#especially when you encounter new information or new viewpoints
readythefanons · 5 months
Happy dead dove day!
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This year I have prepared: nothing. Okay bye have fun! Fiction is fiction dont forget to read the tags and use that back button as appropriate byeeeeeee
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transmutationisms · 1 year
how do i know what’s right?
i feel like i have zero critical thinking skills ;-;
a lot of the time when someone poses an idea or a theory they think they’re right, and so they use language that enforces that. but then someone refutes it, and uses language affirming what they believe and i see the point in their argument. and then it gets refuted again and again and again and im just confused.
hi great question. i would love it if there were a single easy litmus test to figure out who's 'right' and whose info i should trust! unfortunately things are rarely this easy, and it's actually completely normal to be overwhelmed by the amount of information being produced and shared, especially when it comes to topics you haven't researched/lived/etc. for most of us, this will be most topics!
i'd preface this by saying that i think your overall attitude here is actually a good one. you're framing it in a pretty self-deprecating way—but actually, imo this type of openness to discussion and disagreement is a really good place to start, esp when dealing with topics that are new to you. nobody enters a contentious debate with a fully fledged, defensible viewpoint. you might feel like you're just treading water here, making no progress toward being able to evaluate arguments for yourself, but i highly doubt that's true.
all of that said: while i again cannot give you a single litmus test for figuring out what's 'right', there are four pretty basic sets of questions that i automatically run through when encountering a new idea, source, topic, or argument: we can call these origin, purpose, value, and limitations.
origin: who's the author? do they have any institutional affiliations? who pays their salary? is this argument or paper funded in any way? is the argument dependent upon the author's social position or status (race, class, etc) and if so, are those factors being discussed clearly? does the author have ties to a particular nation-state or stakes in defending such a nation-state? what's the class character of the author and the argument? what's the social, economic, and intellectual context that gave rise to this argument or source?
purpose: why is this source or person disseminating this information or making this argument? are they trying to sell you anything? are their funders? are they trying to persuade you of a particular political viewpoint? keeping in mind the answers to the 'origin' questions, are there particular ideological positions you would expect to find in this source or argument, and are they present? what are the stakes for the author or source? what about for those who cite the source or further disseminate or publish it?
value: what does this source or argument accomplish well? what aspects of the argument are new to you and strike you as insightful? are there linkages being made that you haven't encountered elsewhere, and that you think are effectively and sufficiently defended? are there statistics or empirical data that might be useful to you in forming your own argument, even if you disagree with how this source or author is interpreting them? what does this argument or source tell you about the types of debates being had, and the rules of those debates?
limitations: where does this argument or source fail you or fall apart? are there obvious rhetorical fallacies you can identify? is the author forgetting or overlooking some piece of information that you know of from elsewhere? which viewpoints may be omitted? keeping in mind the answers to the 'purpose' questions, if this source is defending a particular ideology or political position, is that one you agree with? is it only defensible so long as the author omits or distorts certain pieces of information? are there points where the argument jumps from evidence to a conclusion that the evidence can't fully support? are there alternative explanations for the evidence?
over time you will often find that it becomes more and more automatic to ask yourself these questions. you will also find that the more you read/hear about a particular topic, the faster you can determine whether someone is presenting all of the evidence, presenting it fairly, and using it to fully defend the argument they ultimately want to make. and you will probably also find that at some point, you're able to synthesise your own argument by pulling the strong parts from multiple other people's viewpoints, combining them with your own thinking, and fitting them together in a way that adequately explains and materially analyses the issue at hand.
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edenfenixblogs · 7 months
I feel like what is disturbing about (some) people discussing the Israel/Palestine conflict is that they insist that most major news sources actually can’t be trusted because the news sources are secretly lying all the time. And I feel like that is what conspiracy theories are, the insistence that everyone is lying to you, and that you should only trust these people. I feel like I was falling into it too, I was starting to believe it.
I’d always told myself before that I would never fail for conspiracy theories because I am a reasonable person, but clearly this isn’t true. I can fall for conspiracy theories if I am not always careful, and complacency is dangerous.
I feel like this same idea applies to antisemitism. People think, “I can’t be antisemitic because I want equality for all people”, but we can if we’re not careful. Complacency is dangerous.
Oh, @jellymarbles! This is very insightful!!!! Look, every major news source has flaws and bias. That is and will always be true. Because it is written by people. And all people have bias. And that's ok! The problems only arise if people allow their writing to consistently and only favor bias in one direction and leave no room for uncomfortable but necessary information from other viewpoints.
If anyone is telling you not to trust "the media" or "the mainstream media," then they are not only untrustworthy on any issue, but are likely especially dangerous on any issue where antisemitism is likely to occur. This is because it is usually rooted (whether the person is knowingly being antisemitic or not) in the conspiracy theory that Jewish people control "the media."
Anyone behaving responsibly would not urge you to shun mainstream sources. Rather, people behaving responsibly will urge you to develop the very necessary skill of media literacy, which will enable you to better discern which sources are trustworthy in a variety of situations. Whenever evaluating any source, but especially when dealing in issues that involve strong and volatile opinions and contested information from a variety of voices, it is vital to critically evaluate your sources using trusted media evaluation tools, like Media Bias/Fact Check. Fact check the story details too, if possible.
You are a private citizen. You are not a journalist. You are not an international diplomat. You are not a crisis negotiator. There is no reason for you to feel pressured to respond to everything quickly. Nobody will benefit from you responding to things you don't have appropriate information on. It is not your job to respond to all information as you encounter it.
There is no prize for speaking up first or most or loudest.
Rather, you will always be the most trusted human source if you take the time to know what you're speaking about fully before you speak. If you feel an urgent need to say something because you directly wish to help someone you know, sharing unverified and possibly false information is never the way to go. Rather, instead of trying to prove your commitment to a cause with self-righteous anger, reach out to the person you wish to help directly. Tell them you know that they are going through a rough time. You may not always know what to say or what you need to share, but say that you are committed to always sharing verifiable and the information, but that you also don't need the affected person to act as a news source for you. And in the meantime, you don't need news stories to be there for a friend. Lending an ear and some comfort to someone directly will mean more than shouting into the void. Personally, I'm always a little uncomfortable when I see non-Jewish and non-Muslim/Arab/Palestinian people I know screaming onto the internet about issues related to i/p when they have never actually taken the time to talk to a single Jewish person about how they actually feel about any of it (or when they only talk to Jewish people to determine whether they are Evil Zionists or Actual Humans).
Many people are willing to make sweeping statements about how all Jews feel about Israel or zionism or Netanyahu, but aren't willing to actually have a conversation about any of those things to find out if their assumptions are correct--let alone to see if the Jewish person in question has insights into issues they haven't thought of before. (Hint: as an oft-ignored micro-minority, Jews do often have insights that are not adequately understood by those who have refused to interact with us)
I can only imagine that Palestinian people as well as Muslims and Arabs in general experience similar bigotry when people make assumptions about their views of Jews, the politico-religious ideology of Islamism (which I'm acutely aware is different than the religion of Islam), the i/p conflict, Hamas, and a variety of other issues.
Because make no mistake, choosing to ignore your responsibility of media literacy during a time of stochastic terror for multiple groups is to support that terror. Choosing to ignore media you disagree with because you disagree with it and not because the source is wrong or untrustworthy is the same as making a conscious choice to be stubbornly set in your ways at the expense of people desperately trying to make themselves heard.
In other words, choosing to maintain media illiteracy is choosing bigotry.
That said, you'll make mistakes sometimes. It's inevitable, and that's ok. Just today I deleted a post I reblogged about the extremely good and worthwhile charity organizatin Anera that is providing much needed aid to Gaza at the moment. Is that because I stopped supporting the organization? Is that because I hate Palestine and its suffering citizens? OF COURSE NOT! Rather, the person I shared it from had a blog full of hateful antisemitic content and misinformation. I couldn't direct my followers to a resource like that, because I can and must share information from sources worth listening to. If a bigot is your only way of sharing information about something, then that information is useless. If the information is actually useful, you'll be able to share it from a source who isn't dangerous.
There are many trustworthy people who regularly share information about Anera as well as other organizations that are providing aid to those suffering in the region, by the way.
It i so easy to think that a post is innocuous enough to share without fact checking. But bigotry can sneak in to a lot of places. I didn't know about the person I reblogged from until a follower pointed it out to me. Someone trustworthy will act swiftly to amend the information and thank you for the information rather than acting offended that you dared to question them. And a trustworthy source certainly won't continue to behave irresponsibly or allow others to behave irresponsibly on their behalf without putting in any effort to do better in the future.
You will make mistakes. It's OK. Don't let the fear of making a mistake stop you from taking action to help. Just be sure not to let your desire to help turn into causing actual harm. As long as you try your best and keep an open heart, all reasonable people will understand if you stumble now and again.
As always, feel free to explore my #Media Literacy tag for more info and discourse on the subject.
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unpluggedfinancial · 2 months
The Power of Doing Your Own Research (DYOR) in the World of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
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In today's digital age, information is more accessible than ever before. With a few clicks, you can find countless articles, videos, and social media posts about almost any topic. This is especially true for Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market. While this abundance of information can be empowering, it also comes with the risk of misinformation and hype-driven narratives. This is why it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of doing your own research (DYOR) before making any financial decisions.
The Cryptocurrency Information Overload
The cryptocurrency space is notoriously fast-paced and filled with complex jargon. From blockchain technology to decentralized finance (DeFi), understanding the basics can be overwhelming. Moreover, the crypto market is often subject to wild speculation and hype, leading to sensational headlines and exaggerated claims. While some sources provide valuable insights, others might be misleading or outright false. In this environment, DYOR becomes not just a recommendation but a necessity.
Why DYOR Matters
Understanding the Fundamentals: When you conduct your own research, you gain a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This includes learning about the technology, the problem it aims to solve, its potential applications, and the risks involved. A solid grasp of these basics will help you make informed decisions and avoid falling for scams or overhyped projects.
Avoiding Hype and FOMO: The fear of missing out (FOMO) is a powerful force in the crypto market. It can drive individuals to make impulsive decisions based on hype rather than sound analysis. By doing your own research, you can evaluate the true potential of a project or investment, rather than relying on the opinions of others. This disciplined approach helps you avoid the pitfalls of hype-driven investments.
Building Confidence: Investing in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies can be a volatile journey. Conducting your own research instills confidence in your decisions. When you understand why you are investing in a particular asset, you are more likely to stay committed to your investment strategy, even during market downturns.
Identifying Opportunities: The crypto market is filled with opportunities, but not all of them are immediately obvious. Through thorough research, you can identify promising projects and investment opportunities that others might overlook. This proactive approach can lead to more profitable outcomes.
How to Do Your Own Research
Diverse Sources: Don’t rely on a single source of information. Read articles, watch videos, listen to podcasts, and follow reputable figures in the crypto space. Cross-referencing information from multiple sources helps ensure accuracy and provides a well-rounded perspective.
Official Documentation: Always review official documents such as whitepapers, technical papers, and project websites. These sources offer detailed insights into a project's vision, technology, and roadmap.
Community Engagement: Engage with the community through forums, social media, and discussion groups. Platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and Telegram host vibrant discussions where you can ask questions and get diverse viewpoints. Be cautious, however, as not all advice you encounter will be accurate or trustworthy.
Critical Thinking: Approach every piece of information with a critical mindset. Question the credibility of the source, the validity of the claims, and the underlying motivations. This analytical approach helps you separate valuable insights from noise.
Stay Updated: The crypto space evolves rapidly. Continuously updating your knowledge helps you stay informed about new developments, regulatory changes, and market trends.
In the dynamic world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, doing your own research is not just a best practice—it’s an essential skill. By taking the time to educate yourself, you empower yourself to make informed, confident, and rational investment decisions. Remember, the journey to financial freedom through Bitcoin starts with knowledge and understanding. So, embrace the DYOR mindset and take control of your financial future.
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If this article has sparked your interest in the transformative potential of Bitcoin, there's so much more to explore! Dive deeper into the world of financial independence and revolutionize your understanding of money by following my blog and subscribing to my YouTube channel.
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forthegoodofamerica · 4 months
What Is the Limited Time Free George Magazine Offer?
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We stumbled upon an intriguing offer - the limited time free George Magazine subscription. It’s not every day we encounter such an exclusive deal, especially when it involves a publication like George Magazine. The question remains - what exactly does this offer entail, and why is it generating such buzz? Let’s explore further to uncover the hidden gems behind this exciting opportunity.
Overview of George Magazine Free Copy Offer
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In our exploration of the George Magazine subscription offer, we delve into its departure from traditional political publications to embrace a template akin to Rolling Stone, Esquire, and Vanity Fair. This limited time free subscription offer provides a unique opportunity for individuals to engage with a blend of politics and pop culture. By offering a complimentary subscription, readers can immerse themselves in the legacy of John F. Kennedy Jr. and the magazine’s commitment to bridging the gap between politics and entertainment.
The free George Magazine subscription offer not only allows readers to explore the publication’s dedication to engaging young people in politics but also its editorial independence. Through this offer, individuals can experience firsthand the personal connections and acts of generosity that shaped the culture of George Magazine. This unique opportunity enables readers to witness the lasting impact of the magazine and its commitment to journalistic integrity beyond the Kennedy name.
Key Features of the Free Subscription
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Delve into the exclusive features of the free George Magazine subscription offer.
Enjoy a blend of politics and pop-culture in each issue, curated by the iconic John F. Kennedy Jr.
Gain access to diverse perspectives through interviews and articles that offer varying viewpoints on current issues.
Immerse yourself in a limited time offer that provides a complimentary subscription to this renowned publication.
Explore the legacy of George Magazine and its commitment to promoting unity and positive change.
How to Redeem the Limited Time Offer
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To claim the limited time free George Magazine subscription offer, simply follow the steps outlined for redeeming the exclusive opportunity. Visit free.georgemagazine.com and locate the designated section for subscriptions.
Click on the offer for the free copy and proceed to create an account if you’re a new user. For existing users, log in to your account to access the free subscription offer. Enter the required information, such as your name, email, and address, to complete the redemption process.
Once you have submitted the necessary details, confirm your subscription to start enjoying the engaging content that George Magazine has to offer. Remember that this offer is for a limited time only, so act promptly to secure your free access to the insightful articles and unique perspectives that George Magazine provides.
Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of politics, culture, and more with your complimentary George Magazine subscription.
Benefits of Subscribing to George Magazine
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Subscribing to George Magazine offers a diverse range of benefits that provide a deep understanding of politics, pop culture, and the editorial vision that shaped the publication under John F. Kennedy Jr.'s leadership. Here are some key advantages:
Insightful Political Analysis: Readers can access thought-provoking articles that delve into various political issues, providing a unique perspective on current events and historical contexts.
Exclusive Interviews: Subscribers have the opportunity to engage with exclusive interviews conducted by George Magazine, offering firsthand accounts and insights from prominent figures in politics and beyond.
Cultural Commentary: The magazine’s coverage of pop culture intertwines with political discourse, highlighting the interconnectedness of these two spheres and offering a holistic view of societal trends.
Editorial Vision: Subscribers can witness firsthand the editorial vision that prioritizes independence and quality journalism, transcending the association with John F. Kennedy Jr. and standing on its own merit in the media landscape.
Experiencing George Magazine’s Legacy
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Experiencing George Magazine’s Legacy invites readers to uncover the impactful narrative woven through its history and editorial vision. George Magazine, under the guidance of John F. Kennedy Jr., embodied a unique blend of political engagement and journalistic integrity.
The magazine concept, initiated by Jackie Kennedy and brought to life by John and key figures like Michael Berman, emphasized the importance of connecting with young people on political issues. John’s legacy extended beyond the pages of the magazine; he used the Kennedy family trust to support interns financially, ensuring their well-being and inclusion in staff activities.
John’s personal involvement in caring for interns and junior staff members, from providing financial support to inviting them to dinners at his home, showcased his commitment to fostering a welcoming and supportive environment. Through George Magazine, John F. Kennedy Jr. left a lasting legacy that transcended traditional publishing norms, emphasizing the importance of inclusivity and care within the editorial landscape.
George Magazine-Get Your First Copy Free
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Discover how you can claim your complimentary first copy of George Magazine today and immerse yourself in a world of unrivaled insights.
Explore the legacy of John F. Kennedy Jr. through George Magazine’s revival in 2022.
Experience a unique blend of politics and pop culture intertwined with sections on faith, business, finance, luxury living, and travel.
Engage with thought-provoking interviews featuring individuals with diverse viewpoints.
Delve into comprehensive coverage spanning politics, culture, and more to gain a deeper understanding of current global events.
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of George Magazine where pioneering journalism meets luxury living, offering intelligent analysis and exclusive access to enrich your perspective. Join now to receive your free issue and start your journey of enlightening discovery.
To get started, enjoy your first copy free at GeorgeMagazine.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Happened to the Magazine George?
George Magazine, led by JFK Jr., ceased publication in 2001. It has been revived as George 2.0 in 2022, featuring new sections. The magazine’s relaunch continues JFK Jr.'s mission of engaging readers in current events and diverse viewpoints.
So, don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore the world of politics and pop culture with a free subscription to George Magazine.
Dive into insightful articles, exclusive interviews, and thought-provoking commentary that will broaden your perspective and spark meaningful conversations.
Subscribe now and join us in honoring the legacy of John F. Kennedy Jr. while embracing unity and positive change.
Get your first copy free today!
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sacredu · 9 months
Thriving Together: The Power of Joining a Personal Development Community
In a world that often feels fast-paced and demanding, the quest for personal development has become a cornerstone for many individuals seeking to enhance their lives. As the pursuit of self-improvement gains momentum, a growing number of people are discovering the transformative benefits of joining a Personal Development Community.
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Unveiling the Power of Unity
The phrase "no person is an island" holds a profound truth, especially when it comes to personal development. A Personal Development Community provides a supportive environment where individuals with a shared commitment to growth come together. This shared commitment creates a dynamic synergy that fosters motivation, encouragement, and inspiration.
When you surround yourself with like-minded individuals, the journey towards personal development becomes more enjoyable and effective. The diverse perspectives within the community contribute to a rich tapestry of experiences, enabling members to learn from one another and gain insights that they might not have encountered on their own.
Shared Learning: A Catalyst for Growth
Learning is a lifelong process, and a Personal Development Community serves as an incubator for knowledge exchange. Whether it's through workshops, seminars, or informal discussions, community members have the opportunity to share their skills, experiences, and expertise. This collaborative learning environment accelerates personal development by exposing individuals to a wealth of information and alternative viewpoints.
Moreover, the act of teaching or sharing one's knowledge with others can solidify one's own understanding and mastery of a particular subject. In this reciprocal process, everyone involved in the community stands to gain, creating a cycle of continuous improvement.
Accountability and Goal Achievement
Setting and achieving personal goals can be challenging, especially when undertaken in isolation. A Personal Development Community introduces a powerful element of accountability. When members publicly commit to their goals within the community, it creates a sense of responsibility. Knowing that others are aware of your objectives fosters a greater commitment to follow through.
Community support becomes a valuable resource during times of setbacks or challenges. Whether it's a professional setback, a health obstacle, or a personal crisis, having a network of individuals who understand and empathize can make a significant difference in overcoming obstacles and staying on the path of Personal Growth Community.
Nurturing Emotional Well-being
Personal development is not solely about acquiring new skills or achieving external success. It also involves nurturing one's emotional well-being. A Personal Development Community serves as a safe space where members can share their struggles, fears, and triumphs without judgment.
The emotional support within the community fosters resilience and helps individuals navigate the inevitable ups and downs of life. By providing a platform for open communication, Personal Development Communities become a source of strength, fostering a sense of belonging and reducing feelings of isolation.
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agira-zoldyck · 1 year
How to learn knowledge.
Learning knowledge is a lifelong journey that involves a combination of effective strategies, dedication, and continuous effort. Here are some steps you can take to enhance your learning process:
Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to learn and why it's important to you. Having clear goals will give you direction and motivation throughout your learning journey.
Stay Curious: Cultivate a curious mindset. Ask questions, seek answers, and explore topics that interest you. Curiosity fuels motivation and helps you engage more deeply with the subject matter.
Effective Study Techniques: Experiment with different study techniques to find what works best for you. These may include techniques like active recall, spaced repetition, summarization, and concept mapping.
Use Reliable Sources: Ensure that you're learning from credible and reliable sources. Books, academic journals, reputable websites, and educational institutions are good places to start.
Stay Organized: Keep track of your learning materials, notes, and progress. Use tools like notebooks, digital note-taking apps, or online platforms to organize your information.
Practice Critical Thinking: Analyze and evaluate the information you encounter. Develop your critical thinking skills by questioning assumptions, examining evidence, and considering different perspectives.
Engage with the Material: Actively engage with the content you're learning. This could involve discussing topics with others, teaching what you've learned to someone else, or participating in relevant activities.
Consistency and Discipline: Establish a regular study routine and stick to it. Consistency is key to retaining knowledge and making steady progress.
Seek Feedback: Don't hesitate to ask for feedback from mentors, teachers, or peers. Constructive feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your understanding.
Stay Open-Minded: Be open to new ideas and viewpoints. Embrace the opportunity to expand your horizons and challenge your existing beliefs.
Practice Patience: Learning takes time. Be patient with yourself, especially when you encounter challenges or setbacks.
Use Technology Wisely: Leverage technology for learning. Online courses, educational apps, podcasts, and video lectures can supplement your learning experience.
Reflect and Review: Periodically review and reflect on what you've learned. This helps reinforce your knowledge and identify gaps that need further exploration.
Apply Your Knowledge: Put your learning into practice. Apply what you've learned in real-world situations to solidify your understanding and develop practical skills.
Stay Motivated: Stay inspired by connecting your learning to your passions and interests. Celebrate your achievements and milestones along the way.
Remember, learning is a personal journey, and everyone's approach might be slightly different. The key is to find what methods and strategies work best for you and adapt them as you continue to learn and grow.
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wkchast · 1 year
Conspiracy Theories Part 1
From JFK to the Illuminati, conspiracy theories are a concept that have been around for centuries. A confusing topic they are, one that I never fully understood until about this year but had heard talks of them growing up. My sister and I would often talk about conspiracy theories and if we thought some of them were true or just fake news. The big problem within conspiracy theories is that it is bound to fuel mistrust and misinformation to occur in society. Therefore, I wanted to explore the topic of conspiracy theories and the impact on society that is created. I was curious about the psychology behind conspiracy theories, how they develop, and how they spread. Prior to any of my research, I only knew that the range of conspiracy theories is one that is widespread, some are absolutely absurd and some are not crazy at all. I had heard some talks that it could cause violence in society and problems in politics, but did not believe any of this and thought that it was outrageous. I never really thought that conspiracy theories could have any affect on society because they were just peoples opinions on events and could not possibly mean that much. I started to wonder, "What is the impact of conspiracy theories on society?"
Before this I had never searched for information on conspiracy theories and did not know where to start. Trying to find credible sources was the most difficult part of the process because when it comes to conspiracy theories, there are a lot of different opinions. It is almost ironic because conspiracy theories exist because of people being skeptical, and the sources are easy to become skeptical of because you are not sure if it is just a person opinion on the topic or if it is factually backed up. Another challenge that I encountered was finding trustworthy sources that were from different viewpoints. For example, I found some sources that were promoting conspiracy theories and then sources that were debunking them, so that was challenging. However, I found that credible news outlets such as the New York Times and the BBC could provide different perspectives on the same topic. I knew I could trust sources that were from prestigious universities, that conducted scientific studies. I was curious to learn more about the topic at hand and what affects conspiracy theories could have on society. I was able to obtain a lot of information that I never thought I would learn or even understand. I was able to find sources done by scientists and studies done around society to gage a great understanding of the topic. To make sure my sources were credible I tried to find ones that were scientifically sound and ones that I could tell had done their due diligence. I did not just want to use article written by random people that were just stating their opinions because that would not be trustworthy. At first it was hard to find credible sources, but after some time I found plenty. The sources I found the most helpful were the ones published by universities that obtained studies in them, because these sources seemed the most credible to use.
Starting to wonder where to start my research, I stumbled upon an article written by the University of Cambridge titled "The social impacts of conspiracy theories". This piece displays studies done on society over the past 15 years on possible effects of conspiracy theories. This article talks about whether or not the progression of technology and the internet has had affect on conspiracy theories. Stating, "The internet doesn't make conspiracy theories more persuasive, it actually seems to compartmentalize people. We more efficiently come into contact with those who hold similar views, but we also mostly end up working in echo chambers. That's the way the internet works at the moment – especially in social media: you end up somewhere where everyone has the same views". This was such an interesting concept to think about because it made me realize that if people are always interacting with only those who share the same beliefs than overtime, people could possible be lead to believe anything if they were are being assured by those around them. This follows into how destructive this can be. If people are being closed minded to other opinions and other solutions than conflict is inevitable when finally faced with an opposition. I feel that due to people being stubborn and close minded, advancements in technology will reduce human interaction leading people to discuss potential conspiracy theories more. This will result in misinformation to the youth and also society being lost and confused at times. Next, I found an article from the NY Times that tells how most conspiracy theories are harmless, but after "recent psychological research suggests that some of the social consequences of conspiracy theories deserve more serious attention". It is interesting to think that if beliefs that society determine a lot, from who is elected to how the next generation is raised. Two examples from the article are "People who were exposed to anti-government conspiracy theories were less likely to want to vote than those who had read information refuting conspiracy theories. In a similar study, we found that people who read about climate change conspiracy theories (versus those who read anti-conspiracy material and those who read no material about climate change) expressed less intention to take action to reduce their carbon footprint". This article goes on to explain how people who believed the conspiracies about vaccines were less likely vaccinate. It is surprising how many base their beliefs off of word of mouth and not actual facts and research, I feel there would be less misinformation in the world and misunderstandings if people did their own personal research to come up with their own beliefs instead of going off of conspiracies that they heard from a peer. Another interesting source I found was done by the University of Pennsylvania titled, "Misinformation, Misconceptions, and Conspiracy Theories in Communication". This article talks a lot about the idea of fake news that revolves around society and how misinformation can be very destructive. A stat about misinformation tells, "The data reveal that misinformation is almost always accepted as fact — a staggering 99.6% of the time — whereas attempts to correct it succeed only in only 83% of cases. That leaves roughly 17% of the population still still believing in misinformation, even when shown evidence to the contrary". This is shocking because it shows that even faced with evidence, some people still will not believe. This article brings up an interesting topic and that is that some sources that are not credible about theories will use scientific language and terms to try and side track the audience to gain more trust into what they are feeding the readers. One of the most helpful sources that I found was "The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories" by Karen Douglas. This book provided an in-depth analysis of psychological factors that seek to drive people towards believing in conspiracy theories.
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readythefanons · 5 months
Happy dead dove day!
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This year I have prepared: nothing. Okay bye have fun! Fiction is fiction dont forget to read the tags and use that back button as appropriate byeeeeeee
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dreams232434 · 2 years
What does dreaming about water mean
Water may unequivocally impact our fantasies, and water is for the most part great in the event that it is shimmering, clear, and quiet. Assuming that the water is dim or fierce, however, the fantasy is somewhat horrible.
In our fantasies, water might arrive in different structures. The ocean, a waterway, the taps, precipitation, or even a rainstorm, for example. As far as dream understanding, water causes a test. What I'll say is that it's connected to our sentiments.
What does dreaming about water mean
Water might be both terrible and great; thusly, it's important to look at all points of view and give significant consideration to the next dream images to totally appreciate them.
The Otherworldly Viewpoint on dreaming about Water
Sacred Water is used for endowments and other strict occasions in numerous religions. Water is habitually portrayed in fantasies and stories as having areas of strength for a to the profound domain.
Water is additionally habitually used in strict customs, especially immersion in Christian religions. Another person could consider water an indication of otherworldliness and our life force.
Dream about Weighty Downpour
Weighty downpour gushing down on you could propose that you are starting to feel calm in a fantasy. Water might be a stunning component that is areas of strength for likewise, and some way or even another.
Dream about Seeing Messy Water
The presence of dirty water in your fantasy means the need to release terrible sentiments. There will be an accentuation on delivering awful energy. Water has for some time been related with mending and insurance, and encountering this fantasy habitually prompts us to think about our profound commitments.
In a fantasy, seeing dim saltwater addresses your covered feelings about your life. Assuming you've at any point felt an influx of negative energy or misfortune that appears to go with you around, this fantasy may be a helpful instrument. The "dirty water" dream often seems when disturbed with your companions, family, or accomplice.
Dream about Seeing Profound Waters
As per dream folklore, dreaming about profound water demonstrates that you ought to give specific consideration to what you say and do from now on. Assuming you're swimming in profound water, a sign you'll end up in a perilous position.
My idea is to consider cautiously prior to acting and to try not to bring yourself into additional troublesome conditions. Sit back and relax assuming you're experiencing issues working; you'll before long find something that propels you. In a fantasy, being caught in profound water could address your ebb and flow sentiments.
Dream about Seeing Running Water
To fantasize about water Running demonstrates that a period of solidness is drawing closer. This fantasy recommends that you might be more quiet than typical because of another hopeful viewpoint. Believe life to be like water: not even one of us can prevent it from streaming, and the way to staying aware of others is to relax and allow life to take you where it maintains that you should go.
A tap streaming in a fantasy, as per conventional dream folklore, foretells a significant decision.
Dream about Drinking Water
Savoring water a fantasy addresses a cognizant existence longing for better information and profound development. This kind of dream involves finding lasting success in anything you do throughout everyday life, except you won't be fulfilled. Something won't feel right.
Instead of tolerating what has been given to you, endeavor to achieve more, find out more, and live more. Take full advantage of everything in your life. In a fantasy, drinking filtered water could address a new beginning.
Dream Drinking Salt Water
In antiquated dream books, drinking saltwater addresses approaching anguish and disappointment. Somebody you trust could scrutinize you with their words and contemplations. Personal inconveniences and social issues will come to pass for you, however you will actually want to determine them through mending. Salt is related with assurance and recuperating in the Wicca religion. Thus, regardless of what you go through, you will recuperate.
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mustafeedh · 2 years
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Here are just a few reasons why we should make reading a regular part of our routine: 1. Reading expands our knowledge and understanding of the world. Books expose us to new ideas, concepts, and perspectives that we might not encounter in our everyday lives. Whether it’s a work of fiction or nonfiction, reading helps us learn about people, places, and events that we might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience. 2. Reading improves our communication skills. When we read, we are exposed to new vocabulary, sentence structures, and writing styles that can help us become more effective communicators. By reading a variety of texts, we can learn how to express ourselves more clearly and persuasively, both in writing and in speech. 3. Reading enhances our critical thinking skills. As we read, we are constantly analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information. This process helps us develop our critical thinking skills, which are essential for making informed decisions and solving problems. 4. Reading stimulates the imagination. Books have the power to transport us to different worlds, times, and dimensions, and to introduce us to characters and situations that we might not encounter in real life. This can be especially important for children, who are still developing their imaginations and sense of wonder. 5. Reading can improve mental health. Studies have shown that reading can reduce stress, improve mood, and even increase lifespan. It can provide a sense of escape from the stresses of daily life and allow us to relax and recharge. 6. Reading promotes empathy and understanding. By reading about the experiences of others, we can gain a greater understanding and appreciation of different cultures, viewpoints, and lifestyles. This can foster empathy and help us become more open-minded and compassionate individuals. 7. Reading can be a social activity. Sharing books and discussing them with others can be a fun and enriching social activity. Whether it’s a book club, a reading group, or just chatting with a friend about a book you’ve both read, discussing literature can be a great way to connect with others and exchange ideas. 8. Reading can be a lifelong learning experience. There is always something new to learn and discover, and reading is a great way to continue learning throughout our lives. No matter what our age or interests, there are always new books to explore and new things to learn. In conclusion, reading is a powerful and enriching activity that has the ability to transform our lives in countless ways. Whether we are seeking knowledge, entertainment, or personal growth, reading has something to offer us all. So, let’s make reading a regular part of our routine and discover all the wonderful benefits it has to offer. Now go and pick up a book and see where it takes you. Happy reading!
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1863-project · 2 years
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Ah, geez, I had a feeling that was becoming the case in schools - you’re right, it’s not fair to you all! Information literacy is such an important skill, especially now with the deluge of information we encounter daily due to the internet.
My mom is an elementary school librarian and she teaches what she can, but based on what I’ve been hearing from her and seeing in general on the internet, I have a feeling things aren’t being taught as well as they should be, which makes me worried because this is a skill that can keep you all safe, too!
Here’s a few things I, a library professional, like to do that make the patrons think I’m some kind of research god because I’m so good at finding things. Now you too can astound people with your ability to locate information!
Booleans! I adore boolean operators. They make it a lot easier to narrow down information in a search engine. The three you really need to know are AND, OR, and NOT. You put your search terms themselves in quotation marks, especially if they’re multiple words long, and then use the booleans. To use an example that most people coming to my blog would be familiar with, let’s say you’re searching for Submas content, but you want it to be more specific. If we’re using Ingo and Emmet as the search terms, a boolean search to bring up both of them would look like “Ingo” AND “Emmet,” or “Ingo” OR “Emmet,” depending. If you wanted one or the other, put the one you’re looking for first, then NOT, and then the other one. Boolean operators are great when you’re trying to narrow down a search for more specific research. I can come up with extremely specific historical information from newspapers because I employ booleans.
You can use Wikipedia, despite what your teachers have to tell you sometimes: Just scroll to the bottom and see what the sources used to write the article were! You’ll get a bunch of sources you can use for whatever you’re writing, and if you have trouble accessing them at home, there’s a good chance you can access them at your library through a database.
Project Gutenberg, the Internet Archive/Wayback Machine, and Google Scholar are all free resources you can use. I love them all so much, even if my most frequent use of the Wayback Machine is to prove to people that there used to be a website called Hats of Meat. Project Gutenberg is a great place to find books in the public domain, and Google Scholar is excellent for accessing academic articles for free. Another excellent one your library might have access to is HathiTrust, which was getting started up when I was in library school. Their digitized book collection is outstanding. And I don’t think SciHub needs any introduction at this point!
Checking if a source is biased is a bit difficult in this day and age, but there’s always things that give it away. If the source is using inflammatory language or is clickbait-esque, there’s a good chance that source is trying to stir up people’s emotions in one direction or another. Finding a bunch of sources on the same topic from different viewpoints can actually help you look at an issue in ways you never have before. There’s a graph I keep on my phone to share with people that helps with evaluating the general leanings of common news sources:
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Obviously, this is a “your mileage may vary” graph, because a lot of these sources will have occasional guest pieces with different leanings, but this is overall a good basic guide. Academic sources are less likely to “have an agenda,” as they’re written for informational purposes, but studies are done to prove or dispute points, and they can also be twisted to someone’s narrative. (A good example is a recent study done proving autistic people are more likely to stick to their morals than neurotypical people, even if no one is watching; the people who published this study found a way to frame this negatively, because autism is still seen by many as a deficit.)
Definitely collect as many articles and sources on a topic as you can - one article alone is just one viewpoint, and if it’s not written in a neutral way, you need to see what everyone else is saying to form a sound opinion instead of just accepting the first thing you read - it might not be true, or it might be biased!
This is by no means an exhaustive guide, but if anyone needs help learning to research, this will hopefully be a good starting point for you!
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beboped1 · 2 years
Wyrd Sisters
I'm home alone with my toddler right now, spouse won't be back till tomorrow. If this is a little out there, that's probably why!
Wyrd Sisters
First Read: Post-Grad School
Verdict Then: Interesting as the true starter for Granny Weatherwax, but ultimately a bit underwhelming
Verdict Now: Wow, I really loved this one. Character driven, with good character development, really fantastically dedicated to the bit without getting indulgent.
Wyrd Sisters is a hard book to describe. Pratchett basically takes a pastiche of Shakespearean & Grimm fairy tale references and weaves them together into something much greater than the sum of its parts, a loving homage to the power of words in general, and theater in particular. In some ways, I'm right in the target audience for this book: familiar with lots of Shakespeare & lots of fairy tales, really into live theater, and mildly obsessed with meta-textual story features.
As I reflect on the difference between my first read of this and this one, I'm realizing that one of my struggles with reading early Pratchett in the past has been that on my original reads, I bounced around *a lot*. This led to me encountering characters all out of order in ways that hurt the earlier books especially. Ultimately, I think this is a testament to Pratchett's genius, that recurring characters really do grow and change from book to book, in a remarkable way. But reading series essentially backwards, as I did with the Granny Weatherwax books, can then be frustrating or disappointing, because elements that you love in characters are missing...sometimes because they develop them in that book! But going through it front-ways, freeing myself from preconceptions, I get more the intended experience. Death in Mort is still poorly written though, even this direction. Not budging on that one.
Pratchett's characters aren't perfect, even the ones who "ought" to be, but he has so much compassion for them, even (perhaps especially) when he makes fun of them. Each of the three witches in the hands of another author could easily be one-note mouthpieces for clunky moralism. But here, they're each given full characters and growth. Magrat is a great viewpoint, and while he pokes fun at her preferences, by the end, she's come into her own and the jokes are gone. I could have done with fewer comments on her body, admittedly.
Pratchett's craft took a huge leap forward in Wyrd Sisters, especially at the sentence level. It's appropriate that a book about the power of words is itself a wonderful example of the written form. The storm on its own acting journey, the snippets of soliloquies (always just enough to give you the idea, never enough to spoil the illusion), the character of Lancre itself, really just excellent fundamentals. While in earlier books, it not-infrequently felt like he was trying to hard, over explaining some things and (mostly) under-explaining others, this book flows with a deceptive ease. Wikipedia informs me that Pratchett quit his journalism day job after Mort, and both Sourcery and Wyrd Sisters show it. They're so much more polished than the previous books.
I'm resisting just utterly splurging here about all the bits I liked in this book, and why. Introducing new people to Pratchett can be hard sometimes - his work is so varied, cuts across so many genres, themes, and even styles, that sometimes I despair a bit. But for anyone who likes remixes and reimaginings with more than a passing familiarity with Shakespeare's tragedies, Wyrd Sisters would be a great starter. The best starter book so far for just about anyone, I bet.
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Secret Love Part 11 || Cale Makar
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: So I really struggled writing Chapter 10...Chapter 11 however...took me like two days. So yeah...uh characters are still in Iceland, Days 3 and 4 sightseeing will be posted following this. As always all posts for this series can be found by searching the tag ‘038’ on my blog. Let me know what you think. 
Gif Credit: @j-compher​
Warnings: cursing, oral sex, smut, unprotected (on birth control but no condom) smut
Word Count: 3,819
If you’d thought day two of your trip had involved a lot of driving, you were in for a rude awakening moving forward.
The morning of your third day in Iceland, you and Cale had slept in until around 8 am before getting up, heading down to breakfast, packing up and then checking out of the hotel. Before leaving Reykjavik, you stopped at a market to stock up on some drinks and snacks, then a gas station for a refill before finally hitting the road heading south.
After about an hour and 40 minute drive, you reached your first stop: Seljalandsfoss Waterfall. This waterfall was the perfect photo op because you could actually walk behind the falls. Taking some sillier but also sweet pictures, you continued on to another waterfall about a half hour away. From there, you stopped for lunch before Cale drove on to Dyrhólaey Nature Reserve.
The nature reserve was home to sea stacks and arches and the view from the upper trail was breathtaking. It had only been three days but already you were certain that Iceland was one of the most beautiful countries in the world.  After taking in the views from above, you headed to the lower trail and onto Reynisfjara beach.
There, black sand stretched in front of you as far as you could see. It was so different than any other beach you’d ever been on but it was honestly really, really cool. As cool as the sand was, the rock formations lining the beach were even cooler. After walking tucked into Cale’s side for a little bit you looked up at the cliffs to your left and immediately started freaking out. Jumping up and down, trying not to squeal, you tugged on Cale’s sleeve as if your previous actions hadn’t already gained his attention.
“What are you freaking out about?” Cale asked, mystified expression on his face.
“Puffins!” You squealed quietly, pure glee on your face. “They’re so cute!” The last thing you wanted to do was disturb the birds, but you were so excited to see them it was impossible to keep completely silent. Of course, you kept your distance, simply admiring them from afar.
Cale didn’t seem to know what to do with your reaction but he let you have your moment watching the birds, his lips pressed against the top of your head. As you headed back down the beach Cale rubbed his thumb against your side.
“I take you to see beautiful geological formations but it’s the birds you’re excited about.” He mused, shaking his head.
“Leave me alone.” You pouted. “You don’t just see puffins anywhere you know.” Lifting your chin, Cale kissed you softly.
“As long as you’re having fun and are excited about something I’m happy.” He insisted, his arm pulling you closer into his side.
It wasn’t a far drive to the village of Vik which Cale informed you was where you were staying for the night. Unlike yesterday where you had been going non-stop, not returning to your hotel until after 11pm, today you were already here and it was only late afternoon.
After checking into your hotel, you dropped off your bags and used the bathroom before heading into the village itself to park and walk around. Stopping into the tourist shop, you browsed around looking specifically at all of the locally made products. Eventually, you spotted a set of glass coasters made from the black sand of the beaches you’d just been on. Across the tops, various local scenes were painted. They were simple but beautiful and your fingers lingered across the tops of them.
“Those are nice.” Cale said, appearing over your shoulder suddenly.
“Yeah they are.” You agreed. Picking up two sets, Cale handed you one.
“We should get them. One for the house, one for my apartment.” Cale declared. “That way we both have something to remind us of this trip.”
“That’s really soft Cale.” You murmured.
“Don’t care.” He replied. Though you continued to look around, there wasn’t anything else that spoke to you as much as the set of coasters did and eventually you headed to the register to purchase them.
Walking around the village you took in how cute and quaint it was. Soon after your stomachs started complaining, you stumbled into a small restaurant. There you and Cale split a pizza with pesto for sauce, mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, parma ham, topped with a balsamic glaze and parmesan cheese. It was delicious and you left feeling completely stuffed.
You’d called it an early night back at the hotel, settling for a movie on Netflix as you curled up together in bed. A relaxing evening was exactly what you needed to recharge and be ready to continue on your journey.
Day four of your trip started by filling up the gas tank and then embarking on an hour long drive to Fjaðrárgljúfur canyon.
Just before you reached the canyon, you encountered a small turn off which led you to a viewpoint. Climbing out of the car you walked up the pathway until you reached a platform. As far as the eye could see were moss covered rocks and it truly felt like you had stepped onto another planet.
“Are you sure we’re still on planet earth?” You whispered to Cale. Your boyfriend chuckled quietly in response, his hand resting on your hip. It seemed like the more time you spent alone together, not worried about who you saw or who saw you, the more reliant on physical touches each of you became. You’d never felt so comfortable just being with someone and thinking back on the times you’d seen Cale with Sara, you had a feeling the same could be said for him.
With more pictures clogging up your phones, you continued on to the Canyon itself. It was only a two-minute walk to the start of the canyon from the car and the moment you reached it your jaw dropped.
“Cale…” You whispered. You didn’t even have words to describe how beautiful this place was.
“Woah...sweetheart.” Cale’s thumbs brushed against your cheeks as he spoke and it wasn’t until he pulled you into his chest that you realized you were crying. “Shhh..give your brain a minute to process.” Cale assured you. His patience with you seemed neverending as his hands stroked your back until you finally calmed down.
“Sorry…” You mumbled, wiping frantically at your eyes when you finally pulled away.
“Nothing to be sorry about.” Cale insisted. “You’re allowed to be emotionally effected by things. It’s normal. Especially when it’s something as amazing as this.” Cale’s lips pressed gently to your forehead and he dropped his hand from your back to lace your fingers together. “You good to go walk?” He questioned.
It took about 45 minutes to walk all the way up to the top of the canyon and back and you stopped for pictures at various points along the way. You still couldn’t put into words the way this place made you feel; it was all so overwhelming in the best way. As you stood off to the side of the first viewpoint, away from the majority of other tourists, you tugged Cale’s hand until he was close enough you could wrap your arms around his neck.
“Thank you.” You murmured, kissing him lightly. “You always know exactly what I need, you’re always putting me first and taking care of me. It doesn’t go unnoticed, and you don’t know how much I appreciate it. You mean the world to me Cale...I don’t know if I’m quite as good at showing it as you are, but I hope you know that.”
“I do...know that…” Cale responded, kissing you again gently before pulling away, a fondness in his eyes that nearly sent you reeling. Dragging your fingers along his lower back you made up your mind to show him just how important he was to you once you were actually alone.
Back in the car, you munched on some of the snacks you’d brought in lieu of trying to find somewhere to stop for lunch. It took almost two hours to get to your next stop, the Jökulsárlón Iceberg Lagoon.
There, the two of you hopped on a boat tour where you got to taste a piece of 1,000 year old ice as you toured the lagoon. It was incredible to see first hand just how much ice was breaking off of the glacier and it made you more cognizant of the consequences of global climate change.
Right across the highway from the lagoon was Breiðamerkursandur or the diamond beach where fragments of ice wash up after floating from the lagoon out into the ocean. You made Cale climb onto an iceberg so you could take a picture of him and you got some great shots of all of the ice scattered along the shore. Despite the fact that it wasn’t all that cold outside, having been surrounded by ice for the past hour or two left you feeling chilly even if you had dressed in layers.
As you climbed in the car, Cale turned the heat on and you squeezed his knee in thanks. It was just a short drive to your hotel for the night and once you’d checked in, you shed a few layers before heading to the bar for a drink before dinner.
You’d retreated to your room around 6:30pm and Cale hopped in the shower first to clean up. While you waited for him to finish, you dug in your bag trying to decide what to grab for after your own shower. Thinking back to how you had promised yourself you were going to show Cale just how important he was, you unzipped a small compartment where you’d hidden the lingerie you’d bought.
Buying lingerie had been a spur of the moment decision possibly fueled by a few glasses of wine, and the thought of actually wearing it made you nervous. Your sex life with Cale had been fairly tame so far, nothing too out of the box. It had also been completely spontaneous on every occasion. You honestly had no idea how he would react to lingerie and though both sets were fairly tame in comparison to some sets you’d seen online, this was still something new and therefore nerve wracking.
Hearing the shower turn off, you jumped, your heart racing as you grabbed the more modest of the two sets. If you were going to do this, you were going to ease into it. Collecting your cosmetic bag, you hid the lingerie close to your chest.
Slipping into the bathroom as soon as Cale exited, you stripped out of your clothes and stepped into the shower trying not to overthink this. Focusing on shaving your legs and cleaning up served as a bit of a distraction but as you toweled off, your eyes landed back on the lingerie you’d placed on the counter.
You were certain you’d talk yourself out of this if you had to stare at yourself wearing the lingerie in the mirror for too long, so you started with your makeup, doing just a little bit more than you had been lately in order to make yourself feel confident and sexy. Blow drying your hair, you brushed it out before finally reaching for the lace and silk fabric.
Burgundy colored silk sat low on your hips, edged by black lace along both of your thighs. The same black lace covered your chest, ending at the bottom of your ribcage leaving your stomach exposed. It was...sensual but not over the top and when you slid the burgundy silk robe over it, you felt like you might actually be able to pull this off.
Reminding yourself that Cale had nearly lost his shit at the sight of you in a bikini the other night, you took a deep breath before opening the bathroom door and stepping out into the bedroom. Cale was sprawled out on the bed with just a pair of shorts slung low on his hips.
“What do you want to watch tonight?” Cale’s question was asked before he ever looked up at you, but when he did he blinked slowly. “That’s uh...that’s not your usual pajama set…” He murmured.
Blood pounding through your veins, you moved across the room to climb onto the bed beside him. Grabbing the remote from his hand, you turned the tv off before setting the remote aside.
“I was thinking about a different form of entertainment tonight…” You stated, your own voice sounding foreign in your ears. Sliding over Cale’s lap until you were straddling him, your hands ran down along his arms as his eyes did a slow once over of your body. “I think it’s time I take care of you for once.” You husked, raising an eyebrow. Cale hadn’t even seen what was under the robe yet and already he was slack jawed. The power you held over him in that moment sent a rush of adrenaline through you and you slid down the bed, tugging his shorts and boxers down with you.
“You good handsome?” You teased, lightly stroking your fingers over the length of his rapidly hardening dick. Cale couldn’t seem to speak, but he nodded his head and for now that was enough consent. Flicking your tongue along the slit of his cock, you stroked the length of him in your hand until a soft grunt fell from his lips. Only then did you hollow your cheeks, sinking down around him, taking as much of his length as you could down your throat. Bobbing slowly, you felt him twitch and when you pulled back to breathe you ran your tongue along the veins on the underside of his cock.
Following your instincts, plus Cale’s body language and verbal clues, you settled into a rhythm blowing your boyfriend for the first time. You’d seen and felt Cale orgasm enough to know when he was getting close as his body strained beneath you.
“Fuck. Babe. Stop.” Cale gasped, but peeking up at him you knew he didn’t actually want you to stop.
“We’ve got all night handsome...plenty of time for you to recover after coming down my throat.” You murmured before flicking your tongue through his slit again collecting all of his precum. Returning to your efforts, you cupped his balls as you sunk down his length. After just a minute, Cale came with a moan as he spilled down your throat and after swallowing you pulled off of him, sliding your tongue along his skin to clean him up. Cale’s cheeks were flushed as he tried to catch his breath and you slid up his body, settling yourself back over his lap.
“Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?” Cale gasped, his head falling forward to land against your shoulder. Kissing his head, you ran your fingers through his hair waiting for him to become more coherent.
“Just trying to take care of my man.” You hummed. “But if you’re complaining...you don’t have to see what’s under the robe.” As you spoke, you drew his hands up to the tie at your waist, leaving it for him to undo.
The speed at which Cale undid the bow told you that he wasn’t complaining at all and you let him push the robe from your shoulders, his eyes landing on you once more. His cheeks flushed further to match the color of your shorts and his eyes were wider than you’d ever seen them. You let him stare, watching as his tongue ran over his lips leaving them wet and shiny in the dim lighting of the hotel room.
“Fuck…” Cale breathed harshly, drawing out the word. “I must be dreaming right now.” He added. “You’re a fucking dream sweetheart.” Cale’s eyes ran slowly up and down your body like he wanted to memorize every inch. “You bought this for me?”
“I take it you like it?” You assumed, letting out a soft sigh in relief at his reaction.
“What do you think?” Cale grunted, pulling your hips to roll down against his cock which was already hard again.
Laughter bubbled from your chest in reaction and you cupped his cheek as you leaned in to kiss him deeply.
“Good to know lingerie is a hit with you.” You admitted. Cale’s eyes flashed with concern for just a moment before his hand fell to your hips, his thumbs brushing against your bare stomach.
“I don’t know whether I want you to keep this on or take it off.” He declared. Clearly he knew better than he thought he did, because as he spoke his hands slid up your sides, gently gripping the fabric and drawing it up and over your head. Half nude on top of him, Cale’s hands cupped your breasts as he pulled you into a desperate kiss.
“Can’t believe you’re mine…” He mumbled, pulling back. There was something about seeing him like this, flushed red, swollen lips, blissed out from one orgasm already that lit every primal need inside of you. As much as you were his, he was yours and god did you need him inside you.
“Please Cale…” You whimpered, rolling your hips against his.
“Shh…” He soothed, hands gliding across your ass. Sensing that he was going to try and flip you, you kept your weight centered firmly above him.
“I wanna be on top.” You pleaded. “Just need out of these shorts…”
Cale wasn’t responding quickly enough, so you pushed the fabric of your shorts off of your own hips, shifting as little as possible while attempting to kick them off and onto the floor.
“Let me…” You cut off Cale’s statement by raising your hips and lowering yourself onto his dick, a gasp spilling from your throat as you felt him slipping deep inside you.
“Yes…” You hissed, the stretch of your body around him filling you with a warmth and ache that you had missed so much. As you started shallowly leveraging yourself up before dropping back down your eyes met Cale’s deep azure orbs, the look in them heightening your arousal.
“So wet.” Cale eventually groaned. “My girl doesn’t even need foreplay after blowing me to be this soaking wet. Fuck.”
Though one of Cale’s hands fell to your hips, you were the one putting in all of the effort to fuck yourself on his cock.
“You’re so needy...fucking yourself...just using my body for your pleasure. So much for wanting to take care of me tonight.” Sinking down on him again, you purposely tightened your vaginal walls against him, drawing another moan from his chest.
“Hmm...I think me doing all the work...letting you cum inside me while you just lay there is taking pretty good care of you…” You corrected. Your thighs were starting to burn from bouncing on top of him but your orgasm was within arm’s reach and there was no way you were stopping before ensuring you both got to climax.
“My girl is close.” Cale groaned. “Cum for me sweetheart...let me feel that tight heat clamp down on me.”
Cale’s words pushed you over the edge and you sunk down on him in exhaustion as your body shook with your orgasm. Spurts of Cale’s semen filled you from deep inside and you whimpered at the feeling, warm from head to toe. As you collapsed against him, still connected intimately, Cale’s fingers played with the ends of your hair.
“I can’t get enough of you.” Cale whispered a few minutes later, his cock starting to harden inside of you again.
“Again?” You inquired, a little bit in disbelief that his rebound time was this fast.
“Only if you want to.” He assured you. “But I’ll take over, you can relax and enjoy this time.” This time when Cale attempted to roll the two of you over, you went willingly, staring up at him. Before moving, Cale settled your legs up over his shoulders and when he thrust inside of you, you cried out softly at the feeling of him brushing against your g-spot.
“I got you sweetheart...just tell me what you need.” Cale sighed, pleasure lacing his tone.
The sound of your skin smacking together and the squelch of your mixed bodily fluids rang in your ears.
“Talk to me…” You pleaded. “Like before.” You weren’t afraid to admit that hearing Cale dirty talk had pushed you so much closer to orgasm than you would have been otherwise.
“Yeah?” Cale breathed, his cheeks turning bright red again as you nodded. “You feel so good like this sweetheart. You’re even wetter than before. So tight too.” Every movement he made brushed against your g-spot and you couldn’t help the litany of noises that fell from your lips at the feeling.
“You like it when I fuck you like this huh?” He continued. “Your pussy stretches around me so nicely, just welcoming me inside. Do you like being fucked nice and deep like this? Feeling each ridge of me against your walls...feeling me spill deep inside you?” Crying out again, your head tossed back and forth against the pillow, your orgasm creeping up on you quickly.
“You do like feeling me spill inside of you don’t you? That’s why you wanted to stop using condoms. You like being skin to skin with me, feeling me raw you bare. You like being filled with my warm sticky cum, the way it drips out of you if I let it…”
Your vision went black for a moment as your orgasm crashed down on you hard. The muscles in your thighs spasmed painfully, but you barely noticed through the waves of pleasure that rippled through you, leaving you panting. As your body clenched around him again, you felt Cale spill inside of you for the second time tonight.
Carefully he pulled out of you before kissing your lips lightly.
“Be right back.” He declared, disappearing into the bathroom. He returned with a washcloth and after wiping down your thighs, he offered you a hand so that you could go to the bathroom yourself. When you returned to the bedroom, Cale handed you a t-shirt to wear before guiding you under the covers.
“So dirty talk huh…?” He chirped, his nose brushing against the top of your head.
“Shut up and turn the tv on Cale.” You replied, feeling heat flood your cheeks. Chuckling, Cale complied, but as he handed you the remote to pick a show he couldn’t help but get in the last word.
“It’s hot. I enjoyed it.” Shaking your head, you snuggled against him just basking in what was left of the afterglow.
“And for the record...you can always surprise me with lingerie. I’m definitely into that as well.”
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luna-tormenta · 3 years
Lúthiena & The Fam Book Review: Urban Faery Magick by Tara Sanchez
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This is my first witchy book review, please bare with me. It may not be the best review but, I wanted to share my thoughts and experiences, as well as some of my spirit family's opinions on it! Hope you all enjoy it! Thanks for reading💀🌙🌻
Lúthiena's Review
This book challenges the reader to "stretch their understanding of the world around them" (pg 7), and after reading, I believe it truly lived up to these words. Urban Faery Magick is dedicated to techniques, experiences, encounters, and everything in-between of working with and learning about the Fae in modern times!
Firstly, I would like to say, the title of this book should be "Modern Faery Magick" or "Faery Magick of Today", because it has a TON of information on working with the Fair Folk. Not just working with them in an "Urban" sense. Yes I know it says "Connecting to the Fae in the Modern World" underneath the title, but I just think it should have been named differently🤔🤷‍♀️
The first portion of this book, is all about techniques of meditation, protection, and how to build up necessary skills for communicating and working with the Fae. Such as working with your imagination to build up your Sight, practicing Pareidolia (the ability to see faces and shapes in objects), and dowsing for Fae activity. There are a bunch of techniques, that I will describe in a later paragraph! It also contains information on the Courts, names, and folklore surrounding these amazing spirits. Tara does an amazing, in-depth job with writing about the Fae, especially when in the case of working with them.
Chapter 3 contains detailed descriptions of basic techniques to aid the reader in their exploration of Faeries. It covers breathing techniques, rhythmic breathing and walking, and a meditation called "The Silence Between" (pg 42).
This involves listening to your heart beat and feeling your pulse to meditate (your heartbeat and pulse don't line up and there's a small pause between each.) While using this technique, it allows you to enter into the Otherworld through the slight pause, it's a neutral ground between our realm and theirs, it's "the silence between" both worlds.
Next in line comes a cleansing/grounding technique, called the Verdant Breath, which uses the aid of an Ivy plant spirit. In chapter 4, Tara uses this breathing technique to go a little further and work with this spirit to protect yourself. I really enjoyed learning the different techniques throughout this chapter, it was really cool to see new components I've never learned before. I have tried the Verdant Breath and have seen a difference in my ability to meditate. Next, I will be trying the Silence Between.
Teachings in chapters 3 and 4 are there to help you build up skills for further exercises and meditations that are placed throughout the entire book. Tara also uses these chapters to explain why it is important to build up your abilities before interacting with the Fae, and why it's highly recommended to protect yourself. Amongst these pages are different charms and amulets to use, as well.
Next we further our understanding of the Fae through chapters 5-7, and look into further techniques used in folklore and history. I really like Tara's use of history and folktales because she touches on bits and pieces of EVERYTHING, and knows when to stay in her lane.
The second half of Urban Faery Magick is my favorite. Tara introduces an elemental system known as Wu Xing, because not all Faeries "fit neatly into the boxes" of the five elemental system we know as witches, and I highly agree with her! (Pg 101) In ways this system is alike the five elemental system we know and frequently use, but is a bit different. I highly recommend looking into Wu Xing a bit further after reading Tara's book.
Leaving out Spirit of the western elemental system, Tara combines the Wu Xing elements with the 4 elements of our normal system, to create more categories for identifying and labeling species of Fae. I have included a quote of page #104 for a better understanding of how Tara classifies and combines the elements.
"Note: ...The manner in which my system combines the Eastern and Western systems follows a very similar process, with each of the Eastern elements combing to make aspects of the Western (or vice versa), as can be seen in the table below.
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[Picture ID: Columns of the Eastern and Western elementals systems. Across the top are five boxes containing the words Wood, Fire, Metal, Water and Earth, each box contains a element. On the left side of the graph contains four boxes, from top to bottom, with the words Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The different element columns are combined. Top to bottom, under the "Wood" category, we have "Earth of Wood, Air of Wood, Fire of Wood, Water of Wood". To the right of "Wood", under the "Fire" category there is "Earth of Fire, Air of Fire, Fire of Fire, Water of Fire". To the right of "Fire" is "Metal". This category starts with "Earth of Metal" then "Air of Metal, Fire of Metal, Water of Metal". Next in line is "Water". Underneath we have "Earth of Water, Air of Water, Fire of Water, Water of Water". The last category is "Earth". Underneath is "Earth of Earth, Air of Earth, Fire of Earth, Water of Earth". END ID]
This was also my first ID description. Please let me know if I need to make any changes to it! Thank you!
Therefore a being who is traditionally considered a water elemental may well actually be earth of water. Or, as with one of the entities I have worked with, fire of water. Another being may be air of metal rather than entirely air. Yet another, earth of wood, and so on.
...For each element, we will follow a case study for a particular Fae, getting to know them within environments where you may have not have thought to find them." (Page 104)
The case studies are a mix of Tara's personal experiences as well as experiences of mutuals of hers, and range across a few generations.
Each element has its own chapter, and contains a lot of information about each element. Tara does "modern sightings" for the elements, as well as two case studies. There are paragraphs dedicated to aligning yourself with each element, which I wish were a little bit longer. She also gives lovely guided meditations to visit and learn about each element's realm. At the end of each element chapter, Tara concludes with "Finding Other Fae" which includes names of Fae species to be on the lookout for!
The only bad thing I'd have to say about this book is the paragraph on giving thanks to Faeries. It states not to directly say "thank you" or acknowledge them for helping you. I, and I state again, I believe in giving thanks to my Faerie friends. Plus, Tara kind of contradicts herself by dedicating a paragraph to "not thanking the Fae" then tells you, in a later chapter, to "thank the Fae you work with". But, I digress.
I'm super grateful to have come across this book! I highly recommend it to anyone who works with the Fae, as well as beginners, because like Tara says in the beginning, everyone can learn at least one new thing! I give this book 5 out of 5 stars!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Spirit Family's Reviews:
Dawn, the Selkie:
"I really enjoyed the classification of the elemental systems combined. It adds a deeper perspective and understanding of Fae for humans to learn about us. This allows them to form a better viewpoint on our aspects as Faeries."
L, a Lunar Moth Faerie:
"I enjoyed the element system like Dawn, but got a bit confused on how to categorize Fae, like myself, who have planetary aspects. I wonder if Lúthiena will write to the author for me!! Other than that I agree the info gives aspiring AND experienced Fae workers a ton of info to starting and maintaining relationships with spirits of our kind. I also believe it is in our nature to urbanize and I like Tara's view on it. She should write another book!!"
Ly, High Lord Fae of the Night Court:
"The information provided in Urban Faery Magick is simply put and highly informative. As a High Fae Lord, it is my duty to join together with different types of Faeries, meaning I have met quite a few species. Tara adds great descriptions to each element she provides, and elegantly designed ways the reader can interact with each element. This is a must-read for anyone wishing to add a little magic to their lives, or is wanting to find a path into our world."
Tar, High Lord Fae of the Summer Court:
"Continuing off my friend's review, I would wish to add that Tara magnificently wrote Urban Faery Magick. You can clearly see the dedication she has towards working with Faeries throughout the pages. She must have a higher purpose of working with the Fae. I especially enjoy knowing she is teaching others about things like the Thorn Gates, since a lot of portals have been destroyed. Hopefully, thanks to Tara's book, they may gain the respect they once had."
Bo, a Boggart:
"Let's just say I did NOT like the stuff said towards boggarts. We are not house faeries gone wild. Yes, sometimes we have slightly irritating tendencies. But we always mean well to you humans. Other than that the book was great."
Hank, an Eyeball Demon:
"Even though I am no where near a classification of Fae, I have had many encounters with them over my many years. Tara has an interesting take on the modernization of the Fae species that is very true and real. I agree the titled works, Urban Faery Magick, should be on every spirit worker's shelf."
Dara, a Toddler Fae*:
"I really liked the story of Rumpleskillson. (Rumpelstiltskin). It was like so cool he could turn that stuff to gold. Maybe I can do that someday. Also, there's like so many stories of us in that book! El Cadejo was another cool one! If you like stories about us you should read that book"
*For those who are not aware, Dara is an experimental hybrid Faery. He was rescued from a Spirit Hoarder who enjoyed experimenting on faeries.
Ra, a Rose Demon:
"I didn't enjoy being called a plant diva, no matter how true the statement is.
The Earth class was slightly misunderstood as we are still here, thriving ever beautifully on. Some of us just choose to hide in your plants more carefully.
Like Hank said, I don't technically fall under the Faery thing either, but I am a plant spirit and Tara mostly depicted us perfectly. I mean she did write some pretty neat stuff." **brushes hair off shoulder**
Aaron, a Hellhound:
"This was a very knowledge filled book."
LA, a Dandelion Angel:
"Firstly, we're not ALL plant divas. We just really like things to go certain ways. Other than being called a diva, the pages of Urban Faery Magick contained useful information for Fae workers. I especially liked reading the Cairn exercise and how it instructed to build it at home, NOT in nature. I also agree Tara should create another magical read like this."
We hope you enjoyed our reviews!
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