#Ethan and Julia
theloveoftoms · 1 year
The Farmers Market - Ethan Hunt x Julia
Summary: Julia and Ethan decide to visit a local farmers market. Lots of fluff and sweet stuff <3
A/N: Hello hotties, your girl is back with a fic! This one isn't incredibly long, but I had so much fun writing it! I love Ethan and Julia so much. This story comes from a request about Ethan and Julia asked by the incredible @skinnycruise -I hope you like it! I saw that selfie of Ethan and Julia last week and I couldn't not write about them 🥹 xoxo mac
Word Count: 1.4k
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With the warm breeze of May fresh upon the horizon, it seemed like spring was gracing the seaside city of Boston with longer days of sun and warmer weather. With the arrival of spring meant the arrival of another popular attraction; the farmers market.
The first weekend in May, farmers from the surrounding area of the city would bring in their vegetables and produce and set up a market in one of the downtown parks.
Standing in the kitchen, drinking a cup of warm vanilla coffee was, Julia, when the idea of the farmers market popped into her mind for no particular reason. She wasn't too sure why the idea of the farmers market popped into her mind, but the more she thought of it, she thought that it might be fun to go. Julia didn't go too often as it was much easier to just pick up groceries on the way home from the hospital after work, but having her husband back home for a while made the idea appealing to her as a fun little date that the both of them could go on.
So, when Ethan, a man who had lacked sleep for the better part of three months while he was away in Europe chasing after terrorists and criminals, caught up on his sleep, Julia brewed a fresh pot of coffee and made some eggs and toast to wake her husband up with. And while he was busy eating and waking up for the day, she retreated to their shared bedroom and put on a white and blue floral print dress that fell just below the knees. Tucked in her dark hair was a pair of white-rimmed sunglasses that matched both the sandals on her feet and the colour of her linen dress.
When she came back out into the kitchen, Ethan, who was perched on one of the bar stools around the kitchen island grinned sweetly at her like no time had passed since the two of them met, all those many years ago when they had locked eyes across a crowded room.
"You sure you wanna go out?" he asked, snaking a hand around her waist, "because i'm just fine here."
Julia chuckled and planted a gentle kiss atop of her husbands dark hair, "we need something to cook for dinner," she said, "besides, it will be fun."
Ethan nodded, linking his hand with Julia's, "give me ten and I'll be ready," he said gesturing to his outfit that composed of an old worn t-shirt and the pair of boxers he had slept in last night, "unless you want me walking around beside you like this?"
Julia rolled her eyes at her husband, and swatted gently at his bicep, sending him on his was to change.
And surely enough, when Ethan emerged back in the kitchen of their apartment wearing a black t-shirt tucked into a pair of dark jeans - his signature pair of aviators tucked within the neck of his shirt - he looked much more put together.
"All ready?" Julia asked him, smiling in his presence.
Ethan nodded, and followed his wife out to the car.
The Boston seaside park was transformed from its usual routine of people utilizing the trails for fitness into a venue that was surely captivating. Among the greenery of the spring-time park was countless booths, each with something different to offer.
At some there were freshly-cut flowers, at others there were handcrafted items, and at most there were some sort of produce or home-made goods.
"What are we on the look out for?" Ethan asked, noticing a booth with crochet baby slippers, all in a variety of tiny sizes with a plethora of pastel coloured yarn composing them.
"You think they have those in my size?" he asked, retracting his prior question, gesturing to the slippers.
Julia snorted as they walked past, picturing a light pink pair of slippers drawn to her husbands feet which made the woman running the booth shoot them a dirty look from across the walk way.
"What's so funny Jul?" Ethan asked, his arm draping around her shoulders.
Julia shook her head, "I was just imagining you in a pair of those," pointing to a light pink pair with a comedically large yellow duck crocheted to the toe of it.
"Please Julia," Ethan replied nonchalantly, "have some class. If you're going to day dream about me in a pair of slippers, at least imagine me in the green ones with the trains."
"Hmm," Julia hummed, trying to hide her smile, "I think the ones with the little pigs would really bring out your eyes."
Julia looked to Ethan to find that his gaze was already on her. From his place beside his wife, the nearly-blue, nearly-green, oceanic eyes of Ethan Hunt were pressed so effortlessly to her.
He noted the way she smiled, and the way the corners of her eyes crinkled ever so slightly when she laughed. He had missed this. He had missed the plain, mundane, ordinary, activities of everyday life. He had missed taking morning walks that were rooted in pleasure. He had missed Julia.
Ethan had missed the soft scent of her fragrant soap. He had missed the way her hand was always linked with his. He had missed her.
Ethan Hunt wasn't really a fan of farmers markets, but even the most ordinary of things seemed to be enough for his busy mind and constant drive whenever Julia was around.
"What do you think about these carrots?" Julia asked her husband as the two of them approached a table of hearty produce.
"I think," he said, pausing, unsure of how to really reply, "their carrots."
"They look pretty good? no?"Julia asked, "we could make a salad for dinner tonight?"
Ethan nodded, noticing a booth across the way that caught his eye. "That sounds great," he said, planting a kiss to the back of his wife's hand.
Ethan walked up with Julia to the selection of vegetables and while she was busy looking through a pile of carrots for the best ones, he saw his opportunity.
"I'll be right back," he told her, "Theres something I want to get."
So, while Julia was busy barging for the price of vegetables with a friendly farmer, Ethan was picking though a variety of flowers at one of the booths across the way.
There were tulips, roses, carnations, and other flowers alike, but none of them really seemed to capture the essence of his wife.
"Do you need any help?" the woman behind the table asked, noticing Ethan's puzzled gaze and unsureness in regards to the flowers.
"Yeah, that would be great," he replied sheepishly, "I'm not too sure which ones to get."
"Who are we shopping for?" She asked, smiling sweetly.
"My wife," Ethan said. "Ive been away for work and I want to get her something nice."
The woman smiled gently and then turned around to the buckets behind her to retrieve a bouquet of neatly wrapped irises.
"How do we feel about these?" She asked, "We just got them this morning!"
Ethan examined the beautiful, almost-sheer-like, flowers that were somehow both the perfect shade of blue and purple. These were Julia he thought to himself before nodding his head in approval.
Ethan handed the woman a twenty dollar bill and wished her a good day as he held the bouquet of flowers tightly in his hand.
By the time he got back to Julia, she was just finishing arranging the carrots and lettuce into the tote bag she had brought along with them from the car.
Looking up in Ethan's presence, Julia's eyes darted to the bouquet of flowers in his hand before meeting the eyes of her husband once more.
"Ethan?" she asked, "What's this?"
Ethan smiled, handing her the flowers, "I just wanted to do something nice for my wife."
Julia smiled, bringing the bouquet of flowers close to her chest, "they're beautiful Ethan!" she gushed, "I love you, " she told him, stepping forward, closing the distance between the two of them.
Naturally, his hands found their way around her waist, and before his lips pressed to hers in a kiss that was gentle and sweet, he repeated the words back to her.
"I love you."
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lovesickmermaid · 1 year
DAY 15: Favorite Mission Impossible Movie
Mission: Impossible III
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My original answer was going to be the first Mission: Impossible because, duh, but I recently rewatched M:I III and realized just how good it is. This is the most emotional one in my opinion. We don't really see Ethan express himself (other than violently) in the other movies, and I love a man who is in tune with his emotions. We see how much he really cares for Julia, and their relationship is so wholesome.
Don't get me wrong, Ilsa is a much better fit for Ethan, and their relationship works extremely well, but Julia needs her moment, too.
Also, we get this beautiful scene:
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I'm sure if I rewatch all of them back to back my answer will continue to change, but this one makes me feel something that the others don't so I guess it should take the number one spot.
@pixlerelish @lephantomdelioncourt
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mediademon · 6 months
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honorarypines · 8 months
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Mission: Impossible + things I found on Tumblr (mostly text posts but there are some other things too)
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snflwricons · 8 months
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im back 🩹
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kaipanzero · 7 months
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Leave the World Behind (2023)
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hotticuslincoln · 7 months
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"Leave the World Behind"
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brightyearning · 7 months
some notes on Leave the World Behind (mild spoilers ahead) :
Ethan Hawke and Kevin Bacon are practically the same person. I wasn't entirely convinced otherwise until I saw them side by side.
I'm always gonna be on Ruth's side. bc why are we sleeping in the basement of our house? after we've proven our identity? on the second night?? i literally could not focus until that was addressed, like bffr. and all she wanted from her dad was a little reassurance and solidarity and he essentially sold her out to be coon to the racist entitled white woman who's still a little jumpy around him.
which brings us to Amanda. i think it's very telling that it took the end of the world as she knew it for her to acknowledge how awful she is.
G.H. act like you have some fucking sense. please.
Rose is a girl after my own heart. you better believe I'm following the signs into my own little slice of heaven.
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slashericons · 7 months
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Leave the World Behind (2023)
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sluttyhenley · 1 year
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MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE FALLOUT (2018) dir. Christopher McQuarrie
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nade2308 · 9 months
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I was thinking long and hard about what to do for today's theme. Ultimately I decided on the parallels between Julia and Ilsa bringing Ethan back to life by having to shock him with electricity. These two moments give me feels.
AO3 link here
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trelldraws · 3 months
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mission: impossible + a softer world
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fire-of-the-sun · 11 months
Ilsa and Ethan: There's Still Hope
Spoiler Warning for M:I7!
I'm sure a ton has already been said about Ilsa in the new movie, whether it be lamenting her loss or developing theories as to her potential return in the next film, but here are some contributions I've been mulling over. This isn't going to be an exhaustive list of reasons why she's still alive, but I will try to address some and add my own thoughts into the mix.
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I agree with the discussion that one of the best clues of this all being a fake out lies in Ethan and Ilsa's reunion near the beginning of the film. Ilsa plays dead during the fight and Ethan momentarily believes it before she attacks him and reveals herself to be alive. As it stands, this looks like a foreshadowing to her eventual, real death, however, I think it instead acts as setup to her still being alive. I think it's clear that her death fakeout exists to give us clues to her eventual return as well as deflect audiences from even considering it as we're trained to accept that foreshadowed events that transpire in most stories would simply be the end of it, but this isn't a typical story, this is Mission: Impossible, and nothing is as it seems and this film establishes that that's more true now than ever.
And if you're really going to kill Ilsa off, why do a fake-out at all? Why not just have her die later without warning and really shock the audience? Why already have the fans ruminating on the possibility early on and telegraph it long before it actually happens? Consider Julia's "death" in M:I3. The film starts in media res and there's a strong sense of tension throughout the whole film knowing that that's going to happen. Julia is going to get kidnapped and possibly die no matter what, but it's okay to spoil this scene in advance because she doesn't die. Because why would you tell the audience that's going to happen right away unless there's going to be some kind of twist where she lives? What's the point in watching the movie if you know that Ethan is ultimately going to fail and it's going to have a tragic, unsatisfying ending? Julia's death fakeout is a tactic meant to trick him and the audience and make him feel like he's lost only for the twist to be that he ultimately wins and Julia remains alive. I believe a similar tactic is being used with Ilsa which has the potential to be a very well-executed plot twist rather than a disappointing one if done correctly and not completely abandoned in the next film. I actually think that without the fakeout and just a sudden and completely unexpected death I'd feel more worried but, as it stands, I think the choice (among many others) actually serves to legitimize this all being fake.
After all, the best twists are ones that you can see coming if you're really looking for it and that's okay. It's okay that we've figured it out - that means the director ultimately did their job right. Some viewers, especially more casual fans, are taking what they were shown at face value and not considering there's any more to it. They're falling for the trick and that's fine too, because a good twist is one that is set up in a way that leaves clues but also remains largely hidden especially as the audience isn't looking for it. A magic trick that deflects us from seeing what the magician is actually doing. When Ilsa shows up in the next film, some people will feel rewarded for their observations and others will finally see all the pieces click into place that they disregarded before and both be satisfied, but I digress...
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Another huge scene to look to for clues lies in the team discussing the severity of the threat and really cementing just how difficult it's going to be to trick the Entity before the party. I think it's very possible that there are missing conversations here that we will not be privy to until the next film as Ethan would never let his friends be in such danger without having a real plan on how to protect them and the audience always knows what the plan is so when things go awry we're aware the complications were unprecedented. In this case, we really have no idea what they're walking into, nor do we see them effectively prep for it. Unless I'm forgetting something, why did Ilsa need to be at the party at all? Why would Ethan put Ilsa in danger like that for no real reason especially after already enduring those brief, agonizing moments earlier when he truly believed she was dead and had to consider a world without her in it and knowing that Gabriel has taken someone from him in the past? Ilsa is her own woman and can do what she wants, but we don't see him even trying to protest her inclusion and voicing fear for her safety for her to even refute.
The scene where Ilsa meets Ethan on the balcony afterward is incredibly short and could feel tacked on given that there's no real lead up to it, but it could very well be the aftermath of a heavy conversation where - feeling burdened by the weight of what must be done - Ethan leaves the room to think and Ilsa follows. She looks particularly chipper here despite the seriousness of what's going on and I believe her benign comments about Venice are purposefully meant to distract Ethan in an attempt to cheer him up. Notice how he shakes his head a little after he answers, like he knows what she's trying to do before giving into her and hugging back. She's calm because she has faith in the plan while he's nervous about it. As a side note, I think it was a touching detail to have Ethan return to this same balcony to grieve (publicly).
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We also see Ethan and Ilsa looking at each on the boat before he takes her hand on their way to the party. This, of course, acts as yet another sweet gesture to showcase how strong their relationship is at this point but, again, Ethan doesn't seem that happy. This isn't a relaxing date (which they deserve), he looks tense as he takes her hand. Notice how he's fidgeting as he strokes her fingers and rubs his own fingers together in his free hand. It's like he's trying to hold onto her as much as he can knowing what's going to transpire and, once again, Ilsa looks like she's trying to comfort him by stroking his hand back, never taking her eyes off him. It's a nice continuation of the dynamic of their previous moment together.
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And, if this is truly Ilsa's last outing? Why hold back on basically every aspect of it? If it's truly Ilsa's last fight, why not make it her biggest, baddest fight yet that showcases all of her skill but also begins to feel truly unwinnable? We've seen her face intimidating foes before, so if she's truly going to meet her match, you really need to sell to the audience that all her usual tricks aren't working and let us see on her face that she knows she's losing this fight, which would also help build a sense of dread. I've only seen the film once at this time, but I don't recall her looking too worried at any point at the party or during her fight with Gabriel. She's a brave and skilled woman of course, but she seemed incredibly unfazed by it all, almost like she knew how it was going to go. I want to add that there's no way of knowing for sure when entering into any fight that you're guaranteed to survive. Gabriel could have stabbed her anywhere and there'd be no way to anticipate that beforehand but, as I've seen pointed out, her hand is also on the knife when it plunges into her chest. The only way to know for sure where the blade would go to look deadly but still survive it would be to guide it there herself and that seems like something the skilled Ilsa would be able to pull off.
And if it's truly Ilsa's end, why not go out of your way to make it as sad as possible? What if Gabriel leaves her just alive enough for Ethan to find her and they have a heartbreaking final moment together where they perhaps exchange a line or two before he watches her die? Of course, to add insult to injury, the grieving process is pitifully brief, focusing more on Grace's reaction than Ilsa's own friends. Why not have a stronger reaction from Ethan, Benji and Luther that absolutely breaks the audience's heart? Just compare Ethan's reaction to Ilsa's death to the assumed death of Julia in MI3, the other love of his life. Yes, technically, that was a very different situation and Julia was his wife after all and Ilsa isn't, but they don't even compare. Heck, we even get to see Ethan mourn Lindsey, a friend, in M:I3 longer than Ilsa. I understand that the movie can't languish in sorrow for too long and Ethan is used to compartmentalizing to get the job done, but this is also one of the biggest losses he's suffered and right on the heels of proclaiming to his friends how he'd never let anything happen to them. This is also the longest movie in the series so far and it has no excuse for skimping on the aftermath of the death of one of its biggest and most beloved characters. Ilsa's death is sad but leaves you feeling more empty and disappointed than utterly devastated - at least for me.
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We've also seen Ethan act before, as is a necessary skill for a spy, and I think the fairly subdued reaction to her death speaks to his ability to act realistically sad (he's had practice for this exact situation too as he's probably channeling all the awful things he felt when he believed her to be dead at the beginning of the movie) but also speaks to the fact that it's not actually real because if it was I think it'd be a far stronger reaction. Yes, Ethan could just be becoming desensitized to losing people after enduring it so many times but I don't think he'd hold back for Ilsa. His partner. His equal. Someone he loves deeply and offers his only chance at a life beyond this. That chance, that love, that happiness, are now gone forever and that's not something you just take in your stride.
And yes, maybe Rebecca needed or wanted out of this franchise to film other projects but that's only more reason to give her the best sendoff you possibly can and I don't think anyone, not even the director himself would be able to admit that this was worthy enough of her character and respectful to Rebecca. If even her final fight was, for whatever reason, purposefully undercut, then what else did the director choose to take away despite having so little to begin with and why? If, historically, it's not in his nature to pull something like this based on his previous work in the series and his own passionate comments regarding the character, why would he now? It's the overall lack of care in regard to her character all of a sudden that makes it all feel fishy.
And if this is it for Ethan and Ilsa, why not push the romance? Instead of just a hug on the balcony, why not feature their first kiss or, at least, a much longer conversation that cements where they really are before it all gets taken away? If the director attempted to include a kiss in the past but scrapped it because it wasn't the right time, he probably intended it to happen eventually. Why not sneak it in right before she dies if these are their last scenes together anyway? Maybe a kiss would only serve to telegraph her demise further by making the audience more nervous about her fate, but it also would have made it even sadder knowing they had finally reached that point right before she died. If the intention of all of this is truly just to make Ethan and the audience sad and it's going to hurt one way or another, you might as well push it as hard as you can to achieve the desired effect. Regardless, I believe that when she comes back in Part 2, they'll finally get that well-earned kiss and that's what the director is waiting for.
But why have Ethan lose another woman he loves at all? Why watch him go through an entire series where all he does is lose lovers only to have him ultimately end up alone especially after developing the perfect romantic partner with him and getting audiences on board with it over the course of multiple films? It all just feels unnecessarily cruel and, as it's nothing new for him, what is it really adding to the story or his character? Losing another lover is predictable at this point but bringing one back and actually letting him be happy? Now that would be a twist! What a triumphant moment it would be for Gabriel to see Ilsa return in the next movie (and perhaps have a rematch) and realize that he's the one who'd been duped? That the Entity is not infallible? That Ethan has been one step ahead of him this whole time?
I don't think I'm alone when I say that the best possible ending for the series and Ethan's story is to get to live his life with Ilsa given he wasn't able to with Julia, trusting the IMF in the hands of new operatives like Grace to carry on in their stead (notice how they focused on that other new recruit during Ethan's introduction as well like they're preparing him to pass the torch). He finally gets to go with Ilsa like she asked him in Rogue Nation and in Fallout and they both finally get out of the game and live happily in the peace that they helped ensure and so deeply deserve. Ethan has sacrificed his own happiness to save the world so many times, why can't he and Ilsa finally get to find some happiness with each other? This series has had it's bittersweet moments but it's never been a tragedy. The conflict is meant to feel insurmountable (it is called Mission: Impossible after all) but the heroes still win and get to be happy and I expect that to continue to be the case in the very end.
Now, I understand and agree with confronting real consequences as we face our final antagonist of the series, but I would honestly predict an actual death from Luther or Benji in the final film - staples of the series and longtime friends of Ethan - that would hurt the audience too but not steal a future from him and perhaps Ilsa's "death" is also meant to deflect from the real death that's coming which would still, naturally, makes things very bittersweet. That being said, if this series wanted to continue to lean into happy outcomes over sad ones, then simply having Ethan get to live peacefully in the knowledge that he was able to keep all of his friends safe would be enough for him and for me.
As of now, I'm actually feeling hopeful about the potential for Ilsa to return. I think there are currently more viable reasons for why she could still be alive than dead and I think it would vastly improve the story they're telling rather than take away from it or feel forced because, as it stands, the execution of her death does feel less than the caliber of what this series is capable of and a surprise return would certainly remedy that. It wouldn't feel like a gimmick given the nature of the series, nor do I think it would undermine the death scene we got since it didn't have any impact on the plot and barely any on the characters anyway. Ilsa returning would improve things, not take away and if this all works to bring her back, it will take what was a lackluster plot point and unceremonious exit of a major character to a brilliant showcase of subterfuge both for the characters and the audience and the latter sounds more like the Mission: Impossible I know.
The first time Ethan faked the death of a woman he loved to protect her; he lost her. Now he's had to do it again and this time, he'll get her back. There's still hope.
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the-final-sentence · 6 months
Top Final Sentences of 2023
He knew that on the day of his death he would see her face and he could hope to carry that beauty into the darkness with him, the last pagan on earth, singing softly upon his pallet in an unknown tongue. Cormac McCarthy, from The Passenger
And there are so many silences to be broken. Audre Lorde, from “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action”
For Guinevere Tallow, it felt like coming home. Ethan M. Aldridge, from Deephaven
And we laughed and held each other and filled our hearts with the faith that we could always do that, always blow away the clouds that threatened our stars. Andrew Neiderman as V.C. Andrews, from Honey
But as anyone who loves reading and writing quickly learns, both activities allow you to commune with the living and the dead, to listen to the thoughts of those who have come before you and argue, cajole, and sing praise for them in response. Kaitlyn Greenidge, from “Books for a Black Girl’s Soul”
The greatest shame would be to reach the end of our lives and have the epitaph read, ‘They worked really hard.’ Roxane Gay, from “Yes, Your Job Is Important. But It’s Not All Important.”
The sky is gory with stars, like the insides of a gutted night. Julia Armfield, from “Salt Slow”
Sometimes, even in towns built on curses, at least once in a blue moon, things turn out okay. Ryan Douglass, from “Knickknack”
Eventually, if we speak the truth to each other, it will become unavoidable to ourselves. Audre Lorde, from “Eye to Eye: Black Women, Hatred, and Anger”
In the distance, the darkness has started to lift like a veil, the first light of dawn spilling over the Beijing skyline, a promise of all the beautiful and terrible and sun-soaked days to come. Ann Liang, from If You Could See the Sun
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Mission impossible 3 was Ethan’s feral cat biting era. (I’m serious he bit like 4 people in the span of 2hrs Julia please vaccinate your husband. Luther come get ur boy)
Which is funny cuz Julia straight up domesticated Ethan. The cat distribution system worked to well and Julia got a husband with a cat personality instead of a plain and normal cat.
Ethan probably wandered over and Julia just picked him up and took him home. She literally got hobo!Ethan who canonically sleeps in barns/abandoned warehouses/hotel rooms/garages/streets and is legitimately a squatter to sleep in her bed and live with her (it has to be her house, Ethan credit is probably like a 6, the insurance company’s hates and loves him at the same time. If he does have a good credit score it’s 98% faked/hacked by Luther who looks at his peasant friend and feels bad) which btw has the same energy as a human seeing a feral cat on the side of the road and just picking them up and taking them home *your my friend now! And then casually catnaps them*
Ethan also give off the outdoor farmcat attitude of stopping by and living in the house for some days then disappearing back to its colony or back to work. Liked a shared custody case. The other spies be like bro wtf have you been??? And Ethan will be like I got myself a wife, food, and a roof over my head by just giving her all my affection wby? How’s living in that barn rn?
In conclusion Ethan hunt is a feral cat who was pretty enough to get adopted by a single but gorgeous women.
Discuss if u must
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helyiios · 5 days
so interesting that in mi3 ethans love interest was falsely declared dead for like 2min before we found out it was a mask and how in mi5 they almost went w the plot line of benji being falsely declared dead before we found out he went and used a mask
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