#ethan nestore x reader
memento-rory · 1 month
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✭ rpf writers!
✭ smosh fans!
✭ ethan nestor fans!
✭ schlatt fans!
✭ ted nivison fans!
✭ sinjin drowning fans!
✭ and anyone else who wants to yap with me! <3
like this post or follow me if any of this applies to you :) i follow back! (18+ only please)
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multipassion · 5 months
hi! could you write some hcs about what dating ethan nestor would include? happy christmas month! 🎄 ❤️
Of course! Sorry for around a month late response. Trying to get through my asks! Some may not be answered because tumblr likes to delete some of my asks. Feel free to resend them!
Dating Ethan Nestor Would Include... SFW and NSFW
Ethan Nestor X Reader
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If you were dating him during Unus Annus, being on set with him
Playing with his hair
Going to Maine with him and visiting his hometown
Helping him with his skincare (and getting him one of those puffy pink headbands)
Sometimes being the big spoon while snuggling
Kisses on the top of your head
Taking pictures of you for his Instagram stream announcements
Being on his streams from time to time
His audience loving you and begging him to bring you on more often
Cheering for him when he was on Creator Clash and talking with Mark and Sean about his match
Hugs from behind
16+ Below Cut
Holding your tits when he is the big spoon
Him being vocal in bed
His favorite position being cowgirl but he also loves missionary
Loves having his hair pulled softly
He isn't too kinky, but would be open to mostly anything you would want to try
One thing he would not do is anything that has to do with intense pain, but will do things with minimal pain
Loves to praise you, rarely degrades unless you ask him to
Still feels bad about it even if you asked him for it
He can get needy at times
Will beg you to suck him off
Amazing at aftercare
Will carry you to the shower and wash your body and hair
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lnfours · 1 year
you leaving ur stuffed animal at ethan’s place and he wont let it go 😁
an ethan request 🥺 u know me too well
also this concept is something i will absolutely 100% die for.
blurb night!
you had made the mistake of leaving one of the stuffed bears ethan had got for you at his place one night. you were rushing to get back to your apartment to beat the traffic, hence leaving mr. snuggles (yes he had a name) behind.
little to your knowledge, he had been sleeping with it every night ever since you left it. it was soft and it smelled like your shampoo mixed with a little bit of your perfume. it was like he was sleeping next to you whenever he held it, bringing him the most amount of comfort you could ever imagine.
you didn’t know that he had been sleeping with the bear until one morning you walked into his bedroom to find him still fast asleep in bed. spencer was at his feet, his head shooting up to look at you as he wagged his tail.
“hi spence,” you giggled, giving the dog a little scratch behind his ear, “daddy’s still sleeping, huh?”
you looked over at ethan’s sleeping state, noticing the brown stuffed bear tucked under his cheek. he had ended up sleeping on top of it, treating it like it was a pillow. you smiled softly, giggling to yourself as you walked over to the boy. you shook his shoulder softly, enough to stir him awake.
“babe, i have breakfast and coffee in the kitchen.”
he mumbled something incoherent before pulling you down on top him on the mattress. you sighed, acknowledging the fact that you weren’t going to be leaving this bed anytime soon.
“you stole mr. snuggles?” you giggled as you laid your head on top of his chest. he nuzzled his face into your hair.
“it’s not stealing if you left it here.”
“okay, but you sleep with it?”
“yeah,” he lazily admitted, “smells like you.”
you smiled softly as he dozed off back to sleep, debating to yourself on whether or not you were going to “accidentally” leave it at his house again this weekend.
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emocxnteddie · 7 months
Hi! I loved your platonic markiplier fic! I was wondering if you could make something similar but with Ethan? And reader is his trans brother who gets bullied and Ethan teaches the bullies a lesson? <3
!-! Brotherhood !-!
Pair; Crankgameplays/Ethan Nestor x FTM!Reader.[He/Him Pronouns]
Genre; Platonic fluff & angst-ish.
WARNINGS; Swearing, blood, violence, fighting, transphobia, homophobic slurs, bullying.[Let Me Know If More Is Needed.]
A/N - I decided to base this on an au where Ethan is in his last year of high school & M/N is in his second year of high school.
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M/N stood in the hallway of his high school, trying not to be seen. He had been relentlessly bullied for the past year for being trans. M/N hated it, always being called names.
M/N's older brother, Ethan was however always by his side. Though Ethan wasn't fully aware of everything, he didn't know his brother was bullied for being trans specifically.
Then one of M/N's classmates, a guy named Derek walked up to M/N along with Derek's minions. "Look! It's the faggot!" Derek laughed as he pushed M/N into the locker.
"Leave me alone, Derek," M/N muttered as he was pushed into the locker. He hated high school, all because of the bullying. Derek didn't stop, of course, he didn't. Derek just continued pushing M/N into the lockers, taunting him.
"C'mon, fag! Fight me! Fucking coward!" Derek laughed and M/N tried to push him off but it wasn't so easy. Then he saw a figure dash towards them, it was Ethan. He had gone to get something he'd forgotten in his classroom when he saw his younger brother being bullied by Derek & his group.
"Leave him alone, you piece of shit!" Ethan yelled as he pushed Derek to the ground. Derek stood up and glared at Ethan. "Why are you defending this homo freak!" Derek said in an angered tone. Ethan spaced out and just swung at Derek, hitting him in the face.
"That homo freak is my brother! So you keep his name out of your fucking mouth!" Ethan yelled as he kept punching Derek until he got enough of it, his fist being bloody and Derek's face being bloody. Derek ran off with his friends, yelling names.
Ethan looked at M/N and laughed. "Sorry, got a little carried away," Ethan said in an embarrassed tone and M/N just laughed along. "Thanks for protecting me, Ethan," M/N thanked his brother and Ethan just ruffled his hair.
"You're my brother, I couldn't let those punks treat you like that, I'm the only one allowed to tease you," Ethan said proudly as he heard teachers. "Oh fuck, gotta run! Catch you back home, bro!" Ethan said as he ran away, M/N just chuckled and nodded.
"Yeah, see you back home, brother."
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
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━"Guest Appearance"
━Tw: None
━Notes: A very cute idea I had reminiscing about the time Unus Annus did a wax video with Sean
━Song: "Twin Sized Matress" By The Front Bottoms
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Ethan and Mark were staring to regret their choice in friends.
Or at least the kind of ideas they came up for this goddamn channels videos.
It was fucking loud. I mean, honestly what did they expect when offering two of the goofiest people they knew to fly out for a video and shutting them in a room with a camera. There wasn’t going to be a bit of content without yelling after all. Especially when it came down to the four idiots playing around right now with how tightly knit they were.
Maybe it was the full on wax war that wasn’t predicted.
The rapidly cooling substance was flinging nearly everywhere, clinging to the surface of the walls like sticky soda and some even being propelled on the ceiling fan above (which in turn splattered it every which way like a modern age art project).
Paintbrushes with cream colored bristles—that had previously been used for spreading wax across bare skin—were now being dipped in the milky white substance. Before the wax could harden completely it was launched at a respective person, who got a face full of it to enjoy.
Honestly (Y/n) was having the time of their fucking life.
They didn’t give a shit whether or not the camera couldn’t even see them properly right now. All they were focused on was ducking up and down between the protection of a scrappy desk, trying their best not to get smacked in the mouth with the slimy wax as they fired their own ammo at Sean.
Ethan was on the other side of them, the team of two having mischievously grabbed half a bucket of hot wax halfway through the scheduled video and attacking the other people in the room.
The war had only been officially waged after Mark had grabbed a handful from his own bucket without a second thought, nailing Ethan directly in the scalp with it as a ‘thank you’ gift.
”Surrender losers!” A girlish squeal came from Ethan as he narrowly avoided another fire ball of wax, sticking his tongue out at Mark. His brown hair was plastered to the front of his forehead with a mix of sweat and wax, mimicking the look of everyone else. He had even almost knocked their cover over as he squatted down.
”Nhever!” Determination poked its head through Sean’s thick Irish accent. (Y/n) paused to clutch at their rib cage in a fit of laughter as they witnessed the man stand up and pose like a superhero, only to slip on a puddle of wax and land straight on his ass.
”Oh ye think tha’s funny (Y/n)?” He said quickly getting back up and making devilish eye contact. They let out a sudden yell as Sean grew closer and fully left the protection of his pathetic looking plastic table, formerly having hid behind it with Marks bulky figure.
They attempted to scramble up and out of the room, a complete disregard for the camera recording all of this as this point. All that they were worried about right now was escaping the ghoulish grin and bucket of wax coming their way.
”Wait no please!”
Their pleas were met with a tirade of evil laughter, managing to just barely close their eyes before warm wax slid down every available surface of their face.
Even Ethan and Mark had stopped in their ferocious battle to watch the buckets contents get emptied onto their head. Now instead of (Y/n) rolling on the ground belly laughing it was them, completely ignoring the mess sticking to their clothes like wallpaper in exchange for playfully howling at the fellow content creator.
”You guys fucking suck!” They spat, already feeling their face start to freeze up with the wax. While their words might be venomous their tone was not, breaking up with an amused wheeze halfway through.
“I’m telling Amy and Gab that you three were pushing me around!”
”Oooooh I’m so scared of Sean and Marks girlfriends!”
”Dont think I forgot about you either Mr. Crankgameplays. You act like I won’t go get your mother on the phone right this second.”
The other boys made oohing sounds at Ethan like a fifth grader who just watched their classmate get in trouble. He simply blew a raspberry at them in response.
It was only then that Sean backed up slightly, bumping into the forgotten camera and startling himself
(Y/n) laughed as much as they could with a temporarily paralyzed face, watching as the boys discussed jokingly in front of the camera if attacking each other with discolored crayon wax was enough content to satiate their gremlin viewers. Spoiler alert: They determined it was.
”Not exactly the normal content of Unus Annus. But then again we wouldn’t have invited you and Sean if we had wanted that. Congrats on being the first and last special guest to hijack our original plan for a video.” Mark grinned with teeth, now holding an arm out so (Y/n) could help themself up. They took it with as much of a smile they could manage, attempting to mumble a jovial ‘thank you dumbass’ back at him.
”Mark wipe their face off I can’t understand jack shit coming out of their mouth.”
”Awhh bu’ I was enjoyin ta silence.”
(Y/n) simply made a slitting gesture across their throat at Sean, cussing him out with their eyes. The motion just received more snickers.
“You know what? Sure. Let’s get Chica in here to wipe that wax off their face.” Mark rubbed his hand together in a comically evil motion. “Or should I say lick it off?”
Their eyes widened as they chased after the laughing boys, yelling from the back of their throat desperately with a smile.
Totally worth the trip.
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Can you write a Ethan Nestor x reader where reader is starting a death metal band and does vocals. And Ethan is just so impressed. Maybe Mark, Ethan and Sean go to their first concert. And it’s the first time any of them are hearing their music. They knew it was metal, but they didn’t expect the beautiful guttural vocals that the reader produces? I don’t know i thought it’d be fun.
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A/n: this kinda deviated from the smaller details of your ask, I'm so sorry!! I'm so excited to write for Ethan! Thanks for being the first person to send in an Ethan ask!!!!
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"Aren't you touring soon with the band?" Ethan asked, his eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah, we have some concerts around a few states in a couple months. I'm so happy we were on the billboard just a few days ago!!" "I saw that! I'm so proud of you guys!" You two hugged, squeezing the other tightly. "Say, we have a few seats left, would you wanna come with some of your friends?" "Fuck yeah i want to come!! How many friends can I bring?" "I think I can get away with it if you bring two people, no more then that though!" "Of course!!"
As the months leading up to your 'tour' passed, you became increasingly more excited. The band, called 'The wicked fury', released two singles that were now on the songlist! You told Ethan to not listen to them yet, you wanted him to be surprised. He agreed and you promised him it was gonna be good.
And here it was: the start of your tour.
You had preformed a couple shows in Washington and had moved down to LA for four or so shows.
You were able to snag three extra tickets to your third LA show. Naturally, Ethan picked Mark and Sean to go with him, since they all wanted to meet up and make a bunch of content together anyway. You had a bunch of extra room in the bus, so you invited them all to come on the bus, and they all agreed. All the way there, Ethan was a ball of energy about how much fun the show was gonna be. The three of them got into playful banter multiple times about how much they wanted Ethan to shut the fuck up. Laughing at their antics as you got ready for the show, you started to get kinda nervous about the guys not liking your music. You knew there was no reason to feel this way, they all enjoyed music similar to yours, there was just a part of you that thought maybe they wouldn't enjoy the show.
As you arrived, you told the guys to follow you so they could get to there seats first. As you walked into the venue, you showed them where to sit. A security guard gave them shit, until he realized they were with you. He apologized profusely until you reassured him. He was just doing his job, everything was fine.
After soundcheck, the guys all cheered wildly, making you laugh. You were so glad to have Sean and Mark as your friends, and you were glad to be able to call Ethan yours.
You saw from behind the curtain how fans by the hundreds pooled into the venue. Your band mates were laughing about something as you walked over to them, asking them one final question before you all went on stage. "Ready guys?" "Fuck yeah" "yep!" "This is gonna be fucking awesome!" Then you heard a manager in your earpiece, signaling you guys to come on. You all stood and walked on stage.
During the performance, Ethan , Sean, and Mark couldn't believe how amazing your vocals sounded. (You may have been working extra hard on sounding good) They were all left in awe the entire show. None of them had heard the bands music before, and they were very, very pleasantly surprised. After every song, Ethan and Mark and Sean were the ones to cheer the loudest, and they were screaming the lyrics to the choruses.
You all left that concert with sore throats, but it was worth it in the end.
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cracked-rose-lenses · 15 days
Dating Ethan Nestor would Include…
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DISCLAIMER: I am not alluding to or claiming anything about Ethan’s personal life nor do I want to, as that is his buisness and his alone; these headcanons are simply for people who value him as a comfort source! Enjoy :)
a/n: in the unlikely event that ethan sees this, kindly shoot me-
warnings: none! just fluff :)
you two either meeting through youtube, creatorclash, or spencer tackling you with affection
no other options LOL
ethan’s talked about his sexuality on stream before, so i don’t think he’d have issues with dating someone who isn’t afab (pan-curious king)
i feel like he’d definitely be very protective of you in the sense of privacy, since he doesn’t want you getting hate
however, if you allowed it, he would absolutely make some cute couple posts!
this man doesn’t give a royal fuck what you identify as, the gay jokes are inevitable
you recording him giggling because fdkjfjdklfjsrlk cute???
getting invited on brain leak and exposing him to seán 😭
you both start bullying him
spencer being squished in between y’all when you’re cuddling
neither of you mind, since he’s your adopted son
spencer, not ethan, to be clear
you’re one of the first people he hugs after winning <333
dates that are literally just taking a nap together (goals honestly)
begging him to wear glasses more cuz he’s fine asf already but in glasses?? *dies*
just a very sweet, slightly chaotic relationship with our lord and savior eeftan christ PFFT-
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bts-spnlvr12 · 2 years
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Colorful Souls
Sean McLoughlin x Reader/Jacksepticeye x Reader
Characters: Markiplier, Amy Nelson, Tyler Scheid, Ethan Nestor, Wade, Bob, and possible others...
Summary: When you’re born, you’re able to see in color until your 18th birthday, your vision goes dull in color until you see your soulmate. You’re 26, and still haven’t found your soulmate, but will that change when you go to L.A. for a youtuber’s get together?
Prompt: Soulmate!AU
A/N: Sean has a beautiful girlfriend, please remember that this is just a story!!
You just arrived at LAX for a get together that’s happening in 2 days, meeting up with your best friends such as Mark, Amy, Ethan, Bob, Wade and Sean who should arrive by tomorrow as he texted the group chat between you all...
You grab your luggage and go outside to see Amy’s car, jogging to her vehicle and knocking on the window, “Amy!”
“Y/n!” She unlocks the door and you put your luggage in the back seat and climb into the passenger seat, “How have you been?”
You continue your conversation on the way back to Mark’s house, which after 20 minutes she pulls into the driveway and parks in the garage, you both get out and you grab your luggage and head inside, once inside you see Mark, Bob, Wade, Tyler and Ethan chatting in the living room...
“She’s here!” They look up and come over and hug you, “Hey Y/n!”, you giggle and set your luggage down, “Hey fellas, how have you been?”
“Good, we were just discussing a video while everyone’s here, have any ideas?” Bob spoke for all of the guys...
“How about some improv? Everyone seems to enjoy those types of videos.” You suggest..
“Boys?” Bob looks at the guys, and they smile and nod, “Sounds like a good idea.” Ethan speaks out, the guys then go get things set up while Amy helps you get set up in a guest bedroom, “Thank you for letting me spend this weekend over here, I could’ve easily rented a hotel room.”
“It’s no problem, you know we love to have you around, we haven’t caught up in like forever...” Amy smiles, you nod subtly, “Yeah, it’s been a while, but not much happened...”
“Are you able to see color yet, have you found your soulmate?” Amy questions, which causes you to sigh softly and shake your head, “Nope...maybe I have no soulmate, I’m 26 and still haven’t found him...”
“You do have a soulmate Y/n, you just haven’t found the right on just yet, he’ll come around sometime, hell, maybe you’re soulmate is gonna be here this weekend...” You smile softly, “Maybe, but you and Mark are soulmates, Bob and his wife are as well, along with everyone else here, I’m the only one who hasn’t found one yet...”
“It could be Jack, I bet he hasn’t found one yet...” Amy suggests, “There’s no way, he’s a freaking amazing, handsome guy, there’s no way he hasn’t found his yet...” You give her a look, then feel your face start to redden...
“Looks like someone has a crush on him...”
“Oh shush, you better go help the guys, I’m gonna get comfortable for the evening...” Amy nods and goes downstairs to help the guys...
You go shower and switch out of your travel clothes and into some more comfortable clothes, then go sit on the bed and scroll through social media, then look at your channel stats, and reading and replying to some comments, when you feel tired from the jet lag and suddenly fall asleep...
~Next morning...~
You wake up to the smell of coffee that was just brewed, you get up, brush your hair, put it in a clip and head downstairs to hear a loud Irish gentleman jokingly bickering with Wade about something funny he did to make everyone laugh, you smile and slowly come into the kitchen...
“Good morning Y/n! Want some breakfast?” Mark asks as he sees you walk in, “Yes please, thank you!” You go and fix some coffee, before turning around, smiling, you then look at Jack, only then to see a ton of color, you shockingly looked around, you excuse yourself suddenly then slowly rush back up to your guest room, placing your mug down and pacing a bit, “There’s no freaking way...Sean..is my...soulmate? How...?”
You sit down on the bed, still shocked, you’re brought out of your trance by a knocking on the door, “C-Come in!” You look and see Amy come in then shut the door, “You alright, you seemed a little shocked? Stressed?”
“Uhm, yeah...I’m totally fine...” You look up to see Amy’s dark colored eyes, “I can finally see color Amy, it happened after I looked at Jack...”
“This is good! You finally found your soulmate after so long, Sean is your soulmate...” Amy grabs your hand, you look down at her red nail polish, you cover your eyes with your other hand, “This can’t be happening, but at the same time...it is...”
You calm your breathing, “He can’t possibly know...”
~Meanwhile, Jack’s POV...~
“Uhm, guys...” I look at the mug in front of me, to see a dark green color...
The guys look at me and notice a look of shock on my face, “Jack? You alright buddy?” Mark asks...
“Yeah, the fact that I finally know that Y/n is my soulmate!” I whisper yell, the guys also get a look of shock on their faces, “No fucking way...”
“She can’t possibly know about this, she’ll freak the fuck out...” I sigh softly, “She has to Jack, why else would she just leave after looking directly at you for a split second?” 
“She could’ve had to go do something really, quick, I don’t know! Fucking hell!” I replied, then slowly calmed my breathing, “What should I do?”
~Author’s POV...~
You talked with Amy to get an idea of what to do next, “We have to talk about this, even if it’ll be hard to mention, but it’s worth it, I found my soulmate, and I’m not going to lose him...”
“That’s the spirit, come on...” You nod and follow Amy downstairs, to find the guys, talking about the plans for this weekend, you smile softly and refill your mug, and join in on the conversation, you notice Mark and Amy having their own little conversation every now and then, but think nothing of it...
Once the weekends plans are discussed, we go to our separate places, you got up and change into a jogging outfit of a tank, shorts, short socks and running shoes, with your hair in a high ponytail, you had your phone and earbuds in hand then let Mark know that you’re going for a quick run, and that you’ll be back in about an hour or so...
You put in your earbuds then open the door, and turn to shut it, catching a glimpse of Jack, then closing it, then shaking your head the starting your jog around the neighborhood...
You get to a nearby park then sit down on a bench, you get the urge to scroll through your gallery, mainly of picture of you and Jack, you wonder why it took so long for your vision to change, you liked him a lot, you’ve looked at him a lot, but those times your vision never changed, maybe something changed over the years, maybe he felt the same about you...
You’d never know until you ask him, you blush when you get to a photo of you’re first time meeting him, he was kissing your cheek, you we’re a huge fan when you started your channel, then eventually grew close to 5 million subscribers within a few years time, you sigh then get back up and walk back to the house...
You arrive back home after 30 minutes, you notice that everyone is gone except for Jack, “Where’s is everyone?” You shut the door...
“They went out for a night on the town...” He replies, you nod then go wash your body, then switch into another pair of PJs you brought along for the weekend, you come downstairs and sit on the couch a few spaces away from Jack, sensing something a little awkward in the air...
“How are you doing, Y/n?” Jack breaks the silence, “I’m doing good, you?”
“I’m doing good as well, anything new?” You shrug your shoulders, “Not really, I mean something special happened, but you probably don’t wanna hear about that...”
“Tell me about it, come here...” You move a little closer to him and face him, “I...I found my soulmate today, I wasn’t expecting to after so many years, what about you?” Jack nods, “I can say the same for myself, I found my soulmate as well...” You smile softly, “She must be very lucky to have a guy like you...” You smile softly, Jack smiles softly, “She is very lucky...”
Suddenly you feel his lips on yours, you kiss him back as he lays you down on the couch, then open your eyes to see his bright blue eyes staring deeply into your (E/C) eyes...
“I love you...” You whisper soft enough that he could barely hear you, “What was that?” He gently lifts your head up by your chin with his thumb and forefinger, making you look into his bright blue eyes...
“I love you, Sean...” You finally say loud enough, “I love you too Y/n, for eternity...” He then leans down and kisses you softly, when suddenly you both hear the front door open, you both shoot up off the sofa and fix yourselves up, before turning around and smiling...
“Hey guys, how was your night out?” Sean asks them as they finish coming inside, “It was great, seems like you had a good time yourselves...” You then look down and blush...
“S-shut up...” Sean then pulls you in, “Now if you excuse us, we’re gonna go upstairs and do couple things..” You and Sean stand up and go to the room you’re staying in and cuddle and kiss one another until you both fall asleep in each other’s arms... 
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lil-writer-523 · 3 months
Boxer! Ethan Nestor x Ballerina! OC?
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An AU where Ethan is a Boxer (because Creator Clash 2 had me hyped as hell) and the OC is a Ballerina. The two have a meet-cute at a cafe, perhaps?? I just wanna see them take care of each other after long days of training.
The Moodboard/Collage took me 30 minutes using Picsart, and I don't really regret it. Might write this out. Who knows?
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corpsehusband-simp · 11 months
Send me requests for Ethan Nestor??
Do people write for Ethan Nestor (crankgameplays) anymore? Do y’all want me to write for him again? I’ve been craving some Ethan in my life and if I can’t find it I might as well write it right?
(Not my gif❣️)
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thelvrsera · 4 months
lowkey missing the need to write for my favorite/comfort YouTubers bc I am that weird quirky nerd girl who loves that one dude that screams happy wheels
…and the one who claims he isn’t a masochist, it’s about power
…and that one dude who had blue hair for a while, he was cute..
Fr tho don’t bully me I’m just a girl
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memento-rory · 14 days
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✭ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: ethan has something to say to you after winning his creator clash match. (requested by @judasjasperite)
✭ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none! <3 just some fluffy goodness here.
✭ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 524.
✭ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: erm, i’m pulling the events of ethan’s match from my memory so if any of this is incorrect, sorry. 😗
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The energy in the arena is absolutely electric. You’re surrounded by friends and strangers alike, a cacophony of voices at maximum decibels, so loud you can barely hear your own thoughts. You brush shoulders with Mark and Sean, sandwiched between them for the perfect view of Ethan’s match.
The match starts, and all of the muscles in your body tense involuntarily, as if bracing yourself for the hits Ethan’s about to take. It’s intense, watching him in the ring. He’s been training for this for months and you know firsthand that he’s more than ready for this fight, but you can’t help but be worried for him, especially after some of the fights you’ve already seen.
Ethan seems to hold his own, like this match is the easiest thing he’s ever done in his life. He’s quick, he’s light on his feet, he’s in his element. He makes it look effortless, and not only is it impressive, but it’s incredibly hot.
Two rounds come and go, with Ethan and Lee getting a pretty even amount of hits in, but in the third round, the odds completely shift. Ethan backs Lee up against the ropes, landing blow after blow, until Lee falls to the floor.
Ethan is declared the winner. Sean and Mark are going crazy on either side of you, and you can’t help but join them in their shouting, your voice instantly growing hoarse from how loud you are. Ethan jumps up on the ropes, celebrating his victory with the crowd, before his eyes find yours. He grins a wide grin, pride overflowing as he catches you cheering for him.
When he steps out of the ring, he’s immediately running to you, Mark, and Sean, wrapping the three of you up in a sweaty hug. When he pulls away, he stares at you for just a moment, his eyes darting from your eyes to your lips several times, before saying, “Ah, what the fuck.”
You don’t have any time to wonder what he means by that, because he’s reaching towards you, taking your face in his gloved hands before crashing his lips to yours.
You hear gasps from everyone around you. You don’t pay them any mind, wrapping your arms around Ethan’s neck, unable to stop the grin that spreads on your face as you kiss him back.
“Sorry, it’s the adrenaline,” He says when he finally pulls away from you, but he doesn’t look all that sorry. He looks downright elated. “I’m feeling pretty fucking brave right now, and I don’t know if I’ll ever feel this fucking brave again, so I had to do it. I had to make my move.” He sighs, breathless from both his match and the kiss you just shared. “I’m in love with you, (Y/N), and I think I have been for, like, ever.”
Ethan searches your face for a reaction, and you break out into a smile so wide that your cheeks start to hurt. “I love you too.” You tell him, and he grins, pulling you in for another kiss, while the crowd around you erupts into another round of cheers for Ethan.
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multipassion · 4 months
taking requests for people in the tags!!
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writingsbyzuzu · 21 days
hiiiii my friend! <3 it’s been sooo rainy here so i was wondering, could i perhaps get uhhh comfy rainy night in with ethan?
here’s how I think a rainy day would go down
(please please be kind to me y’all, this is my first fic in literally TEN years, I have not written since I was 13. I hope you like it my friend, I wasn’t sure if you wanted a blurb, but I wrote as much as my inspiration would take me.)
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
You had a work trip out in Seattle, and Ethan, deciding to take a break from videos for a while, figured he would join you. You had decided to stay the additional weekend, figuring you both could use some time together just taking in the sights of the city. Unfortunately for you both, it was raining cats and dogs starting that Friday evening, and had no plans of ceasing that Saturday morning.
Ethan, none of the less, was dedicated into making the most of his relaxation time with you. Waking up before you, he decides to make you a warm beverage to wake up to, either your favorite cocoa or tea, warming the water or milk on the stove. As he prepares it, he sees through the open bedroom door you gradually waking up, before you stretch out your arms.
“Morning sleepy. Want something to drink?”
As you come into the kitchen, he gives you a small kiss and gives you the mug full of warm drink, letting you sip as he pulls out the breakfast he has ordered (I can imagine, dear reader, that you probably all but banned him for life from the kitchen after that Thanksgiving video.)
After you eat, he pulls blankets out from the Airbnb closet, setting them gently on the couch. “I figured since we probably can’t do much until the rain stops pouring down so hard, we could watch a movie,�� he beams at you.
“Of course! What should we watch?”
“Let’s do something we haven’t watched before.”
Ethan scrolls the multitude of tv streaming platforms, before picking something that had just recently come to streaming, settling in under the blankets to hold you. “Man I hope this is good,” he mumbles. “It’s two hours long.”
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“Well E? What did you think?” You ask him, looking over at him with a smile. “That was a movie. That was one of the movies ever made.” You laugh, throwing your head back as he kisses your cheek. “Nothing you said was incorrect. I don’t think that’s one we should rewatch.”
“What now?” Ethan asks you. “Board games?” you suggest, stretching once more. He nods, as you stand up. “I’m gonna go pee, I’ll be back,” you say. As you’re in the bathroom, you hear a gasp. You quickly wash your hands and exit, running to see what was the issue. Ethan holds up a box. The Five Nights At Freddy’s board game. “Babe, we have the opportunity to do the funniest thing,” he says.
You laugh and roll your eyes at him.
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“I genuinely do not know how to play this,” Ethan laments, staring at the board, all the pieces long spread out before you. More than forty minutes had gone by of reading the instructions, rolling dice, moving the pieces around, reading the instructions again, and so on and so forth, the both of you flummoxed by the unclear suggestions. “Maybe we look it up on YouTube?” you suggest, shrugging. Ethan shakes his head, gently putting the pieces back in the box. “We gave it our best shot love, let’s just find something else to do.”
“Do you mind if I read? I did want to start that book I got yesterday at that bookstore,” you respond. He nods, and you pull the book out from your bag, before standing up and walking away to get situated and comfortable back on the couch. As you’re moving a pillow around, getting comfortable, Ethan wraps himself in a blanket before laying his head down into your lap. You begin your book as Ethan lays there, and as the minutes tick by, he falls asleep, the house quiet except for the occasional boom of thunder. You find the afternoon slips away from you.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
A few hours later, you decide to wake Ethan up. He smiles up at you, as he slowly wakes up. “Hey honey. Dinnertime?” You ask. You had been hungry for around an hour now, and had figured now was as good a time as any to wake him up and get something to eat. He nods, sitting up. You both get changed, deciding order from a little Italian place you saw down the street. Going to go pick it up, you step out of the house, and he opens the umbrella up for you. You huddle together, as Ethan links your arm with his. You walk down the street together, enjoying the rain, making sure not to get wet. After around a ten minute walk, you arrive, Ethan opening the door for you, closing the umbrella and shaking the water off on the sidewalk.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
When you arrive back at the house, you both feel rather sleepy and a little cold from being out and about, so Ethan runs you a hot bath. “Thank you babe,” you call out, and he nods. “No problem love, just relax.”
After he takes a shower, you warm up the food, which had gone a little cold. “We should have eaten first,” you remark, but Ethan shakes his head. “I couldn’t let my favorite person get cold. You could get sick!” he exclaims. “I didn’t even get wet!” Ethan shakes his head again. “Can’t risk it, now could you eat your food babe?”
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
After another movie spent watching, you both lay in bed, feeling a sense of sleepiness lulled by the rain. He wraps his arms around you, smiling. “You know, this day may not have turned out how we wanted it, but I had a pretty good day with you,” he whispers, kissing your head. “It was a good day. Was a normal day. But a good day.”
“Normal days are good with you,” he responds, shifting to hold you closer to him. “Any day is good with you. I think these kinds are the best though.”
You smile up at him, giving him a peck. “I love you, E.” “I love you too. Let’s get some sleep, okay?” He closes his eyes as the two of you fall asleep, just you and your boyfriend in the quiet normalcy of the rain.
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emocxnteddie · 8 months
!-! CrankGamePlayes !-!
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dinofromspac3 · 1 year
Rules for Requests
Main Masterlist
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I do not write smut, but I will write spice
please request through asks
be patient and be kind. I might take a while to get the fic out
leave as much or as little detail as you like, but fair warning if you leave so much detail that you’ve practically written it for me, I will be less likely to write it.
ask nicely, kind of goes along with be kind. I’m not taking orders, and if you act like it, I will ignore your request.
Thank you<3
Who I write for:
Fem/GN readers
Doctor Who:
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Clara Oswald x Reader
Rose Tyler x Reader
Martha Jones x Reader
Donna Noble x Reader
Bill Potts x Reader (fem only)
The Doctor x Reader (platonic only because there’s not enough of these and there’s plenty of romantic fics out there)
The Master/Missy x Reader (platonic only)
If you think of any others just ask
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Peter Parker x Reader
Kate Bishop x Reader
Yelena Belova x Reader (platonic only, ace queen)
Natasha Romanoff x Reader (platonic only)
Steve Rogers x Teen!Reader
Bucky Barnes x Teen!Reader
Pretty much everyone x Teen!Reader
Again, if there’s any not listed, just ask.
Wizarding World:
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(I’m partial to Hufflepuff!Readers)
Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Neville Longbottom x Reader
Luna Lovegood x Reader
Newt Scamander x Reader
Again, just ask. I’ll add marauders when I’ve read all of All the Young Dudes fic on AO3
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Ethan Nestor x Reader
Markiplier x Reader (platonic only)
Jacksepticeye x Reader (platonic only)
Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit:
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Frodo Baggins x Reader
Samwise Gamgee x Reader
Merry Brandybuck x Reader (platonic only)
Pippin Took x Reader (platonic only)
Aragorn x Reader
Eowyn x Reader
Arwen x Reader
Legolas x Reader
Kili x Reader
Fili x Reader
Bilbo Baggins x Reader (platonic only)
Star Wars:
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Padme Amidala x Reader
Anakin Skywalker x Reader (platonic only)
Obi Wan Kenobi x Reader
(Sorry I’ve only seen the prequels)
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