen definitely tries to flirt with them but hes a cringe fail ten year old
kanao, aoi, and the butterfly girls all help out as well. kanao and shinobu are typically glued together
shinjuro and senjuro are shocked to see rengoku (and obanai) and while shinjuro is pissed off at first, he can't Not take in his boys. senjuro and little obanai are super similar in nature so
urokodaki, tengen, and nezuko are worried but excited about giyuu's transformation. they're like lets freaking go. good childhood moment
and of course genya thinks the situation is hilarious and hes happy to get to spend time with his brother, although he's VERRRRY awkward. he's a bit avoidant at times but usually gyomei and tanjiro can talk him
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aw thank you! to answer your question;; shinobu and gyomei basically spend time with him and are attentive to his wants/needs to help him recognize he does matter. rengoku and the others help with this! essentially love language stuff and affirmations and what not
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ill be honest i totally forgot about this. yea! i would say the babies are only put in a very specific area of the manor and they deep clean it constantly. if they have a good amount of sick/wounded i imagine they have gyomei or etc take them in. im not sure! in my mind the hashira all rotate and babysit and etc
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this 100% happens. urokodaki learned the news and had never traveled to the headquarters so fast
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ohh this is a fun question! truthfully im not sure what the answer to this would be... i appreciate all the questions/ideas/etc!! if anything id love to have more questions about general characterization stuff, since thats my favorite favorite favorite to talk about!!! maybe more questions about like... what their relationships are like, do they have nicknames for each other, that sort of thing... idk! either way im glad people are interested :D
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sanemi tries to make them laugh. he remembers his little siblings always cheering up when he would make silly faces and sounds, so he does that here
giyuu awkwardly pats the other baby's back/head and is like "there there" ... he remembers how sabito's hugs would make him feel better so he awkwardly hugs the other. most of the time obanai/sanemi stop crying purely bc they're confused as to why giyuu is hugging them
obanai would usually talk them out of it, but he can't do too much since he's restricted to baby babble. so instead, he will try to find one of their toys and "gift" it to them. ex giyuu was sobbing hysterically until obanai found his fox plushie and gave it to him
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awww shucks... stop it u guys.....!
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im doing ok!!! hanging in! got 3/13 commissions done so busy busy!
also, for future ref, i prefer being called "bite" !!! i know a lot of people call me ghost, so i just wanted to take a moment to correct that :D
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awwwwww this is so sweet!! thank you so much!!!!!!
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defintely one of the rodent pokemon. my favorite pokemon changes constantly but im told i have mimikyu / teddiursa / bunneary vibes. i also like espurr. i have no idea UWEIHRWE
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i think he would be a little awkward at first but he would get the hang of it. most of what he does is just keep them entertained and make sure they arent sick or hurt. though he eventually builds up the courage to ask if he can feed obanai. from that point on whenever muichiro is babysitting he's the one offering to feed him, though someone else has to make the bottle-- he doesn't know how to do that
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this is canon
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Hands down, Obanai. Though I also feel really sad for Gyomei and Muichiro, and I think Tengen's story (what we know of it) is pretty sad. I don't like comparing traumas, though! but yeah. obanai is. wow. poor guy
and to those of you sending art requests; i see them, i promise! commissions come first, so they may take time for me to get done!
thank you guys for all the questions! i always love checking my inbox and getting an excuse to talk about things...
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atom-writings · 4 months
hello! how would netherlands, luxembourg and russia like to spend their honeymoon with their s/o? or, what would the wedding look like?
hetalia netherlands, luxembourg, and russia wedding / honeymoon headcanons
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0.6k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: none!
a/n: guys im trying to get back on schedule :sob: i have asks from almost a year im so sorry
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When it comes to Abel, neither his wedding nor honeymoon would be big.
For the wedding, there’s no more than, like, 5 people invited. He would’ve preferred a sudden in-and-out wedding if it weren’t for how public it was, regardless of how un-romantic it is for you.
Instead, you can invite people if you want, and you’ll be having a quick, private ceremony in the woods. Probably only with nothing, except like, 2 chairs for “an emergency” (He won’t elaborate on that.)
He also wouldn’t dress up either way, unless it were vitally important to you. He wants to be as true to who he is when he vows to be with you for as long as you live, and he is not a tuxedo guy.
Weirdly enough, it’s how much he cares about the wedding that makes him so weird about it. It’s very important to him, and that means everything has to be as authentic and intimate as possible. So, that means a weird awkward wedding.
Of course, that’s just if he gets his way. But he’s surprisingly lenient with his S/O with most things (as long as it’s not too expensive.)
For future reference, he is most susceptible to puppy dog eyes and “pretty please.”
As for the honeymoon, there’s no way he’s putting any effort into it. You can plan it, but he’s not paying and he’s not helping you guys get there. His ideal honeymoon is a night in and watching a movie he pirated, but whatever you want is fine too.
What he wants to do though is a lot of cliche boring stuff, like going sightseeing, hiking, and visiting museums. Notice how all of it is free? That’s the main idea here. Although, he does love camping regardless of how cheap it ends up being. Lets him show you how much of a man he is <3
He’s not travelling though. Leaving the country is out of the question. The important part already happened, why are you making such a big deal out of it?!
The exact opposite. Laurent is renting out a significant chunk of his capital city to throw the biggest, most extravagant, most expensive modern wedding in the world! He may be a busy man, but he’s always willing to put away plenty of time for his beloved.
If you like planning events, you two will work together for many months making sure everything is perfect. But if you don’t, he’ll take it all on himself to ensure everything goes perfectly.
But with that, he’ll become really stressed. He wouldn’t snap at you (because after all, it is all for you,) but he’s no fun when he’s that worked up. It’s better if you help.
Especially since he wants your wedding to have great symbolic meaning. Having it represent the shared vision of your future together is his first- well… second priority.
The honeymoon afterwards would be much the same, although he also wouldn’t want to travel too far. Once the spectacle is over, he just appreciates the excuse to do nothing but spend time with you without any pressure.
Preferably trying a bunch of new food, going shopping, and going to stereotypical couple-y activities, like dance classes.
He may seem upbeat, but Laurent is surprisingly melancholic around the time of your wedding. For as excited as he is (which is very,) he can’t help but feel worried about how much time he’ll have with you.
But it shouldn’t get him down too much. He's still riding the high of seeing you in your wedding attire <3
Ivan would want a very, very, very traditional Russian wedding if you’d be fine with that. Unlike a lot of other nations, he’s never been married before, so he’s very stressed about getting to do every single thing he never got to before.
You’d swear he abandoned you for months before the wedding as he’s panickedly running around the country trying desperately to throw everything together. Half the ceremonies he wants to do haven’t been done for centuries, and he really doesn’t understand why he can’t have live cannon fire at his wedding!
Maybe just pat him on the head and tell him you’ll love him even if you can’t sacrifice 20 goats during the ceremony.
But once the stress (and awkwardness as all of his former friends are forced to attend,) is over, he’s whisking you away for a months-long vacation. Preferably somewhere bright and warm but really; he doesn’t care where you want to go, anywhere is alright, as long as it’s far away from everything you two have to worry about regularly.
His favourite things to do with you while on vacation are really stereotypical, like going to the beach, going to scenic locations, and falling into every tourist trap.
He tries to be as romantic as possible through all of that, but he can’t help being awkward and giddy after you two are finally married.
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squipdop · 3 months
Howd they bring up the junior scouts idea to max??? Was he like Whatever sure or super tsundere or surprisingly emotional that they wanted him back after he aged out?? Did anyone else come back or do special day-long visits like how schools bring in visitors? What does max think of the new kids? They all look so cool i love Max's hair!!!!
Okay so. I call it the '6 years later' AU but technically i have Stuff Planned for all the time that passed between now and then too, so this'll be a bit longer, sorry!!
Max joining the counselor team was actually kind of a natural/gradual development?? Basically, since I can't make CC content that isn't found family Max has a shit home life, and, even if he hates to admit it at first, the three months of summer camp become his bright spot each year. David and Gwen catch on to that, but there isn't much they can do to help outside of camp - until one day Max (age 13/14ish) shows up on Gwen's doorstep because he ran away from home, 'since his parents won't care either way'. While he does return home after hiding out at Gwen's place for a weekend, this kind of kicks off a pattern of Max running away sporadically, to Gwen's, later David's, or his friends places. I could go into more detail here but. this is already long. oop.
ANYWAYS. So with Max spending basically all the time he can away from home and the summers at camp, once he ages out there's. A Bit of panic starting in him once summer gets closer again, because his Safe Place seems inaccessible, and two of his OTHER options, especially for longer stays away from home, would also be unavailable. Gwen and David notice this (it manifests in Max staying over More but Angrier) and try to find a solution. Gwen proposes the Jr Counselor idea. They introduce the idea to Max by kinda implying that workload around camp is a lot, and it'd really hurt to miss one of their most experienced campers, but... maybe, if he worked there too (well, interned. basically unpaid. but! no camp tuition!) he could help them? so they basically give Max a way to say yes without admitting that he's the one who needs camp the most. He does insult the whole thing ofc, and says like he's just doing it because he knows camp would burn down without him there ("actually, most of the fires we had were started by you...?" "shut it, david") but secretly he's really really happy. He might even thank them later that evening. Quietly. Before complaining about it preemptively. <3
WAH THATS ALREADY SUCH A WALL OF TEXT ok ill hurry up w the rest:
While most of the other campers had some rotations over the years, I don't have conk rete plans for most of them - Nikki and Neil are still Max' gang, and returned for multiple summers, if not all. This year though, Neil is busy with college prep, and Nikki is spending the summer at home because of family crisis. They still video call a lot, they're still The Gang. I have sketched designs for them, but I'm not quite happy yet.
Max at first doesn't take his role seriously, because he's basically just Back For Another Summer, but pretty quickly realises Gwen and David DO have expectations, and DO give him responsibilities. He takes a while to come around on his new relationship to the younger kids, and especially one of the youngest kids takes a liking to him, a very anxious young girl, which annoys him at first, but... well. It's a whole ~character arc~ for Max waiting to happen tbh.
OK THANK YOU IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR IM SORRY ITS SO LONG. i wasnt lying when i said i have So Many Thoughts about this. ANYWAYS as thank u for getting this far heres a doodle of Max putting up his hair. :3c
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malevolantkitcheen · 2 months
I’m an ENFP 7w6 my friends describe me as the mother friend for some reason but it’s probably bc I’m an older sister and basically become my younger sisters mother since my parents tend to be busy with work.
Despite being the ‘mother’ friend I like to tease my friends a lot LIKE A LOT I will combust if I do not get to tease my friend for a day but other than that I’m pretty approachable and friendly (even tho my friends tell me I have a resting bitch face)
Likes : Socialising, analysing people (it’s a really weird thing I do but I like analysing people and figuring out what their humour and personalities are), COFFEE. I drank it so much people had to ban me from it.., Rewatching comfort shows and listening to others interest it’s quite nice to just sit back and listen to people talk for ages.
Dislikes : Stuff half opened or half closed like it irritates me more that it should </3, Self absorbed people.. Like the ones that think the world revolves around them, too judgmental people, negative emotions I absolutely despise expressing them it feels too tiring.
For Jujutsu Kaisen i match you with…
Maki Zen’in
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-You and Maki had been good friends since starting out at Jujutsu Tech. You hadn’t really known anyone else but there was something about her that stood out to you, she had a strong aura. The two of you made a great team, so much so that nobody really caused any problems for either of you, especially due to Maki’s often abrupt responses. She could often be a bit short fused but you were always her voice of reason, even if she didn’t feel like taking your advice that day. It truly felt like you and Maki may as well be attached at the hip.
-Every time that you and Maki would go out, you would always try to find a new cafe to try. It was a weekly occurrence in which you would religious get lunch and a coffee. Whilst waiting for food and drinks, you and Maki would try and guess things about the lives of people passing by, most of which ended up just being silly. You loved the way that she would become so invested into each person, writing their narratives as she spoke, which was often broken by moments of laughter. Maki was a pretty serious individual so being able to see her like this truly made your day, your whole week even. Once arriving at home, the two of you would pick up where you left off on the latest show you were watching, always making sure to bring lots of snacks. Sometimes these hangouts would turn into binge watching a particular show or diving deep into lore and backgrounds of each character, psychoanalysing the ones that sparked your interest. You always made sure to interject with some ridiculous theory idea because you knew that Maki would react every single time, it would never result in petty bickering or anything of the sort; it would always just end up with you rolling around with laughter and Maki trying her best to remain serious.
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celestie0 · 4 months
hi, love! how are you today? are you doing well? is work treating you good?
i hope you are doing well! flowers 💐 for my favourite girlie ✨
also have you got any tips for new writers? like i’ve been tryna write this fanfic but i cannot really understand how to keep it flowing without forcing it out, and i’m hoping you can help us out. its absolutely fine if you’re busy or cannot for any reason. no pressure truly🥹
hellooo i’m doing well thank you 🥺💕 work is well i just got home, its rainy where i live so i made some hot cocoa and im just in bed now. i hope you’re feeling better i know you said you were sick <3 🌤️🌤️ some sunshine for you!
ohhh to be asked for writers tips is so flattering! i tried to think of my top few, and i have them below the read line :”) hope they help in some way and if you do end up posting your works don’t hesitate to tag me i would love to read them <3
my writing tips ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
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dialogue. this one is toughhh bc i feel like a lot can ride on dialogue. my biggest tip for dialogue would be to just write all of your dialogue for a scene completely stripped down. none of the “he says” & “she says” or action verbs inbetween, just write it all out like it was a simple text convo w quotation marks. that way the words will sound realistic because you’re only picturing a convo in your head, rather than also trying to juggle all the descriptive prose. after you’ve got the dialogue, then you can go back in to fluff things up. if it’s meant to be comedic or a fast-paced argument, i think keeping it relatively stripped down is the way to go, but if it’s something intense or suspenseful then fluffing it up may be the better choice. also, i find dialogue becomes easier the more you write for a specific character, so if it’s not flowing right away, don’t worry!! their words will find you eventually once you get to know the character better :)
on choosing conflicts. this can be harddd because sometimes you just want the story to exist in happy land haha. but just like you said so beautifully in the sweet kickoff ch8 review you gave me, characters won���t always act perfect, but i think a great way to make conflict seem realistic is for them to act in character but with flaws, rather than just randomly out of character with flaws. maybe make a list of what that character’s good qualities and how those qualities could also work against them, and use the latter to brainstorm realistic conflict that those qualities could put them in (ex: a character is self-sufficient, but that causes them to rely on ppl less when they need it -> they fail to reach out for help in timely manners and leads to mistakes/regrets)
pacing. the biggessstt most important thing in my opinion for writing i believe is nailing the pacing. especially for fanfiction where people may be more interested in specific niche scenes rather than all of the stuff built around it. when starting off a story, don’t be afraid to just jump straight into it! or jump straight into the dialogue and then build the scene gradually as it progresses, rather than [gigantic block of text in beginning of scene that reader must drag their eyes through] and then get to the dialogue (im sooo bad w this myself lmao i fluff things up too much). in a world where attention spans are decreasing (rip), a lot of the times less is more. make sure the pacing fits the scene (romantic -> longer paragraphs more focused on subtle details, comical -> short paragraphs w simple n relatable diction, etc)
creating characters. with fanfiction this can be easy since you already have fleshed out characters from shows/books to work off of, but a good way to characterize is to just include little details that give them personality! not only is it a way to allow the reader to resonate with the character, but also it gives other characters in the story an opportunity to notice those lil quirks and create bonds over them as well. i just picture my friends or family in my head, the things i love about them, and incorporate it (i know nothing about film photography but my friend is a film major n thats where i got the idea for mc in kickoff)
for tone and mood. i think to get words flowing for different scenes, it can be really useful to get into the environment of those scenes while you’re writing, such as listening to a song that fits the vibe of the scene prior to/during writing (i blasted tgif by katy perry while writing the party scenes in ch6 of kickoff lol), or if its a scene at night, write it w the lights off, or watch a youtube vid w scenery that matches. may sound silly, but it could help! if i write something angsty in a really bright sunshine environment it’s hard for me to get the words
read more. this is sort of a miscellaneous one but a good way to subconsciously get better at writing is to just read more! your brain kinda learns how to write on its own when you read. also, when i’m reading, if i see words i really like i jot them down in my notes app so i have my own lil vocabulary of words that i know i would like to use in my writing
on writing insecurities. be proud of your writing!! your first draft does NOT have to be perfect. some days the words will flow, but on some they won’t, and that’s okay. don’t get too into your head about “i wonder what readers will think of this plot point or this character action” etc, i think having faith in your own process but also in your readers will bring you a lot of peace as you write :) create what you want to create and the rest will follow!! when i first started posting kickoff i was overthinking sooo many things that ended up being received just fine by readers in the end, so just stick to your plan 🫶🏼💕
use chatgpt. looool ai can be useful in writing too! i usually only use it after i'm completed with a draft, and i just plug select paragraphs into it to see if it can come up with some better words for me to use. it's also useful to come up with logistical details for aspects of your stories for world-building etc (no clue anything ab professional collegiate soccer games i've never been to one but i used chatgpt to come up with the scenes)
woooow i wrote way more than i thought i would haha but i hope this helps!! ive never given tips before so idk if these only make sense to me 💀 but hopefully they can be applied to what you’re looking to write as well :)
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
that person with the ABO true mates thing has the right idea tbh. on a similar note, imagine instead dream is the 3rd child of some important medieval noble family. he's resigned to live a life of boring diplomacy and living in his father's shadow and probably being married off for some political alliance (he is the 2nd son but he's also the 3rd child and imo death is generally a lot more well prepared for anything he might have thrown his way as the "spare" but we already knew that)
but one day dream and some of his family are in the town square, perhaps returning from a long journey. they maybe were off trying to negotiate a deal for dream's hand in marriage, but dream was so miserable about it that the talks were useless and everyones coming home upset. theres a lot of people around and its generally very busy, so it isn't very surprising that dream brushes shoulders with some stranger, but before he gets the chance to tell him off for it since he is still a bratty little prince, he gets thrown into a full blown heat. like, falls to the ground, clawing to get his clothes off because theyre too much, panting because he cant catch his breath type. (i personally am a huge sucker for bottom dream regardless of whether he doms or not, but after seeing an ask about househusband/alpha!hob i really cant get the idea of dom bottom omega dream and service top submissive alpha hob out of my head)
anyway, he gets back home just fine to wait out his heat, and as soon as he's done he's hell bent on finding whoever it was that sent him into that. night would probably want him to go find whoever it was (thinking of night in overture making a whole pocket dimension for dream and a lover), but maybe time would want to still get a political alliance out of this. he ends up doing some cinderella type thing to find hob back and he's so in love he conveniently ignores that hob is a mercenary/thief/sword for hire/bounty hunter/whatever and has probably most definitely also stolen from dreams family before. besides, who cares about a little bit of money when you can order your new alpha mate to fuck you halfway to hell and back? all im gonna say is they have NOTHING to worry about when it comes to heirs
I see submissive alpha hob? I go feral. Literally this whole thing is GOLD.
I’m imagining after his heat, Dream uses his status (maybe with Night’s help if she’s in a good mood) to summon all the unmated alphas in town to his family’s home, and has them all walk past him while he smells every single one. Hob literally only showed up for the opportunity to steal some stuff from the place, so imagine his shock when little lordling Dream pounces on him and declares that they are true mates!! Hob obviously isn’t mad about it because Dream is the prettiest little darling he’s ever seen… he’s also an absolute terror, spends half his time snarling and the other half sulking. Hob loves it, loves him within about an hour (especially when Dream drags him off and takes his knot in a store cupboard - they’re not even married! the scandal is delicious!).
Dream is insatiable, but Hob is more than able to keep up. Hob doesn’t give a shit about manners or being respectable, and he’ll gladly join Dream in skipping out on diplomatic dinners and other dull things. The “honeymoon phase” doesn’t show any sign of stopping after a year of being mated - Dream rarely shows his face outside of their bedroom before noon, because he’s busy. It’s a good thing that Hob has access to high quality food now, because otherwise he’d be dropping a lot of weight with all the strenuous activity Dream expects from him.
Dream’s family aren’t best pleased with the match, but even they can’t stand in the way of true mates, and Dream is only the third child so it isn’t the end of the world. At least Hob keeps Dream out of trouble and full of pups.
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journey-to-the-attic · 3 months
I just read your recent Au that you and @sythesizeher are talking about and im in love with the AU!
But i have many questions soo..
1. What is Barbatos’s role here? Im still gonna guess he’s still Diavolo’s assistant but what’s the story here?
2. Would it be right for me to assume that Solomon had started his friendship with Mephisto because of his connection to Diavolo’s dad but now with Diavolo’s dad dead, Mephisto is probably on the run due to the lawsuits?
3. Lucifer is a lawyer so Ace Attorney shenanigans? OH WAIT MAMMON CAN BE HIS ASSISTANT or we have could the brothers take turns being his assistants?
4. Wait does that mean Simeon is the prosecutor here? (Wait why the hell am i making this so ace attorney, this isnt the right AU)
5. Would it be interesting if Zhao is the Devildom king but because he’s too busy, he accidently neglected Ik like JTTA? Would be cool parallel to Diavolo..
6. Adding to question number 2, what role does the newspaper club have in this AU?
7. This isnt really a question but “Solomon trying to expose Diavolo for his dad’s crimes but ended up helping him make the public love him” kinda reminds me of Candace trying to expose her brothers thing from Phineas and Ferb
And that’s all for now because im way too tired and in need of sleep, hope you have a good day/night!
- 🐧 Anon
hoho okay here we go!!!
1. barbatos - in this au the equivalent of the chronodae are the 'believers'; barbatos is hired as diavolo's tutor, which is a cover for him being tasked with keeping him from finding out about all the demon stuff. barbatos ends up having second thoughts over the years, and he's the one who first clues diavolo into looking into his dad's weird cult stuff after he dies, and promises to assist him in making things right
2. solomon and mephisto - similarly to barbatos, mephisto was originally in on the whole thing, but (as in jtta) he got more of the dirty work - sourcing the things they'd need, covering up their tracks, so on. he's a lot more taken in by sonno's stuff than barbatos, and such he only starts having second thoughts towards the end of sonno's life before that though - solomon does notice that he seems very in on the company's inner dealings, even though mephisto doesn't seem to have any good business sense, so he does befriend him to try and get some secrets out. mephisto sees right through him, but he's sort of intrigued anyway, so they end up in a sort-of-friendship, with a lot of back n forth and song n dance once mephisto does get cold feet though, he confides in solomon very cryptically and vaguely, then just disappears - soon after this, sonno suddenly starts deteriorating and dies, because it turns out he's BAD at managing the demon stuff without an assistance. solomon assumes mephisto vanishing was him running away, like a coward (similar to how he assumes he was abandoned in jtta)
3/4. the lawyers- i'm not at all clued into the lawyer world, but afaik it's not generally a "this firm is for defence attorneys, and this firm is for prosecutors"? i think (especially since they're an independent and very new firm) lucifer's firm is doing business consultations and such, and they partner with diavolo's company as per his agreement with lucifer
i reckon lucifer and satan are the only ones who genuinely see law as their career path (which could be a source of the luci-satan conflict), the others see it more as something they're helping with while trying to figure out what they really want to do
the celestial law firm is like a family business, so the brothers grew up accepting they'd take that path - since they followed lucifer when he got kicked out though, now they have a lot more freedom (as for simeon, he really just wants to be a writer, but he's also very dedicated to the family business)
but i reckon there'd be at least one big dramatic trial against diavolo - potentially as the Big Turning Point that might reveal the secret of ik's nature - and simeon would be the prosecutor, and lucifer the defence! so we can still have ace attorney shenanigans in that respect
5. zhao - i find it so hard to imagine zhao as a genuine demon king, but maybe that's because i associate the role so much with sonno in jtta? i imagined that ik-the-demon is born from some past ik-the-human, and zhao is human-ik's father. maybe he turns up as a genuine ghost in the office building later on (which could make for big big drama, because ik doesn't remember her life as a human)
6. newspaper club - paranormal investigators! solomon joins forces with them at some point, but somehow never gets to meet their elusive fourth member, despite that fourth member being the main source of all their information
7. phineas and ferb - Yes
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laikaflash · 4 months
im so curious, ive been dying to ask you this:
which soulcalibur ships interest you the most? for the canon ones (lol the few that we have), what about them speak to you? for the noncanon ones, where is the potential for them in your eyes?
Okay, this is probably going to be a bit of a mess, but I'll try to keep it concise. Not jinxing it at all. Going off the top of my head... (drum roll)
Kilik/Xianghua: It's not for nothing that I summed this one up as "complicated, but dammit if I'm not there for the emotional roller-coaster" in this ask from a while back. I don't want to harp on why the way it ended in the old timeline makes sense to me, but again, I'm a sucker for star-crossed lovers. 'Tis better to have loved than to have lost than to never love at all, and all that... Also, I get the feeling that some overlook the fact that Kilik was raised in a Buddhist monastery as something that plays into his decisions.
Li Long/Chie: The accidental tragicomedy of "My girlfriend's a ninja?!", as I like to call it. Li Long started off as a hotheaded assassin who bit off more than he could chew while deep in enemy territory, and would've bled to death if Chie hadn't found him by chance. I like to imagine them gradually bonding as she nurses him back to health... all while hiding the fact that she and her father are fugitive ninjas, of course. (I've thought about these two a lot because I've had a fic languishing in my drive since 2020. Also, Chie's muteness gives me an excuse to practice describing a range of nonverbal cues for just about anything.) Long story short (pun not not intended), he went through hell and back for her... And it all worked out. Since he ends up in the ranks of the Fu-Ma clan during the pre-SC5 timeskip, I like to think he was a good adoptive dad to Natsu. He probably left the demon stuff to Chie and Taki, though.
Not canon (but I can always dream)
Siegfried/Salia: The Schwarzwind side-missions in Libra of Soul were my fuel, especially with Salia keeping the group together long after Siegfried ran off. ("Because without us, he would have no one to return to...") I think her feelings toward Siegfried were only mentioned in supplementary material before, so I was particularly happy about this part of the "Feelings Shared" side-mission:
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Sounds like an open secret to me! (Pardon the uneven cropping.)
To me, Siegfried and Salia have the sort of dynamic that writes itself. Close friends, erstwhile partners-in-crime, leader and tactician... What was that line in Siegfried's SC4 prologue? Something about not letting anyone touch his heart?
To be fair, having a child born with latent Soul Edge energy would be a reasonable worry for him. That might be part of it.
Bonus: according to this relationship chart from New Legends of Projects Soul (page 118), Siegfried's mother sees Salia as "a nice girl, too good for her own son"!
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(I'm probably showing more of that section than I need to.)
And now we enter my self-indulgence zone.
I've been playing around with a (very id-driven) Mitsurugi/Taki scenario and went into crackpot mode to flesh it out. It's an AU partly because I think it would take a lot for Mitsurugi to see Taki as something more than She-who-dares-get-in-my-way... Like, oh I don't know, him jumping at the chance to do some mercenary work, even if it means getting caught up in the Fu-Ma clan's business (and Taki watching him like a hawk the entire time). A fair trade for that shard of Soul Edge he picked up long ago? This is all supposed to diverge from some point after Mitsurugi returns to Japan too late for the Battle of Sekigahara (during the pre-SC5 timeskip). For now it's a bunch of notes and scenes clogging my phone's memo app.
There's just... something about a pair of rivals growing to trust each other enough to show their vulnerable sides, I'll say that much for now. Man, that was a lot of words for what started as my brain going NOW KISS.
Sorry this took two weeks. Thanks for asking!
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alannybunnue · 1 year
the conquerors spend a lot of time at Reader's favourite beach just to observe her daily routine— y'know, just to know when she's most vulnerable so they can abduct her. the person acting as 'look out' changes a lot, but it's mostly Rhaenys and Orys Baratheon because Aegon and Visenya are really busy with conquest and other stuff. (It's Aegon who spends the least time observing her and it makes him really salty)
Reader's schedule is pretty routine.
She emerges from the waves to play in the shallows.
A few particularly big waves crash on shore for some time and makes a rain-ish effect and she dances around with it. (it's papa playing with his daughter while she's on the surface).
sometimes she stays on the sand to make little sand castles and sand sculptures.
also she spends a significant amount of time collecting shells and cool-looking rocks.
it's a pretty endearing to see, especially if you're a lovesick conqueror. Since reader likes shells and cool rocks, Rhaenys—when she's at home base—just hangs around the library reading about different kinds of shells and where to find them so she can get them and hide them around reader's favourite beach before reader herself gets there.
Visenya catches on to this so she starts doing the same, sometimes she even flies to Essos for cool sea shells. The drowned god and storm god are (im)mortal enemies so Orys scatters pretty shells that can only be found in the Stormlands around the beach.
Diamonds? Gold? Jewels? Nah, never heard of em. Sea shells are where it's at, baby!
(Also reader's most vulnerable moment is when she's collecting the shells because sometimes she wanders far from the sea to get them. So during abduction day, they lured her out from sea with sea shells like Hades did to Persephone when he was luring her to the underworld.)
You made the most beautiful concept, except for the part of the kidnapping, of course.
Every day, the same routine, and every day they would watch her from afar. The beautiful girl enjoying her time at the small beach while unknowingly being admired by 4 pair of eyes.
Most of the time, she was close to the shore, where she would play around the waters, sometimes with the presence of her father.
But her favorite part was seeking for sea shells, even if she had, most of time, to be afar from the waters, she always made sure to not stay away for too long.
After sometime, she would find sea shells that were way different from those that she would normally see in that beach. As she wonders where it could have come from, the prying eyes of her admirers would light up at the sight.
Once she did asked to her father about the new sea shells, she wondered how they could have gotten to that beach. Her father, answered that he couldn't be sure how, but he knew that these sea shells belonged to various different places, worried, he warned his child to be more wary in her visits, because he fears of someone could be watching.
That was their last conversation
The day arrived, the Demigoddess was far from her father's sight, when she noticed a dark shadow in the sky and soon the sound of something huge landing, she looks at it's direction...
There was in front of her a man with silver locks and beautiful violet eyes, behind him a huge black dragon
Fear consumed her immediately, she ran back to the seas, but before she could reach the shore, Aegon caught her waist and dragged her away.
Alerted by his daughter's screams, the Drowned god realized that what he feared happened.
As Aegon the Conqueror took the princess of the seas with him, too distracted with the moment to see the chaos behind as the seas began to attack the land.
The girl knew that her father's wrath was unmatchable and if she didn't find a way to escape the valyrian.
Westeros would be consumed by the ocean.
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8cfc00 · 5 months
I think that- oh sorry HI 👋 I hope you don't mind the ask haha I didn't feel like rambling in tags- I've also noticed the downtrend in dndads posting, and while it *could* be some mini migration of people to other fandoms, I'm not so sure that that's the case? Not that people aren't getting into new things (I myself have been, for that matter,) but... How to put it. I feel like the show itself, despite approaching the finale, has kind of been at a quiet point where there simply isn't too much to talk about rn? Like I think the noise will pick back up in the fandom when it picks back up in the show if that makes sense?? Also just a busy time of year for a lot of people I think tbh! And since the fandom is so small to begin with (as you know), it's more noticeable when a bunch of people are preoccupied!
That's what I'm feeling anyways! But yeah I've been thinking about it too, and I empathize with the whole "feeling sad when people leave fandoms" thing, so I felt inclined to share my two cents in case it's any consolation haha. Regarding what you said about whether or not the show is "bad"- yeah, I agree! There's some places it really shines and some places that just aren't its forte, but me personally as long as I'm having fun I'm staying put right here! 😤❤️
!! HELLO!!! and yeah you bring up some good points... like there really isnt too much going on in the story character/emotion wise that people can latch on to (in contrast to the more angst ass eps that seem to be a bigger hit among fandom types) PLUS with only one jan ep the pace at which dndads has been releasing is. a bit slow (ep 50 was basically just 49 part 2 too so...)
as for the parts the show is good at vs the parts it isnt. i think it also comes down to the individuals/groups judging it, and the differences in their expectations... like with s2 ep31 the cast was talking about how the ep sucked in the teen talk, but on tumblr the tag had trended with SO much art... there have also been times when i had really enjoyed an episode only to find not much talk about it. so its really different for different people i guess
i try to not feel TOO dejected about stuff i have no control over (especially online stuff) but yknow life has been stressful and ig some of that stress had carried over to my posting. i didn't mean to start discussion about how good the podcast is (i've seen enough of that on reddit LOL) i dont wanna harsh the vibes, esp cuz i know i dont feel very good when i see critical posts about a show i DO enjoy a lot! (i am similarly " having fun")
THANKS FOR RESPONDING THO it was kinda nice to see im not the only one seeing and thinking about things! yaaaaaa
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thebestofoneshots · 5 months
hi lilly!! how u doing?? i just wanted to say that i really admire all of ur work, like, its really amazing, interesting and well written, i genuinely get excited every time a new chapter drops out, its lovely to see all the dedication and love u put into it 💗
p.s would u mind sharing some writing tips? im really struggling with an artistic block n none of the shit i write convince me. hope u have a great day ^^ !!!
Hey darling! I'm doing good, a little behind on my writing schedule since I've been a little busy with work and life but good nonetheless.
I too get excited when a new chapter drops bc it means I'll get to see your comments and nothing makes me happier I swear! It's my favourite part of the week <3
In regards of your artistic block, have you tried reading a bit more of things you like? I find reading stuff I like can inspire me to do my own thing, be it a twist on a prompt, or a new prompt altogether.
On that same line, songs can be a great muse for inspiration, I mean, Point of Know Return (Fic planned after GC) came from a song from the same name. Animal and Temporary High will be fics for Marauderween that were also loosely inspired by these songs. Sometimes you can inspire yourself to create art by using other forms of art as muses.
Now, that's in regards to getting started, now in regards to becoming better, there are only two ways in which you can do that (and they're linked to each other).
First of all, you have to read a lot. It doesn't matter if you're reading classics, best sellers, webtoons or even fanfics. Just make sure whatever it is you are reading, has words and or phrases that you think are interesting.
Some of the best ways to describe people's reactions, I have learned from fanfiction, so trust me on this one, as long as you aspire to be like the writer you're reading, you're on a good path.
And the second one, writing. This one might be cliché: "If you wanna be a writer, write," said every single writer ever. But there is a reason for this: the only way to improve is to practice.
And I KNOW writing for the sake of it can be exhausting, especially when you start setting yourself time minimus or word minimus and such, but trust me IT IS WORTH IT!
Some of the best stuff I've written for GC (not all of it) have come from moments in which I wasn't quite feeling "it" but I forced myself to continue writing because I knew I had to post (Now be careful with the "forcing" part, you do not want to overexert yourself, but you do want to put in a bit of effort).
So yeah, it really does narrow down into reading and writing is the way to go (alternatively, you could also find movies with the vibe you're going for and watch those, I mean I went straight to watch Dreamers when I knew I wanted to write a trhouple so...).
Now I'm no expert, but I hope this helps you with that pesky writer's block, sending you all the love xx
Read Gilded Constellations
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ophernelia · 9 months
THIS IS A LONG ASK BUT ITS NICE SO PLEASE DONT BLOCK ME!! Im too scared to come off anon but i wanted to say that i followed you since you were peachmilktea with 200 followers and i am like weirdly proud of how far you’ve grown. I know i don’t know you and thats the weird part but I remember when you started posting about lykaia and would only get a few likes (me being one of them 💀) and its really nice to see how far you’ve come now in just a few months. I struggle with depression and watching lykaia has helped me feel better and gave me some comfort. and i wont say copy because its not copying but Ive the influence i guess you’re had with some other creators and not in like a mean way but I just think that its cool. i saw ashleyplays post about you on twitter and it was nice to see my two favorite creators talk about inspiring each other. its made me want to try different stuff out in my own game and especially with reshade I hadn’t tried it before you mentioned how easy it is to make presets. Every interaction ive had with you has always been really nice so I just wanted to tell you I appreciate you and your content. And I hope you post a new build soon too!! xx
Oh my goodness! This has me bawling so if there’s some typos that autocorrect can’t fix, know that’s why. First off, the way I wanna know who you are soooooo bad! But I’ll respect your anonymity lol. If you’ve been here since peachmlktea then you were a day one for sure! That was like August of last year lol. And as someone who also deals with depression, I am so so so glad and happy Lykaia provides you with even an ounce of comfort. The whole reason I even make the show is because it helps me cope, so I’m so glad that it helps you out too.
And the influence thing.. eh I won’t touch on that at all. I’m a quick learner lol. I won’t miss the mark again. So, I won’t take credit for that. I couldn’t anyway. This community is filled to the brim with talented and creative people. Always has been prior to me jumping into content creation and will always continue to do so. EA gave us the bones of this game and everyone just said “Bet. Watch what I do with it”. But yeah that interaction with her was amazing! Its always nice when people whose work you admire tell you they admire yours. She’s lovely! I have nothing but respect for her and her craft. My personal stuff aside, a lot of creators in the community have been really cool like that. The creators hype each other up pretty often. We bicker like siblings every 3 business days, but we’re good for acknowledging each other too lol. And yesss! I’m a reshade girly fr now. It makes the game feel new every time you use/make a new preset. It’s a fun program to play around with.
But I am so grateful and thankful to you! This was one of the sweetest messages I’ve ever received. You absolutely made my day with this. And if you ever feel comfy coming off anon, message me privately!
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