#connecting with faeries
praisethelorde · 7 months
Both Oak and Dain had horns, goat legs, blonde curly hair and the same eye colour but NONE of us realised they were father and son. Not even the book characters.
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filurig · 11 months
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faerie thoughts...
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revisitingfandoms · 7 months
Idea Prompt 10- A soulmate by any other name would never be the same
(Or in which pure vanilla can never catch a break.)
Every Cookie had atleast three separate soulmate markings.
One Romantic, one Familial and one an enemy. That was the standard, however there were cases like his.
Five Romantic, Five Familial and no enemies. 
That last part was the reason he’d been moved from counselor to counselor out of his mothers worry. After all, his parents just set to distancing themselves from him. 
(Afterall- instead of nameless blurs on his arms they were names in delicate ink carved into his skin. Five Familial names written upon them and not one of them was any cookie in his direct family.)
Pure vanilla sighed and grabs the book he was reading, “Ah- I should go meet up with White Lily Cookie..” The blonde cookie couldn’t stop the burning on his cheeks at the thought of his first Romantic soulmate.
(Elder Faerie, Dark Cacao, Golden Cheese, Hollyberry, White Lily)
(All of them written clearly in varying shades of red, orange or yellow, covering him.)
( White Lily’s name written around his wrist, almost like a chain, in a deep red, a red that had small things of black in it. Many times he’d been told it meant at some point they would be at odd ends before coming back together.)
(Elder Faeries was a soft yellow with strains of bright green and moments of silver. All he would have to do to see the others name was to simply look directly at his right shoulder and he could spot the others name trailing up his upper arm. He’d been told it meant that Elder Faerie would be there- that he would be supporting him and protecting him even when he didn’t know.)
(Dark Cacao was a deep red but lighter than White Lily’s, although bits of it was blue that mixed into purple on it. Many times pure vanilla had traced the others name written onto his inner elbow. More then once the name had gotten a nod of approval, that the other would be silent, but kind, a strong but gentle protector.)
(Golden Cheese was a bright bold yellow with a shining orange texture. Going diagonally right across his forearm. His father had laughed at the counselors words, a cookie who would spoil him in anything and everything and would be willing to give him whatever his heart desired, yet would also wish to be treasured back.)
(The pinkish-red of Hollyberry’s names was bright and bold and out there. The other had the biggest lettered name right along his back arm. He remembered the words, they would be bright, loud and willing, a bright smile and more then ready to fight for him.)
Pure vanilla could barely hide his blush as he rubbed his left arm against his cheek, he paused then as he spied the name in a proud navy blue and deep fiery red, Burning spice. He sighed as he looked over his familial soulmates' names. 
(Burning Spice was seared into the palm of his hand, more than once concerns had been expressed towards the meaning of his Familial soulmate. A burning, fiery passion that gave off the feeling of destruction, buried with deep seated possessiveness.)
(A dark pink and purple Eternal sugar tied around his wrist, seemingly tighter than white lily’s own. Possessive, he’d heard, Possessive and desperate. Willing to do whatever it took to keep him.)
(Pale blue with Mystic Flour written upon his upper arm like a band- just right below his shoulder. Uncaring had been the common words stated about them, until a more experience counselor turned around and told him something different. Exhausted, tired, apathetic, but not completely uncaring, possessive and not willing to lose him.)
(Silent Salt was marked out in deep purple sprawling across the back of his forearm. Quiet had been easy to know right off the bat, perhaps even distant or cold, but the words of hesitant, of bold and of possessive had not been.)
(The last name had always struck him- the same shade of blue of the academy. Shadow milk crawling across his elbow, almost always in his sight in some way due to its length. More then once he’d overheard the whispers of the counselors, unstable, they spoke with concern, intelligent, possessive, dangerous.)
(Dangerous had always been unspoken with the other four, yet they felt compelled to state it aloud. It always made him question his familial soulmates. Just who they were.)
He’s brought from his thoughts as he nearly trips from his poor eyesight, but grabs onto a nearby wall and thankfully manages to stop himself. Pure Vanilla puts his thoughts behind him as he continues onto his way to his soulmate.
Unaware to the eyes in the hallway that follow him.
Shadow milk only smiles silently as he does his best to assist his son (A son, he has a son- something those witches would have never granted him or the others, a son!). He can hear the cooing of Eternal sugar, the light growls of burning spice as pure vanilla struggles in the hallways, silent salt standing vigil at the watcher ball shadow milk had made and mystic flour lightly patting the ball with a small smile.
One day, they would exit this damn tree and then they would finally, finally be able to truly, fully greet their son.
(Heyo! Little notes this au; Shadow milk does not equal the light of truth in this au! Nor is he or the other beasts aware of what happened to their soul Jams. Also note that due to fuckery reasons Pure Vanilla doesn’t end up in hammerspace, but instead with severe amnesia that becomes triggered by the vanilla kingdom- to which he spends the next few weeks fully recovering his memories.)
(Also I would like to expand upon a thing! I am now answering any questions you may have about any of the au’s I’ve so far! Just a little event thing for the next five days!)
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roselu12 · 1 month
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little fairy barbarian with a not so little axe (its like over 7ft tall or something)
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picaroroboto · 1 year
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A crossover and a bad end AU at the same time, yeah. I just couldn't get the idea out of my head
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quibbs126 · 8 months
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So wait, what’s going on here?
I mean first off we got White Lily doing the Snow White thing, but regardless
What is her body doing here? What is this separation from Dark Enchantress? Because another part of the trailer references how she fell into the cauldron to become Dark Enchantress, so why does she have a body here? Yeah they’ll probably explain it, but it’s still confusing
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d4rkshad0w · 2 months
So, we know that Kieran has talked about how he feels something dark in Faerie because of how he's connected to the land. Do you think that darkness will specifically be Janus because he's not of this world and from Thule or do you think it will be Ash because of everything he is (Shadowhunter, possibly mixed with some demon because of Sebastian, and Faerie royalty)? Or possibly it's even Kit since he is starting to reach for his powers and Mother Hawthorn once said that when the First Heir reached for their power all of Faerie would fall under shadow?
I've been thinking about it lately and I was just curious if you had any thoughts of your own!
i haven’t really thought about this before but i doubt it’s Janus’s connection to Thule that causes a problem, although he is from Thule and not of their world how would he affect Faerie, he’s also the same as Jace so if Janus were to effect Faerie wouldn’t Jace also effect it, and when Julian and Emma went to Thule, Sebastian couldn’t tell that they weren’t from that world so i don’t really think that Janus being from a different world would effect Faerie if anything it would effect the Nephilim
i think it’s either Ash or Kit, it could be Kit because of what Mother Hawthorne said about him reaching the full extent of his powers, he was safer in TDA because he didn’t know that he was the First Heir but after his encounter with the Riders or Mannan/him using his powers and then with what Jem and Tessa told him about Auraline. i think that by tlkof he will definitely know more about his powers and what he can really do because i’m pretty sure his powers have come out by accident a few times, so if he goes into battle and uses his powers with purpose to their full extent then he will definitely be dangerous to Faerie and their future, or it could also mean maybe a curse about how the First Heir can control the land or something and with Kit being older and more of a threat that’s probably what the “something darker” Kieran feels
i think it’s mostly Kit because he’s the main character 😅 but it could also be Ash and his blood (angel, demon, faerie) like maybe the Seelie queen dies and Ash becomes influenced by Janus to take over the Seelie Courts or maybe Janus takes over the Seelie Court but if either becomes King i’m sure something bad will happen and i’m not saying it will be Ash’s fault but i think that Janus will use Ash and his royalty/connections to do something bad to Faerie, like maybe he tries to shut it off from the shadow world/ earth i guess Ash also had his connection to Faerie and how creatures and animals are drawn to him so maybe he gets mad at something that someone did and creates an army to go like fight them and in doing so he destroys part of Faerie, another one of my theory’s is what if the Seelie Queen finds out about Kit and uses Ash to take Kit to Faerie and maybe Ash succeeds but Kit escapes and bring the battle to Faerie where it’s Kits First Heir powers against Ash’s connection to the land and while they’re fighting they destroy a big part of Faerie
i just think Kit and Ash will play a huge role in the future of Faerie and Janus will be helping escalate the situation
Kieran feels something dark in faerie because of his connection to the land but Ash is also connected to the land so what if he’s sensing Ash’s powers and his demon/angel blood so maybe it is Ash
i never really thought much about Kieran’s little ‘prophecy’ but thank you so much for bringing it up and asking for my opinion and sorry it’s so long 😭
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scarapanna · 3 months
genuinely curious, so like mermaids or already half animal cookies do they get some birdie features?
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Faeries, gem mermaids and other cookies that already share animal characteristics remain mostly the same in the au!!
I'm still debating as to wether give them certain qualities from different species of fish or insects since that would be pretty fun, but as of now they don't have many bird-like qualities compared to normal cookies in canon
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helenofblackthorns · 8 months
wait you're so right about the mortal instruments and the series.... tmi:cup::tda:sword::twp:mirror???? and tbh the arthurian connections to the lake are already so tangible that i would hardly even consider that distribution of the mortal instruments as a theory
and the way both tmi and tda result in a corruption of their respective instruments.. dude i'm gonna be thinking about this for so long
I really need to write out all my thoughts on it because its definitely one of those things that just expands the more you you think about it like!! there's so much there!! (and yes that's the associations I'm thinking along the lines of)
for example how the cup used to be used as a way to torture & kill downworlders and how that kinda ties back to the circle and their methods. and how that's your history, those are your parents but the cup and your family isn't all bad either; the balancing of those two things. the cup can create and destroy. and identity plays such a big part of it too because the cup makes you into something, it's who you are, what you are. and people look at you and see your mother. they say you're a better man than your father. you were made into something (an experiment, a soldier, a vampire, an eldest curse) but is it you? how can you know? does it all just come down to blood? I can just keep rambling on like this lol you get the idea
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iadoredisney · 1 year
Holy shoot! I just realized something!
Okay, so, sometimes in Peter Pan, instead of just calling it "Neverland," it'll be called "Never Neverland."
And in Irish Faery folklore, the world of Faery is sometimes called the "Never Never"!!
Could there be a connection?!?
This would definitely be a great idea for fan fictions!
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freshydip · 2 months
i love how some self insert OCs are like "it's me, but descendant from a fantastical mythic race, with special abilities, purple eyes, and a dark tortured backstory whose effects still ripple within me and present themselves in beautifully poignant ways" and others are like "it’s me. but with slightly fewer substance abuse issues"
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skelekins · 11 months
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Many surface monsters are regarded as faeries after the monsters below ground were forgotten and their connections lost. However they still dust on death, and their blood will dry to those same granules.
While some humans have found ways to prevent parts from dusting, the most common faerie-related commodity in the black markets is 'faerie dust'. Surface monsters tend to bleed in different colors, with their dust carrying traces of magic even in death.
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paulius11 · 8 months
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Distribution And Transformation Of Vital Energy
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tuxxydo · 2 years
Rodin being arch-adam would’ve made more sense than luka.
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crystal-verse · 1 year
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various gpose images of sae'pheli'ehva and a'mehka'ahma, feat. some wolraha
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talesxfelysium · 27 days
tag dump for future organization <3
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