#ethan hunt x julia
theloveoftoms · 1 year
The Farmers Market - Ethan Hunt x Julia
Summary: Julia and Ethan decide to visit a local farmers market. Lots of fluff and sweet stuff <3
A/N: Hello hotties, your girl is back with a fic! This one isn't incredibly long, but I had so much fun writing it! I love Ethan and Julia so much. This story comes from a request about Ethan and Julia asked by the incredible @skinnycruise -I hope you like it! I saw that selfie of Ethan and Julia last week and I couldn't not write about them 🥹 xoxo mac
Word Count: 1.4k
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With the warm breeze of May fresh upon the horizon, it seemed like spring was gracing the seaside city of Boston with longer days of sun and warmer weather. With the arrival of spring meant the arrival of another popular attraction; the farmers market.
The first weekend in May, farmers from the surrounding area of the city would bring in their vegetables and produce and set up a market in one of the downtown parks.
Standing in the kitchen, drinking a cup of warm vanilla coffee was, Julia, when the idea of the farmers market popped into her mind for no particular reason. She wasn't too sure why the idea of the farmers market popped into her mind, but the more she thought of it, she thought that it might be fun to go. Julia didn't go too often as it was much easier to just pick up groceries on the way home from the hospital after work, but having her husband back home for a while made the idea appealing to her as a fun little date that the both of them could go on.
So, when Ethan, a man who had lacked sleep for the better part of three months while he was away in Europe chasing after terrorists and criminals, caught up on his sleep, Julia brewed a fresh pot of coffee and made some eggs and toast to wake her husband up with. And while he was busy eating and waking up for the day, she retreated to their shared bedroom and put on a white and blue floral print dress that fell just below the knees. Tucked in her dark hair was a pair of white-rimmed sunglasses that matched both the sandals on her feet and the colour of her linen dress.
When she came back out into the kitchen, Ethan, who was perched on one of the bar stools around the kitchen island grinned sweetly at her like no time had passed since the two of them met, all those many years ago when they had locked eyes across a crowded room.
"You sure you wanna go out?" he asked, snaking a hand around her waist, "because i'm just fine here."
Julia chuckled and planted a gentle kiss atop of her husbands dark hair, "we need something to cook for dinner," she said, "besides, it will be fun."
Ethan nodded, linking his hand with Julia's, "give me ten and I'll be ready," he said gesturing to his outfit that composed of an old worn t-shirt and the pair of boxers he had slept in last night, "unless you want me walking around beside you like this?"
Julia rolled her eyes at her husband, and swatted gently at his bicep, sending him on his was to change.
And surely enough, when Ethan emerged back in the kitchen of their apartment wearing a black t-shirt tucked into a pair of dark jeans - his signature pair of aviators tucked within the neck of his shirt - he looked much more put together.
"All ready?" Julia asked him, smiling in his presence.
Ethan nodded, and followed his wife out to the car.
The Boston seaside park was transformed from its usual routine of people utilizing the trails for fitness into a venue that was surely captivating. Among the greenery of the spring-time park was countless booths, each with something different to offer.
At some there were freshly-cut flowers, at others there were handcrafted items, and at most there were some sort of produce or home-made goods.
"What are we on the look out for?" Ethan asked, noticing a booth with crochet baby slippers, all in a variety of tiny sizes with a plethora of pastel coloured yarn composing them.
"You think they have those in my size?" he asked, retracting his prior question, gesturing to the slippers.
Julia snorted as they walked past, picturing a light pink pair of slippers drawn to her husbands feet which made the woman running the booth shoot them a dirty look from across the walk way.
"What's so funny Jul?" Ethan asked, his arm draping around her shoulders.
Julia shook her head, "I was just imagining you in a pair of those," pointing to a light pink pair with a comedically large yellow duck crocheted to the toe of it.
"Please Julia," Ethan replied nonchalantly, "have some class. If you're going to day dream about me in a pair of slippers, at least imagine me in the green ones with the trains."
"Hmm," Julia hummed, trying to hide her smile, "I think the ones with the little pigs would really bring out your eyes."
Julia looked to Ethan to find that his gaze was already on her. From his place beside his wife, the nearly-blue, nearly-green, oceanic eyes of Ethan Hunt were pressed so effortlessly to her.
He noted the way she smiled, and the way the corners of her eyes crinkled ever so slightly when she laughed. He had missed this. He had missed the plain, mundane, ordinary, activities of everyday life. He had missed taking morning walks that were rooted in pleasure. He had missed Julia.
Ethan had missed the soft scent of her fragrant soap. He had missed the way her hand was always linked with his. He had missed her.
Ethan Hunt wasn't really a fan of farmers markets, but even the most ordinary of things seemed to be enough for his busy mind and constant drive whenever Julia was around.
"What do you think about these carrots?" Julia asked her husband as the two of them approached a table of hearty produce.
"I think," he said, pausing, unsure of how to really reply, "their carrots."
"They look pretty good? no?"Julia asked, "we could make a salad for dinner tonight?"
Ethan nodded, noticing a booth across the way that caught his eye. "That sounds great," he said, planting a kiss to the back of his wife's hand.
Ethan walked up with Julia to the selection of vegetables and while she was busy looking through a pile of carrots for the best ones, he saw his opportunity.
"I'll be right back," he told her, "Theres something I want to get."
So, while Julia was busy barging for the price of vegetables with a friendly farmer, Ethan was picking though a variety of flowers at one of the booths across the way.
There were tulips, roses, carnations, and other flowers alike, but none of them really seemed to capture the essence of his wife.
"Do you need any help?" the woman behind the table asked, noticing Ethan's puzzled gaze and unsureness in regards to the flowers.
"Yeah, that would be great," he replied sheepishly, "I'm not too sure which ones to get."
"Who are we shopping for?" She asked, smiling sweetly.
"My wife," Ethan said. "Ive been away for work and I want to get her something nice."
The woman smiled gently and then turned around to the buckets behind her to retrieve a bouquet of neatly wrapped irises.
"How do we feel about these?" She asked, "We just got them this morning!"
Ethan examined the beautiful, almost-sheer-like, flowers that were somehow both the perfect shade of blue and purple. These were Julia he thought to himself before nodding his head in approval.
Ethan handed the woman a twenty dollar bill and wished her a good day as he held the bouquet of flowers tightly in his hand.
By the time he got back to Julia, she was just finishing arranging the carrots and lettuce into the tote bag she had brought along with them from the car.
Looking up in Ethan's presence, Julia's eyes darted to the bouquet of flowers in his hand before meeting the eyes of her husband once more.
"Ethan?" she asked, "What's this?"
Ethan smiled, handing her the flowers, "I just wanted to do something nice for my wife."
Julia smiled, bringing the bouquet of flowers close to her chest, "they're beautiful Ethan!" she gushed, "I love you, " she told him, stepping forward, closing the distance between the two of them.
Naturally, his hands found their way around her waist, and before his lips pressed to hers in a kiss that was gentle and sweet, he repeated the words back to her.
"I love you."
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fire-of-the-sun · 1 year
Ilsa and Ethan: There's Still Hope
Spoiler Warning for M:I7!
I'm sure a ton has already been said about Ilsa in the new movie, whether it be lamenting her loss or developing theories as to her potential return in the next film, but here are some contributions I've been mulling over. This isn't going to be an exhaustive list of reasons why she's still alive, but I will try to address some and add my own thoughts into the mix.
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I agree with the discussion that one of the best clues of this all being a fake out lies in Ethan and Ilsa's reunion near the beginning of the film. Ilsa plays dead during the fight and Ethan momentarily believes it before she attacks him and reveals herself to be alive. As it stands, this looks like a foreshadowing to her eventual, real death, however, I think it instead acts as setup to her still being alive. I think it's clear that her death fakeout exists to give us clues to her eventual return as well as deflect audiences from even considering it as we're trained to accept that foreshadowed events that transpire in most stories would simply be the end of it, but this isn't a typical story, this is Mission: Impossible, and nothing is as it seems and this film establishes that that's more true now than ever.
And if you're really going to kill Ilsa off, why do a fake-out at all? Why not just have her die later without warning and really shock the audience? Why already have the fans ruminating on the possibility early on and telegraph it long before it actually happens? Consider Julia's "death" in M:I3. The film starts in media res and there's a strong sense of tension throughout the whole film knowing that that's going to happen. Julia is going to get kidnapped and possibly die no matter what, but it's okay to spoil this scene in advance because she doesn't die. Because why would you tell the audience that's going to happen right away unless there's going to be some kind of twist where she lives? What's the point in watching the movie if you know that Ethan is ultimately going to fail and it's going to have a tragic, unsatisfying ending? Julia's death fakeout is a tactic meant to trick him and the audience and make him feel like he's lost only for the twist to be that he ultimately wins and Julia remains alive. I believe a similar tactic is being used with Ilsa which has the potential to be a very well-executed plot twist rather than a disappointing one if done correctly and not completely abandoned in the next film. I actually think that without the fakeout and just a sudden and completely unexpected death I'd feel more worried but, as it stands, I think the choice (among many others) actually serves to legitimize this all being fake.
After all, the best twists are ones that you can see coming if you're really looking for it and that's okay. It's okay that we've figured it out - that means the director ultimately did their job right. Some viewers, especially more casual fans, are taking what they were shown at face value and not considering there's any more to it. They're falling for the trick and that's fine too, because a good twist is one that is set up in a way that leaves clues but also remains largely hidden especially as the audience isn't looking for it. A magic trick that deflects us from seeing what the magician is actually doing. When Ilsa shows up in the next film, some people will feel rewarded for their observations and others will finally see all the pieces click into place that they disregarded before and both be satisfied, but I digress...
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Another huge scene to look to for clues lies in the team discussing the severity of the threat and really cementing just how difficult it's going to be to trick the Entity before the party. I think it's very possible that there are missing conversations here that we will not be privy to until the next film as Ethan would never let his friends be in such danger without having a real plan on how to protect them and the audience always knows what the plan is so when things go awry we're aware the complications were unprecedented. In this case, we really have no idea what they're walking into, nor do we see them effectively prep for it. Unless I'm forgetting something, why did Ilsa need to be at the party at all? Why would Ethan put Ilsa in danger like that for no real reason especially after already enduring those brief, agonizing moments earlier when he truly believed she was dead and had to consider a world without her in it and knowing that Gabriel has taken someone from him in the past? Ilsa is her own woman and can do what she wants, but we don't see him even trying to protest her inclusion and voicing fear for her safety for her to even refute.
The scene where Ilsa meets Ethan on the balcony afterward is incredibly short and could feel tacked on given that there's no real lead up to it, but it could very well be the aftermath of a heavy conversation where - feeling burdened by the weight of what must be done - Ethan leaves the room to think and Ilsa follows. She looks particularly chipper here despite the seriousness of what's going on and I believe her benign comments about Venice are purposefully meant to distract Ethan in an attempt to cheer him up. Notice how he shakes his head a little after he answers, like he knows what she's trying to do before giving into her and hugging back. She's calm because she has faith in the plan while he's nervous about it. As a side note, I think it was a touching detail to have Ethan return to this same balcony to grieve (publicly).
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We also see Ethan and Ilsa looking at each on the boat before he takes her hand on their way to the party. This, of course, acts as yet another sweet gesture to showcase how strong their relationship is at this point but, again, Ethan doesn't seem that happy. This isn't a relaxing date (which they deserve), he looks tense as he takes her hand. Notice how he's fidgeting as he strokes her fingers and rubs his own fingers together in his free hand. It's like he's trying to hold onto her as much as he can knowing what's going to transpire and, once again, Ilsa looks like she's trying to comfort him by stroking his hand back, never taking her eyes off him. It's a nice continuation of the dynamic of their previous moment together.
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And, if this is truly Ilsa's last outing? Why hold back on basically every aspect of it? If it's truly Ilsa's last fight, why not make it her biggest, baddest fight yet that showcases all of her skill but also begins to feel truly unwinnable? We've seen her face intimidating foes before, so if she's truly going to meet her match, you really need to sell to the audience that all her usual tricks aren't working and let us see on her face that she knows she's losing this fight, which would also help build a sense of dread. I've only seen the film once at this time, but I don't recall her looking too worried at any point at the party or during her fight with Gabriel. She's a brave and skilled woman of course, but she seemed incredibly unfazed by it all, almost like she knew how it was going to go. I want to add that there's no way of knowing for sure when entering into any fight that you're guaranteed to survive. Gabriel could have stabbed her anywhere and there'd be no way to anticipate that beforehand but, as I've seen pointed out, her hand is also on the knife when it plunges into her chest. The only way to know for sure where the blade would go to look deadly but still survive it would be to guide it there herself and that seems like something the skilled Ilsa would be able to pull off.
And if it's truly Ilsa's end, why not go out of your way to make it as sad as possible? What if Gabriel leaves her just alive enough for Ethan to find her and they have a heartbreaking final moment together where they perhaps exchange a line or two before he watches her die? Of course, to add insult to injury, the grieving process is pitifully brief, focusing more on Grace's reaction than Ilsa's own friends. Why not have a stronger reaction from Ethan, Benji and Luther that absolutely breaks the audience's heart? Just compare Ethan's reaction to Ilsa's death to the assumed death of Julia in MI3, the other love of his life. Yes, technically, that was a very different situation and Julia was his wife after all and Ilsa isn't, but they don't even compare. Heck, we even get to see Ethan mourn Lindsey, a friend, in M:I3 longer than Ilsa. I understand that the movie can't languish in sorrow for too long and Ethan is used to compartmentalizing to get the job done, but this is also one of the biggest losses he's suffered and right on the heels of proclaiming to his friends how he'd never let anything happen to them. This is also the longest movie in the series so far and it has no excuse for skimping on the aftermath of the death of one of its biggest and most beloved characters. Ilsa's death is sad but leaves you feeling more empty and disappointed than utterly devastated - at least for me.
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We've also seen Ethan act before, as is a necessary skill for a spy, and I think the fairly subdued reaction to her death speaks to his ability to act realistically sad (he's had practice for this exact situation too as he's probably channeling all the awful things he felt when he believed her to be dead at the beginning of the movie) but also speaks to the fact that it's not actually real because if it was I think it'd be a far stronger reaction. Yes, Ethan could just be becoming desensitized to losing people after enduring it so many times but I don't think he'd hold back for Ilsa. His partner. His equal. Someone he loves deeply and offers his only chance at a life beyond this. That chance, that love, that happiness, are now gone forever and that's not something you just take in your stride.
And yes, maybe Rebecca needed or wanted out of this franchise to film other projects but that's only more reason to give her the best sendoff you possibly can and I don't think anyone, not even the director himself would be able to admit that this was worthy enough of her character and respectful to Rebecca. If even her final fight was, for whatever reason, purposefully undercut, then what else did the director choose to take away despite having so little to begin with and why? If, historically, it's not in his nature to pull something like this based on his previous work in the series and his own passionate comments regarding the character, why would he now? It's the overall lack of care in regard to her character all of a sudden that makes it all feel fishy.
And if this is it for Ethan and Ilsa, why not push the romance? Instead of just a hug on the balcony, why not feature their first kiss or, at least, a much longer conversation that cements where they really are before it all gets taken away? If the director attempted to include a kiss in the past but scrapped it because it wasn't the right time, he probably intended it to happen eventually. Why not sneak it in right before she dies if these are their last scenes together anyway? Maybe a kiss would only serve to telegraph her demise further by making the audience more nervous about her fate, but it also would have made it even sadder knowing they had finally reached that point right before she died. If the intention of all of this is truly just to make Ethan and the audience sad and it's going to hurt one way or another, you might as well push it as hard as you can to achieve the desired effect. Regardless, I believe that when she comes back in Part 2, they'll finally get that well-earned kiss and that's what the director is waiting for.
But why have Ethan lose another woman he loves at all? Why watch him go through an entire series where all he does is lose lovers only to have him ultimately end up alone especially after developing the perfect romantic partner with him and getting audiences on board with it over the course of multiple films? It all just feels unnecessarily cruel and, as it's nothing new for him, what is it really adding to the story or his character? Losing another lover is predictable at this point but bringing one back and actually letting him be happy? Now that would be a twist! What a triumphant moment it would be for Gabriel to see Ilsa return in the next movie (and perhaps have a rematch) and realize that he's the one who'd been duped? That the Entity is not infallible? That Ethan has been one step ahead of him this whole time?
I don't think I'm alone when I say that the best possible ending for the series and Ethan's story is to get to live his life with Ilsa given he wasn't able to with Julia, trusting the IMF in the hands of new operatives like Grace to carry on in their stead (notice how they focused on that other new recruit during Ethan's introduction as well like they're preparing him to pass the torch). He finally gets to go with Ilsa like she asked him in Rogue Nation and in Fallout and they both finally get out of the game and live happily in the peace that they helped ensure and so deeply deserve. Ethan has sacrificed his own happiness to save the world so many times, why can't he and Ilsa finally get to find some happiness with each other? This series has had it's bittersweet moments but it's never been a tragedy. The conflict is meant to feel insurmountable (it is called Mission: Impossible after all) but the heroes still win and get to be happy and I expect that to continue to be the case in the very end.
Now, I understand and agree with confronting real consequences as we face our final antagonist of the series, but I would honestly predict an actual death from Luther or Benji in the final film - staples of the series and longtime friends of Ethan - that would hurt the audience too but not steal a future from him and perhaps Ilsa's "death" is also meant to deflect from the real death that's coming which would still, naturally, makes things very bittersweet. That being said, if this series wanted to continue to lean into happy outcomes over sad ones, then simply having Ethan get to live peacefully in the knowledge that he was able to keep all of his friends safe would be enough for him and for me.
As of now, I'm actually feeling hopeful about the potential for Ilsa to return. I think there are currently more viable reasons for why she could still be alive than dead and I think it would vastly improve the story they're telling rather than take away from it or feel forced because, as it stands, the execution of her death does feel less than the caliber of what this series is capable of and a surprise return would certainly remedy that. It wouldn't feel like a gimmick given the nature of the series, nor do I think it would undermine the death scene we got since it didn't have any impact on the plot and barely any on the characters anyway. Ilsa returning would improve things, not take away and if this all works to bring her back, it will take what was a lackluster plot point and unceremonious exit of a major character to a brilliant showcase of subterfuge both for the characters and the audience and the latter sounds more like the Mission: Impossible I know.
The first time Ethan faked the death of a woman he loved to protect her; he lost her. Now he's had to do it again and this time, he'll get her back. There's still hope.
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hawktims · 1 year
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As long as we're together, she can never be safe.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 9 months
Rewatching Mission Impossible 3 and got an AU where instead of Julia's death being faked in between MI3 and Ghost Protocol, we go by the Dead Reckoning logic of "Everyone in the IMF has been in a situation they can't get out of before" and she gets recruited in the IMF. She's a nurse so her medical knowledge is useful and she's mentioned to be adventurous like Ethan. Would he be less tragic of a hero? Or would he be more scared and feeling more guilty because she was now in more danger than ever?
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ilsefaust · 2 years
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Mission: Impossible III (2006) · dir. J.J. Abrams writ. JJ Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, & Roberto Orci
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Okay, okay. I know I've said this before, but I get a little too emotional thinking about this. The fact that Ethan *dies* in Mission Impossible 3 and Julia is the one who brings him back makes me go insane because the end of their relationship is why we have the Ethan we have from Ghost Protocol to Fallout.
Probably one of the hardest things to come to terms with is a relationship that ends, not because you've fallen out of love, but because circumstances keep you apart. This is what Ethan is dealing with in Ghost Protocol, and the end of that relationship hasn't come about because they don't love each other, but rather because Ethan loves Julia. Ghost Protocol ends with Ethan watching over her from a distance before disappearing into the night, and come Rogue Nation, the legend of Ethan Hunt is born.
It’s not your job to protect her. It's mine.
Ethan wasn't able to save his marriage, so instead he saves the world because it's the only way he can love Julia. It's not the life he wanted, but he may have found some small peace with it because he does it out of love.
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This scene somewhat mirrors the one in Mission Impossible 3 where they’re on top of the hospital roof and Ethan asks Julia to trust him, she does emphatically and she's reminding him of that.
I feel like Ethan is a tragic hero rather than an action one, because despite saving the world he's denied the one thing which could make him happy. A normal life with Julia.
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lovemadethemdoit · 1 year
tom cruise and michelle monaghan
mission: impossible 3 – 35:41-38:12
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maverickcalf · 2 years
Soulmate AU one shot focused on Trans Ethan Hunt
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justabigassnerd · 10 months
Kidnappings and Mountain Fights
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Pairing - Ethan Hunt x daughter!reader
Word count - 5,553
Warnings - violence, near death experiences, gun violence, blood, injuries, possible swearing
Summary - when attempting to stop Walker and Lane, you're taken hostage and your dad fights to save you
A/N - hey y'all I'm finally back with a new part of Lil' Hunt (cheering anyone?) sorry it's taken me so long to upload a new fic I've been grappling with motivation for a while. for a bit of context, for the Lil' Hunt universe, Julia and Ethan were a couple but never married. Luther was convinced Ethan would marry her and leave the IMF but because of the dangers of Ethan's job and his dedication to the IMF they split up (so kinda similar to the movie but no marriage). anyways I'll stop rambling, as per y'all please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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The Syndicate was back. This time they had claimed the name ‘The Apostles’ although there was absolutely nothing holy about them or their mission. Your dad and his team had attempted to get the three plutonium cores the Apostles were after but after they had taken Luther hostage and put his life on the line, the cores were lost because your dad wasn’t willing to gamble with Luther’s life. You respected your dad so much for protecting Luther above everything. His team had always been his family and he wasn’t going to put a mission above Luther’s life. The IMF had been beyond mad at your dad for losing the plutonium and so the CIA had sent August Walker with your dad to attempt to retrieve the cores.
Since then, you had found yourself travelling from Paris to London where your dad was instructed to bring Solomon Lane after your dad had worked with a broker named Alanna Mitsopolis in Paris who, under the assumption that Ethan was a killer named John Lark, had him take part in an attempt to get Solomon Lane in exchange for the plutonium with one being given as a down-payment upfront. Your dad of course, did not want to get involved with such a crime but kept his cover as Lark and had Benji and Luther ready to extract Lane so he didn’t end up in the hands of Alanna and her brother Zola.
Having to see Solomon Lane again after everything he had put you and those you cared about through was awful. You hated hearing his taunts as your dad and the others tried to grill him for information. Ilsa had taken to keeping you away from Lane, making sure he couldn’t target any taunts your way and to try and keep your mind off the whole thing. You were so grateful for Ilsa doing that because it really helped you distract yourself from the terrorist who was being held captive and it was nice to see Ilsa again after she went her own way after crashing at your safe house for a few days.
However, despite things looking like they could, for once, go smoothly. It turned out that after trying to accuse your dad of actually being John Lark, it had been Walker the whole time and after an intense gunfight between Walker and the Apostles and your dad and his team, Director Hunley was killed in the skirmish and both Lane and Walker had gotten away in the chaos. Your dad had attempted to chase Walker down while you, Benji, Luther, and Ilsa had moved to a new safe location, but he was unsuccessful in his efforts. In the new safe location in London, you sat with Luther and Ilsa while your dad was with Benji in another part of the building discussing their next move.
“Luther, do you think you guys will actually be able to stop them?” You ask quietly as Ilsa and Luther exchange a soft look with each other. They knew your words weren’t coming from doubt of your dad and the team’s abilities, they were more than likely coming from a place of fear.
“We won’t stop until we have all three cores and Walker and Lane are gone.” Luther assures you softly, his gentle voice bringing some semblance of comfort to you but both Ilsa and Luther could tell you weren’t fully convinced by his words. After all, it was nuclear weaponry that was in play. In the blink of an eye thousands, or even millions of people could be killed if Walker and Lane were not stopped.
“We’re going to stop them y/n/n.” Ilsa then says, wrapping a gentle arm around your shoulders and tugging you into a side hug as you lean comfortably against her side, fighting back the ever threatening tears. You didn’t know why you were getting like this; you’d lived through a bunch of missions and your dad, and his team had never let you down so far.
“y/n, can you come here for a moment sweetheart?” You heard your dad’s voice come from across the room, making you pull away from Ilsa slightly, nodding silently and getting up from your chair and crossing to your dad.
“You know, in all the years I’ve known Ethan I’ve learnt he cares for everyone. But his daughter will always be his top priority.” Luther muses softly, watching you cross to Ethan before glancing at Ilsa whose attention had fallen to him.
“I expect as much, she means a lot to him.” Ilsa says, her gaze drifting back over to you and Ethan, watching how Ethan tugged you into a gentle hug and pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head. It was obvious to anyone that Ethan cared about you a lot.
“She means the world to him. But I also know that Ethan cares a lot about you as well.” Luther then says, also watching your interaction with Ethan and he could tell that the hug alone had helped bring yours and Ethan’s moods up a little. Upon realising what Luther had said, Ilsa directed her attention back to him, curious to know more.
As Ilsa and Luther continued to talk, you had moved to join Ethan at the window, watching the people of London hurry down the streets like their lives depended on it.
“Are you ever jealous of people like that? Not having to worry about saving the world more times than anyone can count?” You ask quietly, glancing at your dad as his gaze remains fixed on the world outside. You knew he had a normal life before the IMF, but he never spoke about it. Not to you at least.
“Very rarely.” Is the most you get from your father in response to your question and you don’t dare to push any further.
“When we find out where Walker and Lane are heading, we’re going to head out as soon as possible.” Ethan then says, glancing briefly over at you as you nod lightly, inhaling sharply to try and subdue your nerves.
“Okay.” You mumble, not once objecting when Ethan gently reaches out for you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and bringing you into his side like Ilsa had done moments before.
“Hey guys not to disturb you or anything but I’ve got a location.” Benji then says, rushing through the room with his laptop perched precariously on his hand as he rushes to the table Luther and Ilsa were sat at with your dad following behind quickly, leaving you stood by the window. You knew you should probably join the team so you could at the very least be aware of where you were going and what the plan was, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move, your eyes drifting to the bustling people below and muttering quietly to yourself.
“Sometimes I’m jealous of them.”
When you eventually joined the group, you found out that you were heading to a medical camp near the Siachen Glacier. As you make the journey to the location, Ilsa soon figures out that Walker and Lane are planning on setting off the nuclear bombs so that the water supply of India, Pakistan, and China would be contaminated which could lead to a huge loss of life. As the car you were all in approaches the medical camp, you started to feel tense and nervous again. You felt like something was going to go wrong, especially with Walker and Lane potentially at the camp. As the car pulled to a stop, you all took a moment to put a comm in before climbing out of the vehicle.
“Let’s split up, I’ll check this tent while you guys’ fan out and let everyone know if you find anything. y/n, stay in someone’s sight at all times.” Ethan says, glancing at everyone in turn before focusing on you as you nod, all too used to that phrase by now.
“Got it.” You say as the rest of the team nods in agreement, and you all begin to take off, scanners in hand ready to search for the bombs before you heard something that stopped you all in your tracks.
“Julia?” All of you stopped in your tracks upon hearing your dad speak, and you turned around to see him and a woman face to face. You didn’t recognise the woman at all, and therefore had no idea how she knew your dad. You turned to look at Benji and Luther to see if they recognised her and to your shock you saw them exchanging a knowing yet concerned look with each other. Tearing your gaze from the two, you looked back at your dad.
Ethan was shocked at seeing Julia again. It had been years since he last saw her. He had to split up with her for her own protection and now she was in danger because of him again. Before Ethan could say anything, he heard a male voice calling out to Julia and Ethan looked over in the direction of the voice and saw a man approaching with a smile before he looked back at Julia.
“Does he know?” Ethan asks quickly, formulating a lie in his head when Julia shakes her head no. The man reaches Julia, standing alongside her as she wrapped an arm around him.
“This is my husband, Eric.” Julia introduces the man to Ethan as both men smiled, reaching out to shake hands.
“Rob Thorne. Doctor Rob Thorne.” Ethan’s faux name leaves his mouth easily, no hesitation as he shakes hands with Eric.
As Ethan and Eric converse, Julia finds her eyes wandering, catching a glimpse of four people watching the three talk and her smile soon shifts when she recognises Benji and Luther. She didn’t recognise the woman at all, and she couldn’t stop the raised eyebrow that occurred when she caught sight of a young girl among the ranks. She glanced back over at Ethan, catching the tail end of Eric talking about their guardian angel who helped out with them being here in the first place and she didn’t miss how Ethan’s expression faltered and she knew that him being here, along with the presence of Benji and Luther, that there was danger.
Just after Eric dismissed himself from the conversation, disappearing into the medical tent just behind Ethan, he turned to Julia who glanced back in the direction of you and the rest of the team before looking back at Ethan.
“I didn’t know the IMF was hiring kids now.” Julia says, no malice in her tone but clear worry and protectiveness over you despite not knowing you.
“No, y/n’s not IMF. She’s my daughter.” Ethan says, briefly glancing your way and seeing you and the others still watching the interaction.
“You have a daughter?” Julia asks, puzzled and not at all anticipating that answer from Ethan.
“It’s a long story, Julia. I am so sorry.” Ethan mutters as he pulls Julia into a hug before taking off with his team leaving Julia alone to worry about what dangers could await her.
After your dad left the conversation with Julia you could tell there was an added tension in the air. You had no idea who Julia was, but you could tell she was someone your dad cared about deeply which only added fuel to his fire. The five of you, using your scanners, search the camp for the bombs and eventually stumble across one and when you see Luther open it, the situation becomes ten times more real for you and you inhale shakily, eyes fixed on the nuclear weapon in front of you. You’re vaguely aware of the team talking about their next move but none of it was really processing in your head at all. The only thing that shook you out of your thoughts and focused your attention was your dad gently taking you by the shoulders and ducking down so he was in your line of sight.
“y/n, listen to me carefully. I need you to find Julia and tell her and her husband to start getting people out of here in case things go wrong. And then you’re going to ask her to take you with her.” Ethan instructs, watching you carefully as your eyebrows furrow and you shake your head.
“Dad no I’m not leaving you.” You insist, not wanting to leave him.
“It’s safer this way, trust me. We don’t have time to argue about this, you need to go. If we stop Walker, I’ll find you, I promise.” Your dad says hurriedly, briefly glancing behind you to look at Luther who was glancing between the bomb and Ethan. Without responding to your dad’s words, you hugged him tight before turning around and running back the way you had come from in the first place in search of Julia.
Searching a whole medical camp for Julia turned out to be a mammoth task. You’d only seen her from a distance, so you were desperately trying to remember some of her features, so you’d recognise her when you saw her.
After searching the first tent that your dad had been stood outside when he saw Julia and getting no results, even after asking around, you went to head back outside and as you rushed around, eyes surveying the people walking around, you ran straight into someone’s chest, nearly sending you stumbling back to the floor had the person’s hands not shot out to steady you.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean-” You start to say, a thank you readying itself on your tongue, but your words faltered when you looked up and realised who it was you bumped into just as their grip on your shoulders tightened.
“Hello junior.” Walker said, an evil grin covering his face as your expression shifts to one of fear as you attempt to pull away, every attempt futile as Walker holds on to you with a grip so tight, you’re sure not even the strongest person in the world could get out of it if they tried. Knowing you stood no chance of getting free from Walker’s iron grip, the next plan in your head was to just scream bloody murder and hope your dad heard you somehow. However, Walker seemed to know your next move before you even made it and wound one hand around you after pulling your comm out while the other clasped across your mouth, muffling any screams that left your mouth as he pulled you towards one of two helicopters and harshly shoved you on one while yelling at the pilot to take off, quickly restraining you to the seat as the helicopter begins to take off. You had no idea why Walker was taking you or where, but you did know that you were scared. You had no clue if your dad even knew you were gone and that thought scared you more than anything else.
“You know, you’d be a good addition to my group. With Ethan out of the way and a bit of training, you’ll make a fine addition to our ranks.” Walker says, leaning towards your ear, his voice making an uncomfortable shiver run down your spine as you lean away, glaring at him.
“I’d never work for you.” You spit venomously, willing your glare not to falter when Walker just chuckles menacingly in response.
“Oh, we have ways to break you down.” Walker says, his threatening words hanging in the air as your strong façade begins to crumble and true terror began to cling at you. You had only seen a small bit of Walker’s violent tendencies. You knew he had been the one to kill Hunley, but you could tell that if he really wanted something, he’d stop at nothing until he got it. The further the helicopter travelled from the medical camp the more worried you got. You just wanted your dad.
It appeared that someone watching over you felt particularly generous because you could’ve sworn you could have cried when you caught a glimpse of the other helicopter being piloted by your dad. Walker was looking the opposite way to you so thankfully your dad was able to move out of his view before he turned around. You had no idea what your dad’s plan was, but you knew he at the very least had the foundation of a plan even if it wasn’t a fully fleshed out one.
When you felt the helicopter shake, you began to figure out what your dad’s plan was. He was trying to disable the helicopter as best he can without causing it to crash horrifically so he wouldn’t hurt you. You weren’t one hundred percent sure about how your dad was going to achieve it, but you trusted him. Walker of course caught on to what your dad was attempting to do and leant behind him, grabbing a large gun and positioning it ready to fire at your dad but before he did anything he turned to face you, jaw clenched and a mix of anger and madness in his eyes.
“You try anything, and your ass is out of this helicopter.” He hisses lowly, his words enough to strike fear into you so you don’t try to stop him. All you could do was watch helplessly as Walker attempted to shoot your dad down. You longed to do something, anything to stop him but you knew he’d follow through on his threat. Thankfully, being in a moving helicopter meant Walker’s aim was not as accurate as he’d like it to be. However, he managed to get a few lucky hits on the helicopter rotors which caused terror to leap into your stomach as you watch the helicopter rotors set on fire. You wished you could help your dad somehow, but you were completely powerless to help, if you tried anything, Walker would be quicker and would have no qualms about throwing you out of the helicopter without so much as a second thought. Knowing your dad was going to move on to a potential plan b, you mentally prepped yourself for whatever it was that he came up with.
It turned out your dad’s master plan was to crash his helicopter into Walker’s. Thankfully, you had your seatbelt on and so when the now destroyed vehicle had stopped rolling down the mountain, you hadn’t sustained any serious injuries. Your ribs were aching, and you could taste blood on your lip, but you figured that was the worst of it. Thinking it was safe to attempt an escape when part of the helicopter broke and burning oil started to pour on Walker’s face, you unbuckled your seatbelt and went to move but it was quickly obvious to you that the helicopter hadn’t stopped somewhere safe for you to get out and soon the helicopters were both plummeting again and this time you flew out of the damaged helicopter and landed quite painfully on your side, aggravating the pain that was already settled in your side. Sitting up, you blinked rapidly to clear the blurriness from your eyes from where you had more than likely hit your head against the floor. Noticing your dad begin to get to his feet you scramble to stand up, instantly making your way over to him.
“y/n, are you okay? Are you hurt?” Ethan asks instantly, noticing your bloody lip and surveying you for any further injuries.
“I’ll live.” Is all you say in response as Ethan glances over your shoulder, noticing Walker getting to his feet and without hesitation pushing you behind him.
“Stay behind me.” Ethan says protectively, positioning himself in front of you so you were fully blocked from Walker’s view. You were frozen in place watching the two men fight and grapple for the detonator. You knew you could try and get the detonator, maybe you’d be able to figure out how to deactivate it, but you knew if you got it, you’d quickly become a target to Walker and given his sheer size and stature, you stood no chance.
When your dad and Walker were hovering dangerously close to the edge of the cliff, you darted towards the two men. Whether you were aiming to grab the detonator or attempt to haul your dad away from the edge you hadn’t decided but the moment you got there, Walker was beginning to topple over the edge and his hands instinctively reach out to grab anything to keep him steady, unfortunately that happened to be you and your dad. The three of you fell over the cliffside and thankfully you and your dad were able to grab onto the cord of the hook from one of the helicopters that was hanging suspended on the cliffside. Unfortunately, Walker had also managed to grab onto the cord as well and all three of you began to attempt to climb up the cord, hoping the hook wouldn’t slip. As you climbed up the cord, you felt something grab your foot and you looked down to see Walker clinging to your foot, getting a full view of his burnt face and evil grin as you attempted to wiggle your foot free, head swimming with nothing but panic. You looked up at your dad who had noticed you weren’t right behind him and saw the look of pure terror in your eyes as Walker clung to you gleefully. Without saying a word Ethan was able to communicate with you, his eyes told you everything you needed to know. All you had to do was relax and remember what you had been taught. With newfound determination, you looked back down at Walker, using your free foot to kick him in the face. It took three blows to the head to finally loosen his grip and cause him to slip further down the cord, giving you and your dad time to climb.
“y/n when you get up move away from the edge and don’t try anything. Okay?” Ethan says as he temporarily stops climbing, moving around the cord so you could climb past him.
“What?” You question, stopping in your climbing efforts but Ethan encourages you to keep going, watching as you near the top.
“Just move away from the edge and the cord. Trust me.” Ethan says up to you, watching as you reach the top, looking down and nodding at his words before hauling yourself back onto the top of the cliff. You force yourself to your feet, wincing at the hot pain that flares up in your foot but carry out your dad’s wishes, limping away from the edge and the cord and anxiously awaiting what was going to happen.
All of a sudden, the hook came flying loose from the rock it had latched onto, sending it flying over the edge and you hear the sound of the helicopter plummeting to the ground.
“Dad!” You cry out, limping hurriedly back over to the edge but stopping yourself to save yourself from looking over the edge and seeing your dad missing. As your eyes flick down to the detonator, you realise you need to figure out how to deactivate the bombs and just as you go to move closer to the item, a hand reaches up and grabs the detonator and then soon you see your dad’s head pop up over the edge, making your eyes immediately well up with relieved tears.
“Dad, you’re okay!” You breathe out, limping over to him and helping him back up onto the cliff, noticing his injuries and watching him worriedly as he doesn’t have any energy to sit up at all.
“Is the detonator…?”
“Done. It’s done.” Ethan manages to say, his voice weak as he lies on his back, barely able to keep his eyes open as you ease yourself down to be kneeling next to him.
“Hey, you gotta keep your eyes open, dad. Someone will find us, but you have to stay awake. That’s what you always say, right? Always keep them conscious. That applies to you as well dad. Come on. Please?” You begin pleading when you notice your dad’s eyes slip shut. When your words and gentle nudges do nothing to bring him back to consciousness you swore you could feel bile rising in your throat at the thought of your dad dying in front of you. You frantically try to remember everything you’d been taught by your dad and his team and immediately pulled your coat off, lying it over your dad to keep him warm as you fight back a shiver as the cold mountain air immediately hits your skin. You had no idea if help was coming nor if they’d be able to find you up on this mountain, but you did know that you had to keep your dad alive no matter what.
As you checked your dad’s pulse and fight back a frown at his light breaths, you hear helicopter rotors and perk up, hoping and praying it’s someone who’s come to save you. A helicopter soon hovers in your line of sight and as it eases itself down to land on the cliff, you’re relieved to see people you remember seeing around the medical camp instead of people who worked for Walker.
“Take him first.” You insist, forcing yourself to your feet as the medics ease your dad onto a stretcher and ease him onto the helicopter as you limp along behind them, climbing in with the help of another medic who helps ease you down onto a seat. As the medics begin their treatment on your dad, one of them removes your coat and hands it to you.
“No, my dad needs it.” You say, moving to push the coat back to the medic before the man sat next to you takes the coat and turning to you.
“He’ll be okay now. Giving him the coat definitely helped while he was exposed to the elements, but he’ll be okay from now on.” The man says softly, holding your coat out for you to take which you do so gently, draping the coat over your lap.
“Your dad will be just fine, we’ll do our best for him and once we’ve landed my wife will check you over, it looked like you were limping. Am I right?” The man then says, glancing over at you while you nod hesitantly.
“I’ll only let someone check my ankle if my dad is checked first.” You say firmly, locking eyes with the man as he nods.
“Well my wife knows your dad so I think it would be best for her to check your ankle while we work on your dad, so she doesn’t stress herself out worrying.” He says, a gentle smile gracing his face as he watches you nod again, this time with less hesitation.
“I’m Eric, by the way. Sometimes knowing someone’s name can help you feel a bit more comfortable.” Eric introduces himself to you, his smile never fading as you shyly give him your own name.
Eric kept you company and kept your mind off your dad for the helicopter journey, the moment the helicopter made contact with the ground the medics working on your dad were instantly easing the stretcher out and rushing to the nearest medical tent as you watched on.
“Come on, kid. We’ll find Julia and she can check you over.” Eric says, helping you limp your way over to the medical tent and quickly locating his wife, calling her over and pulling her gaze away from Ethan.
“Eric, what’s happened?” Julia asks worriedly, crossing to her husband and gently grabbing his arms, looking back at Ethan before looking at you.
“I don’t know what’s happened fully, but I need you to check y/n over. She’s been limping and I don’t know if she’s sustained any other injuries.” Eric says quickly, his focus not leaving Julia as he calms her down. Once Julia has calmed down, Eric helps you sit down in the tent before dismissing himself to check on your dad. As Julia crouches down, easing your trouser leg up and helping you ease your shoe off you hear the worried voices of the team and your head shoots up, locking eyes with them the moment they all enter the tent.
“y/n, oh my god you’re alive.” Benji says first, rushing over to you and embracing you without a second thought, making you wince at the ferocity as your ribs scream in pain.
“Benji, my ribs.” Is all you need to say and Benji immediately let’s go, apologising profusely.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” Ilsa crosses to you next, gently taking your hand and squeezing it softly as you look up at her.
“Please go and check on dad. You guys should be with him.” You say and Benji and Ilsa both nod, going off in search of your dad while Luther grabs a chair and eases himself down next to Julia.
“Luther, you should go and check on dad too.” You say, wincing as Julia applies a bit of pressure to the tender part of your ankle.
“I’m staying here Lil’ Hunt.” Luther says as he shakes his head, refusing to move.
“Lil’ Hunt? Is that his nickname for you or did your dad start that one?” Julia asks, glancing up at you as she grabs the bandage to wrap around your ankle.
“That was all Luther. He’s been calling me that ever since I could remember.” You say with a small smile, the fondness of the nickname never lost on you.
“So Luther’s been in your life a while then?” Julia muses as she busies herself with binding your ankle.
“Benji too. Ever since I was born.” You say with a nod as Julia looks up at you after completing what she was doing before looking over her shoulder at Luther.
“You poor girl. Putting up with those three must be tough.” Julia says, a small breathy laugh escaping your lips as Luther rolls his eyes.
“It’s not too bad, if you don’t count all the missions.” You shrug, not wanting to insult your family too much.
“Well… I’m glad you’re happy with them. You seem like a good kid. Ethan’s done a good job with you.” Julia says as you slide your shoe back on, wincing at your rib pain once more before you straighten up. You didn’t know your dad’s history with Julia, but you could tell that they had been close at one point. Maybe you’d get answers another day but for now, just meeting Julia was enough.
“Let me check your ribs because I heard you mention them earlier and you’ve been wincing a lot when you’ve moved around.” Julia then says, tending to your ribs and concluding you most likely had one or two that were broken and warned you to take it easy for the next few days to ensure they healed properly. As Julia finished up her examination after cleaning the cut on your lip, Benji comes rushing in to inform you that Ethan was waking up and all three of you were quickly on your feet and Luther was helping you limp over to where your dad had been taken to and when you got there, Julia had joined Eric in checking Ethan over and making sure he was okay while you and the team stood to the side. After Eric and Julia had finished talking to Ethan, Ilsa took their place, and you watched their interactions with a soft smile. You knew your dad truly cared for Ilsa and you could tell she cared for him too, you just hoped something would become of it so your dad could be happy.
“y/n, come here.” You’re snapped out of your thoughts by your dad’s soft voice and look over at him to see him watching you with a small smile, lightly gesturing for you to join him which you do so without hesitation.
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve been more careful. I-”
“Sweetheart, stop apologising. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Ethan says softly, reaching up and cupping your cheek to get you to focus on him and stop talking.
“But… Walker got me and then you almost died.” You say, tears springing to your eyes as you think of how close you had gotten to losing your dad.
“Walker getting you wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known he was there. And I’m okay. We both are. I promise.” Ethan promises, his soft smile never leaving his face as you sniffle and nod, trusting your dad’s words.
“We’re okay.” You echo as Ethan removes his hand from your cheek and you glance back at the team, all of them wearing similar soft smiles.
You were all okay. Walker was dead and Lane was recaptured. The mission had been another success.
You wished luck to whoever your family went up against for their next mission because you knew your family would win against all odds. Whoever tried to end the world or cause a war wouldn’t know what hit them and your dad and his team would come out on top like they always did. Any enemies stood no chance and you hoped they knew it.
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worldofheroes · 1 year
Falling Fast
ethan hunt x fem!reader
summary: when Ethan meets his new field partner, he can’t stop thinking about her.
warnings: brief mention of violence, then fluff!!
wc: 825
a/n: based on this request! I’d like to think this was around MI3 and obviously Julia isn’t in the picture (love her though, she’s out living her best life).
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You’re studying your new field partner from across the room.
You spot two men closing in on him, and you make your way towards them, ready to make a move if needed.
Ethan easily takes one of them down, but is struggling with the second.
You make your move, pulling your knife and finishing this man off.
Ethan stares at the man on the floor, then to you, furrowing a brow.
“Who… are you?” he asks.
“Y/n,” you say. “Your new partner.”
“New partner? I didn’t ask for a new partner.”
“IMF says otherwise.”
Ethan sighs. “Nice work.”
“Thank you.”
Ethan studies you for a moment, looking you up and down.
You raise an eyebrow at him. “Is there something wrong?”
“No, I just…” Ethan stumbles.
“I know, I’m too pretty to be here,” you sigh.
“No, it’s that…”
Ethan can’t get his thoughts straight. He shakes his head, like he’s trying to clear everything from his mind.
“I’m sorry, you just caught me off guard,” Ethan finally says.
You can’t help the smile that forms. “Get used to it, Hunt.”
You catch the smile that appears and quickly disappears from Ethan’s face.
“Welcome to the team,” Ethan says, extending a hand out to you.
It’s your turn to look Ethan up and down.
“Thanks,” you finally say, accepting the handshake.
A month later, you find yourself in the midst of a mission in London.
Finding your target on a guest list for a gala, you and Ethan formulate a plan to get in and place a tracker on him.
As you finish up your makeup, you notice Ethan staring.
“What’s wrong?” you ask him.
Ethan seems to snap back to reality. “Nothing,” he says, shifting his attention to the gear.
He gathers your gear and hands it to you. He then picks up the tracker, disguised as a pen.
“This is going in my right jacket pocket,” he says, holding it up so you see it before he puts it in his jacket.
You nod.
“You ready?” Ethan asks.
“Yes, I think so,” you nod again.
The two of you make your way to the gala.
“You look very nice,” Ethan whispers. You almost didn’t catch it.
You smile. “You clean up nice too, Hunt.”
Ethan chuckles. “Thank you.”
While you’re focused on finding your target, Ethan is focused on you.
He can’t take his eyes off you. He knows he needs to be focused on finding the target and placing this tracker on him, but his mind keeps wandering to thoughts of you.
When he first met you, he was taken aback by how swift and confident you were in a fight.
Then he was taken aback by your beauty. Ethan was truly enamored with you, as much as he wanted to deny it.
“Ethan, are you listening to me?” you ask him.
“What?” Ethan says, focusing back on you in the present.
“Our guy just went upstairs. Less of a crowd there, might be a good place to catch him.”
“Good eye,” Ethan comments. “Lead the way.”
Thanks to your quick thinking, you grab the tracker and ditch Ethan. You bump into the target, and make some flirty small talk. You’re able to get the tracker on him, and you head back to Ethan.
“Got it,” you say as you join back up with Ethan.
“Great work. Let’s get out of here,” Ethan says.
You nod and head back to the hotel.
Later, as you’re having a drink with Ethan on the hotel balcony, you speak up.
“What had you distracted earlier?” you ask him.
“What?” Ethan asks.
You chuckle. “At the gala. You were really distracted. Everything okay?”
Ethan pauses.
“I was distracted,” Ethan says carefully.
You watch him clench his jaw and take a deep breath.
“I was distracted because of you, y/n. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I have feelings for you. This line of work makes relationships hard, so I try to avoid them. But I just can’t stop thinking about you,” Ethan looks away.
Your lips slightly turn upward in a smile.
“I can’t stop thinking about you too,” you whisper.
Ethan looks over to you, surprised by your words.
“Don’t act dumb, Ethan,” you smile, standing up and moving towards him.
You settle into his lap. He wraps his arms around you.
“I know you know you’re attractive, and of course any girl would fall for you,” you tell him.
Ethan doesn’t say anything.
“Ethan,” you whisper, gently placing a hand on his cheek.
“I’m so glad you feel the same,” he finally says before he leans in and kisses you.
You instantly melt into the kiss.
“I don’t think I’ve fallen for someone so fast,” Ethan tells you.
“Neither have I,” you say, running a hand through his hair.
“You’re so beautiful,” he tells you as he studies your face.
You softly smile. “You too, mister.”
Ethan chuckles, kissing you again.
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fire-of-the-sun · 1 year
I can't believe it took me so long to realize that the two women Ethan loves most: Julia and Ilsa, both brought him back to life (both literally and figuratively, you could say). Julia had to bring Ethan back after he stops his heart in M:I3 and Ilsa brings him back after he drowns in M:I5. Coincidence? I think not!
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hawktims · 9 months
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Am I ever gonna be able to understand what this is?
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renren-006 · 1 year
Hey, I want to request something like a day off with Ethan Hunt or something, idk, I just want something really fluffy and sweet with Ethan😩.
I’ll totally understand if you don’t want to!
Lazy Saturdays | Ethan Hunt x Reader
word count: 400
A/N: omggg thank you for requesting!! i would absolutly love to write about Ethan and the reader on a day off!! i figure hes the type of guy that if the reader/love intrest tells him to have a day off every week for them to be together he would 100% oblige!
(your julia in the gif)
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Saturdays with Ethan are your favorite. Sometimes he can't make it home that Friday night but he always makes it home by Saturday morning. It was a special thing you had, and you made him promise that no matter what he'd be home on Saturdays. There were only a few times that didn't happen and he let you know well in advance about the case, the state of the IMF or if  they were a team member short causing them to have to prologue the mission.
Saturdays were for you. Saturday were the days he'd make you breakfast, cuddle you and please you. On Saturdays it was your day, no missions, no reports, no offices. Just the two of you. 
This Saturday in particular started with waking up to Ethan in your shared bed. The smell of leftover smoke lingerd from the corner of the room where his clothes were dropped last night. Ethan slept peacefully beside you, his air casting slightly over his face and the sun through the shades giving his morning haze. These were the mornings you loved.
When he opened his eyes to look at you he smiled, so softly. These mornings of pure bliss were what you counted down to the entire week. Ethans hands came up to brush the stray hairs from your face, so delicate with you. His hands were soft on your skin sending butterflies through your stomach. A slight growl broke the two out of your daze and remembered breakfast was something on the agenda that needed to happen. Ethan then jumped out of bed in his sleep pants and strolled fast to the kitchen to fix breakfast for the two of you. This gave you time to take those extra minutes in bed before you pulled yourself up, Ethans shirt slightly big on you as you wished your way to the kitchen. He stood there making pancakes and eggs as you walked up and wrapped your arms around his waist. 
“Good Morning Love” He said, that voice you had not heard in person ringing bells in your head, of the man you loved being back home with you. For however long you had him back in your arms. That day you spent on the couch snuggled together, talking, or reading your books. When the night came again, you curled up into Ethan, letting the comfort from him admit peaceful sleep.
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CFWC FotW - January 22 - 28, 2023
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🖤 = Adult Content/18+ 🔥 = NSFW/18+ Only
Diary | Gaius Augustine x F!MC - @aesthetic-aag 🖤
The Vindictive Countess | Countess Henrietta, Earl Vincent Foredale - @noesapphic
Something Worth Dying For | Lila Sethi, Everett Rourke - @elfilibusterismo
A Conversation With His Father | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC, Alan Ramsey - @genevievemd
A Song of Delerium | Aurora Emery, F!MC - @inlocusmads
A New Friendship | Tobias Carrick , F!MC - @coffeeheartaddict2 🖤
Dance it Better | Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Last Stop | Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Promises Made, Promises Kept | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Return to Dagger Mountain | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter
Brooklyn's Birthday | Thomas Hunt x F!MC - @tveitertotwrites
Bad Dream: A Bad Romance One-Shot | Multiple Pairings - @angelasscribbles 🖤
Blinded Lines (Series) | Liam Rys x MC, Drake Walker x F!OC - @queenmiarys 🖤 Part 2
Marabelle | Liam Rys x F!OC, Maxwell Beaumont x M!MC - @tessa-liam 🖤
Max's Room | Maxwell Beaumont x MC - @angelasscribbles 🖤
The Best Ramsford Has to Offer | Maxwell Beaumont - @queenmiarys
The Pact (Series) | Liam Rys x F!OC - @ao719 Part 10 🖤
What Happens in New York | Maxwell Beaumont, MC - @angelasscribbles
Eli (Series) | Eli Sipes x F!MC - @julia-highstorms Part 2: David 🖤
Promises Made, Promises Kept | WTD F!MC - @inlocusmads
Tension | Eli Sipes x F!MC - @jerzwriter
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Ethan teaching Julia how to use the gun as the charge is going off in his head.
Julia using the reflection to see the bad guy.
Ethan being impressed that she killed the bad guy.
I fuckin love them and man, the ending hurts knowing what ultimately happens 😭😭😭
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babyblue-mind · 7 months
intro post yeah yeah!!!
hii im blue! or you can call me sam!
i'm also on ao3 and spotify!
my pronouns page (no need to read in full tho! my pronouns are he/him <3)
don’t forget your daily clicks 🇵🇸
currently fixating on: formula one!
my main interests:
boy meets world (jeric has my heart + i love shawn)
high school musical
the amazing world of gumball
teen wolf
indiana jones (ask me about him. Please.)
mission: impossible
ice hockey (nhl)
formula one
ask me about any of my interests and i will explode!! (positive)
DNI (may add more if i remember something i missed)
everything you'd expect. if you suck. go away. terfs, racists, queerphobes, ableists, etc.
people who ship samifer, samruby, any form of w*ncest or winkline, or angel/angel ships
people who actively hate on ships i like
and here's some more stuff, no need to read :)
my top movies (no particular order):
back to the future films
dead poets society
the truman show
high school musical films (especially 2!!!)
the talented mr ripley
mission: impossible films (especially 1 & 3)
spider-verse films
my fav characters of all time:
liam dunbar (teen wolf)
indiana jones (indiana jones)
ethan hunt (mission: impossible)
marty mcfly (back to the future)
my supernatural ships!
(i will post about them so don't follow if you don't want to see- or just block tag)
others (loosely ordered):
ketchdean (mixed feelings about ketch...)
stacey/max (lebanon)
my mission impossible ships
i hc ethan being in smth in the vein of a qpr with benji and with ilsa in that he kisses and holds them sometimes and calls them pet names like baby and darling, stuff like that! but they dont consider themselves to be dating. i also dont think ilsa and benji would have this kind of relationship with each other.
ethan and brandt are dating for sure, i think they’d get together immediately after ghost protocol, not sure how this relationship is going after brandt’s departure from the series. but anyways yeah casual dating i reckon
ethan and julia!!! this is pretty much their canon relationship— married, divorced, but still deeply in love. ethan always wears his wedding ring when he’s not on a mission, i think julia would wear it pretty often too!
i am a casual enjoyer of alanna x grace and
alanna x ilsa too!
i think that ethan and zola had. Something. between fallout and dead reckoning
music artists i like:
the smiths
led zeppelin
def leppard
jeff buckley
fiona apple
the cardigans
pink floyd
might add more to this post later <3
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