clarissaxrose1212 · 4 months
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The act of lying to gain things for oneself is basically pointless since it is something done by people who are following after sin, which leads to eternal suffering. We should be truthful and honest in works and try to follow after God’s ways!!!!!
#PraiseGod #PraiseTheLord #GodIsGood #Christian #LoveGod #LoveJesus #LoveEveryone #Love #FaithInGod #ChristianFaith #Faith #HopeInGod #Hope #BelieveInGod #BelieveInJesus #FollowGod #Salvation #Honesty #Honest #Truth #Vanity #Vain #Sin #Lie #EternalSuffering #ReadTheBible #Pray #GiveThanksToGod #Repent #Forgive #BibleQuote #ChristianQuote #Quote #BibleVerse #Proverbs #Proverbs21 #Proverbs21v6 #KJV #🙏 #❤️ #🙌
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the-grand-av3 · 5 months
I dare y'all to try foods from each other's countries
Lets! We'll skip me, I do cook all the time.
suya spiced kebab. home specialty.
Do you need some water?
Okay... What do you have, Valentino?
Easy peasy~ Stuffed peppers~
oh shit this is good since when could you cook
I'm the perfect wife~
Okay Voxxy~ What do you have~
Cheseborg 👍🍔
Wow. Very ethnic.
AMERICUUUUHHH 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🦅🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲🦅
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yutafrita · 1 year
To Pierce The White Eye- FIN.
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One / Two / Three / Four / Fin. / Other J. Fic
Psychic!Jaemin x Reader (She/her)
Warnings: Hell is depicted at the start (eternalsuffering), religious/ occult imagery, physical and emotional violence
WC: 4.8K
It’s impossible to tell how much time passed. Hell makes it so you’re constantly exhausted but unable to sleep for more than an hour at a time. Jaemin is only kept alive thanks to the bracelet Satan gave him, but you can tell he’s struggling. 
You needed to get him back to earth.
You were given full reign to roam Satan’s castle, but behind every door and unknown hallway was horror personified. Jaemin, however, was not allowed to roam without you or Satan, making it difficult for you to even begin to plot an escape for him.
Each 24 hour cycle started with you being dragged to Satan’s throne room, having to listen to the pleas of tortured souls beg for mercy only for Satan to deny them. Following that, you were allowed an hour or two of grace before being yelled at by the Prince’s of hell and humiliated for not having flames as strong as Satan before then getting your ass kicked.
“How dare you be the one father chooses to give his throne to?” Was a very popular sentiment. 
To that, you never replied, but in your head the answer was always the same- you didn’t want the throne. You didn’t want it at all! You wanted to be a normal human on earth with the love of your life- not being tortured on an endless loop.
Your reprieve was seeing Jaemin at the last few hours of the cycle. Sobbing into each other’s arms in the small windowless room of the castle (you considered it a blessing to not have a view of the tortured souls) until sleep could finally overtake you was when you could achieve true reprieve.
The white, circular room in which Jaemin used to spend his nights alone had changed. 
“This is the main building of Knight’s Cross,” you noted the night it first changed. You had grown used to the white room that held all of his visions, but this was a much welcomed change. You two walked hand in hand, sneaking peeks into different lecture halls that had different visions playing on large screens. “I love it, Jae.”
“Yeah… I love it too,” Jaemin squeezed your hand. Sitting in a lecture hall, Jaemin held you as you watched parts of Mark's future.
The screen was grainy, but it was of him getting accepted into his dream college to transfer into their creative writing program. Knight’s Cross did not have this major, and it was something you knew always made Mark unhappy. The clip, still grainy, switched to Mark venting to Johnny. 
“I can’t go,” Mark was pacing the faerie’s dorm up and down.
“Sure you can,” Johnny was nonchalant, despite your brother’s anxiety.
“I don’t want to take on Knight’s Cross but… she isn’t here. She’s the one who deserves to be Knight’s Cross next leader.
You leaving may have saved your brother’s life, but it also left him a burden he too did not deserve to bear.
End of a 24 hour cycle- which meant you were yanked out of bed and forced to start all over again. Rinse. Repeat. Until, one day, you find yourself waking up naturally with Jaemin, and real sunlight kissing your cheeks. You were expecting this warmth to be removed by force in some sort of cruel jokes, but you slowly blinked open your eyes, your breath catching.
You were in your family home, in your old bedroom.
“Jae!” you were shaking his shoulders despite him already being weak, wanting to see if this was real- how could you even be back? Jaemin was groggy, and as you were loud in your shouts of glee, you could hear stomping down the hall outside your room.
“We… how the fuck?” he seemed afraid to be happy, and you couldn’t blame him. How was it your chest wasn’t bogged down by painful weights and you were able to breathe in air that didn’t sear your lungs? 
The door to your room burst open and Mark rushed in, immediately wrapping you in a hug. Others flooded into the room and swallowed both you and Jaemin in tight embraces marked with tears of joy.
“Is this real?” you asked your family, both you and Mark sobbing onto each other's shoulders.
“Y-yes,” your Dad was hardly able to speak as the tears were making it difficult.
“Sicheng told us all what happened the night you guys disappeared,” Hendery was still hugging you both but was the only one not in tears, “so, with his abilities we all sort of got to work.”
“Sicheng and another person entered hell so that you two could leave,” Mark finished. You paused, looking at the people here with you- who else could have gone to hell with Sicheng?
“It… it was your birth Mom. He managed to locate her and big along,” Ten’s tears had subsided enough to answer the question you hadn’t even voiced yet. This was surprising to you. Your birth mother was alive, and seemingly had no interest in knowing you- and truly, you had no interest in knowing her. You were just thankful to everyone for saving Jaemin and yourself- this was your family. You were back on earth with your family, the love of your life, and that was all you could have ever asked for. 
So, when you get Mark alone, you convince him easily to take the chance and switch schools. You were going to hate not having your brother at all times, but you were happy that he was happy, and were excited to see where his future would take him. You were also excited at the prospect of learning the full ins and outs of Knight’s Cross College, and as two years passed and you finished your first degree, you were ready to begin shadowing your father on the job.
Before your college graduation, however, there was one more ceremony you had to attend.
You fixed the collar of Jaemin’s scarlett blazer, dusting off his shoulders before you took a step back. Yuta’s family colors were a deep scarlet and black, and it was tradition for the oligarchy to wear the family colors of the soon to crowned leader of the mythics
“You look great,” you complimented. Yuta’s coronation was set to start in an hour, and your house was in chaos as all of your friends were frantically doing their finishing touches. You wore a scarlet dress with a black shrug, making sure to match Jaemin as best as possible. The psychic seemed nervous, and you squeezed his shoulder to silently ask.
“I… Blue, I have to tell you something,” Jaemin felt guilty. He knew the coronation would go smoothly, but he was well aware of what would happen afterwards. 
“Hang on, I have something I want to give you,” you slipped into the kitchen, grabbing the small wrapped item. You returned to the living room, Jaemin tapping his fingers nervously together. God, he was so beautiful. You blinked quickly, handing him the package. 
“What is it?”
“You have to open it,” you teased. You were nervous, watching as his ringed index fingers slowly began to unravel the package you picked up earlier. “I think the reason you couldn’t find that Sly Cooper comic is because… I was the one that was meant to find it at a reasonable price.”
His eyes went wide as he looked at the comic he had been hunting for several years.
“Yeah sure maybe I wasn’t officially your soulmate but,” you were just speaking now, waiting for him to say anything until he tilted your head up and pressed a small kiss to your lips.
“We were always meant to be soulmates… thank you for this,” he gestured to the comic, and you could feel the giddiness.
“Of course! I came across it at the comic convention a few weeks back,” you stopped smiling, remembering the nerves that still visibly sat behind Jaemin’s smile.
“So, is everything okay?” you kept your voice low hoping the two vampires upstairs wouldn’t be able to hear you two. 
He grabbed your hand with his free one, hoping to quell some of your nerves, “yes just… well… I…”
“Jae, spit it out.”
“Yuta spoke to me about when he takes the crown, he wants to end the oligarchy and have me as the interim chancellor until elections can be made,” Jaemin spat out. Your eyes were wide as you ran through what he was saying.
“How clear is this future?” you asked. Yuta may have spoken with him, but you knew Jaemin would verify the path before accepting or declining. He wouldn’t even bother telling you if the likelihood wasn’t high enough.
“... Clear. Crystal Clear.”
“... Okay,” you nodded, “do you want to be leader?”
“I… I think so.”
“Good. You’re going to be great,” you affirmed. You wanted to always have Jaemin’s back, and even if it made you nervous, you knew he would be the leader the mythic world needed.
“You’re not mad?”
“Jae- why would I be mad? I’m proud of you, and I’m happy Yuta sees in you your abilities to lead.”
He squeezed your hands, laughing in embarrassment at his own fears, “good, because I’ll need you with me every step of the way.”
“Good, because you won’t be getting rid of me that easily.”
You kissed the tip of his nose only to hear sounds of disgust. Looking up towards the stairs, you saw Mark and Hendery cringing at the site.
“It’s been two years,” you sighed in defeat.
“Still gross,” Hendery moved past the two of you, slapping Jaemin’s shoulder as he did. The night prior, mythics who did not have to travel from afar, were ‘highly encouraged’ to help do the work of any final preparations needed for the coronation, and as such, most of your mythics friends parents were roped into the task. According to Jaemin’s mother, whom you had dinner with the night before, stated it was mainly ceremonial- selecting the proper flowers, and making sure the protection barriers were up.
The living room slowly filled up with everyone else in your group, and Jaemin squeezed on the couch next to you after putting the comic away in your room. Ten skipped downstairs afterwards to show off his new scarlet suit, and Johnny slinked down shortly thereafter with his hair slicked back. Chaein entered the space after rummaging through your family’s fridge, her multiple earrings jingling as her elf ears twitched to absorb any noise. Taeyeon has been ready for a while in her silver chain dress. Her and Chaein’s families weren’t in the oligarchy, so while Taeyeon wore her family’s strong silver, Chaein wore a soft lilac dress accented only by the baby pink shawl on her shoulders. 
Taeyeon promised to not try and listen to any of the psychics' thoughts, but judging by Jaemin’s glare she couldn’t help herself from at least trying. It’s easy to tell when a mind reader has been rifling through your current thoughts- it physically feels like a hand is combing through your brain. Jaemin’s simple glare at her was enough to get her to back off. He couldn’t exactly blame her- Jaemin could see the future, and she could read his brain.
“Who is Yuta going to have holding the item he’s sworn in on?” Johnny asked as you all waited on your father. 
“Don’t they usually swear on scrolls from the Sect of Satan?” Taeyeon asked. Satan’s name didn’t send the fearful chill down your spine as it once had. He may be your biological father, but with Sicheng at the helm and Satan apparently off somewhere with your biological mother, your fear of him had begun to dissipate. It helped that you had Jaemin to cling onto when those fears creeped their way back up, but you were there for him when they rose for him as well. It also especially helped to get the occasional letter from Sicheng, reminding you that earth was yours and hell was his.
“I know he’s swearing in on a copy of Frankenstein,” Ten added. While everyone in your group over the past two years came to know of your biological heritage, no one had made you feel weird for it at all. It was all you could have ever asked for.
“Why Frankenstein?” Chaein had voiced what you were also wondering. Frankenstein was your favorite novel, and while Jaemin mentioned in passing that Yuta was in a human literature course, you couldn’t understand why he would pick that.
Ten shrugged and you all sat in silence. While you had come to accept your past, you couldn’t help the guilt you felt regarding the soon to be King. It was clear to everyone that being King was the last thing Yuta wanted, but you knew that it was indirectly because of you that he was put in this position. You wanted to tell him, but you had no idea where to even start. You tried soothing yourself with what Jaemin told you, but the feeling was still hard to shake.
“Did we decide on a cape or no cape?” Your father came barreling down the stairs. Your family’s colors were the same as Knight’s Cross College- a deep Navy blue accented by a rich gold. Your Dad’s suit consisted of the Navy with leaves of gold stitched onto the sleeves. The cape was a gaudy gold color that everyone physically cringed at, earning a sigh from your father as he went back upstairs to put it back.
“I wish you were in our colors,” Mark randomly spit out, earning laughs from the rest of the room.
“Dude, Jaemin is having her up there with the rest of the oligarchy, she can’t stick out like a sore thumb,” Hendery shook his head.
“But still! I can still feel like that!” Mark’s response earned a boo from everyone else, just as your father finally returned to the living room ready to go.
The group was then split in half for the journey- your father, Mark, Ten, Johnny, and Hendery in one car, and the rest of you in Taeyeon’s smaller vehicle. 
The coronation was to be held in an isolated area about a half an hour out from town in a mythic non-denominational worship hall- or an old church, depending on who you asked. Chaein swore the place was beautiful. You were just glad it wasn’t a sect of Satan. You may not fear him, but the nightmare of hell would have been enough to turn you away from a building worshiping it.
The first fifteen minutes of the ride was quiet, the only noise in the car being the radio Chaein was managing, and the sound of the car’s wheels along the road. Trees lined both sides of the road, making it difficult to gauge much in terms of distance and how far along you really were.
“How do mythics prevent humans from just… waltzing over to this place?” You asked, breaking the silence.
“With fairy dust usually,” Taeyeon answered. “There isn’t a lot that can be produced… ethically, so it’s usually saved for important structures like this one.”
“Why is this building so important?” 
“Well, it’s where the agreements amongst the mythics was initially signed. So, most rulers choose to have their coronations here,” it was Jaemin that explained this. “Most, except for like three I think.”
“An elvish king, maybe a vampire queen?” Chaein wondered out loud, earning a sigh from the mind reader.
“Do you guys even pay attention in your mythic history classes? It was all the previous Na psychics,” Taeyeon sucked her teeth. “Jaemin, how do you not know that?”
“A Na hasn’t been a ruler in either of my parents lifetime, it’s not super relevant to me,” he chuckled and you rolled your eyes.
“Especially with the addition of elvish families and mind readers into the oligarchies, I don’t blame you,” you added.
“At least you know that much about the oligarchies,” Taeyeon conceded. The greenery began to thin out. The trees began to fade and giveaway to large, grassy knolls and empty fields only bordered by small wooden fences. 
“We’re getting close,” Chaein stated, earrings ringing. The car was silent for several more minutes, the only thing you could see being miles and miles of empty fields until Taeyeon turned into what seemed like random iron gates on vacant farm land. 
At the front of the iron gates was a burly man with a cloak that concealed his face. He gestured to Taeyeon to lower her car window, to which she obliged.
“Everyone in the car please state your name and species,” they leaned themselves against the frame of the car, until their eyes settled on Jaemin. You looked over at Jaemin, noting his blank stare as one of his eyes was white. The man’s eyes widened in shame as he quickly let go and bowed. “I did not realize a member of the oligarchy was in this vehicle, my deepest apologies. Please proceed.”
“Thank you!” Taeyeon hollered, not raising her window as the iron gates opened and allowed you all to enter what seemed like empty farm land. “That guy shit himself when he saw Jaemin,” she giggled.
“Happy to help,” Jaemin replied, earning a chuckle from everyone else in the car. Before your eyes then, the sunlight seemed to shift. It was as if the sun was reframing itself, and the lighting adjusted to reveal a massive, ornate Victorian structure, cars lining themselves around the building and slowly having different mythics shuffle towards it.
Stepping out of the now parked car, the ground around you shifted from gravel to a beautiful marble that flanked the entire area. 
“Woah,” you breathed out once you stepped out of the car, your eyes as wide as saucers as you took in the site. You initially saw the building as Victorian with it’s steeply pitched roof and ornate gables, but the asymmetry in the design, the disproportionately weighty towers, coupled with the building being coated in an eggshell white threw off any proper time period you could place it in.
“It is pretty cool, huh?” your Dad had parked next to you all and was adjusting his coat next to you as you admired the building.
“It’s incredible.”
“Yeah, the beauty of it never ceases to amaze me either,” he affirmed, before pulling you into a side hug. “You know I’m proud of you, right?”
“I haven’t done anything.”
“I’m still proud of you.”
“Thanks, Dad”
“All right, we’ve gotta go before the council kills us,” Ten yanked yours and Jaemin’s arms, pulling you forward and away from your party. You didn’t catch too much attention as you maneuvered through the small crowds to slip to the back of the building, all the while your shoes pounded the marble flooring. Before Ten could even knock on the large, wooden oak doors, the door sprang open to reveal Ten’s mother.
“Oh, my baby!” she cheered, rushing to wrap him in a hug. Her outfit was a large, poofy, scarlett dress that seemed to swallow Ten as she kept him pressed to her tightly.
“I was with you yesterday!” he bemoaned, trying to get out of her embrace. She sighed, following his wishes. She moved aside then, allowing her son to move past her.
“Hello,” Jaemin greeted blankly, also moving past her. 
When her eyes landed on you as you approached, you smiled widely, and wrapped each other in hugs. You sometimes can forget how cold vampires naturally are, and even though her embrace made you chilly, her sheer enthusiasm was enough to make you feel warm.
“You look so lovely,” she smiled, looking back over her shoulder to glare at Jaemin, “have you complimented her?”
Jaemin was reeling, “I… I hope I did! She looks perfect.”
Ten’s mother scoffed before pushing you inside the building. “Men, I swear. Anyways- Ten, show them the way to the dressing spaces.”
“Got it,” Ten affirmed before leading the way. Jaemin squeezed your hand tightly as if you were going to slip away.
The back hall was a bustling area, several other mythics in red and black colored garments walking around and asking questions, organizing papers, and seeming to be in a panic. 
Brushing past the main back hall, you were led to a small hallway that seemed to hold different dressing rooms. The walls changed from the bricks to old, floral wallpaper, and you found yourself getting increasingly frustrated by the strange design of the building. Some rooms were open, and you could hear laughter from a few, smoke emanating from another, but it was mainly quiet as you were led towards the end of the hall. 
“These are my family’s,” Ten stopped in front of the last open door. It showed an open parlor with several vampires of varying ages lounging on large couches, stopping their gossip to begin waving Ten in. 
“Yeah I’m coming,” he rolled his eyes, but you knew he was happy to see them before he looked back, “see you guys on the other side.”
“See ya,” you waved as Ten shut the door. Turning back to Jaemin, you saw he had moved to one of the last doors in the hall, glaring at the door. “You okay?”
“Yeah…” he faced you then as you reached him, before he wrapped an arm around your waist, “you really do look amazing.”
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” you complimented, earning a small kiss on the cheek.
Jaemin opened the door, and instead of seeing his parents and sister as you had expected, it was just a single person seated in front of a mirror.
“I thought vampires didn’t show up in mirrors,” you joked, hoping to mask the surprise you and Jaemin felt upon seeing the soon to be king waiting in Jaemin’s family room. Yuta laughed before he stood up tall. 
His suit jacket and pants were fully encrusted in ruby and Alexandrite, and with the countless rings on his fingers and the way his hair was combed, there was no doubt he was set to be king.
You saw in the mirror Jaemin’s eye go white before flipping back to their natural brown.
“So you know why I’m here,” Yuta noted the change, moving closer to you both.
“For me, my answer is yes. It hasn’t changed from last time you asked,” Jaemin looked towards you, a small smirk forming on his lips. He looked so handsome, you wished for a second that Yuta wasn’t there so you could be alone, but you blinked the thought away. “I’ll give you two some space.”
This surprised you as Jaemin stepped out of his family room, sending a wink your way before shutting the door. Your boyfriend who was once insecure about a potential future had grown a lot in the time since you had first met. 
You met Yuta’s gaze, gesturing for him to speak.
“Well, I really have two things to ask.”
You stayed silent, watching as he fidgeted under your gaze before he cleared his throat to continue. “I’ll be adding a position to my cabinet, and while I respect your father, I would rather your opinion.”
“What do you mean?” You asked. 
“I will be adding the position of human liaison, and the position is yours, if you take it.” 
You felt immediate guilt. Yuta had the full belief you were still a full human, offering a position to the reason he was forced into being king. You couldn’t bear to hide the truth from him any longer- he deserved to know why his sibling died.
“Yuta… I should tell you something.”
At this, he tilted his head, prompting you to continue. Nervously, you explained the truth about your parentage, how you were sent to the surface thanks to the death of hundreds of mythics. Yuta listened intently as you explained how you learned the truth two years back. You were glad you had a good grasp on your powers now, if not the nerves may have caused you to burst into flames.
It was quiet as you finished and this information settled on the Yuta.
“So, you didn’t have a choice in how you got to earth, and your father tried to force you into a position of power you didn’t want?” Yuta asked, a surprising smirk appearing on his face. This was not the reaction you expected him to have considering you just told him you were the reason his sibling died.
“I… guess that’s one way of putting it.”
Yuta laughed, “it’s okay. Thank you for telling me, but, does this mean you won’t be the human liaison?”
You blinked quickly, stunned at how he moved on so quickly and still asked you to have such an important position. “I… I mean… yeah I would love the job,” you paused, “what was the second question?”
Hell was rough.
Jaemin’s daily routine consisted of getting his soul yanked out for a few hours on end by Satan so his gifts could be utilized. He would have done it for all eternity if it meant you weren’t there- but he was glad to be back on earth with you.
Two years with you were a gift. You were the better of the pair- a fact you would always try to counter, but nothing would ever change Jaemin’s mind. You were always helping him break out of his shell, and you had a charisma he was always in awe of. You made him feel like he mattered, and somehow always knew the right thing to say to him. So, when his future began to line up with Yuta asking Jaemin to be the leader of the mythics until a democratically elected official could be selected, the only reason he felt remotely confident was because of you.
The coronation would be in a large balcony that overlooked the main ballroom. The founding families had started out of the curtains first, a silence now emanating from the ballroom upon the sight of them. You were nervous, your hands shaking. Jaemin took your free hand, the other occupied by the copy of Frankenstein Yuta had handed to you. There was a nearly blinding light pointed to the large balcony as you and Jaemin’s parents stepped out. You had to use what little strength you had to not flinch and just stare straight ahead. Moving through the carpeted path through the oligarchy families, you found yourselves in small rows, yourself now next to Ten.
Jaemin knew Yuta planned to ask you to be a part of his council, but was surprised that Yuta actually asked you to be the one to hold the book he was to swear in on. The job typically went to family, or other high ranking officials, but Jaemin understood that Yuta’s intention with this question served multiple purposes. 
One, was likely to announce the addition of the new council position. The second reason, though, Jaemin felt unsure of.
Silent seconds passed but it felt like an eternity as the rest of the oligarchy families moved through the center and into their rows, before a small orchestra began to play from below. Everyone turned towards the curtains as they rose, showing the soon to be former Queen. She looked stunning from every angle. A golden halo sat on her head that matched her golden faerie wings perfectly. Gracefully, she slowly walked down the center path, and as she did, everyone in the oligarchy began to bow, and you both followed suit.
Jaemin was so proud of you. The coronation was just as dull as he expected- the Queen making a speech that almost made him fall asleep, but as you slipped through the oligarchies to hold Yuta’s book, he felt himself light up. You were ethereal. Next to a fairy and a vampire, you were the most enchanting. The moment came and went, and once you returned to your spot, Jaemin squeezed your hand tightly to reassure you. 
Yuta spoke much less than Taeyong’s mother, mainly outlining some plans and thanking everyone for guiding him on his journey to preparing for this role. Before you both knew it, the Oligarchy exited, and the festivities began.
You and Jaemin were dancing near the center of the dance floor, when you leaned in, “why do you think his crown is a crown of thorns?”
The crown that sits on the King or Queen of the oligarchy changes its form to whoever head it sits upon. Going from a golden halo on the Queen, to suddenly become an iron crown of thorns on the vampire King, was jarring to say the least.
“Hm, sounds like a new mystery for you to solve,” Jaemin teased.
“No, more like for us to solve,” you smirked, earning a laugh from Jaemin. Us.
“I love you, blue.”
“And I love you, Jae.”
More Jaemin? READ ‘EM AND WEEP ->
More of all my stuff? MASTERLISTS ->
Taglist! @nini0620 @enhazen @ibedreaminghighupinthesky
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vagueworry · 3 months
Ugh unfollowing 😒 So many dicks and I’m literally so grossed tf out- you faggots are the worst smh literally off yourselves pride month is over
You are going to boil and burn over in hell #hot #eternalsuffering
Not you acting like I didn’t just catch you last night during astral projection bouncing on the devil and having a train ran on you literally 🤨
#Closeted #Masochist👀 #Ijackedofftoo
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harlisims · 6 years
still trying to see the positives
Im still stuck in a never ending depression. im still having thoughts that scare me immensly and im still trying to figure out why people even deal with me. most dont. they would rather watch me struggle and live on the street. ive applied for every single place in town thats hiring, and havent gotten a call back. I have caseworkers that are supposed to be helping me with my living situation, but wont fucking do their jobs knowing that its just been getting worse and worse as a whole.
People dont understand that i dont choose to live like this. its not so easy to get a job and Adult like other normally functioning adults. I woke up this morning in tears BECAUSE i woke up this morning. Its like every single person that could help me out is watching me and finding pleasure in my hardships... I’d Pray, but i dont believe in god. If it exists, it truly has to be a sadistic motherfucker to watch while people suffer daily to give no relief to their pain.
my body grows tired and tired of living like this. i dont know for how much longer i can do this... 
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provokingdrama · 4 years
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Beginning work on a sketch/drawing of the sullen and wrathful in the 5th circle of Dante's Inferno, caught in the marshes of the Styx. Listening to @loweryourhead for inspiration. #art #artwork #pencildrawing #preliminarysketch #dantesinferno #fifthcircle #styx #underwater #hell #darkart #darkartists #fineart #outsiderart #eternalsuffering #wrath #sullen #condemned #dante #inferno #anger #metalart #artistsoninstagram #artistsontumblr #igart #igartist #originalart #horrorart #macabreart #wip #workinprogress https://www.instagram.com/p/CItlFdtpPti/?igshid=xw3k5c7l8e9r
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matteohudson · 5 years
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Now Listening: Thy Art Is Murder - Human Target. #thyartismurder #thyartismurderhumantarget #humantarget #newgods #deathsquadanthem #makeamericahateagain #eternalsuffering #welcomeoblivion #atonement #voyeursintodeath #eyeforaneye #chemicalchrist #2019 #2019album #deathcore #nowplaying #nowlistening https://www.instagram.com/p/B0vC6YXDB86/?igshid=aksi4frehzlx
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#ThyArtIsMurder's 5th album #HumanTarget has got to be their most aggressive and pissed off album yet! CJ McMahon's vocals are as sick as ever, and the entire album itself is a banger! Best songs are #MakeAmericaHateAgain, #NewGods, #EternalSuffering, #DeathSquadAnthem, and #EyeForAnEye. 🔥🤘 #Deathcore #Metal #DeathMetal #Metalcore #ExtremeMetal https://www.instagram.com/p/B0cqUC2ppN4/?igshid=12l10cem9dojz
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thotkumi · 6 years
you r one of the funniest ppl ever. u and niles are my otp. ship name is EternalSuffering
niles: i hate you bitch. i have to fight the urge to kill you every second we’re together
me: please…….i wanna fuck
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sinniroll-blog · 7 years
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Does anyone like just forget how to English when you’re talking and you’re all like:
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clarissaxrose1212 · 7 months
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Working towards evil ends in eternal suffering, but when we follow God, we receive strength to overcome difficulties, and we receive the potential of eternal life!!!!!
#PraiseGod #PraiseTheLord #GodIsGood #Christian #LoveGod #LoveJesus #LoveEveryone #Love #FaithInGod #ChristianFaith #Faith #HopeInGod #Hope #BelieveInGod #BelieveInJesus #FollowGod #ServeGod #FollowGodsWays #EternalLife #Salvation #EternalSuffering #Pray #GiveThanksToGod #Repent #Forgive #BibleQuote #ChristianQuote #Quote #BibleVerse #Proverbs #Proverbs10 #Proverbs10v29 #KJV #🙏 #❤️ #🙌
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My heart at McFeels
Heart: yeah, can i get a McCrush with a side of They'reBeautiful and a McThey'reOutOfMyLeague with ThinkAboutThemAllDay to drink please
Brain, taking order: that'll be EternalSuffering...... out of Despair...... ok your change is ButtHurtness and Suffering
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silvery-gold-blog · 8 years
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welcome to Circus Baby’s Pizza World, AKA suffering.
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eduardoxcruz · 8 years
Esto se va a des controlar 🎤🎵😎🙌🏻😈 #newband #deathcore #eternalsuffering #666
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frostedfeebs · 8 years
eternal suffering #easter #edit #remix #hell #eternalsuffering #help
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sad3rdgrader-blog · 9 years
why im sad journal entry #3
the font in my 1st juornal entry is difrint than the one in my 2rd entry 
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