lithi · 2 years
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kilfeur · 1 year
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Toxinette aurait une playlist des chansons de Jena Lee dans son portable, j'en suis sûre. Et "Eternise moi" et "Ensemble" sont des chanson ladynoir.
Toxinette would have a playlist of Jena Lee songs in her phone, I'm sure. And "Eternise moi" and "Ensemble" are ladynoir songs.
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pearlsoflongago · 4 months
Pools by the Sea
Poetry and Paintings from the Seaside
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Seacoast, Gloucester by John Sloane
The Rock Pool
This is the Sea. In these uneven walls A wave lies prisoned. Far and far away, Outward to ocean, as the slow tide falls, Her sisters, through the capes that hold the bay, Dancing in lovely liberty recede. But lovely in captivity she lies, Filled with soft colours, where the waving weed Moves gently, and discloses to our eyes Blurred shining veins of rock and lucent shells Under the light-shot water, and here repose Small quiet fish, and dimly-glowing bells Of sleeping sea-anemones that close Their tender fronds and will not now awake Till on these rocks the waves returning break.
—Edward Shanks
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Pools by the Seaside by William Hart
I know what my heart is like Since your love died: It is like a hollow ledge Holding a little pool Left there by the tide, A little tepid pool, Drying inward from the edge.
—Edna St. Vincent Millay
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Woman at the Beach by Santeri Salokivi
Sonnet LXXV
One day I wrote her name upon the strand, But came the waves and washed it away: Again I wrote it with a second hand; But came the tide, and made my pains his prey. “Vain man,” said she, “that dost in vain assay A mortal thing so to immortalize; For I my self shall like to this decay, And eke my name be wiped out likewise.” “Not so,” quoth I; “let baser things devise To die in dust, but you shall live by fame: My verse your virtues rare shall eternise, And in the heavens write your glorious name.   Where, when as death shall all the world subdue,   Our love shall live, and later life renew.”
—Edmund Spenser, from Amoretti
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Isles of Shoals, Broad Cove by Childe Hassam
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rosewiltd · 1 year
Trahis mes émotions, sacrifie ma raison Betray my emotions, sacrifice my reason Éternise-toi Eternize you Éternise-moi Eternize me Condamne-moi d’un regard Sentence me, with one look À saigner pour t’avoir Bleeding to get you Éternise-toi Eternize you Éternise-moi Eternize me
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r3ptili4 · 6 years
Une seule envie: Le voir dans mes insomnies, viens voler ma vie dans l'antre de mes nuits.
Apenas um desejo: Veja-o em minha insônia, venha roubar minha vida na cova das minhas noites.
Jena Lee, Eskemo
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kabhi-kavi · 3 years
Yesterday, by the sea, I saw you in the fog the water smoked, Icarus of Crete, Icarus who flew, Icarus who fell. Tell me Icarus, Was it worth this, you touching the sun ? Was it worth you becoming a myth, A cautionary tale ? Your father Daedalus who was a murderer who was an inventor who was a genius who was a wild bird free who loved You, gave you the Keys; And Icarus with your wax-wings and your mind-full-of-dreams flew up high, flew away free, Bird born in cage, caged bird Free- But young bird, did you know ? Oh Icarus of the Labyrinth, did you know (Apollo loved free birds, wild kids Apollo loved and his lovers died Apollo loved and his lovers were eternised  did you know, Icarus, did you know ?) Waterlogged birds are drowned birds And, oh Icarus of the Sky! Your feathers in wax-wings, unwaxed were they White feathers that drowned- Icarus, what became of your wings ? Icarus, did you give up your wings, white waxed waterlogged wings ? Icarus, I ask you, did you go into the depths, did you go into the blue darks ? But you only smile sharp as a knife, and you say nothing, And all I have in hand now is all fog and smoke.
- i saw Icarus in the breath of the sea and the shore
Shreya S.
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sovamurka · 2 years
Balor and Yana in Vol.1: Jena Lee ft. Eskemo - Eternise-moi
Balor and Yana in Vol.2: Eskemo ft. Jena Lee - Ensemble 
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artdaily7 · 4 years
Amoretti: Sonnet 81 by Edmund Spenser
One day I wrote her name upon the strand, But came the waves and washed it away: Again I wrote it with a second hand, But came the tide and made my pains his prey. Vain man (said she) that dost in vain assay A mortal thing so to immortalise; For I myself shall like to this decay, And eke my name be wiped out likewise. Not so (quod I); let baser things devise To die in dust, but you shall live by fame; My verse your virtues rare shall eternise, And in the heavens write your glorious name: Where, when as Death shall all the world subdue, Our love shall live, and later life renew.
John William Waterhouse 1894 Ophelia (by the pond), oil on canvas, PC
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certainrebelarbiter · 3 years
Aroma Chemicals Market Demand Analysis in 2021, Global Revenue, Top Companies Growth Forecast to 2028
Eternise Fine Chemicals Acquires Tennants Fine Chemicals to Expand Its Product Portfolio
In February 2021, Eternis Fine Chemicals announced the acquisition of Tennants Fine Chemicals, a provider of specialty chemicals based in the U.K. This buyout would help Eternis to leverage multi-location distribution and manufacturing platforms, as well as broaden its range of these type of chemicals. As per one of the company officials, “The 100% acquisition of Tennants would help the former to expand its position in India’s specialty and aroma chemicals industry.”
The global aroma chemicals market size is projected to reach USD 6,968.3 million by 2028. As the demand for natural ingredients is increasing, various manufacturers are trying to create novel technologies to prevent environmental damage or pollution. For instance, Privi Speciality Chemicals Limited utilizes agrochemicals from by-products and high-value aroma chemicals from Crude Sulphate Turpentine (CST) to improve eco-friendly operations and reduce emissions. Fortune Business Insights™ published this information in a new study, titled, “Aroma Chemicals Market, 2021-2028.” As per the study, the market stood at USD 4,976.0 million in 2020. It is set to exhibit a CAGR of 4.5% during the forecast period between 2021 to 2028.
Declining Sales of Beauty and Cosmetics Products to Obstruct Growth amid COVID-19
The sales of cosmetics and beauty products have fallen drastically owing to the COVID-19 pandemic across the globe. Givaudan, for instance, declared that the sales of fine fragrances declined by 16.4% during the first half of 2020 backed by closure of retail channels and travel bans. Besides, consumer goods companies mentioned that they experienced mixed financials across numerous divisions. Procter & Gamble (P&G)’s net sales in grooming and beauty segments went down by 3% and 1% in the third quarter of 2020.
Report Coverage-
We have conducted primary and secondary research to gather information about various aspects of this report. Our special interviews with end-user respondents and supply side respondents helped in gaining insights into the average pricing, per capita consumption trend, average spending on products, growth rate, market size, and dynamics. We have also taken information from reputed industry journals, articles, and press releases of organizations operating in the field of aroma chemicals.
Browse Complete Report Summary@ https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/aroma-chemicals-market-105142
Drivers & Restraints-
Rising Need to Maintain Formulations and Quality of Products to Aid Growth
Aroma chemicals are extensively used in toiletries and cosmetics, such as hand washes, lipsticks, gels, shampoos, body lotions, aftershaves, moisturizers, soaps, and others. Manufacturers are striving persistently to maintain the quality and formulations of these products by inducing natural scents. Hence, they are inclining rapidly towards organic ingredients.
However, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) declared that around 75% of fragrance ingredients hidden in the list provided in labels contain phthalates that can cause disruptive hormonal activities, breast cancer, reproductive malformation, and reduction in sperm count. This factor may hinder the aroma chemicals market growth in the near future.
Fine Fragrances Segment to Dominate Stoked by Rising Technological Advancements
By source, the market is categorized into synthetic and natural. Based on the product, it is divided into terpenes/terpenoids, benzenoids, musk chemicals, and others. Lastly, by applications, it is fragmented into food & beverages, fine fragrances, cosmetics & toiletries, soaps & detergents, and others. Out of these, the fine fragrances earned 53.18% and 51.62% in terms of the aroma chemicals market share globally and in the U.S. in 2020. This segment is anticipated to remain at the forefront because of the ongoing technological advancements in this field.
Regional Insights-
Increasing Spending on Premium Perfumes to Help Europe Dominate in Upcoming Years
Regionally, Europe held USD 1,807.3 million in 2020 in terms of revenue. It is anticipated to lead the market in the forthcoming years fueled by the high consumer spending on premium and luxurious perfumes, especially in developed countries, such as Germany, U.K., and France. In North America, the market is set to grow steadily because of the rising health-consciousness among consumers. Asia Pacific would grow significantly in the upcoming years on account of the increasing demand for fragrances in India, Japan, and China.
Competitive Landscape-
Key Companies Aim to Gain Competitive Edge through Acquisitions and New Launches
The global market possesses several renowned companies that are majorly focusing on developing sustainable, premium-quality, and cost-effective products to meet the high demand worldwide. Some of the others are participating in the acquisition strategy to gain a competitive edge. Below is one of the latest industry developments:
January 2020: Solvay unveiled a unique high purity synthetic eugenol called     Eugenol Synth featuring olfactory properties for fragrance applications.     It will act as an alternative to help meet the demand from the flavors     & fragrance (F&F) market.
A list of reputed manufacturers present in the global market:
Privi Speciality Chemicals Limited (Navi     Mumbai, India)
BORDAS S.A. (Sevilla, Spain)
BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany)
DSM (Heerlen, Netherlands)
Hindustan Mint & Agro Products Pvt. Ltd.     (Uttar Pradesh, India)
International Flavors & Fragrances Inc.     (New York, the U.S.)
Kao Chemicals Europe (Barcelona, Spain)
Symrise (Holzminden, Germany)
Givaudan (Vernier, Switzerland)
Solvay (Brussels, Belgium)
Takasago International Corporation (Tokyo,     Japan)
Keva (Mumbai, India)
Eternis Fine Chemicals Ltd. (Mumbai, India)
Other Key Players
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Szülinapodra utólag: Köszönöm a gyerekkorunkat! Köszönöm, hogy Te lehettél az első barátnőm és az egyetlen, akit valaha testvéremként szerethettem! Köszönöm, hogy színt hoztál az életembe és hogy inspiráltál annyira, hogy ez a könyv létrejöhessen. Rossz, hogy ennyi év és még ki tudja hány évre ítéltél azzal, hogy egyedül sírjak temetve a gyerekkorunkat, amitől rendesen már soha nem búcsúzhatunk el. Sajnálom, hogy csalódást okoztam! Köszönöm Balatont és hogy nem érezhettem magam soha hülyén, mikor ahhoz volt kedvem, hogy gödröt ássak a Balatonba és messziről nézhessem, ahogy beleesnek az emberek. Köszönöm, hogy társ voltál abban is, hogy halandzsázva, hamisan énekeljem az “eternise moi”-t, amikor csak kedvem támadt hozzá! Köszönöm, hogy Te mindig tudtad, melyik filmből idéztem, mikor csak annyit mondtam: “Hát ő izééé… ő meg a kis Courtney”. Köszönöm, hogy találkozhattam veled úgy, hogy előtte nem borotváltam lábat! Köszönöm, hogy mutattál egy csomó jó zenét és filmet! Köszönöm, hogy beöltöztél velem Lady Gagának és Hayley Williamsnak és megörökíthettük a csoda táncainkat videón! Sajnálom, hogy ezek a videók már nincsenek meg nekem. Köszönöm, hogy szinkronizáltad velem az uncsi műsorokat a Tv-ben. Köszönöm, hogy sohasem nevettél ki, kivéve amikor hasra estem a jégen, vettem egy kiló csokis croisant-t (nem tudom, hogy kell ragozni), vagy mikor véletlen eldobtam a távirányítót.  A te helyed az én életemben már mindig üres marad, azóta se vette át senki és nem is fogja átvenni a helyedet. Mindenki más csak második. Sajnálom, hogy nem voltam ott mindig, amikor szükséged volt rám! Sajnálom, hogy ennek az egésznek így kellett véget érnie. Sajnálom, hogy sohasem láthatod ezt a könyvet, amit azóta csinálok, hogy elmentél. Sajnálom, hogy nem adhattam oda időben ezt az ajándékot még akkor a 18. Szülinapodra!  Búcsúzom, mert már túl rég óta van nyitva az ajtóm és már soha sem fogsz belépni rajta. Valamikor nekem is el kell engednem.  Csak szerettem volna, ha ezt mind tudod! Bár nyílván ezt sem fogod látni soha, viszont én meg kiírhattam magamból. Utólag ugyan, de Isten éltessen sokáig! Ég veled, S
“A könyv”, amit még neked szántam annó. mert: “Barát az, aki ad neked egy könyvet, amit még nem olvastál”
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anjo-da-noite · 4 years
Ah um momento que nunca vou esquecer ,eu ainda era apenas uma menininha ,sua subrinha, tio ,eu sei que não conpartilhamos muitos momentos mas aquele de minha infancia lhe eternisou dentro de mim, e sempre será assim, tudo foi rapido de mais ,ainda estou tentando entender ,é verdsde que não o verei outra vez?mas por quê? Ainda era tao jovem, e em um pisca você se foi e contigo um pedaço de mim.
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blindeyemagi · 4 years
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One day I wrote her name upon the strand, But came the waves and washèd it away: Again I wrote it with a second hand, But came the tide and made my pains his prey. Vain man (said she) that dost in vain assay A mortal thing so to immortalise; For I myself shall like to this decay, And eke my name be wipèd out likewise. Not so (quod I); let baser things devise To die in dust, but you shall live by fame; My verse your virtues rare shall eternise, And in the heavens write your glorious name: Where, when as Death shall all the world subdue, Our love shall live, and later life renew. Edmund Spenser, #blindeyemagi #magic #edmundspenser #immortality #poetry #graveyard #project_necropolis #cemeteryphotography #grave_affair #cemetery_lovers #graveyard_freaks #grave_gallery #doyoubelieveinmagic https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgh5SUHKZJ/?igshid=1dsn2stauo9if
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marquise-angels · 7 years
Éternise-moi Jena Lee, Eskemo
Naïve et faible Elle a le coeur pour me plaire elle m’attire et j’en crève elle est plus qu’un mauvais reve
Juste une envie Le voir dans mes insomnies Viens voler ma vie dans l'antre de mes nuits
Je m’approche elle devrait se méfier Je n’ai pas je n’ai pas peur je le laisse m’hypnotiser c'est comme si elle m'offrait ses pensées je le laisse me blesser
Trahi mes émotions sacrifie ma raison Eternise toi Eternise moi comdamne moi d'un regard à saigner pour t'avoir Eternise toi Eternise moi
Rend moi insensible Je ne veux plus rien ressentir Fais de ma peine une cible vise la pour me guérir
Sa douleur m’inspire Mais je renais dans ses sourires Comment la priver De son humanité
Tu perdrais tout pour l’éternité Fais de moi, fais de moi l’élu Aspire mon âme sans regret Quitte à mourir pour exister Sauve-moi, d'un baiser Trahi mes émotions sacrifie ma raison Eternise toi Eternise moi comdamne moi d'un regard à saigner pour t'avoir Eternise toi Eternise moi
Elle est devenue essentielle Je n’ai plus le choix elle m’appelle mon enfer rejoint le ciel il me glace de l'intérieur crucifie ma peine et mes peurs je me sens déjà ailleurs ailleurs Trahi mes émotions sacrifie ma raison Eternise toi Eternise moi comdamne moi d'un regard à saigner pour t'avoir Eternise toi Eternise moi  
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lofihipbot · 5 years
lofi hip hop beats to eternise to
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dist-the-rose · 4 years
Chapter 25: The General Law of Capitalist Accumulation Section 1: The Increased Demand for labour power that Accompanies Accumulation, the Composition of Capital Remaining the same In this chapter we consider the influence of the growth of capital on the lot of the labouring class. The most important factor in this inquiry is the composition of capital and the changes it undergoes in the course of the process of accumulation. The composition of capital is to be understood in a two-fold sense. On the side of value, it is determined by the proportion in which it is divided into constant capital or value of the means of production, and variable capital or value of labour power, the sum total of wages. On the side of material, as it functions in the process of production, all capital is divided into means of production and living labour power. This latter composition is determined by the relation between the mass of the means of production employed, on the one hand, and the mass of labour necessary for their employment on the other. I call the former the value-composition, the latter the technical composition of capital. Between the two there is a strict correlation. To express this, I call the value composition of capital, in so far as it is determined by its technical composition and mirrors the changes of the latter, the organic composition of capital. Wherever I refer to the composition of capital, without further qualification, its organic composition is always understood. The many individual capitals invested in a particular branch of production have, one with another, more or less different compositions. The average of their individual compositions gives us the composition of the total capital in this branch of production. Lastly, the average of these averages, in all branches of production, gives us the composition of the total social capital of a country, and with this alone are we, in the last resort, concerned in the following investigation. Growth of capital involves growth of its variable constituent or of the part invested in labour power. A part of the surplus value turned into additional capital must always be re-transformed into variable capital, or additional labour fund. If we suppose that, all other circumstances remaining the same, the composition of capital also remains constant (i.e., that a definite mass of means of production constantly needs the same mass of labour power to set it in motion), then the demand for labour and the subsistence-fund of the labourers clearly increase in the same proportion as the capital, and the more rapidly, the more rapidly the capital increases. Since the capital produces yearly a surplus value, of which one part is yearly added to the original capital; since this increment itself grows yearly along with the augmentation of the capital already functioning; since lastly, under special stimulus to enrichment, such as the opening of new markets, or of new spheres for the outlay of capital in consequence of newly developed social wants, &c., the scale of accumulation may be suddenly extended, merely by a change in the division of the surplus value or surplus-product into capital and revenue, the requirements of accumulating capital may exceed the increase of labour power or of the number of labourers; the demand for labourers may exceed the supply, and, therefore, wages may rise. This must, indeed, ultimately be the case if the conditions supposed above continue. For since in each year more 305 Chapter XXV labourers are employed than in its predecessor, sooner or later a point must be reached, at which the requirements of accumulation begin to surpass the customary supply of labour, and, therefore, a rise of wages takes place. A lamentation on this score was heard in England during the whole of the fifteenth, and the first half of the eighteenth centuries. The more or less favourable circumstances in which the wage working class supports and multiplies itself, in no way alter the fundamental character of capitalist production. As simple reproduction constantly reproduces the capital relation itself, i.e., the relation of capitalists on the one hand, and wage workers on the other, so reproduction on a progressive scale, i.e., accumulation, reproduces the capital relation on a progressive scale, more capitalists or larger capitalists at this pole, more wage workers at that. The reproduction of a mass of labour power, which must incessantly re-incorporate itself with capital for that capital’s self-expansion; which cannot get free from capital, and whose enslavement to capital is only concealed by the variety of individual capitalists to whom it sells itself, this reproduction of labour power forms, in fact, an essential of the reproduction of capital itself. Accumulation of capital is, therefore, increase of the proletariat.1 Classical economy grasped this fact so thoroughly that Adam Smith, Ricardo, &c., as mentioned earlier, inaccurately identified accumulation with the consumption, by the productive labourers, of all the capitalised part of the surplus-product, or with its transformation into additional wage labourers. As early as 1696 John Bellers says: “For if one had a hundred thousand acres of land and as many pounds in money, and as many cattle, without a labourer, what would the rich man be, but a labourer? And as the labourers make men rich, so the more labourers there will be, the more rich men ... the labour of the poor being the mines of the rich.”2 So also Bernard de Mandeville at the beginning of the eighteenth century: “It would be easier, where property is well secured, to live without money than without poor; for who would do the work? ... As they [the poor] ought to be kept from starving, so they should receive nothing worth saving. If here and there one of the lowest class by uncommon industry, and pinching his belly, lifts himself above the condition he was brought up in, nobody ought to hinder him; nay, it is undeniably the wisest course for every person in the society, and for every private family to be frugal; but it is the interest of all rich nations, that the greatest part of the poor-should almost never be idle, and yet continually spend what they get.... Those that get their living by their daily labour ... have nothing to stir them up to be serviceable but their wants which it is prudence to relieve, but folly to cure. The only thing then that can render the labouring man industrious, is a moderate quantity of money, for as too little will, according as his temper is, either dispirit or make him desperate, so too much will make him insolent and lazy.... From what has been said, it is manifest, that, in a free nation, where slaves are not allowed of, the surest wealth consists in a multitude of laborious poor; for besides, that they are the never-failing nursery of fleets and armies, without them there could be no enjoyment, and no product of any country could be valuable. “To make the society” [which of course consists of non-workers] “happy and people easier under the meanest circumstances, it is requisite that great numbers of them should be ignorant as well as poor; knowledge both enlarges and multiplies our desires, and the fewer things a man wishes for, the more easily his necessities may be supplied.”3 What Mandeville, an honest, clear-headed man, had not yet seen, is that the mechanism of the process of accumulation itself increases, along with the capital, the mass of “labouring poor,” i.e., the wage labourers, who turn their labour power into an increasing power of self-expansion of the growing capital, and even by doing so must eternise their dependent relation on their own 306 Chapter XXV product, as personified in the capitalists. In reference to this relation of dependence, Sir F. M. Eden in his “The State of the Poor, an History of the Labouring Classes in England,” says, “the natural produce of our soil is certainly not fully adequate to our subsistence; we can neither be clothed, lodged nor fed but in consequence of some previous labour. A portion at least of the society must be indefatigably employed .... There are others who, though they ‘neither toil nor spin,’ can yet command the produce of industry, but who owe their exemption from labour solely to civilisation and order .... They are peculiarly the creatures of civil institutions,4 which have recognised that individuals may acquire property by various other means besides the exertion of labour.... Persons of independent fortune ... owe their superior advantages by no means to any superior abilities of their own, but almost entirely ... to the industry of others. It is not the possession of land, or of money, but the command of labour which distinguishes the opulent from the labouring part of the community .... This [scheme approved by Eden] would give the people of property sufficient (but by no means too much) influence and authority over those who ... work for them; and it would place such labourers, not in an abject or servile condition, but in such a state of easy and liberal dependence as all who know human nature, and its history, will allow to be necessary for their own comfort.”5 Sir F. M. Eden, it may be remarked in passing, is the only disciple of Adam Smith during the eighteenth century that produced any work of importance.6 Under the conditions of accumulation supposed thus far, which conditions are those most favourable to the labourers, their relation of dependence upon capital takes on a form endurable or, as Eden says: “easy and liberal.” Instead of becoming more intensive with the growth of capital, this relation of dependence only becomes more extensive, i.e., the sphere of capital’s exploitation and rule merely extends with its own dimensions and the number of its subjects. A larger part of their own surplus-product, always increasing and continually transformed into additional capital, comes back to them in the shape of means of payment, so that they can extend the circle of their enjoyments; can make some additions to their consumption-fund of clothes, furniture, &c., and can lay by small reserve funds of money. But just as little as better clothing, food, and treatment, and a larger peculium, do away with the exploitation of the slave, so little do they set aside that of the wage worker. A rise in the price of labour, as a consequence of accumulation of capital, only means, in fact, that the length and weight of the golden chain the wage worker has already forged for himself, allow of a relaxation of the tension of it. In the controversies on this subject the chief fact has generally been overlooked, viz., the differentia specifica [defining characteristic] of capitalistic production. labour power is sold today, not with a view of satisfying, by its service or by its product, the personal needs of the buyer. His aim is augmentation of his capital, production of commodities containing more labour than he pays for, containing therefore a portion of value that costs him nothing, and that is nevertheless realised when the commodities are sold. Production of surplus value is the absolute law of this mode of production. labour power is only saleable so far as it preserves the means of production in their capacity of capital, reproduces its own value as capital, and yields in unpaid labour a source of additional capital.7 The conditions of its sale, whether more or less favourable to the labourer, include therefore the necessity of its constant re-selling, and the constantly extended reproduction of all wealth in the shape of capital. Wages, as we have seen, by their very nature, always imply the performance of a certain quantity of unpaid labour on the part of the labourer. Altogether, irrespective of the case of a rise of wages with a falling price of labour, &c., such an increase only means at best a quantitative diminution of the unpaid labour that the worker has to supply. This diminution can never reach the point at which it would threaten the system itself. Apart from violent conflicts as to the rate of wages (and Adam Smith has already shown that in such a 307 Chapter XXV conflict, taken on the whole, the master is always master), a rise in the price of labour resulting from accumulation of capital implies the following alternative: Either the price of labour keeps on rising, because its rise does not interfere with the progress of accumulation. In this there is nothing wonderful, for, says Adam Smith, “after these (profits) are diminished, stock may not only continue to increase, but to increase much faster than before.... A great stock, though with small profits, generally increases faster than a small stock with great profits.” (l. c., ii, p. 189.) In this case it is evident that a diminution in the unpaid labour in no way interferes with the extension of the domain of capital. – Or, on the other hand, accumulation slackens in consequence of the rise in the price of labour, because the stimulus of gain is blunted. The rate of accumulation lessens; but with its lessening, the primary cause of that lessening vanishes, i.e., the disproportion between capital and exploitable labour power. The mechanism of the process of capitalist production removes the very obstacles that it temporarily creates. The price of labour falls again to a level corresponding with the needs of the self-expansion of capital, whether the level be below, the same as, or above the one which was normal before the rise of wages took place. We see thus: In the first case, it is not the diminished rate either of the absolute, or of the proportional, increase in labour power, or labouring population, which causes capital to be in excess, but conversely the excess of capital that makes exploitable labour power insufficient. In the second case, it is not the increased rate either of the absolute, or of the proportional, increase in labour power, or labouring population, that makes capital insufficient; but, conversely, the relative diminution of capital that causes the exploitable labour power, or rather its price, to be in excess. It is these absolute movements of the accumulation of capital which are reflected as relative movements of the mass of exploitable labour power, and therefore seem produced by the latter’s own independent movement. To put it mathematically: the rate of accumulation is the independent, not the dependent, variable; the rate of wages, the dependent, not the independent, variable. Thus, when the industrial cycle is in the phase of crisis, a general fall in the price of commodities is expressed as a rise in the value of money, and, in the phase of prosperity, a general rise in the price of commodities, as a fall in the value of money. The socalled currency school concludes from this that with high prices too much, with low prices too little8 money is in circulation. Their ignorance and complete misunderstanding of facts 9 are worthily paralleled by the economists, who interpret the above phenomena of accumulation by saying that there are now too few, now too many wage labourers. The law of capitalist production, that is at the bottom of the pretended “natural law of population,” reduces itself simply to this: The correlation between accumulation of capital and rate of wages is nothing else than the correlation between the unpaid labour transformed into capital, and the additional paid labour necessary for the setting in motion of this additional capital. It is therefore in no way a relation between two magnitudes, independent one of the other: on the one hand, the magnitude of the capital; on the other, the number of the labouring population; it is rather, at bottom, only the relation between the unpaid and the paid labour of the same labouring population. If the quantity of unpaid labour supplied by the working class, and accumulated by the capitalist class, increases so rapidly that its conversion into capital requires an extraordinary addition of paid labour, then wages rise, and, all other circumstances remaining equal, the unpaid labour diminishes in proportion. But as soon as this diminution touches the point at which the surplus labour that nourishes capital is no longer supplied in normal quantity, a reaction sets in: a smaller part of revenue is capitalised, accumulation lags, and the movement of rise in wages receives a check. The rise of wages therefore is confined within limits that not only leave intact the foundations of the capitalistic system, but also secure its reproduction on a progressive scale. The law of capitalistic accumulation, metamorphosed by economists into pretended law of Nature, in reality merely states that the very nature of accumulation excludes every diminution in the degree of exploitation of labour, and every rise in the price of labour, which could seriously imperil the continual reproduction, on an ever-enlarging scale, of the 308 Chapter XXV capitalistic relation. It cannot be otherwise in a mode of production in which the labourer exists to satisfy the needs of self-expansion of existing values, instead of, on the contrary, material wealth existing to satisfy the needs of development on the part of the labourer. As, in religion, man is governed by the products of his own brain, so in capitalistic production, he is governed by the products of his own hand.10
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dieusoleil1910 · 4 years
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