#eternally compromised by their relationship
elialys · 5 months
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"You wanna stay? Catch a glimpse of the comet?"
THE NEWSREADER | 1.02 "Once in a Lifetime"
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addictsitter · 8 months
what is chambers even about
chambers is a supernatural/horror series on netflix that premiered in 2019, lasted one season and then was brutally cancelled two months after release.
the main character is sasha yazzie (and if i see anyone hate her i will fight them) a seventeen year old indigenous girl (this fact is important btw) who has a freak heart attack while trying to lose her virginity. through what is, over the course of the series, implied to be supernatural intervention, she manages to get to a hospital in time and gets a heart transplant from a girl who died twenty minutes away in the fictional (and in no way based on sedona) crystal valley. (this is set in arizona fyi.) the heart donor, a white girl named becky lefevre, is survived by her twin brother (elliot, my boy), her mother (nancy) and her father (ben). via what is definitely absolutely shady and questionably legal behavior, ben tracks sasha down and invite hers to dinner. no, it is not any less creepy in context.
after that dinner and that first night with the lefevres, sasha starts going to the weirdo rich kid school because of a scholarship from ben and nancy. (there is the overall vibe for most of the series that they're kind of using sasha as a becky substitute. this just gets worse and more blatant during the back half of the series.) at the same time, sasha starts seeing things. hallucinations that are written off as anxiety but are, of course, supernatural. she sees becky several places, hallucinates things that becky saw, manages to have several skills of becky's somehow, etc etc. (also she gets the twin thing with elliot, which is fun.) but the more that sasha sees, the more that becky comes through. suddenly, there's straight blond streaks in sasha's hair. suddenly the cut on her hand from a becky flashback is healed but surrounded by white skin.
long story very very very short, it turns out that the lefevres' weird rich person new age country club is actually a cult that may or may not be demon summoners who attempted to use becky as a host and becky killed herself because of it. because of this, becky is still sort of alive in sasha and trying to take sasha over to kill her. it is not any less unsettling in context, btw. there is an excellent scene that takes place ~in sasha's heart~ where becky's been getting rid of sasha's stuff and replacing it with all of hers. it's v obviously meant to be representative of what's going on with the battle for possession of sasha. skipping several spoilers, the series ends with the cult approaching sasha to be like "hey so obviously becky was the wrong choice but surprise we decided it's you" and left it on a sort of cliffhanger.
the series has some really obvious themes of cultural appropriation (just about everything in crystal valley/the cult) that are juxtaposed with the fact that, due to her upbringing, sasha's never been able to connect with her heritage and is unfamiliar with most of it. according to the showrunner, the plot with the lefevre parents using sasha as a becky replacement is also meant to be a Thing about colonialism that would have been addressed and explored more fully in the non-existent season two (rip)
the series has issues (i have a List of trigger warnings for it) and the writing has some, uh... moments. but everyone knocks it out of the park acting-wise, sivan alyra rose is absolutely incredible as sasha, everyone on this show is hella pretty even becky's ambiguously evil best friend. honestly, the fact that sivan didn't even get nominated for this series is a fucking crime.
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lovely-rubeum · 1 year
affirming word.
your first argument with al haitham is one you are sure you’ll never forget. not because of his piercing words and the cold way he stares back at you, but because of his desperate reassurance. the soft way he held you as apologies were uttered, and the gentle way he cared for every tear you shed.
a/n: waah this is my first fic on this account !! cheers ^^
w/c: ~1.5k
warnings: not proof read (im lazy my bad) mentions of arguments, insecurities. hurt/comfort
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al haitham has been in maybe, one relationship before this one, you gather. there’s a certain coarseness to the way he approaches love and being in love with you that bleeds with lack of experience. it is not a slight against him, in fact, you’d consider it the furthest from that. you are honored to have been so cherished by someone who claims to not have time for trivial things. if al haitham is good at one thing, beyond mathematics or research or memorization, it is making you feel like you are not and will never be “trivial” to him. he remembers every date, he recalls every small detail, and he does everything he can, even in his busy schedule to make time for you. because you are the one he chose, and you are beyond his preconceptions about the usefulness and reason for “falling in love,” or other trifling activities.
so, when he calls you just that -- useless and pointless and trivial, it stings. and it stings for more than an hour, after the silence has settled in your shared living space and dinner has gone cold. it stings every time he looks at you, unable to control his cold and calculating frustration. even by the time said frustration is no longer directed at you but at himself for getting caught up -- for the escalation to petty insults rather than progress towards a natural solution. even as you both stand up and say you’re sorry for hurting each other and promise to listen and care. you are still left stinging. you ache all over, even as you lie in bed with him, his warm arms pulling your form close as you both whisper declarations of retreat, compromise, and love. you close your eyes and take in his scent, woody, almost a bit musky and just a twinge reminiscent of a well kept library. you would find solace here, but you cannot help but ache. your eyes sting with salt and self-admonishment as you sleep, feeling as though the two of you are left further apart than you were before.
it’s been several days now. the sounds of the bustling streets and the near silence of the akademia’s halls do nothing to comfort your still stirring heart. you see al haitham every day, you tell him you love him every day (because you do, and you’ll be damned before the aftermath of a finished argument tells you that you do not). he echoes the same, but still you think
trivial? were you nothing but pointless and foolish? did your beloved boyfriend, in times of distress, think of you as the very things he swore not to make you feel you were? it hurts to feel distant from him, but you’re sure he hasn’t noticed. in fact, you think it’s better that he hasn’t noticed. he’s a busy, busy man. and, really, he shouldn't be worried about something as frivolous as the way you feel about a pain that’s passed silently for days. you’ll get over it, because you’ve already talked and you love him and that should be enough.
but you forget, that al haitham, while not a fool, is foolishly in love with you. he is a man that gets what he needs and what he wants and when there are obstacles in his path he devises clear plans to avoid them. the only thing he would readily admit to making mistakes over is you. you and your smile that lights up his entire world, you and the way you care for him and challenge his mind in the most electrifying way. you who holds him as he sinks into the depths of his mind, and you who promises him eternity, irrational as that may be. so when you distance yourself, drowning in your own hurt, al haitham is planning. your wounds are like aching scars on his back. prickling with pain and a reminder of his failing, not to himself, but his failing to provide you with the world as you deserve. he sits in his office, stiff and cautious. what on earth could it be that has sent you away from him? what sort of thorns have coated your heart and how should he cut through them to get to you? 
you don’t think much of it, when you’re called into al haitham’s office today. you expect nothing more than an update about his findings. you’ll walk in, say hello, chat for a time until you realize you’ve veered off course and then you’ll depart with timid “i love you”s and you’ll stare into the silence as you hope for the short moment to lift your heart the way it had before it was wounded. you do not expect to see him staring anxiously at the door as you enter. you do not expect him to run a hand through his pretty gray hair and quietly ask you a question.
“could you lock the door?” you do, but you’re holding your breath. dread floods your veins and you cannot help but feel intimidated as he stands and approaches you. in an attempt to flee from your racing mind and heart, you change the subject.
“hi, dear. did you need something? i should have given you the report from—” you’re silenced by the worried look on his face. it’s a foreign expression, one where his shining, always focused eyes dart around you with a mixture of something like fear and hurt, and one where his built arms hang awkwardly at his sides as he figures out what to say first.
“there’s something wrong,” he starts. your breath hitches and you’re forced to break eye contact. al haitham frowns. “please don’t do that. please look at me.” the plea hurts your chest, but you can’t bring yourself to do just that. you try to wave it off.
“there’s nothing—” but the shake in your voice betrays you. he waits for you to open up. for you to take the first step, because your comfort is his priority, but you can tell with the tension in the air that he will cut through if you do not. al haitham gets what he needs, and what he needs more than life is your happiness. you’re sure of that now, as you look back at his expression, endlessly full of concern for you. you can’t bring yourself to lie anymore. “okay, maybe there is something.”
“may i inquire?” he says it so timidly you’d think he’s another person. you can’t stop yourself from sighing. 
“i just… it’s stupid. i don’t think it’s worth making a big deal. i’ll be over it soon.” the deadpan look on his face says otherwise.
“you have been… apart from your usual self. for longer than three nights. i’m worried about you.” al haitham’s admission is shaking, but resolute. his soothing voice quakes just the slightest bit, but he refuses to back down. you cave at his look, just as you always do.
“i‘m just… still hurt. over what you said, when we argued? i didn’t want you to feel bad since we already moved on from the problem but i keep thinking about it and hearing it in my head. you called me trivial.” al haitham pauses, as if recounting the event. you continue. “i know you probably didn’t mean it, but i can’t help but think that maybe…”
“stop,” he says with a gentleness reserved only for you. he places his hands gently on your shoulders while silently asking for permission in his gaze to pull you close. you nod, and suddenly his hand is patting the back of your head softly, as if you’re the most cherished being in the universe itself.
“i’m sorry. i’m so sorry.” you feel your eyes welling up with tears as he holds you close and admits fault. he pulls away slightly, but only to dry your tears with his thumb.
“you are everything to me. and it was only foolish of me to have allowed things to progress to this point. i would move mountains and slay the worst of foes just to see you happy. i have taken away part of your smile, even for a second. and for that i am so sorry.”
there is a tenderness in his eyes. you couldn’t imagine a more beautiful expression if you tried, and it is then that you realize he is not used to wearing this expression. he is clumsy in the way he squeezes you, and although he is intelligent, he is also inept in maintaining his usual aloofness as he reassures you that you will never be a waste of his time. it is then too, that you notice the fear squandering his composure as he promises to love you for what may be the millionth time.
you relax and while you cry in his arms, you allow al haitham’s affirming word into your heart, never to be shaken again.
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mooncrestedwaters · 24 days
Been thinking about Rafayel and how he shows his love (especially after his newest card trailer).
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On the surface, Rafayel seems like he's an open book. He's witty, affectionate, chatty ect ect
But once you dig deeper you realise that he's that way...but only with the person he loves. He's actually quite reserved and doesn't enjoy being the center of attention, even going so far to say his job is a thing of self expression rather than something he actively strives to make money off of.
With the upcoming new 5* card of Rafayel's, I wasn't shocked that we didn't have a kiss or one where he tried to kiss us (and tbh his sweeter form of affection in wanting to cuddle us and snuggle into our neck made my tummy do flips and had me having a near breakdown from how much it made me gooey)
I feel like Rafayel is a yearner to his core, even his interviewer noted as much that he gave an air of 'romance' to him.
The best way I can describe it is; His love is like his profession and his EVOL.
Art takes time, it takes an observant eye and mind. I've grown up with artists my entire life and to make a painting is much more than slapping some acrylics onto a board and calling it a day. It takes tempering, to prepare the board, to build up layers upon the canvas to correct any mistakes without an eraser or undo button.
It's gentle, tending to the whims of the canvas to make a happy compromise of your own.
Onto his EVOL, Rafayel treats a relationship like a firepit. He wants it to have longevity, keeping himself and the fire alight. So instead of chucking a log onto the firepit he nourishes it with kindling, giving it a poke here and here to check on its status while being warmed by the flames.
Rafayel is also horrifically traumatised from previous encounters with love.
Think of it this way;
He was a Prince. Set to be throned as a King and live with his beloved forever.
He set out to find a devout follower to sacrifice their heart to him in turn found himself giving them his own heart and betraying everything because he wouldn't let a pre-destined prophecy rule himself or his beloved.
When he got his love back, in another timeline they were brainwashed and ended up killing him. The absolute agony you must go through, to be maliciously murdered and know that it's by the person you love but not their intention to do so and in your last breath you grant them mercy to die alongside you by singing them to death.
Moving onto Abysswalker Rafayel, the weight of being told you have to kill your love to resurrect your hometown, taking the love of your life on a wondrous journey to know you have to kill them in the end and instead erasing their memories of you permanently to protect them and keep them alive, rewriting a tome for their sake and thus dooming his beloved kingdom and people to be tormented for eternity of his peoples damned screams of death and agony.
Do you ever wonder if he has sat with himself and laminated over this horrifying fall from grace?
Yet he still does it, for them.
After ruminating over this; I wouldn't be as forward as the other LI either.
I think Rafayel is immaculately brave and loyal for even trying again, for still searching for his beloved over years and years.
He has his insecurities, they show when he gets bratty or needy. Quipping at his beloved for not having their sole attention on him, he's meant to be worshipped after all, doted on, praised for having put in so much effort.
Alas, his love doesn't remember, doesn't see the accumulation of sacrifices and things hes done for them.
So he hints, he prods and pokes gently and he starts having them warm up to him again. Braving a tender word here, a lovingly gentle touch there and moving up and forward until he can see that his beloved has fallen in love with him again.
Rafayel is a love that doesn't burn bright, it burns with stability, it burns with loyalty, it burns with truth and gentle care. He would never want to scorch his love.
Rafayel makes accommodations for them, weaving them into his life in any way, if that may be employing them to inviting them on little excursions. Even keeping a watchful eye over them, noticing when they're in need, hurt or just simply making his presence known as a comfortable 'You can come to me'.
He's a gentleman, a romantic...with a little edge (Rafayel audios I'm looking at you, hard)
Anyways, I should not drink copious amounts of caffeine within a short allotment of time. I hope my ramblings have been enjoyable 🤍🪽
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chrollohearttags · 7 months
commissions corner: lesson learned
you always had a tendency to express yourself through fashion but your husband happens to not agree with one of your outfit choices (or your attitude) and decides, you need to be punished!
content warning + themes: cowboy!reiner, mean dom!rei (🤤 bc hello) black fem reader, calls reader slut, rough sex, bondage, clothes ripping, tit fucking, cumshot, spanking, backshots, fingering, spit play, creampie, dumbification, throat fucking, squirting, hair pulling, daddy is used.
word count: 6.5K
this is a commission for @naodreaming! Thank you so much for entrusting this fic to me. I appreciate your patience and do hope that it was worth the wait! Please enjoy 🫶🏾
marriage: a beautiful conception of two people’s undying love. A bond binding two souls together in bliss for all of eternity. Some choose to solidify their unions with a mere court house appearance and the legal confirmation of a certificate. Others want to go all out with a ceremony, reception dinners, honeymoons..the works. But no matter how you choose to join together with your sweetheart, there is one thing all couples can agree on and that’s the fact that no relationship is perfect! As much as we’d like to think that it’s all sunshine and rainbows, it’s all about compromise, learning and getting out of your own ways. That much became apparent when one day, your husband of five years approached you about a matter that had been weighing heavily on his mind..and other things as well..
“Seriously, Rei? I don’t understand the big deal. It’s just a fucking skirt, who cares?”
“First of all, watch your mouth. I won’t say it again. Second, I care. No woman of mine is gonna be struttin ‘round here, dressed like that. What’s gotten into ya’ anyways, (Y/N)? This isn’t like you.”
This conversation was one that was ultimately inevitable but important nonetheless. What started out as a simple disagreement had escalated into something rather serious. The two of you had never fought or even raised your voices at each other since you’d been together. But now? You were ready to rip his fucking head off! How dare this man treat you like his child rather than his equal? You were livid!
“Because, Reiner! I’m a grown ass woman so don’t tell me what I can and can’t wear–” he truly couldn’t believe what he was hearing..how had his sweetheart of a woman become so aggressive? And over an outfit of all things?! But little did he know, this had been long overdue and the cause of such a breaking point? Well he’d be surprised to know..
flashback - two weeks ago
“(Y/N), come onnn..hurry up!”
“Just a minute. I’m trying to find something.”
It was a sentence they had heard uttered many times before. Honestly, it had become the norm when the four of you linked up for a girls night. You and your three best friends would go out once every couple weeks to play catch up in one another’s lives, divulge in juicy family and workplace gossip and just overall, decompress from kids, husbands and all other stress inducers that came with being an adult. As for you, you were the luckiest among the quartet. No children at the moment, running a successful cooking blog and spending your rancher hubby’s money at your leisure. Your only true occupation was to look pretty and be happy. Honestly, it was all that your sweet Reiner could ever hope for as he spent hours in the hot sun, rustling cattle, baling hay and keeping the one hundred plus acres of farmland in order. He’d work himself to the bone just to see a smile on that gorgeous face. To say he was twisted around your pretty little manicured fingers would be a gross understatement. Some would even call him whipped!..but how could he possibly help himself when you were the literal embodiment of a goddess? That curvaceous figure, deep, decadent skin and gorgeous eyes that could pry anything from him. He was smitten. Perhaps a bit too much sometimes..it was never in a toxic or obsessive manner but you’d be lying to yourself if you said that your husband didn’t have a bit of a jealous side to him. You had to admit, it was cute at times..seeing him get all flustered because some guy stared too hard or tried to hit on you and you’d politely turn them down, reminding them that you were taken and happily so. You’d remind him constantly that he was the only man you’d ever love. In fact, you were equally as infatuated. Practically unable to pull yourself away from him after he’s come home from working all day, drenched in sweat and scars from hauling heavy equipment. Admiring all of his newly acquired muscles..even adding to the collection of markings at the end of the night. But the one thing Reiner despised more than anything was sharing what was his. He loved when you showed off your body..dressing in frilly lingerie or tiny outfits but only when he’d be the sole spectator of said ensembles.
however, you had other plans for the night!
finally stepping from the shadows, heels clicking against the laminate flooring of your two story cabin style home, you’d present yourself to the group. “Okay, ladies. What do we think?” To your dismay though, it wouldn’t be praise or approval you’d be receiving from the other three standing in your living room at the moment. But rather snickers and waves of dismissal. Standing dumbfounded with your purse in hand, (Y/N) questioned what the trio so tickled.
“Girl, we’re going to the lounge for drinks and to dance. Not for praise and worship.”
“Right. Girl, put them damn kitten heels and granny skirts back in that closet.”
Taking one more look over your outfit, you’d try to see what was so wrong with your choice of attire but had no idea. A simple black dress with red bottom slingbacks and a clutch..a sleek and classic look for a grown and sexy night out. But perhaps, this was far too grown. Almost grown enough to be collecting social security! It was outdated and a little old fashioned. Especially when they were all dressed in skin tight bodycon dresses and heels higher than heaven. It would completely throw off the vibe. But they knew the real reason for such a look and needless to say, they didn’t like it. Out of respect for your husband, you tended to dress more modestly when going out with the ladies. It wasn’t a matter of control or fear that made you do so..but one night when you came home with your ass hanging out and tits bouncing around in a revealing top, Reiner couldn’t take his eyes or hands off of you. You looked amazing but after he finished peeling those thin layers off of you and devouring you right there on the couch, you could tell that there was a sense of sadness that had washed over him. He didn’t outwardly say it and he was even a little bashful when admitting it but you got it out of him and what he had to say truly broke your heart:
“Ahh..I don’t know, sugar. It’s just..ya’ look so beautiful and I know how happy it makes ya’ to wear those out with your girls but it makes me a little uncomfortable, ya know? I don’t ever wanna tell ya’ what to do. I trust you and I’m not worried about some other guy but..if ya’ could just tone it back a little..”
he was so sweet about it, you couldn’t help but to comply! It crushed you to think that you’d ever upset your beloved husband. Especially when he was so good to you. And trust, when it was for his viewing pleasure only, you’d have him sweating bullets but for now? You could make that sacrifice. Little did you know, you’d become the laughing stock amongst your group because of it. Ushering her way over to you, one of the friends would drape an arm around your shoulder and breathe a sigh.
“Sis, you know I ain’t trying to cause problems with you and your man but don’t you think this is a bit much? I mean, honestly. I think it’s cute that you’re trying to be the good little wife and all but be for real..this is not your style. You and I both know that.”
before you could even utter a word, another would interject and second the notion. They didn’t want to be those friends who planted bugs in your ear and caused turmoil in your home but they felt as though Reiner may have been asking too much of you. Considering that it was that skin tight attire that bagged in the first place! Hell, when you first met him, you were straddling a mechanic bull in booty shorts and a crop top. A belly button dangling from your pudgy stomach and that ass sitting so heavy, he fucked on the first night. So they didn’t understand the need for reservation now. And the more they spoke..neither did you.
“Yeah, boo. I ain’t wanna say nothing but this whole First Lady thing you got goin on is not it. Girl, you used to have your foot on these bitches’ necks when we went out. Everybody was looking at you and now? You're dressing like Olivia Pope with a hennessy bottle. It’s crazy.”
you knew they meant well but truthfully, they were overreacting..or so you thought! In a moment of haste and you trying to explain the choice of outfit, they would spin you around to the full length mirror and allow you to observe for yourself. “C’mon y'all. You’re making a big deal out of nothing–” but as you saw firsthand, they were not. And this whole frumpy look was a total buzzkill. Feeling up the fabric, you couldn’t believe it..right now, it felt as if you were staring at an entirely different woman. It was a much needed intervention for you and you decided right then and there, that although you loved your husband more than life itself, this had to end. You didn’t carefully curate your closet and have women all around the city jealous of your wardrobe to be dressed like someone’s auntie. Enough was enough!
“You know what? I’ll be right back. Screw this..” and with those affirmations, you turned on your two inch heels and promptly changed.
fast forward, and now..you were in the midst of a heated argument for your liberation to wear what you pleased. After one of your friends posted a video to their instagram story of you shaking your ass and them smacking it whilst out for a night on the town. But the worst part was when the skirt lifted and you flashed the camera with your barely clothed cunt. The story was spotted by one of their husbands who promptly told Reiner and needless to say, things got a little out of control. He wasn’t hellishly irate but he damn sure wasn’t happy! Confronting you with the footage, he asked a simple question:
“What the fuck is this, (y/n)? Why is yer’ damn ass all over your friend’s Instagram?” Which couldn’t exactly be taken seriously upon first asking with that thick country accent but as you saw he wasn’t joking, you promptly straightened him. “Babe, I don’t know what you’re talking about, seriously. What video did you see?” and once he showed you the clip, it was from up there! You were just as astounded as he was..you didn’t even know that your friends had even filmed you in such a state. But that's besides the point..
“..you promised, (y/n). Now I look like a damn fool because you had to go around dressing like that.” His words stung like sharp daggers because you’d never heard or seen him so irate. But honestly? You didn’t give a damn about his hurt feelings. Not when you were the one looking foolish, all for his sake! “Yes Rei, I did! But I didn’t sign up to be in the club dressed like somebody’s grandma at Sunday Service. I wore the exact same clothes when you met me so what’s the big deal all of a sudden?” Truth be told, he sounded jealous and insecure but as he paced the bedroom floor, shirtless and donning gray sweats, he’d offer up another explanation. One far more annoying than your own conclusion. Either way, you didn’t care and wasn’t going to change shit! You were a grown woman and you also had a father so you didn’t need his ass trying to be your parent. He was being incredibly unreasonable right now. But you’d soon find out just how serious he was about his request…
“I’m not gonna argue with you anymore, (y/n). This conversation is done. Tell her to delete that and I better not catch you in that again.”
because he was no longer asking but rather telling you what his expectation was. However, you couldn’t be vexed to listen and was determined or whatever you pleased. Smacking your lips, you’d snatch the skirt up from the bed and strut past him without so much as a second thought. “Got me fucked up..I’ll be back later—“ but alas, you’d come to find out that your husband was not interested in your disrespectful attitude. With a hand cradled to the back of your neck, Reiner would tug you towards him and halt you immediately in your tracks. It caught you completely off guard; mainly because he had never grabbed or even touched you in such a way. There wasn’t a lot of force behind it but it was very assertive. Something not typical for your doting, sweet husband. “What is your problem?!” He didn’t even waste time trying to answer or explain shit to you and rather..tossed you to the bed. His behavior had you so off kilt, not even you could form the correct words to express. All you could do was turn around and stare at him in complete surprise. However, he’d have plenty to say..enough for the both of you!
“My problem? Oh sweetheart…you haven’t seen problems yet..” muttering through gritted teeth with a faint smirk on his lips. Not once in the entirety of your relationship had your man ever looked so irate. There seemed to be a dormant fire lit within his eyes and your last outburst had served as the unfortunate catalyst for that impending blaze. He was angry..no, he was fucking pissed! Here he was trying to reason with you and you all but spat in his face when he asked for basic respect. Whatever or whoever had caused you to act this way had landed you in a world of trouble that you had no chance of getting out of right now! Returning that grasp back to your throat, he’d snatch your head from the mattress and grimace in your ear.. “don’t even think about moving from this fucking bed. You don’t speak, breathe or even move without my permission. Got it?” And something told you it was in your best interest to comply. “Nod.” Only allowing the command for a split moment before slamming your head back down. “Good girl.” It was something about the abrupt dominance and control that had driven you into a submissive headspace at will. That and the fact that he looked as if he were ready to go on a rampage. You knew your husband and you knew that he wouldn’t so much as hurt a fly but you had truly tested his patience and he was done with the mild mannered gestures. If you didn’t want to listen, then he’d make you in his own way…starting by restricting your limbs. Ensuring that you couldn’t do anything without his explicit permission.
“Just in case you want to get any bright ideas, darling..” reaching over across you, Reiner retrieved the leather strap he had used to fasten his Wranglers earlier in the afternoon. He’d used the belt as a makeshift collar to keep you in place. Stringing it around your neck as somewhat of a leash and binding your hands with a pair of your panties behind your back. With your face buried in the mattress, you’d find yourself ringling around instinctively; more so to feign off the urges arising between your legs. You’d never admit it but it certainly turned you on to be handled like this. Even so, your husband could give a damn less about your enjoyment. He was determined to prove a point and drill into that thick skull of yours. Chewing at your lower lip, (y/n) would be met with the harsh slap of his rough, calloused hands; making direct contact with your bubbly cheeks. “Didn't I tell ya’ no moving unless I say so?” That deep southern drawl ringing out into your ear as he stood behind you. That burly, muscular frame half nude and well on its way to being completely in the buff. He had plans prior, however..to get you stripped first.
“Damnit, pound cake…just what am I going to do with you?…” rhetorically posing the question, and knowing damn well better than to hear a response in return, because you’d surely regret it if he did! So sitting obediently…reaching the blatant epiphany that you had bitten off far more than you could chew. He was no mood in to talk or fight so he’d opt for the next best thing and that was fucking you until every bit of frustration had left his body!
“I think I know where to start..”
the sound of his voice sent shivers creeping up your spine because it wasn’t becoming of your husband and rather a man who was ready to eat you alive. Suddenly, you’d feel the sharp tug of that belt and your head raise from the mattress. In a moment’s notice, the two of you had switched positions and you found yourself near the floor and Reiner was seated in your place. “On your knees..hurry up.” The gruffly sound of his voice sharp and stern, a clear indication that he wasn’t playing anymore. You’d be met with the snap of his fingers and a sharp pull yet again when you didn’t move fast enough for his liking. But it was effective because you were now seated before him like an obedient pet. Awaiting his every word and order. There was a certain air of dominance about him..an energy that exuded confidence and set his dominion over you. That beard formed and shaped perfectly around his face, his voice deep..grovely from being tired and earlier years of smoking cigarettes. You’d never seen your precious Reiner look so roguish…but you loved it! Bringing a hand up to your face, he’d slowly circulate near your chin with a thumb brushing across your lips. Parting them, admiring the beautiful shape..the plumpness and darkish hue surrounding the pouty pink center. He could sit here all night and gaze at them. But alas, he felt they served a much better purpose at the moment. Shoving that thumb between them, he’d glide it into your mouth, allowing you to suckle. A mere preview of what was to come moments later. Those doe eyes fixated on him, nearly breaking his resolve right there but he was determined not to falter but instead, teach you a much needed lesson. “Mmm…nice and slow. Suck on my fingers.” Swiftly adding an additional one to the fray, allowing the second and third digits to become sucked in by your jaws. In essence, he was stretching them out. Preparing the orifice for his use..for his much deserved pleasure.
whilst he did so, he’d use the opposite hand that was still brandishing your leash to work the elastic of his waistband down until that erection was free from its confines. A tiny dampened spot had formed on the outside from what you assumed to be precum. Truthfully, it didn’t take much for him to become aroused in your presence. Hell, even with fury in his eyes, he was still madly infatuated with you. But he had to be steadfast if he was going to make his point. Prying those jaws open with his index and middle digits, Reiner pulled them apart whilst bucking his hips forward and promptly shoving himself inside. The swollen tip of his cock resting idly on your tongue before he began to push further. The faint ‘pop’ when he reached past your first row of teeth. Eventually, his grasp would tighten on that belt and your head would begin to snatch back and forth… faint gurgling arising once he sped up. It seemed as if he was in an entirely different zone right now..one you had undoubtedly put him into..
“Hey, look up…”
the stern command followed by a yank on that leash..which in turn led to your eyes being stretched beyond their limits to ensure that your full attention was devoted to him.
“There we go, sugar…now stay still and let me use that pretty little throat..” by this time, Reiner was steadfast in using you for his full, unadulterated pleasure. Pounding into that oral cavity with brute force until you started to emit strings of saliva..he’d send them rolling down your chin as he thrusted upwards into your mouth. “Fuuuck…that slutty little mouth of yours is good for something..” taking the opportunity to not only jab at you but establish your place for the time being. But alas, it seemed that not even he could withstand the pressure of your jaws coiled around him and withdrew with haste. Taking the sides of your face into his calloused palms, he’d examine the aftermath of his work with a proud smile. Spit smeared all around your face and a glare that signaled you being in a daze..such a pretty sight. By then, the remnants of your sloppy face fucking had trickled down to your breasts and needless to say, he was rather aroused by the sight. So much so, his cock would twitch on instinct. However, his work was far from finished..
“On your feet..I’m not done with you..”
on one hand, you wanted to test your luck right now and defy, talk out of turn for one final plea of forgiveness. On the other, you wanted to obey his every command. Follow through and be good because truth be told, you loved this side of him. This passionate aggression that stemmed only from a place of pure infatuation and love for you. He was sending a message: you were his and no one else’s. They could stare and admire all they wanted but at the end of the day, he was the only one that deserved to see you in such a light. It was a nasty habit of his..jealousy and insecurity but not to an extensive degree. Either way, you rose to your feet with a grin on your lips that truly couldn’t have been helped. Upon standing up, he’d take a moment to glance over your body..the vulnerable and submissive state you were in pleased him far more than he was letting on. In hindsight, he could’ve just allowed you to go out with your girls sporting the skimpy fit, because nine times out of ten, you would’ve came back intoxicated and ready to fuck him silly anyways but this done just fine!..
“Damnit, baby..you have no idea what you do to me..making me act all crazy…”
muttering through deep grunts, sucking his teeth as those erect nipples peaked through the fishnet top you were sporting underneath your shirt for the planned ensemble. Instead he was met with the flimsy material and your big, voluminous breasts. He’d pinch one nipple and suck at the other like a man starved. He was ravenous..wanting to take claim of each orifice on your body. But for now, those tits were his only fixation. After groping you to his leisure, he’d tear open that thin shirt and send them bouncing out. He was so unhinged at the moment, he couldn’t decide what and where he wanted to take you next. Suddenly, he’d shove three fingers between your lips, thrusting them back and forth until he cast out more gurgling noises and trails of spit, which promptly glided down to your chest. “Oh my gosh…” muttering through your pacified state..Reiner couldn’t help but to release another primal grunt. Becoming so turned on by your current appearance. “That’s my pretty little slut…choke on those fucking fingers.”
sharply snatching your head back, you’d come up gasping and glaring at him with somewhat of a smile. By now, that erect member was twitching; spouting precum from the tip..you were afraid he’d burst any minute! “You like that, huh? You like when I treat you like this, don’t you?” Grasping your chin in one hand and tugging at the belt with the other. He’d give you two solid taps across the cheek whilst choking you. The way your tongue splayed out and your face beamed with excitement..the answer to his question was blatantly obvious…
“Y-yes!” “Yes, what?..” questioning once more in that stern tone. “Yes, daddy..I love it.” Which seemed to satisfy his ego well enough. Even so, he wasn’t finished by a long shot. He couldn’t stop until the lesson was good and instilled in that cute little head of yours..that you didn’t run a damn thing around here! “Good girl..that’s what I wanna hear..” rewarding you shortly thereafter with a kiss. The only moment of compassion he’d displayed since starting. Taking hold of your breasts again, he’d place those big hands on either side before scooting closer and maneuvering his cock in between them. “Oh fuck..look at that, baby..yes..” whispering almost to himself, enamored with how those round, perky breasts just cradled him so nicely. That supple flesh squished around his shaft and massaged the skin. Almost as if they were made for him. He’d buck his hips up, groaning and whimpering the further he went..he could tell by the glint in your eyes that you were enjoying this equally as much. His obedient little slut..allowing him to take you as he saw fit. He was glad that you hadn’t complied and gave him such grief because it made this all the more fun..not to be mistaken, he’d never want to harm his sweet, precious wife but something told him that you liked this side of his personality. The only that was willing to get so out of character behind you, he’d surprise both you and himself. Speeding up those sharp strokes, Reiner bucked his hips, commanding you to drool the entire time. Your brain had practically gone blank, only following his commands from here forth. “Shit!..’m gonna come, baby. Hold still—“ what followed was a loud grunt and spouting of his warm seed all across your face and tits, making for a beautiful sight. He’d take a moment to examine his handy work; even pinching your nipples once more..
“Look at you..so pretty covered in my cum..” sticking his thumb between your lips yet again; causing an innocuous stare as those doe eyes fixated on him. Without another word, he’d snatch you up and pull you by the arm the rest of the way until that cute little torso was splayed over his lap. His knees resting in your tummy until he gets you adjusted… “Rei…please..” Your shrill cries served as nothing more than menial noise, going in one ear and right out of the next. He didn’t care how loud you whimpered, moaned or cried. It was of none of his concern..so as long as you continued doing as he asked. “We’ve talked about this, darling..don’t open that mouth again until I tell you—“ the sentence ended with a sharp smack to your ass, which made you yelp. “You lost that privilege when you decided to embarrass me for your little friends. You’re not in control. Do I make myself clear?” His voice was so deep and menacing, almost as if he were another person at the moment. Squirming around; antsy at the sensation of him treating you like a mere object. Responding with a nod..he’d smirk and take hold of your leash again, reeling up his opposite hand to spank you.
“Good, now count.” The first hit came down colliding with your asscheeks, causing you to jolt but the number came out. “O-one.” The next followed, getting even harder than the previous one. You were trying to stay still but the stinging sensations were making you inconsolable. Not because they were painful. But because they felt so fucking good! All of this felt euphoric..surreal even. Your precious, sweet Rei fucking you like a mere whore? It was more than you could imagine. Trying to conceal your smile, (y/n) resumed counting and had reached five when he paused momentarily. He wanted to take a second and examine your body. Truly admire those curves, those lines and flawless skin. He loved how perfectly that ass sat and how it jiggled as soon as his hand made contact. He loved that you barely even contained a gag reflex even when he was forcefully fucking your throat and the fact that you were a dripping mess from all of these antics! It was no wonder that he wanted you to himself. It seemed that his hardcore method of foreplay and revenge had gotten you so turned on..it was pooling around his leg.
“You like this, don’t you…your pussy’s ‘s wet, yer’ dripping down my fucking leg. At least try to pretend to have some shame, baby.”
cackling to himself as he gave you two hard smacks consecutively. From the look on your face, that much was blatantly obvious! You couldn’t fake it anymore and he certainly couldn’t pretend that he was still angry. He just needed you in the worst way right now.. “Don’t worry..lucky f’r you, I’m not good at holding back either. So let’s just cut the bullshit and get what we both want..”
for the first time since this entire ordeal, Reiner would gently caress you; handling you with far more care than he had prior. However, it wasn’t going to last for long because once he got you onto the bed, tearing open your tights, it was game. Your husband would swiftly saddle up behind you, grasping your ass and hips..kneading his fingers into the soft flesh as a means to saddle up behind you. Once he did, you’d outstretch your cuffed wrists, gripping at the sheets and subtly shake your ass..letting him know that this pussy was his for the taking! “But first, I need to hear ya’ beg..tell me how bad you need it, baby..” with a wide beam, lips curled up..Reiner took the opportunity to just sit and admire that soft ripple whilst you pleaded for him. As well as teasing himself against your slit. “Please..fuck me. Give me all that dick, baby..” and without haste, he’d grant your wish. “Well since you asked so nicely..” cackling softly before easing himself inside. The initial sensation caused an audible gasp to erupt from both of you. The feeling was insurmountable as it had also been a week since the two of you had engaged in any sexual activities and needless to say, the tension of this situation, along with the buildup was going to make this all the more satisfying. In that moment, Reiner’s head would fall forward as he mounted you with a foot placed into the mattress and yours would simultaneously become pulled backwards by your hair. “Oh fuck!…” crying out in pleasure when those thrusts inevitably began. Those puffy lips and tight flesh immediately took hold of him; gripping around his cock and emitting a sheath of cream. Smacking noises soon ensued and your mellifluous moans would join the noisy fray. Placing a thumb in between your bubbly cheeks, he’d reign you in and guide you back and forth as he saw fit. “C’mon, take it. Take it like a good little slut.” With all that you had, you’d manage to take hold of the sheets as a form of leverage and comfort. Gripping them and a nearby pillow to stifle your moans but you’d soon learn that his grace had sadly run out! “Did I tell ya’ you could bite that fuckin’ pillow? Let me hear you, darling. All that mouth ya’ had earlier.. ‘matter fact…say it.” His words spewing like venom from a snake’s mouth, he’d hiss into your ear whilst now reigning you in by the neck. “Tell me yer’ sorry. Right now.” And from the immense pressure of the brutal fucking; each one harder than the last and hitting your sensitive spot with precision, you had no choice but to cave.
“ ‘m sorry, daddy! So fucking sorry..oh my gosh!” Your legs were quaking, only mere seconds from collapsing to the bed as he drilled you into the mattress. He was akin to that of a rabid animal, mounting and claiming its prey..even huffing and grunting. It was apparent that the two of you were nearing your peaks and there was no slowing down. That fertile cunt gripping him and refusing to let go. That swollen dick stretching your insides..it was only a matter of time. “C’mon, baby…give me what I want. Do it..” and there was no question of what ‘it’ was: that inevitable rain of sticky, warm juices that came splattering down your thighs, the sheets and his shaft. “Sh-shit! Oh my gosh…” falling flat to the mattress, unable to support your weight, he’d promptly get you into a prone bone position and continue thrusting until he too reached that climatic threshold. Veins had begun protruding from his forehead and his grasp was slipping but he’d hold out long enough just to pump twice more..
repressing the words in a low growl before it ascended into a higher pitch as that second load came pouring out. A rope of steamy, white fluid flowed into your womb. Even earning your encouragement. “Come in me..just like that…” the ever so sultry command caused him to twitch as he finished out his orgasm. It was apparent that he was spent and very much over whatever grief you had caused him. Damn that photo, damn that skirt and damn your homegirls..this was the only place either of you wanted to be! Outside interferences or people no longer mattered. Reaching around to unlatch your throat and those wrists from their bondage, your normal, doting husband had flipped you over to examine you..ensuring that you were okay.
“C’mere. Lemme look at you..” caressing your face with loving strokes. That was the man you knew and loved. Always so attentive and empathetic. After coming down from both of your highs, you’d wind up entangled in a very passionate makeout session. “Are you okay, sugar? You know I’d never want to hurt ya..’” “Much better, baby..listen, I’m so sorry, Rei. I should’ve never worn that stupid outfit. I knew how much it hurt your feelings and I should’ve respected that.” But once again, he no longer cared. None of that mattered. All that he wanted was for you to know just how much he cared for you.. “..don’t worry ‘yerself about that. I love you and nothing could change the way I feel about you, sweetheart.” You were glad to know that all was forgiven but it was safe to say..
that your lesson was learned!
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thisblogisaboutabook · 3 months
Bad Idea Right - Part 7
Eris x Reader/Azriel’s Daughter
Soft Eris! Brooding Azriel! Meddling Nyx! Nosey Azalea! Reader has feelings! Enjoy.
Part 6 Part 7.5 (Prequel Headcanon)
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Warnings: Language
How convenient that the moment I show up in a compromising position at my door step with my half-naked lover? Fuck buddy? For all intents and purposes we’ll say boyfriend to spare my father from a heart attack at such a salacious relationship status. Surprise, Eris! You may be an oh-so-noble High Lord but now you’re my boyfriend too. Time to meet the parents! Again. But I digress, my father’s busy schedule conveniently cleared right up as Eris and I showed up at the door.
And Eris, the bastard, accepted his complete and utterly insincere offer to come in for lunch.
He winnowed back to his place beforehand to change into something more befitting of the situation at hand.
It was my intention to dart to my room, put on more clothing than my skimpy underwear and hide there until Eris returned but…. Azalea had other things in mind. No sooner than I dressed, she barreled in through the door.
“Sissy! I missed you. Why didn’t you have clothes on?”
Following her into the room came my mother. “Azalea, why don’t you go help dad set the table.”
Her jaw dropped “But-“
“Please, Azalea. We don’t want Eris to return while we are unprepared. That would make us poor hosts.”
She mulled over it for a moment before letting out a breath. “Fiiiiiine.”
As she ran off down the hall, my mother approached me, seating herself on the edge of the bed.
Here comes the lecture.
Her soft face, frozen in eternal youth remained neutral. “Y/N, your father was mortified to walk out and find you two like that.”
I waited for her to continue but to my absolute shock, she raised her hand to her mouth and LAUGHED. A true, genuine laugh.
“I’m- I’m so sorry. I know it must have been so uncomfortable for you.” Her laughter was contagious, I couldn’t hold back the very slight grin that tilted the corners of my lips upwards. “I just- he’s so hard to surprise. I can count on both hands the amount of times I’ve ever seen him shocked, and Y/N, half of them have been because of you.”
Her laughter softened as she placed a hand softly upon my cheek. I leaned into it. “I love you, Y/N. Your antics and the surprise you bring to our lives makes immortality far less dull.”
I didn’t realize how much I needed this moment with my mother. It was easy to forget that she was more than just “mother”. She was a strong female with a sense of humor and more purpose than just tending to a home and garden and doting over her children.
I am an adult now. She is still very young in fae terms. My mother could be my friend if I’d only let her.
As her laughter died, a memory struck me.
The burning flame drives away the wild shadow.
“The vision from Starfall. What about that? You seemed so upset.”
Mother took my hand. “Y/N, my visions are only a piece of a puzzle, not the entire picture. It could mean anything. The situation itself took me by surprise and the vision felt ominous in the moment but it may not mean anything. And despite the situation that just unfolded at our door, I trust you to use your best judgement. If you feel safe and happy, that’s all I can ask for.”
Elain Archeron, seer and pragmatist. Who knew?
Forks scraped on plates and glasses clanked on wood as the five of us tensely ate our lunch. My appetite non-existent at this point in time. Eris decided to show up in his most noble High Lord attire because why not make this lunch more stiff and uncomfortable than it needs to be? And while he may have been dressed for the part of serious High Lord, his posturing oozed irreverence. with a saccharine grin plastered onto his face. A silent battle of wills raged between he and my father, who would cut the tension by breaking through the silence first?
My father, cauldron bless him, only sat stiffly in his chair, trying his damndest (and failing) not to clench his jaw, while his fists wrapped tightly around his utensils - as if he were afraid he’d set them down and his fists would immediately go flying toward Eris’ face.
My mother sat directly across from me, passing the occasional eyebrow raise in my direction - a silent sentiment of “Males. Am I right?”
Meanwhile, Azalea bounced eagerly in her chair, eyes darting back and forth between my father and Eris. Sparing the two males of a shot to their male egos, she broke the silence. “Well??? Is anyone going to say something?”
“Azalea” my mother warned. To which Azalea let out a dismissive huff before opening her mouth again. “Hey fire-uh, Eris! Do you love my sister? Are you going to get married?”
I choked on my water, father somehow managed to grip his utensils tighter, and Eris only chuckled. “I’d have to get her to go on a proper date with me first.”
While his intentions were genuine with the statement, my father visibly paled as if remembering what two adults who aren’t on dates tended to get up to.
“Ohh! A date! Sissy, why don’t you go on one?”
“Eris is a High Lord, Azzy. It’s hard to schedule time for one.”
“What about Aunt Feyre’s art exhibit? You could dress up fancy and go to Sevenda’s and Eris, you could get her flowers!”
A small part of me lit up at that. I had never considered a date as an option. A larger part of me wanted to fall through the floor immediately only to resurface once everyone had left the table.
Eris glanced toward me, likely noticing my slightly reddened cheeks. With a grin he said, “I’d like that. When’s this exhibit, Azalea?”
The comment sent Azalea into a frenzy as she gave him all the details of the day, the time, the gallery, her favorite works, and into her own interest in art and painting, and how Aunt Feyre keeps a picture that she’d painted of a Unicorn - which is very different from a Pegasus, thank you very much - framed in her gallery.
Azalea may be the biggest busybody of us all but gods was I thankful for her chatty ways and tendency to overshare in the moment.
As Azalea rambled on a loud knock banged on the door, far too loud for my lingering headache from the night before. My shadows practically hissed in irritation at the disruption. And then, as I saw my fathers tense features shift from his own state of irritation into relief, rage flickered inside me.
I glowered. “Are you fucking kidding me, dad?”
Ignoring my question completely, he strode to the door only to be greeted by Cassian’s hulking figure and Rhys.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how cheeky he was feeling, Nyx strode in behind them.
If Eris was phased, he didn’t show it. Powerful High Lord or not, I had to give it to him. My- the male had balls.
Cassian clapped Eris on the shoulder as he strutted in. “To what do we owe this pleasure, High Lord?” Cassian’s ability to bait with only his tone of voice was rather impressive. Almost as impressive as Eris’ ability to remain unbothered by his efforts.
Nyx gave a subtle smirk and simultaneous eye roll. A show of “Oh I’m enjoying this very much but I empathize with you as well, cousin.” Rhys only gave Cassian a cautioning glare and likely a stern mental warning of “he’s still a High Lord and you will treat him as such.”
I forgot I still had a bone to pick with him over whatever secrets he and Eris had been keeping.
In fact….. since they were all here why not make this more uncomfortable for everyone - not JUST me.
Cassian, Rhys, and Nyx poured themselves glasses of whiskey before finding chairs at the table. Because why not mix in alcohol to this shit show? It’s not uncomfortable enough as it is.
“So,” I mused. “Uncle Rhys, when did you approve Eris for a temporary visa to rent an apartment in Velaris?”
Eris, ever the master of chaos, paled for the briefest of moments before a look crossed his features that he usually reserved for calling me “good girl” in his bed.
At that comment my father turned his icy gaze toward Rhys and even Cassian gaped.
And Rhys, the smooth prick, only replied “High Lord business, we have much to discuss regarding commerce in the coming months. Given his status it made more sense for him to have a private, warded apartment than to stay in a hotel with so many prying eyes.”
Though I thought the same, it was my father who muttered “Bullshit.” Shadows whirring in rage at Rhys openly allowing Eris to stay in the city as he pleases.
A part of me wanted to jump in and defend Eris but another part of me was still pissed to not have a direct answer.
Sensing the argument about to unfold between the brothers, my mother ushered Azalea, Eris, and I to the garden for tea. Nyx politely declined the offer in lieu of watching the drama between his father and Uncles play out.
Seated in the garden, Azalea was jittery, practically begging to go inside and listen to the conversation with father and Rhys. Truthfully, I couldn’t blame her, and would have sent my shadows in but someone had thrown up a ward.
The tension between Eris and I, well, the tension from me to Eris was thick. I was still so angry with him for his secretive ways but… also so drawn to him. I craved him.
Fuck - this man and his stupid, beautiful face.
“Aw, are you thinking about me again? Glad you recognize which of us is the best looking Archeron.”
“Get out of my head, Nyx. You’re as nosey as Azalea.”
“Fine. I won’t give you updates on what’s happening in here.”
“Fuck off. Anyone have a broken bone or a black eye yet?”
“Nothing too exciting going on. Sadly. Mostly your father brooding in that rageful way of his over my father ‘encouraging’ your relationship.”
“He’s really struggling with accepting whatever it is between us.”
“Yeah, and Amren is a hoarder. Since we’re apparently stating the obvious here.”
“And you’re a pompous asshole.”
“You wound me, cousin.”
“Update me if anything interesting comes up.”
“Only if you say it.”
“I’m not saying it.”
“Fine. No gossip for you.”
“Are you really going to make me say it?”
Silence. Pure silence filled our mental connection for several moments.
“Nyx is the most handsome Archeron.”
“I’m flattered. Talk to you later.”
I flipped him off mentally which earned a chuckle as his voice faded away.
He really was his father’s son. Insufferable in the most endearing of ways.
Seemingly having zoned out for too long, Azalea waived her little hands in my face “Earth to sissy!! Are you talking to Nyx? What’s happening?”
“LADIES.” Mother reprimanded. “Leave them be.”
A warmth heated my shoulder that I hadn’t previously noticed. When had Eris put his arm around me? So casually, so comfortably.
So…. Right.
And because she couldn’t leave him in peace, Azalea interrupted the quiet contentment, “Eris! I have a Sprite garden. Want to see it?”
Eris gave a gentle nod to Azalea. “I would love to.”
Mother only gave me an affectionate smile as I stood to follow them.
“This is Night Blooming Jasmine! The flowers are only out at night and this is a bench in case a Sprite comes to visit but I also put a bed back here” She motioned deep within the planted jasmine “in case one comes and needs a nap!”
Eris didn’t miss a beat as he crouched down to look at the little oasis she’s created in her garden.
“Do they ever come visit?” he asked inquisitively.
Softly, sadly, Azalea shook her head as she looked to the ground. “No.. but maybe someday. Maybe they’re nervous because we’re so big and they’re so tiny. I never see footprints but I will keep making it cozy for them so maybe they’ll feel safe. I would be their friend. We could be best friends.”
Eris listened attentively, never drifting his focus from her and her garden. And then my armored heart melted ever so softly as he warmly replied, “They’d be lucky to have you as a friend, Azalea.”
Her eyes lit up. “You really think so?”
“I know so.”
“You can be my friend too if you want.” She said, looking to him eagerly.
Eris was taken back for a moment. And the look in his face gutted me. As if- as if he couldn’t fathom that someone so gentle, so unbroken by the world could look at him and see anything other than the cold, calculated product of Beron Vanserra.
Azalea stared at him expectantly, her face beginning to falter until he smiled. A broad, genuine smile that I’d seen so few times. “I’d like that very much.”
And with that she grabbed his hand and led him through the rest of the garden.
Eventually my mother retrieved a reluctant-to leave-Eris’-side Azalea, as father had sent Cassian, Rhys, and Nyx home. He was likely fuming that his little plan to make things more uncomfortable than necessary backfired and she didn’t feel like dealing with explaining to him why Azalea was gleefully dragging Eris by the hand through the garden.
I made a mental note to myself to take my little sister out for pastries soon as a “thank you” for serving as a buffer throughout the afternoon. I didn’t realize just how much discomfort she’d spared me from until she had gone inside and I was left alone in the garden with Eris.
Perhaps softened by his kindness with my vivacious sister and the painful look on his face at her kindness in return, I brushed my hand against the back of his.
His face remained stoic but I could have sworn a small lump formed in his throat.
We wandered a few more steps through the garden. He said nothing but, to my surprise, brought the back of his hand back to mine and hooked his pinky with mine.
And gods damn if that didn’t give me butterflies.
“So,” he started, almost coyly. I couldn’t be hearing this correctly. “About that exhibit at Feyre’s gallery?”
“Yes?” I asked.
“Could I-“ he took both of my hands in his, avoiding eye contact at first but finally meeting my gaze. “Would you- like for me to escort you? We could get dinner beforehand.”
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. A nervous Eris Vanserra. Of all people, he was nervous in front of the female he’d been fucking for two years.
And yet, something sparked within me at the thought.
Feigning shock, I asked: “High Lord, are you asking me on a date?”
The corners of his lips lifted slightly. “Don’t be an ass.”
“Think you can manage not to strike anymore mysterious, shady bargains between now and then?”
“I believe I can manage.” He quipped. That casual irreverence in his tone returning.
“Then yes, Eris, I will. Now you should probably get home before my father comes out and decides to make his brooding everybody’s problem.”
With that he wrapped an arm around my waist as a hand gripped the back of my head, pulling in me tightly. His lips crashed into mine, kissing me passionately. I gasped into it as heat pooled within me, reverent need burning through my veins, urging him to deepen the kiss further.
And as suddenly as he initiated the kiss, he pulled back with a smirk. “See you soon, little Shadowsinger.” and winnowed away.
Tags: @b0xerdancer-writes @myheartfollower @ang-taylorsversion @acotarobsessed @uniquecolorwizard @justasillylittlegoofyguy @thelov3lybookworm @starryhiraeth @5moremin @azrielsmate3 @coolepowersthings @isa1b2h3 @inloveallthetime @julesofvolterra @deeshag @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @courtofbatboydreams
Totally forgot to add the tags when I first posted this (I was half-asleep) Sorry!!
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invalidstories · 3 months
One Bed
Warnings: Potential emotional distress due to relationships, non-sexual physical intimacy
In the dimly lit room, Hero and Villain found themselves in an unexpected predicament—they were both stranded for the night in a remote cabin, with only one bed.
Hero glanced around the cozy space, taking in the rustic decor and the soft glow of the fire crackling in the hearth. Despite the circumstances that had brought them together, there was a strange sense of tranquility in the air, as if the universe had conspired to grant them a moment of respite amidst the chaos of their rivalry.
Villain stood near the window, their silhouette outlined against the moonlit sky. There was a tension in the air, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken truce that had settled between them for the night.
With a sigh, Hero approached the bed, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling into their bones. "Well, I guess we'll have to make do," they remarked, their voice laced with resignation.
Villain turned to face them, their gaze meeting Hero's with an intensity that sent a shiver down their spine. "Indeed," they replied, their tone unreadable.
As they settled into the bed, their bodies mere inches apart, Hero couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at their insides. They were supposed to be enemies, locked in an eternal struggle for supremacy. And yet, here they were, sharing a bed as if they were old friends.
But soon enough, discomfort crept in as Hero shifted, feeling the weight of Villain's presence too close for comfort. "I can't sleep like this," they muttered, their frustration evident in their tone.
Villain sighed, a hint of annoyance flickering across their features. "Fine," they conceded, "you take the bed. I'll take the floor."
But Hero shook their head, adamant. "No, you shouldn't have to sleep on the floor. We can find another solution."
Villain scoffed, their pride wounded by the suggestion. "I'll change rooms then," they declared, moving towards the door.
But Hero's voice stopped them in their tracks. "You can't," they said quietly. "I checked. They're fully booked."
Villain's shoulders slumped in defeat, the reality of their situation sinking in. "Well, what do you suggest we do, then?"
Hero hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty crossing their features. But then, with a determined glint in their eye, they replied, "We share the bed. But we'll make a pillow wall between us."
Villain raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "A pillow wall?"
Hero nodded, "It's the best compromise we have. We both get to sleep in the bed without invading each other's space."
With a begrudging nod, Villain acquiesced, and together they constructed a makeshift barrier of pillows between them, creating a fragile boundary between them.
As they both drifted off to sleep, the sound of their steady breathing filling the room, Hero couldn't help but wonder what the dawn would bring—a return to their bitter rivalry, or the dawn of a new understanding between them.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
As morning painted the room in soft hues of dawn, Hero stirred from their slumber, blinking groggily as consciousness returned. But as they shifted, they found themselves tangled in a mess of limbs, their body inexplicably intertwined with Villain's.
At first, confusion clouded Hero's mind, their thoughts muddled from sleep. But as awareness slowly seeped in, they couldn't help but feel a strange sense of comfort in the intimate closeness.
With a soft sigh, Hero attempted to extricate themselves from the tangle, their movements gentle so as not to disturb Villain's sleep. But as they tried to pull away, Villain stirred, their grip tightening instinctively around Hero's waist, pulling them closer.
Surprised by the unexpected gesture, Hero stilled, their heart fluttering in their chest as they gazed down at Villain's peaceful expression. In that moment, all traces of loathing melted away, leaving only the warmth of companionship.
Unable to resist the pull of the moment, Hero allowed themselves to relax into Villain's embrace, their lips curling into a soft smile at the unexpected turn of events.
And as they drifted back into a peaceful sleep, entangled in each other's embrace, Hero couldn't help but feel a sense of hope blossoming within them—a hope that perhaps, despite the odds, there was room for understanding and acceptance in even the most unlikely of relationships.
"Love, akin to wildflowers, thrives in the unlikeliest of terrains, sprouting amidst adversity and blooming with unforeseen grace."
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art-of-the-sea · 4 months
Hello!! what are the other ancients dynamics with their respective beasts like? Are they also learning to get along or is that unique to SM and PV?
Hi, thank you so much for the ask!! Since we don't know much at all about the other Beasts, it's hard to determine what their relationships with the other Ancients would be like. However, there're some light predictions that can be made!
- Hollyberry cookie, holder of the Light of Passion, is likely trying to befriend Eternal Sugar cookie, but Eternal Sugar goads her into giving in to her indulgences such as berry juice, hoping to get Holly to turn to Sloth as well. After all, they both represent Happiness. Hollyberry honestly believes she can turn the other back, however, an admirable belief that Pure Vanilla picked up on when deciding how to treat Shadow Milk cookie.
- Mystic Flour cookie and Dark Cacao both respresent Volition- however, due to Mystic Flour's apathetic disposition, the two clash very often, and they're very against any change or compromise. Dark Cacao sees Mystic Flour's apathy as an inherent betrayal of the kingdom's subjects and refuses to listen.
- Burning Spice cookie and Golden Cheese would likely see eye to eye at first, both being super driven and representative of Change. However, Golden Cheese is driven to Abundance, desiring only the best for themselves and others, but Burning Spice only wants to destroy and raze. They would likely get into arguments often, only working together in desperation.
- White Lily has the most complicated and unpleasant lot of the bunch, unfortunately. She not only has to contain Silent Salt cookie, but she has also been reunited with her other Self steeped in destruction, Dark Enchantress cookie. Due to her multiple bad experiences with corrupted reflections of herself, she's the most resistant to any sort of idea of redemption for the Beasts than the other Ancients. Thankfully, she's also the least likely to be corrupted- Dark Enchantress is incapable of using the Light of Freedom, and Silent Salt has taken to, well... Silently brooding and ominously watching over things, for the most part. While all three fall under the overarching virtue of Change, she's the most resistant to a different mindset. White Lily is rather fearful of any corruption happening again, which is why she's also rather scared & resistant to Pure Vanilla's comparatively casual relationship with Shadow Milk cookie. Even seeing him simply humoring him terrifies her; she cares deeply about him and doesn't want him to be harmed by the other's lies, an understandable position considering everything.
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astroa3h · 5 months
venus through the houses (negative traits) 🦢
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Venus, often celebrated for its qualities of love, beauty, and harmony, also has a shadow side that can manifest in various ways, depending on the house it resides in. Imagine Venus not just as the planet of love but also as a complex character with its virtues and vices, navigating through the neighborhoods of the zodiac.
✨1st House: The Mask of Vanity✨
When Venus sits in the 1st House, it's like wearing a mask of charm and attractiveness. However, this placement can lead to an obsession with personal appearance and a compulsion to be liked, often at the expense of genuine self-expression. People with this placement might struggle with superficiality, using their charm as a shield to hide their true selves.
✨2nd House: The Hoarder of Pleasures✨
In the 2nd House, Venus's dark side turns to materialism. Here, the love for beauty and comfort can morph into an unquenchable thirst for possessions and luxury, leading to greed or excessive indulgence in sensory pleasures, making it hard to understand the true value of things beyond their price tags.
✨3rd House: The Sweet Talker✨
Venus in the 3rd House can weave words like a spell, but this gift might be used manipulatively. The desire for social harmony can become a fear of confrontation, leading to dishonesty or saying what others want to hear instead of the truth. Relationships may suffer from a lack of depth due to an avoidance of uncomfortable discussions.
✨4th House: The Homebound Heart✨
In the 4th House, Venus's shadow shows in the form of clinging to comfort and familiarity, leading to resistance against change and growth. Emotional security might be sought in possessions or the home environment, creating a bubble that's hard to leave for the fear of losing stability.
✨5th House: The Drama Lover✨
Venus in the 5th House loves romance and creativity but can get caught up in the drama of love, treating relationships like a stage for personal amusement. This can lead to superficial connections or a chase for eternal honeymoon phases, avoiding the reality of deeper, more mature partnerships.
✨6th House: The People Pleaser✨
Here, Venus's need for approval manifests in the workplace or daily routines, leading to over-accommodating behaviors. A desire to be liked by peers and superiors can result in neglecting one's own needs or values, causing burnout or resentment in the long run.
✨7th House: The Co-dependent✨
In the 7th House, Venus's dark side is in its fear of being alone, leading to co-dependency in relationships. There's a risk of losing one's identity in the quest for harmony and partnership, with a tendency to compromise too much or stay in unsatisfying relationships for the sake of peace.
✨8th House: The Obsessor✨
Venus in the 8th House can bring intense relationships, but with a potential for possessiveness or jealousy. The desire for deep connections may turn into an obsession, where love is confused with control, leading to toxic dynamics that are hard to escape.
✨9th House: The Eternal Optimist✨
While optimism is generally positive, Venus in the 9th House can lead to unrealistic expectations, especially in love and beliefs. There's a tendency to idolize partners or philosophies without acknowledging their flaws, which can lead to disappointment when reality checks in.
✨10th House: The Status Seeker✨
In the 10th House, Venus's influence can focus too much on social status and success, valuing relationships based on how they enhance personal reputation or career. Genuine connections might be sacrificed for the sake of ambition, leading to a sense of emptiness despite outward achievements.
✨11th House: The Fair-weather Friend✨
Venus in the 11th House may love to be surrounded by friends, but there's a risk of superficiality, where connections are maintained only when they are beneficial or enjoyable. This placement can struggle with commitment to deeper, less convenient friendships.
✨12th House: The Secret Lover✨
Lastly, in the 12th House, Venus hides in the realm of secrets and sacrifices. Love may be expressed through suffering or martyrdom, leading to unrequited loves or relationships that exist more in fantasy than reality. There's a danger of losing oneself in illusions, avoiding the practical side of love.
xox astro ash ❤️‍🔥
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journalofanoldsoul · 1 year
Couple Dynamics 💕 (Venus Composite Chart) - Part 2
Venus in Libra
"La La Land" (2016): This romantic musical film captures the beauty of love, artistic expression, and the pursuit of dreams. It reflects the harmony, balance, and appreciation of aesthetics associated with Venus in Libra.
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Will and Grace from "Will & Grace": Will and Grace's enduring friendship and unique bond in the TV show "Will & Grace" exemplify the harmony, cooperation, and emphasis on partnership associated with Venus in Libra. Despite their differences, they navigate their lives with a shared understanding and a deep respect for each other's opinions. Their connection is marked by a strong sense of fairness, compromise, and a commitment to maintaining a balanced and supportive relationship.
Arizona and Callie from "Grey's Anatomy": Arizona and Callie's relationship in the TV show "Grey's Anatomy" exemplifies the harmony, diplomacy, and focus on partnership that is often associated with Venus in Libra. They navigate the challenges of their professional and personal lives with grace, seeking balance and fairness in their interactions. Their romance is marked by a strong sense of compromise, cooperation, and a deep desire for a harmonious and equal partnership.
Venus in Scorpio
"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" (2004): This thought-provoking film explores the depths of love, memory, and emotional transformation. It delves into the intense and transformative aspects of love, which align with Venus in Scorpio.
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Edward and Bella from "Twilight": Edward and Bella's relationship in the "Twilight" series embodies the intense, passionate, and sometimes obsessive nature of Venus in Scorpio. Their bond is marked by a deep connection and a willingness to undergo personal transformation for love.
Therese and Carol from "Carol": Therese and Carol's intense and transformative relationship in the movie "Carol" reflects the depth, passion, and emotional intimacy of Venus in Scorpio. Their connection takes them on a journey of self-discovery and profound connection.
Venus in Sagittarius
"Before Sunrise" (1995): This movie tells the story of two strangers who meet on a train and spend a passionate night together, contemplating life and love. It embodies the adventurous, free-spirited, and philosophical nature of Venus in Sagittarius.
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Carrie and Aidan from "Sex and the City": Carrie and Aidan's relationship in the TV show "Sex and the City" represents the contrasting dynamics of commitment and freedom that can arise with Venus in Sagittarius. Their love story involves exploration, travel, and the pursuit of personal growth.
Emma and Adele from "Blue Is the Warmest Color": Emma and Adele's adventurous and free-spirited relationship in the movie "Blue Is the Warmest Color" embodies the exploration, intellectual stimulation, and open-mindedness associated with Venus in Sagittarius. Their love story is marked by a passionate and expansive connection.
Venus in Capricorn
"Pride & Prejudice" (2005): This period drama depicts a slow-burning love story that evolves over time. It reflects the qualities of loyalty, ambition, and commitment associated with Venus in Capricorn.
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Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy from "Pride & Prejudice": Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy's relationship in "Pride & Prejudice" showcases the growth, maturity, and transformation that can occur in a love story influenced by Venus in Capricorn. Their journey involves overcoming obstacles and societal expectations.
Shane and Carmen from "The L Word": Shane and Carmen's relationship in the TV show "The L Word" embodies the dedication, ambition, and pursuit of stability associated with Venus in Capricorn. As they navigate their personal and professional lives, they strive for success and security while maintaining a deep emotional connection. Their partnership is marked by loyalty, responsibility, and a shared commitment to building a solid foundation for their love.
Venus in Aquarius
"Loving Annabelle" (2006): This film tells the story of a forbidden romance between a teacher and her student, challenging societal norms and expectations. The relationship reflects the non-conformist, progressive, and intellectually stimulating nature of Venus in Aquarius.
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Phoebe and Mike from "Friends": Phoebe and Mike's relationship in the TV show "Friends" exemplifies the non-traditional, free-spirited, and unconventional aspects of Venus in Aquarius. Their love story is marked by individuality, friendship, and acceptance.
Marianne and Héloïse from "Portrait of a Lady on Fire": Marianne and Héloïse's unconventional and intellectually stimulating relationship in the movie "Portrait of a Lady on Fire" embodies the uniqueness, freedom, and friendship associated with Venus in Aquarius. Their connection challenges societal norms and celebrates individuality.
Venus in Pisces
"The Shape of Water" (2017): This visually stunning film delves into a unique and enchanting love story between a woman and an amphibious creature. It represents the romantic, compassionate, and idealistic nature of Venus in Pisces.
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Romeo and Juliet from "Romeo + Juliet": The tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet in the film "Romeo + Juliet" embodies the intense, passionate, and idealistic qualities of Venus in Pisces. Their love is all-encompassing, transcending societal barriers.
Clarke and Lexa from "The 100": The relationship between Clarke and Lexa in the TV show "The 100" also represents the dreamy, compassionate, and spiritually connected qualities of Venus in Pisces. Their love story transcends boundaries and showcases a deep emotional bond, characterized by empathy, sacrifice, and a profound understanding of each other's souls.
These recommendations and couple choices are based on the archetypal qualities associated with each Venus sign. While they may not represent an exhaustive list, they serve as examples to illustrate how the energies and themes of each Venus sign can manifest in romantic movies and famous couples. It's important to remember that astrology is a complex and nuanced system, and individual interpretations can vary.
I hope you have enjoyed this selection.
Stay tune for more astro posts…
xoxo J.
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th3casscad3 · 3 months
Alastor x reader but hades and Persephone style where reader spends 6 months in hell and 6 months on earth/heaven
As The Seasons Change. Alastor X G!N Reader.
Warnings: Based On Hades X Persephone. Abusive Relationship, Forced Marriage, One-Sided Love, Slow Burn, Curses, Soul Collecting. Part 1 -
You Were A Gentle Soul, Kind Hearted, Brave, Curious. You Were Walking Around The Street Of New Orleans When You Discovered A Run Down Radio Building. It Wasn't In Horrible Condition, But It Was Abandoned. So, You Decided To Take A Look Around. As You Were Looking You Found Lots Of Pictures And Awards Of A Man Named "Alastor" The Date, 1930's. Intrigued By This Long Forgotten Radio Host, You Came Back Everyday To Learn More About Him. Going Through His Office And Reading Up On Him Through The Internet. You Were Fascinated. One Day, You Stumbled Upon A Clock You'd Never Seen Before In His Office. It Was Brown And Shaped Like A Spear. It Had Green Vines Wrapped Around It. It Looked New? You Decided To Check It Out. You Read The Name On It "Alastor, The Radio Demon" " Radio Demon..? That's New..? " You Took A Closer Look At The Radio, When Did It Get Here? Why Was It Here? You Had So Many Questions. After You Typical Day, Roaming Around The Abandoned Building You Decided To Take The Radio Home With You. You Placed It On Your Bedroom Dresser. That Night, You Heard Strange Static Noises Come From The Radio. You Woke Up Only To Find The Radio Was Glowing. More Curious Than Fearful, You Got Out Of Bed And Walked To The Radio. When You Touched It You Found Yourself Falling. Falling. Falling. You Fell On Your Rear With A Thud, You Winced And Rubbed Your Bottom Before Your Eyes Shot Open And Looked Up. You First Saw Shoes, Then Black Pants, Until You Were Looking Face To Face At A Strange Creature, No Man. Wait? Where Am I?! You Frantically Scurry Up And Stumble Slightly, Looking Around AT Your Surroundings, Your Appearance Itself Had Changed. You Start To Panic When The Man With A Microphone Shaped Cane Tapped You On The Shoulder. "Calm Down, My Dear. I Will Explain Everything! Please, Do Take A Seat" The Man Points His Cane To The Nearby Chair. Out Of Natural Reaction, You Sit Down In The Chair And Fumble With Your Claws? You Were Cut Off By The Man Again. He Simply Chuckled And Twirled His Cane. "Darling, Do Relax. Stress Doesn't Look Good On You. My Name Is Alastor, The Radio Demon. But You May Know Me As Alastor, The Radio Host." "I Know You May Have A Lot Of Questions. So Let Me Start By Saying This. You, My Dear, Are In Hell. No, You Are Not Dead. But, You Do Belong To Me Now, In The Sense Of When You Touched That Radio, You Sold Your Soul Over To Me. " Alastor Grinned. " What Do You Mean You Own My Soul? How Did You Know About Me? Were You The One Who Sent The Radio? " You Asked, Slightly Curious, Slightly Amused. You Had Calmed Down, Adjusted To Your New Form, It Felt Like It Was Just Memorized In The Back Of Your Head. You Looked Down At Your Hands And Saw An Engagement Ring! "Wait! What's This??" Alastor Let Out A Amused Chuckle. " Oh Ho Ho! I See You've Noticed Your Binding Ring. You See, Ive Been Watching You Through My Items At The Radio Building, Like A Curse. And Boy, You've Caught My Eye. So, I Left Little Items For You To Discover, Such Entertainment. So, When You Touched The Radio And Sold Your Soul Over To Me, I Decided To Claim You As More Than A Mere Pet. You Will Be My Spouse And Forever Entertain Me! " You Gave Him A Dumbfounded Expression That Soon Turned To Worry. " What About My Life!! You Said I Wasn't Dead! Cant I Go Back Up To Earth! I Have Family And Friends!" You Were Now Angry, Who Was This Man-Creature Thing To Tell You That You Were Bound To Him For Eternity. " They'll Forget About You Soon Enough. Worry Not, You Pathetic Reader. Smile, You Know You're Never Fully Dressed Without One. But, I Suppose For Your Binding To Me, I Can Compromise... 6 Months Here In Hell, You Must Keep Me Entertained. Then I'll Allow You 6 Months Back On Earth, So You Can Bond With Your Little Family And Friends. " He Scoffed But Kept His Grin On His Face, Twirling His Cane As He Stuck Out His Hand. " Do We Have A Deal.? " " Deal. "
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pearlprincess02 · 4 months
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scorpio sun, aquarius moon, cancer rising, scorpio mercury, scorpio venus, libra mars
scorpio sun: you’re the embodiment of deep conversations held between two lovers. a secret kept for eternity maintaining sweet serenity. you’re the deepest depths of my mind meant for no one, a sweet indulgence made for someone. you’re a puzzle to be uncovered, but only by those you allow to discover.
aquarius moon: signifies an independent and innovative emotional nature. individuals value uniqueness and intellectual connections. they can seem detached, valuing personal space. embracing change, they may find it challenging to express deep emotions. affection is shown through friendship and shared ideals, as they seek progress, inclusivity, and unconventional bonds.
cancer rising: round/moon shaped face - cancer is ruled by the moon, baby face/soft features and big eyes - the moon rules over babies and cancers symbol is the crab, a crabs eyes are big compared to their eye sockets, curvier body - the moon is round, big boobs - cancer rules over the breasts, emotions written on face - the moon rules over emotions so it’s hard for them to hide them cuz their facial expressions do the job even when they try and prevent it
scorpio mercury: a scorpio mercury indicates a very sensitive and perceptive approach to communication. you likely have a deep understanding of the power of words and a tendency to read into the subtext or the hidden meanings. you may have a very introspective approach to communicating and a tendency to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. you may have a very keen sense of intuition and insight, and it is important to find the right balance between expressing yourself and holding back. you may have a lot of mental energy and a tendency to overthink or get stuck in your thoughts.
scorpio venus: psychology, neck tattoos, “until death do us part”, kings & queens, snakes, sacred sex, chess, secrets, hickeys, the feeling after you stay up all night, the feeling of being at a concert, roses, knives, tequila shots, legs intertwined, dirty martinis, sparklers, avril lavigne, fantasy books, true crime and dark history
libra mars: libra mars may have a tendency to be quite accommodating and to put others' needs and desires above their own. they may be hesitant to take action or make decisions unless it aligns with their desire to maintain peace and harmony. this can lead to a tendency to hesitate and avoid conflict, and to being somewhat indecisive and prone to compromise and appeasement. they may struggle with being more assertive and willing to take risks, and with taking an independent path. this can result in a tendency for people-pleasing and a lack of clear-cut boundaries in their relationships.
(anon ask)
ᵒᵇˢᵉʳᵛᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵃʳᵉⁿ'ᵗ ᵐⁱⁿᵉ
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obeymematches · 25 days
🩷Why Asmo keeps falling in love with you🩷
yes this is part of that series i'm doing where i HC why they wouldn't like you anymore
●You must be one of the most patient people ever; being with Asmo requires a rather high level of empathy, as written in the job description. You keep listening to him on his best days but you are also the first he talks to on his gloomy days. Sometimes he just talks to you because he must talk. At least that's how it feels like.
● Besides baing patient and empathetic, you other best quality is being open-minded. Yes by this I mean that TECHNICALLY he COULD live in a mono relationship but would he be happy? Would that satisfy him forever? Was it ever his dream/goal/ambition? If we look at things in the long run you must be open to compromise on this.
● Following the second point, being a little jealous in this relationship is understandable. It's cute. I feel like he doesn't set boundaries early so if you are the jealous type it can get messy. He can and will tolerate a lot but it could possibly ruin this relationship.
● He also keeps loving you because you are fun to hang out with; you shouldn't get black out drunk every other day, of course, but please go party with him often & gossip like best friends do!!!
● This next one might sound harsh but... he also likes it if you are financially in a similar situation. Listen you don't have to be rich, heck you don't even have to put away savings at the end of the month, just don't have debt. His lifestyle is pretty expensive and I don't think he would change too much of that.
●He might be super friendly and you might feel like he wears his heart on his sleeve but really he can only ever love you for being you! If you re-read this list I made, not many people are like you, or not to this extend, not everything I just mentioned in one. So trust me he was looking for you for centuries but you truly are one of a kind; which is a key for him to keep loving you ;)
● I just think he would never do anything wrong so if this relationship ends, it's on you babe. He keeps falling in love with you through eternity and the only thing that can change that is you not liking him (anymore). Though if he notices signs of that, with a heavy heart but he knows how to let go - he will always love himself as much as he loves you too!
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fafnir19 · 1 month
Things are changing in the Eternal City
In the heart of Rome, beneath the golden rays of the sun, Lias and Alexandra strolled along the cobblestone streets, their differences as stark as the contrast between ancient ruins and modern cafes. "I can't believe we're finally in Rome, Lias! I can't wait to capture all these moments for Instagram," Alexandra beamed, her fingers already itching to snap a picture of a quaint coffee shop they passed by. Lias chuckled, adjusting his glasses as he replied, "Yes, I'm excited to delve into the history and culture of this city. But do you think we can pick up the pace a bit? We don't want to miss out on visiting the Vatican Museums."
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Rolling her eyes playfully, Alexandra quipped, "Oh, Lias, always the nerd rushing to the museums. Can't you just enjoy the sights with me?" The tension between their contrasting interests simmered beneath the surface as they continued their exploration. Alexandra's camera was a constant companion, capturing every detail that caught her eye, while Lias remained patient, albeit slightly exasperated at times. As they reached the iconic Trevi Fountain, Alexandra's excitement peaked. "Let's take a couple selfie, Lias! It would look amazing on my feed," she exclaimed, holding up her phone. Lias hesitated, his shy nature conflicting with Alexandra's outgoing persona. "I... I don't really want to be on Instagram," he mumbled, feeling the weight of her disappointment. With a resigned sigh, Alexandra settled for a compromise, handing her phone to Lias. "Fine, just take a picture of me then. Make sure to capture the coin toss for good luck!"
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As Alexandra posed by the fountain, tossing a coin over her shoulder, she whispered a wish under her breath. "I wish Lias would understand my passion for Instagram." Little did she know, the ancient magic of the Trevi Fountain listened intently to her plea, ready to work its unpredictable charm. The next morning, Alexandra awoke to an unfamiliar sight. Lias, no longer the reserved bookworm she knew, stood before her with a newfound confidence and vitality. His once slender frame had transformed into a sculpted physique, his demeanor exuding a magnetic allure. "Good morning, love. I went for a run and took some photos for Instagram," Lias grinned, his eyes gleaming with a newfound self-assurance.
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As Alexandra gawked in disbelief, Lias drew her into a passionate kiss, igniting a fire within her that burned hotter than the Roman sun. Their intimate moment transcended any lingering doubt, leaving Alexandra breathless and craving for more.
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Together, they embarked on a day filled with laughter, exploration, and endless photo opportunities. Lias, now an embodiment of Instagram perfection, effortlessly guided Alexandra in capturing the ideal shots, his charm and intellect dazzling her even more. Unbeknownst to them, a subtle shift had taken place in the fabric of their relationship, setting the stage for unforeseen desires and revelations to unfold in the ancient city of Rome. And little did Alexandra realize that her wish at the Trevi Fountain would lead to a metamorphosis beyond her wildest dreams.
As the sun descended over the majestic Colosseum, casting a golden hue upon the ancient stones, Lias and Alexandra found themselves immersed in a whirlwind of newfound revelations and unexpected desires.
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Their journey through Rome had taken an unforeseen turn, leading them down a path laced with intrigue and temptation. "Lias, you look absolutely stunning in those photos. I can't believe how much you've changed," Alexandra gushed, her admiration evident in every word she spoke. Lias adjusted his jacket, the fabric hugging his toned physique as he replied, "It's amazing what a little morning light and exercise can do. I never thought I'd enjoy this side of Instagram, but it's been quite the transformation." As they wandered through the bustling streets of Rome, a sense of unease lingered beneath their newfound facade. Alexandra couldn't shake the feeling that Lias had become a different person, one who not only rivaled her in aesthetic appeal but also surpassed her in confidence and allure. "Hey, Alex, do you mind if we stop by that Roman bathhouse I read about? I could use a bit of relaxation," Lias suggested, his eyes glinting with a newfound sense of adventure. Alexandra hesitated, her mind clouded with thoughts of the changes in Lias. "Sure, that sounds nice. But I hope you're still the same Lias I fell in love with," she murmured, a hint of doubt tainting her words. Upon entering the opulent bathhouse, the contrast between their personalities became even more pronounced. Lias embraced the luxurious surroundings with a sense of ease, reveling in his newfound physicality, while Alexandra felt a pang of insecurity, unsure of where she fit in this altered dynamic.
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As they indulged in the pampering treatments, a handsome young man caught Lias's attention. Bente, with his sharp intellect and charming demeanor, engaged Lias in a conversation that sparked a connection amongst them. "Alexandra, this is Bente. We met in the bathhouse, and he's been sharing some fascinating insights about Rome with me," Lias introduced, his eyes lingering on Bente with a hint of intrigue.
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Alexandra forced a smile, her unease growing as she felt a wave of jealousy wash over her. "Nice to meet you, Bente. I'm glad you and Lias are... enjoying your conversation," she replied, her tone laced with a touch of defensiveness. As they continued their exploration of Rome, Bente joined them.
As they meandered through the labyrinthine streets of Rome, Alexandra's heart felt a pang of jealousy with each passing moment. Bente's presence had subtly shifted the dynamic between them, making her feel like an unwanted intruder in her own relationship with Lias. "You know, Alexandra, there's really no need for this jealousy," Bente chimed in, his voice smooth and soothing like honey dripping from a comb. "I'm just here to enjoy the sights and have a good time with Lias. No ulterior motives, I promise." Alexandra's lips formed a thin line as she glared at Bente, her eyes shooting daggers that could pierce through steel. "Oh, sure. Just innocently enjoying each other's company, are we? No wonder I feel like a third wheel in my own relationship." Lias, caught in the middle of this emotional crossfire, shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to diffuse the tension mounting between his girlfriend and newfound friend. Clearing his throat, he attempted to lighten the mood. "Let's not dwell on this negativity, shall we? We're in Rome, for Jupiter's sake! A city steeped in history, grandeur, and romance. Let's make the most of it." As they reached the iconic Trevi Fountain, the tension thickened like gelato in the scorching Roman sun. With a mischievous glint in his eye, Bente fished a coin out of his pocket and flipped it into the shimmering waters of the fountain. "I wish that Alexandra wouldn't be so consumed by baseless jealousy," he murmured, his words carried away by the gentle whisper of the fountain's cascading waters. And then, as if by some ancient magic lingering in the Roman air, the impossible happened. Lias turned to Bente, their eyes locking in a fiery gaze that spoke volumes of desire and longing. In a daring move, their lips met in a passionate kiss, igniting a flame of desire that burned brighter than the Roman candles at dusk.
Alexandra's eyes widened in disbelief as she witnessed the scene unfold before her. Her boyfriend and the charming Bente, intertwined in a fiery embrace, their desires igniting a spark that she had never seen in Lias before. Bente's wish that Alexandra should not be jealous for no reason has come true - now, Alexandra has every reason to be jealous!
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Alexandra stood frozen in shock, her heart twisting in a tumult of emotions. Betrayal, jealousy, confusion. All swirling in her mind like a tempestuous storm threatening to engulf her.
Before she could even process the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her, Lias turned to her with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Looks like things are getting interesting, my dear Alexandra. Care to join us in this newfound adventure?" And just like that, the boundaries of their relationship blurred into a tangled web of desire and jealousy. Lias reveled in being the object of affection for both Alexandra and Bente, relishing in the attention and adoration that surrounded him. As the day turned into night, the trio found themselves entangled in a passionate tryst, their bodies moving in a symphony of desire and longing. Alexandra and Bente, consumed by jealousy and desire, could not resist the magnetic pull that Lias exerted over them. In that moment, amidst the ruins of Rome and the echoes of forbidden love, Lias emerged as the enigmatic figure at the center of it all. Unconstrained by societal norms or conventional labels, he reveled in the chaos and passion that swirled around him. And so, in the heart of Rome's ancient streets, a new chapter unfolded for Lias, Alexandra, and Bente, bound together by a web of desire, jealousy, and unspoken truths.
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The eternal city bore witness to a tale as old as time, yet tinged with a modern twist that would leave its mark on them forever.
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perfectsunlight · 7 months
warnings: minor manipulation, language, mentions of alcohol, toxic behavior
word count: 1.8k
part of the series: LOGICAL
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lisa’s birthday party was supposed to be something worth smiling about. however, a permanent frown seemed to be etched onto Y/N’s face from the moment they arrived.
the bass boosted and the young point guard swirled the red solo cup in her hand, watching as her girlfriend stood in a circle with chaeyoung and a few of the other girls from the volleyball team. lisa’s arm was wrapped around the blonde’s shoulders in a lazy fashion, laughing at whatever comment chaeyoung just made.
the vibrant lights that adorned the party venue cast shifting shadows across her face as she observed the scene before her. her eyes, usually filled with a sparkle, now held a glint of hurt and confusion.
lisa had been the center of Y/N's world for what felt like an eternity. 
ever since they were paired up on the first day of training freshman year, lisa was the only thing she could focus on.
the way she talked, the way she walked, the way she breathed next to her in bed when she slept, and even the way she smelled after a shower. 
lisa was not just her life, she was everything in her life as well.
from morning practices to late night lifting sessions, Y/N was always around her girlfriend. it was a different dynamic having her cousin on the same team as her girlfriend, and with her mom as the coach. but Y/N found it somehow endearing, finding comfort in the fact that she got to share the well loved sport in her family with the love of her life.
when they were on the court, lisa’s attention was always on Y/N. every pass and play consisted of the two working together and being each other’s right hands. there wasn’t a single win in YGU’s books that was done without the efforts of the two girls.
however, once they were off the court, it was a different story.
chaeyoung was the reason Y/N felt like she was third wheeling in her own relationship.
park chaeyoung, with her blonde hair and effortless beauty, had effortlessly woven herself into lisa's life after they met in different classes they had together. 
from the sidelines, Y/N had watched their friendship blossom over the years. at first, it was endearing—a friendship between two athletes, something that seemed innocent enough. but as time passed, Y/N couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in dynamics whenever chaeyoung was around.
her girlfriend was an entirely different person around the volleyball player.
lisa's laughter would ring a little louder, her smiles a touch brighter when in the blonde’s company. they shared inside jokes, lingering gazes, and an inexplicable closeness that left Y/N feeling like an outsider in her own relationship.
while Y/N had never caught the two in any compromising situations, the unease had settled in her mind like an unwelcome guest. the innocent interactions between them often stirred a whirlwind of doubt and insecurity within Y/N. 
she found herself second-guessing every conversation, dissecting every smile exchanged between her girlfriend and the blonde.
to be frank, it was driving Y/N insane.
there were numerous fights about it, both somi and yena being witnesses to the hours of yelling and shouting. lisa always insisted nothing was going on, but Y/N could not believe that.
not entirely, at least.
it wasn't jealousy, not entirely. it was the lingering fear of losing the person who meant the world to her. 
the young girl’s heart ached with the weight of uncertainty, the constant worry that perhaps lisa's connection with chaeyoung ran deeper than mere friendship, even if her girlfriend would never admit it.
the point guard was drawn out of her thoughts when yena took a seat next to her on the couch, sighing dramatically as she pulled her roommate in for a side hug.
“what’s that look for?” yena asked over the music, already knowing the answer was standing 10 feet away.
the brunette forced a smile, trying to mask the tumult of emotions raging within her. “nothing really. just enjoying the party,” she replied, the words tasting bitter in her mouth as she tried to feign enthusiasm.
her roommate arched an eyebrow, her gaze piercing through the facade Y/N was desperately trying to uphold. she never understood why she still tried to hide the obvious from her.
 “yeah right,” she retorted knowingly. “i can practically see the storm clouds hovering over your head from here.”
sighing softly, Y/N leaned in closer to yena, her voice barely audible above the music. “it's lisa and chaeyoung,” she confessed, her words laced with a mixture of frustration and vulnerability.
yena's expression softened, understanding dawning in her eyes as she cast a glance towards the duo engaged in conversation across the room. “ah, those two,” she remarked, her tone tinged with empathy. “they've been inseparable lately.”
“it's driving me crazy,” Y/N confessed, her voice filled with a hint of resignation. “i feel like i'm constantly second to her. it's not like lisa can’t have friends, but this just feels different.”
yena nodded in understanding, her hand offering a comforting squeeze to Y/N's shoulder. “have you talked to the demon about how you're feeling?” yena asked gently, her concern still evident even in her sarcastic tone.
“yes, and it ends the same way every time.” the point guard huffed, taking an angry sip from her drink before grimacing at the taste.
the girl next to her chuckled before taking the cup from her hand and setting it on the nearby table. “okay, enough of that.” yena’s figure stood up, dragging the other girl with her. 
she was determined to take matters into her own hands. “alright, time for operation confrontation,” she announced with faux enthusiasm, her smirk betraying her playful intent.
before the other girl could protest or comprehend what her roommate meant, yena grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the couch. without giving Y/N a chance to object, yena guided her through the crowd, weaving through dancing bodies until they reached where lisa and chaeyoung stood engaged in conversation.
lisa's eyes met Y/N's for a brief moment, but before any meaningful exchange could happen, yena intervened with calculated boldness.
 “yo lisa, happy birthday!” she shouted, her tone laced with faux enthusiasm. she knew lisa was drunk enough to not comprehend the difference. 
lisa blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by yena's sudden interruption. “uh, thank you,” she replied, glancing at Y/N with a hint of confusion before her gaze shifted back to chaeyoung. whenever yena ever spoke to her, it was usually in the form of cursing and throwing things.
Y/N felt a pang of disappointment as her girlfriend’s attention drifted back to chaeyoung after a brief acknowledgement. the ache in her chest deepened as she watched chaeyoung subtly steer lisa's focus away from the brewing conversation by fixing the jacket her girlfriend was wearing.
it made her want to drag lisa out of her own birthday party and wisk her away to some foreign country with no other people except the two of them. perhaps an island, or even somewhere like greenland.
despite the disappointment, Y/N felt a mix of emotions swirling within her—a sense of frustration, hurt, and a growing annoyance at chaeyoung's deliberate interference. she couldn't shake off the feeling that chaeyoung's actions were intentionally undermining any chance of communication between lisa and herself.
the point guard shifted and forced a genuine smile on her lips as she leaned into her girlfriend’s chest, inhaling her familiar cologne. lisa didn’t take her focus off of the blonde in front of her, nodding along to whatever it was she was saying while gently nudging Y/N off of her.
Y/N's heart sank as lisa's attention remained fixated on the other woman, despite Y/N's attempt to seek comfort in her girlfriend's embrace. 
trying to hide her disappointment, Y/N straightened herself, feigning a nonchalant demeanor. she masked her inner turmoil behind the mask of a casual smile, though the ache within her intensified with each passing moment.
“don’t do that while i’m talking, babe.” lisa chuckled, eyes still on chaeyoung before sparing a quick glance at her girlfriend. 
the blonde girl chuckled along with lisa before raising an eyebrow, quickly eyeing Y/N up and down. “is that your girlfriend?” 
the basketball player hummed in response, gently patting Y/N’s cheek in a dismissive manner. “yup.”
Y/N didn’t know how to describe the look park chaeyoung gave her. it wasn’t malice, annoyance, or jealousy. chaeyoung's gaze held a peculiar mix of indifference and subtle dismissal. it wasn't a direct confrontation or a harsh glance; it was a cold, distant demeanor that seemed to cut through Y/N's attempt to engage. 
her silence spoke volumes, a silent assertion of dominance or perhaps an intentional act to disregard Y/N's presence.
as the interaction continued, Y/N felt a knot form in her stomach, a rising sense of frustration at being sidelined and dismissed. she struggled to comprehend the volleyball player’s behavior—was it a deliberate attempt to assert her influence over lisa, or was it merely an innocent display of friendship that inadvertently left Y/N feeling excluded?
despite the confusion and the subtle discomfort, Y/N tried to maintain a composed facade. she attempted to brush off the blonde’s disregard, but the weight of her actions lingered heavily in the air.
lisa, caught in the middle of the exchange, seemed oblivious to the present tension. “i think you two could be close friends. the three of us can hang out soon.” the basketball star stated casually, taking a swig of her drink before glancing back at chaeyoung. “we’ll be off next weekend i think. depends if we have to watch film.”
however, chaeyoung's response was a simple, nonchalant shrug. “dunno, i’m pretty busy. anyway let’s go get punch, i heard it’s drowning in vodka.” 
without another word, she reached for lisa's hand, gently tugging her away from Y/N's side. the blonde's actions were subtle yet definitive, a clear message that their conversation was over and that she had claimed lisa's attention.
as lisa followed chaeyoung's lead, Y/N stood there, feeling a mixture of frustration, hurt, and a growing sense of realization. the manner in which chaeyoung effortlessly redirected lisa's attention away from Y/N highlighted the undeniable hold she had over her girlfriend.
it was becoming increasingly evident that chaeyoung's influence over her girlfriend was something that was clearly never going to change. 
yena rolled her eyes as she swung an arm around her roommate’s shoulder, ignoring the urge to suddenly kick lisa in the back of the head. she never understood how Y/N puts up with the basketball star, but she didn’t bother breaking her brain to think about it.
all she did know was that lisa never deserved Y/N, not even once.
“come on, let’s go find yuqi. we can go get ice cream.”
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TAGLIST ⸺ ✭ @silantryoo @rosiehrs @niniwhiskers @cwpiqwon @jisooftme @1luvkarina @scarfac3 @santasbitch @lisas-earlobe @wallfl9wer @aerihiltonn @unforgivenangel @uzumakioden @skydreamed @haerinfangs @la-douleur-ne-finit-jamais @haerinkisser @giginings @lilsvx @milanlaia @pandafuriosa60
OPEN!! comment below the masterlist to be added.
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a/n: i finally updated....el oh el
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askganon · 3 months
Great King, I need encouragement. I have not had an easy life. Any form of abuse besides sexual my parents committed against me. Any time anything is left to chance the worst possible outcome is chosen by the gods, even should I do everything right. I have more mental illnesses, mental and physical disabilities than I can count. I cant do many jobs and can hardly hold most of the ones I CAN do down, on account of the disabilities. My family comes from the worst poverty possible and its grip on me is so strong I know I will never be comfortably free from it. Everyone I've ever known has abandoned me and those that came back keep me at a healthy distance as fair weather friends. Simply put, I'm a survivor, and I intend to survive as long as there is sand in my hourglass. When I am knocked down, nails bloodied and gone, nose broken, I spit my teeth and blood out of my mouth, wipe the dirt out of my eyes and get back up only to get punched back down to the ground just to get back up again. I take pride in this fact, should the whole world and even the gods/goddesses and even lady luck herself be my enemy I will. Not. Succumb. But I am tired... I tired of being strong, I tire of pain, of being offered relief or a mercy only to have it snatched away from me at the cruelest moment against all odds, of having every bit of happiness locked behind one paywall I can never hope to meet, of having everyone like me but never cherish me... I tire not of life but never having lived. I tire of only ever surviving. I dont know what to do, where I can find relief, when or how I get to rest even if just for a moment. I know I must continue on and I know that I will but I have no desire or motivation to do so. Any words of advice or encouragement from you would be a gift, I have admired you since I was young for you have lived a similar life.
There is little I can add as endearment, for all that I would say you have already stated in your resolve.
But you have come to Demon King Ganondorf seeking wisdom. So, it is Demon King Ganondorf's wisdom you shall have.
First, I will make a wound and force it to bleed. Then, I will put salt in that wound, and make you feel the sting of truth. It is only with calm and mature reflection can one see the purpose in the words beyond appeared insult.
First, the wound.
Life is not happiness.
Life is struggle, trial, failure and pain. It can be torment and relief, beautiful and ugly, but it is never happy. Any who speak otherwise are either fools or devils.
It has been said that life is the pursuit of happiness. This is a dream for the mad.
In truth, a "good" life, or one lived well, is one not driven by happiness, but by contentment.
To achieve this, a choice must be made. It is only one choice, but it is the same choice one must make eternally. That is to choose between compromise and suffrage.
In short, will you compromise to be content, or will you suffer for it?
To place this into an example, I could have compromised as King, living content with "It could be worse." Or I could have suffered for contentment with "It could be better."
Which do you think I chose?
Now for the salt.
I have listened to the retelling of your life, and have words regarding it.
I hold no sympathy for abusers of any kind. They cannot match the skills and abilities of their peers, so choose instead to face opponents they know they can conquer. There is no honor nor challenge in an assured victory, and I expect all of them to die knowing they were failures in life and will be forgotten in death.
But as to your abandonments, I hold a different opinion. While the abandonment of one might whisper you the victim, the abandonment of all screams the opposite.
Reflect on these relationships and seek out the common root between them. Do this, but do not rest on the easy answer and use your disabilities as a crutch.
It is said that hurt people hurt people. Perhaps the abuse you sustained in your youth evolved into traits within of which you are unaware.
Seek this out within yourself. If it is discovered, then you have a choice to make.
Will you compromise with this, and remain content in your solitude? Or will you suffer to change this aspect, granting you the chance at a healthy relationship and the possibility of happy moments in a content life?
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