#ethan. mah boi
clanima · 1 year
Yay pokémon!😂 And today two characters from one of my most treasured pokémon games: Ethan and Silver from HeartGold amd SoulSilver!
Ethan «There, there... I know how you feel! Thanks!» (probably after Silver confessed)
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I remember playing with SoulSilver the first time as Lyra, and I loved Ethan, he is such a sweet guy🥺
How many hours I've spent playing? Who knows...❤️❤️
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lilbluebastard · 4 months
⚠️Possible spoilers to those who haven’t played any of the Outlast games yet! ⚠️
Just finished outlast one and the dlc like a few weeks ago
they were both so good! Scary and creepy the villains were terrifying and disturbing, especially Eddie gluskin and Dr trager , Chris walker! All so creepy and disturbing in there own lil ways, the whistleblower dlc was extremely uncomfortable and unnerving, being a girl that was very uncomfortable to look at, the mutilated men , there hanged bodys and the mockery of a woman’s body was absolutely horrendous and scary and seriously id play it again, it was fun and scary , i liked listen to Eddie yap , it was fun
And finished Outlast 2…..and may I just say
WTF! I did all that! Just for Lynn to 😭😭💔💔 and Blake and his baby to not survive 💔😭
That game made me so uncomfortable, bro all the enemies were so gross and creepy , I’ve read the notes I have sympathy for no one, to the so called righteous to the damned heretics, y’all were icky and creepy and weird! You guys hurt Blake and Lynn!! And father loutermilch. He made me so uncomfortable with the way he acted towards Blake and Jessica and the demon form was terrifying, kinda funny how he walked but still scary nonetheless the less
But seriously justice for my bois miles and Blake! They honestly deserved better 😭💔
Can we get justices for mah boi Ethan? ETHAN! 😭💔 bro just wanted his daughter to be okay! I love Ethan he was so nice and sweet! Marta why you gotta ruin everything >:(
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but seriously all that aside m the game was really good! It was scary…..scarring 🥲, and it made me feel uneasy all the time, to the scary ass music to the sound of enemies screaming in the distance , to the claustrophobia and the thalassophobia, the game was good amazing
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verystrxxwberry · 3 months
ALEXANDER, HELP ME, IM DYING-😭😭😭 my bestie just said to me: hear me out, and im like, "what kind of abomination is your crush now?" and im fr, after she told me she liked Adam(HH) wITHOUT THE MASK I thought nothing could be worst. spoiler, IT CAN💀 she's like, "no, is a ship" and i just go "fuck" (she's the kind of person who shipps TojixGojo) ... im just going to copy-paste our conversation in here:
(i love her but bitch you r crazyyy):
Lili: it's a Moonlight Lovers ship
Me: If this is your Ethan x Ivan again I'm gonna punch you
Lili: it is not, hear me out😭
Me: u don't deserve me hearing you out after your James Potter x Severus Snape bullshit of the other day reading marauder's fanfiction but ok
Lili: ok, i realized that Vlad is an interesting character
Me: what do you mean by interesting💀?
Lili: that he just is such a cutie patootie that can be shipped with anyone in the manor except Ivan☺️✨
Lili: like Rapha x Vlad is such a cute couple, or Aaron x Vlad. is like a safe place.
Me: u r mad af
Lili: no, pls. like, Ethan x Vlad is just right. they can heal each other!
Me: u said this exact shit a week ago during the HP marathon in the scene Hermione punched Draco. wich im tempted to do rn, but we are, sadly, online
Lili: and Beliath x Vlad is just the perfect enemies to lovers! or rivals to lovers, better said. is my (second) personal favorite
Lili: waittt, there is one more. THE one, with Vladiath. or the name is Belimir?
Me: NO💀 Lili, DON'T YOU Dare
Lili: 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Me: d-o-n-t s-a-y i-t
Lili: my top tier: Neil x Vladimir
Lili: but is just right 😭😭!
Me: make it have sense!!!! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE
Lili: it is not!!!
Me: ur parents shouldn't be ashamed of you being trans, they should be ashamed for this. u little fuck, whyyyy. just leave Vladimir alone!
Me: ur parents shouldn't be ashamed of you being trans, they should be ashamed for this. u little fuck, whyyyy. just leave Vladimir alone!
Lili: hsgajshkahsj, bitch🤣 ily, but i don't get how do you were chill after an actual conversion and mad about this
Me: I just have principles. My god, how crazy you are
Lili: Tumblr this to or verystrxxwberry! you'll see he'll have to agree with me on something.
Me: I swear if anyone in the entire world agrees with you on this I'll kill myself
anyways, she came over to my house and we're eating Nutella while i send this to you. you are both of us favorite's Moonlight lovers content creator, but my girl lili is just messed up in the head. (just joking, someday she'll be my bridesmaid,) it's awesome to be her friend, tho.
have a nice day, mah boi, and dON'T AGREE WITH THIS ATROCITY 💀💀💀💀.
You know, my heart did a giant backflip when I saw this giant message. Still, I am very glad I am very glad I am your fav ml content creator, that increases my ego 😎 (kidding but it makes me very happy to know!)
About ML ships... well, I genuinely believe that if we are talking about Vladimir, the healthiest ones would be with Raphael and Aaron. I never thought about the chance of Vladimir with Ethan or Beliath because they aren't his type at all, then Ivan is like the rebel kid on the mansion so.. no... but Neil 💀💀 I must confess he is my least liked character because I never ❗️ know❗️ what❗️to❗️write❗️for him❗️so my mind kinda deletes his presence most of the times. Still, it would be a very toxic ship if we dared to think abour Vladimir x Neil. If Vlad is already depressed, I think Neil would only drag him lower.
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im-not-a-l0ser · 3 months
I will do every character that comes to mind
(I use very weird phrases)
Paul/paul23 - awesome guy I don't think I could hang out with him though. I very much like musicals (paul23 specifically: REVOLUTION LEADER WAHOOOO)
Emma - she's is amazing and I think I could vibe with her
Perky - Emma on drugs. Nice/hj
Emdroid - murder robot from the future... rad
Ziggy - they seem rad. They definitely should have gotten more screen time.
Ted - sometimes a good character but most of the time a bit of a perv. I do feel bad for the Time Bastard
Lex - amazing big sister and I have a hc abt her
Ethan - J.D. but a good person and not insane. the lex hc includes him
Hanna - needs a hug
pete - OMG I want to squeeze him to death/affectionate
Richie - he's so Squishy he's never done anything wrong ever (except kill a guy)
Wiggly - ... No comment (the dude bombed Russia)
Blinky - I have no clue what to think
Tinky - mah boi. I love his outfit
Pokey - theater kid to a point that he wants the world to be a musical. JUST LIKE ME/j
Nibbly - NOM NOM NOM
Grace - she was my favorite until npmd she was silly
Okay, couple things. 1, I absolutely need to know your hc for lex. 2, I would like your opinion on Max, Steph and Ruth. 3, I'm very confused about your stance on Grace. I don't know if silly is a good or bad thing. 4, yes, Ziggs absolutely needs more screen time; we love them.
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 2 years
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Kat's first child and first son!
He's my BABY!!!
He is a goof ball who loves his little bro and sis!
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shankedbyroses · 6 years
How about Ethan?
I’m making this a mix of both Ethan himself and his character, since he’s still being developed to an extent (some things still need to get cleaned up), and both of those seem important to who he is, anyway. 
1. His earlier days as a vigilante were dark and grim. If he could forget them, he would. But he wouldn’t undo the acts entirely; there were still people he helped. 
2. He prefers clothing that covers his entire body. Sweaters, pants, etc. There’s a small variety of reasons, but the biggest is that he’s collected quite a few injuries over the years, and he doesn’t want them to show. 
3. He was originally designed as an idea to be a nobody in a masquerade, but I really liked his design and it snowballed from there.
4. His mask is a huge part of his identity, for himself and for me. In my earlier ideas, his mask was a sort of protection, you could say. The idea was that when he removed it, he became a monster. It was a pretty cool idea, but it didn’t work for what I wanted. 
5. He is very protective over children, and has temporarily “adopted” a few over the years until he found them better circumstances to live in or was able to reunite them with their parents. 
6. Ethan likes to read, but he’s very particular. He prefers light-hearted stories, with happy endings. 
7. He doesn’t consider himself a creative person. 
8. When I write out his dialogue, I usually do it in lowercase. His mask would muffle his voice, and he is typically a quiet person. Without the mask, though, I would write it out as normal. 
9. In another idea, he was going to be the antagonist in a horror story. But then it would flip, and you’d discover that the protagonist he’d been chasing through the story was actually a really bad person. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find a copy of that page anytime soon, but it was one of the first comics I did both with him and in pen, I believe. 
10. In any hypothetical scenario I create where Ethan is without his mask, it’s for an unhappy reason. However, that does not mean Ethan is better off keeping his mask on. 
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✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ hehehehehehe hottie boy 😏😏😏❤️‍🔥
✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪✪ = I wanna have sex with you
"O-oh, ah, thank you?" It's been a long ass time since something like this has happened.
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nomoregraydays · 7 years
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mmx-code-crimpphire · 3 years
I have been not wanting to post art for a while mainly for the fact that it’s tedious to post on multiple platforms, but also for the fact that I’m tiredf of bringing out my file of my watermark to watermark my art
but now it’s a custom brush I made on the art program I use!! so now it’ll be SO much easier to watermark art!! And make the process of posting art feel less tedious all because of that one little thing lol!!
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I felt like drawing this while I watching the Castle Dimitrescu segment of RE8
it just popped up in my head for some reason and idk why
brain’s weird at times. I think it was because I was lowkey thinking of Zero being in Ethan Winters’ place. And him doing his best if he had a kid with X- whichiwillrevealatsomepointespeciallysinceiredesignedbothgendersrecentlyAHEM
anyway yeah- beat up zewo, even if he’s not that beat up
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Meet Midnight Sapphire!! That’s his alternate name aside from Xero 
his name is Midnight Sapphire because of those nicknames going to Zero and X respectively. I wanted to make a fusion of these two for A WHILE, but @drawloverlala​ inspired me to finally get moving with it with her own fusion design and went I LOAF ACK
so I did and here he is lol
I’ve been debating if I could fit the fusion anywhere in the story tbh but I don’t think I’ll be able to- oh wait actually I think it would be nice to go in somewhere, but the fusion would be a rare occurrence after it happens.
which is why the fusion is here and not my art blog
we’ll see how it goes
and for the finale
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Zero coming back to Xev a wreck in X6 arc of the AU
I love torturing myself with this angst more in art than in writing, but sometimes both too.
He's freshly resurrected by gate and two other accomplices. He escaped and found his way to X, who was fighting Nightmare Zero. 
After Nightmare fucked off, it took a bit of convincing X that he was alive, but he managed, despite Xev still having trouble with it since he’s dead for three years instead of the three weeks in the canon of X6
and if you're wondering why he's red instead of black here is because of him being too weak to reactivate the armor upgrade soooo- 
and that’s it for a bit!! lolimapoetandididntevenknowit
hopefully I’ll spew out more art more often again!! Cross those fingers!!
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due4amiracle · 4 years
Day 160
i wanted to start this off saying thank you to all the people who have been following me and liking my blog posts - i don’t know why, but heck i appreciate it??? (i’m still very confused tho) But HI! Welcome to the wild zone that is my brain place.
Continuing on: Wow i’m glad i wrote a lot of this before, because hot damn i’m high from this Ubrelvy. Whew. Stupid migraine medications. Floatin’ so hard. Ok, copy/paste go.
Tomorrow: Throw one thing away, read two chapters, dailies, write on longform (either), one episode of WIXOSS.
Throw one thing away - i did this! Granted, it was only ONE thing, but, it was still A Thing~! (Adding on after the fact of writing, i broke down A Box too, so fuck yea)
Read two chapters - Ohhhh, so THAT is how things are going to go...interesting. i'm still inCREDIBLY interested in this book!
Dailies - Ooo baby did i get dailies done. Jeebers, i'm now bp lvl 48, my roll for the day was a polearm.
Write on longform (either) - 120+ words written! UwU Sasha is stalking through the slums of Moskow, going for her prey~ Exciting!
One episode of WIXOSS - Yup, oof, definitely watched that and ooo baby that sure is going PLACES. Jeeze. Am now 4/12 episodes on this season and mmm baby, lovin' it!
Manhwa - Yea i know this wasn't in the list but fuck it lmao.
Survive as the Hero's Wife - ETHANNNNNNNNNN *weeeeps* Caesar mah boi! Save Canaria from, not only her predicament - but FROM HERSELF! Also...go get the boi Ethan too please? PLEASE?!
Death Is the Only Ending for the Villainess - *if that wasn't a dick reference i don't know what is i stg* ETERNAL OBEDIENCE AND LOYALTY YAS BESTSWARDBOI!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YES! - And ahhh Father. Don't worry, you will be won over too muahahahhahahahahaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
What else did i do today - SSDD lmao, ya know? Browser games, watched stuff, putzed around in Discord, ya know.
Food: A Bread was made and it is T A S T Y! Yummy so yummy. Liquid: A yada yada required yada. Pain: D M I G R A I N E holy hell i woke up with a rather raunchy headache and damn if it didn’t just get worse over the day. Other than that, ssdd on the pain, hands and wrists and joints and blah blah blah. Brain: B Things got a little wild when the Ubrelvy went to town, but, focus problems, ya know. ssdd again.
Tomorrow: Throw one thing away, read two chapters, dailies, write on longform (either), one episode of WIXOSS.
WAIT THAT’S THE SAME LIST AS YESTERDAY?! First of all, yes i know that, second of all, it worked VERY well tyvm so i’m going to keep using it until it DOESN’T work, ok? Thank you very fucking much.
Ever Onwards and Upwards~!!
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askthezodiaccrew · 5 years
Its Pride Month mah dude! :3 (this isn't really an ask but whatever)
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𝓙𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓮: 𝓗𝓮𝓬𝓴 𝓨𝓮𝓪𝓱 𝓲𝓽’𝓼 𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓱! 
*Yes, Janie is transgender, Ethan is Bisexual and Sami is Gay. My proud little boys~*
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ethan-love-blog · 6 years
Mah Blue Bois!
I wanna like Take requests  like the Insane Expression Meme I want to do things like that with Ethan and his egos Please leave suggestions or your requests in my ask box! I want to get more involved with y’all!
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rue-me-nations · 7 years
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People are like windows, they show me landscapes and terrains that I could never have conjured up with my own imagination. When windows are shut, I just want to paint a picture of what I saw through them that moved me.
I will miss
Oliver who would go into a mood at times when he couldn’t play the way he’d hoped, when I could see that he was frustrated after having put in effort. When he was happy with his own progress you couldn’t stop him from playing. We shared so many hours with laughter, friendly bickering, working through music, learning together, and even tears, when he was disappointed and plagued with lack of motivation to continue. It was an obstacle I was happy to plough through with him each week.
Ophelia his sister, who was so excited to start learning piano like her brother had been doing. She was always eager to learn and had that enthusiastic energy when talking to me about the things she liked, which included playing the piano. She was the only one who touched me by saying that she wanted to be a piano teacher like me when she grows up. I will never forget the lessons when we had where we would sing Que Sera Sera together while she did her theory work.
Ethan who’s relatively new and was quiet but focused when he first started. He started to open up to me in such a way that he couldn’t stop asking me questions both relating to music and personal and in fact became rather distracted that I had to stop him and point him back to work. He’s such an intelligent boy and seemed to enjoy music.
Lecia who fell in love with playing instruments during her trial lesson. She faced difficulty when things got tougher and lacks motivation in practising. Even so, we found a pace that matched her comfortably and we found enjoyment in learning again.
Hsuen Kai who inspired me by writing that little song about pentominoes, only a few months into our sessions together, getting all the notations entirely wrong in the most adorable way. To him, playing the piano is another one of his many interests, like the books and toys he brings to lessons which I have to keep him from being distracted by.
Caroline who was always excited and happy to come for piano, and insisted on wearing pretty dresses when she did because the people in the videos she saw who played the piano were always dressed nicely. She was only with me for such a short time because her family moved to Vienna, where I’m sure she’ll find really good piano teachers. Her parents were so kind and genuinely cared about her education. I will hold closely to my heart the memory of her trying to invite me to her house to play with her one day.
Gwyneth and Zoe who both found it difficult to find interest in playing the piano, but who humbled me and reminded me how important it is to keep trying and changing pace to perhaps change their perspectives about learning.
Sarah and Trevor, my two teen students who also found no motivation in practising. The thought will always haunt me that perhaps I did not possess the right skills to make them more interested despite having the intention and I was mortified when they both gave up trying.
Benji, whose parents also put a lot of heart into making sure he learned well. He was I think the only four-year-old I know who managed to complete book one of Poco, and so quickly at that. He also left after a short time to go back to the US, and his father sent me such a sweet video of him performing at his first recital, and being the youngest performer too.
Leia who was so inquisitive about everything including how the piano was invented and why it was designed the way it was, who was more interested in having conversations with me than actually playing and practising that I had to constantly try to bring her focus back even though I enjoyed every minute of her sharing her life with me and telling me her intelligent thoughts.
River who lacked confidence and focus at the beginning but began to gain momentum when we tried different ways of communicating and found activities that worked for us. Her personality matched her name in that her consciousness flowed so easily and firmly the way she liked, which was beautiful but I had to steer her in the right path to be productive during lessons. She was always fun even though it meant I had to work on trying to get her focused. Her mother was also very much involved in her learning and saw value in having fun during lessons.
Natalie who was always mischievous and fun during lessons and loved playing tunes by ear. She clearly loves music although she threatened to stop learning because she wasn’t motivated to be disciplined in terms of practice. Despite that I know that she enjoyed our lessons together, the times we sang together and I tried to teach her to play the melody for her favourite pop songs, and when she would write “I love you teacher Ruth” almost weekly on every page of her piano book.
Joey who did not seem to be motivated when I first took over from her previous teacher, but eventually sort of gained momentum finding pieces that she truly enjoyed playing once she mastered them, and began learning at a much faster pace which gave me joy. She was always such a shy girl and seemed reserved in expressing her thoughts, a characteristic common to so many students I encountered at Tampines, perhaps because of their age and also the less privileged backgrounds from which they come, as compared to the ones at Tiong Bahru.
Zhao Kai who was always playful and rebellious by nature so sessions with him were interesting but sometimes also tiring. When he did focus he learned so quickly so it made up for the time he spent being distracted. The shock I felt when he peed in class was memorable, along with the thought of how funny it was because he only realised he needed to go to the toilet when it was too late, too busy having fun trying to distract me from our lesson.
Thea who sometimes frustrated me with her complacent attitude in learning. I constantly felt the need to stir her curiosity and inspire more independent thinking despite the fact that she did enjoy playing the piano – but only the things she was already good at playing. It was hard to make her pay attention to certain technical parts of the syllabus and I had to get creative.
Matthias the teenager who likes playing the piano but has trouble being musical – he would do alright with the notes but found it hard to be emotive or expressive in his playing. He was also extremely quiet and shy and said very little about his life.
Crystabelle who is such a darling. Her mother sent me a voice recording just recently of her saying hi and asking me to come back and teach her which broke my heart.
Kevin who is the most obedient and patient little boy ever, who practices weekly and makes such good progress although we only had half an hour per week. He never complained even when things got difficult, though he was also awfully quiet and difficult to get out of his shell.
WeiBo who is playful and has difficulty focusing. He finds it difficult to understand rhythms and I had to get creative with helping him to understand and drilling him note by note during lessons to make sure he makes real progress.
Nicholas who was the perfect student – he is lively and talkative and loves singing but stays focused and was genuinely interested in learning. He definitely loves music judging by the way he would continue to sing even while doing worksheets.
Avril who was such a ball of energy that it was hard to control her at the start. She demonstrated the ability to listen later on and slowly took pride in being obedient and accomplishing more each week. Her questions and the things she says were always completely adorable and I would gladly allow her to have all the fun she wanted if not for the fact that we had learning to do.
Giselle who was so intelligent but also rebellious at times, who cared so much about how nicely she drew her notes and would ask me which note I liked better, who took so much care in her colouring and tried to make everything colourful and pretty. She tended to be lazy with learning new songs but would relent with a bit of pushing.
Rachael for whom I was so worried when I took over from her previous teacher to prepare for her exam within a few months when she was so unprepared. The relief and joy I felt when she received a Merit was memorable although I disagreed strongly with her competitive and results-oriented values and her parents’ as well.
Aahil who showed great interest in music and was always excited when I told him about composers, something which no other student has demonstrated to me. I loved showing him music to inspire him. His parents also taught him the importance of practising every week, which he did diligently, sometimes upset and frustrated when he encountered difficulties. We always found joy in what he achieved despite that.
Also Anshika, GuoZhe, Vedant, Elyse and Evelle, Xavier, Hsiao Chen, Deborah, Tristan, Shima, Natalie and Noah Mah, Seerat and Ranbeir, Esther.
Last but not least Charis, bless her, who showed me vulnerability when she asked me about my leaving to study abroad. She was the only one who was eloquent and willing to show me she was sad that I was leaving, and asked me why I had to go. “Will I forget you?” she asked, contemplative and looking straight ahead. Notice she worries about her own memory of me fading instead of mine. I saw in her a reflection of myself – the way we all struggle to come to terms with parting and the idea that we will never see a person again, the contemplation of what memory is and what it means to us. It exists in childhood and I don’t believe we ever grow out of feeling that way, we just learn to allow it to happen to us. That moment of connection that we had was truly special and thinking about it now still makes me want to cry. Aside from that, Charis also has a great attitude for learning. She was always saying intelligent things and willing to put in effort. She also has a great way of making learning fun for herself – making words out of the note names and forming sentences with them. This made learning humorous and enjoyable, and I don’t want those memories to fade, either.
This picture is what she drew for me, just one of the little niceties I have been blessed with in the last two years being a teacher. I can’t say I did well as a teacher because there is so much that I could have done better, but it was a real privilege to have been able to witness growth in these people and to have been a part of it.
I am writing this as a final farewell for myself, this part of me that I am leaving behind to step into the future. Teaching wasn’t the only thing that made these two years good, but it sure gave me a real sense of purpose. There were also connections I made with people that I never imagined would happen. Unlike the last time when I left Singapore for Melbourne, I am not leaving with frustration or bitterness. I have memories here that are meaningful and beautiful which I can hold onto like an emblem for all the things I believe in. Amidst the melancholia that I tend towards being submerged in, I have this light that I can keep handy in my pocket.
And now, I can step forward with curiosity and an appetite for adventure.
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roachbuggfanfics · 7 years
Alright so here is my trash wishlist.
Corey using his powers for what any horny teenage boy would. Going ivisible and spying on the hot guys in the shower. Bonus points if he gets caught by Scott or Liam and sexyness ensues.
Fluff smut what ever i dont want to be the only one who's written something for this off the wall pairing.
Smut, fluff angst all of it. I need more Stackson in mah life.
This ia entirely @demonzdust 's fault but i want to see Some love for Sceo. Scott and Theo falling in love and Theo becoming a better man is something I'd like to see.
Werewolf Stiles.
I like Stiles as a wolf, the emotional turmoil for Scott being the one to turn him is something that should be explored.
Pack bitch Jackson
Jackson getting railed/Loved by every male memeber of the pack. I mean all of em. Aiden, Ethan, Stiles, Scott, Boyd, Mason, Corey, Theo, Derek, Isaac, Peter, The Sheriff, Liam, Parrish. All of them any guy thats ever been part of either pack massive orgy focused on Jackson. Idc if its to help him through his heat or what ever Just want Jackson to get all the love and all the dick.
More OC's
Show me teen wolf through the eues of a well developed orginal character.
And thats all he wrote. Come at me Santa I've been good this year.
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letstrysomefanfic · 7 years
Teen Wolf 6x18 and 6x19 thoughts (spoilers)
WE’VE BEEN BLESSED with another 2 for 1 special and we’re one week away before the final finale to end it all. idk how i feel about it yet. 
ok 6x18
- i hate monroe with a burning passion but i have to admit her drive is pretty good. she out here getting shit done. but fuck her still
- and of course the only way to merge 2 physical manifestations is to kiss and transfer spiders in said kiss. gross.
- also where tf did that mom get wolfsbane
- what was that about the 2 fear forms fighting????? i’m still confused???
- lmao that hellhound did NOT last long ahaaa yikes. low-key disappointed but not too much cuz we never had much development with him anyway.......
- the inukite is basically medusa??????
- damn gerard is scared. flashback to desperate gerard in season 2
- oooo i’m SO ready for deucalion training this gon be like some karate kid shit
- MAH BOI DEREK YEEEEET also DEREK HANGING HIS HEAD LIKE ‘not this pls not now’ AT KATE I CAN’T I’M LAUGHING SO HARD. also eyyyy kate fuck off
- not sweet cindy dammit monroe all she wanted was to pass her SAT and now she down here. i mean i get she feels scared and all and she couldn’t do anything and it reminds me of allison in season 2 and how she became badass but dammit monroe
- lmao of course there are multiple hale vaults. they’re like the slytherins of beacon hills i swear
- i never thought i’d say this but wHY THE FUCK DID YOU KILL DEUCALIION deucalion is a genuinely cool guy now and he didn't deserve to die like that especially not at the hands of that bitch like fuck no. no rando can just shoot him down you fucking kidding me no. no. no. not having it. poorly done. disappointed jeff disappointed. 
- i swear to mf god they better not bring all these guys back just to kill them in the next episode my heart will not take it. jackson, derek, ethan, corey, peter, no no no no
- i’m kinda happy we got a LIL bit of a nolan redemption arc kinda. still not completely redeemed or forgiven that lil shit but it’s progress. fuck gabe. 
idk how i feel about this. check back next week. or never. i might never know. *shrug* also i expect more thiam next week. pls.
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kazoosarentsatanic · 7 years
1st off congrats mah dude! 2nd off. Shall i tag you in everything that i find bout ethans video? (SPOILERS)I cant understand some parts of it so i cant do the transcriprion but it was made to show off the new posters that are on sale for a limited time
Thank you so much and OHHH!! The boy just had to go and make evil coffee bean canon to promote posters didn't he
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