#especially with balancing the in your face everyone is awful its hell
nonbinary-corvid · 11 months
Fizz pulling off his jester hat and showing his burned horns hit so hard for some reason. You can see how he actually feels about himself behind his cocky persona and it hurt. And then to watch Ozzy pick him back up after that... it's so impressive how this show manages to be as wholesome as it is sometimes. I'm so happy we got more Fizz character development.
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huffle-dork · 4 months
Glitch into the Hufflverse Chapter 4: Septnautical
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs | Read Septnautical
Read SITCV | Read SATCV | GITHV Masterpost
The fall is long- the rush intense. Enough to make their heads spin.
So- landing onto water is just another jarring surprise. They splash into a semi warm but mostly cool body of water. But… it’s not just a body. It’s an ocean. A wide expanse of ocean… there’s no end in sight.  They don’t fall too far away from each other for once- but that might be because there’s nothing to see for miles but water.
"Holy fucking shit!" Jackie splutters, almost sinking but managing to stay on the surface through wild flailing.
Schneep doesn't even have time to curse, he's immediately confused and disoriented. There's nothing to grab onto! He can sense the others nearby—what the hell is this?! Water?!  Where are they?! "H-help!" It's lucky he's a strong swimmer. But where is land?!
JJ gasps, kicking wildly. The cape he's wearing is heavy with water. He looks around and starts swimming towards Schneep. As he gets close, he puts a hand on the surface of the water, and part of it freezes into a small island about the size of a card table. He steers it over to Schneep, who grabs onto it the moment it bumps into his side.
Bro tries to stop his momentum with his flight, just barely managing to avoid getting halfway submerged before he gets airborne again. He looks out at all the water. “What the fuck?!”
Alt isn’t so lucky- he gets submerged for a second before he scrambles back up to the surface to desperately gasp for breath. He looks around in confusion. “W-what?!”
“Is everyone okay??” Bro calls, hurrying to fly over to Schneep and help him up onto the ice.
"Y-yes, f-f-fine," Schneep says, carefully balancing on the ice with his hands and knees.
JJ gives a thumbs up.
"I'm fucking drowning!" Jackie shouts. He is not actually drowning, but he's clearly not that good a swimmer, just treading water.
JJ sighs a little and uses that same spell, pushing the new ice floe towards Jackie and Alt's direction. Then he shivers, losing strength for a moment and ducking under the water before scrambling back up, half-on the ice floe. His magic isn't at its peak.
"Wh-where did we land?" Schneep asks. "Where is—the land?"
"Uhhh... bad news... I don't see any," Jackie says. He grabs onto the second ice floe, helping steer it towards Alt.
Bro quickly helps JJ as best as he can before he hovers a bit higher.  He pales as he looks out to see. “Yeah it’s just… it’s just water… I guess we’re pretty far out in this ocean…”
Alt scrambles to hold onto the ice floe and shivers against it. “Rifts are awful… the TRVLR n-never put us in the m-middle of the fucking ocean…”
"The ocean?!" Schneep gasps. "W-well... ah..." His eyes dart slightly as he thinks. "How... do we get... out of the ocean?"
"I don't know, it's the fucking ocean!" Jackie shakes his head.
JJ looks despondent for a moment, but then he shakes his head. Well. This is as good a time as any to try this spell he'd recently found. He makes sure his mask is secure on his face and grabs onto Schneep's hand, concentrating.
Schneep jumps in surprise—especially as a bit of blue magic flows down JJ's arm and onto his, up along his body into his chest. "Wh-what was that?!"
Can you hear this? JJ signs.
Schneep nods as he hears Jameson's voice come from beside him. "Y-yes... your voice sounds less gravelly, did you do something?"
A spell to translate my sign language into a voice that you hear in your head. It only works on one person at a time, so I thought it wouldn't be useful, but I kept it anyway.
"Ah. Well, it is certainly very helpful. How long does it last?"
I should be able to keep it up for a while, it doesn't take much power, JJ says. But if I suddenly run out of magic, the spell will end.
"Hmm. Alright, I understand." Schneep nods slowly.
Bro watches the exchange between Schneep and JJ and smiles, “Oh hey that’s awesome! Very useful-“
Alt shivers and looks down at the water. He… might be able to shapeshift to swim around and see what’s around but that’s not helpful for the guys here.He looks up to Bro, “C-Chase? Can you fly out and see if there’s anything we can at least rest on until we get our b-bearings?”
“Oh yeah sure! Hang tight guys!” Bro rises higher in the air then starts to look around.
He comes back really soon, grinning. “Good news! There’s a big landing of metal not too far away! It was kinda hard to see close to surface cuz it looks like it’s something that like… crashed I guess? But then like sank- It’s biggg! So it should give us a good place to rest!”
“Something that crashed?” Schneep raises his eyebrow. “Like an airplane?”
“Or like a spaceship?” Jackie adds. “Cause you know, there’s that thing about spaceships landing in the ocean when they come back. In like, movies and stuff.”
"It kinda looks like a spaceship actually yeah!" Bro laughs. 
Wll, whatever it is, it has to be better than being stuck on a bit of ice, JJ says. This will melt eventually. He lowers himself more into the water and starts swimming in the direction Bro pointed, pushing the ice floe along.
Alt nods to JJ and starts to push their ice floe along too. 
“There has to be a faster way than swimming,” Jackie mutters.
"I could always try to carry some of you~" Bro semi-teases, grinning at Jackie.
“Uh—no,” Jackie says. “I’m not scared of heights but that’s a bit much.”
“At least you would land in water if you fell,” Schneep says. “Ah—not that you would drop him, Bro, I mean.”
“Yeah I expected that response,” Chase laughs. “No one likes being flown! Can’t imagine why-“
“No one likes being dangled like dead weight in your arms, Chase,” Alt deadpans, kicking faster.
“Hey! I don’t always carry people like that-“
“They also don’t like being held bridal style- or on your back like a monkey.” Alt continues, looking up to give his brother a look. Bro flushes and looks away. “Alright alright… jeez…”
“Well we want to stick together anyway and we’d be limited to the slowest swimming speed,” Jackie points out.
Nobody is going to comment on the spaceship? JJ asks.
“We’ll comment on it when we get there,” Jackie says, helping Alt with the ice.
As they swim it does appear the sight of the ship was just a bit past the horizon where they landed. A bit of crooked metal sticks up top of a small island of dull gray metal, eroded and rusted by time. It’d be hard to tell it was anything except for the small rounded peaks of metal poking out of the water- reminiscent of thrusters on an airplane or jet. Stripes of yellow are just barely visible on the tail end, peeking out through years of grime and erosion.
Alt’s eyes widen, “…holy fuck that really does look like a space ship…”
“…huh.” Jackie stares. “Yeah. And not a modern spaceship, either, which… is concerning, given how rusted it looks.”
“What do you mean, not a modern ship?” Schneep asks.
Looks like something out of a science fiction movie. JJ’s eyes light up with excitement. Did we get pulled to a universe that’s in the future?!
“Well… we’ve been pulled into the past before,” Alt mutters, “so it’s plausible we could be pulled into the future?”
“Yeah but even if that’s future tech now it looks ancient!” Bro exaggerates, “This must have crashed a long long time ago!”
Schneep blinks. “Well. Ah… Jackie, how rusted is it?”
“Pretty fucking rusted and corroded, dude.” Jackie shakes his head. “It must’ve been here for a while. Which, again, giving the whole sci-fi sorta thing, is kind of concerning. It also means that there’s probably not people on it.”
“Do you think this place is… just as abandoned then?” Alt asks nervously. “T-That can’t be right? We’ve always found universes that had… us in it! This is so strange…”
As if to answer their questions, below the water they feel the vibrations and echo of a terrifying roar.
Schneep stiffens and looks down. “What the fuck was that?” he whispers.
Jackie instinctively reaches for his pocket—but SCLERA took his staff earlier. And even if they hadn’t, it wouldn’t do much against something that sounds so big. “I-I changed my mind about the flying thing, we have to get out of here as fast as possible.”
JJ doesn’t say anything, just scrambles on top of the ice floe and pulls Schneep with him. It’s barely big enough for the two of them to sit with their knees drawn up.
Alt narrows his eyes at the sound and then pushes off the ice to go dive under the water and look.
“Alt?! Wait!” Bro tries to call out after him.
Alt sinks down and tries his best to look towards the sound- then feels his stomach drop as he sees in the distance. The water here is murky and sandy, casting everything in a yellow-ish tint. But, Alt sees a shadow of something huge swimming in the distance. It roars again, and something at the front of it flexes like giant claws. Then it seems to turn towards them.
Alt bursts up from the water and sputters out, “F-FUCKING GIANT MONSTER THING!! CHASE FLY US!!”
Chase startles and then starts to scoop up the others, JJ and Schneep first. “Sorry Schneep just hang on!” He mutters.
Schneep yelps as Bro grabs him, clinging to him. JJ cries out as well, instinctively kicking his legs.
Alt panics and grabs Jackie, just managing to glitch them onto the edge of the spaceship as they hear the roar get so much closer, the water shuddering beneath them in giant waves. But glitching while wet fuckinh hurts. Once they’re on the metal Alt pants and gets to his knees, breathing heavily. He clutches over his heart. “W…what the fuck…???”
Jackie staggers back, losing his footing and falling down. “Ow!” He quickly sits up. “Yeah, wh-what the fuck is right! Why?! How?! What?!”
Soon enough Bro joins them helping JJ and Schneep to settle on the metal of the ship. “Jesus Christ! E-everyone okay?”
Schneep stumbles a bit, grabbing his cane from nowhere to help him feel his way around. “I—I am f-fine,” he says. “What… was that? What did you see, Alt?”
Alt gasps and clutches his soaking shirt. “I-It was… f-fucking huge! Like a giant serpent- but it had like…. Big sharp things sticking out if it’s face?? Or I’m assuming it’s its face cuz it like- flexed when it roared. God it must be like… 50 meters long?? Maybe more??”
“The fuck?! I-I didn’t think creatures like that existed!” Bro whispers in fear.
“I-I dunno dude I… I saw it though… god it was t-terrifying…”
JJ stands there with his arms and legs out, like he’s expecting the wreckage to tilt beneath him. It doesn’t, so he feels safe enough to sign. We must be in a very different universe if there are old spaceships and giant monsters.
“Maybe—maybe there’s not a lot of people here,”Jackie says. “Maybe this is some kind of… Waterworld situation.”
“Waterworld?” Schneep repeats.
“It’s a movie. Not a really good one but I like its style—”
“No, I know the movie, but it does not account for giant sea monsters!”
JJ shakes his head, getting wet hair out of his eyes. We need to think calmly. Maybe there’s something useful in this ship? It’s the only thing around, in any case.
Alt nods to JJ and tries to get to his feet, looking at the wreckage. “I… I can’t see any way in… m-most of this seems to be submerged…”
Then, that roar sounds off again- and something jolts into the part of the ship closest to them, trying to knock them off balance and into the water. They can see the hint of a red tail and the tips of sharp red and black claw-like appendages peeking out through the water.
Alt hadn’t moved too far from the edge- so as the ship is jolted he yells and is thrown back under the water.
“Alt!” Schneep shouts, immediately dropping his cane and jumping into the water after him.
“Schneep!” Jackie scrambles to his feet. “Have you lost your mind?!” He jumps into the water after him.
Bro gasps and tries to keep on his feet then pales as they all go under. “Guys!” He looks to JJ and then goes after them all. “I’ll be quick! Stay safe JJ!”
JJ starts to protest, but Bro is already gone. He crouches at the edge of the water and stares down after everyone else.
As they dive under- they can see the gigantic creature in all its glory. Or- Schneep can sense its soul. It’s massive- over 50 meters with razor sharp mandibles attached to its head and a red horn like fin. Terrifying pitch black eyes, 4 of them, lock onto the falling bodies as it moves away from attacking the ship and it snaps its razor sharp teeth- rows and rows of stained teeth pulled together in a terrifying grin.
Alt was sinking, struggling to swim back up but freezes as he takes in the monster. It roars at the 4, mandibles flexing back as it shows off its incredibly large mouth that will definitely swallow them whole.
Jackie stalls, shocked at the size and terrifying visage of this creature. But Schneep keeps going, aware of where the creature is and stunned by the roar—but he can’t leave Alt there. He dives fast—can he leap through the water? He takes a moment to concentrate, and suddenly he’s by Alt’s side, grabbing him and trying wildly to swim upwards as fast as possible.
Alt gasps as he’s grabbed, bubbles flying out his mouth but he clings to Schneep for dear life.
Bro is also temporarily frozen by the creature and he flinches as it roars, trying to grab Jackie and pull him behind him.
But then, a creature bigger than them but smaller than the monster shows up, swimming up in between the monster and the boys. It has the same mandibles on its back but… smaller. And the top half of it is… human?
The alien merman bunches up his tail and then lets out an equally terrifying roar out at the monster, his mandibles stretching out and scratching at the creature’s face. The monster roars in pain and tries to lash out but the merman swims rapidly up to grab one of its mandibles and then toss it further away into the water below. He roars again for good measure and the monster seems to think better of its attack and swims away under the bones of the ship beneath them.
The merman turns back towards the others and- Jackie recognizes his own face. 
Jackie stops, staring in shock at this whole display. Wait—is that—is that—
But, he doesn’t get too long to dwell on that as the merman scoops up Bro and Jackie and rockets them up quickly towards the surface.
Schneep is confused by this whole exchange, but he knows that whoever just appeared and started roaring feels strangely familiar. As soon as they grab Bro and Jackie, Schneep starts frantically swimming upward, taking Alt with him.
The moment as they break the surface Jackie gasps for air and grabs onto the ship for dear life. He was running out of air down there! Schneep does the same beside him.
JJ gasps. Are you all okay?! Is the monster— And then he sees who, or what, brought Bro and Jackie to the surface and stops, eyes wide.
Jackie turns back to get a good look at this—this merman? Alien? This person who shares his face. “Th-thanks?”
The merman is surprisingly very strong and he helps all of the boys get back on the metal island. “N-No problem! You all okay? Stars… that was a close one!” The merman says.
Alt coughs up some water and heaves to get some air back. He looks back at the merman and his eyes widen. Bro also stares at the merman with wide eyes.
Upon a closer look- the merman has bright green hair hidden underneath a ratty red bit of cloth wrapped around his head and shoulders like a hooded scarf. His arms and chest are riddled with tiny scars like he’s been in a ton of fights and he has a band of blue scales across his eyes like a mask.
The merman blinks innocently and tilts his head at the others. “…we havin a staring contest? I just learned about those! Zara says it’s not fair for her though cuz fish don’t need to blink as much. But I think it’s fun!” Then he slowly blinks more and takes the look of all of them in. “Woah… you guys don’t look like any blue suits or white suits I’ve seen…! Where did you guys come from anyways?? Everyone knows you don’t go near the Aurora without protection!” He smirks confidently and crosses his arm and you can see the end of his tail flick in the water. “Luckily for you! I was in the area~!”
“…Zara,” Jackie repeats, latching onto one of the few familiar terms in that little speech. He looks at Bro and Alt. “Okay… guess that’s a sometimes constant.”
The merman tilts his head, “A constant? What’s that mean?”
Alt and Bro look at this merman with wide eyes before looking back at each other. “…he’s not gonna fucking believe this-“ Bro mutters.
Alt laughs a bit unstably, “Y-Yeah for real!”
“We did not mean to be here,” Schneep says. “I-it is hard to explain, but we are from somewhere far away and we just suddenly appeared here. Thank you for helping us.”
JJ nudges him. Do you know he’s a merman?
“Wha—OH.” Schneep’s eyes go wide. “Th-that would explain some things.”
The merman blinks more and watches JJ’s hands with interest. “Oh! You’re using your hands to talk! My little brother does that now! …I dunno what any of the motions mean though-“
JJ tilts his head, interested. Little brother.
“Sooo… what’s your naaaame?” Jackie asks, though he already knows the answer.
The merman perks up as Jackie asks his name and his tail almost wags as his eyes light up, “I’m Jackie! What’s all of your names?”
“Well I’m—” Jackie starts to say.
Then, another head pops out of the water- this one has even lighter green hair and the hint of goggles on his face. “Jackie?? What are you doing? Get away from there!”
The mer-Jackie blinks and turns around and then scoffs at this new figure, “It’s okay Schneep! I don’t think these guys are white suits at all- they’re not even wearing dive suits!”
Another head pops up- this one was darker green hair and black sclera, green and blue irises glowing slightly.  As his face comes out of the water, he bares very sharp teeth. “It could be a trick somehow! C’mon! Ya saved these fuckers now we can leave them alone!”
Mer-Jackie rolls his eyes, “That’s not how saving works, Anti-“
Alt’s eyes widen as he looks at the new figures popping up. “A..anti?” He whispers. Bro looks similarly shocked.
Jackie goes on edge a little as the other two figures appear, backing up.
“Huh.” Schneep tilts his head to the side. Another Schneep and another Anti. That’s… surprising. He hopes this world has a kind Anti—not one like his Anti. 
“You’re not gonna believe us if we tell you our names,” Jackie says. “But I’ll tell you anyway. I’m Jackie. This is JJ and Schneep and Chase and Alt.”
Mer Jackie's eyes widen and then he hurries over to the side of the Aurora and pushes himself up with wide excited eyes and a huge smile. "Whattt??? That's crazy!! Most of those are my brothers' names! E-Even Hen's nickname!! How'd you know that??" Now you can clearly see the ridges on his his pale blue-gray tail and where the scales meet his more fleshy stomach. He's got black slightly sharp nails and also has sharp teeth.
"Jackie! Shush up!" The other Schneep calls. A white and purple tail flicks angrily across the surface of the water.
"C'mon guys don't be such guppies!" The merman Jackie replies, "They don't look like they'd hurt us!"
Schneep laughs. “Well—We are not lying, those really are our names. We… maybe we are like you, in a way.”
"You're not like us- you got legs!" Mer-Jackie laughs.
“Well, you can leave us if you want, but please, before you go, can you please let us know where to find, ah… people? We are sort of lost.” Schneep continues.
"If you wanna find people, you're shit out of luck." The other Anti growls, "No one lives on the surface any more. They're all under the water. unless you got breathing equipment yer hiding- You're fucked."
"Anti! That's so mean! Don't scare them like that!" Jackie snaps back. Anti just gives him a toothy grin.
Jackie glares at Anti. “Gee. Thanks.” This guy has an attitude like his Anti!
"Wait wait- e-everything's under water??" Bro gasps. "...is everyone mermaids?? Then- why does a spaceship like this exist?" Bro gestures around.
Mer Jackie bursts into laughter, "Ha! You're really funny! No not everyone's- ...what's that word?? Merrr maids? I dunno what that is- the white suits call us Hybrids. But like- most people here are human. S'only me and my brothers that are hybrids!"
JJ blinks. Hybrids? I’m figuring this out. I think these hybrids are us in this world. Maybe… human combined with the sea monsters here?
“That would make sense,” Jackie says slowly. “This other me kinda looks like that big monster with the face spikes.”
“You talked about the white suits and blue suits,” Schneep says. “What does that mean?”
The other Schneep looks out at his counterpart and seems- momenatrily weirded out. But, he shakes it off as he adjusts his goggles. "That is what we call the human scientists that work with Alterra. Well, the white suits at least..."
"The blue suits are our friends!" Mer-Jackie says happily, "They made their own group called the Ocean's Arms that are on our side! They wear black and blue wetsuits while the white suits wear white and orange-"
"...the fuck is Alterra?" Alt asks.
Anti blinks at this and cocks his head. "...you all have never heard of Alterra?"
“I told you, we are from very far away,” Schneep says. “Too far away to have heard of that.”
"...Alterra controls like- majority of this star system... You would have to have heard of them to enter their phase gate-" Mer-Schneep says. Anti and Jackie look at him with confusion. "...what? Danan has been teaching me a lot about how all this shit works!" 
But to the side, JJ’s eyes slowly widen. He knows he’s heard that name before. Are we in Subnautica?
Jackie blinks. “That’s a long word you just spelled there. What’s it—”
JJ suddenly gasps and points at mer-Jackie’s mandible things. Like a reaper! Oh my god, was that monster a reaper?! I didn’t get a good look at it—
“What are you talking about?” Schneep asks.
It’s a game! My friend Anti has played it a lot and he mentioned there was a corporation called Alterra and something called a reaper leviathan—oh and this ship is the ship that crashes! It must be! He grins, looking proud of himself.
Alt and Bro's eyes widen at JJ's realization. Mer Jackie blinks and looks at his manibles with confusion, turning around comically in the water. "What what?? Is he talking about my mandibles??"
Bro laughs with a wide grin, "Oh yeah!! Subnautica!! Oh my god- Jackie was obsessed with that game!"
"H-How are we in a game?? That's... that's never happened before!" Alt says with a bit of panic.
"The fuck do you mean 'a game'?" Anti growls. "This shit ain't a game- its real fucking life!"
"Anti- do not get angry- I do not think that is what they meant..." Henrik tries to say calmly to Anti.
“No, of course it’s not, we’re just saying it’s like a game that we know,” Jackie says carefully. “Or… that these guys know. I’ve never heard of it. Maybe. Maybe Jack played it…?” He looks vaguely guilty at the thought of Jack.
“My friend Jack played it too, but I do not know anything about it,” Schneep says.
Well, it takes place on an alien planet that’s mostly ocean— JJ starts, then stops, looking around. Oh. If this is some form of the world from that game, they really are far from home, in more ways than one.
"You all are talking nonsense-" Anti growls, his back fin bristling and getting bigger, "I don't like it." Then, his eyes widen and he growls out, starting to lash forward towards the others. "Wait how do you know Jack?! You fuckers-! I knew you were hiding something!"
Schneep yelps as he feels Anti lunge forward and quickly scrambles back. JJ throws a hand out in front of him.
"Hey hey Anti!" Mer-Jackie shouts, grabbing Anti and pulling him back. "M-Maybe they just mean someone else who has the same name! Like all of them! Human reuse names all the time you know- like how Jack used to say Xander's brother was also Jack! It's fine-" He tries to grin at him. 
"Yeah yeah yeah, i-it's a different guy!" Jackie says hurriedly. "Like--me and Schneep here were talking about two other people, i-it's a really common name, yknow?" He laughs nervously.
Anti growls and flicks some green tentacles out of the water in his anger. Then, he spurs down to go under the surface, showing off that his tentacles are... glowing slightly with little small balls of yellow before he disappears from view. Reaper Jackie watches him go and sighs then looks at the others "D-Don't mind him he's... really sensitive about some stuff. Like our brother, Jack..." He looks sad for a second before he shakes himself out of it.
Jackie’s expression falls into something more serious. He notices other Jackie's sadness. But he's not sure how to respond.
Reaper Jackie then puts a finger to his chin and makes a thinking face, " Okay soooo let's... put this altogether. You.. kinda know what Alterra is but only cuz its like a game... you've played. Like tag I'm guessing? That makes sense, Zara says Alterra is hugeee!" He makes big wide sweeping gestures with his hands before continuing. "But- you're not a white suit orrr a blue suit- cuz you don't got any equipment... how'd that happen? Most anyone who comes here knows the planet is mostly water."
"We did not plan for this..." Alt grumbles. "We just... fell here. Its a long story."
Henrik snorts and crosses his arms. "Fell here... that is ridiculous! You cannot fall straight from space into the water-"
"But you guys really got nothin' at all to breathe with?" Mer-Jackie asks. "Cuz... mmm I might be able to get you some- but I dunno how well you'd swim with all those clothes on ya. The OA base is a bit farther down into the reefs. Plus- that reaper won't stay away for too long- this is his territory! He gets realll mad when other fish come nearby."
"Y-yes, nothing to breathe with," Schneep says hesitantly. "And no suitable clothes."
Jackie throws his hands into the air. "Well—guess we'll fucking die, then!"
Maybe I know some magic that can help? JJ says. I just need a moment to remember. He sighs. This is why the ABIM encourages magicians to carry around their own book of spells.
"No, I'm sure we can figure something out, don't waste your magic," Jackie says. "We'll try nonmagical means before magic ones."
Alt seems to think before he perks up, "...I have a spell- I've done it before!" He seems excited, "I-It turned us into mermen before- m-maybe it'll still work here! Oh... i might need to change some runes to make sure we're the right type of fish... hmmm-"
Bro looks at Alt worriedly, "I mean... do you still have enough magic Alt? We just went through a lot of shit..."
Mer-Jackie and Mer-Schneep look at all of the with confusion. "...what does all that stuff mean? Spells? Magic?" Stalker Schneep asks.
"They sound like Marvin... I still don't know where he learned words like that..." Reaper Jackie grumbles. "Maybe they mean warps? mmm but those don't work outside of the water last I checked-"
Alt then grips at his head and curses, "Argh! I dunno how that would work though! I don't have my spellbook and my phone is probably fried! I don't even know how I'd write the runes-!"
It’s okay, Alt, not your fault, JJ says. None of us could’ve predicted this. Then he glances at the mer-people in the water. He grins. Someone translate what I say for them. Do you want to see something cool?
“JJ asks if you want to see something cool,” Jackie relays.
Reaper Jackie's eyes widen and he nods eagerly, "Yes yes! I wanna see something cool!!"
Stalker Schneep chuckles and then shrugs, "Alright... I suppose."
JJ holds out his hands. After a second, flickering blue lights appear around his fingers, coalescing into a couple glowing spheres. He sends them flying around the area, moving like big fireflies, the blue shifting through various colors.
Reaper Jackie's eyes light up with excitement and he quickly swims around and tries to chase them. "Oh my stars!!! Look at that!! SCHNEEP LOOK!!"
Henrik laughs a bit breathlessly, "I... I am seeing- that is..." He looks back to JJ- "H-How are you doing that?"
"Its like Marvin with his warps! I bet he just thinks its and then whoooosh!" Reaper Jackie says, making weird arm gestures again.
Alt laughs, "It's called magic but... you aren't too far off? It's... kinda hard to explain..."
JJ laughs, happy that they like his little light show. The balls of light slowly fade away and he brushes his hands off, then signs, It’s a lot like that—thinking about something and making it happen. But sometimes it needs something a little extra, like a word or a gesture.
Jackie repeats what he says for the boys in the water, and adds, “Alt can do stuff like that, too, but slightly different. And our Schneep and Chase have their own stuff—”
“Jackie, what if we do not want to share that?” Schneep asks.
“Oh. Sorry.”
"I'm okay with sharing!" Bro pipes up and pushes off the metal- leaping into the air and then flying above the merboys. "I'm a superhero! so- I can fly!"
The mermen looks absolutely flabbergasted. Reaper Jackie grabs Henrik's shoulder and starts shaking him wildly, "Schneep! He's flying! What i- I didn't know humans could do that without their rockets and shit!!"
"Incredible..." Henrik breathes. Then, he gets annoyed by Jackie's shaking and he snaps his teeth at him. "Jackie! Enough I can see him!"
"Oh- Sorry-" Mer-Jackie grins sheepishly.
Bro goes to touch back down and brushes down his outfit. "Sadly- flying doesn't really help when we need to go underwater..."
"Oh oh! Maybe we can ask Zara to drive that reallly big ship over here for these guys! Cuz- I think a sea moth is too small." Mer-Jackie says.
Henrik frowns, "That will alert the reapers though..."
"ohhh yeah- that's not good..."
"If I just had something to write with... something I can make sure stays on all of us I... I bet I could try the spell...?" Alt mumbles to himself.
Schneep casually reaches to the side and grabs a permanent marker. “Would this work or do you need something else?”
“What?!” Jackie stares. “Can—can you do that with anything?”
“Nothing too big, I need to be able to hold it,” Schneep says.
“Can… can you get specific stuff?” Jackie asks. “Because SCLERA took my staff… and I kinda liked it…”
“Hmm. I am not sure. Let me try…” Schneep reaches out with his other hand… and finds Jackie’s collapsed staff.
“Whoa.” Jackie whistles.
“I don’t know if it is the same one or a near identical-one, but here,” Schneep holds it out.
“That’ll work!” Jackie happily takes the staff.
Alt blinks wide eyed at the marker, his jaw falling open. He then blinks at Schneep and mumbles out quickly. "I-If i describe a certain bracelet- could you grab that?? I... I can make duplicate from there and... well maybe it can just be a bracelet but the one im thinking of we used for these kind of travels cuz it had a tracking spell on it- but either way! T-then I can do the spell to make us mermen! ...cuz it sounds like there's fuck-all up here." He looks to Mer-Jackie and Schneep who just nod in agreement.
"All the fun stuff is underwater!" Reaper Jackie says with a sharp grin.
"Oh- does that take a lot of energy Schneep?? Maybe we can get JJ and my spellbooks too??" Alt adds on.
"Getting a specific item? No, not really. In all honesty, I do not get tired from my powers the way that my Marvin and Jackie get tired from theirs," Schneep says. "Or the way that you do, I suppose. I just do not know if I am literally grabbing it or somehow conjuring it. Hmm... perhaps I should try to test that some time..." He trails off for a moment, thinking. Then shakes his head. "I have never tried something with magic before, either, but I can at least try to get you a bracelet as you describe."
"Oh... huh... that's interesting," Alt says with a curious hum. Then, he focuses, "Uh... right um- it's like a leather bracelet and it has a gem on top of it and runes on the inside. Does... that help?"
Schneep nods slowly. "Yes, it does. Now let's see." He reaches out... and after a second grabs something. He pulls it back. "This seems fitting."
It is indeed a leather bracelet with a gem—exactly like the ones Alt was picturing, but lacking the runes.
Alt perks up and goes to take the bracelet and look it over. He deflates as he sees the tracking runes are gone. He doesn't have those memorized... and getting the bracelets attuned for that takes a long time. But- that's okay! They only need these for the transformation spell. Alt smiles at Schneep, "Y-Yes this is good Schneep, thanks!"
Alt starts to mumble to himself, duplicating the bracelets until there's 5 of them. He sets them all down, starting to write out the runes he needs with the marker: water. breathing, transformation and... can he still use fish here? That made them like... real life fish back in the merman world they found... but maybe the principle will still work here? Just in case... he knows the rune for space? Space...fish... that seems like it could work? He grabs a bracelet and secures it on, whispering some magic words to himself. As he does, his eyes and the runes glow blue. He gets to his feet and is about to take stuff off before he shrugs. All their stuff is already ruined... but mermen usually at least have their shirts off… god he missed his jacket. He pulls off his shirt then takes a steady breath. "Alright... Lemme see if this works..." He mumbles, before he dives into the water.
"Wait hey!" Mer-Jackie yells in a bit of concern, "The reaper!"
But, then Alt pops back up and- first thing you can notice is he has gills. and some kind of blue green armor on his arms. Henrik and Mer-Jackie's eyes widen. Alt takes stock of himself and then lifts up his legs- but now its a tail! A big thick tail that has... weird reddish prongs on the ends. Alt blinks in confusion. "What the hell??"
JJ applauds, impressed by Alt's work.
"Oh, so cool!" Jackie whoops.
Mer-Jackie gasps and swims closer and lifts up his tail to look at better above the water, effectively pushing Alt under the water in the motion. "Oh!! Oh my stars you're a hybrid now!!”
"But unlike one we have ever seen..." Henrik breathes, getting closer too to see.
"I know what you are though!" Jackie pipes up excitedly, "You're a- OW!"
A shock runs up the tail and reaper Jackie lets go and Alt pops his head back out with a glare. "...a little warning, next time?"
"You're an ampeel!" Mer Jackie says happily, as if that didn't just happen.
Alt's eyes widen. "...it worked?" Then he laughs in victory and pumps his fists, "Yes! It worked!" He then glitches back onto the ship and the other boys can see that out of the water, Alt still has gills and the weird armor on his arms and legs but- he has legs again and is mostly human. He quickly bends down and starts saying the spell words to make all the bracelets work.
"wooahhh- how'd you do that?? I've never seen a- a hybrid become human before!!" Mer-Jackie gasps. Alt just smirks, "It's magic~!"
Schneep laughs. "Wish I could have seen it. An ampeel?"
"Apparently it's a fish with armored plating and these parts that stick out and shock people," Jackie describes. "So—that'll work for all of us?" His eye lights up. "Can I try? Oh, what about our clothes?"
Alt grins, "Yeah- i-it'll probably turn you into different things... It's based on the soul. So... huh- you could become something like these guys or... maybe something completely different." Alt then laughs and gestures to himself, "Seems like they stay intact with the spell... thank god or I'd be really embarrassed right now." He hands the bracelet to Jackie and nods, "Give it a try!"
"Oh hell yeah!" Jackie takes the bracelet and pulls it on. He hesitates, but then—just in case, quickly takes off his hoodie and shirt beneath. Not that he doesn't trust Alt's magic. He just thinks it's better safe than sorry. Taking off his pants is a bit too far, though.
He takes a deep breath, then dives into the water.  A moment later, he surfaces, and looks down at himself. He has a long tail instead of legs, covered in red armor that's white on the belly. A ridge of fins runs down the back, and two small flippers poke out near his waist. On his back are mandibles, similar to Mer-Jackie's but a bit different, all black and a bit serrated on the inside. "Whoa... this feels so weird. But also, kinda cool."
Mer-Jackie blinks in surprise and circles around Jackie. He looks... confused. He tilts his head and studies him. "I... I've never seen a fish like you before... Are there fish like this on this planet, Schneep?" he asks looking over at Henrik. Stalker Schneep looks just as confused and shakes his head, "... I have never seen a creature like this..."
"Huh... weird..." Mer-Jackie mutters. "Guess we can always ask Danan."
"Hah... I'm special." Jackie grins. This is strange... he lost his legs but gained four extra limbs. As he thinks about it, the mandibles snap a little. Good thing he took his shirt and hoodie off after all, these new things might've torn through them. But... it does leave his chest exposed. With all its scars... He folds his arm, trying to be casual about it. 
Alt watches Jackie jump in with a smile then goes to hand a bracelet to Schneep. "Do you wanna try Schneep? We'll try our best to stick by you and help..."
"Hmm? Oh yes, of course." Schneep looks down at the bracelet as Alt places it in his hand, and he quickly puts it on. He takes his coat off—the water makes it heavy—but leaves his shirt on as he slides into the water. When he surfaces, his upper torso is unchanged, but his legs have been replaced by a bony tail covered in translucent flesh that allows the skeleton inside to be seen. Four tendrils branch off at his waist, moving slowly. One wraps around Jackie's new tail and he yelps in surprise. "Ah, s-sorry, Jackie."
Alt blinks over to look at the two of them and grins, "Woah! Awesome!"
"Ohhh! You are a River Prowler!" Henrik says brightly, swimming around Schneep. As he swims he does seem to take in Schneep's face a bit more, tilting his head. "... Jackie? ... do these strangers look... really familiar to you?"
Mer-Jackie is still swimming and trying to figure out what the hell other Jackie is. He pops back up and blinks at Henrik. "Hah?" He looks back at other Jackie and tilts his head too. "... mmmm maybe? I dunno..."
"..without the scars... this Jackie kinda looks like you... if you had brown hair." Henrik points out.
Mer-Jackie whips around to look at his brother then back at Jackie. "What?? n-no way! ... well if that's the case then- you look like this Schneep a lot! He just needs your goggles and green hair!"
"..h-hah??" Henrik gasps and looks at Schneep with wide eyes.
Jackie laughs a bit nervously. "Yeah, uh... funny, isn't it?"
Schneep blinks. "They have green hair? All three of them?"
"Yeah, they do, it's a bit strange... but kind of cool looking," Jackie says.
"Oh, I can imagine. My friends Jack and Chase dyed their hair together some years ago, I can picture it vividly," Schneep says. He turns to the hybrids. "Oh yes, I should explain. I actually cannot see." He waves his hand in front of his eyes, demonstrating. "Not at all. It is just black to me. So, if I have seemed clueless, that is why."
"OOOHH!" Mer Jackie says, "That explains a lot! Hey! The reapers are technically blind too! Maybe I can teach you to roar so you can like- echo stuff out and feel things!"
"I do not think River Prowlers can roar like you do, Jackie." Henrik says with a raised eyebrow. Mer-Jackie grumbles and crosses his arms. "You don't know-! Maybe.. they get special abilities or something... like that new thing Marvin can do! Or how Jamie can talk to other fish!"
If we're going to become fish I should do something really quick before that, JJ says. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the tooth Bro knocked out in their fight back in SCLERA. He presses it to the empty space, concentrates hard... and, after a moment, there's a flash of blue light and the tooth is reattached. He shakes his head, wobbling a bit. That took more power than he thought, but he can still make do.
Bro blinks at JJ and then his eyes widen and he goes to help JJ get steady afterwards. He hesitates for a second before lightly hugging JJ around the shoulders. "...sorry I did that... sorry..."
JJ blinks. He smiles at Bro and pats him on the back. It's alright. I know by now that you can't blame someone for the things they do while controlled. His smile fades. I'm... sorry, too. I don't know what came over me back there. I was just so angry... and... He shudders, remembering what it was like. So that was the effect of black magic, was it? He'd read about how it changes people, but he'd never understood the temptation until it was right there. So much power... but at the cost of acting on his worst impulses and feelings.
Bro squeezes JJ back and then smiles at him. "Hey, it's okay dude. Water under the bridge~!" He grins dopeily and nudges JJ with his elbow a bit. "Besides- no harm done." He gestures to the claw marks on his suit. The skin underneath is still a bit red and patchy but it's already starting to heal. "I heal fast, remember?"
J looks surprised, then laughs and nods. That's right. I forgot. Well... if there's 'no harm done', and we're both sorry, then we shouldn't worry about it.
Bro laughs and pats JJ on the shoulder, "Alright- I'm good with that~ You ready to try this crazy shit?"
JJ laughs. Of course!
Bro smiles at JJ and goes to take a bracelet and put it on. He takes off his hero jacket and then dives in. When he comes back up- he has purple markings on his face and purple like veins going up his neck. He has scalloped plates on his arms like armor and on his shoulder blades. And this strange armor like structure on his chest that sticks out a bit from his collarbone. He blinks down at it and pokes at it. "The hell is this thing??"
Alt bursts into laughter.
Jackie grins. "You're like if a fish was a tank."
Mer-Jackie blinks out of his mood and swims over and brightens up. "Oh oh!! You're a boneshark!! cool!!!" He points at his eyes. "We got the same kind of markings too! That's so cool??"
Bro blinks, "Really??" Then he grins and holds up his hand for Jackie to high-five. But the hybrid just blinks at him in confusion.
JJ giggles at Mer-Jackie's confusion. I don't think they know what high fives are.
"Really? Well, you do it like this." Schneep holds up a hand, and Jackie swims over to slap it. Classic high five. "It is an expression of friendship, or acknowledging that something is cool."
Mer-Jackie's eyes light up and he rushes to go to high-five Bro- wayyy too hard. "Ow! Jesus!" Bro exclaims, holding his hand. He grins nervously, "T-That was great Jackie! just... not so hard?"
"Ohhh okay!" He grins, showing off his teeth again. "That's fun- I like that! Imma high five alll my brothers!"
Well, I suppose it's my turn. JJ takes the last of the bracelets, removes his cape—much like Schneep's coat, it gets heavy when wet—and shirt, and jumps into the water.  He pops to the surface with a blue glowing tail, slightly translucent, with a diamond-shaped fin at the end. Wings are attached to his arms, pointed at the ends, like some sort of fancy scarves or long sleeves. The blue translucence carries up his torso all the way to his shoulders. Red shapes can be seen inside his body, about where his lungs and stomach would be. He looks down at himself in surprise. He can see through him. It's a bit disconcerting... but he likes the glow.
As JJ jumps in Mer Jackie swims over and beams. "Woahh! A ghost ray!!" He swims over and holds up one of JJ's wings, "You got wings just like Chase does!"
"What?" Bro says, looking at his arms, "I don't got wings!"
"Not you! My brother Chase!" Reaper Jackie laughs. He then blinks and grins even bigger. "Now you can all meet them!! Oh Oh- Jamie is gonna love all of you!! And Chase! ... probably- mmm Marvin might be a mixed bag and... well- you have met Anti..." He shakes his head and smiles again. "And we can show the base!! Oh! This will be so much fun!"
Alt chuckles and dives back into the water with everyone. "You guys might wanna make sure you keep your things on you... unless Schneep can grab them for us later? I'm just worried a rift will show up and they'll get stuck here..."
"A rift?" Stalker Schneep asks, "What is that?"
"...that's a complicated story- we can try to tell you later okay?"
"Better safe than sorry," Schneep says. "Somebody grab my coat.
"On it." Jackie climbs out of the water, temporarily turning human again—the mandibles shrink down but still stick out a bit, little nubs on his back—and grabs all their stuff, bundling it up in JJ's cape. He jumps back into the water. "So. Sounds like you have a bunch of, uh... are they... brothers, then? You're all related?"
How are you all different fish, then? JJ asks.
"That's a good point. How are you all different fish?"
"And where are we going?" Schneep asks. "Exactly, I mean. Details."
"Oh well uhhh-" Mer-Jackie makes a face as he thinks, "I dunno- Jack started calling us all brothers long before I was even born. Do you know why Schneep?" He then looks back at the others and grins. "Schneep is older than me. Most of them are- the only one that isn't is Jamie... oh! and Marvin! I found out I'm older~!" He says proudly, puffing out his chest. Then he laughs, "But to be honest? I've always seen us like twins."
"The reason why we are all different is... complicated." Stalker Schneep says.
"Well- me and Chase are brothers and we're different right now!" Alt points out, flicking his tail. "Maybe its a soul thing? Maybe its... magic?"
"It is not that." Henrik says with finality. "It is... come, I will explain while we swim. We have a bit of one." He dives under the water.
JJ tilts his head at Henrik's statement. Why does he have a bad feeling about this? A world where there are humans, but the only hybrids are their little group... something abnormal happened there. And maybe something not so good.
Mer-Jackie smiles and motions for them to follow after. "We're going to our friends' base! It’s down at the end of the shallows near the kelp forest!"
Alt and Bro look at each other. Bro instinctually takes a breath before going under and Alt rolls his eyes before he follows.
"Shallows and kelp forest, okay," Jackie mutters. That means nothing to him, but it might make sense when he sees it. He also instinctively takes a breath before diving. JJ is next, then Schneep.
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rex101111 · 1 year
I was thinking that, despite how relatively popular she is, Shuten has only had one extra version of her, so I started thinking of what kind of Alter she’d get and what sort of event would bring it about...and I hit upon a really stupid one that made me laugh so I wanna share it.
Ruler Shuten. Yes, I’m serious. 
Now the whole point of a Ruler is that they are supposed to be outside the conflict and make sure that a grail war doesn’t go off the rails and everyone follows the rules, a “judge” in other words, right? So, I was thinking, what sort of war or contest or whatever could Shuten possibly be qualified to be a judge of?
And then it hit me, cooking contest!
It would be a really silly event, like Oniland, and likewise spurred by Ibaraki saying something that manages to hit Shuten’s usually well hidden soft side. This time the younger Oni complains about how the food they serve in Chaldea isn’t as good as they used to have back on Mt. Ooe, and how now she has to share instead of just having as much as she wants. It’s a selfish want on the surface but Shuten can see that underneath that its just Ibaraki feeling a bit nostalgic for the good ol’ days.
The event is of course a big and bombastic cooking contest, like Master Chef but with explosions and people stabbing each other. All the famous, and infamous, chef servants fight a heated battle to satisfy the taste of The Grand Judge...Shuten Douji???
Everyone points out how outlandish it is that Shuten somehow managed to manifest as a Ruler, the loudest complaints of course come from Raikou, who is miffed both because she has to deal with Shuten and because she tried to cook something for Kintoki and it turned out awful so she’s using this chance to improve her skills and having to have her cooking judged by Shuten is seriously ruffling her feathers something fierce.
R: “How the hell can you possibly be qualified to judge me, insect?”
S: “Do you know how much wine I’ve drank? The feasts I’ve consumed? By sheer volume alone my tongue has more experience than anyone here~”
R: “You ate people!”
S: “Exactly! Thank you for reminding me! Yes! I ate people! Young and Old! Rich and Poor! Man and Woman! My tastes are diverse and well balanced! Truly my qualifications run deep! So here I am before you, as Ruler, as judge.”
R: “I-! You-!”
S: “So be sure to try your best~~”
Cue Shuten vanishing in a flash of light and Raikou gnashing her teeth and so begins the event. Tamamo and Kiyohime and especially Tomoe continue to be utterly atrocious at cooking and are the first bosses, Benienma continues to suffer as she opts out of the contest because she knows it would be unfair so she tries to train everyone else and boy is she in for a rough time, Archer and Boudica forming a quiet but intense rivalry as they battle it out in the kitchen for the title of Mom Of Chaldea, just a lot of small scenes of servants having fun and cooking like those mini-scnes in Oniland.
Shuten would be the featured 5 star limited servant of course, dressed in a mix of flowing white robes and a chef’s outfit that, because this is FGO and this is Shuten, gets skimpier the more you ascend her. The one thing that doesn’t change is that in every ascension...she has a little white chef’s hat between her horns. It only changes in her final ascension where it becomes a BIG white chef’s hat between her horns.  
The ending would be something like Raikou finally cooking something that satisfies Shuten (and beating each other up because they couldn’t resist) and she then turns around...and gives it to Ibaraki, who marvels at how this is exactly like the stew or whatever they used to have “way back when”. 
Ibaraki turns to Raikou and thanks her loudly and the samurai can only stammer a quiet, “thank you” and out of instinct pulls out a handkerchief to wipe Ibaraki’s face. Shuten just watches this with a quiet smile.   
So yeah if we can get a Ruler that’s a Casino Manger/Playboy Bunny why not Chef Shuten? Why the hell not huh???
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keldae · 1 year
Writer’s Month 2023: Day Six
word: surf | setting/AU: backpacking AU
Ord Mantell wasn't known for its beaches or great swimming holes, especially in the region where Corso had grown up. He wasn't a coward, but he still dubiously eyed the wild waves pounding the beaches of Raider's Cove on far-away Rishi, then the tall board beside him. "You sure this is a good idea, Cap'n?"
"Of course!" Korin cheerfully grinned at his first mate while holding up his own surfboard. "What's the worst that could happen?"
Corso looked back out at the waves. "We both drown an' die? Or get eaten by whatever's hidin' in the water?"
"C'mon, where's your sense of adventure?"
"Somewhere I can take Torchy!"
"Aw, c'mon, Riggs! Surfin' can't be that hard to figure out!"
"Maybe for someone with your uncanny sense of balance," Corso retorted. "Us normal folk don't have that."
"Most of everyone else doesn't have the Force either," Korin pointed out. He looked out to the waves, watching other surfers riding over the ocean. "An' they're all doin' fine!"
Corso dubiously eyed the surfers. "... Let's see you do it first," he said. "I'll stick here in case you need a rescue or something."
Korin rolled his eyes. "Fine, just to show you there ain't nothing to fret about." Hoisting up his surfboard, he jumped out into the ocean and started paddling his way into deeper water, where the waves rose taller and more dangerous.
"I got a bad feeling about this," Corso muttered, watching his captain and best friend swim out to sea. He managed to keep his eyes on Korin's sun-bleached hair, watching as the spacer finally decided he was out far enough, then turned his board around as another wave started rolling in. For a few seconds, as he got to his feet and started riding the wave in to the shore, he seemed to be doing okay…
Then the wave revealed itself to be one of the towering monsters of the tide, rising up dangerously high behind Korin as it barrelled toward shore. Corso, even at this distance, could almost see the alarm on his captain’s face as the other spacer realised he’d perhaps gotten himself in over his head. One other experienced surfer disappeared under the crest of the wave, then another – then Korin’s blond head disappeared. Indulging in a few choice expletives that he’d picked up during his time in the Peace Brigades, Corso abandoned his surfboard to run in the direction where he’d last seen Korin, inwardly planning what obligatory nice things he would have to say at the other man’s memorial service (if he survived that long, after telling Cipher Nine or Darth Imperius or Master Xaja what happened).
His heart leaped into his throat when he saw a familiar tanned body get washed up on shore, surfboard somehow still close by (he blamed Korin’s Force-usage, later). A moment later, his fear turned into exasperation when Korin rolled over, sat up, spat out a mouthful of water, and let out a loud whoop. “What a ride! Did you see that wave, Corso?”
“I saw you go down in that damned wave!” Corso indignantly said. “You smack your head falling off your board or something?”
Korin laughed (if perhaps a little more shakily than usual) and got to his feet, retrieving his surfboard. “Hells, that was a blast! Let’s go for another one!”
“Not on your kriffing life, Cap’n!”
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simluvbot · 3 years
Sunghoon as your boyfriend
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a/n: as usual with these bf headcanons, im sorry it was so messy TT also thank you so so much for over 100 followers !! <33
open to read <3
tbh it got to a point where literally everyone but you two knew that you were crushing on each other..
Sunghoon can very oblivious sometimes, and so can you
Sunghoon can very oblivious sometimes, and so can you
tbh it was literally until jake had to spell out to sunghoon how he obviously had a crush on you which is what prompted him to actively make moves on you (lmao)
And, sooner or later, you both ended up dating :D
Sunghoon is be pretty awkward early on in the relationship so it’s just so so precious ):
so every small moment of skinship between you both has butterflies instantly swarming in your stomachs and your cheeks heating up like crazy ):
And sunghoon will think about it for ages in his bed later at nighttime, replaying the moment you took his hand in yours and interlocked your fingers with his
He’d think about how soft your hands felt in his hold and how fuzzy the feeling made him feel, and sunghoon isn’t one to freak out easily but gee the butterflies you made him feel (he will never tell you about that though)
Many late night dates!
I say this for literally every enhypen member but to me this concept just fits so well with all of them
Sunghoon likes going on late night walks with you in private (and safe!) parks where he knows that you two will be completely alone
He loves walking around with you for hours, chatting away about random weird topics and sharing shy eye contact with each other
Or he will also like to lay down on the grass with you, backs on the plush ground and stargazing together 💔
He’ll admire your side profile and smile at your awed expression as you stare up at the stars, thinking about how pretty you look under the moonlight
But then when you turn to face him he’ll look away and pretend he was never looking in the first place🙄
To me sunghoon seems the type to silently appreciate you and the small moments he shares with you.
You could be sitting across from him eating messily while ranting about your day and he’ll simply nod, barely listening and instead watching the way your moth moves and how prettily your lips create shapes as you talk
Or you could be simply doing nothing at all, instead laying on the sofa on your phone and he’ll look up from his own now and then, quietly reflecting and feeling thankful for how you’re in his life
In public he is very much the silent observer! but not in a creepy way, it’s all loving of course, especially since hoon has said before that he’s not the best with expressing his words and feelings
So he instead shows his love and appreciation to you through small acts of service and gifts!
It’s small things that he does for you, such as tying your shoelaces for you, pulling you onto his other side when you’re asking along a busy road so he is the one one the road side instead or buying what he knows is your favourite snack to surprise you with!
I think that he will also ask jay for tips on what to cook for you hehe. He likes to surprise you and pls I just see him standing wearing an apron as he tries to follow the recipe jay gave him so he can make you your favourite food for you to eat the next day )):
Many cafe dates!!
Have you seen that picture of him sipping from a drink as he sits at a cafe table?? yeAH WELL
takes you out to his favourite cafes all the time 😁😁
going on the lookout for best cafés on your dates is YOUR THING i see it
Sunghoon honestly treasures you so much and although he doesn’t express it in words often, he really thinks about you a lot ): so many little things remind him of you its ridiculous. 
he’ll see something and go like “oh!” which confuses the other members but its just because he saw something that made him think of you lol
He is comfortable enough with you to be vulnerable in front of you!
At first when you both started dating he was reallyyyy shy since he is an introvert.. but ofc soon the ice boy melted and he eventually became so much more comfy around you :D
so yes park sunghoon does share a lot of his weird thoughts and personality with you lmao
but its just bc he trusts you and knows that you wont judge him ):<
Takes you on ice skating dates where he teaches you how to skate
Will come up with a simple routine with you
I’m gonna cry I’m gonna pass out I can’t take this I’m tearing up TAKE MY PHONE AWAY FROM NE AT THIS
he will come up with ): simple ice skating routines with you ): where he spins you around and holds both your hands steadily as he skates backward and guides you forward, making breathless eye contact while he rests his forehead against yours, smiling softly
although when you do end up falling he laughs 🙄 he is so rude i stg
but he then helps you back up of course, holding your gloved hands in his softly since they took the most impact of ur fall 
he’ll massage them gently in his, concerned and telling you to be more careful next time and showing you how to regain your balance when you feel yourself slipping.
“aha like you will even need to use that technique anyways y/n because your ice prince will save you from falling.”
sighs. anyways
Whenever he catches you staring at him (which is 99% of the time when you’re with him because well, duh), he will the hELL out of you lmao
He teases you pretty often anyways
“If you’re just going to continue staring at me this whole time then just take a photo instead y/n, it lasts longer you know 😐.”
“I know I’m handsome y/n. Instead of making it so obvious with your googly eyes then don’t be afraid to say it too. I don’t bite 🙂👎.”
Is so proud of himself whenever he gets you flustered at his comments because as much as it embarrasses you, what he says is true </3 and you don’t deny it
But then when YOU tell him how attractive he is in a teasing way it’s HIM that starts blushing LMFAO
“The view is so pretty.” You said, sighing out as you stood next to sunghoon on the top floor balcony.
“Yeah, Seoul is so beautiful.” Your boyfriend commented, nodding as he looked down at the blinking lights from down below.
Frowning, you tilted your head as you stared at him. “Oh, I wasn’t  talking about that.”
Looking up, sunghoon looked at you in confusion. “What do you mean then?”
“I meant the view is so pretty. You’re the view.”
Gets so flustered PLSJDKSJS he looked away from you and ignored you for the next 5 minutes while he tried to compose himself and pretend like he was not affected by what you said
You simply laughed at how red his ears had become and how he ignored your teasing remarks indifferently when he was actually dying inside at what you said
Or other times when you compliment him he will be really smug about it too lmao
He values your opinion, even if it’s something about the new jacket he wore and how it looks nice on him
You bet he will wear that jacket 372837 more files after that and uploaded it on Twitter for engenes too (;
All because you complimented him once
It gets to the point where jay and jungwon tease him about why he is constantly wearing the same thing every day and whether it’s something to do with you LMAO
boy gets so shy 😭😭😭
Sunghoon likes it when you run your hands though his hair ): especially at the back of his head where you tug at his strange gently, especially since his hair is pretty long rn
It’s so soothing to him to feel your nails gently rake through his mullet and massage his scalp, it instantly makes his eyes shut and sleepiness take over.
I feel like sunghoon isn’t that big on cuddles? But when you both sleep together he always pulls you in closer to him subconsciously ):
Head pats from sunghoon ✔️
Kisses with sunghoon!
When you both first started dating you had to initiate everything and he would get so flustered after
But after you had been dating sunghoon for a while and you kiss, he’ll do this thing where he looks at you with lidded eyes and stares at your lips and he kNOWS how good he looks when he does that
Such a tease..
Will cup the back of your neck and bring you in
his hands gently roam around your waist or place themselves onto your back to hold you close to him
Kisses with sunghoon are usually pretty slow and can last a while, so you’re always left feeling breathless when you finally pull apart
Nibbles your lips to tease you hehe
He doesn’t really give you short kisses apart from when he’s feeling bursts of happiness and really excited about something! Or when he wants to thank you
Also Hoon likes to also keep your scrunchie on his wrist if you wear any
Idk, he just likes it [:
Hoon also likes to take many pretty photos with you too, it’s so aesthetic TT
Kisses your forehead whenever he says bye to you on his way to complete his schedule for the day 🥺
Shows Jake and jay pictures of you all the time lol
The 02z definitely don’t miss the blush on his cheeks whenever he tells them about how cute you are 🙄
Sunghoon cutest bf ): he doesn’t reall like to show affection for you in front of other people but when y’all are alone?
Phew, the boy might be an ice prince but whenever he is around you.. let’s say that perhaps you seem to melt him a lil bit (:
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hamsterboos · 3 years
here’s a fact. hating someone is exhausting.
Again, another one I speed wrote between finishing up homework and playing genshin lmao I really need to work on that but oh well. Seeing the prompt immediately reminded me of The Hating Game and this is kind of based on that, so do with that information what you will :D Title is also a quote from the book!
Word Count: 1495 Read on AO3 Rowaelin Month Masterlist
Day 18 of Rowaelin Month Prompt: You're my work rival and we're stuck in an elevator
It was a race, and they were tied for first place.
Then again, it’s not like there were any other competitors except for the two of them.
Aelin glanced at the clock and silently cursed, realizing that there wasn't much time left until the working day was done, and she desperately needed to finish this data analysis report for her boss to be able to look over the first thing Monday morning. The only caveat to this was that Rowan Whitethorn was also there until the last possible minute finishing his analysis report on a different department’s data collection.
If he wasn’t sitting directly across from her and constantly in her direct line of sight, it wouldn’t have been such a problem, but when she looked up to see his annoyingly handsome face with his gorgeous eyes and infuriatingly beautiful tattoo creeping out of his shirt’s collar, Aelin was just pissed off that he was such a dick.
Ever since Rowan had joined the company, his insane work ethic (that rivaled hers, honestly) and the fact that he had immediately begun to compete with her for the same manager promotion had Aelin understandably frustrated, and it seems that Rowan was frustrated as well. However, Aelin was nothing but professional, so she never acted on her annoyance with him until the small passive-aggressive and sarcastic comments shared between them turned the silent feud not-so-silent, or secret. Soon enough, the entire office was aware of the fact that Aelin Ashryver Galathynius and Rowan Whitethorn hated each other and could not work together.
Of course, that just forced their boss to work together more often than not on data analysis projects, but they got their shit down. Somehow.
And now here they were, both working till the last possible second of the working day to show off their dedication to their jobs in order to somehow get the upper hand compared to the other. Everyone else had slowly begun to leave already, the office emptying out early especially with it being a Friday afternoon (even their boss had left), but this was an important report. With being promoted to a manager role, that would mean that they were the other’s boss, and Aelin wasn’t sure she’d be able to handle Rowan as her boss. He would definitely somehow make her working life hell, and she liked her job; she enjoyed working with the numbers and making graphs and analyzing these numbers.
Her fingers flew across the keyboard, and with every glance at the clock and at Rowan, her fingers worked faster, slowly beginning to cramp as she desperately tried to get that last sentence in so she could proofread it over quickly.
“How are you still writing, Galanthynius?” she heard Rowan taunt, and she rolled her eyes as she finished typing out her last thought. “You seem to be losing your touch.”
“Screw off, Whitethorn,” she growled, hitting enter and then saving the document — four times but who’s counting — before turning to look at his smug face. “Maybe you finished earlier because you didn’t have nearly as much detail as I do. It’s always quality over how fast something can get done, anyway.”
“Hmm, that wouldn’t make a difference if Maeve can’t look at the document bright and early on Monday, now would it?”
“Who said anything about her not having it done by Monday morning?” she asked, her eyes scanning the document over for any typos and coherency issues.
“Such arrogance.”
“It’s called confidence, Rowan. Maybe you’d attract more girls if you had any of that,” she replied sweetly. It was a blatant lie, though. He had enough confidence in himself that she was attracted to him. Not that she’d ever, ever, make that obvious to him.
“Not like you go out on many dates, either.” Aelin saved the file yet again after another read through, and she sent it to the printer, and she stood up, moving to the printer. Rowan followed her.
“How do you know I don’t have one tonight?”
“I think you’d be bragging about it much more if you did.”
Aelin leaned against the printer as it worked, and she ran her eyes over him. It was unfair how hot he looked in a white button-up collared shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, and gray slacks, but it wasn’t like she was unaware that she looked hot today as well. It was a navy long sleeved dress with a gold belt cinching around her waist and a v-neck that went deep enough to barely be considered professional.
“I don’t need to brag about my dates,” she said, turning to pick up her papers and stapling them. “I think my clothes are enough.”
Aelin saw his eyes roam over her, lingering on the v-neck, before snapping back to her face. “I suppose so. I’ve seen you look like a nun, so this is definitely something special.”
“Aw,” she cooed. “You like it. Now, if you’d kindly get out of my way, I have something to submit before I leave.”
She walked away from him and set the report on Maeve’s desk before picking up all of her belongings and packing it away and moving to leave the office. Waiting for the elevator took a bit, and by that time Rowan had joined her, silently standing next to her. The elevator dinged, announcing its arrival, and they both got on, still in utter silence until there was a loud clanging sound as the elevator jerked. Aelin lost her balance as she let out a cry of surprise, tumbling into Rowan’s side. He grabbed onto her waist to steady her with one hand braced on the side of the elevator, and the lights within had turned off before turning to a soft blinking red.
“What’s going on?” she asked, pushing herself away from him. Rowan moved to press a button on the elevator before they both realized that the building had lost power, effectively trapping them in the elevator.
“Shit,” he cursed, “we’re stuck.”
Aelin pressed the emergency speaking button, “Hello? Is anyone there? We’re stuck in the elevator.”
The speaker crackled to life immediately afterwards, with someone asking if they were okay and how many people were in the elevator before saying that the firefighters were on their way, but it would take at least half an hour.
“Well this is fantastic,” Aelin sighed, leaning against the wall.
“Too bad you’re missing out on your date,” Rowan said.
“Yeah, well at least you get to grace yourself in my presence for a bit longer.”
“As if I need more of you in my life.”
Aelin scoffed. “People could always use more of me in their lives. You wouldn’t be having nearly as much fun at work without me.”
“WIthout you? You can’t deal with half the tech problems we get if it weren’t for me. How did you make do without me?”
“Perfectly fine, Rowan, trust me.” In their heated conversation, she hadn’t realized when she’d moved away from the wall and instead was so close to Rowan that she could feel his body heat. His hand snaked around her waist and pulled him snug against her body, and her hands landed on his firm chest.
“I don’t believe you,” he whispered.
Aelin smiled, “I don’t care.”
She wasn’t sure if she had moved first or he had, but the next thing she knew, her arms were around his neck and both his hands were on her waist as their lips moved in tandem.
He was intoxicating as his lips devoured hers, and her brain spun as her body heated up in his hold.
Holy shit, Rowan was an amazing kisser.
She leaned up on her toes to get better access to his lips, and he leaned down even further. She couldn’t breathe, but she didn’t care. Who needed air when he was kissing her like that? It wasn’t possible for her to want to keep doing this with a man she hated, but her body didn’t care about that. Her body wanted Rowan’s hands all over her. Her body wanted him to slam her against the wall, hard enough that all she could feel was his body against hers.
Fortunately (or unfortunately?), her brain restarted, and Aelin pushed away from him, her chest heaving as she took gulps of air.
As the two looked at each other in silence, there wasn’t anything for them to say. She knew Rowan felt the same as she did. This was a mistake. An insanely amazing mistake, but a mistake regardless.
“This was a one time thing,” she breathed, and he nodded, his eyes still burning into her.
Thankfully, the elevator jerked slightly yet again as the speaker turned on again. “Good news, the power’s back, so everything’s fine.
“Great, thanks,” Rowan responded, and once they had arrived at the ground floor, Aelin resisted the urge to grab him again.
That could not happen again.
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nikrangdan · 4 years
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pairing: classmate!sunghoon x female reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: you felt like park sunghoon was way, WAY out of your league... what happens when the teacher tells him to move seats and sit next to you?
*didnt proofread
becoming friends with park sunghoon was not something you expected to happen this year
throughout high school you had a small group of friends and never really stuck out
so when your teacher told sunghoon to move seats..
the seat happened to be the empty one next to..
guess who *cue the evil laugh*
your first thought was
‘this entire year is just gonna be him completely ignoring my existence or awkward interactions’
now you’ve heard of park sunghoon.... its basically a guarantee at your high school
he has this group of friends and theyre labelled as the popular kids i guess you could say
and the only reason he had to move seats in your two hour long class was because he and his friend jake goof off in class too often and your teacher deemed them “too distracting”
so eventually sunghoon was forced to move all the way across the classroom
right next to you
you were shocked to say the least
obviously he was handsome
too handsome to the point where you questioned how someone as good looking as him went to your school
he sighed and got up from his chair next to jake
but he still had a small smile remaining on his face indicating he wasnt that upset about him having to leave his friend
your heart began to beat quicker automatically as he walked towards your desk
even if you didnt have a crush on him like alot of people did, you still felt nervous around popular students like him for some reason
he ran his hand through his hair and sat down next to you, setting his bookbag on the floor next to him
he didnt look at you, nor acknowledge you
but nonetheless the lecture began again and the class sat in silence
taking notes on their laptops or sleeping
there were around 30 people in your class and your seat was in the middle row next to the window so you often gazed outside from the 2nd floor during class
you glanced to your right and noticed sunghoon slouched back in his seat, twirling around a pencil in his hand while his laptop remained open on his desk
it was just a white screen so he didnt take any notes
you were surpised because you knew he had fairly decent grades
you ignored your thoughts and continued taking your own notes
soon enough the bell rang and sunghoon stood up immediately and walked over to jake
‘yup’ you thought. ‘we are definitely not going to be having a single conversation this year.’
fast forward a couple days!!!!
you were sitting in class next to the boy
as normal
and you still have yet to talk to him.. mainly because you never initiated conversations ESPECIALLY when its a really really cute boy
ur teacher is like
Ok class im assigning a project and ur partner is the person sitting next to u
yay!!!!!! (can u sense the sarcasm)
you sit in silence while everyone in the class starts discussing with their partners
the project is you have to make a presentation on a world issue of your choice
“um...” u start
sunghoon starts pulling out his laptop and binder
“what do you wanna do?”
he doesnt even look you
u didnt know sunghoon and his group of friends very well but u definitely thought they were more... friendly than this
its silent for like 5 seconds
“huh? oh sorry did you say something?”
“uh yeah.. i asked what you wanted to do for the project.”
God u tried so hard not to laugh
you think he noticed because his cheeks turned a really light shade of pink
he looked so innocent
“yeah we have to make a presentation” you lightly chuckled
he was very amusing without even trying
“oh sorry haha.. i zone out easily”
“its okay.. but its due in less than 2 weeks so”
so you two spent the next hour choosing a topic and working on the project
it was kind of awkward for the first 10 minutes but then you warmed up to eachother
u were lucky that he was an extrovert too
(sunghoon is an extrovert for the sake of this story OK)
u were also lucky that he was smart
it was easy for you to talk to him.. he just felt comfortable
contrary to ur prior belief.. sunghoon was actually a really really cool guy
u used to think he was just a guy
now u think hes a really really cool guy
“can you please stop putting penguin clip art on the slides” you giggle
then he puts parrot clip art instead
“do your work!!!!” he was supposed to keep researching but he was trying to balance his pen on his nose
“shhh y/n... im doing something important.”
you roll your eyes
he was always doing something that was Not work
but you found it entertaining
and he’d make dumb little jokes that made you both hide your faces in your arms on top of the desk to hide your laughter
“hey y/n”
“what do you call an old snowman”
“i dunno.. snowgramps”
“no.. water”
you both made eye contact before bursting into laughter and then forcing yourselves to be quiet before u got in trouble
but that made everything funnier so you both were just covering your faces while trying so hard not to make a sound
this was so weird
u have never clicked with someone so fast before it honestly felt exciting
you were talking to sunghoon as if you’d been friends with him since birth
Very Very weird because you had only talked to him an hour ago and now u two are acting like besties ?!?!
jake noticed from across the room too
hes like ‘Why is sunghoon having fun without me🙄🙄’
the bell rings and so far you only have 2 slides
“we didnt get anything done” you note as you pack your bag
“yeah yeah i know. we can work on it more tomorrow”
“right.. see you tomorrow” you’re about to head out until jake walks up
“hey bro” he and sunghoon do some kind of made up handshake before he turns to look at you
now you know jake
everyone knows jake
you used to think he was the sweetest out of all their friend group
and he definitely lives up to that!!!
“hey y/n!” he gives u a smile
AWE hes so adorable
“hi” u reply
you were trying to speed up this conversation though so you could go eat lunch with your friend
“hows the project going?” he asks
“bad. sunghoon doesnt know how to do anything.” you deadpanned jokingly
sunghoon looks at you with an offended look that makes you wanna snort
“hey! you’re the one who doesn’t know how to add text to the slide!”
“what the hell sunghoon?! don’t tell him that, it’s embarrassing!” you give him a dirty look before walking out the classroom door with a smile on your face
days passed and you and sunghoon would only speak during that class but whenever you did it would be a mess
“sunghoon, y/n, quiet down! there is no reason for my classroom to be this loud!” your teacher scolds you two after sunghoon slapped his desk after you accidentally snorted
u two had such a weird relationship
u were almost strangers outside this one class but besties when u were in it
jake noticed too
one time he asked sunghoon during lunch why ur relationship was what it was
“i dont know.. thats just how we are” he answered
but jake kind of suspected sunghoon had a crush on u
*wiggles eyebrows*
it had only been a week but jake was determined to set u up together
“y/n you look cold, heres sunghoons jacket!”
“y/n sunghoon needs help with his homework, can you maybe do something about that..”
“sunghoon, y/n looks sad go give her a hug”
needless to say it worked!!!!
because a week after you presented your 2 weeks worth project
sunghoon asked u on a date
let me recite how it went
u were walking out of class together because jake wasnt there that day
sunghoons bookbag was slung over one shoulder and u were stood next to him with both hands on ur straps
“hey.. do u wanna maybe go grab something to eat with me for dinner..? or something” he quickly asked
“what, like a date?” you joke
“uh.. yeah” he replied looking down at u
u stop in your tracks
No way
“wait what? seriously?” you look up at him with wide eyes
“yes u little munchkin” he pinches your cheeks exaggeratedly and pulls them to make your face sway everywhere
u swat them off so fast
“um.. okay” u answer and ur face heats up
you cant even look him in the eye
like u cant say u DIDNT see this coming but it was still a shock
“awe is y/n blushing” he teases
“go away stupid”
yeah he doesnt go away
ANYWAYS u are the cutest couple ever
everyone wants to be u two so bad!
couple goals literally
jake is so proud of himself honestly
whenever u get into a silly little argument his rebuttal is always
“remind me who got u the best boyfriend ever? thats right, me. dont try me y/n”
and ur like
“ooohhh jakey im so scareddd”
he cannot stand u
but Yeah sunghoon bestest bf ever
takes u on dates whenever u want to
makes u laugh very much
almost too much
and ur parents LOVE him
mhm sunghoon very awesome guy
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supremeinlilac · 4 years
Three’s not a crowd, especially when it’s us (1)
Summary: Its just part one idk what to say? oh, its a slow burn :) The idea came to me at 4am and I’ve just ran with it, it was initially going to be like 4 parts, and now its probably more like 10.
Word count: 2546
Warnings: mild language 
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You weren’t quite sure how you’d managed to get through 2 months of being at Miss Robichaux's without accidently revealing your true ‘power’ to anyone. You thought that Ms Goode, of all people, would see through your bland lie about setting your families house on fire being the reason you’d ended up at the academy’s front doors. Instead, she’d simply nodded at you with a kind smile and a tour of the house.
You’d met all the witches, heard stories about the house and how this was now one of many schools like it that the Supreme had opened since rising. Some of the other houses were for the young witches and were more discreetly placed to avoid the inevitable hate crimes that witches still faced, while some were for the older women who’d always been taught to hide in the shadows and supress themselves rather than flourish. You’d fallen into the middle, gifted witches that were brought to learn under the Supremes’ close guidance and protection.
Your first night had involved sitting beside the fireplace with Zoe and Queenie, who were asking of your abilities and showing their own with stories of before Cordelia’s reign as supreme. You were awed by Queenies voodoo abilities, laughing at the time she’d stabbed her hand with a fork when Madison was being bitchy. You insisted she show you sometime. Madison was back at this point, you’d yet to meet her as she was off on some trip but Zoe had already advised you to stay clear. They weren’t even sure how she’d got back from hell, normally she would be the first to brag about something like that, but apparently she’d kept relatively quiet about it.
You’d met Ms Venable the next day, after hearing hushed rumours from the other girls about her sharpness and generally how they were all scared of her intimidating grandeur. She’d given you your lesson timetable with a quick flick of her eyes down your body at your state of undress when you’d come to the door, barking about having some decency. Her striking features and the perfect peaks of her red hair had you scrambling for something coherent to babble back to her as she turned and left you, mouth agape and staring after the strike of her cane on the ground.
Although Ms Venable had no magical abilities of her own, she was no less admired and feared among the other witches at the academy, her quick wit and sharp tongue more than compensating and aiding in her looming dominance. She prided herself in teaching the girls practical non-magic skills and subjects that they could put to use in due course when their time within the school’s halls ran out.
The girls had whispered and giggled to you about Ms Cordelia having a thing for Ms Venable, because of how she used to flush and stumble over her words in the presence of the woman. You hadn’t noticed in your brief week at the academy, mainly due to not having seen them together an awful lot in that time.
Over the weeks you found yourself watching their fleeting interactions, mentally noting the way Cordelia would shift under her gaze at the breakfast table. How she would be the first to pick up the fallen cane as it clattered to the ground; never using her telekinesis for it either, she would go out of her way to get up and retrieve it, small smile and glances exchanged as she did so.
You understood why the girls had picked up on Cordelia’s feelings for the redhead, but you were surprised at how they’d missed the obvious way Ms Venable would soften when she looked at Cordelia teaching when she’d walk past the open classroom door, or the way she’d grip her cane until her knuckles whitened when she caught one of the girls imitating the Supreme. You thought it was obvious, maybe it was just you. Maybe it was just that you’d grown rather fond of her and liked to observe the small habits that she’d do when annoyed or relaxed.
It was clear they didn’t just like each other, but that they were together, whether they formally declared it or not, to you at least; the lingering touches and glances when they thought no one was looking.
Over your weeks at the academy, you’d grown to appreciate the time you were able to spend alone with either women. You were always the first to volunteer your time in the greenhouse or to carry files for Ms Venable when she walked past a classroom with papers balanced precariously in one arm.
Cordelia had developed a soft spot for you, as an eager and caring student. You’d laugh and mess around with the plants in the greenhouse and share stories of times when your magic hadn’t quite gone to plan. You’d become infatuated with her laugh on one of these nights, when she’d let down all barriers and just enjoyed herself without worry.
Once, and at the time you’d totally thought yourself to be completely pushing your luck, you’d arranged a dinner for the pair of them out there, hauling Wilhemina’s chair outside from the kitchen so that she would be comfortable. You’d known that they’d both been stressed and hadn’t had much time for themselves away from the hum of the girls. Happy as always to oblige, you’d thought they’d appreciate the small moment to enjoy a meal together in the peace of Cordelia’s safe space.
They did, of course. Although it was only the Supreme who voiced her thanks, squeezing your shoulder tightly while Ms Venable shot you a momentary smile and a nod of approval. Since then, you wanted nothing more than her approval again.
At the dinner table, Madison had made some offhand remark about your magic which had sent ripples of barely contained laughter down the table. You’d looked up to Zoe who just gave a sympathetic grimace and a shrug, everyone else just continued sipping at the soup, an occasional slurp breaking the quietness. Everyone was so used to Madisons comments and attitude that they just took to ignoring it in uncomfortable silence.
You were not used to it. You didn’t understand why everyone could just sit and let her berate people as she did, you’d been brought up in kindness and empathy. Pushing your chair back, you emptied the contents of your bowl into the bin before quickly leaving the kitchen, guilty faces watching you leave. Cordelia shifted uncomfortably in her seat, knowing as the headmistress and supreme she shouldn’t stand for the way Madison talked to some of the girls, but she knew that aggravating her further would be a worse idea. Wilhemina’s hand came to settle discreetly on her thigh, squeezing slightly and grounding her in a silent way to tell her that it wasn’t her fault.
You’d slipped out into the greenhouse to let of some steam, moving objects around and letting yourself set random balls of paper on fire safely as an outlet for you to bubble your frustrations out through magic. After having done so, you settled into one of the chairs in the corner, pulling your knees up to your chest and resting your chin on them.
It had been Ms Venable who came through the doors to find you, heaving a sigh as she lowered herself into the chair beside you and balanced her cane against the arm. She sat rigidly, as always, hands clasped in her lap and one leg balanced over the other. Allowing herself to observe you, she took in your slumped shoulders and tired face which you hid in your drawn up knees.
“Cordelia sent me.” She stated, straight to the point as always, and you lifted your head in acknowledgement.
She’d lied, Cordelia hadn’t sent her. The supreme had actually wanted to come herself but Wilhemina had said that she’d go, that she needed to talk to you anyway; but she’d never tell you that of course. She had a stature to uphold.
You sat in uncomfortable silence, neither one knowing what to say to put the other at ease. Wilhemina didn’t really know how to start conversations with anyone apart from Cordelia that didn’t begin with a barked command or condescending jab.
“Ignore Madison. That insolent girl needs to be put in her place.” She quipped; lips drawn into a thin scowl before softening as you looked up at her. “From what I’ve seen and been told, your magic is coming along quite nicely. You should be proud of your progress.” She added quickly, suddenly finding great interest in the hanging plants that Cordelia had been tending to over the past few days: a new addition to the greenhouse.
“No. she was right. I’m not upset about Madison; I’m upset because no one knows me. Not really.” You mused, an appreciating smile gracing your lips for a second at her words. It wasn’t that you were overly affected by Madisons words, it had just served as a reminder to how you were keeping everyone in the dark.
“What do you mean?” She asked softly, as soft as you’ve ever heard her talk, hand reaching to draw your knees out from under your chin so you could uncurl to speak to her properly. You inhaled a shaky breath, fingers digging crescents into your knees as you prepared to tell her the thing you’d been hiding for months.
“Promise you won’t get mad?” You asked hopefully, knowing it wasn’t something she could, or even would want to promise to you. She shook her head shortly, “you know I can’t promise you that.” Pushing it to the back of your mind, you decided to just blurt it out; now or never so to speak.
“I’ve been keeping my natural power a secret. I lied on my first day. I- I didn’t set my house on fire.” You admitted, head hanging shamefully and tears pricking at your vision. You didn’t need to look at Wilhemina to see the scowl that would inevitably be forming to replace the slight smile she’s had, at your stupidity.
“And you didn’t think Ms Goode needed to know of this?” watching you in disbelief, shaking her head and tutting. “You’ve been here long enough to know better, missy.” She scolded, making to get up by bracing her hands firmly against her knees and reaching for her cane.
You scrambled off your seat, frantically holding your hands up in front of you towards her in an attempt to stop her from going. Your hands found purchase on her wrists and you guided her slowly to sit back down, pushing slightly when she protested.
“No, no please- I mean, don’t go.” You pleaded, eyes wide, squatting in front of her so you could fall to a kneel, making sure your face was in her line of vision and she could see how scared the thought of having to tell Cordelia of your dishonesty was making you. Shuffling in place where you knelt, you quietly muttered your thanks when she settled back against the chair.
She scoffed audibly to make you aware of her distaste at the current situation but made no attempt to move your hands from where they now rested near her hands on her knees, or even to suggest that you move them yourself. Accepting that you weren’t going to let her leave until she’d listened, she let her curiosity pique and, raising her brow in question, she asked you shortly.
“What ability is so embarrassing that you decide to keep it from us all for so long? Lord knows it can’t be as bad as being a human gluten detector.”
You appreciated her dry attempt at humour to deflect from the uncomfortable silence you’d fallen into. Fidgeting your fingers against the fabric of her skirt, you remembered a dream you’d had where you’d told Zoe of your power and she’d turned the whole coven against you. Brushing it off, telling yourself that Zoe would never do that, you continued to admit to Ms Venable.
“I’m not even sure of it myself, I can’t find a name for it anywhere. I don’t even know if it has a name.”
“So it’s rare?” Wilhemina seemed to strike an interest then, straitening up and raising her eyebrows as if to prompt you to continue. She did this until she seemed to remember that she’s meant to be uninterested and she forced herself to scoff and reached to tweak her earring deftly between finger and thumb.
“It will have a name. Incompetence is the reason you cannot find it.” She stated coldly, lips pursed in intolerance. “That or your just looking in the wrong place,” she added, noting the way you looked down at your trembling and twitching fingers when she was mean.
You paused, having a momentary realisation of what you were doing before the thought was swiftly pushed to the side of your mind by the familiar pull of your magic at your fingertips.
“C-can I show you?” you blurted, almost clamping your hand over your mouth at your unexpected boldness.
“You most certainly will do no such thing, it’s not me that needs to be aware of your abilities, it is Ms Goode that you need to show.” She barked, defensiveness coming back out at your request. You tried not to take it to heart, knowing that that was just her way. Not that she would ever tell you, but Wilhemina felt a lot more secure talking about magic with Cordelia present, where she knew she wouldn’t be judged for having a less secure knowledge of the field. She liked to always be the most well versed in the room, hated to be spoken at about a topic she was new to.
“I can’t show Ms Goode without you.” You tried to explain, an itch of annoyance bubbling under your skin when she laughed at you again mockingly.
“I can’t show Ms Goode without you.” She mimicked, face pulled into a grimace which made you scowl, and exaggerating the words to a degree that just felt excessive, even for Ms Venables constant condescendence.
Your mouth fell open. You couldn’t believe this woman’s nerve.
Something suddenly snapped in your head at her incessant mocking and the condescending tone she used, and you found yourself moving your hands quickly from her knees to her hands, linking your fingers tightly before she could even react. You watched her eyes raise in surprise and the cocky smirk fall from her lips as she attempt to pull away unsuccessfully.
“What are you- get your hands off me!” She exclaimed; voice higher than normal in surprise as your quick movements caught her off guard.
You closed your eyes, trying to block out the way her hands pulled within yours and the sting of her nails digging into the delicate skin of your palms as she tried to free herself. The heat of your magic burned under your skin, the annoyance you felt only serving as a fuel, directing all your power towards the woman in your grip.
When you felt the snap of your magic release, Wilhemina let out a cry of pain and you almost stopped.
  Part 2
Just to clarify, your powers do not involve giving people orgasms lmaoo. I will never try to leave anything on a cliffhanger ever again rip.
taglist : @pearplate @billiedeansbottom @pluied-ete @extraordinarilycelestrial​@toujours-ensanglante​@mssallymckenna @okpaulson  @magnificent-paulsonn @shineestark​ @commanderspeach @grilledcheeseandguavajelly @amethyst-bitch​​ @its-soph-xx​,,if you want to be added just send me an ask :))
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multimilfs · 4 years
Zelda Spellman x Fem!Reader x Lilith: Complexities of a Witch
Summary: thewriting-dragon requested “Zelda X Reader X Lilith: Two sassy badass magical milfs and their soft gf who would kill multiple men to see her strong girlfriends just have a moment's peace because they deserve it.”
A/N: Okay nobody fillet me if certain details for s3 are off. I don’t remember them entirely so I’m going off of the little information I remembered and some youtube clips. That aside, I hope you all enjoy!! 
Tag List: @ghostsunderstoodmysoul​ @multifandomfix​ @angel7376 
Warning(s): Minor Violence
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You could swear that your hair was turning grey. With each passing day, the stress piled on, until you were positive that strands of your hair were turning color. It left you stunned and confused. Zelda had almost a hundred years on you and her hair was perfectly normal. And she dealt with more stress everyday than an entire town would.
“Zelda,” You whined, coming out of the bathroom, “I’m greying.”
Looking up from her book, she scoffed at the dramatics. She marked her place with a finger. Her eyes scanned you from head to toe, narrowed in concentration.
“You most certainly are not,” She finally declared, “I don’t see a single grey hair on your head.”  
“Well, you’re missing it, Zee. All of you are stressing me to the point of madness and my hair is starting to reflect it.”
“Oh, hush. Come here.”
You trudged over to her side of the bed, perching next to her as she looked over your strands closely. Her nails lightly scratched at certain areas of your scalp during her examination. Finally, she leant away from you and shook her head.
“One grey strand, Y/N. You’re raising heaven over a single strand?” Zelda rolled her eyes.
“One strand leads to more! Before you know it, I’ll have a head of them.”
“Oh, Y/N, do be reasonable.”
“I am! How have you not gone grey? Sabrina puts you through so much.”
“Oh that’s easy, I stopped caring ages ago.” Zelda said easily, leaning back against the pillows.
You knew as well as she did that it was a lie. She loved Sabrina to a fault, constantly putting up with her antics. You all did. But it seemed she had no intention of continuing the line of conversation. So you resorted to a sure way to get answers; teasing Zelda until she gave up the truth.
“Are you sure that you’re not dyeing your hair and hiding it from us?” You asked innocently, trying to hide your mischievous grin behind a hand.
Zelda sputtered indignantly, attempting to form words, but failing to do so. You couldn’t hold back your laugh at her reaction. She frowned, recognizing your teasing and obviously not feeling very keen on it.
“What have you done to inspire such a frown?” A warm, curious voice said from behind the two of you.
Not aware of another presence in the room, you nearly fell off of the bed in surprise. You leveled a glare at Lilith as she leant against the door. Her look was far too smug for your liking.
“See?” You said, looking at Zelda, “The antics of this family will turn my hair in a week!”
“Lilith, tell her that she’s being entirely too dramatic about this.” Zelda requested.
“I’ll do no such thing,” Lilith responded, clearly enjoying herself, “Even I would struggle to maintain the natural hair color of this body if I were in her position.”
A long, hard stare was aimed at the demoness. She was completely unfazed by it, having become used to far worse looks in Hell. You just grinned triumphantly at Zelda for a few moments. It was very rare that Lilith took your side in matters like these. Zelda and Lilith tended to be of like mind, especially when it would grate on your nerves.
Rather than respond to any of the teasing, Zelda turned onto her side, facing away from the two of you with a huff. You laughed silently, shaking the bed with the effort to keep it contained.
“Aw, Zee, I’m sorry.” You tried, leaning your head on her shoulder.
“You certainly are not.”
“Oh but I am, aren’t I, Lilith?”
“Yes, very sorry.” She agreed, though without enough emotion to seem sincere.
“Go to bed, both of you.” Zelda demanded, turning over for just a moment to press a kiss to your lips and glare in Lilith’s direction, before turning the lights off with a snap.
Through the darkness, you heard Lilith scoff at the other witch’s behavior. Though part of you expected her to stay awake in protest, the bed soon dipped with her weight. Her arms wrapped around you and you allowed yourself to fall asleep just like that.
When you woke up, there was a dreadful absence on both of your sides. Though the blankets were piled on top of you, the chill in the air wormed its way past them. You shook without either of your lovers to keep you warm.
Reaching out blindly, you searched for them with closed eyes. Lilith often took to reading before you woke, perching herself on the bench at the foot of the bed. If stretched fully then you could typically poke her in the back. Nothing met your reach.
You grumbled miserably. If neither witch was in the room, it meant they’d already convened for breakfast. Likely, you had slept longer than intended, and would be sure to hear about it.
Dreading the inevitable teasings and musings of Zelda, you trudged from bed and down the stairs. But no noise followed your descent from the last step. There was no light chatter or laughter from the kitchen. The comforting babbling of the pots and shrieking of the kettle, nowhere to be found.
“Hilda? Zelda, Lilith?” You called, walking into the kitchen.
The area that was so typically warm and busy, was now completely empty. Cold light seeped in through the drawn curtains. A chill went down your spin as you spun around, looking in every part of the room for someone of the Spellman family.
“Sabrina… Ambrose?” You tried helplessly.
No luck.
Timidly, you stepped further into the room. Your eyebrows furrowed as you took in the cobwebs clinging to the chandelier; cobwebs you were positive hadn’t been there previously. Tracing over the table led to a collection of dust on the end of your finger. Everything felt hopelessly, terribly confusing.
A sudden crash to your right put you on high alert, throwing your hands up just in time. But it wasn’t a wild animal or enemy looking back at you, frozen in space. It was Ambrose.
“Ambrose!” You exclaimed, dropping your magical hold to throw your arms around him, “I am so glad to see you.”
“As am I, Auntie, but we can’t stay here. It’s not safe.”
You reeled away from him, confused at his words. What could be safer than your own home? The one you’d all been part of for so long? Zelda had to be around somewhere, she’d never abandon the mortuary. It wasn’t her style.
“Ambrose, you’re talking nonsense. Now where are Zelda and Lilith? I’m sure we can handle whatever Sabrina has cooked up as a family.”
“You don’t understand,” Ambrose said in a severe whisper, “Nowhere is safe. Not even Hell.”
His tone sent a shiver down your spine. It wasn’t hard to throw off the balance of this plane, but it was unheard of for the infernal plane to be affected. And if Hell was dangerous then that meant…
“Where is everyone, Ambrose?” You whispered, fearing the answer, “Where is Zelda? Lilith? Your Aunt Hilda would never let the house become so tattered… are they…”
“You really don’t know what’s going on?” He asked.
“If I knew what was going on I wouldn’t be asking you.”
“They all… I mean, well... The pagans brought the reckoning and very few survived.”
“No,” You shook your head, backing away, “They can’t be gone. Not like this.”
“I’m sorry, Auntie.”
He placed a hand on your arm, squeezing gently. You felt like his words had gutted you and left you hollow. Despite the fine layers of dust and cobwebs, the memories of the house still felt alive around you.
The smell of Zelda’s cigarette smoke lingered on everything. You could practically see her there, newspaper in hand, smoke billowing from behind it. Lilith’s voice rang in your ears, heckling Zelda about something miniscule. It was always like that. Warm, teasing, and comfortable. You would hide a laugh, but Zelda knew you too well.
Your family lingered in every corner.
Another squeeze on your arm brought you back to the present, looking directly at Ambrose. His eyes were full of the sadness that you felt. But his held more reserve, more… acceptance. This was new to you, though it wasn’t to him.
You refused to let yourself cry. Neither Zelda or Lilith would have wanted it, they cared for action. In your heart you knew that all you could do was work with the tools you had. Magic, heart, and Ambrose.
“Alright, now fill me in on these Pagans.” You said.
And fill you in he did. Though nothing could explain how the time had moved without you, how you ended up in the middle without even knowing it. Fortunately, just as the two of you hit a dead end, Sabrina appeared out of nowhere.
The details were fuzzy and you were running on a lot of hope, but you had faith in Sabrina. If not, at least she had her misplaced confidence. You’d go out fighting.
Sabrina was to shift things around in time, to bring back your loved ones. You stood by Zelda’s skeleton in the Mortuary’s basement, hoping that any second she’d become real, as Sabrina united the past, present, and future once more.
You felt the change, but nothing happened next to you. The hope in your heart was slowly waning. It was hard to hold back the emotions, but it seemed not to matter at all, as a rustling next to you became apparent.
Sitting up on the table was Zelda, looking confused and extremely annoyed. Ambrose explained that she’d been shot at the front door. You wanted to make the person pay, but right now you were entirely too happy to see Zelda to care.
“Zelda,” You breathed out, making her look to you, before wrapping your arms around her, “You’re okay.”
“Of course I am. I couldn’t leave you to deal with Sabrina alone, now could I?” She asked.
Her voice was hauty, but you knew she was joking by the sweet tone in her voice. The gentleness you heard only in special moments.
“Speaking of Sabrina, we’re meeting her near the Cain pit. You missed a lot while you were… sleeping.”
You could see that she detested waiting for any answers, but grudgingly let you pull her out to the Cain pit, where a large group of witches were waiting. It was then that she realized why she hadn’t been buried in it. Hilda was still laying in it and had been for far too long.
Her grip tightened on your hand and you squeezed back. You’d spent the last day mourning your entire family, but Hilda had been with Zelda since they were children. The pain there was likely unimaginable.
But you all joined hands, amplifying Zelda’s wishes. Her screams to the sky, calling on Hecate. The pain in her voice rang through you like a shot. If you weren’t present, forming a circle with your sister witches, you could’ve sworn you had been shot. The pain certainly felt similar.
Waiting with bated breath, Zelda called out after her chanting. One hand placed on the dirt of the Cain pit.
“Hildy?” She said brokenly.
Then, to everyone’s relief, a hand broke through the dirt. Zelda grabbed it eagerly. You could feel the tension leave everyone’s body. It made you especially grateful to release their hands.
You watched joyfully as Hilda clawed her way out of the dirt, crouching to help her. The dirt caked under your nails didn’t bother you like it normally would. It was a small price to pay.
After that, the plan was laid out. By Sabrina, no less. All of the witches were in agreement on how the Pagans would be dealt with. With swift, painful justice. It would be far too dangerous to let them live any longer. They would just work their way back into this same situation. The plan would take place as they sacrificed the virgin of their choosing to the Green Man.
There was enough time for everyone to disband and prepare, or rest, in your case. But you couldn’t bear to rest now. You had your entire family back, minus one key person. Lilith. Little was known about what had happened in Hell, or maybe Ambrose wouldn’t tell you much.
You just knew that your heart was aching, longing for the other woman you so deeply loved. A fire, long put out, was burning in your gut. It threatened to overwhelm you. Instead, you vowed to save it for the Pagans.
You would get your life back, no matter what it took.
The plan had worked perfectly. Sabrina had gone disguised as Robin, Pesta disguised as Ms. Wardwell. Now the Pagans were fleeing. But the big three, the so called ‘Gods’, were frantically packing their things.
Hilda went after Circe, Harvey and Roz went after the gorgon, and that left Pan to you. While the rest of your coven chased the younger Pagans, you elected to confront Pan head-on. Alone. While he loaded his truck, out in the open, you walked up. You did your best to keep your anger at bay when he set his eyes on you.
“What can I do for you, witch?” He snarled.
“You’ve taken something very important from me. I want it back.” You said casually.
The laugh that left his mouth was cold, empty of any humor whatsoever. You wanted to scream, to rip him limb from limb over what he’d done to your family. Your coven. The pain all of them had endured because of them.
“Not likely. I don’t offer kindness to the whores of Satan.”
“You don’t offer kindness to anyone, false God.” You hissed.
His hackles raised then, offended beyond what words could say. Stepping away from his vehicle, he sneered at you, disdain clear in his eyes. Stretching his arms out to either side revealed his true nature beneath the illusion. The true Pan.
“Your Satan is the false God, but I am real, for I am the great God Pan. And my gaze is madness incarnate…” He proclaimed in a haughty tone.
Your clapping stunned him. It was slow and deliberate, fake and insulting. You held no fear as you walked right up to him and stared directly into his eyes.
“I’ve consumed madness before,” You said, a twisted smile spreading on your lips as he stepped back, “And I kept returning for more.”
With a snap of your fingers, the shimmer illusion around him dropped. The one barrier between you and his true form. Your eyes never dropped from his. He attempted to step away from you, but you wouldn’t have it. Then you swung your arm viciously.
“This is for Zelda,” You whispered after burying a blade in his chest, before pulling it out and burying it in his neck, “And that is for Lilith.”
He crumpled to the ground in front of you. As you stood over him, you stared at the wounds you made. Part of you wished that you’d taken more time to make him suffer. But what’s done is done, you can't turn back time.
“Remind me not to get on your bad side.”
Turning, your eyes landed on Lilith and Zelda. It was Lilith who’d spoken, leaning against a tree, her smirk visible even from where you were standing. Your heart jumped in your chest at seeing her alive and well.
“You’re… You’re back.” You said happily, tears in your eyes.
“Of course I am. Now, are you going to give me a proper welcome or not?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
You wasted no time in moving to her and throwing yourself into her arms. At first, you did your best to be mindful of where your hands were. Pan’s blood was all over them and you didn’t want to stain her dress, but she didn’t seem to mind as she took your hands into her’s.
She pulled you into a searing kiss. All your thoughts of revenge faded into nothingness as your lips met hers. Personally, you’d never felt Hellfire, but you would bet that it had nothing on her kiss.
Zelda scoffed from beside the two of you. Without looking at her, you knew without a doubt that her eyes were rolling. It was her trademark at this point.
With no small amount of effort, you pulled away from Lilith’s kiss, extending a hand to Zelda. Letting her annoyance wane for a moment, she took it and kissed you just as aggressively as Lilith had. Though where Zelda had rolled her eyes, Lilith was now watching with dark eyes.
It would have been easy to let the touches descend into something sinfully fun, but that wasn’t what you felt. You were so relieved to have your lovers back safe. Overwhelmingly, you felt nothing but your intense love in this moment.
“Let’s go home.” You whispered after pulling away, happily dragging both witches back to your safe haven.
“Look at this,” You urged Zelda over to your side, pointing to your hair, “Right here.”
“You’re calmer about this one, I see.” She said.
“I think I… appreciate them now, more than I hate them.”
“Is that so?”
“I wouldn’t have them if I didn’t care. So I consider it good that I care so much about my family, even if it gives me grey hair.” You admitted, avoiding her eyes as your cheeks burned red.
Zelda was quiet for a few moments and you wondered if you left her speechless for once. But rather than say anything, she placed a sweet kiss upon your lips. Her thumb rubbed over your cheekbone affectionately.
“Having so much love is a remarkable gift.” Zelda murmured, punctuating the statement with another kiss.
You leaned into the rare moment of open, sappy affection. It was nice to spend time like this, reveling in the love of your family. To know how loved you were.
“I walked into a sap fest, I see,” Lilith’s voice came from the doorway, “Hard to believe I’m looking at the same witch who slaughtered a God two days ago.”
She was nursing a glass in her hand, taking a sip as her humorous eyes glanced over the rim. You gave a small laugh. Though she'll tease you endlessly about your ways, she did envy how open you could be with all of it. Love, care, honesty. It’d been completely foreign to her for so long.
“What can I say, sweetheart? I’m just complex like that.”
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tobi-momo · 4 years
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The Third Set
PAIRING: Tsukishima Kei x Reader
GENRE: Romance | Pining | Fluff | A lil crack (kinda)
WARNINGS: not proofread | a lil ooc and soft at the end (pls dont get mad at me 😭😭)
A/N: hihihi ok so this idea literally came to me while reading another fic (i cant remember it now im super sorry) and it wouldnt leave my head so i couldnt NOT write it yk? pls keep in mind that it gets rlly soft at the end and really out of character😭 i just hc that does affectionate things during an adrenaline rush, like he's too hyped to care ab what going on around him he just wants to see you, and so this is basically where that came from kasjkhasd- also this is not meant to be spicy at all whatsoever (although some remarks from the others are made that way when you read) its supposed to be romantic and lighthearted, so pls dont think its that sexual😭 also thank you @awmahleebkg my wife for giving me the confidence to post this i love you baby <333
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Watching Kei play was one of your favorite things to do. Sure, that might sound a little sad, but watching him and his team working together on the court was something that you wouldn't miss the world for. Until an away game came along, it taking place somewhere farther than they usually are, and since you weren't a part of the team, you couldn't take the school bus with them. So, you took the city bus. He might have told you not to, he might have told you to wait at your house for him to return and tell you about it, but you couldn't help it. This was an important game, and you needed to be there and support him.
He was nervous, although someone who didn't know as well as you wouldn't be able to tell, you were always able to see right through him. Always able to tell when he was nervous or scared, even intimidated. He found it annoying, that you were always there for him, confused as to why you dedicated your time for him, but years after your first meeting he realized that he would do the same for you. You didn't know that his heartbeat the same way for you as it did for him, and he sure as hell didn't know that the reason you stuck by him all these years was to feel that exact heartbeat next to yours.
[3:37 P.M.]
Kei <3: Stay home, y/n
Y/n: but it's an important game! i want to cheer you on!
Kei <3: I'll tell you what happens after I get home if you really want me to. But stop whining at me it's annoying.
Y/n: 😠😠 let. me. go.
Kei <3: No.
Y/n: i hate you so much
Kei <3: Sure you do
You wouldn't listen to him, of course. Why would you? You get your bag ready to leave, filling it with snacks and water bottles to help the team out.
By the time you snuck in, it was half-way past the second set. Tensions were high and sweat was dripping off their jaws while they gain each point. You made sure to stay a little quieter, not wanting Kei's attention to be drifted away from the game, especially since you weren't supposed to be there. By the time they won that set, they were tied with the other team. One more set left, things are getting really heated.
The score remained close to each other throughout the game, Karasuno being two points away from a win with their opponent three points behind them. Watching Kei as he looks at the floor with frustrated eyes, obviously mad at himself for not doing better. He frowns, taking a sip of water so no one sees it. You can see a slight tint of fear in his eyes- he was scared of losing the set. Although all you've seen were blocks of perfection, even a couple spikes that hit the court floor aggressively, points going towards Karasuno once more, he thought he wasn't doing good enough. You knew he was amazing, everyone in the room knew it too, so why didn't he?
He jogs back on the court after a timeout from the other team, getting into a serve/receive position, waiting for the ball to come over the net. The server on the other team hit the ball over, sending it straight to Nishinoya, who receives the ball perfectly, passing it to Kageyama. Backing up into the set, Hinata runs behind Kageyama, surprising the blockers on the other side of the net when Hinata smacks the floating ball down with his might. Instead of the ball hitting the floor, the left-back position receives the ball at the seam, shanking it towards the audience.
Another point.
The crowd goes wild and the air tightens as the scoreboard raises. You bounce on the bleachers and stomp your feet in excitement, knowing that this match would be over soon.
Kei exhales sharply at the whistle, relief, and nervousness seeping out of him. He can do it, he thought. Only one more point. When the ball passes him to the other side of the court, quickly moves to the right side of the net, jumping and completely regretting his decision once the ball hits the floor. He watches the ball trail off in shock, the whistle suddenly getting too loud for him. He grits his teeth in defeat, thinking that it would be over for them. His head faces the ground, his hands are balled up in fists. That's when you decide to take initiative.
Inhaling a harsh breath, you stand up putting your hands on each side of your face before yelling out to him.
His head whips from the floor, his eyes widening once they find yours in the big crowd. You stand out- to him at least.
His pupils dilate at your figure cheering him on, suddenly wishing he hadn't told you to stay home. He didn't know you were there, or how you get here in the first place, but he was glad you came. He wanted you there. His shocked expression turned into a smirk of confidence before he turns back around and goes to his position. The whistle blows once more, telling the server that they can go. He refocuses on the court, watching the ball and everyone near it, analyzing everyone's movements and predicting where the ball is going to go. The big spiker on the other team runs towards the net with his approach, swinging his arms back, ready to slam the ball down as Kei quickly beats him to it, jumping and raising his arms on top of the net in defense.
The ball smacks the floor of the court.
Kei's eyes glow when his feet touch the ground again.
They won.
He tries his best to catch his breath, heaving once his teammates trample him on the ground. You scream in victory, jumping up and down, sprinting down the bleachers to the team, them welcoming you with tight hugs and cries of joy. Electricity coursed through Kei's veins, adrenaline making his sight clearer, his hearing less muffled and his breathing a lot clearer.
You see Kei on the other side of the court, getting up and steadying himself on his feet once you two lock eyes. You run towards him with a fast pace, him reciprocating as his legs speed up toward you. You jump on him, clinging to him as much as you could when wrapping your legs around him, digging your head in his shoulder. His hand immediately grab the back of your thighs for support, helping your body balance on his while you tug on his neck.
You praise him, telling him how proud you were of him picking himself up and being the best, telling him how amazing his blocks and spikes were, how amazing he was. You could hear his breathless laughs of joy, a genuine smile painting his face when you subconsciously pepper his face in firm pecks from your lips, showering him in sweet affection for his win.
Your words muffle when his lips crash onto your- a rough, exciting kiss that has you moaning in his mouth from surprise and desperation from wanting this for the longest time. Your hands slide up from his neck to his cheeks, palming them and pulling him closer while your lips disconnect and reconnect rapidly, not being able to get enough of each other. His hands subtly, but firmly squeeze your thighs while you tilt your head, giving him the chance to kiss you deeper. The amount of emotion going through your bodies, desperation, love, excitement, impatience, relief, mixing with the adrenaline in your system's causing your worlds to finally collide and mix.
"What are they doing?"
"I don't know but I feel like I'm interrupting something"
"I think they're the ones interrupting"
"Just let them have this one, guys"
"They are literally about to do it on the court how am I not supposed to feel uncomfortable, Suga-san?"
"Aw, these lovebirds are finally getting together, I knew it would happen"
"Liar, you bet they wouldn't!"
"Tanaka-san! You weren't supposed to say anything!"
You couldn't hear any of the banter in the background, your only focus was him, and his only focus was you. And all the team could do was watch.
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pls i know this was rlly ooc im super sorry
taglist: @combat-wombatus @hitosushi @toosharkinternet @alpha3113 @flattykawadoorusmilkbread @solar3lunar @zerohawks @katsuhera
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apexqueenie · 4 years
The Blood King (Bakugou x Reader, Medieval AU) Ch1
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Synopsis: In fairytales, princesses like you got to marry handsome princes like your best friend Shoto, but you’re not living a fairytale. You find the harsh realities a punch to the face as you and Sho run away outside palace grounds and into the real world. But the harsh brings out the beautiful, and in your case, it took the form of the scarlet covered barbarian king, whose territory you disturbed.
A/N: This is the first long series that I’m writing, I hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: Swearing, a bit of violence (This is Bakugou lol), eventual smut (I’ll put a warning dw, totally skippable)
You didn’t know how much more badly a plan could go, but here you were, lost, wounded, and scared in the middle of the freaking forest, the sound of a very angry beast trailing after you. You tugged at the unconscious man on the floor, his head bleeding severely. He was losing too much blood and you couldn’t keep pulling him along without stopping the bleeding first. Your only option was to fight. How did this all start exactly? Well, it started when you decided to ditch your wedding.
In a daze, you pulled yourself from your slumber, rising to the sound of gentle knocks at your door. “Who’s there?” you mumbled, rubbing your eyes. 
You shivered slightly and crossed your arms, realizing that you had kicked off your blankets in your sleep. Your best handmaiden, Ochako, barged in, not even bothering to answer the question. 
“Good morning princess” she sang delightfully as she opened your large curtains, allowing the morning light to spill into the huge room. Ochako, although not being of royal blood, was a close friend of yours throughout the years. It was her job to serve you, but you loved her and treated her as your sister. 
“Chako, I told you (y/n) is fine when we’re alone” you said with a yawn.
Ochako hummed as she walked to your wardrobe, sifting through it for the perfect dress. “Ah, but you see your highness, we aren’t alone.”
Before you could question her, a familiar face peeked around the door, heterochromic eyes glancing around the room. “Hi” he says before entering the room and closing the doors behind him.
“SHO!!!” You yelled, launching yourself out of your bed to give your childhood friend a big hug. You haven’t seen him since last summer.
The both of your fathers were Kings of kingdoms who traded with one another, meeting in person once a year to discuss the details. While they both enjoyed a bit of drinking and chess, you and Shoto ran around the gardens barefooted with sticks in hand for fake swordplay. They were always about knights and dragons, and since there were only two of you, you took turns being the dragon or the knight. Princesses weren’t taught to practice swordplay, so Shoto took it upon himself to be your mentor. He taught you what he remembered from his private lessons, insisting that if you were to meet a real dragon like in your games, you would be able to fight it off. 
“But won’t you be here to protect me?” you asked, lowering your stick.
“Yeah,” he said, “but when we meet a real dragon, we’ll be protecting each other.”
Every year, you two would meet to run around the gardens, hiding from your handmaidens and butlers until meal time. Every year, you would shy a bit away from the games and start sparring for real, Sho providing the wooden swords to teach you what he’s learned from the top sword fighters across the continent. Every year your blades danced with his until the both of you could read each other’s movements with a single glance. And every year, you felt a growing affection for the boy that you were too afraid to bring up. 
The two of you talked about your home lives often, sharing stories and complaints about being “perfect” and a “role model” to your citizens. Shoto’s father constantly pushes everyone in their family to their limits, causing the Queen to go insane and burn Shoto, leaving a signature red scar on his left eye. While she was locked in the medical housing part of the castle, Shoto started to understand why his mother lost her mind and silently started to rebel against his father. Your father was similar, always correcting you and forcing you to practice perfect mannerisms. You were his first born, you were supposed to be the perfect example of what a future Queen was to be, especially for your younger siblings; the second born son barely of age to train by sword. If you were anything less, you were to be locked in your room until you had time to “reflect”, your maids unable to speak to you in fear that the King would hear and throw them in the dungeon. Your mother, being too vain to involve herself with any of her children, never saw any of you until your birthdays. She opted to drown herself in self-pampering every other day. Both of your lives were royal hell until “The Meeting”, where the both of you could forget about being perfect for a day.  
You wrapped your arms around Shoto’s neck and buried your face in the crook of his neck, the both of you clutching each other close. His body radiated its own heat, warming you more than the thin fabric of your nightdress could. You pulled away, realising he got even taller this year. 
“I missed you Sho!” you smiled.
“Likewise” he replied, slinging his sword from his back, only there was another object wrapped in silk next to it. “Did...anything interesting happen this year?” 
“Hmmm,” you pondered, walking to your vanity and grabbing a brush. “Well, Jinko is pregnant again.”
“Your mother?”
“Heh, she was never around enough to be a ‘mother’, she’s merely my birth-giver.” you snorted, combing your soft locks. 
“So, is that the fourth…?”
“Well then.”
“Yep, and as soon as she’s done pushing it out, she’ll ignore it 364 days of the year. Hell, Ocha was there more for me than my mother ever could be” you say, earning a small blush from the girl.
Shoto sighed, taking a seat on the edge of your bed and placing his sword next to him. 
“Anyways, what’s the meeting about this time?” you asked now moving onto cleaning your face.
“That’s… uh...well, I have to talk to you about something soon, but first, I brought you a gift” Sho said a bit awkwardly. He turned and handed you the silk wrapped object. You took it gently, afraid of breaking it, that was, until you unwrapped it. Your mouth dropped as you felt the silk fall off and onto the floor, completely forgotten as you held up the object in awe. In your hand was a long silver blade engraved with delicately curved patterns surrounding a single mother pearl at the center and down the blade itself. The hilt fit perfectly in your hands, the weight completely balanced. 
You were damn near about to cry. “Sho...its-”
“Get dressed so we can try it out” he smiles and hands you the sheath.
Giddily, you sheath your sword and headed to the dressing curtain where Ochako waited for you with a big smile. She seemed to have known about this whole visit because she held up a bit more of a casual dress, one that wasn’t as long as it normally would be. You never understood why you had to wear dresses as a princess, but it couldn’t be helped, you had no control over your clothing choices. Ochako however, had the power to hem the dresses for you so you could run with a bit more freedom. 
“Sho! I can’t believe you did this! How’d you manage to sneak this by your dad?” you ask once you are dressed. You moved to take the direct route to the gardens, but Shoto pulled you to a different route around. “Sho?”
“That’s the thing I have to talk to you about,” he said, peeking into all the rooms and hallways before entering, “I don’t want to run into anyone else right now.” He pulls you along swiftly until you reach the gardens, taking one last look around you before relaxing a bit.
“Hey, Sho, what the heck is going on?” you ask, lowering your voice.
The boy in front of you couldn’t look you in the eyes. He was worried about something, which was totally uncharacteristic of him. Trying to ease his nerves, you reach out and gently squeeze his hand, but he doesn’t respond back. Instead, he just sighs, finally about to say something.
“So...you know how we...always meet up every year?” he asks.
You nod, slightly confused at where this was going.
“Well, our fathers have been discussing…”
“Discussing what?”
“Something very.. special for next week-”
“My birthday isn’t for a couple of months”
“It’s not that-”
He turned his head and sighed. 
“...Discussing our marriage…” he trails off.
“Sho! Oh wow, This-this is great!” you beamed. You always thought about the day you’ll have to marry someone. Your role as a princess was to marry a prince, and become a beloved Queen to your kingdom. You dreaded that it would be for trading purposes, that you’d have to marry some pudgy old man so that your father could share more land, but you had the option to marry your best friend! Anyone would be delighted at the thought...anyone but Shoto.
Your smile quickly faded as you studied his face. He expressed a mix of guilt, awkwardness, worry, and something you haven’t seen before…was that fear?
“What’s wrong?”
He shook his head, still unable to look at you, “I can’t do this-”
“Is it too early still? Because it’s ok, we don’t have to-” The words stung, but you couldn’t let that get to you.
“No! No, that’s not it, it’s just that I can’t”
“You can’t what? Tell me what so I can help you.”
“I… I love you (y/n), just...not like that” he says, furrowing his eyebrows.
“What? Wait, what do you mean?” you asked, stomach dropping.
“I just mean that I, I don’t see you like that.” he said.
“So, I’m not good enough?” you shook your head.
You could feel the tears stinging in your eyes, “so...there’s someone else?”
He lets go of your hand to rub his arm in a nervous manner, “No, that’s not it either, I just don’t know how to explain it-”
But he was lying. You knew Shoto was a bad liar around you. It was bad enough that he couldn’t look at you, but even worse that he was taking steps away from you, slowly inching backwards in the opposite direction. He wasn’t trusting you with something and you didn’t know why, but your anger took over, and suddenly, you didn’t want to know why either.
“Well then, I’ll leave it to you to inform our fathers that this wedding won’t be happening, Todoroki.” you huffed. You saw the hurt in his face when you called him by his last name, but you could care less right now. You turned around and headed back to the castle, back to your room, and back to Ochako so you could cry in comfort. You kept your eyes trained at the ground, a silent message to all your servants to leave you alone. However, the message was left unknown to someone who didn’t live in the palace, someone like King Enji. 
You were cut off from the path to your room by the tall and heavily built man, his eyes cold and harsh staring at you from above. You stopped and immediately curtsied in respect, as you were representing your father every time you met with a leader of another kingdom. 
“Good morning, King Enji.” you said, giving him a well practiced ‘princess smile’.
He only grunted in response, nodding his head to the sword strapped to your back. “I see you received my son’s wedding gift, do you find it satisfactory?”
“Oh-the sword, right! It’s beautiful, your greatness. I am so humbly honored to receive such a gift.” you bow. You had completely forgotten it was there after what happened with Shoto. It was supposed to be a wedding gift, a sign of his love for you, but he didn’t love you like you loved him. You should be throwing this thing away, you should feel disgusted...so why did those words come out so naturally? Why did the sword feel so familiar? Hopefully Ochako could help you answer those. 
King Enji nodded in approval, motioning to some servants he had waiting out of your sight. “You have good manners, young one. Perhaps my son could learn a thing or two from you when it comes to respecting his elders.”
Two female servants took place besides you, awaiting further instructions from their King. 
“Your father has agreed to allow me to provide the dress, courtesy of the profits he helped me make last year. My servants will be taking your measurements, as well as note your likes and dislikes for the preparations.” he says before walking off.
All you could do was smile now. You couldn’t make your father look bad, even in front of servants. You continued to hold back tears as the handmaidens escorted you to your chambers.
So much for spilling your heart out to Ochako. 
The maidens were merciless, insisting that every measurement be as precise as possible. You tried to delay them, but your efforts were futile. They brought every bit of conversation back to the dress, and to the wedding plans you know you won’t have. Guards were installed in front to ensure no one came in or out until every inch of your body was measured to perfection. They measured your breasts and behind about five times over to ensure that “your best qualities were perfectly framed” for the wedding. Best qualities? Were you just boobs and ass for the future King? You sighed, still letting them continue their measuring. Shoto wouldn’t have cared…
No, he was Todoroki to you now, until he can give you an explanation. 
But...do you even deserve one?
As King Enji’s servants gave you a break to bring out supplies for your fitting, you walked over to the sword your “fiance” gave you, unsheathed for its glory to shine on your bed. He knew how you liked it, designing it to perfectly mirror you. He took note of everything you loved, remembering your style interests from whenever you two would talk for hours on end. You traced the flawless engravings on the blade itself, almost tearing up again. Turning the sword over, you saw the engraving on the bottom of the hilt, small, yet beautiful nonetheless. 
“Let’s protect each other from now on”
All the anger you felt before was gone, replaced by pure guilt.
He really did love you.
Just not in the way that you had hoped. 
You were being selfish, and you needed to make it right. 
Before you knew it, you were yanked back to the full length mirrors for more measurements. 
Both the measuring and interrogations lasted nearly the entire day with the servants drawing several designs and re-measuring you for each one. Of course, they didn’t accept a “that looks fine” or “this one is good'', so they continued to create new ones, each more extravagant and beautiful than the last. Evening came, and the maidens packed their materials to head back to their own kingdom. You thanked them sincerely for all their hard work and rushed off to say goodbye to Shoto until he disappeared over the hill and into the forest, like you’ve always done...except you weren’t.
You arrived to meet your father, King Enji, and Shoto in the main hall a little out of breath while they said their last goodbyes. King Enji broke his attention away from your father to give you a polite nod, acknowledging your presence. Your father noticed this and turned to give you a big hug, laughing heartily. 
“Can you believe it? You’re getting married in a week! I need to tell your mother straight away! She would be so proud.” he says, pulling strands of your hair behind your ear. 
“Yes, I believe she would” you smile. You weren’t in the mood to explain that she’d only use this as an excuse to out-fashion you on your own special day. 
Shoto hung his head in silence right next to his dad, still not making eye contact with you. You tried to pay him no mind and instead focused on building up your courage to ask something of King Enji in the politest way possible. 
When you got the chance, you squeezed out every bit of bravery left in your system to say “Erm, King Enji, is it alright if Prince Shoto stays?”, twiddling your fingers innocently.
The red headed man looked a bit taken back by the question, but he didn’t seem opposed to the idea. He snorted, waving his hand to Shoto, who stared at you with an open mouth.
“Ah, young love,” your father chuckled, and went to see his comrade out the door.
Without a second to spare, you grabbed Shoto’’s hand and led him to your room, closing the door behind you quickly. 
“(y/n), what are you doing?” he asked, watching you shove a chair underneath the handles of your doors. You had enough palace servants for today. 
You turned around and immediately threw your arms around his waist. He stood rigid with surprise before hesitantly hugging you back with a light grip. He was still confused from the fiasco earlier, but didn’t blame you.
“Sho....I’m so sorry, I should have understood.” you whispered. “I hope you could forgive me..”
He gave you a slight squeeze, “Of-course, (y/n). I’m sorry too, I-”
“Stop. You don’t need to explain anything to me. All we need to do is get this wedding cancelled.” you interrupt, looking up at him. “Also, I’m glad you didn’t say anything.” 
He looked relieved, giving you a soft smile. “Thanks, (y/n).” He pulls away from you and takes a seat on your bed next to where your blade still sat, unbothered. “But, I realized that if I were to tell my father, he’d assume it to be an insult no matter what I say, and end the friendship. with your people. Then he’d have me married off to someone else and make my life more hell than it already was. I’d rather be married to my best friend than a stranger.” he smiled.
You opened your mouth to say something, but the words escaped you. You were stumped. After all of this, it turned in your favor, but you didn’t want this anymore. 
You huffed and stood up abruptly, heading to your drawers and searching through them. 
“What are you-?” Sho trailed off, standing up with you. 
Finally, you found an assorted set of bags you use to collect things on your trips to the forest. With most of your years being devoted to molding you into a perfect queen, you haven’t used these for anything more than bringing home a pretty set of rocks in hopes that your mother would pay attention to you. Now, you were finding the biggest ones, planning to fill them with essentials to help you survive the woods. 
“We’re not going to do anything we’re forced to be into,” you said, “No matter what, our fathers won’t allow us to cancel this, but they can’t do anything if we’re not here.”
“(y/n), you’re not thinking of leaving are you?” he asked, worry apparent all over his face. 
You handed Sho a bag, staring him straight in the eye. “I’m absolutely thinking of that.” You grabbed a bag for yourself and shoved the rest back into your drawers. “We both have siblings who can inherit the throne, right? And if we disappear together and write a note saying something like “oh this is going too fast and we decided to take a break together in the mountains”- neither of our fathers could blame each other, so-”
“Hey,” Sho laid a hand on your shoulder, “we don’t have to do this. I told you, I really thought about this, and as long as it’s you, I’ll be happy-”
“No, Sho,” you said, shrugging off the hand and looking through your closet for extra clothes, “you can tell yourself that, but that’s not going to be true. I want you to be just as happy, and that’s not gonna happen if we go through with this marriage. Look, I know Ocha’s grandmother lives in a small town East of here, past the forest. If we can get there, we can rest and figure out what to do, ok?”
You looked at him for confirmation, his brows furrowed and his lips spread into a thin line. For a few seconds, he contemplated the terrible outcomes of your plan, but he knew you would just do this yourself if he didn’t come with you. 
Finally, he nodded before he could change his mind.
This probably wasn’t the smartest idea, but at least you were together.
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tamagoincident · 3 years
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To Lure a Bird
arthur morgan x reader
summary: The Van der Linde Gang plans to rob a train, too bad you hit it first. You, being the reasonable person you are, coerce rough-looking men to run a job with you in exchange for the stolen money, and everyone gets more than they bargained for.
chapter: 1/10
link: AO3
Chapter One - A Mutual Enemy
On the evening you first heard of the Van der Linde Gang’s presence in Valentine, you stood at the bar of Smithfield's Saloon disguised in men’s clothing. Not a typical Friday for you, as you tried not to make it a habit of sticking around places where reckless men became more reckless the further they disappeared into their cups. But years ago you’d helped the bartender, a giant man named Ernest, drum up enough money to pay off his debtors, and he held you in the highest of regards ever since. It was the only place you could drink without being disturbed. Ernest made sure of that.
“What’ll it be, the usual?” he winked at you, his large hands already reaching toward the whiskey.
You smiled and nodded.
“I have information you might want to hear,” he continued, pouring the liquor into a glass and sliding it towards you. You caught it easily.
“There was a young lady here last night. Overheard her talkin’ to some fancy pants New Yorker who kept braggin’ ‘bout the luxury train he’ll be taking back to the North. She seemed awfully intrigued,” Ernest said. “And get this, it weren’t the only instance I’d seen her, neither. Few days ago she’d been traipsin’ around the outskirts of Valentine with a bunch of scary lookin’ out-of-towners.”
“Figure they’re planning on robbing the train?”
Ernest shrugged. “It’s easy pickin’. You know how naïve high society can be.”
Maybe easy enough for a one-person job, if done quickly and with care. You’d only robbed a train once with two people you used to run with. You didn’t run with them anymore. It hurt you to think of it.
You held up your glass for a refill and leaned forward, brimming with interest. “Tell me more about this train.”
The train tracks rattled underneath Arthur’s feet.
“Get movin’,” he said to Sean, pointing towards the trees hidden in the darkness. Arthur climbed atop the wagon they’d rode in on and placed in the middle of the tracks, which bore five hundred gallons of oil. He widened his stance for balance and pulled a bandana over his mouth and nose. “Here she comes.”
Arthur squinted against the blinding brightness of the incoming headlight, cocking his rifle as it approached. The train’s horn bellowed into the night.
It saw him. Good.
It came to a hissing and screeching halt. A uniformed man stormed out from the front cab. “What's goin' on here? What's—aw hell,” the engineer wailed, kicking the dirt underneath his feet. “Not again! Gettin’ real tired of this shit.” Behind him, a shadow of blurred movement. Charles, ready to strike him unconscious.
Arthur jumped off the wagon. “Hold it!” he yelled to Charles, who paused his assault and instead restrained the man with a pistol aimed at his head. “What d’you mean, ‘Not again?’”
“If y’all are trying to rob us, we’ve already been hit,” he wheezed.
“You’re bluffin’.”
“You and your boys are more than welcome to board and check. Reckon it’s a waste of time though.”
Arthur swore. “Let him go, Mr. S.”
Charles let go. The engineer stumbled forward, sputtering and coughing. In between heavy breaths he said, “Happened near the Heartlands. Strange feller in a mask robbed us blind and then pointed a shotgun at me, gruntin’ at me to start the engine or he’ll call for his gang to kill everyone on board.”
“Why in God’s name would he do that?” Arthur said.
“Beats me. But now that I think of it, he was probably expecting y’all. Here, he gave me this—” he moved to reach into his coat pocket, but ceased upon the chorus of rifles cocking. Sean and John had appeared to find what the holdup was.
“Don’t move a goddamn muscle,” Arthur growled. “Mr. S., if you could kindly grab whatever’s in that fool’s pocket.”
Charles complied, plucking out a wad of paper. He handed it to Sean, who read aloud:
Don’t want the loot, only your attention.
Have your lady informant go back to the saloon and talk to the bartender.
He’ll tell you where to find me.
Cause any trouble and you won’t see a cent.
Sean laughed bitterly, waving the note in the air. “Got us good, didn't he?”
“Give me that, you idiot.” Arthur snatched the note and tilted the lettering towards the train's headlight. “Goddamn it—”
A bullet whizzed by Arthur’s head. The engineer dove to the ground for safety.
“Get on your horses!” Arthur yelled to the gang and whistled. Once in the saddle, he spurred the horse on and rode hard into the trees, past the storm of bullets, and evaded capture.
He was the last to arrive back at camp, after making sure he hadn’t been followed. He passed Dutch’s closed tent and found Sean blackout drunk near the fire. John sat close by, clearly on the same trajectory as the Irishman, with the amount of empty beer bottles at his feet. Arthur cleared his throat. “Where’s Charles?”
John glanced up, eyes bleary and lined with red. In the firelight he looked small and exhausted. “Asleep.”
“You should be too.”
“Well, I ain’t,” John mumbled tipping the beer to his lips and draining it. He tossed the bottle aside with a crash.
“Need me to tuck you in Marston? How ‘bout a bedtime story?”
“Real funny, Arthur."
Arthur sat down across from John, allowing the sound of crickets and snuffling horses to fill the silence between them. When he spoke, his tone was softer. “Don’t think I’ve seen you this shaken. Not even when you was freezin’ your ass off after them wolves got to you.”
John’s gaze dropped to his lap. “I’m a bit rattled, s’all. I got a bad feelin’, Arthur.”
“Don’t you think the law showed up a little too fast?”
“Maybe,” Arthur said. “I’m more curious about the son-of-a-bitch who knew we was gonna rob that train.” He turned, pulling the note he’d stashed into his saddlebag and brandishing it.
“See? You’re worried too. S’not just me.”
“I’m not worried,” Arthur cast the notion aside. No use in admitting to being worried unless there was really something to lose sleep over, especially in front of John, who looked like he was fixing for an excuse to leave again. Arthur didn’t want to be the person to give him one. He would gladly take a bullet before he watched Abigail’s face twist back into sorrow and disappointment on account of John flying the coop.
“We gonna be okay, Arthur?” John asks.
“Can’t tell the future anymore than you can, Marston,” Arthur said, crumpling the note in his fist. “What we can do is find the bastard who pulled the wool over our eyes, and deal with the rest as it comes along. I’ll talk to Mary-Beth tomorrow. Ask her to go back up to the saloon.”
John watched as Arthur tossed the paper into the fire, the edges curling into black.
You waited across the tracks from the abandoned trading post in Roanoke Ridge, taking shelter behind a sturdy tree (you’d almost hid behind one crawling with poison ivy vines, what a sight that would have been). The instructions you’d given Ernest to pass on had been clear: Whoever is sent must be on time and arrive alone. You checked your pocket watch. Already a half hour late. Out of desperation you remained a few minutes longer. The sun was almost at its peak in the sky, and you were getting hot with your scarf obscuring the lower half of your face. You cursed yourself for wearing such bulky trousers and long sleeves.
In your mind, the heist had been preferable to wasting away in the heat. With a little theater and luck, you managed to rob the train heading north. You still couldn’t believe your good fortune. Keeping your voice low and husky, the passengers and engineer had mistaken you for some hardened outlaw. You’d threatened them with your non-existent gang that was supposedly trailing close behind. In reality, the only thing riding alongside the train was the horse you’d borrowed from Ernest.
You scanned the landscape with binoculars, on the precipice of calling it a day, when you saw a pair of figures ascend the hill behind the dilapidated structure. The taller of the two was wearing a fading grey shirt that you imagined was once white, which stretched across his broad shoulders. He staked a far contrast to the companion at his left, a leaner man with dark hair that extended past a deep scar on his cheek. Both looked tough and mean. Exactly the type of men you’d hoped for.
Though two against one, the odds weren’t good if things went south.
You dropped the binoculars and reached for your rifle. Steadying yourself, you squinted through the scope, drifting down the length of their bodies until their dusty leather boots came into view. You cocked the gun, exhaled, and took the shot, aiming inches away from them.
“Thought I’d said to come alone,” you called out. “If one of you gentlemen doesn’t get going, the next two bullets will be right in the forehead.”
“Jesus Christ,” the dark-haired man yelped. “Is that a woman shooting at us?”
“Woman or not, doesn’t change the fact she’s got a goddamn rifle!” the other fired back. “Alright, miss, my friend here is gonna get on his horse and leave. Ain’t that right, Marston?”
“Rode all the way out here for nothin’,'' he complained loudly and whistled. When his horse came around, he placed his foot in the stirrups and swung his leg over the saddle. “If you ain’t back by sundown, I’ll come lookin’ for you, Arthur. Hear that, lady?”
Arthur waved a dismissive hand. You waited until the horse disappeared behind the hills before coming out from the brush. At this distance, you could discern more of his features. The first of which you noticed were bright blue eyes that writers and painters alike had mused over for centuries.
He directed them at you. “There,” he said. “Happy?”
You lowered your rifle. “We’re off to a poor start, I’m afraid.”
“Don’t want no trouble. Just didn’t know what we was walkin’ into,” he said, moving closer, hands up slightly as if to not appear threatening. “You were real vague in that note of yours.”
You reaffirmed your grip on your rifle. “That’s close enough,” you said. Any closer and he’d eclipse you, your neck within snapping distance of those strong hands.
“Then, how about you tell me how this is gonna go?”
In the days leading to this moment, you’d thought of the ways you were going to approach this. Never did you imagine getting this far. “Do you have any idea why I may have invited you here?”
“To gloat, perhaps? About beatin’ us to that train?”
An involuntary upward twitch at the corner of your mouth. “Not quite, sir. I value my time and yours, so I’ll keep it short. I need you.”
Arthur pointed to himself. “You... need me?”
“Yes, you.”
He dipped his head, obscuring whatever expression he was making beneath the brim of his hat. Rubbing his neck, Arthur said, “Can’t imagine why you’d need me, lady. Accountin’ for the fact you don’t even know me.”
“I’ll rephrase. It’s not you I need exactly, it’s somebody like you. And your friend, for that matter.” You paused. “I used to have partners, too. One is dead, the other is in need of rescue. She was kidnapped. I want to hire you to help get her back.”
“Why not go to the sheriff? Seems a hell of a lot easier than getting up to all this trouble.”
“The sheriff?” you scoffed. “You really think he’d risk himself and his men to help me save a working girl from outlaws? Most likely he’d look into my background, and then I’d be arrested before I could even blink.”
“So all we gotta do is save your friend from her kidnappers and what, you’ll pay us?”
“You’ll get the money from the train, and I’ll throw in seventy dollars on top of that,” you said.
“What’s the catch?”
“Pardon me?”
“The catch,” Arthur repeated. “Seems too easy.”
“Didn’t say it’d be easy. Are you familiar with the O’Driscoll Boys?”
A spark of recognition. He was, in fact, familiar. “Yeah, I heard of ‘em. Your friend Emma… them boys captured her?”
You nodded. “A former client of hers runs with that gang. He found us in a hotel room, shot Henry, and knocked me out. When I came to, Emma was gone, and I was alone.”
“Under ordinary circumstances, I’d be glad to help,” he said. “You see, there’s someone I’d need to run this by and he’s already got it out for their leader, Colm O’Driscoll. This’d be the perfect excuse for him to do something goddamn stupid.”
“Please. If you’re familiar with them, you can imagine how awful it must be for her. I’ll even give you half the money upfront,” you said, decocking your rifle and slipping it back over your shoulder by its leather strap.
“Can’t promise nothin’, but I’ll talk it over with some people tonight. Meet me at that saloon in two days, same time. If it goes in your favor, I’ll take you to see the man who makes all the decisions.”
“Are you going to make me wait again?” you asked.
“You’re the one asking for favors, miss.”
“I’m offering a job.”
Arthur’s lips set into a hard line. “A job that might get us into a world of trouble, adding fuel to a fire that’s been burnin’ for a long time now. Frankly, you don’t know what you’re getting into.”
And because you didn’t want to push your luck, you fell silent. You watched him call for his horse and mount it.
“I’ll be on time,” he mumbled as an afterthought, and rode off in the direction he came.
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Trees Are Stupid.
There are some things in life that people learn without ever having to experience them. For me, one of those things really should have been ‘do not sneak out of a second story bedroom window if you have a broken leg’.
In my defense, I’d never had any trouble with the window before. The peach tree in our neighbour’s backyard was broad and healthy and one of its thick, strong branches was within easy jumping distance from my room. I’d silently slid the window open, checked to be sure that I was in the poorly-disguised undercover policeman’s blind spot, and was halfway out before I realised that balancing on the sill might be a little difficult with my right foot and calf encased in plaster.
I gripped both sides of the window frame and balanced as well as I could on my left foot. I’d always been small for my age, looking closer to eleven than fourteen, so the jump wouldn’t require very much strength. The branch, barely visible in the fading light, seemed to wave in time to the gunfire and screaming wafting up from my parents’ movie downstairs.
I leapt, and smacked right into the branch. It was a jump I could normally make without thinking about it, but the broken leg had thrown me off; I smacked chest-first into solid wood and instinctively wrapped my arms around it to keep from falling. The pain rushed through my ribs all the way to my spine, then faded, lingering for an extra moment in the little scar just to the left of my breastbone that I always tried to ignore. Not that I’d be able to ignore it any more, after the accident.
No, not accident. After the attack.
The back porch light was on. Most people would take this to be an accident, but I knew it was my parents’ plausibly deniable polite concession to the undercover police officers we were all pretending not to notice. They needed a clear view of the back door to make sure I was staying in the house like a good little boy. The light clearly illuminated the word WITCH that somebody had spraypainted across the back of our house, but it didn’t reach me in the tree. After a few seconds of stillness in which I waited for someone to move or shout, I felt it was safe to continue.
Arms and knees around the branch, I slid along it over the fence bordering our yard and towards the trunk of the tree. Our neighbours were still awake; light was visible around the kitchen blinds. This wasn’t unusual. It wasn’t all that late.
Normally I’d just drop to the ground and go ring the doorbell, but there was the issue of the police. Something else gave me pause, too; the small wreath of holly and mistletoe hung on the back door. That hurt more than hitting the branch had. Contrary to myth, neither holly nor mistletoe had ever stopped me from entering a building – I wouldn’t be able to enter most shops or cafes if it did – but the Nebits weren’t to know that. They’d always made a point of not warding their doors, and the fact that they’d done so now… well. I couldn’t really blame them, could I?
I switched to another branch, one stretching towards the Nebits’ house. The window I was aiming for wasn’t all that far from my own; it seemed like an awful lot of work to reach it by treeclimbing. If we’d been on the ground floor, I’d almost be able to reach it from my own window.
I couldn’t quite reach it from the tree, though. Again, this was a jump I’d made dozens of times, but it had been hard enough jumping into the tree with a broken leg; even I wasn’t going to try to jump out of a tree at a closed window when I couldn’t even safely stand up. I could envision the result – me slamming face-first into the wall below the window, and the Nebits coming to investigate the noise and finding a broken, bleeding body under their peach tree. Not an ideal situation.
Instead, I plucked a peach from the tree and threw it at the window. A moment later, it opened.
Melissa was sihlouetted in her bedroom light, so I couldn’t see much more than the halo of brown hair she was in the process of brushing, but I knew she was glaring at me. Melissa has the kind of glare you can feel through lead walls. When she grows up and has kids, they’re going to be the most well-behaved children in the world.
“Kayden, what the hell?”
“Are you going to let me in or not?”
“You shouldn’t be here! You’re under house arrest!”
“I know, that’s why I’m in a tree. But it is Saturday.”
Apparently, Melissa couldn’t argue with this logic. She fetched the usual climbing rope from her closet and tossed one end to me. I tied it to the tree, slid my way over to the window, and climbed in.
“Are you alright?” Melissa asked, checking over my arms for scratches and bruises. I didn’t pull away; Melissa gets focused when she’s worried, and it’s generally best not to get in her way. There were dark shadows under her eyes, I noticed, and her normally rosy, freckled cheeks were pale; had she lost sleep over me?
I shrugged. “They discharged me, so nothing can be too wrong with me. It’s not the first fall I’ve taken.”
“You know what I meant.”
I shrugged again.
“We tried to visit you, you know. They had you in some kind of high security ward and Chelsea almost got caught trying to pickpocket a nurse’s keycard.”
I suppressed a chuckle. “Of course she did. She’s not here yet?”
“She was grounded after the keycard thing, so I don’t think she’ll be able to convince her mum to – ”
Just then, Melissa’s bedroom door opened. “Don’t tell my mum I’m here,” Chelsea said quietly. “I’m grounded.”
Melissa threw up her arms. “Did anyone in this neighbourhood not sneak out of their bedroom window today?”
“Um, you didn’t,” I pointed out.
“Neither did I,” Chelsea said. “I’m not an idiot. I used our bathroom window. First floor.”
“Well la-de-da, Miss Police-Aren’t-Watching-My-House,” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Kayden, did you climb a tree in your pyjamas?” Chelsea asked.
I glanced down at myself. “Maybe.”
“You’ve lost a button.”
Chelsea, unlike Melissa and I, was not in her pyjamas. She was wearing a flannel shirt that I was pretty sure was mine. Despite being a year younger than me, we were exactly the same size, and more than once she’d joked about getting me a jaw-length blonde wig and herself a shorter brown one to see how long we could pretend to be each other before someone noticed. Said jokes were getting worryingly serious.
“It’s your turn to hide the tracker,” Chelsea reminded me.
Melissa glared at her. “That stupid tracker game created this mess, and you still expect him to play?” she snapped.
“That’s pretty insensitive, Chel,” I agreed. “Especially since I’ve already hidden it. You think the school roof was a clever hiding spot? Oh, man. You are in for a wake-up call.”
She frowned. “You’re bluffing,” she said. “You haven’t had a chance to hide anything. They took you straight home from the hospi – ” She put her face in her hands and groaned. “You found the tracker before you ended up in hospital. You had it with you. And the only other places you’ve been are your house, and a high security ward in the hospital. And you know better than to hide it in your house.”
I spread my hands. “Hey, the circumstances aren’t my fault. If you want to find it, might I suggest stealing a nurse’s keycard? Oh wait.”
“You’re both crazy,” Melissa said.
“That’s a weird way to pronounce ‘incredibly awesome’,” Chelsea said. “When does the cast come off?”
“In another week and a half.”
“Just in time for school holidays!”
“I’m suspended anyway, so it’s kind of a moot point.”
We fell silent. None of us wanted to talk about the next obvious point of conversation.
Eventually, Melissa asked, “What about after the school holidays?”
I shrugged. “They haven’t set a date for the trial or anything yet, so…”
“So you’ll probably get a super long holiday before you’re found innocent and everything goes back to normal!” Chelsea threw an arm over my shoulders. “I’m so jealous.”
I shrugged her off. “I’m not innocent. My victim – ”
“Victim!” Chelsea scoffed. “You know this is Matt Parker you’re talking about, right? If I’d been up there I’d have pushed him off myself, curse or no curse.”
“You’re innocent,” Melissa said. “You know the law. Accidental consequences of curses can’t be prosecuted, unless the carrier of the curse was knowledgably negligent.”
“Fourteen-year-olds shouldn’t use words like ‘negligent’,” Chelsea frowned. “You sound like my dad.”
Melissa ignored her. “You’ve had that curse stuck in your heart since before you could walk, and nobody could ever say you were negligent. It’s done absolutely nothing for fourteen years. No causing sickness, no turning things to gold, it doesn’t even sour milk. There was absolutely no way you could have predicted it to lash out here.”
“That’s the point,” I said. “I should have expected it to lash out, because I should always be expecting it to lash out. My control slipped, and now everyone knows I put that jerk in hospital. He nearly died, you know. I nearly killed him.”
“Your curse nearly killed him,” Melissa corrected.
“I would have nearly killed him if I got the chance,” Chelsea shrugged. “Don’t even need a curse. I would’ve just hit him.”
“Everyone knows that Matt’s injuries are more self-inflicted than anything,” Melissa added. “Nobody blames you for any of this.”
“Then why is there a wreath on your door?” I asked.
Melissa looked away. “My parents are idiots.”
“No, your parents are scared, and they’re right. Your family have known about my curse since I got it. Your parents never had a problem with it, or with me, until now. But now they finally see what it means, what it can do, and they want nothing to do with me. They think I could hurt you, and they’re right. I could kill both of you without warning. Doesn’t that bother you?”
The two girls stared at me, completely unimpressed. Chelsea rolled her eyes.
“Why would that bother us?” Melissa asked. “It’s not exactly new information.”
“You’ve always known about the curse, but now that it’s active and – ”
Melissa waved me silent. “Not the curse. I mean in general. We’re all capable of killing each other if we want. You don’t need a curse for that. Five minutes ago I threw you a rope to climb in my window; I could’ve untied my end and you could very easily have died. Does that bother you?”
“That’s different.”
“No, it isn’t. I’m not saying your curse doesn’t suck, I’m just saying it doesn’t make you a terrifying monster, and anybody who looks at you differently now that it’s attacked Matt is an idiot for not taking it seriously and getting over it years ago.”
“That’s easy for us to say,” Chelsea said, “but to be fair, people have been kind of freaking out. Your family and mine were the only ones around here who ever really knew about the curse. To everyone else, it kind of…” she shrugged.
“Looks like I lied to them about something really dangerous I was carrying around the neighbourhood?” I asked.
“… Kind of, yeah. But they’ll get over it.”
“What’s the internet look like? The police confiscated my phone and I haven’t been online since the whole thing happened.”
The girls exchanged a worried glance.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Mum turned our wi-fi off. I don’t think she wants me to see what people are saying.”
“You don’t want to see what people are saying,” Melissa said quickly.
“Don’t worry about it,” Chelsea said. “If anyone gives you trouble, point at them and babble nonsense until they run screaming.”
“Yeah, because that would help his court case,” Melissa said.
“Nobody can give me any trouble. I’m not supposed to leave the house. Actually, I should probably get back before Mum and Dad notice I’m missing.”
“Righto. Liss, do you have some rope?” Chelsea headed for the window.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Stringing a rope from the tree to your window. Or did you have another plan for getting back in with that?” She nudged my cast with her toe. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” She took a rope from Melissa, slipped easily out the window and within seconds was walking along the tree branch outside.
“I’ll never get how you two can do that,” Melissa remarked.
“It’s easy. It’s just one foot in front of the other. Until you slip and break a leg.”
“Yeah, I think I’ll stick to the ground like a normal person, thanks.”
“Sounds boring.”
Melissa chuckled and shoved me playfully. I grinned, trying to keep the mood light. Trying not to think about the future.
Whether I was found guilty of assault or not, I was dangerous, and now the whole street and the whole school knew it. There was no going back from that.
And I didn’t know what to do.
Story continues here.
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Hello :) I really like your work and I was wondering if you could write about mha Shoto, Katsuki and Izuku having a girlfriend whos a badass while fighting but who's also bff with denki because they can act dumb together and are huuuuge weeb? (Also if you don't mind I would love to see denki's reaction to his gf being badass but also as crazy as him bc my pikachu deserves all the love) ? I hope it makes sense x)
a/n: hey love! awe thank you so much! this request is really cute, kaminari is such a sweetheart and i love him so much omg. thank you for the request hun!
headcanon: them with a s/o who is badass when they fight but also denki’s crazy bff
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Shoto probably doesn’t understand how you can go from being super badass to somehow short-circuiting yourself when hanging out with Kaminari.
If you don’t have an electricity-related quirk, he’s super confused, like how does that happen?
If you do happen to have an electricity-related quirk, he’s also confused because you aren’t even using it. Just being with Kaminari the two of you goof off enough to go all wheheyyyyy.
Todoroki enjoys watching you fight. You don’t take shit from anyone. Period.
Watching you take down bad guys is like a guilty pleasure past-time of Todoroki’s. You’re so skilled, and there’s so much he could learn from you in terms of combat.
You’ve done your training and you’ve learned and studied on your own alongside all your peers.
But as soon as you step off the battlefield, you’re somehow another person. Or at least you seem to be another person.
If there’s one thing you never stop hearing in the common rooms, it’s your laughter and Kaminari’s wheezing.
Todoroki is concerned when he hears it late at night, especially when you’re supposed to be asleep, and even more so when you’re trying to be quiet so you don’t wake anyone up.
“(Y/n). You should be resting, it’s late.”
“I know, I know!” You shush Kaminari who is rolling on the ground beside you, trying to stop the tears induced by laughter falling from his eyes.
“Kaminari just whipped out his Beyblades and challenged me. I beat him. 18 times.” You were losing your shit.
“It’s almost one am.” 
“Okay okay, Kaminari, I’ll beat you again tomorrow.” You stand and walk back to your dorm with Todoroki, sad to say goodnight to your best friend.
I don’t feel like Todoroki would get jealous because I think he genuinely understands that you and Kaminari are friends.
Kaminari also respects that you and Todoroki are in a relationship and has stopped hitting on you.
But he jokingly states that if you and Todoroki are to break up he might not be able to hold back.
»»————- ★ ————-««
katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Bakugou is jealous 100%
“Stop paying attention to that loser!” Bakugou will hug you and drag you back to your dorm at one am to get you to go to bed all because you’re having fun with Denki.
He doesn’t understand how you can change from being a badass to a quote on quote ‘dunceface idiot’ like Kaminari.
He loves you a lot and loves seeing you in action. It’s mesmerizing to see you take down bad guys and be all tough.
You’re a tough cookie and Bakugou enjoys watching you intimidate all the villains.
But watching you goof off with Kaminari strikes a nerve in him.
You joke around with Bakugou, but there’s something about joking off with a best friend that is different than with your romantic partner.
You decided that your library of fart jokes was probably a little inappropriate for Bakugou’s ears, not that the curses came out of his mouth were all appropriate in the first place.
No one understands your jokes quite like Kaminari. He’s the one you're getting scolded with at four am for being too loud by Mr. Aizawa.
But who else was going to laugh at you trying to knit Bakugou a sweater and failing horribly?
“What is that supposed to be?”
“That just looks like an angry porcupine!”
“Isn’t that what Bakugou is?”
Kaminari has officially lost it.
You and Kaminari have begun writing down every single roast the other drops to use later on and it’s even better when you both pull the same line in your little roast battles.
Everyone is silent and then you both just burst out into laughter.
Bakugou gets over his jealousy after Kaminari has a somewhat serious talk with him.
“(Y/n) wanted me to talk to you.” Kaminari starts, and Bakugou is already frustrated, is this how you tell him it’s over?
“I don’t see her romantically at all. I know you two are together, and as her best friend, I respect that. I know you’ll treat her well, so I expect you too. That’s my best friend you’re dating after all.”
Bakugou is speechless. For the first time, Denki Kaminari has said something that he understood.
“Did she tell you to say that? Did she write that down for you to say?” Bakugou is on edge.
“No! I came up with it myself because it’s the truth. She was just worried you were getting angry with her for hanging out with me so much.”
Bakugou cools down and eventually heads back to hang out with you.
Bakugou’s loud and obnoxious, so for the sake of you he tries to understand your humor, but sometimes you have to help him out.
It’s all in good fun though.
»»————- ★ ————-««
izuku midoriya
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Izuku is probably super confused at first too.
He tries his hand at humor so he understands some jokes, and he himself can go from being all cute and adorable to fucking badass.
But when it comes to someone else, he’s a little lost.
Especially when that someone is his own girlfriend.
You’ve gone from tearing shit up on the battlefield to wheezing over a meme that is just a picture that says ‘top text bottom text.’
He surely doesn’t understand.
I feel like Izuku might get a little jealous at first. He’s unsure of why you’re always spending lots of time with Denki and having a good time.
“Izuku he’s just my friend.”
“But you never laugh like that with me.”
It’s an eye-opener.
Izuku is jealous of how you're happy around Denki.
You try your best to explain to Deku but you might need a bit of help from Kaminari.
Kaminari assures Deku that nothing is going on between the two of you and that you’re just his best friend.
“I promise you, she’s just my best friend, I respect the boundaries of your relationship.” Kaminari has a bright smile on his face while you hug Izuku.
“Thank you for telling me this.” Izuku feels better about the situation but still worries sometimes.
You begin to include Izuku some, but he may not understand your humor sometimes so you’ll have to explain it to him.
Overall, Izuku is happy to see you happy. You learn to balance your time for both your friends and Izuku.
Izuku still doesn’t quite grasp how you can be such a badass at times then lose your mind with Kaminari at two am for making a pizza with ketchup instead of pizza sauce.
“Isn’t ketchup essentially tomato sauce?” Kaminari examines the ingredients list.
“I think it has vinegar in it. It’s gonna taste weird.”
“Well I can’t find the pizza sauce.”
“Ketchup it is then.” You take the bottle and squeeze it out over the dough. Kaminari helps add the cheese and any other toppings.
Deku is concerned.
“I don’t think that’s going to taste very good.” He’s tired too but insisted on staying up with you so he could bring you to bed after you eat.
And Deku's right.
It tasted horrible.
But at least he was able to walk you back to your room and tuck you in after that terrible experience.
»»————- ★ ————-«« 
denki kaminari
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»»————- ★ ————-««
The duality that y’all have. This relationship is POWERFUL.
Badass gf on the battlefield but goofy as shit when it comes to hanging out together?
Kaminari couldn’t have asked for a better partner. 
Watching you in action feels like a fucking movie. He’s drawn in constantly, admiring you every chance he gets.
Watching you fight, hell even watching you train is amazing. You’re incredibly skilled and your training pays off immensely.
Kaminari would like to say that training with you is amazing too, but the two of you can barely compose yourselves for that long.
You’re almost always laughing on the ground at like the one hour mark.
You can look at each other and just burst into laughter.
As much as I kind of hate the whole ‘marry your best friend’ saying, this relationship radiates that energy. You guys are endgame.
Kaminari couldn’t think of another person to share the love he has for you, let alone the plethora of jokes, puns, and roasts the two of you can make up on the spot.
Kaminari doesn’t want to imagine a world without you. And you couldn’t fathom being in one without him.
You guys are bound together, and are almost never apart for too long.
Granted you guys do have your days and you do make time for yourselves as any healthy relationship needs its boundaries.
You guys have shirts with memes on them, or phrases that you say constantly.
You’re constantly yelled out for being too loud in the middle of the night, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Kirishima, Mina, and Sero finding you guys sound asleep cuddling on the common room couch because y’all just passed out after goofing off for so long is a common occurrence.
If you have another best friend, I don’t feel like Kaminari would get crazy jealous because you only ever act like a goofy dumbass around him, and you’re crazy for him so he’s not too worried.
Might ask you about it but you’re in love with Kaminari’s dumbass and only his dumbass.
Who else are you going to watch cooking videos with a one am and try and recreate them on the spot?
»»————- ★ ————-««
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catgrump · 4 years
"Get on your knees" for.... uh.... Soudam? Maybe 👉👈 You are so good!!!
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Oh yes I do anon. Yes I do.
I’ve been wanting an excuse to write this specific scenario so thank you for this gift.
This takes place in My Specific Theatre AU BUT this piece has nothing to do with theatre and can be looked at on its own. But for context: they attend university together and share a 2-bedroom apartment. This takes place around the start of “Maybe This Time”, my Theatre AU piece on AO3, if you need to know the timeline
Read it under the cut!  Warning for sexual content!
The movie was over. Netflix was asking if they were still watching.
The beer bottles and wine glasses weren’t going to clean themselves up
So why was Kazuichi still lazing about— with his head in Gundham’s lap, no less?
It’s not like Gundham seemed to mind, oddly enough. He took strands of his roommate’s damaged hair in his fingers, twirling it and bringing it up and down through the air
“I’m glad it had a happy ending,” Kazuichi said to anyone who would listen (and since he and Gundham were the only ones in their apartment, he sure was hoping Gundham would listen), “It was like... there’s someone out there for everyone, you know?”
Gundham could tell Kazuichi was tipsy. Hell, Gundham was tipsy, too. He had his fair share of wine to get through that ridiculous teen rom-com. They originally started watching it to make fun of it, but the more beer (and some of Gundham’s wine) Kazuichi put in his system, the more genuinely invested he became.
“Yes, I suppose that’s a fair takeaway from the... shoddy script,” Gundham replied, continuing to mindlessly toy with the flourescent hair in his lap
“If there’s someone out there for everyone,” Kazuichi said, his words seeming to spill out of his mouth, “Why don’t we have girlfriends, man? I mean, look at you; you’re hot as shit.”
Gundham scoffed as Kazuichi lifted his arms up in the air to emphasize his statement. “Well perhaps it’s because you still say things that imply you think everyone around you is heterosexual,” he retorted
Kazuichi slowly picked himself up and turned to face Gundham, his shoulders slouched over, “C’mon, man, you know I’m still trying to get used to that. I’ve only been out for like a year and a half,” he whined
“And I understand that eliminating the ‘Straight is the Default’ setting in your brain can be challenging, but you live with someone else who is bisexual,” Gundham elaborated, “We’ve lived together for years.”
Kazuichi chuckled, “Remember when I thought I was straight in freshman year?”
“I was amazed how in denial you were.”
And now it seemed like Kazuichi couldn’t stop laughing. The laughter was slow, almost sounding deliberately rhythmic. “Hey, Gundham... can I tell you a secret?”
He had a stupid grin on his face. After living with Kazuichi for so long, Gundham knew he got... silly when he’s had a bit to drink. “You have to promise not to tell anyone,” Kazuichi added
“I won’t tell anyone.”
Kazuichi shot himself up, pointing a finger toward Gundham, “AND you have to promise not to get mad.”
After living with Gundham for so long, Kazuichi should know that Gundham is blunt when he’s had a bit to drink. “I won’t be angry with you,” he said. He meant it.
Kazuichi’s grin extended, practically reaching his ears. “Have you ever maybe uhhhhhh jacked off while thinking about your roommate? Cuz I have! Multiple times!”
Kazuichi was stifiling laughter, and almost missed Gundham’s rather immediate response. “Oh. Sure, I’ve done that a few times.”
“Haha, good; I’m glad I’m not the only one,” Kazuichi swayed back and forth, as if he were on a boat, smiling obliviously
If Gundham had wanted to— as Kazuichi so eloquently describes it— get shitfaced, he would’ve taken another swig of wine in disbelief during the silence they shared. Instead, he just shook his head.
Then, Kazuichi seemed to instantly sober up. “Wait.”
Kazuichi must’ve remembered that Gundham loses his filter when he has alcohol in him. But he didn’t ask Gundham to elaborate. Gundham didn’t need to go into detail about the times he’s had to control himself when Kazuichi walks around shirtless. He didn’t need to go into detail about the times he’s moaned Kazuichi’s name when he was home alone. He didn’t need to go into detail about the time he heard Kazuichi masturbating through the wall seperating their bedrooms, and got himself off on the sounds of his pleasure. He didn’t need to elaborate on any of that. He grabbed Kazuichi’s shirt collar in his fist and pulled him close. “You are such a fool.”
Regaining his balance, Kazuichi latched on to Gundham’s arms, feeling how toned they were for the first time. He looked up at Gundham in awe, seeing his hair down, framing his defined face.
As soon as Kazuichi looked him in the eye, he couldn’t hold back any longer. Gundham brought his hands to Kazuichi’s face and they kissed with more intensity than they had ever kissed anyone before.
Kazuichi’s hands gripped Gundham’s biceps, then frantically migrated across his chest and back, wanting to feel every muscle he didn’t know Gundham had.
Within seconds of their lips meeting, Gundham felt Kazuichi’s tongue asking to be invited inside, and Gundham instantly accepted, being sure to hold on to Kazuichi’s jaw and neck as they explored
Kazuichi tugged on the hem of Gundham’s shirt as he gently bit Gundham’s lower lip. Gundham grunted and grabbed Kazuichi’s wrists.
“You like that?” Kazuichi teased
“I do,” Gundham’s low voice reverberated through Kazuichi’s body as he whispered in his ear before he was suddenly pushed backward, his back landing on the seat of their couch
Kazuichi was not expecting to be, but he was instantly hard. Gundham throwing him down like that, followed by him taking off his shirt himself, shaking out his hair after he tossed it aside... Kazuichi felt like he needed air to prepare for whatever was in store.
Kazuichi had seen Gundham’s naked torso before. The moments were brief, but he— willingly or not—committed the images to memory. Suddenly, Kazuichi was feeling that body against his own as Gundham kissed him again. Kazuichi brought his hands to Gundham’s back to pull him closer, wanting no separation between their chests, stomachs...
Gundham pushed Kazuichi’s hair away as he created a path of kisses, trailing from his lips to his jaw to his neck. Kazuichi gasped when he felt Gundham steadily increase pressure on his neck. He was going to leave marks. Kazuichi craned his neck to give Gundham more of a canvas to work with.
Gundham was multi-tasking. As he sucked on Kazuichi’s neck, he was unbuttoning the shirt Kazuichi had on. It would only be fair.
Gundham pushed Kazuichi’s shirt aside, exposing the torso he’d always wanted to touch, never breaking contact with Kazuichi
One of Gundham’s calloused hands found its way to Kazuichi’s pecs, and his chest felt incredible in Gundham’s palm; against his fingertips
And Kazuichi bit his lip as he writhed in even the simple sensations of Gundham’s mouth on his neck and Gundham’s fingers grazing a nipple. God, how long HAS it been since someone ELSE touched Kazuichi like this?
Gundham had moved to Kazuichi’s collarbone and bit. Hard. “Fuck,” Kazuichi was so tempted to reach for Gundham’s belt
But if Gundham wanted to leave marks, Kazuichi thought Two can play at this game.
Kazuichi dragged his fingernails across Gundham’s back, slowly, and that got Gundham to lose his composure, practically collapsing on top of him. He gasped and shut his eyes tight, muffling moans into Kazuichi’s shoulder
There was no mistaking how turned on the other was. When Gundham brought himself down to be flush with Kazuichi, they both took notice of the other’s hard-on
And while Gundham gave in temporarily, he relished too much in making Kazuichi squirm to let him take over.
He resumed his assault on Kazuichi’s neck, taking hold of his hair in his fist, and pulled as he grinded his hips against Kazuichi’s.
The friction was driving Kazuichi insane. His curiosity was overwhelming him, too. He had to find out how big he was.
Kazuichi bucked into him, doing his best to tell Gundham he wanted to take things further without saying anything.
But that wasn’t enough for Gundham. “Tell me what you desire,” he whispered a demand in Kazuichi’s ear, nibbling on his earlobe after he spoke
Gundham ran his hands over Kazuichi’s pecs and shoulders, rolling the fabric of his shirt further down his arms. “Y-you,” Kazuichi nervously muttered
“What was that?” Gundham’s hands moved lower and lower, tracing Kazuichi’s waist and his remarkable hips. His fingers played with the waistline of Kazuichi’s pants, making Kazuichi bite his lip in desperation
“Gundham, please,” Kazuichi felt embarrassed being candid, especially with Gundham straddling him with a sexy smug smile, his hands pressed against Kazuichi’s chest
Gundham ran his hands across Kazuichi’s body again, and drifted his hands lower, rubbing them into Kazuichi’s inner thighs. Kazuichi needed them to get naked. Now.
“Use your words,” Gundham beckoned, inching closer and closer to Kazuichi’s dick
Kazuichi’s face was red. His whole body was hot and he felt way too restrained with his clothes still on. He shut his eyes so he didn’t have to look at Gundham when he blurted out “I want your cock”
Gundham huffed out a laugh as Kazuichi brought his hands up to his face to try to conceal his embarrassment.
Gundham brought himself up and Kazuichi peaked through his fingers when he heard the buckle of Gundham’s belt come undone.
In a bit of a frenzy, Kazuichi sat up and pulled his clothes off, casting them to the side in a chaotic pile
He couldn’t help but notice Gundham look down and smirk once Kazuichi’s dick was out
But Gundham’s pants were still on. His legs were spread across the seat of the couch, and his arms draped across the back. “Get on your knees,” he commanded
Kazuichi quirked his brow, but didn’t have any doubts in his next move once Gundham revealed what Kazuichi had been waiting for. He’s hung.
Kazuichi’s horny ass did as Gundham asked and got inbetween his legs, putting a hand on Gundham’s thigh, only slightly disappointed it wasn’t skin-to-skin contact.
His other hand took hold of Gundham’s dick, and brought it to his lips, relishing in Gundham’s sighs as Kazuichi wrapped his lips around the tip
Gundham grabbed Kazuichi’s hair again, biting his lip as he felt Kazuichi envelop his cock in his mouth. It was warm and every time Kazuichi sucked Gundham had to resist thrusting
And Kazuichi’s dick twinged every time he felt Gundham’s dick twinge inside him. Using the hand that was on Gundham’s thigh, he took hold of his own cock and started pumping, using his pre-cum to self lubricate
As he worked himself while sucking Gundham off, he couldn’t help but moan against Gundham’s dick. And that sent Gundham over the edge. He lost control of his hips and grabbed Kazuichi’s hair tighter
Feeling Gundham trying to fuck his mouth only made Kazuichi work harder. His head bobbed back and forth as quick as his hand went up and down his own dick. He was so close just from Gundham’s cock in his mouth.
“Kazuichi, wait,” Gundham moaned, and Kazuichi bucked into his own fist hearing Gundham moan his name, muttering a few curse words himself
Kazuichi released Gundham and looked up at him. He watched Gundham swallow as they made eye contact. “Yeah? You okay?” Kazuichi asked
“Allow me to do something for you,” Gundham requested
God dammit, he was so close and NOW Gundham’s offering? And Kazuichi was sure Gundham was about to finish, too.
Gundham stood up from the couch, and started walking out of the living room. “Are you going to join me?”
Kazuichi blinked and quickly left the floor to follow as Gundham walked through the hall and into his bedroom, and gawked as Gundham finally finished undressing, taking in the new sight of his toned thighs and firm ass.
His eyes grew wide when he saw Gundham reach into a drawer in his desk and retrieve what was so obviously a bottle of lube. He was officially in uncharted waters, and that excited him and wracked his nerves simultaneously
Kazuichi had kissed men before and gone down on men before... but he didn’t have any experience with what could come after.
Gundham climbed onto his mattress and propped himself up on his knees. He looked to Kazuichi and used his eyes to invite him to the bed
Kazuichi swallowed as he mirrored Gundham’s position, and pursed his lips as Gundham put a coat of the lubricant on his fingers.
Using his dry hand, Gundham grabbed Kazuichi’s ass and pulled him in close so their bodies were flush. Kazuichi yelped as he caught himself on Gundham, pressing his hands against Gundham’s chest.
Kazuichi’s heart was practically bursting out of his chest as he anticipated what was about to happen. Gundham had a devilish grin as he watched Kazuichi try to hide his nerves
His lubricated hand grasped on to Kazuichi’s ass as well, and he was sure to slide his fingers close— “Fuck!” Kazuichi gasped out
And Gundham paused. “Kazuichi... have you never done this before?”
Kazuichi was taken aback by Gundham’s surprise. His face turned red again as he said, “No...” and then Kazuichi had a sudden thought, “Have you?”
Gundham simply replied “Yes. A couple of times now.”
“What? When? With WHO?” Kazuichi pulled back, feeling sudden... jealousy?
“Do you want to know that, or do you want to cum?”
That sent shivers down Kazuichi’s spine. He was back on track, and he didn’t just want to cum: he needed it.
Kazuichi fervently nodded his head.
“Yes what?” Fuck, he’s doing it again.
Kazuichi felt every part of him except his boner shrink. He mumbled “makemecum”
“Don’t be shy, Kazuichi,” Gundham’s deep voice was so fucking sexy when it was breathy in his ear
“Gundham, please—“
Gundham’s dick twinged whenever he heard Kazuichi beg. He took a hand off Kazuichi’s ass and took hold of his cock, and Kazuichi instinctively shut his eyes and bucked his hips into Gundham’s hand. Kazuichi had been waiting for too long, but Gundham relished seeing him like this. “Tell me what you desire.”
“For the love of god: make me cum, please,” Kazuichi succumbed, burying his head in Gundham’s shoulder
“With pleasure,” Gundham cooed into Kazuichi’s ear. Kazuichi melted feeling Gundham’s voice against his body
And he trembled feeling Gundham’s slick fingers practically trace circles around his asshole. Kazuichi picked his head up and took a deep breath, attempting to relax
Gundham was stroking Kazuichi’s dick with his other hand, basking in Kazuichi’s body anticipating his next moves.
Kazuichi gasped and lurched forward, clinging to Gundham’s arms as he felt a finger be pushed inside
Gundham repeated Kazuichi’s taunt back at him as he continued pumping his cock and slowly thrusting his finger, “You like that?”
Kazuichi pressed his forehead into Gundham’s chest and moaned “So fucking much.”
Gundham took that as his cue to add another finger, and Kazuichi practically keeled over with a shout. He reached under Gundham’s arms to take hold of his back. This time his nails digging into Gundham’s skin was because they couldn’t get any closer
Kazuichi’s face was buried in Gundham’s shoulder again, muffling every sound Kazuichi made, and he wasn’t shutting up. It was difficult for Gundham to keep quiet, too. Hearing Kazuichi’s cries of pleasure made him wish he had a free hand to help his dick out. Kazuichi was too overcome to do anything but take it.
The instant Gundham curled his fingers, Kazuichi cried out his name and dug his fingernails into Gundham’s shoulder blades, making Gundham’s cock twitch against Kazuichi’s skin
“D-do that again,” Kazuichi whimpered against Gundham’s neck
Gundham didn’t need to toy with him anymore. He did as he asked and found Kazuichi’s prostate again, feeling Kazuichi’s hips follow his motions, taking pride in knowing this was Kazuichi’s first time experiencing this sensation as Kazuichi continued to moan and swear and call his name, digging deeper into his skin with his fingers
Gundham picked up the pace. Kazuichi was panting. Gundham heard his name muffled into his shoulder over and over and over again and knew Kazuichi was close.
Third time’s the charm. Gundham curled his fingers once again, slowing down the motion as one last tease, and Kazuichi cried out as he came. Gundham continued to use his fingers through Kazuichi’s orgasm but switched to rapidly pumping his own cock, not needing much to finish himself— the sounds Kazuichi made and remembering the feeling of Kazuichi’s mouth around him were plenty.
Their breathing eventually relaxed, and they pulled away to look at each other.
Their hair was destroyed. The hickies on Kazuichi were already turning purple. And they were covered in each other’s cum.
And all they both could think was What now?
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I'm sorry, but as someone who can't stand how Yang acted for 80% of Atlas, saying "her feeling like she had to help raise Ruby is demeaning and unempathetic to Tai" is a HORRIBLE take. If Yang held it against Tai that'd be one thing, but she doesn't, least not as far as we've seen.
And "she decided he's an unfit parent"? That's literally just headcanon. Where is this stated or supported in any way? Literally everything, from the show to the comics to the manga, shows she absolutely values her father and his guidance. Her providing similar guidance to Ruby at some point doesn't change that, she's stated to be Ruby's mother figure, a woman in her life she could seek advice on in regards to things as well.
Like anon I get you're frustrated by how empathy and morality are handled in this show, I am too, but this just ain't it.
I have simillar feelings on the Weiss scene too but that's another story, you already kind of covered it.
Agreed, though I don't want to rag on the other anon. As said, I can very easily see how someone would come to that conclusion, especially given how often we discuss parts of the show without actually re-watching those scenes, leading to iffy interpretations down the line. A fandom pretty heavily focused on a "Tai is a bad dad" reading + Yang's unfair criticisms of others from Volumes 5-8 (notably her most recent characterization. The one fresh in everyone's mind) = an easy opportunity to mistakenly slam the two together. It happens. That's why I try, whenever possible, to re-watch moments, or at the very least re-read transcripts. I'm well aware of how easy it is to get sucked into how the fandom discusses scenes and take that interpretation at face value, when in fact what's canonical has gotten pretty warped across, in this case, six years of content and discussions.
But let's talk about Weiss a bit more! I think it's worth re-emphasizing that, yes, I'm well aware that she was the victim of that dinner party. My own criticism lies less in that specific moment and more the conceptualizing of our heroes as a whole, which leads to some missed opportunities in that moment, some quite important. For example, most classically heroic characters would be horrified at nearly hurting/killing someone, regardless of whether that was intentional or not. That's a crucial part of what makes them heroic: cherishing life and shouldering responsibility for others' safety, even when it's clear from the audience's more objective perspective that they weren't at fault. There's a happy middle ground here between acknowledging Weiss' horrific panic attack and acknowledging Weiss' responsibility moving forward to ensure that her trauma doesn't endanger others—given that her trauma is drawing on literal, combat techniques—highlighting her desire to do right by the people of Remnant, even when they're snobbish, rich assholes. Any reading that boils things down simply to "Weiss is the only victim in this situation and besides, why do we care if a racist Atlesian bites the dust 😒?" is a small representation of the much larger writing problems of Volumes 7 and 8: acting like Mantle is full of only good victims, Atlas only evil perpetrators, and a defense of the latter isn't worth anyone's time—certainly not the heroes who never, ever make mistakes with massive consequences. Weiss' near attack also carries with it the beginnings of a lot of themes that RWBY never capitalized on, but pretended were an important part of the story by the end of that Atlas arc, like Ironwood's supposed propaganda, or Whitley's question of whether power should be solely in the hands of a few, individual huntsmen. Weiss' situation might have been reframed into something that looks intentional: Here's not just a girl, but a Schnee girl, attacking a poor, defenseless civilian with her scary powers. Are we really going to leave the safety of our kingdom—the world—in the hands of people like her? You should be backing the army, people who have your real interests in mind, led by the man who saved that woman's life—General Ironwood! And the audience would rightly be going, Hey now wait a fucking minute. That's not what happened! It was an accident born of trauma and abuse. How can you manipulate the people into thinking otherwise? Into thinking Weiss is the enemy here? Like, if you're going to write Ironwood/Atlas as the awful, propaganda spewing antagonists... actually write that story.
So the party scene could have been the launching point for a lot of important work, both in terms of Weiss' characterization (a hero learning to balance flaws with her people's safety; taking responsibility for her mistakes, no matter the initial intention) and the world building (what does it mean for a Schnee to (mistakenly) attack a civilian when tensions are this high and faith in huntsmen is beginning to fail?) But for the purposes of what we actually got, that lack of reflection on Weiss' part, as said, reads badly when pit against her actions in Volumes 6-8. Because my brain is super focused on Star Wars atm, I think Anakin is a decent comparison to all this. Meaning, we know where he ends up—super scary Sith Lord who is going to do All The Bad Things Ever—and that will, naturally, color our reading of everything that happens in prequal material. When Anakin gets pissed and cuts the limbs off a Separatist, it produces a "Yikes" reaction in the audience because we know that anger, grief, frustration, and fear are going to lead him down an awful path. In contrast, when Obi-Wan is challenged about his no killing unarmed men policy and cheekily looks to Rex to kill him instead, we don't really go "Yikes" because we know Obi-Wan remains true to the Light for his entire run. All their actions have the primary reading of "They were justified that time/they made a mistake/they're allowed to be human/etc." But only Anakin has the secondary reading of, "That action is REALLY BAD—more bad than Obi-Wan's—because we know where it leads. It reads as setup for his inevitable fall." That's basically where the RWBY group is at the moment, provided you're unhappy with their lack of empathy in the later volumes. If the group had remained more compassionate then yeah, we'd continue to shrug off past moments that sorta imply otherwise because we know that's not who they really are. Weiss never grappled with nearly hurting someone only because, hell, RWBY doesn't let her grapple with anything! She didn't even get to respond to getting speared through the gut. But knowing where they end up—knowing that Weiss will be party to Ozpin's treatment, will help betray Ironwood, will accuse Marrow of abandoning her city only to do nothing for it in turn, will threaten her brother, will give the wish to destroy her entire kingdom and displace all its people, etc.—creates that "Yikes" response whenever we see something earlier that even somewhat aligns with her current characterization. It doesn't erase the 100% correct reading that Weiss was the victim and made a totally unintentional mistake in that moment. It doesn't erase the knowledge that RWBY rarely capitalizes on the implications of scenes like this anyway. It only adds another reading in the form of, "Well, knowing where she ends up... I can kinda see that future version in her here too."
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