#fae work
fairfoxie · 2 months
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Anyone else get annoyed at faery etiquette guides like this that only cover what you don't do? I feel like it contributes to the fearmongering that elemental spirits are all jumping at the chance to scorn and enslave you and it's simply not true. What's the point of making a guide to interacting with the Fae if all you're gonna say is don't do this or this or this like okay but what do you do???
I've always had better luck with taking my cue from nature. The wind will show you where to go. The birds will guide your senses if you listen. If you see an interesting stump or tree compliment it. Most common tree spirits are close to humans and actually like to be thanked and appreciated. Listening is often more important than looking. A genuine smile goes a long way. If you get a trick played on you, laugh it off, it's all in good fun. Faeries appreciate a good sense of humour, childlike wonder, and carefree singing. Let them approach you rather than approaching them. If you close your eyes and rest for a moment, you will hear the whole forest breathe, and feel more connected to Spirit than ever. And as for what you shouldn't do, don't bring your phone! It interrupts your aura and makes you appear more threatening.
THESE are the things I had to learn on my own that have actually been helpful on my journey. I hope they help you too.
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The Magical Girl Guide to: Faerie Witchcraft
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A post a long time in the making, it's finally time for it to get out of my drafts. I've talked about specific faeries in the past but never a sweeping generalization on faerie witchcraft it, so let's change that this 2024.
Faerie witchcraft at its core is a path of witchcraft that revolves around communicating with the folk, working with them, calling on them and leaving them offerings as thanks for their assistance. That is the biggest generalization I can make about the path, but what that core looks like can be very different from faerie witch to faerie witch. So, let's talk about the faeries.
(As always, these 'magical girl guides' isn't the 'end all be all'. These are barely the tip of the iceberg. Always look at other's experiences/UPG and of course make sure to do more extensive research beyond a post on Tumblr.)
What are faeries?
Faerie, Faery, Fairy, Fae, Fey, Fay, it doesn't matter how you spell it, we are all referring to the same thing ー the Good Neighbors.
By definition, faeries are "is a type of mythical being or legendary creature, generally described as anthropomorphic, found in the folklore of multiple European culture a form of spirit, often with metaphysical, supernatural, or preternatural qualities."
There are no real single origin for faeries so much as a collection of folk beliefs from all over.
Other Way to say Faerie
Ao sí/Aes sídhe
Daoine sídhe
The Good Folk
The Good Neighbors
The Fair Folk
The Folk
The Gentry
The Good People
Changeling - a substitute left by a faerie after kidnapping a human. Can sometimes be one of their own, other times it is glamoured rocks and sticks. Was used as an explanation for stillborn children in the past.
Seelie - the "faerie good guys" in stories.
Unseelie - the "faerie bad guys" in stories.
The Wild Hunt/Sluagh/Underfolk - a group of supernatural hunters in a never-ending hunt/chase. The perception of the Wild Hunt changed after the introduction of Christianity to the isles.
Wild/Solitary Fae - faeries with no Court affiliations, not to be confused with the Wild Hunt.
Trooping Faeries - live in communities and are known for singing and dancing.
Also simply referred to as Faerie, this is the home of the faeries.
Thought to be divided into the four Seasonal Courts of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The Spring and Summer Courts represent the Seelie Court while Autumn and Winter represent the Unseelie Court. These lands are considered to be eternal displays of the season they are.
faeries in folklore
We would literally be here all day if I talked about faeries in folklore. Y'all know faerie folklore and mythology is ancient X'D so this category isn't really all that important.
In these stories, faeries can be anything from benevolent to tricksters to someone out to get it back in blood.
faeries in media
Just as expansive as the faerie folklore post. Faeries are becoming more and more frequent in pop culture with books such as the Folk of the Air series by Holly Black, The Spider Wick Chronicles also by Holly Black, Sarah J. Maas' ACOTAR series and even in older TV shows like True Blood.
Hell, I'm working on a novel that has to do with faeries.
Since starting my own journey working with the fair folk I've come to learn that your fae working experience is shaped by the fae you go out of your way to interact with, the fae local to your area, what the folk feel comfortable sharing with you and what they feel comfortable letting you share with others.
A faerie witch whose experience centers around the flower faeries local to their area is going to be different from a faerie witch whose experience centers around Unseelie fae. Same for someone who only focuses on transactional relationships with the fae (ex. leaving out home baked goods weekly for a brownie, the brownie takes care of the home and that's the extent of their relationship) vs a someone where their path focuses on enveloping themselves in faerie culture and learning about it on a more personal level (ex. befriending a Court local to your area).
For me personally, my fae work experience centers around wild fae like selkies and death fae like banshee and dullahan. Both of which are very personal and has me enveloped in the cultures of these faeries. No transactions here but something deep and personal, like family. It's influenced the witchcraft I've chosen to incorporate into my craft as an eclectic witch and things I experience on a daily basis. (I do have guides on both selkies and banshee if you are curious. Dullahan post is in progress.)
Because of this, your prospective relationship with fair folk and what that may bring in your life is going to be very personal to you, I've found. There will be some overlap, of course. You'll run into someone and go 'oh damn, me too!!'. But it will still be special and unique to you.
It can be as personal as you want it to be. It can be as impersonal as you want it to be. It's up to you.
As such, I can't really make a generalized UPG post about what working with fae is like. There are so many kinds of faeries out there that it would take forever to complete! And one person's daily UPG can look vastly different from someone else's.
I don't believe it's as rampant as it used to be in witchcraft-related spaces as it was in say 2016, but there will always be people who will say things like 'avoid working with faeries in general' or 'fae work is only best for the experienced. If you're a bigger, fuck off'. But I personally think that, like with any craft, as long as you take the time to baby step your way into it, study as you go along, then fae work isn't something that should be gatekeeped to the experienced.
Seelie vs Unseelie: A Lesson in Faerie Morality
There's a huge misconception about these two faerie categories that Seelie means 'good faeries' while Unseelie means 'bad faeries'.
So the best thing someone can do when stepping into the world of fae work is completely disregard that notion. You can meet Unseelie fae who don't mind mortal company and then meet a Seelie faerie who doesn't fuck with humans in the slightest. I think it would better to think of it as faeries who commit to the right or left-handed paths and even then that's putting human morality on it. Human morality and faerie morality are not the same and the faster you realize that, the better it'll be for you.
What you might find atrocious, faeries might go 'that's not so bad'.
What you might find 'not so bad', faeries might find despicable.
Unseelie courts tend to be a bit less welcoming than Seelie courts in a general sweeping overgeneralization. That’s not to say there aren’t Unseelie fae that wouldn’t interact with humans, but a good majority probably won’t be happy to see a human frolicking about the place unattended. So if you ever feel the desire to visit an unseelie court, I’d wait until you’re more experienced working the fae and having the etiquette down
How important is etiquette?
I've personally found that the closer you are to a faerie, the less important etiquette is.
I don't speak to my selkie friends the way I speak to the flower faeries that are local to my area. The way I talk to banshee I know is very different than how I talk to banshee I don't know.
So yes, it is important to learn the proper etiquette to avoid angering a faerie. But the closer you get to the specific folk in your lives, should the relationship go beyond acquaintanceship/transactional, you'll find yourself speaking a bit more casually with them over time.
Faerieland: A Personal Dive
The home of the Good Neighbors.
You can go to Faerie by way of the astral or by slipping into a pocket of Faerie found in our realm (ex. you're on a nature hike and suddenly you've found yourself walking into a revel).
You could write a 50 page dissertation on the courts of Faerie and still not be done covering it. There are hundreds of Courts outside of the main few that you'll hear tossed around by fae workers and folklore enthusiasts and even with those known few there can be dozens of Sub-Courts.
I've met faeries from the Flower Court, a Summer pixie who came from a specific sub-Court called the Lake Court. I've heard of fae workers talking about Winter Sub-Courts that have to do with specific wintery holidays. So yes, there's definitely more than just the Seasonal Courts.
I always let people who frequent this blog what I can and cannot do and what I have and have not done. So in the spirit of keeping things transparent, I've only ever visited two Courts in Faerieー the Autumn Court and the Death Court. I can't really tell you much direct information about the other Courts because of that.
So I can't really give any 'here's a place I recommend visiting in Faerie' beyond a simple 'avoid any place embroiled in politics'. Any court going through serious issues whether that’s a change in power or what have you, won’t be the best place to visit.
Stick to well-populated places to start. You’ll likely find less problems there than say remote areas of Faerie. Just know, Faerie can be as terrifying as it is beautiful.
As for leadership, that looks different from Court to Court, Seelie to Unseelie.
I usually hear more about matriarchal rulership in Faerie, but there are faerie kings.
Who counts as 'Fae' and who doesn't?
If they consider themselves fae, they're fae. If they don't consider themselves fae, they aren't. That's really all there is to it. I've met merfolk who consider themselves faeries and I've met merfolk who consider faeries separate entities from themselves.
So in my experience, I've found that you just learn what the entity in question thinks of themselves as and respect that.
I'm just trying to keep faeries out my space tbh
You'll find the old timey methods to be very suitable. Iron, salt sprinkled around and so and so forth.
And should be out and about in nature, and you want to enjoy a hike without the fair folk messin' with ya, I'd recommend keeping an item of clothing inside out, carrying rowan or iron charms. And keeping to the trails. Faeries are more likely to avoid areas with heavy human foot traffic.
suitable offerings
The disclaimer here is that these are general offerings that most faeries should like. Should you ever find yourself working frequently with a faerie or find yourself the companion of one, there could be other things that they specifically like or dislike. But you usually can’t go wrong with:
Anything from nature like flowers, leaves, etc.
But should you be trying to get the attention of a faerie of a specific species, fine tune your offerings to that type of faerie. Seashells for selkies, bones for dullahan and so on and so forth.
how to gain the attention of a faerie
1) old fashioned offerings
2) astral travel
3) spirit attraction spell
I’m not a promoter of conjuring or otherwise, forcefully bringing a spirit to your vicinity. Think about it like this: you’re at a wedding. You’re best friend in the entire world is getting hitched to the love of their life, and you’re among the audience. You’re welling up with emotion and pride for your friend to have made such an important milestone in their life when… Suddenly, you’re not at their wedding anymore.
No, instead you’re looking at some random stranger who summoned you to their home who say it’s because they’re interested in working with those of your kind. You wouldn’t be too happy about this, would you? 
Not only is conjuring or summoning bad for the entity, it can be bad for you if this entity isn’t easily forgiving of being torn away from their personal life to your home and you can end up paying the consequences for it. Instead, I recommend a spell that attracts entities to your home or if you’re sufficiently prepared, astral travel it up.
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fenlock · 11 months
A list of gifts that I’ve been given by the fae.
-A live mouse. Safely caught and taken outside, only for the same mouse to keep returning to the exact same place in my house. Finally I drove it over a mile away to a small overgrown cemetery, after which it did not come back.
-A live fish. Still have it in our outdoor pond with some koi and goldfish.
-Strange bones, including a femur too long to belong to any native species, and what looks similar to a squirrel skull but with a beak-like mouth.
-Lots of fish bones, particularly gar jaws.
-Large dangly gold earring.
-Various small charms and trinkets, like stuff that would go on a bracelet.
-Neat rocks, usually quartz or agate.
-Once I asked the fae near my uncle’s house to keep the house safe from intruders while I was staying there alone, and literally everybody forgot I was there, including a cousin who had promised to come out and mow, and my own mother. Myself and the house just vanished from their active thoughts unless I contacted them first. Not quite what I had in mind when I asked for protection, but I was indeed safe.
-Clovers. So so many clovers. Anytime I’m within a decent sized patch, at least one four-leaf clover will be there. I’ve even found a few with five leaves. I literally have a dictionary with dozens of pressed clover leafs in it. If I find one while I’m with other people, I give them away.
-Not entirely certain if this was fae, but it’s definitely weird. Found a dead doe while walking down some railroad tracks with a friend. Feeling sad for her, we gathered some flowers and placed them and some spare change we had near the body. Later that night we found the exact same amount of change laid out in a line along the side of the road. Visiting the doe the next day, the change we left had vanished, despite being hidden underneath the flowers where people wouldn’t find it. (Side note, that deer had lots of weird occurrences around her, including her head going missing and then reappearing still attached so...)
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thehodgepodgepagan · 1 year
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Spirit/Entity Work and Spirit/Entity Worship are two different things. Spirit/Entity work involves working with spirits/entities that assist the practitioner in their metaphysical and mundane lives. It's forming a relationship between yourself and the spirit/entity as a partnership to ask for their assistance in exchange for offerings or work to be done on behalf of the spirit/entities.
It's not always guaranteed that the spirit/entity you petition for help in whatever it is you need help with will actually agree to help you and that's okay one, respect their wishes and two, there are other spirits/entities you can reach out to for help with your situation. On the other hand the same goes if a spirit/entity reaches out to you for whatever reason, you're not obligated to work with them (whether at this time or at all) if you don't want to.
Spirit/Entity worship is when you devote yourself or an aspect of your life, practice etc. to a spirit/entity. It's you honouring said spirit/entity by living your life according to the values of said spirit/entity and the culture they originate from and by adopting their morals, values etc. and living your life in a way that not only shows respect and honour to the spirit/entity but the culture they originate from as well.
While the interactions between the spirit/entity and the devotee isn't as much or as frequent as it would've been between a spirit/entity and their practitioner. Sometimes the spirit/entity will visit their devotee from time to time and sometimes spirits/entities do decide to bless their devotees in some way if they think that their devotees deserve it. Now this isn't something to work towards, neither should it really be an aim. Just be authentic in your devotion and good things might happen.
You don't have to be a witch/call yourself a witch to work or worship spirits/entities, neither does working or worshiping spirits/entities make you a witch. However, you can incorporate working or worshiping spirits/entities into your witchcraft if that's what you'd like, but remember you don't have to be a witch to practice either paths and neither does practising either paths make you a witch.
Before starting with spirit/entity work or worship decide which you like more spirit/entity work or spirit/entity worship? Which practice resonates with you more? For the rest of this post I will be talking in terms of spirit/entity work, because I'm a spirit/entity worker and have much more experience in spirit/entity work than I do spirit/entity worship.
Before delving into spirit/entity work decide which facets of spirit/entity work you'd like to focus on. There's general spirit/entity work (or eclectic spirit/entity work) where you work with a mix of different types of spirits and entities like deites, angels, the good neighbours, pop culture entities, demons etc. You could also look at specific facets of spirit/entity work like deity work (where you mainly work with deities) , ancestor work (where you mainly work with your ancestors) , demon/infernal work (where you mainly work with demons and other infernal spirit/entities (like underworld gods)), fae work (where you mainly work with the fae and other fae-like spirits and entities) and so on.
No facet of spirit/entity work is any less or more important or any less or more hard work than the other. They all have different ways of being handled and each facet has different rules and regulations than the other facets (some facets' rule collide in some cases). You don't have to decide immediately on which facet you'd like to focus on. Do your research, test the waters and than decide which facets you'd like to focus on.
Do a bit more research on the facet of spirit/entity work you'd like to focus on and also make sure you're in a comfortable place with the basics of protection, warding etc, the basics of energy work (or at least energy sensing), the basics of vetting (and when I say vetting I'm not talking about vetting them to figure out if they're some imposter spirit (but if imposter spirits are apart of your practice than sure you can do the vetting with this in mind) , I mean vetting in the way of getting to know the spirit/entity more), make sure you have a reliable method of divination yet (and if possible have someone you can trust and that's reliable who can confirm or deny your findings) and make sure you at least have some basics understanding of what boundaries are and the dos and don'ts of boundaries.
Say for instance you've decided you'd like to do deity work. If you've felt drawn to a specific (open and welcoming) pantheon like the Greek pantheon or the Celtic pantheon than do more research on the pantheon of your choosing, research the culture, the practices, the dos and don'ts of the culture and of course do research on the deity(s) you'd like to work with. Once you feel like you're in a comfortable place with the knowledge you have send out an invitation to the deity and hope they bite and reach out to you.
Remember even if they reach out it's not guaranteed that they'll actually work with you. They might just be reaching out to check out whoever it was that invited them. If they don't reach out, leave it at that, don't try and force the situation and just move on. There are plenty more deities in the universe who would be much more suited for you and your needs and interested in working with you.
You don't have to have had worshipped or honoured the deity before reaching out to work with them to start working with the deity, but if that's something you'd like to do than that's completely okay and you can do that if you'd like. You can also decide to do spirit/entity worship before you delve into spirit/entity work if you'd first like to get comfortable with the whole practice and if you're still trying to figure out what it is you'd like from this practice and no.
Remember you actually have to be willing to do the work if you do decide to delve into spirit/entity work (I think there are certain spirits/entities who do send their devotees tests and such, so you definitely also have to be willing to do the work when it comes to spirit/entity worship too). You can't just decide to reach out to a spirit/entity (whether they're a deity, angel, demon etc), if you're not willing or wanting to put in the necessary work.
There are a lot of spirits/entities that do not take kindly to their time being wasted for no reason and if this happens multiple times remember that the spirits and entities love to gossip and your name will definitely be shared if you think disrespecting them in such a way (not doing your work even after asking or agreeing to work with them and not keeping your end if the deal of whatever agreement you and the spirit/entity made before you started your working relationship together) will slide.
Contrary to what it might seem like according to social media (especially tiktok) spirit/entity work (especially deity work) is not that hard or overcomplicated. The only way it'll be hard is if you fight the spirit/entity on everything and don't want to do the work or face the tests. Having boundaries is good, but acting like a child and not wanting to do what you're told (as long as it's logical and it's in your ability to complete) is not going to make the working relationship any easier and it might end up making the spirit/entity leave because what's the point of them being there if you don't want to do the work?
When it comes to offerings and interactions it will depend on you and the spirit/entity itself, meaning while getting outside help is okay you cannot and shouldn't depend on outsiders when it comes to the relationship you have/want to build with the spirit/entity. Yes, you can find general resources and such on what a spirit/entity would like as an offering and you can ask other (reliable) practitioners on what kind of offerings a specific spirit/entity might like if you're just starting out.
However, it's also important to build your own relationship with the spirit/entity and figure out what works and what doesn't on your own (with the help of the spirit/entity of course) because one, what an offering a spirit/entity might like from one practitioner might be an offering the spirit/entity doesn't like or want to get from you and vice versa and two, like I mentioned while getting outside help is okay you cannot and shouldn't depend on outsiders for every single thing when it comes to your relationships and your practice in general.
With interactions, the basic idea is to be as respectful as you can be and make sure to address the spirit/entity by their proper formal title (if they have formal titles) like King, Queen, Marquis/Marquess, Duke, Prince etc and definitely don't call them lord or lady if they do have a formal title because even if you think it's respectful to some extent "lord/lady" hold little to no importance compared to most of spirits/entities' formal titles.
If you're not certain how to address a spirit/entity ask them. If ask them if you can address them by their formal title or if there is another way you can address them. Always ask the spirit/entity yourself what they'd prefer you call them by, while it's fine to ask for extra confirmation from a RELIABLE source, don't depend on others, especially not ones who insinuate it's okay to disrespect a spirit/entity's title (i.e. reffering to a Grand Marquis with something as insignificant as "Lord") when it comes things like these.
This is my own personal gnosis gathered through my own personal experience as well as research I've done. If you don't resonate with the below than that's okay, what's not cool is disrespecting me just because my experiences are different than yours
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kawaiigrimoire · 2 years
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I’m so ready for Beltane this year! My friends and I plan on celebrating together by having a picnic and spending quality time together. Here are some correspondences and fun ways to celebrate!
Colors 🌈
Any bright colors!
Altar decorations 🔥
Mini Maypoles
Animal figurines
Rose quartz
Red candles
Flower crowns
Objects that symbolize fire
Spell themes🪄
Fae work
Plants 🪴
Food 🍲
Ice cream
Activities ☀️
Make a flower crown
Have a picnic
Dance around a maypole
Take a nature walk
Have a spa day
Take a bath
Make music
Write songs and poetry
Spend time with people you love
Have a bonfire
I hope everyone has a wonderful Beltane! Let me know if you try anything on this list🌳💐
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desertwaterwitch · 1 year
I’ve always been super curious about working with the fae, but I’m also terrified from what I’ve heard. 😬
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jasper-pagan-witch · 1 year
I don't mess with the Good Neighbors. Especially not since my mom implied that our ancestors boned them. I'm shit enough at human social interactions, I'm not ready to be a lawyer to what might potentially be my extended family. I get enough of that shit during Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve.
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a-sleepywitch · 1 year
Intro post! ⌦ .。.:*♡
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Artwork by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ About me
• you can call me Somnia!
• in my early 20s
• she/her, queer
• as you may have inferred, I have problems with my sleep
• an artist and a writer in my spare time!
• also a 9 of swords and the tower apologist
• hoping to learn and expand my craft while on here, as well as make friends!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ About my Craft
• I consider myself to be primarily a divination witch, but I dabble in love magic, chaos magic, workings with the fae and norse folk practices. I also do shadow work and dream interpretations.
• Other hobbies that influence my craft include literature, art, psychology, typology, history, mythology, folklore, fairytales, astrology and philosophy.
• My practice is secular and I consider myself agnostic.
• A broom closet witch, but have been practicing witchcraft for ~7 years.
I do not tolerate any sort of bigotry or otherwise inappropriate behavior on my blog.
This is a safe space for beginners, other practitioners, people who want to make friends, etc! This is also a hex positive blog.
I’m not a proper educational source and should not be viewed as such, as I primarily use this blog to discuss various topics on witchcraft and offer advice based on my personal experiences and practices!
‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵
◛⑅·˚ ༘ ♡ I’m always open for asks and messages, so don’t be afraid to reach out! Just keep it respectful, please :>
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saltwatersovereign · 2 years
8.11.22 Noble Nonsense
It is the eve of the anniversary for my beloved and I, Kel. As such, with him being a High King and me still being regarded as a “new” member of court (though he and I have been together for years at this point, the time is different there, and I have not been a sovereign for long Over There), I should have suspected shenanigans on the horizon.
The other royals tolerate me very inconsequently and would seemingly react to my absence just the same as they react to my presence. There is, however, a High Queen who has much too much interest in me. She seeks me directly, on occasion, and until now I’ve considered it as a cat and mouse game with her. She wants my deference and I will do no such thing, and she takes every opportunity to remind me she outranks me. She is both more astute and more determined that I presumed. Twice I have caught her spies among my circle. She even has a human spy here in the corporeal world watching me. Once she managed to drug me, failing to succeed only because my husband is absurdly powerful and she did not know he shares some with me despite me having my own abilities. Once she immediately killed a servant of hers: I flicked their forehead for a mild insult and she killed him for allowing my touch.
I do not know what her end goal is, whether it is securing my loyalty, or claiming my political position, or claiming my status as my beloved’s mate, or if she simply enjoys being a bully. It may be quite a while before I find any indication of either. For the time being, my guard is up higher than ever before.
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garbagewitchcraft · 2 years
Looking for blogs to follow
Like this post if your blog focuses on/has a lot of:
fae work
astral travel/astral work
polish/slavic folklore
if you’re somehow related to death and after your visit, the people/animals die
animal magic
azazel and uriel specifically
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nerdpoe · 4 months
So like...Sam's Liminal. Definitely Liminal. She's also very pretty. Constantine's a little tipsy, but he's very, very sure he just accidentally sat next to a Fae at the bar.
Heavily influenced by certain lines in Inferno, buttttt
Sam's a very pretty young woman. Beautiful smile (with too sharp teeth), lovely eyes (but they're a little too wide, a little too bright), fantastic skin (unnaturally pale, suspiciously cold), and a very pretty face (perfectly symmetrical)-first glance anyone who leans towards women would get instant butterflies in the stomach.
But Constantine's been around danger enough to recognize those aren't butterflies.
That's fear.
There's a deep, instinctual fear that is telling him he has to run.
Just as he's about to leave, though, her hand rests itself on his arm.
"Leaving so soon, Hellblazer? And here I thought you'd want to take a look at this...interesting contract I found."
Ah. Shit.
He sits back down, next to the Unseelie Fae who, apparently, owns part of his soul.
Sam, for her part, just wants to scare the idiot straight so he'll stop making work for Danny. (Danny's days are almost nothing but fielding complaints about Constantine and he's so fucking close to hunting the man down himself).
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I think a fun 'expectation vs reality' moment of spirit work is the fact that sure, spirit and astral work can be mysterious, emotionally/physically/spiritually daunting/lifting/challenging etc etc but on the flip side it can be just as meme-filled and hilarious and a lot more mundane you might have thought it would be
I have a spirit friend, who, whenever he comes over to my pod he is amused but exasperated that he is constantly treated like a child by the scouts. It doesn't matter how many expeditions he's helped out on, bro is like family to this pod and thus they treat him like one would a little brother/nephew
Freaking out if I'm in the water and see a seal just knocked out and then realizing 'oh, they are just asleep' once I remember that seals can sleep underwater for a good chunk of water and selkies can too
I've gone to talk to a banshee friend only to find her in the middle of heralding and our exchange was essentially 'oops sorry, girl, I'll come back later?' 'Yeah okay, see you'
Me: *meeting my first dullahan* Oooh can I see your horse? Dullahan knowing damn well I don't know the horse will also be headless: Sure thing >:3c
I was confident enough in my Japanese to try speaking to a kitsune in it. The ancient ass Japanese I heard being said back to me in return made me rethink my life choices
My first successful astral experience was me falling into the sand after taking one step in it
Whipping out some sort of currency from my astral fanny pack of sorts only to be told 'oh we do trade here' (I like to be covered on all fronts, alright)
Stuff like that really has me going 'damn I am deep into spirit/fae work, huh?'
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fenlock · 11 months
A list of Bad things I’ve experienced due to fae*.
-For about 6 months every single potato I tried to eat had some sort of blight. Only my potatoes, any other potatoes intended for family or housemates were fine. Even at restaurants.
-Dogsitting for my uncle and didn’t take an offering out to the local fae. Two of my pets at home became extremely and unexplainably ill.
-When I was younger, my father took a bottlecap from a small pile of things I’d left for the Folk in a small wooded cemetery**. His car immediately began having problems starting, to the point where our mechanic had to install a separate switch to bypass regular ignition.
-Traveling through the woods here at night is a big No. Have heard loud screaming sounds, and once even had a whole ass log chucked into the river about 15 ft behind me as a warning.
-Various important items going missing at the worst possible times, including keys, medication, and my work id.
-Weird bruises and scratches appearing on me for no discernible reason.
-Awful flu-like illness that will knock me out of commission for a day or two, then abruptly vanish. Doctors have not been able to figure out what it is.
-My friend and I getting lost for over an hour in woods that we’re normally extremely familiar with.
-Time loss in one specific section of the woods. It’s a weird path anyway, but it takes about 2-3x longer to walk further down it than it does while leaving the woods.
*excluding the murder horses. **he did not take this to slight them, he thought it was litter and meant to clean it up.
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karlovycross · 1 year
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The Gentle Wind
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kyujism · 3 months
⟢ ◌ boyfriend stories with beomgyu ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
♡ིྀ masterlist is right here ! genre fluff, smau , pairing ? beomgyu x gn reader word count none warnings none
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© kyujism
a/n : ik i mostly post gg BUT BEOMGYUU!!! also he literally has an insta soo which member should i do next tho
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