#especially when its at lucifers expense :)
reallyromealone · 6 months
Title: ducky
Fandom: hazbin hotel
Pairing: Lucifer x reader
Warnings: reader is Jessica rabbit coded, make reader, sexual themes, reader hates Valentino, softcore nsfw, crack treated seriously, Lucifer is a simp, reader cross dresses, reader wears lipstick, the word daddy
Notes: the amount of rewrites boy howdy
After every show, (name) had gifts waiting from fans.
Flowers, expensive jewelry and other things were always there but one thing always stuck out to him, an adorable rubber duck dressed like him, wearing an adorable version of the show he did previously. Todays was his pink dress, the jazz singer loved cross dressing and it seemed his admirer noticed every detail of his outfits... It had him swooning! "Oh the note!" He said looking for the rose gold paper with black ink, another joke that was corny and wishing him a good day... Oh he was so wonderful!
It was the best part of his day, really it was.
Before this, his eternity was always so drab... Singing his songs and nothing of interest happening.
"It's time" one of his security guards said seriously and (name) nodded, placing the duck in his suit pocket before leaving with the men and out the back area of the club where the limo was waiting for him.
Not before catching eyes with the one person be despised and was sadly obsessed with him, Valentino smirked as he stepped out of the limo across the street as (name) got into his own faster, not wanting to deal with him especially after a performance. He couldn't stand that moth! The demon had been obsessed with (name) for years along with his little picture box friend, he remembered when they sent him molds of their erections! Disgusting!
(Name) Made sure his driver left faster, not wanting to deal with that man any more than he needed to.
"Your father requested your presence" the driver said to (name) who looked passive "what for?" He asked as a smile found its way in his face as the driver explained about some project the demon was partaking in and wanted (name)s help, the jazz demon excited to see what was taking all his father's time these days "then let's go see, shall we?"
(Name) Was not expecting some hotel on the edge of town "Hazbin hotel?" He mumbled curiously as he walked into the hotel, his driver going on his break and (name) wasn't expecting his father to be arguing with a small blond man "papa?" He asked with a passive Expression, where Alastor smiled (name) kept passive "(name)! There you are!" Alastor said dismissing the other immediately to walk to his son "how was your show little one?" He asked his son who let out a soft huff, amused "it was quite well, what's this shindig?" He gestured to the group of people and his dad grinned.
"I have someone for you to meet"
Everyone knew who (name) was, he was on every billboard across pentagram city and Angel dust knew how obsessed Vox and Valentino were with him, throwing tantrums whenever their wooing attempts went south.
But what they didn't know was that (name) was Alastors son.
"Wait son?! Sinners can't procreate?" Charlie asked curiously as Alastor laughed robotically "he was my son when I was alive, sadly I died when he was little--"'--and I was raised by grandma!" (Name) Continued and they were curious on how (name) was in hell but decided not to prod on that and now that they looked at them, they could see the resemblances.
Height being a main one, (name) just a bit shorter than his dad.
"It's a pleasure to meet you all, now why am I here?" He asked his father curiously and the radio demon grinned wider "well you see, we need someone to notice this place and what better than the most popular jazz singer in this place!" Alastor said merrily and (name) raised an eyebrow but sighed "I will on a condition" Charlie was vibrating with excitement as she nodded "whatever you want!"
"I'm looking for someone, I don't know who they are but I have a few clues" (name) pulled out the notes and the duck from his pockets "this person botherin' ya?" Husk asked suspiciously and (name) shook his head "quite the opposite actually!" Charlie and Alastor looked at each other and then the rubber duck in realization as Lucifer looked increasingly uncomfortable.
"Dad, is that your duck?" (Name) Drew his attention to the now panicking fallen angel who looked back at (name) stressed out "I think we should talk" (name) said to the blond man who followed nervously, the two going off somewhere as everyone processed what just happened.
"I can expla--" (name) stopped him with a kiss, gently holding Lucifer's face and his thumbs stroking his cheekbones before pulling back "I uh, I don't understand?" Lucifer said dumbly and (name) grinned "I never got a chance to tell you how my day was, awful rude doll~" he whispered to Lucifer and smiled at the smudged red lipstick from his performance on Lucifer's lips "s-so does this mean...?"
"Oh darling, I'm not gonna let you go... But I gotta ask, what's your name? Or should I just call you ducky?" (Name) Teased the other who looked incredibly flustered "maybe baby? Or daddy?" He teased and Lucifer was deeply confused at how this walking sex symbol was related to fucking Alastor but the kiss he was being pulled back into made him forget it all.
"They have been there awfully long" Charlie fretted and Angel dust snorted "he's related to smiles over there, god knows what's happening"
"I'm gonna check on them" she said nervously and Alastor followed, fatherly instincts kicking in as they went to the room the two wandered off too, hearing gasps and grunts and the sound of something knocking over. In a panic Charlie opened the door and Angel dust couldn't hold his laughter at Alastor and Charlie's horrified faces at the scene before them.
(Name) On-top of Lucifer with his suit half off his body and Lucifer was no better with an exposed chest and unbuttoned pants connected to (names) full lack of pants, Lucifer sporting Hickey's and red lipstick all over his body.
"DID IT HAVE TO BE HIM?!" Lucifer was exasperated as the two quickly put themselves together and Charlie was traumatized at the fact she saw her dad... Like that.
880 notes · View notes
some-bunniii · 6 months
Lucifer jealous with an artist!reader
・❥ You’re invited to a prestigious art show to impress Hell’s royalty with your skills, but someone isn’t a fan of all the attention on you.
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
x: reader is g/n, no use of y/n.
~ 10.1k words
warnings: SMUT!! Adult themes!
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Being in a relationship with the King of Hell has its perks. Such as being able to skip any line at LuLu World, or not needing to make reservations months in advance to the most high-end restaurant in Pentagram City. And, of course, being able to buy anything in the entirety of Hell in the snap of a finger, or, make it, if your man is feeling extra creative that day.
The neatest one? Being able to jump across the Seven Rings of Hell. Sinners are usually confined to the Pride Ring for the entirety of their afterlife, anyone who attempts to leave would get obliterated by the magical security system that detects ring-hoppers. You had never seen it work in person, but the stories made it sound excruciatingly painful. But, no one had ever survived getting vaporized to be able to tell of their experience, so, you weren’t sure whether that was true or not.
These thoughts were plaguing your mind as you sat comfortably in the back of a clean, white limo. Its tinted windows, gold rims, and apple hood ornament screamed ‘Hell’s royalty’ as some onlookers gave the pimped-out vehicle a double-take as it rolled through traffic.
You had tried to argue against taking the conspicuous mode of transportation, opting for the lift that was commonly used by demons to travel across the rings. You most likely wouldn’t attract any unwanted attention or suspicion, since you looked like an average, everyday demon residing in Hell.
“Hop in an elevator with Heaven knows what kind of creepy people you’ll be pushed up against? Not going to happen,” Lucifer shook his head sternly at the idea, “I’m not risking your safety just because 
You had held your tongue after that, realizing you weren’t going to win when it came to Lucifer’s protectiveness of your wellbeing. Besides, the limo looked nice as it waited patiently outside of the hotel a few hours after the big breakfast you had shared with the residents of the hotel.
The inside was nice too, the red, leather seats so plush you were practically sinking into the furniture as you sipped on an alcoholic beverage. There was a minibar nestled between some cushions across from you, bottles of expensive red wine secured on racks next to clean, empty drinking glasses. 
A large stereo sat at the back of the limo, with tall speakers that flickered with an array of colors waiting idly for your touch. A small TV hung from the car’s ceiling, and you flicked through the channels mindlessly as you held your phone to one ear.
“Just let the driver do his thing, you’ll barely feel the portal before poof! You’re in the Greed Ring.” Lucifer assured over the phone as the white limo sped towards the edge of the ring. 
“And I won’t get turned to goo or anything?” 
“Not on my watch!” He spoke confidently. You could hear faint voices in the background, which meant he must still be at the hotel. “Trust me, love, you’ll be fine. But, maybeee you wouldn’t be so nervous if you had someone with you like… the King of Hell?” 
Rolling your eyes, you snorted quietly trying to hold in a laugh. Lucifer had been bugging you all day about barring him from joining you, but you steeled yourself against his begging, some plans, and preparations needed to be done as soon as you got to Greed. Having Lucifer along would no doubt distract you, especially with the sultry gazes he’d been throwing at you quite often lately, and you needed to get your game on for tonight.
“I told you, I’ve got dinner plans with some of the other artists, and there's work to be done at the venue. Tonight is very important, I can’t mess anything up.”
“I know, I know. Don’t worry, you’ve got this in the bag, baby.”
Heat crept to your cheeks at his compliment, and you smiled out the windows of the limo, your eyes following the winding road toward a large tunnel in the distance. Was that the portal entrance? It was the only thing out here in this barren part of the ring, and it was only growing closer in view as the limo sped on.
Soon, you’d be in Greed, one more step towards the big art show tonight. Your mind drifted back to the matters at hand, your nerves intensifying as you sat deep in thought.
Tonight, was the annual art fair and exhibition, ‘Elysium in Hell’. A famous, grandeur display of well-known and talented artists coming together to sell and showcase their pieces. Their skills with the brush and oils would also be compared fiercely, judged by the leading in the practice that usually dictated how well an artist’s pieces sell during the night.
When hosting the most wealthy and powerful beings in Hell, one had to know whether someone’s creations were truly worth the large price tag. 
It had only ever been a dream, for you to even attend a gathering of such nobility. This was the kind of place you’d find the Seven Deadly Sins, like Lucifer, were strolling around places like these for fun. When to you, and other artists, it was the opportunity of a lifetime to make your passion a really good career. As in, spending the rest of your days lounging in your villa’s pool, finding your painting inspiration by looking out into the expanse of the ‘this view cost me a lot of goddamn money’ scenery. 
It was a chance to put your work out there, farther than the hotel, farther than Asmodeus’ club. Maybe, into a Goetia’s office, or a Sin’s bedroom! That was the dream, to have people appreciate and feast on your craft, while also making really good money from it.
It must have been Asmodeus who got your name on the list since he really seemed to enjoy your more explicit paintings. Lucifer also could have used his influence too, but you hoped that wasn't the case. You wanted your success to be based on your effort, not someone’s pretty words.
Would Lucifer even do that? After all, it was he who was more inclined to keep your relationship a secret. At least, secret to everyone outside of the hotel. It was hard to keep a secret from them, especially when the manager of the place was the man-you-were-courting’s daughter. 
It was something about the press down here being very brutal, and the fact you’d be in the public eye and under its scrutiny constantly. Unless, you become a shut-in hermit for the rest of your life, and while you enjoy the solitude, you don’t how long you could be stuck inside before growing depressed. Even a castle got boring after a while.
But the big problem, was you’d be a target instantly when it came to Heaven’s exterminations. You were a Sinner, and your life was at risk every time those gaping, golden portals opened to swallow the sky, and their blood-thirsty valkyries that would flood the streets with weapons made of holy light.
There was no doubt they would do whatever was necessary to destroy any kind of stability within Hell, and even direct attacks toward Lucifer and those he holds dear. Charlie? Well, she was Hellborn, safe from Heaven’s wrath unless they fancied all-out war. 
But, you? The exterminations were created to kill you, an agreement between Heaven and Hell’s King to quell the uprisings, to keep their control over all realms in Creation. Lucifer never had a reason to care about the population of Sinners inside his ring, until you arrived, with that soft smile and overflowing head of ideas.
If Heaven wanted your head, they would surely have it, if they dared to incur Lucifer’s wrath. He couldn't protect you from everything, no matter how many times he assured you. He wasn't the most powerful being in existence, there were those much greater. 
Was there more to it, though? Was it some kind of political reason because someone of the lower class could never be seen as one of the heads of the royal family, therefore the entirety of Hell as well? Would there be an uprising among the nobility, who couldn’t fathom someone without influence or power to have command over them?
So, for now, you’d spoil your king with kisses and soft words away from prying eyes. In the comfort of your room, surrounded by fond memories and heated exchanges of passion. Breakfast in bed, lounging the day away on your balcony, staring towards the city. 
Sometimes, Lucifer would enthrall you with tales from past interactions with other royalty, mainly the other Sins. He’d impersonate each, his voice almost perfectly mimicking their tones and speech patterns as he recounted stories that made you laugh so hard you almost tilted over the railing once.
Lucifer had spilled his wine trying to catch you as you leaned a little too far backward over the metal edge, his hands gripping your forearms as you adjusted for balance.
“This,” he had said with a breathless laugh as you stumbled into him, before the fallen angel wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you flush, “is why I can’t take my eyes off you anymore. There’s always a mortally wounding drop that you can’t seem to stay away from!”
You only giggled in response, your buzz making it impossible for you to give your lover a straight face as he tried to frown sternly at your reaction, only failing miserably when you lost balance again from the laughs that began to shake your figure. 
Lucifer began to lift you upright once more, a soft laugh escaping his lips as you only sent him a lopsided grin, leaning closer to him. It wasn't until his gaze lowered and he caught the tipped wine glass that had rolled against the leg of a chair, did the fallen angel deflated slightly.
“Look, you even made me spill my drink..” He whined, his eyes sullenly tracing the small river of red liquid that cascaded over the table’s edge.
You captured Lucifer’s lips in a sloppy kiss, your teeth grazing against his skin as you hummed an apology between trailing kisses. The King only melted into your hold as you filled him with sweet like ‘My silly duck’ and ‘The most handsome angel’. 
Your hands lifted to cup his cheeks, before breaking the kiss and sending him a loving smile. You squished his cheeks softly, and Lucifer only melted in your hand, nuzzling his cheek against your palm.
“Well, at least I’ll get some kind of buzz from the taste of your lips,” he sighed happily against your palm, flashing those pretty bedroom eyes at you as his claw slid beneath your undergarment, grazing against warm, bare flesh that caused you to shiver underneath his touch. 
Lacing your fingers with his, you sent him a sultry smile as you tugged him towards the open balcony doors, soft light basking the entrance to your room with light red hues as you crossed the threshold. 
Lucifer growled softly, his pupils dilating as he lifted a hand to begin unbuttoning his shirt, following you obediently into the darkness. The balcony doors shut behind him with invisible force, and wisps of golden light snaked out of the keyhole, before being blown away like dust. 
You smiled at the thoughts, your heart fluttering as those feelings bubbled up underneath your heated skin. This was the first time you had been away from him for a while, and it did feel much lonelier without his vibrant aurora that only filled your soul with warmth. 
Soon, you’d be back in his soothing embrace. But first, there was work and an audience to woo.
You had told him he could come later tonight after the show started, which had made him beam with happiness and promise to be there in support of you.
Would he appear as his common imp disguise? A Goetia? Would you even be able to tell it was him without those shades on his face? It seemed like you’d be playing I Spy later tonight.
“—will be there?”
You blinked, shaking your head to pull yourself back into reality. 
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I said, do you think any of these famous painters you studied all your life will be there? I mean, they couldn't have all been virtuous and sinless, right? I’m sure that one guy that cut his ear off wasn't stable enough to make it through the pearly gates.”
“Huh... I don't know, I never thought about that before.” You laughed, your eyes still on the tunnel that was now only a mile away, before Lucifer could start on another subject, you quickly broke the silence, “I’m about to go through the portal, I think. I’ve gotta go, but I’ll see you later tonight.” 
“Oh, okay! Listen, don’t worry, it’ll feel like passing through any normal earthly tunnel… probably. I can't wait to see you, and hopefully, in that delicious outfit you bought earlier,” he teased.
“If the King commands it of me,” you replied with a honeyed tone, your words “but, he’ll have to be patient, can the mighty Lucifer Morningstar resist such taking a bite from the apple?”
“No matter how tempting, I’ll just wait until I can ravish it in its entirety later,” the soft growl in his voice made your breath hitch slightly, your cheeks heating at the thought of what ‘later’ would entail.
“We’ll see,” you whispered, before pulling the phone from your ear and ending the call. You felt giddy in your seat, that heat slowly ebbing from your skin as the tunnel loomed ahead. You grabbed the wine rack next to you for support as large shadows swept across the limo’s interior as it disappeared into the darkened path.
Lucifer was right, it had honestly felt just like you had driven through a regular old tunnel, if not for the tingling at the back of your neck and the feeling of weightlessness for only a moment as the limo’s tires hit solid ground once more.
Then, green skies cast emerald hues along the seats as you peeked out the window, excitement bubbling in you. You were in another ring for crying out loud! This was a first, and other than pictures, you had no idea what 
It wasn’t until your eyes adjusted to the change in hues, did the anticipation died immediately and a frown graced your features.
Greed looked… kind of ugly. Thick, green smog powered from large towards that dotted across the barren expanse. Large industrial buildings nestled between them, most likely some kind of plant or factory.
Rivers of sludge flowed from each facility into a large, concrete-lined lake. There was no doubt it smelled rancid out there, and your nose crinkled at the thought.
The large city that the limo was heading to was the least soaring to the eyes, its towering corporate buildings filled the sky. Flashing multicolored lights emanated from the middle of the sea of buildings, most likely party central of the capital.
As the vehicle rolled down the street, stopping at the streetlight, you were aware of the eyes that were trying to get a glimpse through the tinted windows. Some demons even pulled out their phones, snapping a quick picture of the pristine, white paint that shimmered underneath the street lamps. 
They probably thought it was someone important, like Lucifer, maybe even Charlie. Thankfully, discrete locations where you’d be dropped off and picked up had already been decided. Hopefully, you won’t have any run-ins with the paparazzi or anything crazy. 
You checked the time on the TV, you were just in time for check-in at the hotel you were booked at. It had been provided by the organization behind the large event, and you weren’t sure what to expect. 
As the limo pulled alongside a back street, you spotted an elevator a few feet from the curb. Taking another sip of your drink, you gathered your things and opened the large passenger door.
Stepping over the gap, you hoisted everything onto the sidewalk, fiddling with a few loose items before turning towards the long vehicle, shutting the passenger door, and leaning over to the driver’s side window.
“Thank you, Jeremy.” You called to the driver, a short imp with a bushy, white mustache. He only nodded at you through the shaded glass, before the limo began to pull away from the curb.
You turned towards the elevator doors, before taking a deep breath and stepping forward
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After a few hours lounging around in your hotel room, the rest of your day was filled with preparations. 
You spent the early hours at a very fancy restaurant, surrounded by other artists. They all looked Hellborn, although you were sure you couldn’t have been the only one who got granted access from Pride. 
They all seemed relatively cheerful, sharing stories and techniques of their careers. You even shared some of your art with a couple of nice women that you were seated next to, the one that hung up at Ozzie’s. 
“I saw those the other day! That was you? You are such a great artist!” One gushed, while the other two nodded their head in silent agreement.
“That’s really kind of you, but, I’m not that good,” you brushed off her compliment, hoping to change the subject to someone other than you. You refrained from telling them where you worked, or anything about you, really. They may be kind to you, but in Hell, that didn't mean their motives were pure.
The tension in the air was a little thicker than you would have preferred to, but some of your “competitors” came from nothing, and would go home to nothing, if they weren’t able to make a large enough income after tonight.
Arriving not too long after at the large building that would host the show only heightened your anxiety, as your eyes bounced from booth to booth that was being set up with paintings, pottery, and other mediums.
The interior looked like a giant convention center, the walls a blank white with gold trim, a perfect backdrop for the splash of color that was beginning to take shape across the multiple displays.
The booths looked like large cubicles, with tall partition walls separating each artist’s collection. Only the front, which one would be able to walk into the little square to observe the different pieces, was wallless. As you moved to your spot, you turned your head to catch a glimpse at the surrounding work.
Every piece that caught your gaze looked so amazing, and that only made doubt creep farther into your mind at how good you fared against some of these big names. 
Most of the work was reminiscent of what you had done previously, back when you worked for Alexandre at his studio. Scenes of steamy interactions between two—sometimes up to five—lovers, angel exterminators with their chests gouged out, and landscapes of different locations across Hell.
You had expected it, and all of the pieces that you had brought with were from before your time at the hotel, or were painted with such thoughts in mind. The demons that had wallets to empty weren’t looking for cute scenes of bunnies and fawns, or angels in a good light, for that matter. 
You worked tirelessly, placing your canvases against the walls, creating price tags, and trying to finish everything before the event officially started. You were making good time, and your worry was pushed to the back of your mind as you kept busy.
Which made you lift your head from your work, your eyes scanning the small crowd of workers and artists that bustled about. Some ran across the large, white marble floor as they shouted commands to the helpers. 
Was he one of the imps who was helping set up the booths? You had no idea what he looked like in his disguise since he had altered it so only you could see through the lie. There was no familiar yellow gaze or rosy cheek spots that you could pick up from the mass.
He was either not here or was hiding from you. Your gaze flicked up the large clock, one more hour. You turned back to the task at hand, heart racing, and mind wandering as your hands lowered to another small canvas.
“Alright, people! We’re opening the doors, let's get this party started!” A voice rose above the chatter, signaling the beginning of the event. You lifted your head, it was starting already? Time really flew by. 
Demons rushed past your display, running to their own assigned section with renewed vigor as loud footsteps echoed from the front of the building. Looking down, you tidied your outfit, the one Lucifer had mentioned earlier.
You had bought it weeks ago, but only revealed it to him right before you left. In your eyes, it wasn’t much different than what you normally do, except that it was much more formal and eye-catching. And, red. Apple red.
You definitely didn't expect Lucifer to react when his pupils turned to slits when you gave him a peak, or how he subtly wet his lips from beside you, his gaze traveling up your figure as he seemed to be picturing you in it.
Patrons began to fill the floor, the large growing louder as demons filed in, their eyes glinting with interest and excitement. Bird heads poked out from the crowd, the Goetia’s tall frames towering above most of the other attendees. They were definitely dressed like nobility, in dazzling robes that brushed against the tile as they moved with grace from booth to booth. 
Their talons clicked rhythmically against the tile as they glided past your figure, their eyes landing on the portraits behind you were curious as some stopped before you.
Apart from the Seven Deadly Sins, they were directly beneath the Morningstar family, and were Lucifer’s most loyal followers. Did they miss their King’s presence in his absence? You figured most of them had yet to run into the fallen angel, even with his face slowly appearing across the realm. 
Smiling widely, you greeted a few of them, stepping aside so they could take a closer look at your pieces. They slid past you, and your eyes landed back onto the crowd, scanning for anyone who resembled Lucifer, to no avail. Where was he?
“I like this one,” one of the Goetia spoke softly to her lover, pointing at an oil canvas depicting your idea of the River of Styx, the famous trail of water from Greek mythology that flowed into the underworld.
A little girl sat at the edge of the dark water as it flowed past, as if she was looking into the depths with longing. Her hand was outstretched, reaching towards the writing forms of grey, ghostly bodies that peeked from below the water’s surface. They held their arms out to her, begging for help, or perhaps for her to join them. 
The girl was looking at a specific being underneath the surface, a mirrored image of her small figure, their face contorted in agony as it met her gaze. Tears pooled from the little girl's eyes as she stared at herself, one hand to her mouth in grief as she reached tenderly towards the sicky grey image that represented her inevitable fate.
The two birds stared at the price tag beneath the canvas, before their eyes met and the shorter male Goetia turned to you with a stack of cash in his hand. You practically bounced on your toes with happiness as you took the money with a bow of your head.
“Thank you! Please return later and someone will help you carry it out!” You waved farewell as they left, their gaze already locked onto some pottery sitting on display a few displays away. 
This continued few another hour, a repetition of demons moving in and out of your booth to fawn over your different pieces. Some would occasionally pull out their wallet to purchase from you,  while they complimented your craftmanship.
Even with everything going on around you, and answering any questions that were thrown your way, your eyes still kept gravitating to the bustling crowd. Your mind still sifting through every figure looking for any resemblance to Lucifer. He would have revealed himself to you by now, wouldn’t he?
He didn’t forget or anything… right?
After waving goodbye to another customer, you turned to see a red-headed demon sneaking past some patrons, before she reached your booth entrance, knocking softly on the thin walls. You turned, raising an eyebrow as she timidly stared up at you.
“Hi! I’m Anna… from the restaurant earlier. Do you remember me?”
You recognized her after a moment, and a smile bloomed on your lips. She was a quiet girl, her figure resembled that of a porcelain doll, her features painted onto the smooth surface that mimicked her skin. 
Anna had sat diagonal from your chair at the restaurant, barely making a peep, but her eyes had followed your conversation with interest. You hadn't tried to speak to her, afraid she’d crack from the attention. She seemed fine around the large crowd now, though.
“Yes, that’s right. Hello, how can I help you?”
“I was just wondering if you had any extra ‘Thank You’ stickers that I could have? I’m going running pretty low.” 
“Selling out quick, huh?”
“Ha-ha, sort of. My ceramics are pretty cheap though, definitely not close in value to something like your work.”
Heat crept onto your cheeks, and you smiled bashfully. Your skills were surely not that advanced to receive all this praise, it wasn't like you were some kind of prodigy back on Earth to deserve such kind words.
“Please, I’m sure your skills are equally matched. And, of course, let me go grab some for you!”
Turning, you reached into a box nestled against the wall a few feet away from you. You pulled out a small plastic bag full of smiley face stickers, before turning to face the young girl once more.
“Here, this should be enough, but if you need more you can always come back–”
Your sentence was interrupted when gasps erupted across the attendees, their eyes beelining to the front of the building. Even other artists and servants were getting a peek at the commotion as a crowd gathered at the main entrance.
Anna leaned outside of your display, her eyes squinted trying to get a look at what was going on. You stood next to her, straining your ears to catch any words from the whispers emanating from the onlookers.
‘Someone’s here.’
‘Could it be…?’
“Oh my Satan… it’s—!’
“Your Majesty!” A voice boomed above the crowd from a tall demon in a blue tuxedo squeezing through the guests, his little management pin sparkling gold as he moved to greet the newest arrival.
You tensed immediately, frozen in place, mouth agape, while Anna only became giddy beside you.
“Did you hear him?! I think the King is here!” She bounced excitedly beside you. 
“The King..?” You whispered in disbelief. 
“Y’know, Lucifer Morningstar? You’ve seen his royal portrait, haven’t you?”
‘Oh, I've seen much more than that,’ you wanted to reply.
Anna quickly scampered off, intent on getting a closer look at the grandiose figure as she moved through the murmuring nobles.
You could see his hat bobbing behind the much taller figures as he moved with grace, the hint of his white overcoat, and the red glint from the apple on top of his cane.
“Yep, it’s me! Your devilishly handsome King, come take a closer look if you don't believe me—woah there, not that close! Personal space still exists, thanks.” 
You watched the top of his white hat move amongst the bodies of gawking demons, as they parted to let him stroll through.
It wasn’t until he came into view, with that all-too-familiar charming smirk that made your knees wobble. With those soft curls that framed his face that shimmered like the sun, making your heart flutter.
His yellow gaze scanned the crowd, but he wasn’t able to take a very long look before the blue-suited demon approached closer, bowing low before he cleared his throat.
“It is truly an honor to be in your presence once again, Your Majesty.”
“Of course it is,” Lucifer replied nonchalantly, straightening his posture.
“We didn’t expect to see you here tonight! It’s been a long time since our gracious ruler has been to our event… but nobody had any problem with that!” The demon quickly interjected, laughing nervously as he pulled on his collar. 
“Yes, well, I've been very busy these past few years. Doing… important things, of course!” Lucifer nodded quickly, chuckling lightly as he spoke loudly, “So, I thought I’d drop by and take a look around!”
“What a wonderful idea!” The event coordinator clasped his hands together, before beckoning the fallen angel to walk along, “If you’ll please follow me, Your Highness, I can take you through everything we have to offer.”
Lucifer followed behind the man, all eyes on the floor tracking his every movement. Most lowered their heads in respect as he passed, the Goetia’s in attendance much more enthusiastic about it.
Quickly, you backpedal into your booth, your head whipping across the walls for any imperfections in your setup as your mind raced.
What was he doing here, as himself?! Why didn’t he tell you before, and what was his plan?
When Lucifer arrived at the first artist down the long line of make-shift walls, you could barely hear their conversations now that they’d stopped yelling so loudly
The artists bowed, their hands rubbing together in a soothing motion as they greeted their King. You heard the three chatterings lightly, as sweat beaded down your forehead in anticipation for him to get to you. Your booth was about five little cubicles down, he’d be at your ‘doorstep’ in no time.
Lucifer listened with only mild interest as each artist walked him through their different pieces. His gaze kept shooting away, looking for you, no doubt since you were busy hyping yourself in the corner. 
Assuming he didn’t walk up to you and go ‘Hi babe!’ he would most likely treat you like everyone else here, and you’d have to do your best to keep suspicion low. That was hard, when his close proximity always sent goosebumps rippling across your skin, or your demeanor to change instantly.
He just had that energy that warmed you to the core, and you always ended up stupid and giggly by the end of the night in his presence. Hopefully, the anxiety of being surrounded by so many people would keep you cool.
It wasn’t until you could hear him in the display right next to you, did you shuffled to the front, hands clasped in front of you with a wide, professional smile. The patrons buzzed around you, most of them still eyeing the King with interest and awe, but some began slowly dispersing as they continued their tour around the building. 
“And here, is one of our newest participants in the event. I believe they specialize in paintings of multiple forms, I’m sure you will enjoy their work, Your Majesty.”
You locked eyes with Lucifer just as he rounded the little corner to your booth, that charming smile only curving upward an inch as his gaze softened at the sight of you. 
He stood beside the event coordinator who turned to you expectantly, his eyebrows raised as he waited for.. something.
You stared at him for a moment, before your posture straightened with a grimace and you leaned forward in a bow. This time, you made sure to keep your hand tucked beside you when doing so.
Shit, this was supposed to be you meeting the King of Hell for the first time! Your relaxed posture probably looked pretty insolent to the coordinator, thankfully, Lucifer paid no mind to any misstep ettique.
“Your Majesty, it’s an honor to be graced in your presence,” you spoke sweetly, smile widening more awkwardly now.
“It sure is, my dear subject,” Lucifer modded in agreement, a smirk playing on his lips as his gaze rose from you to the walls behind your figure.
“Golly, is this your art?” He gasped, placing a hand on his heart as his eyes drank in the pieces hanging around you.
“Yes…” you replied slowly, quirking a brow at his dramatics.
“Boy, let me tell you, these paintings are absolutely exquisite!” Lucifer gave a chef’s kiss, a loud smacking noise as his lips left his fingers.
His eyes flicked to the small crowd that was still congregating around your display, as they listened to his words intently. The fallen angel met your gaze once more, and gave you a sly wink, your eyes widened at his gesture.
‘Don’t you dare..’ You growled through a glare right as you saw that mischievous glint sparkle in his eye, he only stared back at you defiantly, before that devilish smirk curved even higher.
“Are you sure you aren’t Leonardo Da’Vinci; one of the greatest, most famous artists from the Renaissance?” Lucifer continued, twisting his head a tiny bit to subtly address the staring demons behind him. 
The figures around you leaned in slightly, their eyes darting across your work with renewed interest as they listened to their King praise you with such grand words. Even the event coordinator lifted his head to get a better look at a painting, his gaze fixed intently as he practically breathed in the scene on the canvas.
“That is very generous of you, I’m sure you’ve seen much better in all of your years attending something like this.”
“Nope!” He replied confidently, and a few demons that were milling about stopped to get a look at your booth.
“Well, it seems like His Majesty is quite pleased with the display! Shall we see what the others have to offer as well?” The coordinator piped up, clapping his hands softly as he took control of the scene once more.
Lucifer turned with a large, exaggerated toothy grin on his face as he stared at the man with fake interest. He definitely didn't want to leave, but with so many eyes on him, expecting him to play the role he had so meticulously designed all his years in Hell, he could only begrudgingly oblige to follow the man out of your booth.
He turned his head slightly, shooting you an unreadable look as you watched him move on to the next booth.
It wasn't until you turned your attention away from Lucifer, did you caught a figure walking towards you, the man’s eyes trained on you as moved. He was about your height, muscles showing through the tight, green dress shirt that clung to his thick frame. 
He had blonde hair, but not as bright as Lucifer's, more of a dirty blonde with hints of a red undertone. He resembled a man enough, other than a few animalistic features like the sharp fangs, pointed ears, and the black goat horns sticking out of his forehead.
“Oh, hello!” You greeted, smiling at the new demon who strolled up to you, “Interested in purchasing something?”
“Actually, I’m one of the people that’s doing the judgments tonight, the name is Ezekial.” The man smiled confidently, lifting a hand towards you to shake. 
You shook it, your smile faltering on how sweaty this guy's palm was. When you tried to release your hand from his grip, he let his fingers linger against your skin before pulling away.
“Listen, I personally think your art is fantastic. Such care towards your work, honestly, elicits such emotions, like that one-–” 
Ezekiel pointed behind you, to another small painting of two people in a deep kiss, their lust obvious as the man practically ate at the woman’s face. You turned back to him with a quirked brow as he sidled closer, and you could see a small balding spot on his scalp as he lowered his head.
“—it really fills the room with the same kind of emotions, I’m sure even you feel that… passion looking at it right now, don’t you?”
Was he shooting your bedroom eyes right now? What a weirdo. It’s not like you could do anything about it, he was going to decide your fate tonight, and that meant keeping friendliness with the demon.
“You’re too kind,” you responded with a pleasant smile, taking a step backward, “but you’re one of the people judging tonight's event, I’m sure my work is incomparable when it comes to your own.”
“Well, now that you mention it…” Ezekiel puffed his chest slightly, sidling closer to you once more, as he began to fill you in on practically his entire life story. A tight smile crept onto your lips, and you fought not to roll your eyes.
For some reason, he also enlightened you on the multitude of women he had picked up during his career, including the two failed marriages. Did he think that was supposed to entice you to sleep with him or something?
As he droned on, your eyes peaked past his shoulder, and through the demons behind you, you caught sight of a familiar, porcelain figure staring intensely at you.
You almost burst out laughing at the deep frown on his features, as he watched Ezekial only get closer to you as he continued his conversation. His pupils were dilated, honed in on the judge’s back as if he was intent on smiting him right then and there.
The event coordinator was busy blabbing in his ear, other demons around him also trying to get his attention, but his attention was solely on you. 
Lucifer was jealous, no doubt. For some reason, that made you kinda giddy inside. The memory of what happened last time he got jealous played in your mind, the time you were thrust into a musical number before it ended in a hot make-out session.
You’ve been needy all day since speaking to him earlier in the morning, and that memory made you ache even more to feel his claws grazing up your thighs, his lips trailing down your stomach and–
Ezekiel only seemed to perk at your hot-and-bothered expression that seemed to seep through your placid smile, and his tone only deepened as he spoke to you. His arm above you, against the wall as he tried leaning seductively.
You felt the heat that was slowly building cool instantly at his demeanor. Did this guy realize he was standing around some of the most influential figures in high society? He didn’t think he was the top shit just because he was a judge, right?
When your gaze flicked back to Lucifer, his mouth was agape, eyes wide in horror as he watched the demon lean in towards you. Then, his face screwed up into a deadly frown, his hints of red peeking from his iris.
You quickly backpedaled away from Ezekial, turning abruptly right as another patron walked into your display, smiling widely in greeting. Ezekial only frowned at your sudden exit, before he was called away by another figure, irritation on his features.
You averted Lucifer’s gaze for a while, preoccupied with the larger number of demons coming up to speak to you about your paintings, their interest peaked ever since Lucifer’s little display of awe. You also noticed that your little cash pouch was continuing to bulge in size much faster than normal.
It wasn’t until your bladder began to knock on your insides did you realized how long you’d been standing there speaking with people. Your social battery was about to empty, your mouth was dry, and you really had to pee.
Excusing yourself, you crossed the floor, beelining for the short hall nestled in the back of the building. The restrooms were located there, and it was hidden from view and only accessible from two small entryways on either side. As you entered the darkened corridor, you breathed a sigh of relief, the harsh lights and the noisy atmosphere were finally drowned out by the thick wall
As you finished up in the bathroom, you splashed your face with cold water to drain some of the exhaustion from your features. You were definitely going to sleep good tonight.
Right as you exited the restroom and began moving down the hall, a tall, curvy woman brushed past you, you only were able to blink before she suddenly turned to face you with interest. She had a short, blue dress that showed all the cleavage. She sent you a sultry smirk as she looked up and down your figure.
“Hey, I know you, you’re that Leonardo Da’Vinci artist, right?
“Yes, I am,” you smiled respectively, holding in a sigh.
“Well, let me just say, I think you’re work is fucking stunning, babes,” she replied with a velvet tone, the top of her thighs beginning to peak slightly from her dress as she adjusted her posture, “and, the art definitely matches the artist.”
“Thanks,” you replied sheepishly, averting your gaze from her exposed skin. 
“If you ever want to recreate some of your.. erotic pieces, just give me a call, I’ll be around all night,” she purred with a wink.
“Hey, babe! You comin’ or what?” You heard a masculine voice growl from the hall’s entryway, the light illuminating from the building's overhead lights casting a thick shadow from his large figure.
“I’m coming!” The woman huffed, and she turned to you with a giggle, “I’ll see you around, cupcake.”
Your mouth was slightly agape as you watched her saunter off, your brain short-circuiting at everything that had been happening.
Groaning, you rubbed a hand roughly down your face as the rhythmic clicking of the woman’s heels faded away. How much more crazy could tonight get?
“What are you doing over here?”
You jumped at the voice, pivoting sharply to face the figure basked in shadows. It was the yellow eyes that gave Lucifer away, as he stalked forward with an unreadable expression.
Did he listen to everything? You tense for a moment, before furrowing your brows. What did it matter? It wasn’t you making any advances.
“No, what are you doing here?” You pointed an accusatory finger at him, and he frowned at your gesture, “Here I was thinking you’d be in some kind of disguise, hiding amongst the servants or something, but then you just show up and just start running things? What happened to ‘I can’t handle big crowds’?”
“This is totally different,” he shook his head, waving his hand in a brushing motion as he leaned against his cane, “These are my most loyal subjects, who used to see me all the time when I was much more involved. Not to mention, they have class and a decent amount of manners. What I don’t like is being surrounded by depraved animals that spend their nights coked up and catching all sorts of diseases tangling with random strangers.”
He shivered at the thought, sticking his tongue out in disgust at the thought and you only sighed in defeat. Your man had a point.
“Fine, but I told you I didn’t want you to influence anything that happened tonight. That is kind of hard when you’re hyping my work up like I’m Leonardo re-incarnated.”
“Hey, those were all genuine reactions! And, I did pretend to have no connection to you. But, that was a bad idea, apparently, with all the looks you were getting right in front of my fucking face.” Lucifer growled, his fingers clenching the apple on his cane tighter as his cold gaze flicked to the corner where that woman had disappeared.
“I was not getting any looks,” you crossed your arms, huffing in disbelief. He was acting as if the whole building was ogling you, when they were clearly ogling him. 
“You were! Some of those men were practically drooling all over you, not to mention how they kept scooting closer to you. I saw it all!” Lucifer averted his gaze, staring daggers at the wall. 
He wasn’t mad at you, but he definitely wanted to throttle someone. More specifically, every man whose gaze ate up your figure hungrily while you spoke to patrons. 
Thankfully, in the darkened corner of the building,  the two of you were hidden from prying eyes for just a moment, where he could have you all to himself even for a few minutes.
“Please, you’re just exaggerating, what makes me good to look at?” 
“Your outfit!” He replied quickly, his eyes tracing your figure hungrily as he explained with delight, “God, it really brings out your curves, especially with the way it hugs your waist. It makes your eyes pop too, and I just can't stop getting engrossed in them.”
He bit his lip, the sharp point of his teeth sticking out as he seemed to muster all his strength to keep from saying anything more. As if his words would only fuel the fire that was burning inside both of you right now.
“I look that good right now?” 
“If I could have you right here, I would,” he breathed, his eyes hungry with need as he stared at you longingly.
Your skin practically sizzled with heat, and your legs felt gooey as his words filled your stomach with butterflies. This man was just good with his words, always surprising with you how his lowered voice twisted your insides and made you think all kinds of nasty thoughts.
Not to mention, you've been waiting to have him all to yourself the entire day! Was it so bad if it was only a few feet away from a large room full of nobility from across all seven rings?
Your gaze darted to an open door behind him, could that be a private room? That thought made your heart flutter, and the need to press your lips against Lucifer’s even more uncontrollable.
“Okay, then do it,” those commanding words left your lips before your brain could process the words.
“W-what? You mean right now, seriously?” The king sputtered in disbelief, you had always been vocal about privatizing your sex life, but tonight, you were feeling a little… bold.
“Don’t be a pussy.” You spoke with a honeyed tone as you batted your eyelashes, swinging your hips as you brushed past him, your arm grazing his shoulder tenderly.
That tingle of energy made goosebumps erupt against your skin, and you felt Lucifer tense, his breath hitching as you moved by toward the doorway. He cleared his throat just as you crossed the dark threshold into what seemed like a storage closet. Boxes and other items were stacked against the wall, and a desk holding nothing but dust sat on the other side of the small room.
Lucifer exhaled a breath that he didn’t even know he was holding in, as he followed you into the dark, dusty room. Once he stepped inside, he set his cane by the door frame and his overcoat hit the floor, before he pushed the door close behind him, locking it just in case anyone were to enter in the middle of your session. 
You brushed the accumulated dust that was on the desk, not wanting to dirty your outfit so that you’d still have to show-off in afterward. 
Once cleaned, you sit yourself on the surface while keeping your gaze fixated on the fallen angel. You watched every one of his movements, your hand supporting the weight of your body leaning back on the desk. Lucifer could practically feel his heart about to jump out of his skin as he approached your awaiting figure, his lean arms snaking around your waist before placed his lips on yours in a hungry kiss.
You fold your arms around his neck to pull him closer, fingers interlocked with his soft, blonde hair that you adore. You caught a whiff of his usual shampoo, that crisp apple aroma making your head spin and heat bloom in your stomach. 
You deepened the kiss, hungry for more of him despite already being so intimate. His teeth grazed against your lips, a light tug on your soft skin as a plea for you to allow space for his tongue to enter.
Your lips parted with a soft mewl rolling off your tongue, a familiar wet muscle instantly pushed past your lips and into your mouth. Lucifer’s tongue collided with your own, drawing a groan from him as he pressed his hips against yours. 
His erect is so obvious from a mere brush of your hips, that it almost made you giggle against his lips. He groaned from the light friction, hips involuntarily rocking against yours to get more of it. You whined into the kiss, moving your legs to wrap around his waist, pressing him closer exactly where you want him to be. You felt his hand creep under your shirt, his fingers caressing your flushed skin under the fabric. His touch is gentle yet possessive, almost feeling like he’s marking you from his touch alone.
“So pretty,” He mumbled against your jaw after pulling away from your moist lips. His breath hot against your skin, he pressed a trail of kisses from your jaw down to your neck. Lucifer drew his tongue out and attacked the sensitive spot on your neck; that one spot that always makes your body shudder. 
He hummed against your damp skin, his teeth brutally abusing the spot by sinking deep into your skin. You moaned suddenly, fingers tugging on his hair which made his scalp burn. His hand that remained under your shirt traveled down to the waistband of your pants, cold fingers slipping through them in a teasing demeanor.
“You look so pretty in this outfit. Gonna keep ‘em on for me, hm?” His voice vibrated through your body and reached your core, clicking something inside of you. You nod eagerly, whispering a small ‘yes’ in response to his words. 
You heard a muffled praise from Lucifer before feeling him pull your pants down, pushing them until they hang on only one side of your leg. Your forehead rests on his shoulder, gaze fixated on where his hand hurriedly unbuckled his pants. Judging from how he fumbled at the zip, you can tell he has been waiting for this all day impatiently.
A whine spilled from your lips as he pressed the tip of his length at your entrance, circling it at the area to spread his pre-cum just in case he might hurt you. He’s sensitive; just from pushing the tip in, he has already let out a loud groan while leaning his forehead against your shoulder. Your breath hitched at the stretch, body twitching occasionally as he carried on pushing the rest in inch by delicious inch. 
Lucifer’s eyes screwed shut, enjoying every second of your warmth engulfing his erect that is now nicely nestled deep inside of you. Your nails clawed into him through his loose shirt, legs trembling while doing your best to adjust to his size. His tip is already pressed against that weak spot hidden inside of you, the sensation tightened the coil that formed in your stomach.
“G-gonna move, ‘kay? Tell if if you wanna stop.” He stumbled over his own words because of how good you felt, now moving his hips to thrust into you at a slow pace. You feel your walls burn, the pain bringing a sense of pleasure that coursed through your veins. Moans start spilling from your lips, your head growing into a blur as he gradually increases the pace of his thrusts.
He pushed you further onto the desk, allowing easier access to the sweet spot in you with his ferocious thrusts. His sharp teeth bite down on the flesh of your neck, lips attached to your skin as he sucked on the area continuously until dark spots bloomed. He repeated his actions, hickeys bloomed all over your exposed skin like flowers during the blooming season.
The fallen angel shows absolutely no mercy with his thrusts, fully projecting his jealousy into them instead of holding back. He rammed into you over and over again, the sound of your skin slapping echoing throughout the small room. 
“Mine, mineminemine. All mine, yeah? Nobody can fuck you this way except me.” He growled while holding you close, drunk on the feeling of you clenching around him every time he hit the spot.
“Fuck, doing so good just for me. You like it? Being fucked into a moaning mess?” 
All you could do was moan, nothing else. Words can hardly be formed in your mind let alone a proper sentence; your vision begins to turn white as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
His grin grew at the sight of your drool rolling down from the corner of your lips, feeling a sense of pride bubbling in his chest. You’re in this state because of him, everything you’re feeling currently is all thanks to him. He twitched at the thought alone, a string of curses fell from his lips as his grip on you tightened. 
He mumbled something along the lines of ‘im close,’ or ‘gonna cum,’ into your shirt before lifting his head, crashing his lips onto yours once more in a hungry kiss. The kiss is sloppy; his tongue is unable to properly move with yours and the same goes for yours. He drinks up every one of your moans from the kiss, groaning from your sweet taste that he could never get enough of.
It only took a few of his hard thrusts until you clenched tightly around him with a sharp inhale of air, body trembled violently as you came undone. Lucifer quickly caught on with you, the tightness around him pushed him off the edge, hot strings of thick seed filling you up from the insides. 
He reduced his pace significantly, now rolling his hips lazily to ride out both of your orgasms. It took a full minute before he slowly pulled out of you, watching the white liquid oozing out of you in the surrounding darkness. You both lean against each other, chest heaving heavily as the both of you try to catch your breath. 
“Fuck,” you finally breathed, your face burying into his shoulder as the bliss subsided. How could a man make you come so undone in such a short amount of time? 
Lucifer placed a hot, wet kiss against your temple as the two of you slowly straightened. Your bare ass was still on the wooden desk’s surface, its cool touch welcoming to the heat still bubbling inside of you. 
Your thighs still ached as Lucifer adjusted the collar of his shirt, before he took a few steps towards an open box, piles of fabric nestled inside. Reaching in, he cleaned any stray dust from the small clothes surface, before handing it tenderly to you.
With an appreciative smile, you took it just as Lucifer walked over to grab his coat and cane. You cleaned yourself up as he straightened his bow tie, fixing his coat upon his shoulders. Before he turned to face your half-naked body as you began to change to look a bit more presentable.
“Are you sure you’re not an angel? ‘Cause those curves are otherworldly, baby,” Lucifer spoke softly as he strolled up to you. His drunken, half-lidded smile was evident on his face as his gaze traveled up your figure once more.
“Don’t you hear the stories?” You replied, honey dripping from your voice as your fingers reached his soft hair, grazing against his scalp as you pulled the strands back into his usual style, “How Lucifer was the most beautiful angel God ever made? How could I ever be similar to someone like you?”
“While I cannot argue with such a statement,” Lucifer laughed, staring adoringly at you as you fussed over his outfit, “If it were you in those paintings, instead of me, Michaelangelo would have been drooling.”
You smiled bashfully, pulling him closer for another deep kiss as you gripped his long collar. You could feel Lucifer’s smile against your skin as he peppered sloppy kisses down to your jaw, and goosebumps erupted across your skin.
Your hand clasped around his moving lips just as he was about to reach the crook of your neck, your mouth clamped shut to force down the moan in your throat as that heat in your abdomen returned slowly. 
“Please?” He whimpered against your palm.
“Later,” you replied sternly, before peeling yourself off of the fallen angel. Your arm brushed against his as you maneuvered to walk behind him. Your hand connected with his ass, and you felt him straighten before shooting you a playful glare.
“How do I look?” You asked, one hand on the room’s doorknob and the other gesturing to your figure
“Do you even need to ask? Perfect, as always.” Lucifer cooed, strolling up to you just as the door cracked open and you peeked your head.
The hallway was dark and empty, and with another quick scan, you slipped quietly into the corridor, Lucifer on your heels. 
“Well, I guess we should split up to not draw any suspicion. I’m sure everyone is wondering where you went.”
“They can wait,” Lucifer brushed your comment off, “You’re more important than these feet-kissers.”
You playfully hit him in the arm in scolding, and he grinned, his sharp teeth glinting in the faint light as you began to walk towards the large doorway at one end of the long hall.
“I’ll see you later, mon amour!” He called after you, before you heard the sizzle of his magic as he no doubt teleported away back into the crowd. 
You sighed happily, adjusting your outfit once more as you crossed the threshold. The glaring lights cause you to squint your eyes as the volume in the room picks up, voices piling over one another until they become an inaudible mess in your head.
You only took a few steps before the dollish face of Anna appeared, a large smile on her face as she beelined for you. She was waving her arms excitedly in the air, trying to get your attention as she cut through the moving silhouettes.
She was moving so fast you thought she was going to ram into you, and you froze, tensing as she reached your figure. Her delicate hands curled around your forearms, shaking you slightly as she bounced in place. You stared wide-eyed at her eagerness.
“I’ve been looking for you, for like ever!” She finally squeaked, her smile only widening as she met your gaze.
“Didn’t you hear?! You won!!” 
Your heart stopped, your breath hitching, as her words processed in your mind. You what? 
The loud voices were drowned out, replaced by your jumbled thoughts. Won what? The award for ‘Best in Show’, that little prestigious trophy that had sat patiently at the judge's table all night? That was impossible! There were so many better artists here, surely someone else deserved the spot! 
Yet, the way giddiness began to bubble up inside you, and your lips cracked into a wide, stupid grin at Anna’s words only made you a teensy bit thrilled to have taken the position instead of someone else. Was all your hard work finally paying off, was your creative voice finally going to be heard?
“I won..?” You weren’t sure whether to start crying with joy or run away and hide. 
“Yes!! I’m sure the judges are waiting for you so they can present the award, c'mon we have to go! Everybody is probably eager to congratulate you!” 
You felt Anna tugging at your arm, beckoning you to follow her across the room. Your eyes lifted into the crowd, before resting on that familiar, porcelain face that stared back at you.
His brows were raised, a smirk on his lips as he silently whispered ‘I told you so,’ through his gaze. He shot you two thumbs up, his eyes shining with pride. Not for him, but for you.
You sent him a warm smile, before his figure was obscured as another demon approached him. You turned your attention back to Anna, letting her lead you through the small groups of demons.
Your heart fluttered, that exhaustion that was ticking at the back of your mind fading as renewed vigor pushed your feet to move faster. And soon, you’d finally be alone once more with Lucifer, the most vibrant stroke on the canvas of your life.
As you walked, you passed by an elderly figure ambling across the room. You caught a brief glimpse of his features, enough for the recognization of the famous painter hit you in the face, making you almost halt in your tracks.
Was that Caravaggio?
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sorry this was late :(!! i took an extra day or two to chillax and celebrated my bday, but i hope the word count made up for that!
and HUGE thanks to @silasours for writing the smut!! i was not feeling it this time but i really liked the idea and thankfully they swooped in to help! go check out their page if you want to see more hazbin works like that :)!!
also, i just realized i’ve written 100k words in less than 2 months?! like 😵‍💫 wowza that’s a lot! a whole ass book lmao
let me know your thoughts, have a wonderful day! 🦢
tag list 🏷️
@ohnoivefallen @doodlebob2726 @coleisyn @sukxma-archive @undertale-is-sansational @nehy019 @mixplara @chewbrry @yellowsubiesdance @airwolf92 @lxkeee @jellybellyrulez @catnoirsleftnut @mbruben-stein @mint129106 @froggybich @moonlovers34 @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @lil-bexie @lowkeyhottho @wings-of-sapphire @the-tortured-poet @enigmatic-blues @bethleeham @blue122 @cherry-4200 @azullynx @luzzbuzz @for-hearthand-home @helluvapoison @th3-st4r-gur1 @concentratedconcrete @cimadreamer @marsenbie @guacam011y @maxiskindahere @purplerose291 @koumieru @fictional-character-whore @0willowwisp0
984 notes · View notes
welp-back-on-my-bs · 6 months
OM charicters and how they handle periods
- can and will fuck the shir outta ya if it helps-
- he will also baby you
- I mean- he literally sends the brothers out to gather sweets and other needs
- heated blanket on hand for you
- you can sleep in his bed
- he watches over you as you sleep of you get tired
- none will hurt his little lamb
- he panicks
- especially worried and unprepared if you don't identify as a female
- thinks you're dieing and lucifer wil kill him
- when its explained he does good and gets everything he knows you need
- here, have literally all this expensive chocolate he knows you like
- have all the midol he could find
- have the products you need to survive this- and more♡
- he probably learned about periods trough anime/an online AFAB friend
- he wont mind if you stay with him, he can clean whatever gets blood on it, you chose to spend time with him, he is hapoy with that :>
- anime and video games to distract you
- you can sleep in his lap as he plays
- you get to share his anime themed snacks
- for those who get moody during hell, he is here to help
- cat Cafe is the haven for you both-
- he also gets his anger out with you in healthy ways
- you both write out everything, scream out your toughts into the Forrest, and sing along to songs that bring out that anger
- afterwards he will read to you until you fall asleep
- he takes good care of you
- feeling extra ✨️horny✨️ he is here to help
- he fucks ya fore a few hours then you both have a nice hot bath, makeovers and stuff
- you get sugar coded fruits with him
- sleep like Royalty and wake up feeling refershed✨️
- literally a phone call away for anything
- period products are in his bathroom too
- this man has the comfort food
- he will allways share with you and Belphie
- he notices when you come to him more often for sweets and stuff, so he stocks more for you ^^
- om nom nom
- one of the best people to nap with
- he is also a good workout bud to help with the cramps n stuff too
- one of the best boys to go to tbh-
- now- of you need sleep- he has ya
- he sees you being tired and d r a g s you to one of his spots, cuddles you, and falls asleep with you
- it's fuckin comfy so ofc you fall asleep too-
- you get only the best dreams by his side
- cuddle, sleep, it's done- he won't stop- help QwQ
- the me is that?
- he didn't know until you bleed trough your clothes sadly
- he helps by haveing teas with you and has barbatos find some thar help with cramping and just to make thibgs more comfortable
- sweets galore (you're allowed to take them home
- you can sit on his lap and cuddle him, he is warm
- he knows when your periods are, its not weird-
- he has products set up in the bathroom near the room you're staying in and the next fee over just in case
- he brings you tea and sweets that help you
- he has a change of clothes for you on the ready along with spare blankets/sheets/pillows
- he can take care of any and i mean ANY of your needs, just ask ^^
- he isn't that exposed to them, so he dosent know what to do or if he can interfere
- he decides that he can if you beg him enough or he sees that you're suffering
- finds things that can calm the symptoms and help your body
- gentle massages
- he is a little cold but damn can he take care of you
- also has no idea wtf to do
- he learns sweets help and bakes alot for you
- like- they all are get well things or if you like to celebrate it then the sweets are red and pink
- he'll tell off anyone who tries to bother you
- he has a potion for that
- you just have to beg
- :>
- hasn't had one, but she likes to help you if you promise to help her on a trap
- or you can be the trap by surprising someone with your moodyness
- she gets the perfect things for you
- a damn good tradeoff
- like the other angles VERY confused
- he does help tho
- number 2 for sleep spots, no cuddles tho
- gets you weird foods to try
- about 5/10 could be better
- bro dosent know anything about this, why should he?
- when he does learn, he sneaks some sweets into your locker, high quality ofc
- he would give you shit as he gives you some spare clothes
- this man, he finds good shit to help ya
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electroluv12 · 1 month
obey me all characters relationship headcanons
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He always spoils you, gifts, jewellery, clothes etc.
Always cuddles, even when he's working he always has you on his lap giving you affection
if your a troublemaker he's always covering you up lol
Loves taking you out to restuarants
Normally goes for walks with you around town <3
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Loves doing favors for you like helping you with homework, baking you desserts and fancy snacks
When Dia gives him breaks, he likes to take you to look at clothes with him.
He likes to sew with you and make you clothes <3
Always giving you his jacket
His kisses are so nice because his lips are so soft
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Loves listening to music with you
plays piano for you
like Dia, he will have you on his lap when he's writing on his paperwork.
Takes you to expensive resturaunts and shares his Demonus with you
He isnt one for PDA though
Treats you so well with gifts and love like he literally showers it down
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Takes you to casinos with him, you need to make him feel better about it when he loses.
Acts big to make himself feel better when he gets flustered and then feels embarrassed about it later lmao
does the yawn and shoulder thing when you guys watch movies.
steals peoples money to buy you things, rings, necklaces, jewel(s)lery.
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he gets so flustered when he sees you, he runs away, its like pokemon you have to catch him
He likes gaming with you all the time but he's really shy to ask you for anything
likes cuddling but you have to initiate it
shows you new games or merchandise he finds, and he gets really happy about it
really interested in you!! tell him so much about yourself!!
sends you cute memes like things that say ily but with a video game reference
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He reads books to you when you go to sleep
takes you out to cat cafes all the time
he likes to cuddle with you while he reads in bed, like you spooning his side is ideal for him.
You help him calm down alot when he's angry or upset, you have to hold him and kiss him. He does the same for you when you feel like that.
He's always there for you no matter what <3
When your sick he tries to help you with spells.
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Gets you to try perfumes so he can remember what smells you like so he can get you products like that later.
So touchy and handsy, always has an arm around you or your hands interlocked wherever you two go
Loves kissing you, will pepper your face with kisses and normally he leaves lip gloss stains.
Takes loads of selfies with you and posts them on Devilgram
Takes you to try out desserts from new shops, then you guys go shoe shopping or just shopping for new clothes.
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A literal giant teddy bear, gives you the best cuddles
Takes you to go for food but ends up eating it all. He is very sorry afterwards, makes up for it with ice cream, which he eats aswell.
He bites you. You cant tell if its hunger, playing or affection, it might just be all three all together
You have to hide him while he raids the fridge by standing infront of him pretending to he on your phone lol
Likes going out with you and Belphie, it makes him very happy!!
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If your not busy he cuddles with you in bed literally all day, even if your hungry his weights to heavy to lift off of you so you cant really help it at all
Makes the best pillow forts ever, thinks its the shit and it really is.
Watches movies with you but sleeps as soon as it starts then pretends to know what happened lmao
He sits in the planetarium with you, gazing at the stars and giving you affection while he does
Falls asleep on your shoulder all the time especially in class. its a bad habit.
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always asks to bake with you and it ends up heavenly
if your sick he always takes care of you, coming over with soup for you.
He gives you alot of hugs and kisses, his lips are so smooth so it feels amazing
helps you with homework when your stuck and even buys you food, he doesnt want you getting hungry <33
reads TSL to you if you ask him to and he really enjoys it
Shows you new spells all the time, even shows you how to cast them
constantly getting you out of trouble, he's always got an excuse ready for when you need it
takes you to cafes for coffee <3
likes going for an extra walk with you when you both leave RAD at the end of the day
always giving you his jacket or scarf, but he still hopes you get sick so he can be your knight in shining armour and cast a healing spell
If anyone makes you upset their getting jabbed with a spear
He invites you to play board games with him, Solomon, Luke and Simeon at Purgatory Hall.
goes window shopping with you down town all the time
if you tell him you want something he'll remember and surprise you with it
always worrying about you no matter what you tell him
listens to piano pieces with you, tells you which ones are his favourite
spoils you with gifts even if you say he doesnt have to spend money
if you ask him to cuddle he pretends to be disgusted then begs you to cuddle him
likss kissing your nose, cheeks and hands, it makes him feel like a gentleman and trust me he is
takes you to restuaraunts and buys you wine
watches movies, secretly gets scared at the horror ones
Very protective of you at RAD, he doesnt trust anyone except Diavolo and thinks you shouldnt either.
LIVES for pranking people with you at RAD
Takes you out for drinks alot
likes hug tackling you. And kiss tackling.
literally everything with her is a surprise attack
if you get hurt by her pranks shes very sorry.
you HAVE to go to amusement parks with her plzz shes gonna beg you
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Let Me Give You My Life
A/N: I'm so proud of this tbh pls love it. Posts may slow down (more lol). I’m studying for the GRE, and how well I do determines if I can get into the masters program I want to do, which then determines getting into medical school. I love the support I’ve been getting- likes, reblogs (seeing yalls tags on the reblogs makes me smile like a fool!) yall are the best!
Warnings: Cursing, Angst? Mams is insecure and possessive af but man does he ADORE you, confessions- Asmo and Lucifer are sick of y'all.
Summary: Diavolo throws a ball to celebrate some event that Mammon honestly couldn’t remember- especially not when he saw you.
This was annoying.
Mammon had had plans tonight- a job. Sure, it was some low-budget modeling shoot for what were some hideous clothes, but still. It was going to pay well (way better than the clothes were worth, but thats because they wanted the Mammon- not some random, low-life demon)
And yet, here he was at this lame-ass ball Diavolo was throwing- commemorating some sort of success that Mammon frankly didn’t care about. Lucifer had made the attendance of the Student Council mandatory- threatening to hog-tie anyone who didn’t attend and leave them for Cerberus to toy with.
Mammon suppressed a shiver at the memory of the last time he had been subjected to that punishment. It had taken four showers and a bath to get all of the damned drool off of him- and he had needed to completely throw out his clothes.
Bastard. He glared at the back of Lucifer’s head, the elder across the room, deep in conversation with Barbatos.
Attendance was mandatory.
So where the hell was Asmo- and more importantly where the hell were you?
An ugly feeling reared its head in his chest as he thought of you sneaking around with his younger brother. Why would you be with Asmo, and not the Great Mammon?
“You know, glaring at him isn’t going to make his head explode,” Satan’s dry voice sounded from next to him, and Mammon shot a glance at the blonde demon.
“Maybe he’ll get the hint that making this mandatory was stupid. Does he not understand that some of us have better things to do?” Mammon griped.
Satan scoffed, “Sure, better to hustle money for debts you have no intention of paying back.”
Mammon’s frown deepened at his brother’s words. It never hurt less to hear how little his brothers thought of him- as if somehow his sin being greed made him lower than them. As if Asmo wouldn’t fuck anything that breathed near him, as if Beel hadn’t wreaked havoc due to his damn stomach, and as if Lucifer hadn’t damn near killed you due to his pride. Yet Mammon was somehow beneath them because he liked money and things? Bullshit.
He opened his mouth to shoot back a scathing retort about how actually he was going to use the money from the shoot to buy you the necklace that he had seen you eyeing at the jewelry store everytime he dragged you past it- but the gasps around the room pulled his attention to the staircase, and his jaw dropped.
Oh, you looked expensive. A shimmering gold dress clung to your form in all the right places (though you didn’t have any wrong places, a fact that Mammon would never say out loud).
Your thick thigh flashed from the dangerously high slit with every step down the staircase. He was faintly aware of Asmo behind you, but he knew that the attention of the room was on you, and not the demon of Lust.
That ugly feeling reared its head again when he saw Lucifer approach you, pressing a kiss to the back of your hand- no doubt with a stupid smirk on his face.
Mammon recognized the feeling, and it was much more in line with Levi’s sin than his own.
You shone more than the piles of Grimm in the bank vaults- and Mammon wanted nothing more than to steal you away and horde you to himself, like a dragon in the fantasy books you would ramble to him about. The dragons were the biggest thing he remembered, too lost in the sound of your voice to really process anything else. Besides, you said that his horns and wings reminded you of the dragons- something you had said with such a sweet voice that it was all he could do to not swoop in and kiss you.
And yet Lucifer was taking you to the dance floor, one hand wrapped around your waist.
Satan said something, but the blood rushing in Mammon’s ears muffled the sound, and when he received no response, Satan rolled his eyes and left.
Mammon wanted to approach you, steal you away from that smug bastard. But he didn’t, unable to summon the courage. Because if he did, then you would question him. If you questioned him, he would say the wrong thing- or worse, confess and face rejection from the one person in all the realms who has never looked at him with disdain.
Instead, he watched from the sidelines, snatching a flute of some sort of champagne off a waiters tray, downing it in a gulp.
After the song ended, you smiled brightly at Lucifer- a smile that should have been directed at Mammon. He watched you leave the ballroom, going out to the balcony.
“You planning on making a move? If not I’ll go see if she needs any company- after all she does look stunning in the dress I picked out,” Mammon’s gaze snapped to Asmo, whom he fixed with a glare.
“You keep your damn paws off of her- she’s my human,” he snarled. Amusement sparkled in Asmo’s eyes, and the younger laughed, “You’re lucky she only has eyes for you.”
Now that made Mammon stutter.
“Whaddya talking about?” he demanded.
Feigning ignorance, Asmo said, “maybe you should just go talk to her and stop being a moron- honestly, I love romance but at this point it is nauseating to see you two dance around each other.” With that, Asmo flounced off to chatter to some lower demon.
Mammon hated to admit it, but Asmo had piqued his interest.
Almost without his knowledge, his legs took him across the room, and he entered the balcony, carefully shutting the door behind him.
And you stole his breath away again, bathed in the faint light spilling through the windows, looking up at the stars.
You looked over your shoulder, flashing him a heart-stopping smile, “Mams! I was wondering when you were gonna come see me. The party isn’t as fun if I’m not with you.”
His cheeks burned at your words.
“We-well, I didn’t want to interrupt your dance with Lucifer,” he all but spat the Avatar of Prides name.
You giggled, “what? Are you jealous?”
Mammon rapidly shook his head, jamming his hands into his pockets as you turned to face him, leaning back on the railing.
His eyes shamelessly flitted over your form, and he imagined himself tearing into your soft flesh, burrowing a home inside your flesh where neither of you would know where one ended and the other began.
You raised an eyebrow, “You sure? I mean, I’d rather have danced with the Great Mammon, but he was too busy glaring daggers at his brother to make a move.”
You pushed off the railing, carefully approaching Mammon, who felt himself freeze in place.
All he could do was watch you, heart hammering in his chest as you wrapped your arms around his neck- and damn your height because this provided Mammon a particularly entrancing view of the pendant nestled in your cleavage- the necklace he had wanted to buy you.
He dragged his eyes back to your face, seeing amusement in your sweet gaze.
“Lucifer said it was from you,” He watched your plump lips move.
He shook his head, mumbling, “Was gonna get it for you with the pay from the gig I had lined up.”
The fact that Lucifer had gotten to it before him caused a pit in his stomach- why would you choose Mammon if you could choose his responsible, reliable older brother?
“You’re so sweet, Mams. Thank you.”
His face burned- him? Sweet?
Your soft gaze was akin to a siren song, and it was all he could do to not fall into you.
Tilting your head, you spoke with a rosy blush on your round cheeks, “Mammon,” he would do anything to hear his name fall from your lips again, “I waited for you to say something, but I don’t want to wait any more. I want to be with you. I’ve never met anyone who makes me feel like you do. I just need to know if you feel the same. If you don’t we can just go back to being friends and I’ll never bring it up again-” you were cut off when he surged forward, lips slamming against yours as his hands settled on the swell of your hips, fingers digging into the soft flesh as he pulled you close. He swallowed down the noise of surprise that left you, relishing the feeling of you melting into him.
He didn’t know how to avoid saying the wrong thing- but he could act.
You were the sweetest thing he had ever tasted- and he would fall from Grace a million times over if this is where he ended up. You, pressed against him, hands tangling in his white hair as your lips melded together, his hands digging into your softness, melting together until you were one.
The two of you broke away, and Mammon was sure you were an angel when he took in your flushed cheeks, kiss-swollen lips, and dazed eyes.
He pressed his forehead to yours, chest heaving as he sucked in the air- air he would be happy to never breathe again if it meant he never had to stop kissing you.
“I’m yours- have been since you first showed up.” his words were whispered, hands coming up to cradle your face, falling into your lips again- greedy for more, more kisses, more closeness, more you.
He would trade all the Grimm in the Devildom to keep you close- if he was a dragon from your fairytales then you were the treasure he would horde.
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vxiphoid · 1 year
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❨ summary ❩ obey me › things they would do to cheer you up. hearts and minds have a tendency to break when there are too many thoughts in your head at once, how would they help?
tags ✧ nb!reader, established relationship, reader is going through it😞, slightly suggestive in lucifer’s part?, IM SORRY IF YOU HAVE A CAT ALLERGY (mammon), idol slander, bathing together, itty bitty angst in belphie’s.
amanuensis’ message ⊹ i tried to make the reader a bit different for each brother because people deal with being upset differently… but hello?? theres like 130 of you now, tysm for all of the support, i love you all sm sm :(<33
⌜ 2.5+ ⌟
obey me masterlist
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♫ wishful thinking - benee
╰ he understands more than anyone how stressful school or work can be. doesn’t help that rad piles more shit on as you advance. he’s offered to give you a message, pressing small kisses in his wake before smearing oil onto your skin.
“you did so well today.” lucifer praises gently against your skin, thumbing the junction between your shoulder blades. you sigh contentedly as he massages into your muscles with ease, his fingers brushing your skin in gentle strokes to help ease out the knots and tension that have accumulated over the day. you inhale sharply at the contact, and a small smile quirks up the corners of your mouth when you hear him hum happily at your reaction. “your hands feel good, not that i don’t like the feeling of your gloves, your hands just feel better. i like your hands on me.” you murmur, leaning further back into his touch, basking in his affectionate caress. there was a stutter in lucifer’s movements as he stiffened momentarily before relaxing once more, but it didn’t deter his hand from its progress. “well, i know that… i figured i take my gloves off a lot in your company since you like the feeling of them so much.” he murmurs, sounding slightly embarrassed by his own statement as he continues to massage at your shoulders. he makes sure his thumbs are positioned correctly on either side of your spine, his touch feather light. “i thought this was pure?” you ask teasingly, peering over your shoulder. lucifer gives you an unamused look, pushing harder into the small of your back which elicits another soft sigh from you. “this is pure. you’re tainting it.”
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♫ (your cat) don’t stand a chance - mustard service
╰ last thing he wants is you going to bed angry or upset in any way. even if it isn’t his fault he still feels like he needs to spoil you to make it better? so, he gets you something. in a box, a big box. yk nothing bad, just something he prolly shouldn’t have bought…
“heeey, pretty… so i know you’re having a really bad day ‘n shit but how would you feel if i brought you a cat?” mammon asked, stiffly pushing open his bedroom door with his shoulder, a light looking box in his arms. you eye him, hard. “what’s in the box, mammon.” the mewls of protest from within spoke for itself. when you bursted into his room clearly pissed off, mammon was already on his way out, kissing you and promising he’d be right back he just needed to grab some stuff. by stuff you didn’t think he’d be at the pet store buying a kitten, especially this breed. maine cats are expensive, he even went out of his way to buy toys and the necessities. you thought you would have been mad about it, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be as the little baby ran around trying to catch a feather you swung around. the kitten finds rest in mammon’s mess of hair, likes to be carried around in hoodie pockets, and makes biscuits with it’s beans on your back. you couldn’t be mad at all, both the small fur ball and your boyfriend cleared all the stress you had. mammon lied down beside you in the floor, watching you jerk around the stick for the kitten to tail, he rests his head your shoulder. “you feelin’ better?” you nod with a natural smile and he kisses your shoulder. “good.” you say nothing, instead you pull him close and cuddle together on the floor, the kitten pawing mammon’s head before curling up for a nap. you smile, holding out your pinky. “don’t tell satan?” mammon takes your finger, pressing your thumb with his. “‘course not.”
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♫ honey - red hearse
╰ levi was already dressed for a midnight walk when you came in, he figured you needed one too just to clear your mind. helps you put on your shoes and jacket while you rant about how horrible your day was, kisses your cheek while you two leave the house.
your boyfriend treats this like any other day, not in an ignoring way, no. he figures he’d rather listen to your rant then try to see the other person’s (asshole) side. in plus, if you get it all out of your system, you won’t be so pent up. he buys you your regular drink and holds it for you while you express your anger with your hands, bringing the straw to your mouth when you need a pause. “—and it wasn’t even my shift!” you huff, sipping your drink when levi brings it to you. “thank you, i love you. anyways, this bitch—“ you could go on and on for hours and he wouldn’t get tired of hearing your voice. eventually he’d tug you into one of those 24 hour cafes and request an outdoor seating area, preferably where there isn’t people. when your rant seemingly comes to a close, your forehead meets with levi’s shoulder with a heavy sigh. he kisses your crown, “d’you want anything off the menu? they still serve breakfast if you want any.” he smiles when you nod. “thank you for listening, i know that was a lot. ‘just been stressed.” his hand slips into yours, kissing the back of it. “i’m here for you whenever.” and he means it. you know that levi would give you literally anything in the world, he’d do anything for you and the little things only add to how precious he is.
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♫ structure - odd sweetheart
╰ satan is a ticking time bomb when he’s mad, he may look okay but one minor inconvenience will send him over the edge. the plus side is that he knows most of the methods that could calm anyone down. those methods are watching really bad shows and their cringy acting.
the click of the spacebar signaled that you paused the show for the ninth time tonight, the silence loud between you and satan as you both stared at the blinding screen. his expression mirrored yours; slightly gaped mouth, squinted eyes, and meeting a glance before they returned to the frozen show. “she didn’t just kiss her husband to be’s brother after having a one night stand with their father…” he said quietly in disbelief. “on her wedding day.” you mumbled, forking around your takeout noodles in its cup. satan opened his mouth and you fed him some, treating yourself quickly afterwards. “y’all would watch anything at this point, kill your producer!” you and satan have been bingeing this horrible romance show for so long you completely forgot what time you even started watching it. its so ridiculous, not worse than idol, but still horrible. satan, on the other hand, was just glad you were enjoying yourself after a soiled day. you catch his eye and grin slightly, “what?” he shrugs with his mouth, turning back to the show. “nothing.” “mm, you want something, what is it?” you prodded again, leaning forward and giving him an inquisitive stare. you were sure you weren’t getting an answer by the way he was twirling his fork, so you leaned into him, brushing his hair away to press a kiss to his jaw, that caught his attention. “thank you, satan. for cheering me up.” you whispered to him sweetly. his lips curled up at the edges. “anything for you, love.” your eyes dart back to the screen after what you thought you saw actually happened. “she’s making out with their dad now?! go back, go back!!”
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♫ bad behavior - austin mills & remi wolf
╰ he knew that as soon as you walked into his room silent something was wrong. he just got out of the shower and you hugged him. you hugged him tighter than you usually do, and he noticed. he’s never seen you so deflated, tears filling your lash line. fortunately, asmo knows the perfect way to calm you down.
“okay baby, do you want hot pink or pink?” your eyes flick between the two headbands from your spot on the bathroom counter. you know they’re basically the same color, but it doesn't stop you from trying to guess which one is cuter. “hot pink.” you say finally, nodding in the direction of the headband in asmo’s right hand. “correct answer, you weren’t allowed to choose anything else.” asmo slips on your fuzzy headband and you snort as he carefully adjusted it on your head. “why’d you ask then?” you tease. asmo shrugs, leaning in closer to press a quick kiss under your eye. “so we can match!” after your emotional feeling day, your boyfriend suggested you join him in his skincare to take your mind off of everything for a bit. you agreed immediately, happy at the opportunity. you’ve been so stressed lately, working part time at a small coffee shop near campus while attending classes full time, and not having time to spend quality time with your boyfriend made you feel like you had let him down. you were grateful he was offering to help you out though. asmo’s finger hooked under your chin, using a silicone spatula to smear on a cool peel off mask onto your other cheek. you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist and he grins, pecking your lips before getting back to work on your mask. little whisps of champagne hair escaped from his headband, his tongue sticking from the side of his mouth while the mask between his brows crinkled in concentration. asmo always did this whenever he focused particularly hard, so you didn’t interrupt him even if he did start to ramble about something or another. you couldn’t get enough of watching him make himself so at peace with his surroundings. your lips meet his palm gently, and he quickly got the paragraph hidden behind such a small act. “you’re welcome, baby.”
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♫ grey luh - berhana
╰ beel knows that even himself needs a bit of time alone before he’s ready for any interaction so he let’s you have you’re time. while he waits, beel prepares a bath of pure relaxation. scented candles, various different bath bombs, and even one of those bath tables.
you groan exasperatedly as beel lifts you from the warm embrace of your duvets, “i know, i know, i’m sorry. you can go back to bed in a minute…” he assures you, his voice soft and droopy. you’re about to protest but he shushes you by kissing you softly on the lips. “i know you need this.” with that you stop your whining and hum quietly, accepting a loving defeat. you were already starting to nod off against beel’s chest til your nose caught whiff of vanilla and the cold tiles of the bathroom under your feet as he set you down. the bath was filled with crystal clear water, a blue tint shimmering over the liquid due to the relaxing lighting. there were candles and various oils and body washes littering the shelves of the bathtub with a scent that was both sweet and refreshing at the same time. it was almost overwhelming in its complexity but it was also perfect because beel always made sure everything had an effect that would make you happy, calm, relax. “your week has been stressful so i wanted to make you something even it it isn’t a lot.” you smile brightly up at him, eyes shining with love for him despite still having bags underneath them, which he brushes away with another tender kiss. you already began to strip, your bones were aching for warm bubbling water on your skin. “just relax, okay? i’ll take care of you and we can go back to bed after dinner.” you pause just as you dip your leg into the water, “you’re not joining me?” beel blinks at you owlishly, mouth opening and closing a few times as if trying to find words, “you wanted me to join?” you blink back at him, confused until he finally says something intelligible again, “yes? why wouldn’t i want you to join me?” he smiles at you, a small and gentle curve of his lips that you couldn’t help smiling back at him. he wastes no time settling down behind you, your body immediately melting into his, the heat radiating out of him and warming you up like never before. “better?” he questions, hand rubbing your back soothingly, his other arm wrapped snugly around your waist. your head rested on his shoulder, arms loosely wrapping around his own torso. “absolutely. thank you.”
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♫ valentina - dreamer isioma
╰ usually naps off his anger or sadness, basically letting it build up silently, naps do help him but he knows that naps won’t erase anybody’s pain in, like, two hours. belphie makes you a little care package; essential oils, sugar scrub, candles, sweets, blanket, plushies, melatonin gummies for the sleepless nights, headphones, etc… it was a rare sight seeing belphie out of bed and productive, instead your roles being swapped.
the attic’s stairs creaked as belphie ascended to where you were curled up on his bed. he approaches slowly, stretching his neck out a bit to check if you were sleeping. fortunately, you were not. “hey, babe? i got you something…” belphie muttered. you turned your head slightly, the glow from your d.d.d illuminating your face. belphie sat down next to you, laying out what was clearly a care package on a bedside table. the colors were subtle, a nice slightly desaturated blue with white accents for bows on the bag, few constellations littered the design. “you didn’t need to waste your money on me, belph.” you sigh, holding his face in your hand, belphie leans into your touch. “it wasn’t a waste. you’ve worked so hard.” he smiles as he kisses your palm. “plus, nothing’s a waste if its for you.” there was some static in the room, it made the atmosphere even more intimate. belphie rests his head against yours, taking a deep breath in. you smelled nice, and belphie felt immensely calm. “do you want anything else, hun? i could cook dinner…” belphie trails off, rubbing circles onto your arm. he feels you shake your head, “you’re more than enough. i’ll open the gift in a second, promise, just need you.” belphie kisses the top of your head, resting his cheek on top of it. there was static again, the feeling only growing more prominent as he pressed a kiss to your temple, “i love you.” you turn slightly to face belphie, placing your lips against his, they were soft, sweet, and tasted like honey and vanilla. you felt the tension plaguing your body ebb away, you relaxed into your lover. belphie pulls back, pressing another chaste kiss on your forehead, “i love you the most.”
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onesidedradiostatic · 6 months
I think there is technically some ‘monetary’ gain from Alastor’s “patronage” of the hotel:
- he’s a (has-been) celebrity and he is using that to promote the hotel in its marketing to his established audience. Allegedly for free
Financially, he also uses his “skills” to save Charlie unnecessary expenses:
- plumbing, repairs, staff, administrative duties (assumption), catering (?)
- getting things done for “free”, aka pulling strings and limbs to avoid paying for tv air time
If Charlie had to pay for all these herself, the cost would be astronomical. Especially since the hotel is rent-free and run like a charity.
Alastor may not be making Charlie profit, but he is saving her money, which keeps their accounting in the black instead of red.
And then Lucifer showed up and demonstrated he can conjure anything 😂 I’d be salty on Charlie’s behalf too tbh
(referenced ask)
okay but like... these are all stuff alastor can actually proudly flex so he wouldn't have a problem with it (since he is voluntarily helping), now when it comes to husk niffty and angel dust making money off of alastor's room's fucking vacuum dust, lucifer taking art commissions containing sexy alastor drawings, niffty taking writing commissions for alastor x readers, that is when he loses his mind, especially when he finds out it's being sold to VOX of all people
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
Diavolo with a yan!MC that ends up getting caught by him?
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DIAVOLO x Yandere!Reader 1.1k words | NSFW | gn!Reader | Yandere Elements | Suggestive Content warnings: Yandere behaviour including obsessive thoughts, manipulation, stalking, suggestive content. ➤➤ Obey Me! Masterlist
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Lucifer doesn’t suspect a thing when you eagerly volunteer to help with RAD student council tasks. He thinks you’re trying to make a good impression on him and the other demons monitoring the success of the student exchange program.
He’s not going to refuse your help, especially when his brothers are less than reliable at the best of times. You’re enthusiastic and oh so curious about the history of the school, and the Devildom, and of course, Diavolo. Lucifer could talk for hours about Diavolo’s hard work and his dreams for the future - to your delight, sometimes he does.
Lucifer also isn’t the type to turn down the offer of pleasant company when he has to run errands at the Demon Lord’s castle. Sometimes you bring gifts for Diavolo, human world desserts you’ve made from scratch. You must’ve gotten access to Leviathan’s Akuzon account because those ingredients are difficult to come by. 
Lucifer thinks it’s almost refreshing to see the look of shy excitement on your face when you hand Diavolo a homemade treat. Something about the Devildom seems to be bringing out the best in you because he finds you charming - and he's not the only demon to think so.
(Neither of you realize that Diavolo notices a change in you, too. He enjoys your small gifts, your tokens of appreciation. He eats your food selfishly and thinks about you while he licks his lips clean.)
No, Lucifer doesn’t mind at all that you’ve taken such a keen interest in learning more about the Devildom or its prince. It’s the reason why Lucifer agreed to bring you as his guest to a party at Diavolo’s castle.
Lucifer mentioned the party to you in passing, and he felt a little guilty when the excitement in your eyes faded to disappointment when he said your presence wasn't necessary. He surprised you the next day with confirmation you could accompany him. He asked Barbatos for permission to bring you, even though you weren't formally invited.
"They may consider it my lord's gift to them, in recognition of their effort and hard work lately," Barbatos told him with a mysterious smile.
The next evening, the party is in full swing and you're wearing something extravagant and expensive that Asmodeus picked for you and that Lucifer paid for. You linger by Lucifer’s side - he’s not usually far from Diavolo, which means you’re not far from Diavolo.
The demon prince is exceedingly handsome in his RAD uniform, but nothing compares to the majesty of Diavolo's demonic horns and wings on proud display. Arousal hums beneath your skin and you have to remind yourself not to stare.
Most of the demons are getting drunk off Demonus, and even Lucifer seems a bit loose-lipped this evening. Some of the guests have brought Diavolo gifts; you’re pretending to listen to Lucifer when you overhear Diavolo ask Barbatos to take the gifts to his room.
It’s easy to slip away from Lucifer who’s distracted by booze and conversation. Your gaze narrows on Barbatos who moves quietly through the crowd. He exits through a doorway on the far side of the room, and when you're certain no one notices your absence, you follow him.
You’ve visited the castle before, but you haven't figured out where Diavolo’s personal chambers are located. You’re as quiet as possible when you follow Barbatos down unfamiliar hallways and up new flights of stairs you haven’t explored yet. His shoes click loudly when he walks across the stone floor. You linger behind and let the echoes of his footsteps guide you towards your destination.
You reach an elaborately decorated hallway that's dimly lit except for a few fiery torch sconces mounted on the walls. You can't see Barbatos, but you hear a door creak open then slam shut. His footsteps echo louder when he starts walking back towards your location. You slip into a random doorway - some sort of small library - and wait for him to pass.
Once you can no longer hear him, you venture back into the hallway until you find what must be the entrance to Diavolo’s room. You look around before you pull the heavy door open and walk inside.
Light from the hallway spills across the floor and casts most of the room in heavy shadow. You leave the door open so you can claim you got lost if one of the servants happens to find you.
You take a few steps forward and breathe the scent of him into your lungs. Diavolo smells spicy and slightly sweet, like the boozy, smoky scent of drinking in front of a crackling fire. You’ve caught whiffs of him when you leaned in close to hand him something, or when you accidentally brushed by him in the RAD hallways. His scent is much richer here, much more potent, and you can almost taste him on your tongue.
You don’t realize how distracted you are until you hear a quiet chuckle behind you. When you gasp and turn around, all you can see is him. Diavolo is leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. He's just inside the open doorway while flickering light from the hallway dances across his skin. He tilts his head and considers you, the brave little human who thought their lingering glances and erratic heartbeat in his presence went unnoticed.
You stare at each other. You're so nervous and overwhelmed that you can barely breathe. His eyes are dark and his gaze scorches your skin when he gives you a very thorough once-over while he decides what to do with you. His lips curl into a smile that looks hungry.
“You’re braver than I thought,” he admits when he finally speaks to you. His voice is low and gravelly - you’ve never heard him sound like this before.
But then he does something you don’t expect: he reaches for the door and pushes it closed. The room is eerily dark now, but you can just barely see him in front of you. He pushes away from the wall and takes agonizingly slow, deliberate steps towards you.
You're frozen in place while your body trembles with fear and desire. The urge to fall to your knees before him in reverence is overwhelming.
“Humans are so intriguing," he murmurs to himself. His voice is deafening in the black silence that surrounds you. He reaches forward to caress your face, and you lean into the touch with a sigh. Before he pulls you to him, you see a glimpse of his fangs when he grins at you.
"You’ve earned the prince’s attention, my dear - there’s no turning back now.”
When he tilts your chin up, your lips and tongue meet him in a hungry, all-consuming kiss. You're lightheaded when the kiss ends. His hands wander across your body. and his chest is rumbling against yours.
Diavolo inhales sharply when you slip from his arms and fall to your knees. When you reach for his waist, you're desperate to show him how intriguing this human can really be.
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trashc-anon · 7 months
hazbin hotel is polluting my mind so if I were the editor's intern: reco
• either stretch the season into 16 episodes or cut the plotlines in half;
• definitaly cut Alastor's screen time in half (if not more)
• make up your mind how much of the pilot is canon (especially regarding Lucifer)
• episode 1 is good as is, a soft reboot from the pilot without getting in too much detail and I love hating Adam, "Hell is Forever" is banger (i hope the music writers were properly paid and Disney learns why AI is a bad idea!)
• episode 2 is a problem, because Sir Pentious presence is only because of the V's, make that episode 2/2;
• ep 1/2 - Charlie and Vaggie leave the hotel to recruit; Sir Pentious attacks, all on schedule
• Charlie or Vaggie save some of the eggs from being crushed; when the "battle" is over, Pentious is cautiosly agrees to entertain their hospitalty; angel is untrusting;
• "Starts with Sorry"
• leave the Vs as unseen foes, and Alastor's only appearance is his shadow at the end of the episode (Overlords are mysterious unseen threat)
• episode 2/2 - Vs are anxious that Alastor is with the princess;
• see, the first couple of episodes make sense, but they take away from the girls and the hotel
• but "Stayed Gone" is sooo good! maybe use at a later date?
• "Stayed Gone" is a fun song, BUT it doesn't make sense for Alastor, mysterious serial killer, to have childish rivalries; why didn't he kill Vox back when he rejected him and Vox got 'pissy'?
• either make Vox less pathetic or less there;
• soooo, episode 3/1 is would be trust exercises
• i actually liked Angel's plan with BDSM, he's not wrong and I wished he had the chance to be an adult that LIKES sex separate from the victim that uses overtsexuality as a defence mechanism
• each character could have their own moment to show what trust means to them; trust comes in different shades;
• between Angel and Maggie we see sexual intimacy and surviving extreme situations; Husk has issues with openess; Niffty with intrusive thoughts;
• IN FACT! actually stablish WHY Husk and Niffty are part of the exercises! they're not guests, Husk says as much, they are employees LOANED by Alastor; they're not there to earn redemption; *vague hand gesture in confusion*
• OKAY - Overlord meeting... ehhhhhh
• i still want to cut Alastor's screentime! whats the point of the meeting? screentime for the overlords, the dead angel (which we know, but main cast won't until episode 7) Carmila being responsible is important, we need to know who to ask for help, but ugh. I get its also, prelude that you need love to fight and win against angels, but its never stablished in canon, Carmila says it to Maggie to use as internal compass to keep her fighting beyond pain and fear; bloodlust is distracting, love is focused;
• my delight with Zestial being all dark and yummy need to take a hike for the sake of - what am i even doing any more?
• I can't help but think how much of these decision are also based on Voice Actor salaries; because Keith David (Husk) gotta be expensive and for a character that is literaly always presented he almost never talks; and just, ALL of them being expensive and ~ahahah better make fewer episodes if you want big names in your projects~
• ughhhh that's when you know a series has issues, when trying to fix you run into a thousand more problems;
• i would respect how much they put into 8 episodes, ONLY IF it's true they didn't know they would get season 2. Because in that case a bunch of these plot lines needed to be dropped, I don't care how fanfavorite the character is;
• the Vs serve no purpose what so ever, you can easily have Valentino as a lone villain (also less confusion about hells social rules about SA and abuse);
• Lucifer should've been the last big name to enter screen; work up to the trial with Heaven for S2E01 (why even a trial)
• just how PLOT heavy is this series that Viv needed Lilith's bomb to drop in season 1? which is a major inconsistancy for a series based on the theme of redemption, a CHARACTER heavy theme;
• as it is, i don't see how Sir Pentious being redeemed is a good thing, because he died before entering Heaven, so other souls need to die too and hope it's not forever? wouldn't that fuel Exterminators cause to kill in name of 'clensing'? (holy shit, the more I write the worse it gets)
• IS there an primordial EVIL to scare the angels so badly?
• omg I hope they won't try to bring actual GOD into the series; I know there is concept art floating around, but please, do not;
• Supernatural barely got away with it in Season 5 because it was a funny 'what if' and made it got bad in Season 10 (?) (no series should ever emulate Supernatural, its a warning I mean it, don't, not worth it, you don't have 10+ years of dead horse to beat)(the fans, me, stayed out of, idk, regretfull loyalty)
• my english is not good enough for this... KAY IM DONE NOW! BYEEEE
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vvolfy · 1 year
The brothers + MC at the mall (in the human world)
Lol, these hc’s were also brainstormed by @absoluteyeet​ and @stardustursa​
American malls, for the win LOL
Divider credits to @rubystarraven​ (if its not okay I can take them down they’re just super cute!)
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Would spoil MC without hesitation, and especially of the risque variety.
   Reluctant to tag along because he would have to babysit his brothers (as usual)
   Would visit stores that specialize in formal wear, (appearances matter), expensive colognes.
   MC drags him into Bath & Body Works, but he doesn’t stay for more than 5 minutes before he loses his sense of smell and develops a headache.
   The type to stand outside of stores with his arms crossed, only to say he isn’t rushing anyone. (he is)
   He’s like a cranky old man. From complaining about the malls music choice to criticizing anyone that passes him.
   Any food vendors that sell fine chocolate would pique his interest.
   100% avoids mall vendors. You want to fix his D.D.D? Too bad so sad. Mammon already scams him. He doesn’t need another.
   Bookstores (Barnes & Noble) would be his go-to.
   As would antique shops. Those are his favorite.
   Would be the first to leave the mall. Honks at the rest to hurry up.
   A MC plushie from Build A Bear would perk him up, I think.
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  Has a coin purse, despite being broke. Lucifer takes it and hits him with it when he makes bad choices.
   Obviously cannot be left unattended. (Do your job MC)
   Spoils MC unconditionally after stealing Goldie back. (Spoils himself as well.)
   The type to haggle prices.
   Has been kicked out of most stores for haggling/stealing.
   Food? Yeah. Like everything else, it goes on Lucifers tab please.
   Resorts to stealing and gets caught.
   Tries to steal cologne from Bath & Body Works while MC is shopping, only to spray himself in the eyes.
   Makes MC at Build A Bear, makes MC pay for it.
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   Only tagged along to go to Gamestop, Hot Topic, Spencers, and for the Asian food vendors. Otherwise he is being forced to go. Send help.
   On his phone and switch the whole time, headphones on full blast. (He’s a pro at playing and walking.)
   “I guess I’ll h-hold your hand MC. N-Not that I like you o-or anything-- y-you’re just so n-needy you’ll hold a filthy Otakus h-hand--”
   “Can we go now?”
   Talks MC’s ear off at his favorite stores. (Always listening ofc)
   Due to sensory reasons, he avoids Bath & Body Works, though he’ll wait outside for MC.
   Loves stim toys. Walks out of Hot Topic with a bag full of em.
   You can find him at the arcade! Claw machines are his favorites!
   He would share Dippin’ Dots with MC.
   Would go to the pet shop to see fish and snakes ofc
   Would go to Barnes & Noble for the mangas, duh
   He would spoil MC in his own way. “It’s not like I l-love you or anything! I just didn’t want y-you to feel left out! Ugh!”
   I think he would love Build A Bear. He would so build Lotan and Henry, and carry them everywhere. He would also love a plushie of MC.
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   In this for Barnes & Noble or any bookstore really.
   Actively avoids the others. (Except for MC)
   Loves the cafe in B&N, would eat croissants with the blackest coffee while reading.
   Lucifer physically curses Satan to follow him if he doesn’t leave w/ them.
   Accompanies MC where ever they go/want to go. (Spoils them too.)
   Would stop at the pet store to see the cats. Expect him to be there for a long while. Cats > you.
   Stops at Bath & Body Works for warm scented candles.
   Like Levi, Satan would LOVE stim toys.
   Starbucks 100%
   Would go to the movies with MC to watch movie adaptions of books.
   The last to leave the mall, by closing time. Lucifer is angry.
   Leaves with like, 50 new books.
   Loves a cat plushie from Build a Bear, though a MC plushie would be better.
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   Would live in a mall for eternity if he could.
   Takes his sweet time in every single store.
   Manipulates a few human lackeys to carry his and MC’s bags. If he can’t find anyone, then Beel would suffice.
   Takes MC to Sephora or Ulta to spice up their vanity wardrobe.
   Would definitely take MC to Spencers for the risque stuff. ;)))
   Bath & Body Works spree. (He has a huge collection of their products, duh.)
   Would make MC at Build a Bear 100%, along with a bear of himself. (Rose bear for him!!!)
   Wouldn’t splurge at the food court tbh, he doesn’t want to get dirty.
   Would be the one to help MC choose fashionable clothing. (Lingerie, etc)
   Though he does his own nails, I think he would still go to the salon w/ MC to both get their nails done. Mani/pedis, duh.
   The type to try every. single. beauty. sample. in existence.
   If you thought Mammon was a heavy spender... lol
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   “Hey MC, I’m hungry.”
   Pulls MC to every food vendor until they flood a table with various snacks and food (Onlookers are shocked)
   He would carry MC’s bags to exercise so long as MC feeds them.
   His way of spoiling MC would be sharing his food, but I think he’d also buy MC stuff, like what he sees them taking an interest in, you know?
   Would definitely hit the gym or martial arts training, whatever available in the mall at the time.
   For additional exercise, carry both Asmodeus and his bags.
   Would mistake soaps and candles at Bath & Body Works for food. Lord help us.
   Better dip with Mammon before Lucifer kills the three of you for embarrassing him. (And that shoplifting charge)
   Carries MC anytime they say their tired, or when MC wants a piggy back ride lol
   Would love any food related plushie MC gets him, though he eats it because it looks too realistic.
   Frequently checks on Belphegor who decides to sleep on a massage chair.
   Helps MC reach the taller shelves.
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Tired Edge Lord(TM) didn’t want to go until he was yoinked into Spencers by MC. More face jewelry for him. Plus some quality time with MC is always best. (Works at Hot Topic too)
Finds a massage chair, falls asleep instantly.
(If) Lucifer manages to get him out of the chair, it’s a team lift.
Will wake up to MC or food, or both. Both are nice.
If he’s awake enough he would love it if MC shared their Dippin’ Dots with him.
If he has enough energy he would gladly hold MC’s hand as they walk together.
He would definitely be a candle man, and would love the soft scent candles Bath & Body Works sells.
Would love Build A Bear like the others. Cow plushies, and a plushie of MC are ideal to snuggle with.
Loves stim toys like Levi and Satan do.
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Pairing: OM!Brothers x GN!S/O, Simeon x GN!S/O
Genre: Comfort
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Lucifer is natural caretaker, having taken care of his brothers and late sister from back when he was still an angel.
He is very observant, especially when its his S/O. So he more or less sees the signs way before they even acknowledge the fact that they’re overwhelmed.
He takes a day off from his duties and sends his brothers to do their own thing away from the HOL so that he and his partner can have the entire house to themselves the entire day. Sure it might take a bit of convincing for the others to leave them alone, but he’d do anything for his partner. Plus the threat of being hung by the chandelier seems to do wonders.
He’ll insist that they sleep in his bed the day before just so that the first thing he sees upon waking is their peaceful form sleeping soundly beside him. The fact that they’re so vulnerable in this moment, trusting him to take care of them brings a smile to his face, and he places a light kiss on their forehead before gently slipping out of the sheets.
He quickly makes breakfast, and serves it to them in bed. Lucifer takes notes on how exhausted they look, just to ascertain whether to take them out or spend the day at home. If the two do go out, he’ll spoil his S/O like they deserve to be. But if they wish to stay home, he’ll put on a few movies and cuddle them all day long.
Lucifer is there at their beck and call, ready to do whatever they ask of him. He won’t allow his S/O to do any work, be it RAD homework or chores. Lucifer won’t force them to speak either. If they wish to tell him what’s making them feel down, he’ll listen. If not, he has no qualms holding them close while reminding them just how much he loves them.
Mammon is surprisingly fast at catching the change in his S/O’s mood, the way their eyes no longer hold the same spark and light. At first he panics a tiny bit, but seeing their sluggish movements, half-hearted words and lack of self-care tells him what ails them.
Mammon isn’t the best with words, but goddamn does he try for their sake. The moment he sees his S/O looking down he pulls them into his room, despite his brothers protests. Flopping onto the couch, he makes them lie on him, his hand running through their hair as he whispers reassurances and sweet-nothings to them. He does blush and stutter a lot though.
Mammon will offer to take them out shopping, ready to spend however much it is to make them feel even the tiniest bit better. He won’t spare any expenses when it comes to making sure his darling is well-rested and cared for.
He does a splendid job at taking care of them until they can get back on their own two feet. Mammon’s always near his S/O, a tiny bit extra protective of them during this time. He even does their share of chores for them. All in all, he treats them like royalty, taking care of them and pampering them till they feel like they can face the world again.
Leviathan is not the most perceptive of the boys. Since he is drowning in his own insecurities most of the time, it takes some time before he feels like something’s up with his S/O.
At first, Levi’s mad at himself. How could he not know something was bothering his Henry? Then he becomes fearful. What if something really bad has happened, and he didn’t know about it? What if they resent him for that? What if, what if, what if-
Unable to take his thoughts, Levi reluctantly confronts them about it. Once he finds out it’s not something that he did, but because they were overwhelmed, there is a moment of relief before he turns into worried mother hen.
Levi quickly brings his S/O to his room and instructs them to sit in his bathtub bed. He turns on lo fi music and dims the lights and asks them to wait for him as he leaves the room. The calming music and the ambience from the massive aquarium makes them a bit sleepy, just like he wants them to be. He soon returns with some of their favorite snacks and drinks and the blankets from their room to make them comfortable.
Blushing, Levi gets into his bed with his S/O, holding them close and offering to listen to anything they want to say. If they don’t want to talk about it, he’ll start talking about what he admires about them and how lucky he is to be loved by them. It is probably one of the very rare times that Levi won’t stutter over his words as he reassures them.
Another one who is quick to sense the change in his S/O’s mood. Satan is used to seeing through masks, having put one himself almost his entire life, so he quickly sees through their fake smiles. He confronts them about it, slightly worried that it might have something to do with him.
Satan knows how exhausting it must be for them, staying amongst demons, entertaining his brothers with their ideas and being expected to have a stellar record both in and out of RAD. He is very understanding of them, and quickly finds out exactly what it is overwhelming them.
If it’s schoolwork, Satan has a quick word with Lucifer, and it’s all sorted out. Demons being mean to his S/O? Not anymore. Feeling homesick? He’ll take them to the Human Realm, so don’t worry.
Satan insists on taking care of them till you feel better, babying them in the process. Sometimes it can be a little stifling, especially when he refuses to let them even feed themself, but if they ask him to, he will back off a little.
Satan reminds his S/O time and again just how much they mean to him. Sometimes through poems, sometimes by showing them a line or paragraph from one of his books that reminds him of them.
The King of Self-care, Asmodeus is among the first brothers to figure out when his S/O is overwhelmed. One of the biggest warning signs for him is when they just let him do whatever he wants during their self-care sessions without any input from their side.
Asmo is the type to pamper his S/O when they’re overwhelmed. From taking them to the best spas and hot springs, to absolutely drowning them in affection, he tends to go a bit overboard, but that’s only because he loves and cares about them.
Asmo certainly has his brothers help with some things, not above using his charm on them if they are particularly resistive. He’s not one to usually ask for help, but sometimes he’ll team up with Satan or Belphie if it’s especially bad.
This is also one of the very rare times where his S/O can see a more vulnerable part of him. He is a good listener when he wants to be, but if they don’t want to talk about what’s bothering them, he’ll hold them close and tell them that it’s alright to feel overwhelmed. He’ll talk to them about his own insecurities and experiences with overwhelming situations and remind them that it is absolutely okay for them to take a step back when they feel like everything’s too much.
Asmo is very supportive of his partner during this time, and with his help they soon get back to normal. He always reminds them how proud he is of them for doing what they do, no matter the odds.
Beelzebub doesn’t really catch onto his S/O’s mood change early on. It’s only after Belphie remarks on it that he realizes something is wrong with them. Not one to beat around the bush, he’ll confront them directly, patiently listening to them and offering them some of their favorite food.
Another one of the boys who tends to take a little help from his brothers, mainly Belphie. Beel knows that he can’t possibly take care of them all the time due to his insatiable appetite, so he often enlists Belphie’s help to take care of them during this.
He’s not one to force his partner to talk. He wants them to be comfortable enough to tell him what’s going on in their mind and doesn’t mind waiting for them. He’ll be their silent little protective teddy bear if that’s what they want him to be.
Makes sure that his partner takes care of themself, reminding them to eat regularly and drink plenty of water. Beel knows that it might be a bit hard for them to do that, so he takes extra care of those things.
Asks Lucifer for some time off from RAD for them, to which the eldest agrees. He spends those days cuddled up with his S/O in bed, feeding them some of his snacks that he kept near so that he won’t have to leave them alone.
For someone who sleeps as much as he does, Belphegor is surprisingly perceptive and quickly notices the change in his S/O’s mood.
At first his thoughts take a dark turn. Did they finally get bored of him? Did they realize that they could do way better than him? These thoughts make him unable to sleep, and we all know how much this cowboy loves sleep. He quickly tracks them down and asks them what is up with them.
On hearing that they’re feeling overwhelmed, his eyes considerably soften as he takes their hand and brings them to his bed. Although usually he’s the little spoon, he’ll make them curl up on him and ask them what was making them so anxious. No matter how much he wants to sleep, he’ll stay awake to listen to his partner’s worries. If they don’t want to talk about it, he’ll make them take a nap with him, holding onto to them tightly.
He’ll use his powers to give his S/O good dreams, wanting them to be refreshed and energetic the moment they wake up. He teams up with Beel, trusting his twin to take care of both of them since he isn’t the best in the self-care department himself.
Simeon is a very perceptive angel. He always has an eye on his loved ones, and while he opts to let them forge their own path, he is there when they need him to be. So it’s no surprise when he recognizes the change in his S/O’s mood.
The slight loss of the twinkle in their eyes does scare him a tiny bit, but he puts that aside to see what he can do for the love of his life. He’ll be very gentle while confronting them, a soothing tone to his voice as he asks them what was wrong.
For the time being, Simeon talks with Lucifer and has them shifted to Purgatory Hall so that he can take better care of them. He pays even more attention to them, making sure that nothing upsetting happens to them or around them.
Becomes extremely protective of his S/O when they’re feeling like this, and is ready to do whatever they ask of him. He is a very devoted partner and just wants the best for them. He will be more affectionate than usual with his S/O, reminding them that they are loved.
He takes personal care in ensuring that they have a balanced diet and do not neglect their health. Simeon knows it can be hard to take care of oneself when one is feeling overwhelmed, so he sees it as his duty to help his partner through this.
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obae-me · 1 year
Here's my personal thoughts on the last few lessons:
Spoilers ahead!
Mammon and Asmo losing theirselves to their demonic urges? WONDERFUL! I adored that for a number of reasons. Not only did it give us some possessiveness, some action, some drama, but it opened up the "subconscious scenes".
I personally do not think Mammon's dream was a perfect 1-to-1 scenario on what happened in the past. It's a dream! And Asmo's wonky fairytale confirmed that it's what their mind made up. Do I think something similar happened in the Celestial Realm? Probably, but I think the main focus was supposed to be on Mammon striving to accomplish his dreams and care for his brothers, sometimes at the expense of others. It also hurts because what does he fear most at the end of the day? Being a scummy person. Thinking that he's doing good things just for himself. Thinking that none of the love or kindness that he has is real. As someone who was raised in the church, always wondering if I was doing the right thing out of fear or in hopes of a reward rather than actually having morals, that stuff hit HARD. He deserves so much. Someone in the Celestial Realm gave this Boi too much anxiety.
Asmo's dream scene I think was beautiful! A little confusing on the whole teleporting through consciousness bit, but overall a really great look into Asmo's personality. (Asmo stans must be thriving right now.) I love that Asmo's power is strong enough to even influence Lucifer, even if it's just for a short while. I LOVE the fact that they tried to convince everyone he was doing it because he just wants fame and recognition, when they finally turn at the end and change all of that. What Asmo really wants is unconditional love. He thinks people only love him because he's beautiful, and so he's TERRIFIED of being ugly, because then he thinks people will leave him. He charms his brothers to make them stay (while of course giving into some more of his selfish urges, having them serve him). He's scared of good things coming to an end- so much so that he sobs and panics. He's scared of dying.
I love that Lucifer seems to be central to his brother's hopes and dreams so far. He RAISED those boys, he's crucial to them. And they're crucial to him, and I hope they dive deeper into that if/when Lucifer loses himself to his sin. I love that he's gotten humbled quite a few times these last few lessons.
I'm a bit iffy on the Barbatos and Solomon reveal. I do really enjoy the fact that Barbatos is being extremely petty, feeling that Solomon has slighted him by making him "eighth" and so he slights him in return. On the other hand, they did have an opportunity to make this a really deep thing, so it's a little anticlimactic, especially for having it been drawn out this long, but I'm not complaining *too* much.
I do love that we get a much bigger look into Solomon's personality. He's so lonely that he got drunk one night while MC was gone. He's pretty possessive and a little prone to anger, so much so that when Asmo even so much as insults MC, he's ready to use force. He's also a funny little man who gets real upset when he forgets to do his chores (which is hilarious because in the orignal OM, it was said that he didnt take care himself well at all, which means MC helped whip him into shape a bit) and wants nothing more than a home-cooked meal. I think he's been so far separated from normalcy, he's starting to heal from what he's been missing.
I love that they've really written the brothers like a *family*. A wonky mess of a family, but a family nonetheless.
Overall, Nightbringer has really been doing good. Of course it has its weaker moments, but I've really been enjoying it so far. (Now if we could have the writers give a little bit more of that tlc towards the events, I'd be super happy).
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belphegorspillow · 2 years
Hi I love your works so much !!! Is there anyway you could do om boys with a mc with very expensive taste in food ?
Hi dear~ Thank you for the compliment! I'm happy you like my writing! Thank you for the request! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GN!MC With Expensive Taste In Food [Brothers + Dateables[- Luke]] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~ He also has pretty expensive taste in food. ~ He will take MC out to dinner at very fancy restaurants in the Devildom as they can have time alone from his brothers as well ~ He recommends different foods for you to try.
~ He loves a lot of foods, but he is too broke to get really expensive things ~ When ever he wins money, or gets money from a job, he will take you out to go and eat at an expensive place ~ He always takes your recommendations on what food to try
~ He is use to getting expensive food, only because they are themed after anime characters. ~ He will go with you to restaurants after a while of convincing. He ends up getting something he didn't like accidentally [but too nervous to tell the waiter its wrong because he doesn't want to make scene in front of you] ~ He pays for the dinner, but is slowly dying from how much money it was ~ He only has an expensive taste for anime theme foods-
~ I would imagine he has an expensive taste, but he spends a lot of money on books so he doesn't go out to get dinner at expensive restaurants often. ~ He takes you out to a restaurant atleast once or twice a week. [He pays of course] ~ He will take you to a cat cafe for dessert afterwards though
~ He always gets expensive foods when going out, only to take a picture of it ~ He loves the appearance of the expensive foods [and you] so he has half of his devilgram filled with pictures of you with expensive food. ~ He always is happy to go out with you to get food as he knows its going to be good food.
~ He eats anything, as he eats a lot, he would suffer eating expensive meals often. His wallet wouldn't last ~ With the help of Belphie, he would save up enough to take you out to an expensive restaurant. ~ He tries to not eat too much on the date as he doesn't have too much money. [He be doing it for you so you can enjoy yourself] ~ He loves expensive food, but can't eat it everyday because of his hunger...
~ He doesn't really care about the food. ~ He will go out with you to restaurants sometimes, especially expensive sushi places. ~ He will pay the entire bill sometimes, but prefers to half it with you. ~ He went into a food coma the first time you both went to an expensive restaurant together.
~ He doesn't mind any type of food. ~ He SPOILS you with expensive food. Barbatos makes the best food ever! ~ He will take you out when ever you want to eat at an expensive restaurant. ~ He takes any recommendations from you, even if he has had everything on the menu before.
~ He doesn't have a specific taste in food. ~ He makes MC food, its considered expensive as he is a really good cook[and baker]. ~ He will take MC out to restaurants whenever he gets a break from his work.
~  He prefers homemade, if its expensive or not. ~ he will happily make MC foods they like to the best of his ability though will take MC out to expensive restaurants on dates because he knows they will like something there ~ He takes any recommendations from you.
~ Why don't you try his cooking, its expensive ~He goes out with you often to restaurants to try out different foods ~If you offer to pay. He takes the most expensive items[ He pays for it though after your panic ] ~ He doesn't mind expensive foods ~~~~~~~~~~
Hope you enjoyed :] 
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xaracosmia · 7 months
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name / alias: Lucifer age: 19 pronouns: They/its other characters in xc: Finley/Agent 8
name: Chara Dreemurr age: 13 pronouns: They/them series: Undertale canon point: The Ruins app triggers: Implied child abuse, child harm/death, self harming and sacrificial behaviors, illness
personality: Chara has always believed from the bottom of their heart that humans are evil. If given the opportunity, humans will cheat, lie, and steal their way to success, even at the expense of others, and especially at the expense of the weak and vulnerable.  People are fundamentally bad. They are not burn pure and dirtied over time, no, they are born impure by virtue of being human, and Chara themself is no exception. All Chara has ever wanted was to hurt the ones who hurt them first. To return the favor. To get revenge. For that reason, they became an emotionless demon who only took joy in other’s suffering.
What? You said ‘That’s not true?’ Come on, don’t mess around.
...Chara is a peculiar child. They speak formally, hold themself at a distance from others, keep peculiar habits, and carry themselves in a manner that’s had them described as an “old soul” or a “little adult” plenty of times.
Their first line of defense is nothingness. Chara has a tendency to shrink into themself, to hide and mumble in quiet rooms until the adults get frustrated and walk away. Any visible emotion is quickly locked away behind a bland smile. They politely introduce themselves, and pass their hesitance to interact as endearing shyness. Their refusal to show ‘unpleasant’ emotions goes from mostly benign to dangerous when they struggle to communicate discomfort, irritation, or exhaustion.
After that comes aggression, where they lash out with words and hands. If they self-sabotage with cruel words, they can end things early and not have to deal with the emotional fallout later. It’s easier to play the role you the villain than to try to defy your fate. It isn’t uncommon for Chara to use threats or get violent with others in moments of fear or high tension, although as small as they are, they don’t do very much damage. More than anything else, they desire to become stronger so that they may survive in the world.
And yet, despite all that, they have loved, and they have been loved in return. Chara has bared their heart and shown some of true self, what they feel safe showing in front of the people who really do want to care for them. They’re smart and quick-witted, a little nitpicky, with a good sense for turn of phrase. They enjoy pranks, bad jokes, and their many idle hobbies.
And, once upon a time, they had hope that the world could become kind.
something your muse struggles with: They have soooooo many problems and issues. The most evident of which is their abject hatred of humanity and refusal to accept help from anyone because of how afraid they are of being betrayed or mocked.
your muse’s greatest strength: Despite their numerous issues, both personal and otherwise, Chara has never been one to give up. even in the worst situations. They will bite and kick and spit and scream their way out of any situation, no matter how ugly and undignified it is.
history / background:   Once upon a time, there was a lonely child. People weren’t very kind to them. The other children treated the lonely child as if they were too strange to play with, calling them creepy and preferring to avoid them. The teachers and caretakers disliked how the lonely child struggled to understand social concepts the same way that the other children did, and often grew frustrated before leaving to their own devices. And when the lonely child came home, their “parents”— a term used very loosely— weren’t much better. They didn’t like the way that the lonely child’s body shook, or their peculiar smile, or their withdrawn nature. They especially didn’t like the way that the lonely child eventually began to fight back instead of crying and whimpering.
It was one breezy autumn day when that very same child hoisted themself out the window with nothing but the clothes on their back and the dagger tucked in one pocket and fled up a mountainside. Here, they would be safe from the family and cruel-eyed strangers who never spared a second thought, even when they were never seen again.
Even when they tripped over a stray vine, teetered, and fell into the gaping mouth of the mountain, falling down, hitting the ground with a sickening crack.
… And yet, the monsters that had been sealed beneath the mountain were kinder and more welcoming than the humans had ever been. One of them heard the lonely child fall and raced to the rescue. Realizing they were hurt, he helped them up.
“Chara, huh? That’s a nice name. My name is Asriel.”
The young monster was the only son of the King and Queen, who readily took Chara in, even though they were strange and creepy and fought whenever they got nervous. The family treated their wounds, fed them, and treated them as one of their own. No one had looked on them with so much kindness and honesty in their life, and as time went on, Chara stopped suspecting that there was a catch. Their natural smile returned to their faces and they stopped fearing the eventual retribution.
But good things aren’t meant to last forever. Especially not for naughty, evil children like Chara who have evil spirits inside them. So when they learned that, according to monster legend, an angel would descend from the surface and free monsterkind, what better way to atone for their sins than to become that angel? A human SOUL was powerful enough to traverse the barrier that kept monsters trapped inside the mountain. If Chara died, it would release their SOUL. According to their plan, their brother, Asriel, would absorb it, enter the human village, capture six more human SOULs, and break the Barrier for good.
He didn’t like that plan very much. When Chara fell ill, he grew even more unsure. When they began dying, it took everything he had to not give up entirely. But Chara was not a crybaby. So he would not be a crybaby either, and he would follow through with their plan. Eventually, Chara succumbed to their illness and died. And yet their plan failed anyways. Asriel did not have the heart to slay the humans to capture the other souls needed, and the humans, assuming that he had killed Chara, killed him in their anger, He returned through the Barrier with their body in his arms and crumbled to dust. Upheaval spread through the Underground. But none of that was Chara’s concern. They were dead, after all. They didn’t know what was going on.
Not until someone else’s powerful Determination woke them up from their resting place in the flowerbed where they originally fell, of course.
powers / abilities: None
inherent abilities: None
items / weapons:  - Real Knife Worn Dagger
starting ability: N/A starting item: Worn Dagger
- Chara has been “revived” in their body upon arrival in Xara Cosmia, as their existence in a ghostlike state is only possible if attached to Frisk. So they do have a physical, living body with a heartbeat, etc. However, some of the signs of their death are evident in their pale skin, sickly red cheeks, and blistered hands.
- They have a lot of peculiar habits, some from living with a sibling, and some from… whatever else. They always tear their food into smaller pieces, fill glasses all the way to the brim, break their crayons into halves, check under the bed before sleeping, and stomp a few times every morning after putting their shoes on.
- I know everyone has their own theories and operates based on their own beliefs of how this game works, etc etc, but I really like the Narrachara theory, so that’s how this is going to have to go.
- For any non-moderators who are reading this page (or anyone processing this who is interested in my characterization) I generally run with the belief that Chara is a very traumatized, flawed, and occasionally cruel child, but not one that is wholly malicious or genuinely evil. I don’t mind if canonmates who may have a different experience with Chara see them differently, but they are very near and dear to my heart, so I will be treating them as a tweenager with issues here.
discord id: friendship.bracelets
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Tbh we always talk about the more eldritch side of the obey me cast, but yknow what would be nice? Seeing these old grandpas get so shocked at how humans work now.
I don't really think demons have a proper concept of evolution. Maybe its more of a power up? But they certainly don't evolve like how humans would. It'd be funny to see some of them get shocked to learn that we didn't exactly look like this before. Of course some of em may know before, but other demons who just think of humans as food and nothing more would.
Idk its just funny to see a demon having a whole crisis because how tf did we go from that to that?
Anon not only is this hilarious to think about, especially when you consider the differences between human and demon biologies, but it's absolutely insane to imagine these ancient know-it-alls either just forgetting it or like. completely missing humans evolving. kinda like MC: i know as a human i think my species is kinda important but how do you MISS that? Brothers: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so I wrote that. I hope you dont mind.
no cws, but there's a nod to dialuci, which could also be very easily read as a reckless MC making a joke at Lucifer's expense. 5.5k words again, babes.
Evolutionary Biology 101 with Prof. MC (or: how the demons missed the emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens only for MC to educate them)
Mammon was created some time before Cambrian Explosion - though don't ask him what year, no one was keeping track of things like that back then.
The general goings-on of heaven didn't interest him so much, so Lucifer would often give him the more fun, creative projects to occupy his time.
He didn't pay much attention to humans either, not until Beel, Belphie, and Lilith started expressing an interest in them - and by then human development had progressed to the use of tools and currency - completely missing their initial emergence.
"Well this is a waste of time! There's nothin' shiny here at all," complains Mammon.
"You didn't have to come with me," you say, for what feels like the hundredth time.
In hindsight, it probably wasn't the smartest idea ever to bring the Avatar of Greed along with you while you visit the museum. Solomon had wanted you to pick up something from an acquaintance of his, and that acquaintance happened to be one of the research associates tied to the place. Your only saving grace has been the fact this is the Natural History Museum - still full of valuable artifacts, but less immediately obvious or eye catching. You wouldn't know what to do with Mammon in a place like the British Museum.
Or actually. On second thoughts... maybe you should take him there. He'd be right at home.
You leave the demon somewhere in near the entrance with a firm suggestion (though not an order) to stay put. The meeting is short and to the point, and you leave the office with an ancient scroll in hand.
Mammon is not where you left him when you return.
With a sigh, you find yourself a map of museum exhibits, resolving to find him by process of elimination. Maybe he's by some of the valuables displays - early tools, jewelry, and pottery could potentially snag his interest.
Except he's not where you expect him to be at all.
You find Mammon in one of the new exhibits - Roots of Australiana.
"I made that one," he says, pointing. You follow the line his finger makes and you can't help but feel the surge of fond exasperation when your eyes land on the taxidermy creature.
"Are you telling me you made the platypus?"
"Yup, all the handiwork of the Great Mammon!" he says, pride in his voice and the way he puffs out his chest. "Michael hated it but Lucifer loved it."
The affection you feel for this demon is immeasurable. You laugh, grabbing onto his arm and hugging him close, just to see that beautiful red blush take over his features. You don't let yourself be shocked by the fact that apparently Mammon was responsible for the creation of one of the weirdest creatures known to mankind. It makes a startling amount of sense.
You spend the next few hours in just that one exhibit, pointing at different animals and asking about their origins. Mammon doesn't know the answer to all of the questions you ask, but you do get a glimpse into what sort of life he maybe had before the Fall.
"Oh yeah! Jellyfish! Levi wasn't super interested in makin' anything but we all had to contribute something. He got his out of the way real early on too."
"Lucifer says he made the cassowary, but Satan swears up an' down that it was him drivin' at the time."
"Asmo, Beel, an' I worked together on Kangaroos. Or rather - I made kangaroos but Asmo didn't think they were 'cute' enough so he made wallabies. Beel was just a kid back then but he loved 'em so much he wanted to show Belphie and Lilith, so he made Rock-Wallabies. Small enough that he could pick 'em up and carry 'em in his lil' baby hands."
Eventually you get to the end of the exhibit, where there there's a display of recreations of the neolithic pre-human variations of the indigenous peoples. There's even an actual skull just sitting there in the open, beyond the rope boundary. Surprisingly, Mammon has something to say about this too.
"Lucifer, Simeon, an' a few of the other seraphim helped make those. I dunno why it took a bunch of them though considerin' there are none left around today. Too many cooks, I wonder?"
You freeze.
"Mammon," you start, still formulating your thoughts, "do you know what this is?"
He cocks his head, gaze flitting between you and the display. "It's jus' a monkey, isn't it? Not one of the cute ones though."
"No..." you say slowly, only because you yourself are kind of perplexed by this strange gap in his knowledge, "Well. Yes, kind of a monkey. But a monkey that eventually evolved into the human race."
There's a moment of silence as Mammon stares at you.
"You're shittin' me, MC," he finally says.
"I wouldn't lie to you about this," you say, even though you would in any other circumstance. Winding Mammon (or really, any of the brothers) up has become a personal past-time. "That right there is one of the protohumans. Paranthropus boisei if that plaque is to be believed."
Mammon looks so confused and it's hard not to giggle a little at his wide eyes.
But then you see his arm move and -
"Wait, Mammon-"
It's too late. Mammon has already reached inside the exhibit to grab hold of the skull. Alarms start blaring but he ignores it - probably doesn't even register to him. Instead, he's holding up the skull to be level with your own head.
You only just hold back from making an Alas, dear Yorrick joke.
"Nah, I don' see it. Where'd the fangs go? Your teeth so little compared to these chompers." he says, while fiddling with the admittedly ginormous teeth inside the skull.
You pull on his arm to try and get him to drop the skull before anyone sees, but he doesn't budge. "Please, Mammon. I'll tell you if you just put. The skull. Down."
You punctuate each word with more fruitless tugs at his arm, which prompts him to raise it higher to try and get the skull out of your reach. Security has now run into the room, and they're all trying to ask him the same thing - put the skull down and come with them.
Mammon snorts, narrowing his eyes. "Pesky humans," he grumbles, before wrapping his free arm around you.
You're not quite sure what happens next. You think there's a flash of wing, the touch of cool leather, but it's like your brain just doesn't know how to translate what your body is seeing, hearing, and feeling.
When the world starts making sense again, you have to blink a few times to get your eyes adjusted to bright sunlight. You can hear running water, and in front of you a platypus is lounging in the reeds of a small creek.
Mammon is still holding that skull.
"Alright, now that we're alone, you can start explainin' things," he says.
This is just too bizarre. You sigh. So much for getting Solomon's scroll back to him before sundown. Especially now that it seems Mammon has taken you entire continents away.
In for a penny...
"Is listening to me explain evolutionary biology to you really what you want to do now we're alone in the middle of nowhere?"
There's a splashing sound as the skull is thrown into the creek. You can't find it in you to care. Especially not when strong arms wrap around you and everything becomes Mammon.
Leviathan was created some million years before the Triassic era. He grew up at the same time the life in the ocean was starting to grow teeth.
He was the brother to spend the most time on Earth - but not on land. His presence in the deepest depths in the ocean was perhaps one of the reasons for their eventual gargantuan size. And as the creatures grew in response to this threat, Leviathan grew with them.
Really, humans only started being interesting when they learned to tell stories with nuance. His brothers like to joke it was the advent of anime and manga, but really, Levi secretly loved the puppetry of early civilizations too.
But by then, it was too late. He'd spent all that time down in the ocean, only to miss man's precursors crawling from the waves.
You're mentally patting yourself on the back for the absolutely brilliant idea to bring Levi to a human aquarium when he stops suddenly beside you.
It's not the first time that's happened during the day - quite often some scaly creature will attract Levi's attention and he'll be frozen staring at it for a bit. If you didn't know better you'd say he was trying to mentally communicate with the fish. You're happy to listen to his long rants and tangents after about that particular species or maybe a fun story he has about some of his oceanic trips. Normally the shifting blue ambiance of the aquarium lighting makes people look spooky, otherworldy. On Levi, it makes him look alive.
What seems to have stopped him this time is the absolutely enormous jawbone of what the plaque tells you is a Megalodon.
"It was a baby," he sniffs.
You grab onto his hand, pushing down the existential terror that anecdote brings up in you. Whatever this jaw belonged to could swallow you whole without realizing, and that's baby sized?
"There, there. At least it's swimming happily in the fishy afterlife with the rest of its species," you try to console.
"Not all of them," he grumbles sulkily.
That makes you freeze. You're staring up at the fossilized jawbone, contemplating the implications of that comment long enough for Levi to wander off on his own.
"MC," Levi calls to you, though you can't say for sure how much time has passed, "what do they mean by 'all life started in the ocean'?"
Once with Mammon was chance.
Twice with Levi - it can't be coincidence.
Or rather, shouldn't be.
"Exactly what it says," you say rather blithely. You should not have to explain this to beings who were definitely alive back then. "All life, including the reptiles, mammals, and even humans, started off as some variation of sea life."
"Oh, so you have gills? Why didn't you say so MC, I could've taken you taken out to visit Lotan ages ago if I'd known-"
"Levi, I don't have gills," you interrupt. "I have lungs. We've been over this."
He screws up his nose. "Seems like a bit of a downgrade, to me. Think about all the cool things you're missing out on because you don't have gills!"
"Missing?" you ask incredulously, "sure, we're coming back to the giant deep sea life that apparently isn't dead in a sec, but how can you miss all of human evolution?"
He blinks at you slowly.
"It's not like the land creatures were doing anything interesting."
You splutter. "Not doing anything inter- Levi they were evolving into humans. They were fighting and eating each other to distill the dominant species!"
He shrugs.
"Plesiosaurs did that too. If you wanted to see some really vicious fighting, you could always count on the Vampyromorphs."
"I'm sorry the what?"
Levi sighs like you were put on this earth just to test him. In your defense, you kind of were, a little bit. You sling an arm around his shoulders to bring him close. You're in this together, after all.
You don't hide your blush when he confidently puts an arm around your waist in return, hand settling on your hip. He uses it to steer you towards the Squid Tank.
"C'mon MC, your normie side is showing. Vam-pyro-morph. Giant squids with slightly cannibalistic tendencies. Ticklish underneath the tentacles and the teeth," he says, like that explains anything.
Sketched onto the plaque beside the tank is one of the early vampire squid precursors. It's the most terrifying thing you have ever seen.
Speaking of terrifying, that reminds you -
"Levi- hey. Levi, please, what did you mean megalodon aren't extinct-"
Satan & Asmodeus
Asmodeus was created sometime around the late Jurassic era. This was way before the modern variations of the Homo sapiens species, but a few of their precursors were mulling around.
That wasn't to say they were doing anything particularly interesting. Instead, Asmo was more taken with the potential colors of avian feathers. He was trying to campaign for more variation by aggressively making more wild and wonderful plumage.
Satan, perhaps, has the best defense in that he didn't exist as an independent entity until sometime around when humans invented agriculture. He may have had flashes of awareness within Lucifer, but it was very rarely during anything to do with the mortal races.
You, Satan, and Asmo had agreed to study for your next Devildom Law exam together in the House's library. Studying together was normally a thing you and Satan would do anyway, but Asmo had been falling behind somewhat in your last exams, and Lucifer was starting to get snippy about it. You suggested Asmo should join you and Satan, on the basis that the current unit is on human cultural developments, and you can teach by example.
Asmo was especially enthusiastic about that.
Surprisingly, he was a more effective study partner than, say, Mammon. The three of you had been managing to read quietly together for just over an hour. Your hand had drifted unconsciously into Asmo's hair, while Satan let his tail wrap around your ankle.
"I didn't realize humans had multiple forms too!"
Asmo's voice breaks the tranquility of the library, and you look up from your notes. Satan leans over Asmo's shoulder and hums a little in surprise.
You suddenly have a lap full of the Avatar of Lust as Asmo crowds into your space. He's got a book in hand - one on the history and development of human cultures. It's turned to a page on the origins of humanity, and it even contains one of those stereotypical diagrams you'd associate with the progression of evolution - from fish to primate to man.
"What-" you start, but Satan's already latched onto this subject like a cat with its prey.
"It makes sense - your current form is quite dexterous and good for persistance hunting, but it doesn't provide much in terms of raw power," he's saying, and what?
"Though it seems the cranial size and cognitive capacity of your current form is the most advanced - is that to make quick decisions and judgements?"
"You don't have to keep your defenses up with us - surely you know that we'll love you no matter what you look like," Asmo croons, twining your fingers together.
"Don't you trust us, MC?" asks Satan and damn him for being so soft.
"Wait, guys, you don't think..." you start but then trail off. After Mammon and Levi, maybe you shouldn't assume the knowledge of these dumbasses demons.
"Think what, MC?" Satan asks.
You can't help the laugh that escapes you.
"Humans don't have multiple forms, at least that I'm aware of. That's a diagram of human evolution," you explain.
It doesn't seem to clear anything up. They're both still staring at you, waiting.
"Humans didn't always start off with opposable thumbs. In fact, we actually started in the ocean as weak little microbes," you say, wishing you paid more attention in high school bio. "We eventually grew lungs and feet and all the other stuff until we landed on version I am today."
"Oh," says Asmo, and it's actually a bit of a surprise that he's the first of the two to get it.
"Kind of like how Satan started off as a parasitic feeling of righteous anger, then became a ball of miasmic spite before figuring out the whole physical shape thing?"
Or not.
"Hey, I was not a parasite-" Satan scowls but you cut him off before he could get truly worked up.
"No, that's more like human childhood development-" you stop yourself when you see their looks of confusion. Right. Basics. "Anyway. Human evolution happened over millions of years. What you see before you now is the result of thousands of generations combining to produce the most viable, strongest traits for survival."
"Oh!" says Asmo, and not again. "Like dogs!"
You go to refute that too, but then you pause. Technically all the different shapes and sizes dogs come in are the result of generations of selective breeding. Some have survived and some have died off.
"Kind of," you finally settle on.
Satan scowls. "You're not like a dog, MC. You're different to other humans, right?"
You sigh, resolving yourself to an afternoon of explain the theories of evolutionary taxonomy, genetics, and survival of the fittest.
To two of the most powerful beings in existence.
Great. So much for date night.
Beelzebub & Belphegor
Beelzebub and Belphegor (and Lilith) all had a fascination with humans and human cultures.
That doesn't mean they were particularly aware of their origins. After all, they had only been created towards the late Miocene era. They were children as the protohumans were taking their first steps.
To say the twins and Lilith grew up as humanity grew up wouldn't be incorrect. They were somewhat sheltered, though, from the worst of it.
You had promised this would be a quick trip to the university's library. You still have your student access, which grants you document delivery privileges - something both Lucifer and Solomon take advantage of regularly. Normally the library could send you a digital copy of your requested book, chapter, or paper, but in this case you had to go in and pick up a physical copy. Belphie and Beel had offered to accompany you for the trip, and in return you offered to get them a human world lunch - your treat.
However, you weren't banking on encountering one of your more detestable peers. You and he had never gotten along - not even since your undergrad days. He catches sight of you before you could turn and leave, and you were forced into a 'polite' game of catch-up.
The conversation starts and ends with pointed barbs and unwarranted bragging on both sides. Occasionally his eyes will flick towards Beel and Belphie at your back, both impatiently waiting for this to be over like kids waiting for their parent to stop catching up with an old friend in the shopping centre. Unfortunately it all devolves into something just shy of a screaming match when he decides to bring the twins into it, referring to them obliquely - insulting them in that underhanded way that conceited academics fling around their intelligence. There's something frantic about it, though.
He decides to take his leave when you start garnering the attention of other students.
"Right, well, when you're done associating with Neanderthals be sure to give me a call. I need that book once you're done with it."
"I would, but that lead pole stuck up your ass would probably block my call anyway," you sneer as he leaves, determined not to give him the last word.
A strong arm wraps around your waist, stopping you from going after that scholarship stealing prick by keeping you held against Beel's chest.
"I don't get why he made you so mad," grumbles Belphie.
"You mean besides sniping the scholarship and supervisory team I was gunning for during my year away?" you take a deep breath, forcing yourself to calm down. This probably doesn't mean much to them anyway. "He shouldn't have called you that."
"Called us what?" Beel asks, still not letting you go.
You turn in his hold, tilting your head. "He called you Neanderthals. Which is such a childish insu-"
"What's a neanderthal?" asks Belphie, coming up on Beel's other side to lean against you heavily. You're not sure whether it's his inherent laziness or his desire to constantly be close to you, but you appreciate it regardless.
You sigh. By now you've realized that for whatever reason, these ancient entities who predate humanity know nothing about how your species emerged.
You grab both of their hands in your own, tugging at Beel softly to get him to release you. He does, and you walk them towards the display at the entrance of the Anthropology library. There's a large, old diagram in a simple frame that feels incongruous to the ultra-modern aesthetic the rest of the library seems to have.
The picture depicts somewhat of a lineage of human species - with branching taxonomies to show some of the related Homo Sapiens species before your own wiped them out. You point to one of the closest humanoid figures - it's proportions vaguely similar to your own, but the arms and hands are too large, the skull too long.
"That's a neanderthal. They were a possible early prototype of humans," you say, and it's somewhat amusing to see the identical expressions of confusion direct themselves from you to the image.
Beel hums. "I still don't get it. Why did it make you so mad?"
You sigh. "The neanderthals were wiped out by the early Homo sapiens sapiens - my species. Well. Wiped out, bred out, there's still some contention. Supposedly their cognition wasn't advanced as ours, so by using it as an insult, he was calling you stupid, boorish, and outdated."
"I'll show him stupid and boorish," mutters Belphie, his human-looking form flickering slightly around the edges.
And no, as tempting as it is, you probably shouldn't let the demon loose on that human annoyance. You scramble to come up with something to distract Belphie, but all you can really focus on is the flickering.
"Neanderthals weren't the only human-like species people think were wiped out. There's some speculation that humans developed a sense of the uncanny valley because there were other species around that came close to threatening us," you start, tightening your grip on Belphies hand. You re-grab Beel's, now trying to lead them out of the building.
You continue. "Humans have this sense that basically freaks us out when we see something that looks, sounds, and moves like a human, but isn't quite right. It could've also developed as a way to weed out undesirable conditions or illnesses as humanity was evolving."
You can see your words starting to get through to Belphie, and wide eyes blink at you slowly. You can tell Beel is also invested, in the way he's stopped trying to tug you over in the direction of the vending machines.
"But I have another theory."
Belphie is very clearly interested now, but it's Beel who asks "what's your theory?"
"I think that there is another species - one stronger and faster and better at hiding itself - that humans are below in the food chain. All we can do is keep an eye out for them, because we sure as hell aren't going to be able to fight them off."
"I'd fight them for you, MC," says Beel, and he's sweet. But you can also tell that he's realized where you've been leading the conversation.
"What's the point of this all, MC?" asks Belphie and damn it you thought you managed to distract him. His shape is still flickering threateningly.
"I'm talking about demons, Belphie. You guys eat human souls as some kind of tasty snack. Humans can't fight back so we developed an ability to be scared so we could run away. That asshole back there was probably puffing up his feathers because he was terrified of you."
Finally, finally, that seems to appease Belphie. A self-satisfied grin crosses his face, and he leans further into you.
There's a loud growl, breaking the fragile peace. Beel doesn't even bother trying to look embarrassed.
"Yes, we can get food now. C'mere," you say before he can even ask, and begin to drag them anew.
A thrill shoots up your spine when you realize they let you lead them, these apex predators who are designed to consume you.
Lucifer & Diavolo
Unlike his brothers, Lucifer wasn't unobservant throughout prehistoric times. In fact he, Simeon, Michael, and a few other siblings were given the responsibility to push evolution in the right direction.
That final step between Homo Heidelbergensis and Homo Sapiens took its toll on all of them, and so Lucifer gave himself permission to stop giving a fuck about the mortal fleshbags to focus more on his family.
Perhaps this is why he didn't quite have the same curiosity about human culture that his siblings did - it was so much work getting them to that point that all he can think of was the long hours.
Diavolo himself had been born at some point in very early human history but he's always had a fascination with humans and where they came from - compounded when he found out the role Lucifer himself played in their creation.
But that doesn't mean they're both without some gaps in their knowledge (in some very important places)....
"Here, hold this."
This is the only warning you get before the squirming baby is deposited in your arms.
The child belongs to one of your friends from before college - before RAD. Your friend had brought it along for one of your admittedly rare catch-ups because she couldn't find a sitter, sorry! You watch helplessly as she leaves your table to head towards the bathrooms.
You stare at the baby.
It babbles back at you.
"MC?" a familiar voice calls.
You and the baby both look up at the same time with identical dumbfounded expressions.
Approaching your table is two tall figures, both wearing long and expensive looking overcoats. The one in red is grinning sunnily, while his companion in blue is screwing up his nose, making his glasses skew on his face. Diavolo and Lucifer take seats at your table, despite the fact there are plenty of empty places around the cafe.
"Please don't tell me you've picked up a pet, MC," Lucifer says with distaste, "Despite what you may hope, it won't teach my brothers responsibility."
One day you will teach this demon manners. This is not the way to greet someone you run into while they're on holiday.
"It's a baby," you say slowly, dragging out the syllables.
"Ooh a baby what?" Diavolo asks, and surely not.
"Something that's easier to train while young, I would hope?" Lucifer asks.
Well. Yes, but...
You squint at him. He stares back impassively, though you do notice the confusion in the way his eyebrows cock unevenly.
"A human baby!" you say incredulously.
Sure, your time in the Devildom was fraught with cultural misunderstandings, but come on. These are two of the most powerful beings in existence. Lucifer has been around since the beginning of time itself.
Diavolo pushes his face in close to the baby, and then you have to rear back as he turns to study you just as intently. Normally you wouldn't mind, but now is not the time or the place.
"It's so small, and squishy," he says.
"It's the weaker version of a human," Lucifer says, though he doesn't look as confident as his tone would have you believe him to be, "it likely needs more time to coalesce more energy."
"Guys," you say with exasperation, "it's a baby. It grows. Physically! And hopefully: mentally and emotionally. It doesn't shapeshift. It doesn't 'coalesce energy'. It just ages."
They're looking at you doubtfully. You really don't think it's that hard to grasp.
"Besides," you add, "this technically isn't even a human's weakest form."
"They get smaller?" Lucifer asks.
It's the first time you've seen him so freaked out.
"How?" Diavolo asks and no you are not going to explain this to him-
"I'm sorry - who are you?"
Sweet, saving grace. Maybe there really is a god looking down on you.
Your friend has returned. She looks apprehensive, though that may have something to do with the rather large, intimidating, obviously rich men huddling around you and her baby. Oh, right.
Your mind scrambles to come up with a good excuse.
"Oh! This is Luci...us," you start, and immediately panic when you realize you were about to use Lucifer's actual name. The demon in question shoots you a glare, but at this point in your relationship you've become immune.
"And this uh..."
Friend? Boss?
Actually. Fuck it. Time for revenge for almost forcing you to explain the birds and the bees to him. And all the other shit you've been through since waking up in the Devildom.
"This is his husband, Dia. They run the exchange program I told you about - the one I spent a year away for. They're actually thinking of adopting at the moment."
Immediately your friend's face brightens. "Oh?" she asks, "what age were you thinking?"
"Actually-" Lucifer starts, but you're not going to let him derail your Evil Plan™.
"Around the same age as yours," you interrupt.
This lights a fire in your friend's eyes, and immediately she starts her whole tirade anew about the lack of sleep and the burping and all the messes and the lack of sleep and the wonders of small humans forming their own consciousness and opinions and the lack of sleep and- well. Basically everything you had been unwittingly subjected to before you were interrupted by the demons.
Diavolo takes all the unwanted and unwarranted information with an enthusiasm that definitely helps play into the fiction you've set up. Beside him, Lucifer is smiling pleasantly, but when his gaze drifts to you and you meet his eyes -
v̴̥͠ȩ̶̃r̶̟̒t̵͚̍i̵͂ͅg̶̱̏o̶̤͠. you're at the edge of a precipice and you're not going to fall. you're i̷̳͝n̸̦̽s̴͔͐i̶͔͠g̴͉̏n̶̯̏i̵̮͑f̷̻̐ȉ̴̩c̴̛̞a̴̛͇n̴̜͠t̶̩́. it would be so easy to be crushed by this abyss-
you smile back just as congenially. Really. You'd think he'd remember that none of his glares work on you anymore. The baby in your arms squirms and holds its own pudgy little arms up towards the Avatar.
Huh. Interesting. That glare of his doesn't work on the kid either.
You're still forced to sit there politely while your friend rambles on about the wonders of human development and the joys of being a parent for another two hours. It's definitely worth it though - the picture of a small, red, wiggly baby being held at arm's length by the Avatar of Pride is one that will live in your memory for lifetimes to come.
Barbatos doesn't quite know when to attribute his creation to. It's never really mattered.
He wandered the Earth before the Fall, before humans. He watched that first creature crawl itself out of the mud. He watched as it crawled and stood and spoke.
He kept a close eye on this species - especially as they began to show intelligence. They created their own laws and measurements and perceptions of Time, which was cute, if a bit misguided.
In some of the early days, he let some of his true nature slip too close to the surface, and in return he was granted offerings of livestock and. Well. Live humans. Young ones. Too young.
There's warmth somewhere near your cheek as a cup of tea is placed down delicately beside where you had been resting on top of your assignments. You snort and a shiver goes through you as consciousness slowly filters back in.
At least there are worst ways to wake than with Barbatos' soft smile to greet you.
"Thank you," he says.
"For what?" you ask. You're still trying to wake up, and one of your sticky notes frees itself from your face and floats back down to the table you were napping working at. Admittedly, the smell of Barbatos' tea is doing wonders.
"For seeing to the education of my Master and his Lords. It wouldn't do for the future King of Hell and his council to be so ignorant in regards to their human subjects."
No way.
"You set me up," you hiss.
A gloved hand comes down on top of your head, and you put up a small token effort of resistance for a moment but no one can truly hold out against such soft head scratches.
"Perhaps," Barbatos says, and you're immediately reminded of why you associate him with snakes. "But it was a learning experience of your own, was it not?"
Thanks for the ask, Anon! 💛 I hope you don't mind the mess that spawned from it...
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Can i uh request for the brothers and the side characs for mc thats like atsushi from bsd? Btw if u dont know that its fine and just do a detective mc. Love your works btw and one of the best ive read!
Hello anon! I have only watched one season of bsd so far, so I don't know how accurate my portrayal of an Atsushi-like character will be, but I'll try my best.
I'm happy to hear you enjoy my work, I hope this one will be to your liking as well!
the obey me cast with a detective mc
-> brothers and side characters
-> mc is based on atsushi nakajima from bungo stray dogs
a/n: since luke is gonna be here, this will be a non-romantic scenario
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: mild people pleasing mentions (not explicitly)
he's happy you are actually able to figure out who did something
the broken vase on the floor? yes, you knew who did it
you do ask lucifer to go a little softer on his brothers when punishing them
sometimes, when he is working late in his office, you'll bring him some coffee and snacks
you do encourage him to drop work and get rest, but he, as the avatar of pride, doesn't quite listen to your advice
'you're a detective? can ya tell me smart ways to cheat at poker, then?'
you think such questions mammon asks you are funny yet worrisome
you actually do end up giving him some tips to cheat in casinos, but you also tell the demon the cheating is a terrible idea in the first place
sometimes, you help mammon out when he is in severe debt and needs to pay many witches back, he really appreciates your help
there's definitely a bungo stray dogs rip-off in the devildom called bungo stray cats
levi will point out you're kind of like the main character in that anime, therefore he likes you
he will invite you to play detective games in his room, and will ask for your help when he's stuck on an especially difficult part
thanks to you, levi gets really high scores in these games
you two instantly bond
we all know about satan's detective novel addiction, so meeting a real detective is like a dream come true for him
whenever there's a 'case', like a broken coffee machine in the house, and you're asked to figure out who broke it, satan is happy to be your personal helper
having an assistant actually boosts your confidence in solving the case, so you're glad satan helps out
by the way, belphie broke the machine
asmo will ask you to answer the weirdest mysteries for him
mysteries like who stole his expensive bath bomb while he was in the kitchen at 12:36pm 50 years ago
honestly, you don't expect yourself to be able to find the culprit, but you still try to because you don't want to disappoint asmo
whenever you actually find the answer to such a mystery, he will cling onto you, praising and thanking you for your work, that's actually a nice feeling
he thinks you're very sweet, he admires your personality
a whole new world opened up for beel the first time you let him try chazuke
now you and beel occasionally beg lucifer or diavolo to let you go to the human world for a while pure for the chazuke
food aside, beel believes your work must be exhausing at times
so, when you're hanging out, he makes sure you're at your most comfortable
belphie assumes you must be good at stealthy things, since you're a detective
so, he asks you to take sneaky pictures of lucifer, so him and satan can have a good laugh
you think it's a horrible idea, but you do it anyways because you want belphie to be happy
lucifer actually catches you and figures out what was going on
rip belphegor, he was a good man
let's just say he's happy you got selected for the exchange program
diavolo is very interested in your work and will ask you many questions about it
but, when he finds out detective work can be dangerous, he feels the need to assure your safety
before you go to your work, diavolo will stop you and hand you a hockey stick for self-defence
you thank him, it's nice of him to worry about your safety
you're the kind of person barbatos can really bond with
he will invite you for tea when he has a free day from his work
during your little tea parties, you mainly talk about work, but also about other things
barbatos is a very nice host, you feel the need to thank him for his efforts
so, you learn how to bake and make him a nice, fancy cake to bring to your next tea party
both of you, being very polite, keep throwing thank yous, it's nothings and no problems at each other
he didn't really know exactly what kind of work detectives do, since he lives in the celestial realm and crime is very rare there, so there's no real need for detectives
once you tell stories from work, he is very invested in your words
so much, he writes a detective into the TSL franchise
but, when you write a book, you always have to do research on the topic aside from stories and simeon eventually finds out the work may be dangerous
so, as an angel, he decides to use his powers to protect you in silence
luke doesn't quite get what the concept of a detective is, as in he knows, but he's too innocent to understand they work with cruel criminals
like, he'll ask you where he can find the best apples for apple pie
you actually end up searching every store and market for the highest quality apples, and you bring luke some when you've found them
then, luke will insist you make the pie together
the first thing you want to know is why his cooking is so terrible
turns out, that's a mystery nobody can solve
solomon will ask you to solve questions that can actually be solved by anyone
for example, he'll ask you why asmo is mad at him after he stole his bath bomb
jokes aside, he has great respect for you and the work you do
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