#especially when it comes to professional sports and its demand on athletes
goodmorninglovelies42 · 7 months
New from me. Jamie has the flu. Jamie goes to training, anyway. It does not go well.
Many thanks to the @thetarttfuldickhead, @catalogercas, @fanficfanattic, and @troublegoblin for their thoughtful and helpful comments on an earlier draft.
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acti8phsio · 10 days
Top Benefits of Sport and Spinal Physiotherapy
Need physiotherapy in Malvern? Look no further! Activ8Physio is your best bet. Specialising in physiotherapy in Malvern, as well as sport and spinal physiotherapy in Malvern, our clinic is committed to delivering first-rate care that is uniquely suited to each patient.Whether you're an athlete looking to up your game or someone coping with persistent pain, our knowledgeable staff is dedicated to assisting you in reaching your health and wellness goals.
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Physiotherapy and Its SignificanceHealth promotion, mobility improvement, and quality of life enhancement are all greatly aided by physiotherapy. In order to treat a wide variety of ailments and injuries, Activ8Physio provides a full spectrum of services. Musculoskeletal disorders, injuries sustained in sports, and rehabilitation following surgery are all areas of focus for our Malvern physiotherapy practice. Physiotherapy for Sports and Spine MalvernAthletes and active people frequently encounter distinct obstacles that necessitate tailored medical attention. When it comes to high-performance sports and spinal health, our physiotherapy services in Malvern are designed to cater to your specific demands. No matter what your goal is—recovering from an injury, preventing injuries, or improving your athletic performance—our physiotherapists are here to help.Positive Outcomes of Physical Therapy for Sports and Spinal Cord Injuries: Preventing injuries and effectively rehabilitating those that do happen are the main goals of our sport and spinal physiotherapy Malvern services. Athletes place a premium on performance enhancement. Strength, flexibility, and endurance training programs are tailor-made for each patient by our physiotherapists.Living with chronic pain, especially back pain, can be really debilitating. In order to help you lead a more active and pain-free life, our specialized treatments are crafted to reduce discomfort and enhance functionality. Adopting a more upright posture is essential for preventing a host of musculoskeletal problems. If you suffer from poor posture or are worried about developing an injury as a result, our physiotherapists can help.For what reasons should you choose Activ8Physio?When you come to Activ8Physio, you can expect nothing less than the best treatment possible. Physiotherapy, sports physiotherapy, and spinal physiotherapy in Malvern are our specialties, and here are a few reasons why you should choose us:In order to give you the best care possible, they keep up with the newest developments in physiotherapy. We recognize the individuality of each patient. To meet your individual requirements and achieve your desired outcomes, our team crafts personalized treatment programs. Our clinic has state-of-the-art facilities to aid in your healing and treatment. We provide a comprehensive range of services to guarantee your health and wellbeing, beginning with an initial evaluation and continuing with continuous support.What You Must Do: Get Started on the Road to Healthier YouIs improving your health and reaching your objectives something you're prepared to do? If you are in need of physiotherapy in Malvern, or physiotherapy for sports or your spine, go no further than Activ8Physio. If you want help getting healthy and moving more, our professional staff is here to give it to you. Activ8Physio is here to help you get back on your feet after an injury or pain.Activ8Physio is a physiotherapy clinic in the centre of Malvern that provides excellent care to people in need. If you are in need of physiotherapy in Malvern or sport and spinal physiotherapy in Malvern, you can rest assured that you will receive first-rate care from our team. Our staff is here to help you in any way we can, whether you're an athlete trying to reach your maximum potential or a person dealing with chronic pain. For a healthier, more active lifestyle, visit Activ8Physio now. Utilize our all-encompassing physiotherapy services to unlock your maximum potential.
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optimal-living-lab · 2 months
A Guide to Injury Prevention in Sports and Exercise
Injuries are an unfortunate reality in sports and exercise, often sidelining athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. However, many of these injuries can be prevented with proper precautions and strategies. Whether you're a professional athlete or a casual gym-goer, understanding how to prevent injuries is essential for maintaining peak performance and long-term health. This article explores various strategies and tips for injury prevention in sports and exercise.
Understanding Common Injuries: Before diving into prevention methods, it's crucial to understand the common types of injuries that occur in sports and exercise. These can range from acute injuries, such as sprains, strains, and fractures, to overuse injuries like tendonitis and stress fractures. Each sport and activity carries its own set of risks, so being aware of potential injury areas is key to prevention.
Warm-Up and Cool Down: One of the most effective ways to prevent injuries is through proper warm-up and cool-down routines. A dynamic warm-up, which includes movements that mimic those of the activity you're about to perform, helps increase blood flow to the muscles, improves flexibility, and prepares your body for the demands of exercise. Similarly, cooling down with stretches and gentle exercises helps prevent stiffness and reduce the risk of injury post-activity.
Strength and Conditioning: Building strength and improving conditioning are crucial for injury prevention. Weak muscles and imbalances in strength can lead to poor biomechanics and increased injury risk. Incorporating strength training exercises that target all major muscle groups can help improve overall stability and reduce the likelihood of injuries. Additionally, focusing on functional movements that mimic sports-specific actions can further enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury.
Proper Technique: Using proper technique is paramount in preventing injuries during sports and exercise. Whether you're lifting weights, running, or playing a team sport, improper form can place unnecessary stress on your body and increase the risk of injury. Seeking guidance from qualified coaches or trainers to ensure you're using correct form and technique is essential, especially when learning new exercises or activities.
Listen to Your Body: Ignoring pain or pushing through discomfort can lead to serious injuries. It's important to listen to your body and recognize the difference between normal muscle fatigue and potential signs of injury. If something doesn't feel right, it's best to take a break, modify your activity, or seek professional advice to avoid exacerbating the issue.
Rest and Recovery: Rest and recovery are just as important as training when it comes to injury prevention. Overtraining and insufficient rest can lead to fatigue, weakened immune function, and increased injury risk. Incorporating rest days into your workout schedule allows your body time to repair and rebuild, reducing the likelihood of overuse injuries. Additionally, prioritizing quality sleep, proper nutrition, and techniques such as foam rolling and massage can aid in recovery and injury prevention.
Cross-Training: Engaging in a variety of activities through cross-training can help prevent overuse injuries and improve overall fitness. By mixing up your routine and incorporating different types of exercises, you can reduce strain on specific muscles and joints while promoting balanced strength and mobility.
Conclusion: Injuries are a common occurrence in sports and exercise, but many can be prevented with the right strategies and precautions. By incorporating warm-up and cool-down routines, building strength and conditioning, using proper technique, listening to your body, prioritizing rest and recovery, and incorporating cross-training, you can minimize your risk of injury and enjoy a lifetime of active and healthy living. Remember, injury prevention is not just about avoiding setbacks—it's about maximizing performance and longevity.
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mastermindxsl · 2 months
Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc.
Revolutionizing Asphalt Maintenance: The Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. Advantage
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In the realm of asphalt solutions, precision, durability, and aesthetics are paramount. For residential, commercial, and industrial clients seeking top-tier asphalt services, Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. emerges as line painting beacon of excellence. With a steadfast commitment to quality and an unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction, Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. stands as the leading provider of unparalleled asphalt solutions.
Craftsmanship Redefined
At Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc., craftsmanship isn't just a buzzword; it's a way of life. With years of industry experience under their belt, the team at Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. boasts unmatched expertise in a variety of asphalt services. From sealcoating to crack sealing, line painting to sport court surfacing, every project is executed with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring impeccable results that stand the test of time.
Sealcoating: Protecting Your Investment
One of the cornerstones of Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc.'s offerings is sealcoating—a crucial step in safeguarding asphalt surfaces against the harsh elements of nature. Whether it's residential driveways, commercial parking lots, or industrial pathways, Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. employs state-of-the-art sealcoating techniques to shield your investment from deterioration, extending its lifespan and enhancing its aesthetic appeal.
Crack Sealing: Preserving Integrity
Cracks in asphalt not only detract from the visual appeal of surfaces but also compromise their structural integrity. Recognizing the importance of timely intervention, Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. excels in crack sealing—an essential process aimed at halting the progression of cracks and preventing water intrusion. Through the strategic application of industry-leading sealants, Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. ensures that cracks are not just concealed but effectively sealed, preserving the integrity of your asphalt surfaces for years to come.
Line Painting: Precision in Every Stroke
In the realm of asphalt maintenance, precision is non-negotiable—especially when it comes to line painting. Whether delineating traffic lanes, marking parking spaces, or outlining athletic courts, Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. combines expertise with cutting-edge equipment to deliver crisp, uniform lines that enhance both safety and aesthetics. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, every stroke of paint is a testament to Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc.'s dedication to perfection.
Sport Court Surfacing: Elevating Recreation
For sports enthusiasts and facility managers alike, the quality of court surfacing can make or break the game. Understanding the unique demands of athletic environments, Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. offers tailored solutions for sport court surfacing that prioritize performance, durability, and player safety. Whether it's tennis courts, basketball courts, or multi-purpose play areas, Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. leverages advanced materials and techniques to create surfaces that inspire peak performance and withstand the rigors of play.
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Customer-Centric Approach
Beyond technical expertise and superior craftsmanship, what truly sets Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. apart is its unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. From the initial consultation to project completion, the team at Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. prioritizes clear communication, transparency, and responsiveness, ensuring that every client's needs are not just met but exceeded. Whether it's a small residential driveway or a sprawling commercial complex, Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. approaches every project with the same dedication and professionalism, earning the trust and loyalty of clients across the board.
In the dynamic world of asphalt maintenance, Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. stands as a beacon of excellence—a testament to the transformative power of quality craftsmanship and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. Through a comprehensive suite of services, including sealcoating, crack sealcoating, line painting, and sport court surfacing, Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. continues to redefine industry standards, one project at a time. For those who demand nothing short of the best, Orca Asphalt Maintenance Inc. is the partner of choice—a trusted ally in preserving and enhancing the integrity of asphalt surfaces for generations to come.
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healths2wellness · 3 months
Sports Injury- Swapnil Gadge
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People of all ages are becoming more active to reap the benefits of exercise. Sports injuries are a common occurrence, especially if you do too much or don’t warm up or train properly,. Some injuries can be well-treated and the majority of people can resume their physical activities to a satisfactory level following an injury. However, some injuries are preventable if you follow the right precautions.
If you feel a lot of discomfort that is hampering your regular sports and physical activities, you immediately need medical assistance. Through the various diagnosis methods, the specialist can determine the severity of your sports injury and accordingly plan a treatment strategy.
Sports Injury Explained
These are the physical activity injuries that an individual suffers while participating in sports or performing other strenuous tasks. Determination of the severity of the damage becomes easy by understanding the impact on the body endures. Strains, sprains, and fractures are the most common injuries in sports as these injuries can occur on any part of the body.
An injury can affect people of all demographics, including athletes, sports enthusiasts, and individuals who perform physically demanding tasks. Moreover, it can affect the musculoskeletal system, including muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other parts like bones and joints.
Sports Injury Occurrence
Sports injuries can affect anyone, from professional athletes to artists or even factory workers. Due to their unpredictable nature, anyone can get injured in sports, and these are some relevant risk factors that can pose injuries:
Common Types Of Sports Injury
Listed below are the common types of sports injuries that a person may suffer from:
Ligament Injury :
A ligament injury affects the fibrous connective tissue that connects bones to other bones, often leading to joint instability and reduced range of motion.
Broken Bone: Usually occurs when a sudden force is applied.
Cartilage Tear: While the cartilage protects and covers the ends of some bones, it is tough but flexible and these injuries may occur in the knee or shoulder.
Sprains: As ligaments stabilize and connect joints, a ligament tear or stretch involves sprain and common injuries can come to your ankle, wrist, or other joints.
Strains: A muscle stretch is usually a strain in a muscle that can involve hamstring strains, back strains and abdominal strains, etc.
Dislocation: This situation occurs when the end of any bone moves from its normal position within a joint, like some people may face shoulder dislocation while exercising any sports or other physical activities.
Tendinitis: The swollen or inflamed tissues that connect your muscles to bones is the condition caused by repeated movements.
Acute vs Chronic
There are two categories that we can classify the sports injury that you sustained- Acute and Chronic. Since both categories have different treatment plans, it is important to understand the type you have.
A sports injury that is acute occurs at a specific moment, and in sports commonly by bumping into someone, falling, or twisting an ankle, etc. The severity of this injury is directly related to the magnitude of a single traumatic event.
Contrastingly, repeated stress and endurance over a period can give rise to chronic injury. Examples can include golfer’s injury, tendinitis and stress fractures, as chronic injury is often characterized by a decreased range of motion and stiffness. An individual can also develop a chronic injury if they place constant pressure or stress on a certain muscle or other part of the body.
Understanding The Nature Of Injury Is Essential
It is important to understand that the nature of injury varies from person to person. Some may experience pain after running on pavement for a short time, while others can run on it for many years. Athletes that have successfully completed physical therapy will find their previous injury to be of little concern, while those who did not recover properly may experience daily pain.
Wearing the right footwear to prevent lower-back pain, while staying hydrated outdoors to avoid heat exhaustion becomes an absolute necessity if you are a sports person. It is possible to prevent muscle cramps, which are common during sports by seeking professional medical advice.
In addition to risk factors, they also consider your lifestyle. Mobility exercises can be used to improve joint mobility by understanding the different possibilities that you can achieve by a consultation with the specialist.
A medical specialist will most likely perform the following procedures to suspect a sports injury:
Physical Examination: The doctor may try to move the injured body part or joint which helps them understand the nature of the injured part.
Medical History: This doctor may ask you for a detailed medical history if this is the first time you’ve seen them.
Imaging tests: CT scans and MRIs can help your doctor or healthcare provider see inside your body, allowing them to confirm the diagnosis of a sports injury.
Treatment And Management
RICE is a popular method of treating sports injuries recommended by most specialists as the first step. This comes as:
This method works well for minor injuries as it can help the injured person recover and relax by using it for the first 24 to 36 hours after the injury. However, the doctor may prescribe medications over-the-counter, but if the severity increases and you don’t get relief after using the RICE method, then see a doctor immediately.
Other Treatment Options
Treatment for more serious injuries may require:
After the initial injury heals, it is necessary to rehabilitate that area before returning to the activity that caused the injury. The rehabilitation process can include formal exercises performed under the supervision of an athlete’s trainer or informal strengthening and conditioning without supervision. Physical therapists may give athletes instructions on exercises they can perform independently.
Mentioned down here are some ways that you can be safe from sports injury:
Although getting active and participating in sports can benefit your overall health and well-being, accidents do happen and the sweat could be detrimental to your body over the long run. This is the reason it becomes so important to understand the nature of the injuries sustained while playing any sports, and how you can treat those injuries.
Untreated sports injuries can cause you to miss a long period of time or even prevent you from participating in your sport. However, if the symptoms worsen, you should seek immediate medical attention. Patients can expect to receive the best treatment for sports injuries by visiting Dr.Swapnil Gadge. With years of expertise in this field, the doctor will identify the problem and make you feel exactly like yourself by providing customized treatment options for sports-related injuries. Make an appointment today!
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fitspiresuppliment · 5 months
Navigating Protein Intake. What’s Right for Your Body?
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Protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a crucial role in the overall health and functioning of the human body. From building and repairing tissues to supporting immune function and acting as a source of energy, the importance of protein cannot be overstated. But the issue "How much protein is right for my body?" is one that comes up frequently. It might be difficult to determine the right amount of super whey protein to consume because each person has different demands depending on their age, activity level, and general health. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the significance of super whey protein, its various sources, and how to determine the right amount for your unique body.
The Basics of Protein:
Amino acids, sometimes known as the building blocks of life, are the building blocks that make up proteins. The body needs each of the 20 different amino acids for optimal operation. While the body can produce some amino acids on its own, others must be obtained through diet, making them essential amino acids. Protein sources can be categorized into two main types: complete and incomplete proteins.
Complete proteins contain all nine essential amino acids and are typically found in animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. Incomplete proteins, on the other hand, lack one or more essential amino acids and are commonly found in plant-based sources like beans, grains, and vegetables. It is essential to consume a variety of protein sources to ensure that your body receives all the necessary amino acids for optimal health.
Factors Influencing Protein Needs:
Our bodies change as we age, and one of those changes is the normal decrease in muscle mass. Adequate super whey protein intake becomes increasingly crucial to support muscle maintenance and repair. Older adults may require a higher protein intake to prevent muscle loss and maintain overall health.
Activity Level:
Athletes and individuals with high levels of physical activity often have increased protein needs. Protein plays a vital role in muscle recovery and the repair of tissues damaged during exercise. The type and intensity of physical activity should be considered when determining protein requirements.
Health Status:
Certain health conditions, such as diabetes, kidney disease, and metabolic disorders, can affect protein metabolism. Individuals with specific health concerns should consult with healthcare professionals to determine their optimal super whey protein intake and sources.
Weight and Body Composition:
Protein is instrumental in supporting weight management and preserving lean muscle mass. Those looking to lose weight or build muscle may need to adjust their super whey protein intake accordingly. High-protein diets can contribute to a feeling of fullness, potentially aiding in weight loss by reducing overall calorie consumption.
Determining Your Protein Needs:
While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how much protein an individual needs, several guidelines can help you determine your optimal protein intake.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA):
The RDA for super whey protein is set at 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight for adults. However, this value is a general guideline and may not be sufficient for everyone, especially those with higher physical activity levels or specific health goals.
Protein Intake for Athletes:
Athletes and those engaged in intense physical activity may benefit from a higher protein intake. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a range of 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for athletes, depending on the type and intensity of exercise.
Protein for Muscle Building:
Individuals aiming to build muscle mass may benefit from a protein intake at the higher end of the recommended range. Consuming protein-rich foods within 30 minutes to an hour after strength training can enhance muscle protein synthesis and support muscle growth.
Protein and Weight Loss:
High-protein diets have been associated with increased feelings of fullness, which can aid in weight loss by reducing overall calorie intake. Including lean protein sources in meals and snacks can be a valuable strategy for those looking to shed excess pounds.
Quality Protein Sources:
Animal-Based Proteins:
Animal products are complete protein sources and provide essential amino acids. Incorporating lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products into your diet ensures a well-rounded protein intake. To reduce additional fats, choose lean meat cuts and cooking techniques like grilling, baking, or steaming.
Plant-Based Proteins:
Plant-based protein sources are essential for vegetarians and vegans. Legumes, beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, and whole grains are excellent plant-based protein options. Combining different plant-based sources throughout the day can help ensure a complete amino acid profile.
Dairy Products:
Dairy products, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, are rich in protein and provide essential nutrients like calcium. Opt for low-fat or fat-free dairy options to limit saturated fat intake while still benefiting from the protein content.
Protein Supplements:
In some cases, individuals may find it challenging to meet their protein needs through whole foods alone. Protein supplements, such as whey, casein, or plant-based protein powders, can be convenient options. However, it's crucial to prioritize whole foods whenever possible and use supplements as a supplement, not a replacement, for whole food sources.
Potential Risks of Excessive Protein Intake:
While protein is essential for overall health, consuming excessively high amounts may pose risks. Excessive protein intake, especially from animal sources, has been associated with kidney damage, digestive issues, and an increased risk of certain health conditions. It's important to strike a balance and avoid extremes in protein consumption.
Kidney Health:
Individuals with pre-existing kidney conditions should be cautious about high-protein diets, as excessive protein can strain the kidneys. Consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended for those with kidney concerns.
Digestive Issues:
Very high protein intake can lead to digestive discomfort, including constipation or diarrhea. Consuming enough fiber and water can help reduce these problems.
Nutrient Imbalance:
Relying heavily on one type of protein source may result in nutrient imbalances. A varied diet that includes both animal and plant-based protein sources ensures a diverse range of essential nutrients.
Navigating protein intake is a personalized journey that requires consideration of various factors, including age, activity level, health status, and individual goals. By understanding the basics of protein, determining your specific needs, and choosing high-quality protein sources, you can optimize your overall health and well-being. Remember that balance is key, and moderation in protein consumption, along with a varied and nutrient-rich diet, is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. If you have specific health concerns or goals, consulting with a registered dietitian or healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance on your protein intake journey.
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kicksaddictny · 5 months
Nike’s Project Dreamweaver Supports Women’s Marathon Dreams
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Forty years ago, Nike athlete Joan Benoit Samuelson made history winning the first Women’s Olympic Marathon. Since then, no moment unifies the women’s running community like the Olympic Trials, which gathers the best marathoners across the United States every four years.
At the front of the pack, elite athletes vie for coveted spots on Team USA. Deeper in the field, women from across the U.S. have trained and competed just for the opportunity to make the start line in the nation’s most competitive 26.2-mile race. The dream: to honor their devotion to their sport and represent their communities on a national stage.
Some two years ahead of the 2024 Trials, the Women’s Olympic Marathon Trials Qualifier time (OTQ) was lowered by 8 minutes to an unprecedented 2:37. For everyday marathoners, this made getting to the Olympic Trials start line even harder, especially amidst full-time jobs and family demands.
At the heart of Nike is our commitment to serving athletes and partnering with them to push boundaries and turn their dreams into reality. When the 2024 Women’s OTQ was announced, Nike listened as everyday marathoners across the U.S. questioned whether or not it could be done — and assembled the resources to help.
For the last two years, Nike’s Project Dreamweaver supported a community of 120 women across the U.S. and their dreams of qualifying for the most competitive Marathon Trials ever assembled. Similar to Nike’s unparalleled support of its elite athlete roster, Project Dreamweaver was created to offer program participants the holistic resources and help needed to chase the OTQ — from coaching and nutrition to sport psychology and physiology guidance and more. This partnership supported the athletes on roads where they train and race and in the renowned Nike Sport Research Lab (NSRL), the epicenter of human-performance data and knowledge.
“Project Dreamweaver symbolizes the powerful collaboration between athletes and Nike, pushing boundaries to unlock their greatness,” says Kathy Gomez, VP, Nike Footwear Innovation. “We leveraged the best of Nike’s expertise, products, resources and devotion to running to provide world-class athlete services. In return, these women pushed us to be better and reminded us yet again of the power of chasing a dream.”
Project Dreamweaver partnered Nike’s world-class NSRL scientists with participants in a shared goal of chasing the OTQ dream. They were also joined by women’s marathon legends and Olympians — including Joanie, Shalane Flanagan and Keira D’Amato — who offered advice, mentorship and companionship throughout their journey.
"We started as individuals with the goal of competing at the Olympic Trials," says Gabi Rooker, a Project Dreamweaver athlete who went on to sign a professional contract with Nike and will be racing in her first Olympic Trials. "We live in big cities and rural towns. We are mothers. We are spouses. We have full-time jobs. We have children to raise and teach. We are completing degrees and getting PhDs. We have pets and multitudes of personal obligations. We are out there for the love of our sport and because we have dreams to chase. I won’t be running on my own at the Trials. I'll be running with the entire Nike Dreamweaver Project beside me."
Along the way, Nike worked side-by-side with the team of women to study their biomechanical, physiological, psychosocial, and perceptual needs throughout the entire 500,000-plus mile journey across 70,000 runs and two years in the program. This invaluable information will inform Nike’s athlete-services model and future Nike Running footwear and apparel innovations that will benefit all runners for years to come. Most notably, Project Dreamweaver athletes were among the largest-ever women’s research and development pool for a Nike racing shoe, testing the new Nike Alphafly 3 in training and on race days throughout the shoe’s development cycle. With a goal of making the new Alphafly 3 a favorite race-day shoe for all female marathoners, insights and feedback from Project Dreamweaver participants ultimately helped improve the comfort of the shoe’s signature system of speed, from better arch support and toe protection to softer yarns in the upper for less rigidity and rubbing.
At the culmination of Project Dreamweaver, athletes showcased the power of chasing a dream. In addition to more than half of the participants reaching new personal bests in the half- and full-marathon distances during the past two years, 15 of them achieved the OTQ and will join elite Nike athletes and more than 170 other women on the start line of the 2024 U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials in Orlando, Florida, on Saturday, February 3.
Explore anecdotes from Project Dreamweaver athletes in the photo captions below.
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tictac-area · 5 months
Casio G Shock GM 2100: The Ultimate Tough Watch
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When it comes to durable and reliable watches, few brands can match the reputation of Casio G-Shock. For decades, G-Shock timepieces have been known for their exceptional toughness and functionality. Among the impressive lineup of G-Shock watches, the Casio G Shock GM 2100 stands out as one of the ultimate tough watches available in the market today. In this article, we will explore the remarkable features and benefits of the Casio G Shock GM 2100, highlighting why it has become a favourite choice for watch enthusiasts worldwide.
Unparalleled Durability
The Casio G Shock GM 2100 is built to withstand the harshest conditions and extreme activities. Its rugged construction and shock-resistant design make it virtually indestructible. The watch is constructed using high-quality materials, including a stainless steel case and a scratch-resistant mineral crystal, ensuring that it can handle rough usage without compromising its performance or appearance. Whether you're engaging in outdoor adventures, sports activities, or demanding professions, the GM 2100 is designed to be your reliable companion.
Advanced Technology and Functionality
Beyond its durability, the Casio G Shock GM 2100 incorporates advanced technology and an array of useful features. The watch is equipped with Casio's renowned Tough Solar technology, which harnesses both natural and artificial light to power the timepiece. This means you never have to worry about replacing batteries, as the GM 2100 is self-sustaining.
Additionally, the GM 2100 boasts multi-band atomic timekeeping, ensuring accurate timekeeping no matter where you are in the world. It receives radio signals from atomic clocks to automatically adjust the time, providing precise and reliable timekeeping. This feature is especially useful for travellers and those who require accurate time synchronisation.
Stylish Design and Versatility
While the Casio G Shock GM 2100 is undeniably tough, it also offers a sleek and stylish design that can complement any outfit or occasion. The watch features a modern and minimalist aesthetic, with a slim profile that enhances its wearability. Whether you're attending a formal event or engaging in outdoor activities, the GM 2100 effortlessly blends style and functionality.
Furthermore, the GM 2100 offers a variety of colour options to suit individual preferences. Whether you prefer a classic black or a vibrant statement colour, there is a GM 2100 model to match your style.
In conclusion, the Casio G Shock GM 2100 exemplifies the pinnacle of toughness, functionality, and style. Built with unparalleled durability, advanced technology, and a versatile design, this timepiece is the ultimate tough watch for those who demand reliability and performance in any situation. Whether you're an adventurer, an athlete, or a professional, the GM 2100 is engineered to withstand the rigours of your lifestyle. Explore the wide range of Casio G Shock watches, including the GM 2100, at TicTacArea.com, the trusted online destination for authentic timepieces. Invest in the Casio G Shock GM 2100 and experience the perfect fusion of toughness and style on your wrist.
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shubhambaba · 10 months
Elevate Your Game: Unleash Agility and Performance with Yonex Badminton Shoes
In the world of sports, every detail matters, especially when it comes to footwear. Yonex, a brand synonymous with innovation and excellence, has set a benchmark with their line of badminton shoes. These shoes are meticulously designed to enhance agility, support, and overall performance on the court. Let's delve into the world of Yonex badminton shoes and explore how they're redefining the way athletes approach the game.
Precision Engineering
Yonex badminton shoes are a testament to precision engineering. Every design element, from the sole's grip to the shoe's cushioning, is carefully crafted to optimise performance. The brand's dedication to research and development ensures that players can trust their footwear to enhance their game, allowing them to focus solely on their skills and strategies.
Agility at its Core
Badminton is a sport that demands agility and quick footwork. Yonex badminton shoes excel in this aspect, offering lightweight and responsive designs that enable players to move swiftly across the court. The shoes' construction is tailored to support lateral movements and rapid changes in direction, giving players a competitive edge in a fast-paced game.
Stability and Support
Stability is crucial to maintaining control and precision during a badminton match. Yonex badminton shoes are engineered to provide the necessary stability for dynamic movements. Features such as reinforced midsoles, ankle support, and snug fits ensure that players can confidently execute shots and manoeuvres without the fear of losing balance.
Grip and Traction
The quality of grip and traction can significantly impact a player's ability to move effectively on the court. Yonex badminton shoes are equipped with advanced rubber outsoles that offer exceptional grip, ensuring that players can quickly start, stop, and change direction with confidence. This grip translates to better control over the game and the ability to respond to opponents' actions swiftly.
Comfort for Endurance
Comfort plays a significant role in enabling players to focus on their performance rather than discomfort. Yonex badminton shoes prioritise comfort by incorporating cushioning technologies that absorb shock and reduce impact on joints. This comfort extends to the shoe's fit, ensuring that players can wear them for extended periods without experiencing discomfort.
Breathability and Durability
Intense gameplay can lead to perspiration, and Yonex badminton shoes are designed with breathability in mind. Mesh panels and ventilation systems prevent excess moisture buildup, keeping feet cool and dry throughout the match. Additionally, the shoes' durability ensures they can withstand the rigours of regular play, maintaining their performance-enhancing features over time.
Aesthetic Appeal
While performance is paramount, Yonex also recognises the importance of aesthetics. Their badminton shoes boast modern and stylish designs that appeal to players seeking both functionality and fashion. The fusion of performance and aesthetics reflects Yonex's commitment to delivering a holistic experience for athletes.
Endorsement by Professionals
Yonex badminton shoes are trusted by professionals and athletes worldwide. Many top-ranked badminton players choose Yonex as their footwear brand of choice, attesting to the quality, performance, and reliability that these shoes offer. When players emulate their sporting heroes, they can be assured that Yonex badminton shoes have been tried, tested, and endorsed by the best in the field.
Conclusion: Enhancing Performance, One Step at a Time
Yonex badminton shoes are more than just footwear; they're a tool that empowers players to push their boundaries and achieve their best on the court. With a focus on agility, stability, comfort, and grip, these shoes enable athletes to showcase their skills without limitations. As players lace up a pair of Yonex badminton shoes, they're stepping into a realm of excellence, where each movement is elevated and every shot is executed with precision. Yonex continues to raise the bar in badminton footwear, ensuring that players have the support they need to dominate the court and make their mark in the world of sports.
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ahz-associates · 2 years
University of Aberdeen
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In Aberdeen, Scotland, there is the renowned public institution known as the University of Aberdeen. It is among Scotland's top ancient universities. With three colleges—College, King's Marischal College, and Christ's College—it is the third-oldest university in the UK. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" is the institute's motto. The King's College campus' High Street and diplomas both feature the biblical quotation. Students are interested in the university's many popular topics because of the current information and knowledgeable instructors. Students also benefit from a remarkable instructional environment and top-notch research opportunities. Students from other countries, in particular, get the chance to meet new individuals from all around the world and develop lifetime friendships. The university is still well-known for its contributions to industry, research, education, and life.
In 1495, the University of Aberdeen's beginnings were discovered. It was first named as King's College when it was founded by William Elphinstone and the Bishop of Aberdeen, who used the Parisian and Bolognan university models. Despite the fact that it was Aberdeen's first university at the time. This institute was created in 1860 as a result of the union of King's and Marischal Colleges. In 1898, women made up one-fourth of the university faculty and were its first graduates in the arts. University campuses expanded with new construction in the 20th century. The Queen opened the Sir Duncan Rice Library, a new university library, on the King's College campus in 2012.
Subject Areas
Both undergraduate and graduate students can choose from a wide variety of courses at the University of Aberdeen . Each of the university's 12 schools offers in-demand courses. The subjects available to students at Aberdeen can be chosen based on their preferences and qualifications. The faculties provide a wide range of courses and numerous fields of study. The knowledgeable professors guarantee quality instruction and motivate students with current research projects.
Faculties as well as schools are mentioned here:
Business School
Schools incorporating the Arts and Social Sciences
Schools incorporating the Life Sciences and Medicine
Schools incorporating the Physical Sciences
Postgraduate Research School
Fee Structure of University of Aberdeen
The international tuition fee is £14,300-18,000
Scholarships of University of Aberdeen
The university offers a number of financial aid programmes, including grants, scholarships, and bursaries, to international students. The Aberdeen Global Scholarship is a fantastic opportunity that Aberdeen makes to overseas students. Candidates for the University of Aberdeen's Masters programme who have multiple places of residence are especially eligible for international fee status. Likewise, students from any discipline can apply to the China Scholarship Council (CSC). In addition, Aberdeen offers a lot of sports scholarships and bursaries. Sports scholarships include the Quita Shivas Athletics Scholarship, the John Robertson Sports Scholarship, the Thomson Memorial Prize, and the Andrew Beattie Sports Award Winning Students Scholarships.
Facilities and Services
Guaranteed accommodation facility for new students by providing applications within the deadline.
Aberdeen has a large Language Centre that provides friendly and professional services
Available virtual events and meetings with staff and current students.
The Aberdeen Research Futures fund helps to grow as postdoctoral researchers and to be successful in career fields.
Student Life
All students are welcome to join the outstanding Students' Association (AUSA) in Aberdeen. This distinctive institution has maintained a track record of excellence in the UK for the student experience. Students from all over the world come here to pursue their present interests and learn about new hobbies and cultures. From new student orientation to alumni night, the Students' Union serves as the voice of students and advocates for their needs. More than fifty sports groups make up Aberdeen University Sports Union, which also takes home prizes. Additionally, it plans multisport competitions in Aberdeen. Aberdeen is also surrounded by 120 different clubs and societies, as well as interests related to departments, politics, and culture.
Aberdeen is an ambitious city with a lovely past and a diverse population. The heart of North East Scotland is where most of the city's culture and entertainment can be found. Students can therefore enjoy a lively nightlife that guarantees their safety with purple flags.
Living Accommodation
There are two divisions to the University of Aberdeen housing. Postgraduate housing is one, and selecting housing is another. Elizabeth Croll House, The Priory, London Rahere Court, and other residences are referenced in this passage. The Aberdeen Don Street House is also known as The Liberty House. As a result, accommodations for students in Aberdeen include Spring Gardens, Farmers Hall Lodge, St. Peter House, King Street Exchange, etc.
The University of Aberdeen offers catered housing options for students, notably Keith House. Self-driven students must select catered housing over independent shoppers or cooks. In a similar vein, Aberdeen's private housing required a number of important elements under the Accommodation department.
Most importantly, students have access to both en-suite and non-en-suite facilities. Accommodations that are peaceful or alcohol-free are available in the interim. The majority of the housing is close to Hillhead Student Village, the City Center, and King's Campus.
Excellent transportation is available in Aberdeen, including buses, trains, cars, and taxis. The cities in Europe are directly connected by air. There are megabus and coach services that travel throughout the UK and near Aberdeen. There are local buses and taxis available at the airport and in the town's centre. As a result, travel around the rest of Scotland and the UK is simple, and Glasgow is known as the safest University City in Scotland.
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jacques-review · 3 years
“I Am Human”: The Spectacular Sha’Carri Richardson
Introducing the One and Only
Sha’Carri Richardson is the talk of the town, again. No, it’s not for her “10.72 seconds to win the 100 meters at the 2021 Miramar Invitational.” It’s not about missing the Olympics due to failing a drug test. Nor is it about the passing of her mother. No, this time it’s about her ninth-place finish at the 2021 Prefontaine Classic. This event was hyped up as being the ultimate showdown between Richardson and the Jamaican Olympic sprinting group led by Elaine Thompson-Herah.
In fact, I initially set out to write about Thompson-Herah. I wanted to say a few words about this amazing time in women’s sprinting history. Sure, there is Florence Delorez Griffith Joyner, also known as Flo-Jo, of 1980s fame. But she’s not someone that I can say I saw run although I was alive at the time. Besides Elaine, there is also the legendary Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce who is holding on to second place in the world at the age of 34. These two Jamaicans have made women sprinting enjoyable and fans out of us all (well, most of us)! I’m hoping to continue to see Elaine remain a dominant force in the sport for the next 3 - 4 years.
The more I observe the Prefontaine post women’s 100m reactions, the more I felt obligated to shift my writing focus from Elaine to Sha’Carri (Henceforth, Carri). My initial focus on Elaine was also due to the amount of attention Carri was getting despite the fact that she wasn’t the winner of the race. In a sense, I felt like Elaine’s moment was being dwarfed by Carri. The fastest woman in the world at 100m wasn’t being talked about as much as the last-place finisher.
I wanted to contribute to shifting the focus from Carri to Elaine. But the noise on the digital street was too loud and demonizing.
Birth of a Shooting Star
In the beginning (at the start of the year, of course), the attention being given to women’s track and field by the public wasn’t noticeable. In my usual circles and in the corners of cyberspace that I frequent, “not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.” The world, it seems, woked from its slumber to the tune of Carri running a 10.72 in April. Carri did it in dazzling fashion with long eyelashes and fingernails, and what I’ve come to refer to as fiery orange hair. From that point on Carri, as a U.S. track and field athlete, became the dominant talk of the world’s largest and most influential blowhorn, the U.S. media.
If that’s not true, it’s all I heard. Sure, other athletes were sprinkled in and match-ups were expected for the coming Olympics. But the U.S. media championed the image of the One that stood a chance of bringing Olympic gold in the women’s 100m. Her appearance played well with the cameras. She looked like a star, something special. Indeed, the legend continued as she ran a 10.86 to qualify for the Olympics in June. Thus, the superstar, the speeding comet, was expected to show up at the Olympics with at least a reasonable chance at winning some type of metal if not gold.
"I am an Olympian. No matter what is said ... I am an Olympian. A dream since I've been young. I'm pretty sure everybody's dream as a track athlete. "Being happy is an understatement. Being excited, nervous, all of those feelings. I'm highly blessed and grateful."  -- Sha'Carri Richardson
I Get High
Well, that didn’t happen. The U.S. watched its prophesied chance at gold (or any other metal) in the women’s 100m come crashing down in all her fiery Orange hair glory. But not due to a loss. Stopping Carri from running because of weed was absurd to the public. African Americans weren’t interested in hearing that an athlete was stopped in a competition as grand as the Olympics for use of a product that they believe would not have contributed to her speed at all.
See the following articles for reference on race and black athletes.
The Olympics has a race problem. Athletes everywhere are calling out the sporting body for a history of banning Black women. - Yelena Dzhanova
The Olympics Continues to Prevent Top Black Athletes From Competing - Molly Sprayregen
The Weight On Black Women In Sports; Plus, 'We Are Lady Parts' - NPR
At this point, let me say that I agreed with those that argued for review of laws in order to determine if time had made them inapplicable. This is especially true considering the rapid legalization of weed across the U.S. “Cannabis is legal in 18 states, and allowed medically in 37 states.” However, I have to highlight that when it comes to weed, it is “outdated to joke about it as a party drug, writing off users as slow, pizza-munching losers when many successful people consume cannabis. Cannabis is a complicated substance with a nuanced role in fitness, performance, and society.” Keep the nuanced aspect in mind.
I have no doubt that it would not have made Carri into a faster runner. But, I think it’s important to keep the dualism that allows us to look at both what we as non-experts know of the impact of weed and the possibility that science may make discoveries later that can shock us. It is also important to consider that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) isn’t a sub-organization of the U.S. Therefore the demands being placed upon athletes must be seen as globally relevant (ideally speaking). This is true despite the fact that the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, in a letter to Jamie Raskin and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, stated that it “has consistently put forward recommendations that the rules addressing cannabis and cannabinoids should be more flexible and fair.”
Left (Far)Behind
Despite missing the Olympics a resurgence of interest was generated when it was announced that Carri would “face all three Tokyo Olympic medalists in the women’s 100m.” And all the world wondered after Carri. Well, at least in terms of what will be the result of the showdown in this supposed clash of the titans. I must confess that I don’t recall hearing or seeing that Carri was going to best all the members of the golden three-headed Jamaican *Leviathan. At the Olympics, Elaine Thompson-Herah ran a 10:61, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce ran 10:74, and Shericka Jackson finishing at 10:76.
With Carri’s 10:72, she would have been competitive against Fraser-Pryce and Jackson if she was able to maintain that type of speed. This is theoretical, of course. What took place was a shock to the track and field world. It wasn’t that Carri was expected to win. She was expected to be better than ninth place. But that’s what happened. Carri finished at 11:14 while Elaine finished at 10:54. In other words, Elain ran faster than she did at the Olympics. This makes Elaine second only to Flo Jo’s 10:49 in 1988. Carri was a none factor. It appears that the star has fallen in dramatic of a fashion as she appeared.
Be Humble?
In response to the loss, Carri said to reporters:
"This is one race. I'm not done. You know what I'm capable of. Count me out if you want to. Talk all the s--t you want because I'm here to stay. I'm not done. I'm the sixth-fastest woman in this game, ever, and can't nobody ever take that away from me. Congratulations to the winners. Congratulations to the people that won, but they're not done seeing me yet -- period."  -- Sha'Carri Richardson
A good deal of critique, anger, and disgust came in reaction to what Carri said. Some believed that she wasn’t humble after the loss. They were surprised at what she said. Others pointed out that her interview was the most played despite the fact that she wasn’t the winner. There were questions as to why was she being interviewed at all.
What Now?
At this juncture, I will offer some considerations. Carri experienced a number of significant occurrences around the time of her ascent to fame. Again, her mother died. That’s a significant event. But then she was ban from the Olympics, the ultimate event for any professional sprinter, because of one of the methods she chose to use for grieving. Those are heavy blows. And throughout out it all, she was determined to maintain the same type of energy.
That Same Ol' G
"Even though I got my own CD maybe even on t.v. There ain't no changing me I can only be me me me Even though I might be on t.v. 'cause I got my own CD All you will ever see (that) same ol' G"  -- Ginuwine, Same Ol' G (1998)
In Ginuwine’s classic single Same Ol’ G, released in 1998 off of the Dr. Dolittle album, the singer reflects on being his authentic self despite being celebrated in the public sphere through compact disc and t.v. Carri wasn’t faking the funk. She was being real. She was being herself, that same ol’ g. It wasn’t a new persona that was on display because she was in front of all of the lights. Carri has been speaking with the same type of energy before her Olympic trials.
What does it look like being real for somebody Carri’s age and from where she comes from? Does being real look the same way across the board? Should you start acting differently because you lost or something else happens in your life?
The following are a few clips from her Twitter as evidence for how she has been speaking even prior to her Olympic qualifications.
You Wake Up, Flawless
"We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller We say to girls "You can have ambition, but not too much You should aim to be successful, but not too successful"  -- Beyoncé, Flawless (2014)
What if what looks like confidence for you is misinterpreted as arrogance by someone else? In other words, do our definitions always function accurately across the board and at all times? Sure, we can cite lexical meanings for humility and arrogance and attempt to apply them across the board. Can we make the case that it is time to start critiquing how do definitions play on the ground? I’m only simply pushing forward the argument that we have already been critiquing does definitions and they have shown up in our music, our clothing, and yes, the way we talk.
You wake up, flawless, Post up, flawless Ridin' round in it, flawless, Flossin on that, flawless This diamond, flawless, My diamond, flawless This rock, flawless, My rock, flawless I woke up like this, I woke up like this
— Beyoncé, Flawless
How does Beyonce’s flawless look like in the real world? What does #blackgirlmagic look like?
“Self-esteem means knowing you are the dream.” – Oprah Winfrey
"I was built this way for a reason, so I’m going to use it." - Simone Biles
"You are your best thing." - Toni Morrison
"One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals." - Michelle Obama
These quotes of renowned black women sound great on their own, don’t they? What if what we are seeing from Carri is a version of what that looks like in real life? To what extent can we say definitively that we understand her enough to know that she is arrogant? What if Carri’s defense mechanism looms large at the forefront due to what she experienced in the distant and recent past?
It could very well be that Carri is indeed arrogant. The happenings in Carri’s life may very well be lessons needing to be learned for personal growth and development. The case being made here is that a more nuanced approach should be had. The same amount of consideration given to already established persons should be allocated towards those that we haven’t yet thought of as being on the same level. The same ones saying she is arrogant may themselves be exhibiting arrogance in speaking in absolutes concerning one that is unknown.
Dear Mama
"Lady, don't you know we love you? (Dear Mama) Sweet lady, place no one above you? (You are appreciated) Sweet lady, don't you know we love you? (Dear Mama)"  -- 2 Pac, Dear Mama (1995)
How long does it take someone to recover from the passing of a parent? I can’t assume that we all have the same level of understanding concerning the complexity of loss. Carri lost a parent. How close was she to the mom? How close was she hoping to be to her mom one day? While the news was out that her mother died, it didn’t seem to play a factor in the assessments that were being made about her placing in the race. It should have been obvious right?
Here is a brief introduction to the complexities of grief.
Although grief is a universal experience that is shared by all human beings, the actual grief response in each individual is very unique, and the expression of grief can vary greatly from one person to another. Many factors, such as personality traits, the presence of concurrent stressors and previous losses, the nature of loss(es), and the social expectations that are present, have a great deal of influence in shaping the course of grief for an individual. (p. 26).
It is very important to remember that no individual’s grief experience will neatly fit into a single model, because there is much variation in how losses are perceived and also in how grief is expressed and worked through. (p. 34)
— Darcy L. Harris & Howard R. Winokuer, Principles and Practice of Grief Counseling (2015)
Carri has already said what she needed to say about herself. What we are witnessing now is simply a play out of a young women’s plight as she live out what it means to be who she is on a public stage.
*"Leviathan, Hebrew Livyatan, in Jewish mythology, a primordial sea serpent. Its source is in prebiblical Mesopotamian myth, especially that of the sea monster in the Ugaritic myth of Baal (see Yamm). In the Old Testament, Leviathan appears in Psalms 74:14 as a multiheaded sea serpent that is killed by God and given as food to the Hebrews in the wilderness. In Isaiah 27:1, Leviathan is a serpent and a symbol of Israel’s enemies, who will be slain by God. In Job 41, it is a sea monster and a symbol of God’s power of creation." -- Encyclopaedia Britannica
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mountphoenixrp · 3 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
         Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana, who is also known as Saint;                                        a 20 year old son of Horus.                                              He is a figure skater.
FC NAME/GROUP: Saint Suppapong / Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana (Thai actor) CHARACTER NAME: Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana / ศุภพงษ์ อุดมแก้วกาญจนา AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: April 17, 2000 (adjusted from 1998) PLACE OF BIRTH: Ban Khlong Nonsi, Koh Chang island, Trat province, Thailand OCCUPATION: Professional figure skater HEIGHT: 1,81 / 5’11 WEIGHT: 62 / 137 DEFINING FEATURES: Caramel brown eyes that remind of his father’s golden eye, chubby cheeks and a bright as the sun smile, tends to wear his hair styled up but occasionally has it down for competition or styled shoots, broad shoulders relative to his frame, multiple scars along his legs and a few on his hands from skating injuries as well as rough calloused feet, scarring along his right outer thigh and just above the hip from a car accident in Seoul when he was 15
PERSONALITY: Suppapong, or as everyone calls him by Thai custom Saint, is a very driven individual and it shows in everything he does. Almost everything has a goal, whether it is choosing his food, declining your request of him or moving to the other side of the world. He always has a reason and he rarely gives up on his goals. He wants to make his family proud of him and strives to be the best. Not just as a figure skater but in general as a person he wants to be complimented and told he did well. Even so, it is undeniable that the man has a side of arrogance. However he sees it as something that even though it has its negative effects, if he controls it well is a perfect drive to keep him going further and further till he reaches the top. That and his rivalry with others. He can be prickly and impatient with things he doesn’t think worth his time yet he has the patience and focus to repeat one thing over and over again at training till he gets it just right. Though, faster is better. He considers himself unlucky but in reality he might often be the cause of his own misfortune. His highly demanding personality spills over into his personal life and surroundings, making it often hard for him to mix well with people who don’t have a similar mindset of working towards a goal. Add on to that his charisma and he can come across intimidating to some. But those who know him well enough are aware there’s a whole different side underneath. The brightest laughter and the most caring friend you can wish for. Crawling and clawing yourself to that spot however is not easy. But when you get there, he might just drop his guards and relax for once and you’ll see the Saint that doesn’t just act nice for the sake of it but who is actually warm and kind-hearted.
HISTORY: Born an only son of a resort owner on Koh Chang island in the Trat province of Thailand Suppapong, nicknamed Saint, never had too much to wish for in his childhood when it came to material things. The resort did well but as a result thereof and his mother’s wish for her son to excel he did not live on the beautiful island for long. Instead the boy was sent off, encouraged (made to) try many things to find his niche he could reach the top in. His mother wasn’t unkind, gods no, but she was determined in her wanting the best for her son. She saw finding your talents and excelling in them as the goal in life and as such created that life for Saint. His father was Horus, the Egyptian god who had a similar perfectionist attitude in the things he did. The boy never complained, always having seen it as normal for him and that he was made to excel, to make his parents proud. And eventually, in a local city they found something. It started with inline skating. Saint practically flew on the skates and in a short time through his joy and passion for the sport was doing tricks. The watchful eye of his ‘caretaker’, Aawut Ritthirong, who’d been with him throughout this search for his talent immediately saw it. He added to it. He had seen Saint excel in controlling his body and movements and knew exactly where to bring him. One flight to the capital Bangkok later and a scheduled training with a private coach they found it. Figure skating. Not only did it match the boy his interests and talents, it was also a prestigious sport.   Fast forward one year to the age of 7 and the young Thai child arrives in an unfamiliar country with just his caretaker and one suitcase full of clothes and personal belongings. Everything arranged for him there to become who he needs to be. In Paris he begins training to become a professional, and this is where he meets a lifelong rival and friend. Timothée Valère Iver. The two boys are both the opposite and same poles of a magnet. At times attracting and at others repulsing one another. And it made for a very fruitful training environment, especially for Saint. Not only that, for the Thai demigod it was also a social experience and a relationship that eventually opens his eyes to more. Nothing is meant to last though and at 14 he is sat in a plane again with a suitcase, moved across the globe to Seoul this time to train with a new coach. Through his years he perfects his English and learns relatively well French and Korean, good enough to get him through most conversations. Most of all of course, he soars as a talent in the world of figure skating, dominating the field of youth competitions alongside Timothée. But it has a shadow side as between the two, one of them shines just that bit more. And it’s aggravating, to know how hard he works and seeing his rival take the majority of first places. However, Saint is determined to overcome him and to be the pride of their family his parents wish for. Or so he thinks they do. Countless days and nights are spent training to the point coaches, fellow athletes and friends try to stop him before he overworks himself. The blisters on his feet are endless but he skates through them and when he makes a mistake and falls or creates a wound on his legs or hands on accident he covers it with bandages and continues on as if nothing had happened. He suffers injuries because of it and from simply being unlucky at times, yet pulls himself out of them quickly. But it all doesn’t matter, because his rival remains to be above him. He makes it look so easy, something he could never achieve. At times the injuries and fatigue lead him to ‘bomb’ a competition in his own eyes, having to be satisfied with a 3rd or even 5th place. Unthinkable in his head, and his phone calls with his father every other week do not help. Everytime he asks about a competition and Saint has to tell him he didn’t come in first a piece of him turns black and rotten. He just wants to make them proud, but until he can win those competitions he can’t. Time distances him from them, unable to open up to his parents. To not even mention his inability to manifest wings like his father and half-brother are able to. Eventually, down a spiral of greed for success in his sport and auto-aggression focused on his high demands on himself he is urged by a manager to take the offer for a magazine shoot and interview. He does it and finds it’s addicting. Having people fuss over him, giving him whatever he wants and not even minding when he’s being arrogant, not to mention the responses on it afterwards when it is published. And slowly but surely he begins taking more and more of these jobs where he can fit it in his schedule, even appearing on entertainment shows. Despite the fact he still never misses a single day of training, those surrounding him see his arrogance grow more outward. Where it had been a driving force when it had been inward, it was now becoming something bigger that others had to deal with as well. Yet with his natural charisma and glorified attitude as the hard-worker they’re willing to accept it of him. That is until his mother calls, having heard and seen her sons changes. His caretaker still reported all his daily activities to her and tells her he’s worried he will be overdoing himself to the point of fainting or worse. She thinks the same and that it’s a distraction as she worries he has given up. And maybe a part of him had. She pulls him back and with another call to his father the young man is sent off once more in his existence, this time to live a more reclused life on Mount Phoenix. The only reason he complies is because it’s his parents, and because his rival just so happens to be training there too. He will be the best.
PANTHEON: Egyptian CHILD OF: Horus POWERS: Ability to manifest falcon wings and fly with them for short periods of time though it drains his energy rapidly and he hasn’t been able to do it yet, limited manipulation of air such as the ability to create small gusts of wind (also still developing), naturally charismatic as a leader STRENGTHS: Incredibly hard-worker who rarely gives up, focused learner, funny and good at socializing (when he wants to socialize), open-minded to people and opportunities WEAKNESSES: Perfectionism leading to overworking and being highly demanding of himself and his environment, being too strict on himself, arrogance and occasional self-pity, tunnel vision when he is too focused
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hedwigstalons · 4 years
High Expectations - Ch6
This editions of Hedwig’s scribbles brings you a young TOS Jeff.  I’ve come to the annoying realisation that my camera squashes things down so the original actually looks a bit longer and narrower than this picture.  Unfortunately my scanner makes everything too white and you lose half the image.  *Sigh*
@willow-salix​ has been her superstar self again with both the fic and the art, I don’t know what I would do without her as a sympathetic critic, putting up with all my wobbles.
Earlier parts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five
AO3 chapter link
Chapter Six
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It didn’t take long for normality to return for Gordon.  He had given one or two carefully selected interviews in the lull between his medal win and the closing ceremony of the Games but any requests by magazines had been vetoed by Jeff since his return stateside.  Any approaches regarding sponsorship opportunities had been similarly turned away.  Initially the reporters clamoured for the chance to speak to the elusive young star but in the face of continued rejections the requests tailed off.  His obligations were decidedly minimal as he slipped from the public eye.  
With no school making its demands felt Gordon was able to concentrate fully on his swimming; the World Championships and a national competition were both on the horizon and gave him something to aim for.  He often found himself heading out for an additional run or putting in more time at the gym, this was partly to keep in peak condition and partly to escape the oppressive atmosphere in the apartment.  
He had gone from being surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the Games with a team mate around every corner to home with its dwindling population.  
First Virgil had returned to Denver claiming he needed access to the technical facilities, then John had gone back to campus and finally Alan had been sent off to summer camp to spend time in the great outdoors.  If the messages coming Gordon’s way were anything to go by Alan was finding outdoors to be too full of bugs and too lacking in games consoles to be considered great.  
Now it was just him and his father.  Whenever they were in the apartment together he felt like he was under the microscope.  Being judged.  Being appraised.  He tended to stay in his room to avoid the attention.  With no one else around staying in his room was becoming a habit, even when Jeff was out at work.
He vaguely registered the click of the apartment door as his father returned but it was past dinner time and he had already eaten so he didn’t feel any need to emerge.  His father would likely be reading files late into the night.  He expected his contact to be limited to the standard ‘good night’ as he brushed his teeth before bed, he was therefore surprised when a sharp rap sounded on his door.
“Gordon.  My study.”
The footsteps retreated down the corridor leaving no opportunity to ask questions and he couldn’t think of anything he had done to warrant such a summons.  He also knew it didn’t do to keep his father waiting so he paused the film he was watching and made his way to the study.
The door was open so he went straight in.  His father’s big desk faced the doorway and Jeff was already sat back down behind it by the time Gordon entered.  He stepped up and patiently waited to be acknowledged, curious as to why he had been called for.  
“Gordon, I have to go out of town for a few days.”
“So you need to decide what you would rather do.  You have two choices; either I can arrange for you to join Alan at summer camp or you can go and stay with Virgil.”
“Honestly, you don’t need to do that.  I’ll be fine by myself for a few days.”
“You are not staying here alone,” Jeff’s voice was stern and intractable.
“I’m not a kid any more Dad.”
“Then maybe you should stop acting like one.  It’s time you grew up and started planning for the future.”
The thought that his father didn’t trust him alone in the house for a few days stung, especially given the number of times he had been responsible for not only himself but Alan too when their father got held up at the office until late.  He was seventeen, he had finished school and he had a gold medal.  Apparently none of that was enough to afford him the privilege of staying home alone.  The thought of being shipped off so his older brother could do babysitting duty was pretty bad but the idea of summer camp was much worse.  Being surrounded by kids mostly Alan’s age and having to take part in enforced activities was not appealing. 
“What about my swimming?”
“I’ve already spoken to your coach.  There are no major competitions for a few months so you can afford some fallow time.”
The thought that Jeff had bypassed him and gone straight to his coach was even more belittling.  It was like being ten years old again with the schedule of events stuck to the fridge and Jeff marking off which ones he could do based on the availability of a chaperone.  
“And you might need to ease up on your swimming anyway.  Now that high school is over you need to work out where you are headed in life.”
And there it was.  The not so subtle reminder that his father didn’t consider swimming to be a viable career prospect.  Even with an Olympic gold and a world record to his name, professional athlete was not on the list of Jeff Tracy approved jobs.  Everything he had worked for just diminished and relegated to the status of hobby.  That’s not to say that his father hadn’t been genuinely proud of his success so far but it was like he had reached the pinnacle and now it was time to move on.  It was one thing to have an Olympian as a son but the next Games were four years away and there was no knowing if Gordon would maintain his position in the world rankings.  World championships had their prestige in the sporting world but didn’t have the same gravitas as the Olympics to non-sporting folks.
Even if the uncertainty of future successes could be put aside Jeff had also made it abundantly clear that he disapproved of the selfishness of the sporting world.  Athletic success didn’t improve the world beyond providing entertainment.  It wasn’t a career that would make a difference.  It wasn’t useful, and just lately usefulness had become an overriding theme in the Tracy household.  
“I’m waiting, Gordon.  Which is it to be?”
He wanted to scream and shout but if there was one way Gordon was a Tracy through and through it was in his ability to keep his emotions contained in the face of adversity, or at least repressed until he was in a safe space.  Only Alan was yet to learn the skill; his youngest sibling wore his heart on his sleeve and Gordon often admired him for the way he could express himself freely, even if it sometimes led to blazing rows with their patriarch.   His broad shoulders slumped a little.  It was a done deal that he was being sent away for the duration of his father’s business trip.  He knew there was no point arguing and antagonising his father.
“Denver, please.”  Gordon’s normally cheerful voice was carefully neutral, a testament to the feelings he was keeping in check.  He wondered if he would ever be afforded the privilege of being treated like an adult or whether he would forever be a child in his father’s eyes; a person to be managed and directed rather than trusted as an individual.
Having received an answer Jeff considered the interview concluded and turned back to his tablet to book the required flight.  He might have a private jet at his disposal but he would need that for his own trip.  Gordon would be flying commercial, as usual.  An early morning flight was soon arranged and Jeff was able to return to his work, scrolling through the multitude of files related to his latest project.  He looked up to reach for his coffee and seemed surprised that Gordon was still stood in front of him.
“Go and pack, Gordon.”
Summarily dismissed Gordon returned to his room.  Clothes and toiletries were thrown haphazardly into a bag.  He took his anger out on the drawers of his dresser, yanking them out and slamming them shut.  The clothes hangers in his closet rattled and tumbled to the floor as he yanked down shirts.  He looked at his Team USA kit; the formal blazer and whites covered in a protective dust jacket next to the tracksuit worn poolside between heats.  The uniform was a painful reminder of his achievement that already seemed to be forgotten by the father he tried so hard to please.  The garments were thrown to the floor of the closet to lay in a crumpled heap on top of his shoes.
Just a few short weeks ago those two outfits had symbolised his achievements.  Proof that, as far as America was concerned, he was worthy.  He remembered the thrill of pulling on the garments for the first time, the cut of the blazer emphasising his broad chest and shoulders.  They were his uniform.  His battle dress.  After the Games he had carefully hung them up as a reminder of everything he had worked for, a sign that all the sacrifices had been worth it.  Now they screamed failure rather than success.  Failure to live up the narrow ideals of his father.  He kicked out at a trailing sleeve that had flopped over the threshold of the closet then slammed the door on the rumpled mess.
Gordon flung himself onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling.  He knew he was acting the petulant teenager his father viewed him as but sometimes it was hard not to revert to type when you never had the opportunity to prove yourself to be anything different.  Anger bubbled up inside him.   Just because he wasn’t like the others with their perfect grades and traditional life choices it felt like he would never be allowed to make his own decisions.  Even the career he had strived towards and made so many sacrifices for was being slowly taken away.  How dare his father speak to his coach about training commitments.  How dare he sideline the one talent Gordon possessed.  In all other areas he was measured up and found wanting but the medal above his bed and the world record in the history books were irrefutable evidence that he could make his mark in the world and be an individual in his own right.
The seething injustice coloured Gordon’s dreams that night.  His sleep was restless and more than once his legs became twisted in the sheets, dragging him back to wakefulness in order to free the constricting restraints.  When the morning alarm marked the end of the night, disturbing his dozing form and forcing away the last vestiges of sleep Gordon felt distinctly unrefreshed.  However, years of practice at taking himself to early morning swimming training meant he was able to resist the temptation to stay in bed and so he was ready, bag in hand, when the car arrived to take him to the airport.  Evidently his father’s commitments were too heavy to allow him to perform this duty and Gordon was graced with only a brief goodbye before being handed into the custody of a driver.
Denver was tiny compared to Los Angeles.  It was still a sprawling metropolis compared to the backwater towns of Kansas but Gordon instantly felt more at home in the mid-western air.  He felt like he could finally breathe again.  He had never felt settled in Los Angeles with its inescapable traffic and permanent glow.  A city that never slept.   
When he had first been told of the move to the coast he had been excited at the prospect of living so close to the ocean that held his fascination.  It was an odd obsession for a boy brought up as far from the sea as it was possible to get but Gordon had always felt drawn to water in all its forms.  The few coastal holidays they had managed were filled with happy memories of rock pooling, snorkelling and learning the dangers of his beautiful aquatic mistress but in Gordon’s eyes the Los Angeles waterfront was a shallow imitation of what the barrier between land and sea should be.  The sculpted beaches filled with sculpted bodies held no appeal.  After one visit shortly after arriving in the city Gordon never went down to the waterfront again.
Virgil was there to meet him in the airport arrival’s lounge.  Dressed in his habitual plaid he was easy to spot.  Gordon soon found himself relieved of his bag as Virgil swung it over one shoulder with ease.  It wasn’t that Virgil thought him incapable, it was just the way he was.  Brother or not, Gordon was his guest and carrying your guest’s bag was a courtesy that had been instilled in each of them from an early age.  A brotherly arm was draped across his shoulders and he found himself drawn into a brief embrace before they walked companionably towards the taxi rank.
It didn’t take long to reach Virgil’s apartment which was situated a short stroll from campus.  The campus itself was still eerily quiet, mostly populated by faculty and a few postgrads like Virgil who had stuck around to work on projects.  Term, and the influx of undergraduates that came with it, was yet to start.  The streets surrounding the campus were free of the term time hustle and bustle created by the transient student population and the area had a calm serenity that contrasted sharply to the buzzing city Gordon had recently left.
The apartment was the epitome of masculine design, each item of furniture or decoration a clear reflection of its occupant.  There was an eclectic mix of high end items and junk store finds, set off by hand crafted pieces made by Virgil himself.  Comfortable, functional and strong, the whole ensemble coordinated perfectly.  Virgil’s habitat had grown organically over his few years of occupation, it was now as warm and friendly as its owner and a place that you couldn’t help but relax in.
It felt more homely than the Los Angeles apartment which always had an air of echoing emptiness.  Jeff had wanted to ensure that his older boys had a space to come back to and call their own and with money no object the city pad he had procured was obscenely large for a place normally occupied by just three people.  The executive styling added to the cold and impersonal air of the place.  It was an environment where people co-existed rather than lived and the extra rooms for absent siblings only seemed to enhance the feeling of loneliness.  It felt good to be in Denver rather than Los Angeles, even if the reason for the visit stung.
Gordon sat down on the couch, bouncing slightly to test its springiness.  The apartment was a compact, one bedroomed affair and he knew the couch would be his bed for the next few nights.  The sound of a coffee maker and the chink of mugs from the kitchen showed that Virgil still had his caffeine addiction and the warm aroma of good coffee was soon filling the space, adding to the general air of comfort.  Before many minutes had passed his brother was back beside him and two brimming mugs sat steaming the coffee table 
“Hey, so you decided to come check out my school.  It’s a great place here, you’ll love it.  I can show you around all the labs and things while it’s still quiet, maybe introduce you to some of the faculty depending on what area you want to specialise in.”
Virgil’s enthusiasm was met with stunned bewilderment.
“Dad said you were looking at college, right?” he probed, tentatively. 
Evidently this trip wasn’t just about Gordon not being trusted at home.  Even from afar his father was making his intentions clear and pushing his own agenda of what he expected of his sons.  Virgil watched as the teenager in front of him stiffened, a defensive shell seeming to rise up around Gordon and a sullen look appeared across the features which had seemed so relaxed and at ease until that point. 
“No, Dad just didn’t want me staying home alone.  Look, I’m sure it’s great for you but I’ve got no plans for college at all.  In case you hadn’t noticed I’m not exactly college material.”
Witnessing the self-depreciation from his brother stung.  Busy lives meant he hadn’t spent much time alone with Gordon in the last few years.  The young man in front of him was clearly hurting and Virgil’s caring nature was screaming at him to make it better but he felt woefully ill-equipped to counsel the troubled teen.  
“I’m sure that’s not true.  You’d be able to go to college if you wanted to.  You’re smart; you were hardly at school the last two years and you still managed to graduate with good marks.”
Gordon turned sorrowful eyes on his brother, he had never been able to be angry with Virgil and fighting with the gentle giant didn’t come naturally.  There was something about Virgil that reminded him of Mom; something that invited him to open up, safe in the knowledge that he wouldn’t be judged.
“And what if it’s not what I want?  Sometimes it feels like I don’t have any say in my life.  Dad wants me to stop swimming.  Do you have any idea what that feels like?”
Truth be told, Virgil didn’t.  He had only ever met encouragement for his plans, he had been supported and his passions had been indulged.  Music lessons and art classes had co-existed with school, ensuring he had a therapeutic release from his more traditional studies.  His desire to study engineering had been greeted with enthusiasm and a generous allowance.  To hear that a brother was being expected to give up their passion was a surprise to him.
“I’m sure Dad only wants what’s best for you.”
“Yeah, it always comes down to what Dad wants.”  There was a snort of derision.  “But news flash Virgil, I’m not like the rest of you.  I’m never going to get into Harvard or Yale or anywhere else Dad would approve of.  And I don’t want to.  I have one thing I’m good at and now that’s being taken away.”
“I’m sure that’s not true Gordo, there are lots of things you’re good at.  Look, maybe college isn’t the right place for you but don’t sell yourself short.  It sounds like you and Dad just need some space apart from each other for a bit.  He’s got a lot on at the moment, there’s a big project in the pipeline and you know how focussed he can get when that happens.  You know, you are always welcome here if you need some breathing space.  And I promise, no campus tour unless you want it.”
“Thanks Virg.  Maybe a break will do me good.  It’s all just so tense back home.”
Gordon felt a heavy arm slung over his shoulders as he was drawn in to a hug that held more meaning than the brief embrace of greeting he had received earlier.  Virgil had always been the most free of the siblings in showing his love physically.  With Virgil moved out Gordon couldn’t remember the last time he had received a hug from anyone other than Alan and those were becoming more rare and awkward as the pair aged. 
His initial instinct was to push away but he didn’t want to hurt Virgil’s feelings.  He could feel the beating of the larger man’s heart and he found the rhythm soothing.  The tension he hadn’t even realised he was carrying began to slowly dissipate and he melted into the soft cotton of Virgil’s shirt.  He took a few deep breaths to steady himself before slowly pushing himself out of the embrace.  
He nodded, not yet trusting himself to speak.
Gordon settled back and savoured the coffee.  Perhaps the time in Denver wouldn’t be so bad after all. 
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lastsonlost · 5 years
This is what it looks like when you can't see past your own bias.
Aka: what happens when your lived experience is inconvenient to the narrative.
By Andrea Thompson
Watching the movie “Brian Banks” is...awkward. To some extent, it's a classic sports underdog movie, but the struggles Brian Banks had to overcome are anything but conventional. As the movie continually points out, he's exceptional. And he is, in more ways that this movie is aware of.
Based on a true story, which the movie is quick to point out with dramatic music (uh oh), the title character, played by Aldis Hodge, muses on his great love for football, which he was on track to play professionally until he was stopped in his tracks at 16 years old. It's how he was stopped that would make anyone pause; Banks was falsely accused of rape by a classmate.
After some bad legal advice leads to jail time and some years struggling to navigate the conditions of his parole (and having to register as a sex offender), Banks struggles to simply find a job while simultaneously fighting to clear his name and reclaim his life. He also repeatedly writes the Innocence Project and asks them to take his case. Refusing to give up even after they reject him, Banks goes to meet with the lawyers on the project in person, first convincing them to give him advice, then take him on, and finally, actively fight for him.
It's impossible not to get invested in just how much Banks had to overcome, from his poverty-stricken childhood and the various legal road blocks that threaten to end his fight before it even begins. Banks wasn't imprisoned, so he was not a priority for the Innocence Project, and since he took a plea rather than going to trial, he needs completely new evidence rather than simply using what was already discovered. He also has to stay sane in jail, especially when he's put in solitary. Banks even took the initiative and managed to record his accuser recanting her confession.
Except. Except. Well, there was going to be misgivings about this film being released during the #MeToo Era, wasn't there? That the film would fully embrace Brian's perspective and his struggles is natural, even admirable. However, this type of story demands more, and what the movie doesn't say is far more noteworthy than what it does. It doesn't mention that the percentage of false rape accusations are not only incredibly low, the conviction rate for them is even lower. It limits its empathy for what many women have gone through to one scene, where Banks's love interest Karina (Melanie Liburd) reveals she was raped in college, and how devastating the aftermath was for her.
Even if there's little to no doubt of Brian's innocence, it's hard not to wince as his accuser is subjected to the kinds of questions which are used to discredit actual victims, as the men questioning her ask just what she expected to happen when she went off alone with Brian, why she didn't shout, etc. It also doesn't help that Brian and the people assisting him are all easily identifiable as various levels of middle class while his accuser and his family are...not so much, let's just say.
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Yes, Brian Banks suffered a terrible injustice, and he proved himself to be exceptional not just for his athletic prowess, but the strength of character it took to fight for the truth over a period of years. The performances are also incredible, and help to elevate this movie above the simplistic melodrama it would otherwise be, although it also depicts faith and how it can be a bedrock for those in pain more respectfully than most mainstream films are typically capable of. It's all in service of someone who deserves to be vindicated, but it shouldn't have to come at the expense of so many other victims.
Rating: C-
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Fortunately I wasn't the only one who took issue with this "review".
This is a disgusting review of a great film. I can not believe that I read what I just read. And also why did you put "(duh duh)" after saying it was a true story. You give Feminism a bad name and I am embarrassed to even have someone like you even pretend to fight for women's rights. SMH
This is a wretched review, that quite possibly reveals deep-seated implicit biases, on your part. You didn't review the movie, you made a political statement, rooted in radical feminist, and male-hating rhetoric. This man, along with other men of similar misfortunes, is the victim-not the woman who accused him. He is a human being, that has every right to have his story told, unmolested by contrived issues that would shift the focus off of him, onto a non-victim. And so what if his economic status is above his false accusers status: does it then justify her lies against this man, that resulted in his imprisonment? Nice attempt at a fake out, but I'm sorry-you miserably failed. At the core it appears as if you feel more sorry for false accusers of men, than the men who are falsely accused by these liars. It appears that way, in light of you inserting that jab. This pitiful analysis betrays your binary agenda: all women are truthful and good, in spite of potential liars and deceivers amongst them, whereas all men are just BAD-because they're men. And God help the men if they are assertive, confident and forthright, for then they'll be accused of having TOXIC MASCULINITY, whereas a woman with those same qualities will be labeled a BOSS. Look at the woman in the mirror...
This is a horrible review of the movie. It doesn’t even review the movie. It more about your perspective in the Brian Banks case. I have never seen so much bias. You make it sound like the movie forces you to see Brian Banks as a victim. When in all reality he IS the victim. He was accused of raping his girlfriend and it was completely false. It was prisoned and register as a sex offender. His whole life changed on a lie from a girl who’s family wanted money. What other victims did it come at the cost of ? He just telling his story. SHOULD HE LIE OR WATER IT DOWN, BECAUSE IT HURTS YOUR SENSITIVE IDEALS ? Should he not get justice? Please explain to me what you are trying to say.
Even in the face of a story that proves there are two sides to this extremely challenging issue, you demonstrate that you have no regard for men who can see their lives completely destroyed when false allegations happen. This review is equivalent to me watching The Accused then writing about how it was important to shine a light on violent gang rape, but not if the movie didn’t properly explore situations where men were jailed over false allegations. I also love how you threw in the problem with WHITE MEN when the movie is about a BLACK WOMAN FALSELY ACCUSING A BLACK MAN OF RAPE. Your ideology clouds your vision to where the hierarchy of victimhood drives all understanding of right/wrong and how any narrative should be interpreted. It’s transparent to 90% of us, but your kind lives in an echo chamber. You aren’t more educated...you’re more indoctrinated and I’m looking forward to the cultural shift that sees your viewpoints thrown in the dustpan of history.
Gordon Shumway4
At no point in this cinematic review did you review the movie on its story-telling, 'watchability', acting, or general movie presentation. You took your biased, personal opinion about the story, and decided that it does not fit your false narrative that the female is always the victim.
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maddmuses · 4 years
Shiro Minamoto 源白
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(fc: Izumi Sena and similar looking characters) Age: 15 Occupation: Duel Academia Student (Freshman; Obelisk Blue), Junior League Duelist, Minamoto Family Heir Aliases: BlueSamuwu雷 (Vrains URL), Samuwu雷 (Shorthand of Vrains URLS), ‘Ro, Minimoto, Slifer Slayer, Japanese Junior League Champion Date of Birth: 12/20 Ethnicity: Japanese Nationality: Japanese Affiliations: Duel Academia (Student), Obelisk Blue Dorm, The Minamoto Clan, The Junior-High Amateur Dueling League
(AU Inspiration: Based on an AU proposed by a friend’s Discord Server, though essentially is meant to exist and operate out of the plot’s most relevant Duel Academia)
Appearance Shiro is a thin young man with angular features, silver hair, and bright blue eyes. Due to him spending a great amount of his childhood indoors, due to early sicknesses, as well as the following years of duel training at his parent’s order, Shiro has a starkly pale complexion that causes his eyes and hair to appear even more striking.
While on campus and off, Shiro often wears the Obelisk Blue uniform, favoring white pants and undershirts, an expectation of his parents to show his status as an elite duelist at the academy. In more casual situations, or those where he can get away with not wearing his DA paraphernalia, Shiro still often favors wearing various shades of blue in his clothing. Due to his family’s affluence, Shiro often wears stylish clothing, and was taught how to wear those assigned to him in a way that’s visually appealing to look at.
Notably, along his fingers are a number of scars from repeated card cuts that he accrued from a childhood of being forced to draw and handle Duel Monsters cards even when physically and emotionally exhausted.
Personality A friendly and affable young man, Shiro doesn’t really give off the impression of someone who’s struggled much in his life. Being reared as part of an influential samurai family, who was able to achieve notoriety in the dueling world as a middle schooler. However, due to an early life that involved involuntary forced duel training, and emotional abuse at the hands of his parents who remained unimpressed with his performance, even after surpassing his older sister’s achievements, Shiro has developed a resentment for dueling, and towards his parents, that makes it difficult for him to make friends while at Duel Academia.
While Shiro doesn’t struggle making friends once his barriers are down, he often assumes that he isn’t able to relate to other students at Duel Academia, as their interests often heavily bias towards dueling, and Shiro has developed into the type of person who will actively avoid playing Duel Monsters, unless the situation calls for it. Shiro doesn’t adhere to the typical universal response of his world of resolving any interpersonal issue or disagreement with a duel, and often sees those who demand a duel of him, rather than some other recourse, as stubborn and unreasonable.
Shiro’s resentment of duel monsters has served to even squash his once existent relationship with duel spirits, particularly those of his true deck, only being able to hear the echos of his deck’s spirits, especially thanks to the fact that he no longer regularly carries around his main deck on-person.
Like many young people, Shiro craves the approval of his parents, though this largely seems to be a thing that simply will not happen as their interests seems to be more to use him, and his sister, as vehicles to raise their family’s influence through the duel world. Often times this places him in a position where he’s at odds with his elder sister, Gin, with whom he shares a bitter rivalry.
Due to the negative reinforcement of his parents, Shiro’s actual dueling ability suffers, though it simultaneously pushes him to only duel in brief games that he’s won, resulting in less time spent dueling, and fewer duels played overall.
Prior to his loss of love for the game, Shiro’s duel partner was a duel spirit in his card “Light and Darkness Dragon”, though not the same spirit that once inhabited Chazz Princeton’s deck, it seems to be a lower-level manifestation of the actual spirit of another card in his deck.
Biography Shiro Minamoto was born to his parents Akaki Minamoto and Aomai Minamoto, with an elder sister Gin Minamoto. Growing up as a small child, Shiro had very little exposure to either of his parents until he was four, often being raised more by professional caretakers. At the age of four, Akaki gave Shiro his firs dueling deck and set of booster packs, teaching him how to play. Having him duel against his elder sister, Gin, who had been playing for a number of years by this point, his loss was a given.
In the following years, dueling with Gin would be a daily occurrence, something to be done every morning, before school, after which Shiro was expected to return home and meet with instructors that his parents paid to teach him and Gin about dueling techniques. This additional tutoring would continue even as the two would attend preparatory schools that taught dueling as an elective subject.
Within his first year of active dueling, Shiro would occasionally be caught talking to his cards, as he claimed that they had voices and spoke to him. This would prompt his parents to have his cards kept away from him except during times when he was dueling, and seeing a child psychologist, though to poor results as Akaki and Aomai frequently would disregard the professional’s advice in very roundabout ways, feeling that indulging him in this behavior would result in him being open to others, which may reflect poorly on their parenting.
Shiro would not consider any of this especially frustrating or awful, though he was a bit lonely as his time under dueling tutorship left him little time outside of school to have with friends. However, things would take a turn, and dueling would become steadily less fun for him, as around the age of eight it was dictated by their parents that dueling against someone of a lower ability, such as Shiro, was bogging Gin down more than it was elevating the abilities of the younger sibling, and so it was to stop. This daily duel had been a way for the two to bond, and it showed with a camaraderie that the two shared. Akoki felt that in order to have the two reach their heights that the two would need to be rivals, and though they would continue to duel twice a year, to see if the daily duels would return, something that motivated Shiro to do better as he sorely missed these, they would often compare one’s progress to the other’s when only one child could hear it.
“You know your sister won that tournament. What have you done? You didn’t even place.”
“Your younger brother is far stronger than you were at that age, that must mean he’s more talented than you.”
“You couldn’t even finish first? Your sister’s generation was much stronger than yours, there should be no reason for you to not top everything.”
Remarks like this were fed to the two of them, though never ones that would reflect or indicate the other duelist’s opinion of each other, simply twisting facts to a dialogue that would cause mutual resentment and contempt. Often through this motivation, Shiro was forced to duel with his tutors far beyond the point of exhaustion, often causing injury and discomfort all over his body, notably with many cuts along his hands.
While he was never able to beat his sister, prior to enrollment at Duel Academy, Shiro managed to reach a peak of his own, by winning the Japanese Junior Regional Championship. Though his performance wasn’t satisfactory by his parent’s standards, and his subsequent first-round loss of the International League, against the West American Champion, only served to give his parents an excuse to put the boy down further, despite being the top in the nation, for his age demographic. It was through this treatment from his parents, being forced to duel under duress, and generally being told he was still not good enough, to the point that he was forced to change decks following his Japanese Championship win because it wasn’t a FTK, has caused Shiro to actively avoid dueling when the opportunity comes up.
Shiro enrolled into Duel Academia as a high schooler, with the intent to be an on-campus resident. Testing into the top five of the enrolling class, combined with his Regional Championship, Shiro was enrolled into Obelisk Blue.
During his time in Obelisk Blue, Shiro’s been challenged by a number of other duelists who intended to prove their stuff against a champion, only to lose. A large number of these challengers have been Slifer Red students, earning him the nickname among tailcoat chasers “The Slifer Slayer”. While these students often call themselves his friends, Shiro doesn’t think highly of them, not even calling them friends personally, since their only interest in him is his dueling ability, a skill which Shiro himself doesn’t even value.
Abilities and Skills -Physical Ability: Shiro is reasonably athletic and capable in sports, though hardly superhuman by any measure, he enjoys basketball and volleyball. -Dueling Skills: Shiro is a talented duelist, and is already able to compete on the international scale, having made it to the World Tournament for Jr. High, though he was eliminated in the first round in a 1-2 loss, against an American Regional Champion. Accordingly, he is an Obelisk Blue student in Duel Academy, placing him as one of the elite students in the freshman class. Shiro’s original deck is largely built around “Light and Darkness Dragon” and its supporting cards, with a focus on controlling the field and game state through the use of monster effects, and spells that allow him to easily manipulate the flow of his monsters by moving them from the hand or field to the graveyard and back. This deck is unique in that it’s an archetype which makes use of all the current summoning methods, similar to the D/D and Odd-Eyes archetypes. The deck that Shiro uses currently, though, is a Destruction Sword deck, that while he has snuck his ace monster “Light and Darkness Dragon”, mostly plays around Buster Blader and its support monsters instead. As it currently stands, though, Shiro’s ability in dueling has been stunted somewhat by his own hurt ego; and he often doesn’t perform at the peak of his abilities, thanks to a lack of familiarity with the deck that his parents demand he duel with, as well as his loss on the international stage, and further emotional browbeating by the Minamoto parents. -Academics: Shiro is studious, and is familiar with the theory of Duel Monsters, hence his ability to be placed and remain in Obelisk Dorm.
Superhuman Powers and Abilities -Duel Spirit Perception: Shiro is able to hear, see, and speak to Duel Monsters. This ability has become weakened over the last ten years, though, as he has lost his love for dueling this ability was dwindled. Now he can only hear the echos of duel monsters, and has largely forgotten the memories of his friends in his old deck. -Duel Energy Generation: A shared ability with many other duelists who have manifested such a change in the past (essentially any time it’s happened in canon) Shiro produces an unusually large amount of D-Energy (Duel Energy, Ener-D, Momentum, etc.) when playing Duel Monsters. When focused, and used with the correct means, Shiro is able to manifest physical Duel Monsters cards.
Weaknesses and Limitations -Mental/Emotional State: Shiro has been falsely diagnosed with auditory hallucinations, and is incorrectly expected to take antipsychotics, meant to treat schizophrenia. This is a result of an inability for others to corroborate his ability to see and hear duel monster spirits. Shiro’s actual emotional state is not a great one, though, as he is naturally defensive and averse to Duel Monsters, as a result of the abuse from his parents, which have caused him a host of issues that have gone unaddressed. -Confidence: Shiro’s dueling abilities have weakened as a result of his suffering self-esteem, and general hesitation when playing with his current deck.
Equipment and Support Gear -Shiro’s Decklists Here -Duel Academia Uniform (Obelisk Blue): Shiro wears a Duel Academia Uniform typical of Obelisk students, usually with accessory clothing that’s white in color. -Duel Academia Duel Disk (Obelisk Blue): Shiro uses whatever model of duel disk that is currently used by other members of the DA student body. Generally his model will be the same one employed by other Blue students. This is generally the duel disk that Shiro also uses in duels external to school, and after graduating, unless it becomes outdated.
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